What’s in that infrastructure bill?
Don’t ask Nancy Pelosi, who’s too drunk to say
Mark Crispin Miller
That subhead is no joke. Watch this video (tuning out, if you prefer, those two unnecessary giggler-commentators). The Speaker of the House is incoherent, evidently plastered (as Biden’s second-in-command appears to be much of the time).
But — far more important — what’s in that bill?
Read between the lines of this interview from the World Economic Forum, and you’ll see that this trillion-dollar boondoggle is, among other things, congressional preparation for the UN’s Agenda 2030.
Squeezing We the People from the country, and the suburbs, into huge “smart cities,” with 5G uniting your “devices” and appliances (against you), robot-dogs and other faceless AI goons relentlessly “protecting” you (having now replaced those “white supremacist” police), and icky cars phased out in favor of mass transit (for which you’ll certainly need “proof of vaccination,” though it will save you lots of “carbon credits,” as you take it to and from your deadly job, if any).
Under the provisions of this bill, moreover, new cars (many-if-not-most of them electric) will be equipped with highly sensitive surveillance systems, which “will track the driver’s eye mo[ve]ment and monitor signs of being distracted, impaired, or tired.”
Imagine yourself “tired” out by your wife’s long labor (assuming that they let you try to procreate, and her conceive), so when her waters break, and you try to drive her to the hospital, the car won’t let you start it.
And if you actually have had a few too many (even one may be too many), and maybe lose it, and curse out the car for its refusal to perform like one, it will report you, on “the internet of things,” for “hate speech,” and then “the cops” will get involved, to test your breath, and check your pulse, and scan your eyes, and tase you if you disrespect the law.
All of this, no doubt, is just the least of it. Further thoughts or observations always welcome.
Mark Crispin Miller is Professor of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University and the author of several books, including Boxed In: The Culture of TV; Seeing Through Movies; Mad Scientists: The Secret History of Modern Propaganda; Spectacle: Operation Desert Storm and the Triumph of Illusion; and The Bush Dyslexicon. You can read more of his work through his newsletter, News from the Underground
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This is not going to happen. It is going to be a mass theft and nothing done and crash and burn. These people create NOTHING, they lie/manipulate/steal
This is the ending for the current controllers, not a beginning. And, THEY are doing it to themselves.
…Friends, further to the debate going on down-thread lemme tell y’all, as both the child of an alcoholic and sometime alcoholic myself, I can *Personally Confirm*:…
…- She *SMAAAAAASSSSSHHHHEEEDD*!!!… – Oh *Yep, Yep*!!…
why are the admins so worried about gaming of votes?
I’ve been around for a few months and never noticed the gaming.
Then again, the only ones gaming the game are the gamers, or you know ’em as the admins, sophie and sam, so cute.
There was evidence of gaming the voting system, which is now much harder for people to do without making it very obvious. It is our duty to our readers to keep these boards as transparent as possible, which I think speaks well to our character, perhaps better than your baseless slander of the admin team speaks to yours 😂 If WE were the ones gaming the votes, why would we draw attention to it and then make it more difficult? Bit of a ludicrous and silly thing for you to say. A2
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Just read something that gave me the shivers about what might be happening in this world. The 13 super-elite blood sucking families have split into two groups for the purpose of this exercise to ensure their own controlled opposition to their world-domination plan. They make the plan look evil and frankly ridiculous. People ‘wake up’ and reject it. A ‘saviour’ comes along to -er – save us all and we rush towards them in relief. Religious leaders, royalty, politicians, medical people responsible for this evil are disposed of (in the Nuremberg numbers – 120?) and we move into the new era aka NWO by the back door thinking phew that was a narrow escape only to find it’s out of the frying pan into the fires of hell! What do you think? I read somewhere that the trillionaire families have been saving up for this event for a long time. No way would they not have factored in opposition – and making it ridiculous and comical (vouchers for a brothel for getting the vaccine!) ensures people will eventually see the evil and go running for the nearest shelter. I’m still addicted to the hopium but I am beginning to think the game is up.
