75 Years & Counting: A History of Western Regime Change in Syria Part I

Vanessa Beeley

Washington and London’s latest war against Syria was incubated in CIA and MI6 offices long before the manufactured “uprising” erupted in 2011.

This was not the first time that the US neocolonialist alliance had attempted regime change in Syria. Historian Stephen Gowans writes about Washington’s Long War on Syria in his comprehensive book on the US-led interference in Syrian state affairs for decades.

Gowans describes American opposition to the “fiercely independent” Arab nationalist movement that came to power in Syria in 1963. In 1971 Hafez Al Assad was elected President, the father of Bashar Al Assad both of whom uphold the principles of Arab unity and independence.

Washington sought to purge Arab nationalist influence from the Syrian state and the Arab world more broadly because it was a threat to its agenda of establishing global primacy and promoting business-friendly investment climates for US banks, investors and corporations throughout the world.

Arab nationalists aspired to unify the world’s 400 million Arabs into a single super-state capable of challenging United States hegemony in West Asia and North Africa and becoming a major player on the world stage free from the domination of the former colonial powers and the US.

Washington had waged long wars on the leaders of the Arab nationalist movement—Egypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser, Iraq’s Saddam, Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi, and Syria’s Assads, often allying with particularly violent forms of political Islam to undermine its Arab nationalist foes.

– from the introduction to Gowans’ book

By 2011, only one pan-Arabist state remained standing in the region – Syria – and it was targeted for subjugation to US supremacy which led to the ten years of bloodshed and misery in a progressive, prosperous and stable sovereign nation.

The reformist President Assad was criminalised by colonial media outlets in the West and aligned Gulf State channels as consent was manufactured for yet another interventionist campaign by the UK and US to bring Syria to heel.

Ten years later and Syria is bloody but unbowed and is emerging the military victor of the externally fomented conflict with the support of allies in Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, Iraqi resistance forces and diplomatic support from China.

However, despite this pyrrhic victory there remains a media complex, including so-called anti-imperialist outlets that are maintaining the various narratives that manufactured consent for the 2011 regime-change war in the first place.

These include narratives like “police state” “Assad the tyrant” and “authoritarian state” among others. It is rare that these claims are given any historical context or evidence that demonstrates in-depth research beyond the corporate media claims.

Peter Ford, former UK Ambassador to Syria, told me:

I always like to say that maybe Syria is a police state because in states which the West tries to subvert there is a lot of policing to be done!”

What follows is a list of the CIA and MI6 interventions in Syrian affairs since the 1940s. It should clearly demonstrate why Syria has needed to shore up its security apparatus to protect itself from the US, Israel and UK-led black ops that have targeted the country for decades.

Part one of this series will go from 1946 to 2012 although the US, UK, EU interference in Syria began long before that. Part two will cover events from 2012 onwards demonstrating the manipulation of events and biased media coverage of the US Coalition proxy war against Syria leading to a ten year war, barbaric economic sanctions and horrifying bloodshed to remove the Syrian government from power and to secure US/UK/Israeli/Turkish/Gulf State interests in the region.

Note: I have included declassified intelligence documents in the year they were published, not the year they were released.


Syria is finally declared independent from the French mandate which was imposed upon the country by the 1916 Sykes-Picot agreement that ‘gave’ Syria to France.

France fought to prevent Syrian independence culminating in a direct attack against Damascus in 1945 killing an estimated 400 Syrian civilians and military in the process.


The CIA was created as a rebrand of previous Intelligence agencies.


The CIA coup of 1949 after Syria had declared war on the Nazis and ended the colonial Vichy French occupation ousted an elected, secular President Shukri Al Quwatli who supported the Palestinian cause, was anti-Zionist and did not recognise the (US President) Truman-incubated state of Israel.

Al Quwatli rejected the Trans Arabian Pipeline (TAPLINE) a joint venture of Standard Oil of New Jersey (today ExxonMobil), Standard Oil of California and Texaco (now Chevron) because he believed it would afford the US undue influence in Syria:

Syria’s democratically elected president, Shukri-al-Quwatli, hesitated to approve the Trans Arabian Pipeline, an American project intended to connect the oil fields of Saudi Arabia to the ports of Lebanon via Syria. (so)… the CIA engineered a coup, replacing al-Kuwaiti with the CIA’s handpicked dictator, a convicted swindler named Husni al-Za’im. Al-Za’im barely had time to dissolve parliament and approve the American pipeline before his countrymen deposed him, 14 weeks into his regime.Robert F Kennedy Jr

Dean Hinton, US State Department official made a prescient statement in relation to the planned CIA coup against Syria in 1949 [emphasis added]:

I want to go on record as saying that this is the stupidest, most irresponsible action a diplomatic mission like ours could get itself involved in, and that we’ve started a series of these things that will never end.

The CIA man in Damascus who replaced Al-Quwatli turned out to be a murderous tyrant. The CIA had recruited General Husni al-Za’im, the Syrian army chief of staff, under direction of President Harry Truman – the advocate of the State of Israel and the 1948 Nakba, the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

After only 5 months in power, Al-Za’im was also toppled in another coup.

Shukri Al-Quwaiti in Egypt with President Gamal Abdel Nasser and Ibn Saud signing a defence agreement in March 1956 to defend Arab nations against Zionist aggression.


Fourth coup, CIA-supported Adib Shiskali overthrown.


Syrian people re-elected Al Quwatli who pivoted towards the Soviet Union against US interference and supremacy. The West perceived this policy as non-compliant with US/UK anti-communism.

CIA Director Dulles declared that “Syria is ripe for a coup” and sent his two coup wizards, Kim Roosevelt and Rocky Stone, to Damascus.”Robert F Kennedy Jr


Operation Straggle – CIA plan to replace the recalcitrant Al-Quwatli Syrian government with an anti-communist regime.

National Security Council member Wilbur Crane Eveland, CIA official Archibald Roosevelt, and Michail Bey Ilyan, former Syrian minister, met in Damascus on 1 July 1956 to discuss a US-backed ‘anti-communist’ takeover of the country. As William Blum wrote in his book ‘Killing Hope’, the plan was for the Syrian military to:

…take control of Damascus, Aleppo, Homs, and Hamah. The frontier posts with Jordan, Iraq, and Lebanon would also be captured in order to seal Syria’s borders until the radio stations announced that a new government had taken over under Colonel Kabbani, who would place armored units at key positions throughout Damascus.

The plan was postponed for five days, during which time the Suez Crisis happened. Ilyan told Eveland he could not succeed in overthrowing the Syrian government during a war of Israeli aggression. On 31 October, John Foster Dulles informed his brother Allen Dulles, the Director of the CIA:

Re Straggle our people feel that conditions are such that it would be a mistake to try to pull it off”


Operation Wappen – Another CIA coup attempt to oust Quwatli. $3 million was invested in paying off of Syrian military officers to enable the coup.

The plan failed when some of the officers revealed the project to Syrian Intelligence agencies and turned in the CIA bribe money. This failed coup led to Syria being labelled a “Soviet satellite state”.

August 12th – Syrian Army surrounded US Embassy in Damascus to avert a CIA plot to overthrow President Al Quwatli. Syrian Chief of Counter Intelligence Abdul Hamid Sarraj expelled three US diplomats and jailed dozens of Syrian officers involved in the attempted coup.

US President Eisenhower and UK Prime Minister Harold MacMillan conjured up a ‘Suez-in-reverse’’ plot that might have precipitated an all-out war between the Soviet Union and the US.

