Covid, 9/11 & Forever War
From the war on terror to the “pandemic”, the elite are constructing fake threats to start wars that never have to end.
Kit Knightly

The war was not meant to be won. It was meant to be continuous.
George Orwell, 1984
Our 9/11 coverage this year, the 20th anniversary, has been focused on viewing the attacks of 2001 through the lens of the Covid “pandemic” rollout.
The point is not that both Covid19 and 9/11 are necessarily part of the same grand plan, were carried out by the same people, or were in any way directly connected. Rather, they are thematically connected, on the meta-level.
They spring from the same collective urge all rulers and governments harbour, and are employed to the same end.
They are different tools designed to achieve the same end. Different approaches to the same problem. Different evolutionary stages of the same animal: The decades-long change in the core aims of warfare and even the very meaning of “war” itself.
War has always been vital to the preservation of the state. Wars make rulers rich, and people scared. They unite nations behind leaders, and distract from domestic political issues.
But, as nations become more powerful, weapon technology more advanced, and global power centralises in giant corporations rather than nations, war – in the traditional sense – becomes more expensive, more dangerous, and largely meaningless.
Essentially the old-fashioned motivations for warfare no longer apply, but the ancillary domestic benefits of war-like policy remain. While the state, and their corporate backers, no longer need to take part in pitched battles over the best farmland, they do still need their subjects to believe they are under attack.
In short, by necessity, “war” has gradually shifted from genuine inter-state conflicts over control of resources, into a top-down tool of psychological manipulation.
And the first stage of that evolution was 9/11.
9/11 and the war on terror
9/11 was an inside job. Any objective examination of the evidence can only lead to that conclusion. (I’m not going to lay that out here, we have dozens of articles detailing that. That’s not what I’m writing about today.)
The US government blew up their own buildings, killed their own civilians, terrified their own people. The ruling class engaging in what Orwell called “war against their subjects”, in a very literal sense.
Much like the Reichstag fire in Nazi Germany, this staged “attack” was done to create a war-like mentality. To make people believe they were under threat, and serve as the basis for new “temporary emergency powers” for the government.
But 9/11 went further, serving as the casus belli for a war: “The war on terror”.
The War on Terror was a new kind of war, yes it was used as a starting point for more traditional wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and then proxy wars in Syria, Libya and Yemen, but its main target was actually domestic. A nationwide psy-op war designed to keep 350 million people in a semi-permanent state of fear.
It was the natural next step in the Orwellian redefinition of “war” as a concept.
If the primary aims of your war are a) To maintain domestic control of your population, and b) To funnel tax-payer money into bloated contracts with the private sector, then do you really need to declare war on a foreign country?
In fact, do you need an actual physical “war” at all? Isn’t the idea of a war just as good?
And if all you need is the idea of a war, what better way than to declare war on an idea. Why not make your enemy an abstract concept?
Because the great thing about going to war on an abstract concept is you can’t ever lose, and you never have to win. The war can go on forever.
This idea was first trialled with “the war on drugs”. But that didn’t work because a) people actually quite like drugs and b) Drugs are a vital income stream for the deep state. So it fizzled.
The war on terror is better. Since “terror” is an abstract noun with no solid reality, it can mean anything you want it to mean. “The war on terror” can be domestic or foreign, political or military, overt or covert or both. It can’t be won, it can’t be lost, and it only ends when you say it does.
It’s perfect.
Well, almost perfect.
There are still a few issues.
For example, it’s actually quite difficult to keep people afraid of an abstract concept. You need real-world reminders. Essentially, for the war on terror to continue, you need to keep reminding people terror is out there. Which means terrorism needs to happen. Which means either letting it happen or making it happen (the vast majority of the time it’s the latter).
If you’re staging terror attacks they either have to be real, resulting in real victims and real grieving families asking real questions…or they’re fake, meaning paying actors. Either way is logistically complicated, difficult to control and potentially embarrassing.
There’s also the problem of the terrorists themselves. You’ve publicly declared war on them…but they’re also very useful. There’s a reason you’ve funded them for decades. The inevitable result is you end up with “good terrorists” in country A, and “bad terrorists” in Country B. And when they are revealed to be essentially exactly the same, well that looks bad.
But the biggest problem, really, is that it caps your ambition.
You may have chosen an abstract concept as the target of your war, but that concept needs to take human form somehow. And any human enemy can only be so scary, and can only do so much damage. There’s no way you can frighten everyone at once that way.
Plus, picking a human enemy – along racial, national, ethnic or ideological lines – is inescapably divisive. You can’t ever unite everyone behind that flag.
In short, a war on terror and terrorists is fine if you want to rule a country, but what if you want to rule a planet?
Well, what you need then is a new enemy. An enemy that can be anywhere and everywhere, and that definitely isn’t human.
The war on Covid
The Covid19 “pandemic” has been pitched to the public as a war from the beginning.
As early as March 2020, the UN Secretary General was urging countries to “declare war on the virus” and already calling Covid “the greatest threat since World War II”. A sentiment UN spokespeople have repeated. A lot.
National leaders were just as eager to equate Covid as a new grand cause, in line with the fight against fascism.
Italy’s Prime Minister referred to the nation’s “darkest hour”. New South Wales premier Gladys Berejiklian told the press “this is literally a war” just last month.
In the UK, the government made numerous transparent attempts to instil a Churchillian “spirit of the Blitz” atmosphere. Unashamedly working World War II parallels into all their Covid messaging, the Queen’s cloying public speech of shamelessly using the line We’ll Meet Again.
In America, ever the hub of military metaphors, Trump called himself a “wartime President” fighting an “invisible enemy”. Former Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo referred to healthcare professionals as “soldiers” in the battle against Covid.
Worldwide, pundits frequently compare Covid to the war on terror, and Covid to terrorists. The war metaphor has been ubiquitous in speeches, headlines and TV spots.
The message is clear and simple: The virus is our enemy. We are at war.
And this war really is perfect.
It has all the benefits of a real war, and none of the drawbacks. All the ephemeral malleability of the “war on terror”, and none of its potential complications.
Think about it…
In the name of Covid we have seen taxation, censorship, surveillance, state expenditure to the private sector and state powers all increase. These are all the cliche “emergency powers” the state seeks out in wartime.
And they’ve achieved it with a simple three-stage trick.
First, take a virus, give it a name and attribute to it the exact same symptoms of every other cold and flu virus. You just created a new disease.
Second, take a test that can “find anything in anybody”, run it on everyone who goes into hospital (especially the terminally ill) and change the legal definition of “cause of death”. You just created “deaths” from your new disease.
Third, start running that same test on everyone, multiple times a week. You just created millions upon millions of “asymptomatic cases”.
Combine these three, and you have created a “pandemic”.
They created an enemy out of thin air, through a wave of propaganda and statistical manipulation. “Covid” is nothing but a filter, a lens placed in front of the public eye that distorts reality without actually changing anything at all.
Just as with the “war on terror”, the real threat is almost entirely imaginary, but this time the optics are so much better. Instead of worshipping the troops, we now pay homage to “healthcare heroes”, the “soldiers on the frontline against the virus”. No bombs, no violence, just dancing nurses.
And what can’t happen with Covid? Simple, anything they don’t want to happen. Because of the very nature of the manufactured pandemic, they have total control of the narrative.
They can control the “cases” through the tests. They can control the “deaths” through the definition of “cause of death”. They can just tweak the meaning of a word here and there, and start and stop the “pandemic” on a whim. They can slow down the “spread”, or speed it up. Introduce a new test or treatment or “cure” it, then create a new variant to bring it back.
This war doesn’t even really exist, so it never has to end and they definitely can’t lose.
