Pathologized Totalitarianism 101
CJ Hopkins

Germans cheer Adolf Hitler on his 51st birthaday as he stands on the balcony of the Reich Chancellory
Audio Version New Feature!
So, GloboCap has crossed the Rubicon. The final phase of its transformation of society into a pathologized-totalitarian dystopia, where mandatory genetic-therapy injections and digital compliance papers are commonplace, is now officially underway.
On November 19, 2021, the government of New Normal Austria decreed that, as of February, experimental mRNA injections will be mandatory for the entire population. This decree comes in the midst of Austria’s official persecution of “the Unvaccinated,” i.e., political dissidents and other persons of conscience who refuse to convert to the new official ideology and submit to a series of mRNA injections, purportedly to combat a virus that causes mild-to-moderate flu-like symptoms (or no symptoms of any kind at all) in about 95% of the infected and the overall infection fatality rate of which is approximately 0.1% to 0.5%.
Austria is just the tip of the New Normal spear. Prominent New-Normal fascists in Germany, like Der Führer of Bavaria, Markus Söder, and Minister of Propaganda Karl Lauterbach, are already calling for an allgemeine Impfpflicht (i.e., “compulsory vaccination requirement”), which should not come as a surprise to anyone.
The Germans are not going sit idly by and let the Austrians publicly out-fascist them, are they? They have a reputation to uphold, after all! Italy will probably be next to join in, unless Lithuania or Australia beats them to the punch.
But, seriously, this is just the beginning of the Winter Siege I wrote about recently. The plan seems to be to New-Normalize Europe first — generally speaking, Europeans are more docile, respectful of all authority, and not very well armed — and then use it as leverage to force the new pathologized totalitarianism on the USA, and the UK, and the rest of the world.
I do not believe this plan will succeed. In spite of the longest and most intensive propaganda campaign in the history of propaganda, there remain enough of us who steadfastly refuse to accept the “New Normal” as our new reality.
And a lot of us are angry, extremely angry … militantly, explosively angry.
We are not “vaccine hesitant” or “anti-vax” or “Covid-denying conspiracy theorists.” We are millions of regular working-class people, people with principles, who value freedom, who are not prepared to go gently into the globalized, pathologized-totalitarian night.
We no longer give the slightest shit whether our former friends and family members who have gone New Normal understand what this is. We do. We understand exactly what this is. It is a nascent form of totalitarianism, and we intend to kill it — or at least critically wound it — before it matures into a full-grown behemoth.
Now, I want to be absolutely clear. I am not advocating or condoning violence. But it is going to happen. It is happening already. Totalitarianism (even this “pathologized” version of it) is imposed on society and maintained with violence. Fighting totalitarianism inevitably entails violence.
It is not my preferred tactic in the current circumstances, but it is unavoidable now that we have reached this stage, and it is important that those of fighting this fight recognize that violence is a natural response to the violence (and the implicit threat of violence) that is being deployed against us by the New Normal authorities, and the masses they have whipped up into a fanatical frenzy.
It is also important (essential, I would argue) to make the violence of the New Normal visible, i.e., to frame this fight in political terms, and not in the pseudo-medical terms propagated by the official Covid narrative). This isn’t an academic argument over the existence, severity, or the response to a virus. This is a fight to determine the future of our societies.
This fact, above all, is what the global-capitalist ruling classes are determined to conceal. The roll-out of the New Normal will fail if it is perceived as political (i.e., a form of totalitarianism). It relies on our inability to see it as what it is. So it hides itself and the violence it perpetrates within a pseudo-medical official narrative, rendering itself immune to political opposition.
We need to deny it this perceptual redoubt, this hermeneutic hiding place. We need to make it show itself as what it is, a “pathologized” form of totalitarianism. In order to do that, we need to understand it … its internal logic, and its strengths, and weaknesses.
Pathologized Totalitarianism
I have been describing the New Normal as “pathologized totalitarianism” and predicting that compulsory “vaccination” was coming since at least as early as May 2020. (See, e.g., The New Pathologized Totalitarianism).
I use the term “totalitarianism” intentionally, not for effect, but for the sake of accuracy. The New Normal is still a nascent totalitarianism, but its essence is unmistakably evident. I described that essence in a recent column:
The essence of totalitarianism — regardless of which costumes and ideology it wears — is a desire to completely control society, every aspect of society, every individual behavior and thought. Every totalitarian system, whether an entire nation, a tiny cult, or any other form of social body, evolves toward this unachievable goal…the total ideological transformation and control of every single element of society…This fanatical pursuit of total control, absolute ideological uniformity, and the elimination of all dissent, is what makes totalitarianism totalitarianism.”
In October 2020, I published The Covidian Cult, which has since grown into a series of essays examining New-Normal (i.e., pathologized) totalitarianism as “a cult writ large, on a societal scale.”
This analogy holds true for all forms of totalitarianism, but especially for New Normal totalitarianism, as it is the first global form of totalitarianism in history, and thus:
“The cult/culture paradigm has been inverted. Instead of the cult existing as an island within the dominant culture, the cult has become the dominant culture, and those of us who have not joined the cult have become the isolated islands within it.”
In The Covidian Cult (Part III), I noted:
In order to oppose this new form of totalitarianism, we need to understand how it both resembles and differs from earlier totalitarian systems. The similarities are fairly obvious — i.e., the suspension of constitutional rights, governments ruling by decree, official propaganda, public loyalty rituals, the outlawing of political opposition, censorship, social segregation, goon squads terrorizing the public, and so on — but the differences are not as obvious.
And I described how New Normal totalitarianism fundamentally differs from 20th-Century totalitarianism in terms of its ideology, or seeming lack thereof.
Whereas 20th-Century totalitarianism was more or less national and overtly political, New Normal totalitarianism is supranational, and its ideology is much more subtle. The New Normal is not Nazism or Stalinism. It’s global-capitalist totalitarianism, and global capitalism doesn’t have an ideology, technically, or, rather, its ideology is ‘reality’.”
But the most significant difference between 20th-Century totalitarianism and this nascent, global totalitarianism is how New Normal totalitarianism “pathologizes” its political nature, effectively rendering itself invisible, and thus immune to political opposition.
Whereas 20th-Century totalitarianism wore its politics on its sleeve, New Normal totalitarianism presents itself as a non-ideological (i.e., supra-political) reaction to a global public health emergency.
And, thus, its classic totalitarian features — e.g., the revocation of basic rights and freedoms, centralization of power, rule by decree, oppressive policing of the population, demonization and persecution of a “scapegoat” underclass, censorship, propaganda, etc. — are not hidden, because they are impossible to hide, but are recontextualized in a pathologized official narrative.
The Untermenschen become “the Unvaccinated.” Swastika lapel pins become medical-looking masks. Aryan ID papers become “vaccination passes.” Irrefutably senseless social restrictions and mandatory public-obedience rituals become “lockdowns,” “social distancing,” and so on.
The world is united in a Goebbelsian total war, not against an external enemy (i.e., a racial or political enemy), but against an internal, pathological enemy.
This pathologized official narrative is more powerful (and insidious) than any ideology, as it functions, not as a belief system or ethos, but rather, as objective “reality.” You cannot argue with or oppose “reality.” “Reality” has no political opponents.
Those who challenge “reality” are “insane,” i.e., “conspiracy theorists,” “anti-vaxxers,” “Covid deniers,” “extremists,” etc. And, thus, the pathologized New Normal narrative also pathologizes its political opponents, simultaneously stripping us of political legitimacy and projecting its own violence onto us.
20th-Century totalitarianism also blamed its violence on its scapegoats (i.e., Jews, socialists, counter-revolutionaries, etc.) but it did not attempt to erase its violence. On the contrary, it displayed it openly, in order to terrorize the masses. New Normal totalitarianism cannot do this. It can’t go openly totalitarian, because capitalism and totalitarianism are ideologically contradictory.