The US deployed a fleet to the Mediterranean, armed several of Syria’s neighbors, and incited Turkey to deploy 50,000 troops to its border. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles suggested that the US sought to invoke the “Eisenhower Doctrine” of retaliating against provocations, and this intention was later confirmed in a military report. No Arab state would describe Syria as a provocateur, and these military deployments were withdrawn.

The MacMillan involvement – Documents released in 2003 revealed that British Prime Minister, Harold MacMillan and US President Dwight Eisenhower conspired to plunder Syria’s oil resources and to assassinate three Syrian influencers, to force a regime change – Abd al-Hamid Sarraj, head of Syrian military intelligence; Afif al-Bizri, chief of the Syrian general staff; and Khalid Bakdash, leader of the Syrian Communist party.

The Muslim Brotherhood was financed and weaponised to topple the secular Syrian government and to assassinate the key figures.

1960 – 1971

A series of coups and counter-coups. According to Laith Marouf, journalist and lifelong Palestinian cause activist, every single Syrian President post WW2 was overthrown by a US-orchestrated coup d’etat.


Israel illegally occupied the Golan Heights during the Six-Day War, a war that was much misrepresented in mainstream media, of course in favour of the Zionist aggressor.

A later 1986 declassified CIA document would outline the potential for military insurgence if Assad were to suffer a major defeat by Israel if an attempt were made to liberate the Golan territories.

Israel says 1967 land conquests weren’t planned. 2021 Declassified documents tell a more complicated story.
The documents describe detailed preparations that were made in the military in the years before 1967, with the intention of organizing in advance the control of territories that the defense establishment assessed – with high certainty — would be conquered in the next war.

A perusal of the information indicates that the takeover and retention of these areas — the West Bank from Jordan, the Sinai Peninsula and Gaza Strip from Egypt, and the Golan Heights from Syria — were not a by-product of the fighting, but the manifestation of a strategic approach and prior preparations.

– Adam Raz, Forward, June 4th 2021


The failed CIA-manufactured coup d’etat (1949 in Syria) – BBC interview with CIA officer, Miles Copeland:


Hafez Al Assad came to power. Author and historian Patrick Seale wrote this about the former President, father of President Bashar Al Assad:

A small country like Syria to stand up against the mighty U.S. and say: NO you will not prevail. This is Al-Assad’s historical legacy. He was the only Arab leader who refused to bend a knee for Washington and Israel and refused to accept dictates from them”.


“Yom Kippur War” – Syrian military campaign to liberate the Golan territories from illegal Zionist occupation.

According to the Vinogradov memo, Anwar al-Sadat, holder of the titles of President, Prime Minister, ASU Chairman, Chief Commander, Supreme Military Ruler, entered into conspiracy with the Israelis, betrayed his ally Syria, condemned the Syrian army to destruction and Damascus to bombardment, allowed General Sharon’s tanks to cross without hindrance to the western bank of the Suez Canal, and actually planned a defeat of the Egyptian troops in the October War […] in order to allow for the US come-back to the Middle East.
– Israel Shamir, “What Really Happened in the “Yom Kippur” War?”, Counterpunch February 2012


Syria further alienates itself from US neocolonialist policy by supporting the Iranian Revolution. The revolution overthrew the CIA imposed Shah of Iran who had been CIA-assisted to topple the government of Mohammed Mosaddeq, a hardline nationalist who had campaigned against British oil companies in Iran, threatening to nationalise Iranian resources.

1980 – 1982

Brzezinski Cable – A cable from the National Security Council to Secretary of State Zbigniew Brzezinski sought collaboration between European and Gulf State monarchies to “identify possible alternative regimes” to the [Syrian] government led by Hafez Al Assad. (‘Syria July 16, 1980’, National Security Council, 4203XX, Memorandum for Zbigniew Brzezinski, declassified document)

The start of the US coalition, Saudi Arabia, Saddam Hussein and Jordan-backed Muslim Brotherhood insurrection which led a series of savage attacks against Syrian civilians and military (Aleppo cadet massacre) until the CIA coup was crushed by Hafez Al Assad in Hama in 1982.

The Muslim Brotherhood US-backed campaign of violence was hugely downplayed in Western media whose focus was on the “totalitarian regime” crack-down by Al Assad in order to support their regime change policy.

The CIA, at the time, observed that “Syrians are pragmatists who do not want a Muslim Brotherhood government”. (Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) – Syria: Muslim Brotherhood Pressure Intensifies 1982)


The Yinon Plan

Israel must become an imperial regional power, and must effect the division of the whole area into small states by the dissolution of all existing Arab states.”


Rifaat Al Assad failed in a suspected coup to overthrow his brother’s government (Hafez Al Assad).

Rifaat al-Assad, brother of Syrian President Hafez al-Assad, was reportedly in charge of an elite military force called Saraya al-Difaa’ (“al-difa”), or “Defense Companies,” until 1984 (al-Wasat 16 Feb. 1998).

The deployment of the Defense Companies in 1983 and 1984 while President Hafez al-Assad was seriously ill and unable to attend to government matters led some members of the Syrian government to fear that Rifaat was becoming too powerful at the expense of other potential successors to Hafez al-Assad.
refworld report 1998

In addition, (in a 1986 document) the CIA notes the potential for in-fighting among the Alawi elite, particularly over Hafez al-Assad’s brother Rifaat – a controversial figure in Syrian politics.
Whitney Webb


CIA Report “Syria: Scenarios of Dramatic Political Change” written by the Foreign Subversion and Instability Center, a part of the CIA’s Mission Center for Global Issues:

This memorandum explores alternative scenarios that could lead to the ouster of President Hafez Al Assad. Specifically, it seeks to clarify the individuals and groups that might impel or impede takeover attempts…”

The CIA favoured a (majority) Sunni Islam regime in Syria – “U.S. interests in Syria probably would be best served by a Sunni regime,” – particularly one led by Sunni “business-moderates” who would “see a strong need for Western aid and investment.”

The document states clearly that “a renewal of communal violence between Alawis and Sunnis could inspire Sunnis in the military to turn against the regime.”

It is noted that if the Syrian government cracks down hard on “minor outbreaks of Sunni dissidence” – the minor outbreaks being suicide bombings, assassinations, kidnappings,massacres of religious minority groups just as from 2011 onwards – large scale unrest would be triggered “setting the stage for civil war”. Remember this is in 1986.


First Gulf War – Iraq’s ruler Saddam Hussein was recognised by Hafez Al Assad as a collaborator with the US in the devastating and protracted war with Iran, using chemical weapons approved by the US, and as an opportunistic backer of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.

Hafez Al Assad supported the expulsion of Iraq from Kuwait, in line with International Law, in the First Gulf War but both Syria and Iran later opposed the 2003 US invasion of Iraq even though it would effectively rid them of a mutual enemy, Saddam Hussein.


“Clean Break Doctrine” – Israeli policy document proposed regime change in Iraq primarily as a “means” of “weakening, containing, and rolling back Syria.

As special consultant to US Presidents Nixon, Ford and Reagan, Pat Buchanan, put it:

In the Perle-Feith-Wurmser strategy, Israel ’s enemy remains Syria , but the road to Damascus runs through Baghdad.”


President Hafez Al Assad died and he was succeeded by his son, Bashar Al Assad.

Qatar Pipeline proposal – Qatar proposes construction of a $10 billion, 1,500 kilometer pipeline through Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Turkey. Robert F Kennedy Jr wrote in his article ‘Why the Arabs don’t want us in Syria’:

Qatar shares with Iran the South Pars/North Dome gas field, the world’s richest natural gas repository. The international trade embargo until recently prohibited Iran from selling gas abroad.

