REVIEW: JFK vs. Allen Dulles
Edward Curtin
Before I digress slightly, let me state from the outset that the book by Greg Poulgrain that I am about to review is extraordinary by any measure. The story he tells is one you will read nowhere else, especially in the way he links the assassination of President Kennedy to former CIA Director Allen Dulles and the engineering by the latter of one of the 20th century’s most terrible mass murders. It will make your hair stand on end and should be read by anyone who cares about historical truth.
About twelve years ago I taught a graduate school course to Massachusetts State Troopers and police officers from various cities and towns. As part of the course material, I had created a segment on the history of the United States’ foreign policy, with particular emphasis on Indonesia.
No one in this class knew anything about Indonesia, not even where it was. These were intelligent, ambitious adults, eager to learn, all with college degrees. This was in the midst of the “war on terror” – i.e. war on Muslim countries – and the first year of Barack Obama’s presidency. Almost all the class had voted for Obama and were aware they he had spent some part of his youth in this unknown country somewhere far away.
I mention this as a preface to this review of JFK vs. Dulles, because its subtitle is Battleground Indonesia, and my suspicion is that those students’ lack of knowledge about the intertwined history of Indonesia and the U.S. is as scanty today among the general public as it was for my students a dozen years ago.
This makes Greg Poulgrain’s remarkable book – JFK vs. Allen Dulles: Battleground Indonesia – even more important since it is a powerful antidote to such ignorance, and a reminder for those who have fallen, purposefully or not, into a state of historical amnesia that has erased the fact that the U.S. has committed systematic crimes that have resulted in the deaths of more than a million Indonesians and many more millions throughout the world over innumerable decades.
Such crimes against humanity have been hidden behind what the English playwright Harold Pinter in his 2005 Nobel Prize address called “a tapestry of lies.” Of such massive crimes, he said:
But you wouldn’t know it. It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening. It didn’t matter. It was of no interest. The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them.
And when one examines the true history of such atrocities, again and again one comes up against familiar names of the guilty who have never been prosecuted. Criminals in high places whose crimes around the world from Vietnam to Chile to Cuba to Nicaragua to Argentina to Iraq to Libya to Syria, etc. have been – and continue to be – integral to American foreign policy as it serves the interests of its wealthy owners and their media mouthpieces.
In his brilliant new book on U.S./Indonesian history, Dr. Greg Poulgrain unweaves this tapestry of lies and sheds new light on the liars’ sordid deeds. He is an Australian expert on Indonesia whose work stretches back forty years, is a professor at University of the Sunshine Coast in Brisbane and has written four highly-researched book about Indonesia.
In JFK vs. Dulles, he exposes the intrigue behind the ruthless regime-change strategy in Indonesia of the longest-serving CIA director, Allen Dulles, and how it clashed with the policy of President John F. Kennedy, leading to JFK’s assassination, Indonesian regime change, and massive slaughter.
Poulgrain begins with this question:
Would Allen Dulles have resorted to assassinating the President of the United States to ensure that his ‘Indonesian strategy’ rather than Kennedy’s was achieved?
To which he answers: Yes.
But let me not get ahead of myself, for the long, intricate tale he tells is one a reviewer can only summarize, so filled is it with voluminous details. So I will touch on a few salient points and encourage people to buy and read this important book.
Indonesia’s Strategic Importance
The strategic and economic importance of Indonesia cannot be exaggerated. It is the world’s 4th most populous country (275+ million), is located in a vital shipping lane adjacent to the South China Sea, has the world’s largest Muslim population, has vast mineral and oil deposits, and is home in West Papua to Grasberg, the world’s largest gold mine and the second largest copper mine, primarily owned by Freeport McMoRan of Phoenix, Arizona, whose past board members have included Henry Kissinger, John Hay Whitney, and Godfrey Rockefeller.
Long a battleground in the Cold War, Indonesia remains vitally important in the New Cold War and the pivot to Asia launched by the Obama administration against China and Russia, the same antagonists Allen Dulles strove to defeat through guile and violence while he engineered coups home and abroad. It is fundamentally important in the Pentagon’s Indo-Pacific strategy for what it euphemistically calls a “free and open Indo-Pacific.” While not front-page news in the U.S., these facts make Indonesia of great importance today and add to the gravity of Poulgrain’s historical account.
Two days before President John Kennedy was publicly executed by the US national security state led by the CIA on November 22, 1963, he had accepted an invitation from Indonesian President Sukarno to visit that country the following spring. The aim of the visit was to end the conflict (Konfrontasi) between Indonesia and Malaysia and to continue Kennedy’s efforts to support post-colonial Indonesia with economic and developmental aid, not military. It was part of his larger strategy of ending conflict throughout Southeast Asia and assisting the growth of democracy in newly liberated post-colonial countries worldwide.
He had forecast his position in a dramatic speech in 1957 when, as a Massachusetts Senator, he told the Senate that he supported the Algerian liberation movement and opposed colonial imperialism worldwide. The speech caused an international uproar and Kennedy was harshly attacked by Eisenhower, Nixon, John Foster Dulles, and even liberals such as Adlai Stevenson. But he was praised throughout the third world.
Poulgrain writes:
Kennedy was aiming for a seismic shift of Cold War alignment in Southeast Asia by bringing Indonesia ‘on side.’ As Bradley Simpson stated (in 2008), ‘One would never know from reading the voluminous recent literature on the Kennedy and Johnson administrations and Southeast Asia, for example, that until the mid-1960s most officials [in the US] still considered Indonesia of far greater importance than Vietnam or Laos.
Of course JFK never went to Indonesia in 1964, and his peaceful strategy to bring Indonesia to America’s side and to ease tensions in the Cold War was never realized, thanks to Allen Dulles. And Kennedy’s proposed withdrawal from Vietnam, which was premised on success in Indonesia, was quickly reversed by Lyndon Johnson after JFK’s murder on November 22, 1963. Soon both countries would experience mass slaughter engineered by Kennedy’s opponents in the CIA and Pentagon. Millions would die.
While the Indonesian mass slaughter of mainly poor rice farmers (members of the Communist Party – PKI) instigated by Allen Dulles began in October 1965, ten years later, starting in December 1975, the American installed Indonesian dictator Suharto, after meeting with Henry Kissinger and President Ford and receiving their approval, would slaughter hundreds of thousands East-Timorese with American-supplied weapons in a repeat of the slaughter of more than a million Indonesians in 1965 when the CIA engineered the coup d’état that toppled President Sukarno.
The American installed dictator Suharto would rule for thirty years of terror. The CIA considers this operation one of its finest accomplishments. It became known as “the Jakarta Method,” a model for future violent coups throughout Latin America and the world.
And in-between these U.S. engineered mass atrocities, came the bloody coup in Chile on September 11, 1973 and the ongoing colossal U.S. war crimes in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.
Dulles’s Secret
What JFK didn’t know was that his plans for a peaceful resolution of the Indonesia situation and an easing of the Cold War were threatening a covert long-standing conspiracy engineered by Allen Dulles to effect regime change in Indonesia through bloody means and to exacerbate the Cold War by concealing from Kennedy the truth that there was a Sino-Soviet split.
Another primary goal behind this plan was to gain unimpeded access to the vast load of natural resources that Dulles had kept secret from Kennedy, who thought Indonesia was lacking in natural resources. But Dulles knew that if Kennedy, who was very popular in Indonesia, visited Sukarno, it would deal a death blow to his plan to oust Sukarno, install a CIA replacement (Suharto), exterminate alleged communists, and secure the archipelago for Rockefeller controlled oil and mining interests, for whom he had fronted since the 1920s.
Reading Poulgrain’s masterful analysis, one can clearly see how much of modern history is a struggle for control of the underworld where lies the fuel that runs the megamachine – oil, minerals, gold, copper, etc. Manifest ideological conflicts, while garnering headlines, often bury the secret of this subterranean devil’s game.
The Discovery of Gold
His murder mystery/detective story begins with a discovery that is then kept secret for many decades. He writes:
In the alpine region of Netherlands New Guinea (so named under Dutch colonial rule – today, West Papua) in 1936, three Dutchmen discovered a mountainous outcrop of ore with high copper content and very high concentrations of gold. When later analyzed in the Netherlands, the gold (in gram/ton) proved to be twice that of Witwatersrand in South Africa, then the world’s richest gold mine, but this information was not made public.
The geologist among the trio, Jean Jacques Dozy, worked for the Netherlands New Guinea Petroleum Company (NNGPM), ostensibly a Dutch-controlled company based in The Hague, but whose controlling interest actually lay in the hands of the Rockefeller family, as did the mining company, Freeport Sulphur (now Freeport McMoRan, one of whose Directors from 1988-95 was Henry Kissinger, Dulles’ and the Rockefeller’s close associate) that began mining operations there in 1966.
It was Allen Dulles, Paris-based lawyer in the employ of Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, who in 1935 arranged the controlling interest in NNGPN for the Rockefellers. And it was Dulles, among a select few others, who, because of various intervening events, including WW II, that made its exploitation impossible, kept the secret of the gold mine for almost three decades, even from President Kennedy, who had worked to return the island to Indonesian control. JFK “remained uninformed of the El Dorado, and once the remaining political hurdles were overcome, Freeport would have unimpeded access.” Those “political hurdles” – i.e. regime change – would take a while to effect.
