WATCH: MEPs Protest Vaccine Passports
In the latest editions of This Week in the New Normal, we mentioned a group of Members of the European Parliament who held a press conference where they opposed mandatory vaccination and the “Green Pass”.
On the 28th five of those same MEPs held another press conference, and while the whole thing is worth watching (embedded above), the highlight is definitely German MEP Christine Anderson who speaks for two of the truest minutes in the EU’s history:
All through Europe, governments have gone to great length to get people vaccinated. We were promised the vaccinations will be a “game changer”, and it will restore our freedom…turns out none of that was true. It does not render you immune, you can still contract the virus and you can still be infectious.
The only thing this vaccine did for sure was to spill billions and billions of dollars in the pockets of pharmaceutical companies.
I voted against the digital green certificate back in April, unfortunately it was adopted nonetheless, and this just goes to show there is only a minority of MEPs who truly stand for European values. The majority of MEPs, for whatever reasons unbeknown to me, obviously support oppression of the people while claiming – shamelessly – to do it for the people’s own good.
But it is not the goal that renders a system oppressive it is always the methods by which the goal is pursued. Whenever a government claims to have the people’s interest at heart, you need to think again.
In the entire history of mankind there has never been a political elite sincerely concerned about the well-being of regular people. What makes any of us think that it is different now? If the age of enlightenment has brought forth anything then, certainly this: never take anything any government tells you at face value
Always question everything any government does or does not do. Always look for ulterior motives. And always ask cui bono?, who benefits?
Whenever a political elite pushes an agenda this hard, and resort to extortion and manipulation to get their way, you can almost always be sure your benefit is definitely not what they had at heart.
As far as I’m concerned, I will not be vaccinated with anything that has not been properly vetted and tested and has shown no sound scientific evidence that the benefits outweigh the disease itself in possible long-term side effects, which to this day we don’t know anything about.
I will not be reduced to a mere guinea pig by getting vaccinated with an experimental drug, and I will most assuredly not get vaccinated because my government tells me to and promises, in return, I will be granted freedom.
Let’s be clear about one thing: No one grants me freedom for I am a free person.
So, I dare the European Commission and the German government: Throw me in jail, lock me up and throw away the key for all I care. But you will never be able to coerce me into being vaccinated if I, the free citizen that I am, choose not to be vaccinated.
Must Watch Very Powerful.
“In the entire history of mankind there has never been a political elite sincerely concerned about the wellbeing of regular people. What makes any of us think that it is different now. – Christine Anderson European Parliament.”
— 'Sikh For Truth'. (@SikhForTruth) October 29, 2021
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Just donated, thanks for informing us we are standing with you!
Given the gravity of the moment, the moderator should have allowed that last question instead of saying “only journalists are allowed to ask questions”. This is a time for everyone to be heard and to stand together.
THANK YOU from USA! We stand with you! Thank you for your leadership!
“Need for assessing the inhalation of micro(nano)plastic debris shed from masks, respirators, and home-made face coverings during the COVID-19 pandemic” ☆
BOMBSHELL: Disposable blue face masks found to contain toxic, asbestos-like substance that destroys lungs
March 31, 2021 by IWB
Dangerous pathogens found on children’s face masks
Anyone know of other similar studies?
I often pointed out to friends that these disposable masks where made of plastic fibres. Some will get breathed into your lungs, but, most will end up in our oceans and contribute massively to a serious problem we have, killing the wildlife that depend on the oceans being clean to survive. Plastic fibre masks shoul be banned globally!
Most powerful ‘stuff’… most powerful journalism…
Just firkin’ share. Life, so simple…
In America the PuppetMedia routinely features a Doctor Leanna Wen (fired from Planned Parenthood for some unknown reason) who sounds like she was raised by Himmler or Goebbels from Nazi Germany.
“Machen Sie den Juden das Leben schwer”
(Make life hard for the Jews) —– Third Reich, Nazi Germany
“Make life hard for the unvaccinated” —– Dr. Leanna Wen
Don’t forget the Bolshies and there “Make life hard for the Kulaks”. And boy did they.
Any legal bods out there?
Below is an EU regulation.
Article 36 is interesting.
It seems to say that although The ‘Green Pass’ or ‘Pass sanitaire’ are required in most establishments, they are contrary to this regulation.
Am I, therefore, within my rights to enter, for example, a restaurant in France quoting this regulation instead of providing a ‘pass sanitaire’?
I would also be interested in a legal opînion of the word ‘mandated’ as opposed to ‘legally required’
Thanks in advance.
of 14 June 2021
(36) It is necessary to prevent direct or indirect discrimination against persons who are not vaccinated, for example
because of medical reasons, because they are not part of the target group for which the COVID -19 vaccine is
currently administered or allowed, such as children, or because they have not yet had the opportunity or chose not
to be vaccinated. Therefore, possession of a vaccination certificate, or the possession of a vaccination certificate
indicating a COVID-19 vaccine, should not be a pre-condition for the exercise of the right to free movement or for
the use of cross-border passenger transport services such as airlines, trains, coaches or ferries or any other means of
transport. In addition, this Regulation cannot be interpreted as establishing a right or obligation to be vaccinated.
The Five Truths
(1) The CoV virus —– or the CCP/Fauci virus —– did indeed originate from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
(2) Covid—19 is a genetically engineered bioweapon, whrther it was accidentally released before it was fully finished, or simply didn’t work as fully hoped for, it still remains that it was genetically engineered.
(3) The spikevaxes are further examples of genetic engineering generating toxic spike proteins in the body with evidence of some type of nanotech also inserted. The full composition of the spikevaxes isn’t known due to “trade secrets” —– but the indicators point to nanotech and the financial facts surrounding these “vaccines” points to that! (And the employment of Harvard’s Prof. Charles Lieber at the Wuhan University of Technology where he taught the subject of nanowire creation in the human brain as a neural link to outside access for the sum of $50,000 per month, with over $100,000 in paid expenses and $1.4 million provided to build his personal lab suggests that Wuhan was intended as the original test site but the plan went awry!?)
(4) The Gates Foundation, both directly and indirectly through several NGOs and foundations it funds, pays the salaries of 20 to 30 senior management people at the WHO, since at least 2005, through a procedure known as “secondments”! So these 20 to 30 management personnel work for Bill Gates, at the World Health Organization.
(5) A substantial amount of the funding for the development of this bioweapon came from the NIH/DoD and the Gates Foundation!
Correction: typo — intended 2015 — Gates has had paid people at the WHO since at least 2015!
If the covid really exists, then why did they need to use a fraudulent method of diagnosing it with the PCR “test”? Why?
