This Week in the New Normal #13

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1.Australia declares war on “trolls”
Seemingly unhappy with how the internet can twist their totally normal “public health policies”, and somehow make it look like the government is turning the nation into a fascist hellhole, the Australian parliament is pushing new legislation that would outlaw online anonymity…in a not at all fascist way.
Mirroring similar policy goals in the UK and US, the bill would define social media companies as “publishers”, and therefore make them legally liable for anything that appears on their platform.
The totally non-fascist bill would force social media companies to log personal details of all accounts, and allow courts to compel them to hand over these details to the government.
Responding to questions concerning free speech, Prime Minister Scott Morrison set about neatly redefining what “free speech” actually means, as is the modern way:
Free speech is not being allowed to cowardly hide in your basement and sledge and slur and harass people anonymously and seek to destroy their lives […] In a free society such as Australia where we value our free speech, it is only free when that is balanced with the responsibility for what you say.”
Free speech is only free when you use it “responsibly”. You do you, Australia.
2. “The thanksgiving bouncers”
…that’s the title of this article, published by Axios, detailing all the ways you can make sure your Thanksgiving was Covid free. They stop short of suggesting actual bouncers (I think, I honestly didn’t get through the whole thing, it made me sad), but instead suggest rapid antigen testing at the door:
If you’re hosting, let your guests know ahead of their arrival that you’ll be testing everyone at the door for their own safety. If you’re a guest who’s anxious about attending without testing, talk to your host now about their plans and how you can help.
It goes on to suggest everything from symptomatic people having to eat alone in a bedroom, to charging your guests for the testing if your budget is tight.
The good news is that people apparently didn’t listen, as a poll found the majority of thanksgiving hosts didn’t bother with tests, vaccines or masks. I really hope that’s true.
3. Masks still don’t work
Yesterday Boris Johnson announced masks would be “compulsory” on all public transport and in all shops, this is a response to the “Omicron Variant”.
We thought we should take this chance to remind everyone, again, that masks do not work to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, and here are twelve academic papers that say so:
One meta-analysis published by the CDC in May 2020 found “no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks”.
Another study with over 8000 subjects found masks “did not seem to be effective against laboratory-confirmed viral respiratory infections nor against clinical respiratory infection.”
There are literally too many to quote them all, but you can read them: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] Or read a summary by SPR here.
– taken from OffG’s Covid Cribsheet
If you wanted, you could print off a couple of these studies, and show them to people who challenge you for not wearing a mask. Just an idea.
BONUS: Foreboding sign of the week
Note this sign, posted on the streets of Dublin by the Irish government:

There’s a lot to unpack here.
Firstly there’s the boosters laid out like a Starbucks loyalty card, with six – count them, six – implied booster shots.
Then there’s the description of basic human rights as “privileges”.
And, most tellingly of all, there’s the evolving definition of “fully vaccinated” and Covid passes becoming void if you turn down a booster.
Show this to people who are embracing the “vaccines”, and you might open a few eyes.
UPDATE: Judging from the spelling errors some of you in comments have mentioned, it appears we may have fallen for a hoax sign (although the fact it was the spelling, and not the tyrannical policy, which gave it away is a condemnation of our times). By way of recompense, here’s a new bonus…
BONUs 2.0: Appalling conversation of the week
We’ve tangled with Jeremy Vine before, it’s all trash but this is an especially bad clip…
This is seriously
— James Melville (@JamesMelville) November 22, 2021
This week they were positing mimicking Germany and Austria and putting a lockdown in place purely for the unvaccinated.
Not a single concern is raised about human rights or freedom, instead they worry only about how difficult it would to enforce. From countering “deranged anti-vax propaganda” to the need to rely on “snitches”, it’s all good stuff.
It’s not all bad…
In our weekly protest bulletin, huge marches took place in Italy, Guadeloupe, Germany and Australia in the last few days. All against mandatory vaccination.
Non-protest-based good news this week comes from Missouri, where a judge has struck down the state’s anti-Covid “public health measures”, finding that empowering unelected public health officials to set policy violated the principles of representative government. Judge Daniel Green wrote in the verdict:
This case is about whether Missouri’s Department of Health and Senior Services can abolish representative government in the creation of public health laws, and whether it can authorize closure of a school or assembly based on the unfettered opinion of an unelected official […] This Court finds it cannot.”
Also, this was sent to us and is good for a cathartic laugh:
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention tearing down statues of Thomas Jefferson or the totally unnecessary sexualising of Santa Claus.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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Since yesterday, Monday, if you are over 60 you can be stopped by police, asked for jabbing certificate or negative test and if you can’t provide neither you get fined 100 euros. Finally people are waking up to the dreadful reality and declared that the fines will not be paid and lawyers are already talking about the unconstitutionality of the LEGISLATIVE ACT.
Where is this?
Sorry, my omission, Greece. And it is not avoidable by providing negative test.
Please can you send confirmation that this is happening.
This has not yet been agreed?
Please see my post a few comments away.
I did. You are correct. It is announced for January. There is no negotiating. This is unconstitutional.
Here’s an interesting – and chilling – article from global research. It tells of a US (Texas) man who needed a lung transplant and was required to get vaxxed first – and died. Yet, with a damaged lung he had survived a bout with COVID. OF COURSE HE DID: there is no COVID – and doubtless the transplant team damn well knew that.
Forced to Get Vaccine to Remain on Lung Transplant List, 49-Year-Old Who Survived COVID Dies after Second Moderna Shot – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Greece proposes €100 a month fine for over 60 unjabbed:
Is this legal or constitutional?
Any legal eagles here?
No, its just ridiculous carry on, for the first time in history healthy people are being treated like criminal lepers.
The Dublin poster was faked – see spelling mistakes (“vunerable”,”receieve”). Not that I wouldn’t be surprised to see that in Ireland the way things are going – but you gotta get stricter on the kind of info you show here. Fake news doesn’t do your cause any good – and it is a good cause,
I would have to second that. I had already started sending out copies of that poster to people.
“tearing down statues of Thomas Jefferson”
If most statues showed ordinary, good men and women they would have been left as they are.
I’m guessing that the ordinary goodness radiating out of them would have protected them.
Nazism world takeover, instead of heil-hitler it’s jab or no privilege, job, school, pension or government basic services. Governments are placing themselves above God making health mandates obligatory to remain part of society.
