17 Covid-Skeptic Memes to Get You Through the Day – Part 11
Kim Usbourne
Well, hello there! Long time no see. Off-G has returned from some much-needed R&R and is back kicking ass and taking names.
What better way to begin than with some dank and spicy Monday Morning MemesTM!? (‘spicy’ and ‘dank’ are two slang descriptors for memes used by internet-savvy people – ed)
I watched Blown Away recently, a glass-blowing TV competition on Netflix. Season one was released in 2019 and featured a contestant creating a glass ‘shared breath’ sculpture designed to allow two random strangers to experience inhaling each other’s breath. How times change indeed…
Perhaps we could use plastic straws to aim our breath more directly at the candle flames? That’d outwit the dastardly Rona! Oh wait, the environment…
And thank heavens that deadly air turned out to be so easy to contain using paper!
Truck driver shortages. Food shortages. Common sense shortages. Shortages everywhere…
I really could’ve used one of these last time I went on facebook:
“Where have all the flu deaths gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the flu deaths gone?
Long time ago.”
We really are in the Twilight Zone…
I don’t always make fascism puns, but when I do…
Damn it, Bob, sort your life out!
Kids these days, what will they think of next?
But you can count on schools to set them straight…
I’ve put on 20 lbs since this debacle began, just because I’ve got such a tiny head.
I’ve always been an enterprising individual, but I just dooon’t have the power to make sense of all this!
If the New Normal could publish a schedule I could at least get my fitness regime locked in. I read 2030 somewhere, but I’m not sure that’s an end date….
But you gotta keep hold of some aspirations!
We just have to take it a day at a time and keep reminding ourselves…
Oh, and meanwhile it’s finally been confirmed…
I hope you had a chuckle this morning, and if you haven’t seen them already, we have another 10 previous meme listicles on the site for you to binge! I’ll be back with more memes before you know it. So long!
PS. Here’s an entirely unrelated but nonetheless hilarious Bonus MemeTM!
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Comments are now open. Enjoy!
Admin Team
I admit that did infact experience some withdrawal…
So did I! Thanks for the hit!
sooooo glad you’re back. hope you had a good respite.
With the restart of the blog, I notice that the up and down arrows are no longer at the bottom of the comments. Is this a “new feature,” do I have the settings wrong on my laptop, or have I been relegated to second class status? Thanks.
Pardon my butting in. I haven’t checked for updates, but in passing replies to similar inquiries the mods have stated that they are experimenting with temporarily removing voting because of alleged abuse.
AFAIK, they haven’t elaborated upon the criteria being used to evaluate the experimental removal.
But one of the mods– I don’t keep track of which is which– thinks they’re a juvenile distraction, and good riddance to them (I paraphrase), which implies that the result of the “experiment” has already been determined.
I’m in the “keep the voting function” camp, so I’m disappointed. But then, beggars can’t be choosers! 🙁
And this one from Ben Garrison is a total classic LOL.
Welcome to “Planet Joe’s Town”
Got this from the “Bad Catitude” site. 15 ways to tell if you are in an abusive relationship. Oh, phew! This is just about abusive relationships!
For a minute there, i thought it was a new public health plan…
Moriarty was the sinister presence behind all the wickedness that appalled Mr Holmes.
Ossie bin Liner and his mate Al Keider was the mysterious evil-duo who threated the American Empire.
Everyone knows it was a small cabal of union extremists in the 1970s that caused all the problems.
Christianity has “The Devil”, Big Brother has Goldstein… Today it’s The Deep State…
The Bio-Security State offers “Security” and uses insecurity as its weapon to get you to embrace it.
“Sand in the gas-tank.”
……. is an apt description of the covid medical experiments…
For some: the sand quickly makes its way to the engine and either stuffs it about, or gums it up proper…
For others: the engine is rather robust, so a second, then maybe even a third thimble of sand (called a “booster shot”) is needed….Meanwhile, you visit a mechanic who mis-diagnoses the sand in your system and prescribes various fuel additives to hopefully help your motor purr again.)…
Eventually the sand will bring to a halt even the strongest motor…
(A rather clever way to get rid of those pesky air-polluting, resource-guzzling motor cars, dont you think ?)…
Some Resistance
Thousands Protest Vaccine Mandates, Call for Health Freedom at New York City Rally Featuring Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. • Children’s Health Defense (childrenshealthdefense.org)
Those Are Great . . . 🙂
Hilarious! Some really good ones. See what a bit of a rest can do? 🤣
I liked the old system of giving votes. They were always uncannily accurate. They gave you a sense of where you you were right and where you were just wrong. The best comment I wrote got the biggest vote. I felt it as I wrote it.
I agree. The shills will now no longer feel the heat.
Same here.
I’m with you.
There’s a place somewhere in western europe that, some years ago, removed most road signs and, especially, traffic lights… It was an experiment which confirmed many accidents occur because drivers had become passively reliant on other drivers obeying the road signs and signals… The absence of signs and signals forced drivers to be alert and attentive to what others were doing….
Just after i turned 72 last year i finally submitted and got myself one of these PC gadgets, got to learn the basics on how to use them at a Seniors Program at the local library…. And months later tested the water by sending a comment to Offguardian, one of the daily sites i found interesting. But even then it was months before i realised what those uptick thingies were about…
And those ticks became addictive and distractive… Their drawback was “did i really want to know that so many agreed with me while comments i thought would stir the wasps didnt even get any downvotes ?”
