Seizing Everything: The Theft of the Global Commons – Part 1
Iain Davis

Audio Version New Feature!
The people who none of us elect, who ultimately control international finance, all corporate & business activity, government policy and international relations have constructed a system that will enable them to seize the “global commons.”
They are the Global Public Private Partnership (GPPP) and while elected representatives are within their ranks, they don’t set either the agenda or policy. We need to both recognise who the GPPP are and understand the implications of their gambit. How are this group of global stakeholders going to seize the global commons and why should we resist them?
Over the next couple of articles we are going to explore these questions. By recognising what the globalist think tanks and other policy makers mean by the global commons we can begin to appreciate the jaw dropping magnitude of their ambitions.
They consistently use deceptive language to conceal their intentions. Words like ‘inclusive,’ ‘sustainable,’ ‘equity’ and ‘resilience’ are often employed to portray some vague but ultimately duplicitous concept of caring environmentalism. We must unpick their language to fully comprehend their intentions, in the hope that we can resist and deny them.
While we have been distracted and transitioned by the alleged global pandemic, or pseudopandemic, the Global Public Private Partnership (GPPP), who orchestrated the chaos, have been very busy. They have created the asset rating system that will afford them total, global economic control. This is based upon Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and utilises Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics (SCM).

This new global economic system is what the politicians mean by “build back better.” It is the essence of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset.
laying the foundations for a new International Monetary and Financial System (IMFS) was a key to the pseudopandemic. The new IMFS will emerge from the deliberate economic destruction wrought by government policy responses to COVID 19. This was planned.
The phrase “build back better” was first widely popularised by US President Clinton following the 2004 Indonesian tsunami. During the pseudopandemic it has been adopted by politicians globally to signal that the project to seize the “global commons” is underway.
We will need to consider UN Agenda 21 and 2030 in more detail, as these are key the theft of all resources, but for now we can reference it to understand what “build back better” actually means. This will explain why politicians around the world have used it.
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 (b) of Agenda 2030 states:
By 2020, substantially increase the number of cities and human settlements adopting and implementing integrated policies and plans towards.. adaptation to climate change, resilience to disasters, and develop and implement, in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, holistic disaster risk management at all levels.”
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR), written in 2015, states:
The recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction phase, which needs to be prepared ahead of a disaster, is a critical opportunity to Build Back Better; recognition of stakeholders and their roles; mobilization of risk-sensitive investment to avoid the creation of new risk;
[…] strengthening of international cooperation and global partnership […] it is necessary to continue strengthening good governance in disaster risk reduction strategies at the national, regional and global levels […] and to use post-disaster recovery and reconstruction to ‘Build Back Better’, supported by strengthened modalities of international cooperation…
Clear vision, plans, competence, guidance and coordination within and across sectors, as well as participation of relevant stakeholders, are needed.. and fosters collaboration and partnership across mechanisms and institutions for the implementation of instruments relevant to disaster risk reduction and sustainable development.
“Build back better” policy was prepared ahead of the arrival of COVID-19. It is part of the planned risk management and preparedness framework for post “disaster” reconstruction. It means the global participation of relevant stakeholders to strengthen international cooperation and global partnerships in order to implement instruments to achieve sustainable development.
SDG 11 (b) was a plan to substantially increase the global number of human settlements adopting “build back better” polices by 2020. This SDG has now been achieved thanks to the COVID-19 pseudopandemic. In particular, the planned “mobilization of risk-sensitive investment,” outlined in the SFDRR, has surged ahead.
Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics – SCM – were devised by the World Economic Forum, who describe themselves as the international organisation for public-private cooperation. When combined with the SDGs outlined in the UN Agenda 21 and 2030 frameworks, SCM enable the GPPP to seize the entire Earth, all its resources and everything on it, including us.
In order to control us we are being transitioned into a technocracy with the biosecurity state acting as the central control mechanism. Public health is the new focus for global security and centralised control of the entire system has been established during, and as a result of, the pseudopandemic.
The news IMFS is designed to tie our biosecurity commitments to Universal Basic Income (UBI or similar state payments) which will be paid with Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC.)
This will ensure our compliance, as Central Banks will use AI algorithms, combined with population monitoring (track and trace, vaccine passports or some other form of social credit surveillance system), to monitor and control all of our transactions, behaviour and movements.
The dreaded authoritarian knock on the door will be replaced with the dreaded authoritarian beep of a refused card payment. If you can’t buy food with your money it doesn’t really matter how much of it you have. Comply or starve is a distinct possibility.
Over the next couple of articles we are going to explore this “new abnormal.” How it encapsulates the seizure of everything by favoured stakeholder capitalists, as the chosen winning corporations divide up the Earths resources amongst themselves. This is the zenith of the planned “build back better” response to the pseudopandemic.
Throughout the pseudopandemic the World Economic Forum (WEF) have taken the public relations lead on the planned recovery. Their Great Reset is just the repackaging of an idea hundreds, if not thousands of years old.
It is the self-serving belief that some special people are destined, and therefore have the right, to lead the rest of us. They don’t require any kind of legitimate “democratic” mandate or even popular support. Their claimed right to rule is an imperious assumption.
The WEF have claimed the supposed right to direct three key areas of global policy. They intend to do this by assisting world leaders to manage “disruptive change.”
They have put themselves forward as the GPPP front organisation for managing the fourth industrial revolution, addressing global security issues and solving the problems of the global commons. It is important to note that the WEF are not alone in their ambitions, but rather the leading proponents for the wider GPPP policy platform. We will focus on the third sphere of their self-proclaimed authority: control of a global commons.
The United Nations (UN) acts as a policy hub for the GPPP. It allows stakeholders to introduce the policies, formulated by the think tanks, into the nascent global governance structure. The desired policy agendas can be moulded and eventually filtered down to national and then local government administrations across the planet.
In the September 2011 issue of Our Planet the UN offered a description of the global commons as “the shared resources that no one owns but all life relies upon.” In 2013 the UN Systems Task Team expanded on this and published “Global governance and governance of the global commons in the global partnership for development beyond 2015.“
They wrote:
International law identifies four global commons, namely the High Seas, the Atmosphere, the Antarctica and the Outer Space…Resources of interest or value to the welfare of the community of nations – such as tropical rain forests and biodiversity – have lately been included among the traditional set of global commons…while some define the global commons even more broadly, including science, education, information and peace…Stewardship of the global commons cannot be carried out without global governance.”
This habit of expanding the definition of the global commons has continued. In April 2020 The Rothschild backed bank the Global Environment Facility offered a more extensive list of the shared resources all life relies upon:
In order to protect our global commons.. humanity must develop new ways of doing business to deliver transformational change in food, energy, urban, and production and consumption systems. It will take coalitions that bring together governments, businesses, finance, and citizens to realize this goal.”
That coalition is the GPPP and citizens are involved, via civil society, only if they agree to promote the agreed policy agenda.
In December 2020 the Secretary General of the UN Antonio Gutteres really fleshed out the global commons concept.
Speaking to an audience gathered at Columbia University, the pivotal academic institution in the development of Technocracy, he said:
To put it simply, the state of the planet is broken.. human activities are at the root of our descent towards chaos.. the recovery from the pandemic is an opportunity…It is time to flick the ‘green switch’. We have a chance to not simply reset the world economy but to transform it…We must turn this momentum into a movement…
Everything is interlinked – the global commons and global well-being…This means: More and bigger effectively managed conservation areas… Biodiversity-positive agriculture and fisheries…More and more people are understanding the need for their own daily choices to reduce their carbon footprint and respect planetary boundaries…From protests in the streets to advocacy on-line…From classroom education to community engagement…From voting booths to places of work…
We cannot go back to the old normal…We have a blueprint: the 2030 Agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on climate change…Now is the time to transform humankind’s relationship with the natural world – and with each other.
Again we see the recurrent themes of the GPPP. The planet must be saved from us, we are a pestilence that must be controlled; Covid-19 is, as ever, an opportunity to transform the global economy; our survival and GPPP stewardship of the global commons are one and the same and everything must be transformed.
Not only are the oceans (everything in them and beneath them), the atmosphere (the air we breath), Antarctica (the only continent with a universally respected international treaty protecting it) and the universe up for grabs, GPPP avarice doesn’t end there.
Energy (all natural resources), all productivity and our livelihoods (the workplace), biodiversity (ecosystems and life on Earth), all land (managed conservation areas), agriculture and fisheries (all food), our consumption and behaviour (carbon footprints), where we are allowed to exist (planetary boundaries), our political opinions and system, education, the communities we live in and even our relationships, are all to be controlled and transformed by the GPPP.
The “global commons” is GPPP shorthand for everything. All life, all resources, all land, all water, the air, the stars and all of us. It is their intention to have dominion over all.
The global commons are not fixed. Other aspects of our existence are being added all the time. In June 2021 the WEF wrote the Case for a Digital Commons. Whenever they want to include something else in the list they use the language of sustainable development. It doesn’t matter that this makes no rational sense, the point is to sell the notion with the right buzz-words:
COVID-19 highlighted and accelerated the centrality of digital technology in our lives. Yet the digital ecosystem is one of the most unequal and dysfunctional aspects of our collective lives. How can we build a digital ecosystem that ensures broadly shared participation and prosperity? We argue that shifting our view to see technology infrastructure as a digital commons could point the way forward for an inclusive and sustainable ecosystem with shared social benefit.”
Now they claim the authority to rule the Internet and all digital communication technology. We see once more that the pseudopandemic is the catalyst for this transformation and that government is merely the implementation partner for the GPPP agenda. We are just the tax paying cash cows that will fund the construction of the empire:
In this post-pandemic time of broad economic and social re-envisioning and re-alignment, an emphasis on the digital commons can point the way forward for collective recovery, solidarity and progress.. Governments will have to push forward on real regulation of privately controlled systems.. as well as providing funding to allow a sustainable ecosystem of innovation that is not beholden to venture capitalists or large companies.”
It is truly remarkable that a low mortality respiratory disease has provided such an immense opportunity for global transformation.
The leading figures within the GPPP knew that COVID-19 didn’t present much of a threat. In their June 2020 book COVID-19: The Great Reset, the authors Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret wrote that the pseudopandemic was:
One of the least deadly pandemics the world has experienced over the last 2000 years….the consequences of COVID-19 in terms of health and mortality will be mild…It does not constitute an existential threat, or a shock that will leave its imprint on the world’s population for decades.”
At the heart of this seizure of everything lies stakeholder capitalism. In December 2019 Schwab wrote What Kind of Capitalism Do We Want.
The “we” referenced in that title was not “us” but rather the GPPP, though the article assumed we all agree on the GPPP’s definition of global problems. Schwab wrote:
Stakeholder capitalism, a model I first proposed a half-century ago, positions private corporations as trustees of society, and is clearly the best response to today’s social and environmental challenges.”
Schwab’s use of the term “trustee” is notable. It has a specific legal definition:
The person appointed, or required by law, to execute a trust; one in whom an estate, interest, or power is vested, under an express or implied agreement to administer or exercise it for the benefit or to the use of another.”
It is not at all evident that global corporations should be entrusted with our society. Many of us would disagree which is one of the main reasons we haven’t been asked. There is no justification for Schwab’s claim.
I speak for no one but myself, but I would wager that most people consider global corporations to be a significant contributor to the social and environmental challenges we face. Why would anyone believe they should determine the alleged solutions?
Schwab’s is a ludicrous assertion. Yet this is the insistence of the stakeholder capitalists. It is also the basis for the UN Sustainable Development Goals and their Agenda 21 and 2030 policy platforms.
Despite their claims of omniscience, the GPPP and their leading proponents, like the WEF and the IMF, are not infallible. They are just people, no different in most regards to anyone else on Earth.
They are collaborating in a huge, though not unprecedented, global effort. Many people have come to think an operation on this scale is impossible. Why they imagine this is hard to say.
We have already had two world wars requiring similar degrees of international cooperation. Arguably more if we consider that whole populations were engaged in these collective efforts.
