The Great New Normal Purge
CJ Hopkins
Audio Version New Feature!
So, the Great New Normal Purge has begun…right on cue, right by the numbers.
As we “paranoid conspiracy theorists” have been warning would happen for the past 18 months, people who refuse to convert to the new official ideology are now being segregated, stripped of their jobs, banned from attending schools, denied medical treatment, and otherwise persecuted.
Relentless official propaganda demonizing “the Unvaccinated” is being pumped out by the corporate and state media, government leaders, health officials, and shrieking fanatics on social media.
“The Unvaccinated” are the new official “Untermenschen,” an underclass of subhuman “others” the New Normal masses are being conditioned to hate.
You can see the hatred in the New Normals’ eyes…
But it isn’t just a purge of “the Unvaccinated.” Anyone deviating from the official ideology is being systematically demonized and persecuted.
In Germany, Australia, and other New Normal countries, protesting the New Normal is officially outlawed. The New Normal Gestapo is going around to people’s homes to interrogate them about their anti-New Normal Facebook posts. Corporations are openly censoring content that contradicts the official narrative. New Normal goon squads roam the streets, checking people’s “vaccination” papers.
And it’s not just governments and corporations carrying out the New Normal Purge. Friends are purging friends. Wives are purging husbands. Fathers are purging children. Children are purging parents. New Normals are purging old normal thoughts.
Global “health authorities” are revising definitions to make them conform to New Normal “science.”
And so on … a new official “reality” is being manufactured, right before our eyes. Anything and anyone that doesn’t conform to it is being purged, unpersoned, memory-holed, erased.
None of which should come as a surprise.
Every nascent totalitarian system, at some stage of its takeover of society, launches a purge of political opponents, ideological dissidents, and other “anti-social deviants.” Such purges can be brief or open-ended, and they can take any number of outward forms, depending on the type of totalitarian system, but you cannot have totalitarianism without them.
The essence of totalitarianism — regardless of which costumes and ideology it wears — is a desire to completely control society, every aspect of society, every individual behavior and thought. Every totalitarian system, whether an entire nation, a tiny cult, or any other form of social body, evolves toward this unachievable goal … the total ideological transformation and control of every single element of society (or whatever type of social body it comprises). This fanatical pursuit of total control, absolute ideological uniformity, and the elimination of all dissent, is what makes totalitarianism totalitarianism.
Thus, each new totalitarian system, at some point in its evolution, needs to launch a purge of those who refuse to conform to its official ideology. It needs to do this for two basic reasons: (1) to segregate or otherwise eliminate actual political opponents and dissidents who pose a threat to the new regime; and (2) and more importantly, to establish the ideological territory within which the masses must now confine themselves in order to avoid being segregated, or eliminated.
The purge must be conducted openly, brutally, so that the masses understand that the rules of society have changed, forever, that their former rights and freedoms are gone, and that from now on any type of resistance or deviation from official ideology will not be tolerated, and will be ruthlessly punished.
The purge is usually launched during a “state of emergency,” under imminent threat from some official “enemy” (e.g., “communist infiltrators,” “counter-revolutionaries,” or … you know, a “devastating pandemic”), such that the normal rules of society can be indefinitely suspended “for the sake of survival.” The more terrified the masses can be made, the more willing they will be to surrender their freedom and follow orders, no matter how insane.
The lifeblood of totalitarianism is fear … fear of both the system’s official enemy (which is constantly stoked with propaganda) and of the totalitarian system itself. That the brutality of the system is rationalized by the threat posed by the official enemy doesn’t make it any less brutal or terrifying. Under totalitarian systems (of any type or scale) fear is a constant and there is no escape from it.
The masses’ fear is then channeled into hatred … hatred of the official “Untermenschen,” whom the system encourages the masses to scapegoat. Thus, the purge is also a means of allowing the masses to purge themselves of their fear, to transform it into self-righteous hatred and unleash it on the “Untermenschen” instead of the totalitarian system, which, obviously, would be suicidal.
Every totalitarian system — both the individuals running it and the system, structurally — instinctively understands how all this works. New Normal totalitarianism is no exception.
Just reflect on what has happened over the last 18 months.
Day after day, month after month, the masses have been subjected to the most destructive psychological-terror campaign in the history of psychological terror. Sadly, many of them have been reduced to paranoid, anus-puckering invalids, afraid of the outdoors, of human contact, afraid of their own children, afraid of the air, morbidly obsessed with disease and death … and consumed with hatred of “the Unvaccinated.”
Their hatred, of course, is utterly irrational, the product of fear and propaganda, as hatred of “the Untermenschen” always is. It has absolutely nothing to do with a virus, which even the New Normal authorities admit. “The Unvaccinated” are no more of a threat to anyone than any other human being … except insofar as they threaten the New Normals’ belief in their delusional ideology.
No, we are way past rationality at this point. We are witnessing the birth of a new form of totalitarianism. Not “communism.” Not “fascism.” Global-capitalist totalitarianism. Pseudo-medical totalitarianism. Pathologized totalitarianism. A form of totalitarianism without a dictator, without a definable ideology. A totalitarianism based on “science,” on “fact,” on “reality,” which it creates itself.
I don’t know about you, but, so far, it has certainly made quite an impression on me. So much so that I have mostly set aside my satirical schtick to try to understand it … what it actually is, why it is happening, why it is happening now, where it is going, and how to oppose it, or at least disrupt it.
The way I see it, the next six months will determine how successful the initial stages of the roll-out of this new totalitarianism will be.
By April of 2022, either we’ll all be showing our “papers” to the New Normal Gestapo to be able to earn a living, attend a school, dine at a restaurant, travel, and otherwise live our lives, or we will have thrown a monkey wrench into the machinery.
I do not expect GloboCap to abandon the roll-out of the New Normal over the longer term — they are clearly committed to implementing it — but we have the power to ruin their opening act (which they’ve been planning and rehearsing for quite some time).
So, let’s go ahead and do that, shall we? Before we get purged, or unpersoned, or whatever. I’m not sure, as I haven’t seen a “fact-check” yet, but I believe there are some commercial airline pilots in the USA who are showing us the way.
CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or
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Great article; thank you CJH.
Go opposite of what they want. It may be less convenient but that is the carrot they dangle in front of you in exchange for more control. Classic example is cash. They want a cashless society so use cash as much as you can. Keep it in circulation. Minimize credit card use. See if you can get your monthly credit card statement cut in half.