The Need to Assassinate President Kennedy
But first JFK would have to be eliminated, for he had brokered Indonesian sovereignty over West Papua/West Irian for Sukarno from the Dutch who had ties to Freeport Sulphur. Freeport was aghast at the potential loss of “El Dorado,” especially since they had recently had their world’s most advanced nickel refinery expropriated by Fidel Castro, who had named Che Guevara its new manager. Freeport’s losses in Cuba made access to Indonesia even more important. Cuba and Indonesia thus were joined in the deadly game of chess between Dulles and Kennedy, and someone would have to lose.
While much has been written about Cuba, Kennedy, and Dulles, the Indonesian side of the story has been slighted. Poulgrain remedies this with an exhaustive and deeply researched exploration of these matters. He details the deviousness of the covert operations Dulles ran in Indonesia during the 1950s and 1960s. He makes it clear that Kennedy was shocked by Dulles’s actions, yet never fully grasped the treacherous genius of it all, for Dulles was always “working two or three stages ahead of the present.”
Having armed and promoted a rebellion against Sukarno’s central government in 1958, Dulles made sure it would fail (shades of the Bay of Pigs to come) since a perceived failure served his long-term strategy. To this very day, this faux 1958 Rebellion is depicted as a CIA failure by the media. Yet from Dulles standpoint, it was a successful failure that served his long-term goals.
“This holds true,” Poulgrain has previously written, “only if the stated goal of the CIA was the same as the actual goal. Even more than five decades later, media analysis of the goal of The Outer Island rebels is still portrayed as a secession, as covert US support for ‘rebels in the Outer Islands that wished to secede from the central government in Jakarta’. The actual goal of Allen Dulles had more to do with achieving a centralized army command in such a way as to appear that the CIA backing for the rebels failed.”
Dulles’ the Devil
Dulles betrayed the rebels he armed and encouraged, just as he betrayed friend and foe alike during his long career. The rebellion that he instigated and planned to fail was the first stage of a larger intelligence strategy that would come to fruition in 1965-6 with the ouster of Sukarno (after multiple unsuccessful assassination attempts) and the institution of a reign of terror that followed.
It was also when – 1966 – Freeport McMoRan began their massive mining in West Papua at Grasberg at an elevation of 14,000 feet in the Alpine region. Dulles was nothing if not patient; he had been at this game since WW I. Even after Kennedy fired him following the Bay of Pigs, his plans were executed, just as those who got in his way were. Poulgrain makes a powerful case that Dulles was the mastermind of the murders of JFK, U.N. Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold (working with Kennedy for a peaceful solution in Indonesia and other places), and Congolese President Patrice Lumumba, the first president of a newly liberated Congo.
His focus is on why they needed to be assassinated (similar in this regard to James Douglass’s JFK and the Unspeakable), though with the exception of Kennedy (since the how is well-known and obvious), he also presents compelling evidence as to the how. Hammarskjold, in many ways Kennedy’s spiritual brother, was a particularly powerful obstacle to Dulles’s plans for Indonesia and colonial countries throughout the Third World. Like JFK, he was committed to independence for indigenous and colonial peoples everywhere and was trying to implement his Swedish-style ‘third way,’ proposing a form of ‘muscular pacifism’.
Poulgrain argues correctly that if the UN Secretary General succeeded in bringing even half these colonial countries to independence, he would have transformed the UN into a significant world power and created a body of nations so large as to be a counter-weight to those embroiled in the Cold War.
He draws on documents from the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and Chairman Archbishop Desmond Tutu to show the connection between South Africa’s “Operation Celeste” and Dulles’s involvement in Hammarskjold’s murder in September 1961. While it was reported at the time as an accidental plane crash, he quotes former President Harry Truman saying, “Dag Hammarskjold was on the point of getting something done when they killed him. Notice that I said, ‘When they killed him’.” Hammarskjold, like Kennedy, was intent on returning colonized countries to their indigenous inhabitants and making sure Papua was for Papuans, not Freeport McMoRan and imperial forces.
And Dulles sold his overt Indonesian strategy as being necessary to thwart a communist takeover in Indonesia. Cold War rhetoric, like “the war on terrorism” today, served as his cover. In this he had the Joint Chiefs of Staff on his side; they considered Kennedy soft on communism, in Indonesia and Cuba and everywhere else. Dulles’s covert agenda was to serve the interests of his power elite patrons.
While contextually different from David Talbot’s portrayal of Dulles in The Devil’s Chessboard, Poulgrain’s portrait of Dulles within the frame of Indonesian history is equally condemnatory and nightmarish. Both describe an evil genius ready to do anything to advance his agenda.
Dulles and George de Mohrenschildt
Poulgrain adds significantly to our understanding of JFK’s assassination and its aftermath by presenting new information about George de Mohrenschildt, Lee Harvey Oswald’s handler in Dallas. Dulles had a long association with the de Mohrenschildt family, going back to 1920-21 when in Constantinople he negotiated with Baron Sergius Alexander von Mohrenschildt on behalf of Rockefeller’s Standard Oil. The Baron’s brother and business partner was George’s father. Dulles’s law firm, Sullivan & Cromwell, was Standard Oil’s primary law firm.
These negotiations on behalf of elite capitalist interests, in the shadow of the Russian Revolution, became the template for Dulles’s career: economic exploitation was inseparable from military concerns, the former concealed behind the anti-communist rhetoric of the latter. An anti-red thread ran through Dulles’s career, except when the red was the blood of all those whom he considered expendable. And the numbers are legion. Their blood didn’t matter.
Standard Oil is the link that joins Dulles [who controlled the Warren Commission investigating the assassination of JFK] and de Mohrenschildt. This connection was kept from the Warren Commission despite Dulles’ prominent role and the importance of the testimony of de Mohrenschildt. Poulgrain argues convincingly that de Mohrenschildt worked in “oil intelligence” before his CIA involvement, and that oil intelligence was not only Dulles’s work when he first met George’s father, Sergius, in Baku, but that that “oil intelligence” is a redundancy.
The CIA, after all, is a creation of Wall Street and their interests have always been joined. The Agency was not formed to provide intelligence to US Presidents; that was a convenient myth used to cover its real purpose which was to serve the interests of investment bankers and the power elite, or those I call The Umbrella People who control the U.S.
While working in 1941 for Humble Oil (Prescott Bush was a major shareholder, Dulles was his lawyer, and Standard Oil had secretly bought Humble Oil sixteen years before), de Mohrenschildt was caught up in a scandal that involved Vichy (pro-Nazi) French intelligence in selling oil to Germany. This was similar to the Dulles’s brothers and Standard Oil’s notorious business dealings with Germany.
It was an intricate web of the high cabal with Allen Dulles at the center.
In the midst of the scandal, de Mohrenschildt, suspected of being a Vichy French intelligence agent, “disappeared” for a while. He later told the Warren Commission that he decided to take up oil drilling, without mentioning the name of Humble Oil that employed him again, this time as a roustabout.
“Just when George needed to ‘disappear’, Humble Oil was providing an oil exploration team to be subcontracted to NNGPM – the company Allen Dulles had set up five years earlier to work in Netherlands New Guinea.”
Poulgrain makes a powerful circumstantial evidence case (certain documents are still unavailable) that de Mohrenschildt, in order to avoid appearing in court, went incommunicado in Netherlands New Guinea in mid-1941 where he made a record oil discovery and received a $10,000 bonus from Humble Oil.
“Avoiding adverse publicity about his role in selling oil to Vichy France was the main priority; for George, a brief drilling adventure in remote Netherlands New Guinea would have been a timely and strategic exit.”
And who best to help him in this escape than Allen Dulles – indirectly, of course; for Dulles’s modus operandi was to maintain his “distance” from his contacts, often over many decades.
In other words, Dulles and de Mohrenschildt were intimately involved for a long time prior to JFK’s assassination. Poulgrain rightly claims that “the entire focus of the Kennedy investigation would have shifted had the [Warren] Commission become aware of the 40-year link between Allen Dulles and de Mohrenschildt.” Their relationship involved oil, spying, Indonesia, Nazi Germany, the Rockefellers, Cuba, Haiti, etc. It was an international web of intrigue that involved a cast of characters stranger than fiction, a high cabal of the usual and unusual operatives.
Two unusual ones are worth mentioning: Michael Fomenko and Michael Rockefeller.
The eccentric Fomenko – aka “Tarzan” – is the Russian-Australian nephew of de Mohrenschildt’s wife, Jean Fomenko. His arrest and deportation from Netherlands New Guinea in 1959, where he had travelled from Australia in a canoe, and his subsequent life, are fascinating and sad. It’s the stuff of a bizarre film.
It seems he was one of those victims who had to be silenced because he knew a secret about George’s 1941 oil discovery that was not his to share.
“In April 1964, at the same time George de Mohrenschildt was facing the Warren Commission – a time when any publicity regarding Sele 40 [George’s record oil discovery] could have changed history – it was decided that electro-convulsive therapy would be used on Michael Fomenko.”
He was then imprisoned at the Ipswich Special Mental Hospital.
Equally interesting is the media myth surrounding the disappearance of Michael Rockefeller, Nelson’s son and heir to the Standard Oil fortune, who was allegedly eaten by cannibals in New Guinea in 1961. His tale became front-page news, “a media event closed off to any other explanation and the political implications of his disappearance became an ongoing tragedy for the Papuan people.”
To this very day, the West Papuan people, whose land was described by Standard Oil official Richard Archbold in 1938 as “Shangri-la,” are fighting for their independence.