If it really exist and was virulent, then why did they have to misrepresent deaths due to heart attack , the flu and other illnesses as covid?
That’s a big question that I haven’t seen an answer to yet.
to get the spike into peoples arms
‘Covid’ didn’t exist until the introduction of these injectable substances no one knows what they’re made of. Now we will see a pandemic in the coming years, the one Gates has been forecasting people will take seriously. They’re injecting the next pandemic like they’ve very likely done in the past, only not on a global scale.
The forgotten subject in all of this political discussion; indeed, the willfully omitted subject that should be the most important of all is this: “What about God?”
He has been ignored completely in this matter.
Yet the God of the Bible, is not pacing back and forth in heaven, shaking his head at all of the distress on earth, regretting that he is unable to do anything about it. No. The Creator of heaven and earth is not powerless.
He assures us that he is in charge of all events. Nothing could occur without his consent. Indeed, he works through men to accomplish his tasks, though he never sins, nor compels men to sin. His governance is this: though he “sends rain on the just and on the unjust” (Matthew 5:45), he blesses that nation which becomes righteous by believing his gospel, and he punishes that land which is unrighteous by rejecting his gospel. Right now he is in a punishing mode against the U.S. and the rest of the world, for they all have rejected his gospel.
This covid business is simply one part of his punishment. To be sure, evil politics is merely a symptom of a much greater moral disease: Rejection of the saving gospel of Christ. See this!
Furthermore, after the Almighty would see no inclination to repent and to return to his gospel, despite their Heaven-sent oppressions, he finally will punish the U.S. and the rest of the world with war.
Therefore, citizens need to get on the Lord’s side by repenting of their sins, and by having faith in the gospel pledges of the Bible. If not, he will unleash a full-blown war, and all of us will be on the receiving end of it.
Gene Urtel – The Rivertown Press
Corporate Religion is a control tool.
{ROTFLOL] -1 trillion.
+10 trillion!
God was never about God – it was about Man all along. We created God so we could pretend we were the center of the universe, the Be All and End All, the sole purpose of existence.
God does unto us so that we can do unto everything else in the universe. We do not care what God does unto us just so long as it continually orients us as the center of everything.
Satan is merely God in His Halloween costume.
It takes a small mind to find no room for a God in the universe. We know almost nothing about almost everything. Even gravity remains largely a mystery. We don’t know how matter was created, or whether the universe is really infinite, or what lies beyond it if it isn’t. We don’t know why order derives in nature or how life emerged from non-life. We can’t describe, let alone explain, consciousness.
And that’s not even getting into the apparent insanity of the quantum world.
Whatever made matter from void and created time from non-time and space from non-space and life from non-life is sufficiently superior to us in ability to transcend known physical laws that ‘God’ is as good a word as any – ‘Creator’ is most certainly what it is or was.
This humanist thinking that man created himself and then created God, hence putting himself as gods, comes straight from what the serpent (lucifer) told Eve. It is what the people driving the great reset, the 4th industrial revolution and a technocratic world order.
I know it’s hard to take for a progressive humanist liberal like yourself but your beliefs are exactly as people like Bill Gates.
Conclusion, you cannot be against the new tyranical normal and be a humanist, materialist, atheist, this is the system created by that kind of thinking exactly.
My chronic incurable medical condition has been stable with medication for two years. I told my specialist on Oct 14 that I was fine. He had earlier indicated that the convid prick was safe and that he couldn’t give me an exemption. I succumbed to extreme coercion from employer and the government and was pricked on Sep 6 and Oct 19th. Yesterday I developed a pain in the ankle for no apparent reason. I suspect my condition will worsen. The stuff is not safe and mankind will suffer.
I sincerely hope your health improves and again we must wonder how could any medical doctor or scientist could agree with the introduction of spike proteins —- even ignoring the possibility of prions —- into the human body?!?!
The ignorance on these cytotoxins is appalling — if indeed ignorance is what it is?!
Thank You. As Dr Mike Yeadon said, there is no benign explanation for the forced injection of toxins into the veins of every man,woman and child.
A comment on the NYT boards a couple of days back. Let this be a warning…
I had covid in February of 2020. It was a moderate case, I’d say – I was in bed for a week or so with all of the typical symptoms, including the tell-tale loss of taste and smell, which in fact has still not fully returned, and I experienced significant post-viral fatigue for weeks afterward.
I got vaxed with the Pfizer injection (my second dose was on April 19, 2021) and after the second dose, I immediately became extremely sick, sicker than I have ever been (and I’ve had my share of severe illnesses during my life. I’m 65 years old.)
I suffered innumerable incapacitating and at times excruciatingly painful symptoms, which involved almost every physical system you can imagine: cardiac, respiratory, neurological, immune (I had massive, raging inflammation throughout my body for many weeks which affected me in innumerable ways), excruciatingly painful and incapacitating musculoskeletal disabilities and pain, etc.
Over six months later I’m still sick, I feel continually nauseated, and I have very serious neurological deficits. I believe I must have had any number of microstrokes, because my memory has been significantly degraded. It is not returning.
My doctor agrees that the Pfizer vax caused this disaster, and she wrote in my medical chart that I must never get any more vaccines, of any kind. I was in so much pain I was suicidal for weeks, despite taking an opiate drug, Percoset, to help me survive the mind-bending pain I was experiencing
I like these words a lot. I just have a trouble believing they really think this way, I think politicians will always be just surfers who ride waves. There’s a strong wave against vaccine mandates, and these guys are just riding them. I’m in Hungary, Orban’s government is a very good example of that. They just mention the words “migrants” “leftist government” in their continuing TV adverts and everyone wants to vote for them, since no one wants to be overrun.
But he’s a corona fascist like all of them, and I have trouble convincing anyone that we shouldn’t vote for either of them.
I feel the same way. I was initially quite thrilled to hear Christine Anderson say exactly what I wanted to hear everywhere. But my first reservation was when she mentioned China as a bogey man. I knew that would cast us back into the Left/Right arena.
And I think it significant that she is a member of the Alternative for Germany Party, “a nationalist and right-wing populist political party” which is “positioned on the radical right to far right of the political spectrum”, according to Wiki – and I know that Wiki is not reliable but, in this case, it doesn’t matter since these designations are the ones given out in that public domain constructed by the rulers.
Thus Anderson – like Trump and Boris and Toby Young – is set up as a convenient hate figure in our new “green socialist revolution”.
Speaking of which,
This centres on Republican candidate, Glenn Youngkin attacking a novel about sex crimes in the age of slavery which Youngkin wants to see supressed allegedly for sexually explicit material which would traumatise young people. But this is seen as a way of supressing the history of slavery etc. That many Right Wingers may indeed be racist doesn’t take away the current media campaign to present them as The Big Bad in an age where protests to bring down statues are being encouraged.
