DISCUSS: COP26 gets underway…

The big day is here – today the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties, better known as COP26, begins in Glasgow.
It follows on the G20 meeting in Rome. So all the private/diplomatic/military flights taking armies of delegates to Rome took off again and landed in Glasgow.
To ensure enough living space for the swollen population of beurocrats, personal assistants and lapdog journalists the organizers have arranged to have cruise ships moored on the river Clyde, with their engines running 24/7.
Boris Johnson has said that time is running out for action on climate change, that we are at “one minute to midnight”, but throw in the private jets and cruise ships and we’ve probably wasted about fifteen seconds of that minute already.
Oh, there’s no vaccine passports required either.
In the age of Zoom, it boggles the mind, simply from an optics standpoint, why these big international conferences need to happen at all.
So, what can we expect from the big meet up?
Well, at a general level, it’s easy to predict: Fearmongering. A lot of it. Like a lot a lot.
Expect to be inundated with high res picutres of forest fires or polar bears looking sad. Expect headlines with phrases like “already too late” and “our last chance” and a parade of variations on that theme.
You know, stuff like this…
We are digging our own graves […] Either we stop it, or it stops us,”
…which was said by UN Secretary General António Guterres earlier today.
More specifically, we have to be on the look out for the pivot from pandemic to environment, OffG has written before about how the plan is make climate the new covid, and if they intend to launch that narrative on the world stage it will be during COP26.
Keep an eye out for articles and opinion pieces promoting the idea of climate lockdowns. Headlines such as “we locked down for a covid, and climate change is far more dangerous”, or “if we can protect the nhs, we can protect the environment”, or “we made sacrifices to save ourselves, we must do the same save the world for our grandchildren”.
You know, stuff like this…
Climate crisis needs same urgency seen at start of Covid pandemic”
…which was in the Guardian last week.
One potentially telling sign is that, after two years of Covid graphs appearing on every frontpage on the net, The Guardian is mixing it up this week by adding climate graphs (note the lack of y-axes):

Maybe it’s meaningless, or maybe it’s just one other small way to flow into climate from Covid.
So, the some questions moving forward…
- Why can’t they do this remotely?
- Which paper will have the craziest headline?
- Who will make the most embarassing speech (but be called “brave” in the press anyway)?
- How long before someone recommends “climate lockdowns”?
- …seriously, why couldn’t they do this remotely?
As always, discuss below.
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Here’s a amazing article on Climate Change as seen through the eyes of the Inuit over at The Conservative Woman
My post on a bit of environmental vandalism is gone.
Actually the post was on a later article and is still there. Apologies.
UK Column News – 1st November 2021
G20 Global Health Task Force
Will dole out money. pursue global minimum tax
UKC Bilderberg 2013: The Birth Of A Global Tax System
COP26 It’s The Last Chance Saloon, Again
For 21 Years On The Trot — it’s been the same slogan
Jon Snow of Channel 4 confuses “leaves on the line,” with climate change and autumn.
Bezos arrives in Glasgow to launch fund – fresh from superyacht, helicopter jolly.
Daily Mail — Bill Gates flies Jeff Bezos and FIFTY guests in helicopters to Turkish beach resort from his $2M-a-week yacht for his 66th birthday
Energy For Me But Not For Thee
Banning coal denies development to poorest countries
OECD withdraws export credits for African coal purchases
Nature Blanket bans on fossil-fuel funds will entrench poverty
David Scott: there is no scientific justification for banning coal – but it will keep countries poor and in suffering. The rules don’t apply to powerful developing countries like China.
Mike Robinson: If you keep Africans poor, they may be sicker, less able to resist globalist forces like the UN or GAVI or billionaire philanthropists.
JCB Unveils Hydrogen Engine
Hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels, produces water vapour greenhouse gas.
David Scott: JCB is trying to help humanity thrive. Club of Rome regards humanity as the enemy.
Mark Carney Bankers’ Alliance (Only Western banks sign up)
WSJ: Mark Carney, Ex-Banker, Wants Banks to Pay for Climate Change
Only non-Western press decry COP26 charade
Manila Times: UN chief cries ‘code red’ for humanity; skeptics decry ‘false alarm, dishonesty’
Murdered MP Amess’ Links to Qatar In Context Of Somali Politics 00:32:00
TurbulentTimes: Two-Camels Amess By Richard North – October 19, 2021
UK Police Enqiring Into Shotgun Licence-Holders, Citing Covid Mental Illness 00:35:00
“Gun licensing has been a secret agenda of successive governments including the false flags of Hungerford, followed by Dunblane and more recently Plymouth.”
Cumbria Police now responsible for mental health — issue suicide prevention guide.
MC: what about mental police?
UK Hospitals Ready For Jump In Child Illness – Preparing For “Any Surge”
RSV on of the three illnesses Gov expects this winter.
What Explains Rising Cases Among the Vaccinated? By Dr Mike Williams on UKC
DHS preparing for “any surge” in pediatric care
Kiwi Press Ignores Threat to Fire Unvaxxed Midwives By Nov 15
Midwives Challenge Vaccine Mandate In New Zealand Courts 00:44:00
Up to 300 midwives, or 10% of total, expected to decline clot shot,
US Police Exodus As Up to 30% Refuse Clot Shot
Children Are Dying Because Adults Are Scared
Gripped by fear, people are demanding everyone is vaccinated – according to Jacinda Ardern etc.
Brian Gerrish: this agenda makes sense if the policy is division and fear.
Excess Deaths Climbing — Media Silent. Where Is Full Fact?
Ivor Cummings: what is causing all the deaths in under 45’s –
it ain’t Covid?
18 Months Too Late, UK Press Begins To Awaken
Andrew Lilico in Daily Telegraph: Lockdown fanatics should be ashamed of themselves
Housing Bubble As People Flee Fiat Currency 00:57:00
U.S. rents and prices rocket; not included in headline inflation data
Case-Shiller Index – House Prices up 18% over a year.
Blackstone buying homes for rent: avge rent up 9.8% on year in Sep
Invitation Inc raised rents 11% in Q3, 8% on renewals, 18% on new leases
UK divorces driving demand for separate homes – report to UKC
BTL investment is 25% of all house purchases in UK
House prices, rents are not included in inflation statistics — yet they are the fastest rising prices of any sector. Inflation numbers are the most manipulated.
Australian Cen Bank Loses Control
Reuters – Australia’s central bank loses yield control as bonds melt downBond yield surges 7 1/2 times higher than it should be.. cannot defend peg.
ECB struggles against market hawks.
David Scott: press is still pretending its a supply chain bottleneck.
How inflation works: the Cen Banks, Govs, Companies who get their hands on money first do very well. The next down the chain get something. Those at the bottom, like pensioners, lose heavily. It is a wealth tax and a transfer from the have-nots to the haves.
Venezuelan Currency Collapses, People Buy Gold
After removing 6 zeros from the Bolivar it takes 7 million old Bolivars to buy bread.
People using gold by the gram, solving problems where Gov fails.