Great piece, thanks. I only question your negative prediction for next April; if the ‘dark winter’ of mass death among the vaccinated does indeed occur, it’s difficult to see how TPTB will avoid the blame and the hugely unpredictable consequences. Will demonising a minority of unvaccinated plebs really be sustainable, when experts admit that the vaccinated still transmit c19 and die, when most Brits have taken the clot shots, and when mass death and vax failure become undeniable? Couldn’t ‘no jab no job’ discrimination produce armies or protestors with nothing left to lose? In short, is resistance futile? I really don’t think so.
Are you Brits following the Let’s Go Brandon meme in the USA since this past weekend.? I am finding it quite amusing. Here is one of the songs built on it.
“SCUM! “RUSSIAN SCUM!” – The Best of Keith Olbermann:
Remember that Trump-era clownshow, “The #Resistance”, when Olbermann literally wrapped himself in the flag?
“When fascism comes to America, it will not be in brown and black shirts. It will not be with jackboots. It will be Nike sneakers and Smiley shirts. … Germany lost the Second World War. Fascism won it. Believe me, my friend.” (George Carlin, 2005)
I think he should have said ‘totalitarianism’ rather than fascism. Like communism, fascism is primarily a supremacist, control-freak mental condition in peoples and popular culture, long before it gets embodied in totalitarian movements and then states.
Communism is hardly a supremacist ideology.
To the contrary, Communism is an ideology of Equality, freedom, liberty, the perfect form of Democracy. But why am i surprised people think otherwise, especially in America where they think the Dems/Joe biden etc are Commies, and not just any type of commie but a paid stooge of the Chinese commies. It’s laughable and risible but it serves its purpose, which is to make everything good look bad.
youve obviously never lived in a communist run country before. i grew up in romania during the 80s. its was horrible. communism is evil. no freedoms, no liberty, just conformity and poverty
That’s sad and hilarious at the same time. Communism is not ‘evil’, nor does it mean no freedoms, no liberty. Maybe in Romania in the 1980s that’s what it meant (thought that too I highly doubt). To the contrary, communism is complete liberty in every manner but one: no accumulation of wealth/private property. If what you experienced was not what I said then perhaps you didn’t live in a communist country but rather a corrupt one. Wait, don’t tell me, let me guess, you think communism and corrupt mean the same thing. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.
That’s obviously not true, as Communism is not a form of Democracy at all in any if its real manifestations. Communism, like its mirror image Fascism, cannot even exist without the superior power of the state, which by its nature entails top down hierarchy and authoritarian rule.
Nor are equality and freedom synonyms, but very often antithetical values: often it is simply not possible to prioritize the objective of equality without simultaneously devaluing the currency of freedom, and vice versa (as most major philosophers and political theorists realized). The unawareness of the reality of rival goods and conflicting ideals has been responsible for so much of the misery societies undergo.
Ha, freaking, ha!
Either you are trolling, or you are one of the useful idiots who think that “real” communism has never been achieved because the “right people” have not been in charge, yet.
What I see is an ongoing progression, and continuing failure, of Marx’s vision that socialism and communism can be birthed from the peak of capitalist achievement. No matter how rich the country from which the experiment begins, the end is the same equal misery for all but the apparatchiks, and far fewer apparatchiks than the original class of useful idiots.
Oh, BTW, our founders understood very well that individual liberty without private property was worthless. They also studied and understood human nature better than any group of leaders before or since. You are not possessed of such a gift.
In the New Normal I can sit and watch as a News Channel pulls the Brexit card and bemoans the problems caused because a female HGV truck driver having to go through extra steps because of Brexit prior her driving, in this case, chilled doughnuts across to Europe with the return journey of chilled Smoothies.
That would be same channel that is Pro-Climate Change, End of the World, by next Thursday morning at 11.33am.
So in summary. A news channel tries to pull a Brexit moan, using the transportation of non Eco friendly foodstuffs……you just can’t make it up.
“By April of 2022, either we’ll all be showing our “papers” to the New Normal Gestapo to be able to earn a living, attend a school, dine at a restaurant, travel, and otherwise live our lives” … This is ALREADY the case in Italia. Insane amounts of propaganda are being disseminated on a population that is incapable of consulting dissenting opinions in foreign languages. The level of MSM censorship is off the charts.
… “or we will have thrown a monkey wrench into the machinery.” Longshoremen in Trieste (along with the civilian population) are actively, peacefully protesting the infamous “Green Pass”. They insist on its abolition and say they will not compromise. They have already been subject to violent police repression. Live webcams show empty piazzas; amateur clips that manage to break through the censorship show the very same piazza at the same time thronged with citizens.
The importance of the Trieste protests cannot be underestimated. Please follow and support these brothers and sisters.
Many, many Italians are perfectly capable of understanding foreign languages, typically much better than the average Brit. I lived there for years myself, and taught many of them to speak good English. Google translator helps the less capable.
No, dude.
Wrong, but thanks for teaching many Italians English, we needed it.
Another free online translator is which, though it does not have the range of languages Google translate offers is, I find, better at capturing the sense of what is written. No online translator will ever be perfect of course, but often in the languages I’m familiar with, French, Spanish and Swedish, literal translations of colloquial expressions do not work very well.
ciao my friend.
i feel for you and please take this message to all your sweet loving friends as a support.
my wife and i lived in verona for 2 years…..mid 2000’s.
we were in verona march 2020, looking at renting an apartment when this scam took hold.
we left italy the day they closed the country down and drove back to the uk via france.
i am truely sad that such a beautiful country and it’s people are being screwed over by this bullshit.
i miss the friends we have there…..god knows when we will see them again?
non co-operation is the only way.
this is all about evolution and our preservation of our spirit and energy of our unique intelligence.
stay strong and best wishes.
ciao alla londra.
Offgs recent replay of it’s post about the Kennedy Assassination was the only coverage of the topic even to provoke me to wonder “yes ! Why did they execute him in front of our eyes ?’
“I’m not anti-science, i’m anti-Science.” (anon).
I am anti-$cience,
I’ll add the pound sign to that – $cienc£
On Daily Sceptics site the distinction is “pre-covid science” and “post-covid science.”
Simple is best: science, and, The Science ?
Not sure; the DS definition may have wider purchase because it requires no understanding of irony and wordplay.
Oh absolutely, found that one on :
Step right up Covid shot takers:
Medical Experimentation
UK records highest daily covid deaths since March the Fraud is saddened to declaim. The number? Well, it just happens to be 223 or a backwards skull’n’bones. They also proclaim the climate “debate” is over because 99.9% of scientists agree. That’s 666 inverted. Today happens to be 10/19 or another 9/11 encode.