Meanwhile, every new law that passes expands the power of the state over the citizen, and every step of the way there new bloated private sector contracts up for grabs. Testing and tracing and PPE. Vaccines and ventilators and quarantine hotels. Public money is pouring into private hands.
And the best part? It’s all being done in the name of “helping people”.
Following 9/11, the Patriot Act empowered mass surveillance, detention without charge and huge infringement of civil rights, because people might be terrorists.
Now, allegedly anti-Covid “public health measures” are allowing the exact same things…because people might be sick.
The state has transformed. What was once considered paranoid and aggressive, is now simply beneficent and paternalistic.
That’s the genius of the War on Covid.
The real forever war
So…how are Covid and 9/11 linked?
One flows directly into the other. They form a continuum of control narratives designed to frighten people into accepting draconian limitations on their freedom, whilst justifying a permanent society-wide warlike mentality.
“The war on terror” and the “war on Covid” are twin psy-ops that show the transformation of “war” from a foreign policy into a purely domestic one.
Orwell described it perfectly in 1984:
War, it will be seen, is now a purely internal affair. In the past, the ruling groups of all countries, although they might recognize their common interest and therefore limit the destructiveness of war, did fight against one another, and the victor always plundered the vanquished. In our own day they are not fighting against one another at all. The war is waged by each ruling group against its own subjects, and the object of the war is not to make or prevent conquests of territory, but to keep the structure of society intact.
In just the last two years we have all seen the truth of this. Covid has shown us supposedly enemy nations suddenly come to an accord and demonstrate almost total unity of purpose to spread one big lie.
The global capitalist hegemony doesn’t need to conquer land or steal resources anymore. They already own everything worth owning, all they need now is to control their workers and preserve the inequality they have created.
That’s the real war being waged here. Not the ridiculous war on terror. And not the laughable war on Covid. No, the real “forever war” is what Niels Harrit calls the vertical war, waged by the very top against everyone below them.
Covid is the most recent and most overt expression of this, but for years now the corporate media has been the spokesperson of the authoritarian heart of the state.
I have written before that we are entering the era of “progressive” statism. Where tyranny is sold as a regrettable inevitability and our leaders are portrayed as a new breed of reluctant dictators, sculpting dystopian political landscapes out of necessity, and with only the purest intentions.
We’re told that our caring masters aren’t controlling or dictatorial because they want to be, but because they need to be, for our sake.
The “great reset” is not a malign “conspiracy theory”, it’s just our kindly overlords child-proofing the world to protect us from ourselves. Tearing our society down so they can build back better into a neo-feudal utopia, where nobody owns anything and everyone is happy and everyone does what they’re told…or else.
This “pandemic” is the thin end of a rapidly widening wedge. Next comes the flu and obesity and global warming. No more meat. No more sugar. No more vacations. They’re bad for you, and bad for the planet, and bad for the polar bears.
Ban homeschools and protests and misinformation. Ban the wrong kind of books and the wrong kind of speech and the wrong kind of thoughts.
Wear the mask and take the jab and live in the pod and eat the bugs.
Global hegemony isn’t going to come about via traditional warfare or Imperial conquest, instead it is being shaped by a conglomeration of restrictions on individual freedom.
That’s the war that links 9/11 and Covid. The real war, and it’s not against drugs, or terrorism or even Covid…it’s against us.
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Great article. Loved it. Just knowing that so many other people see things this way is such a comfort. BUT WHAT CAN WE DO????!!!!!
You are sadly wrong;
Covid killed 1500 people last week and maimed countless others
It is not a cold
all this ‘damage’ being ascribed to the ‘vaccine’ is very likely Covid itself
Denial of this ongoing mass disabling event reeks of eugenics
and you all have your head in the sand
(not pushing the vax here…just really really wowed that all of you ‘sheep’ are pretending your health isn’t getting worse and worse with your repeated Covid infections…there IS NO IMMUNITY
The sad part is that the general population fall for it again and again. Maybe this will eventually change and we will fight back with severe consequences for the nasty and dangerous 1%.
Yes the war agenda is directed against us. It is a huge global Psyop designed to drive us insane and keep us bamboozled. It is part of a global power grab by the already rich and powerful. It is them against us. It is also a global depopulation plan/campaign to make it easier for the overlords to control us, keep us herded in highly surveilled spaces easily tracked via chips, digital credit and social conformity technology. This is the New World Order/Brave New World/Great Reset in real time with no end in sight.
i would dearly love to talk to my MP about this and the notion of never ending war. However, he still hasn’t got an office or any staff in his constituency. He has tweeted that all replies to emails will be delayed out of necessity until he gets sorted out. He is, though, on a government jolly to celebrate Gibraltar Day and he is getting paid …. remember the election was 4th July and it’s now September 15th …
good article
The most shocking thing about it is not the wealth of eye-opening content, even for the very last doubters, but the audacity of how much Unholy Zion rules the world today despite everything.
YOU were always the disease; their covaid$ death squirt the cure.
Same as it ever waZ.
Onward ever faster to the long overdue co££ap$€ of worthless fiat garbage and the end of the evil EUSSR and the global angloZionaZi empire of filth.
you are right: the way 9/11 was instrumentalised into a control mechanism did indeed flow straight into covid – which was far more orchestrated and amounted to a beat-up. With an IFR of only 0.07% for under-70s it was never a public health emergency for the entire working aged population.
Never let a good crisis go to waste! The problem is once these measures are in never seem to be able to claw back our liberties.
Losing bodily autonomy is really the worst part about covid I think. Being forced to inject government drugs under threat of losing your livelihood – once you’ve done that, what won’t you do?
Just because the neocons and the war machine used the 9/11 attacks to get what they wanted (Patriot Act, endless wars) doesn’t mean that Islamists were not to blame.
George W Bush told the Big Lie: “Islam is a religion of peace” and we were not allowed to discuss it.
But Islam is a power unto itself. The Islamic world is aware of the history of the Islamic conquests and Islam is a colonialist ideology that is expansionist, supremacist and totalitarian in its particulars which include the imposition of religious courts.
Osama Bin Laden was quite clear why he orchestrated those attacks which were celebrated throughout the Islamic world. He used the symbolism of the anniversary of the last day of the Ottoman Caliphate’s seige of Vienna, broken by Polish King Jan Sobieki on September 12 back in 1683. The West never learns its history. The Ottomans went into decline after this and fell apart in World War 1 and was carved by Britain and France into the countries we see today in the Middle East. Bin Laden used this date to show that Western Civilisation had also hit its high point and now would recede, while Islam would rise. Islamists all over the world celebrated 9/11.
Muslim Brotherhood, Hizb ut-Tahrir, al-Muhajiroun in the UK held a celebration in Trafalgar Square on the one-year anniversary in 2002 and I was there. I heard what they had to say.
There are more powers than one in the world, and guess what? Islamism is winning. The West is rapidly falling apart. They are smart enough to analyse us and use our open societies against us.
Great Read , love the notion of the “Top Down War” the elites against the Masses , At FALL we are a great fan of your work , our last POD ramble we discussed and dissected this very article , it has enlightened us and it has also attempted to “make sense” of the Non Sense the whole thing really is !
If you like our work drop us comment .!
I continue the idea of covid as class war here. The demasking of the covid lie, too, could be used by the ruling class to perpetuate neoliberal capitalism.
All War is Evil
No More War
War is very profitable for certain investors.
Black is white. War is peace. Truth is lies.
Healthy people make you sick.
Injecting known-to-be-dangerous, untested, gene editing technology and toxins into your body and in children is good for you. Even though children are at no clinical risk from the disease and the infection fatality rate of disease is 0.15 % in the whole population (less than flu).
All the 1.8 million adverse reactions in government database are nothing to do with vaccine nor the deaths, even though none have been investigated.