The Sino-Soviet Split
While the gold in West Papua was very important to Allen Dulles, his larger goal was to keep the Cold War blazing by concealing the dispute between China and the Soviet Union from Kennedy while instigating the mass slaughter of “communists” that would lead to regime change in Indonesia, with Major-General Suharto, his ally, replacing President Sukarno. In this he was successful. Poulgrain says:
Not only did Dulles fail to brief Kennedy on the Sino-Soviet dispute early in the presidency, but he also remained silent about the rivalry between Moscow and Beijing to wield influence over the PKI or win its support. In geographical terms, Beijing regarded Indonesia as its own backyard, and winning the support of the PKI would give Beijing an advantage in the Sino-Soviet dispute. The numerical growth of the PKI was seen by Moscow and Beijing for its obvious political potential. Dulles was also focused on the PKI, but his peculiar skill in political intelligence turned what seemed inevitable on its head. The size of the party [the Indonesian Communist Party was the largest outside the Sino-Soviet bloc] became a factor he used to his advantage when formulating his wedge strategy – the greater the rivalry between Moscow and Beijing over the PKI, the more intense would be the recrimination once the PKI was eliminated.
The slaughter of more than a million poor farmers was a trifle to Dulles.
The September 30, 1965 Movement
In the early hours of October 1, 1965, a fake coup d’état was staged by the CIA’s man, Major-General Suharto. It was announced that seven generals had been arrested and would be taken to President Sukarno “to explain the rumor that they were planning a military coup on October 5.”
Suharto declared himself the head of the army. Someone was said to have killed the generals. In the afternoon, a radio announcement was made calling for the Sukarno government to be dismissed. This became Suharto’s basis for blaming it on the communists and the so-called September 30 Movement, and he gave the order to kill the PKI leaders. This started the massive bloodshed that would follow.
With one hand, Suharto crushed the Movement, accusing the PKI of being the ultimate instigator of an attempt to oust Sukarno, and with the other hand he feigned to protect the “father of the Indonesian revolution,” while actually stripping Sukarno of every vestige of political support.
When the generals’ bodies were recovered a few days after Oct 1, Suharto falsely claimed the PKI women had tortured and sexually mutilated them as part of some primitive sexual orgy. This heinous perversion of power was the start of the Suharto era. In total control of the media, he manipulated popular wrath to call for revenge.
If this confuses you, it should, because the twisted nature of this fabricated coup was actually part of a real coup in slow motion aimed at ousting Sukarno and replacing him with the CIA’s man Suharto. This occurred in early 1967 after the mass slaughter of communists. It was a regime change cheered on by the American mass media as a triumph over communist aggression.
New Evidence of US Direct Involvement in the Slaughter
Poulgrain has spent forty years interviewing participants and researching this horrendous history. His detailed research is quite amazing. And it does take concentration to follow it all, as with the machinations of Dulles, Suharto, et al.
Some things, however, are straightforward.
For example, he documents how, during the height of the slaughter, two Americans – one man and one woman – were in Klaten (PKI headquarters in central Java) supervising the Indonesian army as they killed the PKI. These two would travel back and forth by helicopter from a ship of the U.S. 7th Fleet that was off the coast of Java.
The plan was that the more communists killed, the greater would be the dispute between Moscow and Beijing, since they would accuse each other for the tragedy, which is exactly what they did. This was the wedge that was mentioned in the Rockefeller Brothers Panel Report from the late 1950s in which Dulles and Henry Kissinger both participated.
The hatred drummed up against these poor members of the Communist Party was extraordinary in its depravity. In addition to Suharto’s lies about communist women mutilating the generals’ bodies, a massive campaign of hatred was directed against these landless peasants who made up the bulk of the PKI. False Cold War radio broadcasts from Singapore stirred up hostility toward them, declaring them atheists, etc. Wealthy Muslim landowners – the 1 per cent – made outrageous charges to assist the army’s slaughter. Poulgrain tells us:
Muhammadiyah preachers were broadcasting from mosques that all who joined the communist party must be killed, saying they are the ‘lowest order of infidel, the shedding of whose blook is comparable to killing a chicken.’
For those Americans especially, who think this history of long ago and far away does not touch them, its compelling analysis of how and why Allen Dulles and his military allies would want JFK dead since he was a threat to national security as they defined in it their paranoid anti-communist ideology might be an added impetus to read this very important book. Indonesia may be far away geographically, but it’s a small world.
Dulles and Kennedy had irreconcilable differences, and when Dulles was once asked in a radio interview what he would do to someone who threatened national security, he matter-of-factually said, “I’d kill him.” The Joint Chiefs of Staff agreed.
I would be remiss if I didn’t say that the introduction to JFK vs. Dulles by Oliver Stone and the afterward by James DiEugenio are outstanding. They add excellent context and clarity to a really great and important book.
Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.
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No Action Here
The past is being forgotten and erased. Future generations (if any) will have no way of knowing that JFK was liquidated by the Deep State. The JFK operation was among the top psyops of recent times along with 9/11. These psyops are necessary for the Deep State to continually expand and consolidate it’s control. There have been many others- the murder of pro Palestinian leader Rajiv Gandhi, Olof Palme, Yasser Arafat, James Forrestal, Lord Moyne, Count Folk Bernadotte, Mahatma Gandhi and so many others. All these actions were necessary for creating the condition of total control that enabled the present mother of psyops, the corona hoax.
Allen Dulles ran the EU project and filled the BND with Nazi spies after he had pardoned them for their crimes.
Perhaps the election of JFK and his liquidation were a strategy of getting LBJ in through the back door. Also revenge against Joe Kennedy sr. The neocon Podhoretz wrote an evil diatribe against Joe sr after John jr was killed in 1997. This article is still available on the net.
I visited Dealey Plaza in July 2018. In July Dallas is like an oven. I took a bus tour that stopped outside Oswald’s rooming house and the Texas theatre where Oswald was arrested. I also went up to the Sixth Floor Museum which peddles the official Oswald did it myth. You cannot approach or look through the window from which they allege the shots were fired. For obvious reasons.
An interesting picture of the way things work in the world. Doubtless the comments will steer readers into a myriad blind alleys, naming and blaming all the usual suspects until this clear small snapshot is hopelessly blurred.
Here we go…….basic ass “American Empire” nonsense.
Everybody cheering for their own demise as usual and setting up a tidy explanation for coming austerity.
The simplest explanation for JFK is that it was a staged event.
I am impressed at the lack of censorship on this forum.
Didn’t know the Indonesian links, there’s a part dedicated to JFK in this video which rings true to your piece.
Trump vs. The Invisible Enemy I’m glad that this team and me are here for this horrible thing. . . A number of people have said it; and I feel it, actually. I’m a war-time President. This is a war. A different kind of a war than we’ve ever had . . . This is a challenging time for all Americans. We’re enduring a great national trial, and we will prove that we can meet the moment. I want to assure the American people that we’re doing everything we can each day to confront and ultimately defeat this horrible, invisible enemy. We’re at war. In a true sense, we’re at war and we’re fighting an invisible enemy. Think of that. . . . I think it’s going to be a tremendous day when we win this war. And we will win the war . . . For those worried and afraid, please know that as long as I am your President you can feel confident that you have a leader who will always fight for you, and I will not stop until we win. This will be a great victory . . . and it will happen much sooner than originally expected. . . The enemy is now attacking 144 countries . . . That’s unthinkable. There’s never been anything like this. And it’s vicious. — Wartime = Continuity of Government US Military Given “Continuity of Government” Standby Orders for COVID-19 Pandemic March 18, 2020 For the first time in the modern history of the United States, the Department of Defense has been given standby orders to ensure the “continuity of government”, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. . . . “Above-Top Secret” contingency plans are now in place . . . Standby orders have been issued for a… Read more »
Yea, it sometimes useful to go back in time, and I havent though on what happened in Indonesia for many years, the only thing new in this is the conections in regard of the JFK assasin, otherwise its what have been known for decades, but the problem again as in much else, the western MSM etc never debates the entire story, feeds us sniplets and drops but never the truth, since truth is become an domestic terror issue this days. And whats even more depressing, to use that term, is that nothing have changed, absolutely nothing, and I agrees with the coment made by Peter, its in our face, they dont hide it, and I guess they made that in that fasion, like pissing on us and claim it rains gold and the MSM feed that narrative by continuingly solidify that claim, look its dripping gold, while the entire event is packed with contradictions so obvious I wounder sometimes what reality do people live in, do we indeed walk on the same earth, because its sometimes so obvious, like 9/11 and the aftermath of that event. Hurmf. So, what are we facing this days, its like they know something we havent been able to figure out, some bits yess, but we miss the larger pickture, because of the level of dissinfo and distortions we havent gotten the entire pathern but something is coming, thats the only thing I am dead certain because it boils down to phsycology, why bother to do anything if this anything is going to be altered in such an way that the world will be unrecognised and devestated thruout. And some of us, like me, I have payed attention not to individual players, they change all the time, but the main road remains the same, they… Read more »
I look forward to reading that book. It sounds like it covers the same time period that another great book called “The Yankee and the Cowboy war” by Carl Oglesby covers. That period of American history fascinates me as it seems to inform many of the present day ideologies and myths perpetuated by fake right and fake left political commentators. Can’t wait to read it!
Or even, for those not wanting to further enrich Bezos.
Had no idea about the Indonesian connection nor about the Italian connection, however, while this book is obviously written in good faith, I’m not entirely sure about this film made about the Italian connection. A little doubtful about that. Nevertheless, it’s worth a watch – you can just click through the warning. One of the sons of one of the people in the film, Valerio Borghese, whose name figures reasonably prominently, emigrated to Australia and we were family friends for a long time.
