CDC Director: “We may need to update our definition of ‘fully vaccinated'”
Kit Knightly
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Yesterday, in a press conference, the director of the CDC warned that they may have to “update” the definition of “fully vaccinated”.
At the virtual presser accompanying the approval of “mix-and-match” booster jabs, Dr Rochelle Walensky told reporters that:
We will continue to look at this. We may need to update our definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ in the future,
Today: CDC Director Walensky confirms that boosters may soon be mandatory to be considered “fully vaccinated.”
“We have not yet changed the definition of fully vaccinated. We will continue to look at this. We may need to update our definition of fully vaccinated in the future.”
— Michael P Senger (@MichaelPSenger) October 22, 2021
The “updated” definition would potentially mean only people who have had the third “booster” shot would be considered “fully vaccinated”, while people who have had the two original shots are no longer “fully vaccinated”.
Whilst the warning might just be a ploy to scare people into getting their “booster” without forcing them to, it should be noted a revised definition of “fully vaccinated” has already been adopted in other countries.
For example, it is already policy in Israel where, in early September they “updated what it means to be vaccinated,”. You now need a third shot, or else you are no longer considered vaccinated.
We wrote about it at the time, and predicted it would likely spread to the rest of the world.
In fact, figures in the alternate media have been predicting this for a while. See this clip from YouTuber WhatsHerFace back in August:
“Time For A Little Prediction”#WhatsHerFace
— 🇨🇦Tina Gee🇨🇦 (@TinaGeeeez1984) August 27, 2021
As for the potential purpose of any “updated definition”, well it would be twofold.
Firstly, it would allow them to maintain control. Forcing people to jump through hoops just to “get back” rights they once took for granted creates an atmosphere that normalises state tyranny.
Secondly, and more cynically, it would allow them to artificially manipulate statistics to flatter the vaccines’ effectiveness whilst hiding any damage they might do.
We already know that, in the US and others, you’re not considered “vaccinated” if you’re only single-jabbed, or double-jabbed for less than two weeks. So any patient infected with “Covid” in that time is considered “unvaccinated”, NOT a “breakthrough infection”.
By redefining “fully vaccinated”, they can turn millions of double-jabbed people back into “unvaccinated” people and stop them from becoming potential “breakthrough infections” and hurting the vaccine effectiveness stats.
This will, in turn, camouflage any excess mortality in those who have had the vaccine, for example due to antibody-dependent enhancement, because all those who die will officially be “not fully vaccinated”.
They’ll likely push it through soon, before this winter’s flu season hits, so any flu deaths can be “unvaccinated covid deaths”.
And for anybody out there who got double-jabbed thinking they were buying their life back, we’re sorry, but we did warn you this would happen.
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Is it good for the juice? The only question a head of tax cattle ever need to ruminate.
Excellent! Short and to the point.
Bei uns in Deutschland (Germany) nicht besser. Hier werden leider viele Impfdurchbrüche “versteckt”…
Keep it up as this is imploding support for MANY in the formerly compliant population. My partners co-workers ALL stated the don’t want a third and the double vaxxed were bringing up Nuremberg Code which means they have been silently listening in the background. Most people here in blue land went along to get their rights back, not to sign up for endless new shots, and it is NOT going over well despite the propaganda otherwise.
“You were misled, you did not have Informed Consent and your immune system is going to degrade”.
Oral antivirals are really the next wave and to be honest I can hardly wait for them to arrive. It means you get to fly again and all the rest of it because they will officially do away with these useless vaccines ( well the spike protein …which is not really a vaccine anyway but who cares at this moment about science).
Hell the SARs-COV2 is not really a virus either but again , who cares about science anyway. The WHO has effectively re-written human physiology.
The funny thing is that we had an antiviral the whole time and idiots like Mr. Lemon and others even here on this site – made fun of the orange haired man. Still do. Not that hes a poster child of intelligence but he was leaps better that the morons you all wished for and got now.
The antivirals will be administered to the ill, the ones who truly need therapy. The costs are about $ 700 or more per treatment and that’s more cash for big pharma over the current $ 8.00 per vaccine.
Its the end game and I am truly happy to see one for all the idiots that still think this is about a pandemic.
Pharma needed time to restructure the game field and it did with the help of its political arm , the WHO and all the imbeciles that work for the WHO who are currently running all the Public Health Politicos out there … well they did a number on us.
Just look at the manipulated data coming out of Australia, UK, US, Canada, Denmark, New Zealand and Ireland. Test more – more ill – all vaccinated and so on. Test less and guess what. I truly can not believe we live in such a world full of complete and utter idiots
Turn off the TV and sure enough Covid goes away too.
Many countries are giving up on this crap yet others continue to do more harm to their citizens and to be honest all the power to them. Harm them to no end. I could care less anymore to help such a society that can not help its self.
Stay safe indeed.
Anti-virals? Nope:
They can take all their harmful unnecessary poisons and stick em where the sun don’t shine
People such as yourselves who take such as yourseles who oppose vaccination without any data or historical evidence to support your case do carry on a traditional role ingrained in the story of progress. That is all advances in medicine and health have been opposed to some degree by ignorance and superstition. The need for future boosters is the result of you.not being vaccinated and giving the virus a population to continue to infect and evolve. You will be infected snd when you are admitted to hospital you will prevent someone with another illnes getting treatment. Your action puts them at risk. I am in Australia and the data from here is real, including the effect of vacciatling 90 % of NSW. Read some history about the effects of vaccination on din measles and polio. They sre at least as safe and effective as any medical therspy
The “booster jabs” are considered to be so similar to the original vaxx that they do not require testing for safety and efficacy. So if they want to add a little ‘something extra’ in say the third or fourth booster shot no one will be any the wiser. There has never been full disclosure of the contents of the original because some of the content is claimed to be “proprietory information”.
BWA HA HA HA HA. SUCKERS. You actually believed them when they said you could have your life and freedoms back if you took the experimental gene therapy injections? BWA HA HA HA HA. SUCKERS. Roll up your sleeves EVERY SIX MONTHS or your “vaxport” is not valid. Say NO now or just leave your sleeve rolled up.
Go to the 30 minute mark (45 seconds long).
From August 23, 2021 – Israeli PM Naftali Bennett
“The most vulnerable population at the moment, in a paradoxical manner – are the ones who received two vaccine doses but not the third.”
And in Lithuania:
“Officials launched a re-vaccination program in September. Seniors began receiving third dose boosters last week. The whole population will follow afterwards. The Vice-Minister of Health stated: We are likely to start the fourth and fifth booster shots in several months.”
HolyCrap they are using that poor nation as a tortue test!!
There’s a history of some kind of childhood brutalization in that face.
With all due sympathy, we shouldn’t be letting people like that be our ‘representatives’…
God they are so predictable.