People claiming they have vaccine injuries are mentally ill. They also have heart problems, blood clots, strokes, paralysis, seizures, tremors etc but it’s all caused by mental health not vaccine.
80% + Children in trials had adverse reactions but they should have it to prevent disruption in their education.
Scientific advisors recommended children should not have these gene editing technology vaccines but they should have it.
Parental consent matters but it doesn’t matter if your child can be coerced into having gene editing injection by state and big pharma propaganda disseminated by teachers.
The FDA ruled against boosters after 8 hours of testimony from doctors highlighting the vaccines were killing at least twice as many people as they were theoretically saving. So we need boosters.
Masks don’t protect against viruses, but do reduce oxygen intake and increase co2 to dangerous levels while keeping a moist Petri dish for bacteria to grow while we breathe it in. Every science study ever done shows masks are bad for health but we should all wear them and the toxic chemicals and fibres in masks that you breathe in are just the cost of keeping everyone ‘safe’.
Isolating the weak and vulnerable, refusing them medical treatment and forcing DNR orders on them is the best way to keep them ‘safe’.
It doesn’t matter that lockdowns destroy small and medium size businesses, destroy the economy and put hundreds of millions into severe poverty. (UN & World Bank reports). Poverty is the main cause of disease and is far more rampant than any virus. Meanwhile the billionaire class increased their wealth by 20% and increased their power by 1000%. Thats all good.
Everyone should have the gene editing technology injection even though it doesn’t prevent infection or transmission and the most vaccinated countries in the world have the most infections and deaths.
Everyone should have it even though they might die or be seriously injured and government and big pharma have awarded themselves immunity from liability for all injuries and deaths caused.
Everyone should have it even though no studies were done on toxicology, effects on fertility, or carcinogenicity.
Pregnant women should have it even though in small trial 80% taking it in 1st trimester miscarried.
Everyone should give up their inalienable rights and freedoms in return for government ‘protection’ from a virus. Governments can’t take these rights (they didn’t award them) they have to be given away .. by consent.
Stop living in order to prevent dying.
People’s fear should be justification to destroy life as we know it in favour of the great Reset and 4 th industrial revolution where (quote) you will own nothing and be happy.. you will no longer know what it is to be a natural human.. it is the fusion of our biological physical and digital identities.. in the internet of things and internet of bodies.. (by 2030) World economic Forum / UN sustainable development goals.
If you don’t believe in and support this you are an anti-vaxxer, extremist terrorist sociopath granny killer.
Stop Paying Taxes. Do Not Support this bullshit. Liberty.
Language is important.
People are influenced by language and are prone to ignore the depth of psychological penetration of words used to manufacture deep psychosis.
In a Monarchy, the monarch is primal… anything and everything may and is sacrificed to maintain the Monarchy and the survival of the Monarch.
In a Monarchy all morals and ethics are subservient to Monarchic requisites.
This self-same reasoning and ultimate consideration goes for Empire.
Same for a society based on Religion… the wellbeing and survival and interests of the Catholic Church permitted any and all atrocities upon everyone and everything for many hundreds of years.
When a man calls himself a Christian and means it, he is saying that he will sacrifice others and maybe even himself to the cause of his beliefs.
Racists are much the same…. A man who is Racist so believes in the principle of Racism that he will kill and even be killed in the maintenance of that conviction.
When a man subscribes fully to such labels of belief, he indicates by this that he holds the belief in the system he subscribes to as worthy of his dedication and all his conviction.
So by this we should realize that when a man is a Capitalist, and self describes as a Capitalist, he is as much, and also in this way fanatically committed to a belief system, body and soul.
To a Capitalist, the maintenance and wellbeing of this Superstition is paramount… it permits killing for and even dying for.
The acquisition and concentration of Capital is to such devotees the highest calling.
To such as they, Bill Gates, Soros and the Rockefellers are demigods, or the equivalents of the great saints of Christianity and the prophets of Islam. The reverence can often be quite clear in the faces of those that interview these luminaries.
So why is it shocking or supposedly surprising, or even considered impossible, when it is revealed that thousands, nay millions are being sacrificed in the name of Capital all the time?
No matter if in colonial warfare over resources or in medicine promoting toxic substances for profit alone.
What gives with this sort of hypocrisy??
Is it not in keeping with the way and means that people give themselves to worship?
Dare we imagine that it was also in this way taboo in times past to suggest Christianity capable of evil…. of Racists that they were bigoted demons, and of Monarchies and Colonialism that they were not the discoverers of new places but the horrific exterminators of the beauty of diversity on this earth.
In just such ways today is it taboo to claim that doctors and medical systems and pharmaceutical industries and even soldiers are the killer missionaries and mercenaries of our grand Capitalist delusions.
The most current common delusion always impossible to observe by those so immersed.
Our belief in Capitalism is blinding to such a degree that no reason may be tolerated opposing it.
The basis of capitalism is property rights. Without property rights people are slaves. Capitalism under the money-issued-as-debt system whereby a few individuals get to print money and control it, thus controlling governments and anything else they choose, is the problem. An inherently corrupt ruling class is and always has been the problem. However, it is we the people that empower the ruling class. We work for/within the system, put our money into the system, vote for it, believe in it. We live under the fatal delusion that we can give rights that we don’t have to non living institutions and power structures that we create and uphold. We the people fight in and pay for the wars, finance and build the WMD’s and biological weapons. It’s the people who do all the evil not the ruling class.
People will say “I was just following orders.. doing my job.. doing what I was told..” as if that abdicates them of responsibility, like children, who know no better. And so people choose to abdicate their conscience, their free will and personal sovereignty to some pseudo corrupt ‘authority’ appointed time serve the interests of the ruling class.
The original word for worship translates more accurately to ‘work for’ / ‘serve’.
If the soul manifests in life it as a sovereign being with free will and conscience to guide it according to almost any spiritual belief ever known, then the abdication of these essential aspects of self is effectively the abdication of, giving away of your soul. And you will be acquiescing to and serving evil.
People no longer know what’s right and wrong, truth from lies, good from bad. They believe they do but they have never thought about such things. They just echo what they’ve been told by some ‘authority’. Even when they know something to be wrong they still do it if they are paid to and if someone in authority tells them to do it.
It’s people , order-followers who do all the evil. Until people start growing up and taking responsibility, the evil will continue destroying lives and destroying the world because that’s what this evil level of consciousness, which is the real virus, intends to do.
Supertramp nailed it in Crime of The century – not exact lyrics but something like “who are these men of lust greed and glory? Rip off the mask and let’s see. Oh no, that can’t be right! But you know what the score is.. it’s you and it’s me.”
This read was amazing. Almost perfect.
I guess there should be an article soon on the 1 in 500 death rate. I need a hug
9/11 and Covid involve the same players.
Let me offer a minor correction to Kit’s statement: “The US government blew up their own buildings, killed their own civilians, terrified their own people. The ruling class engaging in what Orwell called “war against their subjects”, in a very literal sense.”
Merely to add that all evidence leads to the fact that the US-Israeli deepers that are to blame, being so technically accomplished, hypnotic media friendly, and consummate symbiotic masters of grand theatrical deception.
Well beyond the skills of blunderbuss ragheads.
Superb. Covid is the ultimate Wag the Dog (1997)
Here’s an interesting connection.
Mikki.Willis who made Plandemic containing interviews with controlled opposition agents such as Judy Mikovits and her Wuhan lab drivel was also a vigilante provider of supplies to the brave rescuers on the day …. if you can believe him.
It might have been useful to have provided a source for that quote, especially for those who haven’t heard of Kary Mullis.
Other than that minor failing, bloody great article!
Extremely good article Kit.
They’re coming for your children!