The Citizens Expand Operations Across UK 01:05:00
Ford Foundation: Disrupting systems to advance social justice
Luminate (Omidyar, eBay), deploys $314m in 18 countries, through 236 organizations
Rowntree: changing voting system, “speaking truth to power”… who would that be?
All The Citizens: Clara Maguire multiskilling at: Good Lab, WeArePopUp, Branson Centers, Architecture 00, IBS Coach and OnHand.
David Scott: black and white, collective, no individuality –if power is to be more responsive, who does it answer to?
American Medical Association Capitulates To Critical Race Theory 01:13:15
AAMC Center for Health Justice – Equity Guide
See page 5: “Counter-narrating the attack on critical race theory.”
I just don’t get this pivot from the “virus” to the environment. Especially if the reason is that people are becoming “bored” with the pandemic and are beginning to see through it. Because they tried the environment narrative and it failed. They achieved much much more with the “virus”.
So why would people react to the environment narrative now? When everyone already (even in my country, Hungary) talks about how many planes these pretentious arseholes took to this meeting.
Why would it work now?
Looking at people, the virus narrative could still work, because people just stopped thinking logically.
I mean if you queue up for the third shot, (after they told you, you only need to vaccinate for everything to go back to norma) it’s because you’re deliberately avoiding to think about what you’re doing and letting yourself be controlled.
I totally agree with you and was thinking the same thing. The majority of people just don’t feel the panic about climate change in the same way…although it may help with creating the “free-floating anxiety” that Matthias Desmet discusses which helps with the mass hypnosis.
The environmental agenda did not fail. It has stalled because of the costs and severe debt. Way-back-when we made great strides toward protecting the environment.
Spearheading the effort was federal sewage treatment funding that was distributed among the states. The creation of the EPA. Clean air act. Superfund. Acid rain. Wetlands. And many many more examples.
No doubt the regulations eventually grew into unfunded mandates and unenforceable regulations. But still.
Disasters like Three Mile Island, Love Canal, Lake Eerie and the Bhopal India disaster (Union Carbide) helped drive the movement.
A lot of Democrats got elected on the coattails of those disasters after they happened. This is just another disaster that is made up. No doubt they will try and use it. They will fail because of vaccine mandates, critical race theory and skyrocketing crime.
The obvious and most troubling part of this Great Reset is that most of the world has signed on. Converting to digital currency while setting everyone’s debt to zero under the guise that we will permanently support underdeveloped countries in order to reduce everyone’s carbon footprint seems to be the plan. Metropolitan cubicles for everyone.
2050 was the original implementation goal, but now it seems as though Brandon Biden wants it done before the 2022 midterm elections. After yesterday’s election results, it is likely Democrats will lose control of Congress. If that happens their entire agenda will be dead. Because of that, they are in emergency mode. After what happened in the election, Pelosi wants to go back to the original 3 trillion dollar spending bill and drop all negotiated changes and reductions. Fancy that. Saving the world while selling our sovereignty.
All the world banking weasels are rubbing their hands together with big eyes, protruding teeth and drool dripping from their chins as they plan and implement their next move to make a killing while revoking our freedoms.
We cannot stop climate change nor do we need to.
Per NASA, Arctic warming from 1970 to present was caused by US Clean Air Acts of 1970, 1977 and 1990 which drastically removed sulfates from Northern Hemisphere: Houston Chronicle article:
April 8, 2009, “Half of recent arctic warming may not be due to greenhouse gases,“ Houston Chronicle, by Eric Berger
“According to a new report, half of the recent Arctic warming is not due to greenhouse gases, but rather clean air policies.
That’s the conclusion of two scientists in a new Nature Geoscience paper (see abstract), which is more deeply outlined in this NASA news release.
Here’s a quote from lead author Drew Shindell of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies:
“There’s a tendency to think of aerosols as small players, but they’re not,” said Shindell. “Right now, in the mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere and in the Arctic, the impact of aerosols is just as strong as that of the greenhouse gases.”
“We will have very little leverage over climate in the next couple of decades if we’re just looking at carbon dioxide,” Shindell said. “If we want to try to stop the Arctic summer sea ice from melting completely over the next few decades, we’re much better off looking at aerosols and ozone.”
The following graphic shows how clean air regulations passed in the 1970s have likely accelerated warming by diminishing the cooling effect of sulfates.
I probably don’t need to tell you the implications of this study. For one, if the results are validated, the notion that global warming is causing an accelerating, headlong retreat of the Arctic sea ice and driving the polar bear to imminent death … well, these notions just aren’t wholly correct anymore.
The study suggests that as much as half of the recent Arctic melting is not due to global warming, but rather to other factors. This report does not speak to global temperatures, but rather the Northern Hemisphere. And it does not suggest that global warming has played no role in the Arctic warming.
All the same, this is potentially a huge blow to those who advocate immediate action on controlling carbon dioxide.“…(Good NASA graph in article-if it doesn’t post here)
In 1991, the Pinatubo volcano in Philippines sent 15 Mt of SOx into the stratosphere, cooling the planet by over 0.5°C for ~2 years. -AFP report 2017
I saw a reference on Twitter to comments made by Ian Davis on Greta, and went searching in his website to see if I could find the referenced comment. I’m not sure if I did, but anyway, found 4 articles (all from 2019), one on Greta, and a 3-part series on the alleged “Climate Emergency”. All good stuff, and well-worth reading in the light of the Con26 “pantomime” now taking place.
I don’t want to give more links: hopefully the search should work, but the 3-part series was titled: “A Climate Emergency Fit for a Parasite Economy“, and the Greta article was: ” Youth Strike For Globalist Propaganda”
Edit: Oh, that’s interesting: I only typed in the text titles, and the comment system has automagically converted them to links….clever stuff.
When Problem/ Solution (human trash culture / guilt redemption sanitization) has so much golden bull opportunity… profitability laced with exclusivity will trump all bonafide environmental common sense. Eg: https://wellcomeleap.org/
“In the age of Zoom, it boggles the mind, simply from an optics standpoint, why these big international conferences need to happen at all.”
The “Hidden Hand” is engineering the next great revolution. To instigate it World “leaders” must display their contempt for the masses overtly, to such an extent that we are forced to act.
Then, out of the chaos of civil war and famine, will emerge the New World Order (TM) that they have been telling us about for the last two hundred years or so.
That’s their plan, I believe. Nothing else makes sense.
Or do we think that these professional liars are unaware of the “optics”?
Ignore the “climate” conference (it’s a farce); ignore the “climate” agenda (it has nothing to do with the climate)…but, please, don’t ignore the Climate. Here are two very important documentaries (the first short, the second long) which explain the dangers posed by geoengineering.