And just to make sure you get the point we have this:
And we get a bit closer to the true matter at hand with this,
This is meant to present Youngkin as a hypocrite. It thus cements the notion of Right Wingers as being anti-vax.
All of this plays into a new meme or, to be more precise, the intensification of an old meme: the rise of fascism.
The BBC recently showed Ridley Road about such a matter in the 60s. We are being psychologically manoeuvred into dreading a new rise of The Nazis who, along with being anti-Semitic, will also be equated with the anti-vaxxers. And I reckon that Christine Anderson is part of that labelling move.
I understand your reluctance to ‘side with the enemy’ but I think at this point we must ally ourselves with people we would not normally trust.
Wise military leaders have used this system for millenia.
Take, for example, WW11 when Great Britain and France cast aside 1000 years of enmity to unite against a common foe.
The old adage ‘My enemies enemy is my friend’ has some traction.
I think you have misunderstood my fundamental point. It is not that I have to “hold my nose” and join up with people from “the other side”. It’s that I am raising the whole issue of political sides i.e. Left and Right and I am saying that these are part of a theatre.
And as someone who always identified with the Left, I can see how the rhetoric works. It doesn’t matter how much good sense Christine Anderson – or Peter Hitchens or James Delingpole or so many others – talks. They are “allied with the Right” and that alone will be enough to “cancel” what they say. Not for me but for the Left side of the theatre. And that’s more of a worry now because this “Left” side has now, as it were, moved centre stage i.e. it is the mainstream “middle of the road” media who are sneering at “the Right”.
And so we have had these little arenas set up between Trump and Biden in the US and we can expect more of the same from Johnson and Starmer in the UK.
Granted, Christine Anderson has given us the hard line i.e. the truth about covid. Now that puts her at the extreme part of the theatre i.e. the “Far Right” who are about to morph into “the new Nazis”. Guaranteed. Just watch.
Of course, this is all just theatre but it will provide justification for clamping down on any genuine resistance movement who will be demonised as “Nazis”.
It makes me happy to find someone who sees through the false dialectic of the Left and the Right. They are both part of one big club. But it’s so deeply built into the political thought process of the masses that the majority find it hard to cut through the veil of deception. Unfortunately, we will be led into the new world of slavery by the very leaders we trust today, from both sides of the game.
What is wrong with being a nationalist?
The Japanese are nationalist the Chinese are nationalists, the Russians are nationalists.
Why is it wrong for Europeans and Americans to want to put their country first?
Why must they sacrifice their countries on the alter of globalism?
And the problem with globalism is it results in those who rule over us being even farther from the citizens, or should I say subjects. And therefore even less accountable than we have even here in the US with our federal system.
It always boils down to the question “who decides?”
Will it be some far off committee of hereditary self chosen aristocrats? Or will decisions be made as close as possible at the individual level?
In today’s world, given the interconnected material reality, “nationalist” simply means a unilateral globalist.
Globalism has been a disaster for my country. And it was no accident. The idea being to destroy its industrial base then it currency and then its constitution.
But the idea that people will give up their nationality is a pipe dream and will fail. Look at all the conflicts around the world between countries. That aint going to go away.
SimonO: Clearly you are a paid troll. You have perverted every topic you mention. I will start with your acct of Youngkin: His objection to the novel you mention is that it should not be on the History curricula because it is not History. The now infamous Loudon County school District, Virginia, brought Mr. Youngkin to prominence because 1) the schools there Teach CRT, which parents object to,2) gender fluiditiy is accepted and encouraged amongst the students. A black male student wore a skirt and raped a girl in the restroom. The school covered up the crime and lied about it. They transferred the boy to another school where he did the same thing. Thru emails etc evidence emerged of collusion between the School Board, Principal, teachers and Police. The parents complained and were dismissed, even told they had no right to have any say about what their children were taught. The parents were angry & demanded meetings.
At one meeting the raped girl’s father tried to be heard, a school Board official said he was a lying, the police threw him to the ground and arrested him. The National School Boards Org. wrote to the US AG, Merrick Garland.whe wrote to the DOJ with the result there are now 16 or so new Federal laws under which parents can be arrested; they have become another group classified as ‘domestic terrorists’
I do not have time to continue, You are a paid propagandist planting the seeds of lies, to poison minds before the true facts are revealed.
You can protest by leaving a comment there:
BTW, I don’t normally sign petitions these days, but I’m still on the mailing list of some petitions organising groups. I got an email today from 38 Degrees, campaigning for “safety zones” or something, around schools, to protect the children from allegedly “violent” anti-vaxx demonstrators who spread (of course) “disinformation”.
This is what we are up against: the people actually doing violence: forcing pseudo-vaccinations on children which may damage their health for life, or even kill them, are allowed to call the people protesting against this “violent”.
As it happens, I’m not aware of any anti-vaxx protests in my locality, around schools or anywhere else (and the schools have been closed anyway for half term), let alone any “violent” ones. I doubt if it is happening anywhere. But that doesn’t matter. By getting this kind of suggestion into the public consciousness (and I’m guessing that 38 Degrees has a very large mailing list), the idea that people who oppose forced child injection with this poison are (a) anti-vaxxers and (b) “violent”.
Submitted on 31Oct21 at 15:19
> “safety zones” or something, around schools, to protect the children from allegedly “violent” anti-vaxx demonstrators who spread (of course) “disinformation”
Read that too. This is so evil-minded – unbearable!
Here the BBC/Starmer about this supposititious “problem”:
Sajid Javid:
Our healthcare system is about to experience a tsunami! Potential side effects of jabs include chronic inflammation, because the vaccine continuously stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies. Other concerns include the possible integration of plasmid DNA into the body’s host genome, resulting in mutations, problems with DNA replication, triggering of autoimmune responses, and activation of cancer-causing genes. Alternative COVID cures EXIST. Ivermectin is one of them. While Ivermectin is very effective curing COVID symptoms, it has also been shown to eliminate certain cancers. Do not get the poison jab. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can!
Inflammation also results from the microclots via those spike proteins. Myocarditis being a perfect example — the standard tomography doesn’t pick up the microclots in those cases, but the more refined or specific OCT will.
The Russian Social Democrats name for minority was ‘Menshevik’. Their name for majority was ‘Bolshevik’. As the majority are for a Vaxx Pass it rightly could be said “The Bolsheviks Rule !”
At last.
Bravo Bravo Bravo. to that
Totally OT, but some light relief / sigh of despair in these hard times
A photo essay of Boris Johnson at the G20 meeting
Comments include:
It’s the drugs! [=jabs? or his Bullingdon cocktail?]