Meanwhile, Qatar’s gas can reach European markets only if it is liquefied and shipped by sea, a route that restricts volume and dramatically raises costs. The proposed pipeline would have linked Qatar directly to European energy markets via distribution terminals in Turkey, which would pocket rich transit fees.

The Qatar/Turkey pipeline would give the Sunni kingdoms of the Persian Gulf decisive domination of world natural gas markets and strengthen Qatar, America’s closest ally in the Arab world. Qatar hosts two massive American military bases and the U.S. Central Command’s Mideast headquarters.


9/11 triggers US President Bush’s “war on terror”. An overall agenda for the Middle East was set in motion. Former US General Wesley Clark said in his memoirs – two weeks after the World Trade Centre attacks, he was told by a senior Pentagon official that the 2003 invasion of Iraq had already been approved.

Six weeks later he says that same official told him, ‘It’s worse than that’, before indicating a memo ‘from the Office of the Secretary of Defence … [saying] we’re going to take out seven countries in five years’. Those countries were Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan and finally Iran. [ Off-Guardian 9/11 archives here].

UK Prime Minister Tony Blair speaking in November 2011 2 months after 9/11 [emphasis added]

The events of September 11 have opened opportunities that must be grasped to forge better relations with countries such as Iran and Syria.”

CIA Extraordinary Rendition program in Syria 2001 – 2003. The CIA used Syria as an illicit base of operations to torture so-called “ghost detainees“, as part of a program known as extraordinary rendition.

This program was established in the mid-1990s and expanded in the 2000s (Wikipedia). It is believed by some analysts that Syria went along with this program to try to soften US sanctions and to create better relations with the West which was courting President Assad at this time for the “different relationship” which translates as compliant with US/UK neocolonialism and the ‘security’ of Israel.


“Smoking gun emails reveal [UK Prime Minister] Tony Blair’s ‘deal in blood’ with [US President] George Bush over Iraq war was forged a YEAR before the invasion had even started.”
Daily Mail headline

President Bashar al Assad visited Britain, met the Queen, the Prince of Wales, and dined with Tony Blair at Downing Street. Blair recommended bestowing an honour on the President.

Blair went on to cheerlead the destruction of Syria in 2011, an act of supreme hypocrisy that was excused by a Blair mouthpiece:

Engagement with Syria and Assad in 2002 was absolutely right…Mr. Blair has said many times since that the situation has changed and Assad now has to go.”


Pre-planned invasion of Iraq on “war on terror” pretext and Israel launched the first missile attack on Syria for thirty years. President Bush immediately condoned the attack.

A memo from Blair to Bush discussed creating a ‘post-cold-war world order’. These memos were revealed by the Chilcot report into the WMD hoax that manufactured consent for the criminal invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Blair mentions Syria, Libya and Iran in the context of ‘anti-terrorism’ and Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). These countries should be given a ‘choice’:

“co-operate on WMD or face isolation and in time, worse.”


BBC Media Action launches project to identify opposition to Syrian government inside Syria:

We [BBC Media Action] worked in 2004 with individuals within the ministry who wanted change and tried to get them to be the drivers of that. All media development work that has been done in Syria has, in my opinion, been predicated upon this idea that there can be change from within – you have an authoritarian regime and you find who the reformers are within that (individuals) and you work with them.
Juliette Harkin former BBC Media Action Project Manager

Syria is labelled an “unusual and extraordinary threat” by President Bush – Severe sanctions were imposed on Syria on the pretext that Damascus was ‘supporting terrorism’ which included the biggest perceived threat to Israel in the region, Hamas and Hezbollah.

In reality the sanctions were punishment for Syria’s opposition to Bush’s Iraq policy and to attempt to bring Assad to the table to discuss weakening his alliance with Iran and Hezbollah. Those sanctions did not include any restriction on future investments by US energy companies.


Christiane Armanpour of CNN interviews President Bashar Al Assad and informs him that the West is planning a regime change. (Note: CNN appear to have removed the video report).

In February of the same year, the Prime Minister of Lebanon, Rafiq Hariri was assassinated. Hezbollah and Syria would be held responsible for the murder while the covert operations of Israeli Intelligence were overlooked by the UN investigation. This report served only Israel’s interests. It was released 8 months before Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in July 2006.


TIME Article – An article appears in TIME magazine headlined “Syria in Bush’s Crosshairs”. It claims, leading up to the 2007 Syrian elections:

The Bush Administration has been quietly nurturing individuals and parties opposed to the Syrian government in an effort to undermine the regime of President Bashar Assad.”

US State Department Cable – Wikileaks releases a 2006 State Department cable showing that destabilizing the Syrian government was a primary goal of U.S. policy in the Middle East. The ultimate intention was to topple Iran, one of Syria’s closest allies. The cable revealed that the US’ goal at the time was to undermine the Syrian government by any means available.

The ‘New Middle East’ Project – The term “New Middle East” was introduced to the world in June 2006 in Tel Aviv by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in replacement of the older and more imposing term, the “Greater Middle East.”

The redrawing and partition of the Middle East from the Eastern Mediterranean shores of Lebanon and Syria to Anatolia (Asia Minor), Arabia, the Persian Gulf, and the Iranian Plateau responds to broad economic, strategic and military objectives, which are part of a longstanding Anglo-American and Israeli agenda in the region.

Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya

Christian Zionist Pierre Gemayel assassinated in Beirut – Gemayel was gunned down in broad daylight in Jedideh, East Beirut on November 21st. He was a member of one of Lebanon’s most prominent Maronite dynasties.

Gemayel won a parliamentary seat in 2000 as representative for the Christian Phalange Party allied with Israel which led to Syria again being blamed for the attack and brought attention back to the Hariri assassination one year prior. President Bush endorsed the claim that Syria was responsible.


Seymour Hersh reports US is “bolstering” extremist groups “sympathetic to al Qaeda [emphasis added]:

A strategic shift – The US has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.

– Seymour M Hirsh, “The Redirection” (New Yorker, Feb. 25 2007)

Cheney’s Middle-East advisor calls for regime change in Syria. David Wurmser, author of the “Clean Break” memo and Dick Cheney’s Middle East advisor, is quoted in a Telegraph article headlined “US ‘must break Iran and Syria regimes'”:

We need to do everything possible to destabilise the Syrian regime and exploit every single moment they strategically overstep […] That would include the willingness to escalate as far as we need to go to topple the regime if necessary. […] an end to Baathist rule in Damascus could trigger a domino effect that would then bring down the Tehran regime.


CIA paramilitary raids in Eastern Syria 2004 – 2008 In October 2008 the CIA conducted the ‘Abu Kamal’ paramilitary raid on the town of Sukkariyeh in Eastern Syria on the pretext of targeting an Iraqi who was supplying insurgents via the Syrian border.

Syria accused the US of terrorist aggression and claimed that 8 civilians had died in the raid, not militants as reported by the US. Angry protests against America erupted in Damascus and the Syrian government deployed riot police to protect the US embassy and buildings from the protestors.

The New York Times later revealed the existence of a secret 2004 military order authorising the CIA and Special Forces to conduct operations in 15-20 countries, including Syria. The order was approved by the Bush administration Defence Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld . US officials acknowledged they had conducted other raids in Syria since 2004 but refused to provide details.


Media industrial complex – US and UK invest millions into Satellite TV Channel – Barada TV – to broadcast anti-Syrian Government propaganda throughout Syria before and after the orchestrated ‘uprising’ of 2011.

Wikileaks released cables showing that US Embassy officials in Damascus were concerned that Syrian intelligence were questioning US programs.