The evildoers can’t control themselves. They just keep pushing
The latest thing with this ratbag harpy talking about reeducation and brainwashing reveals her as a “Verbrecher gegen die Menschheit” criminal against humanity doesn’t seem nasty enough. As both a propagandist and a medical official (I doubt whether she is a physician, she is both Julius Streicher, the Nazi propagandist hung after a four power trial Nuremberg conviction, and the medical officials who suffered various penalties such as Nazi doctors killing disabled children with poison injections at Hadamar, in Hessen. Her role in pushing the Kool-Aid shots for kids 5-11 puts her in the Hadamar category. Actually she reminds me of the old woman in Hansel and Gretel who entraps, then kills the kids. The regime has crossed any number of rubicons in its war against its own people. This “booster” Kool-Aid idea is to force people to keep spinning the Russian Roulette death shot barrel until they finally face the final bullet as a result of the proven injury these poisons do to your immune system. Those who are key figures in this multi-national attack on human rights and health are criminals who deserve the final solution, including this piece of human excrement, the numerous provincial and federal leaders in Canada, Australia and New Zealand, the Indian doctor being tried for crimes against humanity in India for successfully blocking the employment of Ivermectin in several provinces there, and Fauci, the dog torturer and the spearhead behind the creation of the virus which became the pretext for all of this. All of what has been happening this year reminds me of books about the early days of the Nazi regime or the Stalinist purges, when everything ramps up to a crescendo of tyranny. Frankly, all of these psychopaths deserve the ultimate penalty, and Fauci actually deserves drawing and quartering like in the days of old.
BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL No 7070 Volume 313: Page 1448, 7 December 1996.
The judgment by the war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg laid down 10 standards to which physicians must conform when carrying out experiments on human subjects in a new code that is now accepted worldwide. This judgment established a new standard of ethical medical behaviour for the post World War II human rights era. Amongst other requirements, this document enunciates the requirement of voluntary informed consent of the human subject. The principle of voluntary informed consent protects the right of the individual to control his own body. This code also recognizes that the risk must be weighed against the expected benefit, and that unnecessary pain and suffering must be avoided. This code recognizes that doctors should avoid actions that injure human patients. The principles established by this code for medical practice now have been extended into general codes of medical ethics. The Nuremberg Code (1947)
Permissible Medical Experiments The great weight of the evidence before us to effect that certain types of medical experiments on human beings, when kept within reasonably well-defined bounds, conform to the ethics of the medical profession generally. The protagonists of the practice of human experimentation justify their views on the basis that such experiments yield results for the good of society that are unprocurable by other methods or means of study. All agree, however, that certain basic principles must be observed in order to satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts:
1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment. The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.
Walensky is, I’m sad to say for it illustrates the deep rot in the professions, an MD and Professor of Medicine at Harvard. Below I’ve transcribed the cringe-making introduction that she gave Fauci at Harvard Medical School. It’s when he talked at Harvard Medical Grand Rounds, Sept. 10, 2020, :
My conclusion from it is that Walensky is so dense that she won’t even need to be paid off as was Julie Gerberding, a former CDC head who became a highly paid Big Pharma (Merck) VP. Walensky will just implement Fauci’s sociopathic policies in the name of Science.
I think their backup plan for when this whole shambles comes crashing down is simply to pull the plug on all bank and internet access.
It’s what I would do if I were Beelzebub…
That’s the plan anyway. They might coordinate I guess. 😉
I saw and chatted with Rosemary Frei today at a protest. She asked about my box of posters. I had booklets made up. I’ve go so many posters now, I can group them thematically. I forget how we got onto the subject of the internet crashing but, when she was looking at my posters (in a folder called “Lies”) she asked about it. I briefly explained that they are using lies to sell the public on the idea that there are numerous cyber attacks happening and there will eventually be a big one. She didn’t know that they were lies. Whitney Webb digs up the stats, which, as Webb points out, the hoaxsters themselves would know. Now Rosemary has my poster and related posters to examine and they include the urls to the original material of course.
It seems clear that, given the agenda, this development was a foregone conclusion. Sadly, most people fell into the trap that was set for them and honestly believed they would be safe and healthy after getting their 2 jabs. Nothing could be further from the truth, but realizing that would require hypnotized people to break free from the mental bonds that enslave them and start asking the hard questions that they simply cannot ask. Worse, now that the “eternal inoculation” model has been revealed to them, the model that was planned all along, most (but not all, thankfully) will willingly roll up their sleeves for the first of what will turn out to be many, many “boosters,” required to “top off” their now permanently weakened immune systems. Sometimes, I despair the species.
Let’s see what happens when the kiddies get their shots.
On the other hand, I am heartily sick of the ‘let’s see what happens’ philosophy on life…
It’s an experiment and if someone takes the shot they ARE the experiment. I’m in the control group. They can deal with it or be dealt with.
Unfortunately, kids are at the mercy of their guardians and the caring of too many guardians is deficient.
Hundreds of kids in Australia are being treated for heart conditions and it’s being called ”covid” to terrorise more people to be jabbed. They can fuck the hell off.
If only they would, but it is quite clear that they will do no such thing voluntarily.
They are going to have to be coerced into fucking the hell off.
See, words matter, when we say we are a ‘species’ we define ourselves as only another animal walking the earth, animals don’t really have rights or obligations hence neither do we. That’s exacly the way the oligarchs think of us, they ocupy higher positions than us because they are more ‘evolved’. Darwinian lies, we were created by God in his image and we do not need other humans to grant us rights or define us in what we are.
You might find this interview with Carrie Madej interesting. I did. The powerful predator/parasite class indeed views most human beings as inferior, those to be controlled, as Carrie explains. They got the spelling of her name wrong in the title, but ignore that. (I don’t endorse the Flyover Conservatives organization, which I’m not familiar with. And I don’t subscribe to Carrie’s, or Flyover Conservatives’s, Christianity, although I am a Christian.)
3 jabs in Israel, I believe.
To be fair vast numbers only yielded to extreme coercion. Especially Australia where extreme prolonged lockdowns and dystopia were followed by mandates. Demonstrations were suppressed by rubber bullets and pepper spray and subjected to media blackouts. Even the allegedly alternate media barely covered the worst pig violence.
The vaccines are the new gaz chambers 💉 = 😱 + ☠️
She knows.
Beware of doctors bearing showers.
More like the Soviet bullet in the back of the head executions.
What product blames its failure on those that don’t use it?
“We’re going to make these vaccines work if it kills every one of you. In fact, if you’re dead you won’t catch COVID, and so the vaccines are quite effective after all.”
You could actually say that on TV now and many would be thinking “Mmmm – that’s right!”
Yep. It’s scary.
Except that they would change the narrative yet again to have you believe that you can still transmit covid – even if you’re dead – and vaccinated 27 times – in a totally sterilized mortuary…
Your great grandchildren will also be transmitters due to having met you once, and will therefore also be a threat to the health of the 150,000 citizens comprising Sir Klaus Schwab’s new empire…
Well, That is the story when it comes to autopsies! German doctors were not happy when the Robert Koch Institute instructed them to not do autopsies on deceased covid victims and some, reportedly, went ahead and did those autopsies. Sorry if I don’t have a link offhand. I could search for one but I lost of lot of early bookmarks when a browser update (Vivaldi) simply deleted my browser and everything on it.
