What is happening in Australia’s Aboriginal communities?
Reports are emerging of forced removal and quarantine camps, but the real facts on the ground are hard to establish.

The last few days we have heard some alarming reports about how the Northern Territories of Australia are treating their indigenous communities.
Tweets and videos have emerged claiming aboriginal people are being removed from their land and sent to “quarantine centres”, allegedly to protect them from the virus.
Some representatives of the community have sent out videos asking for “international aid”, and claiming Aboriginal communities are being placed under “martial law” and people are being removed from their homes “at gunpoint”
🆘BREAKING NEWS🆘 Representatives of the Aboriginal Community in Australia issue International Plea for help over tyrannical Australian coercion & control.
How much longer can the world just sit back and let this happen? pic.twitter.com/Arnd2teCLJ
— UNN (@UnityNewsNet) November 24, 2021
At a protest against the measures, one aboriginal elder was violently arrested by officers witnesses claim were not wearing ID badges.
Another elder, June Mills, posted a video to facebook expressing concern about how difficult it is to get information out of the locked down communities. She says she has heard that the army is “removing people against their will”, ending with the emotive cry “they are killing us!”
Australia has been so rapidly descending into a fascist hellhole that none of this, if true, would be at all surprising. The very fact they have a huge quarantine camp they unironically refer to as “The Centre for National Resilience” should be a massive red flag for everyone.
Michael Gunner, Chief Minister of the Northern Territories, was a caricature of wide-eyed zealotry in a recent press conference. When asked whether vaccine mandates might alienate some people, even those already vaccinated he said:
If you support or give comfort to anybody who argues against the vaccine, you are an anti-vaxxer, I don’t care what your personal vaccination status is.”
Australia 🇦🇺: "If you are against the vaccine mandate, you are an anti-vaxxer, even if you are personally vaccinated"
Some people are evil. Some people are stupid. But what's really dangerous is the combination of both 👇
_pic.twitter.com/ifQPBASza7— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) November 22, 2021
The phrase “give comfort too” should alarm people, because it’s only ever used in warlike settings, discussing treason and collusion. “Giving comfort to the enemy“.
In another press conference, Gunner also announced a “hard lockdown” in aboriginal communities, meaning people are not allowed to leave their homes except for medical treatment or if required by law. Adding that people are being “removed” to quarantine centres in military trucks. Not just people diagnosed with “covid”, but “close contacts” too:
This is an absolutely appalling breach of human rights.. 38 indigenous Australians in the Northern Territory have been hauled into quarantine camps by the army. pic.twitter.com/VBrCAg3ZdP
— Pelham (@Resist_05) November 22, 2021
Police are going door to door in Aboriginal communities to “intensively engage” with those who do not want the “vaccine”.
All this is being sold in the mainstream as “concern” for communities which could be “extra vulnerable”.
Voices on social media – who are totally real, and not at all shills there to control the narrative – are claiming strict measures are necessary to protect indigenous Australians from Covid, because it would rip through their communities “like syphilis did to the Native Americans”. There is, so far, very little evidence to support this fear-mongering.
However, written statements, allegedly from people detained, are emerging online saying they are being well taken care of, and that “irresponsible” social media posts are “hurting people”.
Amnesty UK issued a press release condemning the moves, but this was swiftly countermanded by Amnesty Australia, and dismissed as “disinformation” in the press and by Michael Gunner as “conspiracy theorising” from “tinfoil hat-wearing tossers”.
Some other Australian states are already building quarantine camps specifically for Aboriginal communities.
South Australia announced a tender for these camps last week, with press coverage underlining they would be only for those people who are “unable to isolate at home”.
Whether genuinely well-intentioned or not, it can certainly be argued this is an example of massive governmental overreach, especially for a virus that is at worst a bad seasonal flu.
It’s a convoluted and complex situation, with the real facts being hard to establish. Whatever the reality, it’s a situation that bears close watching.
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Did someone make a copy of that video? They took it down.
Arm the citizens of Australia, the government is insane and evil.
Read a book years ago by John Pilger about the treatment of the Aboriginal people. It wasnt pleasant reading
An update from David Cole:
How did that song go about …. “lets give it back” ? Australians … not wanting as my Indian friend always suggests.
When I drove in the Indian territories in the USA I was told the situation was the same as now we hear in Aussie land. No camps, but they all live far away each other in trailors but they couldn’t go outside except an hour a day and “if you want to die then go to the hospital, they give you a shot saying it will enhance your auto immune system, but it kills you in a day”. They’ve always had a liquor problem, and now it is much worse.
First they came for the Abos………………………………… Howard Springs Concentration Camp.
Now we know the real reason the Aussie government asked everyone to give up their guns. Only a war will fix this situation. The military is riddled with traitors, just like up in the USA.
Read a book years ago by John Pilger about the treatment of the Aboriginal people. It wasnt pleasant reading
They don’t need the jab. Somebody needs to be hanged for this when it is over.
White people have tried everything to eliminate the Indigenous people here, nothing has worked so I guess the fucking jabs are the next line of fire and they know it. Precisely two sick Aboriginal people have ”died with covid”, but kidney and heart disease is common. In the same period 6 people were killed by cops.
It’s the first time in history govt. minions have mobilised to ensure ‘good health’ for the indigenous.
Good call. They care so much.
More from Sacha Stone w/ Lurnpa [David Cole] and several others, highly informative (BNT 51-minutes+).
The best broadcast I have seen on this issue so far.
One thing is certain, people overseas suffer from huge levels of ignorance in regard to Australia and while they know little about the country they know zero about Aboriginal issues.
Most of the claims are hyperbolic. These remote communities are inhabited by people on welfare, for generations and are highly dysfunctional. Because they are on welfare, like anyone on welfare, they have less ability to be independent.
People in such communities are regularly vaccinated and medicated under the nation’s health system. No doubt there is coercion to get the Covid Jabs but everyone is being coerced.
Since in most places Covid cases would be required to quarantine, this would not be an unusual request for those in remote communities. Which raises the problems of over-crowding in such communities, where, for superstitious and tribal reasons extended families crowd together (making Covid transmission much more likely) and high levels of violence in and from members of the community (making a request for Army assistance to transfer cases to quarantine likely).
In most of these communities it is all about the money they can make and they are egged on by Aborigine Lites from the cities, those with minimal Aboriginal ancestry, even less than 1% who ride the Aboriginal gravy train.
While I do not agree with what Federal or State Governments are doing, it is not as bad as some overseas media outlets claim; IT IS NOT AUSTRIA, and the situations in remote communities are particular to those communities because of local problems and have also been exaggerated to serve vested agendas.
Some other Australian states are already building quarantine camps specifically for Aboriginal communities.