Saudi Arabia expresses an oblique desire to remove Assad – Wikileaks releases State Department email, “Saudi Intelligence Chief talks regional security with Brennan delegation (CIA)”, in which Iran was described as being “all over the place [..] the Shiite crescent is becoming a full moon” encompassing Syria, Iraq, Bahrain, Kuwait and Yemen.

US embassy cables: Hillary Clinton says Saudi Arabia is a “critical source of terrorist funding”.

Evidence Britain making regime change plans two years before the ‘uprising’French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas was approached by British officials who informed him that plans to topple the Syrian government were already in place which included support for an armed ‘opposition’.

US blocks Syrian efforts to join the World Trade Organization – A deliberate attempt to negatively impact further the Syrian economy combined with harsh sanctions.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy tries to orchestrate Israeli/Syrian meeting on French soil. – Sarkozy wanted to put France centre stage in a failed peace process between Israel and Syria so he attempted to bring the two leaders together in Paris but Assad refused to land in Paris until Netanyahu’s plane had departed.

Bashar Al Assad and Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris 2009.

At this point EU and UK regimes were still in courting mode with Assad. Oil and energy interests were at the forefront of their negotiations.

Assad opposes the Qatar-Turkey oil pipeline – All the hard work of the EU, UK and US to secure their oil interests in Syria were suddenly destroyed when President Assad declared that he would refuse to sign the agreement to allow the pipeline to run through Syria “to protect the interests of our Russian ally.”

Robert F Kennedy Jr described this blow to US Coalition hegemony in his article ‘Why the Arabs don’t want us in Syria’:

Assad further enraged the Gulf’s Sunni monarchs by endorsing a Russian-approved “Islamic pipeline” running from Iran’s side of the gas field through Syria and to the ports of Lebanon. The Islamic pipeline would make Shiite Iran, not Sunni Qatar, the principal supplier to the European energy market and dramatically increase Tehran’s influence in the Middke East and the world.

Israel also was understandably determined to derail the Islamic pipeline, which would enrich Iran and Syria and presumably strengthen their proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas.

Secret cables and reports by the U.S., Saudi and Israeli intelligence agencies indicate that the moment Assad rejected the Qatari pipeline, military and intelligence planners quickly arrived at the consensus that fomenting a Sunni uprising in Syria to overthrow the uncooperative Bashar Assad was a feasible path to achieving the shared objective of completing the Qatar/Turkey gas link.

In 2009, according to WikiLeaks, soon after Bashar Assad rejected the Qatar pipeline, the CIA began funding opposition groups in Syria.


The onslaught of terror attacks begin in the Jordan/Syria border town of Daraa.

US Military Intelligence assessmenton Bashar Al Assad’s chances of survival – The US Marine Corps (USMC) Intelligence Department and Stratfor jointly produced this August 2011 report:

The Alawite-Baathist regime of Syria led by the al Assad clan will significantly weaken over the next three years. The potential for the regime to collapse cannot be ruled out, but the road to regime change will be a long and bloody one.

Fortunately for the regime, the opposition in Syria does not yet have the numbers, organization or capabilities overall to overwhelm the regime forces. Syria’s opposition is extremely fractured [..]The exiled opposition has been quite effecting in developing a narrative on the Syrian opposition to disseminate to major media agencies, but reports of protests are overblown [..]

Without foreign backing, the opposition movement is unlikely to acquire enough money or gain enough traction to acquire large quantities of weaponry, let alone achieve regime change.


Special Ops from US/UK/Turkey were inside Syria, training the extremist armed groups. Wikileaks cable INSIGHT military intervention in Syria:

One Air Force intel guy (US) said very carefully that there isn’t much of a Free Syrian Army to train right now anyway [..] I kept pressing on the question of what these SOF teams would be working toward, and whether this would lead to an eventual air campaign to give a Syrian rebel group cover.

They pretty quickly distanced themselves from that idea, saying that the idea ‘hypothetically’ is to commit guerrilla attacks, assassination campaigns, try to break the back of the Alawite forces, elicit collapse from within. There wouldn’t be a need for air cover, and they wouldn’t expect these Syrian rebels to be marching in columns anyway.

Weapons shipped from Libya to Syria after the murder of Muammar Gaddafi.

This week it was reported that weapons are flooding in to Syria from a Libya awash with weapons, “with spy chiefs saying” that the country has become a supermarket “of the world’s illegal arms trade.”

“Up to 3,000 surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) have gone missing since the conflict” with more than “one million tonnes of weapons belonging to Colonel Quaddaffi” looted after his terrible death at the hands of NATO’s “allies”.

Potentially that is enough SAMs to down 3,000 airliners. The Daily Mail understands that, “…there are now more weapons in Libya than in the entire arsenal of the British Army” according to MI6 estimates.”

Felicity Arbuthnot, Dissident Voice

British survey firm YouGov published a poll in late 2011 showing support for Assad. The poll revealed that 55% of Syrians maintained support for President Assad.

Time’s correspondent Rania Abouzeid attributed the failure of the protest organizers to draw significant support to the fact that most Syrians were not opposed to their government.
Stephen Gowans, October 2016

NATO and regional allies form the “Friends of Syria Coalition”. According to Robert F Kennedy Jr in his article “Why the Arabs don’t want us in Syria”:

In 2011, the U.S. joined France, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the UK to form the Friends of Syria Coalition, which formally demanded the removal of Assad.

The CIA provided $6 million to Barada, a British TV channel, to produce pieces entreating Assad’s ouster.

Saudi intelligence documents, published by WikiLeaks, show that by 2012, Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia were arming, training and funding radical jihadist Sunni fighters from Syria, Iraq and elsewhere to overthrow the Assad’s Shiite-allied regime.

Qatar, which had the most to gain, invested $3 billion in building the insurgency and invited the Pentagon to train insurgents at U.S. bases in Qatar. According to an April 2014 article by Seymour Hersh, the CIA weapons ratlines were financed by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.


Al Jazeera foreign correspondent in Beirut Ali Hashem resigns – Hashem cited the channel bias against the Syrian government as the reason for his departure –

“Television channels have turned into political parties, pushing the agenda for some outside forces.”

The Syrian Opposition: who’s doing the talking? – An excellent investigative report by journalist Charlie Skelton for The Guardian when decent and objective journalists were still on the payroll:

They’re selling the idea of military intervention and regime change, and the mainstream news is hungry to buy. Many of the “activists” and spokespeople representing the Syrian opposition are closely (and in many cases financially) interlinked with the US and London – the very people who would be doing the intervening. Which means information and statistics from these sources isn’t necessarily pure news – it’s a sales pitch, a PR campaign.

But it’s never too late to ask questions, to scrutinise sources. Asking questions doesn’t make you a cheerleader for Assad – that’s a false argument. It just makes you less susceptible to spin. The good news is, there’s a sceptic born every minute.

Jonathan Steele in The Guardian – ‘Most Syrians back President Assad, but you’d never know from western media’

As for foreign military intervention, it has already started. It is not following the Libyan pattern since Russia and China are furious at the west’s deception in the security council last year. They will not accept a new United Nations resolution that allows any use of force.

The model is an older one, going back to the era of the cold war, before “humanitarian intervention” and the “responsibility to protect” were developed and often misused. Remember Ronald Reagan’s support for the Contras, whom he armed and trained to try to topple Nicaragua’s Sandinistas from bases in Honduras? For Honduras read Turkey, the safe haven where the so-called Free Syrian Army has set up.

CIA spending $100,000 per ‘moderate rebel’ – President Obama’s ‘train and equip’ program was effectively financing death squads in Syria.