There are many global corporations that operate tortuously complex international operations. These incorporate global logistics, international finance and cross border regulatory alignment. These world-wide endeavours overwhelmingly rely upon a hierarchical, authoritarian management structure. Only a few, senior board level figures have oversight of the whole system. The GPPP relies upon exactly the same.
However, because ordinary people are leading this organisation, mistakes happen. In September 2020 the WEF produced a promotional video making the point, from their perspective, that “you will own nothing and you will be happy.” This backfired terribly and was a PR disaster. The Video was hastily pulled down, too late to hide the real intention of the GPPP.
However, the original article, upon which the video was based, can still be read. The article was written by the former Danish Environment Minister, climate activist and WEF “young global leader,” Ida Auken. Unlike most of us, she isn’t a disenfranchised constituent. Ida is a carefully selected GPPP spokeswoman.
The title was changed and an explanatory note added. Ida said that her article was not intended to describe her “utopia” and that the intention was to explore the “pros and cons” of a possible near term future:
Everything you considered a product, has now become a service… When AI and robots took over so much of our work, we suddenly had time to eat well, sleep well and spend time with other people… Once in a while I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. Nowhere I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me… We had all these terrible things happening: lifestyle diseases, climate change, the refugee crisis, environmental degradation, completely congested cities, water pollution, air pollution, social unrest and unemployment. We lost way too many people before we realized that we could do things differently.”
The offer from the GPPP is clear. In exchange for submitting to their will and allowing them sole possession of everything (the global commons) they will take care of us.
Why, is the obvious question. If they control all of the Earths resources, everything is free and AI and robots do most of the work, why do they need us? What is in it for them? We would no longer be required in such a system. Certainly loosing “way too many people” would suggest at least acknowledgment of a much smaller global population.
We should also note why Ida’s envisaged future becomes necessary. It is, just as we have seen with the COVID 19 opportunity, a response to a set of crises which gives rise to doing “things differently.”
We are already seeing the knock-on effects of the COVID-19 lockdowns and economic destruction. An approaching set of crises over the next few years is a reasonable prediction.
As Schwab noted, there was no existential threat. The consequent disasters we are likely to face will be the result of policy promoted by GPPP representatives, like the World Health Organisation, not a respiratory disease.
It would be easy to dismiss Ida’s musings as simply the wishful thinking of an ideologue. In part, it probably is. However, when we look at Agenda 21 and 2030 an uncomfortable realisation dawns.
While the sustainable development agenda is couched in terms of environmental concerns and apparent humanitarian principles, the detail of the proposed policies presents an entirely different prospect.
The true horror of Ida’s vision is not that she is among the tiny clique GPPP representatives who are committed to constructing this dystopian prison planet, it is that, in Agenda 21 and 2030, the policy framework to make her futurescape a reality already exists.
Make no mistake, the GPPP intend to control every aspect of the Earth and our lives. That is the transformation they are working towards and they have used the pseudopandemic to set that transition in motion. There is no political opposition to the GPPP. They are realpolitik entire. All they need, for their “solutions” to close the trap, is our compliance.
Combined with SDGs, while we have been preoccupied with a low mortality respiratory illness, the GPPP have not only started building, they have partly completed the new global monetary and financial system.
Once installed this will finalise their coup d’état and enable them to seize everything, all under the guise of stewardship of the global commons.
We will explore how this has been done, and the remaining elements needed to accomplish the theft, in Part Two.
You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog In This Together or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.
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There is now an audio version of the above piece, available at the head of the article.
Anyone in “The West” who thinks that we live in “Freedom and Democracy” is deluded.
When it comes to the ‘theft of the Global Commons’, just remember this Old English Rhyme,
“The Law locks up the man or woman,
Who steals the Goose from off the Common
But leave the greater villain loose,
Who steals the Common from the Goose”…….
This is already failing and will crash collosally. Globalists=amateurs
Yes there are not enough (two bit) silicon parts for their machines at the moment, problems of supply chains. Has anybody invented the device that shuts down batteries in a political environment yet, that could be fun.
UK Column News – 27th October 2021
Julian Assange Fight Against Extradition
U.S. suggests sending him to mental asylum
Journalist Afshin Rattansi Tweets: Crown Prosecution Service doing Biden’s bidding. Partner Stella Morris says U.S. retains right to impose “special measures” if Assange speaks publicly again. U.S. could imprison him in Australia; transfer him to maximum security prison if he ever comments.
Alex Thomson: extraditing anyone to the U.S. raises human rights concerns but the ADX SuperMax like Ted Kaczynski and the shoe bomber. Also, “special measures” are extra-judicial and go over the head of the courts.
The CPS has gone rogue and considers itself the equivalent of the federal prosecuting authorities in the U.S. or state prosecutors on the Continent. The CPS does not represent the people but a foreign power.
Assange Appeal In the Event The U.S. Gov Wins
Dan Andrews Takes Dictator Powers
Australia vulnerable because it has no bill of rights
News Corp — Lawyers blast proposed new Victorian pandemic legislation for giving ‘unlimited power’ to state leaders
The Age — New pandemic laws to face upper house amendments: so what’s in them?
Alex Thomson: Ministers are officers of the Executive, masquerading as MPs. The only remedy is the shadow Attorney General or the Back Benchers. That leaves it to the courts to grow a pair.
See A Dissident’s Guide To The Constitution
BBC Uses Actress To Push Covid Jab
Charlize Theron wants fairer distribution of vaccines — she’s in bed with Ford Foundation.
Movies “School for Good and Evil” – the coven, three witches.
Alex Thomson: The Ford Foundation calls itself a social justice organization. Henry Ford’s idea of justice was to eliminate Jews. The Carnegie Endowments’ idea of justice was to promote war.
Moneycircus Substack — Spies, Dupes and Charities: Rivals for Power. The Tax-Exempt Foundations.
Ford Foundation is Highly Political, Getting People To Vote A Certain Way
Brian Gerrish: The BBC gives none of that background because if they did that would change the story of an actress encouraging vaccines.
Planned Parenthood, Child Transplants, Electoral Control
Amazon Cloud To Host UK Spy Agencies
Billion-pound secret deal, to be used during joint operations 00:26:30
Mike Robinson: the Fusion Doctrine means everything is a joint operation.
Financial Times — Cloud contract for GCHQ, MI5 and MI6 with US tech group aims to speed analysis but likely to ignite sovereignty fears
Mike Robinson: whose initiative is this, because a year ago the Pentagon was saying they needed to get more intel services on to the cloud?
Alex Thomson (ex GCHQ) the contractors outnumber the officers. The point of civilian security, Signals Intel, is to find people who are up to no good. Military AI looks for people to shoot. When you start profiling the whole population you are in different territory.
What is not currently possible and is not mentioned here is that they want computers to zoom in, like the Third Reich Hollerith Department that will tell them, “these people are your enemies.”
Amazon Storage System Used For Armaments on UK 5th-Gen Aircraft Carriers
HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales.
Brian Gerrish: does Amazon builds the automated weapons systems – how are they involved?
The MSM Rehabilitate Christopher Steele
Sky News — Former Spy: ‘Russian hostility is growing 00:40:00
Steele insists the majority of material is right.
Alex Thomson: He was one of the better ones, he is right to think that Britain has some enemies in the Kremlin but he is wrong to take the Richard Dearlove line, as Steele did when ran the Russia desk at Mi6 in 2006-09. It is not the only game in town in Moscow. It is not a zero sum where they will reach first for the nuclear option to defend their near abroad.
OTOH there has been a willingness to ignore the 1/4 million Russian expats moving to London and their millions finding their way into the coffers of the governing party. Steele is telling half the story. And Carole Cadwalladr is telling the other half of the story. It’s just that we can’t trust the motives of any of these people who get the ear of Sky News.
Insulate Britain Are Really Global Partnership Protestors
BBC Tech Chief Tim Lancaster is Insulate Britain Protestor 00:53:15
Network of connections reveals well-funded backers
Climate Strategies – tax-evading foundations, World Bank, EU, FCO, UK Gov.
“Luxury communists” Channel Novara Media Deleted, Restored After MSM Outcry
Censorship Only Applies To The Wrong People, The Right People Are Fine 00:55:15
Novara Media’s Gary McQuiggin deletes Tweets which praised right of “private companies” to censor — until it happened to him.
Ash Sarkar, luxury communist, who works for BBC, is one of the faces.
Alex Thomson: Novara got too hot for the establishment when it started interviewing the old left who are skeptics on the Lockdown measures. They fear a communist version of UK Column.
Vaccine Passports Advert For Call Handlers
“A brand new team to assist with the rollout of vaccine passports” 00:59:30
Unknown company – may be Serco
Brian Gerrish — this is the Gov lying to the public. You can be sure if the Gov is spending money, they have every intention of making it real.
Alex Thomson — it’s often the hiring of frontline staff that reveals the sub-contracting. Likewise Facebook still has adverts for close protection officers for COP26 — there’s not enough time to vet them. Is that the intention, somebody asked me.
Asset or Useful Idiot Lucy Beresford Calls For Lockdowns For The Unvaccinated
Another behavioural psychologist telling us what to do 01:02:15
Fomer Lehman Banker, Psychotherapist, Novelist, TedX speaker. Founder of the Kindness Club tells BBC that 600-700,00 people have not had a single jab.
Mike Robinson – case numbers that have been going through the roof despite the vaccinations
Alex Thomson – the financial overlords of this planet like psychological techniques and to infantilize the people.
The FDA Think Child Heart Problems Are A Price Worth Paying
CHD to Sue FDA for ‘Recklessly Endangering’ Children
German Authorities Say You Don’t Need To Know Mortality Statistics For The Vaxxed
Weimar mayor will not release numbers treated in clinics who have been jabbed. 01:10:15
The information would play into the hands of Covid deniers and anti-vaxxers.
Cronna Doks: –
Alex Thomson: this is the same as the interior ministry during the migrant crisis that would not release data because it would frighten people.
a minor error
They don’t need possession, I doubt they strive for it, because people might find this as over the top. Having control over is more than enough.
bigger error
These sentences contain implication that “elites” don’t have legitimacy at all.
They are effectively owners of all assets on the world. Property rights gives them some legitimacy, this is a fact.
Mini problem for them is they are not able to affirm legitimacy this way, because that would be beyond ugly. In general people still believe common matters are in the domain of demacrazzy, never mind that factually this belief is a dream.
EU parlement MEPs opposing covid pass
I was passing the TV and caught some impassioned geriatric hippy in a suit launching a diatribe about a seizure of the media and a clampdown on info. Oh, I thought, a little sliver of truth getting through? Of course not. It was one Roger McNamee complaining about how the media had been hijacked by the loony fringe via Facebook which now constituted a threat to our democracy and a danger to public health due to denial of … etc.
So how did that Talking Heads song go?
In my past life as a natural area management planner for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County (Illinois) I oversaw the management planning of roughly 50,000 acres of natural areas around the City of Chicago and the surrounding Cook County suburbs. About 11% or 70,000 acres of the county is Forest Preserve. It was, sort of, an extension of the Daniel Burnham plan for Chicago. Around 1915 the Illinois General Assembly gave every Illinois county the authority to create it’s own Forest Preserve system. Each has it’s own taxing body. All of the “collar counties” surrounding Chicago used the authority to form their own organizations. Amazingly, from that, hundreds of thousands of acres in northeastern Illinois have been preserved. Some say it originated with the women’s garden club of Chicago who, around the turn of the last century, regularly toured around the area visiting natural areas that had yet to be developed. Through their efforts, the concept of protecting them from development was created. That then grew into the idea of a Forest Preserve System. Because of the unique nature of the region which contains multiple biomes, large numbers of threatened and endangered species are surviving. Nearly 80 of them are found within a short distance of the city of Chicago, if not in the city. A truly remarkable place that has drawn attention Worldwide.