A Book Review of Final Judgement Note the mention of Tibor Rosenbaum Extensively researched & thoroughly documented. Information on the JFK assassination you won’t find elsewhere. Many inexplicable events detailed by Warren Commission and other researchers will suddenly make sense. The book examines Israel’s central role in the assassination, using its known assets in the CIA, organized crime and military. JFK’s administration was applying massive pressure on Israel to terminate its nuclear weapons program (see Israel and the Bomb by Avner Cohen Israel and the Bomb ); this pressure ended with JFK’s assassination. Dr. Mordechai Vanunu, the famed Jewish-born nuclear physicist who spent 18 years in prison for exposing Israel’s covert atomic weapons program, told the Jerusalem Post (July 25, 2004) that Israel was behind the JFK assassination. This books and other JFK researchers discuss the Permindex – Clay Shaw – David Ferrie connections to the assassination, yet this book alone reveals the Mossad as a key force behind Permindex. One of the chief shareholders in Permindex being Banque De Credit International established by Tibor Rosenbaum, the longtime Director of Finance & Supply of Israel’s Mossad. The connections and revelations go on and on. This book is not for the beginning JFK assassination researcher/student; it assumes you are already familiar with the many players and investigations. I’ve been studying the JFK assassination for almost 50 years now and with over 40 books on this subject I have to say that Final Judgement is the only book that has put all the puzzle pieces together in a coherent and reasonable manner. Note: the edition available on Amazon (5th edition July 2000) is NOT the latest edition of Final Judgement. The 6th edition (2005) is almost 100 pages longer and contains significant new material (e.g. NUMEC-Stern connection and how it relates to Oswald and… Read more »
Israel’s nuclear weapons program just like Iran’s just like Russia’s just like North Korea’s (yeah, right) just like anyone else’s is a big fat hoax – see my comment on nuclear weapons –
All the stories about Iranian nuclear scientists getting “assassinated” are hoaxes. Check ’em out on Wikipedia. They’re nonsense. Check out Mordechai Vanunu’s Wikipedia bio and the cloak and dagger nonsense about a honey trap luring him to Rome where he was drugged and put into a white van (the ubiquitous white van!) that whisked him off to north-western Italy where an Israeli navy boat was called from some port in Turkey EAST of Italy to pick him up. Why wouldn’t they transport him to the Italian east coast for the Israeli boat to pick him up … apart from all the other unconvincing details. Check out Mordechai’s story though – it’s good for a laugh.
Comparing Israel to Iran and North Korea is utterly absurd. It is possible that Israel has in the intervening decades restricted it’s nuclear program but in the 1960’s Ben Gurion was absolutely determined to acquire them. Everyone knows about Dimona, There are documented stories detailing how Israel obtained yellowcake from multiple sources across the globe. And your offer of a link to wikipedia is declined.
Yeah, and everyone knows that 19 terrorists hijacked four planes …
Propaganda is everywhere, Peter, everywhere. It’s under the bed, in the cupboards, in the grouting, it’s suffocating. It’s not just directed at the “masses”. It’s directed at all different groups … and especially those of us who don’t believe them. We’re a prime target.
Wikipedia is the place that gives us the clues, it’s good like that. As has been said by image in these comments and seconded by me, they always let us know (see You can knock Wikipedia for a lot of things but don’t knock it for its giveaway clues on psyops. For those it’s a wonderful resource.
There is no reason to believe anyone has nuclear weapons and the evidence clearly shows nuclear bombs were not dropped on Hiroshima or Nagasaki.
You need an agile mind when it comes to the power elite, Peter. Until a year or so ago I believed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki – didn’t question it for a second – and then I got an email and within 5 minutes I was onboard with the possibility they were fake … and then a little while later was properly convinced. Why not? That’s the question: why not? They tell us so many lies why wouldn’t that just be another one?
I would be very interested to know what evidence exists for the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs being fakes.
So all the medical studies done post explosion are all fakes.
How was it all achieved?
Just to add: where we know they’re telling us lies don’t be so quick to get selective. If they’re lying about Iran and North Korea why should we believe what they say about Israel? I do find it odd how people will recognise certain parts of a story as being lies but be convinced of the truth of other parts. If lies are being told isn’t it more likely the whole story is a lie rather than just some bits? And certainly, at least, shouldn’t we subject the bits we tend to believe to strict scrutiny?
It’s one of their propaganda strategies. They know how to concoct their story so that we will recognise certain parts as lies but be seduced by other parts. You need to be ruthless. Of course, they do mix the truth with lies too – that’s another of their strategies. It’s always a minefield.
I agree that ‘nuclear weapons’ are a hoax. For a very compelling book about it check out Akio Nakatani’s “Death Object” which debunks the whole Hiroshima/Nakasaki story
Yes, I’ve read it but this short video showing the similarities between Hiroshima (allegedly atomic-bombed) and Tokyo (admittedly fire-bombed) is extremely compelling too.
Indeed. Nukes are complete fakes as was the whole Cuban missle crisis.
Papa Kennedy started RKO pictures and JFK started the modern White House as film set flim flam.
Very interesting and informative article. My only remark is that the author seems to confound the difference between Papuan and Indonesian independence – two competing notions
Yes, I was going to make a point about that myself.
I have scanned the article very quickly .Were has the author “confounded the difference between Papuan and Indonesian independence…”?
Actually, that’s not entirely true. Firstly, this is a book review that may not go into independence from Indonesia covered in the book (if it is and I guess there’s reasons it wouldn’t be as the subject addressed would be big enough on its own to manage surely) and secondly on second reading I see:
in 1975 Indonesia invaded East Timor nine days after declaration of independence from Portugal and it was only in 1999, after a violent and brutal regime, involving a huge number of deaths, that it relinquished control after a UN-sponsored agreement between Indonesia and Portugal allowed for a UN-supervised popular referendum. Of course, this happened under the US-pushed Suharto regime not Sukarno’s and, essentially, although I’m virtually 100% ignorant on the subject (shameful considering I’m Australian) to really comment I’d say that while Indonesia might look like the coloniser it’s very much Western countries really responsible for the earlyish colonisations leading to the problems experienced now: Portugal, the Netherlands, Australia have all massively screwed over East Timor.
The west certainly has a lot to answer for as regards East Timor ,and particularly West Papua.
The perception held by many here is that Whitlam ” sold out ” the West Papuans on the plebiscite ,or were menacing words whispered in his ear by the purveyors of democracy just before the vote was taken.
And we had our own East Timor activist in Robert Wesley-Smith who for many years leading up to independence was playing cat and mouse games with ASIO ,and annoying the AFP (the plastic or chocolate cops as they were known then .suitable for airport security duties only) and the local cops .
There was always the threat of Indonesian invasion of Australia that pre-dated its invasion of East Timor.
In the bush around Darwin there were rusting pretend obstacles to “deter” the invading Indonesians.
(Darwin has hosted students ,particularly secondary school students ,from West Papua for a great many years.)
Just saw a documentary on YouTube of Allen Dulles and he was interviewed in and in it he was claiming the CIA doesn’t kidnap or torture or assassinate people. And he genuinely believed his own lies.
Allen Dulles died of influenza, complicated by pneumonia, in Georgetown, Washington DC at the age of 75… How wonderfully serendipitous…
This is not new. Astonishingly.
Well, I can tell you what I learned from the photo that accompanies this article:
JFK wore a toupee! Wow! Not convincing in the least. It’s like a somewhat-shaggy length of dachshund pelt pasted onto his (evidently receded) hairline. Then his stylist tried to hide the outline with feathering and fluffing.
Vince Salandria
In 1975 Salandria told Gaeton Fonzi: “I’m afraid we were misled. All the critics, myself included, were misled very early. I see that now. We spent too much time and effort microanalyzing the details of the assassination when all the time it was obvious, it was blatantly obvious that it was a conspiracy. Don’t you think that the men who killed Kennedy had the means to do it in the most sophisticated and subtle way? They chose not to. Instead, they picked the shooting gallery that was Dealey Plaza and did it in the most barbarous and openly arrogant manner. The cover story was transparent and designed not to hold, to fall apart at the slightest scrutiny. The forces that killed Kennedy wanted the message clear: ‘We are in control and no one – not the President, nor Congress, nor any elected official – no one can do anything about it.’ It was a message to the people that their Government was powerless.”
Correct. I’ve always thought that. The ambush was almost made for TV, including close ups of the head shots,
The mentality and – as you say – the arrogance of these people is frightening.
Plus ça change plus c’est la même chose.
Very, very interesting and, unusually, it doesn’t sound like controlled opposition telling the story.
Excerpt from: A Violent Insane Asylum (53 Pages) by Mark R. Elsis If you would like to know who the real perpetrators behind the assassination of President Kennedy were, it was Israel. Their motive, they wanted nuclear weapons. Juxtapose this with the fact that non-proliferation of nuclear weapons was the most vital issue of the Kennedy presidency. There was simply no way he was going to let Israel or any other country acquire nuclear weapons. What I’ve found truly amazing is that over the last 55 years we’ve all heard every possible crazy conspiracy theory on the assassination, except for those who had the means, motive and opportunity to execute and cover-up the assassination, Israel. Jewish writers comprised a vastly overrepresented amount of the first wave of writers looking into the assassination of President Kennedy. They all had done good to sometimes great research, but never anything tied to Israel. Almost as though they were a form of controlled opposition (being published by mostly Jewish owned book publishers). It’s the same with the film JFK by Oliver Stone, it was financed by the Israeli arms merchant and Hollywood producer, Arnon Milchan. In all of these works, there isn’t anything mentioned, even remotely about the number one motive for the assassination of President Kennedy; that Israel desperately wanted to acquire nuclear weapons. “It is interesting, but not surprising, to note that in all the words written and uttered about the Kennedy assassination, Israel’s intelligence agency, the Mossad, has never been mentioned.” Paul Findley, Former United States Congressman, March 1992 All my life I’ve wanted to uncover an indisputable smoking gun on who was behind the assassination of President Kennedy. Then one night while falling off to sleep and entering hypnagogia (hypnagogia has given me many intrinsically perceptive ideas over my… Read more »
Jack Ruby was a crony of Mickey Cohen, the well known LA mobster who was a friend of Menachem Begin. Cohen was also an associate of the chairman of the board, Meyer Lansky.