Think there might be something in this numerology?…
that gematria coding numbers into letters is one of the bases for the core religion. called Hebrew,
Sorry cos I like to hear about astrology sometimes – but this is not giving you any credence as a serious poster – but maybe I missed some humour somewhere. Is that really your comment on the fact we don’t even know if what the ex Guardian proclaims is true? If our press is corrupt? No wonder people get called conspiracy theorists – you must help that agenda – if there is one – plenty.
The ruling classes and minions can only say the climate debate is over because they fail or refuse to understand that being scientific means ‘belief in the ignorance of experts’ (Feynman). Instead, Gates and Johnson and the rest of the globalist gang are in the grip of scientism, the ideology in which ‘the expert knows best’ and dumb laypeople must ‘follow the science’ obediently. Richard Feynman knew that practising scientists investigate established knowledge in order to improve it, they do not defend it from the criticism that allows progress. Science requires constant scepticism and is highly subversive of authorised knowledge, because it is primarily about questions, not answers. When politicians treat science as divine authority, like the ancient rulers did the Oracle of Delphi, you know free speech, democracy and western culture are on their knees.
Our future is clear. Since they have injected poisons into the gullible and turned them into lab rats, should they succeed, what’re they gonna do to people like us?
I sure hope you folks here understand the situation we’re in, because I’ve seen those who don’t. And won’t.
Hi all. I kind of miss the votes. It mostly pointed one to the most choice comments.
Who is the arsehole in the picture that accompanies this article?
Been freefacing around London for a few days. Buses, Big art fairs, small art shows, interestingly, most are ignoring the ‘You must wear a face covering in the venue’ and nobody enforcing it. I’d say 95% were not complying. Train stations, mostly maskless, buses probably about 50- 50, had my ticket checked, no comment from anybody. Police vans that are full, all being transported maskless and bored, I simply will not be tested and I will not wear a mask. As for the vaccines – the posters at the bus shelters telling us ”We’ve got ’em ready for teenagers”, the big sign at Boots ‘Free flu shots here’….I’d say come anywhere near me with them, and I will shove them so far up your arse that the syringes will come out of your nostrils. My sister in law is pissed off with me because I let rip in a restaurant as she was resorting to the standard ‘but people are dying’ line for my problems with a system of tyrannical medical apartheid…which I told her is just for starters. If we roll over for that…what will they come up with next…and you can be sure they will keep coming up with newer and more sadistic shit…I’m sure they’ve got loads in reserve. It’s already gone way too far. Hold the line, or become the most pathetic example of toast in history.
I’m trialling them switched off for a few days. Just to see how it feels. It’s been discussed for a while. Some people leave ‘+1’ in the comments, which is more accountable than an anonymous like/dislike, which can sometimes be misused/abused. Thanks for your feedback, A2
I think it is a mistake to turn off the up/down voting. It’s a way for the poster to learn if they are posting useful info. If someone gets negative votes, then there is a reason for it. They can learn from that gauge or they can continue to mosey along ignoring the votes. Other than perhaps triggering the overly sensitive, I fail to see how votes would impact anyone’s life.
As to attribution, Disqus shows the list of names of people who voted up up/down on an article for whatever value that offers.
+1 stuff just wastes space. It is like the unnecessary “thank you” replies you see so often in email chains.
Thanks for your perspective. We’re not going to please everyone unfortunately. and there are many commenters who feel just as strongly the other way.
We don’t use Disqus, and in any case we can’t give vote attribution without introducing account-based commenting, as far as I know, and this is something we don’t want to do.
Voting does have its merits, as I say, but similarly it’s very easy for people to anonymously abuse that system, which sometimes isn’t fair on those taking the time to write and publish comments on our platform.
Thanks for your feedback. We’ll continue to trial various options to make commenting the best it can be. A2
Life is not fair.
I still don’t understand what you are alluding to by ‘abusing the system’. How does that work? What does it entail? And why does it matter to anyone other than overly sensitive?
‘And why does it matter to anyone other than overly sensitive?’
Indeed, and if you’re a bit oversensitive for whatever reason then you should be more careful about what and where you post.
Anyone who is passionate and sure about their opinion/info etc. won’t give two hoots about getting a downvote. It doesn’t make an arse of difference. I hardly ever ‘downvote’ and an ‘upvote’ is just a ‘thank you’ imo.
Agreed. I use upvotes as a thank you for a quality or useful post. I like to consider it an encouragement, not an indication of whether I might personally like someone or not.
I don’t downvote too often except for that dolt Tony’s always off-topic posts.
I love Tony’s posts-at least 90% of them
[thumbs up]
So how about adding a way to flag a post so it can be taken down if it is off-topic or just downright stoopid? Like from this guy above: WeOverComeOrWeAreDone
“We don’t use Disqus, and in any case we can’t give vote attribution without introducing account-based commenting, as far as I know, and this is something we don’t want to do.”
Nope, not something you would have to do. The problem is that your software is primitive. For example, take a look at this site and the software there:
The software was supposedly written by the proprietor, Ron Unz,. Perhaps he would be willing to share it? It’s robust and has a lot of functionality. The weakness (everything has a weakness, no?) is that it slows down a lot when the comment stream gets into the 500+ range. It allows for anonymous accounts and a sort of social rating system but implemented differently than up/down voting. It also has a nice ignore function that allows one to disappear posters that become annoying.
Well, with proprietary software there’d obviously be no end to what we could do. We’d love more sophisticated comment software too, from a moderation stand point, but it is what it is right now. At least this is pretty light. 🤷♂️ A2
In a way I agree – be accountable.
And don’t be silent – but some people do not feel they are articulate but like to show their feelings. Hmmm
I’m interested in the trial.I keep going to try and automatically “like” a comment. And then I can’t.
So it’s interesting to retrain- to not vote.It creates more space than having an automatic response. It’s like quitting smoking I’d imagine-what do you do with your hands.
People are dying ? The media is lying.
People will die as they always have. The media will lie as they always have.
But did people always die from enforced, experimental injections? And don’t the MSM lie that such deaths are the result of a not very dangerous virus? Can you see any historical precedents for our plight today?
I’d upvote +2
I don’t want to see Olbermann’s fascist face on Off-G. Not as a joke, or a meme, nor as ironic millennialism.
What he does. So he is.
His foam flecked rant actually seems very tired to me. It’s as if he doesn’t even believe it himself. He’s the same as the rest of those “conscientious” souls “doing their bit”. Oh how the human race would be so much better off without this sanctimonious desire to go along with the latest designated sainthood posturing.
I’ve never had pay TV, so during the Dubya Bush regime I only saw video excerpts of people like Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and MSNBC infotainers like Olbermann.