Roughly 15 years ago a group of not-for-profits dreamed up the idea of creating an all encompassing organization that could help coordinate the management of rare species and habitat while generating a stronger interest in funding the protection and management of these natural areas. Although, the State of Illinois already had such a process in place. They already had the authority, personnel and budget to do it. They just were not doing it well enough for “some people”.
The organization was called Chicago Wilderness. A not-for-profit whose primary funding, ironically, came from the landowners themselves. They modeled themselves after the United Nations and their primary goal was “sustainability”. Sound familiar? It was OK at first. Meeting after meeting with other “stakeholders” developing rules and guidelines. Identifying regional problems and solutions to be use as a guide to ensure that all of the Forest Preserve systems had common goals. For decades we had already been working with each other and the State to do that very thing. We frequently shared ideas and information, unbeknownst to Chicago Wilderness founders. False assumptions were made.
It became an overpopulated administration monster that wanted more and more money as it attempted to grow and get it’s tentacles into everything. It eventually became hostile.
They wanted all of the regional species and habitat data placed into a centralized GIS based database that was fully accessible to every Chicago Wilderness member. This included the State of Illinois data. I am laughing as I write this. I can only imagine the look on my face when the other members of the executive committee told me their plan. I said, “we would rather destroy our data than do that”. I retired a few years later but before doing so instructed my underlings of their plan and suggested that they do anything and everything necessary to keep the data out of the Chicago Wilderness database. By that time, Chicago Wilderness had hundreds of members out of which, at least, 90% were not-for-profit organizations that did not own any land. Each was given an equal voice.
Essentially, they were attempting to circumvent elected county boards and the taxpayers themselves. I spent years pointing out the obvious. Once they lost their funding Chicago Wilderness was done. The Forest Preserve boards figured it out and axed them. They tried to develop a political wedge to force continued funding. The loss in votes was small and everyone survived. Now they are gone and forgotten.
Oligarchs will stop funding these efforts in the United Nations once they figure out they are not working. Our politicians need to be redirected. Information is power. The fake studies on climate change are the driving force. Just like the effort to meld the Forest Preserve and State of Illinois databases. The generation of the annual climate assessment is a prime example of why the United Nations should not be acquiring and manipulating data at any level. We need to defund the United Nations. See how long the oligarchs continue to dump money into the all encompassing administration octopus once they figure out their plan is no longer being financially supported by the richest country in the World. It was genius for Trump to pull the funding. However, it kept him from getting reelected because of the political power that’s been amassed by the United Nations. We need to go after them. As everyone knows, they ARE the tool fueling this mess. Develop an association of conservative countries. Or something like that.
We could just stall for 8 years and say, “see”. Actually, we only have about 5 or 6 years to go. We can stall that long, can’t we?
“a group of not-for-profits dreamed up the idea of creating an all encompassing organization that could help coordinate…”
Alarm bells started ringing in my head. Then I read on:
“It became an overpopulated administration monster that wanted more and more money as it attempted to grow and get it’s tentacles into everything. It eventually became hostile.”
The Chicago Wilderness PR monster withered when the public money tap was turned off; I know too little about Chicago politics to decide whether this was a happy ending. However, there seems to be a moral in this story: beware of Con-philanthropists who Con-ordinate public affairs, because eventually they will extract far more than they donated to the public purse; example, Con-19 and WHO.
Indian TV channel WION lays into Pfizer in a way the BBC and Guardian CUCKOLDS don’t dare.
This was great. I enjoyed her delivery. I’ve never heard of WION. A new site, or network?
Thanks for the link.
WION -The World is One News, examines global issues with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the news of the day. Our aim to empower people to explore their world. With our Global headquarters in New Delhi, we bring you news on the hour, by the hour. We deliver information that is not biased. We are journalists who are neutral to the core and non-partisan when it comes to the politics of the world. People are tired of biased reportage and we stand for a globalised united world. So for us the World is truly One.
I haven’t seen much from them, only few videos. They upload a lot.
Excellent journalism, clearly expressed. The content couldn’t be more important. Thank you for sharing it.
WION is a Modi (Anglo-oriented Hindu Nationalist) propaganda site. Lively but slanted. But here they are spot on: the WHO’s Con-19 campaign aims to override National Autonomy.
I have been hearing a phrase more and more often recently: “a different breed”. It was always used with reference to those who managed to work their way up into the higher echelons of the council – but I’m sure it could work in other organisations too. And it reminded me of a similar sentiment from Gore Vidal towards the end of his life – something he repeated so often and even with such stridency that I had the feeling he was seriously trying to get a message through before he kicked it. He was referring to the Republicans but it applies all across the political spectrum: there is certain type of person who resides in these high reaches, whether born into them or having pushed into them.
It’s the kind of person who has none of the sense of obligation, responsibility, compassion or even shame that resides in the folk down below. It’s the type who never even thinks about causing damage to others, who lies and cheats as a matter of instinct and who experiences no embarrassment about being found out but can instantly weasel his way out of any accusation by casting it back at the accuser.
It seems to be invariably these people who commandeer the resources, the time, the money etc. of society. And who can instantly pervert every endeavour to benefit themselves.
The Ickean/Lovecraftian obsession with all things reptilian has a resonance here. These individuals are something less than human although generally more potent. They are trapped in a lower level of thought and feeling – which works to their advantage.
Furthermore, they are instinctive predators who know how to weaken and overcome others. They know that psychology is the key factor, that weakening a person’s mental/spiritual constitution will inevitably lead to a diminishing of physical health.
For I have also been hearing about cases of people who have died of physical ailments but whose conditions were worsened – or even caused – by psychological trauma – often bereavement. And of course, covid is the most potent “opportunity” to destroy the moral of the majority of the public.
Thus, to switch metaphors, covid has been in effect a launching of the wolves into the fold.
Oh, to have Gore Vidal around over the past 19 months.
I’d be happy to settle for George Carlin
I wonder about Christopher Hitchens
Yes. Interesting. Perfectly scathing.
A chilling and informative post. If there are beings (incarnate or discarnate) that feed off fear, then war, plague, natural disasters and famine are ideal delivery companies. Deliverhell and Ubermensch Eats are at the door.
“beings (incarnate or discarnate) that feed off fear…”
“For we wrestle not [only] against flesh and blood, but against Principles and Powers in the Universe” — St.Paul
Quandt And The Post-War Order — Part 2: the WW2 settlement cloak plans to revive the fascist project?
Advance copy for paid subscribers only but here’s the intro and premise:
Is there such a thing as fascist technology and, if not, can a technocrat be fascist? A somewhat silly question in search of a serious answer. Technology, on its own, is amoral: it goes; it does. It must be guided to good or evil purposes.
This was a popular view at the end of WW2. Technology that was evil in NAZI hands ceased to be so when exported to the United States where scientists who had been NAZIs continued their research as American citizens. The Nuremberg Code on medical experimentation was almost immediately ignored.
Several key industries and business people at the heart of the Third Reich received perfunctory punishment at the Nuremberg trials. Some weren’t prosecuted at all. This is the story of the Quandt family, Germany’s richest and the owners of BMW, and one of the last corporate dynasties to confront its NAZI past.
There is, in the Quandt saga, something of the behind-the-scenes manipulation that is the hallmark of Event Covid: of political and corporate intrigue; of juntas, cliques and leagues; of a fateful turning of brother against brother; the multitudes teetering on the brink of uncertainty while the few gain fantastical surplus security.
Talk of deadlines that shift but at the end of which transformation there looms a terminus — in the words of Bill Gates, “the final solution.” A whiff not of everyday corruption but of something choreographed on a supra-national scale, that aligns with unseen vested interests. Not of furtive kickbacks or greased palms but of handsome recompense for playing their allotted role in history, like the other big gears in a clock.
They still influence the pendulum today and they are busy at the forefront of the bio-security state.
This is part 2 of NAZI Bargain And The Post-War Order — Did the WW2 settlement cloak plans to revive the fascist project?
Globalist think-tank founded by a billionaire Chicago banker comes up with totalitarian blueprint to save the world from climate change shock:
Is the Fraud: a) giving this laudatory and prominent coverage? b) ignoring it? c) dissecting it for the insanity it is? d) about to publish a George Monbiot article complaining it doesn’t go far enough?
Blah blah window fast closing blah 1.5 degrees blah potential exponential blah factoring in blah gyrational parametric blah diffusion rate unacceptable blah … means I’m afraid you’re all just going to have to get shafted.
Why does everyone on the “Alt Right” think the planet is a creation of the Rockefeller/Rothchild syndicate? And that the climate and all the planet’s resources were invented by this syndicate?
Could it just be – just possibly be – that if the climate ceases being friendly to business interests and resources stop flowing freely from the ground…then the joyride is over, fini, take a hike ruling elites, over the rainbow and out the window?
And that they really are in a panic that they might soon lose their iron grip on the planet? and have to start living like ordinary people?
And that that’s why they’re in the process of wrapping up the economy – the real economy, the one based on reality – and starting to base their “wealth and power” on monies created out of thin air? which the peasants will continue paying for until even they can no longer pretend everything’s fine and tickety-boo dandy?
In other words, Earth is at no man’s mercy; and it doesn’t give a hoot what people want it to do or be or become; nor does it give a rat’s ass how man defines it (“God’s gift to Man” or whatever).
Earth to Man: “You ain’t the boss of me!”
There was a fabulous comment on Rappaports nomorefakenews back in the day (April 202) about man’s audacity at caring for the earth. As if the earth could not take care of itself.
I would not do it justice, but, yeah “you aint the boss of me” “I’ve survived a little longer than you twits and have no plans to change”
Don’t know if nomorefakenews has an archive but I’m going to look.
In Dancing Naked in the Mind Field, Kary Mullis expresses similar skepticism; he doesn’t call it “delusional hubris”, but that’s what it amounts to.
I was surprised by his perspective, although once I reflected upon it I realized I shouldn’t have been.
If you haven’t read the memoir, I strongly recommend it; here’s a link to a free download:
Great, thanks!
There is no hint of any climate change. There’s nothing to stop the bar stewards in their long meticulous plan.
In addition to this great article:
Citation: “The owners of the vanguard/black rock monopoly are a manifestation of the primordial serpent. “
Here, here. We need to get Blackrock/Vanguard into the heads of the Covidians. If anything will unite the ‘lefties’ and right-leaning libertarians it will be an awareness of concentrated, abusive power.
Excellent article again Iain, thank you. Ida Auken, yet another soulless minion churned out by the Young Global Leaders program. Just like Jacinda Ardern, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron and many others who are all in Lockstep, and foot soldiers bringing about this vile and grotesque agenda.
These people have been put in place specifically for this event, imo.
Incidentally, Wikispooks gives a good run down on the Young Global Leaders programme, and provides lists of names of past graduates, and where they ended up.
And most people are still completely oblivious to all this. Not a clue. I told some of my customers, and two magazine staff members early this year that creatures like Schwab intended to usher in a technofascist nightmare – the equivalent of a digitalised 1984, and they looked at me with incomprehension and almost pity.
People don’t read. They don’t want to risk looking silly by questioning anything. They don’t feel safe unless they trot out what the group thinks.
“They don’t feel safe unless they trot out what the group thinks.”
Safety in numbers, the age old evolutionary principle of Herd Security. The more indistinguishable I am from the rest of the herd, the less likely I am to be singled out for a dangerous or difficult task.
lions need to eat too.
Boris Johnson goes on TV to announce that the covid injection 1. Wont stop you getting Covid, and 2. Will not stop you spreading Covid after an injection ‘shot’. Those who knew this from the start will not be surprised. But the cat now seems well and truly to be out of the bag. The whole covid meme is going to be an increasingly hard sell. Hey no-one at least 95% are wearing face masks where I live and I think this is going to continue. Not wishing to sound smug some of us knew this from the start. But more and more are coming around to the nonsense of the covid bullshit. And to think that the market cap of Pfizer, Astra-Zeneca, Johnson and Johnson and Moderna have shot up through the atmosphere. Even those minions who inject the poison are getting £10 per shot – criminals!
