Saving Capitalism or Saving the Planet?
Colin Todhunter

The UK government’s Behavioural Insights Team helped to push the public towards accepting the COVID narrative, restrictions and lockdowns. It is now working on ‘nudging’ people towards further possible restrictions or at least big changes in their behaviour in the name of ‘climate emergency’.
From frequent news stories and advertisements to soap opera storylines and government announcements, the message about impending climate catastrophe is almost relentless.
Part of the messaging includes blaming the public’s consumption habits for a perceived ‘climate emergency’. At the same time, young people are being told that we only have a decade or so (depending on who is saying it) to ‘save the planet’.
Setting the agenda are powerful corporations that helped degrade much of the environment in the first place. But ordinary people, not the multi-billionaires pushing this agenda, will pay the price for this as living more frugally seems to be part of the programme (‘own nothing and be happy’). Could we at some future point see ‘climate emergency’ lockdowns, not to ‘save the NHS’ but to ‘save the planet’?
A tendency to focus on individual behaviour and not ‘the system’ exists.
But let us not forget this is a system that deliberately sought to eradicate a culture of self-reliance that prevailed among the working class in the 19th century (self-education, recycling products, a culture of thrift, etc) via advertising and a formal school education that ensured conformity and set in motion a lifetime of wage labour and dependency on the products manufactured by an environmentally destructive capitalism.
A system that has its roots in inflicting massive violence across the globe to exert control over land and resources elsewhere.
In his 2018 book The Divide: A Brief Guide to Global Inequalities and its solutions, Jason Hickel describes the processes involved in Europe’s wealth accumulation over a 150-year period of colonialism that resulted in tens of millions of deaths.
By using other countries’ land, Britain effectively doubled the size of arable land in its control. This made it more practical to then reassign the rural population at home (by stripping people of their means of production) to industrial labour. This too was underpinned by massive violence (burning villages, destroying houses, razing crops).
Hickel argues that none of this was inevitable but was rooted in the fear of being left behind by other countries because of Europe’s relative lack of land resources to produce commodities.
This is worth bearing in mind as we currently witness a fundamental shift in our relationship to the state resulting from authoritarian COVID-related policies and the rapidly emerging corporate-led green agenda. We should never underestimate the ruthlessness involved in the quest for preserving wealth and power and the propensity for wrecking lives and nature to achieve this.
Commodification of nature
Current green agenda ‘solutions’ are based on a notion of ‘stakeholder’ capitalism or private-public partnerships whereby vested interests are accorded greater weight, with governments and public money merely facilitating the priorities of private capital.
A key component of this strategy involves the ‘financialisation of nature’ and the production of new ‘green’ markets to deal with capitalism’s crisis of over accumulation and weak consumer demand caused by decades of neoliberal policies and the declining purchasing power of working people. The banking sector is especially set to make a killing via ‘green profiling’ and ‘green bonds’.
According to Friends of the Earth (FoE), corporations and states will use the financialisation of nature discourse to weaken laws and regulations designed to protect the environment with the aim of facilitating the goals of extractive industries, while allowing mega-infrastructure projects in protected areas and other contested places.
Global corporations will be able to ‘offset’ (greenwash) their activities by, for example, protecting or planting a forest elsewhere (on indigenous people’s land) or perhaps even investing in (imposing) industrial agriculture which grows herbicide-resistant GMO commodity crop monocultures that are misleadingly portrayed as ‘climate friendly’.
Offsetting schemes allow companies to exceed legally defined limits of destruction at a particular location, or destroy protected habitat, on the promise of compensation elsewhere; and allow banks to finance such destruction on the same premise.”
This agenda could result in the weakening of current environmental protection legislation or its eradication in some regions under the pretext of compensating for the effects elsewhere.
How ecoservice ‘assets’ (for example, a forest that performs a service to the ecosystem by acting as a carbon sink) are to be evaluated in a monetary sense is very likely to be done on terms that are highly favourable to the corporations involved, meaning that environmental protection will play second fiddle to corporate and finance sector return-on-investment interests.
As FoE argues, business wants this system to be implemented on its terms, which means the bottom line will be more important than stringent rules that prohibit environmental destruction.
Saving capitalism
The envisaged commodification of nature will ensure massive profit-seeking opportunities through the opening up of new markets and the creation of fresh investment instruments.
Capitalism needs to keep expanding into or creating new markets to ensure the accumulation of capital to offset the tendency for the general rate of profit to fall (according to writer Ted Reese, it has trended downwards from an estimated 43% in the 1870s to 17% in the 2000s). The system suffers from a rising overaccumulation (surplus) of capital.
Reese notes that, although wages and corporate taxes have been slashed, the exploitability of labour continued to become increasingly insufficient to meet the demands of capital accumulation. By late 2019, the world economy was suffocating under a mountain of debt.
Many companies could not generate enough profit and falling turnover, squeezed margins, limited cashflows and highly leveraged balance sheets were prevalent. In effect, economic growth was already grinding to a halt prior to the massive stock market crash in February 2020.
In the form of COVID ‘relief’, there has been a multi-trillion bailout for capitalism as well as the driving of smaller enterprises to bankruptcy. Or they have being swallowed up by global interests. Either way, the likes of Amazon and other predatory global corporations have been the winners.
New ‘green’ Ponzi trading schemes to offset carbon emissions and commodify ‘ecoservices’ along with electric vehicles and an ‘energy transition’ represent a further restructuring of the capitalist economy, resulting in a shift away from a consumer-oriented demand-led system.
It essentially leaves those responsible for environmental degradation at the wheel, imposing their will and their narrative on the rest of us.
Global agribusiness
Between 2000 and 2009, Indonesia supplied more than half of the global palm oil market at an annual expense of some 340,000 hectares of Indonesian countryside. Consider too that Brazil and Indonesia have spent over 100 times more in subsidies to industries that cause deforestation than they received in international conservation aid from the UN to prevent it.
These two countries gave over $40bn in subsidies to the palm oil, timber, soy, beef and biofuels sectors between 2009 and 2012, some 126 times more than the $346m they received to preserve their rain forests.
India is the world’s leading importer of palm oil, accounting for around 15% of the global supply. It imports over two-thirds of its palm oil from Indonesia.
Until the mid-1990s, India was virtually self-sufficient in edible oils. Under pressure from the World Trade Organization (WTO), import tariffs were reduced, leading to an influx of cheap (subsidised) edible oil imports that domestic farmers could not compete with.
This was a deliberate policy that effectively devastated the home-grown edible oils sector and served the interests of palm oil growers and US grain and agriculture commodity company Cargill, which helped write international trade rules to secure access to the Indian market on its terms.
Indonesia leads the world in global palm oil production, but palm oil plantations have too often replaced tropical forests, leading to the killing of endangered species and the uprooting of local communities as well as contributing to the release of potential environment-damaging gases. Indonesia emits more of these gases than any country besides China and the US, largely due to the production of palm oil.
The issue of palm oil is one example from the many that could be provided to highlight how the drive to facilitate corporate need and profit trumps any notion of environmental protection or addressing any ‘climate emergency’. Whether it is in Indonesia, Latin America or elsewhere, transnational agribusiness – and the system of globalised industrial commodity crop agriculture it promotes – fuels much of the destruction we see today.
Even if the mass production of lab-created food, under the guise of ‘saving the planet’ and ‘sustainability’, becomes logistically possible (which despite all the hype is not at this stage), it may still need biomass and huge amounts of energy. Whose land will be used to grow these biomass commodities and which food crops will they replace? And will it involve that now-famous Gates’ euphemism ‘land mobility’ (farmers losing their land)?
