The real story behind Facebook’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week
The social media giant is in the crosshairs, and that might be bad news for the internet in general.
Kit Knightly

Facebook suffered a massive outage on Monday. At the same time a high profile “whistleblower” has come forward to dish the FB dirt. These two things have combined to create a perfect storm of narrative portraying Mark Zuckerberg’s company as a monster in desperate need of slaying by some deft government intervention.
But to what extent is that story contrived? Is Facebook willingly going along with it? And what does it mean for the rest of the internet?
What happened?
For several hours on Monday afternoon Facebook – and its subsidiaries Instagram and Whatsapp – were completely offline. Rumours circulated that large portions of the social media giant had been totally deleted. Others suggested it was a cyber attack.
Facebook itself insists there was no attack, and that it was purely an engineering error, but of course no tech company would ever admit to being vulnerable to a hack.
There’s always the possibility the whole event was staged of course. Either way, the timing is very suspicious.
Why do you say that?
For weeks an anonymous “whistleblower” has been “leaking” documents to the Wall Street Journal allegedly showing Facebook is utilising highly unethical business practices.
The leaker of the so-called “Facebook Files” finally revealed her true identity as Frances Haugen, a data scientist, in an interview with 60 Minutes this past Sunday.
The massive Facebook outage then happened on Monday, with Ms Haugen’s scheduled testimony in front of Congress happening the following morning on Tuesday.
If it is all a coincidence, then Facebook has had a very unfortunate week.
So what did the “whistleblower” say?
What didn’t she say? In her hours of testimony on Tuesday, she tore the company apart. Alleging everything from being a danger to children’s mental health to outright breaking the law.
In her 60 Minutes interview, she told the reporter “again and again Facebook has chosen profits over safety”.
Drug cartels, hate speech, genocide, anorexia…Haugen laid the blame for all of that and more at Facebook’s feet.
Facebook is a monster…so isn’t this a good thing?
No, not at all.
For one thing, we should always be sceptical in the face of any narrative so meticulously planned and rolled out.
An ‘anonymous whistleblower’ coming forward with a team of lawyers, and coordinated interviews on primetime TV just before her testimony to congress looks a lot too much like a glitzy PR campaign or a promo for a new movie.
For another, consider what Facebook is actually being accused of. It’s not mass surveillance, censorship or abuse of its monopoly that’s making the headlines, but rather being too lax in what it allows people to say and see.
Facebook “enables hate speech”, “can’t effectively police vaccine misinformation” and is “damaging democracy”.
These are all mainstream talking points designed to stifle debate and control the conversation.
Yes, many people hate Facebook (with good reason), but that hatred is now being deliberately cultivated so that people will cheer on its break up or regulation, without realising that other, smaller companies would be hit much harder by any new “standard rules for the internet”.
Like so many other testimonies before congress in the past, the entire event looks fake and probably is. A stage-managed exercise involving some “expert witness” telling a bunch of politicians exactly what they want to hear, so they can go ahead push the legislation they were going to push anyway.
It’s all leading up to loud bipartisan calls for “regulation”, and that’s not a good thing.
Why not?
Let me answer that question with a couple of my own. Do think the political conversation on Facebook is too controlled? And do you think that will get better if it becomes subject to governmental oversight?
Of course not, “regulating” facebook will take what small amount of freedom still remains on the platform, and crush it entirely. And it won’t just be about Facebook, it’s not even really about Facebook now, it’s just that they’re being used as a stalking horse to come after the smaller, less controlled platforms.
There’s a good chance Facebook is actively playing heel here, and are willingly going along with this narrative. Just check what their spokesperson Lena Pietsch said on Tuesday [our emphasis]:
Today, a Senate Commerce subcommittee held a hearing with a former product manager at Facebook who worked for the company for less than two years, had no direct reports, never attended a decision-point meeting with C-level executives — and testified more than six times to not working on the subject matter in question. We don’t agree with her characterization of the many issues she testified about.Despite all this, we agree on one thing; it’s time to begin to create standard rules for the internet. It’s been 25 years since the rules for the internet have been updated, and instead of expecting the industry to make societal decisions that belong to legislators, it is time for Congress to act.”
Despite discrediting and disagreeing with absolutely everything the “whistleblower” said, they still concede Congress needs “to act” and produce “standard rules for the internet”. Why would they do that?
Facebook is clearly falling in line to bring in stricter regulation of the web.
OK, so what will this new “regulation” look like?
Well, that’s a harder question to answer. Having just been presented with the problem, the media are still very much in the reaction phase of the narrative (see this whiny specimen in the Guardian) – “solutions” are being talked about but only in very vague terms.
An article on MSNBC headlines “Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp are back up. But their outage is an opportunity.“ and echoes Ms Pietsch almost word for word: Regulators should do better, but Congress should also act. It ends with a link to an article from this May in Politico calling for a “public internet”.
A “public internet” means, essentially, breaking down the big tech firms and publicly funding “community guided” platforms that focus on more local concerns.
Or, more cynically, compartmentalizing the internet to limit the field of potential communication.
The supposed aim of a “public internet” would be to “bring us back together” and remove “hate”, but that will mean stopping people from disagreeing with the consensus.
The “public internet” might be the long-term goal, but it’s still only a foetus of an idea.
For the more immediate “regulation” ideas, we can turn back to Ms Haugen, who after so keenly defining the problem, enthusiastically recommended a list of solutions.
These include, but are not limited to, a new “independent” overseer for Facebook (perhaps a new government agency), and the “reform” of Article 230.
Article 230 is the law that says social media platforms have no liability for the content their users create, “reforming it” could open up social media companies to a lot of lawsuits.
Interestingly, some policy organizations have argued that “stripping this law away could entrench reigning tech giants because it would make it harder for smaller social media platforms with fewer content moderation resources to operate without facing costly lawsuits.”
So at least one of Ms Haugen’s proposed solutions would potentially benefit Facebook, whilst almost certainly crippling their smaller competitors.
Funny that.
Since its inception the internet has been a digital wild west and, despite numerous attempts to seize control of it, it remains a place of relative freedom.
Facebook, Google, Amazon and their ilk are corporate monsters, no question, but we still need to be careful when applauding calls for their regulation or break up. Especially if the companies themselves seem to actively cooperate.
Much of the time any mooted “regulation” is not aimed at the corporate giants, who have the connections and resources to survive it, but their smaller competitors. In that way it both secures the monopoly of a handful of gigantic businesses, and further centralises the power of the state.
Remember that corporate giants and the Deep State are not in opposition to one another, they work together in mutual self-interest.
Facebook might be notionally in the media crosshairs, but that is a pantomime. The real targets are alternate platforms like Telegram, Gab and Parler, or as yet unborn independent outlets.
More broadly, it’s part of an ongoing campaign against the ability of millions of people to freely communicate with each other, because that is a genuine threat to both the power of the state the and greed of corporate monoliths.
So, when big government and big tech fight, refuse to pick a side and don’t believe a word of it.
They like each other really, but they hate you.
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Thanks for sharing this informative information with us. This is a fantastic website, thanks for sharing.
Ya right. Let’s “regulate” businesses. It’s always worked so well >>> for corporations…
Try to establish a sole proprietor business, then see how long you can tread water…
I absolutely hate Facebook. Awful things happened to me when I had it. It’s as if it brought me terrible bad luck. I don’t ever want anything to do with it again. Plus it turns people into morons. People that I used to think were smart are really stupid.