And this is because these communities wish to remain close to family, together as family/extended tribal connections and because of the massive distances required to get people from remote communities to the Howard Springs Quarantine Centre, particularly since many, maybe most, will resist leaving and resist violently.
In short, if you have not been to remote communities, and I have, and do not know how such places work, and I do, and are unaware of the vast distances between remote communities and facilities, as are many Australians, I suggest you spend some time doing the research which will provide you with a modicum of knowledge and perspective on an issue for which you are in egregious ignorance.
Ooh get you!
So that’s alright then!
Affluent bastards!
The nerve of them! Don’t they realise the new requirements of Evil Covid!
This doesn’t explain anything about the issue brought up in the article. It does show that you believe your prejudices are facts just because you have been there. Including the predudice that anyone who hasn’t been there knows less and should shut up.
Go and tell this crap to Dylan Voller and the other kids tortured in Don Dale and other prisons. The people who can’t get health care or decent housing and stop spewing out this vile garbage.
The whitie Aussies genocide and perpetually rip the the “abos” off, and you shill away, claiming the Abos are the problem!! 😂
Ya know, your entreaties are ALL scripted by 5-Eyes pychological operations as the very same empty arguments are regurgitated in Canada, almost to the very phrase. 😂
I hope sycophants like you get your hands very dirty contributing to the very tyranny experienced by the Abos… I wish the worst in nightmares for you, after which you’ll never have a clear conscience again. 👿
Which white Aussies?
Yes, yes, youve got the Happiest Blecks In The World.
To be blunt: fuck off troll.
“Vast distances between remote communities” – brilliant, Covid can only jump two metres and that’s official according to the “social distancing” rules.
Massive public protests in Australian towns and cities yesterday. I went to the one on the Sunshine Coast in Qld – thousands and thousands of people.
Barely a mention in our mainsream media. Much better job in a Russian newspaper.
It was mentioned but they downgraded numbers. However, so many images on social media put paid to that deception.
Good to hear that!!!
Don’t take this paid for bullshit laying down.
Apparently the present government doesn’t care about the next election; why?
I’m Aussie. I state here our State and Federal Governments have gone batshit crazy, drunk, exhilarated with Power. Its use, its copper taste in their mouths as they exercise it, the fate of thousands at their call. I’ve seen bitchute vids of young bushkids admitting to getting $500/stab for the the 2 initial shots. WHO is paying $1000 an Abo kid? No. I mean, IS IT The W.H.O.? WHY? Given the utter loathing and distrust I have of my EVIL LEADERS, I now think it plausible that this poison mRNA is being used as a Final Solution to the pesky Legal Problem of Terra Nullis. Call it TERROR NULLIS. The Wave of Vaxxidents sweeping Australia, dead teenagers, my ex-mate’s ( I’ve NO Vaxed friends now) 17 year old, footy playing son had a heart attack 4 days after 2nd stab. His dad refuses to see a connection. Fine. BMJ 2906 article on Myocarditis reads 50% death rate from Myocarditis after 5 years. Ya murderer. Another mate, ex. His fit 60 year old wife, 2nd stab, dead. Another deadly coincidence. Australia seems to be suffering an Epidemic of Coincidence this year. 😑 Northern Territory Governments and Miners HATE Aboriginals. 🤑🤑🤑 why?🤑🤑🤑 Land Rights. + I do NOT know one person who has had Convid itself. + 20,0000 nurses have quit. MSM says they “need a rest”. No. They refused a Death Stab.
Wow thanks for insider info
I counted 1500 deaths from the jabs just on the first four pages of AZ and Pfizer doctor reports, but there are over 2 million people who have reported nasty side effects and been ignored while they pretend it’s only clots killing people. They have given dozens and dozens of kids heart diseases for no fucking reason and my nurse grand daughter is going to quit after 8 years of working like a dog for fuck all money.
The OFFICIAL figures now are 50,000 deaths and 7.5 million adverse reactions (US /EU /UK combined.) But of course these are all extremely rare.
And remember the EU is just a small gathering of European countries. Eastern Europe, the entirety of huge Africa, Asia and Russia are’nt counted in those statistics.
No, no, G., its all pure coincidence. Pure Coincidence is a major cause of death now, second only to Sudden adult death syndrome.
Not for the first time Ill post this video of yuri bezmenov as it is a very inightful interview with strong indicators to the kind of thing these people get up to to engineer a political arena full of lowest common denominator humans.
The long term answer to this is to start using the voting system in a meaningful way to get rid of these parasitic good for nothing entities once and for all.
Yuri Bezmenov – ALL Interviews & Lectures HQ (1984-1983)
The voting system is the problem, not the solution.
My mother and my sister are trapped in Australia. Despite they both are dual citizens (naturalized Australians, originally from Europe) they aren’t allowed to return. They’re required to be fully vaccinated to board a plane. The Australian motherfuckers won’t let them come back. Not even if they renounce their citizenship.
This is part of the Commonwealth so the queen or big ears should be speaking up very soon. Probably should not hold your breath though.
The Windsors in this country are themselves at a very high-up level of the Globalist perpetrators of this global scam!! So Elizabeth and Charlie won’t be ‘speaking up’.
As I understand it once an aust state declares a state of emergency then the crown via the various governors are in charge….so they are actually the ones dishing out this shit…and as vanguard and blackrock are running the show and the royal families are part of vanguard I wouldn’t hold ones breath waiting for them to help anyone….they have done nothing to date.
What a pity that your folks aren’t employed by the Yanks at Pine Gap or Nth Wst Cape, if they did they would be able to come and go as they pleased. In Australia, some animals are more equal than others.
steward offg 2 days back wrote…
Have they really, though? Has there been anything beyond a rumour?
The lady in the video is, I believe, genuinely angry, but all she has heard is rumours.
The planting of such rumours, which can spread like wildfire, and which can subsequently be proved false to the discredit of the target group, is PSY-OPS 101.
It seems to me that the “voluntary” aspect of the injection (I refuse to call it a vaccine) is an essential insurance policy for them, should their whole great reset go tits up.
They will lie, bribe, nudge, bore, cajole, shame, outright terrify, literally anything they can think of to make you give in. And then, no matter what happens afterwards, even if they end up standing in the dock at The Hague (yes, I’m an optimist), they can shrug, say they believed the science and tell you that you could have refused it.
Not saying that it isn’t happening over there btw, but let’s wait for some actual evidence before jumping to conclusions?
If they can psyop us just like that, control all information, and they actually do it, and reports emerge, but we can’t verify them, because of censorship and mass imprisonment and terror, would you suspect that they are just joking about it?
If they can psyop us just like that, control all information, and they actually do it, and reports emerge, but we can’t verify them, because of censorship and mass imprisonment and terror, would you suspect that they are just joking about it?