Microsoft is already mapping Indian farmers’ lands and capturing agriculture datasets such as crop yields, weather data, farmers’ personal details, profile of land held (cadastral maps, farm size, land titles, local climatic and geographical conditions), production details (crops grown, production history, input history, quality of output, machinery in possession) and financial details (input costs, average return, credit history).
Is this an example of stakeholder-partnership capitalism, whereby a government facilitates the gathering of such information by a private player which can then use the data for developing a land market (courtesy of land law changes that the government enacts) for institutional investors at the expense of smallholder farmers who find themselves ‘land mobile’?
This is a major concern among farmers and civil society in India.
Back in 2017, agribusiness giant Monsanto was judged to have engaged in practices that impinged on the basic human right to a healthy environment, the right to food and the right to health. Judges at the ‘Monsanto Tribunal’, held in The Hague, concluded that if ecocide were to be formally recognised as a crime in international criminal law, Monsanto could be found guilty.
The tribunal called for the need to assert the primacy of international human and environmental rights law. However, it was also careful to note that an existing set of legal rules serves to protect investors’ rights in the framework of the WTO and in bilateral investment treaties and in clauses in free trade agreements. These investor trade rights provisions undermine the capacity of nations to maintain policies, laws and practices protecting human rights and the environment and represent a disturbing shift in power.
The tribunal denounced the severe disparity between the rights of multinational corporations and their obligations.
While the Monsanto Tribunal judged that company to be guilty of human rights violations, including crimes against the environment, in a sense we also witnessed global capitalism on trial.
Global conglomerates can only operate as they do because of a framework designed to allow them to capture or co-opt governments and regulatory bodies and to use the WTO and bilateral trade deals to lever influence.
As Jason Hickel notes in his book (previously referred to), old-style colonialism may have gone but governments in the Global North and its corporations have found new ways to assert dominance via leveraging aid, market access and ‘philanthropic’ interventions to force lower income countries to do what they want.
The World Bank’s ‘Enabling the Business of Agriculture’ and its ongoing commitment to an unjust model of globalisation is an example of this and a recipe for further plunder and the concentration of power and wealth in the hands of the few.
Brazil and Indonesia have subsidised private corporations to effectively destroy the environment through their practices. Canada and the UK are working with the GMO biotech sector to facilitate its needs. And India is facilitating the destruction of its agrarian base according to World Bank directives for the benefit of the likes of Corteva and Cargill.
The TRIPS Agreement, written by Monsanto, and the WTO Agreement on Agriculture, written by Cargill, was key to a new era of corporate imperialism.
It came as little surprise that in 2013 India’s then Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar accused US companies of derailing the nation’s oil seeds production programme.
Powerful corporations continue to regard themselves as the owners of people, the planet and the environment and as having the right – enshrined in laws and agreements they wrote – to exploit and devastate for commercial gain.
Partnership or co-option?
It was noticeable during a debate on food and agriculture at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow that there was much talk about transforming the food system through partnerships and agreements. Fine-sounding stuff, especially when the role of agroecology and regenerative farming was mentioned.
However, if, for instance, the interests you hope to form partnerships with are coercing countries to eradicate their essential buffer food stocks then bid for such food on the global market with US dollars (as in India) or are lobbying for the enclosure of seeds through patents (as in Africa and elsewhere), then surely this deliberate deepening of dependency should be challenged; otherwise ‘partnership’ really means co-option.
Similarly, the UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) that took place during September in New York was little more than an enabler of corporate needs. The UNFSS was founded on a partnership between the UN and the World Economic Forum and was disproportionately influenced by corporate actors.
Those granted a pivotal role at the UNFSS support industrial food systems that promote ultra-processed foods, deforestation, industrial livestock production, intensive pesticide use and commodity crop monocultures, all of which cause soil deterioration, water contamination and irreversible impacts on biodiversity and human health. And this will continue as long as the environmental effects can be ‘offset’ or these practices can be twisted on the basis of them somehow being ‘climate-friendly’.
Critics of the UNFSS offer genuine alternatives to the prevailing food system. In doing so, they also provide genuine solutions to climate-related issues and food injustice based on notions of food sovereignty, localisation and a system of food cultivation deriving from agroecological principles and practices. Something which people who organised the climate summit in Glasgow would do well to bear in mind.
Current greenwashed policies are being sold by tugging at the emotional heartstrings of the public. This green agenda, with its lexicon of ‘sustainability’, ‘carbon neutrality’, ‘net-zero’ and doom-laden forecasts, is part of a programme that seeks to restructure capitalism, to create new investment markets and instruments and to return the system to viable levels of profitability.
Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture and is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal.
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The balance of power in the world is changing. Build back Better or Belt and Road Initiative? Or both?
And the future of ‘Stakeholder Capitalism’? I have made a short summary of this very highly recommended article from Winter Oak’s website.
“The Ukrainian President Zelensky claimed that Ukraine could function as the BRI’s (Belt & Road Initiative) gateway to Europe. Therefore, we cannot ignore China’s huge stake in the recent tensions over Ukraine, nor can we ignore NATO’s underlying ambition to check China’s rise in the region by limiting the sale of Ukrainian assets to China and doing everything in its capacity to thwart The Modern Silk Road.
As sanctions push Russia towards consolidating bilateral ties with China and fully integrating with the BRI, a Pan-Eurasian trading bloc may be the realignment which forces a shared governance of the global commons and a reset to the age of US exceptionalism.”
And where is Israel in all of this?
Is Israel in the formative stages of outsourcing its security interests away from the US and hedging its bets on the Sino-Russia axis?”
“The Russia-Ukraine conflict will catapult Israel – a leading advocate of the Great Reset – to even greater international prominence. Israel’s status as among the leading tech hubs of the future and gateway connecting Europe and the Middle East is inextricably tied to the web of physical infrastructures, such as roads, railways, ports and energy pipelines which China has been building over the past decade.”
Therefore, the nation state model is gradually being upended by a global technocracy, consisting of an unelected consortium of leaders of industry, central banking oligarchs and private financial institutions, most of which are predominantly non-state corporate actors attempting to restructure global governance and enlist themselves in the global decision-making process.
Therefore, the future of international relations and the social, economic and political transformation which the world is presently undergoing in light of the pandemic and Russia-Ukraine conflict will not be decided through multilateralism and elected representatives of sovereign states.
Rather, it will be decided through a network of multi-stakeholder partnerships which are motivated by the politics of expediency and not accountable to any electorate or beholden to any state and for whom concepts like sovereignty and international law are meaningless.”
see full article on Winter Oak’s website:
I don’t know why you persist in calling it Capitalism. That’s the strawman we’ve been conditioned to blame the world’s ills on.
Who owns Corteva? Major institutional investors are Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street are bulk holders, followed by a series of smaller funds, whose ownership ultimately goes back to same people.
Who owns Monsanto? Bayer group, yeah, that’s right, the ones that formed part of the Nazi cartel IG Farben. Who owns Bayer, a bunch of funds including Vanguard and Blackrock.
Pfizer? Vanguard, Blackrock, state st.
Find any major corporation from big tech, to aerospace, military to pharma, to of course media, it’s the same ownership profile, and even when different funds, they often go back to same ownership.
At best we have a system of corporatism, shrouded in rainbow flags and vacuous pseudo progressive ideology, but ultimately increasingly fascistic.