Bullshit. Sam Giancana was probably more involved than lowlife Ruby who happened to be Jewish. So maybe Italy had JFK assassinated because an Irish American became president before an Italian American.
Write this down and memorize it: the USA is the big dog; Israel is the tail. No matter what you’ve heard tails don’t wag dogs.
You are not aware about the power of the central banking cartel and unaware of the obvious fact that they rule the world. A well known Italian mobster Jimmy Fratianno has written about a fundraising party Mickey Cohen arranged in LA for Begin when the latter was on the run after the King David hotel bombing. Fratianno attended the party. Giancana was more involved in the plot to kill Castro. The players in both plots were connected.
It seems Italy was implicated in the assassination.
Where there is greed and funny business a Jew will be involved. But if you shine the spotlight on them very few acknowledge the light let alone the figure in it.
The nuclear weapons thing is propaganda and Israel “behind” everything is propaganda too. Not that they necessarily aren’t well in there but it’s a form of misdirection. I’m often vilified for saying what seems to be outlandish but, firstly, very, very little of what I say is my original idea – I’ve learnt it from others – and secondly, even though the idea may seem “novel” to use an interesting word, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t make sense and is not well-evidenced. I’m always checking for evidence, logic and reason in what I say. The evidence clearly shows that nuclear bombs were not dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Why is that really so outlandish? We’ve been brainwashed into believing they were, that’s the only reason! There is no such thing as nuclear weapons, they’re a hoax. They’re designed to terrify us like so much other stuff. Surely, we all agree on the constant fear-mongering. Marvin Minsky Similarity of images of Hiroshima (allegedly atomic-bombed) with those in Tokyo (admitted fire-bombing) Death Object: Exploding Nuclear Weapons – I’ve read this book and find it very compelling Website with information on fakery – I certainly don’t vouch for all of it but worth taking a look Let’s consider what we might take to be “deliberate” clues if the bombings were, in fact, a psyop: Nomenclature: — Enola Gay – Pilot’s mother’s name (Hiroshima) — Bockscar – with image of a flying boxcar (Nagasaki) and the number 77! (cf Flight 77) – Bocks was name of alleged designated pilot replaced at last minute by another pilot — Fat Man and Little Boy Nonsense miracle survivor stories If you think that what I claim is nonsense then please put forward what you believe to be clear evidence of the cities being… Read more »
‘Hiroshima Revisited’ Michael Palmer presents the medical evidence. The question remains were nukes successfully tested later. Maybe they are still trying – might explain all the money spent on particle accelerators. Still hope for the Doomsday Machine.
Thanks for that, Martin. Actually, Michael was the first person to alert me to the hoax and I read the draft of his book. I didn’t realise his book was published.
I have no evidence; just a question: if the nuclear weapons thing is a hoax, does that mean the radiation supposedly emanating from the weapons and accumulating in the atmosphere and on the ground is also a hoax? And are nuclear reactors – such as Chernobyl and Fukushima – also a hoax?
(BTW, I do not regard these questions as any sort of “Gotcha!”” I’m simply open to new information.)
An observation re: the video of the two cities. Fire is pretty much fire; the damage results from the intensity of the fire. There’s no reason I can think of why hundreds of fire bombs should result in less severe damage than one atomic bomb. Nor is there a reason to assume that one “small” atomic bomb would pulverize every single building; fire would be the primary destructive force.
The closest thing we have in nature, and in recent history, would be the Tunguska blast. Trees were leveled; but not pulverized.
I have the feeling we tend to exaggerate the destructive force of nuclear weapons.
Possibly but what evidence is there of atomic bombs? I think Michael Palmer’s book, Hiroshima Revisited, does a good job of explaining the radiation sickness (mustard gas) and levels of radiation Michael gives a very brief summary of his book here: Also worth going to that page for other resources. His free book is here This book talks more about how nuclear bombs simply cannot be a “thing”, they just wouldn’t behave how they’d want them to Death Object: Exploding Nuclear Weapons I’ve heard that both Chernobyl and Fukushima are hoaxes too but haven’t looked. I’ve also heard the Titanic was a hoax as well (just did a search and got quite a lot of responses but haven’t looked yet!titanic+hoax). If the Titanic and Fukushima were hoaxes that would be interesting in one way at least: — When Sandy Hook happened I didn’t look at it much but one thing that stuck in my mind was a story about police going round to the alleged killer’s house on a good lead that he had weapons – but without a reason being offered – failed to enter the house where they would have found his arsenal. I thought, “Oh, if only they’d searched the house, those poor children would have been saved. Why didn’t they?” Of course, later I realised it was hogwash. — I remember reading about Fukushima that a marker was found that said, “Don’t build beyond this point.” This marker was placed by those familiar with the fact historically tsumanis occurred there. I thought, “If only …” — In the very little I’ve read about the Titanic I remember reading that the key to the elaborate glass box holding the telescope was lost and no one wanted to break the glass because the box… Read more »
I was very skeptical of your claim that the atomic bombs were hoaxes and then I wondered why Wilfred Burchett did not develop radiation sickness while he was in Hiroshima.
He lived to a ripe old age -no leukemia from memory.
Were readings ever taken of radiation over the years?
And how did the Japanese fabricated all the medical research that was done in the many years following the bomb?
A truly fascinating story. I was not aware of the Indonesian part of the JFK assassination. Would like to know more about the current state of indonesian/US relations, and how Australia fits into all this. Thank you OffGuardian, for printing this history.
There were four Kennedy assassinations.
Joe Jr 1944
JFK 1963
RFK 1968
John jr 1997.
Also the deeply sinister Chappaquiddick psyop.
It is all a psyop.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Timeline (423 Pages)
The Most Comprehensive Timeline On John Fitzgerald Kennedy
by Mark R. Elsis
Simplistic conspiracy researchers will nod their heads in recognition of the duplicity involved here, while missing the point about the one-two punch repeatedly conveyed in these highly symbolical murders, which transmit alchemical cant language command phrases and trigger-words over the airwaves and into the news racks. One: the ritual murders are successfully accomplished.
The principals get-away, the scapegoat conveniently takes the blame. Two: later we learn the truth but no one is prosecuted. We are mocked, disoriented and demoralized. Occult prestige and potency is heightened. This is what simplistic researchers miss: the function of macabre arrogance thumbing its nose at us while we do nothing except spread the tale of their immunity and invincibility further. That is the game plan operant here. To the belief system of the modern man it sounds too crazy. Why would the perpetrators want their secrets revealed after the fact—even if it is years later? This question can only be definitively answered if one has an understanding of the Zeitgeist which overseers in the cryptocracy have partly manufactured and partly tailored their own operations to coincide with.
Michael A. Hoffman II Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare
… the function of macabre arrogance thumbing its nose at us while we do nothing except spread the tale of their immunity and invincibility further. Well said! Very, very well said! Yes, I’m like a broken record with “They tell us” – not just years later but often before and always during. My sister argues that you cannot tell lies and have them go undetected regardless of deliberate anomalies giving the game away and that deliberate anomalies don’t make much difference one way or the other. That is obviously true for such whoppers as steel frame skyscrapers collapsing due to fire but she doesn’t get it. They are so significant. The funny thing is I think Michael Hoffman is probably an insider – they tell us so much it makes your eyes water! They know themselves and they know us equally well and are not afraid to declare who they are. They simply rely on us “spreading the tale of their immunity and invincibility” as you say. If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. Sun Tzu, The Art of War There are so many things giving away the falsity of the lone gunman story and I’ve barely studied the event: — A Carcano, relic of Mussolini’s armed forces, as the choice of weapon for the crackshot assassination? — Rifle not “sighted in” — No match between famous photo and and any still of the “live shooting” on TV Another commenter has tried to say that it’s not clear there is no match between photo and a… Read more »
And just to add I think this quote says it all perfectly:
The purpose of propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.
Edited quote from Theodore Dalrymple, aka Anthony Daniels, British psychiatrist (my emphasis).
I fear you give people too much credit. Unlike you, I believe that most people really, truly cannot pick up on a lie even if it’s obvious. And even most of those who are capable of detecting lies automatically filter it through their “They wouldn’t dare lie like that to our faces!” lens.
I wouldn’t say I’m particularly good at picking lies myself, Howard, unless there’s clear evidence or logic or reason to detect them … or specifically in the case of psyops I apply the codified modus operandi lens. When there’s those things then yes – it’s not a matter of ability so much as using the correct method. For example, what I’ve noticed when I argue with people is that initially both of you disagree and that’s fair enough, right?, but when you point out clear evidence that challenges their belief they simply will not recognise it. It’s astounding. To give an example: I was arguing with someone who supports the official story on COVID who told me I should listen to the experts. I responded with, well, yes I do listen to the experts – the experts on both sides and compare arguments. She simply carried on the argument as if “both sides” weren’t mentioned and the “experts” are only those who are credentialled and support the official story.