UVC: The Sterilization Of Planet Earth, Part One » UVC: The Sterilization Of Planet Earth, Part One | Geoengineering Watch
The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary » The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary | Geoengineering Watch
after the covid ‘training’ in prep for the global heating rebrand (remember anglia and the jolly hockey sticks?) and the erection of a social prison and snoop culture as the new normal with added ‘bonus… mass die off….
the corporations/hollow mendicants will have transferred all guilt and responsiblity for their evil and profligacy to the judas goat of mankind…
who will foot the bill… via relinquishing what little they have left … and dropping dead..
when one sees such an infestation of vermin.. it would be foolish to feed such creatures..
the leader of the most powerful regime on earth looked dozing off.
was he sleep deprived, or engaged in deep thought?
is he a:
Climate scientist? Motivational speaker? Elitist hypocrite? Military strategist?
This guy wants trillions of dollars (pounds?) for a military-style campaign to combat climate change. they are calling him Chrles prince.
Simply out of curiosity, I wonder when wee Greta, who is nearly 19 years old, will commence her adult rebrand. Almost nobody seems to notice (outside of OG types) that she is a young adult still being presented as a child, replete with oversized clothing and pleated hair.
Well they do need to keep the narrative alive now dont they? Heck they could easilly put her on Gary Coleman meds….!
Child stars don’t always age gracefully.
Maybe they’ll keep Greta permanently adolescent so she doesn’t end up like, say, Judy Garland.
We need a new category of hoaxes. Perhaps super or hyper hoaxes. Climate has been constantly changing ever since there was such a thing. Sometimes rapidly, radically, or both at once. The notion that a gang of Psychopaths In Charge have any control over it at all is peak hubris. For all they know, we should be burning tires now to defeat the immanent global cooling.
Cop26 – The Dangers Of Framing A False Disaster Narrative!
You can find proofs for Charles Darwin’s Theory Of Evolution, only if you watch the politicians?
Otherwise, monkeys have remained monkeys!
Cop26 – Watch carefully!
The politicians meeting in Glasgow this week, will say that the climate crisis hoax that they are promoting, will need the same urgency for action as seen at the start of the Covid pandemic hoax.
So be ready for the signal to switch from pandemic to climate lock-downs.
Happening now!
It is a conspiracy between the politicians and the globalists to keep humanity in deep slavery forever.
To create guilt in you.
Who are the selfish people that have caused this whole global catastrophe.
Who have to be punished!
Guilt is the only strategy of the so-called elites to exploit humanity.
But why do they go on creating guilt in people?
There is a secret behind it.
If they can make humanity feel guilty they remain powerful.
The guilty person with a muzzle on is always ready to serve those who are powerful.
The guilty person cannot have courage enough to be a rebel, that is the secret.
Only an intelligent person can be rebellious.
The politicians and priests must have found this secret long ago, because they have been practicing it for centuries and they have destroyed all the beauty of the human soul.
Intelligence is courage.
And the greatest courage in the world is to be exactly what your consciousness says to you to be.
And the greatest cowardice in the world is to obediently follow others, to slavishly imitate others.
Then you remain artificial, unconscious, asleep.
Only consciousness makes you aware of what others are doing to you.
Your conscience is being manipulated by the politicians, by the priests, by the outside powers who are dominating you.
You have become so afraid of even fresh air, afraid of life, of yourselves, afraid of freedom.
On the surface you appear a stupid, obedient person, but deep down you are an intelligent being.
Can you not see the futility of it, the nonsense of it?
Hence guilt creates a dual personality in you.
You become split, guilt creates schizophrenia.
And now the whole of humanity suffers from schizophrenia for the simple reason that they have created so much guilt, and so deeply that we have divided every person in two.
People are so stupid that even when they are trying to be spiritual they still continue their old ways of competition, of jealousy, of envy.
See how you still love your own chains, see how you still love your own faults.
See how you protect and defend your own misery.
If your energies are not released into creativity they are bound to become sour, bitter, poisonous, and they will make you angry, full of hatred and violence.
Then there are two ways for that violence to go.
One is to be violent with others, and the other is to be violent with yourself.
You can only be either destructive or creative.
The politician is always violent with others.
Adolf Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Boris Johnson, Jacinda Ardern, Daniel Andrews, Go Brandon,-these people are violent with others, they destroyed millions of lives.
Yet Mahatma Gandhi is totally different, he has not killed anybody, he is the apostle of non-violence, but he is continuously destructive towards himself.
His violence has turned upon himself.
Repression is always an unconscious effort, it never transforms you.
It keeps you the same but repressed.
That’s how your saints are created, your popes, your mahatmas are created.
The politicians are sadists and the saints are masochists, both are psychologically ill.
Become aware, become awake.
Then you will see that everything comes and goes, all things come and pass.
Life is a flux.
Your consciousness is the only thing that is immovable, that is eternal.
To attain it is freedom.
To attain it is the goal of life.
If you miss it you have missed your life and you have missed a tremendously great gift, a great opportunity.
Wake Up, Rise Up, NOW!
PCAs and wider social credit systems bear an uncanny resemblance to the medieval system of indulgences.
It seems that for all their loathing of Catholicism all they can end up doing is aping it.
Why not remotely?
They’d have to know what “mute” means – and use it.
Does everyone know the theoretical date point that Co2 could have possibly had an effect on climate is 1950? Prior to 1950 the maths doesn;t add up for Co2 to have enough of an effect to do anything.
But fear sells. (it’s zoomable to read it)
sticking with 1934, how NASA made it disapear… note the Pacific Decadal Oscillation switch in 76, can you see what happened in 76 in the graph?
Thanks for the great data.
is also full of newspaper clippings.
Climate change “scientists”/alarmists have already been caught in a lie (climategate 1 & 2). The funny thing is, the public didn’t really care. The media and the experts said, “nothing to see here, move along”.
This is the whistleblower’s letter:
For much more context and background search:
Climategate emails lavoisier. It’s a pdf file.
If not dead then satire is definitely on one of “those” respirators.
— https://www.theguardian.com/science/2021/nov/01/flu-cancer-hiv-after-covid-success-what-next-for-mrna-vaccines
Even for a devout Covidian this is surely going too far — no evidence of lives saved and a certain amount of suspicion about deaths caused.
Worth mentioning that the forerunner to AZ, ICI Pharma, was set up on the promise of a vaccination for (or against) cancer. That went well.
That is from ZeroHedge, but that sounds so familiar: isn’t that precisely what all the governments of the western world have been doing? Haven’t the governments been causing distress by lying about first Covid, then case numbers, then vaccines, then blah blah blah, the endless lies.
The climate scam is yet more of the same: the billionaires want to decide the story and that means they get to decide the science to back up that story. If you dare perk up and say “but that’s not true” then you are denting their fantasy land, and the advantage of fantasy land over freedom land is that the billionaires can control absolutely everyone in fantasy land, while saving the planet by flying around in their jets, but they have green jets that exhaust cake and biscuits.
Now they want to turn their aggression on the people of the UK who dare to think differently to them: psychopaths have no real emotions but they do love the excitement of adrenaline, and nothing like crushing a pleb or two for an adrenaline rush.
But this is in the UK, the people who fancy themselves as the only empire where their imperial slaves were both thankful and better off to be British slaves, even the millions that died were thankful they died by a British sword: no delusion there then!