Global-capitalist ideology will not function as an official ideology in an openly totalitarian society. It requires the simulation of “democracy,” or at least a simulation of market-based “freedom.” A society can be intensely authoritarian, but, to function in the global-capitalist system, it must allow its people the basic “freedom” that capitalism offers to all consumers, the right/obligation to participate in the market, to own and exchange commodities, etc.
This “freedom” can be conditional or extremely restricted, but it must exist to some degree. Saudi Arabia and China are two examples of openly authoritarian GloboCap societies that are nevertheless not entirely totalitarian, because they can’t be and remain a part of the system. Their advertised official ideologies (i.e., Islamic fundamentalism and communism) basically function as superficial overlays on the fundamental global-capitalist ideology which dictates the “reality” in which everyone lives.
These “overlay” ideologies are not fake, but when they come into conflict with global-capitalist ideology, guess which ideology wins.
The point is, New Normal totalitarianism — and any global-capitalist form of totalitarianism — cannot display itself as totalitarianism, or even authoritarianism. It cannot acknowledge its political nature. In order to exist, it must not exist.
Above all, it must erase its violence (the violence that all politics ultimately comes down to) and appear to us as an essentially beneficent response to a legitimate “global health crisis” (and a “climate change crisis,” and a “racism crisis,” and whatever other “global crises” GloboCap thinks will terrorize the masses into a mindless, order-following hysteria).
This pathologization of totalitarianism — and the political/ideological conflict we have been engaged in for the past 20 months — is the most significant difference between New Normal totalitarianism and 20th-Century totalitarianism. The entire global-capitalist apparatus (i.e., corporations, governments, supranational entities, the corporate and state media, academia, etc.) has been put into service to achieve this objective.
We need to come to terms with this fact. We do. Not the New Normals. Us.
GloboCap is on the verge of remaking society into a smiley-happy pathologized-totalitarian dystopia where they can mandate experimental genetic “therapies,” and any other type of “therapies” they want, and force us to show our “compliance papers” to go about the most basic aspects of life.
This remaking of society is violent. It is being carried out by force, with violence and the ever-present threat of violence. We need to face that, and act accordingly.
Here in New Normal Germany, if you try to go grocery shopping without a medical-looking mask, armed police will remove you from the premises (and I am saying this from personal experience). In New Normal Australia, if you go to synagogue, the media will be alerted and the police will surround you. In Germany, Australia, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Belgium, and many other countries, if you exercise your right to assemble and protest, the police will hose you down with water cannons, shoot you with rubber bullets (and sometimes real bullets), spray toxic agents into your eyes, and just generally beat the crap out of you.
And so on. Those of us fighting for our rights and opposing this pathologized totalitarianism are all-too familiar with the reality of its violence, and the hatred it has fomented in the New Normal masses.
We experience it on a daily basis. We feel it every time we’re forced to wear a mask, when some official (or waiter) demands to see our “papers.”
We feel it when we are threatened by our government, when we are gaslighted and demonized by the media, by doctors, celebrities, random strangers, and by our colleagues, friends, and family members.
We recognize the look in their eyes. We remember where it comes from, and what it leads to.
It isn’t just ignorance, mass hysteria, confusion, or an overreaction, or fear … or, OK, yes, it is all those things, but it’s also textbook totalitarianism (notwithstanding the new pathologized twist). Totalitarianism 101.
Look it in the eye, and act accordingly.

CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or
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CJ Hopkins on the Covidian cult and totalitarianism
Dec 5, 2021
Jerm Warfare
Hopkins discusses the Covidian cult to which millions of people have willingly succumbed; how it’s driven by fear and no different to totalitarianism; why being silent is a terrible idea; and what we can do to push back against the global capitalists.
CJ Hopkins and Max Blumenthal
Yes, now everything is so clear and so obvious beyond any doubt that THEY, Governments have been murdering and enslaving us! It’s their PLAN all along! Yet, THEY can brutally beat us up, enslave us and murder us and our children daily and slowly en mass… But we MUST NOT revolt, rebel let alone to fight back and kill them! It’s so violence and not very “democratic”! Revolution will make many people killed! Even though WE, the victims, their target are the whole human kind, and THEY, governments are just a bunch of few psychopaths who run the whole criminal destructive system of government power. Why? we are preached by our respected “dissident intellects” that We still need governmental power…Because we human, people cannot be trusted. We, Human cannot be left with our own devices… We need to be governed by “exceptional humans”…who more often than not are liars, crooks, and psychopaths. But don’t you worry… We have “democracy” with check-balance laws to restrain them, punish them, prevent them from committing crime against us! Even when the “constitution” and “law” fail, we can still protest peacefully in millions… then… go home and watch, read, and listen to our leading intellectual resistance voices… But don’t we ever dare to overthrow THEM and our beloved benevolent system of democratic Government…Otherwise, the whole world will be in chaos! We, the People will die in chaos… Thus, just sit there and watch and read countless of crime-exposing videos, articles, books… and go to protest again…and again to get beaten up… arrested…and in the end, if we (most of us especially working parents with young kids) cannot afford to loose our livelihood in acting peaceful non-compliance, get the forced gene-editing injection and die as guinea pigs slowly of various organ failures… Uhm but at least we die in peaceful non-violence democratic “dignity”! Some so-called anarchists (not anarchist of my kind) even “bravely” and “wisely” suggest some smart peaceful solutions “outside government system” as if the Government power would leave them alone to create their own world of agorism outside government control! Tell this to Austrians, Italians.. or First Australian People (Aborigines) right now! (I am Asian Australian)
Oh by the way, don’t forget to celebrate the “Bastille day” in our own room with good “essential” wine, beer…or whatever our Governments allow us to do! Enjoy your new way of life!
I am not going to say anything more. I already did what I must say:
What readily explains, in part, the reality Hopkins describes is the CORRECT knowledge about psychopaths (Hollywood movies painted a false view about them to mislead the public) …
With that CORRECT understanding of psychopaths many more people will either “get it” or wake up fast, or start waking up to the true reality of Covid …
I agree with almost everything here, except I think there needs to be a bit more nuance than simply writing, “…capitalism and totalitarianism are ideologically contradictory.” That depends on how you define “capitalism.” The “capitalism” of sole-proprietors who accept 100% accountability for all torts and debts is indeed inimical to totalitarianism. Not so with “corporate” capitalism. Corporate charters, overriding common law and accountability, are granted by government. They are the original sin, the fascist (government and business working together) seed from which the entire authoritarian fascist abomination grows, inluding the totalitarian branches.
None of this is remotely Capitalism. Not even close. It’s more Fascistic and Communistic. From redistribution of wealth to state subsidy/control of Covid1984 industry. Nothing free market about that.
Other than that, a great piece.
Brilliant. What more can I say? Brilliant….
It is definitely pathologized, and it is definitely totalitarian. The article does not point out however that no such regime exists for the pure purpose to impose itself, and to lead its followers into a well-designed and well-deserved utopia. Well pointed out, that this regime has to expand itself permanently in order to justify its own existence. But by doing so will inevitably start to consume and devour itself. The further it extends, the thinner its borders with reality become. This totalitarian regime borders reality, it never possesses it, I can agree with that, as well. Along these borders, the front lines and trenches are built, and along these borders with Reality the regime’s fully convinced enthusiasts will start perishing. The regime builds on fear, and its dogmatic oppression is already obvious. But I am afraid there is a scheme: the whole covidian cult exist to create the Wound, a severe, deep and deadly one. And then some savior figure, – or institution – will emerge, very convincing, like the sole healer of this self-inflicted wound. And THEN the real purge will begin. People will follow that figure voluntarily, /or adhere that institution/ because it will show force and tangible results, or because it will show some ideological integrity, and thus appeal to the good part in us.
Let us not believe in the omnipotence of lie.
Take your totalitarian bullshit and burn in hell with it. It’s not just Nazi sympathizers who dictated public opinions in 1934… Obviously…
The reaction to the covid scam has been diluted by the kind of nonsense displayed in the article above, and it won’t put any corporate dictators in prison. Full transparency is the only path forward. Otherwise, we’re looking down the barrel of more mandates, more restrictions, and more drastic measures that violate our constitutional rights.