Yes, the Big Lie taboo is seemingly insurmountable … but also people can believe they’ve come to understand the Big Lie in question but when more information comes to hand to say actually the Big Lie is a little different from what was first thought it’s as if they’ve fossilised in their belief – THIS is what the Big Lie is and I will not brook any argument that the Big Lie is actually something a little different.
Hello image: > “This is what simplistic researchers miss: the function of macabre arrogance thumbing its nose at us while we do nothing except spread the tale of their immunity and invincibility further.”
Truer words were never spoken. “They” are only immune and invincible because they tell us so, over and over. We believe the lie because it’s more convenient than just killing the bastards off…
Thought provoking post! It reminds me of this quote of La Boétie (1530-1563) from his “Discourse on Voluntary Servitude”, clandestinely published in 1577. Note that he died at 33 and wrote this at a very young age. Everyone knows that the fire from a little spark will increase and blaze ever higher as long as it finds wood to burn; yet without being quenched by water, but merely by finding no more fuel to feed on, it consumes itself, dies down, and is no longer a flame. Similarly, the more tyrants pillage, the more they crave, the more they ruin and destroy; the more one yields to them, and obeys them, by that much do they become mightier and more formidable, the readier to annihilate and destroy. But if not one thing is yielded to them, if, without any violence they are simply not obeyed, they become naked and undone and as nothing, just as, when the root receives no nourishment, the branch withers and dies.(…)All this havoc, this misfortune, this ruin, descends upon you not from alien foes, but from the one enemy whom you yourselves render as powerful as he is, for whom you go bravely to war, for whose greatness you do not refuse to offer your own bodies unto death. He who thus domineers over you has only two eyes, only two hands, only one body, no more than is possessed by the least man among the infinite numbers dwelling in your cities; he has indeed nothing more than the power that you confer upon him to destroy you. Where has he acquired enough eyes to spy upon you, if you do not provide them yourselves? How can he have so many arms to beat you with, if he does not borrow them from you? The… Read more »
The 1965 massacre went beyond members of the PKI. Just about everyone from the Chinese ethnic minority group in Indonesia, regardless of their political affiliations, was suspected of being part of a fifth column of agents for the communists in China.
It is interesting to read such articles, but to what end?
My father was not a Kennedy fan by any means, and would have been considered an average blue collar worker in the 60’s. He simply read newspapers and magazines for information about his world. He read allot of newspapers and magazines…
Though no internet or library archives were available at the time, he somehow nailed Allen Dulles, Adlai Stevenson, Robert McNamara, and Lyndon Baines Johnson as the main conspirators behind John Kennedy’s assassination. How was that possible?
Today’s internet offers the average researcher near endless venues of information, yet no one knows diddly squat about who’s in control. Seems the agent provocateurs remain disconnected and anonymous, in order to protect the innocent from all harm… .. .
It’s the Mae Brussell effect. How did a California home-maker, albeit a Stanford grad, become a foremost researcher simply by clipping newspapers? 1 Newspapers still conveyed knowledge in the 1960s-80s because the outer party had to communicate. This is no longer true as knowledge reaches the outer party more directly by email/newsletter. Newspapers today largely obfuscate. Modern propaganda is deliberately irrational. It censors logic not facts. See: Brussell said she worked by comparing accounts of the same event and looking for discrepancies or omissions. 2 Data is merely fodder. Information is not a substitute for ideas, knowledge or wisdom. Brussell worked with the latter. 3 People had seen tumult. They were not complacent. They knew that society rests on fragile foundations that must be protected and fortified. Brussell is a thoroughly modern woman. However she was born in 1922 (dying, likely murdered, in 1988). 4 The public execution of JFK shocked the home-maker into activism. Brussell was a one-woman intelligence service. Her weekly radio broadcast was a one-woman current affairs show. 5 Brussell spotted patterns (not predictions) by listening, watching, analysing: Mae warned Rose Kennedy in person that Bobby would be assassinated. He died a week later. She warned the Reagan team would kill each other off, one day before Reagan’s shooting. She monitored the infiltration of government and corporations by Third Reich fascists. And warned the police state would evolve into a war on the people. "We are identical to Germany in 1932...Nothing is natural today. Billions are going into creating divisions, terror, to make headlines, to spread confusion and fear." “We are going to see a great number of articles in the future from so-called experts and public officials. They will warn about more violence, more kidnappings, and more terrorists. Mass media, the armed forces, and intelligence… Read more »
Mae Brussel did some remarkable work including on the Chappaquiddick psyop. However she usually put the blame on fictitious “Nazis”.
Peter I would suggest you wake up and smell the “Nazi” in the “air”.
Indeed. The CIA and the Nazi International are entirely interchangeable. Gehlen Organisation anyone?
Mae Brussels was a hollywood limited hangout. Kicked off all of the idiotic forensic analysis of a staged film.
Her clone Dave Macgowan followed a similar trajectory……
“The hatred drummed up against these poor members of the Communist Party was extraordinary in its depravity.” I wonder if it was as depraved as the stories people in places like communist North Korean still believe and get taught today. For example, many think that American GIs in the war drank or wanted to drink the blood of the Korean women they always raped. Iranians, even Islamist politicians in the national assembly, drum up hatred for Americans every time they chant ‘death to the great Satan’ and burn the US flag. So I really hope you defend poor Americans from hate today as much as you do poor communists of yesterday.
Nothing is what it seems
Iran was massively supported by Israel and the West during the bloody eight year Iran Iraq war that bled both countries dry and killed two million of their citizens. Western and Soviet merchants of death made billions in 1980’s money. Israeli technicians based in Teheran kept the Iranian air force flying. Today Iran is an ardent supporter of the corona hoax.
So you don’t have to read it, a contributor to Miles W Mathis’ site reviewed Klaus Schwab’s Covid-19: The Great Reset (2020). “Bless him for putting himself through it.”
I recommend reading this (from page 7 in the following PDF) because it shows what quantum bunkum is being served up.
As Patrick M Wood comments on the pseudo intellectuals of the Trilateral Commission in the video I reviewed here, “The global elite are pedestrian academics and intellectuals at best. They have never had an original idea of their own. To gain advantage they have to hijack the ideas of others.”
Thanks! In the wrap-up the authors give an example from the novel “Chronicle of a Death Foretold”, where an entire village foresees a looming catastrophe but nobody acts to prevent the catastrophe until it’s too late. Schwab and Malleret write,“We do not want to be that village. To avoid such a fate, without delay we need to set in motion the Great Reset. This is not a “nice-to-have” but an absolute necessity.”I have a problem with analysts who use fictional literature as an example for real-world applications.Somebody just made up that village story. Why should we believe it represents anything close to reality? Their call to action based on this is beyond irresponsible. They are just using previous fctions to support the current one. Previous paid authors support current paid authors.In summation, the book is horribly written and argued, as usual, being a pretty transparentblueprint for tyranny and fascism. It would appear that Schwab is so insulated from the real world, he feels he doesn’t even have to pretend he is not doing what he is doing, or is not who he appears to be. He looks like an evil dictator at a glance, and is fine with that. The book does nothing to tone that first impression down at all. This is not a Roosevelt or a Truman, pretending to be a populist. This is a Dr. Evil, twirling his mustache and petting his fluffy white cat. He thinks so little of your intelligence or gumption, he doesn’t even bother to hire some skilled writers to lie to you. He taps the usual dinks from sub-basement 6, who should be working in advertising, not Intel, and they rush out the required “book” mostly as an afterthought. For some reason, books are still on the propaganda to-do list, though no… Read more »
This critique misses some salient points, I believe. Firstly, Mr Schwab is a puppet, not a major player – otherwise, we would not even see his face. Therefore, it doesn’t matter how absurd he looks.
Secondly, Schwab’s book IS an advertisement; so it’s entirely appropriate for him to have summoned copy boys to help with his opus.
Thirdly, the critique becomes caricature the moment its author posits discontinuing books altogether. Even said in jest, once books go, culture follows fast on its heels. Whether people actually read them or not, it’s important for people to still WANT to have books – even if they opt to wait for the movie or the psy-op/false flag.
An excellent quote from Wood.
After all, if they were not so dumb that they couldn’t have original ideas of their own, they wouldn’t even consider for a moment that being part of a ‘global elite’ could be a lifestyle worth pursuing.
It’s strictly for utterly bored princesses who haven’t the wit to contribute to human evolution in any way.
Wow. He nails it. Klaus Schwab is a Bodmer! Looks like he is probably one of Martin Bodmer’s sons. Definite resemblance to Martin and his brother Leo.
Also, the brief critique by one of his readers is excellent. Thanks for the link. I do not agree with Mathis on the JFK assassination, but he makes up for it on Schwab and The Great Reset.