Well, it looks like the British citizens are soon going to find out what it is like to be an imperial slave, because once the internet is closed down for dissent, the internet is basically worthless except as a tool to imprison the masses. All the UK citizens will be able to put their brains in neutral and obey the instructions provided by the government, but at least it will be a British government, despite the few darkies peppering the show.
Maybe OG will have to consider a move to more friendly climes, say China? You could host your server in Hong Kong and get great internet speed without the authoritarian nightmare that will soon be the UK.
Offg never publishes anything they ‘know to be untrue’. How would one even prove such a thing? Seems unenforceable? A2
exactly the way they do in certain E>U country where saying a certain thing did not happen gets you imprisoned.
Already in place with the chosen kings of cancel culture!
Are you referring to the total absence of photographs of people in gas chambers? Despite there being millions of death camp photos out there. Are you saying that could indicate that the holocaust is yet more political bullshit? Really! Disgraceful!
Depends on presumption of innocence and proportionality: I have seen neither when it comes to government fighting people it decides are the public enemy.
Do you think Assange or Craig Murray have been treated as innocent? The courts would be a joke if not backed by the government’s exclusive license on violence.
Dissent involves pissing off the authorities!
USA has successfully developed the private prison system. It “recycles” the impoverished, mentally unsound, etc. for profit at the expense of the remaining middle-class.
Modern business: get the government to give you an exclusive contract then bribe the inspectors. Worked for Pfizer!
The COPs are now after the whole world population: even barefoot Indian villagers have to reduce their already minimal carbon “footprint”. Even less electricity or transport. As if tropical nights are neither dark nor long and days don’t have monsoon clouds. Let them cook with microwave ovens, only 5 minutes!
The 1% fly around to supervise all these outcasts back in their place, just like in the good old Middle Ages. Main foot soldiers: the MSM pre$$itutes. No knights on white horses to avoid dark nights.
Maybe we could turn the moon off at night..? something a little more difficult …divide the Sun into parts, and put the parts in place in space so the earth will see them 12 hours apart. This would minimize or eliminate night time…4 parts might even be better so the entire earth remains lit up.. at all times.
Clearly this conference is designed to globalize (as in internationalize or federalize) control (remove local, regional, national control from the local systems and turn that control over to the global corporations) over the political systems; that until now, have managed to operate in independent fashion, from each other, and from global internationally administered control systems. Each of the nations in the 256 nation system of nation states will now be centrally controlled from the top, and all laws will be given to the nation states to impose on their citizens. It is clear why the UN Military forces have been stationed throughout the various nation states.
One world government is here, if this group is allowed to continue the global power they are seeking by doing little more than meeting and impose virtual mind control propaganda . so the question is how can they be stopped and if they can be stopped, why should they not be?
This post is more accurate than all news stories about this farce. I just hope future historians are able to read such assessments. If so, then like the protests against the enclosure of the commons or New Poot Law the voices of the wise and exploited will be there for all to see.
We are the future historians.
After the holocaust we said ‘Never again’
We devised a code to ensure that nothing like that ever could happen again.
We said that we would never forget.
Then we forgot.
Who is “we”? Because it doesn’t include me.
“clutching at straws” indeed…
Me neither.
Folks need to stop using this spurious “we” in such cases. It’s not difficult at all.
New Poot Law? Are we not allowed to fart now?
Typically a person was considered vaccinated or unvaccinated…. But not anymore! They just changed the rules, moved the goalposts, and altered a definition again guys:
From the Washington (com)Post:
You’re not ‘fully vaccinated.’ You never will be.
All of this boils down to, essentially, an ongoing attempt to define “fully vaccinated.” Who is “fully vaccinated” against covid-19, and for how long? The honest answer is that the target is moving before our eyes.
Until 2021, “fully vaccinated” was not a standard phrase, any more than “fully married” or “fully graduated from college.” Typically a person is considered “vaccinated” or “unvaccinated.”
Gee, who could have seen this coming…
When do we start building gallows?
Sharable article here:
It’s the progressive definition of vaccination.
a) it’s a progressive condition thus can never be complete
b) it’s outcomes management: the output (vaccine) is merely a step towards the outcome (to micromanage your body and life)
c) definition of progressive is fluid. Progressives are vectors of control, trained to transmit social outcomes: today liberal, tomorrow God knows what
As Corbett and Pilato have just pointed out, they’ve also redefined ‘Gain of Function’ out of existence.
Fauci can’t be guilty of sending ‘Gain of Function’ research to China because it no longer exists.
I saw a funny meme on twitter the other day, beautiful people sat round a swimming pool drinking cocktails, all had a drip in their arm.
24/7 covid protection, get your Pfizer drip now!
Con-911. Con-WMD. Con-19.
Cop26? Must be a typo.
A con it is.
Maybe we should be talking about Sun Cycle 26 instead?
All of this, has one purpose, and one purpose only. To own you.
They have created mythical money extending to infinity (well, almost there) – and the only way to preserve this con is to suspend all the laws of nature, and rule purely by fantasy in fantasy land.
I found this interesting little graphic that puts some of this in perspective.
All the Money in the World | How Much the World is Worth | The Liquidity Pyramid (demonocracy.info)
Anyway, the only way we win is to not play their game. Disengage and ignore them, and their phantasy money will disappear in a puff of smoke.
Please don’t tell Danny Dickens.
I lost all the money in the world to him in the playground in 1967.
Thanks for that Link to Money Lego Land, built of paper $100 bricks. Frightening to look up at the end, and see we are living under an Inverted Pyramid of Liquidity.
Where would we be without Guilt ?
‘In the archaic consciousness the sense of indebtedness exists together with the illusion that the debt is payable; the gods exist to make the debt payable. Hence the archaic economy is embedded in religion, limited by the religious framework, and mitigated by the consolations of religion – above all, removal of indebtedness and guilt. The modern consciousness represents an increased sense of guilt, more specifically a breakthrough from the unconscious that the debt is payable.
‘Thus the increased sense of guilt brings about the emancipation of the economic process from divine controls and divine ends .’… Norman O Brown – ‘Life Against Death’ . Cited by R Rogers in ‘ Nature and the Crisis of Modernity’.
And: ‘Marx’s psychology is unable to emancipate socialism or the economy whatsoever from the motive of accumulation, and therefore it is unable to guide humanity to enjoyment. From this nightmare of infinitely expanding technological progress and human needs, only a science of enjoyment can deliver us.’…Norman O Brown – ‘Life Against Seath’. Cited by David Watson in ‘Beyond Bookchin.’
And – not forgetting John Zerzan: ‘Freud also referred to “the sense of guilt produced by civilisation…(which) remains to a large extent unconscious, or appears as a sort of malaise, a dissatisfaction.” …Civilisation, as Freud knew, must be defended against the individual: all of its institutions are part of that defense.’ ‘Twilight of The Machines’.