Undoubtedly the video of the mummified charlatan is much more interesting than another navel gazing rant referring to the coming WEF future of bug cuisine and the joys of living in the panopticon gerbil cage…
surely it should be obvious to the common imbecile, the contempt this unhinged dipso criminal (worth hundreds of millions, all received in brown envelopes for services rendered) holds for the people she, ahem, ‘represents’ …. whilst slurring incoherently, paralytic on pink gin and champers about their…
it most certainly wont end well for such creatures..
This bill is weird, very unusual, it doesn’t have a few $ billions $ for israel to strengthen democracy in the middle east.
How does one create account?
If you look above the comment pane there’s a link to login or create a WordPress account, which is the architecture the comments are based on. I hope this helps. A2
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+1 ditto
Yep, same here. I even tried a different browser with no add-ons. But hey! Check out the emoji library! 👍 🍻
Yes. Me also.
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Pelosi is clearly at the stage of addiction where you can no longer strike a balance between the “shakes of too little and the abyss of too much” (to quote the great Malcolm Cowley). This is approaching the “hitting bottom” moment that EVERY addict of any kind will eventually reach.
All our negatively polarized “leaders” are reaching this point simultaneously as their world domination plan reaches ITS “hitting bottom” moment. Everything negative is coming to the surface and self-destructing right before our eyes. All addictions – to power, control, domination, etc) are culminating at once.
I’m never totally clear on which of these public figures is simply reaching the apex of their addiction and which are simply malfunctioning AIs/clones, but in the end it really doesn’t matter. The jig is up. All darkness is coming to the surface, as it inevitably must.
Stay calm. Stay in love. Hold the line. We got this.
“Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out”.
The political ‘leaders’ know they’ve become obsolete. They’re at best just figureheads to rubberstamp what’s been predetermined behind the oblivious public.
In a few years they won’t be necessary even for that as the ‘terms and conditions’ will be handed down directl from the corporation that will rule all aspects of life. Or that’s their plan anyway, i very well may not work at all.
…”Hitting bottom” – Like Wile E. fuckin’ Coyote after a canyon drop…
…- Next stop: The Establishment/Systemic equivalent of *Permanent* DT’s, Korsakoff’s Syndrome, and a Liver doing perpetual back-flips until the *Inevitable* terminal organ failure… – Oh yeah, *And* that good ol’ *Extinction Burst*, incorporating the proverbial ‘Five Stages of Grief’, followed by banquet-sized portions of Cold Turkey for *Everyone*…
…- +1000 for your comment, BTW duke… – Keep on *Rockin’ On*…
Somewhat off-topic, but this is the oddest news item I have read in a while.
Intelligence agencies do not readily admit to not knowing something, and the CIA saying they don’t have anyone close to Xi is hardly a claim that can be taken at face value.
Isn’t amazing that our fantastic democracy is full of organisations like the cia, with unlimited budgets, running amok and spreading horror all over the planet but they are basically accountable to no one and they never show in the news?
Trump as Blofeld:
“It’s especially interesting, from an electoral politics side of things, just how much control a single right-wing politician [Trump] has over the rightest [most right-wing] political party.”
The capitol riot is held up as The Great Cataclysm, the eruption of deviltry. This has now acquired a formula: “J6” for January 6. Trump is Sauron on the plain of Mordor hovering as an unimaginable fiend on that blasted horizon. Some interpretations of this event are absolutely ruled out:
“Some individuals think the riot was a psy-op or a false flag. Others think it was a “honey pot” (notably, a far-right streamer and participant used this term last week on Tucker Carlson’s documentary series).”
Implication: these expressions are “Right Wing” expressions. The paucity of socio-politico analysis here is emphasised by the vacuity of:
“Many of the groups I track are extremely reactive (in addition to holding reactionary politics, their actions are almost always reactive rather than proactive).”
Proactive: (of a person or action) creating or controlling a situation rather than just responding to it after it has happened.
So how does this “proactive” relate to those who the WSW presumably side with? Who is creating or controlling the situation? The ones forced into lockdown? The ones lining up for their vax?