Even the almighty Jehovah God gives every living human being the free will to choose whether to serve him or not as independent free agents. God allows each individual to make their personal health decision, the almighty only gives general health recommendations and then says ” good health to you” Acts 15:29. Jehovah provides the rain and sunshine to those that disobey him as Jesus said- ” makes the sun shine and provides rain to the good and to the wicked”Matthew 5.
Nazi governments today are placing themselves above God and want to decide who deserves to live and who doesn’t deserve basic human services. They claim to know better than God and want absolute control over people lives, Nazis of today would stop the sun from shining if they could on people they term as undesirables. Basically they want God’s worship or the adoration of all their subjects and are willing to enforce it with severe penalties by depriving them of their God given right to live. Judgement of the sheep and goats belongs to God’s appointed world ruler Jesus Christ.
This jabs are leading to the complete control of this world by the political system run by Satan.”We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one”, 1 John 5:19.
Ok the beast 666 as a symbol of its defining attributes.
The number six implies imperfection. Often, numbers are used as symbols in the Bible. Seven typically represents completeness or perfection. Six, being one short of seven, can denote something incomplete or flawed in God’s eyes, and it can be associated with God’s enemies.—1 Chronicles 20:6; Daniel 3:1.
Three times for emphasis. The Bible sometimes stresses a matter by stating it three times. (Revelation 4:8; 8:13) So the name 666 powerfully emphasizes that God views human political systems as gross failures. They have been unable to bring lasting peace and security—things that only God’s Kingdom will achieve.
The mark of the beast
The Bible says that people receive “the mark of the wild beast” because they follow it “with admiration,” to the point of worshipping it. (Revelation 13:3, 4; 16:2) They do this by giving worshipful honor to their country, its symbols, or its military might. As The Encyclopedia of Religion states: “Nationalism has become a dominant form of religion in the modern world.” * Nazism world takeover,instead of heil-hitler it’s jab or no privilege, job, school, pension or government basic services.
How is the mark of the beast placed on someone’s right hand or forehead? (Revelation 13:16) Regarding his commands to the nation of Israel, God said: “Bind them as a reminder on your hand, and they should be like a headband on your forehead.” (Deuteronomy 11:18) This meant, not that the Israelites were to mark their literal hands and foreheads, but that God’s words would guide all their actions and thoughts. Likewise, rather than being something literal such as a 666 tattoo, the mark of the beast symbolically identifies those who let the political system rule their lives. Those with the mark of the beast place themselves in opposition to God.—Revelation 14:9, 10; 19:19
god’s done a great job so far … let’s definitely give It another million million years to establish Their reign of peace and love … be good or … else!
Please everyone – stop calling the 3rd shot a “booster”.
The term “booster” was derived by the “Behavioural Insights Team”, aka the nudge unit to make the 3rd shot not seem like a 3rd shot but simply a ‘top up’ of the 2nd shot. “Booster” is a much more friendly and less threatening term than 3rd shot (and soon to be 4th shot).
Remember – do not help the nudge unit. Do not use the term “booster” when refering to the 3rd shot.
Around 50% of the double-jabbed are declining the booster; so it doesn’t matter much what they’re called.
they called it a booster 40+ years back aka Tetanus!!
Ah yes, but only if you had an injury that could be infected. My neighbour sliced open her leg on a tin can and needed one, I slashed open my hand with a dirty glass and needed one. Otherwise they are given once and that is it.
Just had a good look around online MSM sites.
Wow! has this panic backfired!
Even previously sheepled commentators are calling bullshit on this moronic scariant.
Someone up there has dropped one almighty clanger with this one.
I don’t think they’ll be going to Davos next year.
I don’t think Davos will be on, to be honest.
Deep joy!
Judge Daniel Green’s decision is that “This case is about whether Missouri’s Department of Health and Senior Services can abolish representative government in the creation of public health laws, and whether it can authorize closure of a school or assembly based on the unfettered opinion of an unelected official […] This Court finds it cannot.”
Yes, Gangster politicians should be the ones to pull the trigger and murder citizens.
+ 1
Image copied for distribution. Thanks
Brilliant. But I’m still sure it’s all a big “coincidence”. Because the BBC tells me that.
Daily reminder there is no virus. Any information that assumes the existing of the virus is disinformation.
Daily reminder: The existence of viruses, and the legitimacy of virology (which is a bit like phrenology was) is in dispute.
NO-ONE knows what the truth is. The truth hasn’t yet been established (if it ever can be, finally). Those who insist that they KNOW the truth are intellectually-wanking fools.
Meanwhile, people who go on using the lexicon of virology are simply using a widely-accepted language, which enables them to carry on a rational, actually-grown-up conversation about the whole matter of – alleged – ‘viral’ infections.
Some pathogen is causing the covid flu, such as it is (not much!). And there’s some substantial evidence that – whatever it really is – has been tampered with by criminals in bioweapon labs.
FFS grow up, certainty-junkies!
I agree. Virology is a pseudoscience that was invented to feed the pharma industry.
So is the much vaunted epidemiology, the make assumptions about human behaviour, put shit into a computer and come up with more shit. These algorithm models are why I stopped listening to people talking about climate change as a ”science”
Fuck off shill wanker
I’m too far from finishing Carl Zimmer’s book “Parasite Rex” to recommend it; but my God the number of living critters out there infecting one another makes it almost irrelevant whether there are “viruses” or not.
To me, the most fascinating angle is the way genuine, honest to goodness, proven parasites have been slowly eased out of the picture or relegated to the jungle ever since germ theory – and big Pharma’s response to it – took center stage.
And those on our side will attack us when we keep pointing it out, because they are sooo different than those who welcome covid 1984. You can see and sense the hostility. I picked it up with C.J. Hopkins. Vernon Cole used the excuse of some un-classy person (an exosomist; Is that a thing?) who ranted at him about his wife to attack any who don’t agree with germ theory 100%, arguing that we are sidetracking people down useless avenues. Meanwhile, Sars CoV 2 is only the FOUNDATION of the hoax.
The foundation of ALL delusion:

That may well be the case, but best of luck proving it!
PCR tests rule everything yet no one knows what’s in the tests because their many manufacturers are unregulated and without oversight: ““The test providers are in the private sector and they are basing their prices on demand. If demand goes up they will put their prices up….There is no regulation and no major oversight of private test providers. The testing industry is worth well over a billion pounds and has grown up at very short notice.””…
Also, let’s never forget, the RT-PCR process is NOT a test. That assertion is the foundational lie of the whole ‘covid’ swindle. As its Nobel-prize-winning inventor asserted repeatedly, the process is very useful for it’s designed purposes, but it just isn’t a test for flu. The people offering the ‘tests’ for sale are just a bunch of criminal shysters on the make who need urgently to be prosecuted for their deceits.