What the world is experiencing is a Debt Crisis. Our Rulers wish for us to pay* for it. And do whatever it takes to make us feel guilty, and use our guilt to achieve Their Solution – whether its making us feel guilty by being a Danger to Grannie by not taking part in “The experiment” that could lessen The Threat to Grannie, or making us feel guilty about not doing what They expect us to do to Save The Planet…Guilt is a mighty weapon, the Church has exploited it to keep itself alive for Centuries…Our Rules learned something from Church History…
(*’to pay’ is etymologically connected to ‘guilt’)
(George Monbiot once wrote about cancelling debt. whatever happened to him ?)
For those who haven’t yet discovered him (and I know many have), Michael Hudson writes interestingly on debt and debt cancellation.
Why would I trust someone who looks like they were foolish enough to stick their finger in an electric socket?
It’s all the peasants’ fault. There’s too many of them. Thank God for the smart internationalists, their private jets and their devotion and dedication to humanity. May they be esteemed for thousands of years.
It is always a bad thing when the promoters of the ‘disease’ are ‘selling’ the snake-oil.
To the writers for OffG … you are saints … thank you for your incredible efforts.
Two studies indicate gross problems w the old network of US weather stations, including a GAO study. 64% were found to be capable of +2°C errors or more. Many of the problems were siting errors that wouldn’t have been present til at least the ’50’s: surrounded by concrete, asphalt; air conditioning exhaust; heat island of city growth, etc.
NOAA agreed & built a new highest quality, high tech Climate Reference Network, completed in 2008. An astonishing hi-tech marvel, its fully-automated numbers arrive at NOAA/NCDC, but NOAA doesn’t use it!! Sticks to the biased, erroneous data set.
NOAA: July 2012 US hottest July ever at 77.6 beating old record 77.4 in 1936.
US Climate Reference Network data: true US temp 75.5.
NOAA never mentions the CRN incredibly high tech system, which you can read about here. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2015/06/14/despite-attempts-to-erase-it-globally-the-pause-still-exists-in-pristine-us-surface-temperature-data/ As is shown on the graph, US is cooling very slightly January 2005 – May 2015. The spikes are El Ninos.
2. NOAA IS ELIMINATING RURAL THERMOMETERS without acknowledging it, further corrupting the old data set so that what is measured is exclusively the city heat island effect.
3. NOAA LOWERS HISTORIC TEMPERATURES to make recent temperatures comparatively higher. If one looks at sequential NOAA graphs, the cheating is apparent. Shown by NOAA”s own published print documents, reproduced in this article. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2012/06/06/noaas-national-climatic-data-center-caught-cooling-the-past-modern-processed-records-dont-match-paper-records/
4. NOAA CHEATS ON SEA TEMPERATURE. The state of the art Argo Buoy System is a network of 3,000 buoys that measure seatemp at different depths. NOAA insists on corrupting this global system by adding unnecessary measurements taken from SHIPS’ INTAKE SHAFTS! You can’t make this stuff up. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2015/06/14/despite-attempts-to-erase-it-globally-the-pause-still-exists-in-pristine-us-surface-temperature-data/
5. NOAA “HOMOGENIZES” THE DATA using a s/w program which raises 2/3 of the temperatures. The Australians held irate citizen hearings on the distortions. https://kenskingdom.wordpress.com/2015/02/09/my-submission-to-the-bom-review-panel/ Warming bias introduced through homogenisation and the apparent general lack of quality control. http://jennifermarohasy.com/temperatures/submissions-to-the-panel/ Bureau of Meteorology violates its own rules in “adjusting” measured temperatures.
6. NOAA has ELIMINATED HIGH ALTITUDE AND NORTHERN THERMOMETERS disproportionately from its global data-set. In 1970 there were approximately 6000 weather stations included in NOAA’s data set. Today, approximately 1000. To supply the missing grid entries, interpolation/averaging of “nearby” temperatures are used. And “nearby” may be distant.
Most of the no-longer-used temperatures are cooler ones, now replaced by a warmer “approximate” number. In judging whether a grid-point has warmed over past decades the original cooler temperatures are retained and averaged. No wonder such grid-points show warming!
“It seems that stations placed in historically cooler, rural areas of higher latitude and elevation were scrapped from the data series in favor of more urban locales at lower latitudes and elevations.” http://icecap.us/images/uploads/NOAAroleinclimategate.pdf
Eg: CANADA’s 489 data points is now 44, only one of which is in the North. Canada’s false “warming” comes from interpolating from more southerly locations to fill northerly vacant grid boxes, even tho an average of the available stations shows COOLING.
Eg: CALIFORNIA now has 4 data points– one in ‘Frisco & 3 in LA. None in the mountains as before, so that it is impossible to know by reference to this data set whether CA is warming or cooling.
7. Approximately 66% of global temperature data is ESTIMATED, in part due to elimination of weather stations, per the above. What an opportunity to cheat. . https://wattsupwiththat.com/2015/09/24/summary-of-ghcn-adjustment-model-effects-on-temperature-data/
8. UK & Japan also produce global temperature results– in line w US wishes, of course. Moscow’s IAE complained UK’s HadCRUT had distorted temperature records of the Russian Federation, 12.5% of global land mass. They’d selectively chosen warmer weather stations, also weather stations w/in large cities where the heat island effet would be present. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2009/12/16/russian-iea-claims-cru-tampered-with-climate-data-cherrypicked-warmest-stations/
9. Satellite temperature data has been available since 1978 yet most temperature analyses still rely on land-based weather stations.
There’s more, but I think this is enough. All of NOAA & NASA’s temperature findings rest on thoroughly discredited data. Ordinary employees are honest but they do work for the govt and their bosses answer to the Obama administration.
The big picture is the same. Our govt has been captured by the oligarchs. They control the State Dept, have no difficulty sending the military to war to steal natural resources. They change legislation to free themselves from regulation. They prevented the SEC from releasing their stock trades just before 9-11, have suborned Justice Dept to make themselves immune, get all manner of drugs & ill-advised vaccinations approved, etc. There is nothing special about their controlling NOAA & NASA in the interest of climate fraud, too.
Nothing has changed since I made this comment years ago, elsewhere.
So Con-26 is conning the public by cooking the data. Same as Con-19.
The wells of truth are poisoned by people with PhDs, and the world is mentally sick.
I don’t know how the / was added to the links.
You must delete them for the links to function.
/ and the ampersand and the characters that follow must be omitted.
Good comment. An article in itself.
Thank you for this post. Though clearly (from my comments) I have accepted many of the climate change points, I am always grateful for a different view which actually does more than simply toss out perjoratives (e.g., calling it a “hoax” and leaving it at that, as if it were self-evident). So far I’ve counted one other post which likewise goes into detail.
If you’ve no objection, I’d like to copy and paste your comment to Wordpad so I can study it more. A couple things, though, have changed since you originally posted this:
1) California’s temperatures (especially in the Northern part) have sky-rocketed. Per Dane Wigington, who lives on the Eastern side of Mount Shasta, most of the past summer saw triple-digit daytime temperatures and nighttime temperatures in the high 80s.
2) Also per Dane Wigington, there is an “illegal” gag order on all NOAA & NASA employees.