Reviewing and disseminating films introduced by the link below, might snap people out of their anti-Nazi stupor. It’s not 1934…
Covid Revealed – Trailer (
Ivermectin, etc. nonsense. They want you to keep believing covid is real, that’s what Covid Revealed is for.
Australia One Party – A Time To Decide. The International Community Must Speak Up!
Nov 25, 2021
Lurnpa (David Cole) gives an update on the genocide of Australian people in the Northern Territory.
Another footballer collapses. This time, during a Champions League game.
Dr. César Lacayo
Nov 24, 2021
Otro caso de #repentitis Champions League. Adama Traoré cae con la mano al pecho, cortan las emisión y el comentarista se caga en los pantalones.
Another case of #repentitis Champions League. Adama Traoré falls with his hand to his chest, they cut the broadcast and the commentator shit in his pants.
There are several footballers named Adama Traoré.,_born_5_June_1995)
Adama Traoré (born 5 June 1995), also known as Adama Malouda Traoré,[3] is a Malian professional footballer who plays for Sheriff Tiraspol and the Mali national team as a winger. . . . On 10 February 2021, Traoré signed for Sheriff Tiraspol.[18] On 15 September 2021, Traoré scored against FC Shakhtar Donetsk in what was Sheriff Tiraspol’s first ever UEFA Champions League match. The team went on to win 2–0.[19]
Don’t mention the jab!
Updated: 10:09, 25 November 2021
Sherrif Tiraspol winger Adama Traore becomes the latest high-profile player to collapse on the pitch as he goes down clutching his chest in their Champions League defeat to Real Madrid
There was concern for Adama Traore in Sherrif Tiraspol’s on Wednesday night
Sherrif winger went down clutching his chest following a touchline challenge
Medics raced on to help but he remained conscious throughout the scare
Smelling salts were used to keep him conscious before he was substituted off
He becomes the latest player to go down on the pitch with chest problems
Sheffield United midfielder John Fleck collapsed on the pitch on Tuesday against Reading and he received 10 minutes of urgent medical attention before going off
Caption: At Euro 2020 in the summer [of 2021] Denmark midfielder Christian Eriksen suffered a cardiac arrest
What might be of interest is Tom over on ICH who was full on covid manic last year claiming he had it was dying, it was and is leukemia.
Thanks, I only ever looked at ICH occasionally so I didn’t know anything about Tom’s condition. Has he had the jab and is he aware that it can trigger cancer?
Update: Tom’s Further Medical Adventures
By Tom Feeley
November 21, 202: Information Clearing House –As many of you may know I was discharged from Hospital on November 01, 2021, with a diagnosis of acute Lukemia after having 1 months chemotherapy treatment. My cancer was in remission.
On Thursday November 11th I was admitted to the emergency room and test showed I had pneumonia and that I was no longer in remission. I have been having further chemotherapy and hopefully I will be able to return home next week with a more positive diagnosis.
I have my laptop and am pleased to be able to divert myself and can continue to update the website and send out our newsletter.
I want to thank all of you for your good wished, prayers and continuing support Information for almost 21 years. You have given my life cause and purpose.
Peace and Joy
Tom Feeley
Nov 25, 2021
Covid: Report reveals increase in risk of heart attack following the mRNA COVID vaccine
Thanks, I think they’re getting worried now.
And another one!
2:37 PM · Nov 25, 2021
2 hours ago
Club Statement | Charlie Wyke
By @LaticsOfficial
Wigan Athletic striker Charlie Wyke will not be available for selection for the immediate future.
The 28-year-old collapsed during training in the build up to Latics’ Sky Bet League One match at Cambridge United and, after receiving treatment from the Club’s medical staff, Charlie was taken to hospital where he continues to be monitored.
We are pleased to say Charlie is in a stable condition and is in communication with his family, hospital staff and the Club’s medical team.
Charlie will continue to be monitored closely by an independent medical consultant and the Club’s medical staff over the next few days.
Wigan Athletic Chief Executive, Mal Brannigan, said:
“First and foremost, the absolute priority for everyone associated with Wigan Athletic is Charlie’s health and wellbeing and providing support to him and his family.
“As a Club, we would like to place on record our sincere appreciation to all of the staff within the NHS who, within what we know are challenging times, were excellent in their response and subsequent care for Charlie, working together with our medical team.
“Clearly this news will cause alarm, though we would politely request that the privacy of Charlie and his family is respected. At the appropriate time, we will look to provide further updates to our supporters.”
Wigan Athletic have updated the statement by appending:
With Charlie’s approval, we can confirm that Charlie has not received a COVID-19 vaccination and Charlie’s collapse was not related to any COVID-19 vaccination.
And another!
Nov 25, 2021
Darlaston Town have announced the heart-breaking news of the death of their player, Leon Taylor, at the age of 36. Taylor was taken ill on Wednesday and the club learned of his passing later that night before releasing a statement on their website on Thursday.
Top Comment
Once again, the question everyone wants the answer to is not being asked, never mind answered. When Trevor Sinclair asked the same question on Talk Sport, they cut him off! The truth will out, it always does.
very excellent vid from an Australian former lawyer about fighting back –
like so many people, most really including those who think themselves well aware of current ‘deep state we run the world!!!!’ propaganda and brainwashing seem to have the idea (actually, to be honest, probably never thought about it) Mr Hopkins seems to believe that this type of propaganda started sometime after WWII – but not so. The major player in the ‘we run the world!!’ gang for at least the last 100 years or so has been the international banking cartel. These are not ‘friendly’ people, they brook no opposition – and like Donald Trump 5 years ago, Hitler came more or less out of nowhere with a message the ‘real but behind the scenes’ rulers of the world did NOT want to hear, and would not accept, and said he was taking Germany back from their rule – and did so. With 3-4 years of his taking power, Germany had put the ‘great depression’ behind them (while the leaders of other western countries were still wringing their little banking cartel-controlled hands and whining about how they could do nothing while the cartel continued gathering in property), with Hitler’s no-international-banks allowed government-controlled, **honest** monetary system creating work and prosperity for all Germans – and they weren’t ‘oppressed’, they loved him for it. But of course the international banking cartel were terrified and really, really REALLY fucking pissed off, and hated him more than they’d probably ever hated anyone ever before – this man and country had to be taken out with very very extreme prejudice so nobody would EVER dare say or think anything ‘good’ about him or his ideas – and so it came to pass, and so the massive propaganda/brainwashing has continued to this day of the ‘terrible monsters’ and the endless lies and exaggerations about the actual situation – not unlike the massive covid propaganda and lies today, actually – when these people want a ‘one message’ world, they get it.
– look at the people in the picture, they aren’t ‘oppressed people’, they are cheering the man who brought Germany out of the great depression when the rest of the world – under banker control – was still locked in the great depression (as a current counterfactual – I’m wondering where the pics are of the current brainwashed covid flock demonstrating in the streets with great joy at their new covid lockdown vax mandate etc etc world??? Not to be found – the truly oppressed hide in their homes, sniping at resisters of course for various psychological reasons, but they do NOT run around the streets in joy cheering their covid masters.
There is much, much more to that story, of course, I just find it interesting that so many people who strut around letting people know they aren’t falling for this massive covid propaganda are still controlled by older, equally evil and malicious, propaganda.
We need MMT and public banks. The propaganda to emphasise hitler as pure evil is non-stop, even here.
I’d maybe reconsider the MMT – I checked this out a few years ago, and as I recall they were still planning to basically create credit out of thin air (which is of course what we have to do, just controlled properly by a truly democratic, for-the-people government) – BUT – they also seemed to accept the idea that charging interest on this credit created out of thin air was fine – but it’s NOT fine!!! – it’s the very heart of the evil of the modern banking system, completely unjustified and the first step in the massive grow-forever capitalist cancer. I could be mistaken of course, in my quick check of it – but if that is true, then it’s just another puppet of the international banking cartel …
See what Prof. Hudson says:
to be honest… you are living under magical money theory…. the creation of credit out of nothing.. and the extraction of real resources as ‘interest’ ….
you are hitting it’s nadir…
once whilst downing a glass or two with a friend who is unfortunately also an economist… I advised him that his ‘profession’ is in fact pseudo-science, guesswork and a bloated meaningless lexicon..
he smiled uncomfortably and excused it as a ‘social science’….
says it all really..