That’s Boris Yeltsin.
Not too drunk to get off the plane though, it seems. And why not party? Nero fiddled, after all
It’s more sick than light relief, I’d say.
I am watching Dopesick, suggest everyone does
This is the second time I’ve heard this theory – the author calls it recruitment test, the guy I met a while ago called it an IQ test.
Food for thought.
En francais ….:-( …
Hmmm, on verra bien mais dans les deux cas on est perdant. We live on alone and life’s not worth living or we’re done away with and our loved ones too, spoilt for choice!
Unusually strong words for a politician. Unfortunately, the one sector of society which has generally provided social opposition to government measures, those who lean “left,” has been largely neutralized by what’s nothing short of social pathology on the part of the organized “left,” including this new book from Benjamin Bratton,
The Covid Blackmail, Tony Perry, September 22, 2021. Review of Benjamin Bratton, The Revenge of the Real (Verso, 2021).
“Bratton’s starting point is that the Covid pandemic was the revenge of biological reality of the planet—in particular, against the wave of populist “incoherency” of recent years. But Bratton’s project goes far deeper than a critique of populism and an advocacy of “planetary competency” (i.e. technocracy) in its attempt to undermine the individual subject as the basis of politics. Bratton attacks what he calls the “illusion of individual autonomy,” suggesting that “our hospitals and morgues are full because of the horizontal, spontaneous, individualist irrationality of the status quo.” Instead of the contemporary view of society as a set of individuals interacting, Bratton defends what he calls a “positive biopolitics,” a revealing phrase that captures the way in which he envisions building a model of governance centered on the biological risks we present to each other.
Bratton’s book is a complete social theory of the pandemic, developing a set of concepts that take key aspects of the “temporary” state of emergency of (failed) pandemic governance and drawing out a political model that seeks to justify governing society on that basis indefinitely. In his chapter on “The Epidemiological View of Society,” the older Enlightenment model of rationally thinking and acting subjects (who can collectively decide what sort of society they want to live in) is replaced by a view of society that has collective risk at its heart. Instead of seeing other people as political subjects, Bratton suggests, it is their potential to harm us through their basic biological ability to transmit infectious diseases that is their dominant social characteristic. The subject, then, is not a “self-sovereign individual” but is instead a vector of “public transmissibility.” The final death of the subject is then brought about by public health considerations. Significantly, the tying of the subject to transmissibility above all means that Bratton’s model is not restricted to a pandemic situation, but is rather an attempt to universalize and generalize the most risk-averse understanding of the pandemic into a model of society that will surely outlast Covid.
There are two major consequences of this epidemiological view of society and its understanding of subjects not as self-sovereign but as potentially dangerous vectors that ought to be subject to control on public health grounds. Bratton is, of course, not the first to justify pandemic responses through a purported placing of the collective over the (selfish, irrational) demands of the individual, but he is perhaps the most thoroughgoing and bold in drawing out the consequences of this logic.
The first consequence of elevating the epidemiological to the “first principle of the social,” as Bratton puts it, is a particular ethical position. For Bratton, the sheer biological fact that we all are vectors of infection is independent of our subjective intent; he titles his chapter on this “The Ethics of Being an Object.” Reading the chapter, it seems like the rejection of your own subjectivity, and the inhabitation of a strange world of objects, is the best we can strive for; the most we can do ethically is to wear a mask, which will communicate our “solidarity with the immunological commons.” Relatedly, Bratton takes issue with the idea that “direct and ‘unmediated’ touch is not only preferable to remote engagement, but that it is authentic in ways that mediated social relations can never be.” Objects seem to lose nothing by being presented on Zoom screens rather than face-to-face. Bratton reifies atomization and fear of others into a positive good. And given who precisely was behind the screens during Covid, it seems like a direct formalization of petty-bourgeois ideology.”
Expect this sort of toxic argument – bury the principle of individual freedom because ‘social responsibility’ – to increase from here forward:
We’re in a population overshoot that’s helping materially to destabilise the planet; the limits to growth are now insisting that they be heard and acknowledged, no demurral allowed; thus these calamitous, non-deniable, non-negotiable realities ‘justify’ draconian neo-feudal social orders, to allow us to ‘cope’ with the problems.
A false equation (the crises are real, but they absolutely don’t justify fascistic responses), but a tempting one for WealthPowerStatus addicts; the psycho-sociopaths propose to continue to make hay as always even whilst the Earth goes through a major rat-shit episode. Big disaster-capitalism opportunity!
Such toxic chop-logicking holds water about as well as a shagged-out, time-expired sieve. But it will become fashionable amongst the Powers That shouldn’t Be for the next considerable while, whilst the Earth’s eco-geo-physical crises resolve themselves in the inevitable way.
Well-said, sir!
another context free assertion, doing the globalist job for them.
…slow clap…
Jesus! That’s horrific.
Jeffrey, being Left, left-leaning, left-wing, is not an antidote. Leftists have no better claim on being able to resist psyops, mass-media fear campaigns, emotional manipulations – than ordinary folk. If you believe Germ Theory, in the existence of pathogenic viruses, have Dr Freud’s “free-floating Anxiety”, accept The Science, then being Left isnt going to protect you. Those on the Left are just as likely to succumb to Bratton’s insidious logic as apoliticals would… (Was it Gramsci who wrote that intellectuals are the weavers of The Emperor’s New Clothes ?… While it’s not pertinent to your offering:
Since early 2020 we’ve been subject to a full array of propaganda techniques to obtain our conformity, our obedience. How many who comment on this site have pressed themselves to understand those manipulative techniques ? If the VIPs much mass-media publicised Climate Emergency talkfest is the Official start of another “Save Grannie” terror campaign repackaged as “Save The Planet”, being able to expose those techniques are a necessary tool. Are we up to it ?
The “left” seriously sabotaged itself by the late 19th Century via accepting the state as a neutral social entity rather than the ruling elite’s main tool of coercive enforcement of the elite’s priorities. It did likewise by uncritically accepting the doctrine being spewed by institutions controlled by elites as “science,” never mind the mechanistic materialism paradigm within which everything is a machine or mechanism, rather than complex processes far more like organisms than machines, including the field of “public health” which became totally dominated by Rockefeller Foundation funding and the accession of allopathic medicine and ample use of chemicals (produced by the oil industry, i.e. Rockefeller) to a position of exclusive control over notions of well being, to the exclusion of traditional medicines. Microbiology over cellular biology as well.
That could well be the single best article I have yet read on the entire covid issue.