There is no excuse whatsoever to do people what the state in Australia is doing. Whether they nicely ask or force people moving from their homes to go to ‘quarentine facilities’ is irrelevant. The language that Gunner mercenary is nothing but threatening and downright criminal.
If there was a real pandemic no government would behave like they are doing. And if the vaccine was ‘safe and effective’ no coercion, bribe or blackmail would be necessary.
My sister and husband (both fully “vaccinated”) were recently interned at the Howard Springs facility for three days (at a cost to them of $187 each, per day), as she’d attempted to fly to Adelaide to attend a funeral. A hot spot was declared whilst she was in flight and she was returned to Darwin the next day. My brother in law, returned with her.
Whilst they were there, indigenous folk from the two (minimum 300k away) sites where infection had been declared, where also interned in the Howard Springs facility.
So yeah, they’re forcing, even the fully “vaccinated” into this camp any time they please. No positive “test” results needed. You’ve been in an area they declare as outbreak, off to the concentration camp you go.
They are absolutely taking indigenous folk from their homes and detaining them.
Mandatory vaccination in the NT came into effect on 12 Nov 2021. Anyone who works in a job with children, the elderly OR ANY PUBLIC FACING ROLE, now has to be double jabbed or they’re not allowed to go to work.
My refusal to take these experimental treatments has cost me an award winning career of over two decades, as every live production venue in Darwin has caved and declared that all workers (even those, like me who don’t have a public facing role), must be vaccinated to be allowed to work.
Screw the Nuremberg Code, and screw the many other codes and declarations Australia has signed up to over the years since WW2, that forbid enforced medical trials and detention without charge, the NT government doesn’t give a shit, and legally doesn’t have to.
The Australian Human Rights Commission can only take on the Commonwealth government, so tin pot dictators like Gunner have free reign, and answer to only the Health and Safety legislation, which has allowances for people whom are deemed to pose a risk to public safety.
Who are these dangerous people? ITS US, THE GENERAL POPULATION.
Yeah but the territories cannot make fucking laws in contravention of the constitution.
There are people who have quit their jobs and dedicated all their time and energy in fighting this tyranny, spending time and money on court cases, organising rallies et al, donating money to causes. Parents who have gone to many rallies, written letters to schools, organised local like minded communities, taken their kids out of schools. MANY people who have literally spent time continually challenging this narrative. It’s exhausting!!. I know because Im one of those parents!. THAN I see people posting their jab status on social media with pictures of their new found jab “freedom” absolutely oblivious to what is going on and I find it hard NOT to react with this same thought – they have literally undone ALL of this hard work to go to the pub!!!. I’m so done with some people!. We are NOT fighting our governments, we are literally fighting ourselves and the morons who STILL cant see the forest through the trees.
One has to agree with many of the things you say, however, it appears obvious that it is precisely what the engineers of this g’reset boondoggle want. Admittedly, it is so much easier to divide society, than unite. So, be patient with the mind-numbingly ignorant and think about the potential consequences of divisional polarity if the dopey are ostracised. We really do need all-hands-on-deck to overcome this oppressive tyrannical takeover.
I thinks it’s the combination of an untrustworthy government, decades of oppression and deep seated generational trauma that accounts for her angry. They know what’s going on, it’s not a case of reacting to a “rumour”.
What the hell are you babbling about? Gunner is on video stating that Aboriginals from Binjari and Rockhole have been removed to Howard Springs by the Army in Army trucks.
What is midazolam?
Midazolam is a benzodiazepine (ben-zoe-dye-AZE-eh-peen) that is used to help you relax before having a minor surgery, dental work, or other medical procedure. Midazolam injection is also used to sedate a patient who needs a ventilator.
Midazolam injection may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Midazolam can slow or stop your breathing, especially if you have recently used an opioid medication, alcohol, or other drugs that can slow your breathing.
Before taking this medicine
You should not be treated with midazolam if you are allergic to it, or if you have:
Tell your doctor if you’ve ever had:
Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Midazolam may harm an unborn baby, and generally should not be used during pregnancy.
Sedatives used during surgery may affect brain development in a young child or unborn baby (when used in the mother), which may lead to learning or behavior problems later in life. Long surgeries or repeated procedures pose the highest risks.
It may still be necessary to use a sedative for a life-threatening condition, medical emergency, or surgery to correct a birth defect. Your doctor can inform you about all medicines given during a surgery or procedure.
How is midazolam injection given?
Midazolam is injected into a muscle or vein by a healthcare provider.
The policy of exterminating old people who have been removed from their homes and placed in the killing fields of care homes, is pretty much the open policy of our governments. I am 77 years old and if the masked assassins ever got their hands on me I would be terminated. Simple. The cocktail of choice is a combination of morphine and midazolam. Pensioners, like me should shun these murder camps if they wish to continue living.
P.S. I was reminded of the infamous camp – Buchenwald – which I visited near the East German in the town of Weimar. I actually saw the gas chambers and the ovens, and the medical experiment laboratories. I never thought I would see such sights in our ‘democracies’ in the ‘developed’ world.
You have been warned.
well that’s amazing considering buchenwald didn’t actually have any gas chambers….
if you are going to offer resistance to the sorathic evil that is on its way.. you need to fight it with facts and truth…
Yay. Paul Rassinier writes in erudite detail about his time in Buchenwald. Well worth a look, both for holocaust believers and sceptics, in The Lies of Ulysses’ Still available online.
Tell you what mate. I saw the crematorium furnaces with my own eyes. That was a fact.
That was in the days of the old DDR. Perhaps this feature was removed from the still existent site.
And the gas chambers? What did you see them with?
A microscope hehe.
Doctors and the health industry cannot be trusted anymore.
I haven’t trusted them for decades
You are right.
You should watch this video from beginning to end if you haven’t already
It is good that the present psy/op didn’t fool you.
But, for the sake of intellectual integrity you need to and research
“what you saw and were forced to believe”.
Midazolam + morphine = Euthanasia. The NHS has just put out a tender for a huge consignment of Midazolam………………….
The reason for this new vastly-deadly ‘variant’ is to ensure that everyone has a vaccination passport – that is, a digital I.D. None of this is about health. It is about the collapse of the old financial system and the imposition of a new digital currency system with its lack of privacy and its complete control of those left alive.
Your vaccine passport will be digitally controlled, just like your bank account. You can gain or lose points according to how obedient or disobedient you are to the controllers’ rules.
This is the whole purpose of the contrived “virus”. The scary ‘variant’ is to push those who are ‘vaccine hesitant’ over the edge and get jabbed and I.D’d. Remember, ‘Covid’ stands for ‘Certificate of Vaccination I.D.’
Clearly explained by Melissa Ciummei, a financial investor from Northern Ireland.
And once you’ve got your beaut new Digital Passport, you can travel – after you have your blood screened. But its private (says the man in the video). We don’t keep information or do contact tracing from the results.