The Radio and TV Act of 1949 stopped all of that pesky competition between small time broadcasters and the main stream media Instead of websites, at that time, it was millions of living room radio broadcasters.. broadcasting their contents to million person audiences. All of them, unlicensed, saying generlly what they each wanted(like websites and social media channels, etc. Worse the citizens of government were pointing out the corruptions of the wealthy gentry as the wealthy gentry got government to do things that made the gentry wealthy and the little guy poor. Image taking the audience radio, tv, and web, and social media audience away from the monopoly powers? Holy molly, the audiences the monopoly powers would not be able to attract the advertising dollars that allowed them to brain wash the governed sheep.
Here cometh the digital platform act.. designed to destroy open digital conversations on the internet. How by licensing websites and taxing them to be sure they don’t build too big of an audience, and that they pay dearly for the audiences they get, The license will be based on audience size. Maybe the license will make owners of media to report their users and audiences to government regulators. Web technology is about to become user restrained, to new depths, unless the masses act to prevent private intervention on government, in order for the private monopoly monsters to get government to stop the exposures which are daily coming from the social interactions the Internet has afford of all.
and to stop the competition from outdoing the owners of the main stream media.
Only FB strong financially capable entities need apply for one of the few licenses to place websites and to host social interaction on the internet. Hosting social activities on the Internet will become the new Radio and TV act.
Julian Assange proved beyond all doubt just how dangerous the Internet could be to those who own the world and everything in it. (the PIGOs some have called them: private, imperial global oligarchs) and the monopoly powered private corporations they own).
How incompetent are our leaders that they are destroying the goose that laid their own personal golden eggs. They are destroying things because, over the decades, they have not have what it takes to manage society. They had all that power yet all they can do is leech off of society and then leave it for dead.
We are dealing with inept people, so do not expect anything other than the minds of thugs, if you cross them they will either kill you or throw you in jail indefinitely, as they did with Assange and the Jan 6 protestors. They will do the same with anyone who crosses them, including judges and lawyers, so do not expect the legal profession to be able to fight back.
This is total collapse.
Sorry they are not inept….they are all bit players in a special game called controlled demolition of various economies….all they actually prove is they only serve one master….money and who provides the biggest bribe…yes we are going down and they are at the steering wheel taking us there on orders from their real masters….and sadly it isn’t us basically because people in general are easily fooled…they would rather be continually get their adrenaline rush carrying on about covid than taking responsibility for their lives…
Frankly, I think it is more than being inept. These leaders are literally following instructions as dictated by the big orgs, the big think tanks and the big banks. In other words, they are just following the orders of their masters. The QLD premier (in Australia) apparently has 32 personal advisors and “helpers”. Not to mention the full force of the media to prop her up. Who are these 32 people? What views or philosophies do they hold? Where are they from? Where have they studied? These leaders are surrounded by minders. Which isn’t to excuse the leaders themselves. What I’d love to know is why don’t some of them fall on their sword, let the chips fall where they may and come out with a conscience and expose their minders. What we are seeing is blatant madness…similar things happened in Russia and China etc where insane rules would change and flip flop daily. It’s mass disorientation and planned confusion. That’s how you destabilize and take people down.
I tried to explain this to my friends who were giddy as schoolchildren over the CensorBook outage and “whistleblower”. Thank you for articulating it better than I did; I’ve shared this with them.
Sorta like the “”phone call” whistleblower that netted Trump an impeachment. And Rachel Maddow had orgamisms on TV for months on end. All Complete B.S. The real whistleblowers are all in jail or have served time; Julian Assange, Realty Winner, Chelsea Manning, et. al.
Is anything real, honest or genuine anymore? Anything at all? They’ll start reporting that the day after Sunday is Wednesday soon and nobody will notice.
My guess is that platforms like Gab, Odysee and other breakaway platforms are the target. They killed Parler but are finding it difficult to kill these other platforms: regulation can kill any platform and this looks like the start of that process. Maybe even OG will end up being censored by this. Will we all have to move over to the dark web?
I think that’s exactly the plan. Nothing on the internet unless it’s state sanctioned. You know, to keep people safe.
They were able to bring Parler to its knees because it was using Amazon Web Services, so all it took was for Amazon to close down their servers and Parler was done for – I think it was AWS – and parler then changed its terms and conditions to include the censorship demanded by the cowardly, hidden fascists in the state apparatus, and suddenly AWS turned on its servers again. Magic.
The others learned from that and now Gab has in-house infrastructure so that it has fewer dependencies. But it now also means that the state has to turn to legislation in order to bully them into submission. Either change the law to prevent the likes of Gab from accessing the internet – this would involve a lot of countries and would be difficult to enforce – or change the laws in the western countries so that people like Andrew Torba (CEO of Gab) can be arrested, extradited and thrown in jail indefinitely on made up charges – something like “you didn’t ask permission to use the internet” – like they did with Assange. All supported by your retarded pro-vaccine neighbours who seem incapable of simple logic.
What would be interesting would be a Chinese application, run from inside China, that enabled free speech in the West. It would be in China’s interest, in the same way as RT is in Russia’s interest, but I suspect that it is unlikely to happen. They could also provide internet access to the world via satellite internet, but I am not holding my breath.
Sanpaku eyes. She looks nuts.
transvestigation is in order!
UN Warns Over 5 Billion People Could Struggle For Access To Water By 2050 reads a headline. And i wonder What little Billy Gates and other Billionaire philanthropists could be doing about it – other than buying up public water utilities…
During my earlier days we lived on a plantation. Our only water supply was a couple of those large tanks – 44000 gallon tanks if memory is correct – which collected all the rain that fell on our roof…
The taps to the tanks were about 9″ above the base as below the tap all the muck that found its way into the tank settled there. It wasnt only the birdshit that was washed by the rain into the tanks, there was also lots of black cinders that settled on the roof from sugar cane, torched before cutting the cane during The Crushing (season)…
Our family drank that water 365 days a year. I recall no incidence of any of us ever getting sick from there being a layer of accumulated muck affecting the quality of the water…
Some studies posted on line recently informed that Scientist have discovered letting kids play in the dirt is good for their developing immune systems. We could have told them we never let a lolly dropped by someone on the ground ever go to waste…
Sorry Les, is this comment sanctioned by the state? You’re offending all kinds of people with your inaccurate personal knowledge, experiences and memories. Not only do we run a tight ship here…we run a safe ship. Only authorised opinions from here on in please. One more outrageous outburst like this and you’ll be reported to the Ministry of Information for immediate thought crime realignment and support.
Your Rights At Work. For those Australians interested on 1 October Nexusnewsfeed posted a 15 minute video explaining aspects of the recent decision by Australia’s “workplace regulator” – the Fair Work Commission – about being sacked if you refuse
to be a guinea pig for an experimental medical treatment…
The video is by a Tanya Davies MP. It’s a Good News decision. You’ll have to go to the Nexusnewsfeed site directly and do a search as all attempts at the links by me were ‘blocked’ (There’s a Gremlin in my PC ?)
NB,The Commission believes employers can protect their businesses, should employees not get vaxxed, by using antigen tests, (implied – ‘testing only the unvaxxed’). Antigen tests are being promoted as an alternative to PCR tests. I think they as much open to misuse as the PCR ‘tests’, are no more reliable as are the ‘tests’ they are replacing.