I liked Olbermann’s first Special Comments, or whatever those rants were called. But over time I came to see that they were basically a pose, or shtick– that these anti-Bush progressive-liberal darlings were time-serving demagogues just like the politicians they mocked or “spoke truth” to.
After the 2016 election, Olbermann came back from wherever he’d been hiding; his patented “mad as hell and not going to take it anymore” fulminations were rekindled with the burning white-hot intensity of acute Trump Derangement Syndrome.
All that said, when I first saw the photo of a traumatized-looking Olbermann literally wrapped in the Amerikan flag in something close to a fetal position, I assumed it was a parody.
I wrongly guessed that Olbermann was attempting a comeback by ripping off Colbert’s idea of playing a fictitious rabid wingnut. Still, I was only mildly surprised to learn that he was in earnest– or, more precisely, acting as if he were in earnest.
Olbermann is an egregious example of how persons afflicted with rabid TDS naturally jumped onto the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic bandwagon, or juggernaut; with lizard-brained, binary-thinking fervor, he evidently embraces the fatuous belief that persons dissenting from the bogus scamdemic narrative and declining to submit to the toxic pseudo-vaccine imperative are perforce wingnut denizens of the Basket of Deplorables.
Olbermann is obviously a time-serving poser and a leaky hot-air balloon. I guess they haven’t developed a vaccine to cure demagoguery yet.
So this Olbermann does this “professionally” then? I don’t know if that’s worse or better!
Without looking up Olbermann’s history to check my facts, off the top of my head I believe he was originally a sportswriter, or sportscaster, or whatever they call media professionals who specialize in sports reporting.
Then he moved up to becoming a political commentator, and his MSNBC show was a big draw during the Bush II administration– that’s when he ginned up those fiery editorial diatribes he trademarked as “Special Comments”.
Supposedly he was terminated from MSNBC due to pressure from Bush officials, which added to his cachet because he was perceived by his fans as a martyr. As mentioned, I lost track of him until he suddenly popped up again to replay his “speaking truth to power” routine in late 2016– now New! and Improved! with Trump as his target.
So, yes, he does this professionally. He may be like this backstage, too; I can’t say. He’s abominable, whether amateur or professional. But I’d say it’s marginally worse if he’s a professional, because as you suggest the latter circumstance requires him to crank up his melodramatic crankiness on cue, and for pay.
So he’s a bit like the Jonathan Pie (Tom Walker) character. I used to find JP funny until he revealed his true nature (along with so many others) over the covid matter where he took up the “oppositional” stance i.e. he spitted wrath at the authorities but basically went along with the claims being made.
I then realised the function of these “Left” comedians. They were like the supervisor who comes round and moans about how much of a bastard the boss is … but gets you to submit to the bullshit anyway.
FWIW, for no discernible reason my reply to this was snatched by the spam filter yesterday afternoon.
I’ve seen comments reporting that sometimes a comment that is mysteriously and inordinately trapped in the spam filter eventually appears.
But in my personal experience, comments that haven’t been released from incarceration by the following day never show up. Even so, I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
“A tyrant needs above all a tyrant-state, so he will use a million little civil servant tyrants who each have a trivial task to perform, and each will perform that task competently, and without remorse, and no one will realize that he is the millionth link in the final act.”
From: Henri Verneuil‘s film I Comme Icare
Release date: Dec 19, 1979
New species: Tyrantosaurus X
Interesting how advertising is influencing the discourse on the web. Google, who censor a lot of website, are preventing people from criticizing Luongo on ZH. What is amazing about this is that everybody knows Luongo is crap, yet this article obviously contains something of value to both the Tylers (probably cash) and Google (probably power and the opportunity to run the social credit scoring app for the United Communist States of America (ther UCSA).
See, Covid impacts everything: if you don’t die from Covid (0.000001%), then you will die from the doctor’s bullet (99.9999999%).
Does your cubicle at Langley have a window or other access to fresh air? I can’t imagine how else you claim the authority to speak for “everyone”.
I think arsepnaz might need meds more than fresh air.
Thanks, arsepnaz, for putting me onto Tom Luongo.
This is an excellent article:
There is No Getting off Europe’s Elevator to Hell – Gold Goats ‘n Guns
Given your extreme paranoia about anything remotely related to Socialism and/or Communism, I imagine you’d at least love this paragraph:
By the way, on ZeroHedge there are currently 242 comments on the above article, so WTF are you talking about with:
How exactly does Google control the comments on ZeroHedge?
ITALY says NO…..
New protests against vaccine passports in Rome, Italy as crowd chants “People like us never give up” – YouTube
I listened to the MSM and apparently they were chanting “Let’s go Brandon”.
See how creative we can be!
“La gente come noi non molla mai!”
Edwige, you are usually right on but I guess you don’t speak Italian, do you? It’s so clear what they are chanting. “La gente come noi non molla mai!”.
Better non expect the MSM to give you Italian lessons. Instead, study Italian on your own. The world’s most beautiful language …
But Italian globalists say YES.
On recent visit to ‘Doctors‘ I was asked if I wanted a booster jab.. to which I replied no I’m not vaxed. I was then referred too as “One of them..” “Oh you’re one of them” by a practise nurse…. I said to her.. I’m not Anti-Vax I’m Anti-Untested and Unsafe mRNA treatment where you are absolved of all responsibility via sections 11 through 13 of the 2020 UK Corona Virus Act.
I was receiving my Flu jab at the time…. So some logic going on there you Muppet
I am now adopting the I won’t forget nor will I forgive mentally.
LOL freudian slip
That should read I am now adopting the I won’t forget nor will I forgive mentality.
Ah but this motley collection of Tod “Unvaxxed” Browning freaks embraces you shouting “One of us!”
People are resisting however CJ and more and more finally wake up to what capitalism really means, because of the covid psyop. And because I think that the BLM has received an unfair share of suspicion, here is another related Newsweek article.
And scroll down to the bottom of the page. It shows the percentages of the injected in the world and it’s nowhere near “90%” as we were being told. DON’T BE AFRAID. FIGHT AGAINST FEAR. LOVE CONQUERS FEAR AND FUCK THE BBC FOR STEALING THAT QUOTE FROM ME! FEAR IS THE ENEMY! THEY ARE BUT HUMANS, JUST WICKED AND INTERESTED-ORIENTED HUMANS, TIME WE LOOK OUT FOR OUR OWN INTERESTS!
BLM are backed by the big corporations and their original manifesto (since deleted) was more about transgenderism than the state jackboot.
It’s not a suspicion that they’re controlled opposition, they are. This is not some dubious surmise or inference – it’s looking at where they get their money from and their own statement of what they stand for.
Yep. Hence the police hands-off tactics when BLM were running amok last year.