As Catherine Austin Fitts says, we live in a system of organised crime. That’s probaby a much fairer and accurate way to describe it.
Also, it’s clear many of the elites who control these corps and systems want moar marxism, which is why i don’t get excited about blaming capitalism. Because none of these problems will go away with centralisation to the state.
English version of Greek Maoist leaflet. A lot of people were arrested last year for defying bans on rallies, supposedly levied to prevent the spread of Covid. There is a trial date of 62 people coming up on November 29.
When capitalists turned on humankind and began betting on rigged disasters, that’s when it became obvious that we need to shut down the casino.
“Depopulation” is a simplistic notion. It’s not even a problem. The real problem is that this system makes wasteful and poisonous choices for profit. Solvents, plastic, pesticides, chemicals, GMOs, wars, etc. If they want to tidy up the world, start with ending the use of toxic junk.
Plaything of billionaire tells Americans their impoverishment is no bad thing:
What does “living more like Europeans” even mean? Which Europeans – the Dutch or Albanians? Richard Branson or someone on minimum wage?
Of course if what Bloomberg was saying was coming from a good place, was about breaking indebtedness and consumerism, then it would have some truth – but it’s about pimping ‘tiny living’. People will find themselves in as much debt because these are the people whose position depends on it.
Get even less for more debt. It reminds me of Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass: “ takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that”
‘Saving capitalism or saving the planet’?
Neither Colin.
They’re just saving their pampered arses.
So, if the ‘vaccines’ have failed worldwide They’ll just have to bring back The Lockdowns (especially for the non-vaxxed)
Remember – They can produce “outbreaks” and “clusters” to order: Just ramp up the “testings”, increase the cycles and “Voila !” – an “outbreak”; and to show lockdowns, or masks, or experimental medical injections ‘work’, wind down the testings, and cycles…
Lockdowns & lockouts – what would they do without them !
That’s exactly how simple it is.
Imperialist nonsense. Palm oil? Really, digging up that old trope? So the UK cutting down its forests to make farm land is okay, but the Malaysians doing the same for palm oil is bad. Yes, corporations are doing that in Malaysia with the blessing of the king and, I’m guessing, similarly powerful people did the same in the UK.
I stopped reading at “Friends of the Earth”.
The UK cut down it’s forests from ignorance.
Now they’re cut down for GREED.
The article did not to emphasise the importance of the peat soil and (drained) wetlands affected. In comparison, the other land is almost a non-issue.
MacDonald, Nestle, Cola cola etc for years have mutilated areas but now they have a Green Carbon Sticker all is forgiven and forgotten.
The blame has been reversed back on the people.
I remember watching a documentary at least 25 years ago on PBS’ “Frontline” about Big Ag, Cotton and Sudan.
Sudan needed a loan. They got their loan – conditioned on planting Cotton (which was at a premium at the time) and nothing else. I leave to your imagination what all Sudan had to do to feed its people.
The point is, please don’t pooh-pooh Palm Oil. It’s one of the major cash crops worldwide and many nations are coerced into giving up valuable arable land to that one crop.
Great article
The World is being transitioned to a different form of socio-political control.
Industrial capitalism, consumer capitalism are historically transient variations of socio-political control. When you strip away the productivism of the current socio-economic organisation > Big Brother is revealed.
Too many marxists get seduced by economism, forget Capitalism is a socio-political relationship. They forget Marx wrote about Capitalist Social Relations…
Two songs by those 1960s young rebellious poseurs, The Rolling Stones “I cant get no satisfaction” and “Mothers Little Helper,” > Great Social Criticism….
Dis-satisfaction drives consumerism and as Muddy Waters sang “I Cant Be Satisfied”.
Dis-satisfaction ! Without it, what would we need ?
There has also been a welfare state for poor and super wealthy.
If the plebs set up businesses, they fail in bad times, but insiders get a free hand out.
Going to a Freedom Rally with a sloganed brolly ? Why not wear a Yellow Vest too.
With everyone wearing yellow vests it might confuse the state enforcers and in their confusion they’ll clobber each other, even pepper spray each other in the face. Now wouldnt that be a Spectacle !
That’s actually a very good idea. Wear crash helmets too (with visors), and remember that umbrellas can also be, er, dual-purpose, if necessary.
It’s also still legal to buy spray-paint. Wouldn’t it be terrible if lots of demonstrators were to spray paint all over the cops’ visors, making it impossible for them to see who they’re beating?
It doesn’t bear thinking about.
FWIW, I haven’t checked lately to see if they’re still in effect, but years ago US municipalities, e.g. Philadelphia, PA, passed laws or ordinances restricting the sale of spray paint, markers, etc. as part of the government War on Graffiti.
I don’t remember exactly what hoops would-be purchasers had to jump through, except for a requirement to “show ID”, but I well remember that spray paint and other art supplies were locked up in cases, or securely stored behind counters.
A related memorable instance of this approach occurred during the 2000 Republican National Convention in Philadelphia– even before “9/11 changed everything” by giving the nascent police state the color of law.
As part of the “security preparations” for the 2000 presidential conventions, municipalities passed ordinances forbidding the use of the giant puppets employed in political protests at the time; local judges readily granted search warrants listing “possession of puppet-making materials”– paint, glue, even papier-mâché ingredients– as evidence of “intent to break the law”.
I don’t know whether the Police Commissioner at the time, the infamous über-goon John Timoney, invented the idea, or whether it came from a reactionary think tank; in any case, it was obviously greenlighted by the other municipal leaders, civilian and uniformed.
The assassination of JFK is the central event in post-WW2 history. The assassination showed The Deep State could do whatever it wanted, even murder a US president, and get away with it. Its motto; Yes ! We Can !
“We can keep a majority convinced that voting will change things. Yes We Can !”
“We can kill US presidents and get away with it. Yes We Can !”
“We can inject toxins into peoples arms without their resistance. Yes We Can !”
“We can get them to vote for a candidate mouthing “Yes We Can !” – Yes We Can !”
“We can go to war against any country sitting on US resources. Yes We Can !”
“We can go to war against any country, period. Yes We Can !”.
“Yes We Can ! Yes We Can ! Yes We Can !”
yes we can bring down an entire city block in Newyork and get away with Hollywood explanation
Cool-never heard of them.thanks
Fuckin A man
The Fugs!
What a brilliant song, and what a great deadpan delivery.
Who can buy a government so cheap?
Change a cabinet without a squeak?
Fuckin’-a, man!
CIA Man!
Sounds a lot like The Doors. Too bad they are not around to cover it. Or, is it one of their songs?…………
Did my own digging. They have been around a while. This one is for Joe Biden.
The US can’t go to war against Russia of China, because those sane people who can still be found in the US ruling ‘elite’ know as surely as they know that firing a gun into the roof of their mouths will kill them, that such a war would obliterate their state, and kill all of them too. Their only options against those opponents is lots of irritating but essentially ballsless troublemaking, such as (own-foot-shooting) sanctions, together with a lot of entirely ineffectual snarling. Some ‘global hegemon’! 😆
I believe Obama is still, effectively, the US President. Next election/selection, he could become president again, or vice-president. Wouldn’t be surprised.
And i thought snail mail was slow !
(From my place to Sydney GPO post office boxes is roughly 20 minute walk.
Last month i posted a check, to pay off my credit card bill, to the credit card’s POBox. It arrived 9 days after posting; three days after ‘due by’ date, so i was charged three days interest. Snail mail !)