And RT-PCR is going away come 1/1/2022 as a Covid diagnostic “test” as the CDC has asked the FDA to withdraw the EUA from it.
Apartheid in Switzerland
Nov 28, 2021
Anonymous UK Citizen
John Bosnić, explains in a private video how a low metal barricade on a street in Switzerland protects the jabbed from the unjabbed.
The circus continues…
That is a good thing! It is the vaccinated that are the problem. Their leaky shots help the virus mutate and then transmit to others. If you are unvaxxed, then stay far away from anyone who is vaccinated and you have even a vague suspicion that they might be infected,
It’s the shedding of spike proteins which are likely to be of greater problem.
Maybe this is what needs to happen. Purebloods use the same tactics and boycott the jabbed.
Yep. We Swiss just voted by 62% for what is in effect a permanent lockdown. New “safety” measures due on Wed. I. and the 38% who voted “no”, will of course ignore them.
Remember when Trump was getting it in the ear for his stance on the response to Covid. Well it would seem he was up against Fauci and he’s lackies, against the advice with facts from Atlas and people from within the WHO, again with facts.
Anyways always Good to see Dr Hodkinson. Part II is a particular eye opening with someone within the WHO at the time. Nuremberg 2.0 can’t happen fast enough.
Trump’s still pushing “his” vaccination.
I’m living in Ireland and would suggest that the picture of the notice from the health authority is a fake, simply because the word receive is spelt wrong. Even though this country is run by crooks and liars, they seldom get stuff as simple as correct spelling wrong.
We are however living like the rest of the world here, constantly being bombarded by official state sponsored propaganda, trying their best to keep us living in a state of fear with further “lockdowns” and potential” freedoms” being dangled in front of us 24/7. However, I think that the tide is starting to turn very slowly and a lot of people are seeing through the constant stream of downright lies coming from the WHO, EU, and our own paid for government goons through their servants in the media.
Well, then, Ireland isn’t like Toronto. Years ago, before I ever knew that viruses didn’t exist and when I was blissfully unaware that the predator/parasite class was planning a huge, destructive terror campaign to coincide with a destructive WWIII from which it would survive intact while the rest of us would be dead or enslaved, I used to take pictures everywhere. They included city signage that was so mangled you had to see it to believe it. I see it everywhere. People, including professionals, are illiterate. One sign, advertizing a condo (across from the Broadway subway station), includes the message “Gourment kitchens.”
My fave has always been a sign outside a local chain supermarket: GET YOUR SUPER BOWEL SUPPLIES HERE!.
Oh that’s hilarious!
I’m starting to find it pretty amusing that while a few here have jumped on ‘receieve’, so far I appear to be the only one to have noticed ‘vunerable’.
In Peckham, London, there used to be a huge bit of graffiti, clearly visible to everyone passing through, that read ‘revolution is the only hope for the hopless’.
I’m curious , Fran. Has Ivor Cummins made any impact in Ireland ?
Careful with that sign.
There are two versions. Both appear to be jokes.
In fact, be very careful about sharing stuff that appears to back our case.
I have a feeling that there is an organised misinformation push to ridicule sceptics with apparently low hanging fruit..
Spreading this stuff without verification could backfire big time at a point when we are turning the tide.
Surely we have enough evidence from credible sources without making ourselves look ridiculous.
What Sign?!
That’s not a bad point. But, with craziness like the YouTube video, it’s easy to believe that insanity like that is for real. It’s on the same level as daily pronouncements by gangster politicians feverishly pushing covid 1984. But yes, I’d like to see better verification for stuff like that. I’ve grabbed the image, and I’ve seen it elsewhere, but…
True I can’t see that poster among the official ones
That’s a handy resource!
And if you look closely at the posters that are there you will not find one single spelling mistake.
Two fake posters, very obviously–to me, anyway–produced by the same entity:
Seems to me it might be a good idea for Off-G to remove that ‘BONUS’ from the article.
Van-Tam all over the UK media today pushing boosters. In case anyone’s not yet listened to the Sheep Farm Stdios deep dive into him, his grandfather was Vietnam’s ruler in the early 1950s when he’d earnt the reputation of showing no mercy to anyone against French colonial rule. His great-uncle was a general in both the Vietnamese and French armies.
Like Whitty’s father happened to be gunned down by Palestinian terrorists in a case of “mistaken identity”…
Like lifelong Stalinist Michie happened to raise £50m by selling a Picasso, her husband being the son of banker Peter Drummond-Murray of Mastrick and a relative having appeared in the film ‘Things to Come’ from the H.G. Wells’ novel….
Trust the scientists!
The French Government have offered a postponement as a form of concession, but it seems the Guadeloupeans are not backing down (though I can’t be sure of when things were filmed).
via France 24 (Nov 26, 2021)
1:15 PM · Nov 29, 2021
Anonyme Citoyen
Blocage du Pont de la Lézarde en #Guadeloupe. Les blocages se poursuivent sur l’île pour le quinzième jours consécutif.
Blocking of the Pont de la Lézarde in #Guadeloupe. Blockades continue on the island for the fifteenth consecutive day.
I can beat moronic.
Seems more than plausible that when they mispelt Omikron they knew they were taking the piss.
I love irony, so this double jabbed ironic nonsense out of Australia makes me all giddy and light-headed.
Online anonymity a problem down under? Awww, how cute.
Don’t they know all they have to do is ask their good buddies at NSA to let them know who the online trolls are? And the NSA can ask their good buddies at CIA who’s posting on their playbooks (aka Social Media).
Oh, that’s right: they mustn’t remind everyone they’re being spied on 24/7 by the American/global spies.
So they seek to pass a law, pretending that’s the only way they can find out who’s questioning their diktats.
Irony on top of irony. With a cherry booster on top.
The poor little lambs, subjected to such online malignance !!
It’s part biosecurity theater and part real. And you’re right, We already don’t have online anonymity. What they are really striving for is complete exclusion of non bovine citizenry. And when that happened in Nazi Germany, it was followed up with extermination. See “How Ethics Failed.”