And at this point, the sheer emptiness of the vision is remarkable. We are presented with some shadowy “Right Wing” presence who are the only active ones in the entire scenario. Because – Who else is there? The population who are presumed to be right behind the lockdowns and vaccinations and therefore (it’s hard to avoid choking at the nonsense of this!) this pro-vax population are opposed to the rulers? The rulers want to stop the vaxxes and lockdowns?
So unsurprisingly, the inevitable “pep talk” ending must take the form of these “Right Wing” forces imploding – the only development permitted here since these forces are the only active ones!
“…many of these groups are turning on each other or offering information on one another in cooperating with the Feds”.
So Trotsky’s History of the Russian Revolution is rewritten as a kind of squidgy pudding in which nothing much happens except the self-destruction of “the baddies”!
Okay, I finally watched the clip of Nancy Pelosi. I’m certainly no fan of any politician; but I do believe she’s being unfairly pilloried for her performance.
And make no mistake: it is a “performance” – as is every political briefing. Once you accept that she probably hasn’t the slightest idea what’s in the bill – it having been written entirely by lobbyists, as are all bills – then you can start to realize why she ends up with a stream of garbled gobbledegook.
The silly terms she uses – about birdbath and such – are probably the very terms they use in Congress to discuss the bills they’re ordered to approve. After all, how could you possibly discuss a bill intelligently when you had no input?
Added to that, she might be getting some Stanislavsky dementia training so as to make Dear Leader appear somewhat normal.
Love it! So Zhou I Lie Now and Then is the new King Ferdinand, but instead of adopting his lisp we’ll all replenish our diapers and greet popes as basketball players.
It’s surely fake? There’s been edited vids before intended to portray her as drunk, and as bad as the mainstream media is, I can’t imagine they’d just keep asking questions in the presser and this wouldn’t have been widely reported: especially as imo (and I have both an alcoholic and someone with thyroid issues in the family: the latter can sound like that when tired, ‘glitchy’, the former is more entirely incoherent) it looks more persuasively like medical/medication issues than the less socially-acceptable simple drunkeness, so would be easier to gloss over as such if they really wanted to. Which I’m not sure they would because it’s severe enough to be an ongoing cause of problems for ‘their’ team: if it were real.
MSM lugenpresse stenographers: *Collectively* “Hold my beer…”
…San-Fran Nan do be looking more and more like Skeletor by the day tho’… – That *Cannot* be healthy…
If the choice is between being ruled by a drunken lot or being ruled by a bunch of religious fundamentalists who believe they are on a mission from god, i suppose the drunken bunch would be more fun, wouldn’t it?!
No choice at all. The drunks and the fundies both get their orders from those who think they are God,
…- Howabout a bunch of drunken religious fundamentalists who believe they are on a mission from god?…
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I thought I was …?
Fortunately, or not, I think the state has initiated its own failure, and are quite willing to take us along with them. The sheer mass of “money” created out of thin air is the real disease among us. Money can be printed, wealth cannot be. In fact, as “money” has become abundant, wealth is in rapid decline. Especially among those of the 99%, who have had their wealth extracted, and delivered to the 1%.
Tie her hands behind her back and she would shut up.
What boggles my mind that none of the vaccinated … errr … genetically injected dimwits questions why the allegedly miraculous vaccine needs one booster after another. Supposing that vaccination works the way alleged – which now appears highly debatable – the way it’s worked thus far is that you got your shot as a kid and were protected for life. Or at least decades. Even the flu shot was only one per year, as useless as it was.
Unless I’m mistaken, the COVID bullshit jab is now up to the fourth dose within about a year and counting. This is an ongoing process as per regulations in effect in Hitler’s vaterland:
“For most people, proof of vaccination will be a valid ‘G’ for nine months, or 270 days to be precise, after the second dose, as of December 6th. After this, a third dose is required to be allowed entry to 2G venues. The vaccine pass will be valid for another 270 days (nine months) from the date of the third dose.“
How many fucking doses will it take before it clicks in …?
When people are obsessed about something as elusive as “safety” – something by its very nature unobtainable as a “normal” condition – then they will do anything to try and obtain it.