Obama as VP – Yes ! Hilary wouldnt let us hear the end of her rancour otherwise.
What Colin is describing is a civilisational model in irreversible decline, getting slowly strangled by the limits to growth, and by the long descent away from industrialism – as it runs into the irreversible essential-commodity shortages which are destined to kill it.
The response – as usual – is the current blind, witless thrashing about that simply makes the debacle inevitable. Capitalism is an inherently suicidal system; just takes a long, destructive time over offing itself.
The current human population-overshoot episode is compounding this decline, locust-like, and in so doing is bringing on its own inevitable (natural) resolution, and at the same time helping to hasten on the decline and fall of this particular civ-model.
These realities are widely-hated by the massed pollyanna-ism addicts amongst the chatterati, deeply-loathed by the gangster-capitalist psychopatherati, and even more widely ignored amongst the pragmatist majority, because such ideas are inherently unpopular. Unfortunately, objective reality takes literally zero notice of the self-bamboozlement of reality-disliking humans. Fate will do what it does, wholly unaffected by our tantrums and wilful delusions.
A useful practical philosophical comfort in the midst of this shitstorm can be found in the writings of the USAmerican polymath John Michael Greer, who has studied and expounded on these matters deeply (as well as on several other ultra-deep-diving disciplines), and who points out that the long-period patterns of human history have been through smaller, more local/regional iterations of the process of rise-flourish-overshoot-decline-fall-dissolve before, leading every time to a period of depopulation, and the consequent recovery of the bruised natural world; and then yet another period of rinse-and-repeat. 🙄
This time, the whole planet is responding self-protectingly against a whole-globe episode of the same rise and fall pattern.
At some time, in some future re-incarnation(s), I hope to be able to witness the usual healing processes help the Earth’s life-web to pick itself up yet again, and carry on with the story of life in this particular neck of the universe… 😇
OK, dummy-spitters! Hit that down-vote button pronto! Let’s see if we can make it a record! 😂
Sadly the planets who seem to be the real keepers of the earth would totally agree with you,..I say sadly as it is hard to let go of a reasonable life for the one inevitably coming according to those keepers we share space with in the universe…the elite etc can only ever do what they are permitted and have picked a perfect time for the perfect storm…
the only remaining question is how to survive it oneself and just how many will be left and where..,and we all know the cockroaches will definitely survive.
As usual, I think you are bang on the money. No upvote I’m afraid though, as I’m a middle age man who remembers how simple life was when dopamine hits were earned through real interaction with people.
Viva Malthus
Ecosophia. John Michael Greer’s blog :
Thank you for this. It saddens me that one of the most intelligent comment forums on the internet has this nagging blind spot against the obvious. The plunder party cannot continue indefinitely, nor can the population continue unabated.
Eugenics of course isn’t and never was the answer, any more than some ridiculous carbon credit nonsense. We know only too well what the answer is; and it isn’t pretty. We see it so clearly with other species; but fail to see it with our own species. Nature simply doesn’t care for overbreeding (it’s Puritanical at heart).
We also see so very clearly that other races have been exploitative; but fail to notice that universal trait among the “white” race – indeed, that’s an even bigger blind spot than the climate/resource/population dynamic.
It’s not a case of throwing the baby out with the bathwater though: the water’s so dirty many don’t even realize there’s still a baby in the bath.
Agreed. The tides will keep coming in and out regardless. Faucci telling us all vax don’t work and render one unable to fight any other health issue…so does this make mandating getting the shit a definate criminal offence? Probably not. They will just say faucci a liar and roll up for booster
yes…. the the capitalist system devoid of growth, seeks to mendaciously appropriate all the worlds resources … because it’s balance sheets are fucked and new markets must be created to save the ‘beast’… they have valued the world at 400 trillion… and now of course it’s all theirs…or so I am led to believe…
its preferred method of piracy….bio-ecological tyranny and global civil unrest..
the sad thing is, this will only accelerate ecological destruction because under stake holder capitalism they will seek to ‘offset’ certain catastrophic ecological damage in their quests for ‘profit’.. which of course on a finite world can in no way be ‘offset’.. only theoretically, using their weapon of choice, paper financial ‘instruments’…
ha.. one must chuckle at the imbecility of those who think that trusting stewardship of the planet to miscreant central bankers…
is a sensible and appropriate thing to do….
National Geographic actually telling us the truth about face masks…?
I’m gob-smacked.
Of course they didn’t mention the oral filth and crap that has actually accumulated IN those discarded masks…
This is useful info.
Thanks, Reset.
I can’t stand people who believe in capitalism.
I’m not saying communism works, but this system is even worse, it allows for a lot more useless inbred morons to get cushy jobs
Socialism with Chinese characteristics seems to be working rather well – at the moment. However, it will be interesting to see how the ever-subtle and inventive Chinese will deal with the limits to growth; which will impose their iron rule on China as much as anywhere else; are, in fact, already imposing them; rolling electricity blackouts now appearing as storm crows there too, apparently. No wonder they’re determined to get yet more – wholly pointless – coal for themselves…
china was created to house the new banking empire, once the old husk was sucked dry.. astro-turfed into existence on forced western de-industrialization, as the hollow men let rip with their financialization of western economies in the late 70’s…
maurice strong over-saw the development of the favoured (by central banking and ‘world’ hehe, finance) nation and it’s worth a peek at this miscreants CV…
thankfully he’s dead now.. but his legacy lives on as the the west is contorted to fit in with this oriental despots ‘masters’ fiendish plan for you all…
remember those vidz of chinese victims of the microsoft virus…. dropping dead and being welded into their hutches..
well….you should..
NB: I also think it safe to say with the ‘balls in play’, so to speak, the chinese have stiffed the usual suspects on certain aspects of the plan and may seek to leverage greater power through this… certain salvos being fired back at them by the financial class.. the trouble for the old gey hollow men….. that is all they have, especially now that their attack dog has put on the rainbow dress, embraced equity and stabbed itself in the back..
well.. who is to stop them…a nightmare of their own making, national socialist china..
+50, Doc.
Good insight Dr.
Their socialism entails control through Social Credit, besides the double-talk on coal. Let us see when they hit the limits to obedience.
Does not work for the people.
On 11/15 here in the bay area in California there is a gigantic cloud of PM 2.5 currently blanketing half the state. There are no wildfires still burning and ALL the air quality monitoring agencies are now controlled by military intelligence appointees so it is impossible to know just what is happening.
There is ZERO information in the “news” on this health crisis and it is no longer possible to use search engines to find forums, comments sections, ANY place where people congregate online and discuss things like air quality. It is shocking how thoroughly useless the internet now is. I literally can’t find ANY online mention of the fact that air is currently unbreathable across the bulk of the state.
One thing that is certain is that the aerosol-spraying planes have been criss-crossing the skies night and day spraying so much chem that otherwise blue skies are quickly rendered a hazy murky mess.
Welcome to “climate change.”:)
Thanks for the post. I lived up the 101 north of SF and in the last few years that I was there I began to see increasing PM in the sky especially in July when the spray planes, if there were any, were too far out on the ocean to see, so much so that it obscured the hillside only a mile away, just as much as the forest fires. No one said anything. NOAA weather observation: clear. I was the only one talking about it or mentioning it. It seemed as it mattered little to everyone else.