Sorry to hear about your browser update.
I’d be very interested to know what the doctors found, but of course I can do some digging myself.
Thanks for reminding me. I do seem to recall something of that story.
I thought I’d try my blog. I found one early post mentioning the German doctors who didn’t agree with the Robert Koch Institute about autopsies but the mention included a note by myself that I couldn’t find that information. I didn’t imagine it. I could dig a little myself, but right at the moment I can hardly think straight. I just got in the door from working overnight. I’m on my second last night working at Riverdale Farm here in Toronto, where I’ve worked for 7 years. It’s been great. They don’t want me to do. I don’t want to go. But gangster John Tory wants everyone who works on city property, whatever their position, to be ‘vaccinated’. In less than an hour, I’ve got a conference call with my G4S supervisor and two others. Of course, he scheduled this call after telling me that it was about him trying to find me another site. So why does he need witnesses? When I tell him that I can’t go along with the covid crime and he says that he can’t use me if I don’t, he wants witnesses who can say that it was my decision to not abide by company rules.
I’d just like to share the newsletter I subscribe to. I always welcome the sanity that issues forth from Gary Jordan.
Yes, I use his material sometimes. I’m actually examining that very blog post for use in my next blog post.
I posterized one of his excellent rants:
Let’s see if OG posts THIS one:
There’s a meme going around that says that people who question The Science (Scientism) must’ve gone to Facebook University. But did two of the most influential people who helped to create our current monetized pharmaceutical-based healthcare system receive degrees in medical science? NO!
How the Flexner Report Hijacked Natural Medicine
“Abraham FLEXNER WAS NOT A DOCTOR, but a school teacher and educational theorist from Louisville, Kentucky. In 1910 he published the Medical Education in the United States and Canada, known as the Flexner Report, which elevated the importance of German educational methods in the teaching of medicine.
There is a connection between the robber barons and medicine. John Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and others saw this as a progression of peddling pharmaceuticals, which began as byproducts of oil refinement.
There were no real effective governmental agencies in place monitoring the state of affairs within the medical community, so what Flexner did at the behest of the robber barons, he did so in favor of profits rather than the long-term care of patients. He effectively created a culture that enabled the monetization of medicine.”
“By contrast, “terrain theory,” which was initiated by Claude Bernard (1813–1878) and later built upon by Antoine Béchamp (1816–1908), alleges that the terrain—that is, the internal environment of the body—and not an external germ determines our health or lack thereof. What Béchamp referred to as “terrain” is very close to what modern medicine has now termed the innate immune system. As we will see in the following paragraphs, Béchamp was definitely on the right track in discovering how the human body really interacts with the outside environment.
UNLIKE PASTEUR, BÉCHAMP DID HAVE AN ACADEMIC BACKGROUND IN SCIENCE. He believed disease to be a biological result of the changes that take place in the body when its metabolic processes become imbalanced. When the body is in a state of imbalance, Béchamp alleged, germs become symptoms that in turn stimulate more symptoms, which eventually lead to disease.
Although Béchamp was moving in the right direction with his terrain theory, Rockefeller’s germ-dependent pharmaceutical tyranny has prevailed, due largely to substantial infusions of money, which Rockefeller and Carnegie gladly supplied in the form of grants to universities, hospitals, and medical research facilities. Their “philanthropic” largess, which easily exceeded $100 million, enabled them to influence the policy of the entire US medical establishment and eventually most of the Western nations, steering them toward an exclusively chemical-based allopathic regime.“
Sadly, we’ve been lied to for over a century regarding medical science.
“people who question The Science (Scientism)” People who question anything are normal. Scientism is the opposite. Sort it out.
Johnson & Johnson created a shell company called TX which held all their liability for putting asbestos in the talcum powder – then declared that company bankrupt leaving 38,000 people without compensation. This is entirely legal.
They care about your health? And I must have missed the WEF in all their talk about responsibility and ethics in business advocating a change in the law that allows this or attacking J&J for what they did here.
J & J also just had to pay their share of massive fines for opioids and had to with draw all their sun screens because like that asbestos in the baby powder benzenes magically jumped in and started causing cancers.
The “baby” powder is an attempt to play down the issue. Talc is the major component of all “facial” or “body” powders.
Came online to find 8 overnight emails from friends all procalaiming the “EU Parliament Opposes Vaccine Mandate Agenda” with a video…
first thought…No, this is not the EU parliment doing anything. Zero mentions in the MSM, lots of .alt media with the same headline.
15 mins searching to find anything on it.. then this
so a group of MEPs helf a press conference denouncing vax pass etc. because it’s going to effect them and their staff :/
And that’s it, a nothing burger.
If people dropped dead in large numbers from the first and second clot shots, the sheeple would overwhelm the rubber bullet firing pigs and mount serious opposition. That is why we are being subjected to an endless series of “boosters” that will in a few years ensure the depopulation objectives of the banksters.
Similarly if people dropped dead after they smoked their first few packs of cigs. The human body is an amazing piece of biological machinery. It can recover from many things on its own, like all those cuts you have had on your hands over the years that have healed with nary a scar! Even incredibly noxious and dangerous things like smoking takes decades to kill someone.
Or to quote from a cult old TV show:
“Patience, Grasshopper”.
WEll they are but no one is reporting it.
I just caught an OffG tweet which said this:
It referred to this:
The “friendly advice” from our Lord Protector Cyber Daddy went:
I don’t think that’s good enough and I suggest that Cyber Daddy should say,
Forget the pluses, that one gets the internet for the day.
James Corbett did a recent Solutions Watch show in which he reviews studies showing that people, indeed, are terrified of stepping out of line. How is that fact a solution to anything? Because, as James notes, usually when we hear about the Millgram experiment and similar experiments (shown in James’s video), we don’t get the whole story. People (most perhaps) look for social approval for their behavior. Someone or some group leads the way. If the group gets it wrong, and the lost soul looking for guidance knows that it’s wrong, he or she will usually go along to get along. But that works for those who step up and lead when striving to do good.
Sometimes my earlier suspicion comes back to me i.e. that all this covid/vax thing isn’t the main issue. It’s a huge – and hugely successful – diversion to keep everyone occupied whilst the reset goes on via e.g. this “Great Resignation”. And every time I visit shops and see bigger gaps on the shelves I think, “Well there’s the real story!” Massive downturns in supply, loss of livelihoods, crushing of public services etc. And then there is the “justified” presence of these draconian measures accelerating towards a police state which will be indispensable to keep the punters under control.