(BTW, one new feature of OffG’s comment section – at least I think it’s new – is spell check. I highlighted a word in another comment because I realized I had spelled it incorrectly, and a short list of possible spellings came up. I don’t think that’s ever been here before.)
If you’re alluding to “vaterland”, the “v” was intentional. I was going for an authentic squarehead experience.
Anyone who could read and understand a sentence of language and read the pfyser net sheet got the message from day one….they never really claimed anything other than around 2% …the press took the other far higher figure as they would naturally do having no doubt been paid to do so and went with that to brain wash the stupid…..and apparently a large % of supposedly intelligent medical people such as doctors and the types of ABC fame…they always seem to dredge the bottom of the barrel…
so rather than admit the reality as outline on the pfyser sheet we have made up a story about boosters….as always the gullible are first in line….ala my swim mate who is getting hers next week…will be interesting to see if she gets intense headaches this time…and how much further it sends her into the brain issues she is now exhibiting….
btw I have heard of 2 people who have inner ear issues leading to vertigo in the last 24 hrs post the needle…..now that will be fun to live with on a permanent basis. Also run across people who have had a dose of some corona that didn’t test positive covid that made them very ill for weeks….still not really recovered…funny we have not stopped the economy for that version..death stats or otherwise not being recorded as far as I know…so we only have selective coronas to fret about.
All explained by Straya’s ABC; the trusted news source (self-proclaimed)
“Livin’ life one booster at a time”
…So this was what they meant by ‘5G Rollout’… – The Chinese are already field testing prototypes of 6G as we speak…
everything is an act
legal fiction
1666 engerlund
1933 usa inc corporation
bankrupt state
no money just monopoly
debt based slavery
from a sovereign man
2 a civil juris person
a bot of zio crown and papal bull
a named party with what you think is your name
traded on the stock market
awaiting new bonds new trusts
man as cattle
for us for we everything is non assumpsit
all rights reserved
without prejudice
Do you think the “mandates” to inject and the recruiting of workplaces to exclude non injected people will ultimately be all bark and no bite, with the intention having been to coerce as many people as possible into the injection?
mandate is contract
contracts need consensus
you need to be tricked into it or happy too comply
doing nothing is compliance joinder
you have too conditionally accept and make up a load of conditions
doing nothing ignoring a presentment is dishonour dishonor
adding conditions keeps the game in play
the virus has not been isolated
pasteur and jenner where criminal frauds
the terrain theory beachamp is reality
work contracts cannot be changed without consensus of both parties
ucc 3-505 requires the moving party to verify something via signature signed statement proofs
a signature a statement can never be given signed in wet ink as everything is fraud is legal fiction
if signed if your boss signs it is criminal fraud
everything is done too round up more stragglers
everything is contract requiring consent
a constable a peace officer tried too charge me 6000 pounds last year for refusing the mask on a train at a london station last year
he could not create a contract and left
trickery deceit deception
never understand a police man reserve your rights
you may get arrested for refusing to create a contract refusing to give name but they cannot charge you with anything
without joinder
mandate is paper work mandate is like the tv license
very easy to rebutt
please verify that the sars covid exists and has been isolated
we are happy to comply once you have provided full disclosure
in safety and you provide us the name of the chief executive named party man or woman who will be liable for all safety matters
liable in the private personal and unlimited capacity
Much appreciated.
Yes, I’ve heard about the US being incorporated and how that’s the reason we have lost all of our rights. Lots of people are recommending Anna Von Reitz’s info and books. The guest, “KL” on Episode 256 of Crrow777 says that the federal govt never paid it’s debts to the international bankers going all the way back to the Revolutionary War. Apparently, there have been other “resets” when the debt was restructured (at the time of key historical events). Each time the debt was restructured the govt. put up more and more collateral. I’ve heard some say the birth certificate is how we are put up as collateral. I truly don’t know how we get out of this mess. Ramola D reports interviewed Ian Clifford from the UK, who also talks about this info (Admiralty Law vs Common Law).
wars are about creating debt 9 and 11 covid climate change
trillions of dollars of debt that takes 70 years or more to repay
endless slavery
james trafficant
they ran the man out of town jailed him then snuffed him out for telling the truth
in 1933 it became illegal to hold gold you had to trade it for cental bankster monopoly money
It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933 – Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only.