MMT is the evil ones printing money and destroying the value of all we work for.
It’s a new name for the status quo.
Hitler played an important role in the profitable bankster choreographed bloodbath that was WW2. Without his role playing we would not have a new entity in the Middle East.
head fake – complete nonsense – the bankers alone are responsible for all of the carnage, Hitler was ready for peace (with the west) anytime after he finished showing them Germany was again a power not to be messed with – Churchill would have none of it …
national socialism is anathema to the central banking cartel, one could make an example of libya and gadaffi… and his sensible use of oil revenue (contrast this to the zionist british crony carve up in the north sea for instance) and his social policies… with these charismatic types destruction will be the wages of non-compliance… ( as well as the the theft of the countries wealth, bullion first and the imposition of policies to fracture ‘the nation’ enabing the extraction of more easy ‘profit’)..
gadaffis little green book should be required reading..
suppression of inquiry is always a sign that things are not as ‘they’ would have you ‘believe’… I tend to view those that parrot ‘cliches’, ignorant imbeciles at best and mendacious ‘bad actors’ at worst…
Northern Territory Update: The latest from sealed indigenous communities
Nov 24, 2021
Entry to region blocked off, Gunner announces a 100% first-dose rate, woman escapes and is hunted by contact tracers, sovereign tribal peoples put out international plea.
Here are the latest developments from the Northern Territory.
Stunningly, Gunner announced in this morning’s press conference that the ‘vaccination surge’ in the areas of Binjari, Rockhole and Warlpiri have resulted in a 100 per cent first-dose rate.

That’s right — according to the government, the remaining 30% of the unvaccinated community have all now received their first dose in the last 72 hours.
Yeah but Gunner says it’s all a tin foil hat conspiracy, the goons are there to help.
idiots helping idiots, probably not heading for a good ending unless it’s part of a farce contest
I wonder if these people understand how moronically stupid they look, something like Monty Python would have done back in the day to mock some group of idiots up to idiotic things ..
The really scary bit is that they think it’s all “science”!
Why the pic of people cheering Adolf Hitler? What we’re dealing with is quite a different beast!
A far more powerful beast.
the brainwashed masses have been trained to point at Hitler anytime something bad is happening …
Graham Hood – Former Qantas Pilot
First Nations People Under Attack
Nov 23, 2021
First nations people under attack.
Megalomaniac premiers out of control.
Half the senate awol and a pm with no back bone.
Msm who is complicit with the destruction of democracy.
To all those in darwin…get to howard springs and make sure our first nations people know we care.
As John Larter say…you couldn’t make this stuff up.
Stayoutathetrees guys.
Australia’s Day of Shame. Spread This To The World
Nov 24, 2021
I am so glad this is going around the world, June is one fabulous woman
I posted this outrage to 21st Century wire and Jon Rapport yesterday and he has covered it today with his millions of readers and viewers.
the wildlife in Africa are under threat from too many peoole in Africa. And this poses a great danger to the wellbeing of Future Humanity.
this is according to the population control expert, the so-called prince williamz. he repeated his old warning at a recent charity event.
what is it about the obsession of the ‘royals’ with reducing the number of dark skinned peoole??
what about the wildlife in Britain? why he isn’t worried about the wildlife in his home country?!!
In less than three weeks if Africa I saw over 300 species of birds and dozens of spectacular mammals including lions, gorillas, giraffes and a lot more. In five visits to England and Wales I did not see a single native animal or bird.
Mr Hopkins is entirely correct in how he characterizes the present totalitarianism, but entirely and expectedly wrong when he compares today’s events with those of the past.
The ostracized in a past era had declared war officially in 1933 on the state in which they resided, and had then gone further, and organized a worldwide boycott of the state’s manufactured exports, such that it could not afford to import either the food or raw materials it needed to support the economic miracle which had been wrought in fewer than five years, which was clearly for the benefit of all.
Its members were also highly over-represented in violent revolutionary movements of a communistic / bolshevik nature worldwide, including in the home state.
With such an existential menace in its midst, it was therefore perfectly appropriately decided to keep tabs on these people, and require them to wear an identifying mark.
However, for the vast majority of those living in this state, their happiness and content with the way things were improving for the ordinary citizen in leaps and bounds is best characterized not in words, but with a picture, which Mr Hopkins has kindly provided us with at the beginning of his piece.
Let me in conclusion quote from one David Lloyd George, a former Prime Minister of Great Britain, who saw all too clearly what was going on at that time, which we may excuse Mr Hopkins for not seeing, as he was not alive at the time; and the identity of this maligned nation may thus be revealed.
“…I have never seen a happier people than the Germans. Hitler is one of the greatest men I have ever met, – yes, “Heil Hitler.”
I too say that, because he is truly a great man.”
Would that more recognized that fact, instead of mindlessly joining in the “evil nazis” kneejerk cult, of which Mr Hopkins is such an esteemed member.
Careful Tim you’ll have the Mods on next calling you out as a nazi as is the way when such things get posted.
The ostracized seem to have been the victims of their own self appointed leaders (if you could call them leaders). Then as now, unless it’s all placebo over in the promised land.
The parallel drawn with now is how intelligent hard working socially responsible religious German people sucked it up or conformed out of fear or hopelessness. Just like now the world over.
In short we are not our ‘Leaders’.
the ‘intelligent hardworking socially responsible German people’, in the early 1930s, were suffering massively from the worldwide banker-created ‘great depression’ – and in their case also massive hardship resulting from the insane reparations place on their country by the Versailles treaty. Hitler kicked the banksters out and told those trying to enforce the Versailles treaty to stick it where the sun don’t shine (paraphrasing), and with a solid economic strategy took Germany to the strongest economy in Europe (and most of the world) in 3 years. The Germans weren’t praising him out of ‘sucking something up’ or ‘hopelessness’, they were praising him and honoring him for his strength and genius. Which got the international banking cartel really, really pissed off, and the rest, as they say, is history. These guys don’t mess around – when they get pissed, it’s total scorched earth policy – we can only hope that there are enough people who understand this right now that they get more scorched themselves than they planned for
But isn’t that rather the same as what is going on today? People accept and believe in the Emergency Powers being exercised because their prosperity and world view come from the hand that feeds them.
Hitler seems to have been urbane and widely admired prewar, not the uncouth ranting corporal we have been fed, but nice chap as he was he ruled under Emergency Powers and guillotined dissenters (funny I thought that went out with Robespierre),did medical experimentation on prisoners and put eugenics and race laws into practice. Not to mention running a slave labour concentration camp system. None of these policies had their origin in Germany. Some element continued post war and are making a recognisable resurgence today.
Now is this really happening??? or it is another psyop / ritual ?
I personally do no someone who after 1 and half year of media madness had enough and went and got the Brittney spears.
This video does have the characteristic of a psyop/ritual to scare on the fence types into that. IF so HOLD YOUR POSITIONS.
It’s true, aboriginal people don’t want the poison jabs so they are pretending they are sick, the only ”death” in NT during the entire pandemic is a repat they killed in this prison.
what’s ‘repat’?
An Australian who was allowed graciously to come home after being locked out of the fucking country, if he stayed where he was he would probably still be alive
“A clip from the Snake Oil Salesmen Then and Now series.”
It smacks of a staged production.
Probably a nudge video to test the water.
“COVID concentration camps for Australians; it’s happening”
Nov24 by Jon Rappoport
Good, I posted this on his site yesterday and asked him to please run with it, he’s a fucking star
I am very familiar with your language, as you sound astonishingly similar in your use of language… to my wife!
she has that no holds barred approach to dissent, but always with evidence.
Look at those nasty little quislings scuttling about. They’ve got- I’m just following orders- written all over their body language.