It was calculated that it would cost $500 million to train 5,000 “moderates” for one year hence $100,000 per Muslim Brotherhood extremist thug allied with Al Qaeda and ISIS and supported on the ground by US Ambassador to Syria, Robert Ford who was later expelled for his role in fomenting insurgence.

Hillary Clinton US State Department email – From the Wikileaks archives of Hillary Clinton email [emphasis added]:

The best way to help Israel deal with Iran’s growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad […] Speaking on CNN’s Amanpour show last week, Defense Minister Ehud Barak argued that “the toppling down of Assad will be a major blow to the radical axis, major blow to Iran…It’s the only kind of outpost of the Iranian influence in the Arab world…and it will weaken dramatically both Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas and Islamic
Jihad in Gaza.

Bringing down Assad would not only be a massive boon to Israel’s security, it would also ease Israel’s understandable fear of losing its nuclear monopoly. Washington should start by expressing its willingness to work with regional allies like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar to organize, train and arm Syrian rebel forces.

The announcement of such a decision would, by itself, likely cause substantial defections from the Syrian military. Then, using territory in Turkey and possibly Jordan, U.S. diplomats and Pentagon officials can start strengthening the opposition.

Saudi Arabia demands that President Assad be overthrown using “all means available” – Wikileaks cable released in 2015:

The fact must be stressed that in the case where the Syrian regime is able to pass through its current crisis in any shape or form, the primary goal that it will pursue is taking revenge on the countries that stood against it, with the Kingdom and some of the countries of the Gulf coming at the top of the list.

If we take into account the extent of this regime’s brutality and viciousness and its lack of hesitancy to resort to any means to realize its aims, then the situation will reach a high degree of danger for the Kingdom, which must seek by all means available and all possible ways to overthrow the current regime in Syria.

As regards the international position, it is clear that there is a lack of “desire” and not a lack of “capability” on the part of Western countries, chief among them the United States, to take firm step…

Hillary Clinton receives an email stating “Al Qaeda is on our side [in Syria]” – Clinton received an email from Jake Sullivan, her deputy Chief of Staff (Sullivan is now National Security Advisor to the Joe Biden administration). Sullivan introduces the email with “see last item – AQ is on our side in Syria

New York Times: “most US weapons sent to Syria were ending up in hands of terrorist groups”. Rebel Arms Flow is Said to Benefit Jihadists in Syria:

American officials have been trying to understand why hard-line Islamists have received the lion’s share of the arms shipped to the Syrian opposition through the shadowy pipeline with roots in Qatar, and, to a lesser degree, Saudi Arabia.”

Al Qaeda global leaders arrive in Syria to topple the Syrian government.

2011 – 2013 160 US military cargo planes full of US weapons sent to Syria – US weapons sent from Saudi Arabia and Qatar to Turkey and then imported into Syria via the Turkey rat runs on Syria/Turkey borders enabled by the CIA.

Collaboration between “moderate rebels” aka the Free Syrian Army and Al Qaeda or ISIS – World Affairs blog has collated ten articles demonstrating that the ‘moderate rebel” concept was concocted in the CIA and MI6 intelligence rooms and never really existed from the beginning of the US-dominated war against Syria.

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius announces that “Al Qaeda are doing a good job” in Syria:

Relations of victims of jihadist groups in Syria took the French government to court in 2015, accusing Foreign Affairs Minister Laurent Fabius of encouraging violence in their country by praising the al-Qaida affiliate, the al-Nusra Front.

* * *

This list of CIA and MI6 meddling in Syrian affairs is not exhaustive but it is designed to enable readers to research historic events that are being deliberately obfuscated by the BBC, The Guardian, Channel 4, CNN etc in favour of distorted facts that will confuse voters and manufacture consent for perpetual British and US criminal military adventurism.

Part Two will cover events from 2012 until the present day and will expose the major media fabrications, billionaire-funded NGO complex and intelligence agency involvement in the bloodshed, displacement and ethnic cleansing of Syrians by the various extremist Contra groups described by corporate media as “moderate rebels”.

Vanessa Beeley is an independent journalist and photographer who has worked extensively in the Middle East – on the ground in Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Palestine, while also covering the conflict in Yemen since 2015. Follow her on Twitter @VanessaBeeley, or read her blog at The Wall Will Fall.


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Oct 27, 2021 2:38 AM

any vaccine for uza malaise ?

Oct 26, 2021 9:53 PM

Two facts (among many others) have been illustrated in the article.

1) The West’s advocation for Democracy is an Elaborate long term Project in Deception and is an Excuse/Cover for Meddling in all countries on the planet.

2) The imperialistic meddling in Syria spans far more than 75 years, as the Sykes-Picot agreement ‘gave’ Syria to France in 1916.

Oct 26, 2021 5:51 PM

Project for the New English American Century (PNeAC) started a long time back.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 26, 2021 4:15 PM

The article by Vanessa Beeley is extremely well done. There is an excellent description of events leading to the Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916 included in the work by Robert Lacey: “The Kingdom: Arabia & The House of Sa’ud” It is available here: >

By Robert Lacey The Kingdom: Arabia & The House of Sa’ud (1st American ed): Amazon.com: Books

Fact: Most Europeans don’t give a damn about the slaughterhouse they’ve abetted within the Middle-east… Ms Beeley’s work has only received 11 up votes thus far…

Oct 26, 2021 4:02 PM

I believe Assad is in bed with the Israelis.
Remember during the Iraq war a Canadian citizen was grabbed from a flight and eventually ended up in the hands of Assads police to be tortured.
If that is the case then it implies there is cooperation between the Israeli controlled US and Assad.
This is just one example. I suggest that Assad is in the same boat as the PLO’s Abbas and Egypt’s Sisi, Jordan’s Hussain. Just to name a few.
All the while the average people who live around the European settler colony must live under murdering torturing dictators.

Oct 26, 2021 4:44 PM
Reply to  2fat2surf

This happened in 2002, at a time when President and First Lady Assad were having tea with Queen Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace. As Vanessa says ATL, Syria was hoping to ease relentless Anglo Zionazi Capitalist pressure on Syria by doing the Devil a favour. They learned from this episode, that if you take tea with the Devil’s daughter you must use a long spoon.

The real villains in the Maher Arar case were “spooks” from the U$ regime, and “justice” from Canada’s regime. Syria released Maher after a year because they found no evidence of wrong doing, and returned him to his adopted country Canada. Then Maher’s own Canadian regime did the dirty on him: they were afraid to offend the U$ regime who had kidnapped Maher for “special rendition” (ie, torture). Neither did the Canadian regime recompense their own citizen for the pain he had suffered, in case that recompense would likewise offend Uncle $hmuel. Reminds me of another “Five Eyes” chicken hearted country, Australia, refusing to protect their own citizen, Julian Assange, held under inhuman conditions by England pending “rendition” to the U$A (two more Five Eyes spook holes).

Oct 27, 2021 12:01 AM
Reply to  NickM

My other argument is this. If Assad was truly an adversary of Israel and Arab Syrian patriot the Israelis would have found a way to poison him. Like what happened to Chavez of Venezuela.
Do I know for sure? No, But in the ME things are not what they seem at least to ordinary folks.
Critical thinking leads me to question Assad’s legitimacy.
One other thing to keep an eye on is how certain up and coming and popular Syrian leaders keep getting assassinated.
This is the main tool of the Israelis for keeping power; murdering any potential honest leader.
Same is happening in Iran.

Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards
Oct 27, 2021 3:35 AM
Reply to  2fat2surf

One other thing to keep an eye on is how certain up and coming and popular Syrian leaders keep getting assassinated.