So who is the Clever Mutt who invented ‘+1’ or ‘-1’ ?
It was in the Netherlands, as I recall.
My source: Harper’s Magazine December 2012… And “yes. You’re right.” It was in The Netherlands… Drachten, The Netherlands. The idea was first thought of / implemented in 2003… I kept a photocopy of the piece. I thought the description of people’s behaviour when no Signs of Authority are around was interesting. Have never come across any other mentions of the experiment…
Rereading the article reminds me of how Work To Rule campaigns by workers in The Old Days were very effective in achieving their goals, whereas strikes often didnt…(They also stopped meddling union officials acting “on their behalf”. making deals with Management.)…
Have wondered at times how much chaos would ensue if all drivers obeyed Every traffic rule… Such a tactic could be included in the arsenal for civil disobedience campaigns…
Me too why did they drop it?
It’s obvious. Downvoting a comment is vicious hate speech.
And upvoting a comment is white privilege.
I like the new system as long as I get my participation award. All commenters are equal and none are more equal than others.
I love the memes.
Some of them really made me laugh. Of course I’ll be sharing some at my place
So, thanks!
I found this on the internet somewhere. To someone who was awake in about 1974 when I seriously got into the coup in Chile whilst at university and later listened to Philip Agee talk about how he and a CIA friend smuggled suitcases of dollars over the Argentina/Chile border to fund the truck driver’s strike that crippled Chile and led to the coup of 9/11 in 1973 how could I ever be normal again?
A message to the awake from an unknown author..
“To all my friends out there who know what’s really going on… To all my conspiracy theorist friends… Yes, sometimes it’s a curse and not always a blessing to be awake.
Awakening is the most liberating, alienating, excruciating, empowering, lonely, confusing, freeing, frightening, expansive journey.
If you find yourself struggling as you try to process all this insanity, you are not alone.
No one talks about the darkness that accompanies awakening, or the grief. Not only grieving the life and illusions you once had, but the realization that almost everything you thought you once knew, is a lie. The beliefs you’ve held, people you’ve trusted, principles you were taught- all lies.
Shattering illusions is rarely an enjoyable experience. There is a considerable amount of discomfort that comes with growth and the grieving process doesn’t stop there. With these newfound realizations, you then find yourself grieving all over again. Grieving for our children, knowing all too well the broken world they are inheriting. Grieving the loss of many relationships with people who just don’t “get it.”
Please know you are not alone, and not only are you not alone, you have an entire tribe standing with you. We may be separated by miles, but we are deeply connected; in purpose and in spirit.”
Please stop posting random nonsense you found on the internet.
Well either I’m turning schizo or someone else is posing as me. I never posted this remark.
Thanks for that.I thought I was alone in my grief.Sometimes though I do wish I never went down the rabbit hole, ignorance is bliss as they say.
There’s an African proverb which says: Ignorance Kills!
Wonderful post. I wanted to click like, but the option was not available.
Awesome, thanks I needed that.
Thank you for posting that. I was beginning to think it was just me that was feeling the grief with the more I learn and find out.
Absolutely! But strangely I’m no longer afraid of anything – just very curious. Watching the coronavirus act being passed yesterday for another six months without them even bothering to vote and with the baying and derision of the MPs so clearly laughing at us, I felt the tipping point is very close. They either know they’ve won or suspect that nothing they do now will make a blind bit of difference. But apart from one other person I know, no one seems to care. It’s all so strange.
Again from the Elmer piece, after he describes how the Western Left no longer has any connection to any real Left but has become totally neutered and co-opted by neoliberal ideology,:
“If, in order to describe their opposition to the biosecurity state, someone accuses it of being ‘communist’, they would not be wrong in attributing similarly totalitarian forms of surveillance and control to both past and present states that described and still describe themselves as communist. And while I would disagree with them that, because of the inherent authoritarianism of communism, this is the inevitable fate of all communist societies, it is their opposition to totalitarianism and authoritarianism, and not their understanding of communism, that unifies us. We are today facing something comparable to the rise of fascism a hundred years ago, and we need to form something equivalent to the Popular Front of the 1930s to oppose its so-far-unimpeded conquests. Unfortunately, instead of being faced with the merely Herculean task of uniting the constitutive organisations of the Left into a new popular front to oppose the neo-fascism of the biosecurity state, it is the organisations and ideologies of the UK Left itself that we must oppose and overthrow. If anyone can doubt it any longer, it is the capitalist state in its latest formation that threatens the freedoms of the British people; and which party sits in its seat of Government makes little difference to the biosecurity apparatus it now wields.”
That too was a good section, as well as the first sentence of the next paragraph, in which he invokes historical materialism.
Wow, you posted a long quote by somebody else. Why not include the whole book, novel-lips?!
Interesting comment by someone I don’t know.
Meanwhile, Obama has officially stepped in and taken over at the White House, or so it may seem. It had been suspected all along that he was running the show from behind the scenes but now that he will be representing the United States at the Climate Change meeting, it has become obvious. John Kerry has been calling around trying to figure out who he reports to. Is it Biden or Obama? Can’t wait til he finds out it is actually Klaus Schwab and the “Oligarch Gang”. “Shut the door”! No, “Reset the door”.
I thank Jeffery Strahl for bringing this article to my attention. I think it deserves the widest audience. It’s from Simon Elmer who thankfully has dropped all disparaging talk of “conspiracy theory” and now tells it like it is.