This vax-as-diversion theory would also explain the glaring contradictions in the press blathering. Followed by claims of incompetence and counterclaims of conscious planning etc. Of course there is conscious planning but it aims purely at creating a gaslighting mess. And that would mean that ultimately the rulers don’t care how many have had the vax or are likely to take it. Which means that the matter of variants and boosters and passports and the ever expanding realm of those deemed “suitable” for the vax etc. is there just to keep everyone chatting whilst the economy shrinks and the police net tightens.
The defiance of the vax agenda in red states also shows there are higher goals than vaccination in play here.
Does anyone really think Florida or Texas politics isn’t controlled? Dividing the USA against itself seems a higher goal than vaccination although to what ultimate purpose remains to be seen.
Like so many here, i read the article, then turn my attention to the comments, allowing the passion, compassion and at times well needed realism re the info im trying to absorb to sink in (courtesy of the comments).
Some 18-20 months on we
(?) still seek answers as why something so obviously, instinctuallyevil
can be playing out in our once….”more quiet lives”.The spectrum of critical analysis of the hows and whys of this shit show range from: social/economic control, through outright psycopathy/satanic agenda, even “compassionate extinction program” and your fave and mine “transhumanisation”.
Considering the bs that is the
cloak that attempts to shroud the full visibility of what exactly is ourexistence
, starting at malthusian darwinism and ultimately landing smack where stephen hawkins eventually had to accept, we are in a “Creation”.Acceptance of that leads us squarely to the fact that more technologically advanced minds and likely forms of existence were behind said Creation.
Is it thus a mere idyosynchracy/immaturity (psychologically speaking) of our
that we bestow benevolence, beauty,love
and at the other endhate
, “evil” etc to the afforementioned “Creator/s” and “manipulators” of the realm we inhabit? “Divinities” (acts beyond our misserable understanding, or so we aretold
..)If “Created” why might we assume it was for nought but “Ornament” of this strange, yet at times extraordinarily beautiful “Reality”?
If as much evidence seems to point we may something akin to a lab experiment/worker/slave drone…. albeit
run amok
.Then surely like
good sheep
we should submit to this gene alteringrevision
?You know? for the “greater good” n all….. The lord is my “shepherd” and so on…
If we are but a faction of the race of Sheeple, then the black sheep we most proudly are. rodger waters once sung about how the sheep might turn.
I liked the analogy recently made here in comments re the balck and red ants in a jar and how if the jar be shaken the ants turn on each other, would they if aware thern turn their anger that shook the jar? fuck right, but only if the jar can be broken.
Time to break the jar folks?
Edwige. The US was already deeply divided, probably more so than even in the Civil War. I actually see this as a good thing: Red states are undergoing a silent secession. Sure, the DS and China need the “USA” to die if their plans are to reach fruition, but it would have happened anyway. And who knows, maybe something better might grow out of it.
George: why can’t all the theories be correct? The jab aims to depopulate through increasing sterility, to usher in digital passports, crashes the economy AND to trash essential services by forcing the principled workers to resign, so that when the sh1t really hits the fan, we are helpless. That pleases all sides of the DS!
True enough. They were always cold calculators and knew how to kill as many birds as possible with as few stones. Thus there were insurance scams on 9/11 – not to mention “exciting opportunities for burying news”.
Yeah, I view the vaccines not as a diversion, but as one piece of the overall strategy for controlled demolition of our current societal framework in order to “build back better.” Going from a system where everyone works for a living to one where people receive a universal basic income in exchange for compliant behavior isn’t like flipping a light switch.
Yes, There’s many interrelated agendas here. OG readers, all, should know that by now.
That certainly looks like their cunning plan in a nutshell.
Just think – 18 months ago, governments around the world actually listened to people like her. The covid coup has failed, the vassal states have broken ranks, and it’s all over for the US as a superpower. They tried to blame Israel for 9-11, Russia for Trump and covid for China – but the reckoning is coming.
Who tried to blame Israel for 9/11 ?
Just read TRIGGER by David Icke and all will be explained.
There’s masses of propaganda pointing the finger at Israel but Israel and the US are in it together – it’s just a propaganda stream to make us think outsiders did the dastardly deed of killing all those poor people in the buildings and also serves as one of the many distraction streams – I know it’s propaganda because I swallowed it hook, line and sinker (although I never got Israel actually being responsible, that never made sense) – when there is evidence from numerous angles showing that 9/11 was a completely staged event apart from the destruction of buildings – no planes, death and injury staged. The evidence favours the hypothesis that 9/11 was simply a massive exercise comprising numerous smaller exercises and drills, many of which they told us about but a few crucial ones they didn’t, such as those producing the images of the injured and the rescue drills in the buildings.
Israel was in on 9/11, of course, but so was Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, the UK, Canada and my own little country of Australia – little Johnny Howard just happened to be paying a “surprise” visit to Washington on the big day.
Every man and his dog was in on 9/11, just not the punters.
building 7 was called SOLOMON.
Israel being responsible makes sense from the standpoint that they like it when American boots are on the ground over there killing people who are not Jewish and balkanizing their countries. 9/11 was a great setup for a lot more of that.
I have to say, Rob, that Israel being responsible doesn’t make sense to me. Even when I believed in the Dancing Israelis getting caught on camera cheering as they witnessed the collapse of whichever twin tower and then getting caught in a roadblock with explosives dust in their white van – cannot believe I totally fell for that nonsense – Israel being “responsible” never made sense to me. Obviously, they wouldn’t have come in under the noses of the US administration and done it all themselves clandestinely, right? Everything had to be under the auspices of the US administration. What INFLUENCE Israel had is another matter but 9/11 was obviously planned for donkeys’ years and it certainly wasn’t the only foreign country involved.
There were many drills including air defence – Israel didn’t run those presumably.
The fakery of the planes – Israel didn’t run that presumably.
The crisis-acting “loved ones” – Israel didn’t run that presumably.
The staging of the Israeli “art students”, well, yes, we can accept that Israelis may well have played a role in providing fake footage of the jumpers and the people trapped waving from the windows – there Israel may well have played an important role in addition to the “Dancing Israeli” patsies. And, of course, the “art students” served a dual role: to provide the staged footage and “Israel-dun-it” distraction propaganda.
No doubt intelligence agents from numerous countries all made their contributions including Israel but the notion that Israel was “responsible” simply makes no sense. Influence yes but responsibility no.
I called it CIA from the start, nothing has changed my mind.
Chris Bollyn does a very investigative-journalist-like job of pinning the blame where it really belongs: a cooperation between criminals within the US ruling ‘elite’, and criminals within the ruling ‘elite’ of the zioentity in Palestine; they also – the zionists – being the original conceivers of the whole idea. See
Israel was obviously aware it was going to happen, as the Mossad agents watching the planes hit that morning showed us – no need to theorize about that. From there one has to conclude that either they didn’t tell us, which is bad, or they did tell us and it still happened, which is also bad. Israel certainly had more to gain from 9/11 than any other country on the planet, I think Netanyahu basically stated as much publicly at some point.