Pull the other one – this is just a cover for collecting our DNA and every other thing that live blood contains.
Let’s focus on building communities which can survive and thrive outside of this slavery system run by vampires.
This might be a better link for the video by Melissa …..
I haven’t followed this story closely and don’t claim any insights into what’s going on in Australia but three points arising from the article:
1) 38 people allegedly being involved is suspicious because 3=8=11 and 11 is a master number in a certain fraternal society.
2) It is stated as a fact that comments on social media are from real people and not shills. How does anybody know this as a fact?
3) The reference to “the virus” spreading through aborigines like syphilis through Native Americans becomes one of their tricks (i.e. telling the truth but not in the way normies will read it and using one lie to prop up another in the process) if one realises that the syphilis narrative is extremely dubious.
Syphilis suddenly appeared in Europe in the late 15th century. Where did it come from? Syphilis was supposedly spread from the New World (given that the other hypothesis nobody had recognised it before must be nonsense). There is no evidence of indigenous peoples showing syphilitic symptoms but the story damned Spanish imperialism oh, whose interests might that have served?). There’s also no evidence of sexual transmission. That story looks another form of population control.
The symptoms of syphilis in the earlier period and as we would recognise them are drastically different. ‘The Atlantic’ in 2015 wrote that “syphilis can be difficult to prevent and to recognise” and added that the disease “mimics” other diseases. The bacterium that supposedly causes the disease is identified by the Wasserman Test but that test produces positives for many other diseases and even pregnancy (which could be and was used to destroy marriages and pregnancies, all part of the eugenics’ agenda). Artists who happened to belong to a certain fraternal society pushed that narrative into the public consciousness (like Ibsen in ‘Ghosts’).
The alleged symptoms of syphilis happen to be identical to mercury poisoning. Despite being the second most poisonous substance known to humanity after plutonium, there was an obsession with getting mercury into the human body derived from its suoopsedly magic qualities identified by hermetic teaching (Mercury is the Roman name for Hermes). Mercury was widely used in skin ointments.
Therefore it seems to me that “the virus” would spread through aboriginals like smallpox through Native Americans in the sense that it’s a fake disease that’s been created through mixing vague symptoms and an identification with flawed tests and with a real cause created by the very people now selling the “cure” with the ultimate goal of population reduction while making a quick buck in the process.
I’m pretty certain that this is not the first time people are being innoculated with poison. It is highly likely knowing what we are witnessing right now, that most if not all of those mysterious ‘plagues’ of the past were nothing more than mass poisoning. It can be done via food, medicine, water supply, soil contaminants, air spraying, ointments, electromagnetic waves, etc.
In fact well poisoning was a technique used throughout the ages. Nothing new under the sun.
I don’t know if there’s a God but I know there’s a Devil:
Perhaps it has a subtitle:
Yes George.
Ghastly songs-poser-Guthrie Karaoke
Billy Cucked!!
Matthew Ehret’s latest article at Strategic Culture Foundation, a site banned from FB and Twitter, is a must read:
Unfortunately for the Davos Guardians, the reality of the New Great Narrative is a world devoid of those very principles that humanity requires to survive and thrive within our creative, reasonable universe.
As is obvious from what I have so often posted here, I have a tendency to read the most rancid articles on the media and then feel the impulse to answer every disgustingly shameless lie and mind steering move in them even as I’m reading them. So I copy/paste the whole thing and take it apart bit by bit.
But recently whilst doing this, I find these pieces so stupid that I (thankfully) run out of steam.
There was one wretched article from the Washington Post with the maudlin title “The vaccine tore her family apart. Could a death bring them back together?” I did the copy/paste thing and went through it only to find that it went on and on and on … and, apart from the manipulative bullshit, it didn’t even end up going anywhere at all. Total waste of time.
The ultimate time waster is the WSW. The only thing worthy of note is that the pieces on this site must be the absolute worse written anywhere. If you subtract the labyrinthine humongously questionable statistics chanted out as if the writer was caught up in some gibbering trance, every one of these pieces would shrink by at least half. And the rest consists of self-contradicting pontificating directives to unite whilst keeping your distance!
you sound like a jilted lover – let the WSW go!! – they’ve obviously been lured to the dark side somehow so have no credibility and thus aren’t worth wasting time with – the writing’s not that bad! – just let em go, I haven’t sullied my browser with their page in a very long time – be free!!
“So I copy/paste the whole thing and take it apart bit by bit. ”
This is important work. I have thought for years that we need a dedicated web site for this.
Some good news about the new imaginary virus variant Omicron. If it is as big a Micron the masks might actually work.Micron is short for micrometer, one-millionth of a meter
The Imaginary COVID 19 virus particle size is 125 nanometers (0.125 microns)
So the new imaginary virus variant Omicron is about TEN times bigger.Pretty scary
Be afraid be very afraid. It’s coming to get you.
But it’s still to small to see so you will have to believe them when they tell you it has arrived.
Also be scared of the bogeyman , hob goblins and all other imaginary threats used to scare little children
Here’s Donald Duck’s anti-corona diet:
Fruit and vegetables
Yoghurt and honey
Fish – nothing fancy – mackerel and sardines. Plenty of olive oil
Cod-Liver Oil for Vitamin D and A
Zinc tablets
I am 77 and I walk around the park next door for one hour a day, come rain, come shine. Weight training every day. No mask of course, I want to breathe fresh air. I have a cup of coffee in the park cafe. Loots of reading and writing ever since I was a student (got banned from the LSE library. Naturally! books and articles. Loads of young women with small children in the adjacent playground, 95% unmasked.
Ok, you can have a bottle of beer in the evening.
I have never felt better.
Kia kaha, Don, keep up your righteous lifestyle and covid will never get you – personally, though, I prefer the regular doses of red wine to the cod liver oil and zinc tablets; so far they seem to have worked: (weird – when I type in a full stop I get a colon instead!)
Well, I’m not far off Don’s age, similar lifestyle, fruit, veg and supplements, plus at the slightest symptons I get the IM on. I have also been taking a 1/4 bottle whisky per day for a bit and can’t remember feeling better. Plus no troubles yet with the colon!
Just as long as you can remember!
It looks like another article which gives us the prescribed morality tale: doubters get what’s coming to them. But look at this:
In other words, they weren’t even doubters anyway!
For some perverse reason, I’ve taken to “clipping” scamdemic porn headlines/blurbs, mostly from the aptly-named Yahoo site, which republishes stories from various conventional sources.
I rarely read the actual story, because the clickbait photos and blurbs contain the essence of the infoganda message. As the saying goes, I’ve got a million!