This bit is particularly to the point:
“Our greatest strength is in the failure of UK politics to divide those of us resisting the biosecurity state into Left and Right, which has no bearing on the reasons for our collective resistance. Both Left and Right are unified, as never before, in imposing biosecurity regulations and programmes on the British people and, indeed, the populations of the world. Rather than forming a broad Left Lockdown Sceptics movement, my wish — and I believe our only hope — is to form a unified but decentralised opposition that is not sceptical of the necessity or efficacy of coronavirus-justified programmes and restrictions, but knows that the biosecurity state has been built on their lies.”
Another good segment. Thanks.
“Let’s Go Brandon!”
I know most commenters are in the UK, but this meme has taken off in Canada.
When Branch Covidians do their dive-by disgust at my business I do the cheer
“Let’s Go Brandon!” CLAP, CLAP; CLAP CLAP CLAP!
A regime a narrative a company or an Empire cannot be built on lies,It will cease to exist it will fail the house of cards will fall because only truth can prevail.
I’m really waiting for that, there’s a WHOLE lot of really really bad people got some really serious karma to face over the last 2 – or 5 – or 20 – or 50 – or 100 – or – well LOT of years, I sure hope I’m still around when their house of lies finally falls ….
Priceless, Kim. Several ironic chuckles obtained.
That video is a gold mine of memes. I created a number from it and now don’t know where the heck I put them on my computer. Do you have a link to the video?
Thank you!
Wise saying by Jung. It is really the crux of the problem, what Lukashenko called “Coronapsychosis” a year and a half ago. Of course, it’s fueled into an inferno by crisis actors and mystery shoppers on the dole of the Bigs.
The human immune system becomes a “conspiracy theory.” Good one!
Welcome back to the nightmare, Off-G!
Yes, But your immune system is really just you being in good health. There’s no distinct system.
There’s a defense system, not an immune system.
Stop starting arguments, OK?
Buzz off.
Hey Arby: That wasn’t me that posted that “argument” comment. Compare the avatars. Evidently, I’m now the victim of identity theft!
Admins: Anything to be done about this?
Acknowledged. That was nasty.
ooo arby being polite!! nice …
Have you taken off the thumbs?Or am I in another dimension.
+2 or +20 ? or more ?
“God i miss the Good Old Days !”
“You dont know wot chew got ’til its gone !”
“Yesterday is a Myth !”, anyway…
“They paused Off-G
And took away the voting system…”
We are all in the Twilight Zone.
Or ‘Squid Game.’ Damned normies are even buying those stupid numbered tracksuits for Halloween!
Thanks OG and also all the comments.
Yes.thanks all.
Very interesting item from Left Lockdown Sceptics. https://leftlockdownsceptics.com/2021/10/contributions-from-18-september-part-5-simon-elmers-critique/#comment-37680 “As in so much about the terminology of the Left, the idea of ‘scepticism’ — which has been widely adopted by those on the Left who are opposed to at least some of the regulations and programmes of the UK biosecurity state — undermines the accurate understanding of the ‘present state of things’ that a real movement must abolish. ‘Scepticism’ describes an attitude that may have been advisable — it is one I myself shared — in the first few months of the coronavirus crisis; but it is completely inadequate as an attitude 18 months into this revolution in monopoly capitalism. There is no justification for being sceptical about what has repeatedly been shown to be the vast wall of lies on which the biosecurity state has been built, from medically meaningless health ‘measures’ to unfit-for-purpose testing regimes, to the wildly inaccurate criteria for attributing deaths to COVID-19, to the impact and dangers of lockdowns, to the medical and political consequences of the UK ‘vaccination’ programme. An intelligent child is sceptical when told Father Christmas brings him gifts; only a foolish and gullible adult remains sceptical of the same. Anyone who remains a lockdown ‘sceptic’ 18 months into this revolution has either ignored, or failed to inform themselves with, the vast evidence proving that Father Christmas is a story for children and the Pandemic a creation of those it has placed into positions of immense power. The better comparison, therefore, is with God, for whom the figure of Father Christmas tends to stand in theological debates; for, like COVID-19, the existence of God is a moot point when there is so little evidence of the existence of either. What is not in doubt, however, is the financial, political and ideological power of the COVID-Church that, in the name of this manufactured God, demands absolute obedience from the faithful and absolute damnation for unbelievers. Whether or not one believes in God or the Pandemic, only advocates of authoritarian, absolute and unquestioning rule believe either justifies the… Read more »
Thank you for that link. And indeed it is now getting to the point where the word “sceptic” which I myself still use is pathetically inadequate and even misleading. This word gives too much credence to the covid narrative. It suggests that we are still debating the matter – as if there was something to debate. There isn’t. This is war. And I wonder how Philip Roddis would react to that well deserved and unambiguous calling out of the covid tale as indeed a new religion with a new fanaticism. I am going to quote this article at the top of this OG comment thread because I think it deserves the widest audience.
I sometimes use the word “realist” (borrowed from the Climate World).
But that seems inadequate most of the time.
Oh, I don’t know. I think we could use a little scepticism toward germ theory. Odd that there is virtually none within the anti-covid 1984 camp. I don’t buy germ theory at all. I hope that that doesn’t get me executed by my side. But there it is.
What, a bit of RNA wrapped in protein that isn’t alive, isn’t motive and has never been witnessed to do anything outside a cell doesn’t make us drop dead!
Are you anti-science or something?