Well its no different here in Estonia where the PM got to PM2.5 all summer long. Everyday we had near all time record temperature for two months straight. On the really extreme days where by most thermometers it broke the all time record temperature for Estonia, one could actually see the particles against the dark forest background, the way you can see dust in certain light. (I also saw this a couple times last winter). I speculate, have not read anything in regard to this matter, that the particles are microwaved or energized with the microwave transmitters. Its also interesting that all the recent heat waves that I have been in, including California, that the heat was accompanied by this type of haze. However, all those July PM 2.5 days in California were normal temperature days, at least a few other people here have ask the same question. What is this haze?
I just went and had a look at John Deere farming equipment….seems there has been trouble and machinery is costing heaps….I knew what I would find before I got there…yep vanguard, blackrock etal are heavily involved…so we have another way of removing small farmers…price equipment beyond their capacity to pay….
the bastards have been well at work for some time stitching all this up…I did figure this was the major reason for the ‘going direct’ funding,,,,buy into strategic areas to bring about their crazy desires…demolish the economy…what will it matter to them….they will own what is left.
The media spiel long ago lost all touch with credibility and now acts purely to condition the public into basic behaviour patterns. I have noticed a peculiar “dialectic” – as the covid tale becomes increasingly vapid, the motions of those around me becomes increasingly compliant. The propaganda has now “hit base” and the behavioural patterns are secularly in place.
What we might charitably call the intellectual content of the media is only noteworthy so far as to measure how debased the thought processes of the public have become. Although that may be an illusion e.g. it’s not that the public accept that climate change has now become a personal diagnosis but that they don’t even pay any attention whatsoever anymore – which is an understandable reaction. It’s a psychological self-defence in the same way that the endless loops of the Barney theme were presumably filtered out of the perceptions of the Waco inhabitants. The inquisitor holds up four fingers and demands we see five and we’re so weary that we say, “Yeah sure. Whatever!”
Actually, none of this should have come as a surprise at all. We were told at the beginning that there would be a “new normal” and that assertion really laid the whole scam bare. It was a stupid assertion if the covid narrative were to be taken at face value i.e. it was an assertion that unequivocally admitted the entire con. The subtext was: “We are now going to change everything for reasons we cannot admit. In the meantime, here is something called ‘covid’ which is a little talking point to keep you occupied. We shall keep you informed about what we expect from you.”
Thus the bifurcation between the public show and the underlying reality. Lots of drama on the surface. Lots of fighting and falling out. And the basic stratum? The ruined livelihoods, the running down of services both public and private, the actual deaths (as opposed to the charade), and the increasing gaps on the shelves – something we bourgeois Westerners are not supposed to moan about but which may indeed be the most ominous development.
Makes sense. From the state’s point of view, you can have two populations: one that takes a great deal of effort and expense to persuade; or one that you can train not to care.
I don’t think the rulers even put that much thought into it. They see the public as a big mass of protoplasm into which they can figuratively stick electrodes and pass a current long enough to get the desired reaction.
I still think even they are amazed at how easy it is to screw us.
“Shut up. Lie down. Bend over.”
Amazed and delighted.
“Oh, you mean you’re not going to put up a fight…???”
Not just yet, W. Not whilst our bourgeois illusions are still just about sustainable for a short while longer. But wait till the food riots start…
+ 1
or their mobile stops working? ; )
Actually, M, it’s not just the gics (gangsters-in-charge) who are training us that way. It’s inevitable changes well beyond any chance of human control, that are sweeping us away from our current entirely unsustainable condition.
As we accelerate into this now-begun period of economic and population shrinkage (OMG! Taboo word! Wash my mouth out with soap and water 😱 ) the people who are going to survive the shake-out and pass on their genes are precisely those hardy souls who can find it in themselves – not needing to be ‘trained’ – to not care about a much sparer, physically-harder life, and not to beef about it, and still thrive and rear their young in wholeness.
The lesson being learned is: ‘enough is as good as a feast’; and enough is often quite modest in scope; much less than the current hyper-indulgent, convenience-and-ease-obsessed lifestyle of we of of the world’s Pampered Twenty Percent. Get used to enough, if you plan to survive.
And get used to the idea that class war is still a real thing, as it has been since the advent of settled agricultural grain-growing societies several thousand years ago. The gics are up to their usual tricks in times of increasing hardship: “Everything for us; nothing for anyone else.” Hardy survivors are going to have to go on pulling down such scumbags, and eliminating them. Periodic revolutions are inevitable adjuncts of mass societies, especially those which indulge in capitalism.
+ 1
I started watching this as a nostalgic curiosity but have found it to be all but that, it raises a whole load of questions about ‘why bother surviving?’ mainly. The Laura Ashley rural idyll drops straight into a gun touting free for all. A much harder lesson for me to learn than living within my/nature’s means.
No prizes for guessing which well-known ‘leftist’ site passed on this article.
I would have said WSW but the article lacked the requisite screams of hysteria.
I have a strong feeling you mean Counterpunch…
CP – correct!
Excellent article. The one thing i would add is in regards to this passage,
“But let us not forget this is a system that deliberately sought to eradicate a culture of self-reliance that prevailed among the working class in the 19th century (self-education, recycling products, a culture of thrift, etc) via advertising and a formal school education that ensured conformity and set in motion a lifetime of wage labour and dependency on the products manufactured by an environmentally destructive capitalism.”
Actually, this eradication started in the late medieval period with the Enclosures, beginning in England, then spreading to Wales, Scotland, Ireland, then the rest of Europe and the rest of the world. People kicked off their hereditary land plots which were confiscated by large landowners, the Commons enclosed and turned into the private property of those same landowners. The vast majority was rendered incapable of producing or gathering/hunting its survival needs, forced into wage slavery to earn money to buy those needs.
A later stage of what you describe would be the decimation of indigenous agriculture, horticulture, and hunting/gathering peoples in the Americas through the theft of their traditional land bases.all of which is ongoing to this day.
Absolutely!! It has happened throughout the Americas, but particularly rankles me that people where i am, here in the USA, act as if the land just came out of nowhere, and the indigenous people and their ways of agriculture, horticulture, hunting/gathering,…just moved aside in the face of a “superior” culture, vs the land theft and ethnic cleansing which actually account for what happened. That’s part of what i meant by “spreading to Wales, Scotland, Ireland, then the rest of Europe and the rest of the world.”
Why do you care where the land comes from? The old owners are dead, the people who took the land are dead.
All land has been stolen at some time in history, including most of the UK. So why do yoy care? Do you think your concern conveys some virtue?
you miss the point – theft was enshrined in law and remains the case.
Yes, it was part of the plan- force the peasants to emigrate and take over the third world with a few of the aristocracy to herd them. Now we’re wiseing up they’re getting the third worlders to emigrate here to kick us out. Intellectuals look for complicated plots of great intelligence where there is just instinctive cunning, and cant see it.
Granted, Macchiavelli was into all that manoeuvering stuff, but the age of the psychologist had not yet dawned.
In the mediaeval period, we were generally just talking about brute force, not psycho warfare.
The Enclosures were not about psychology, but about brute force.
The “psychological” methods deployed by all those Behavioral Insight Teams and Nudge Units and TV programmers & propagandists & fearmongers is just a more-efficient substitute for brute force, though of course the brute force (called the police) is always there to back it up.
Ah yes psychologist’s the modern day priests of old.