Anything there on masks? Specifically in the workplace. I did hear Qld was considering allowing students and teachers to go to school without masks. Which means I could be earning money again soon. Not that working as a teacher is that great, what with the communist planks featuring large.
State workplace regulators may be issuing different regulations to those of the national body. But nothing in the video about masks.
Fridays Sydney morning paper front page story: Workers Compo claims for contracting covid-19 at work expected to be around $600 million. Worth following. Will insurance companies challenge The Science on how a ‘covid case’ is decided ? How ‘covid’ is spread, etc. or just pay out the money ?
And, how can claims be made on insurance companies if the National government extended legislative protections to the industry, as was claimed in recent press report ?
What does an “antigen” test consist of? Nose invasion?
Removing Truth’s Protective Layers
As the Lunar Module approached the surface that the circuits went dead. For the next several days, the Facebook outage left the astronauts sitting in a tin can, stranded and facing a perplexing conundrum that would play out over the next 40 years — having to prove a negative: that they weren’t not there.
The crippling of social media’s telemetry temporarily cancelled the crew. Without WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook, for millions of people they had ceased to exist.
NASA’s press office was forced to fill the narrative void and began to churn out video and still images of the mission. It met disbelief from those who inhabit the eliding planes of reality and a life imagined. Facebooky theorists pointed to the gaps in the astronauts’ Timeline. Baseless allegations surfaced about numbered rocks, recurring hillscapes, impressions in the dry sand and flags fluttering in the lunar still.
The cultural programming industry went to work, and not always helpfully. As NASA had tried repeatedly to land its unmanned Surveyor module on the Moon without smashing it to pieces, the artificial surface AstroTurf was named in 1965 for the nearby Houston stadium. This in turn gave rise to the phrase AstroTurfing, in which an elite campaign masquerades as a mass movement, like Extinction Rebellion or anything financed by George Soros.
Elixir of science
The consumer is the winner from space technology. Apart from Teflon and HAZMAT suits and TV dinners we got batteries. Apollo 17’s lander, Challenger, ran its air conditioner for 75 hours in a temperature of about 260 degrees Fahrenheit (127 Celsius) — twice what you need to grill a steak.
Those two 36-volt silver-zinc potassium hydroxide non-rechargeable batteries kept things humming for three days. Elon Musk’s Starman must have raised his glove in salute as he cruised past in his Tesla Roadster. [2]
More seriously, we imbibed a cocktail of narratives about technology that is deeply flawed. Economists question the assumption that the trillions spent on weapons and space necessarily produce beneficial byproducts for the masses — the subsidies certainly go the other way, as do the profits.
More dangerous, perhaps, we swallowed unquestioningly the elixir of science as religion: that scientists have our best interests at heart; that things can only get better; that we need only trust and forget.
Too late we are discovering that technology has no logic, let alone morality. It does. It goes. That’s it. We have to set it in service of something: to favour peace over war, to feed the many not the few, to deny technology primacy and set beauty as society’s highest goal and, ultimately, to decide what is good or evil.
Truth’s protective layers
Neil Armstrong wasn’t a publicist and he hated being forced to talk about Apollo. “I know of only one bird, the parrot, that talks, and he can’t fly very high.”
But revealing jokes aside, his next point was one of philosophy: “There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth’s protective layers. There are places to go beyond belief.” [3]
Truth’s protective layers have served us well during Event Covid. We are asked to believe in the efficacy of the mask, Perspex shields, six feet of distance, the rule of six people and lots of other hexes.
We are assured that science works by consensus, that the virus often has no symptoms and that we should therefore lock up healthy people.
Without the Moon landings we could not have navigated Event Covid. Everything would have seemed like a series of implausible coincidences and unjust demands. No one would have believed it, someone would have talked, and skeptics might have brandished Occam’s Razor.
And yet I am beginning to feel closer to Neil Armstrong and sensing what he meant in those words, which he took with him to the grave in 2012.
The pertinent part of his quote is not truth’s protective layers. It is the words that come after: “There are places to go beyond belief.”
The Moon landings imposed a consensus on truth: a required belief. Neil Armstrong urges us to reach escape velocity from the place where we no longer ask questions, where the science is settled — and “to go beyond belief.”
In full at:
Loved the pro-wrestling reference. So much of what many consider to be ‘real-life’ today, is in actual fact a WWE-style ‘angle’.
This reminds me of a common movie scene where the wanna be gang outsider tries so hard to be a criminal, but ends up being the fall guy, the scape goat. FB has tried its best to police “misinformation”…but now they are accused of being lax…they don’t get in the club…or do they? This will lead to even more “reason” for FB to tighten the screws…now they will get their “license to kill”…and be a sanctioned police force…what they always wanted…
Well said Kit – it’s all part of the March through the Institutions. Have a restful break.
Bruce Springboard tells the president to “wear a fucking mask!” Presumably that was Trump? But it’s an interesting directive. And I know this is ancient news now but I am continually astonished by it. Indeed I get more astonished every day at the logical conclusion. Everyone must wear a mask. Why? Because the air around the, the air everywhere might be full of evil covid! We must mask ourselves forever! No, wait – here comes the vax! The vax is answer! Get the vax and take your mask off! No … hang on … not yet. It’s not over yet! Booster shots! New variant! Another vax! Booster shots!
Upshot: we are masked forever more. The air is unclean! The air everywhere is unclean!
The vaccinated: those sanctimonious, self-righteous prigs a have got the temerity to suggest that the we the, unjabbed, horror of horrors, are responsible for the plague! That’s putting it mildly . About 6 months back my wife, like millions of other morons, decided to get the jab; it was the usual blackmail of course, no jab, no job. There was no way then or now that I was going to imbibe this poison. Since that time – some 6 months ago – nothing has happened – we cohabit together, and get along as couples usually do.
However, I am now blamed as being held responsible for giving the dreaded plague to the unfortunate virgin non-vaxentees. Oh mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. The fact that I have never been infected doesn’t seem to count. Zinc, Vitamin D, Quercetin and plenty of sunshine is all you need. The rest is Pharma peddled bullshit.
But of course the counter-dialogue doesn’t count. The propaganda campaign doesn’t do objectivity. Of course it doesn’t. Did you think any notion of fairness and objectivity would enter the arena?! If any one does any of the spreading of the plague it is the medical profession itself, the pharma companies, and politicians on the make.
We have now reached a pivotal moment in the continued existence of mankind. My feeling is that in the next 10 years the issue will be decided. In all probability at the age of 77 I won’t be around come that ominous date, But carry on the fight – you really have no alternative.
I recall some language in the US Constitution that “Congress shall make no law . . . .”
For several hours on Monday afternoon Facebook – and its subsidiaries Instagram and Whatsapp – were completely offline.
and in news: a sack of rice fell over in a Chinese warehouse.