Oct 27, 2021 1:54 PM
Reply to  Cliff Edwards

I don’t recall the names of Syrian leaders assassinated. They weren’t high level but the Israelis like to kill them before they get too close to power.
But for Iran the murder of Soleimani right before Iran’s embrace of covid fraud was a tell tale sign.

Oct 27, 2021 6:25 AM
Reply to  2fat2surf

Very well written article with a clear title.
Your comment looks more as a distraction.
Also, you are confusing ‘critical thinking’ and ‘speculating’.
In politics, most of the processes behind the curtain you can’t see.
Refer to transparent evidences, some facts, positive and negative.
What was standard of living of people there before? Education, health, equality regardless of race or religion… Who and why would somebody outside the country try to meddle in and how strong policing is necessary to block it…..

Oct 27, 2021 2:40 AM
Reply to  NickM

hell yes

Oct 26, 2021 10:29 AM

UK Column News – 25th October 2021

Making Sense Of UK Illness/Jab Rates
From age 30, the UnVaxxed Do Better
120,000 NHS staff have indicated they won’t take the vaxx — Brian Gerrish source.
BoJo – “The vaccine provides a lot of protection against hospitalization and death but it doesn’t stop you catching it and passing it on.”
Neil Oliver of GB News points out this means vaccine passports are worthless.
Brian Gerrish: They have been caught out by their own lies. The message gets less coherent. 
David Scott: what is the point in driving people out of work if they won’t get vaxxed. There is no coherent argument left for these mandates.

Guillain-Barre Syndrom Finally Added to AZ Side Effects
EMA claims 800 cases out of 500k doses. 
UKC was removed from YT in May for reporting about a case of GBS.

NZ Jacinda Ardern Says Society Has Two Classes Now 00:10:00
Journalist exaggerates argument — but Ardern embraces it. 
Says 2-tier society is about confidence, emotional states, not health. 
“They’re not just a tool to drive up vaccines. They’re a tool for confidence. People who are vaccinated will want to know they are around other vaccinated people. That they are in a certain environment.”
David Scott: They have terrified the people for two years. Now they are saying, we need to give them confidence to unwind that fear. We’ll do that by terrorising the unvaccinated instead.

Labour Party Goes Totally Tarian
Door-to-door vaccinations Proposed By Labour Scotland 
Anas Sarwar: “We know who’s not vaccinated. We know where you live.
“Ban families from protesting against vaxx says Labour UK
Kier Starmer: Jab everyone ASAP in this “public health emergency”. Schools should get “public spaces protection orders” to stop families protesting outside schools, “peddling misinformation and dangerous lies about the life-saving vaccine programme.” 
David Scott: how many fascists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Three: The local police chief, the school headteacher, the council leader: if those three agree that you do not have the right of free speech or public assembly, your rights are gone. 
Nothing to do with medical experience, statistics or science: it’is who agrees with the government.

Kier Starmer: Member of The Trilateral Commission
MC: Was the antisemitism canard really about silencing criticism of his banker chums?
Politicians spew globalist governance. Narrative does not come from government. 

Manchester Head Teacher Admits 14 Children Are Sick With Vaccine ADRs 
Sky: 30 pupils sent home for testing positive… and 14 students off with adverse reactions.

Health Sec Savij Jabit Unveils More Virtual Health
Rishi Sunak finds £5.9 billion to deal with NHS backlog

  • £2.3 bn for diagnostic tests, ultrasound and MRI (previously announced) – but people tell UKC they cannot get NHS tests at the moment.
  •  £1.5 bn on beds and and surgical hubs
  •  £2.1 bn on IT and faster broadband

Hospital Appointments Closed Ahead of Glasgow COP26 Conference
Hamza Yusuf, Scotland Health Sec, says climate change conference will cause Covid cases

Subverting Democracy — Fake Citizens’ Assemblies, Grand Juries 00:34:00
Gov, NGOs And Corporate Foundations set up AstroTurf Movement
One front organisation is Devon Climate Emergency (DCE). “Let’s do democracy differently – What role should the public play?” Invite-only, from strategic and membership organizations.
Citizens’ Assemblies will come from 14,000 “randomly-selected Devon households invited to represent the community — but filtered by the Sortition Foundation and the Involve Foundation, weighing age, gender, ethnicity “and people’s own attitude towards climate change.”
Brian Gerrish: who invites whom? It’s an overt secret society: blatant control of the population.
David Scott: they invite the people to participate, but you have to apply to join their club. They are simply dictating to people. 
Mike Robinson: if you have a screening process for who can sit on the assembly, that is not a grand jury. Occupy Wall Street did the same thing using Delphi Technique.

Groups Behind Citzens’ Assemblies Reveal Top-Down Agenda 
Involve Foundation: https://www.involve.org.uk/
Run by Claire Ainsley, Dir of Policy to Keir Starmer, also ex Joseph Rowntree Foundation 
Dame Julie Mellor, Chair of Demos and the Young Foundation, ex-PWC, Parlt Ombudsman.
Hannah White, dep dir Institute for Government.
Kathy Jones, founder of KJA Australia.
Sharon Squires, Consultant. 
Funding includes EU, Carnegie, OECD, Open Society, Nesta, Institute of Democracy, Welcome Foundation. 
Brian Gerrish: this is not an independent organization: it is political-consultancy people.

Sortition Foundation: https://www.sortitionfoundation.org/
Legend is that a group of friends met in a restaruant to change democracy, then they got lots of government contracts and corporate money. 
Run by Brett Hennig, taxi driver, PhD in astrophysics, writing books about changing democracy.

Gates Emerges to Advise Boris Johnson 00:50:45
UK PM calls for “sacrificing goats” to summon the god of wind
BoJo: improving the economy, call on the wind, “sacrifice lots of goats, in a humane way of course.” 

Slide into Dictatorship in UK via Fusion of State Security
UK Gov Clamping Down on Debate and Protest Gatherings 00:54:00
Four enabling acts, together with Coronavirus Act, create dictatorship. 
Words are left undefined. Policy emerges as it is implemented. No dividing lines. 
Covert Human Intelligence (criminal conduct) Act passed 2020, allowing officials to break law. 
Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill, banning protests, currently in House of Lords. 
– propose adding “right to protest” (which already exists) so that it may be limited.
– “right of protest may need to be limited to protect other legitimate public interests.”
Online Safety Bill – Social media giants give evidence this week.
Legislation to counter state threats, consultation. reform of Official Secrets Acts
– create new Foreign Influence Registration Scheme
– Home Secretary Patel: “to empower the whole national security community to counter the insidious threat we face today.”
Extraction of information from electronic devices: Draft code of practice
Statutory guidance for police on unauthorized encampments 

Economy – Inflation Alert 01:05:00
Old media still claims it’s labour shortage, supply shocks
California Cargo Ship Logjam: $26 Bn Goods Stuck. Six week delay for unloading
Dutch announce plan to end gas production at Groningen next year
The Guardian gives the game away: “Oh, shit. Better spend it now and ask for a pay rise.”
How to inflation-proof your finances << Comedy Gold

Goldman Sachs Banker Joins Bank of England as Chief Economist
Huw Pill was at European Central Bank where money printing has gone exponential
Warns of 5% inflation << Comedy Gold
An Austrian take on inflation – Alasdair Macleod, 2014 


Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Oct 26, 2021 3:31 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Goldman Sachs Banker Joins Bank of England as Chief Economist

Nothing new there really. Mark Carney, former BoE governor was also a former Goldman Sachs banker. They all pee in the same pot.