I should point out that, according to Mr Wigington, NOAA & NASA lie about temperatures to the downside – not to the upside. He says overall temperature has already risen by 3.5 degrees C. But I would need to actually see what he calls “frontline data” before I accept that.
Howard, for easily accessible and really quick reads I recommend realclimatescience.com
If you’ll forgive an officious suggestion, just take ONE area– like ocean acidification, or sealevel, or antarctic ice. Then look for the best data in that ONE area– on both sides of the argument, of course.
notrickszone.com is good. Or Wattsupwiththat.com
To see the financial side of TPTB controlling the green institutions from the top,
A picture is worth 1,000 words …..

If the top item on their agenda is geoengineering – climate engineering, weather modification, solar radiation management; and if they will be acknowledging that this activity has been going on for a good 75 years; and if they will finally admit how devastating geoengineering has been…then, and only then, can it be taken seriously.
But if their agenda is filled with suggestions for ordinary people to help “save the planet” yet lacking any suggestions for corporate and military interests to stop destroying and start “saving” the planet…then it can be written off as just another farcical tete-a-tete.
If all the hors d’oeuvres are laced with green wrappings and served up by hostesses in planetary green outfits while, outside, another forest is being cut down somewhere to enrich another mogul somewhere…then we may conclude it was “business as usual.”
And we can all go back to sleep.
Boom. You hit the nail on the head Howard. It’s never the 0.01% that have to sacrifice, is it? The lies and the pysops these bastards continually spin, while just out of sight, real agenda’s are at play. Article here you may find interesting…
Speaking as someone with an engineering degree, “engineering” requires predictable outcomes. Ain’t no such thing with climate, in which you are not dealing with a machine which operates on the basis of a linear process, with all variables known and measurable, but with a system which is far more an organism, with numerous variables which feed back on each other, many not even known, many others not reliably measurable, if measurable at all, non-linear process, highly indeterminate, outcomes contingent upon overall context. This isn’t engineering, it is the sowing of chaos. The notion of climate “engineering” displays a deep belief in the mechanistic materialism paradigm which sees everything as a machine or mechanism, the paradigm which rules establishment science, which has been proven fundamentally wrong regarding genetics.
“It is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future” — Niels Bohr, physicist.
“Uncertainty rules, OK?” — Wehrner Heisenbeng, physicist.
“When your equations become non-linear, a butterfly flapping its wings in Bolivia could trigger a hurricane in Hongkong” — Henri Poincare’, mathematician.
The Garden of Rama (by Arthur Clarke and Gentry Lee, 1991) illustrates the complexity of climate on a large spaceship.
Geoengineering (the ultimate oxymoron) ain’t working Howard.
It’s getting hotter, drier, windier, wetter, colder and more unpredictable.
It took about two hundred years of unfettered, unregulated toxic waste, deforestation and unparalleled animal slaughter to get to this point.
Geoengineering is a pipe dream.
We’ve run out of time.
The idea that man has destroyed something that has been here for (apparently) 4.6 billion years and (apparently) through multiple ice ages, in the space of 200 years is utter nonsense and evidence of the arrogance and hubris of man, and utter gullibility of the “believers”
I’d suggest belief in this fairy story is going to lead to acceptance of crushing changes/taxes/sanctions against the average man that the gormless powers that be are going to propose.
Destroyed by greedy men with their MACHINES and factories. Billions of machines. There’s no precedent for that.
Hundreds of billions of methane producing animals, bred, fed and made dead. There’s no precedent for that.
Hundreds of billions of oxygen producing trees destroyed. There’s no precedent for that.
It’s hubris to believe, as we say in Australia, “She’ll be right mate”
In the end it’s humanity that pays the ultimate price.
Planet Earth will weather our perverse storm of stupidity.
There certainly is precedence for there being a lot of methane producing animals. Wild ones that were hunted to or near to extinction.
Nothing like the numbers we slaughter EVERY YEAR.
100 billion.
We’re not really destroying much. Merely upsetting a delicate balance — in a way that will probably not be to our advantage.
the geoengineers are making it hotter, drier, wetter, colder. The idea is not to fix the planet, geoengineering is used for many purposes. One of the main reason is to get people to believe the climate change narrative. And they have been very successful in making many, apparently you too, believe the weather extremes are caused by climate change.
Of course it’s not working. Geoengineering is intended to be a mask of what the oligarchs are doing to the planet – not a fix. Even if it were sincerely employed, it still couldn’t work because of the very nature of the elements being used to “cool” the planet.
I’ve said it before; I’ll say it again: “geoengineering” should be called “hubrisengineering”.
I suppose that the rigidly orthodox scientific mind dismisses the wisdom of “the devil’s in the details” as irrationally religious. Still, it’s obvious to anyone who’s not Blinded by Science that geoengineering amounts to daring both Mother Nature and Lady Luck to suspend Murphy’s Law, the law of unintended consequences, etc.
I always picture some future extraterrestrial anthropologist appearing on their home planet’s version of “NOVA”, explaining how the scientists and politicians on the doomed planet we know as Earth confidently implemented geoengineering “solutions” A, B, and C because they were oblivious or indifferent to the dangers of causing malignant, and ultimately lethal, consequences X, Y, and Z.
“Incredibly, the evidence indicates that on this dead planet, both the scientific community and dominant political authorities believed that their primitive grasp of the complexities of planetary ecology was sufficient to guarantee their experiments a reasonable chance of success,” the alien scientist might drone.
“It’s difficult to comprehend their confidence, and to understand how they failed to even consider that they were reckless children tampering with planetary-scale destructive forces beyond their understanding and control.”
Quite apart from the threat of climate change, the plan is to turn us all into “cost centres” and “income centres” in the new global accounting. I.e., we must pay because we are a cost to the climate.
Geoengineering is exclusively a concoction of the Military Industrial Complex. The idea has always been Full Spectrum Dominance. And as military industrial technology advances, the increased ionization of the atmosphere has proven a boon to the Communications Industry.
But as far as climate change goes, it’s all backfired. The same people who tremble in their shoes at the very mention of COVID will simply blink, shrug and go back to sleep at the full spectrum bleating of Global Warming. Until their houses catch fire from the heat, it’s way too irrelevant for them to worry their pretty heads about.
Where’s my proof? It’s on the face of every smart phone on the planet. People do not take the time to look up from their soul snatch boxes to so much as notice the almost constant spraying overhead.
Ever noticed how Gretina has not once mentioned the War Machine?
a world wide lie is still a lie
But a lie can run round the world while the truth is still leaving the starting block.
“Government” now means non-stop torture, robbery, extortion and child abuse..
They are laughing at us. No wonder. They know we’ll still be typing away indignantly about it tomorrow, next week, and next year. Why should they worry?
Will our children remember the Keystroke Revolution?
It sure does..Well said Patrick.
if people would have been told 20 yrs ago that a teenager would be complaining and marching countries towards economic and social catastrophe in the name of “global warming” people would have quite rightly said to F-off.