To make it clear: who gives a shit?
i remember a cable
cabal fire
that brought electrics nuke from frenchie
underwater fires
fires where started.
i remember fertilizer for farms
factory closing for whatever reason
cabal said high gas price and so it goes
i herd heard milk was being spilt
crops ground back in the ground
companies being purchased left right and centre
member do you remember
all the coal factory shut down
all talk of wind and cheap bills from sun
selling off closing down steal factory
remember last year
last year
closing down of gas storage facilities
along with the lockstep world covid
putting 2 and 2 together and all that
it seemed to me that 4 was the answer
and not the 3 i was told
and the plan
a very old babylon satanick play
more demon shit incoming
never consent or comply
for darkness anf satan
is not a thing you want a long term contract with
for them vice is versa
down is up
lies are truth
He’s oh so reluctant and oh it goes against his natural instincts – but sack every footballer who refuses the vaccine –
just imagine, “sorry mate, you cant play up front until your jab pass says you have had your forth booster”
The real story is censorship. Many will have heard that Google stripped Lew Rockwell Com, site of the founder of the Mises Institute, of advertising revenue a couple of days ago – an income that was pennies for the Internet giant but described by LRC as substantial.
I cannot think of a more balanced site – libertarian but famed for intelligent contributions, where people of any perspective could feel at home. Such a contrast with the sour, sophomoric pseuds who’ve attacked it..
As Vasko Kohlmayer writes:
The would-be elite — shrunken perverts like Eric Schmidt who hung around Jeffrey Epstein — have their backs against the wall as their death cult approaches Dark Winter.
LRC, 2019 — A Complete List of Alternatives To The Google Search Engine
I use Start Page (which does not track your ISP code), however, these alt search engines use Google’s references to arrive at your suggested results – i.e. there ARE no true alternative search engines to my knowledge.
There’s Mojeek which has it’s own crawler and index, based in England. Don’t know it’s backers or funding.
We wrote about that here: and (we’re in the process of making this blog more user-friendly).
The majority of alts use Bing: – I hope this helps.
UK Column News – 6th October 2021
Panto Boris Claims Capitalism Brought You The Vaccine
He’s speaks more truth than he knows
Gov guaranteed payment/approval before vaxx was made.
“Prof” Neil Ferguson Says Covid Plan B Seems Inevitable
Computer model points to something
MC: what is wrong with Ferguson’s face and rolling eyes. Has he had the shot?
Sweden Limits Moderna Over Heart Damage To Young
Anyone born after 1991 won’t get SpikeVax 00:06:30
Alex Thomson: Slovenia has banned Janssen after one death.
Welsh Parliament Votes 28-27 For Vaccine Passports
Deputy with decisive vote denied because he failed to connect to Zoom 00:10:30
Member of Welsh Senedd would have rejected passports – speaker refused to delay vote.
Alex Thomson: there is a deliberate grey zone where it is no longer clear whether deputies have to be present in person or whether their electronic presence counts. Voting in person existed for a reason. Any kind of electronic voting raises concerns.
Regional Vaccine Passports – Scotland, Wales Different Laws
Globalists trying to control mayors at local level 00:20:00
Soros-style buying of district attorneys paralleled in UK
Did Bill Gates Pushed Depopulation — Twitter “Trusted Source” Denies
AP says Baphomet proposed slower growth, not absolute reduction 00:23:45
Mike Robinson: Only higher living standards would lead to smaller families. That is not what Gates suggested. Nor is it the Green agenda, which would condemn the developing world to poverty.
“Road to Zero” is a tough enough target for rich countries. Poor nations cannot meet it.
Cobalt, lithium is mined in Africa in “obscene” conditions. Will Africa get to use those minerals for itself? The UK alone would need most of the world’s production of those minerals to electrify its fleet.
A petrol car with a 10 gallon tank needs an electric battery of half a ton — which is extremely energy intensive requiring copper, neodymium, cobalt and lithium.
Alex Thomson: Gates and Greta have the white saviour complex — are any Africans entitled to mount the world stage and say what is best for their land?
Invasive UK Child Study Ignores Data Protection
Survey asks how lockdown affects education, wellbeing 00:33:00
Officials will match answers against school performance. Guardians selected to “authorize” data collection of personal youth information.
The Horizons Study — Looking Beyond Covid is part of the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme but that is not disclosed.
Telephone calls to Horizons requires a code that children were given — UKC could not get an answer.
It is backed by UCL, Sutton Trust funded by UK Research Innovation and ESRC. Sutton Trust combines bankers, academics, think tanks.
Brian Gerrish: this is very invasive — where is the data protection and who is getting the data. What right does Bill Gates or these people have to hoover up data?
Alex Thomson: all those sniffing around children and data are doing so because there is money.
Alison McDowell briefs parents about these bodies like Israel’s Unit 8200 which is turning children into an asset class.
See also UKC — The Celts: An Eastern Approaches Podcast
Alex Thomson: Teach your children the right ideas so they are resistant to those who want to exploit them.
Propaganda and 9/11 – Piers Robinson Symposium on Sunday Oct 10, 1300-1700 UK Time.
Should Sovereign Have Political Input Under Separation Of Powers?
Email to UKC challenges In Defence of Monarchy, by Richard Fitzwilliams 00:44:00
Debate reveals the knobling of monarchy: In UK the House of Lords gives the Queen’s assent, even if she gives the signature. This renders the Common Law right to petition the crown moot.
According to Walter Bagehot we are a republic. “It is necessary to keep the ancient show while we secretly interpolate the new reality.” Lord Hailsham called it “elective dictatorship”. The Commons, once the protector of liberty, has become an agency of government.
Mike Robinson: we’re not a republic either. It is a dictatorship working for specific interests.
Telegraph Cartoonist Bob Moran, Critical of Lockdown, Suspended
Criticised Covid propagandist Dr Rachel Clarke on Twitter 00:44:00
Huffpost — Moran called for her to be abused for “the rest of her worthless existence.”
Mike Robinson: BMA calls her a sainted NHS worker — can we criticize people at all? There has been no significant debate on Covid, not even in The Daily Telegraph.
Alex Thomson: was there really a victim here? Since the Fawcett sisters and the first wave of feminism, they have been combative, even provocative, not shy.
Former Royal Marines Chief Maj Gen Matthew Holmes, Aged 54, Commits Suicide
Took own life over divorce, Naval restructuring, withdrawal from Afghanistan 01:01:45
The Times — Marines chief Matthew Holmes ‘struggled’ over Afghanistan before suicide
Brian Gerrish: he was a tough Royal Marine. Did he really crumble or did he upset the establishment by speaking out on Afghanistan — and is that why he lost his job?
The military usually helps you find another job, especially if you are a senior officer, the network would have given him a lucrative commercial position. Was he blackballed?
Ten years ago young Royal Marines told UKC that psychiatrists had told those with PTSD to take psychotropic medication and that several, in different regions, were told to commit suicide. The treatment of mental health in the military is very strange.
Alex Thomson: the U.S. has coincidentally announced mental health checks for military.
MC: look at the timing. The Afghan withdrawal supposedly came out of the blue in Aug. Holmes may have been protesting the decision earlier than April.