How is this new system classed as fascist or compared to nazi germany when it’s pro gay, pro ‘multiculturalism’, pro feminism and anti european. Those tyrannical regimes were none of these things, so the one we are under now must be a different type of tyranny.
Those are uninteresting details. The bottomline is: fascism, socialism and communism have one thing in common: collectivism.
Top down decisions to control your behaviour for the ‘common good’.
All those decisions are based on lies.
“Which begs the question. So how does one account for someone like Eugene Debs or the persecution and prosecution he experienced from more or less the self same corporate fascist parties that are attacking,exploiting and oppressing WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity) now?”
I don’t know the details of your case. There are several groups involved with conflicting interests, but the bottom line is that control by a small group of people is executed through the instrument of collectivism and authority based on lies.
fascism, socialism and communism: one thing in common; ISM
All “isms” can be workable, IF AND ONLY IF self interested behaviour does not get in the way.
They all can be interwoven IF AND ONLY IF interested parties avoid self interest.
It is all in one’s outlook and to use the WESTCIVILIZATION as an example:
“I am going to make tons of money doing AB and C”;
“I am going to do my very best, and if supported by the community money will flow in to my business as I have done my best doing AB and C.”
The forced vaccination programme was tested in Samoa in December 2019. The following is an example of the usual propaganda and all the people involved should face charges for crimes against humanity.
Samoa in ‘lock down’ as measles death toll rises to 60 and community anger grows
By Brian Deer
Dec 4, 2019
Two hundred thousand South Pacific islanders face an unprecedented two day national quarantine as the government of Samoa struggles to arrest a catastrophic measles epidemic which has now claimed 60 lives.
From 6am today, all public and private services, offices, and businesses, will be closed during two twelve-hour, daytime curfews, while road travel will be prohibited to all except emergency, medical-related, or essential utility traffic.
The draconian restrictions come as the administration of prime minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi faces mounting public anger for its failure to prevent what critics say was an accident waiting to happen.
Figures reported from the World Health Organization (WHO) reveal that in the last five years, levels of vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella have collapsed in Somoa, from 90 to just 31 per cent of eligible infants.
The measles epidemic shutting down the tiny island of Samoa
The Telegraph
Dec 5, 2019
As with “covid”, the authorities forced through the vaccination programme by blocking appropriate treatment.
Crisis In Samoa – Interview with an Aussie Activist
c/o Sherri Tenpenny’s site; Vaxxter.
Dec 15, 2019
By Heather Simpson, Vaxxter Contributor
Michael Simms is the Aussie activist who started the GoFundMe Campaign to free Edwin Tamasese, the hero healer of Samoa. Edwin saved many lives during the measles outbreak by giving the people high doses of vitamins A and C. He was arrested because of a comment against the government vaccination policy on social media. I interviewed Michael Simms via e-mail to find out more from someone who is actually in Samoa, watching first hand what is happening. Here is what he had to say.
Q – How many children do you estimate Edwin has helped to recover?
A – At this point, the number is well over 100.
Q – Is there anyone taking over Edwin’s job of helping the children with the vitamins? Are there still packs of vitamins arriving in Samoa?
A – I can not comment on the future. Yes, the packs of vitamins are still arriving in Samoa.
Q – Before the vaccination campaign, how did the people of Samoa treat the measles when it occurred? Were fatalities common?
A – Mortality rate from measles was never this high in the past. Anecdotally old folks remember measles being generally a mild disease. The CEO of the Ministry of Health stated on national news that they don’t recall any deaths from the 1985 outbreak of over 1000 cases. The present outbreak has, so far, about 14 deaths per 1000 cases.
Q – How is the vaccination campaign going? I read some families are refusing the vaccine. Can you estimate how much of the population is refusing the vaccine?
A – The Government aims at having 100% vaccinated with 93% injected so far. That means vaccinating everyone no matter age or if they have had measles before. Yes, some families are refusing the vaccine. Some hid out during the shutdown. There have also been reports of children running from the police when they arrived with vaccines. I would estimate that the remaining 7% are the ones refusing the vaccine, as they haven’t been vaccinated yet. The Prime Minister just stated that he looks forward to catching everyone who isn’t vaccinated yet. Next week he is passing a law to make it compulsory to be vaccinated to attend school for all school-aged children.
Q – Do you anticipate harsher measures taken by the Government to force families who are refusing vaccination into compliance and quenching dissent?
A – The government has now put in further restrictions on the people of Samoa. The government will be requesting the people to submit to physical examinations. If you refuse it, you can be fined $200, or be jailed and forced into compliance. This is a way to prevent people from seeing healers. No longer are they able to seek their own alternatives; they are making it illegal to do so. Anyone visiting someone like Edwin will be fined $200 a day until caught. They will be charged and forced to stay in a hospital until deemed fit to leave. If they leave hospital prior to discharge, they will be fined $200 per day until they are caught. At present there doesn’t seem to be any restrictions on who they can do this to. If they request a medical examination from you, then you must show up. We also don’t know at this point if that means they can forcibly vaccinate you while you are there.
Measles was a very trivial thing till they invented the jabs
I had the measles when I was too young to remember, but it was certainly nowhere near as scary as portrayed by today’s media.
The Conscious Resistance Network
Does The Brady Bunch Have Something To Teach About Measles?
May 2, 2019
Derrick Broze breaks down recent reports regarding the Brady Bunch, measles, and those who question vaccine safety.
Brady Bunch – Is There A Doctor In The House? – Measles Episode
Quarantine used to mean a few days off school if you were actually sick and then out in the sun climbing trees.
It seems to me the expression “global technocracy” is more descriptive than “GloboCap.”
Until 1990 industrial society took two forms, capitalist and socialist/communist. What happened then was the merger of the two into a diarchy in which billionaires and bureaucrats cooperate, recognizing their interdependence and the need to maintain their common control against outside forces.
As stated, the ideology is “reality.” Also freedom, equality, prosperity, efficiency, stability, and safety, all as defined by official experts (sometimes in rather odd ways, as in the case of freedom and equality).
The result of adopting expertise as a standard, of course, is abolition of the need to take dissenting views into account except as a practical problem to be dealt with as efficiently as possible. The authorities by definition know best.
Top Australian Official: We’re Transferring COVID-19 Patients to Quarantine Camps ( so it’s now global that we are killing repat expats in illegal quarantine prisons.
Australia – Original Sovereign Tribal Federation – International Call For Assistance
Nov 24, 2021
Australia has lost their fucking minds.
There are a number of links via the following article at Cairns News.
Gunner running dirty, illegal military operation against NT indigenous peoples
Nov 24, 2021
By Tony Mobilifonitis
Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner – stop your filthy pharma-funded war on the indigenous people of the territory you are supposed to be serving! Once upon a time in the colonial yesteryear it was blackfella poisonings and forced family separations. But this time the poisoning it at the end of a needle, forcibly pumping a dangerous, half-proven mRNA concoction into their bodies in the name of “indigenous health care”. Forced family separations are, of course, “to save them from Covid”. The indigenous people know it’s genocide and so does the rest of awakened Australia. . . .
They trial ran forced vaccination in Samoa in December 2019.
Northern Territory Aborigines being held down and forcibly vaccinated
Nov 24, 2021
Northern Territory Aborigines are being dragged out of their communities by the army and police, taken to health centres and forcibly inoculated with a deadly vaccine according to Larrakeya elder(video) Judy Mills who claims it is “genocide of blackfellas.”
An agitated Judy Mills has called the NT Labor, Chief Administrator Michael Gunner a “coward who is deceiving and killing our people.”
“It’s a program of elimination,” a distressed Ms Mills said.
New infections linked to country music gig for fully vaccinated patrons in Hamilton (
serves these fuckers right, aparthied is always wrong and the ABC still don’t fucking get it.
Why is apartheid always wrong? You are discriminating all the time.
If the virus was real and contagious and causing many to die AND the vaccine was safe and effective (diminishing contagion and illness) and if you believe in collectivism, it makes sense to keep the stubborn unvaxxed people in a box for awhile.
But, as the virus is not real and the mrna vaccine is a poison, you know that all the measures are based on lies.