> And if you actually have had a few too many (even one may be too many), and maybe lose it, and curse out the car for its refusal to perform like one, it will report you, on “the internet of things,” for “hate speech,” and then “the cops” will get involved, to test your breath, and check your pulse, and scan your eyes, and tase you if you disrespect the law.
Most people will comply. Not thinking this is wrong but thinking this is for the best.
The human species better go instinct quick; it’s best for all incl humans.
Next up – the three sea shells….
Ever since Wall St seized control of the US government in the 1970’s, their main agenda has been to dissolve the nation-state. Making it look as ineffective and preposterous as possible is why you have characters like Pelosi.
Central banks no longer want to share financial authority with sovereign nations, who can create their own currency to control their own destiny. Capitalism is neocolonialism, always. That’s why the next economic design is for the world to switch to CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currency). Everything must change in order for it to remain the same.
The popularity of MMT and Stephanie Kelton’s bestseller The Deficit Myth are in direct opposition to the central bank global coup attempt. It returns fiscal power to the State, which has been mismanaged by the banks these past 40 years. National and individual sovereignty are under attack by the mega-corporations who demand conformity. But the world is no longer falling for neoliberal dogma and unnecessary austerity measures.
How people are nudged into a consensus groupthink:
“Making it look as ineffective and preposterous as possible is why you have characters like Pelosi.”
It’s also why they selected Biden and put out stories like he soiled himself during an audience with the Pope (which had the double plus of humiliating Catholics). Those who think satirists who mock this sort of thing aren’t part of the show don’t have much of a clue.
It is the conditioning of the masses to accept absolute ClownWorld. Make things slowly more and more ludicrous and people will swallow just about anything. SnowCrash comes to mind. Incidentally the very novel the term ‘Metaverse’ was lifted from. I guess The Con doesnt recuit the best and the brightest huh?
What they didn’t lift from Snow Crash, they stole from Neuromancer. God help us if they read Ribofunk.
…[Nam Shub Intensifies]…
Exactly. What better way to 1. Sugar the pill and make the ‘public’ feel superior. 2. Give the appearance of ineptitude while plans and plots are being rolled out 3. Enable a shift in emphasis when or if serious and suited (though often tieless) men like Cameron, Obama and Blair return. 4. Enterdrainment of the highest order.
Their used to be loads of videos like this never was alcohol mentioned like i said the IQ was slightly higher then until you lot turned up (alt dementia)
it was called clitches, mK ultra MPD ,mind control wearing of. used to be videos showing weather man lady, news reporters, even Britney spear, Mariah Carey, Eminem, Robin willaim, Paris Jackson, etc they used to disappear to that hospital they all go to and come back looking slightly different, talking ‘normal’
Alt dementia comes along and it is called drunk whilst normal media now calls it bloopers
Anyone worked with Schizophrenia wil see they have similar chain of vocabulary sentences, paragraphs.
She is not schizophrenic nor drunk.
Please, if anyone can provide the full transcript of this short video, immediate hero status. I REALLY want to see it written down. Privilege scrub??!!!
It’s right up there with Dubya-Speak!
It’s right up there w Phil Rizutto.
A New Zealand man shot to death has been listed as a Covid death.
The man tested positive after his death.
That’s “the new normal science” for ya.
The same approach is taken by Irish health authorities, as confirmed by a Dáil TD recently: positive Covid test means died from Covid regardless what took you to hospital.
That allowed the Midazolam Murders investigator Wayne Smith to be announced “dead from Covid.” He could have been strangled by Mi5 — fair game under the
Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Act 2021 — but it would be Covid wot dunnit.
Yep, and also the WHO 28 day guideline rubbish. Anyone testing positive within that window is a Covid death. If your parachute doesn’t open and you test positive it’s a Covid death.
Here in the ole USA they get a $13K cash injection when they check that box, so there is that….
Isn’t it also $30 grand or something to put someone on a ventilator?