Well I wonder how The Left will react? Let me guess. They will say that it was capitalism that brought us covid and some “spirit of humanity pulling together in crisis” that produced the vax – even though still condemning individual vax suppliers for working to a profit motive and thereby causing incompetence etc. They are therefore in a win/win situation. If the vax works, it’s the result of this spirit of unity following the high road of The Science. If it doesn’t, it’s capitalist incompetence. Of course I’m skipping over the thorny issue of what “works” actually means in this context.
as soon as that 60 min started I knew it was fake, the person gave too many state backed talking points “conspiracy theory’s, misinformation, regulation etc etc, also, FB response on twitter said basically, “yeah we agree congress needs to regulate” sooo, here we have a “whistleblower” and the business in this case FB agreeing with each other on regulation, not really a whistleblower if they both agree. A proper whistleblower in this reality ends up either in prison “assange” etc, or flees the country “snowdon etc”
I would humbly suggest that anything on 60 Minutes is propaganda.
funny – Assange has a 60 minutes special in 2011, a Time cover, 3 big budget movies, a book by Luke Harding, an award from the Economist and his legal team is heavily involved with Bill Browder. Nothing to see here..
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain…
As my main man Bullwinkle so presciently put it: “Eenie meenie chilli beanie!”
You pays your money and you takes your choice: Do you want the gubermint censoring the Internet? or do you want private corps censoring the Internet?
Oh dear me: decisions, decision. If I choose the wrong one, do I get a second choice?
Or is there a wrong, or right choice?
What prompted my seeking advice from a cartoon character? Saw a woman at the gas station, pumping gas – with her mask on; then she got in her car and drove off – with her mask on.
And some of you here actually think this madness is winding down? All I can say is “Eenie meenie chilli beanie!”
THE STATE is (are) the Corporation(s). The Corporation(s) is (are) THE STATE. That is what CORPORATE FASCISM is. WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity) are the oppressed and enslaved victims.
The war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicists psychos criminals are attempting to hide their tyranny and oppression by silencing US.


“Billy Eugenics and his war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist oligarch mobster psycho criminal friends can GO TO HELL!”
The spirits are about to speak!
Any thinking and aware person knew immediately upon even a brief scan of this story that purpose of her “whistle-blowing” was to get the government to censor the internet.
The covid fraud is based upon lie on top of lie.
As a famous person once said; the reason dictators hate free speech is because their arguments can’t stand up to reason.
This proves again that the pen is mightier than the sword. And the bolshies behind the 911/covid false flag attacks know it.
spot on
Totally controlled opposition fake “whistleblower.” No need to set up a Go Fund Me account for this “martyr.” Her financial future is assured. This is the opening salvo for our Overlords to regulate via .gov the alternative sites which have sprung up to allow people alternatives to the CIA/DARPA founded giant social media sites. Our Overlords have every advantage in their global coup d’etat except truth and numbers. If they lose near total control of the narrative, they will be hanged eventually at Nuremberg v.2.0. The seven doctors who were hanged at Nuremberg 1.0 would be regarded as a pittance.
How to talk about what they don’t want you to talk about.
Disgrace in the Australian Parliament as MP’s conspire to shut down free speech
Oct 7, 2021
United Australia Party
MPs attempt to silence Craig Kelly MP in Parliament over Australian medical researchers innovation and discovery of uses for Ivermectin.
I find it very hard to watch such attempts to silence those few of our representatives who care enough to ‘rock the boat’ and try to wake up their governmental colleagues.
The reason it is so hard is that I have seen it happen again and again for at least 40 years.
The bribed, or otherwise compromised prat stands up and makes a point of order, while the man who cares about right and wrong is silenced.
In any case, such a vast hall with about five people in it is, in itself, an utter disgrace to democracy.
There is no future in a world-wide system so utterly corrupted.
Only a parallel system which completely ignores it can save us.
High intelligence is not enough. The prat undoubtedly got good high-school grades.
Moral fibre is much harder to test for, but we must try, or we’re sunk.
Yes, the world will not end in fire or ice. It will not end with a bang or a whimper.
It will end on a “Point of Order.”
What is the constant taking on and off of the masks. whats the effing point .
UK energy prices “could” go up 30% shrieks the Fraud.
Does anyone not know how these scams work by now? Prices “only” go up 20% and we consider ourselves lucky. The left call for “help for the needy”. The nearly poor or those who want nothing from the state get screwed. The state scheme turns out to have been useless… or has conditionality attached to further other agendas… or both. The headlines alone psy-op some people into self-rationing their energy use. The warm, fuzzy feeling of ‘saving the planet’ keeps off the cold. The other sort of cold increases, gets called covid and is blamed on the unvaccinated.
None of this has anything to do with the green agenda of course. Green energy magically became as cheap as coal, oil and gas a year or two ago. Rising prices now have nothing to do with that being horseshit.
The curious piece of the jigsaw is Nord Stream 2… how does that fit in? Has the demonisation of Russia all been so that the obvious solution would be unacceptable? Or is fragmenting the West ultimately a major part of the real agenda here?
This is scarier than any Karen screaming “…up over your nose!”
James Corbett wrote about this years ago with regard to the FCC. They will manipulate the “problem” (liberty) so that people will beg for Govt regulation – like that’s a good thing.
I pray that there is a way around this. I am computer illiterate, but are there not some computer geniuses out there who can figure out how we can still stay connected?
The computers are not the problem its the underlying network connectivity.
For instance Chinese dissidents only have some freedom of action due to network points like VPNs external to China.
Once this goes global those things cease to exist for all purposes and you are left with radio/analog comms for long range connectivity a best. Its not really viable for most people even if they wanted to.
I expect that you will only really get global access for approved information sources and all other routing will be limited to localish networks. (its sort of how the internet is put together anyway as its really a network of what are called “Autonomous Systems”). You just firewall/restrict the AS boundaries.
Its a matter of how much effort they decide to put into stopping it.
Encryption is not going to help as its easy to spot and there are current bills to restrict its use. TOR for example was a good research for the US Intel to analyse route tracing in encrypted networks (its what it was for)
A few troublemakers are not a problem in the large and can be used as and when they want.
In the face of tyranny, resistance has always been present.
That’s not going to change.
Too many computer geniuses work for the police State. And, seeing how the police State is a terrorist organization, it can off any sort of real threat to the powerful and privileged who it exists to protect. If it doesn’t off you, then it has other means. Counterrevolution is fun and games for the powerful. The government was able to stab Wikileaks to death with a thousand stabs. It went after it’s head, Julian Assange, and destroyed him. It created and funded Tor so spooks could use it, while selling it to the progressive community (itself infiltrated, subverted, destroyed independent of the attack on Wikileaks) as a way around Big Brother, something, that once the progressive community bought the pitch, allowed the intel community to keep track of progressives. It handled (and funded) Jacob Appelbaum, who was once touted as a replacement for Julian Assange. Jacob’s perverse carnal appetites undid his usefulness to the State. Where is Wikileaks today, in covid 1984? (I asked without knowing details, to be honest. But I’ve heard nothing good and by now I would have if there was something good to hear.) If you visit the Wikileaks website, you’ll see there its promotion of Tor.
Too many people, even ‘good’ people, will do anything for a paycheque, including working for the Satanic wild beast system that is right now burning the world to the ground. I recently met a young man who I trained to work at my site (in security), who listened to all I had to say about covid 19, said very good things about me afterward and then announced that all he wanted to do was be somebody important, like a politician. He ended up being placed elsewhere, because the farm manager was happy with the guard who that ambitious young man was supposed to replace. As for the guard that was supposed to go but didn’t, he’s another nice young man who happens to possess computer smarts, but he’s politically clueless and, worse, doesn’t care. That’s what he proudly announced to me after first telling me that he found it refreshing to work with someone intelligent. I’m intelligent and know what’s going on in covid 1984 and he just doesn’t care and he’s a good person.