“Belief in collectivism” is meaningless except as Left baiting.
Fascism, socialism and communism have one thing in common: collectivism.
Top down decisions to control your behaviour for the ‘common good’.
What you’re talking about is authoritarianism. “Collectivism” sounds as if you’re opposed to any kind of collective action – which is a self-castrating concept.
Okay, to include your comments, the bottom line is that control by a small group of people is executed through the instrument of collectivism and authority based on lies.
All systems are based on illusions and lies.
I am not much into group think.
Only you can get rid of all the illusions and delusions in your mind.
Then, you are not part of a group anymore, but a unique expression of Life.
Hey pal, your black and white view of being part of a group or not is quite childish.
Fascism, socialism and communism have one thing in common: collectivism.
Also in common with Racism!
Racism is a shitty excuse for economic oppression;
economic oppression is the problem behind racism: small group behaviour!
Authoritarianism IS the problem behind Fascism, socialism and communism!
Further, if a said individual is black, Chinese, Indigenous, Jewish or otherwise it does not matter what they look like or claim, what is most important for me is the behaviour.
“Fascism, socialism and communism have one thing in common: collectivism.
Top down decisions to control your behaviour for the ‘common good’.”
Collectivism and top down decisions are not the same, mister – educate yourself a bit more and then try again.
Mr Franklin famously said ‘we better hang together or we’ll surely hang separately’ – he was talking very clearly about ‘collectively’ uniting to oppose a hostile force which could take any of them separately, but if they acted ‘collectively’ to support their ‘collective’ interests against a would be dictator, they could prevail. Those wouldbe dictators are very anxious to stamp out this very inconvenient-to-their-desires idea of acting together against them, and it turns out they’ve managed to create a whole herd of not very bright people signing up to the useful idiots brigade … the power of propaganda ….
This vaccination campaign is based on the biggest lie of our times, not because the previous society changing events were true, but because of its worldwide scale. So shouldn’t we conclude now that ALL vaccinations are a lie? Why would we see this gigantic lie we are subjected to now, and still believe in the fundations that enable the lie?
All vaccinations are a lie, because viruses don’t exist and all vaccines are poisonous.
“viruses don’t exist”
Do you *know* that?
Yes, he does. That is: viruses do not exist as infectious agents. Research German New Medicine if you want to understand what is really happening when you get sick.
I.F.R. is 0.096.
I saw that somewhere but lost the source in the noise. Could you tell me what the source is?
Biden FDA chair nominee has multiple pharma ties:
A Sheffield United Midfielder collapsed during a match last night…what will it take to wake people up…surely the footballers themselves must know
And the sudden death following collapse of ex ‘Spice Girl’ Geri Halliwell’s brother at 54. I see that the Daily Mail is clearly clamping down on ‘anti-vax’ comments with only a couple breaching the wall of censorship. The highest rated comment is “Yet another sudden death. Very sad indeed” which presumably got through the barricades as it didn’t mention the V word. When I looked about an hour ago it had 2,314 up ticks and 150 down ticks.
Just checked.
That comment has disappeared.
Curious though that a lot of articles about covid are NOT moderated.
I think The Mail Online is a very useful tool for them to gauge opinion.
Like this site (Rant away!)
Not that I doubted you, but I have just double checked and you are right – the comment has disappeared! And the total number of comments is the same as it was at 11.00 a.m. so no additional comments have been allowed. Hmmm, I wonder why that might be.
It’s becoming a regular ritual.
Caption: Players watched on with their heads in their hands as Fleck received treatment for 10 minutes

Maybe they should pack their knitting, or a book, or something!
they’re holding their heads in their hands because they know
Most of them probably caved and got the jab, but there are still a few holdouts.
Nov 24, 2021
Bayern Munich midfielder Joshua Kimmich – one of five unvaccinated players at the club whose wages have been docked – has tested positive for Covid-19. The Germany international, 32, was already in quarantine having come into contact with a Covid-positive person but now has the virus and will remain in ‘domestic isolation.’ Along with Serge Gnabry, Jamal Musiala and Michael Cuisance and Choupo-Moting, Kimmich has been told by the club he will not be paid for every game or day of training they miss when self-isolating after they all refused the vaccine.
I expect the purebloods will be paid a premium when this is all over.
It is particularly important to make an example of the high-profile holdouts. They tend to get fatal cases of “covid”.
No, they are holding their heads in their hands because they have lead for brains …
All the players must STOP PLAYING!!
They must project the message that the vexxes are harming them, and so are harming the public.
To shut up and keep playing is self-annihilation.
Yes. Massive resistance by high-profile people is the way to stop this tyranny.
That story was one of the leading stories in the mail this morning. I would over 80% of the comments and top commenters were blaming the jab. The people commented there knew what had happened.
When I looked this evening that story had completely disappeared from the front page. A search for ‘John Fleck’ ‘Fleck’ or ‘Sheffield’ resulted in zero matches.
However there were no numerous covid related stories seemingly in its place.
Until the govt propaganda and the media stop propagating this people will either be too ignorant or afraid to face this reality. The longer it goes on the more likely they will never wake up.
On the Talk Sport commentary, Trevor Sinclair tried to discuss the jab but he got cut off.
Trevor Sinclair
Everyone I speak to about these heart problems suffered by footballers (which worryingly seem to be happening more regularly) are they linked to covid vaccines or not??
Replying to @trevor8sinclair
We don’t know Trevor as @talkSPORT cut you off when you asked . Fair play to you for having the balls to ask the question
Matt Le Tissier
Nov 23, 2021
How many more sports people need to collapse on the pitch before an investigation takes place?
183 have collapsed and 107 have died and i believe this is the tip of the iceberg
Thanks. I expect most of the 21 “while playing” deaths occurred in the last six months and that the annualised rate is much higher. Also, there’s going to be some big claims against the clubs if players were pressured into getting the jabs.
In Austria this totalitarianism was introduced by the leader of the ruling”Christian” ÖVP leader Sebastian Kurz.
In May 2019 the co ruling ” right-wing populist” FPÖ leader Heinz-Christian Strache was tripped out with a sting operation, later called the Ibiza affair
So the “right-wing populists” were not involved in this: now they are blacked as “anti-vaxxers” by the ÖVP:
Kurz sounds just the right sort to lead Austria into the heart of darkness! Curiously, Wikipedia contains a rather unnecessary mention that one of his relatives was a Swabian.
Current Chancellor Schallenberg comes from nobility. His mother was daughter of a Swiss banker. and he was educated at what sounds like a school for globalists.
C.J would disagree.BUT as the reality has shown yet AGAIN!
The populists fake deceivers where the 1st to lockkown did the hardest lockdown sold the jabberwocky 1st added the compliance card 1st.
Once again the people was tamed by the illusion of having the populists leader (deceivers who was fighting the deep state anti EU> selling the putting the COUNTRY First mantra.
Ironic dont you think? they was the Quickest to sell out.
This is media in conjunction with alternative media
who sold the populists rhetoric tranquilizing the people.
With apologies to Gezzah, the Australian accent is coming to have the same associations for me as the stereotypical “eeefil” German accent. This guy even looks like a Nazi:
Gezzah is Kiwi
I was just about to point that out, Marilyn!
Well apologies again to Gezzah who took me up on it on Moneycircus’s site. But what I meant is that I’ve seen so many videos of Aussies going fucking mental that I have begun to associate that accent with … well, going fucking mental!
Eli David is a jewish name, I might be wrong but I don’t think it’s possible to be a nazi jew.
moreover, I’m sure to be in his position he must be pro-gay, pro gender theory and so on, hardly what the nazis promoted. So this is a new kind of tyranny, a technocratic one. The one thing in common among them all, is that the ones on power make up and impose what the truth is.
Really, what would you call people like Bibi, Ariel Sharon and others
You read a sanitized historical account of Jews!
Just what the fuck are they doing to Palestinians?