Germ theory is irrelevant and only sidelines the issue which is that covid is bullshit.
The key point is that this virus has not been proven to exist. The overall germ theory/terrain theory debate is indeed pretty irrelevant.
It seems to me that whether covid exists or not is not the issue. The issue is whether it is the world apocalyptic plague it has been built up to be. Which is clearly guff.
But one could argue that if “the virus exists” story is kept alive, the perps can come back in the future with a story of “a much more deadly variant,” which would seem sketchy if the original story were challenged.
Indeed, viruses, scraps of DNA/RNA exist, but are they making us poorly? My favoured explanation is that there is a flu-like disease, the sniffles, which is not particularly serious, and them there are the spiky bits which may or may not be bumping off the very old and very infirm. It is quite probable that if it were not for the panic these deaths would have gone unremarked.
Aussie figures:
From Day 1, the only thing revealed about the threat was the “spiky bits”. No authority has claimed to have any virus specimen or other evidence. Multiple universities/institutes have shown the spiky bits to spread all over the body of victims and to cause all the damage. They are also in every one of the jabs.
What killed the old and infirm in the UK was midazolam which is why sufficient stocks were bought up by Hancock in advance of the lockdown. Many elderly people in hospital for different reasons were moved into care homes in March 2020 where the end-of-life ‘medication’ could be administered. Thousands died and in so doing created a pandemic.
That’s certainly one aspect, one highly crucial aspect, of the problem.
However, the issue of whether the alleged virus/disease exists, and the separate wider issue of “germ theory” can hardly be said to be totally irrelevant.
Unfortunately, in practical politics, it seems most unlikely that one would win any arguments with those who matter by starting off telling them that the whole basis for the so-called pandemic, and the world’s reaction to it, is completely without foundation.
I don’t agree.
I got the sense the author (Simon Elder) shares your/my perspective.
Germ theory has nothing to do with Covid. Covid is or is not a virus, not a microbe. And “germs” clearly do exist and one can suppose that not all are benign. The saner of the anti-germers merely argue that if we were healthy we could co-exist.
I don’t quite put it in those exact terms Arby, but I tend to side more with your position than any other. Prior to covid, and prior to discovering David Crowe’s website & podcast, I didn’t doubt the existence of viruses; however, I had assumed most were harmless, unless a person was already unhealthy (typically through poor nutrition), in which they got an opportunity to take hold.
David Crowe’s work made me look at the whole subject in a new light and from a different point of view. Then in his wake were people like Andrew Kaufman and Thomas Cowan. And independently, Stefan Lanka, whom David had interviewed in the past, quite a few years before “covid”. A lot, maybe most of David’s work was done in the field of HIV/AIDS, but he’s also looked (sceptically) at “SARS1”, and other alleged viral diseases. So when “covid” came along, well, basically he saw it coming. So I give him credit for being the first “covid sceptic” (certainly the first that I knew about) although he was by no means the only one.
I still have an open mind about bacteria, although I am nowadays fairly sure they don’t “work” in the way that mainstream medical “science” tells us. Kaufman & Cowan have some interesting things to say about bacteria, but I’d have to read / listen to them again.
“In order to sell the Scamdemic ‘BIG LIE’ the corporate fascist eugenicist propagandists have to silence and suppress the voices of honest science…
… sow fear and panic among WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity) and divert us with other crimes they intend to commit…
… such as genital mutilation of the young, which is a HORRENDOUS CRIME.”
“Better yet. If one does not buy the Scamdemic ‘BIG LIE’ propaganda ones odds of dying from the Billy Eugenics toxic viral cull juice Euthanasia Death Shot DNA/RNA gene experiment are ZERO.”
“The more breaths in the face diaper one makes…
… the more MOOLAH Billy Eugenics off shore Cayman Island bank account gets! Cull, Cull, Cull, Enslave, Enslave, Enslave. $$$.”
“The Ivermectin Segment Of Covid 19 Myths Part 3”
Ivermectin was invented by Merck (they of Viox) which is a pretty good reason to avoid it.
It was one of the mysteries of the pandemic how Merck were outside the profit loop. However they are apparently leading “the race to a covid pill” so their ker-ching is about to arrive.
Merck cancelled its project to develop 2 vaccines, saying it was safer to get infected and recover.
Welcome back.
“Victoria Becomes The First Australian State To Ban Unvaxxed MPs From Parliament… This Member of Parliament Had A Few Words To Say About It… ”
Nice one from Twitter:
And the healthy have to be reviled and demonised for not being sick or wanting to get sick
That’s good. I should use it. I’d have to qualify it though. I don’t promote germ theory.
I have a cunning method of bypassing the spam and holding pens but forgot to use it in my enthusiasm for re-joining OffG. Naturally the pending piranha pounced. So I resubmitted my post. Thus there is duplication. Sorry. Please delete one.
Re: OffG’s downtime, if a week is a long time in politics then it’s no time at all in Covidland. Nor for that matter is a month, nor a year, nor a decade. Covid’s first casualty was time itself. All was foretold in Spring 2020 and nothing has changed since.
And nothing can change for as long as you are under the impression that the covid narrative has any content beyond providing a diversion to shunt the entire public off to one side and, as it were, put them in cold storage while the reset gets underway.