In the article however, they are given distinction from Black Lives Matter national chapter. The article is about the New York chapter.
They know where their bread gets its butter. Same place all the transgender protesters get their slick pre-fab signage.
Catherine Austin Fitts says the BLM riots presented an opportunity for predatory investors to buy distressed city centre properties well below market value.
Here’s a very strange and unique video about the planned reset.
I totally agree with the analyse ,and I believe myself that we have to speak out .All of us who we are not under the hypnoses of “pandemic new normal”.Personally I stoped going to the gym from the moment they demand rapid -test and mask, to cinema , theatre,inside resturants either.Further I try hard not to hate all the sheeply people around me.
Weird how the polticians the MSM loved to ridicule are now the only ones standing up for our rights.
Politicians are the only ones responsible to the public for the loss of their rights in the old normal. but in the new normal politicians and the entire political system has been ignored by the oligarch in charge.
The political system has been the means the traditional Oligarch has used to control the nation state. However, the Oligarch and their leg breaker corporations have become so much more powerful than those who are in the political system that the Oligarch need no longer pay any but lip service to the politicians. <= Nation state without political system at the helm=the new normal.
The nation state is a part of the system that incarcerates the 8 billion people who populate the earth. The nation state system separates, divides, differentiates, and manipulates the 8 billion one each, in one of the 256 different cells, called nation states. The nation state system has enabled, by its laws, private interest ( the oligarch) to extract monopoly powers from the public domain and to place them in the private domain.
Monopoly power characterizes the the private global corporations<= according to Ocean Tomo 90% of more of the corporate assets were generated from hot thin air, that is the rule of law of the nation state created private ownership and bestowed on those who the law made into private owners monopoly powers.
The private global monopoly powered corporations have no nation state home, they are everywhere, all of the time, all at once. These greedy private interest have used the nation state law making power and court enforcement powers to sequester into their privately owned possessions nearly all of the monopoly power that once belonged to the public and to their governments.
Privately owned monopoly power has been used to conquer human independence and to deny humanity its freedom.
That’s why they’re being ridiculed.
Sobering and realistic analysis CJ. I think it’s quite safe to say that the new normal totalitarianism has become quite entrenched in parts of Australia, but especially here in Melbourne, also Sydney, and perhaps Brisbane.
I noted an article today in The Courier how the Queensland Govt was planning to reward businesses for locking out the unvaccinated.
And what has enabled this to occur? The irrational, anus puckering fear of the vast majority who have bent over backwards to comply with all Govt directives.
The unvaccinated are being punished Not for anything to do with health or a virus. We are being punished for being independent thinkers and for refusing to get on our knees and obey these nonsensical directives. We are being shut out for our civil disobedience.
I can see the time coming where I’m arrested or sent to a quarantine camp for being “a danger to society” along with the other refuseniks.
And the death rates for last year have been releases, covid was 38th with an average age of 87, suicides were 15th with an average age of 43. This is the first time in history the healthy are being punished = everyone has to leave their damn phones home and off
I know Marilyn, I saw that list a wee while ago. Just saw a video tonight of the truly psychopathic Daniel Andrews stating that “the unvaccinated will be locked out until well into 2022… I don’t care if other States will open up to them sooner, it won’t be happening here”.
He then added “then there’s the question of the second booster shot and the 3rd booster shot”…
There you go – well into 2022. All for saying no to the poison jab.
There is finally push back in SA with a former judge leading the group along with aligned doctors.
Safety Report #30 – 25 September 2021 (
Posted this on FB a few hours ago Gezzah, mainly just to give a few ALP Socialist Lefties the shits:
I think the push down the stairs fried his brain.
Or was it a reaction to his 2nd jab? When he was “reset”…
I seriously doubt he’s had any jabs – they’re only for his subjects.
This guy needs a double-shot. Both barrels.
Definitely a severe case of lead deficiency in all the premiers
He deserves a lot worse.
Current activity restrictions | SA.GOV.AU: COVID-19 Look at these so called psycho restrictions in SA where no one is sick and the only ”deaths’ were 4 old people in April last year, all this bullshit just designed to control people has no bearing on any so called virus
Thanks for this Cliff. Nah, there are so many rabid cult members in this State, they’ll still be lining up for their 4th booster shots on a 35 degree day in the middle of summer, while still fully masked. And not even dream of questioning anything. I can’t believe no one has tried to bump this psychopath off yet.
Hope your day went well.
Actually, the “healthy” have always been punished. That is, if you expand “healthy” to include anyone capable of thinking for themselves. Those were the primary victims of the Inquisition, for instance. And of every modern day purge, be it Soviet, Nazi, Maoist or whatever.
The Inquisition was largely an invention of Elizabethan black propaganda.
Could you provide any source documentation for that claim?
The part of the Inquisition that wasn’t an Elizabethan invention seems to have been extremely distasteful to those burned at the stake.
Having been called a liar for decades over a chronic incurable disease and nearly killed by it and the wrong drugs I won’t listen to the fuckers at all. It seems weird now that having won the battle that I am sick and deserve decent care that sickness makes me exempt from the poison jabs
The gimps at the Ministry of Love (or whatever the health department is called nowadays) is saying 1/3 of people infected with convid show no symptoms.
The wef has previously said 60% link
So they are saying between 33%(!) and 60% of people are naturally immune to this so called pandemic inducing virus.
For some reason, this isn’t being reported in these terms, anywhere.
The asymptomatic narrative was inserted into the con in the very early days. Not that asymptomatic doesn’t exist. Just that’s it’s a vital part of the con.
Until some arsehole doctor in Australia called Norman Swan started the peddling of the asymptomatic sick people it meant healthy.
Asymptomatic doesn’t exist. In fact very few tenets of normative virology make much sense. The absurd notion of asymptomatic spread, though, is what enabled this con to continue and people take the fraudulent PCR testing seriously, because otherwise people would wonder how they could truly have this disease COVID without feeling sick.
As I understand it, you can be asymptomatic yet infected with the dreaded pox – however, because you are not showing any symptoms (i.e. ill) your viral load must be tiny and your immune system will have it under control. Thus you cannot infect anyone else. The whole idea of asymptomatic spread is nonsense.
All of which assumes there is a ‘virus’ in the first place. Since I no longer believe a single word They tell me, as far as I’m concerned SARS-CoV-2 is probably nothing but a figment of Fauci’s diseased imagination.
Well he has been involved in working on it since 1999 and aided and abetted in 73 patents.
“The gimps at the Ministry of Love (or whatever the health department is called nowadays) is saying 1/3 of people infected with convid show no symptoms.”