Here’s a fairly recent one, plucked pretty much at random from the folder:
This is off topic, but lets for the sake of argument and agree that
1. Covid-19/Sars-Cov2 is the result of someone creating it in China with the help of America
2. That it is indeed within the Carona virus familiy.
3. That Ivermectin because of its anti-viral properties does alleviate the possibily of full blown desease if administered early enough.
4. That Pfizermectin, has nearly the same characteristcis as 3, although according to Dr John Campbell, it is more expensive and provides less comprehensive protection
Then, isn’t the case that Ivermectin, which shows efficacy against Covid, might also show efficacy against other Coronavirus’?
Thats a big hit to Pharma bottom line, attacking the seasonal Flu shot?
There is no virus, except in the CDC patents office
I’ve seen this manoeuvre before:
“Let’s agree the media aren’t telling us the truth but let’s believe the main part of it anyway”.
As in, “Let’s agree we’re being lied to about 9/11 but agree Muslim fanatics really did bring down the twin towers”.
Or “Let’s agree the media is lying about covid but agree there is a deadly virus that’s going to kill us all unless we do something about it”.
The author couldn’t resist, he had to bow to the virus narrative. What happened to sticking with facts?
FAR less pay involved for ‘sticking to facts’
You should know.
UK Column News – 26th November 2021
New Variant, 10 Cases, Super Mutant Covid Strain
Cartoon language betrays the agenda — the language of constructs: variants, fear.
Telegraph: “The public need to be ready for a change in Covid restrictions in the wake of the new South African variant, a JCVI scientist has warned.”
SOS From Australia — Monica Smit Interview 00:23:00
December 4th Demonstration for Australia at consulates abroad, call on Western “democracies” to offer political asylum. Video appeal: https://youtu.be/l4KUqjMUyPg
Victorians sleeping outside Parliament, 400,000 people attended protest out of 6m population
Reignite Democracy Australia
Australia party system is corrupt, as in UK, U.S.. Politicians pick small fights, ignore big issues.
Federal election pre-polling denies unvaccinated people. Political organizing limited: ban on more than 30 people, cannot cross state lines.
Dictatorship Laws in Victoria Go To Vote Next Week.
Will renew pandemic laws from Dec 15. Would allow premier Dan Andrews to call a pandemic on own say so; imprison unvaxed for two years.
Northern Territory’s Tin Foil Hat Chief Min Rant 00:41:00
Michael Gunner claims ‘international trolls’ spread Covid misinformation — The Guardian
Brian Gerrish: he is a heavily reframed individual. His head is full of implanted ideas. If you challenge him the arrogance and authoritarianism comes out.
Patrick Henningsen: for years the West has mocked tin pot dictators and this is much more strident than any rhetoric from Saddam Hussein etc.
UK Euthanizing People — Email to UKC 00:45:00
Son with learning difficulties given Midazolam and Morphine, result is suppressed breathing
NHS ignored notes showing intolerance to Midazolam. Mother asked for Midalolzam to be stopped, hospital announced his death 20 minutes later.
NHS Moves Rapidly To Put Patients on End Of Life Pathway 00:47:00
Interview with UK nurse whistleblower Debi Evans
New system avoids consultation, family meetings, religious rites, psychological help, offer of a preferred place to die, at home for example.
Fast track bypasses all that. Families not consulted at all.
Longterm Delivery Plan for NHS in 21st Century > National Framework Document 2018, page 30:
People shifted under “NHS Continuing Care” to “the Fast Track Pathway”
– “fast track pathway tool should be use instead of the checklist”
– paperwork to ensure immediate palliative care
– no need for checklist or decision support
– appropriate clinician can be the person who diagnosed the individual or from a palliative care organisation aka euthanasia campaigner.
Documents: End of Life Care — Guide to the Councils 00:57:00
Coronavirus Act of Mar 2020 allowed procedures to change
“If your health is deteriorating quickly and you are reaching the end of you life, you should be considered for the NHS Continuing Care Fast Track Pathway.”
“We all want a good life but we also want a good death.”
“Local government has been a major contributor to improving health care and well-being.”
Fast Tracking For Immediate Provision of “NHS Continuing Healthcare” ie Death 01:01:30
Regulatry babble — the appearance of substance, reassuring officals and staff.
– No requirement to continue the Decision Support Tool or Checklist
End of Life Care Pathway During The Corona Pandemic from British Psychological Society: 01:04:30
– the speed from being well to death must be taken into account
– Covid may stop loved ones being involved in decisions
– people will be unable to see loved ones prior to death or after
– the breaking of bad news takes place differently – that’s a human decision
– relatives must live with the realistic threat to their own life — BPS is on board with the fear
– decisions made about patients will be communicated at a distance, not even by a specialist but perhaps by a non-qualified health worker.
Brian Gerrish: this is a government plan to kill off vulnerable people, using applied psychology to pacify the people.
Patrick Henningsen: in the U.S. whisteblowers point out that the ventilator is part of the fast track pathway. Patients were denied treatment because lying govs insist there is no treatment except hospitalization.
A Good Death? Premieres on Ickonic.com on 5th December. Trailer 01:11:30
British National Formulary says Midazolam is contraindicated with opiates… it is not medicine.
More Midazolam — UK Gov Resupply Contract For 2022 For More Killer Drugs 01:10:30
The Malthusian Myth 01:19:00
Predictions of doom never came true
21st Century Wire — India’s Negative Birth Rate: Globalist ‘Overpopulation’ Myth Falters Again
Empty Planet: Preparing for the Global Population Decline — Darrell Bricker
In roughly three decades, the global population will begin to decline
Govs Are Not Honest About Population, Economic, Climate Trends
Corporations lament labour shortage – encourage migration
Politicians fan fears of terminal overpopulation to drive policy
EU should ‘undermine national homogeneity’ said late UN migration chief Sir Peter Sutherland
“The United States, or Australia and New Zealand, are migrant societies and therefore they accommodate more readily those from other backgrounds than we do ourselves, who still nurse a sense of our homogeneity and difference from others. And that’s precisely what the European Union, in my view, should be doing its best to undermine.”
The British Army Restructures for Persistent Deployment — RUSI
Civil servants, reservists, to partner with private sector, get rid of infantry regiment system, radical change at top of the army.
Perpetual war supporting (corporate) interests, Oman and Kenya become regional army hubs.
Troops to be based in each country of the union as part of “our upcoming Land Industrial Strategy.” £41 bn to be invested — like the £35 bn that Hancock dumped on Track and Trace
Brian Gerrish: this is turning the army into a corporate globalist militia.
According to Nice guidelines, Advanced directives should only be offered to those with Life LIMITING diseases/disorders. I have well managed disorders that may reduce my life but maybe only in 10 -15 years (to mid 70’s). However, I am disabled as a result of a show jumping accident – not down to health conditions so I guess I’m under a different category then the general population. Consider that by life limiting NICE suggests it should be considered applicable ONLY for last 10 months.