I’d love to agree that this will produce a “great awakening” – but my experience is that a combination of annual flu jabs and boosters for those who travel abroad means that the normies I’ve spoken to all see no problem with this. It’s going to take personal experience of an adverse effect to wake some people up (and even that won’t do it for some).
The crucial thing with those who might be persuadable is the phoniness of the pandemic and the vaccines, not the number of boosters. This is why the mainstream are throwing everything at toxifying even looking at those arguments – if you do so, you are a really bad person or endangering yourself. It’s a deliberate strategy that Ice Age Farmer had found in NATO documentation.
Germ theory has people, even most of those on my side in covid 1984, firmly in it’s grasp. Rockefeller devotees have been at it for a long time, propagandizing the world. We can’t get past The Virus. No amount of reason, stats, etc, will do it. It’s going to take a higher power that most of the world either rejects or thinks it respects but doesn’t, to fix this.
Yep. Divine intervention. Human beings aren’t going to get out of this on their own.
Indeed. We will get nowhere hoping for them to make mistakes. If they are, in fact, guided by demons, Are they going to make the kind of mistakes that we need them to?
I don’t advocate doing nothing of course. There’s an old saying: “God helps those who help themselves.” I think there’s truth in that, although I would add that it depends on what you’re trying to do. If you’re just trying to survive, and be a good neighbor, friend, husband, etc, and resist the destructive actions of predators, God will have your back, as long as you acknowledge and respect him.
I agree.
The minute they accepted that rights are privileges which must be earned, they were lost.
The Pyramid of Power: Chapter 7 – Big Pharma and the Medical Cartel
The Pyramid of Power: Chapter 7 – Big Pharma and the Medical Cartel – The Conscious Resistance Network
Every single one of those psychopathic oligarchs, plutocrats and technocrats is gonna die. Some soon and some later.
There’s only one way in and one way out.
Justice prevails after all.
I really enjoyed the audio feature you trialed last week. I would like to vote for it to be a regular feature. I’m sure it took a while to organise and complete but I think it could help you reach a new audience! It’s not that I’m too lazy to read but sometimes it’s nice to do 2 things at once. Like listen to enlightening articles being read out by a chap with a charming British actor voice while cooking my dinner. Reading this article was great, but now I’m hungry.
This is beyond pathetic:
So people are “united by a common fury” against “drink spiking”?
There is a “spiking epidemic” and its “sweeping the UK” and “they are spiking us with needles now too.”
Women have “stopped buying drinks in clubs to stay safe”.
But here’s the biggest laugh:
And women are OK but if you want major wokeness:
But something is missing, surely? Of course – the statistics!
Note what is happening here: the deflection from anger against the covid con, the transferral from fear of vax injection to a whipped up fear of date rape drug injection, a little juggle from “covid spike” to this new “drug spike”, and of course the all-pervasive wokeness.
In the light of all this, Kier Starmer catching covid pales into boredom.
Meanwhile ERs in the US are getting flooded.
Geewiz wonder what’s causing clots rashes and heart attacks-wonder how they got through the whole article without mentioning the vaccine.Bill and Melinda have gotten to them.
“but many don’t even have COVID”
Don’t you love it? Shock horror! There’s more than just covid!
Well zero people have ever had covid
I’m with you, Marilyn.
Well some ILI has been killing older fatter people, and not the very young as well. So whatever it is, it isn’t the flu.
What do you think Fauci and Daszac were paying to be researched in Wuhan?
Thank you for sharing. I am impressed that they’ve published it. The situation in reality might be worse.
Function-stacking is always a reliable tell that an event is astro-turfed (the vax, terrorising women into staying at home, transgenderism – they don’t go to all the trouble of getting the local lodges out for just one agenda!).
I wonder if this spiking story is a mockery of people’s fear of needles that is stopping some getting vaccinated? Merck’s Convid pill is in the pipeline for that.
It occurs to me that Convid pills will likely be even more profitable than the pseudo vax. I mean they can probably only make you take the vax or booster every few months, but pills….
It’s all a psychological ploy being played on the population
The social engineering going on right now is peek
Especially now that there’s people supposedly getting jabbed in nightclubs which I doubt and if it is then its organised to create a fear based narrative about going out at all
Anyone know if Kier has been Stabbed? I’m sure he must have been. I heard (accidentally) Sunak begin his Budget statement by offering his most sincere (I am sure…) sympathy to Starmer in his time of woe. He wasted a perfect opportunity to publicly ask why, if this blinkin’ vaccine is so bloody good, why had Kier caught the pox, sorry “covid”?
I am joking, of course, but only slightly.
Offg please bring back the old voting system – before the 10+ chunks of ticks goes to peoples heads.
Yes !!!
To be honest J, I’m not fussed either way, but if it does come back, I would say get rid of the downvotes. That way they’ll piss off the anonymous down voter(s) we’ve had here
Nah. Let everyone use their words.
That would be good if the words appeared right away, instead of disappearing into the “Pending” black hole for …? 6? 12? 24? hours…?
But that would make no difference. My ‘awaiting spam check’ comments don’t seem to ever disappear for that long. But I haven’t carefully tracked everything I post, so maybe some have. I don’t know. I really just accept this system as a necessary evil and don’t worry about it. I’m focussed on what I do and ‘say’.
can you fathom that others have different opinions and viewpoints?
Buzz off.
To me, the downvotes say far more than the upvotes about the audience that’s reading the comments. This is because it’s much easier to upvote a comment that appeals to the emotions; whereas one has to think about something one dislikes or disagrees with.
Okay… like I said, I’m not fussed either way, but I know some people were getting a bit annoyed about every comment being downvoted numerous times by one of the trolls here.
It may have been more the frustration of nearly every time someone upvoted a comment, a downvote also appeared. Could have been a coincidence – or it could have been a glitch in the system. Maybe that’s why they scrapped the system?
We had good evidence the system was being regularly gamed by bad actors, especially surrounding certain topics.
Unfortunately the arguments made for their return are also strong arguments against returning them! Namely, that when browsing the comments, people often use upvoted comments as a quick way of selecting which comments to focus on.
If 77th brigade-style influencers weren’t using our anonymous voting to influence before, will they continue not to, now that their huge potential for cheap, faceless influencing has been literally spelled out for them time after time? XD
It does create a bit of dilemma, since many don’t like the idea that they’re being influenced, even subliminally.
I fail to see what’s been lost by trialing comment voting off, short of a little bit of lazy convenience. Everyone can still express themselves just as freely as before, in a situation much less easily gamed. I am already seeing new customs developing BTL to show approval to good comments, and ways of spotting comments that are receiving the most attention, good or bad.
It’s like what Ed Curtin’s recent piece talks about, how we are ruled by simulacra.
I tell people the voting was easily manipulable, and often was, and therefore wasn’t real or accurate, but rather a social media candy function catering to our modern, impatient need for instant gratification. They were an addictive, inaccurate, easily gamed and largely unreal virtual, narcissistic spiders web, which made separating the real from the unreal utterly impossible.
Yet people want them back!
I recommend Ed’s piece. It now has an audio version
However, life is about compromise and pragmatism and balance. We will, without hesitation, bring voting back if we think it’s the right thing to do. Let’s see how the trial continues!
Thanks for your feedback.
Well, how about proper registration so that you can weed out the 77th Brigade.
As long as pseudonyms only appear with the comments, to provide weak protection. Of course in any case, if spooks really want to know who you are, that’s an easy job.
Also, it should not generally be too difficult to have a feature to reveal the pseudonyms of upvoters and downvoters.
In general, I am against the ego-driven arguments presented. Who cares who gets upvoted or downvoted. If you have something to say, say it. But the upvote/downvote was a great feature.
Hi, thanks for your thoughts.
While it’s often been tempting to introduce account-based commenting, along with other things like sponsorship/ads, it’s something we’ve resolved never to do if we can help it.
I would hate to predict the level of kickback we’d get if we even suggested making commenting not anonymous,. It’d make the objections we’ve received so far to disabling facebook-style voting appear amoeba-esque by comparison!! XD
We’d be labelled a sell-out, CIA-bought, data-harvesting shill site faster than you could say ‘controlled opposition’!
The only way I could see it being a good idea – What possibly could make you change your mind about that? – is if an up or down vote had a feature that allowed everyone to see who it was. It’s sad that such a harmful feature is desired so strongly by people who want to engage in discussion. It’s illogical obviously. The thumbs up or down icon in the body of a comment seems like an option and people are already doing it.
Fair point
oftentimes a down vote was the only way i could tell someone had read me.
Okay, I’m going to make a confession here J… the only time I’ve used the downvote was for the obvious trolls here, and you’re most definitely not one of them! But again, I’m not fussed either way, although I had a look at The Unz Review BTL last night and noticed people that agree or disagree with someone’s comment have their names shown. Refer to Arby’s comment about this just above.
I’d say if you don’t keep the downvotes, then just get rid of the whole thing. If it’s just a question of a few troll no votes, that should be treated like water off a duck’s back.
Dear Admin.
I wonder if it would be possible to tie the ability to give a thumbs up or a thumbs down, to the posting of a reply? So, immediately after they have posted their response, the up/down feature becomes available.
It might be a lot of work, so ignore my suggestion if that’s the case.
But like other commenters here, I do feel the up/down voting feature is of benefit.
I bought a few copies of Iain Davis Pseudopandemic book to give to family members who are starting to question things – good xmas presents! This is not about health, it is about morality and control.
I don’t agree with Iain on some things. But he does hard work. And I’d like to read the book, but I can’t focus on anything right now. If by some miracle, I can find work and keep my apartment, then I’ll return to reading.
Good luck Arby, times are getting increasingly difficult but at least you’re well prepared mentally and morally.
Thanks. I think I’m prepared but look at what they do to those of us who are prepared. I just fired off this email to the human resources chap at G4S, which is days away from being Alliance Universal:
“[name]: This email is for the purpose of expressing my unease with the outcome of the meeting we had this morning. Are you aware, for one thing, that I was told by [name] that the meeting was about him trying to find a site for me? I said to [name], the foreman at Riverdale Farm where I am working tonight for the last time tonight, that something’s funny about a meeting where [name] needs witnesses in order to talk to me about finding me a site.
I was ‘looking over there’, but the action was elsewhere, and I made a choice that I shouldn’t have made. If I ‘had to’ choose to drop down to part time, then that wasn’t a choice and I should have let G4S do it ‘to me’. If I had been properly focussed – a heads up about what the meeting was really about would have aided in that – then I would not have chosen to do anything other than work full time for G4S and leave to G4S to respond as the company wished. As I was going into the meeting this morning, tired from working all night, I started thinking that I was going to face pressure to agree to covid crap (and all of that is criminal in the extreme and I was prepared to say “no” to all of it; including further bogus health checks). I didn’t see what was coming. I didn’t see where the action was happening.
[name] didn’t tell me beforehand that there are no full time sites where employers don’t require covid injections (they are not vaccines). In fact, [different name] only told me that the requests from employers to have only guards who were ‘vaccinated’ were increasing, which I believe. (But how would I know?) But that’s not exactly the same as saying that ‘all’ employers are requesting that. Did I, under pressure, cut my own throat this morning?
Rick Battams / [my phone number] / [my security licence number] / [my G4S pin number]
I thought I had taken out my name. Lol. I don’t really care if it’s out there.
I was thinking (while reading the ebook version) if I lived in the UK or an English-speaking country, I would buy a few copies and leave them lying around on buses or other places where people could find them.
monkey wrenching
Desert Solitaire
Walden Pond
Funny thing about Edward Abbey’s ‘Monkey Wrench Gang’ book. I couldnt get a couple of anarchist friends interested in reading it. May it become required reading, and inspire The Resistance !!
“In exchange for submitting to their will and allowing them sole possession of everything (the global commons) they will take care of us.”
No wonder that the stuff that’s going down is so appealing to the “left-wingers”, the collectivist, fighters for social justice. They’re cleverly being used as useful idiots to usher it what looks like (Second World) communism on steroids – a system promising to give everyone whatever they need, but in reality providing only the bare necessities.