That was obvious to me when I first encountered the club of Rome model way way back in 1974…..just rubbish stories made up by poor intellectuals….and I wasn’t really one myself…however it was easy to see the inadequacies…..that ratbag who plays with terrorising the good people of uk with his nonsense model ditto
A very interesting article. At the mention of Oliver Stone’s name, however, I do find myself wondering whether, for example, a conceivable movie based on this information could ever be allowed to exist… Following this line of thought, if Twitter can shut down a POTUS’s ability to reach a wide audience, then Hollywood manipulators can shut down Oliver Stone too. Then, in conclusion, that same breed of censor could also shut down Greg Poulgrain, and so the question remains, what persuaded Skyhorse to publish this book? Aren’t they afraid, in the face of the huge death toll already associated with this episode in world history? The families and interests of these horrifying manipulators from the last century are still very much with us, after all. Or perhaps the success of the covid coup has convinced the manipulators that they are now 100% untouchable, and that anybody can henceforth publish whatever they like, since none of it will make any difference any more…? If I were, say, to publish a book next year which claimed (falsely) that Margaret Thatcher personally strangled at least one kitten a day during her premiership, I fear that: a) it would be a best-seller. b) nobody would bother to refute it, since Thatcher is also untouchable… I’m only indicating that certainty must be a pretty impossible thing to achieve in even the best of today’s journalistic research, and we must remain very sceptical, however revealing any new documentation may appear to be. If I had any control over human evolution, I would want the current ability of today’s greedy manipulators to hide their lies behind innocent-looking faces to become a future impossibility. A liar would not only have a face which changed colour from pink to green when he deliberately lied, but also, if there was… Read more »
At the mention of Oliver Stone’s name, however, I do find myself wondering whether, for example, a conceivable movie based on this information could ever be allowed to exist…
Definitely not a movie. I think Hollywood has been under tight control for about 20 years, much more so than prior to 2000, or so, and far more monopolized and easier to control than book publishing. Who really cares about books much, any more? Americans don’t read books. They do watch the talentless shit and pure propaganda Hollywood now produces, though.
I think I’m going to buy and read this book. As far as how US foreign policy really operates, not much has changed. Sad.
Uniquely among recent presidents, Trump started no new wars, scaled down massively the US presence in the Middle East, negotiated 5 unprecedented peace deals between Israel and Muslim nations, renounced the role of the US as global policeman, and defied the military-industrial complex. But you say ‘nothing has changed’?! And can anyone explain why leftists hate Orange Man Bad, but not the new ‘leader’? Biden is so obviously the puppet of the US state, a hugely corrupt swamp creature who caused so much of the war and destruction leftists always say they oppose and hate.
That’s mostly a HUUUUGE exaggeration. He did NOT “massively scale down” military presence in the middle east. He just moved them around. Ridiculous statement. He bombed based on false evidence and sanctioned based on LIES. There was effectively NO CHANGE in US foreign policy under Trump. He was such a shameless whore for Israel that it still burns me up to think about it. Will there be any difference under that shallow puppet Biden? NO.
Wake up. Stop believing in the fantasy of red team and blue team or ANY “man or woman of the people” coming from our political system. That died during the last decades of the 20th century.
Very interesting and valid. A lot of multi-purposes involved in the JFK murder.
Piper’s “Final Judgment” speaks of the Ben-Gurion link and the combination of CIA, Criminal Syndicate of the US led by Meier Lansky and Mossad makes a lot of sense too. Almost days after LBJ started to sponsor Israel to the hilt now that enemy JFK was out of the way and Israel could build their clandestine nuclear arsenal. So, like 9/11 many purposes and agendas unfolded: Vietnam war could continue, Deep State were in control again, Indonesia, but also Israel got its power and has remained its hold on US government ever since. Mossad is expert at controlling and censoring of these links to Israel ever to come out, but Piper exposed them in his studies (his subsequent death has been “suspicious”.
Great Post
I’m glad it got through.
Those who live by lies have to fear the truth.
The swamp feared Trump, but drained him thanks to the leftists already controlling much of the US state and many 1000s of violent leftist street activists in Antifa and BLM.
Not so. First, Jared was de facto president and openly scorned 2016 Trump voters and their wishes. Second, Trump never laid a glove on the swamp. Per Angelo Codevilla, 9/23/20: “Let there be no doubt: the ruling class’s focus on Donald Trump has been incidental. America’s potentates do not fear one pudgy orange-haired septuagenarian. They fear the millions of Americans whom they loathe, who voted for Trump, who gave his party control of House and Senate, and who will surely vote for folks these potentates really should fear.”…9/23/20, “Revolution 2020,“ Angelo Codevilla, American Mind
“The doctor Johan Anmuth (The Book of Vision), believes in a medicine in which the body is not just a sack containing organs & fluids: he treats his patients first by listening to their stories & fears, as if he were at the same time a scientist & a psychoanalyst ante litteram”
who was the producer of the movie jfk
what connections what was his role on the movie guidance control
what was his role in state matters off set for who
well you know same old same old
christopher bollyn talked often about are man anan arnon aman milchan
forgive the spelling shit sticks whatever way you spell it
michael collins piper busted this case with permindex
triggers are important vital in the story kill shot,missile or controlled demolition
all arts projects but who are the artists and who danced
yahoo documents the events
Gershon Peres
Shimon Peres’ brother Gershon was on the board of Permindex in the 1970’s. This shady company was also involved in the attempts on Charles de Gaulle.
Yes… The SRF & Billionaires were very upset with what JFK policies were about Indonesia!
The REASON the SRF & Billionaires terminated the Jester in Office JFK was one and one only:
Executive Order 11110—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10289 as Amended, Relating to the Performance of Certain Functions Affecting the Department of the Treasury June 04, 1963
Quick reaction… on Nov 22 1963 the moron was terminated!
If any Jester tries to CHANGE the SRF F.R.S. they will be terminated…
Clearly that JFK message was very well understood by the following jesters in the White Horse cause none of them even dared to speak badly about the F.R.S.!
MONETARY SYSTEM, property of the SRF. Mess with it and you’re dead.
Hate to display my ignorance of the occult, but what is SRF? And what is F.R.S.?
it’s not the occult… SRF – Secular Ruling Families – Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Lehmans, Moses Seifs, Rothshilds, Rockefellers, Loebs, Lazars and Warburgs.
F.R.S. – Federal Reserve System… A creation (joint effort) of the Warburg, Morgan and Rockefeller families!)
Thanks. We live in a world of initials and anagrams. I submit that if something can’t be expressed in one or two words, it’s probably a psy-op.
Secular? Aren’t a lot of the families you name Jewish? Aren’t the Rockefellers Baptists?
The Empire has killed millions of people around the world, but the Anglophone critics of the Empire devote more of their attention to the killing of one of the Empire’s nominal heads than to all the other victims put together.
“Ah, but the assassination of JFK was a pivotal moment.”
If you’re so solid a thinker as you pretend to be, you’d discuss the systemic reasons for why things went wrong, like : why there’s an empire, what processes lead to a civilisation’s decline, and what exact measures can be taken to stop people becoming swindled time and again. We might even discuss why do people commit crime, why it appears to be more crime than there is psychopathy. Hey, defenders of civilisation, you’re heirs to Shakespeare, and devotees to freedom, why don’t you exercise the freedom to look at things from the position of the great villains. Just saying.
The facts that so much time is devoted to the fate of a single person, that an elected president is treated like some prince or an Arthurian king, that a poorly performing executive who was very ill is seen as a force of dynamism & youthfulness, and as the last great hope for half the globe (or the whole of it), … are facts that speak for themselves.
It’s also somewhat bizarre that he’s perceived as a sure counterweight to criminality despite even Nixon being shocked by the Kennedy family’s political ruthlessness.
Why don’t you change your handle to The Empire and have done with changing it constantly?
“…why there’s an empire, what processes lead to a civilisation’s decline,”
Non sequitur, like so much else.
seems to me that JFK assassination represents the hook narrative, which is addressed by the theme of The American Empire. There is no doubt it was an internal elite matter in a similar fashion to those inner elite tensions in the Roman Republic led eventually to the Roman Empire. Elites love the dynastic way.
There’s little cause for anyone taking us by the hand and pointing out that the sky is up and the ground down.
Everyone already understands the nature of empires and what leads to them; of psychopathy and what it’s capable of; of evil and how it plays out; of the decline and fall of civilization(s).
Everyone knows all this. But everyone must live and attempt to function in the midst of the madness we whimsically call human civilization – so they ignore it as best they can (at their own peril, of course).
When democracy works, emperors don’t rule. To work, democracies need true free speech (ie no fear of offending or recrimination), fully trusted electoral systems, a free media platforming a full range of citizen opinion, and candidates with distinct, independent, populist agendas selected by citizens rather than selected by corrupt party machines or bought by corporations. None of these conditions remain in western democracies, and the last US president to be freely elected by the people rather than by the state or swamp has been ousted illegally, and silenced by the corporate communists/fascists. Iron curtain descending. Dark times ahead.
“…discuss the systemic reasons for why things went wrong, like : why there’s an empire, what processes lead to a civilisation’s decline, and what exact measures can be taken to stop people becoming swindled time and again. We might even discuss why do people commit crime, why it appears to be more crime than there is psychopathy.”
Great questions! But rather than waste time flinging invective at such an inferior “pretender” — who, failing to diagnose and fix or even see the breadth of the world’s problems in a few thousand words, fails utterly — it seems to me that you ought to get crackin’ on saving civilization. After all, humanity needs you!!
We look forward to the brilliant analyses in your upcoming tome. In the meantime, could you just treat us to a teaser OG article? Then we (and perhaps Mr Curtin) might have a better crack at a critiquing you, too.
Do you see Biden as a ‘better’ emperor than Trump? I thought Trump fought the system which Biden has served loyally for decades.
So what do you think of Robert F. Kennedy jnr. and his anti-covid stance? Is he a ‘good’ Kennedy?
I have made a couple of small donations to CHD. However I am a bit disappointed at their condemnation of the Dodgers stadium anti vaxx protesters.
Yes, their retort seemed a bit knee-jerk, unless there is something they know that we don’t.
I read the article, and then read replies to it. Many of the replies noted that the protest was a peaceful one.
And it does not seem that protesters were using Children’s Health Defense name.
I know CHD has to be very careful, but that was a bit odd.