The world is ruined. And its time is up.
Yes, and that’s how they get their soldiers to do the killing in foreign lands.
Problem is poverty! People who have a choice will not do that job.
Hope needed in this mindset?
The technical aspects do not matter, if they make it illegal to access anything other than the approved sites then they have closed down free speech on the internet. You could bypass the restrictions but then they will try to murder you as if you are another Assange.
Good article, thank you.
Didn’t at some point Facebook announce that it was hiring journalists to begin its own news services? This might have also angered some people. Not because Facebook would provide independent, impartial or balanced news but because it may become a news agency that is not owned by those who own all other media. Just a thought.
But it IS owned by those who own all other media.
They just stay hidden – or they try to.
Big Media, Big Pharma & Big Tech are owned by the same transnational corporate entities
It should come as no surprise that what I call Big Digital corporations — Google, Apple, Amazon, Facebook, and others — are intimately connected to Big Pharma and the covid vaccine regime.
“Facebook’s fact checker,, is funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which owns 1.8 billion dollars in Johnson & Johnson stock. Google’s parent company, Alphabet Inc., owns the capital investment firm, GV, formerly Google Ventures. GV is one of the institutional investors in the UK firm Vaccitech, the biotech startup behind the Covid-19 vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University.
As the pandemic rolled out in early 2020, Vaccitech was one of the most valuable companies in the portfolio of the university-affiliated Oxford Sciences Innovation, although it had yet to bring a single drug to market. Sequoia Capital, China also invested in Vaccitech during its IPO. Sequoia Capital, meanwhile, is invested in Apple, Google, LinkedIn, Oracle, PayPal, YouTube, and Zoom.
Is it any wonder then that Big Digital corporations censor covid-related content that runs counter to the official vaccine propaganda?”
Earlier l decided not to post this:
They say don’t judge a book be the cover but the moment I saw whistleblower Frances Haugen I noticed her eyes.
She shows no evidence of intimidation or bullying but neither does she seem driven by outrage or desire to set the record straight. There is a hidden agenda.
And now I see:
The Federalist — Facebook ‘Whistleblower’ Was Part Of Election-Meddling Team That Nuked The Hunter Biden Laptop Storyc.
According to The Post Millennial she was on the “civic integrity” election-meddling team and was disappointed that it was folded. That’s when she went to the press.
Also, I think you can judge a robot by its cover.
I seriously wonder whether this girl’s parents had her genetically engineered…
Books are different. No genes they can mess with.
Even in general terms, when I speak of ‘robots’, I’m talking about people who will deliberately imitate anything a machine can do, if it brings them attention and ‘success’.
Maybe they should not have picked the Jimmy Hill chin from the catalogue.
Well spotted! I was wondering where I had seen that before…
Is the picture up top the woman in question? If so, I think you’ve seriously mis-read her eyes.
There is, to put it kindly, a look of somewhat less than 100% sanity – or, given that “sanity” in an insane world is less than 100% desirable, a look of near 100% sanity.
(BTW, a picture is worth 100 interview clips. Pictures capture a single stare, unsoftened by facial expressions.)
Interesting. I intend to use Kit’s article in my next blog post and that story looks like it might make a good ‘related’. But I do think The Federalist is crap.
Problem –reaction—solution.
That old strategy.
Honestly guys, i guess humanity is as its top of stupidity in its whole story.
Always same ways and narratives that suck and stink. But still people believes everything tv says
Wanna leave this planet asap!!🤣
It’s just the media.
Corrupt as hell, and very influential.
But most of us don’t really think like the media, given half a chance.
Great article. The writer’s IQ is obviously much higher than average. Haugen is controlled opposition or fake opposition.
You don’t need a high IQ to spot that. My dog could tell its fake and he has been dead for 10 years.
they can’t even be arsed to leave a few days between the pantomime and the pre-planned media barrage and action. Its all getting so tiresome.
They enjoy knowing there are those of us who see through them but can do nothing about it. I think that’s part of the kick they get from doing what they do. While the lemmings lap up the lies wholesale, our owners know there are those of us who see their bullshit. It’s a way for them to say Fuck You to us. Here’s hoping someday we get to return that favor.
It’s all theatre
Facebook will get what it wants. She’s just as much a phoney as Zuckaborg.
Gray State – The movie that had to die
Very close to home… :-((
Facebook belongs to
who are partners of
Destruction of on-line anonymity is the goal. Scan that retina or give that finger/palm print to log in! A “public interest” internet would be an apparently benevolent way of selling that because users would need to prove location.
You’ll note that Apple ships a keyboard with an inbuilt fingerprint reader (not new I know). This ‘allows’ you to login/authenticate via a fingerprint… How long do you think it will be before you are to authenticate a browser session and keep authenticating it whilst in use? maybe the warmth (read: biometric) of the finger and fingerprint itself will be a method of authenticating web-traffic and the logging of usage?
a unique identifier
“Choosing profits over safety” hmm that rings a bell, remind
We are witnessing the governmentalization of private companies. They even want a seat at the UN table! The goal of neoliberalism has always been to dissolve the sovereign nation-state so that central banks and megacorporations could officially rule the world… except that people are leaving those megacities that are supposed to replace countries, NYC for example, and the popularity of MMT has strengthened the desire to reclaim the State from corporate control to restore fiscal authority and investment in public purpose.
“In a libertarian society, there is no commons or public space. There are property lines, not borders. When it comes to real property and physical movement across such real property, there are owners, guests, licensees, business invitees, and trespassers — not legal and illegal immigrants.”
~ Jeff Deist, president of the Mises Institute
So, end nation-states, borders, Constitutions, environmental protections, citizenship itself. They want a world of Owners and Others…. who will own nothing. Their solution to getting us to own nothing is to introduce CBDCs (central bank digital currency) that is PROGRAMMABLE, meaning it can decide for you what you can or more importantly, cannot buy.
If there is anything that needs regulation around here, it’s unfettered capitalism. Be like Poland, who fines Big Tech from censorship and even shadow-banning.
Great article here, though I think that Matt Ehret gives China and Russia too much of a glowing endorsement, especially if both are on board for a global digital currency system. Whitney Webb and James Corbett discuss the intertwining interests between China and Wall St here. But at least they still have their robust public sector in tact, which is the only way society can prosper and thrive.
How about Build Back Bottler! Old Jo Bo has lost his, if he ever had any to start with. Build Back Bollocks.
Since around 2001, UN has accepted the very largest businesses as direct participants under the guise of “Global Compact”.
They may actually bring down F book. Despite Yuckerberg’s great censorship efforts, stuff leaks through if momentarily. You have 30,000 poison prick victims joining a page. Yuckerberg’s censors move in quickly and shut it down, but not before readers have a look. That’s what happens when people are allowed to post online. Why let people post at all ? They have been shutting down forums for years. To the banksters Thoughtcrime is intolerable, regardless of how powerless the mind that hosts it.