Thanks for the very comprehensive UKC news relay Moneycircus.

Oct 26, 2021 4:50 PM

Thanks, MC.

Oct 28, 2021 10:14 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

It’s a pity that we can’t vote up your updates.

Oct 26, 2021 8:31 AM

The propaganda works best when it contains elements of truth and appeals to human values.
Assad IS a tyrant and so was Gaddafi and so are most middle eastern leaders. It comes hand in hand with the Abrahamic pseudo-religions which have cultivated a culture where a heavy-handed ruler is respected because he is feared because he is a model of the supreme heavy-handed ruler in the sky (the very same pseudo-god that Christians, Muslims and Js bend the knee to), and such an authoritative ruler is required, and if you do get beaten up by the police you probably did something to deserve it, didn’t keep your head down..

Just because someone is an enemy of Israel doesn’t mean they are humane.

Oct 27, 2021 6:05 PM
Reply to  Gotcha

Gaddafi was the real thing. That’s why Israel pulled out all the stops to have him murdered. Assad is a puppet that’s why he’s still living after all these years.

Oct 28, 2021 10:17 AM
Reply to  Gotcha

propaganda works best when it contains elements of truth and appeals to human values

That’s just the tactic you used againt the leaders you named.

Oct 26, 2021 4:42 AM

As the ubiquitous Stars and Stripes flutter in the hot, dry, wind, the Last Empire sinks with the sun.

Oct 26, 2021 3:50 PM
Reply to  Johnny

The US Empire was never in the interests of US citizens. It always served the internationalists.

les online
les online
Oct 26, 2021 12:37 AM

Someone wrote about Imperialism – The Highest Stage of Capitalism.
Then someone came along and wrote Imperialism – The First Stage of Capitalism: First you have to make it Yours before you can exploit it…

Oct 26, 2021 6:03 AM
Reply to  les online

Chicken — The Highest Stage of Egg.

Egg — The First Stage of Chicken.

Oct 26, 2021 6:15 AM
Reply to  les online

Yes, it is worth reminding us that Syria and Assad have been demonised by the Anglo Zionazi Capitalist media because Syria is a socialist country and Assad is an Arab nationalist. Same with Islamic Socialist Iran.

Next target for demonization: Communist China.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Oct 26, 2021 3:34 PM
Reply to  NickM

I guess Assad is the new Nasser. I can remember when he was portrayed as a near Hitler by the then MSM.

Oct 26, 2021 5:02 PM

Yes, I remember when I too chanted against Nasser:

“Oh, you Nasser man!
Taking your canal on the easy plan.”

It was half a century before I realized that Israel was taking much more than a canal “on the easy plan”. Brain wash is the deepest cleanser.

dr death
dr death
Oct 25, 2021 10:41 PM

all nationalism is opposed by anglo-zionism (globalism) for obvious reasons and with obvious exception, initially it opposed any nascent imperialism from competitors…

nowadays they are openly at war with mankind itself…

presumably they always were…

Oct 26, 2021 6:24 AM
Reply to  dr death

Always were at war against the rest of mankind; ever since Cain killed Abel for intruding into his property.

Oct 26, 2021 9:02 AM
Reply to  dr death

They run the anti-colonial movemnts as well – for example ‘liberation theology’ in Latin America is now known to be a CIA creation (partly to destroy these societies, partly to wreck Catholicism, ultimately always to advance population reduction).

dr death
dr death
Oct 26, 2021 1:23 PM
Reply to  Edwige

I lived in colombia for many years and traveled extensively throughout latin america, the tentacles had reached throughout all society (albeit in different ways in the different cultures/ areas), resulting in a confusing mess…

the politicos, the guerrilleros, the financial class the drug cartels, the coffee growers and my girlfriend at the time all worked for the alphabets or some affiliate.. all backs routinely stabbed/gruesomely murdered (as I was appraised the castillanos are a blood thirsty people) .. of course there was resistance, but not from who you might think..

it was quite surprising the amount of imbecilia septicus (moronicus britannicus) one would meet and that was back when machu picchu wasn’t a tourist attraction.. and the cone head mummies were still on the antiplano..

basura gringo...

lles online
lles online
Oct 25, 2021 10:23 PM

Offg… About the photo at the top of the article. Young male with pushbike, standing, admiring, wishing he could drive one of Those Awesome Big vehicles ? Can that be what he’s thinking ?
that wasnt what i immediately wondered. I thought “what would the impact be if, instead, it depicted a young female with pushbike same pose ?” Consternation ? Certainly.
But the young boy doesnt look out of place…
The same happens when i watch a Boy’s Adventure Movie. The rare Girls Adventure Movie – the makers make them so soppy, hard to take seriously… And how much difference would a movie i’m watching be if the same script was played by young girls ?
NB: Your inclusion of the photo = comment about it is Not Off-topic…
(There’s an assumption i’ve belatedly noticed: those vehicles contained no female troops.)

Oct 26, 2021 8:39 AM
Reply to  lles online

It works like this: the boys get to admire the might of the american military and get to play with plastic soldiers and fake Nike shoes, the girls get blonde barbie dolls, and they all get Hollywood sooner or later.
Reagdless of gender, American trash culture is number 1 all over the world, because they display the biggest guns. Almost every 2nd/3rd world country subject, from landless peasants to the elites, aspires to be like the Americans.

dr death
dr death
Oct 26, 2021 1:50 PM
Reply to  Gotcha

No it’s genetics in motion… It may be difficult for you to conceive, having been curated and created by globo-homo, but serious warfare is engaged in by men ( when big brutal heavily armed men come to take your shit and kill you, you don’t send out your teenage daughter)…

it always has been thus (contrary to what the senile career criminal joe biden and the rainbow western militaries tell you), due to hardwired biological and psychological factors…

you are all about to find out why that is so.. and why wishing things to be, seldom impacts the bleeding edge of truth..

Oct 27, 2021 9:26 PM
Reply to  dr death

You got a point there.

red lester
red lester
Oct 26, 2021 2:36 PM
Reply to  Gotcha

It’s called the baywatch effect

Oct 29, 2021 3:12 PM
Reply to  Gotcha

you seem not to know how happy some peasants truly are away from trash culture with no wish to emulate same

comité espartaco
comité espartaco
Oct 25, 2021 9:56 PM


Another of those dreadful leftist gossip articles so typical of OG. A collage of different and supposed events, even if real, do not make a coherent and credible history or give an explanation of the historical situation.

It is, simply, preposterous and insulting to the peoples of Syria (including those who support the regime) and the world, to suggest that the protests and the uprisings in Syria, and by extension in Libya and other Arab countries, were caused by Western ‘intelligence’ agencies and their Laurence of Arabia assests. That type of ‘thinking’ can only be classified as the sorrowful intellectual defecation of ignorant and supremacist minded Anglo-Saxon tourists… TOURISTS.

Assad’s regime, like most of the Arab world, has in been in turmoil for many decades, as it subjected, like the rest of the world (including the West), not only to colonial pressures but, most importantly, to dire, brutal, putrid and corrupt internal situations.

In Syria (like in other Arab countries), the uprisings and coups, normally and necessarily home grown, from one sign or another, have been a regular thing since independence. Indeed, the history of Syria is a succession of rebellions, coups and repressions, even under the apparent stability of a regime that is not clearly as Pan-Arabist as they want to make people believe. For example, the Assad regime is, mostly, an ethnico-religious Alawite/Shia regime, based on certain parts of the population.