That’s BS! I’ve been fighting against this asymptomatic blaming since last year. They successfully adopted this as a means to point the finger of blame for the failure of their Covid vaccines at the unvaxxed. The truth is as the WHO originally wrote back in 2020, which is that there are no documented examples of asymptomatic transmission (below).
Think about what an asymptomatic person means in terms of the Covid scam. That MILLIONS of unvaxxed people are infected with and acting as a carrier of a supposedly dangerous, virulent virus, yet have they show no symptoms whatsoever. They just walk about infecting everyone around them. This doesn’t make any sense whatsoever and only fools would believe it.
I don’t want to sound paranoid but…
We all know by now this is depopulation. But Australia has a very low population density and reasonably plentiful natural resources so I am quite surprised by the viscious inhumane Govt approach to the vaccines. And then it dawned on me. Hemispheres. I think we have been sold lock stock and barrel to the Chinese.
Probably. Australia’s a resource. That there’s human beings living here…families with individuals with individual dreams, hopes, aspirations and views of existence is just a coincidence in the eyes of global business and control. There’s no bill of rights in Australia.
Australia doesn’t have much oil. Shutting down air travel really helped their balance of oil imports.
no up/down
bbro farma at work here???
taken off for what purpose???
ziofraudian pestilence infiltration???
this now a farma psyop portal???
asta la vista …..
In my opinion, the system of likes and up and down votes is one of the reasons we are in the mess we are in. It stilts conversation, it makes people more likely to post things for likes or upvotes than post what they actually think and it’s one of the key drivers to internet and social media addiction. It’s a positive move I think.
yes that could be. but . . . .
“Like” etc are for kindergarten, if you have an opinion write a comment.
Exactly. We are all grown ups here – well, I think so.
+1 🙂
+1 – lol.
Likes can give you an indication of what to read if your time is limited. If I see a lot of likes, I will more likely look at the post if it is more than few sentences. If I see a high number of dislikes, then I will generally ignore the post. I let the commentariat act as a filter for my reading. And no, I don’t worry about missing anything useful doing this.
People bothered by down votes have fragile egos and fear being moderated by the commentariat.
You are very often right Bob…I like your posts very much. I like many other posts here and the ‘like’ button is much easier than writing a ‘like’ post to show my appreciation.I hope you like my post.
That’s just a theory though, and you would be hard put to actually prove it.
That’s another theory, requiring proof.
BTW & FWIW, Twitter, and as far as I remember, Facebook, doesn’t (,don’t) have downvotes.
agreed- the alternative media is a massive thorn in the side of the NWO-its only a matter of time(if not already) that alternative media sites are paid off/bought out or blackmailed into being a cog in the machine
total demolition of any form of dissent . . .
kummin to your local Macca
have a nice day toot toot da da
move on move on move on proles
A large number have been bought out already. You can spot them by their appeals to a kinder, gentler politics alongside their denunciations of Covid sceptics as baby murderers etc.
No bell notification either.
There is G.
“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it–always.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
South Australian Circuit court judge speaking at a protest
Far better than the ”human rights” lawyers who are all such chicken shits they have been cowering and quivering and demanding everyone wear face nappies and get jabbed. The doctors of course are on board because while only 900 people had a so called PCR positive in SA in the last nearly 2 years and 4 old people died in April last year there have been about 40,000 known adverse events to the jabs. My silly daughter had them and was frozen, shaken, paralysed and sick as a dog for 2 days.
Upvote yes
The filthy media ignores the protests.
I’m going to carry a mask and blindfold to wear every time I’m confronted with filthy media. One has to start somewhere…
Seemed to make a pretty good speech there. Didn’t really mince words. Mince…is that the expression??
Why can’t we vote on comments?
pharmacoma perhaps
Voting is a con the democratic system operators designed to make you feel empowered.
Let it go
Why should we?
For my part, I always enjoy a pleasant surprise.
For instance, since I’m not of the ilk that reduces the infinite complexity of the Earth’s climate to an epithet – “climate hoax” – and, accordingly, since I accept that there are man-made problems out there, I have always been pleasantly surprised when one of my climate related comments actually received a couple “upvotes.”
It was a strange decision.
It’s all turned to SHIT.
The 1% make the SHIT.
The media and governments spread the SHIT.
The Zombies eat the SHIT.
The ANTITOXINERS have to walk through the SHIT.
“What would Malcolm Do?”
Brainwashed to believe voting in any way “matters” or “works”
Karen Kingston on Lew Rockwell reads out very explicit patents on required aps which are related to “vaccine” ID platform already being implemented in Australia. This is terribly clear.
Here in parts of Australia, but especially Melbourne and Sydney, I feel that the new normal totalitarianism has now become quite entrenched. Especially with large numbers of people literally drowning in fear and fully compliant with the directives issued by the Victorian and NSW Govts.
Fear of the invisible enemy is what has driven this passive compliance along with fear of those deemed dangerous to the “communities health and safety”. And the media here has done a stunning job in demonising “anti vaxxers”.
We; the unvaccinated, are being punished because we are independent thinkers and because we refuse to obey the irrational dictates of creatures like Brett Sutton, Daniel Andrews, Brad Hazzard and other slime. And, as CJ pointed out, we are a threat to the new ideology.
I noticed a story just before where Queensland businesses will be rewarded for locking out the unvaccinated. That will be the case pretty much everywhere.
Am just taking things a day at a time, and trying not to buy into the fear. Because that’s what the bastards want.
I’m with you, Gezzah.
Thank you Judith🙏❤️🙏. Just found out tonight that Daniel Andrews stated at a press conference today that “the unvaccinated will be locked out until well into 2022… I don’t care if other States are opening up to everyone sooner, it won’t be happening here (in Victoria). Then there’s the question of the second booster shot and the 3rd booster shot”… Pure evil.
Was COVID vaccine fetal tissue obtained by the murder of an infant?
Horrifying. Bergoglio is beneath contempt.
Pfizer allegedly have been trialing there so called vaccine on minors in Polish orphanages so if it’s ever proven,
I wonder how much they charge for the product.
seen from a victim’s perspective
An obsession with safety leads to failure. Taking risks leads to freedom and strength.
It’s possible they’ve already started the next “pandemic” (aided by their access to so many arms via the boosters, etc). Altho there’s been only 15 cases of Marburg hemorrhagic fever in about the same number of years they have produced a Marburg PCR “test” and a “vaccine.”
They’ve also begun reporting the most recent case (in Guinea) & the most recent US case altho it was 13 years! ago. The WHO has already described it as a potential epidemic, and Bill Gates has twice predicted a Marburg epidemic.
PS Stockholders of the company that makes the “vaccine” for this rare illness: BlackRock & Goldman Sachs.