The only part of this covidspeak that has any bearing on actual events is the stuff that attempts to deal with the backlash i.e. that attempts to counter the inevitable rise of scepticism and resistance. These attempts are accumulating and growing increasingly hysterical. Also increasingly ham fisted:
It would be pointless to list the rich brew of non-sequitur associations here (“raping babies” may be a new low in the psychopathology claimed) but this bit shows how they are on the run:
The attempted smear is so gruesomely cumbersome that it’s hardly worth getting angry about.
As she works in end of life care it can come as no surprise that she promotes the jabs.
Since leaving journalism for doctoring she has still found time to write two books, even as the plandemic was kicking off.
She has a PPE.
Re: OffG’s downtime, if a week is a long time in politics then it’s no time at all in Covidland. Nor for that matter is a month, nor a year, nor a decade. Covid’s first casualty was time itself. All was foretold in Spring 2020 and nothing has changed since.
And nothing can change for as long as you are under the impression that the covid narrative has any content beyond providing a diversion to shunt the entire public off to one side and, as it were, put them in cold storage while the reset gets underway.
The only part of this covidspeak that has any bearing on actual events is the stuff that attempts to deal with the backlash i.e. that attempts to counter the inevitable rise of scepticism and resistance. These attempts are accumulating and growing increasingly hysterical. Also increasingly ham fisted:
It would be pointless to list the rich brew of non-sequitur associations here (“raping babies” may be a new low in the psychopathology claimed) but this bit shows how they are on the run:
The attempted smear is so gruesomely cumbersome that it’s hardly worth getting angry about.
related: “Blaming Anyone Who Questions Covid-19 Policy for a New Wave of Terrorism” by Iain Davis (UK Column News)
There’s a new wave, or ramping up of, terrorism by the fascist authorities who are warning about a new wave of terrorism. The (partial) title of an article I tapped in order to make a poster says it all: “From Exclusion To Extermination.”
some rare good news.
Yes but they miss the point entirely. There is no alpha virus, there is no virus at all, the jabs are making people sick with what ever chimp juice is in them
Thanks for pointing that out Marilyn. There’s too few of us doing that.
yeah, but I’ll happily take the PHDs being the most vaccine resistant, not hesitant, as that is good ‘ol NLP
From the study:
[Vaccine] hesitancy risk factors included “having a PhD or ≤ high school education.”
People most likely to see thru the vaccine propaganda are the most educated and least educated. In the first case they understand propaganda; in the second, they don’t consume it!
There’s plenty of working class people like myself who don’t consume propaganda because we understand it.
So the real pandemic is mediocrity. Starting to make sense
Or perhaps Media-ocrity would have been more apt
The NIH seems to believe ‘horse paste’ is an antiviral agent for The Disease
“Groper Joe and Nasty Nazi Pelosi and ALL their corrupt jackbooted war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist brown shirt REPUBLICRAT political hack toady criminal friends, NEED TO GO, asap!
The REPUBLICRATS. The political racket so criminal and corrupt it needs two aliases.”
I miss being able to give you a thumbs up!
There was a clot that needed to be shot.
Good shooting in the gallery
Many more to go
Not just in the USA though
Nearer to home
We are not alone
We are the ninety-nine percent
in terms of finding weapons of mass destruction, isn’t this ironic,
don’t you say?
a little tooooo ironic
yeah I really do say
Powell was fully vaccinated
But were all his neighbours?
And 84, probably got clots, that is if he had any blood in his murderous veins
Well, the average age of death in the USA in 2019 was 78.8, so “covid” has apparently extended his life by over 5 years.
Enjoy hell, murderer!
Usually when the ruling class starts believing their own propaganda it doesn’t hurt them!
A tangled web connects the death of an MP, massacres abroad, the government’s hypocritical stance on democracy, the restriction of free speech and the silencing of a voice against pharmaceutical malpractice.
On the same day the press reported the killing of Sir David Amess MP, the press revealed the murderous lengths to which the British government has gone to put corporate income ahead of human lives.
In the 1960s the British Foreign Office stoked Indonesian massacres to protect corporate profits in the former colonies. Almost six decades later, an MP’s murder is blamed on a Somali, a young adult displaced by today’s colonial wars.
Last week’s murder has not led to calls to defend democracy — quite the reverse. There are demands to quarantine MPs for their safety while socially-distanced representatives “discuss” an Online Safety Bill that would shadow ban online speech.
How can Parliament discuss legislation if cannot even meet? MPs are in the same straits as the rest of us: separated, shackled, silenced.
For there is a third line of analysis — more dark and sinister: David Amess just happens to have been a campaigner for stricter drug trials in the face of hundreds of thousands of pharmaceutical deaths from adverse reactions.
I think you’ll find that the primary movers of stoking Indonesian Massacres were the US masters of the UK Foreign Office…..
It’s in the article. A bit of both.
Money was at the root of it. Sukarno opposed Britain reshaping the borders in the Straits — as it had done in Arabia with Sykes-Picot — including the creation of Malaysia. The Foreign Office reckoned its bloody meddling yielded a profit for Britain of £250 million a year…
Such foreign policy is financed by tax-exempt foundations such as the Royal Institute of International Affairs-Council On Foreign Relations, whose pockets are deeper than the British Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), as it was clunkily renamed in Sep 2020.
And Australia was up to their eyeballs, same with the invasion of East Timor
Off-G has had excellent coverage about Timor-Indonesia. The recent release of Foreign Office papers shows Britain cannot blame it on the CIA and Australia.