The Gestapo via cuddly chat show:
Note ending (paraphrased):
“I don’t think in this country it would be a popular move”
followed by
“Oh no I think if things got worse, people would be more intolerant of the anti-vax crew”
Decoded: “Things are going to get worse, i.e. increasing figures on demand, and the public will continue to be presented as increasingly intolerant until enough of them adopt the behaviour we are programming into them.”
Prof Francois Balloux:
And there follows a splendid Tolkien length odyssey of marvels to be gawked at, graphs to be viewed, spectacles gasped at and reassurances (?) such as
The Prof’s tweeted conclusion:
I think it’s time the Prof wrote his own New Age self-help book! I’m sure there’ll be a market for it!
It’s time for Prof Francois Balloon to get his jab.
I was perusing a certain Left wing site and it was bleating about “strikes”. Workers demanding the right to strike! Workers striking over wages! Workers striking over … “lack of safety” in workplaces they are “forced to returned to”.
Consider …
Lockdowns being enacted/threatened for 20 months, restrictions, masking, distancing, barricades for “protection” etc. All resulting in workplaces which, if not forced to shut down entirely, are severely compromised to the point where they become increasingly impossible to maintain. Imagine if, under those circumstances, you threatened to go on strike. The bosses would say, “Sure! Here – we’ll supply the placards and direct you to the lines. And you can stand there as long as you like and we’ll send round the TV cameras and you can talk all you want to them! Feel free to get angrier and angrier! We’ll film it all!”
In short, threatening to carry out an action which they are forcing on you anyway is no threat. Threatening to stop work when they are actively shutting down the work anyway … Well you’d have to have been in a coma since the 70s to think that was effective.
Speaking of which … WSW anyone?
A strike action that would hurt the corp state is take the masks off and get to work.
Gillian McKeith
#Austrian police and army refuse to implement mandate sanctions. They will stand down!! If they stick to their word then the Austrian government will be in the big trouble. This is what is needed.. #NoVaccinePassports #NoVaccineMandates
“These mandates are coming because of the massive uptick in COVID-9/11 cases in all of these places where the experimental mRNA gene therapies were deployed en masse. Where the jab is job one, the infection rates are growing exponentially.”
The revolution of the corporals in 1974 in Salazar’s Portugal didnt effect deep changes in society. When a branch of The State comes out in opposition to The State it indicates the need for The State to Modernise itself… ie, good to hear some state enforcers are ‘rebelling’ but they’ll be back at work later carrying out breathalyser tests, etc…
But will they shoot the order givers and help the people get rid of tyranny?
That is the only thing that would cause me to have ANY respect for the police
“Concerning nonviolence, it is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks.”
— Malcolm X
“A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.”
— Malcolm X
“I believe that there will ultimately be a clash between the oppressed and those that do the oppressing. I believe that there will be a clash between those who want freedom, justice and equality for everyone and those who want to continue the systems of exploitation.”
— Malcolm X
“A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.”
— Malcolm X
“We are nonviolent with people who are nonviolent with us.”
— Malcolm X
Martin Luther King called on JFK to “Do Something !” because the failures of his non-violent campaigns to achieve much were losing the young blacks to the Black Panthers…
An informative book on the subject is “How Nonviolence Protects The State” by Peter Gelderloos..
Who’d have guessed even Gandhi wasnt 100% in favour of Non-violence ?
Have received a $AU73 (39.47 GBP) refund for a product i ordered from the UK a month ago: Dandelion Leaf and Root tincture Extract… It contains Suramin Shikimic acid
which allegedly blocks the spike protein…
I was refunded as the product is deemed “a Restricted Item”.
Who would have thought a product made from a weed would get so much attention, and action ? An entire government department committed to preventing the sale of something
that just might prevent ‘covid’ ? Or help someone defeat the injected spike protein ?
“The Camps” have been constructed in the three Australian eastern coast major cities. They are not for propaganda purposes. In the Norther Territory, the authorities are using fake PCR tests on First Nations people, declaring some “infected” and detaining them, and “contacts”, in The Camps… There they will no doubt be subject to medical experiments – injected with the spike protein ‘vaccines’ – to Protect Society. Having already been tagged as infected, any deaths in The Camps will be blamed on ‘covid’…
I expect the other states will soon follow suite…
Normal Australians will remain as indifferent to the removal and treatments of the non-vaxxed Minority as they have to the incarceration and mis-treatments of Julian Assange.
Indifference is a guaranteed sign of Normality…
Sadly, I agree with your last paragraph les. It’s only a matter of time for us unvaxxed.
All the complicit and obedient “good citizens” here have not only lapped up the fear porn of the MSM, but pretend everything is “normal” in their new normal world while we are dragged off to the camps or while the cops shoot unarmed protesters or while elderly women are pepper sprayed. They couldn’t give a fig.
What is happening now in the Northern Territory with the indigenous people around Katherine is horrific, but you won’t hear a single peep from Socialist Alternative or alleged anti racist organisations like Black Lives Matter or the human rights lawyers or the liberal lefty’s or any other SJW.
They couldn’t care less because its not happening to them. And because they fully support this tyranny.
My guess is that the 4th Wave of the covid psyops war against Australians will be built around the claim ‘The Majority Agree that the experimental medical injections be compulsory for everyone’…
Whether the 4th Wave to influence (neutralise) The Majority starts before or after They have given themselves permission to carry out the medical experiments on everyone aged 6 months upwards, may be a decider..
But most likely an indicator that the 4Th Wave psyops has commenced will be increasing mention of The Unvaxxed Minoriy in “news” propaganda….
They can claim that as much as they like, it’s still fucking illegal.
Listen to the David Martin talk and you will realise we are in on the whole game…obviously the debt is so high or the bribes so big no aust politician appears to be able to stand… local member has and is currently being torn to bits by the Murdock press here….lots of troll letters to editor etc…these guys are just so well organised while we sit around carrying on about oh woe is me…
I have commented elsewhere that politicians are just as susceptible, if not more so than us ordinary folk, to spyops scare campaigns…That is, they too are being manipulated by the influencers… I think the hysterical remarks by the Northern Territory minister about the threat ‘covid’ poses, are not faked… As despicable as politicians are, i think he believes what he said… thus the hysteria…We know that the frightened mind easily commits murder out of ‘self-protection.’ We should really be worried that they are in charge…
It was Malindarry McCarthy who started that shit by whining about the over crowding and claiming her sister is positive, I hope she rots in hell
“The Scamdemic ‘BIG LIE’ was the signal for all the jack booted crocodile teared corporate fascist eugenicist brown shirt charlatan fraudster phony baloneys to come out FULL THIRD REICH and do their Nazi thing. Every honest socialist in the spirit of Eugene Debs is fighting them, the Big Cull, the Great Ripoff and the Great Enslavement.”
Uranus about same place in 1940 we rounded them up off the missions and placed them into camps because the missions were run by Germans and they may have contaminated them….just following old patterns sadly and I don’t see the great abc saying a word….if it had been refugees they would have been up there demanding release…hypocrites…along with any black organisation or even white ones…
I think you can go outside and pick some fresh .
Much appreciate your work CJ. And yes, the new normal is utterly surreal.
I refuse to get jabbed with this poison crap, no matter what the personal consequences, because I refuse to be a “Little Eichmann”. I refuse to go along to get along. I refuse to get on my knees and be complicit with, and enable this fascism. And I refuse to wear a mask anymore as well. Yes, I admit, I did wear one last year while I was working, but no more. Enough of this pantomime charade.
Here is a dynamite document detailing the agreement between the WHO and all Australian Governments, both Federal and State, that this fake pandemic charade is meant to run to 2023. 31 pages long. It blows the lid of this crap.
Do you have another link to that for those who don’t do Fakebook?
Seems the link is gone.
Sorry Maxwell… only saw it this morning on FB. Haven’t seen it anywhere else yet, but if I do, will send you a link.
Yes please hope to see that doc about Australian gov and who appear somewhere else
Violence should only be used in self-defense.
It should never be used to force a belief system on someone.
The world would be a better place if that was the way it worked.
Well written article, but a few comments.
The ideology is based on collectivism and ‘love thy neighbour’.