Mm-hmm, dead right, Jeffrey. Also known as rising population-pressure. Gatherer-hunter and subsistence-horti lifestyles are no longer able to feed the growing number of mouths. ‘More efficient’ (yeah, right!) social forms such as large-scale intensive agriculture have to be imposed – which just make the population go on growing, and which usher in the unspeakable delights of gangster-capi practising gangster-capitalism. No wonder so many cultures have that Garden of Eden legend in their past, and the legend of Faust…
it is all scam
all liar liar
all working as one crime syndicate
stop supporting the corparations as best you can
do not comply
they reserve rights all the time
you should 2
2 signature are needed for contract
contract must have consensus
stop feeding this satanick beast system
covid is climate change is antifa is black lives matter is lgbtq plus plus is global warming global cooling is floods is desert is ice age is martians are coming
is isis is al ciada is epstein is jimmy saville is ted heath is biden
marx is morgan is rockerfella
is that family that got the balfour letter
is music is movies is net flicks
charity is runn by satanists
nhs by killers
david attenborough and his grandson greta want to save the world by snuffing you out
every time government gets stressed they do a gladio like liverpool hospital bang
followers of satan cannot help but lie
that is how they are structured
Dear citizens of the world, surely you can’t get much more fucked than this without noticing it…
Am I wrong?
“The tribunal denounced the severe disparity between the rights of multinational corporations and their obligations.”
Which of course begs the question, “Do multinational corporations even have obligations, if nobody recognizes, supervises, or enforces them?”
See the WEF’s Agile Capitalism. They brush obligation aside. Innovation precedes and pre-empts regulation.
My question was entirely rhetorical.
To hell with innovation.
(That’s not a curse, that’s a truthful advertising slogan.)
In an innovative handcart.
Once again we collectively keep deluding ourselves when it comes to the actual and real root cause of the present civilization.
exactly it is a feature not a bug… of course there are alternatives but we are still tied to the remnant of prediluvian thinking and most likely the same ancient families holding all the cards… the aim is to limit mankind by any means, for the benefit of the ‘sorcerer’ class who weave the dreams to wrap you in…. in perpetuity..
flat caps and crumpets, football terraces, trans-human cybernetic hollywood day dreams, fat underwear models wearing surgical masks, ladymen and manlygirls and nonsensical scientisms and ideologisms… mostly drivel, but of course they have an overarching plan that not too many out in the ‘real’ world would approve of..(let us hope they are beginning to ‘see’)…
so called modern civilization is neither, the hindus refer to the Kali Yuga and I think they might be on to something there..
the thing is, the main difficulty when rectifying the problem will be the very people one is trying to help..
I had a very uncharitable thought today: i watched a vid from a chap in Eire who asked us all to pull together to end this, all as in the cult and the non-cult tribes.
that’s a correct thought from the guy… but. … if sometime we recover from this insanity and people take control of their lives and regime change for Love sweeps the world…. how can i ever forget the willing executioners, the emboldened public, public sector, and the legion of moron at large?
Inoffensive, non enforcing fearties amidst such groups i can tolerate, but I’m really not so sure about the rest: they’ve been utterly exposed as closet nazis, empty/dark souls or absolute liabilities for any wizened society that may emerge.
What do we do with them? they are the target audience/stormtroopers for the next tide of evil whenever it may come.
and, honestly I can never regard these “people” as anything positive ever again.
: /
well…… there is forgiveness, which will go someway to healing the people (primarily for the good and just amongst us.. carrying hatred is very bad for the spirit)…
and then there will be proportional justice…quite appropriate I may add..
however… I am more of the mindset that the majority have proven themselves beyond redemption..
So I am afraid that will be in Gods hand….
indeed, and i do forgive (in time), i admit was -ve mode.
something TH White might have referred to as “feral”, i may call ancient.
i still remember, especially as often nothing changes… so fail to forget.
Dr Vladimir Zelenko on the murder of children.
Oh, I’m sure the word “murder” pains the liberal ear. Say it ain’t so!
There lies the dissonance: abstract but no less real. Except to materialists, who cannot conceive of dissonance itself: thus their confidence. They know everything. And what they missed, The Science instructs them from the screen in the corner.
They do not scream as they confront dissonance — for they don’t. Increasingly they embrace sophistry, the sinister, the narrative, bending the law, elections, justice, education, policing: It must conform to the narrative!
If events fail to cling to the narrative — as Nature refuses to belch carbon — they will riot, set their alphabet provocateurs to work or, if they are incontinent, senile billionaires, pay others to riot on their behalf.
Shorn of narrative, the world is just big, ole and frightening. It’s out there. It doesn’t care what you want or think. It just is. You must engage, shape, mold, confront.
Yet day by day, children are led by the hand, their parents offering them up… to the narrative.
There is something impelling, self-driven to this narrative. Perhaps it stems from the same source as prizes-for-all.
The need for self-congratulation has two roots: you are sure you are one of the chosen, the elect; or you deny any superior jurisdiction and, defying physics and nature, you can’t be wrong, nor fail: your will prevails!
This chutzpah is, increasingly, the glib, self-satisfied, smarmy salesman that you see on TV: the suddenly-from-nowhere celebrity; the glad-handing politician; and the logic-bending, word-salad, neuro-linguistic television presenter.
Nowhere can you find an interlocutor who represents the people in plain dialogue with power: only overbearing faces, talking down, in terms at once obscurantist and didactic, predetermined and predestined for control.
That’s why in The Great Reset there is much talk of Stakeholders and representation but no allowance, anywhere, for input from below, let alone democracy.
Some of us admit the flaws in democracy and are ready to let it go, if it can be replaced by republics with representative voting mechanisms.
Another inflexion point: those who gain from our corrupt and manipulated democracy would be the most keen to keep it. Yet their Reset does not need them. They would be the first to be jettisoned.
Think about that for a moment: it means those politicians pushing the Lockdowns, Covid narrative and vaccines are on the fast train to oblivion.
Thanks Colin.
Summaries of recent UKC
Nov 8th
Nov 10th
Another excellently crafted article Colin! Thanks.
…On the other hand:… – Control your*Self* and you have no need of control over other people, nor even nations…
…- Psychopathy and Malignant Narcissism are the symptoms of a certain profound and chronic *Incontinence* of the Ego…
I rediscovered a quote Kissinger made ten years ago- ” in ten years time Israel won’t exist”. Very mysterious.
Germany has been creeping towards full fascism since March 2020. This winter, they intend to complete the coup. The parties are fully gleichgeschaltet and uniformly vile. The rhetoric in the mass media is indescribable. The medical establishment just shamelessly lies.
You wonder why it’s “gone quiet”here? Protest has been effectively banned for over a year now. The police, as ever, will carry on just following orders.
Where’s Reiner Fuellmich?
Of course he gave them enough warning for them to be able to add another three pandemics to the current one while we wait for his initiative to take its first real step.
I’m not quite sure what to make of him, although his idea does seem to be on the right track. Perhaps it’s just another good idea that will perish, like the others, in the claws of endless bureaucracy…
“Of course he gave them enough warning for them to be able to add another three pandemics to the current one while we wait for his initiative to take its first real step.”
This makes no sense. What does “gave them enough warning” mean, exactly? Should Reiner Füllmich have hidden, like nearly everyone else? Kept a low profile? Look where that’s got us in the last 20 months!
Merely telling the truth since July 2020 and giving hundreds of other honest, knowledgeeable, reputable people — medics, lawyers, teachers, psychologists, historians, ordinary working people, etc.etc.etc. — the opportunity to tell the truth too, on the record… this is already an admirable achievement. In fact, has been the single most informative and reliable news source about this outrageous scam since it began. In the midst of an unprecedented and neverending blizzard of bullshit and lies, it has shown millions of other honest and intelligent people that they are neither alone nor insane.