I did a DDG search of the authors of that essay including the term ‘covid’. I got nothing, which doesn’t surprise me. I didn’t spend hours and hours digging, but still. I saw one email for one of the paper’s many authors (Rael D. Strous) and so I emailed him. That was recent, so I’ll give him some time to respond. (I’ve also sent such emails to Tim Schwab and Big Brother Watch. I’ve received no response from Tim or Big Brother Watch, which gets funding, partly, from George Soros.)
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Hello. My name is Rick Battams. I’m a blogger. (My blog is not celebrity status by any means.) I read an essay (“How Ethics Failed…”) that included you as an author. I was curious what the authors of that essay were up to in covid 1984 and so I did a search online using DDG. I don’t trust any search engines. I’m aware that almost 100% of them are manipulated by Google, a vaccine company among other things (as Robert Kennedy Jr pointed out). Maybe my problem is that search engines are a problem, but I got nothing useful back at all when I did a search of the names at the end of the essay. I tried with “covid” and without. At least in your case I saw an email address. (I’m not a deep diving investigator, but I do pay attention.)
By the way, I have no problem with the phrase “human rights,” but I do think that Iain Davis makes some good points about human vs inalienable rights. Human rights are a political construction and can be manipulated, taken and given at the whim of gangster politicians. Iain explains it well in the Introduction to his book, “Pseudopandemic.” I’ve uploaded the Introduction to my Box account. You can see it here:
As for the recommendation of the authors that students be taught medical history (what the Nazis did), Yes that would be great. But I’m afraid that it is rather meaningless and as realistic as expecting a fish to come out of water for a breath of fresh air. Rockefeller health care began as fraud (as I’m sure you know) and is only more fraudulent now. Virology is especially fraudulent and the covid hoax has been good for one thing only, namely leading more people to see that. The entire dominant medical establishment, in which medical students are found, is a crime. They will not learn about how to not be criminals within that establishment.
Can I ask you what your opinion is about the covid 19 pandemic? Do you believe that they’ve isolated the Sars CoV 2 virus? Do you believe that that is necessary? Please be aware that virologists’ definition of ‘isolate’ is (conveniently) unique, as many others, such as pandemic investigator Jon Rappoport, have pointed out. See: “The failure to prove the virus exists” by Jon Rappoport
Thank you.
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Loved the video. Thanks for the laugh. The truth with humor. (as sad as the truth is)
The term “privileges” on that poster from Ireland is most telling. Previously, all the restrictions were dressed up as being necessary from a public health standpoint. Now exemptions from these restrictions have become incentives to encourage/force you to take the injection.
As others have suggested, this may be a fake. Can any residents of Ireland illuminate us?
It’s fake alright. These seem to be doing the rounds here.
The Ohmygod variant is described by the doctors who found it as “severely mild” and nothing to get worried about: just a bit of tiredness. MSM has decided that the fact that the suffers of sleepiness for a few days are a bit younger than the usual cases indicates a turn for the worse. No thought that the elderly do not run to the doctor when they feel a little tired? (Or run much anyway.)
“Severly mild”. Precious. That just says it all.
A strange turn of phrase but look at what the head of the South African Medical Association is saying, there is no reason to panic, most people ignore the condition because it isn’t serious, and then compare it to what the US-UK-Australia kleptocracy are saying.
Comedy Gold! It also points out the clutching at the narrative…..since they caint just LIE about it being more deadly…..
Remember what Schwab said about restoring trust?…
“The Wellcome Global Monitor, conducted by Gallup, surveyed 119,000 people across 113 countries”
So the survey was conducted by a mega-rich foundation who want to brain-map children in one of their other projects and which happens to feature two highly-occulted numbders in their mthodology (11/9 and 11×3=33)? What’s to doubt here?…
“Australia and New Zealand had been marked by more technocratic responses, and scientists had become high-profile figures or household names, often working in tandem with governments.”
So there it is, trust = technocracy. Does it need saying that St. Jacinda is held up as the supreme example?
“The region where the Global Monitor documented the lowest levels of trust in scientists was sub-saharan Africa – down five points to 19%.”
Now where’s Botswana again?… And 19 is another interesting number….
By now, all opinion polls are simply weapons. They probably always were.
Opinion polls and surveys have always been used to make believe and cajole the public into what to think. Nothing to do with truth and honesty.
“Wellcome” ring any alarm bells?
Hi Off Guardian
I have a gut feeling that the Irish Booster poster might be a hoax, have tried to verify it with no luck. Perhaps there is a better sleuth here than me
hmm, i just came home but then again, i don’t even look at them anymore, just wading through sea oof masked idiots trying not to scream 🙁
Yes. You appear to be correct.
Here is a variant of concern:
Well at least they got ‘receive’ right!
Interesting times here in once wonderful Cyprus. Until now, you have been able to shop in local grocers’ without a “Safe Pass” but on Saturday I tried to enter two such local businesses but was stopped by somebody at the door demanding to check my pass, and seemingly having a hand-help app to record QR-codes. We all know the screw will keep being tightened, but it still came as a small shock because access to such local shops has kept me going pretty much as before until now. However, yesterday I was still able to access one of the businesses known here as a periptero, a kind of kiosk usually housed in a normal shop-type building nowadays that sells newspapers and a variety of other everyday items that traditionally were permitted to operate outside shopping hours in the days when these were strictly regulated by law, and then I had a go at buying something from the baker’s and again found that there was no obstacle. A couple in one of the neighbouring flats who more or less share my views on the Covid psyop and refuse absolutely to take the injection recommended using the Saturday market not to far from where we live where they sell food and clothing from open stalls. However, they said on Saturday they were checking passes at the main entrance, but there was a side entrance where you can slip in unchecked. In view of all this, I set out this morning with a sense of trepidation to make the journey by bus to the old market area of Limassol to do my regular shopping. I was still able to get on the bus without being asked for a pass. I had no trouble getting traditional wholemeal bread from the lady who sells them from an open stall. There was a small grocer’s nearby so I thought I’d give it a try. The owner was sitting outside with either a smartphone or an app in his hand, so I approached with trepidation but was able to walk in past him and make a few of the purchases I had been unable to make on Saturday, but his range is very limited so I couldn’t get anything. On to the trader I buy eggs and cheese from, one of the people who used to trade from the old municipal market but was kicked out when that was sold to a private company and upmarketed and who now trades from miniscule premises with an open front. No problem there. Then I called in at my regular greengrocer, also an ex-market trader who now trades from nearby at premises where half the goods are on stands spread out on the pavement and the remainder are inside a small room with an open front. Again, no issue there. Then, amazingly, on the bus back I noticed that people were walking into one of the local grocer’s seemingly without being checked. As soon as I got home, I thought I should grab the opportunity and rush off there. To my surprise, I was just able to walk in – one of the places I had been denied entry to on Saturday. I don’t know if the rule has changed again or if the person who checks the passes was off sick, but I grabbed the chance and bought the other things I had wanted on Saturday, and got a fair stock of disposable razor blades, too, thinking that this was one thing you may not be able to find in very small shops. So, the overall balance is that I have now got everything I wanted to buy at the weekend plus all the provisions I probably need for this week. What a perverted world when you have the money but can’t get the little bits and pieces you need for daily life. There is seemingly the option of going to any pharmacy and paying €5 for a test. A positive result used to count as a Safe Pass for 72 hours but they have now cut that to 48 hours. I must be one of the few people that has never had one of these tests yet – but for how much longer?