Two points; 1. If Zuckerberg’s hypocrisy in regard to vaccine hesitancy can be out there for everyone to see, which it is thanks to Project Veritas, then not much that he does will lead to his rejection 2. Members of the predator/parasite class don’t mind that we know that they are criminals. In fact, glory that is unseen isn’t glory. The predator-parasites therefore engage in this balancing act where they make sure that we see that it is they who are destroying and abusing us, but they try to not go over a line that ‘might’ result in their incarceration. Sometimes individual members screw up and do go over the line and do get trapped in their own injustice system. For every Kenneth Lay who goes to jail, there are a million capitalist scammers out there making the world a darker, more dangerous place (while idiots yammer about communism).
Social intercourse once took place in pubs, canteens, cafes, street corners and at the dining room table. People agreed/disagreed, argued and sometimes fought. Move all that onto a digital ethernet platform and comments get amplified if only because a physical presence is absent and everyone and its dog has a phone. Less chance of a fist in the face.
Choose what to listen to, research what is claimed. Not many do that, they would rather go with the flow whether it’s lies or truth. Take responsibility for what you share and believe.
In one of his talks, Alan Watt (RIP) remembers his childhood in Britain and how he used to accompany his parents to the park or wood on weekends where people gathered over cups of coffee or beer or a bite to discuss social, economic and political matters, before TV was introduced; the park seemed alive with heated debates of all kinds of interesting matters. Then, TV came and the park was deserted overnight, as people prefered to gather around the “fascinating box”, and how impressive it was to see the flickering lights through the windows every evening.
He often talked about how “disengaged from our destiny” we’ve become.
yes, indeed: miss Mr. Watt’s prescient and poignant commentary on the events of the world! May he rest in peace!! RGB-Y1 out!!
I say it all the time; Television is one of the biggest weapons in the arsenal of the iconic 1% in their war against the people (aka counterrevolution). There is more than one catastrophe going down right now. Covid 1984, a huge catastrophe that can be called World War III, depended, for its success, on the dumbed down nature of most of the planet’s population. And how did that happen? Answer: largely via addiction to corporate media. That message formed the content of my first of over 180 blog posts on covid 19.
More than two millennia of planning and plotting made convid 1984 possible. The creation of the monotheic religions, Columbus, colonialism, the opium trade, the printing press, newspapers, book publishing, radio, television, propaganda, wars, addictive substances, the mobile phone. The extreme centralisation of power with the central bankers, constant assassinations and other psyops. A relatively informal internet was allowed to grow and then brutally taken over and censored.
Well, yes, but the internet was not brutally taken over. It was literally handed over to the private sector for free during the Reagan years when privatization became a State religion. Yasha Levine covers it in “Surveillance Valley.” Tax dollars helped created the internet and then, without discussion (which is nothing new) they up and handed the whole freaking thing to the private sector, namely the tech startups that are today’s Silicon Valley, fascist, titans.
“In 1995, the National Science Foundation officially retired the NSF-NET, handing control of the Internet to a handful of private network providers that it had created less than a decade earlier. There was no vote in Congress on the issue. There was no public referendum or discussion. It happened by bureaucratic decree, and Stephen Wolff’s government-funded privatized design of the network made the privatization seem seamless and natural.” – page 127 of “Surveillance Valley”
Exactly! Without decades of TV consumption, – about a whole generation – we would never be witnessing the level of compliance and madness we are witnessing today.
There was a lot of objections against TV around the 60s with studies pointing to the state of physical and mental passivity – maybe a novelty at that time because even listening to radio or reading (to read is to “radar”, to guess, as McLuhan would say) involve active mental participation – implied in the normal use of that device because of the kind of technology involved; and specially the effects on children. There were also objections against trains when they were first used for human transport, like the dizziness they were supposed to produce in people looking through the windows. But we seem ok with trains and with many inventions, but not so with some others.
So the issue is not, I think, with the TV or the smartphone or the radio or the Internet per se, but with the idea of Progress as an ideology adopted by the liberal way of thinking which in turn is the framework for the historical development of Capital. Because, progress in all fields is just the expression of human intelligence and inventiveness and which, left to itself, would be self-limiting and self-correcting (like everything in nature; here the 6 questions that Neil Postman suggests pondering about before adopting any technology comes to mind) but Progress within the capitalist mode of production is the issue; Progress as the expression of the revolutionary “logic” of Capital is the issue. And both we, who have to earn a living, and the capitalist class are victims of that “logic” (I know it isn’t very popular to say that but that’s my current view). Our enemy are not people of flesh and blood; our enemy is a machine of which we are all cogs and which lives off our human qualities; few are large (the 1%) and many are small (us) but all of us participate in the functioning of the infernal mechanism: Every time we buy or sell; every time we use banking services; every time money is exchanged in any way, we give the machine a little push to keep going.
Most of the world population need to voluntarily retire from the system for it to stop operating. Then, the large cogs won’t be able to make it function. What does it take for that to happen? Who knows?
“So the issue is not, I think, with the TV or the smartphone or the radio or the Internet per se…”
Agreed. There are two issues, connected to a larger issue (that I, and others, call the Issue of Universal Sovereignty).
The problem with tv is primarily the people who produce the content for it, which doesn’t mean that if those bad people weren’t there, there wouldn’t still be a problem. Snack foods (healthy ones) are bad for you – if they replace proper meals. Take out the bad content of tv but live a balanced life where tv was not at the center of it, and you’ve made progress. With pharma-funded tv, the content producers are bad people, by and large, and so the content is like Twinkies, or mercury, for the brain. Tech isn’t automatically bad, but, as with tv, if they people behind it don’t care…
As well, as limited, imperfect – and, for now, on our own – creatures, we can’t know everything that we need to know. Mix into that fact, and the situation that it leads to – mercury was once prescribed by doctors! – the fact that, again, too many people don’t care about how they do business (for which reasons people like Tony Fauci are happy to distract us away from toxins in the environment [produced by too free capitalists; aka neoliberal capitalism] and see instead only germs [useless germ theory]) and you get an evil stew. Not all tech is good in other words. Because we are on our own, we learn lessons, often, the hard way. TV might not be dangerous tech, putting aside the content makers, but other tech (smart phones) can be. But, in this world (temporary), powerful special interests profit (within a money system that itself is an innovation that has to go) off of their clever inventions and for both ego reasons and the real reason that everyone needs a job, they ensure that their ‘advances’ are incorporated into society, embraced and there for them to profit off of.
I’m encouraged by the way you said what I said, but in different words. I believe in God. I don’t know whether you do. But, I think a lot more people are going to survive Armageddon, which is right around the corner, than some think.
Correction: Rather than a machine of which we are all cogs, our enemy in my view would be a certain way of thinking that drives us to serve a machine; the way of thinking that favours dead thigs over live things, the way of thinking that makes a commodity out of everything, and reifies the human.
Alan Watt also described in minute detail everything happening today. And he described it all many, many years ago. Brilliant man. I miss him. But I listen to him nearly every day, still.
He was. I remember at the time of the Q thing, for which I’m ashamed to admit I fell miserably all the way to the US elections, I found Alan very pessimistic in his views about Trump, saying that he, Trump, won’t be able to do a thing against the medical dictatorship… I was brainwashed and didn’t know.
Iain Davis reports on findings of a UK Statistician delving into ONS/Health Authority data
TLDR: “we can legitimately state that the evidence shows that there is no pandemic.”
All of those paying even minimal attention could legitimately say that there was no pandemic ever since the hoaxsters started making that claim. In addition, What does ‘pandemic’ mean when the WHO changed the definition of pandemic in 2009? But I’m going to check that article out. Thanks.