They’ll lump anything in on the Covid death toll. It’s all about creating numbers to create fear. They’re bunging it on now. They don’t care anymore. We don’t either so life goes on. Even in death it seems. It’s so unreal. Literally.
Wait till they start projecting figures backwards and “discover” that e.g. Beethoven died of covid and the Black Death was really covid.
We’ve seen similar before – do you have a source for that?
Apologies, i should have put the link in my original post.
NZ hasn’t heard of Italy’s latest? Wiping 90% of past covid deaths out as having died from covid? Or so I hear.
WITH as opposed to OF…what a difference a pen stroke makes. I guess they werent too pleased with their HQs being surrounded by chanting thousands?
I found this:
Sometimes the neighborhood tweekers, methamphetamine addicts, where I use to live would get drunk while they were high, their incoherent babble would sound just like Pelosi here. When they were just high, they were good at lying and could convince my other neighbor of just about anything. Day and night didn’t matter to them. Just their next fix.
when a person can have a press conference like this and remain as the speaker of the house, it shows you what serious times we live in. If you gave a press conference, like this, for your work , you would be immediately fired.
“If you gave a press conference, like this, for your work , you would be immediately fired.”
Not if you’re part of the “management” …
i wonder if that is where Ricky Gervais got his route from
It also brings to mind Saakashvili chewing his tie.
We are living in the age of the overemphatic instructor. Leaving folks to make up their own minds is dodgy. You just can’t trust anyone to exercise thought.
The alter ego of behaviourist B.F. Skinner in his novel ‘Walden Two’ in 1976:
“I’ve only had one idea in my life – the idea of having my own way. ‘Control’ expresses it – the control of human behaviour. .. it was a frenzied, selfish desire to dominate. I remember the rage I used to feel when a certain prediction went awry. I could have shouted at the subjects of my experiments, ‘Behave! Behave as you ought!'” Skinner had written in his preface to the book, “Russia after fifty years is not a model we wish to emulate. China may be closer”.
Skinner, who considered himself “outside morality”, also wrote this was science fiction. He brought his ideas closer to reality with the ‘Skinner box’, an artificial world of rewards and punishments. After raising his own daughter in it for two years it was nicknamed “the Heir Conditioner”.
Skinner could be dismissed as a lone nut except he was funded by the Human Ecology Fund. an infamous CIA front. John Marks, who dubbed the Fund the Society, found: “no phenomenon was too arcane to escape a careful look from the Society, whether extrasensory perception or African witch doctors”.
Things make a whole lot of sense if seen through the prism of an attempt to create a worldwide Skinner box.
Pavlov’s human agrees!!
The entire field of has been poisoned at the Skinnerian well.
Pelosi’s inebriation is an indication of the immense strain on the upper reaches of the servant class whose every move and word must be ruthlessly dedicated to the overlord purpose. I recall similar distress from Condoleezza Rice during a question and “answer” session over 9/11. She knew she was being scrutinised and no slip ups would be tolerated.
Who the f^^k does Albert Bourla think he is? There, I fixed the top story for you.
The Pfizer CEO told his mouthpiece, the Atlantic Council — which is a NATO corporatist propaganda organ — that people who spread disinformation about his vaccines:
Bourla also lectured us on how we get to live, once vaxxed: Note he doesn’t say you’ll get your life back: you’ll get the new way of life.
In the second quarter of 2021 Pfizers revenues reached $19 Billion, largely due to the Covid vax.
Bourla even mentioned the three-letter agencies FBI and CIA in the context of people who criticize his profiteering.
As a Greek Sephardic, Bourla ought to feel some historic resonance for unleashing the political police on people but… whatever.
JP: Pfizer CEO shares his family’s tragic story during the Holocaust
The historical ignorance is a more than a clanger — as I wrote about former NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian whose family also knew something about “the events of 1915”.
All of this approaches the who and why, that so often slip through the endless examination of what, when, where and how.
Bourla just experienced a life changing event….
Bourl-shits looks unhappy but I wonder if it’s war by deception.
“My government lied to me, they said it was safe. Now, I go home to an empty house.”
Viertes Reich.