Thus, for the time being I’m surviving. However, we know that unless a serious pushback starts the screw will keep on being tightened until we reach the stage at which the choice will be to capitulate and take the injection or starve. What do we do then?
Thank you, Tim, for the detailed report!
What you are already experiencing there will no doubt soon appear on the radar for many of us all around the world. The timing is as expected.
All I can offer is my encouragement to never capitulate.
I think most EU countries are more or less on the same page just now.
Thanks for the account of life in the, Tim.
Here in France, the Constitutional Court has (so far) ruled that people, even those without a ‘health’ pass, cannot be prevented from entering small shops to buy food and basic necessities (a few months ago, the government made passes compulsory for large supermarkets and malls). Personally, I rarely shop in supermarkets or malls as the area I live in has a lot of farmers’ shops and open-air markets. The law says you have to wear a mask inside the shops, so I tape slogans to mine (e.g., ‘I can’t breathe’, ‘Fear rules’, ‘Mass hysteria’, ‘Useless’, etc.) and wear the mask under my nose. No one seems to mind and some of the shop assistants were at first curious about the slogans, which they now know pretty well, as I regularly go to the same places (I need some new slogans, actually).
Media and political hostility towards the the six-million (we are told) unvaccinated French adults is increasing, but I’m not really feeling it yet at a personal level. The government keeps tightening the screws (e.g., ‘tests’ – which give you a temporary pass – are no longer free and their validity has been reduced to 24 hours instead of 72), and they’re clearly thinking about making vaccination compulsory, without being sure of how to go about it.
The Moronic variant is currently being hyped in the media for maximum fear, but the French are not being told it causes only mild symptoms.
First sentence: life in the no-jab lane!
Damn! Should have grabbed a couple of 5-litre bottles of cooking oil while I was at the grocer’s. Another thing has just occurred to me. You used to get people going around the outer suburbs like where I live selling fresh fruit and vegetables and even sometimes fish from trucks (reputed to have dodgy scales that overread!) that you could just stop in the street and you could hear them advertising their wares from loudspeakers. I haven’t noticed any of these for weeks.
Really informative Tim, thanks for that. Good luck to you. Yes, the screws are definitely being tightened, and pretty much all of us refuseniks are in the same boat.
Thankfully, here in Melbourne, for now, the unvaccinated are still allowed to go into supermarkets without a vaccine passport (app) tho how much longer that lasts, I don’t know? However we are banned from working here.
I’ve also tried to support small businesses here, and unlike a lot of places, nearly all of them actually look the other way when I walk in – no QR code, no mask, and they don’t even blink.
Have only had a person at one bakery, and two bank security guards all year ask me to put on a mask and scan the QR code. Which I refused.
But they are ramping things up now, and the Victorian Govt’s shocking pandemic legislation is due to be debated this week.
Up to 2 years jail and a $45600 fine for disobeying covid directives. Right when Omicron has come on the scene.
Not sure how long I’ll have a roof over my head now as I found out today that the last financial card I thought I had left up my sleeve is a complete dud. Denied access to a pension fund that would have kept me afloat another year or so. A lot of people have already lost their homes because of this bullshit scam.
Thanks for reminding me. There is a new pandemic bill slated to be debated in parliament here in Cyprus which will introduce a Pandemic Bill under which non-compliance with or violation of the decrees will constitute a criminal offence carrying a sentence of two years’ imprisonment and/or a fine of up to 50,000 euro. It seems the government here is currently issuing decrees under the 1932 Quarantine Law that was introduced by the British colonial masters. Strange places, ex-colonies.
Starving as a protest would make for good news headlines and perhaps change some minds!
Not to worry. With Omicron, this will definitely be repurposed for the XMAS holidays.
Having a listen to a BBC news and current affairs programme on the radio this morning, the narrative seems to be that “we must pull out all the stops to defeat this so-called new variant or else Christmas will be cancelled again.” It’s a brilliant idea from their viewpoint to say that the “vaccines” can ward off some of the mutations but not others. That way you can scare the unjabbed into getting injected and also scare the jabbed because the resistant mutations can still come and get them.
THEY ARE NOT “vaccines” !! They are a form of poorly tested mRNA gene therapy. They are DRUGS and this is a crime against humanity.
That’s why I put the word in inverted commas.
+ 1
Can’t be said often enough. They are NOT vaccines, and their use is a CRIME against humanity.
The Moronic variant is a win/win for the psychos in charge. They can seemingly introduce with minimal challenge reinforced lockdown measures because….? They hope to encourage the flagging booster uptake with warnings that Moronic will …..? The blanks are intentional because they are going ahead with all this even though I haven’t yet seen any excuses. It seems that they’ve now only got to say ‘variant’ and, bingo, the masses of brainwashed and uncritical are eager to react like headless chickens.
Just heard the BBC’s Tom Whipple of The Times warn Jeremy Vine on the BBC that it is “better to be safe than sorry”. Susan Michie just recommending “PlanB+ to avoid restrictions down the line; …masks necessary in all communal places and in classrooms etc”. Vine didn’t ask when “down the line” might be. She has also said that as it appears to be more transmissible “it is a potential risk, even though we don’t know the severity”; completely ignoring that this is the normal characteristic of a weakening virus.
Andrew Lilico of The Telegraph very sensibly said in the same discussion that “we shouldn’t be imposing restrictions based on vague speculation and the excuse that something ‘might’ happen. When does it end?”