A nice tool for people who want total control. I suspect that ‘they’ use the bible as a script. That would be a nice topic for an article.
– Many of ‘us’ are antivaxxers. How can you be pro- if you know it is a poison?
– Many of us are covid-deniers. What is ‘covid’ anyway? There are so many different symptoms with so many different causes. Most of them poisons, fear and delusional thinking.
– Many of us know that there is no virus. If you believe (all the cult-people believe this) it does exist, prove it! You know you can’t prove its existence, so please be honest about it.
Easy. The Covid ‘vaccines’ aren’t real vaccines, since they confer no immunity. Be ‘pro’ the real ones that do confer immunity.
Covid is a collection of symptoms, which can change on a whim, as we’ve seen. Covid is to AIDS, as Sars-Cov-2 is to HIV
It makes no difference whether there’s a virus or not, since all-cause mortality over the past 20 months hasn’t changed significantly. That alone is sufficient to prove that there is no pandemic. By contrast, the Black Death, I believe, killed roughly 30% of the world’s population at the time.
They changed the definition of ‘a vaccine’, so the mrna vaccine is a vaccine now.
Nevertheless, all vaccines are poisons.
So, if you are pro- you didn’t pay attention. If you are not pro- you are anti. Nothing wrong with that.
It makes a huge difference to know that there is no virus. Only if you know that there is no virus, you won’t be in doubt when many people die and a new deadly variant is claimed to be the cause of the many deaths.
Virology is fake science
Virology is fraud
Democracy is dementia
No, I’m not a flat earther
“Now a message to the general public from Nasty Nazi Pelosi, the ole Space Gorgon Hag itself.”

“CHUMPS. Only little people pay taxes. KISS MY JACKBOOTS.”
She seems strangely unworried by “rising sea levels”.
ironic if climate change is a thing and she gets swept away by a wave.
Well written article, but a few comments.
The ideology is based on collectivism and ‘love thy neighbour’.
A nice tool for people who want total control. I suspect that ‘they’ use the bible as a script. That would be a nice topic for an article.
– Many of ‘us’ are antivaxxers. How can you be pro- if you know it is a poison?
– Many of us are covid-deniers. What is ‘covid’ anyway? There are so many different symptoms with so many different causes, most of them poisons, fear and delusional thinking.
– Many of us know that there is no virus. If you believe (all the cult-people believe this) it does exist, prove it! If you can’t (I know you can’t) be honest to yourself and your audience.
I see the Rubicon analogy becoming quite prevalent lately. This track touches on the theme;
Don’t you think that Bill Gates looks like the kind of psychopathic megalomaniac our age deserves? i.e. he is the perfect embodiment of the slimy little geeky resentful prick who utterly loathes everything natural because he was a hopeless loser and wanted to get revenge on the entire heathy, fucking, fighting, loving and intensely living human species. So he wants to wire everything up to his soulless cyber wankery and drain it all dry.
I think yes you have it the nail on the head there George sum up that creep perfectly well said
I’ve said it before, George does have a way with words.
Professor Norman Fenton (born 18 May 1956) is a British mathematician who is currently Professor of Risk Information Management at Queen Mary University of London. Doesn’t stop the fact checkers (FullFact) saying they are better at sums and calculating risk.
The ‘woke’ don’t make good mathematicians. There was a great episode of the Simpsons that illustrates that. The one where Lisa wants to study real maths.
Which was also mentioned in the book ‘The Simpsons and their Mathematical Secrets – Simon Singh‘
Simpsons – Girls Just Want to Have Sums
The strange tension in the Western media between maintaining the illusion of democratic freedom whilst clearly attempting to impose an absolute authoritarianism that will tolerate no dissent has led to this odd prophesising mode.
Thus my wife picks up on the media vibes and says, “Oh I think there’s going to be another lockdown this Christmas” as if she was talking about a prediction for a weather system which no-one had control over while the reality is that the rulers know exactly what they want to do and are going to make damn sure it happens. But that curious “wobble” in their presentation betrays a certain insecurity nevertheless.
Whenever you hear anyone in government say “We have no plans to…”, you can bet they’re gonna do it within months.
As C.J. Hopkins says, “we need to understand it … its internal logic, and its strengths, and weaknesses.”
But we won’t unless we understand the emotional underlying addiction of the abuser/victim relationship. The planners/abusers are addicted to control and they are unconsciously following this pattern. When their victims begin to wake up and refuse their control, they may give a short ‘sweetener’ (lockdowns off, masks off, etc) and then a new wave of fear porn, etc. etc. This is a well-know pattern clearly explained in this video by outstanding psychologist Meredith Miller.
She shows how people follow the false narratives in spite of being told the truth/reality, and the fear behind breaking out of generations-old abusive family/relationship patterns. If you’ve been through this, you’ll know what I’m talking about.
You said it: Absolutism and abuse begins in the family.
Yesterday, Germany’s Health Minister, the former bank clerk Jens Spahn, told Germans their options were “vaccination, recovery [wtf?] or death”.
Today, Hungary’s PM Orban cuts the options down to two: “Take the prick or else die.”
That escalated quickly. Who knows what tomorrow will bring.
Do they know something we don’t know?
Since “recovery” is completely unintelligible under the grinding emphasis on “The New Normal”, there is clearly only one option – seeing that vaccination and death are the same thing.
If I die, does that mean I can go to the pub?
There are three options, but you won’t like them:
NB ‘Rebel’ is equivalent to capitulation.
Hi Mr. Delacroix. Do you have any specific locations in mind as far as “wilderness/sanctuary” is concerned? And would you also be willing to elaborate a little more on option 3?
Greetings from Sweden
Something wicked this way comes.
How the Hell did Freddie Sayers get there? It was supposed to be Bill Gates talking about “pandemic 2”.
This is being echoed in qld Australia….they say they believe all the unvax will die so they may as well have the needle regardless of the side effects because we are going to die anyway….this can have no fundamental basis in truth…but obviously Fors marsh have issued it as the latest song sheet for them to all sing from..,
when it is patently obvious the needles don’t work this is patently idiotic…but that has never gotten in the road of this crap.,,,and remember no one has actually proved that a spike protein actually causes anything other than harm to the idiot that gets it injected into their body….how the hell can it actually prevent a virus?
I was at an X-ray centre today for a cT scan of my neck..when they told me to get off the bed I jokingly said well let’s hope I don’t fall over…they said well we have had a heap of people suffering vertigo through here recently …we don’t understand what is going on…not sure why these people don’t work it out.,.seems to be the current damage…
When the fourth shop employee comes with a box of mask to hand you one, just whip out this little vid.
And tell them to phuck off.
always best though to leave your tracking devices at home, or
even better smash them.
and support the shops that do not harass people with insane dictates.
It is still so difficult for me to imagine that there are people out there who are evil enough to subject the whole world to such tyranny, even though it is obvious that there are. Have they nothing better to do? Imagine how much good they could do if they were empathetic and devoted their billions to helping others instead of destroying existing societies. What they’re doing takes a special and, one hopes, rare kind of malevolence. If only we could get the rest of the world to see this for what it is, but we’ve learned from psychological experts that it is near impossible to reason with the new normals. Only a truly shocking event in their lives, that shakes them out of their trance, could force them to confront reality, and even that may not work long term. We’ve lost touch with billions of people, perhaps forever.
Fear, eear of losing the ability to control others. Because in the real world they’d probably amount to nothing more than useless eaters.
Isaiah 59:7
“Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood. Their thought are thought of iniquity; desolation and destruction are in their paths.”
The clergy should have read these verses in the churches when the gubmint told them to close down. Instead, clutching to their 501c3 status, they carried out the lying decree.
When the jab was make available, the vast majority with their paychecks and pensions on the line told God’s people to line up for it. It’s a spiritual contest.
It is a fight of good versus evil. There’s nothing new under the sun. Only the players on Satan’s team change as he endeavors to enslave God’s people.
+ 1
Oh dear it is about making money and when did any of these people pass up an opportunity to do this….it is all about the trillions they figure they can make from gene therapy…get with the program please.