Obviously taking the piss is not enough for the muppets at large tasked with walking forth the fourth industrial revolution!
She makes Trump and Bush sound positively eloquent.
Is she drunk on power, Dom Perignon, or the sound of her own voice?
No matter, with these incapacitated deviates running the world their sick reign is coming to its conclusion.
Clearly, she needs the Speechalist!
I am beginning to think we all do….but she sure does win the gold!
Kudos to Pelosi. This is an exceptional performance, nobody has no fucking idea what she’s talking about! She’s managed to outdo our president who nearly puked over the crown jewels not to mention the finance minister who actually did puke live on TV.
The description of the things that appear to be in the pipeline is spot on, and, like the author, I can envisage many many more ways of robbing people of their freedom – or whatever little freedom they have, considering the slavery of their job and the ball and chain of their mortgage/conventional lifestyle – “for their own good, protection, and well-being.”
Once again, an ideology purporting to be based in the greater good is being rolled out with the obvious intention to fuck people over, and the dumbos out there are falling for it. Was it like that in the past too, with Christianity, communism, and whatever other previous incarnations of wokeism there might have been? Did the perpetrators, too, knew that the ideology was total crap, its sole purpose being to delude the masses, or did things go awry only at a later time?
I don’t know why Nancy Pelosi’s name gets dragged into this except as the usual “two minutes hate” hit job. She has absolutely no idea what is meant by “including technology that prevents impaired people from driving their cars” mans. Its the sort of thing that might sound appealing to a politician, though.
The reality is that too much technology brings with it the likelihood of software errors creeping in which leads to a lot of additional problems for mechanics to diagnose and significant expense by owners to fix. (Computer modules are dirt cheap but they’re sold at nosebleed prices to a captive market; the mechanic doesn’t know what’s going on, its just “swap one box for another” or if there are diagnostics then they’ll be seen as another profit center by the manufacturer — its currently at the center of “Right to Repair” disputes.) I’m not anti-technology myself, I’ve spent my entire working life designing the sorts of computer systems that make up these modules and I really like technology. I just don’t trust it — I like to have a readily accessible workaround or control, even if its just an ‘off’ switch, to handle the system when something goes wrong. (My systems, I’m pleased to say, rarely if ever go wrong. But they will eventually. Its statistics, and what would be an irritating software glitch in a user application can be quite damaging in a machine unless you’ve got that override.)
What it means in practical terms is that when I buy my next car it will, like my current one, be not the latest and greatest. I want something that’s reliable and won’t cost a fortune to fix.
(….and don’t get me started on the whole IoT thing…..)
Anyway, chip away at Nancy and Joe. Elderly they may be but the one thing they most definitely are not are fascists. I’m relatively old and relatively well off so if you who think you know everything want to vote in fascists then go for it. I won’t have to live with the consequences. You will.
Nancy has been around Joe Biden and has caught Old Timers from him. If they are Leaders of The Free World then The American Empire is surely in (rapid) decline…
Incase you missed it: “Research Study Bombshell – SARS-COV2 Lives and Propagates in Human Microbiome”. Trialsite. 10 November 2021.
Scientists have been poking around in people’s poo, and claim to have found The Virus in some…So will they now be telling us “You Can Catch It Off The Loo Seat !” ?
Surely some money for this stellar program of great worth! https://www.ebolaoutbreakmap.com/listings/ebola-drfauci/
I wonder what gain of function doohickeys they’ll give to ebola.I’m sure it’s perfectly safe and we have nothing to worry about, they’ll have a vaccine ready in about 15 minutes…How can one not despise a nation which allows people like this to ‘represent’ it…?
This isn’t ‘drinking too much’.
This is drinking the whole bar dry.
That photo, if it’s genuine, paints a similar picture.
This is not incompetent politics.
It’s one mafia signing a deal with another mafia.
I learned some time ago that agents pushing Agenda 2030 have been embedded in state and local governments for a very long time. Even some of the initiatives I see at my local level track closely with that agenda. Are we too late to stop these people? Can we insert ourselves into local governments in sufficient numbers to turn the tide? I’m not optimistic that we can; “they” have been working hard behind the scenes for a very long time, and we’re only now beginning to see how much progress they have made. This is similar to the takeover of education, which began in the early 20th Century; only now do we realize how effectively they have nearly owned the education establishment, and there seems to be little we can do to eradicate “them” from our schools.