The final paragraph seems to me to be the most illuminating:
And this is where the old definitions of Left/Right seem to break down. The stunning success of the covid psy-op and its reliance on precisely that Left/Right split suggest that our entire way of conceiving politics is erroneous and, I think, part of a long incubated deliberate misconception.
There is no range of truly free parties who can debate openly the pressing issues and no political spectrum. There is only a theatre used by an elite to foster their own agenda. This has now become unavoidably true as Event Covid reveals the true underlying power structure and shows unmistakably the end game.
What we are seeing here goes beyond the old visions of a nightmare totalitarian system. Even Orwell’s dystopia never imagined a world in which people would be afraid to touch and even go near each other. And where this pathological aversion would be backed up by the most vehement moralistic denunciation. This is mass terrorism of a type and degree never before seen or even dreamt of.
True! This is problematic, however. “The possibility that there is some acceptance for such views within leftist circles bodes terribly for the Left.” Way more than “possibility” at this point, or “some acceptance,” such views have become de rigueur in many leftist circles.
This was one of the “thunderbolts” for me – and it happened way back at the beginning. This line from the review is very pertinent:
Not merely Bratton’s starting point. At that point, i.e. back at the beginning of Event Covid, it seemed to me that this was the starting point of everyone on the Left.
It was Philip Roddis who started making noises, back at the dawn of covid, about “The Big One”. By this he meant the “retributive natural uprising” against the capitalist system. This furious drive for competitive maximisation of profits and disregard for all health and safety measures was bound to produce some biological nemesis. Well there is a certain credibility in the idea. But it wasn’t a major pillar of the original Marxism which was concerned with the inevitable social and economic effects of capitalism.
Nevertheless this “Covid as the Poetic Downfall of Capitalism” idea was being constantly promulgated elsewhere too. Indeed it seemed universal on what we might call the official Left. I pointed out the glaringly obvious fallacy of wishful thinking here. But to no avail.
And there is a further “logical” move here: if covid is the downfall of capitalism then anyone sceptical about covid must be a capitalist apologist, a Right Winger, a reactionary, a selfish bastard only complaining about the attack on his individual freedoms etc. Philip himself tried this on with me by referring to covid scepticism as a “libertarian” thing.
These two memes – covid as end of capitalism and covid scepticism as “Right Wing” – seemed so relentlessly ubiquitous on the Left that I am convinced all of this was planned as a psy-op. The mainstream Left – and even such “extreme” wings as the WSW – were all controlled opposition who have now “been activated” by Event Covid to take centre stage. This Left is now the mainstream. It was once the covert face of the ruling class. It is now the overt face. (Even though much of it still amusingly tries to present itself as oppositional!)
This Benjamin Bratton is intriguing. He is apparently “an American sociologist, architectural and design theorist, known for philosophical and applied research and for his writing on the geopolitical implications of what he terms “planetary scale computation“”. (Wiki – as are the quotes below)
What a wealth of clandestine networking is summed up in that expression “planetary scale computation”.
His book The Revenge of the Real: Politics for a Post-Pandemic World “argues that the pandemic demonstrates…”
Now the moment you see “the pandemic demonstrates” you know you are in the realm of the “inarguable” pronouncement. The pandemic is not to be questioned. Therefore what it demonstrates is also not to be questioned.
And what is “demonstrated”? That an “ongoing crisis of governance in the West, and that technological capacity to respond to planetary crises outstrips the social and cultural capacity for collective self-organization”.
You could not be more candid than that! The age of collective self-organisation is gone! Now we will have the “technological capacity to respond to planetary crises” – these crises which, we are assured, will be “ongoing”.
And since the collective is banished, the rule will now pass to … the arbiters of this technological capacity.
Nicely articulated!!!!
In a natursl occurring pandemic, one would presume AUTOPSIES would be the research order of the day, yet these past several years post—mortems have been relatively scarce, and finding their results even scarcer!
When the first publicised death occurred with the administering of those spikevaxes —– a nurse in Portugal —— almost immediately after receiving the spikevax, the autopsy results were kept confidential, as often has been the case!
Clearly, this was not a natural pandemic, but structured as a subscription process similar to the Internet model — every time period we will be mandated to receive the mystery booster jabs!
That’s why they downgraded it from a HCID.
No autopsy required if not HCID.
Kali Cook, a 4 year old in Galveston County, died on Sept 7. Announcements everywhere: she died of covid. The WSW practically ecstatic. But 10 days later the Houston Chronicle voiced doubt saying the results of her autopsy were still expected. And … I have yet to find any further information.
Aus (Vic) Armed cops agree with protesters, are “fed up of it all”…
“But I’m just doing my job”
I’m sick of these idiots saying they are just doing their job. I refused to go to work 3 months ago when my employer forced masks, let alone the damn injection. Haven’t been back since. Who else is prepared to not just do their job? We are few and far between, indeed.
Indeed. I wonder if the cop would pause for thought had the reply been…
“I’m just doing my job”
‘Yeah? I’m just protesting for our freedom against mandatory medical experiments.
Do you know the last time these exact same arguments were aired together?
1947 Nuremberg.’
And the fact that they look like SWAT or something out of Israel to hound healthy people in the part, Fucking insane.
1)The WHO has simply redefined words as “vaccination” and “”pandemic” – so as if the WHO has the power and right to CHANGE THE MEANING of words of a language. A typical case of Orwell’s “New Speak”!
At 3:35 of their video Corbett and Pilato present this maneuver of the WHO:
2) Sadly – only in German: A great lecture of Dr. Wodarg “RISIKOBEWERTUNG DER CORONA-IMPFSTOFFE – DR. WOLFGANG WODARG” –
you can probably get a good idea of Dr. Wodargs position, and his info on risk assesment, from his english language blog…
A very good recommendation!
“case” and “infection” too. The NHS is wasting millions, (billions?) testing and treating essentially healthy people, for the benefit of insider grifters.. The symptoms of covid have been changed so that they now encompass the common cold and flu. The current total ‘covid’ deaths amount to 160 per week. In 2018 (last figures I could find), about 9,000 died each and every week (on average) with about 800 for heart conditions down to about 250 for influenza in the top five causes of death.
I was just musing to self this am….now one can go to chemist to get lateral flow test to test if one has the flu/cold….since when has anyone needed to know if they have the flu/cold…symptoms are pretty recognisable without a bloody test…have we gone completely stupid?
From that lady in the UK who entered a supposedly overwhelmed clinic to video it as being completely empty (this took place over a year ago), one would say it was an obvious conspiracy on a global order!
The symptoms of covid were always those of the cold or the flu. The only supposed difference was that, with covid, there was also a loss of smell and taste – which also applied to cold and the flu.
This lack of differentiation was deliberate in order to maximise hypochondria.