Hugo Talks
Sep 14, 2021
Lockdown News Roundup – Whitty Says Jab The Kids
Sep 14, 2021
Chaos for parents as vaccine minister Nadhim Zahawi says 12-year-olds WILL be able to override their wishes and get Covid jabs from next Wednesday – but JCVI insists it will be decided on ‘sliding scale’ amid Tory revolt over plans
– Will only be given single dose of Pfizer for now with a decision on a second dose not due until the next year
– Today Nadhim Zahawi admitted that 12-year-olds will be able to override their parents’ wishes on Covid jabs
– But during an interview round today, No10’s vaccine minister admitted it is likely to be ‘a very rare occurrence’
– He also said parents shouldn’t be ‘stigmatised’ if they are hesitant about their children being vaccinated
The Daily Mail article also discusses the HPV jab and presents a graph which:
. . . shows the percentage of girls in year eight who got a first dose of the HPV vaccine over the latest five years for each region of England. It reveals that uptake stands at almost 90 per cent for this jab.
In several places, including London, the 2019/20 figure has dropped below 40%.
Vaxxed – From Cover-Up to Catastrophe
Vaxxed II – The People’s Truth
This includes a number of personal accounts of very serious injuries from the HPV jab.
911 was not an inside job. It was an outside job. It was a false flag attack. It was done to accomplish 2 big things; Create hatred towards Arabs and Muslims to facilitate in invasion of the ME and Asia and to establish a security state here in the US.
Question; who among America’s nearest and dearest has an interest in causing Americans to hate Arabs and Muslims. Get them and you get the ones behind the covid fraud.
Outside in its original conception; then spread inside the US ‘elite’ until a clique of them joined in with the originators. tells the whole story in – highly persuasive – detail.
That’s why the originators are shitting themselves about the immediate future, as – post Kabul airport – their lumbering attack dog has been widely understood to be toothless, and moribund (especially now the newly re-potentised post-soviet Caucasian Shepherd Dog (qv) has reappeared), and all the enemies the zionists have created for themselves in the ME are now just waiting for the approaching time when it will be possible to come and get them, and to flush zionism down the same drain where apartheid SA and the Third Reich vanished. No-one but the rapidly-collapsing US was ever going to make special pets of them. And that faithful sponsor is now terminally on the ropes.
Another super-shocking realisation just now dawning on the zionists is that their fatuous hoard of nuclear weapons has absolute zero use to them, except to ensure beyond any possibility of escape the prompt and complete annihilation of zionistan-in-Palestine, if so much as one is ever used. Even the great-power states would move swiftly to disable them, if they tried that stunt. This remorseless trap is just now getting realised by the zionistan ‘elite’, I fancy.
The one-state solution, with complete and absolute equality of ALL its citizens, loathed though the idea is by zionists, is the only escape route they have left; unless to just go back into diaspora living. The Palestinians would accept the single state, after some sorely-needed adjustments are made.
Irony, or what…? 🙂
“Sorry, I am late.”

“Well, it can happen.”

The Masking of the Servant Class: Ugly COVID Images From the Met Gala Are Now Commonplace
While AOC’s revolutionary and subversive socialist gown generated buzz, the normalization of maskless elites attended to by faceless servants is grotesque.
The mask insanity is so far off the charts of insanity it blows my brain out of my skull. I’m not sure the oblivious peasants in my community could get past the blurb in that article. They’ve taken to masks like ducks to water. No worries at all. It’s just a mmmmmmask.
Oh yeah? And YOU’RE the reason this shit has gotten this far, dickhead.
Before the latest lockdown here in The Gulag, I was getting so perplexed at seeing swarms of 🐑people all masked up, and scanning the QR codes, I would say out loud “why do you think covid is still happening? Because you’re all still complying with this stuff… stop complying”.
Have a guess what the reaction was to me pointing out the bleeding obvious to them: “you’re mentally sick” and “you need serious help” were just two of the more colourful responses. They love it… they can’t get enough of the restrictions and the mandates and the chain around their neck.
It’s like a big new adventure for them that gives their lives some meaning. And it makes them feel like they’re doing their part in helping fight the “deadly pandemic”. And also because a lot of them are straight out cowards.
Quite, the saddest part of the whole farce is the exposure of the stupidity and gullibility of the vast majority of humanity.
Perhaps much more so in the affluent Five Eyes countries Buster. I know a lot of people here scoff and scorn at Facebook, an I understand why, however connected with a guy in Romania who said only 25% had been fully vaccinated there and that the shops were open, and things were relatively normal there.
I just checked and the “official figure” for what it’s worth is 26.9%. Next door in Bulgaria, its 15.5% fully jabbed, in Belarus 14.7%, Ukraine, 11.2%, in Armenia only 4.1% are fully jabbed.
Interesting how these countries are sort of not mentioned in the MSM (to my knowledge)
Here in Australia, its just depressing with the almost universal level of meek compliance, and yes, I know the jab rate here is low, but for God’s sakes… grow a pair!
Never truer words spoken. I’ve been astonished at the utter ignorance and stupidity of the masses. These people are truly dangerous to humanity!
“AOC’s revolutionary and subversive socialist gown”
What a line. Stupidity Unbound. Is Greenwald taking the piss?
Anything goes, apparently.
In the wake of Sarah Harding dying of breast cancer because she wasn’t diagnosed in time thanks to the deadly plague, gives us,
And goes on to provide the invaluable service of telling us:
After all, with this pandemic and all, you can no longer rely on anything at all.
In weeks to come:
George wrote:
If you accept that trepanning is a form of brain surgery, to relieve pressure and ‘let the demons out’; and if you accept that a chariot/cart/reindeer-sled (even a travois) is an early form of car, then all these things have already been done for many centuries.
And as the Long Descent proceeds, it will be the people who re-learn these potent healing skills of shamanism, and of the practical hand-crafts, and many such other skills, who are going to survive.
Best to get started, time is getting short.
Not that the useless drones at Marieclaire would know anything about these outside-the-gilded-cage realities. Come Autumn, when the one minimal piece of usefulness of the (all-male) drones in a beehive has been performed (just one of them gets to mate with the new Queen bee on her one and only mating flight), all the drones tend to get bundled out of the hive to starve and die of cold. The female workers feed them whilst they’re still being kept. They can do eff-all for themselves.
I dare say that if one of them had gender issues, s’he could call m’herself Marieclaire…
Common Cold Unit definitely not at Porton Down cough cough (and no, I haven’t got one of their colds):
Thank goodness for some genuine information on the common cold from BCE (Before Con Era) between 1946 and 1989 and produced 1006 papers:
“For 43 years of Common Cold Unit existence thousands of volunteers participated in researches being inoculated with common cold viruses or being in control group,[5] but no cure for the common cold has been found.”
Italics mine. Still true today, 32 years after they closed the Common Cold Research Unit. You can’t beat a flu epidemic with a vaccine or a drug. Corona viruses make are responsible for 20-30% of respiratory infections — always have done, always will do.
Thank heavens for natural immunity. Developed by a million years of mutual coexistence with corona viruses.
Why are we so sure when we say ‘millions of years’ of this and that?
all-time best video on the fabulous scamdemic
near Zero views, blacklisted by YT, discarded as garbage
It’s interesting how advances in technology seem to be accompanied by harsh restrictions that effectively remove these innovations from general usage. The technology behind photography has reached a level of casual accessibility that would have been unthinkable even a few years back. And yet there is such curtailment on who you can and can’t photograph that it’s an avenue basically blocked off. In my line of work (care work) there are lists of permissions that have to be granted so that group shots with multiple faces are a legal nightmare to deal with.
So we have the technology but are not allowed to use it. But I’ll better the upper echelons have no restraints.
It isn’t just people you can’t photograph – it’s also places and things.