UK was in on it too — and why not: Britain was trying to retain influence amid the loss of its colonies. Shall we list the countries where it all “happened” at once — Biafra in Nigeria, Angola, Kenya, Indonesia…
Documentary on C4, I believe, over the weekend: Britain’s Forgotten Wars. About the Malayan Emergency, Indonesia’s predecessor. Called an emergency so the colonists could still collect on their insurance.
Just as military-intelligence got behind the corporate interests in Malay-Indonesia, as they had in Iran a decade before.. it looks like they’ve got behind big pharma.
That is why we are seeing an assault by the pharmaceutical industry that would not be possible by corporations alone.
It seems industries get weaponised by turn. It was mining-minerals, now it’s pharma, next it may be food.
Do corporations instigate their collaboration with military-intelligence? No. I suspect the hand of The Investors selects what sector it chooses to promote and develop according to the geopolitical conditions.
That would make sense if you see military-intelligence not as a state asset but as elite corporate-insitutitional functionaries. After all, it grew out of Wall Street and corporate lawyers in the U.S. and the City of London.
Isn’t Billy already the US’s biggest farmer?
“Do corporations instigate their collaboration with military-intelligence? No.” Moneycircus: Meet Mr Bernays. And maybe make an appointment to see Mr Smedley Butler.
Food has been poisoned for 70 years now, began with DDT, then petro-fertilizers, culminating in Glyphosate and Nicatinoids.
Many of the symptoms of glysophate poisoning resemble the alleged symptoms of CoVid1984.
Indonesia was regarded as being very fascist before people began to wake up and realize that the world – Corporatocracy – is fascist. The late Andre Vltchek wrote about it (while getting China very, very wrong). East Timor stood no chance at being independent with all those capitalists, posing as democrats and fighters for democracy, zeroeing in on the offshore wealth there. And the theft of everything by predators continues with the Great Reset, as Iain Davis makes clear in “Seizing Everything: The Theft of the Global Commons – Part 1,”
Is it just coincidence that Soetoro/Obama spent the late 60s in Indonesia where his mother was working for USAID and the Ford Foundation?
The 1965 massacare of Indonesian Chinese, with the help of Suharto, was a major CIA op to “stop Communism”. USA was worked up about the Domino Theory of spreading Communism. For a couple of graphic essays on what Indonesia became, look up the late great Andre Vltchek.
Indeed. I mentioned Andre’s coverage of Indonesia a few posts up. The American ruling class playbook, the rabid, completely off the charts insane NSC 68, whose principal author was Paul Nitze, has not been entirely abandoned. Here’s an excerpt from a blog post I wrote:
The premier ideological document that served the American ruling class as its guide is NSC 68. It is extremely anti-communist and rather rabid. NSC 68 should be seen in the light of Richard J. Walton’s musings on the zeitgeist of the American ruling class (which came about from his reading of a speech by JFK): “These words are characteristic of the Kennedy administration, indeed of every American administration since World War II. They demonstrate a tendency to see events in apocalyptic terms, as fateful testings of American resolve that might have terrible consequences unless the United States responds with unmistakable but measured firmness. These words demonstrate the American conviction that Washington can, without any genuine attempt at understanding an adversary, unerringly read his mind.” But it’s worse than that. The predatory American ruling class knows that the communist threat to humankind is fantasy. It doesn’t care. It has therefore proven to be a perfect attack dog for the invisible ruler of this dark world, namely Satan. Ideology stems from the needs of manipulators. It is not naturally derived belief or based on reality. The greed and the need to dominate and show off one’s power is there among the Benefactors in power. That’s real enough. But there isn’t and never was a “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” of communists to take over the world by any means. JFK was a supreme conspiracy theorist.
The Amess ‘death’ was like any of these events stacked to promote various agendas.
Restricions on any and every form of weaponry is one (see also the bizarre bow-and-arrow attack in Norway. This happened just a day or two after the WEF had been praising new Norwegian cabinet ministers – it looks like they’re cut from the same cloth as Stoltenberg). “Respect for MPs” is another. Mental health is another (well I never -if a UK survey didn’t come out a few days later saying there’d been a marked increase in psychosis). Oh look who popped up to make sure everybody grasped the third:
Tele-medicine and tele-working to be followed by tele-politics and tele- just about everything else (certainly tele-education is a major item on their agenda – meaning probably not a complete switch but a hybrid form of traditional schooling mixed with on-line learning).
Did anyone die? I doubt it – I haven’t looked closely at this one but the recent past is full of ‘events’ like it loaded with inconsistencies and sometimes outright nonsense. Suggest that a mafia figure’s death may have been faked and they’re living under an assumed identity and nobody thinks much of it – but suggest anyone else might do the same and one soon discovers it is possible to clutch pearls while mounting a high horse. Just like brainwashing is possible for cult leaders but beyond the CIA with all their resources so re-location under a false identity is something a crime syndicate can manage but not the fantasically wealthy corporate-state nexus that has now revealed itself.
Yes, it’s moved on from the days when a politician left a pile of clothes by the seashore before retiring to Happy Valley.
The murder of Sir David Amess is very sad indeed. Sincere condolences to his family.
This was an attack on democracy.
Here’s why Sir David Amess was murdered :
From the pov of his real assassins, not the nominal patsy, his unforgivable mistake was to be a staunch Brexiteer and member of Leave Means Leave …
David Amess was murdered on October 15, 2021 = 666 days into Boris Johnson’s Tory government – the State Opening of Parliament and the Queen’s Speech and the introduction of the European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill 2019-20, all on December 19, 2019.