I succumbed to an earlier version of SARS while briefly working in Hong Kong some years back — this was the version admitted to have escaped from a lab in China.
The symptoms I experienced, short of death, are similar to those side effects some have experienced from the spikevaxes —– ponder that!
They come for me. I reach for my blade. Pinkie in Brighton Rock style. Greene was one of my favourites. I am happy to live out a good pulp novel to finish my earthly days, and amuse me on my way to the real book, my faith. You can’t beat the best writers.
We don’t have hat bands to hide the blade so I had to improvise. I was thinking of a little flask of vitriol but I didn’t get that sorted in time.
They wrestle my arms. I still have one free. I secrete the blade in my fingers. I catch his eye, his bulbous glaza. He falls back but they come in groups of five or more.
They neck me… that’s the common form of police assault nowadays: they call it a floyd. A knee on the neck while another applies the needle.
They have had their fun. I refuse to get up. They took my life, they must deal with it. I lie in the road. I hear them screaming, get up, get up. They kick me. I resolve to live it out here and if needs be to make this my grave.
Of course they don’t let me. The principle of new normal is that we peons have no say. So I am carted to a hospital. I know they have me now. I owe it to my belief not to die willingly so I fight, knowing I can hardly win.
But in defiance is victory.
There is a story of a Russian priest or rabbi. The NKVD greaser spins the chamber and tells him: there is one bullet in this gun that has your name. He replies: you have one bullet; I have two lives. One on Earth you can take; the other is beyond your reach.
On fire MC +10
I just wanted to say that Mike Ellwood over on Moneycircus’s site is complaining about not being able to post on OffG because of the pending/spam filters. He says it’s happening to everything he’s posted.
Has happened to my posts as well, but they usually end up being posted so real humanoids must be reviewing them?!
There seems to be a connection
The ‘disclosed contracts’ were hilarious. Pages and pages of blacked out text.
As one of the speakers said (slight paraphrase):
‘When a government knows everything about you, that’s tyranny. When you know everything about your government that’s freedom’
(‘Freedom’ works better than ‘democracy’ imho )
Totally off topic (perhaps) but I was musing on that series “Killing Eve” about a cute and cuddly psychopath called Villanelle who we are clearly supposed to identify with. There’s an episode in the third series where she visits her family home in Russia and finds cutely backward peasants. Some of them tell her that the Americans are trying to fool them, that the Earth is flat and there is a secret organization influencing every government in the world. And they mention David Icke. Villanelle scoffs.
The Evening Standard has an unintentionally amusing comment:
“There’s a David Icke joke, because Russians are in the business of believing fake news about fake moon landings and lizards running the Earth …”
Ha ha stupid Russians! We Westerners are so much smarter!
The only “sensible” person Villanelle meets is a young boy with an Elton John fixation. The episode ends with her causing an explosion that kills her entire family but she leaves a ticket for the boy (who survives) to go see Elton.
It’s interesting to muse on what’s happening here. Villanelle is one of a series of glamorous psychos who may be fun to watch but horrendous to meet (think Dexter, Goodfellas etc.) – and indeed how many cute and cuddly psychos are there? Furthermore she has an extremely low boredom threshold, screams in impatience at an art gallery and just wants to go and get high and basically kill people. But she is the “sane one” here, speaking up for Western rational values as opposed to the “peasant ignorance” that doesn’t trust the media! (Imagine not trusting the media!) And the culmination of the story is the destruction of a family so a little boy can go and watch an aging pop star. And what does the boy do after that? The question never arises since the role model for rationality is someone who just lives in a depthless “NOW”.
When did the series get launched what was the 1st series about .? what was happening at the exact time in the U>k and E>U and Russia in the news………?
March 2018 Novichok poisonings – “Killing Eve” aired April 2018.
Sports- TV series – Films all intermingle with current news at the period.
Once sat at a nearby table at a breakfast eatery when David Icke was in conversation with another — didn’t recognize him at the time but he is one one super-sharp fellow going by his conversation that day!
“Natural gas is worse for the climate than you think”
All right. Actually, using heat pumps is probably not a bad idea, except that the system needs all electricity and refrigerant, and it remains to be determined the carbon print of producing both would be, and how it would compare to the use of natural gas.
Anyways, as bad as natural gas might be for the climate, I wonder how bad the absence thereof will be for people frozen asses since the flow of Russian gas toward the west is reported to have stopped.
Didn’t the Russians win the Battle of Stalingrad by freezing Nazi asses …:-D … ? History repeating itself?
I recall shopping in local supermarkets that had very few refrigerated sections – mainly for ‘Dairy’… Nowadays they’ve huge refrigerated section units full to the brim with processed stuff (called ‘foods’)… Could it be that all the processing, and storage of the processed stuffs are Dooming Life on Earth ? (Will little billy gates non-meat meat patties require refrigeration, and contribute to Our Doom ?)
Patrick L noted how the transgender issue was an important step for testing the water re: pubic gullibility. He said,
I reckon another testing of gullibility was the “Corbyn Labour Party as Fourth Reich” meme.
Speaking of which, I read a Telegraph article complaining, ironically enough, about how TV dramas can never be honest about the past. In a mention of the recent drama “Ridley Road” about (alleged) rising fascism in Britain in the 60s, the writer (one Ben Lawrence) made a comment about anti-Semitism along the lines of “we know what end of the political spectrum that comes from currently”. Presumably meaning that it’s the Left who are the new Nazis.
And then I discovered this:
All about how that Ridley Road thing was an anti-Brexit anachronism. Cf:
Crossposted on Moneycircus Discord — Invite
This is beautiful. Whoever tried to diminish Ozzies is so wrong. This shows there is an understanding, an empathy, a mutual strength that can be tapped.
The respect with which everyone listens — ok, anthem time.. but there is something transcendent here.
The Nuremberg Code stands. We reject eugenics. And we deny them another Holocaust.
We are resilient. We are interdependent. And we are the globality.
Moneycircus Substack
Beautiful and resonant. Thank you for this.
I’m wondering if there’s any way we could import European politicians with spines, such as these people, into Canada? The gutless clowns that are ‘elected’ here, at the very least, should be tarred and feathered.
Don’t be fooled by these treacherous cretins. Controlled opposition without doubt. One doesn’t become a Member of any parliament without being part of the club.
“slander the Messenger to destroy the message.” ?
Controlled or not, the point is if they inspire more people to get into the streets and start smashing shit, we all know that is the only way to bring about change.
Controlled or not, the point is if they inspire more people to get into the streets and smash shit, we all know that’s the only way real change comes about.
And soooo much is controlled opposition these days — I recall all the wasted time and effort over the years in volunteer activist groups infiltrated by police informants —- as if health and workers’ rights were radical affairs!