In late 2014 five elderly women I know died within 3 months or each other.
My mother, our next door neighbor, a friends aunt, the same friends mother, and another mother I had known for years.
Boomboomboom. I was running from one wake to the next. They died of heart disease, alzheimers, pneumonia.
No one called it a pandemic.
Definitely suspicious. The CIA/NSA/FBI getting into the whistleblower game. If they weaken the US & co anymore the CPC’s China & co will win soon morally, next in the field.
REVEALED: Facebook ‘whistleblower’ was part of team that censored Hunter Biden laptop story
Exactly. A real US whitleblower has to hide abroad, not be the star in a 1 hour US TV show.
Get a grip and stop listening to the morons. China is not doing anything.
The west is being destroyed form the inside.
“The CIA/NSA/FBI getting into the whistleblower game”.
Like it’s anything new? It goes back at least as far as Daniel Ellsberg whose ‘Pentagon Papers’ (oh look, a PP again – which is 77 in gematria , like Flight 77 or 7/7) shifted all the blame for Vietnam on to the DoD and away from the CIA when the war was in truth a CIA war from day one. Funny also how Chelsea Manning just happens to become a vehicle for transgenderism straight after becoming a celebrity whistleblower.
BTW on the subject of the CIA and Vietnam, the story of the Nugan Hand Bank is worth looking into. One of the bank’s founders Michael Hand was ex-Phoenix Programme. The bank’s collapse in many ways was a forerunner of BCCI, only worse because Nugan ended up dead (“suicide” in dubious circumstances) and a politician who was on to them was assassinated. Along with the revelations about MK ULtra there, it’s clear Australia has been a cesspool for a long time and the recent insanity didn’t come out of nowhere.
And the people running Operation Phoenix ran the anti-Castro and drug-running in southeast Asia and show up all over the JFK assassination, and well into Iran Contra I believe.
Like Danny Casolaro alluded to, before he was suicided, it’s an Octupus with tentacles that reach everywhere.
Well, Yes. The one prime minister who they had who showed solidarity with his people, rather than powerful special interests, was removed. Gough Whitlam makes an appearance in a Metanoia film where the story of his removal is told. I’m saddened to see Scott use a plug from John Stauber (a progressive who went over to the dark side). That was Australia’s high point. It was all downhill from there.
Why come with new regulation for all (small) animals when one or two known Mammoths trample around? Suspicious. This is what voters should ask their elected representatives.
Existing monopoly rulers should be enforced like they were against AT&T.
Reformist authoritarian zealots are attracted to “nits make lice” thinking.
Stage-managed, indeed! We live in an age of stage-managed ‘opportunities’. If only people would zoom out.
Did you just say this was Facebooks Pearl Harbour moment, a moment to get more jiggy with Government?
It’s like the Pandora papers, with the face of Putin all over the place, and not one iota of evidence that he’s guitly of anything.
Shocked, I tell you……
Panama Papers M2. Front page, why Putin of course!
FaceBook and Google should never have been allowed to buy the competition.
Back in 1980, the Anti-Trust court barred GE, biggest company at that time, from buying all of EMI Medical, their main competitor in CT scanners.
Now they just wave any concerns away, and the minnows such as Instagram, Youtube etc just take the money!
‘Capitalism tends to a monopoly’ Who said that?
Capitalism died in the 70s with the last untethering of restricted money foundations. The globalist complex does not give a damn about capital or profit, its way past that requirement.
Harking on about the something about as real today as the boer war and cavalry tactics against infantry is going to get you steamrolled in a blitzkrieg, and that is what they are doing.
Excuse me if this has been mentioned before.
It’s really very simple. If she was a genuine whistleblower she would have been immediately demonised, her past discretions would have been all over social media and then she would be cancelled forever – or legal action would initiated to destroy her totally.
I read what she had to say and when I got to her complaint that Facebook allowed the January “insurrection” to be organised then I decided it all stunk to high heaven. I then ignored the rest of the performance.
I read to the “need more censorship” part, gave an indignant snort, and moved on.
Really obvious, isn’t it, when you think about it?
I bet she did well at school.
But intelligence has nothing to do with it.
If you know how to be ‘the right sort of person’, you get whatever you want from other people who also know how to be the right sort of person.
A never-ending merry-go-round of brainless riders on brainless horses…
How do we survive…?
Why do we still care…?
Perhaps simply because we know they don’t want us to.
D-d-did’ya hear about the SPIKE PROTEIN ADDICTS: Covid vaccine junkies are lying about being unvaccinated so they can get extra booster shots.
This is what Facebook has done to people’s minds. It’s not the schools: they didn’t keep up, dumbed us down. But social media took us into Jim Jones cult territory.
New York Magazine’ Benjamin Hart is suffering product envy.
He got the Jan𝖘𝖘en shot. Only it doesn’t come with boosters and he feels he’s been cheated.
He complains of “the small size of our cohort” and declining reviews of the single-dose injections.
“And despite being in real need of some direction, it has often felt as if we’ve been cast out of the pandemic narrative altogether – like we’re the Generation X of vaccine recipients.”
He’s got FOMO (fear of missing out) which is a psychological disorder that Facebook, Instagram etc play upon to drive clicks and influence people.
Hart must keep up with the Joneses when it comes to rooster boosters and he doesn’t care about warnings or any medical research (see Marek’s disease) that goes against his need to belong.
He wants it and he wants it now.
Hart apparently really, really wants a booster shot but is unable to get one. So, he and others like him “have taken matters into our own hands and sought out bootleg boosters at pharmacies by pretending to be unvaccinated.”
Boy oh boy oh boy, where the fuck are we???
It’s like the story of the woman who insisted on being tested and retested until she eventually proved positive. She just “felt” she had the deadly bug. Of course she felt this. The media kept banging on about it. And anyone who had the slightest cough or fancied they felt hot would start panicking. If they were dumb enough. And therein lies the beauty of it. It’s not necessarily true that most people are dumb. But some are. And they are the ones who make the biggest noise. And the media are willing to give them the highest profile. All the media has to do is put the idea out and wait for the most moronic fish to take the bait.
Ah, the magic of the self-fulfilling prophecy!
Exactly right. Corporate media spotlights the fringe behaviors because the normal behaviors don’t engage viewers/listeners/readers**. Because these fringe behaviors get spotlighted repeatedly, more and more people become convinced that the fringe actually is the norm.
**and that’s the best case scenario…more likely it’s part of a broader controlled agenda. Corporate media is a cancer either way.
Munchausen syndrome writ large.
Thanks Moneycircus. I got into a discussion where I do my exercise…a senior citizen I know vaguely told me he has had both shots, and can’t wait for his booster. He is pro medical apartheid of course ( I think he wanted me out of the area as I am one of the filthy unvaxxed). I asked him about children and he said they spread the disease so need to be vaccinated. I attempted to explain how all of these things are a very bad idea and wrong. His reply, ”Such a large conspiracy is impossible…the world’s best minds and experts are all 100% in agreement…this is all being done for our collective good, to keep us safe…only selfish people think otherwise”. This guy then went on to rant about how ‘woke’ The Guardian is. I just gave up.
Regarding this chap Hart, I guess he won’t have FOMO for much longer. It will no longer be an issue for the poor unfortunate.