The opposition to this shit must go in the opposite direction. Toward the individual, the small local community. Away from hierarchical authority, toward individuality. From collectivist concepts (unfortunately, because they work if not abused) toward individualism. Etc.
In short, people will have to learn to depend on themselves. The more they’ll succumb to the idea that the government or some entity will take of shit for them, the more fucked they’ll be.
new version
new version
Oops! Too many logos to juggle… have corrected the error, but will post the update at some future point.
Sometimes, I wonder how much the Mothers lost, (My Wife is Registered Childminder)
when they dumped their kids of on us at 6:30 am, and went on their way into London, ..possibly earning loads of money…
And their kids had been perfectly well behaved all day, until their Mum turned up, and they seriously do not want to go home. They want to stay with my wife in our family home.
I witnessed this on numerous occasions sometimes, when I had just got back from work
How could the parents tolerate this, when their children wanted to stay with us.
That is how nice my wife is.
Not interested in money. Just loves Children
She is an Angel
I am almost certain that my 6 year old Grandson, has got a New Girlfriend. I can tell these things in his face. He is in love and learning to swim, with his new girlfriend, whilst his younger brother 3 yars old, just jumps in and swims. and he really is like that – they are almost like twins together…but 3 years apart..They learn off each other..the younger seems to get older, and they are still babbling away to each other in their brother baby language. They never miss a trick.
They know what’s going on
We are Learning To Swim

swimming all summer in a nearby lake kept me grounded and sane
The Author points out ‘The Biosecurity State (is) acting as the central control mechanism. Public Health is the focus for global security and centralised control of the entire system.’
The biosecurity state is being erected in the UK on legislated acts such as The Public Health Act (Control of Diseases 1984). The Act gives dictatorial powers to ‘health bureaucrats’ and ‘ health experts’. Does not answer to Parliament, has no Parliamentary oversight. Whatever damage it causes cant be blamed on Boris/ the Pm of the day -who can smell of roses, wash his hands like Pontius Pilate “Has nothing to do with me. Not My Fault”….
The Daily Lockdown site is urging people to support calls for the repeal of th 1984e Act…
Central, and implicit, to the Act is the full embrace of the unscientific Germ Theory.
Any campaign to resist the successful implementation of a biosecurity state requires a fight on two fronts: repeal of the 1984 Act, exposure of unscientific
Germ Theory…
Bingo! But the germ theory’s hold on most of the world’s population is tremendous. Even our side (includes OG) is bamboozled. The good news, which I realize most won’t receive as such, is that this toilet world won’t be around much longer and when it goes, lies and bad education will follow.
People should be aware of the recent gas spraying in NYC subways & other locations in the city – 120 different locations – the chemical list has huge red flags – see update at beginning of these posts. I am not really worried that these lunatics will be effective, the plan is hubristic and it will unleash a zillion unintended consequences, our real worry is the amount of damage which will be inflicted on the way down. NEVER in history does the empire come out as rulers at the other side of the fall:
And a council truck was driving slowly round the streets in my neck of the woods spraying something. Haven’t seen that before and don’t know what it was. Can’t pin a name to the smell either. QLD, Australia. Just saying.
we don’t really have a scoobie what is done to us.
did you see that c-17 vid where it flew low level over some Oz city about 3 weeks back – I decided it was CGI fakery.
We’ve many c17 stacked up on the nearby runway all the time lately.
The Saturday after I saw that Oz clip, one of those c17 banked sharply, turned and flew about 400 feet over the suburban sprawl and golf course where I was walking the dog; it was a blustery night and this thing was on full beam and obvious in reflecting street glow…. not normal at all.
The following night, the golf course was toxic – strange smell, hanging like a dew – my lips and nose were burning after 5 minutes and I thought of my wee dog, so we beat it off the course.
To be entirely reasonable, the green keepers slabber chemicals all over the greens, maybe it was just a massive nasty dose they’d applied…?
“The elected representatives within their ranks dont set the agenda or policy.” Of course not – Their function is to legalise The Theft. (Remember old Proudhon – ‘property is theft’ ?)
The Australian Constitution is a compromise document – drawn up between supporters of Free Trade, and supporters of Protectionism. A document about Property, its protection, and the Restrictions the ‘Rights of Property’ place on the government. (The document can only be amended by the agreement of the Majority of The People, plus majorities in most states, by Referenda… The national government failed to achieve those majorities, late 1950s, to allow it to Nationalise The Banks (ie property. Property is Sacrosanct).
The Author reminds us that the National Security State is being replaced by ‘the Biosecurity State acting as the central control mechanism. Public Health is the new focus for global security and centralised control of the entire system.’ Overt force, coercion – subtle and direct – are in the state’s arsenal, but the Biosecurity State’s most effective instrument to obtain compliance is our “free floating anxiety” mentioned in an article on Offguardian a few days ago…
In all their policy documents The Planners never mention WAR. Oh sure, it has all those fuzzy nice words about peace & harmony – no need to frighten the chooks mentioning War will be used against any reluctant nation-state.
No nation State (actually, Corporatocracy police State, not truly sovereign and independent) is truly resisting the tyranny of the transnational capitalist class. But that doesn’t matter. You pick the least enthusiastic State and target it for destruction. Why? The military industrial complex is a big, powerful component of the TCC. And worshippers and feeders of the wild beast system, remember, are twisted souls. They don’t think like normal human beings. They possess twisted desires and values. War is fine. Their ethos is ‘riches for the strongest’. All members are down with that and know that it’s possible that it could spell their own doom. They are an insane, macho bunch.
At this point, it seems clear to the small percentage of observers that “they”have taken full control of sovereign governments the world over and plan to take totalitarian control over the lives of 7+ BILLION people the world over. Operative questions are: 1. Can we stop them? 2. If we can, what can we deplorables do to help stop them? 3. If we cannot stop them, how do we deplorables cope and learn to survive outside the dystopian world “they” have constructed for the covidians and their minions? Am I missing something here?
Like all these amazing programs it will be bound to fail…humans are pretty good at spokes in wheels and I can think of a number of hurdles the idiots have not really calculated for….then again naturally they may not care when it all falls and mass starvation and chaos results…that will do the ultimate job of reducing the world population and utopia will be a long time coming….
the planets do not suggest an easy ride for the near future…so the real name of the current game is positioning oneself somewhere safe with some food and company of trustable other humans…
At the risk of sounding old hat – there is a problem when recently v-ed are counted as un. We can wade through their data but they do not delineate this. We know that there is a higher than normal incidence of C related deaths and hospitalisations in recently v-ed. There is a clear evidence-less data trail for the public. Any academic, statistician or even humble civil servant could see this gaping hole. Doctors, politicians likewise. It is only a matter of time before their house of cards comes tumbling down. That the general public believe the ridiculous propaganda is starting to fizzle out. More importantly anyone with a brain has started to question the s*** show.
They will not win.
‘Cloak and dagger’ military-intelligence outfit at center of US digital vaccine passport push
A deep dive on MITRE the organisation which was contracted to model what the response to “COVID-19” should be 1 day after the WHO declared a pandemic. Grayzone provide a bit of history of MITRE and the background of the people running this shadowy organisation that is having a huge impact on our lives.
Beware of faker Max Blumenthal. He wrote an entire book about terrorism and explained 9/11 as blowback and nothing else. He completely exonerated the US and the powerful special interests behind 9/11.
Principia Scientifica (26 October 2021) reprinted a 2017 article from The Atlantic magazine which contains the claim that Lysenko, the Russian biologist whose ideas caused a massive famine in the USSR in 1930’s, was undergoing a re-habilitation in Russia. From the article:
‘Unable to silence Western critics, Lysenko still tried to eliminate all criticism (of his ideas) in the Soviet Union. Scientists who refused to denounce (Western) genetics found themselves at the mercy of the Secret Police. The lucky ones simply got dismissed from their posts and were left destitute. Hundreds if not thousands of others were rounded up and dumped into prisons or psychiatric hospitals.’ (my inclusion)
China Watchers of yore understood that factions within the Chines Communist party never directly attacked or criticised opponents vying for control of The Party. To understand who was part of the power struggle they had to figure out who such blanket terms like “Left Deviationists” applied to, and “How many were in The Gang of Four ?”..
In the USA during the 1950, during the heights of McCarthyism, direct criticism of the UN/US war in Korea quickly got you labelled “Communist Supporter”, and In Trouble. One Science Fiction writer (Robert Silverman ?) expressed his opposition in his “Invasion From Earth” story – a populated planet somewhere in Outer Space stood in for the Koreans…. When direct criticism is too risky an indirect, thus safer, avenue must be found.
PSI’s reprint of the 2017 The Atlantic story functions as an example of indirect criticism – of Covid Ideology; Fauci as Lysenko, State enforced The Science, and what happens to dissident scientists, (and ‘quarantine camps’ for the non-vaxxed) etc.
“Lysenkoism: the subsumption of biology to ideology.”
Imagine there’s no Internet.
It’s very hard to do.
Nothing to get a Like for
And no-one Zooming too.
Imagine there’s no smartphones.
WTF LOL cmon dude be serious get real you realise you are saying this on the net ROTFLMAO sure theres downsides but hey
Just sent this to Veterans for Peace after seeing an email they sent me saying this Veterans Day (Nov 11th) they are going to try to lift up the day as a day for peace. The hypocrisy surrounding veterans regarding this scamdemic is especially hypocritial.
“How about making it a day for Veterans for crying out loud. We have thousands of new veterans who are or will be getting kicked out for not getting the experimental mRNA injections. We have, or will have, veterans who are being denied health care at VA medical centers because they refuse as well. We have Veterans who are getting fired from their jobs as police officers, firefighters, paramedics, federal employees, state employees, city employees, etc, losing their livelihoods, homes, scaring their families. Joe Biden is trying to starve Veterans who won’t obey his commands. They are being told their service doesn’t count, that it makes absolutely no difference what they did in “service” of this country, they are now persona non gratis. They can no longer serve their country unless they get a jab. I’m a Vietnam era Vet, submarine service, and I’m not a member of your organization so I have no say in your agenda, but what kind of veterans organization isn’t fighting for Veterans now, when many of use are under attack by the globalists. What kind of veterans right now are not standing behind their brother veterans who are getting hosed by the globalists? Oppose the unconstitutional “vaccine” mandate and join in the fight against those trying to destroy our own country. WE are under attack. This Veterans Day I will be in downtown Portland, Oregon protesting the globalist attack on Veterans and our country. You want Peace, it starts right here.”
I’m sure you didn’t meant to call all vets hypocrites. Not all vets are members of this org you mention. In the UK some vets started to organise, a couple of ex paras joined in the protests. Looking at the comments on vets forums, I’d say 95% thought these two were muppets.
As soon as the vets organising was noticed by the parasite class, it was shutdown by 200 armed cops attacking the 8 people camping.
There was also a laughable hit piece in the telegraph or mail (that I can’t find) saying they were all nutters with a gun fetish because one of them had posted a pic of an air rifle on their telegram channel (lol) the comment section wasn’t pretty!
This was observed by other vets, wiser heads lets say, who had held off getting involved with this group, probably because there was no control over who joined, some were less than reserved when it came to gobbing off about violence and what they could do, e.g. some were advocating attacking vax centers.
The more sensible contingent, more aware of PR and propaganda tactics, collaborating with the sensible elements of vet orgs around the world, started a seperate organisation. It’s early days though.
You’re right, I didn’t mean to call veterans hypocrites (other than those that are, I suppose), I was trying to refer to the hypocritical praise vets get on Veterans day while most would just as soon toss us to the side. It’s like, “hey, you get a free meal!. Oh wait, you’re not jabbed? Forget it, you’re not allowed inside”.
yeah that’s exactly the same in the UK!
The loud chorus of vets on the ARRSE forum (Army rumour service) denouncing the two ex paras for “bringing the regiment into disrepute” for wearing berets on the ‘freedom protest’ is vomit inducing to read.