The Mossad agents watched the explosives that created the plane shaped cut outs detonate with additional pyrotechnics. Israeli students had earlier rented the floors where the plane shaped cut outs occurred.
Just some more food for thought:
Part of me thinks: “If everyone knew about these studies and the failure to purify, isolate, and prove viruses as pathogenic, they’d stop being afraid of germs and wake up to the entire mess.”
A larger part of me thinks: “People actually WANT to believe germs cause all of their illnesses, because that removes personal accountability for all of their shitty dietary and lifestyle choices.”
Having just been to a wedding and watched the same people who drank way too much complain about “catching a bug” a few days later, it certainly seems like people want to keep their invisible scapegoat.
If you were up on science, you would know that a variety of dietary insults depress immune function, allowing opportunistic infections to break out in that window when the immune system’s function is temporarily less than shipshape.
You can do this on a chronic basis using tobacco, regular heavy drinking. You can do this eating diets of processed foods deficient in key vitamins and minerals. You can even do this training too brutally for long-distance running, mountaineering etc, when you push your body to such limits that, transiently, the body’s priorities are more immediate than maintaining a shipshape immune system.
Most ‘germs’ as you call them are around our bodies, just silently cohabiting. A bit like opportunistic robbers watching houses waiting for the family to go on holiday before burgling the place.
I am very happy to inject you with a cocktail of germs if you want to get ill from them.
Of course, you will be sure you will be doing nothing of the sort, as germs don’t exist according to you.
You can inject me with a cocktail of ‘germs’, Rhys, if you can actually find any. I’ll laugh at you, and carry on chugging the vitamin C – as usual. Great terrain-permaculturist, C is. Kept me going into my 82nd year…
Of course “germs” exist, because that word implies not just viruses but also bacteria. And I haven’t heard anybody argue that bacteria doesn’t exist, because we can all see them with a regular ol’ microscope in real-time.
I agree with most of what you said. If you mess up the way that your body functions with any of the insults you described, the result is cellular death (in excess of pre-programmed apoptosis) and bacteria get to work at HELPING take care of that cleansing. That’s probably our divergence. You seem to believe that bacteria are the bad guys (robbers) whereas I see them as an important part of any living organism. In addition to the methods of messing up your body you mentioned (which are all important), there are immaterial stressors: anxiety, fear, depression, etc.; all of which deplete metabolic energy needed for the body to function properly in its regular processes.
Viruses, on the other hand, have never been shown to be the CAUSE of any disease. They’ve never been shown to “invade” or “hijack” as they’ve been described—which makes sense, as they are admittedly non-living entities without the ability to move or do anything on their own. So if a virus is defined as genetic sequences (either DNA or RNA) wrapped in proteins, and the only proofs of viruses existing are in the form of experiments where a living cell culture is dying and breaking down into its constituent parts which include fragments of DNA/RNA wrapped in proteins, it seems like what we call a “virus” is more likely to be an effect of cellular death and not the cause of it.
In any case, unless there is a good experiment proving the alternative, I’d go with Occam’s Razor and say the goal should be to kill fewer cells in the first place. Then you need less metabolic energy to cleanse your system and fewer bacteria to clean up the mess, and see if the results speak for themselves. As someone who used to experience respiratory illnesses 4-6 times a year and has dropped that number down to zero, it seems like diet and mindset alone offer much better place to start than drugs and vaccines. Just not quite as profitable for some people 😉
I’m not unsympathetic to critiques of germ theory – however it does concern me that two of the main voices in the alt-media doing this are Andy Kaufman who happens to share the name of a comedian with an idiot savant personality and Tom Cowan when a ‘cowan’ is the name in a certain fraternal organisation for someone acting undercover or an infiltrator.
I’m not saying to disbelieve all that they argue as a result – but some caution seems advisible.
I’m certainly skeptical of both of those guys (because I’m skeptical of everyone), although I don’t want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. They bring up many of the same topics we’re constantly mentioning in the comments: the constant statistical manipulation and propaganda of COVID (and HIV, polio, etc.), the fear campaigns, the conflicts of interests, the history of funding, and so on. If their message in denying germ theory is to avoid toxic pharmaceuticals and take care of yourself with healthier diets and less stress, I’m failing to see a good reason to deny their message. I won’t personally be giving them money for their books and lectures, but they’re not appearing nearly as opportunistic as the Mercola’s of the world—those who criticize pharmaceuticals but then try to offer a different type of pill (supplement) to cure everything under the sun.
Other than some unfortunate names (that is interesting though), what specific pieces of their positions are you questioning?
All of a sudden, everyone in UK is talking about the ‘THIRD’ dose, and confusion with a booster??
The booster apparently is a smaller dose of poison.
Crap government documents say one thing, but NHS employees have not been informed!!
My understanding is they’re not sure the double injectees will consent to a third go, so they’re calling it a ‘booster’ (to make it more familiar, just as they call these injections ‘vaccines’.
People in the French health system report having seen tick boxes for up to 4 doses.
And here the AU govt are trying to push Digital ID through quietly so they can monitor the triple, quadruple, quintuple jabbed ad nauseum:
Only 50% of eligible double-jabbed have so far got the booster. And that’s for the population which includes those who are assumed to be most at risk, so I doubt they’ll do any better with the rest of the population.
Oct 23, 2021
– Sajid Javid has ordered NHS chiefs to allow over-50s to book their third jab a month earlier than at present
– Only around 4.5 million out of the 9.3 million eligible people in England have so far received the third dose
– Patients are eligible for booster six months after second jab, but cannot even start the process until that date
– Under the new plan, it will be arranged for the vaccine to be given on the first day when people are eligible
– Javid is also planning to make vaccines mandatory for all NHS staff to prevent hospital infections
– NHS England’s national director Professor Stephen Powis called on Brits to get jabbed to save Christmas
– Leaked document warns Covid passports and face masks will be enforced to stop winter surge
This is all because of “complacency” according to the Fraud, hence they’ve started pushing the fear button again. The low take-up couldn’t possibly be because more and more people are questioning the pandemic and/or the vaccine.
Amongst the vax I know I suspect they will be hard pressed to get the 50%. People are basically over it….all the fear mongering etc has worn thin….they needed to actually have people dying in the street not made up figures behind closed doors to keep this shit going….
God they lie. According to Charlie “drowned” after dropping from a rope swing.
A 17-year-old boy, Tom van Dijk, died from cardiac arrest in Sydney in August. There were great proclamations that he wasn’t vaxed and rejection of “disinformation” that he was but I don’t believe those proclamations. We’ve heard no more of his death and what led to that cardiac arrest.
little tip a little bit of white shade over the edge of the writing wil high light it better and make it more readable
RtD, I’ve enjoyed your memes and graphics in the past but for some reason this one is so powerful and moving. That vaers report about young Charlie reads to me like the most damning ‘no sh*t sherlock’ irrefutable indictments of the g*damn clotshots yet made available. Still not sure if I’m ready to dump this on my yet-somnambulant relatives and acquaintances but I do thank you for the very strong presentation of evidence against having the diabolical injection. Peace.