This leaves the distaste of a long term NICE/NHS Programme of euthanasia when one considers that I received my first Advanced Directive form at the age of 58 from the MENTAL HEALTH MINISTER. (Depressed due to undiagnosed Thyroid disorder now ok for +2 years but label remains) And at the start of COV-ID I was sent yet another form with nudging that it would assist my family in making decisions. I was still under 60!
The insistence for me to fill one in to give Medical Staff to euthanise me sent me on a research to dig out details. Why should I allow them to end my life should the opportunity arise? I asked myself is it because I’m disabled or of Jewish descent (last year when ONS claimed blacks had highest rate of deaths I unpicked the Data finding they had 3rd highest with highest for Jewish men and then Orientals). Eventually I found their ‘frailty scoring’. They added up frailty as per physical disabilities, then years over 60 in blocks then the number of ANY medical conditions (minor like incontinence to major like heart failure).
Generally those with scores over 8 were not offered ICU care instead they were made comfortable (aka quick, ‘good’ death). At the height of the so called pandemic they lowered it to 5.
I have recently checked back to NICE/NHS frailty scoring and their programme to remove the money pit patients from NHS care remains at 5!!!
This is discriminatory to all those with physical/learning/mental health disabilities as well as ageism. When I hear that those that were frail succumbed I do not think it was down to a virus, but down to the decision to refuse care.
I have spoken to a Covid ICU nurse and she confirmed that NO PHYSICALLY Disabled were ever given a bed in her unit since February 2020. She also told me she saw Doctors writing DNRs on patient records without discussing it with families or patients. She refuses to come forward to protect her job and pension. (More important than patients living?) A paramedic informed me that if I required assistance for a heart attack or other illness I would only receive care from the ‘end of life’ team. This was confirmed by the ICU nurse as well. Indeed, he had been on many call outs where the patient merely required oxygen (& perhaps simple, cheap meds as steroids or adrenaline for asthma) where central control sent out THE team. Before he had even packed up the patient was gone.
For me this is the same Programme from Germany. First they came for the disabled and the mentally ill. Then they came for that group to protect the health of the greater good as they supposedly spread Typhus. (Of course putting them in ghettoes without adequate hygiene services helped with the spread of it).
Hancock told the HoC that the Quality Care Commission, Amnesty International, and Sunday Times reports on blanket DNACPR for physical/learning/mental disabled and elderly were all liars. These are crimes against humanity and this government should be tried at The Hague. To be clear he also committed fraud against the country with his funds for friends system. But as they were friends of Tories I suppose that’s ok. Merely some sleeve that can be buried as like ‘there was an emergency’. So friendly publican, neighbour, and friends of his family should pig out in the nation’s money trough,
I have written about the above to numerous people, even UK Column and Amnesty. No one has been interested in investigating this.
Guess I’m just another dead man walking on death row. At least I’m not under the delusion in believing the NHS will be there for me. Clap for NHS? More like spit!
Massive massive protest in Melbourne today. Some are estimating as many as 600000 were there. People came from as far away as Albury in NSW! I know that because I spoke to the lady from there. Ordinary people from all backgrounds and all walks of life who have had a complete gutsfull of this confected covid crap and the jackbooted tyranny here. There was a great vibe, and I even saw signs saying “I’m vaccinated and I’m anti vaccine mandates”.
But what struck me were the flags from so many different countries. Flags from Turkey, Malta, Croatia, Portugal, Jamaica, East Timor, Ireland, Greece just to name some of them.
And yet the grotesque, utterly irrelevant and ethically bankrupt “Left” in Australia, and elsewhere keep screeching about “far right anti vaxxers” and “neo nazi’s”.
And yet I saw people there from many nationalities today.
Here’s some photos from today. I thought I had taken several video clips but for some reason they didn’t record. Oh well.
The left are completely bankrupt. The guardian needs to be burnt to the ground.
This is so obviously a class war but the “left” are so removed from ordinary people they are unable and uninterested in seeing this.
It’s good to see people fighting back in Australia.
I have said this so many times in messages I have sent to “old left” organizations. There is a class war going on and it could turn into the mother of all class wars that stops a small group of global oligarchs from seizing power in a coup and they urgently need to get on the right side of the barricades and on the right side of history if they want to avoid being dumped on the scrapheap of history.
I find the so called left a massive embarrassment, the human rights lawyers are by far the fucking worst
Yes, I emailed Amnesty International about the genocide of indigenous Australians that seems to have started in the Northern Territories. Fat chance of a reply. I wouldn’t be surprised if you dig deep enought you’d find they get Gates’ funding.
Fully agree Sofia… They have completely lost the plot. All the people I saw today were from a whole host of nationalities. Ordinary people. I even spotted some fellow Kiwi’s waving the Maori flag. Here’s the home page of the fully demented CARF here in Melbourne. They’re probably getting a little handout from the Labor Party and billionaire foundations like, oh, let me think… Open Society.
Glad you were able to see this Gezzah. You’ve been through the mill with this.
I wish we had this kind of crowd in the states. A march on Washington.
But I take heart at your description. Even if the msm and the old left don’t acknowledge or care, I do.
As if repressive constructs like “Free Speech Zones” weren’t enough to chill public protest and dissent, the powers and principalities have now cleverly rebranded the “march on Washington” as equivalent to “(potential) insurrection”.
I know that ill-fated DC protests didn’t begin on January 6th– Coxey’s Army (1894) and the Bonus Army protests (1932) come to mind– but the draconian and harsh incarceration of those arrested at the Capitol protest is a lesson to those who believe that principled dissent and protest is a civic virtue.
It’s the Big Chill.
OK, call me a horrible citizen – I did not read one word or watch any of the news about the Jan. 6 insurrection. I noticed headlines, I’ve read enough in alt sites to get the gist of what happened, but I just could not stomach the fact that anyone took that circus seriously. On either side. I mean no offense to those that did, but I just couldn’t. I believe it was totally manufactured and just a disgrace.
I could not take seriously anything political from 2016 on. I believe it was all a perfect set-up for c(rap) 19.
A travesty.
So amazing to see the thousands of people all over the world. Heartening. Rather puts us to shame.
Why aren’t the politicians worried. It seems they just go blithely on with their evil agenda.