Having said that, they are sure are fighting on a lot of fronts.
Good article, shame the American public are so inward looking and brainwashed by the media.
Going back to the Congo, It was about Diamonds. There again is a common denominator there too. British Gov. It was then the Belgian Congo, de Beers HQ was based in UK and who founded de beers, Cecil John Rhodes. So theres a link back to South Africa and the then Gov involvment. A deal there with the “British Elite” and “Americam Elite”?
Rhodes was merely a front for the Rothschild interests. As was J.P. Morgan in the U.S.. The “empires” are played.
At the end of the day you have the mineral resources of the Earth and people powerful and wealthy enough to possess them and to enslave the rest.
That’s all, folks.
Yep you are right. The Emprire games.
they kept it in the family
as they always did
sent young winston
they told us he was hero
a reporter one of us
like many men and woman of the press
all spies
writing reports
map making plotting the asset rich terrain
from zygote to zero flatline
churchill was blood family member
“Rhodes was merely a front for the Rothschild interests”.
The proof is of course in Rhodes’ will. Who doesn’t get the sudden urge to leave all their worldly goods to the Rothschilds?
Funny how Bill Clinton never completed his Rhodes’ scholarship, that living embodiment of the Anglo-American elite.The rumour has long been there was a sexual assault to be covered up. The victim allegedly didn’t want to go public which given the fury that was unleashed on the other women who accused Clinton was probably wise. The Democrats currently falling over themselves to say we should all believe AOC and her suddenly-discovered sexual assault because “we should always believe the victim” seem to forget how they didn’t when it came to, for example, Paula Jones. It couldn’t be that AOC was realising her “I almost died during the insurrection” story was collapsing given the wealth of evidence to the contrary (like her geographical location at the time and her statements on the day) and she’s trying to prop it up with a narrative she knows many will find it dificult to challenge, could it?
I think Bill Clinton was victimised because he supported the Defense of Marriage Act. His wife Killary is horribly evil.
James Corbett did a wonderful 3 part series on the World War 1 Conspiracy. That’s where I learned all about Cecil Rhodes and his inner circle.
Corbett put the video up again over the weekend. It’s available at on his site, but not on utube.
Wasn’t the Congo also about uranium?
It’s a no-brainer that Dulles was involved, as were many others in the invisible government or “the deep state”. Plus LBJ.
Almost 60 years ago most sensible people smelled a rat when Oswald was killed before he could go for trial. Some smelled it before that.
RFK, MLK, Lennon et al. followed. The trademark of a “lone nut” killer should never be missed.
The COVID con would have been unthinkable in a healthier culture than ours which has reached such a level of affluence that the very concept of health has become pathologised. What previous society would be shocked that very old people with multiple illnesses would have the audacity to die? What other society could switch on their TVs, see all those dour faces in their masks and NOT break into raucous guffaws of searing derision?
With the extra weird that few seem to care then about the 1000’s living on the street, unemployed…lost….those losing homes and businesses etc…just those oldies reaching end of life and inevitably dying…and how a piece of cloth and a dodgy injection is going to save them from the same fate….meanwhile of course few will be doing anything about the state of their own health and just who is doing all the yelling and have any of them actually lost their houses and jobs?
there seems to be a few parallel universes happening and a weird one has control right now…and so many have swallowed the rubbish that have the injection and wear a mask and the world will be normal again…they seem oblivious to the fact that they have taken part in the destruction of whatever normal was…
Maybe the majority have not swallowed the propaganda at all…it’s just the MSM that says so.
“Global warming” once again causes snowpocalypse in Europe.
That’s why the scoundrels and fraudster pushing the label “Global Warming” had to change it to “Climate Change”.
Using the label “Climate Change” ALL CHANGES are covered. No matter the change they will declared “You see, we use fossil fuels that’s why is snowing so badly“!
Label “Climate Change” the Perfect TOOL for the Perfect Scam…
You may want an update. The Guardian editorial team instructed house writers and reporters to replace ‘climate change’ with the more dramatic ‘climate crisis’ almost 2 years ago, because it ‘more accurately’ reflected scientific realities. ‘Crisis’ is what the MSM, the UN, Gates, the globalists, Greta, Carrie, Boris and much of the UK establishment now treat as reality. China laughs. Better pray for the return of sanity, scepticism, and real free speech.
Yes, that is correct… From time to time they spew “Climate Crisis” but it seems it doesn’t stick to the morons minds!
Snowstorms are not caused by “Global warming.” They’re caused by Climate Engineering to make people think the Earth could not possibly be warming.
Throw a snowball for the Climate Engineers. They’ll thank you as they snicker behind your back.
That’s pushing it. Do the engineers have a nationality and work address?
The UK media are rolling out their NLP meme “the beast from the east” again.
Hello Maggie, and other uninformed readers: The “snowpocalypse” is a direct result of chemically nucleated moisture that results in fake “snow”. If people weren’t so wrapped up in their delusions and denials, they’d look closely at the consistency of the “snow”. The snow “flakes” are not flake-like. They are granular, like fine sand. Earth’s climate systems are being mutilated by the use of geoengineering chemicals.
Go ahead and deny that your eyes are perceiving multiple chemical trace lines crisscrossing the sky. Go ahead and believe the media lies explaining the lines are simply aircraft “contrails”. Go for a walk on a cold winter day, and notice that you don’t leave a two mile long vapor trail with your breath… Speaking of breath: Your children and pets are also breathing these chemicals into their lungs…
The Engineered Winter Deception, Chemical Ice Nucleation
The Engineered Winter Deception, Chemical Ice Nucleation, And Ice Boulders » The Engineered Winter Deception, Chemical Ice Nucleation, And Ice Boulders | Geoengineering Watch
Thanks for all your replies, guys. I always wonder what “apparent temperature” means. I sounds like hysteria to me. Every time a “hurricane” is supposedly imminent, threatening to cover all our roofs, it turns out to be a storm in a teacup. But the hysterics and alarmists had every time for days material for scaremongering. If you look at Siberian cities living in 50 degree cold, or all our ancestors who barely had a dress on, it must have something to do with “triggering unpleasant delusions”. One wonders how these people can be descendants of European ice age inhabitants?
I’ve always thought the science put forward for man-made climate change is perfectly sound (as much as I’m able to understand it), however, after recognising the complete fraudulence of the “science” put forward for this pandemic I feel I need to review it. What I always do is look at the pro- and anti- arguments and make the best of them I can. I find Skeptical Science an excellent site for debunking the anti-AGW arguments although my opinion of the founder of that site, John Cook, has taken a dive over the nonsense he puts forward about “conspiracy theory” thinking on the pandemic. He and three co-authors published an article on the subject in the Conversation, however, all they’ve done is taken controlled opposition agent, Judy Mikovits, and debunked her nonsense about the virus being manufactured in a Wuhan lab. These people have no idea about controlled opposition and how it’s used to undermine genuine argument. So, easy as pie to debunk Judy but not so easy to debunk Torsten Engelbrecht, Kristian Demeter and Dr Stefano Scoglio published in OffG (thank God for one publication publishing them – why no others one must ask, no?) – in fact it would seem they’re IMPOSSIBLE to debunk. I’ve emailed seven fact-checkers and Dr Ian Mackay of No reply! Just to clarify, Maggie: Global warming and climate change are two distinct phenomena each dependent on the other. As the temperature warms certain things will be affected, for example, if the warming Gulf Stream from the Bahamas has its flow affected this will make the UK colder so global warming doesn’t mean that the earth will get warmer evenly. Also, while the UK may get colder initially because of loss of Gulf Stream, as warming increases that will no doubt change.… Read more »
Is it any wonder the world is in chaos? A chaos created from the minds of maniacs lining their own pockets. The american people are so ignorant of their own history it makes one wonder if they really do care about the rest of the world. Many of the modern monsters have been made in american.
The direct consequence of the JFK murder organised by the cia, is the latest american shitshow of the 2020 presidential election, which robbed american’s of their very democracy. This had to come sooner or later with people like dullas and johnson who have passed their baton on to other like minded maniacs.
The american people have been left till last before being dished the dullas salad as they had to pay for it all, including the murder of millions of people, the destruction of democracies, and the robbing of countries.
This practice over many decades and many countries has ruined america. It’s empire won’t survive its financial future as it has warmongered its way into hyperinflation. The profits of which have remained in the hands of the few.
I would say the “American Elites who have lined their pocket” not the american people. But is is common througout the worlld that these few “Wealthy Elites” are the cause of the problems?
Why does the nationality of elitists and megalomaniacs matter? Gates may be evil but being American isn’t the reason for that.
Everything’s A Rich Man’s Trick…. Perfect accompaniment to this article…
This mediocre work does not go after the real culprits.
Wow – great video! Thanks for posting.
Interner E-Mail-Verkehr: Innenministerium spannte Wissenschaftler ein – WELT
In a nutshell, the German government enlisted scientists to come up with a computational model to justify lockdowns – i.e. the government didn’t follow the science, they drove it.
Same here with Neil Ferguson & co, I presume.
UK Regime 2003 admitted ‘the facts were fitted around the policy’ in order to ‘justify’ the illegal agression against Iraq, resulting in the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi civilians. ‘A price worth paying’ according to the psychos behind the attack.
Biden is focusing on Indonesia. It does not matter which President occupies the white house, the CIA runs things. Enemy number 1.. thru infinity?
And the current British military focus is Africa’s Sahel, including the Congo. Nothing has changed.
The British military now embraces woke. Big change.
The CIA didn’t run Trump the outsider.