Most sinisterly, Moronic gives the psychos in charge the opening to blame it for for ‘breakthrough’ infections in vaccinated people and to ignore adverse reactions to the jabs by claiming the afflictions are a result of Moronic. I think these are the real reasons for making such a big issue of ‘the unknown quantity’ of the supposed variant. Why focus on this variant and not any of the other thousands of variants to date? It is all linked to the timing, coming immediately when the winter respiratory virus season is taking off AND more evidence of adverse reactions to the jabs is swiftly mounting.
All these lying “presenters” should take a little trip down memory lane and think about Tokyo Rose (World War II) and, especially, the South Vietnamese radio propagandist whose tongue was cut out when “her side” lost.
“Two words come to mind, spontaneous combustion. Or could it be immaculate conception? Though a cynic might suggest just it is just plain old fashioned bribery and profiteering.”

“Odd how Quackery has now transformed itself into Science.“
The vax brought it and will transfer it…whatever it is….proving yet again it isn’t the unvax anyone needs to be afraid of but the vax…whatever the shit it actually means to be vax.
Stabbed with some poison. People in Australia have been so brainwashed by lying media and pollies they seem to believe the unjabbed are all sick and are gunna kill them
S.Cooper – i’m a bit behind today but a couple of stories i’ve glanced at informs readers:
Australia – 2 people flew in from Africa with it
England (?) – 2 people flew in from Africa with it
USA (?) – 2 people flew in from Africa with it…
If only 2 people would observe Stranger Danger warnings…
Those 2 people appear to have flown into Sydney as well…
Is it the same two people, using frequent flyer miles?
TPTB now know they can publish that the vaccines do nothing to stop transmission whilst not disturbing the belief that they do amongst the vaxxed. It is too late for the vaxxed, they must believe.
They are rubbing our noses in swill such as “vaccine escape” and “breakthrough”. The cowards picked a tiny country (Burundi) to blame, that could not hit them back.
That should be Botswana.
(If viruses exist then) there is a scientific explanation for variants, they are a “natural” development of viruses. However, there is nothing geographical about them.
Go to about minute 6:00, where Ivor Cummins explains.
Must have been a spy who brought it in…
Not that anybody would give enough of a fuck to spy on Australia’s health systems…
It’s not even at the level of quackery. It’s just straight up lying.
It’s my job, to bake the bread, which I do every Sunday evening or Monday afternoon, every week in winter. When it rises which it does most of the time, My Bread is Really Good..sometimes I f’ck up, and I get a slab of thick doughy mulch, and I bin it, and start again on Monday afternoon, and confess.
The Grandkids come round most Monday afternoons, and just love my Fresh Bread.
Our Kitchen, has been pretty much a no go area for most of this weekend..She spends hours cutting up all the fruit, and making a wish.
She says its Stir-up Sunday
Don’t turn the oven off..It needs to cook slowly.
My Wife does The Christmas Cake. It’s the only time of the year, I am allowed to buy a decent bottle of Brandy.
Family Christmas
Mother Christmas, still looks 23, or maybe 15 in the eyes of our Grandchildren – they love her so – just a kid like them to play with. They know she is their is their Nana, and not their older sister.
Just give me that cake.
hey watch the pics of that f*** ing turdeau, that’s a real triggering thing for those of us who remember what a great country Canada used to be – f** I need another beer …
hey sorry about the typo – but WTH it fits, leave it …
“The will is therefore the principle element”
Just noticed the typo (which was copypasted and somehow missed…); will correct in a revised version.
Corrupt politicians make the other ten percent look bad. Hilarious.
I have done a lot of stuff, a lot of which was probably quite dangerous, with motorcyles, and gliders and stuff, on no drugs whatsoever…I just did it for the sheer adrenaline. I just wanted to pull more g.
So I took that to the limit….I looked at myself at the age of 25, and told myself. Tony, if you don’t stop doing this, you are not going to make 30.
You have no idea how wonderful I felt after gliding up to 5,500 feet alone, by the power of the Sun, sharing thermals with my friends.
Then I met this girl, and still carried on doing it a bit…
but I gradually gave up motor cyles and gliding, because I wanted to live.
I wanted my own family, but not yet, so we split up, and again and again, and again I had nothing, lost my job and everything.
So I had to rebuild my life, blown away.
No job, no money. No nothing.
It was like I had gone back to being a teenager.
She didn’t care, that I was poor. No job, No nothing, except I still had car.
She said come with me, and borrowed her sisters playtent, and we went to Stonehenge together.
The highest I have been is when we saw our first child being born.
We looked at him, and we looked at each other.
We brought him home, and the cat looked at our new born baby, and her whiskas drooped.
wtf is this?
But she was fine about it
She had had kittens too.
Such is Life.
It’s quite normal
Wearing Masks Isn’t, and I won’t do it.
Just had two police cars and two ambulances pull up outside my place while I was on my back porch.
The paramedics put on yellow plastic sheeting over their clothes and I overheard one of them ask this woman: “is she a covid patient, has she got covid”? They’ve all gone into a property behind the property I’m on, and I can’t actually see much because it’s on a bend.
Perhaps I should go out there and show them some of Offguardian’s excellent articles debunking this whole shit show?
I think the sobering video I posted the other day from Robin Monotti talking about the prison camps and where this is heading gives a very good idea of the trajectory of this medical fascism.
At least huge numbers of people protested at the weekend, which was very heartening to see, and I do believe more have woken up. Whether that’s enough to stop this crap is another question though. Oh, it’s probably been said by lots of people now, but Omicron is an anagram for Moronic.
I am sure you have noticed the increase in ambulance sirens the last few months, since the coerced injections started. The government have a solution for that. According to a whistleblower, “they now have a new guideline (treatment directive) entitled ‘chest pain following mRNA vaccine’ that encourages us to leave new onset cardiac type chest pain post mRNA vaccine at home with a referral to GP.”
Yes, definitely noticed the big increase in ambulance sirens T, especially the last four months. Being home all the time, you notice these things.
Thanks for that link👍
Even in the sleepy old Barossa, quadruple the number of ambulances are being seen.
I have two friends (unknown to each other) with offspring in their late 20s-early 30s, who did not get their kids vaxxed with the standard polio, MMR, etc, childhood jabs, but who told me that THIS thing is so serious, they’re all getting their Convid shots. Just one of my many tiny anecdotes to add to the stories of mindfukkery that has befallen the gullible among us.
This is precisely why the germ theory/terrain theory conversation is so important. As long people don’t question the very foundation of virology, all it takes is the right level of fear to convince the holdouts to grab the next jab supposedly protecting against a “new” virus or “variant.”