I too would love to see a dramatic high-profile court battle between him and the German ruling class, but this is not Hollywood. He knows his stuff, and I believe him when he says the DAs/QCs are wholly beholden to the State (weisungsgebunden). So exactly what “next step” do you want him to take?
He’s a very intelligent, knowledgeable, experienced, brave, tough lawyer, but that’s all. Superman he ain’t, nor does he pretend to be.
Exactly so, Patrick. What more is he – a common human like the rest of us – supposed to do? He and his colleagues have done sterling service already, however it pans out in the end. And he’s acutely aware of the corruption of the legal systems.
I meant simply that Fuellmich began to advertize his intentions long ago, which was, of course, good for those of us who support him, but also good for his enemies who will do everything they can to obstruct him.
Nobody thinks he’s Superman, but we are all looking for an initiative which can take the enemies of mankind by surprise, just as the witch hunters of Salem were taken by surprise when the wife of one of the witch-hunting officials was accused herself.
(After that, the witch hunts stopped very suddenly.)
That’s what we’re looking for.
I support Fuellmich, and I like to listen to his plans and the dates he has in mind for carrying them out, but denial of what he is up against won’t help us at all.
His enemies are powerful, even if they are predictable.
We have to know that.
After all, I could start a new initiative tomorrow along the lines of,
“Classical Musicians bring Class Action against the CDC, the WHO, the EEC and the UN for Gross Dereliction of Duty and the Wilful Undermining of Human Mental Health”…
… but I know exactly what would happen to it.
Bashing our heads against brick walls will only make us punch drunk.
For the record, I heartily concur that Fuellmich is genuine and that what he has already achieved is rather wonderful.
But we need a clear conception of what a ‘victory’ for us might realistically look like.
As things stand, I find it all-too easy to imagine the further antics his enemies have already planned in order to stop his initiative from reaching the ears of the general public.
This is predictable, and he needs to be a step ahead of them.
That doesn’t mean I think he should stop. Far from it.
But he needs the smartest colleagues and advisors he can find in his profession.
After all, the bribed, threatened and brainwashed forces he is up against are countless in number.
Even if he’s genuine, which court is going to hear the case ? and how ?
The justice system in the entire West seems to be totally corrupted/compromised.
There is not the slightest doubt that Füllmich and his colleagues are genuine. No one who has followed even half-a-dozen of these Hearings can doubt it. When he calls people like Drosten and Fauci criminals and frauds — as he has done repeatedly, while supplying tons of evidence to support those assertions — he is not making friends in the Establishment. On the contrary, he’s risking his career and professional reputation, if not his life.
What is not corrupted: executive government, legislature or judiciary? In some ways, the judiciary is the easiest to manipulate.
Still going strong. Füllmich & Fischer’s independent Corona Commission has just held its 78th weekly Hearing, in which he describes the absurd rigmarole he went through in court last week while attempting to defend a client in Berlin — the owner of a karaoke bar (employing 40 people) who had been forced to close due to the Pandemic (sic) Emergency Measures (sic), especially the requirement that even the singers should wear masks
In brief (and leaving out a lot of groteesque details): The three judges arrived wearing masks, and then refused to accept Füllmich’s medical exemption from mask-wearing. He insisted he would neither wear one nor leave his client undefended. The judges adjourned the case for two weeks. He has responded by delivering a formal complaint to a higher court that the judges are clearly biased.
He says the German judicial system is too corrupt, too wholly owned by the State, for there to be any chance of getting anywhere with a class-action lawsuit. Therefore, he is concentrating most of his efforts on a) building contacts and exchanging information worldwide, especially about the obvious and deliberate fraudulence of the Drosten-Cormaan PCR “tests”, and b) assisting lawyers with class-action suits in the USA, where he says there is a greater chance of success.
That’s my worry.
Every step he takes will be surrounded by pre-planned official rigmarole, and we’ll all be old or dead by the time anybody gets anywhere.
The millstones of the law grind slowly, especially in Germany, and most especially when the bastards are making a positive effort to grind you down. Füllmich & Fischer and their team have already been subjected to countless obstructions and delays. This courtroom karaoke is only the latest example of the way it works.
Having said all that, I do wish they would go after the insufferable Drosten with every means at their disposal, and I don’t quite understand why they haven’t done so. Why haven’t they taken him to court yet? I too was under the impression they had been preparing a case against him. It’s possible and even likely that they have tried to do so and been blocked by the Staatsanwaltschaft before they even got properly started. (I haven’t listened to every hour of every Hearing.)
As Fullmich first made clear to me, Drosten is the keystone in this whole edifice of lies — worldwide. The success of this global scam-and-coup depends on the fraudulence of those PCR “tests” not being exposed. That makes Christian Drosten too big to fail.
If Buddha was right – and he always was, then “Nothing endures.” will also apply to Christian Drosten.
Nothing is too big to fail, although we’ll probably have to be extraordinarily patient if we want to live to see this particular farce fail.
We do what we can, and we make sure we know what we can do.
The longer it goes on, the more people will see that the courts are owned by the same people who own everything else and maybe, maybe wake up and when enough do…… Who knows what might happen. Being consistently optimistic is very contagious, as is courage.
When I use to do old growth forest defense, the local court cases largely lost but then stopped losing when the local community began to say no more. As Fuellmich has suggested, when the general public begins to say no more the courts will change their rulings The issue is will the general public say no more.
That’s it precisely.
It took the Hitlerites a lot longer to bring the judiciary to heel.
When a Public Health Authority is established by law, and its regulatory power is wide and vaguely defined – it is very hard to mount a clear challenge to the regulations in a court of law…
That is the reason Biden is using the OSHA in the US – to get around the constitutional limits on the president mandating everyone submit to the medical experiment. In Australia, the national ‘workplace regulator’ has been used to get companies to implement a “health policy” – ‘no jab, no job.’
In a recent case of Unfair Dismissal, it upheld the employers right to insist ‘no jab, no job’. The regulator buckled very easily under the political pressure – and the dissenting regulator was sent off for re-education…
The so-called Greens are not the only fascists in this “coalition government”, but they are the most smugly and self-righteously fascist of all. It would take more than words to express my loathing for these creeps.
Herr Robert Habeck is Boss of the Greens. Let’s not stoop to calling this fatuous fatfaced fucker a pig, because that would be unfair to pigs.
Robert Habeck announces Lockdown for the Unvaccinateddpa – 8 hrs ago.
The self-appointed political class are now openly at war with us. What are we going to do about it?.
They’ve deliberately and knowingly weakened millions of kids already, damaging them physically, mentally and emotionally, teaching them to fear other humans and the air they breathe, traumatising them for life. Now they’re going to inject them with poison.
Naturally, the so-called fucking “Greens” have no objection to extending this murderous campaign indefinitely. On the contrary. (“Aren’t there too many humans already?”)
(Why does anyone need “experts” to point out the fucking obvious?)
Because nobody else gets listened to.
The locked down children – and others – my simply be ill due to poor air quality indoors. EU admitted as much some time ago. Look up “sick building syndrome”.
Italia is exactly the same … scary.
God bless the Italian and French people for standing up so persistently and in such huge numbers.
Austria is probably even worse – full throttle nazism is back with us.
During the last day or two, a media ‘personality’ in Iceland has revealed himself for the fathead he truly is by stating that “we should be looking at what it really means when unvaccinated people are walking about our streets while those of us who have taken upon ourselves the great responsibility of ensuring our safety and the safety of others by taking the vaccine are putting ourselves at risk”…
Utterly spine-chilling.
coming to a town near you soon!