Ever since 9/11, one must be very careful what public objects one photographs. Buildings, bridges, parking garages, public parks – the very things I like to photograph – have become virtually off limits unless one wishes to be viewed as a potential terrorist.
Landscape photography has become restricted to approved photographic venues only. For quite some time – long before COVID – it has become suspicious for anyone to be outdoors unless they are doing some specific piece of work or walking to a store or walking a dog.
Only a few days or so after 9/11, I was planning a trip to the US so went to buy a good quality, up-to-date, well-detailed roadmap of the US and Canada in a shop here in The Netherlands. The sales lady acted quite suspiciously and asked me what I needed it for! I couldn’t believe it! Luckily I didn’t want to buy a book of passenger jet photographs! And no, I do not in any way resemble a radicalised, extremist, muslim terrorist jihadist hijacker.
I must say I had an absolutely brilliant 2 months in the US & Canada- the people were so friendly, helpful and hospitable…it really stays with me to this day.
If that shop was selling such maps you should have suspiciously asked why.
thank you for this one.
And now the stench of interminable pseudo critical padding as the (ahem!) “Left” provide an infinitely expandable cover to the covid claptrap. From the weasely Simon Jenkins in the Graud:
“Boris Johnson is right that we have to live with Covid, but he’s not making it easy
Managing the pandemic is a balance of personal liberty and public safety, and the government needs to tread a fine line”
Expect any amount of furrowed browed phony politico-philosophical jibber jabber in the next … well God knows how long.
“It’s actually quite difficult to keep people afraid of an abstract concept.”
Hollywood and TV series give the 85% who are Orwell’s Proles their world view. Back in the day it was 24 and Homeland… and this was the most efficient way to create a general unease, then align with an enemy and saviour.
This is their real world. Then the 6 o’clock news comes on for half an hour to confirm that reality. Since the war on terror exists in the citizen’s head you only need to occasional fireworks.
Terrorism needs to happen for a different reason — profit, budgets. Ten years ago more than 2/3 of the U.S. security complex had already been privatised.
It’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated!
Tomorrow’s news:
“Bertie was a covid sceptic and didn’t take the vax and then he awoke one morning from uneasy dreams and found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic cockroach.”
It’s a thought-provoking article.
One thing that really puzzles me, though, is why neither this piece nor any other article posted on OG mentions the exhaustive and compelling investigation into 9/11 by Dr. Judy Wood.
Her book ‘Where Did The Towers Go?’ is a must-read. I focused on it in a July 8 article:
OG last reposted an article of mine back in May; and therefore it hasn’t reposted this article or others I’ve written since then.
Dr. Wood’s only $63.00 on Amazon…
I don’t know why some people have downvoted you Rosemary.
However, I hope you will continue to post here, and also that OG start to repost your articles again.
Thank you for the great investigative work that you do.
I second that. Your reports are insightful. I also have great respect that you publish under your real name. It’s much easier (lazier) to comment as an anonymous commenter. Anyway, hope to see you more here
Thanks Willem!
Good to see you back too, Mike
Thanks Mike. I don’t know if I’ll continue to post in the comments. I’m not one to push to be heard. People can go to my website if they want to see what I’ve posted lately, and/or subscribe to my email list – I email subscribers when I’ve posted a new item.
But while I’m writing this message, I may as well give the URLs for the other two articles of mine OG hasn’t reposted (the other items I’ve posted are videos):
And this week I’ll be posting another expose, on another big topic.
We did not receive either of those from you so far as I know
I emailed Kit my HIV article a few minutes after I posted it – I emailed him (to his OG email address) on June 14 at 6:03 pm Toronto time (11:03 pm UK time). He didn’t respond. In fact the last time I’ve received an email from him was May 31. Since he didn’t acknowledge my June email with my HIV article (which I’d worked super hard on, reading several books for it, etc), and I’d barely heard from him in the preceding two months, I didn’t email him my 9/11 article.
But of course it’d be great if you repost it!
I just sent Kit an email, to check whether he receives it; perhaps for some reason he didn’t receive or see my June 14 email with my article of that date. (As far as I can recall, In the past he’d always acknowledged, at some point, receipt of emails from me with articles, with one exception – when I emailed him April 22 with a link to an article I’d just posted on a Toronto-specific issue, the development of an area called East Harbour – I assumed that time that he didn’t respond because the article was Toronto-specific and therefore he wasn’t interested in reposting it).
Did you update your email and send to the new address? You are coming over as just a little entitled, though I’m sure you don’t mean to.
Perhaps you can ask Kit whether he’s received my emails. He didn’t respond to my email of yesterday.
Many thanks for this exposee (from your first link):
“Officials like Anthony Fauci are using the occasion to spread the message that vaccines for HIV, which is the virus said to cause AIDS, will soon be rolling out. Forty years of fruitless effort supposedly are suddenly successful thanks to the precedent of the lightening-speed and ‘successful’ development of Covid vaccines.”
You cant stop a Corona flu with a vaccine; every chicken farmer knows that; in fact, every GP knows.
Re HIV vaccine: I am one of the people who have been cynically waiting, as you say, for “forty years of fruitless effort supposedly to become suddenly successful”. And whatever happened to the (then) much touted promise of Molecular Biology? Forty wasted years and 20 million cases of AIDS now, simply because the health authorities studiously avoided Track, Trace and Quarantine — which would have been far easier to implement for a sexually transmitted virus like HIV than for an airborne virus like Corona.
Why, what is the controversy with Rosemary Frei? I also found her articles enlightening.
Dr. Judy Wood doesn’t understand basic physics, or is simply disinfo. Directed-Energy Weapons don’t work very well except in Star Wars movies. If they did the US Military would use them to blow things up and kill people. Whilst they do use lasers for targetting, its the bomb, missile or bullet that delivers the destructive energy to the target to destroy it.
How do you know the US Military doesn’t use directed energy weapons? Perhaps they’re so efficient that they can be used without a trace.
Hello Tony_Opmoc: You are totally correct. Directed Energy Devices have extremely limited levels of range and power, which is inherent in the design. >
Thermal management is a critical component of DEW systems. Without robust cooling solutions, the massive amount of waste heat generated per high-powered shot will damage the weapon, and support systems, and likely cause acute failure. This is the case with any high-powered electronic device. The higher the power, the more waste heat these devices generate. Additionally, the temperature of the waste heat is relatively low, which makes it more difficult to manage with conventional methods.”
Link: Thermal Management for Directed Energy Weapons – Aerospace & Defense Technology (
Of course people would actually have to research physics, rather than just watch dumb ass movies…
Yes Paul, but DEW’s/microwave technology are used for harassment purposes and can make people feel very ill. I read somewhere they can be used for crowd control too.
London riots they was used in large football matches they have been used and the demonstration they did my friend will no longer go as he friend and partners etc where left feeling ill for a few days after as they either 5g or direct energy as every-time they was in the crowd being lead by police where to go in that crowd they felt ill.
They learnt this is real as before they was thinking it was to conspiratorial.
Hello Claret: Yes. There are numerous patents for directed energy devices, with a wide range of anti-personnel and crowd control applications. There are various frequency and modulation spectrum’s, along with beam width control, and on the fly adjustable intensity.
5G and mmWave – The Active Denial System (ADS) and How mmWave Can Be Weaponized
5G and mmWave – The Active Denial System (ADS) and How mmWave Can Be Weaponized – YouTube
These devices have been deployed in military theater applications for decades. There were highly destructive anti-personnel devices utilized in the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Since, like me, you have an understanding of the widespread geoengineering operations conducted by and for the US Military, I’d like to pose this question.
I was of the impression – perhaps incorrectly – that what is called Directed Energy Weapons is basically the same as the HAARP type of ionosphere heaters used in weather modification.