URL: Millions March Against Mandatory Vaccination group gather Sydney Melbourne
Headline: Huge crowds of anti-vaxxers gather in Sydney, Melbourne and the Gold Coast for ‘freedom’ protests against Covid vaccine mandates – with some even performing an emotionally-charged haka
UPDATED: 06:09, 27 November 2021
Anti-vaxxer protesters have gathered in Sydney, Melbourne and the Gold Coast on Saturday for ‘freedom’
Protesters began rallying at Hyde Park in Sydney against vaccination mandates and marched through CBD
NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard granted exemptions for unvaxxed to rally but asked for rules to be followed
Melbourne had protests in the CBD for the third weekend in a row as anti-vaxxers fought mandatory jabs
Pauline Hanson appeared at a protest on the Gold Coast in Queensland and spoke to the large crowd
Caption: It is the third weekend in a row that protesters have assembled in Melbourne’s city centre
Finally an issue comes along where the political left should have immediately recognised a Big Pharma’s snake oil scam, but instead of using the opportunity to reach out to the many thousands at these rallies looking for answers these dickheads can only see their sworn enemy: the political right, and are busy organising counter demonstrations and pro-vax rallies. For them, Pauline Hanson and her “One Nation” political party has to be wrong about absolutely everything. It’s frankly childish.
Ask the left or indeed any political party in Australia about their policies on Aboriginal sovereignty and their response can be succinctly summarized as “one nation”.
After the scary sounding Omicron variant expect the following:
Isn’t Omicron and anagram of moronic? It must be a piss take surely?
Could we include a Taking the piss Variant?
They love to ridicule.
It is interesting that the variants went from Nu to Omicron. I suppose it is of no surprise the Xi variant was skipped – for obvious reasons. That stated, I do much prefer your variants George. Maybe you could include the Fu variant at some stage.
you forgot the ‘so how’s all the obedience been working out for you’ variant …
We need to talk about euthanasia | A Good Death?
Premieres on Ickonic.com on 5th December. Trailer
Matt Hancock and the Midazolam Touch: I Can’t Breathe – a Very British Way of Death
The financial/bureaucratic decisions to implement the cull were the focus of an Anglo-French summit in Paris in Feb 2019.
The history of Empires IS the history of Terra Nullius (nobody’s land).
Racial superiority complex is not confined to just white peoples, but is confined to hubristic, bloodthirsty psychopaths in suits, uniforms and religious garb.
“The Australia Media and Minister Gunner lied. This is Legislation passed by the Australian Labor party regime. If you had any doubts about what is happening to the indigenous in Australia this will answer it for you.”

There’s hardly any doubt that The Australia [sic] Media and Minister Gunner lied, and will continue to do so, but unfortunately this meme isn’t all that accurate itself.
The PUBLIC HEALTH ACT 2016 quoted here is Western Australian legislation that was passed by the Liberal Party regime, Labor not gaining power in Western Australia until the 2017 state election.
Don’t get me wrong, in no way am I defending Labor here. After all, the major political parties in Australia are little more than turds shat from the same arse.
Oh well, I guess political memes are mostly used to push propaganda anyway, so accuracy be damned!
“Posted for informational purposes only. Thanks for the clarification.”

“PS The term ETHNIC CLEANSING has not come up once in all of this.”
WTF is a “virant”? Do you actually read any of these memes you incessantly post?
“Yes I do. However, do not edit or modify them. Virant may be combination-contraction of virus and variant. Thank you for your input.”
Some recent news
I have been telling everyone it is for the minerals….and there it is….
The best factual report so far. I hope that they can soon provide video evidence of what is going on as David Cole has promised.
Gunner is a repulsive creep. Worse than the evil Chairman Dan.
What is most infuriating is the way the media goes along with the evil and the falsehoods.
The media is owned by the same large investment groups that own big pharma, big oil, big agriculture, and nearly every prostitician in the world.
Now what certain group of people control these investment groups? Old money; royals and dynastic banking families.
Media is owned by same people as perpetrators of the whole game
A good summary
Governor of New York State declares “state of emergency” over alleged new Covid variant in Africa which has yet to be seen in a single person in the US or New York State. “It’s coming” says New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, advising hospitals to be ready to ban all non-urgent procedures to make way for Omicron variant.
They need new names to keep up the pretence that the jabs are not the problem, but South Australia has proven it is already, only jabbed allowed in yet they announce a few cases here and there.
People like Kathy need to be locked away in the deepest recesses of an asylum. America is full of these lunatic drama queens who are only too willing to show faux concern for their fellow citizens.
Well, if they’re really trying to depopulate the planet, commit massive genocide, change humans into god knows what, I don’t think anything is more sensational than that. This appears to be reverse fear mongering to keep the eyes off the big prize. Too many, as usual, are taking the bait. If what many are saying they’re really trying to do is true, that is.
Indigenous Australians have always been treated less than animals. This is not the first time the craven military has been used against them in recent times; Howard the coward, the uber war criminal, liar and Israel Firster, sent the army in a decade ago claiming their was widespread child abuse happening.
This was proven to be a lie as was the child overboard lie.
Australia is run by scum, for the scum, to the detriment of most citizens.
Aboriginals are treated like children by people in the government “who have their best interests at heart” (ref C.S.Lewis). It is a preview for what governments have in mind for the rest of us.
Aboriginal people are treated like shit, mate.
In 250 years no government in this country has cared a fuck for their well-being.
That hasn’t changed.
That’s my point. Government intervention has resulted in the aboriginals’ current state of affairs, despite it being mostly well intentioned, and it is well intentioned – I personally know people in the responsible department.
As in the masons, there are lower to middle ranks that have good intentions, however they have no control over, or any idea of the actual agenda decided at the top level.
To state that govt. intervention is well intentioned tells me you are either naive or a shill.
I know the people at the very top of the department – they are not malicious people at all. It is just that welfare programs have never worked and can never work. As Ronald Reagan said “We had a War on Poverty and poverty won”.
look at that ugly thing “Gunner”, listen to him…hear his fellow Blackshirts, isn’t it obvious how unhinged they are – then how can we expect them to treat anyone with respect, it simple,we can’t, they’re unwell, and being so, will act so….the concern is in not noticing their malady, as those who recognise their behaviour as “normal”, who don’t question it….that there, is the True Pandemic.
The astonishing thing is that people such as Gunner genuinely think they are doing the right thing and are “looking after their people”. The system whereby we hand over responsibilities (ie freedoms) from individuals to the state is the real source of the problem.
No the don’t, if Gunner did he would have closed down Don Dale.
You are a shill, a troll. Gunner thinks he’s doing good? And Dan Andrews is a caring individual? Bullshit, malicious lies.
They are psychopaths and I wonder why you are gaslighting here.
Mother Earth – Ol’Goomun-Ol’Goomun – very old woman:
“Anyway, the Ol’Goomun-Ol’Goomun came out of the sea on the northern coast. She had with her a dilly-bag containing the Shades, or spirits, or souls … Shades is the blackfellow word … of all the creatures, animal and vegetable, that were eventually to stock the land, a magic wand with which she created the essentials of the landscape, and which spoke her bidding in its own voice … this is represented by the bullroarer used in sacred ceremonies … and a string made of stars for playing cat’s cradle. You know the game children play … all children, or at least in my time … working string into designs for others to guess? The difference was that the old woman’s cat’s cradle was no mere guessing game, but the means by which the law of relationship is worked out. Aboriginal children are still taught their social responsibilities with cat’s cradle. They become very skilled in it. In fact it serves as a means or communication … particularly in secret.