I think it’s about time we identified the new Orwellian language that’s emerged. We might call it covid-babble … other suggestions welcome.
Some terms in covid-babble – please feel free to offer humorous or otherwise improved alternative definitions:
“virus isolation”
Refers to pointed-to particles from a human throat swab shown in an electron micrograph
“test for viral infection”
Refers to a molecular amplification technique that says on packet “not to be used for diagnostic purposes”
Refers to an alleged illness that affects a tiny percentage of the population and kills a super tiny percentage
“cause of death”
Is covid to the extent that other causes don’t miss out on a look-in
“flu symptoms”
No longer includes anosmia (loss of smell) and ageusia (loss of taste) because those symptoms are now exclusive to covid – this is just one example of the astoundingly “novel” nature of the covid illness.
“ICUs overrun”
Means not so busy that medical staff cannot take time out to rehearse dance routines. See Chelsea and Westminster TikTok Compilation (yes, that’s the title of the video)
Means “multiple mandatory jabs”
(I’m sure someone else can come up with a better definition than I can think of)
“Fully vaccinated”
(I’m sure someone else can come up with a better definition than I can think of)
Another word I’ve seen bandied about when the fear factor needs to be increased like right now in the UK:
Complacency – application of common sense to continue living having assessed the risks of the “virus” therefore ignoring the lying shills in the media/government and other related organisations.
I call the “death shots” the Jonestown Jab after Jonestown. Some times I shorten it to “Kool-Aid” or the “clot shots.”
Why can’t we have the “thumbs-up” back?
Thumbs up! + 1. Like.
Because some people got triggered by too many thumbs down for their dumb posts.
Apparently, these people also happened to donate large amounts to the site, so when they demand something, like removal of voting, it happens.
I have donated thousands to the site, and have harrassed them continuously to augment their lame up/down voting system with a broader range of buttons descriptive of reader sentiment, including:
etc. etc. but obviously my wishes have been completely ignored.
So much for your theory…
Well, this is what happens when a clear and logical explanation as to why something has been removed is not offered – people speculate and jump to their own conclusions.
All I saw from Sam Admin was “We’re trying this out”, w/o any real reasoning as to why it became necessary to do so or what the expected gain of doing so might be.
Maybe it was just that they thought too many of us were becoming BIG MEANIES! (with a foot stamp)?
Why not put up a poll allowing one vote per ID?
Perhaps they don’t want another virtue signalling clone site??
That’s really too tedious. Simple up and down, please. Among other things, an up or down let’s you know that someone has read your comment,
Plausible. However the main beneficiaries of this policy will be shills like John Pretty and Bob who used to be skewered by the downvotes.
Plus He Who Must Not Be Named, oddly cosseted despite occasional rebukes.
Here is the new ‘smart mask’ for fashion-conscious slaves.
This marvellous mask not only filters the air – it has a microphone and lights. Other features too. You’ll love it!
Kit Knightly’s article inspired me. And now to bed, perchance to dream . . . Or probably not.
My dreams are fevered right now as I try to sleep knowing my job is gone. When reality is the nightmare…
This article is indeed important. It was the first item up for inclusion in my next blog post. It’s going to make trying to convince some people that they are backing the wrong horse easier.
It was always going to be this way, ever since they ‘reluctantly’ brought in ‘vaccine passports’, because ‘the unvaccinated are stubborn’ and they had to use coercion to get them to come along. What are the basic characteristics of a passport of any kind? Well, it identifies you as the holder….specifies your entitlement(s) as that holder….and, oh yeah!! it has to be regularly updated in order to remain current!
Get ready for endless boosters; if they manage to ‘eradicate’ COVID as a threat – and realistically they can keep that going for years, by the simple expedient of inventing ‘new variants’ that pop up to scare the bejesus out of everyone – but while we’re on the subject…why not have your whole medical history of immunizations on your handy little QR app? So some pimply kid at White Castle can check it to see if you are sufficiently germ-free to eat at their fine establishment? Get ready to bare your arm for shot after shot after shot, all to ‘keep you and your loved ones and your community safe’, and – just incidentally – enrich the big American pharmaceuticals manufacturers with the cash grab of the millennium as governments simply appropriate billions of your tax dollars and pre-order millions and millions of doses, which you’ll have to take in order to maintain your place in society.
But you don’t have to believe me. Wait until it happens, if you prefer.
Fully vaxxed? Only the experts know for sure (stay tuned), but basically whatever it takes to kill you or turn you into a mutant zombie seems a pretty reliable criterion.
Another commenter on OG recently linked to “Planet of the Living Dead (Halloween 2021),” which I thought was very good. You may as well.
Revisited Aaron Russo’s 2007 interview. The last one before he died on 24/08/2007. So very prescient and makes even more sense since when I last watched it circa 2008-09.
His conversations with Nick Rockefeller about 9/11 and how it is a fraud even to the details about US marines looking for terrorists in caves.
The compartmentalisation of elite (Parasite) structures like CFR and Bilderberg where only those at the top know it’s true agenda.
The elites (Parasite Class) contempt for the masses and their need to control us through RFID chips and digital money. Population reduction and divide and conquer.
The sham of democracy (tyranny of the majority) and the fakeness of republican vs Democrat.
The manipulation and lies to get people to comply with their own destruction; stop complying and their gig is up.
The federal reserve and deliberate reduction of the purchasing power of the dollar (the interview is very America-centric).
The need for the elite (parasites) to keep the corrupt banking system going at any cost – to prop it up whatever it takes.
The psychopathy of individuals like Nick Rockefeller; who see the populace as serfs to be controlled.
Name calling of truth tellers to discredit them because they can’t challenge the actual content.
I’ve seen and rate his “Trading Places” and “Freedom to Fascism” and 14 years later this interview is even more relevant.
(There are edited shorter versions but for posterity this link is the full fat 2hr 40mins film)
Anyone puzzled by the mysterious (NOT David, Nelson, Laurance, John D. III, or Jay, but) Nick Rockefeller, might want to watch this:
Remember, it’s AJ, so one must proceed with extreme caution!
“A Walensky happens when one gives a Nurse Ratched type a fancy title, a six figure salary and an unlimited expense account. ‘It’ is disgusting.”
“Among other things it would seem one of Mengele Junior’s pastimes is torturing Beagle puppies. What a sick freak.”
is this wonderful Doctor just a heartbroken about the 230.000 meds his lot prescribe and their toxic at times deadly side effect and el;ecrto shock treatment ..?
or is it now fashionable to say any old shit to get fake likes to pretend to be FAKE outspoken!
Its a win win for big pharma they got you believing in white coats either way.
Please, no more women running anything. I beg of you…..
OK, sure, because the men running things are doing a so-much-more better job.