In any case, even if the absurd premises of this article are accepted, that is, even if it is accepted that the spies of the West have organized what has all the characteristics of an spontaneous uprising, followed by a brutal repression, then it would be necessary to explain why the happy people of Assad’s Syria followed the lead of Western spies and why Iran and Russia had to organize a massive intervention to help a sinking regime.

What is more, it quite evident, except for tourists with cameras or not, that the West did not want a victory of the insurgents, as the victory of a revolutionary regime, even Islamic, would have endangered Israel. That is the real reason for the defeat of an uprising that did not start as an Islamic movement, but degenerated into one, once the repression of the regime forced a guerrilla warfare and a civil war.

People should, at least, stop and think a little more before jumping into a CNN or a BBC fairytale story.

Oct 26, 2021 3:04 AM

77th input here?

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Oct 26, 2021 10:58 AM
Reply to  DaveMass

It’s Dave Spart!

Oct 26, 2021 3:48 AM

I notice two contradictory things: 1) Ms Beeley’s article contains dates, names, places, actual events; and 2) Your comment contains opinions.

I value opinions – but not when they dismiss facts without providing a basis.

Oct 26, 2021 6:28 AM
Reply to  Howard


comité espartaco
comité espartaco
Oct 26, 2021 2:15 PM
Reply to  Howard

A list of dates is nothing but opinions of the worst kind. If you really think that the Arabs are morons, the puppets of secret agents of the West, of the Laurences of Arabia of this world, it is not surprising that you have failed, again and again, in that part of the world. Just like you fail, again and again, in Afghanistan, because you are a bunch of racists, Johnny Tourists, that go around the world hallucinating about your own backsides.

Oct 26, 2021 8:49 AM

Agreed. Most people in the West are unaware that the Islamic world is not united at all, but split between factions that hate each other almost as much as their other enemies (who are very much like them).

Most people who value freedom and humanity would have not wanted to live under any middle eastern regime if given the choice. Endemic corruption on all levels of society, nepotism and dictatorial rule are practically normalised.

Hate, toxic masculinity, religious insanity and tribalism (all dictated by the religion) are the operative words in all of this.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Oct 26, 2021 3:46 PM
Reply to  Gotcha

“… the Islamic world is not united at all, but split between factions that hate each other almost as much as their other enemies (who are very much like them).”

Courtesy of Sykes-Picot agreement (1916) of course. Before that, things were ok (nothing compared with what’s currently going on there anyway) and people of different religions lived there peacefully for centuries.

Oct 26, 2021 5:06 PM
Reply to  Gotcha

“Endemic corruption on all levels of society, nepotism and dictatorial rule are practically normalised.”

Sounds like the EU$A.

Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards
Oct 27, 2021 3:49 AM

Says he whose whole comment is nothing but a repetition of CNN and/or BBC fairy tales.

Oct 25, 2021 9:11 PM

This is a commendable summary of the dreary and deplorable history of serial Syria abuse– and we’re only halfway there!

Nitpick/Correction: the CNN poser’s name is Christiane Amanpour, not “Armanpour”.

Oct 25, 2021 8:11 PM

“Syria’s Bashar al-Assad Returns to World Stage in Defeat for US…”:

… and a Win for the World.

Oct 25, 2021 8:02 PM

This is top class investigative journalism into international skulduggery by Anglo Zionazi Capitalists at the very highest level of national governments. A thoroughly documented resource which outlines the full extent of neo-colonial gangsterism in the Middle East, seventy years after the countries in this part of the world were supposed to have gained independence.

Kudos to Vanessa Beeley for first class work as a humanitarian, a seeker for justice and a teller of truth. (Interestingly, some of the truth which Vanessa now brings together was originally “hidden in plain sight”, in The New York Times and The Guardian). Kudos to OffG for publishing it.

Oct 25, 2021 8:28 PM
Reply to  NickM

These people Vanessa Beeley talks about are not capitalist, they are monopolist! Everything these people see they own. They own the nation state and its political system, they own the media and they own the networks that serve the media. They use the law making resources of the nation state to give them ownership by rule of law and the nation state monopoly on use of force to have their way.

Patents and copyrights are laws that bestow private right of ownership in inventions, writings, software, and art, but these inventions are mere expressions which issue from the mind of mankind. Everything the mind of mankind invents is a public domain item.

There are no natural monopolies.. every one is a product of greedy mankind. Nature never intended that the discoveries mankind makes should belong to one owner. ?

Expressions from the mind of mankind belong to the public domain. Propaganda is used to control the mind and the nation state system is used to differentiate humanity into 256 different cells so that each person will grow up to hate the people in the other cells.

Until some way to control those who operate the nation state by those who the nation state is suppose to serve, the governed citizens, nothing is ever going to change.

Oct 25, 2021 8:48 PM
Reply to  eman

Klaus Schwab has got the answer; like it?

Oct 26, 2021 6:29 AM
Reply to  eman


Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Oct 26, 2021 11:03 AM
Reply to  NickM

Seconding Nick. Respect and gratitude to Vanessa!

Arfur Mo
Arfur Mo
Oct 25, 2021 7:23 PM

“Christiane Armanpour of CNN interviews President Bashar Al Assad and informs him that the West is planning a regime change. (Note: CNN appear to have removed the video report).”

The video still exists. A copy as been downloaded for posterity’s sake.

Oct 25, 2021 6:53 PM

very good recap.. the question is how can this kind of imperialism be thwarted. ?
People who live in Syria are just like the other people who live in the world..

S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 25, 2021 6:23 PM

“Not to be overlooked, from the beginning of the Opium Wars in the first half of the 19th Century to the present time the narcotics trade and money laundering have been mainstays of Imperialist War Racketeer War Criminal funding.
comment image

“The Cocaine Importers of America (CIA) crime syndicate is just their latest manifestation.”

“To Hell with Langley-Land! To Hell with War!”

Oct 25, 2021 6:01 PM

Splendid. But that’s a morning’s read. Which I shall.

First thoughts — and my immediate family includes diplomats and intel, as if they are different 😉 and I know how cynical they are — the British throughout history specialized in puffing someone up before taking them down. Why do you think that’s the stock in trade of our press?

And they love to lie. And thirdly they love talk about how corrupt the “brown people” are, when there is no nation on earth so corrupt and two-faced as the British.

Brazen tricks like presenting Kim Philby as some kind of a surprise spy when his bloody grandfather rallied the proto-Bolsheviks. Same double-dealing in Arabia. And, after all this evidence, they still read The Guardian…

Very few Brits can confront this duplicity, which is why I admire you and your work, Vanessa.

Most go along with the superannuated jingoism, while their company diddles them out of their pension, the hospital “euthanizes” grandma, and the bank or insurance company steals whatever endowment or personal payment plan they had.

What ho, I’m still a notch above the other chap.

It comes down, Vanessa, to what people want to publish, and what their personal deal with life allows them to acknowledge.

I sound like a dick, a clever clogs, because I am — though not by choice. I lived in many places, looking BACK at my home from a distance and, being a dual national with Canada, having a schizophrenic loyalty forced upon me as I took ridicule from both sides.

I am proud and impressed that you keep your cool. For I could never tolerate the regularity with which people sell out, snivel and squat for their tuppence. Which is precisely what we witness during Event Covid.

Sorry for going O/T. I promise to read tomorrow.

это все итак достаточно

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Oct 25, 2021 8:30 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“I sound like a dick, a clever clogs, because I am”

No, you sound like a realist, so don’t be so hard on yourself.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Oct 26, 2021 6:35 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I would say you’re dickhead, no doubt it’ll end up ‘Pending’.
And from a British Northern Lad, congratulations on your announcement also to a being Racist.