GRRRRRETA ..always Mad as Hell!
haha this reminded me of a meme that shows how zoomer gen is no different than boomers embrassing shitty ideologies of it time
Where would we be without Guilt ? Psychopaths, we’re told, dont feel guilt. They certainly felt no guilt about stirring up our guilt to get us to join “The Experiment” that would Protect Granny. How will They use our Guilt against us to get us do all the things They claim will protect The Planet ?
Seems all my life i’ve been called upon to make Sacrifices – if it’s not for the sake of The Economy (That False God), or the sake of Future Generations, it’s a Bloody Sacrifice for One Bloody Thing Or An Other. Life is like some Bloody Religion that demands i’ve got to offer up sacrifices to it – if i want to keep living. The Whole Damn Thing Is Getting Me Down !
No More Bloody Sacrifices – without my consent !!
see Reset the Diaboligarchy, Nov 2, 2021 1:34 AM
WE(F) have ways of engineering your consent. “Stay Tuned !”
Bezos is obviously now into the climate scam. He will be fly around in his private jet, squashing the little guy to help the big guys save the planet and telling us little guys what to do? These guys are all monsters, they really don’t give a shit about the planet, us or how this looks.
Agenda: How to centralise control in WEF, screw more money out of the global tax payer and move it across to the global billionaire members of WEF.
Attended by: WEF scammers and their minions.
I would rather see the world burn that hand it over to these creeps.
Me too.
The Earth’s biosphere has been in perfect balance for at least a million years.
EXACTLY the right amount of Nitrogen, Oxygen, CO2, Methane and ocean salinity to support human Life.
Along came machines and mass animal exploitation and the balance began to change. Irreparably.
Greed is the driver.
Ignorance is the fuel.
Extinction is the result.
Great joke. If you believe humans are the cause of climate change then you need to do more research. And by the way, climate always changes, like weather always changes, like tides always change, like sun spot activity always changes etc etc. Please don’t give us this “irreparably” nonsense, you may as well go sit on Bezos’ lap with his Greta gnome.
Billions of machines spewing out poison, millions of factories spewing out poison, hundreds of billions of exploited animals spewing out poison and no damage done?
Do you live in Disneyland Sport?
The degradation of the biosphere is real. The hypothesis of CO2 driven global warming is fake. The actions proposed to reverse this fake phenomenon will exacerbate the environmental problems.
CO2 in the atmosphere isn’t the problem. The degradation of the atmosphere with spraying millions of tons of nano-particulates is the problem. This has decimated the ozone layer, which has brought a flood of UVC radiation, which in turn has killed off microbes in the soil and is slowly frying trees in the forest.
Result: forests – even including the Amazon Rainforest – are no longer “carbon sinks.” Instead of taking in CO2, they are beginning to release it as the trees’ stomata shut down.
But I would say, rather, “The hypothesis of CO2 driven global warming to the point of nonlinear runaway is
fakeunproven.”I understand your predicament: since all search engines decided to delist climate deniers and Google demonetized their sites, the conversation is very one dimensional and it is very difficult to find any decent sites that explain why there is a movement of people who deny that humans are responsible for climate change. Such is the power of the billionaires.
I remember one site, who’s name and link I seem to have lost, which provided a very clear explanation going back to Al Gore’s misleading carbon versus temperature charts taken from ice cores. The whole concept was fake but the presentation of the charts was such that it was not easy to see that carbon always followed global warming and not the other way around – carbon increasing due to global warming makes much more sense anyway.
Hopefully some people here have some decent links but you find find any on the search engines.
Found it: https://wattsupwiththat.com/
And a Vostok Ice Cores article … https://joannenova.com.au/global-warming-2/ice-core-graph/
Thanks for both Links.
and this
Watch this:
Willy Soon on Sun and Climate Variations:
and lots more from various conferences (many in English) here:
True, environmental degradation is a problem, but here we are seeing a Rebellion against the alarmist word Extinction.
“Methinks the Lady doth protest too much” — Hamlet
We’ve been changing the climate for at least 75 years with our climate engineering, the primary purpose of which is to allow the (primarily US) military to control the weather (it’s called “Weather Warfare”).
This activity has created an atmosphere so toxic that, while it holds down the daytime temperature in some places, keeps the heat from escaping at night.
Not to mention the on-going release of methane from permafrost and ocean floor hydrates.
The joke’s on us.
…seriously, why couldn’t they do this remotely?
Probably because it is difficult to bugger little boys on zoom
While the rest of us will travel somewhere for a few free beers, these guys need free Epstein prizes: Boys provided by the Pope with Prince Andrew playing Madam?
Via Zerohedge:
NOW – Prince Charles claims a “vast military-style campaign” is required to marshal a “fundamental economic transition.”
Is this what Bank of England’s Mark Carney referred to at the 2019 meeting at Jackson Hole WY where he discussed the volatility of the US dollar and global bankers needing a more stable basket of currencies? PDF:
Today medical and Climate sciences are pseudosciences solely serving interests of corporates and governments they own.
We know why pseudoscience purged science from scientific institutions. But how modern pseudosciences for profit were initiated. First a cadre of young scientific hacks was created, nurtured promoted to executive positions in scientific institutions that turned into purely political think tanks in service of governments and corporates. I was witness to that process during my academic research career.
In late 1970s when I was finishing my PhD in physics I noticed some of my colleagues, graduate students who applied to PhD program, started listing as their motivations a desire to become corporate and political consultants to national politicians or to privately founded think-tanks instead of being devoted to industrial or academic research and/or teaching.
With such attitude they would have been dismissed in previous decades but such doctoral students were richly funded by political organizations and foundations or even by future employers, solicited large departmental/university level donations, funded research of top faculty and PhD committees members. Those people, simply put, careerists of science who were promoted within scientific hierarchy, into executive positions, were given enormous scientific authority backed up by business, capital and government institutions, mostly ignorant of science, uninterested in scientific discovery used their significant influence by placing a veneer of scientific legitimacy on otherwise devastating government policies and corporate agendas of profit and monopoly. By1990s they almost completely took over all sciences and medical sciences most of all.
Today academia is fundamentally corrupted, morally, scientifically and financially, produces expedient crap that administrators can sell to corporates for profit. Scientific development of novel scientific ideas was essentially halted at 1970s level while corporate technology of selective mostly marketable to governments and global mass markets surveillance and security flourished, while other, threatening corporate profit and control, technologies were defunded and abandoned.
The global change pseudoscientific agenda is peddled by such careerists who are monkey trained to jump on bandwagon of political and corporate interests which include devastating however unjust, unequal and inequitable existing economic arrangements dumping all the costs of supposedly required transition on ordinary people who work for living.
Certainly the global change agenda as proffered by corporate and elitist interests is pseudoscientific. How could it not be? It’s being proffered by pseudo-entities, which exist only on paper and in legal briefs.
This, in and of itself, doesn’t automatically mean there hasn’t been a change in the global environmental paradigm. It only means corporatists and elitists have commandeered climate science for their own ends – namely, blaming everyone else while they continue plundering the earth to increase their wealth.