Thankyou. Australia is almost exclusively cucked by these grinning, soulless women.
Let me list the PM and premiers – Mark McGowan, Michael Gunner, Dan Andrews, Steven Marshall, Rob Barr, Peter Gutwein, – Gladys and Anastacia. Hmmm., And federally Scummo, Albo = hmmmmmmm
Well, it seems that way in QLD. And that psycho from NZ…and the crazy one from Germany. Easy, ladies. No need to take up defensive postures here.
yeah, it’s definitely only female leaders who’ve rolled over for the new normal XD
Someone like Justin Castro, er, Trudeau, or Daniel Andrews is male only in a biological, reproductive sense. They are otherwise more Yin than Yang. Then,characters like Jacinda Ardern or Nicola Sturgeon are purely Yin in their primal, archetypal displays of cruelty. No one thinks of someone like Trudeau or Andrews as a father figure, and no one yearns for a mother like Ardern or Sturgeon.
Somewhere, I’ve seen someone make the distinction of in a general sense — male = brutality, female = cruelty…You can see that dichotomy playing out quite clearly. Someone like Tru…Castro or Andrews isn’t innately brutal; they have minions to act out those urges and desires for them, while they get off on watching the truncheons swing, as do utter psychopathic witches like Ardern, or the utterly — physically and morally repellent — Gladys Berejerkian.
Both men and women alike are guilty of propagating and promoting the ongoing horrors against humanity and life itself, but the psychic energy used to do so is largely feminine, yin energy applied in a directing role, with masculine yang energy lined up in a supporting — let’s do the dirty work — role.
It seems like you are spot on. Use of a medical issue to push for unprecedented dictatorial policies frankly does seem like a modus operandi used by female harpies or male wannabes like Trudeau. That Andrews guy just seems like a conventional bully, but he is a long way from here. I think it would be something to celebrate if anything happens to any of them.
Is it Samuel or Samantha , Sam ?
The promotion of sexually neutral name abbreviations is one of the methods by which gender is being erased.
The long term bankster emasculation of men is one of the reasons why the sheeple were a pushover when convid was unleashed.
Well, they destroyed the definition of herd immunity so why not ‘update the definition’ of ‘fully vaccinated’ as well? It’s not like the crap actually WORKS as promised. While they’re at it, they could change the definition of gender, too. Oh, they already did that. How about ‘fair elections’? That, too? ‘Good economy’? ‘Mostly peaceful protests’? ‘Insurrection’? ‘Freedom’? ‘Liberty’?
From the Fauci files:
The dogs in the picture remind me of the kid’s bodies on the top of the pile of the Jonestown dead. I’m sure Fauci isn’t taking the Kool-Aid. Even Jones had the decency to kill himself along with his disciples.
Hat tip to arby for the large font text! 🙂
white shade over the edge of the writing will sharpest it and make it more readable
“He made the smartest men and women, the scientists, the doctors, the researchers, he made them come up with a vaccine. That is from God to us.” However, Kathy, our technological developments are moving at a far greater rate than our moral and spiritual development, especially for these people who are making life and death decisions for others. Our dodgy mate, Mr Gates, visited the House of the Virgin Mary at Ephesus last weekend. Is he soul searching?
Well, that news does kinda shift somewhat my expectation that the inevitable “religious”/”paranormal” (holographic) psyop will be “alien”/ET-related to the also likely BVM (Blessed Virgin Mary)-related one. Remember that Mary/Miriam is worshipped not only by Xians, but also by Muslims, and the appearance could be ambiguous enough in symbolism/iconography that it could also draw in devotees of Quan Yin, Radha, etc.
The masses have fallen for COVID-19, so rest assured they will fall for the coming spiritual psyop (as long as it’s broadcast with due reverence 24/7 by all their trusted sources of news/”information”…). The likelihood of a BVM appearance is also supported by the Vatican’s alliance with the World Economic Forum.
Boosters on top of “vaccinations”: if ever the old saw “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me” applied, this is it.
It doesn’t even matter to them that by saying you need a booster to be “vaccinated,” they’re actually saying “Well, we kind of tricked you last year; but now you can trust us. Sorry about that.”
And people are okay with that. Unbelievable.
You nailed it man. It’s beyond unbelievable. All I can imagine is that this is just how humanity goes in times like this. Mass psychosis. This madness has happened before in places like China, Russia, Germany etc. In the modern age!
Not unbelievable. No flock of sheep have overpowered their shepherd and escaped the abattoir. Our masters know how to herd us to our collective doom.
More than OK, excited. A friend asked me if I’d gotten my booster yet. I said “no”.
She was really surprised.
It was to be expected… Every ‘research’ paper about the low / failed efficacy of the covid injections, when publicised, was – whether intentional or not – readying The Obedient to believe a “booster” was needed – if they really wanted (full) Protection…
Even the good intentions of some fellow commenters on Offguardian, bringing our attentions to such research, helped prepare the soil…
This ‘pandemic’ exists because it’s based on list of changed definitions. Publicising the manipulated definitions would help unfool many of The Obedient. It wont stop them obeying, but would be a Spaniard In The Works (John Lennon) of the clever, smooth running propaganda machine…
When local press, last Monday, reported the government was readying to roll-out “booster” injections for Those Most At Risk, the import was everyone will need a “booster”. Five days later Australia’s national daily ran the story at top of the front page… It doesnt get that high-profile coverage if only Those Most At Risk are to be “boostered” – unless everyone is subsumed under that category…
Stay paranoid. Just dont let it control you. (anon)
Recall: it’s easier to fool someone than convince them they’ve been fooled (anon ?).
(“it was to be expected” AKA “Told yer so !” ?).
Two weeks to flatten the curve.
White House delays release of JFK assassination files “to protect against identifiable harm”
October 23, 2021 / 7:44 AM / CBS/AFP
The White House said Friday it would delay the release of long-classified documents related to the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy. President Joe Biden wrote in a statement that the remaining files “shall be withheld from full public disclosure” until December 15 next year — nearly 60 years after Kennedy’s assassination in Dallas, Texas in 1963.
In 2017, former president Donald Trump released several thousand secret files on the assassination, but withheld others on national security grounds.
The White House said the national archivist needs more time for a review into that redaction, which was slowed by the pandemic.[!!!]
Mr. Biden also said the delay was “necessary to protect against identifiable harm to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or the conduct of foreign relations” and that this “outweighs the public interest in immediate disclosure.”
Yes, protect the military against 60 year old files of which the majority no nothing about, but shoot them full of anthrax, cover it up, then shoot them full of spike recipe.
Biden’s simple explanation just sums it up, doesn’t it?
They lie, they lie, they LIE. They are lying liars.
How do I explain to people that that is why I will not wear a mask and I will not get injected.
Well, one really can’t blame The Ghost of Joe Biden (Barely) Present to be righteously concerned about “protecting against identifiable harm to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or the conduct of foreign relations”.