From what I’m reading they’ve all but won the parasites.Where’s all the positives we are going to win this we are onto them and the nwo will not succeed because it is built on lies.I have to keep the faith.I sometimes wonder if by telling us of their plans we will manifest it in our minds and make it a reality.
You’ve already lost. Really, you’d lost before you were born. Today, what have you got? They’re taking everything from you, including your life if you refuse to be vaxxed. And the sum total of the resistance is a bunch of rich old people posting on blogs like this one, who never DO anything, and whose sole purpose is to convince everyone else that they know better, and a bunch of other people waving legal papers around. Anyone that even mentions doing anything that would change any part of it is crushed and/or ignored by both sides. There’s no group at all on this side, just however many individuals, all looking out for themselves, with no goal at all in mind. Every day the number of unvaxxed goes down. Every day more of your autonomy is stolen away. And nothing is really done to counter any of it, just endless “look, I told you so”. It couldn’t be more obvious that you’ll be living in china soon, with every single part of your life dictated by the no longer government, but now party chairmen. You can’t stop it by posting “look at this” on the internet.
Why do the alt media repeat the story’s with the same type fear and at times it is even worse when they tell it.
They help promote the agenda talking points and yes it does help manifests the outcomes.
They not teaching you psychic protection or telling you to read the article at certain times of the day not first thing in morning or late at night or on certain astro alignments.
Most of the alt media tell you nothing can be done except vote for who ever at the next nonsense Where is the educating the telling the reader in the basics like how to decode the lies So one isnt so gullible to believe = feed the agenda. They want you just as dependent just like mainstream media does.
You just have to keep telling yourself: “I own nothing, and I’ve never been happier! I own nothing, and I’ve never been happier! I own nothing, and I’ve never been happier!…”
Good luck with that theory mate……..
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-10-27. Harshbarger’s Natural Immunity Is Real Act. Social control costs lives. Build Back Better Billionaires
The ruling class breathes freely and grins contentedly while insisting that the servants stay masked.
“Can we make it any more obvious to these jerks that we’re lying to them and laughing at them?”
“Yes, We Can.”
The Guardian @guardian 26. Okt. 2021
Masks to be mandatory again in parliament for staff but not MPs
Unbelievable. The hits just keep on comin’.
Such is the level of contempt they have for the rabble.
This attempted ‘takeover of everything’ includes all of Nature. Independent journalist Whitney Webb clarifies:
“A project of the multilateral development banking system, the Rockefeller Foundation and the New York Stock Exchange recently created a new asset class that will put, not just the natural world, but the processes underpinning all life, up for sale under the guise of promoting “sustainability.”
Their grand, greedy plans won’t work. Nature has other ideas. As always, She will “Build Back Balance” whether they like it or not.
And the thing that nobody will see is that the big system has spent the last 150 years knowingly running the planet and the people into the ground…treating life itself as its own private piggy bank…making one insane money grubbing move after another regardless of consequences…creating legions of mindless, shuffling consumers by design……and now turns around and says “we” did this. Humanity has done this, it is our fault and we are all in this together and we need an updated system to arrest the damage done. Now “we” need to ration our very breath per minute under threat of penalty so that we can build back better.
The irony that a tiny cabal of the most wealthy, deluded and cowardly people on the planet, acting free of all checks and balances by weight of their ownership of, well everything, has the ability and gall to blame the very people…the masses they’ve exploited, engineered and raped and to now rub their nose in it, is richer than rich.
And sadly, people will go for it. The green fix is in.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the people are to blame. The “rulers” could never, ever get away with even half of what they’ve done if the people did not give them a “free pass.”
Nearly 8 billion people vs a handful of “rulers” – and the winner is: The “Rulers!” Give me a break.
I’ll burst your bubble right back. Rulers always have and always will hold all the aces. They have a comfort zone the average person could not even dream about. Their leisure time makes them devious. The average person hasn’t the time to turn around and scratch himself. Because it’s designed that way. One set has all the advantage, the other set none. One set create and shape culture, one set get swept along. Good times create apathy and laziness, but good times are created by rulers…who also dismantle the good times. One set plays all home games, on their own court with their own umpires under their own rules, the other set get shitty change rooms, all the bad calls and a spiked soup the night before every game.
Come on man, the “it’s all your fault” is right out guru Shabooboo’s magical book of the New Age. You’re better than that. It’s not the fault of the people when such a concerted, orchestrated, manipulative agenda is aimed right at their forehead from birth to death. I get what you’re saying. But that is just a new age dodge.
yeah, like all oppressed people everywhere, they just gave the oppressors a “free pass”.
It’s clearly their own fault, silly Palastinians etc. /s
Yes. The game is rigged. It’s not a fair fight. People are engineered from birth to be ignorant or to be apathetic or to seek fun and titillation or whatever. You break a child’s legs and then stand over it and laugh because it can’t get up and walk…you murder a million Iraqis, you slaughter 100 Palestinians because you saw a few kids with sling shots…etc, etc. A single individual faces the greatest orchestrated machine of domination the world has ever seen…the most insidious full spectrum mind fuckery since almighty Ra. And he’s lucky to be able to unravel his conditioning even a little bit by the time he’s 35 and even if he does, he’s still hopelessly dependent on and intertwined in the system and his options are pretty much fuck all and Jack shit. And that’s in the so called 1st world, let alone places on the planet where people are oppressed as routine. I know where the “blame” is.
You haven’t got 8 billion + a handful of ‘rulers’. You’ve got 8 billion + a handful of other individuals, every one of which is only thinking of themself, every one of which would set themself up as king if they had the chance. If that weren’t the case, you’d have a resistance to your owners now, and you wouldn’t be crushed by every single person you encounter that has the chance to do so. Your owners tell you to take a vax, so you wave placards saying no (instead of, as a group, immediately pulling down those people and replacing them with ‘better’ ones). You get a burst pipe in your house, so the ‘plumber’ rips you off for hundreds because you don’t know how to fix it yourself (instead of having it fixed by a local person in your community who fixes such things for free in return for the exact same things that everyone else gets in your community for doing their thing). 8 billion individuals, all trying to screw over the other guy and set themself up as ‘better’ with a bigger house, a bigger car, a bigger wife, and a bigger life.
Indeed. The world is ruined. To a great extent, the people have gotten the rulers that they deserved to get. If that was all there was to the story, then that wouldn’t be a very good story. Some believe that there’s a God and a plan of salvation for mankind, namely one that includes removing predators from the planet. Others believe in ‘riches for the strongest’. I’ll go with God.
I’m surrounded by brain-dead zombies who believe anything and everything the teevee tells them. People refuse to believe our rulers are evil. And from what I can tell, nothing we can do will change their (small) minds.
Yes, It’s sad and frightening. I’ve said it for many years: One of the biggest weapons in the 1%’s arsenal is tv. You mix propaganda with entertainment and voila! That was a main message in my first blog post (out of over 185) on covid. See “Corporate Media – A Terrifying Addiction.”
Unfortunately, these “global totalitarians” pay no heed to and have no respect for the laws of sovereign nations. They abhor any concept of national sovereignty. Yet, wonderful and important publishers like OFF-GUARDIAN do respect laws to the degree that they stifle the speech that must be heard. Holding up signs, and suing NGO’s and complicit governments in kangaroo courts will never fix this problem. I am heartbroken to have to say that World War 3 is long overdue. And it is must be a war of the citizenry against Davos Group (WEF), the UN, The Gates Foundation, The Clinto Global Initiative, Bilderberg Group, Soros, NGO’s everywhere, Amazon, Vanguard, Pfizer, J&J, Black Rock and all of their complicit bought and paid for legacy media, politicians and the so called “healthcare” leadership – worldwide Time to rise up now, each and every “non-elite” before mankind and it’s rich cultural heritage is completely lost forever.
The only way to escape this is to limit their access to us, eg, breaking up the US into 3 or 4 parts. I don’t know how this can be done, but it must be done.
It all began late 1800’s when the US Supreme Court ruled that corporations were persons / had the rights of humans… At this stage of History the Corporations dont want the nation-states abolished, as their legal existence is dependent on nation-state’s laws…
At the current stage of History Corporations use nation-states as mere tools for control, until they invent a way to cut the umbilical cord so they can impose their rule directly…
good point
And who gets to decide that? Sounds like Joe Biden saying they need to divide Iraq into parts (i.e., balkanize). We have to fight for what we believe in, which is freedom, liberty and democracy. The representative political systems we have, have by and large failed. Maybe we need to limit their control and power by taking over our political systems that they control.
Re: who decides breaking up the US, first, it would be Americans who no longer want to live as slaves forced to support a military dictatorship that creates misery around the world. Breaking up the US is the only way to separate the military from US taxpayers. Re: Biden and breaking up Iraq, the US at least since 2006 has planned to redo the borders of the entire Middle East including Iraq. Condoleezza Rice said there would be “birth pangs” but it was needed. US bureaucrats have also spoken of breaking up Russia simply because they think it’s too big.
The Yinon Plan for a Greater Israel proposed the break-up of surrounding Arab states into statelets… While not an official Israeli government document, it gives an idea of Israeli political thinking. It was published back in 1982, or thereabouts… That The USA government seems hellbent on the break-up of Arab states to make them “more manageable” indicates how closely Israeli and US interests coincide…
As for Russia, it’s sitting on top of all that US corporations owned mineral
etc wealth isnt it ! There wont be much natural gas left for US corporations to make a quid from – after they remove Putin et al, because he’s gone and sold it to The Europeans…
A face only a Rockefeller could love.
“That’s my boy.”

excellent scoops, your postings alone deserve upvotes or humour tokens features ; )
RtD too : )
“Politics is showbiz for the ugly.”
Yep. I suppose one would look like that if one were a million years old.
I’m not sure even Satan is that old…
Strong escaped prosecution by fleeing to… China which of course makes no sense at all if one buys the standard geo-political narrative (but makes complete sense if China was under the control of the oligarchs).
Mao Tse Tong was financed by the Rothschilds.
The Lee family are the actual rulers of China, whereas the CCP are just a front. Lee family are the Chinese equivalents of the Rothschilds.
China has been under corporate rule for decades and the trials and tribulations of China since the establishment of Mao as leader were a trial run for what we are about to endure in the west.
Most westerners have no idea of the horrors about to be unleashed upon them, by the bastards that rule us.
I think most of us who visit Offguardian, and who listen to people like Patrick Wood, Catherine Austin Fitts, Harry Vox, Whitney Webb and others have a pretty good idea of where this is heading Peko.
I’m very aware of the horrors that are coming, and what the Great Reset, the Internet of Things, a global digital currency, and so on will entail.
And yes, some days, until very recently, I’ve felt fearful and mortified at what is unfolding. Technocracy News is a really good site covering all this…
That’s great,but would the price of bitcoin go up or down?…..
Strong was a major puppet master. He should be better known ( though not in a good way.) We can thank him for the climate change craziness. He had special powers — like an ability to communicate telepathically. ( I know this from someone who interacted eith him.) I am not even convinced he is dead. The timing of his death was too bizarre.
Thank you for your comment, MaryLS!
I am aware of Strong’s telepathic abilities – not to mention those of his wife, Hanne – and indeed have an important message from Maurice (from the… Great Beyond?) to share in a forthcoming graphic.
Stay tuned.
James Corbett has done a video or two about Strong. That’s where I first heard of him. I can’t link but if you go to it will be in the archives.
Meet Maurice Strong: Globalist, Oiligarch, “Environmentalist”
Well, Maurice, a quick look at you tells me that you are not sustainable, so we’re both going to have to look further for our global solutions, aren’t we…?
At least show a little modesty. You’re not bright enough to be God.
Sorry, duplicated by accident…
I’ve discovered thanks to Event Covid ©Bill Gates 2020 that it’s not a matter of understanding or digging into complex back stories.
You just have to filter out the noise, the propaganda, the chaff spread by government, the clods of cow shit kicked up by military unintelligence and the rush of sewage emitted from the sluice gates of the state-corporatist media.