Is that the case? If so, they seem very efficient at what they’re used for.
Hello Howard: There are significant differences between HAARP ionospheric heaters and the primary designs of directed energy weapons. HAARP and SBX radar systems utilize wide band radio frequency saturation within a controlled atmospheric field. The field is modulated in in order to free ions from electron orbits.
Ringing in the ears (from HAARP and SBX radar broadcast) has become a wide spread complaint… Of course, no one knows a damn thing about any of this…
Directed Energy devices can utilize infrared, ultraviolet, and laser beam. >
Laser Weapon Systems | Lockheed Martin
Lockheed Martin strikes again…
A laser can be very effective at a lot of things, but would you use one to demolish a building? The alleged ‘beam’ technology employed to bring down the towers has never been described or even loosely defined. No calculations have been made to show how it might function inside known physical laws. It’s just an abstract – much like Covid. And it proves just as useful for diverting and dividing people too.
Perhaps the most clever strategy of the ones on top of the pyramid is to makes us believe they possess some secret technology which can control and or destroy us in the blink of an eye.
There’s little to no evidence we’ve moved past bullets, missiles and explosives.
And about crowd control, when things get ugly for the authorities the only thing they rely on is a bunch of goons in big boots with batons, tear gas and rubber bullets.
In my view the only ‘secret’ technologies are sleight of hand, persuation and fear, which through psychology, propaganda and marketing have been perfected to a tee.
I bought and read Dr Wood’s book in 2011. While it was fascinating, it was not compelling. I especially did not like the rather flippant way she dismissed controlled demolition.
Nor was I overly impressed with some of her description of the pictures. Particularly the one of a few people gathered outside a window (Figure 30, Page 32).
I whole-heartedly agree with you that this book is a must-read for anyone who claims to be serious about 9/11. Though ultimately I was not convinced by Dr Wood’s presentation (nor her extensive website, if it’s still on the web), I definitely believe this book gave me insights into 9/11.
Hello Rosemary Frei: I enjoyed your early anti-covid scam contributions to OffGuardian, but stopped reading your site based on your acceptance of Judy Wood’s outlandish “research” regarding the 9/11/2001 demolitions.
Her hypotheses are not based on the physical evidence collected from the WTC site, and certainly not based on the realities of structural design and basic physics.
In my opinion, she is a self-aggrandizing shill and disinformation agent. She has done nothing but misinform the public and deserves no repute whatsoever.
Couldn’t have said it better myself. Thank you.
I’m not going to argue with you. It’s up to you to do what you want with whatever information comes your way.
All I’m interested in doing is being as objective and open-minded as possible, and looking for the hypotheses that best fit the evidence, whatever the issue/incident is that I’m examining.
I’ve continued to learn and read more. For example Andrew Johnson’s excellent material including his two books on 9/11, and lots of other material by him and others on the virtually limitless amount of free energy all around us.
If I’m wrong I want to know – I’m open to someone showing me where I’ve misinterpreted the facts. But so far, Wood’s way of explaining what happened on that awful New York day best fits all the evidence.
Hello Rosemary: I don’t want to argue either. There were five buildings destroyed by thermite – or incendiary thermate products. That is: Building complex 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7. >
[2009 May] Statement by Kurt Sonnenfeld:
“Do you know that on the weekend prior to the attacks on the WTC, all electricity was cut off for approximately 36 hours, including the security cameras and control systems in a highly irregular “maintenance operation”? Do you know that in the weeks leading up to the attacks there were several unusual evacuations of both towers? Do you know that the company in charge of security at the World Trade Center was directed by Marvin Bush, George Bush’s younger brother, and Wirt Walker III, George Bush’s cousin? Do you know that the same security company also lists as government clients “the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S Air force, and the Department of Justice,” and provides security for classified and high-risk government sites? Do you know that hundreds of government personnel were pre-positioned in New York City on September 10, preparing to do a large scale simulation of a terrorist attack to be carried out on September 12? FEMA officials had already set up their command post at Pier 92 near the World Trade Center one day before the attacks.”
Complete page: WTC 6 (
Not best fits, Rosemary, best fantasises. Let’s see some of this exotic technology, actually see it out in public view, before deciding to believe in it. Don’t chop-logic on about it, Judy, demonstrate it. Show me! When you can, I’ll believe.
Sure, maintain the hypothesis of these exotic technologies being deliberately hidden. Allowing room for even the most unlikely explanations is always a prudent thing to do when applying the real scientific method; but keep them in the ‘low-probability’ folder.
I think your work is worthwhile, Rosemary, and I’m glad to see it hosted here. But – we all have our blind-spots; no exceptions! Cheers! 🙂
Mainstream science is chock full with theoretical ‘facts’ that cannot be demonstrated i.e black holes, dark matter, macro evolution, etc. Yet I don’t hear many voices say show me and I’ll believe.
In your opinion.
FWIW, Rosemary, see this September 9th comment, and the replies that might interest you too:
If you are the real Rosemary Frei, I would recommend that you read an article on Detective Fiction by Randall Jarrel, the finest English speaking poet of the WW2 generation. Jarrel wrote: the old school criminal administered rare poisons in the locked library of an aristocratic estate; but the new realistic school commit murder in a public place, and use the means to hand. To murder thousands of people in a World Trade Center, in full view, nano-thermite is the realistic means to hand.
A friend of mine had a fantastic idea: its a bit like a coup de theatre, or a flash mob event. Recruit a volunteer squad of like minded ‘actors’ who will train up as a modern day citizen Gestapo who can then wear a uniform of sorts and help to enforce our NZ government’s future policies e.g. demand to see ‘papers’ and arrest those in violation, or for wearing a mask incorrectly etc. Issue violators with Yellow arm bands and arrest them for deportation. Obviously, the citizens arrested are part of the act. The event would have to appear authentic enough to attract press coverage.
He thought it might be a good way to help folks realise that we are marching in lockstep towards Totalitarianism, and make people ask if this is the future they wish for their children? I doubt we could pull it off, but others might. It seemed like an idea worth sharing.
Creative ideas are to be encouraged. Augusto Boal created the “theatre of the oppressed” in Brazil in the 60’s – along similar lines (a sort of flash-mob theatre in public). Worth a bit of research for ideas.
Some have suggested parallels with other totalitarian regimes may be easier to swallow than the nazi tropes. Food for thought.
Good luck!
Good Evening, Anonyme
Thanks for positive support and soul suggestions. I was thinking of props for the execution/vaccination scene. A white-coated ‘doctor’ wearing gas mask could wield my grease gun as a giant syringe and the newly forcibly vaccinated could compete for most gruesome death. we could get the crowd to cheer…! I am instantly reminded of a mock gladiator contest at the Musee de Lyons. The audience of school children were fired-up, demanding death for the injured gladiator. There is a dark side to Humanity…
Well, the governments/media hire crisis actors all the time for all kinds of terror, including corona. Including high profile actors posing while taking an injection of some sort, probably with a movie prop syringe.
So I don’t see why doing it for the other side would be invalid.
Hey there Kit, recovered from your jab ok?
So when you have filled the screens with 911 and Covid Astro turf will you have a chance to look at the BrexShittery that is affecting our daily lives even more?
you know – families unable to join their little englander spouses, EU lorry drivers not bothering to ply their unwanted labours her, British lorry drivers ham sandwiches, M&S sandwiches for their French supermarkets, cheese…Doctors,Nurses, care workers, builders, Farmers , chicken catchers, abattoir workers, fish sales, Xmas turkeys … and hitting the solar plexus of the BrexShitHeads where it really hurts – beer barrels, gas and deliveries to the pubs, especially twatterspoons and MILKSHAKES in their McD’s and empty Nando’s ….ah the schadenfreud is chilling nicely and will go well with the early autumn sunshine., what ho?
be seeing you 👌🏼
No one at OffG has had the experimental, potentially lethal, injections or ever will.