You get a lot to like in a Marburg!
“Another war racketeer war criminal Nazi bites the Vax.”
So sad to see Colon go after his magnificent work on behalf of humanity. A real treasure to the human race. Thanks Colon.
Rot in hell, murderer!
Maybe Saint Colin has graduated to a new lower Hell, wherein he can recite the words: “Depleted uranium is good for you. Especially if you happen to be born in Iraq.”
I had close family die of multiple myeloma. Usually I say something like I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy, but in his case, I’ll make an exception.
Mass-media news organizations typically prepare obituaries for public figures; they’re pre-written, so that when the person’s death occurs, they only need to be dusted off and updated for publication.
I guarantee that this item was sitting in the can– a foregone conclusion:
“People of Earth. YOUR WELLNESS TEAM. They really, really care.”
“Now bend over and let them give you twenty.”
“Its culling, lab rat and enslavement time. Cuomo-nize (Euthanize) the untermenschen useless eaters (the weak). Eugenics and Corporate Fascism forever.”
“It is either this or a yellow star.”
Excellent thanks
Here is a J&J guy as well: Mark McClellan
One thing I find interesting that I have come upon in my job as an ESOL teacher, is that the new 2nd Edition National Geographic course books we use highlight issues such as water shortage, population control and the need for world governance. These have been updated recently and include changes that reflect the ‘new normal’. There is new material in British Council resources that look at vaccines also.
There are units about the future which highlight potential tech such as energy fields for sound reduction, having a limb transplanted, the certainty of a future water shortage etc.
I have also found that there is no more highlighting by DoE re British values. I ended up liking teaching this, as it featured freedom of speech, democracy and tolerance.
British values – think of them what you will – became a point of pride in my country after an initial worry.
The new focus is on online harm and susceptibility from grooming – such as from attackers from any kind.
British values – a veritable buzz word 2 years ago – has not been mentioned once since the outbreak of C-19.
The fix has been in with all that you highlight in education. Basically the communist planks on steroids is education pretty much wherever you go.
Top new fun fact discovered during the hiatus:
The Lord Haw-Haw of the new world order Jen Psaki has a sister called Stephanie. Stephanie currently works as gender equality officer at the US Department of Health and Human Services but before that she worked at the Population Council.
The Population Council? Is their posiiton on population a) the current number of people is fine and dandy b) some more people might be a good idea to look after all those Baby Boomer pensioners c) a lot less people and urgently is just the ticket and anyone who doubts it is a science-denying anti-semite who needs ‘re-education’ and certainly shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near the internet? And one guess where they get their money from?… (clue: it rhymes with knockefeller).
“The war racketeer corporate fascists are no the fraternal order of Masons or for that matter any other social lodge or club, they are a gang of mass murdering bloodthirsty psychopathic criminals.”
It’s all so blatant now, not that it hasn’t been for many, many months, that some suspect the future is going to be an almighty beatdown. Others say it’ll keep creeping along…a future where they just choke people out, for example…no internet unless you validate login with system/ state approved credentials…authenticated…the same credentials that house your money/ credits, social credit score, your medical info, your injection status etc etc. But anyway it’s so, so blatant. If they are banking on the vast majority just continuing to go along as NPC’s, and if that actually works out for them then geez, people are dumber than we ever dreamed they were.
Surely they are both?
Most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.
Got my monkey wrench primed and at the ready, doing my best to destroy the machine wherever I can. I feel as though I have been practicing for this for a long time and now its here. This is something that has been building for years, getting people into a mindset where the system believes they will be compliant enough to succumb to this new normal. Fear of illness and losing control of nature has been well primed and triggered
To begin with it saddened me to see so many I had always assumed would see through it, meekly masking and cowering, holding up their arms to the jab masters and becoming converts to the totalitarian cause. But now I understand that what people do when they fear for their lives is not always predictable. In a positive way it is good to know this and from now on I will not assume to know where people will align themselves. The time is upon us but it does feel like we have reached a point where the truth is now dawning and I think many are opening their eyes to see. Those people will not be so easily fooled again for a long while after this. The battle this time may come our way, but the war is only just really beginning.
I have had a similar experience, with my expectations of certain people totally the opposite of what they actually did. I agree more people are waking up. Our local march on Sunday had probably five times as many as it did three months previous.
This century had been earmarked for battle. 100 years of pure organised evil against innocent, everyday people. And we are off to a pretty bad start. Have heart people. Know that we are oppressed by passive aggressive cowards.
a salient point, and one that will break down the old contrived barriers imbecile kind laboured behind…
dissent will forge new and unusual contracts amongst the ‘aware’… this would have been impossible in the ‘old abnormal’ due to societal convention and the general lack of purpose in atheistic corporate/consumerism at all levels …
as always the laws of unintended consequence will play a major part in the rigours ahead..
greed and social standing are of no importance to people fighting for their existence and will be traded for…. how should I put it…..
more useful skill-sets..
I call it Technocratic Totalitarianisn, myself. What with all the cultish scientism involved.
Love it!
The fastest way to bring down a dictatorship is to force it to act like one so everyone can see it.
Except we’ve just about reached the stage where the majority of people, upon seeing the new totalitarianism in the cold, hard light of day, would most likely say “Thank goodness! It’s about time they did something!”
One thing is absolutely certain: the mass of humanity can NEVER sink so low that you can say “Surely that’s rock bottom!”
Sadly true. We are getting there but not quickly enough. Suffering, following large scale ignorance of the obvious is the next stage.
When this is over, we are quite entitled to blame the complicit and silent and they will be judged accordingly. Let’s hope we have enough prisions to cope with them.
“It’s Culling Time.”
“Cuomo-nize (Euthanize) the untermenschen useless eaters (the weak). Labrat and enslave the rest. Eugenics and Corporate Fascism forever. Heil Billy E and Mengele Junior!“
Flu World Order… I dug out a post from my defunct google blog about corona virus and the flu jabs- The study was from the DoD. Showed a connection between repeated flu jabs and worse respiratory viral inflictions including from coronavirus.
Had to get my 2020 report and the DoD study from the wayback machine. Looks as if there was too much truth contained within. So it had to be hidden from view
Flashback: Influenza vaxx and viral interference- corona specific
Can’t help but notice how overzealously the media is pushing this idea of it’s going to be a bad flu season, so run off and get jabbed… increasing vaccine induced virus interference (increased risk of catching other virus) significantly associated with being sickened by coronavirus and human metapneumovirus?
Could keep the ball rolling. And the vaxx profits rolling in
Not sure why the slider showed up???