Wipe the crap away, polish your goggles and the picture is clear to see.
One factor that must be considered is debt.
Our present-day luxurious occidental world has essentially been purchased on credit. Debt began to be racked up massively sometime in the 1960s to finance the welfare state, which was instituted to prevent people from going the communist way, given the initial successes of the Russkies and the ideological appeal of socialism to many, especially the large young generations. Debt has grown to huge proportions. No way it can be repaid using the mechanisms through which it’s been created. The pseudopandemic has exacerbated this, making debt go through the sky.
It now looks like the can can’t be kicked down the road anymore. It’s payback time. How will the debt be repaid?
Last year, a document was allegedly leaked from the Liberal Party of Canada (Trudeau’s party), which said that all debt would be forgiven in exchange for everybody turning their assets to some relief fund and never being allowed to own any shit again. It makes sense, doesn’t it. Government debt is not the government’s debt. It’s the people’s fucking debt. So, I imagine that they’ll be asked to pay it back. Or they’ll use some other sleigh of hand to make people give up their stuff.
And frankly, it’s our stupidity. Wasn’t it fucking obvious that the debt thing couldn’t go on forever?
Again I want the vote button to agree with you….it has always been pretty obvious to those of us who learnt anything about public debt finance,….but like belief in virus so many still believe oh well just keep printing money it doesn’t matter.,
Then tie it into climate change by arguing that debt – the problem they created – is why Third World countries can’t afford to act on climate change. The Fraud has had a slew of articles pushing that very line recently.
Credit cards were readily issued to all and others to get the masses to buy the piling up of all the goodies capitalist industrial efficiencies were capable of massively producing…You dont need a Communist Boogieman. Capitalism has the tendency to over-produce and thus has the pressing need to get the goodies into circulation..
.There was no danger from the Commies (‘cept in the minds of The Paranoid)… Mr Krushchev, USSR leader, made that clear when he banged his shoe on the UN rostrum and boldly asserted the USSR would “bury the USA” production-wise (presumably in consumer goodies)…(I read recently that the USA imports a lot of oil from Russia…)
Without Guilt where would we be ? Which company would give me a credit card if it knew i feel no guilt about not repaying ? A Judicial system based on Guilt. (“Guilty, or, “Not Guilty” – never “innocent” as an option !). A major church whose lifeblood is it’s supporter’s Guilt (Born Guilty. And Guilty for nailing some guy to The Cross all those years ago !). Can there be a Capitalist Economy if there’s no guilt ? In Debt. The First 5000 years, anthropologist, David Graeber, explores the role of guilt as an Economic factor…Without Guilt Whither Civilisation ?
O. For a life free of Guilt, and free from Free Floating Anxiety !
No there was no danger from the USSR. There was a danger from the hippies, the strong postwar generations that were rebellious, pissed off about stuff like the Vietnam War, and so on, which threatened the capitalist establishment.
The alternative explanation would be that the welfare state was created to allow people have the means to buy useless shit, thus creating profits for the capitalists. Also possible.
No. The debt is a scam. The debt is entirely fictional. It’s not real. It’s a fictional system where central banks and governments conspire to charge the citizenry, unlawfully through various fraudulent schemes. To create physical and fiscal dependence on paltry services and handouts and then perpetrate false beliefs through the fictionalized debt narrative.
There’s no physical money. There’s no gold or silver being traded. There’s no legitimate contract. It’s done without our consent, through a complicated system of organized fraud between retail banks, central banks, incorporated governments entities, accounting firms and associations. So there’s no actual debt. It’s an illusion.
In addition, treasuries are only physically printing less than 3% of the currency supply in circulation. All that fiat currency including the less than 3% cash, is conjured out of thin air. It’s not backed by anything. 97% of the fiat currency supply is entirely digital. There’s nothing to back up that fictionalized “debt” or currency creation except citizenry birth certificates/social security, bonded, and traded as financial instruments (using a calculation or estimate of lifetime earnings and taxes paid by the citizenry of each country) without their consent, knowledge or understanding.
Then there’s the creation of a shadow banking system behind the banking system (this is how they operate two sets of books) to hide many of the frauds, and the stolen public wealth.
But the public are the ones that pay for this fraudulent debt exponentially through unlawful taxes, mortgages, credit cards and loans. In every country the local or state governments that collect property taxes, or rates or whatever they call the property tax scam in your region, are collecting tenfold to one hundredfold what they ever spend to pay for their shoddy road projects, permits-zoning, utilities, public works and trash collection.
In addition, all these governments (local and national) hold so many assets that their “claimed” debt is minuscule in comparison to their assets and income.
In other words, all the taxes we pay, such as sales taxes and property taxes are unnecessary taxes on top of income taxes that far exceed any and all expenditures and are simply systems of organized theft and racketeering.
These governments (incorporated entities privately owned by the cartel) have been making so much money, hand-over-fist since the 70’s, then parking it in banks and using schemes such as pension funds, or corporations they front such as the top 1,000 corporations that will be stakeholders in the global digital currency.
The cartel who claim to own-create-credit the unlawful and fraudulent debt (central banks, incorporated governments) are the very same cartel running the covid scam, and attempting to collect on this debt fraud using the false premise of manmade climate change (yet another fraud), to steal every human’s right to own land, possessions or property, including intellectual property.
We have never been told the truth about anything. Not by governments. The church. Our education system. Academia. Our parents. The media.
In reality, the commons and assets that the counties, states and countries own far exceed (by the trillions) any and all of the fraudulent debt creation. Here’s the US federal balance sheet as an example. That’s just ONE part of this scam. Politicians through the cartel owned media (and economists) have been indoctrinating the public to believe countries and states are mired in debt when it’s not true. It’s accounting fraud – a shell game – to steal from the public.
That’s one of the reasons they have minions with fake names all over the internet (and here) spreading the myth that the Covid1984 scam has been planned to cover for the impending collapse from all the debt.
The banking-government cartel, con the public into believing that this system of false debt creation is national or at a state level when it’s an organized, international scam that was set up with the IMF, World Bank, BIS and central banks in every country. That’s why we have always had global governance. It’s just hidden from view using NGOs, governments, corporations, associations and contract law.
Interesting. I remember a movie Margin Call about the financial crisis. The top dog of Wall Street was played by a Brit called Jeremy Irons. That film portrays it as an unexpected crisis which is obviously bs. I bet the Rothschilds minions had a lot of input into the making of this movie to try to make it look like Wall St tried to help the public but hey it is what it is and so they had to go the damage control route.
In a nutshell if what you are saying is true about no actual debt, then all those house repossessions and people made bankrupt and homeless was not due to any debt but rather to eff the public over and fatten the pockets of the bankers.
These rip off merchants will have karma come back their way in droves.
People tend to confuse private and public debt.
There is a big difference.
Michael Hudson is a very readable author on the history of debt (and its relevance to today).
For the more nuts and bolts side: Stephanie Kelton, Bill Mitchell, Randy Wray and Warren Mosler. I’m talking about MMT, of course.
I loved this movie. One scene in particular. Jeremy Irons eating and extrapolating. Brilliant.
FYI, in my region, I pay about six dollars in annual property taxes for my house. They wanted me to to pay another seven dollars for my garage because it’s considered luxury to have one, but I told them that it’s just a shack barely holding up, so they exempted me.
I hear some of what you’re saying but it doesn’t really matter whether the debt is real or fictional. Just like it doesn’t matter whether the virus is real or fictional.
The way things are, the debt does exist and they can ask you to pay it back. There have been attempts to pay back debt the same way it is created, but the judge wasn’t too sympathetic (
I think it does actually matter whether it’s real or fictional. Virus and debt.
Because it’s the mass deception that creates the mass delusion, and the compliance around the lie. It’s the compliance and order following that becomes the trap and the enslavement.
And I get what you’re saying re the tax you pay. But for those of us still in Canada and the US, we pay thousands in income tax, property taxes and sales taxes. Same in Australia where income taxes are ridiculous.
That actually is the conclusion I’ve made myself too.
There is no other way but to completely reject the virus bullshit. The SARS-CoV-2 complete horseshit and the dogma that virus is equal to disease as well. Because if one accepts the notion that there is a novel virus, a novel disease, they’ll beat you over the head with fake statistics. Unfortunately, most people are completely unprepared to do that and neither are most dissenters.
Oh, and I forgot to mention – I pay five bucks a month in income tax. VAT is kinda high though ….
“You can’t be in debt if you can print money”
Thank you @researcher for explaining that this debt concept is yet another con job.
I find this extermely interesting.
I would assume, then, moneycircus, that you disagree with Catherine Austin Fitts and John Titus? Would love it if you have the time to explain if and how you disagree.
I do not know the ins and outs of economics but I am sure getting lessons in the past 19 months.
I do disagree on never having been told the truth. I’m not sure if you mean the truth about economics or the truth about anything.
People lie, I know that. But I think it’s too broad a statement to say that we have never been told the truth. I can only speak for myself but I’ve been told the truth. And God is it painful. (sometimes)
I’m not moneycircus. I do agree with CAF about “some“ things. The pensions and social security have been looted. But it’s organized. They aren’t broke because they can’t pay them. They aren’t collapsing the system because of the weight of the debt. They are collapsing this system and replacing it with the stakeholder system to hide the fraud, the theft, corruption and all the scams. And with each collapse or implosion of every bubble, more wealth transfer of the 99% to the 1%, is achieved.
I do disagree with CAF and Titus about their perceptions of the “debt”. Just as I disagree with Zac Bush, Tenpenny, Mikovits and anyone claiming that there invisible entities called viruses making people ill. What they have in common is they are all perpetrating mass delusions.
What CAF and Titus (or Michael Hudson or Paul Craig Roberts) or Corbett won’t explain is that the system is owned top to bottom by the Cartel.
That is, the DTCC, the market makers, the central banks, the retail banks, the stock exchanges, the ratings agencies, the accounting firms, brokerage houses, the incorporated government entities, the incorporated courts, and the publicly traded companies that make up the bulk of the indices are all owned and controlled by the cartel. There is no Mr. Global.
Firstly, what’s considered public debt isn’t contractually valid if the public don’t consent (and since the system is based on fraud and deception the public cannot really ever consent) and aren’t in a position to authorize the debt or even benefit from the debt. The public are, in fact, enslaved by the debt. They are physically stuck within the system paying taxes and social security, while mind controlled by the system believing it’s valid and real.
Secondly, the debt is simply manufactured out of thin air. It’s not real. It’s numbers on a screen. An illusion. A mass delusion. And there’s another set of books kept by the Fed and the retail banks to hide the fraud.
Thirdly, and most importantly, the assets that the state and federal governments hold, far and above outweigh the debt. The assets are hidden. They are, in fact, the wealth of the public (public land and other assets held in trust) that the public don’t have any access to and can’t use. But these public assets are frequently divided up and distributed amongst the cartel whenever public land or assets are sold, seized or given to these cartel owned corporations in contracts or services rendered.
Politicians claiming to indebt the public in these manufactured crises (wars, financial crises, pandemics) to move the debt (which is just numbers on a screen and a system of mass delusion, trickled down through the public into their bank accounts and loans) are not acting on good faith. They are not telling the truth. They are colluding with the cartel in an organized, global system of fraud, theft and corruption.
So sorry for the name mishap, Researcher. I generally go back and check but didn’t today, and moneycircus had a few comments.
So do you dismiss CAF’s theory about the Go Direct reset that was established in Wyoming at the meeting of the Central Bankers in 2019?
And the situation in Sept 2019 when Federal Reserve had to bail out banks for those “overnight loans:, the name of which escapes me now.
Not arguing here because I think what you write is very interesting, and quite frankly, I’d rather believe that than we are about to experience 1929 tomorrow.
Last point: I thought the cabal was just another name for Mr. Global.
Thanks for your reply.
I think of “the cabal“ or cryptocracy or financial cartel more as the entire global monetary and trade system, including governments, who are the real gatekeepers of the fraud. It’s rotten from the core outwards. And it’s much bigger than a handful of people at the top of the pyramid.