Can’t agree more. Bravo!
A world run by psychos with their number cruncher arse lickers.
The blinders leading the blind Kalen.
Those who are pushing for this scientific dictatorship don’t even believe in real scientific progress!
“Purpose leads to unpredictability in the status quo, there are no sureties for an oligarchic system of governance in a world that is motivated by a purpose towards truth, beauty, and knowledge…”
Current system:
Economics – banks, money and debt don’t exist
Science – purpose, knowledge and truth threaten status quo
Medicine – only chemical-based allopathic is real
Time to end the deliberate ignorance.
WATCH: Renegade Inc | Steve Keen: A Manifesto https://youtu.be/N6LkCt6si6k
👍 An important find: similarity between Munich 1920 and Glasgow a century later. In both cases, a moral proposal twisted into a conspiracy between state power and money power.
Climate change fueled witch hunts… Then and now
All across the land dawns a brand new morn!
World poverty cured overnight. Just chuck some money in and watch it grow! Loaves and fishes? Pah!
Bill is not an idiot but he can be a great liar, probably due to his endless practice. Regardless, a fair proportion of the population will believe this scam, same as they do the Covid nonsense.
Only retards believe that Gates would give anything away: everything comes at a price, especially when the giver has a ton of cash. He didn’t build that fortune by giving stuff away.
You’d have to be a very good liar to sell that garbage called “windows” to almost the entire business world to run on its computers.
Bill really said ….. “I entirely dedicated my time to help humanity back into the feudal age”.
Gee. Thanks Bill.
Don’t leave your job to avoid the deadly jab though, you wont get that check. Universal income, but only while you’re alive. Should not be a too expensive program.
Bill Gates, the Doctor(?) No to klaus schwab’s Blofeld.
“I have no personal use for money any more”
His “charity” foundation spends billions to influence nearly every medical institute on earth, while, entirely coincidentally of course, his personal fortune has doubled.
Really makes you think…
The title is a bit of a give away COP…..globo cop…..YOU WILL OBEY
Exactly. These acronyms are never accidents. Our Leaders do love a little titter.
I try to keep an Open Mind. I mean, there’s all sorts of Ideas Out There, anyone which could fly in and take root, take over. Just look at those paleontologists. Just when i thought The Past was settled they go and dig up another “missing” family member. How many skeletons are buried Back There ? Nothing Is Settled they keep telling me. So why send the kids to school to learn Settled Stuff ?
Things can only get worse. They’re herding us into cities. Stress – The Silent Killer. We are mostly unaware of the everyday stress of living on top of each other now. What’s it going to be like if they get their way cramming us into cities ? They’ll have to organise Wars to channel the aggressions, fears, stress, such crammed-in survival engenders. Forever Wars. And what about Social Distancing ? For Sanity’s Sake we’ll stay in our little cubicles conversing via txts and emails. I cant imagine what The Sex will be like.
I already have to imagine anything sexual
Try dreaming of personal computers (PCs). Think of the sensuous slim lines and curvaceous corners, the delicious delight as you run your fingertips over its delicate keys. .. Should get you aroused.
They say “Sex Sells”, let’s see how they sex-up Our Leaders Talkfest in Scotland – to sell it to the masses.
“I cant imagine what The Sex will be like.”
It will be like artificial insemnation but mandatory and by jab, like Con-19 gene therapy. Except we shall incorporate bits of human DNA into our bodies instead of fragments of viral RNA.
The past can never be “settled” whether the paleontologists ever find another skeleton or not. That which happened is set in layers. There could have been “great civilizations” (an oxymoron if ever there was one); but nothing would remain even for an electron microscope to discover.
The psychopaths know they can never put a lid on Sex; so, instead, they set about making humanity sterile.
Sorry for the length of this excerpt, but since you provide the perfect setup I just can’t resist posting the beginning of Kurt Vonnegut’s typically prescient 1968 short story “Welcome to the Monkey House”:
So Pete Crocker, the sheriff of Barnstable County, which was the whole of Cape Cod, came into the Federal Ethical Suicide Parlor in Hyannis one May afternoon–and he told the two six-foot Hostesses there that they weren’t to be alarmed, but that a notorious nothinghead named Billy the Poet was believed headed for the Cape.
A nothinghead was a person who refused to take his ethical birth-control pills three times a day. The penalty for that was $10,000 and ten years in jail.
This was at a time when the population of Earth was 17 billion human beings. That was far too many mammals that big for a planet that small. The people were virtually packed together like drupelets.
Drupelets are the pulpy little knobs that compose the outside of a raspberry.
So the World Government was making a two-pronged attack on overpopulation. One pronging was the encouragement of ethical suicide, which consisted of going to the nearest Suicide Parlor and asking a Hostess to kill you painlessly while you lay on a Barcalounger. The other pronging was compulsory ethical birth control.
The sheriff told the Hostesses, who were pretty, tough-minded, highly intelligent girls, that roadblocks were being set up and house-to-house searches were being conducted to catch Billy the Poet. The main difficulty was that the police didn’t know what he looked like. The few people who had seen him and known him for what he was were women–and they disagreed fantastically as to his height, his hair color, his voice, his weight, the color of his skin.
“I don’t need to remind you girls,” the sheriff went on, “that a nothinghead is very sensitive from the waist down. If Billy the Poet somehow slips in here and starts making trouble, one good kick in the right place will do wonders.”
He was referring to the fact that ethical birth-control pills, the only legal form of birth control, made people numb from the waist down.
Most men said their bottom halves felt like cold iron or balsa-wood. Most women said their bottom halves felt like wet cotton or stale ginger ale. The pills were so effective that you could blindfold a man who had taken one, tell him to recite the Gettysburg Address, kick him in the balls while he was doing it, and he wouldn’t miss a syllable.
The pills were ethical because they didn’t interfere with a person’s ability to reproduce, which would have been unnatural and immoral. All the pills did was take every bit of pleasure out of sex.
Thus did science and morals go hand in hand. […]
But, but…. haven’t the parasites already found and delivered their solution to their global warming? Their death shots are likely to decrease human populations quite a bit, so why do we need to do anything?
I guess big doses of fear porn about climate change will distract the dying masses from the dangers of the ‘virus’ and keep them happily having boosters, in order to save the planet.
Let’s hope the global ecosystem has not adapt to the presence of a certain amount of humans. Imagine the planet drying out from lack of humans.. ooops.
Just as most beople believe that deaths from the jab, restrictions, exploitation or poisoning are “covid” deaths, they will believe that deaths from destruction of the biosphere, restrictions, exploitation or poisoning are “climate” deaths.
I just caught a Frankie Boyle satire show which was taking pot shots at Keir Starmer. Some of the chat seemed funny and I wondered that if I was in my teens now I’d think this was real groovy rebel stuff. Probably.
Frankie is a part of the establishment.
Anyone in the public eye is part of the establishment. You don’t get air time without being part of the club.
I know that now but when you’re a teen you’re taken in. Some still are.