And looking back to my child hood when measles, mumps and rubella were so mild many never knew we were sick but enjoyed the time off school and climbing trees, now it’s suddenly a deadly thing to be avoided at all costs. But measles has mutated into a very nasty thing instead of a minor thing. And chicken pox, why the fuck are people being jabbed for chicken pox. I don’t know if people are aware but young people who have been jabbed for chicken pox are getting shingles from the jabs.
Exactly! Moreover, a testimony to the ‘viruses-don’t-cause-disease’ is an occasion I remember on which I was trying to catch one of these ‘nasty’ diseases at lunch time in the cafeteria from my buddy who was coming down with it, and I wanted to stay at home like he did. I had him breathe into my mouth, spit on me, you name it. I still remember the feel of his breath. It didn’t fucking work. He was sick, I had to keep going to school.
Spit on you uh? You should have tried giving him head, that might have worked. Weird people.
Sure but germ theory doesn’t require everyone who contacts a pathogen to get sick. That’s what immune systems are for.
One twist to promote the mumps jab was that boys could become impotent if left untreated.
The paranoia of the propagandised has a precedent.
It happened pre Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, the ‘war’ on drugs, and now of course China and Russia.
The manufacturing of consent fools most people because they believe what they see and hear on the propaganda machines.
Our honourable Overlords on the other hand, know better.
They do what they do for one reason: Their addiction to authority and greed.
The Irish government poster is uncannily similar to the White Rose resistance sticker one sees here and there in public places:
I’m in favour of the ‘vaccines’ and ‘boosters’ for the filthy rich and assorted suck-holes … after all, it’s only fitting that they deserve the best protection that their share-portfolio loot can buy. I reckon us commoners only deserve to be cast upon the fate of our natural immunity systems or the horse de-wormer, etc.
A militia should verify that they get the Real Thing.
Funny thing is I always expected Bill Gates to do a photo-op with him getting the saline solution but he’s too arrogant even for that, it seems.
Surprise, surprise!
Omicron highlights pandemic bill urgency, Foley says
What a coincidence! What timing! Omicron to the rescue to save the beleaguered pandemic bill, and thus we can rest assured knowing we will all be protected from the deadly mutating plague. Sigh.
Yep, it was an absolute certainty to happen. As I said in a facebook post two days ago:
Pallachook, the drug company whore in Q’land, has now expanded “mandates” for employees to be poison stabbed to schools, childcare, airports, and many other places.
Using the Moronic scariant as the excuse. But no one is surprised of course as it was all so obvious the shit show would intensify pre-Xmas.
Here in Australia we’re being told not to worry about this new strain by the media. I guess that’s the media’s job to do the worrying for us.
In Australia, the virus is on smoko for a while. It’ll be back big as Ben Hur next winter.
Agree 100%
Here in the States we had increases in “cases” all Summer long. Summer is not cold and flu season. The jab is year long, and now, cold and flu season is too.
The plan may be to let it spread and then to blame it for the soaring cardio damage from the vax. That may be why tachycardia has been mentioned as a symptom.
On the symptom chart for the new mutation variant is actually sudden heart trouble. Quite sure I saw that somewhere. So they are literally shoe horning what are vaccine injuries into omicron. Could it all be any more moronic?
Or sinister.
And it still amazes me that people are not getting it. The agenda, I mean, not the jab.
“Could it all be any more moronic”?
I think the word you are looking for is evil.
They are seeding newspapers with stories now about how heart attacks are normal for young people.
And blaming climate change and cannabis smoking FFS.
Because there will be propaganda fatigue if they stretch it out to the next Australial fall. Better to let it build up in the Northern Hemisphere.
The MEDIA are pure filth.
Well done should be more of same
He’s probably the most fucked up politician in Oz. Dan is the most dangerous piece of shit and the other leaders are just fucked in the head. Australia is an embarrassment. I hope the whole tourist industry in this country falls apart so people here realize what’s happened to our reputation overseas. I’m disgusted at what’s happened to our country. It use to be a good place to live. Now it’s unbearable.
When boat people arrived here as refugees I made the remark often that if we kept out the world Australia would wallow in it’s own shit and eat itself. 20 years on from Tampa the refugees are still here as citizens, the world didn’t end but we have kept out nasty diseased foreigners for nearly 2 years and only have each other to blame for the crap.
One is worse than the next. This Gunner guy is a raving psycho. As an American, I’ve always had good feelings about Australia and Australians, but I don’t know where you guys are digging these psychos up. Andrews, ugh. The unlamented Berejekian. And your hideous neighbor, Ardern. Still, with “Joe Biden” and the Hyena, it’s not as if the US is much better.
Reuters reporting Japan is at 1% of its COVID peak cases and falling. India is at 3% of its peak and falling. What did these countries do? Ditch vaccine mandates for ivermectin. Since April 28, India medical officials started providing hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin to its massive population. As India is the major pharmaceutical manufacturer in the world, they were ready for this massive drug distribution. MIRACULOUSLY!, COVID cases have plummeted quickly since then. Meanwhile, all “first world” countries in Europe are reporting a rise in cases. Get your ivermectin before it is too late
Piss off, spammer.
Firstly there’s the boosters laid out like a Starbucks loyalty card, with six – count them, six – implied booster shots.
So far, I haven’t seen similar signage in the US, and now I’m seething with envy! The clear implication is that the seventh booster shot will be free.
That’s a pretty good deal, especially if the free booster is counted on the new card. That’s, what… three or four free boosters a year, at least. Sweet!
Cheeky bugger! Hahh! Haahhh!
Maybe they’ll start a program like S & H Green stamps! With the little booklets, and the prizes!
Of course now it would all be digitzed so no fun, but I bet if they offered it it would knock a few of us oldies off the hesitant fence.
Before my father quit smoking cold turkey one fine Lent, we used to collect Raleigh cigarette coupons.
I can’t remember what items we got, but I’ll never forget this “MAD Magazine” verse celebrating the joys of those coupons– it’s set to the tune of “On the Street Where You Live” from “My Fair Lady”:
♪ I have never owned a stuffed moose before
For a stufféd moose I never had much use before
Now I’ve thirty-three!
Raleigh sent them free
We just love all those gifts that they give… ♪
Oh my Lord, the Raliegh coupons.
And Mad magazine. Lived for the new ones. We couldn’t buy them in my house. Had to read them at a friends.
Good times, good times.