I don’t dismiss what CAF said about going direct. I may not always agree with her conclusions.
Obviously, the meeting at Jackson Hole was held. An agreed set of principles was put into action going forward. Which they had already planned for years previously.
But I believe that the repo market crash in September 2019 was planned, and a direct result of that previous meeting, as a profit taking exercise, while simultaneously beginning the move towards allowing The Fed takeover by Blackrock etc.
The faux pandemic is used as the trigger to purposefully implode the system, particularly the US petrodollar dominance. To take even more profits and wealth from most of the 99% in one final scam before they gut the current system, destroy the USD with inflation in order to transition to the WEF stakeholder system, and the IMF’s digital currency. The Global Currency Reset.
All of this maneuvering (QE, debt expansion from unnecessary lockdowns) by the politicians in cahoots with the financial-trade system, creates the mechanisms for destabilization of the current monetary model, potentially crashing markets worldwide, artificially “endangering” the current banking system where they (IMF, BIS, Etc) can claim governments (specifically the US and Western nations) are defaulting, or are in threat of default, or under cyber pandemic attack (hacking narratives) therefore we must switch to the new digital dollar, global, WEF stakeholder, circular economy system.
It’s all a scam. It’s highly organized, war gamed, modelled and controlled.
Judith. Maybe you’ll get something out of this video. It’s about transitioning to the new circular economic system, from the linear economic system.
Starts at approx 13.00 minute mark >>> goes to the 2 hour, 32 minute mark. It’s a rather lengthy video. But I find this channel really excellent (his background is in psychology and he’s very well read) for elucidating the language and unraveling where this is all headed.
You can watch some of his more compact versions to get an idea of whether you’d find his work interesting. Like, The New Normal.
I fast forward over any religious banter as I‘m not interested in personal theological opinions.
Thank you for both replies. I find your synopsis very interesting. I am neophyte (barely) when it comes to economics.
I will check out the video. Thanks!
I don’t think there’s any real truths being told to anyone in modern society. In fact there’s so many lies within the institutions, system of hierarchy and order following, that what people perceive as reality or truths are simply mass delusions to perpetrate false beliefs, and gain mass compliance. Those who don’t comply, are ostracized, marginalized or imprisoned.
We are even being lied to about the existence of truth itself, in a philosophical sense. A common myth is that we can’t ever really know the truth, because we only have our own perceptions.
But we can know the truth. Truth is not the distortion of reality. It’s not an agreed upon set of myths or lies. And it’s not relative. Solipsism is a fallacy.
Example. People become ill, but the cause isn’t viral or bacterial.
And it isn’t from contagion. Germ theory (and contagion) has repeatedly been disproven. Ergo, germ theory is a lie.
Ergo, those that promote the tenets of germ theory are lying.
But there’s an entire, for profit health system based around that one massive, disproven lie. Nobody within the AMA or HHS system is able or willing to tell the truth because they are part of a system that relies on the lie.
Whether those within the healthcare system are aware they’re lying is irrelevant. And Judith, even if you fervently believe them and their disproven theories you aren’t being told the truth.
And I can apply this example to almost every facet of the world around us, including its organization, hierarchy, economy, governments, history, wars, media, legal system, religions, science, space travel, academia etc.
People’s (false) beliefs in the institutions, systems of hierarchy, resulting in their commonly held misperceptions, are mass delusions to prevent people from ever understanding any truth at all. About themselves or the world around them. And that’s deliberate.
The cryptocracy need this level of mass misperception to maintain control.
And because I don’t believe there are any sources in the alternate media, mainstream media or academia that are trustworthy or honest, I have had to research each area myself and piece together through pattern recognition, logic and the process of elimination, what is real, ie; what can be known or what is likely to be complete fiction.
Appreciate your thought provoking and very insightful comments here Researcher. Have subscribed to the Dayz of Noah channel, tho due to personal circumstances, such as being banned from working due to my refusal to get the poison jab (I use prepaid phone data) will be restricted to his more shorter clips. Looks a very interesting channel however.
Thanks G. Sorry about your work situation. Is there any legal recourse? Because much of what’s happening now is based on coercion, not law. There’s a difference between mandates, guidelines, recommendations, regulations and actual laws such as discrimination and privacy laws which supersede guidelines, mandates, regulations and recommendations.
Thanks for the link R… Yes, I know that directives and mandates are not law and are superceded by actual law.
The magazine organisation I’m a subcontractor for (not directly employed by them) has made it very clear they will “adhere to all Victorian Govt health directives relating to covid without exception”.
That’s the snag I have, legally I’m classified as a subcontractor and not an employee. Will go through the link shortly, thanks for this. There’s going to be a huge number of people in the same boat now due to these mandates.
“One way of getting rid of debt is getting rid of ALL of the so called creditors. Starting with the largest and nastiest ones.”

“They will not be missed.”

“This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”
~ Frederick Douglas, 1857.
+ 10
NAZI Bargain And The Post-War Order – Did the WW2 settlement cloak plans to revive the fascist project?
Why did some NAZI enterprises get shut down and others survive, some tycoons face the Nuremberg dock and others not, and who decided which scientists to ship off to the United States and grant citizenship?
Take a step back and recognize that the NAZI project was a huge moneymaker. American companies like General Electric, IBM, Ford, DuPont and Rockefeller’s Standard Oil of New Jersey (the biggest sub-unit after its break-up) all traded with the enemy for most of the war. As it was ending, the Allies determined not to repeat the mistake of the Versailles Treaty and impose onerous reparations. They felt it was more important to rebuild Germany as a bulwark against the Soviet Union.
The planning may have gone further, however. Was there another motive for this continuity and did someone hope for the revival of the NAZI project or its continuation in another format? The evidence suggests that some did.
The plan for a United States of Europe dated from the interwar years, if not earlier, when French and German fascists dreamt of uniting the two countries.
The role of the CIA and its predecessor, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), is also indisputable at this point. “All along, the CIA-run front group was funding the so-called European Movement,” as revealed by declassified government documents.
Europe was to be unified under a single regime, with the goal of a transatlantic union that would merge the United States with the European superstate. The same agenda resurfaced during the Obama administration in 2013 as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.
Despite Donald Trump supposedly torpedoing TTIP and the EU suffering Brexit, Britain continues to position itself as an Atlantic way station for the U.S. in a rebranded Trans-Pacific Partnership, adopting the governing “rules” on UK trade. This gives EU policy priority over supposed national policy on agriculture, fisheries, trade and the environment.
Britain is an Atlantic way station in defence, too. Not only did it in 2020 enter the European Defence Union but in 2021 created AUKUS (or AUS-UK-US) to defend “our shared interests.”
In 1899 Tsar Nicholas II organized an international peace conference, concerned as he was by the arms race unleashed by industrial mass production.
It would seem that an attempt to prevent WW1 was hijacked by U.S. tax-evading foundations with the aid of the Dutch Royal Family who were, and are, key players in the oil industry through their stake in Royal Dutch Shell and would later found the Bilderberg Group.
The one ruler who may have tried to stop WW1 was then removed and his family liquidated. His country was annexed for an experiment in social engineering. Then his plan for a world tribunal was repurposed first as the League of Nations and then the United Nations.
One common thread that you may notice is that the globalists are not imaginative. They repeatedly hijack and redirect the efforts of others, from the World Court to Greenpeace.
Great information. Thanks Moneycircus. If only our real history/herstory was taught in schools.
I do think there is Nazi written all over this New World Order
“The one ruler who may have tried to stop WW1”.
I assume you mean the Tsar – but there’s at least as good a case that Kaiser Wilhelm tried to stop WW1. He wanted Germany to mobilise only in the East only to be told by Von Moltke this was impossible. Von Moltke changed the mobilisation plans in the West anyway to ensure they would fail (they probably would have failed anyway but oligarchs didn’t get where they are today by taking chances).
It’s probably meaningless that Von Moltke happened to be a Theosophist like, for example, Montagu Norman, the head of the Bank of England. I’m sure he put his country first and didn’t deliberately lead Germany off a cliff so it would be no obstacle to a worldwide government.
Thanks, Edwige. I’ll add that as a note to the article, if you don’t mind.
Interesting post. Herr Schicklgruber could shed some light on these long laid plans.
Martin Bormann, another insiders insider, set up hundreds of shell companies to protect the finances of the Reich from 1943 on with help from the Bank for International Settlements. Arguably the first of the Globalists.
Who won WW ll is still an unanswered question for many, but with the appearance of a world at war with itself I do not think that we will need to wait much longer to find out.
With regard to the possible continuation of the Nazi regime I would point to Mae Brussell. She made the Nazi connection frequently. Starting with JFK assassination.
Dan Sheehan tells a very interesting story toward the end of his 2012 lecture “Trajectory of Justice – 8 cases that changed the world” It took place as he was litigating the Iran Contra case. Nazi link.
I just realized that perhaps you have referred to both in your written link. I have not read it yet, but will now.
Hi Judith, yes I’m familiar with Mae Brussell — I think that listening to her broadcasts can bring us sanity, because in many ways she is speaking about the same events, just at an earlier stage of planning.
Two Heroes: Research makes you a master of perspective
— Archive Moneycircus Substack
That Event Covid was purely a means of facilitating changes which were prepared long in advance is the only thing that can explain those breathtakingly assured predictions about “the New Normal” which appeared the moment the virus itself was announced. The flaccid claim that the virus just happened and the rulers seized on it as an opportunity is not merely annulled by the swiftness of their “opportunism” but also completely neuters all opposition since such clearly assumes the virus is indeed deadly. Thus this spineless opposition can only say, “The bastards used the pandemic … but since the pandemic is real, there’s nothing we can do about it!”
So who are they gonna cull? The compliant covidians or the refuseniks?
All of them. The refusniks will just be ‘wetter’ going into body bags.
warmer! compared to the zombie carc’s anyway !
I see what you did there.
People herded into smart cities connected by rail is part of the plan. Well I never:
There’s a good example of weaponised opinion polling in this. Two-thirds of people support banning flights to places reachable by train in 12 hours? Really?
It’s curious how there’s a big push on for driverless cars but one never hears about driverless trains. Trains would seem more practical for driverless tech but it seems paying a few drivers to keep train travel attractive is a price worth paying (although I don’t doubt trains will become driverless eventually when the alternatives have been eliminated).
Anyone familiar with ‘The Hunger Games’ will recognise this as part of the world portrayed in that series.
HS2 already here.
Partly. The bit near where I live is still just a huge open-cast scar across the landscape. No guarantee that it’s ever going to be more than that. Certainly no guarantee that it will ever get beyond B’ham.
A big part of the joy of long-distance train travel was that trains weren’t as fast as planes. You could open the windows and breathe. You could hang out of those windows (“È pericoloso sporgersi!”) and laugh with joy while smoking a fag and struggling to talk French or German with the girl you’d just met. You could go eight hours or more without making a phone call, or even wanting to. You could look at buildings and animals and people as they appeared and vanished forever. You could see the kids waving, and you could wave back. You could notice how places stayed the same and then gradually or suddenly became different. You had time to acquire a lasting memory of the sight of a magical place. You could feel what departures and arrivals meant. You could think about time, and about how it wasn’t money.
HS2 is for arseholes.
Ultimately for the birds; who will nest in the trees that will grow in the tracks and their cuttings and embankments, after the Long Descent away from industrial civilisation is complete – probably a couple of centuries from now…
I think it’ll remain for a long time yet, just a for a much-restricted clientele. Hence the current cull. The world’s worst people intend to inherit the earth.
+1 for memory.
I have always hated flying, insisted on train. A couple of days fortified by fresh sourdough, brie, salami, wine and beer that I could carry on. Quietly partying as the expanse rolled past. It is IMO, the most civilized transport, I wish they’d stop trying to ruin it.
I believe part of the TfL (Transport for London) network is already driverless. Docklands Light Railway, possibly.