So you guys in Denial are still trying to live as if global fascism just isn’t happening, huh. Ok,thanks for the update.
I think any area of the news where we disappoint your expectations is a good guide we’re covering what’s relevant.
Ahhh… Dunny old chum. Please do the world a favour, and get both your jabs, there’s a good chap.
You know why this crap is still going on? After all this time? Look in the mirror.
It’s people like you who have kept this confected charade going by your complicity, your cowardice and your bootlicking of the 0.01%.
Because, end of the day, that’s what you and your ilk really are. Chinless bootlickers that Hitler would’ve been proud of.
“Good little German” Dunny. You still babbling over at Craig Murray about how bad Offguardian is, how it’s controlled opposition, and building a Red Brown alliance, are you? Hypocrite.
its a reunion – lost in the dark , Christine russo – Gary Weglarz
now Dung
Long before covid I knew something was badly wrong, not so much with the oligarchy, as much as with the population at large. I only had to look around me and take notice of the deluge of vulgar faces, corrupt bodies, sheep-like behaviours, base hedonistic attitudes, zombie-like gaits with eyes glued to a stupid phone, and generally this big block letters STUPID written all over just about everyone in sight. I remember feeling so depressed and disillusioned, and thinking: where have all the human beings disappeared? It was only a matter of time before something horrible happened, and now that time has arrived.
I’ll let Corbin preach love for humanity if he’s happy with that. For my part I feel no sympathy at all for such ‘humanity.’ In my view they richly deserve what’s coming to them. I’ve long ago parted ways with them and now don’t care anymore. Fuck them. The whole lot of them. That’s all I have to say. (and fuck this stupid spam check as well)
Deep down I feel the same. At much as I despise the elite scum, I can see why they look down on the masses. Let’s face it, if the majority fall in line then they may be useful but are not going to be respected. the rot is in Jeffrey Epstein, the TV, the water, in us. Inner lights dim. We all have inner wars to fight.
When I was stuck in a factory job, or in a restaurant washing dishes, or in a bakery, I didn’t pay much attention to the world around me. Work, go home, stare at the idiot box, get up the next day, then do it all again. I didn’t notice much at all.
It was only after I started selling the street mag, and dealing with the public every day that my eyes really opened to how “society” actually was here.
The level of smug arrogance in Australia, this pervasive I’ve got mine, I’m all good type mindset, along with high levels of groupthink and conformity, and a real unwillingness to rock the boat for fear of upsetting friends or family.
And at the weekends, hedonism on steroids, as well as binge consumerism, with the mega malls packed with thousands upon thousands of people.
And this was well before the scamdemic.
To quote Shin again: “Australians sold their souls for the good life a long time ago”. I fully agree with that, tho obviously it’s not just Australia, it’s everywhere where the cancer of Neoliberalism has taken root.
Looking at things in this context, it’s quite easy to understand why Australia was chosen as the main testing ground.
If in Australia this trend only began once Neoliberalism took over, then as bad as things are, there may still be hope for Australia.
I can tell you categorically that here in the US that attitude was firmly established long before Neoliberalism became the order of the day. Smugness has been the defining characteristic of the American people for decades.
That’s why any sane person hopes and prays the US puts off as long as possible reaching the level of Australia or New Zealand – because once we reach that level, there’s no going back ever.
I actually grew up in New Zealand, but moved to Australia the first time in 1985. In both countries, it seemed a different world back then to now, and people were so different to the current time as well. Much more friendly, trusting, happy go lucky, willing to help others, and also a distinct anti establishment streak (well, in some I knew anyway).
I hear what you say that there may still be hope for Australia, but for me, Im not so sure. I just see mass, meek, bending over backwards compliance everywhere here. My hope for Australia is slipping. Appreciate the link to Geoengineering Watch Howard, it’s a really good site.
LOOK at all those upvotes! You obviously get a better class of person here in the Off-G basement than all those ghastly sheep-like hoi-polloi in less exclusive places! Oh we really don’t like them, do we!! They’re so inferior!
Yes !!!!!!!!!!!!
Let’s have an un-war then!
UK Column News – 13th September 2021
Vaccine Passports “Will Not Be Going Ahead’ – UK health sec Savij Jabid
Cabinet contradicts him the next day
Downing St: Passports will be ‘first-line defence’ against a winter wave of coronavirus, Covid, influenza and RSV
New Medicines, Miracle Drugs On The Way says Javid
Pfizer announces antivirual almost identical to Ivermectin’s protease enzymes that break the peptide bonds of proteins.
Mu variant spreads to 50 U.S. states
Thailand Had No Covid Cases/Deaths Until Mar 2021
Correlation with launch of vaccination campaign
Slow increase in Mar, accelerates sharply in Jun — matching Covid vaccinations.
Nikkei, Mar 1 2021: Thailand finally kicks off COVID vaccinations: 5 things to know
CNN, Jun 14, 2021: Thailand begins mass Covid-19 vaccine rollout using shots by royal company
David Scott: When Scottish care homes launched vaccines the number of Covid deaths doubled. Israel is leading in vaccination and now with a record Covid rate.
In Wales, deaths are 14% above the 5-year average by a significant margin: 1,270 more deaths, only a third ascribed to Covid. Where is all the excess death coming from?
Covid-19 Vaccine Damage Bill Short Debate
Sir Christopher Chope MP cites injuries:
‘If we are trying to build vaccine confidence we need to be open to the public with the facts… ‘ The Health Secretary could not tell him who had died: ‘Data on the number of deaths within 1, 2 and 3 months of the Covid vaccination is not available.’
No Compensation Paid By UK Gov Vaccine Injury Scheme
We Want To Be Heard – The Injured Speak Out
David Scott: you have to be 50% disabled, however that is measured. You can have life-altering injuries and not even qualify.
Vaccinate The Third World, Prince Harry tells GQ awards
‘We cannot move forward together unless we address this imbalance as one.’
Equity — less than 2% in developing world have had one shot
‘Those who peddle lies and fear are creating vaccine hesitance — this is a system we need to break.’
Sarah Gilbert & Covid-19 Oxford team win GQ man of year.
‘We are all at risk’ until we can all get the vaccine and trusted information.’ — Harry
More than 1/3 of global population has had at least one shot
Mike Robinson: If 90% of UK population has had one dose, 80% had both, the number who are vaccine hesitant is very small. Why are they so hysterical?
David Scott: What planet is Harry on? We’ve seen nothing but wall-to-wall fear mongering from the news media.
Australian Police Target Ethnic Minorities
Harassment of disabled Lebanese-Australian causes Outrage @00:25:15
Police take four minutes to remove hand cuffs and call ambulance.
Ultimately needed CPR. Was kept under arrest in hospital for not wearing a mask.
Media ignored police brutality, excluded footage of handcuffed man, showed only protests.
UK Quarantine Costs £2,265 — Lawyers object that double-vaxxed should pay
Poland Freedom March @00:32:30
UKC Article — Stabilising The Code, by Dr Mike Williams: Cancer risks from RNA vaccines
UK Schools Putting CCTV In Children’s Toilets — Emails from Viewers @00:34:15
Biden’s Incoherent Threats @00:39:30
Stabilising The Code, by Dr Mike Williams
By modifying the Uridine in the Pfizer vaccine mRNA code, the foreign mRNA is able to bypass part of the body’s first line of defence — the Innate Immune System.
At that point in the original experiments to discover how to turn off toll-like receptors (and subsequently in the design of the vaccines), the question should have been asked: but what would be the consequences of switching off that important early warning system?