‘Do you know the stars … the constellations … the main ones, anyway … Orion? Good. It’s the wrong time of year, or rather night, to see the old women in her night attire with all her gear. But to the blacks she is Pleiades … Seven Sisters, so called by us. Tiny as that little cloud of stars is, it just fits the picture with the rest thrown in. She comes up dragging behind her the Dilly-bag, which is roughly the triangle we call Taurus. Then further back and southward trials the wonder of the Cat’s Cradle … Orion, in all his blazing splendour. Beautiful isn’t it? Equal to anything the Greeks created … and so much more appropriate for the southern sky. And, yes … I forgot … Something the Greeks had in common with all of us … Sirius, the Dog Star. That’s Wanjin the Dingo, the only creature she brought with her in the flesh. Strange that they should have made this distinction … when the dingo is the one terrestrial animal in all of the myriad forms of life in Australia that’s not strictly indigenous. The songs of the Dream Time, the Kudijingah, tell of how he came out of the sea at her heels, shook himself, cocked his leg and piddled. She brought Wanjin as companion and scout. He turned out to be mostly a nuisance … as indeed his descendants have remained to this day … too smart even for Alfred Vaisey, the new Lord of the Land.”
Poor Fellow My Country
The claim by an Indigenous person that the Territories Indigenous people are the testing grounds for government policies rings true. The Camps are being given a test run to iron out any glitches before being brought into operation in other states; to guage public reactions – so PR messaging can be refined and targeted.
The NT is Australia’s Gaza strip,. The Indigenes are Australia’s Palestinians…
Out of white Australia’s sight, and not in their thoughts. Just like Julian Assange
“The Big Cull is proceeding as planned. Murder the natives, steal their land and resources.”
Yet so many Aboriginal people think they are the Jews
This is similar to imperialism, which found domestic exploitation was often far less risky compared to foreign adventure:
:- try out a new policy, restriction, product or weapon (some from cronies) on the “natives”
:- adapt them for use back home.
+ 1
Australia is now like China: only the people on the ground know what is happening and the majority of what the politicians say are just plain outright lies. The media is a joke, so don’t expect anything except more lies from them, so basically there is no way of knowing whether these prisoners are even still alive. Kidnapping by government.
So you are saying that the holocaust could never repeat in Australia?
To repeat an event it has to actually happen a first time.
Yeah, all Jews just had a cushy time in 1930s – 40s Germany . 🙄 No need to worry about any repetition.
Why people gotta be so binary? Whatever your personal views on the mechanism of death in Nazi camps, you need to take the comment in the spirit it was intended, surely, or you risk coming across as historically very ignorant. No one wants to be Jews in 1930s Germany here, I think we can agree on that? Yes, I think we can. A2
well the Brits committed a holocaust of sorts on the German people, and the Americans on the Japanese, with massive firebombings of cities killing millions and millions .. you SHALL NOT!!!!!! challenge your banker rulers!!!!!!!!!
And the bullshit continues…
Morrison government preparing to tighten quarantine rules as new variant emerges
Aww, isn’t that just so touching, her concern for “the group of people in Australia that haven’t been fully vaccinated”?
And in breaking news, in Victoria the minimum requirement to be considered “fully vaccinated” is now “two doses plus booster”.
“And in breaking news, in Victoria the minimum requirement to be considered “fully vaccinated” is now “two doses plus booster”.”
Hopefully this deceit will cause many of the poison stabbed to say ‘Enough!’ and join the rest of us.
Massive massive turnout at the Melbourne protest and march today.
I saw people with signs saying “I’m vaccinated and I’m anti vaccine mandates”, saw people from all backgrounds and walks of life, saw flags of many nations including Turkey, Jamaica, Portugal, Croatia, Malta, and East Timor just to name some, and people of all ages.
And yet “anti fascist groups” like CARF and Socialist Alternative have the absolute jaw dropping gall to label us “far right extremists” and “anti vaxxer freaks”. Will post some photos and a short video when I work out how to post the whole photo and not just the URL…
Great to hear Gezzah. My two sisters and their spouses and kids were there and sent me videos
I attended the local rally in the town of 70,00 where I live; crowd was under a thousand.
One of the speakers was a self-described “political refugee from Victoria” LOL
Sky News ever reported hundreds of thousands for a change and actually interviewed people. What the fuck the moron pollies are doing is beyond me, there is no rhyme or reason beyond total control, and if they get that control then what.
Gezzah have you tried using the Postimage website?
Once you’ve uploaded an image there, highlight and copy the second link listed–the Direct link–and paste it into your comment/reply.
Apologies if you already know all this but for some reason it just doesn’t work for you.
My two sisters and their families attended today. They sent me videos and photos. Huge turnout.
Oops, sorry, I was only joking about that, but in retrospect I can see how it doesn’t really look like a joke, given that it’s bound to happen in Victoria some time soon.
McClaws is a catastrophist WHO c……..t
Yet 37% of the people in hospital are double jabbed, 18% in ICU and all the deaths are jabbed up people now.
Germany: Police raids in Berlin uncover multiple COVID-19 rule violations
Nov 26, 2021
Police raided several premises in Berlin’s Neukolln district on Thursday where they uncovered numerous violations of COVID regulations. Thirty-four violations of the capital’s Vaccination Protection Ordinance were recorded by officers during the operation. Drugs and weapons were also found. Police were seen entering several cafes, bars and off-licences alongside Regulatory Office officials.
Goodbye Rubashov Tuesday
You have to give it to the Germans – they really know how to do the Health Gestapo routine: As the French say, chasser le naturel, il revient au galop (chase away what’s natural, and it’ll gallop right back): I particularly liked the masked cop with the huge machine gun outside the corner shop: But beware, dear OffG readers – variations of this will be coming your way in the not too distant future: That much is now clear:
It just proves to me the utter hypocrisy of all the politically correct “racism” laws we’re burdened with that shackle humour and open expression, but fester the real eugenic thing that thrives in secrecy.
It’s Omicron!
OMG it’s OMC!!!
The Greek letter prior to Omicron is Xi. Seemed to have skipped that one for some reason.
The President of China is Xi Jinping. Perhaps that is why?
no sense of humor in these people ….
Well at least they know it’s a multi con
Indeed. And present everywhere.
😁 5****** – nice one!!
There is no doubt crimes against humanity are being committed and what is depressing is the western world is looking away pretending its not happening.
What do you mean looking away, the west are always the worst perpetrators of war crimes.
they’re all busy figuring how they can make it happen in their own countries ….