Sadly, it matters little whether we are talking about democrats or republicans; both wings of the uniparty are in on the scam, because they are personally enriched by TPTB when they cooperate with the globalist agenda. Truly scary stuff, but we probably should have been paying closer attention to what “they” were doing; now we reap the whirlwind of our neglect.
“What if Morpheus told you that you have always been in the Matrix.”
In the words of the late 3rd Century Epicurean philosopher Gordonius of Gekko, Greed is Good…
… Grand Theft Even Better.
Grand Theft Auto-manic
…A Hundred Billion here, a Hundred Billion there… – Pretty soon you’re talking *Serious Money*…
Adverse affects from the Booster jab(s)? Brain clots?
Let’s hope so…
The latest cars dont do any of that zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Reminds me of Demolition Man where every time you swear a ticket comes out of the wall and where every restaurant is now a Taco Bell/Pizza Hut.
That looks more like brain damage to me. Her speech isn’t slurred, but she very definitely is incoherent.
Extraordinarily drunk people can be like that – especially if their medication expressly bans the use of alcohol.
If I was into necromancy, I’d be trying to get Abe Lincoln and Andrew Jackson back to life so they could deal with today’s Washington.
At the very least, it would be fun to see what language they would use when they saw what had happened over the last couple of hundred years…
They would of course need an entire army to help out – after firing all the existing officers.
If you listen to the whole briefing (clip from above starts around 23:30), it’s clear she isn’t drunk. It’s brain fog, either from old age, medication or a combination of both.
It’s been quietly admitted that the new electric cars will have back doors for law enforcement (or mental health) that will allow them to shut off the engine and open the doors and windows. That’s on top of the raw material and disposal requirements for their batteries and tendency to catch fire.
I guess all those getaway and car chase movies will have to be quietly re-edited – that’s if anyone still watches movies.
I never owned a car, and thus am not conversant on motor vehicle design and marketing nomenclature.
But as a kid growing up in the 1960s, standard US automobiles were sold as either “four-door” or “two-door” sedans. (Ford marketed the latter as “tudor sedan”, which vaguely suggests a link with British royalty.)
So perhaps new electric cars will be touted as, say, “eight-door sedans”. 😉
One slight correction, if I may: two door cars were coupes; only four door cars were sedans. The coupe had no door post, so the front and back windows had a much sleeker look.
I appreciate the clarification; this is why I mentioned that I have only a sketchy knowledge of automotive matters.
I occasionally check out a venerable “Perry Mason” fan site for background information because the series is televised on a local “retro” TV channel, and it’s on while I’m making/eating breakfast.
It’s still nominally active, but I mention the site because one contributor is obviously a motorhead; he posts extensive analyses of all of the vehicles that appear in each episode– sometimes even cars parked in the background.
I admit that I don’t exactly study his contributions, but from skimming them I’m aware that the history of motor vehicle design is a Talmudic body of knowledge; the minutiae he cites includes things like distinguishing one model or year from another by, say, the angle of the windshield wipers!
But as far as I’m concerned: don’t bother me, I can’t coupe! 😉
…*Nobody* likes back-seat drivers…
4th industrial revolution, same old capitalist story. New inventions of things, new materials and new ways to produce it to get the capitalists out of the runt of declining profits and mounting stock from the previous production paradigms. More alliances of sectors (land, industry…) to minimise competition and keep the prices stable, more oppression and profiteering under a new label. Yep, we are feeling what an industrial revolution REALLY means, not as students in an amphitheatre, but as proletars in a world shaped by capital as the ONLY social relationship. And we are about to feel that stick even harder. Only refusals and resistance. There is no other way. We strike, we refuse, we protest and we simply don’t accept their violence.
“Now a message from Nasty Nazi itself.”
“Nasty Nazi’s head look like it fell in the cheese dip back in 1957. Yikes.”