How evil is this?
FDA News, Aug 17, 2021 — First Oral Blood Thinner Is Approved for Children
“The FDA approved dabigatran etexilate as the first oral blood thinner for children aged 3 months to 11 years who have venous thromboembolism”
Hospitals Prepare To Receive Child Stroke Victims – Email to UKC (Oct 29 show)
Email: “Quietly this is happening in children’s hopsitals — getting ready for stroke admissions because of mass vaccinations.”
Document: Starting Tomorow Pediatric Code Stroke will become operational at children’s hospital… multi disciplinary team approach to managing pediatric patients with suspected stroke.”
So “Covid-19 vaccines may increase the risk of venous thromboembolism” ( and the newly approved Pradaxa is “to treat children 3 months to less than 12 years old with venous thromboembolism … directly after they have been treated with a blood thinner given by injection for at least five days”. The kids are given a potentially lethal vaccine to protect them from a bug that is of almost zero threat to them … and they are to be given another drug to protect them from the vaccine?
Iatrogenesis in action.
(post submitted on 30Oct2021 at 16:39)
I’m not sure why you’re coming through to ‘pending’ regularly, I will look into it. A2
UPDATE: I have tracked down the possible cause, a moniker that had been previously flagged matches a segment of your moniker. That might be the reason. I have sorted that now, see how you get on.
In future, if you encounter problems of this sort, in order to separate a genuine issue from the chattering discontent which is a perennial feature here, please approach admin with a reasonable description of you issue, when it occurred etc., rather than posting passive aggressive dates on your comments and lurking in the bushes to try to embarrass us if you consider your comment has taken too long to be cleared. Often server/browser caching means comments can seem to take longer to appear than they actually do, which is out of our control. Thank you for understanding. A2
A great Business Model – that keeps on giving. And treating doctors will remain puzzled about the cause of the epidemic of strokes etc in the young they’re ‘treating’.
Psychotically logical!
“It appears the war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist oligarch mobster psychopath Nazis believe that giving WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity) advance notice of their continued Crimes against Humanity frees themselves from accountability, and liability, for said crimes.”
Whitby, where a blood-sucking vampire landed. Of course, if he tried his old tricks now he’d choke on the clots.
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Normalizing what they want to come is exactly what they are doing.
There is no longer any doubt.
As long as there is a single genuine human being left on this planet, these subhumans have lost the battle.
So we’re going to have to think seriously about the matter of what it is to be human.
“ACTING!” A new comedic farce and romp from the I FEEL YOUR PAIN PERFORMERS.”
thank god DeSantis is fighting the deep state !
Florida Introduces Digital Driver’s Licenses With Smart ID App
Desantis is a facade just like Trump.
If Desantis was real he wouldn’t have gone to Israel to sign a Florida Bill banning free speech about Israel at Universities.
Desantis and Abbott will be on the Red Team ticket in 2024. The next banker boss puppets in the White Wash House.
was being sarcastic
That website has clear markers of controlled opposition…
I clicked on the link about Ohio judges who’d died recently. The story was written by “Tyler”. A tyler is an office in the lodges of a certain fraternal organisation (ditto lewis BTW). Brad Pitt’s character in ‘Fight Club’ is called Tyler. That film is full of occulted goings-on from disassociative personality disorder to a fraternity sworn to secrecy to blowing up the twin towers at the end. The article contains an utterly gratuitous reference to Pythagoras. He invented much of geometry and had a cult following of alleged kiddie-fiddlers.
I’ve been arguing for months that De Santis isn’t genuine. Florida politics is a notorious cesspool, even by US standards. It’s where Jeb Bush was governor, for heaven’s sake. There are clear examples of control at much lower levels (for example Soros funded DAs) so it’s improbable any governors aren’t controlled – and certainly not governors of states as large and strategic as Florida.
Tyler Durden?
I don’t know about Tylers.
But I agree that De Santis is controlled opposition. He is being groomed as a savior for people who care about freedom and their own country. Just as the puppet Trump was.
DeSantis reminds me of the Big Brother portrayal from 1984. I can’t really say why, something about the way he looks maybe, not really sure. While I currently admire some of his rhetoric, it is all rhetoric and if he wants to stay alive and wealthy, he too will play along. Controlled opposition most assuredly. If he wasn’t he wouldn’t still be around making noise, would he?
It’s possible that a lot of Victorians wish they lived in New South Wales which is using a Softly Softly Catchee the Monkees staggered implementation of the full Covid- Great Reset Future, instead of the brutal sledge-hammer imposition being used in Victoria.,..
Except he did keep the state open and isn’t forcing the kiddos to wear masks. Before Joe was elected people were saying…why yes he has dementia but there will be better people behind the scenes running things. “Better” hasn’t really panned out unless you are into poorly implemented neoliberal policies. Sadly you have to pay homage to at least some of the real powers to advance in US politics no matter what side you are on. Otherwise they will crush you or you will be made insignificant.
I have a good-hearted, well-meaning, but decidedly non-intellectual old friend– essentially a classic antiwar and pro-civil rights progressive-liberal.
She didn’t freak out when Trump was elected to the point of acquiring rabid Trump Derangement Syndrome. But she still clings to the legacy myth that the Republican Party of Cain is populated with utterly evil powermongers, whereas Democratic Party of Judas Elected Misrepresentatives are generally decent and humane, if inept.
Anyway, she said almost exactly what you wrote when I cautiously asked her if she was pleased with Biden’s (manufactured) victory: “Oh, I know he’s losing it! But, see, he’ll be surrounded by people who won’t let him fail!”
She still apparently watches cable TV, because she still thinks highly of the abominable celebrity comedians who host talk or “news” shows, e.g. Stephen Colbert and Bill Maher. So maybe she lifted this talking point from one of them.
I was startled by this seemingly-novel assurance, but I held my tongue instead of pressing her to think through this “workaround” rationalization.
She may be into “poorly implemented neoliberal policies”, but my guess is she’s just oblivious to them. I haven’t talked to her recently, so I’m not sure if she’s still optimistically satisfied with her stated theory that a demented (nominal) head of state dependent on subordinates’ “help” is clearly an improvement over the dastardly Trump.
I have avoided asking a few of the people that told me that electing a demented president was ok. They haven’t volunteered yet how much they like his governance. I suspect that they will avoid the question. I asked one person who she thought was running things since Joe has dementia…she said, “What, you think he has dementia??” She isn’t a stupid person but…?
In my experience, when an older person with adult children begins to display proto-dementia (to coin a term), there’s always at least one child– and sometimes other relatives– who refuse to see it.