There is a genuine concern over an increase in cancer, not from vaccination, rather as a result of lockdown and limited medical access. However, others are not convinced by the prevailing narrative and suspect that SARS-CoV-2 vaccination is contributing.
The immune system is highly regulated with interconnected paths that immunologists are still discovering, and by changing one part you affect another. If SARS-CoV-2 vaccination is changing something in our immune system, be it via changes in vaccine mRNA code and negatively affecting toll-like receptors or by other means, what else does it change in our immunity?
If, as the authors state, that toll-like receptors are required to activate dendritic cells, and dendritic cells sustain T cell cytotoxic killing against cancerous tumours, then what happens if those toll-like receptors are not working so well?
Much more in the article.
UK Column News – 13th September 2021
Accuse Anti-Vaxers of Razor Blades Behind Posters
Story is 3 moths old, created by victim activist
– Where is Mariana Spring, guardian of fake news
– Why is BBC knowingly promoting blatant forgery
– Sky & BBC pander to the possibly mentally ill
Matt Hancock tweeted the story hysterically... RMT Union Mick Lynch accused anti-vaxxers of sabotaging posters in London. BBC changed story from anti-vaxx to anti-mask. Story originated in Cardiff last July using same photo.
Fake News comes from Twitter handle NiceHat who previously claimed to have been disemboweled in the street.
The story is in the feed. How could BBC miss it? @N3KOcardiff – making the world nicer! ‘a Cardiff based sticker bomber, graff artist, and activist for trans rights, equality, public transit, and more! femby, plural (OSDD), pronouns she/they please’
Exposed here:
UK Electricity Prices Spike 700% Over 10-year Average
Briefly up 2,000% at £1,750 per MWh compared with £45 average
David Scott: Affects industry and manufacturing and leads to the import of more goods from China which uses… … … coal.
Energy calculations are now political.
Scottish Police Investigate Disappearance of £600k from SNP
Money was raised for second independence referendum
David Scott: the SNP can’t even use Father Ted’s claim that it was ‘resting in their account’ because they’ve spent it.
A Voice In Academia Confronts Propaganda Techniques
Nottingham Trent understanding the communications surrounding the vaccine
Dr. Colin Alexander: ‘Indeed, the prevailing pro-vaccine propaganda uses the wartime strategy of moral obligation messaging in its bid to encourage people to accept it. However, one person’s ethical code can be repulsive to another as there is no over-arching consensus as to what represents ‘good’ and ‘bad’. ‘
Cultural Surrender and Collapse
Charity fails to defend its raison d’être
The Times — ‘A charity set up to honour Sir Winston Churchill has removed all pictures of him from its website and rebranded itself after criticising his “unacceptable” views on race.’
Ontario School ‘Flame Purification’ To Remove Offensive Books
4,700 books deemed offensive to ‘Aboriginal knowledge keepers’
School board opted against a huge bonfire for the symbolic burning of one book — while banning the rest. PM Justin Castreau said no white person is entitled to an opinion.
Hot Air — Ontario school board held ‘flame purification’ ceremony to remove books offensive to ‘Aboriginal knowledge keepers’
Texas Satanists Demand Right To Ritual Abortion
Ally with Democratics to resist State Ban
Salon — Why Satanists may be the last, best hope to save abortion rights in TexasDavid Scott: ultimately these arguments are framed with deception — because they come down to some basic ideas of right and wrong. The Satanists, Statists and Federal Gov are united. It shows you where the political becomes the cultural becomes the spiritual.
So the poster fraud was perpetuated by an activist for trans rights. Not surprising. They’ve accused some of their opponents of the same thing. Intersting to see the creep to covid. Of course the same people fund them all and give them their talking points, I suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised.
The UN Security Council’s main business is War.
It often meets to argue about whether to allow the USA to wage war against another country, give the USA war a ‘legal’ pretext. It should really be called The UN War Council (or its full title: The UN Council That Decides if War can Secure Peace.)…
However, here we have a great article about Security that not once mentions it. Security is the name of the Elephant in the loungeroom. It may be Invisible, but…
Bush The Younger made it clear, the US War against Afghanistan was to secure Security.
Bush The Younger made it clear the US War against Iraq was to secure Security.
Bush The Younger couldnt open his mouth to speak without uttering “security”.
Security – it’s the only narrative on everyone lips.
Security – it’s what the masses will give up their freedoms for
Security – it’s what an experimental jab offers against an imagined virus…
Security – it’s what The States exists to provide.
Security – it’s what the first human cities had ziggurats built for…
Security, it’s hiding in plain sight, but the ideological mind is self-blinded by the words it uses…
If you watch what the UN does, not what it says, its true nature is quickly apparent. Sadly most people just take the UN’s claims at face value.
When you work in news/diplomacy you soon hear stories of how the UN types waltz into a country and after the ‘peace keeping’ buy up all the best property for a song. Fact. Happened in the Balkans. The CIA/Pentagon got the business. David Petraeus owns the biggest advertising/telecoms group.
Doubters should watch/read Princes of the Yen.
Prof Richard Werner is someone that Catherine Austin Fitts looks up to. He wrote the book on how the International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and UN infrastructure have always been used as a stalking horse by the Western banks (Rockefeller-Rothschild & Regina) to destabilize and seize control of assets.
Even knowing that, 10 years ago I would not have wholly agreed with someone like former Arizona sheriff Richard Mack of The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association. Now I find it hard to argue with:
Defund the police and deploy the military domestically under UN aegis does not, at this point, look so far fetched.
Course, it’s much bigger than that. Rockefellers funded it from the start to advance their trilateral/one world fantasy (Patrick Wood, Antony Sutton).
Fantastic piece sums everything up perfectly – Thank you Kit
3-in-1 booster in the pipeline:
Luckily, these 3-in-1 vaccines have never caused any health concerns in the past so that’s okay….
Is there a comparison with the conduct of imperial Rome? Perpetual foreign wars to create fear at home and generate support for more wars?
“All democracies turn into dictatorships – but not by coup. The people give their democracy to a dictator, whether it’s Julius Caesar or Napoleon or Adolf Hitler. Ultimately, the general population goes along with the idea.”
― George Lucas
it was always rome
civil society of justinian
maritime admiralty
A cliché certainly but I find myself reciting it regularly:
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!
Extreme Sleight Terror
Behaviour is a virus for which there is no cure
This virus is a magic trick
On a universal scale
Trauma based mind control
Extreme sleight terror
Sleight of mind
Sleight of hand
Sleight of smell
The tune plays
The herd dances and hollers
As the ritual programming sinks in
If the lie is exposed
Tell an even bigger one
Relentless repetition is key
Facts, evidence, logic
Especially reality
Are not required
For working propaganda
Make up the numbers
Inflate them
Deflate them
As you go
Shocking humanity
Into acceptance and obedience
Without questioning the narrative
No matter how flawed
Or illogical
Or inhumane
This ‘virus’ is a gold plated fake
Terrain is everything
Frontline immune system
Nothing at last is sacred
But the integrity
Of one’s own heart and mind
PsyOp propaganda
PsyOp science fiction
Fear and terror of death
Tell a lie so outrageous
No one can believe it is a lie
9/11, WMD
Bliar Bliar
Etcetera etcetera
Goat, pawpaw and engine oil
What a killing joke
Anyone here speak or understand Hebrew? Be nice to have the following statement confirmed (even better to have a copy of the video with subs):
Israeli Ministry of Health (right) recorded saying to the Minister of Interior (left) “there is no medical or epidemiological justification for the Covid passport, it is only intended to pressure the unvaccinated to vaccinate”.
Headlines that tell a story:
Conclusion: there is an immense shift in population, societal, economic, life and work patterns going on. But due to the endless seamless covid panic mongering, the general population is distracted, fearful and incapable of forming into effective groups.
Cui Bono?