Well, I live in Iceland, so it’s already here as far as I am concerned.
“this is a system that deliberately sought to eradicate a culture of self-reliance that prevailed among the working class”.
A big part of this were friendly societies which was how most people in the UK got their healthcare pre-NHS. They’ve been wiped from the UK collective memory by the cult of NHS worship – most people now probably think the population died in the gutter before the NHS came along.
Save the NHS – so it can be handed over to US corporates.
Still struggling to fathom the
naivetestupidity of people who believed that any Tory government, but especially one led by the likes of Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock, sincerely wanted to protect the NHS.Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-11-12. Patented dystopia. New Pfizer drug & IVM block 3CL protease. 8yo girl schools her school board
Tyranny by Health Emergency, or the Dystopian Implosion of Contemporary Capitalism
Today’s financially driven economy is fuelled by global emergencies, whose primary role is to shield the system from its increasingly destructive practices. Lockdowns and related restrictions are the latest model of social engineering. Their immediate purpose is to allow Central Banks to carry out their astronomical money-printing programmes, which inflate the financial sector while also – as we are witnessing at present – causing inflation as soon as any cash is leaked into the real economy by commercial banks. COVID-19 is, essentially, a cover-up for systematic debt-leveraged monetary expansion. In capitalist terms, there is no alternative to this cynical exercise – at least until the authoritarian paradigm shift currently underway is normalised. Before it is too late, then, we must stop believing that vaccine mandates, lockdowns, and other forms of mass regimentation are health related. Rather, the ‘pandemic’ continues to work as the ideological front to a mode of social reproduction that has no way of perpetuating itself other than by imposing its despotic reshaping as necessary and even desirable.
‘Since October 17, there have been multiple scattered local outbreaks in China, and they’re expanding rapidly. There is an increasing risk that the outbreak will spread even further’ (Mi Feng, a spokesman at China’s National Health Commission, 23 October, 2021). Since 17 October, new Covid cases have affected nearly one third of China’s provinces, where the alarm is said to be so serious that local authorities have banned tourist trips as well as bus and taxi services. Beijing has recorded 14 confirmed Delta variant cases in the latest outbreak. Consequently, new curfews and travel restrictions have been imposed to minimize the spread of the virus, while both the Beijing and the Wuhan marathons scheduled for 31 October were postponed.
Whoever wants to retain a modicum of critical autonomy in this seemingly never-ending nightmare needs to think ‘emergency measures’ as a lever to move the world of monetary policy. The microbiological threat leading to lockdowns and other restrictions was always a means to expand the Central Banks’ balance sheets, which is the only way for the capitalist system to survive its terminal crisis of value production. Thus, it is the structural downturn of the global economy that produces the health emergency, not vice versa. It seems no coincidence that China’s most recent Covid alarm, unsurprisingly caused by variants, has arrived on the day in which Evergrande (one of the largest construction companies in the world and the second largest in China after Country Garden) announced the reopening of 10 of its vital projects, which were suspended due to the Real Estate Group’s liquidity crisis. While default appears to have been avoided, Evergrande’s $300-billion debt exposure is nothing short of a calamity, affecting a key sector of the Chinese economy and forcing the redeeming intervention of the People’s Bank of China.
COVID-19 is, essentially, a cover-up for systematic debt-leveraged monetary expansion.
That is essentially the conclusion of Fabio Vighi too.
One aim of globalist propaganda (though they have jettisoned both terms) is to alter our perception.
Take the Westener and Easterner, though one could equally consider views of north and south for who is wedded to the binary outlook. Feel free to substitute the marker of choice.
Easterner is more likely to have lived under a duplicitous Nomenclatura that claimed to be the Proletarian’s friend, but also to have remained more human, animal, alert, humane, not-dead… which, unfortunately, does not apply to many consumer-production-line Westerners. It’s not criticism but observation. It is not the person but the structure of civilisation.
The comfortable, more expensive lifestyle of the Westerner has distanced him in many ways: from the farm, agriculture , husbandry and slaughter; from haggling, cheating and the rough and tumble of trade; from living in close quarters and compromising with others, those you know and total strangers. The Westerner is weaker for it.
Proud of his abandonment of the street market and having freed himself of the obligation to interact with the wandering salesman, the pre-packaged Westerner is fair game to those who are alert, wily, cognisant and aware of the power of deception and the ups and downs of life, that some will win and some shall lose.
This is the moment of inflexion: If the Westerner cannot even conceive that he has enemies, that settlements, citadels and civilizations have always had rivals, challengers and enemies and that not everybody has your best interest at heart — nor is obliged to — then perhaps his culture has already fallen.
i’ve never understood the snobbery that goes with middle-upper class outlooks, that disdain for the sweaty, calloused toil of especially soil. revulsion to real work.
anti-real life, and here the west finds itself, saturated with so many actual useless eaters indeed!
“In the words of Nasty Nazi Pelosi.”

“Welcome to the Nightmare.”
Is he there to chew bubble gum and kick ass?
It was ever thus. The class that’s paid to chatter despises the class that makes its chattering “lifestyle” possible.
Too softened to stand up, M.
In the homogenised global culture of urban and suburban places, most people everywhere are such sitting ducks.
As always, it’s the enablers – aka the mass of humanity – who make it all happen. If seven billion people stood up and Just Said No to the corporate rampage, that would be the end of it.
But, as history has shown, there are at least seven billion excuses why it would pose too big of a problem to rein in the corporate behemoth. At the top layer of these excuses is the old standard “I just might fare a little better by what they’re doing.”
And yes, they will fare a little better…for a short while; and then, when it’s too late to merely Say No, they will find themselves between the proverbial rock and a hard place: either be enslaved or take up arms and rebel.
Because once you’ve opened your front door to the Thing That Wouldn’t Leave (per an old Saturday Night Live skit), you’ll find yourself with more than just a tiger by the tail.
(Best wishes humanity.)
As if you’re not part of that mass, as if you’re not one of those 7 billion excuses.
“Take up arms” yeah just so simple isn’t it, you gonna be the first martyr?
Fuck off with that holier than tho sanctimonious BS.
We own too much to give it all up. People hate losing what they’ve worked so hard for. Complying is easy.
It’s corporatism folks. Corporatism. A system wherein there are no guilty – ever. The Medusa of the blind and ignorant. A system adopted by the fearful and homeless… How’s that working for you?
Speaking of crony capitalism, Although the CDC officially denies it, they receive millions in funding and gifts from the industry they are supposed to be regulating.
Their members own 50 vaccine related patents, meaning those members likely earn money on most of the vaccines they approve.
The door between the CDC and their subordinate industry could be hooked up to a turbine to light up the Vegas strip indefinitely.
Sources for all this and much more here
” It seems with some blind obedience, denial and cognitive dissonance over rides Critical Thought.”

“It almost seems like the war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist oligarch mobster psychopath Nazis want to do way with public education. It almost seems like they are saying slaves that know how to read, write or do math interfere with our racket or have a greater chance of knowing how badly we are screwing them.”

“Workers of Australia Rise Up and give the Nazi Andrews the eyeball shots, boosters and injections he so desperately needs and are so justifiably warranted! You have nothing to lose but your chains and everything to gain including your good health and well being.”
“Got Carlin? If not, maybe one should.”
“May the George Be With You!”