Eventually the failing person has a crisis or emergency situation that forces the refuseniks to acknowledge what everyone else knew for a long time.
This is why they say that denial ain’t just a river in Egypt. 😉
Excellent response.
at this stage it would certainly be best practice to assume all of these things
are gangs counter gangs and pseudo
distillation filter everything
these actors are all corporation sol
reserve your rights at all times by writing the words or saying them
if you sign and comply you are slave of rome
Controlled opposition doling out hopium.
An article regarding the universal folly of universal vaccination. >
More on Original Antigenic Sin and the Folly of Our Universal Vaccination Campaign
More on Original Antigenic Sin and the Folly of Our Universal Vaccination Campaign – by eugyppius – eugyppius (
JJ couey was covering the latest research on this (in great detail) last night on twitch (Gigaohmbiological), he’d probably quibble with the loose use of ‘antibodies’ in the post you cite as there’s no real corrolate for immunity, but generally agree I think as they both seem to be on the same page.
It’s pretty clear the vax is driving virus evolution, only the S1/S2 epitopes are changing, multiple similar changes in different geographys. Trevor Bedfords work on the genebank data shows the S domain changing at orders of magnitude higher rates than any other epitopes, way higher than expected.
Geert postulates the same with a testable hypothesis:
Here’s a new paper with the evidence, note the changes are all in the S domain, evolving in 3 different countries at the same time:
If I was designing an immune system, I would have multiple detectors with a threshold for action. If something not-self gathered say 5 or more markers, bang – take the fscker out. That would allow for efficacy against mutating pathogens.
Our noble omnipotent technocratic overlords however consider one sufficient. It is guaranteed to lead to resistant strains, much like ‘leaky’ (eg for virus infections, to get the patient to go away, for profit, for insufficient course duration etc) use of antibiotics have led to resistant bacteria.
we have multiple detectors on the front door step (Dendritic cells, B cells, CD8+T cells, CD4 T cells)
but the toxic jab is mandated to go in the servants entrance.
I certainly agree 100 % with her.
Funny ..
“Hands off our mέta, Our Center for Postcapitalist Civilization, Mr. Zuckerberg,” tweeted the former Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis.
He accused Zuck of stealing Meta’s name. Varoufakiz sits on the think tank’s advisory board. “You, and your minions, wouldn’t recognize civilization even if it hit you with a bargepole.”
Not sure if this was discussed, but as far as I know the reason why they’re so vigorously suppressing treatment for the common cold marketed as BS-19 is that if there were treatment, it would not be possible under the existing rules to have the experimental genetic shit authorized for emergency use, as the unavailability of treatment is a precondition.
That’s true from what I’ve read. I also think it’s interesting that COVID appeared and right away they were ready to go into trials for the mRNA vaccine. Now we’ve had the variants like Delta for many months. The booster doesn’t really cover it and yet no new vaccine. How come the original mRNA vaccine was so ready to go?
“John Wick 2: Mengele Apocalypse,”

” * No Beagles were harmed in the making of this film.”
About ‘John’: +100
go John go go go!!!
If I didn’t know better, I’d say there were a lot of worry wrinkles on Falsie’s forehead…
Dissent sells well and will be circulated all over. They are smart, and good actors as well, their rhetoric is polished and high-brow. They could write good theater plays. They will pay no price for it in the least. On the contrary, they will be rewarded, i.e., reelected. There are different ways to get to power and stay in power. They know it, they know them.
There is a difference between dissent and defense. The two are not to be confused as it the intention of the privately owned mega powerful monopoly enhanced corporations are running the show. The flunkies running the government are just pawns in the corporate control and own everything game; the job of the flunky is to keep the attentions of those who are the audience in the great game of mind control.
The former defies the mandates of authority, the latter speaks to the instincts survival rouses.
I twist the truth, I rule the world, my crown is called deceit
I am the emperor of lies, you grovel at my feet
I rob you and I slaughter you, your downfall is my gain
And still you play the sycophant and revel in your pain
And all my promises are lies, all my love is hate
I am the politician and I decide your fate
It’s quite a shock to discover that major European countries like Spain, Germay and the Netherlands don’t have to copy France’s new homeschooling ban because they already have one. Sweden also effectively has one.
The explosion in children being homeschooled in the US has reached over 2m. I wonder if the myserious cessation in school shootings might not in some way have been connected?
The old argument that homeschooled children would grow up socially maladjusted has been exposed as the farce it always was in the era of masking and social distancing. If Convid was remotely real, the state would be encouraging homeschooling while discouraging migration and telling people not to panic – the fact that none of this is happening reveals that there’s a different true agenda to “defeating the virus”.
Almost every policy is opposite to what you would expect in the face of a plague:
All the above makes sense if:
I wonder if the mysterious cessation in school shootings might not in some way have been connected? <= No, The school place has become so infested with corporate mind control propaganda and misdirected and invented histories and all sorts of wild ideology about race, lack of human rights, and exploitative enforced behaviors, that no sane caring parent is willing to allow the governmental establishments to instill corporate content into the minds of young people.
thanks for the list well done.
They can’t encourage home schooling in case some children develop the faculty of critical thought. If migration was discouraged overpopulation would be less of a problem and give them less cause to blame us for environmental crimes.
one reason i am not living in germany, or the netherlands.
Well said!
“If Convid was remotely real, the state would be encouraging homeschooling”
Here is a post emblematic of the very need for upvoting. +10
Amazing is’nt it?, In true cyber psychosis alt media manner the EVIL E.U unelected bureaucrats (todays heros) ARE now upset that the elected bureaucrats behavior towards the slaves.6/12 months + after the passports have come out in some E>U country’s is worthy of cheap Day of the Dead/Hallowmas PR which alt media will spread to it Bipolar zombies who watch this crap as alternative news.

Sikh for truth what a truth warrior 2 years later.
Nice 333 time code though
It’s been said that science begins as philosophy and ends as art. In this the 21st century science now begins as politics and ends as farce, or fantasy, or fraud, or fascism, or whatever “F” words comes to mind.
What this world is currently short of is courage – it’s good to see and hear a courageous politician.
God bless her.
Summaries of the UK Column shows on Oct 29 and Oct 27.
After an explosive (practically psychotic) argument with a friend over covid, I realise that this video will have little effect. I can just imagine showing that friend the video. He would reject it utterly by saying something like, “Well if we’re not to trust the government, aren’t they part of the government?” And it pretty much goes without saying that the Right Wing connection will be eagerly seized on by even vaguely Left leaning punters. Anderson’s sneer at the Chinese system will be the proverbial red rag to them too. (Colour pun intended!)
Probably time to find some new friends, mate. Or improve your persuasive powers.