I am hazarding an educated guess that the flu vaccine was about to be taken out by real world data, And that Pharma were going to be in big trouble. There will be no proof of that anymore. In all honesty though, they are literally falling over themselves and making up so much stuff – they are liars caught in their own trap.
They look like fools and harmful fools at that. They will fall down. All fools and self-serving power seekers do. 🙂
IMNSHO, the drug companies have had these vaccines lying around since SARS 1. The sudden demise of that international health threat curtailed their development, the vaccine against feline coronavirus was suboptimal (the cats died), ethics committees were not allowing more animal tests (until they could show a possible benefit). The drug companies needed a supply of lab rats who could sign on the dotted line.
Big Pharma may now find a wonder drug, but the next time they need a new dodgy vaccine the precedent has been set.
I think one thing we can count on…these cowards are cunning and have eons worth of know how in the game of State vs the individual. I’m sure they have contingency plans for their contingency plan’s contingencies.
The flu vaccine is pretty useless, year after year after year for preventing flu. However the research shows it worsens the effects of corona and other pneumonia viruses- by making one sicker… Seriously wondering if it’s a total trashing of our innate immunity- and general health. The vaxxes are all full of questionable ingredients- Each and every one of them.
That was what happened in Bergamo, Italy before the “covid epidemic”. People got the flu jab, not once but twice, in the preceding 2 months. Other factors there: air pollution, withheld medical treatment, isolation.
Interesting you mentioned Italy.. I was unaware of the two flu jabs, but, do know one of the earliest investigations shedding light on the killing of older persons in homes that showed neglect was a huge factor in all the claimed ‘covid’ deaths
And they took them out of hospitals and paid old folks homes to kill them off
I wish they would kill me. So sick of this bullshit!!!
I thought exactly the same thing today.How can one live in the pall of constant blockbuster crisis generated by the state and promoted by the media.Next up:hyperinflation-UFO’s-oil shortage-food scarcity.I spent the day immobilized and when I wasn’t comatose I looked into the faces of old photographs taken of female guards of concentration camps -mothers and nurses-turned monsters and tried to to see traces of humanity in their perverse disfigurement. Truly a bad day.
Hang in there chaps. Never give up. was better.cleaned my bedroom and hung all my clothes that were on the floor.
Who are, those four fascistic brain dead cretinous zombified morons?
Re: “The Next Phase”, Simon Elmer has spoken about an “outdated, politically naive and … willingly blind perception of UK capitalism that the architects of the biosecurity state have counted and relied for its construction”.
He continues:
“So common is this attitude, however, that I have begun to make up names for it: the ‘Munich Accords’ response to the rise of the biosecurity state; or the ‘Ostrich’ response; or, perhaps most accurately of all, the ‘Boiled Frog’ response. Recently, the 18 months of fearmongering by the Government, the media, Public Health England, the National Health Service, the Medicines and Health products Regulatory Agency, the Office for National Statistics, the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies and all the other agents of biosecurity terrorism have all but stopped, so sure are they of the next step; and even the incessant insults and screams for retaliation from the COVID-faithful have fallen silent. We are on the brink of disaster, there is no handrail, and even the blindest are beginning to see the abyss open beneath their feet.”
I have noticed this “falling silent”. The 18 months of terror mongering have laid the foundation for the hypnosis and ensuing events can now take on an almost leisurely pace infused with the utmost arrogance. Of course the underlying pattern will continue but direct mention of covid itself is not so necessary. Thus e.g. the emphasis on the abuses of social media and the lazy linking of “misogyny” with protest or even with any critical reaction at all towards the pandemic lie. As with medieval witch hunting, all it needs is the attribution of a vaguely defined but, perhaps for that very reason, powerfully effective “demonic aura” to those considered troublesome.
Thanks Mike. I would like the voting reinstated because it at least knows you’re getting a response.
For me, the only number that might be of some importance to a commenter is perhaps the traffic number, but even this is unnecessary given that we can all sense this anyway. To me the numbers are an assent to Silicon Valley and to all the other Big Operators who running this totalitarian push. It’s their way, and we’re adopting it… our own kind of Credit System.. and a form of horizontal censorship when downvoting is involved.
Another great comment upstream George.
One of the best reasons for the voting system is if you come into an article late you can click on the ‘best’ comment and scroll down to not only the conversations off of that comment but also straight to the other top-rated comments which comprise the ‘meat’ of the discussion without having to sort through the entire raft of comments.
I’m afraid now if you come into a thread with 300+ comments you have to sift through numerous frivolous comments to get to the more relevant ones. This will especially allow for repetitive self-indulgent vanity comments. I won’t name names.
Agree this is the best use of voting
I concur.
I’m already getting tired of my contrarian “workaround”, but I reserve the right to use it as I see fit:
Oh, I like that one 🙂
And in australia, if you are standing up, you’re supposed to be masked. But if you’re sitting down, you can take off your mask. Fussy little virus, isn’t it”
“Would not be at all surprising if one or both of those corrupt criminal corporate fascist eugenicist political hack toadies soon suffer a fate similar to that as David Amess.”
And not a single death in NT, they are all caught in their own mindless hysteria now to see who can be the cruellest and stupidest over the 38th listed cause of deaths last year, it will be even lower this year and half the deaths were people who had been jabbed.
The NT fellow is even worse that Dictator Dan. How quickly things change. I was in Darwin last May and saw only one muzzled person (except at the airport).
If only Scoops, if only, however the reality is these bastards and the rest like Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau, Macron, Johnstone, et al, are all replaceable puppets for those really pulling the strings – those right at the top of the pyramid shall we say.
There are lots of chinless jellyfish politicians here in Australia ready to take the places of Andrews and Gunner.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-10-18. Propagandizing unsuspecting public. Grossly incomplete data. ‘Glows’, luciferase, lifeform, infertility
It really is happening! If you want to know what’s coming soon take a look at Lithuania. In less than a year they’ve turned this almost Covid-free enclave into a death-bed of vaccine victims. Vaccines were introduced late December last year. Now hospitals are only treating Covid-19 patients (including children) and they’re running out of beds. But the vaccine refuseniks are being blamed, starved, alienated and treated as pariahs. George Soros put his money into a parliamentary shuffle.
Thanks Mike.
Excellent article John, and thanks for the link. I also saw the twitter feed from Gluboco Lieutava about the situation in Lithuania and saw the draconian restrictions being imposed on those who refuse the poison jab. Horrendous.
I think Offguardian posted it on their twitter feed as well?
Here in Victoria, since the big push to get 70% jabbed (changed to 80%) cases have surged upwards, and even reached over 2270 in one day. I expect the same thing will be happening here in Melbourne as well.