After all, he probably thinks it’s 1965.
Aussie guvmint is about to launch yet another ‘get the shot’ advertising campaign named “Spread Freedom”. Here’s their preview of Australia’s future:
“The Spread Freedom campaign will emphasise the benefits of getting vaccinated such as the freedom to travel interstate and overseas.
Mr Hunt said Australia was on track to be one of the most highly and most recently vaccinated countries in the world, while it would also be one of the firs countries to roll out a booster program, too.”
Guvmint also about to give selected companies permission (and funds too I bet) to manufacture covid and “other” vaccines on-shore.
I call this ad campaigh “Spread Serfdom”.
Hilarious too huh? I’ve been watching the MSM narrative in Australia change since the magic unicorn number of 70% was reached. Up until recently it was all about how great the vaccines are but the deaths keep going up and the number of cases ever climbing. You would think the very first question would be: How come these “vaccines” aren’t working? But the MSM is – crickets.
One thing We Australians like hearing is “We’re First In The World.”… It never fails to make us feel Proud… If it’s bad, or destructive, and it can be spun as Australia being first in the world to achieve such destruction, We all boast proud…
Some years ago the union that covered my job agreed with my employer to reduce some of my nightshift penalty rates. The union boasted at having achieved for me the same lower rate as was being paid for others in my trade… I was supposed to feel proud because i’d been given a pay cut…
Our Defeat Is Victory mentality competes with the We Were First In The World (To kill granny with a Booster injection).) mentality..
We lap it up… and ,Strangely, i dont want to emigrate…
Well, you answered my question (hadn’t posted it yet) as to why Australia?
Why Australia and Canada? Two places I knew little about but only heard wonderful things. The beauty, the people. (which I’m sure are true)
I pictured expansive and free. Laid back.
I am so sad and sickened by what’s happening in both countries, which seems far greater so far then the situation here in US.
Well, except for NYC and LA.
“Spread Freedom”. How do they create something like that with a straight face.
Small populations-easy to control colonies
The situation seems to be hopelessly out of hand. The agenda, the lies, the bald faced lying just steamrolls on unchecked. Guvmint, media, business, science, global orgs and think tanks, gargantuan philanthropic organisations all in lockstep. They have everything at their disposal and they are fighting me…a single human being with no weapons, no vehicle for mass communication, no funds to buy scientific opinion, no authority. The full might of the most powerful organisation of control the world has ever seen…vs….me.
I want to give thumbs-up to this one, please. So well said.
are they winning ?
In Brisbane they appear to be winning. There’s a war being waged here but nobody knows it. The capitulation and compliance is epic. All I can tell you is what I see.
At least 70% will almost immediately go over to the side that offers “Security”… The authorities main task is to go after the minority who held back. The 70% cant remain neutral, eventually they’ll be mobilised to punish the hold-outs… At Custer’s Last Stand (Was there a First ?) -they couldnt expect to hear “Here Come The Cavalry !”
“O My God, am i here all alone !” (Dylan. Ballad of The Thin Man)
Very visual understanding
Australia was only 5% injected about 6 months ago. Do you really think they have injected another 70% (17.5 mil) of the population since then? Further, over 20% are under 16 and not yet injected, so something is not adding up here.
Even if they did manage to convince these people through job loss etc. Do you really think these imbeciles could get the job done in that short amount of time?
It’s all lies and deception. The time for discussion has long passed you need to be vocal, active and hold the line.
Challenge every store that stops you at the door for medical records. If you are one of these people who think you’re clever for “getting around it” with fake apps etc, you are part oft he problem too. You are complying, it matters not if you are fudging it. You are doing what is asked of you. They don’t care if you have a fake app of not, you are getting familiar with the system and that’s what they want. You are being programmed.
No mask, no sign in and insult any lowlife who gets paid the minimum wage to bust your balls.
I agree with you to a certain extent WorkingClassHero, and I have been doing just that for 18 months.
But there are some minimum wage staff who will call security, who will ask you to leave. And if you don’t they will call the Police. Really – some will go this far.
It will soon become as if you show up at the airport to fly to Europe and you try to board the plane without a passport. (the old fashioned kind).
It’s been interesting here in the past week or so. As things ramp up with boosters, etc, I still shop unmasked and where, pre-injections, I was always the only person in an establishment without a mask, now there are about 2 or 3 of us. All older. I have been wanting to stand outside and wait for them to ask why they aren’t masked.
Who’d have thought. It has actually become MORE draconian after the vaccine that was supposed to end the nightmare.
I’ll give you a report…in Bris…there’s an injection centre that I ride past nearly every day. It used to be a “testing” centre. Now it’s injection. When it was a testing centre you’d hardly see a car there. One day I did see hordes of cars there. They must have been terrified by the media the night before, ha. But generally, no cars, nobody going there. Ok, so then it turns into an injection centre. Since that point, several weeks ago, every time I ride past there the cars are STREAMING in. The car park is slammed. From what I have seen, people aren’t walking to be injected…they are running. That’s my report. That’s what I’ve seen.
Call it “Vaxen macht Frei” or “Todespritzen macht Frei”.
Shift the goalposts, change the rules, keep them hopping and jumping through hoops.
“I am altering the deal…pray I don’t alter it any further.”
That line has been running thru my head for months now.
Safety Report #31 – 2 October 2021 ( 28 deaths from ‘covid”, 86 from the jabs, 11 from 25 September to 2 October – they at least list all the serious events, not like Australia who are trying to deny them all
Yes, dear.
But we, on the other hand, wish, respectfully, to inform you that we have already updated our definition of ‘human’, and you, unfortunately, no longer qualify.
We will inform you shortly of the steps which you will have to take in order to find employment as a ‘limited viability’ member of society.
Meanwhile, you must expect nothing you say to be acknowledged, or acted upon, by those still possessing human qualities.
We hope you will be encouraged by the fact that the public service fields of refuse collection and disposal still offer many job opportunities for those in your category, so please do stay alert to those opportunities.
The situation for those unable to perform even those functions is, at present, most unpleasant.
Yours most sincerely,
I’m with you
I am a post-human. I spit upon you puny old fashioned versions.
Spit away.
By the way, do proto-robos have saliva…?
The Obsolete Man
Anybody who puts up with this sort of tyranny is obsolete.
Just as the tyrants themselves are obsolete.
But it won’t always be like this.
Things always change, and sometimes they change for the better. But we obviously have some way to go before that happens…
Not cynical at all.
Now all ADE patients and hospitalisations will be in the ‘unvaxxed’ while also providing additional pressure on those actually unvaccinated further forcing on them the need to get vaccinated.
Really a win-win for the PTSB.
EARLY WARNINGS: Arthur Kinoy – ”When Fascism comes to America…” (1990)
Linked for our American friends a very powerful and timeless message.
Wow! Kinoy can read the future!
“When fascism comes to America it will come wrapped in an American Flag” – Huey Long