The UK’s EU Referendum project began when the, then leader of the opposition, David Cameron, stated that “if he became PM, a Conservative government will hold a Referendum on any EU treaty”. This offer was announced on September 26, 2007 = 666 months after David Amess was born on March 26, 1952 – hence why David Amess was selected as the victim rather than any other Euro-sceptic Tory MP.
October 15, 2021 also, just happened to be = 666 months and 666 days since Boris Johnson was born on June 19, 1964.
Kabbalistically, this is clearly an attack on the Tories for reasons of Brexit. No doubt about it.
Note : This is the second “666 day terrorist attack” on recent Tory governments, both occurring 666 days into their term, the State Opening of Parliament and the Queens Speech.
The first was the 2017 Westminster Attack on March 22, 2017 = the 666 th day of David Cameron’s Tory government which began on May 27, 2015.
I very much doubt whether the patsies are the ones with the keys to the kabbalistic calendar …
Well, Satan has those keys. Just saying.
Amazingly enough it took me exactly 66.6 seconds to read this post. The 0.6 was some minor lag in the bullshit detector. It’s amazing how THEY think of absolutely everything.
He was a lockdown sceptic, against mandatory mask wearing and mandatory vaccination and a critic of Big Pharma.
So the Amess case has some interesting details. He had made enemies in the The Science Inc. Drug Cartel. I wouldn’t have thought that alone would be enough to pop him off. But perhaps he was threatening some unwanted publicity, perhaps a little bit of anti-covid rhetoric within the mainstream? And if – as Tobias Ellwood suggests – this “event” (whatever it was) can be used in the new narrative of clamping down on the troublesome matter of face-to-face interaction, then all the better.
Enemies in the Science Inc. Drug Cartel over what reason please George ?
Why would the assassin travel 50 miles to the seaside from his London home to murder an MP?
Oh gosh I don’t know Mark. Why would anyone oppose the likes of that lovely Mr Gates or Mr Fauci?
And do we know who the assassin was?
Ah I see he was opposed to vaccine passports.
He also spoke out against vaccine passports & the dangers of government mandating covid vaccines would have on personal choice & civil liberties.
I am so sorry to fear that what you mention might have been the case. I am put in mind of Magufuli. That this happened days ahead of a serious vote in parliament is worrying.
Coincidence is not proof – although the case in question looks strange on many levels. If any of the darker interpretations turn out to be true, I believe there will be whistleblowers.
I ultimately believe there are enough good people that cannot all be shut up – given the scale. I hope this MP who died during his job rests in peace. I feel nothing but compassion for his family and friends. And our populace.
“Fully-vaccinated” Colin Anthrax Powell has died of Covid-19.
Died of covid or died after a positive pcr?
Covid complications, says the BBC. They could bury him with his little vial.
Fox changed it’s headline between the morning and afternoon and pulled the Covid complications cause out. Commenters were ripping on Fox badly.
Maybe he finally drank the vial.
Really, what great news, never did a liar cause so much grief
He probably thought he was getting the placebo.
Strictly speaking, Powell’s family announced that the retired four-star general, although fully vaccinated, died from “Covid-19 complications”.
They discreetly omitted disclosing that the “complication” was getting “vaccinated”. If there’s one thing the Powell family learned from living with the General, it’s that regardless of facts and reality, one must never, never go “off-message”.
Good riddance!
Admins, helloooo? I was really hoping the much-too-frequent glitch which tosses us into the trash bin would be among the top things to get fixed. Bummer.
And still no voting?
Better this way. Much better.
Why? How?
Master: “Ah Grasshopper, the up vote will only give you a big head and the down vote will only shrink your balls.”
Grasshopper: “But Master I am a girl.”
Master: “Oh, nobody’s perfect.”
Grasshopper: “You or me?”
Master: “Does it matter?”
I didn’t notice that until you mentioned it. I’m very, very okay with no voting. It’s a system that is abused. I can’t believe that Odysee actually allows trolls to slime someone’s comment into oblivion. If you get slimed too much, your comment disappears, as far as I can tell. When it happened to me, I couldn’t believe it. Do NOT donate to Odysee.
Abused: that’s what admin said, without further explanation.
Can you explain exactly how it is or can be abused? I would have no idea how to abuse it, even if I wanted to.
Frankly, it’s very easy to understand. Trolls down vote good material and upvote bad material. You don’t get that?
That’s at Odysee, but here up/downvotes didn’t make comments change location – the only “abuse” was hurt feelings – big whoop.
Having to use words – big whoop. (I don’t know what you mean by changing location. I only know that votes do not tell me who’s voting and why.)
Am I missing something? Your acidic response to Mike’s wondering how Off-G’s voting system could be abused included your sharing your experience at Odysee, how downvoting made your comments disappear. Up/down votes on some platforms to indeed cause them to either rise (due to likes) or disappear. The point of my response to you was only to say that that was never the case here so I still don’t see how mere downvotes could be perceived as abusive.
Yeah, I don’t see it either. On this site, an up or down vote simply means you like or don’t like a given comment. It doesn’t take any extra time or effort to moderate.
Right! For me, 97% of the time I upvoted: it was the proverbial nod of support – a clap from the nosebleed section here in the arena of ideas. Rarely did I downvote, but there were times when it was needed. Now that it’s gone, I miss it. I guess I’ll have to learn how to upload images and use Ort’s honkin’, big red arrow to show my support. Hey! This could be fun!!
So that’s what the arrow means. I’m a little slow sometimes…
• First, upload the image file to a (free) upload site; Postimages is straightforward enough: https://postimages.org/
• Once uploaded, the Postimages page will display several URLS; copy “Direct Link” and paste it into the Off-G comments window. Make sure it’s on a separate line with spaces above and below.
• Do not use the “link” markup feature here, just post the raw Direct Link. Voilà!
Disclaimer: It works for me. I have not investigated the Postimages site, so if there’s some unacceptable down side– you know, like it being “controlled opposition” or a front for some state-security apparatus– I’m unaware of it.
Hey Ort! I’m just now seeing your response – the email notification turned up in my spam folder; how did I miss it for so long? Very frustrating. But thank you for these instructions.
Glad you found them, hope they work for you.
FWIW, I heartily wish they would restore the voting function, which I can’t forbear repeating even though we’ve been bumptiously cautioned to behave like proper experimental subjects and shut up about it. 😉
Hear, hear!
That might happen on Odysee (and I’d agree that is a lousy and unfair system) but it doesn’t happen here.
I never claimed that it does.
I missed you, Off-G and of course all the good people who frequent these threads. It’s been too long.
Good stuff: Love #9 and that selfish bastard Bob.
“RESIST vaccine mandates. RESIST vaccine passports. RESIST these crimes against WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity).”
“Resistance to the war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist oligarch mobster psychopaths is not only not futile it is a scared duty. We will not be culled, lab ratted, Jim Crowed, enslaved or owned.”
“Heil Doktor Death!.”
Remember, it has been normal and compulsory to jab new-borns, babies and toddlers with various concoctions for over 5 decades.
Because facts really should be scared…? (lol… 🙂 )
Love it. That is so me. The only thing I add is:
“Lee also urges everyone out there not to forget to wear their official Billy Eugenics tin foil face diaper-space helmet because the Martian brainwaves will be growing stronger as their Earth invasion date approaches.”
“Doctor Ehrlich’s Magic Bullet is still the best cure for the Billy Eugenics Virus Pathogen. Head shots. Head shots.
“The Kids in a Cube Method of Teaching.”
These poor things too!
Pre-packaged kids at pre-school? Wot next?
it is said he was hanged at gitmo
his fat corpulent decaying body flexing
the Contortions
shuddering of life well lived
as nothing too the roasting in hell
that begins
he was a good puppet actor
a black man a man of colour
just another joker at the un..
he spent his life like smedley butler converting nations and man into civil drones
slaves for the octopus
he will always be
general colon too me
lived a lie
and died of non isolated virus called covid
how novel
what a story
the devils own returning home
So glad you’re back!!!
Bad scene in Italy. As of last Friday, no vax/no PCR test every 48 hours = no work. Powerful protests in the port of Trieste.
They trotted out the “neoFascists” last Saturday to “vandalize” the historic CGIL union headquarters in Rome. Photos show a bunch of files tossed off desktops, some monitors put horizontal and one broken window. The indignation among the PTB was loud and thick. They have always sustained that those who refuse to submit are “Fascists”. Luckily for all, the police stood down (sure).
The Minister of the Interior Lamorgese has been warning of extremist elements among those who refuse the vaccine regime. Viola!
The head of the CGIL union was hugged by the Dragon (Draghi) the morning after and thanked for his defense of Italian Demhypocrisy.
It’s really quite ugly in Italia at the moment. Does the world know?
Yes, I know. I’ve heard. I’m in Australia. We are with you guys. Hold the line if you can.
Be safe.
Most in dumbed down America do not know, and if the vaxtards did know what is really happening I doubt they’d give a shit. Many here still refuse to see where this is going, lamenting over and over that “they would NEVER go that far” while putting on their extra diapers and shrieking about the unclean, unvaxxed.
Greetings from the land of the dumb and the home of the terrified….
“Behold Pope Mengele Junior I.”
“Why it’s Bill & Kate Viroid on A MISSION from the Almighty Pfizer God. “
“Time to drink the Billy Eugenics Cull Juice-Aid.“
“Greetings from the The Lab Rat Liberation Front”
“Oh Joy. Yet another George Soros Langley-Land traveling street performance troupe.”
“The Scamdemic ‘BIG LIE’ was the signal for all the jackbooted crocodile teared corporate fascist eugenicist brown shirt charlatan fraudster phony baloneys to come out full Third Reich and do their NAZI thing.”
These crazies were in Brisbane last weekend. The Q’land pigs moved them on.
What I noticed was their shiny professionally made signs; no home made cardboard signs required when you have Soros on board.
That Corbyn re-tweeted this picture, the anti-semitic bastard.
Anyone else notice that with Starmer in a lot of trouble with his big conference speech tanking, flat-lining in the polls and normies preferring Johnson even though they’ve been told he’s presided over the “greatest public health disaster ever” that a Corbyn supporter happens to crop up in a bullying case? Almost as if something held in the files came out to order….
BTW Tisdall seems to be getting ready for Israel to bomb Iran (at least). He’s already established the order of blame should this happen: 1) The Iranians themselves. 2) The West – for not backing Israel enough. 3) Nobody else.
Tulsa Doom:” Without me, you will have never been.”
Thanks for the ‘best of’ series. There were some really marvellous articles to help us deal with our withdrawal symptoms…