I’m a proud American, but after reading more about him, I kind of think Thomas Jefferson sucks. He was about as cool as the European monarchs in the 17th and 18th century and as the Catholic Popes before that. I just find it hard to believe that any of these people, by which I mean the litany of self-appointed rulers that no one asked for, including all the US presidents (except MAYBE Kennedy if he hadn’t been murdered) and now these globalists trying to pull this off this creepy medical tyranny. To my mind they are one in the same. Anyway, we don’t need to defend these guys is all I’m saying. I could care less about Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Reagan, Obama, etc. and their dumb statues.
Why proud? Proud of America?
I’m proud to be an American, but only because our entire school was forced to listed to Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA” every damn morning for a full year when I was 8, and that indoctrination doesn’t wash off no matter how hard I scrub.
That is one of the worst songs ever written, here we have this maudlin crap called
marches took place in Italy, Guadeloupe, Germany and Australia in the last few days. All against mandatory vaccination.
a Missouri judge strikes down a state’s anti-Covid “public health attempt to replace elected officials and constitutional protocols and standing government with un-elected officials to allow the take over crews to set policy in violation of the principles of representative government.
<=but what has not yet happened is the emergence of a global leader and a workable grassroots global plan capable to facilitate the governed people of the world in their effort to deny these
take-over pundits any more success. Globally the invented viral pandemic and its mRNA solution propaganda is making millionaires of takeover leaders, and appears to be a global repeat of how Lenin led his communist Bolsheviks operated in the take-over of Russia in 1917..
The Bolsheviks just moved in, occupied all of the seats of authority and power, established a communist system of government, promoted themselves in the mass media as the new Russian government. Pre- Bolshevik Russian citizens and their politicians were directed to stand against that wall.
The Bolshevik then they turned their propaganda on the crowds of governed Russians who were directed to destroy old Russia and long standing Christian populations and Christian Czar led government. The Czar and his entire family were cut to pieces, dumped into a well, 32 million White Russian Christians exterminated, before Stalin came to power in 1932 and chased the Russian Bolshevik into Christian Germany where Hilter came to power as the only viable solution to the problem that the Russian Bolshevik immigrants were taking and holding nearly all of the positions of power in Germany and in doing so were excluding the German people from their own German government and their own German jobs.
“Free speech is not being allowed to … slur and harass people … and seek to destroy their lives…” – Scott Morrison.
No that’s the govt’s job.
Morrison the ad-man, sold his soul to beelzybub… the fact that his party and many Aussies could nominate this bombastic twat as the PM tells you everything you need to know about the Australian electorate.
Aust doesn’t elect the prime minister the party does…not that really excuses us …just says the party officials are pretty dumb and we elect them.
Only his idiot party MP’s could elect the arsehole, the rest of us had no choice.
According to their official Government statement the Notorious Botswana Four were all fully vaccinated. I wonder how the rest of the jabbed up 6% are doing?
Thank you for the update and the Pfizer video. I needed a good laugh today as the merry go round speeds up again.
So here we go, just in time for the holiday season and the booster roll out. There is a brand new variant to push along the jabs. It is amazing that this is still working on people, But it seems that for many it is impossible to question it now. They have so much fear and time invested in the narrative and dare not question any of it. As that would mean accepting that they have allowed themselves to be cowed into losing just short of two years of their life and abused with an experimental toxic soup.
The only way forward for them seems to be onward. So it has now become a badge of honour and a tribal rite to keep taking the shots. For the greater good of all and to save the world. A heady mix of patriotic duty and virtue signaling symbolism.
The link below is an interesting perspective from a medical professional.
Thanks for sharing the link. It was a great read.
I have to say that after all these months, I no longer like the “This Week in the New Normal”, simply because it tacitly accepts that this is what has happened to us.
It has not happened to us.
Normal normality still exists, and there are a great many human beings whose spines and brains are still intact.
But it is of course in great danger of happening to us, which is why I feel that ALL of our energies have to go into stopping it.
Please, no more of this, “Look how horrible things are!”…
We get it, we know it, we want an end put to it.
It isn’t funny any more.
I’m inclined to suggest, “Solutions only, please”, however difficult a goal that might be to achieve.
The ‘new normal’ is part of the final solution – to the final problem.
If you understood the problem, you’d recognise the solution, and that there can thus be no solution to the solution.
Let’s put it another way: as you can see in geological strata, normal sedimentation is punctuated by thin dark layers every 12,000 years.
The Great Reset is nigh.
And then there is the scenario where you do understand the problem, but the solution you envisage is not the solution everybody would like…
My point being that, dark layers or not, we don’t forget to resist tyranny.
The Great Reset is no more ‘nigh’ than your next-door neighbour, and, if the latter is not the sort of person you want to know, you just ignore him totally.
It’s simple: Your life still matters, and you are quite free to exclude your neighbour from it if you choose.
Klaus Schwab is not the sort of person I want to know. So he’s out of my life.
I’ll recognize him if he shows his face around here, but I won’t invite him in.
Dropping Like Jabbers!
Spain – 17 year old Pedro Acosta, ‘Moto3’ World Champion, COLLAPSES while giving press statement! The healthy and sporty young man collapsed suddenly and fell to the ground, to the desperation of the President of Murcia, Fernando Lopez Miras
Adama Traoré (Footballer)
Somewhere there has got to be a comprehensive list….
But yeah: Season Cancelled due to Player DropOut might be a headline soon…..
There probably needs to be some sort wiki, but the following has links to a reasonably comprehensive compilation of footballers.
If they were to cancel anything they’d blame it on a new variant, but they’d have the problem of there being places which aren’t affected; e.g. southern USA.
IN Australia Pavlov’s dogs sometimes called our media are running around like headless chooks feeding the whole moronic strain fiction.
The media are the tribunes for the ‘squeeze and release’ strategy of control. Rollon Nuremberg 2. I can’t wait for the cocky pollies’ and their support casts heads-to-roll.
Practice Catch and Release…..experience the thrill again and again…and again!
I am currently work hard in my lab to create the most excellent new variant. I’m calling it the Marilyn Mutant. It will be horrifically contagious and extremely deadly; in fact it will kill 100% of all those infected. But fear not dear fellow travelers it will only infect and destroy politicians, drug company CEO’s, talking head health officials and main stream media arseholes…oh, and arseholes who use leaf blowers at 6am in the morning.
Dr Justin PhuXXXD
The banksters are directing this cull from behind the scenes.
Thanks NN – bloody hell how could I have left them banksters out. I’ll have to create a special virus for them pschos. I’ll call it the Manson Mutant and release it in Laurel Canyon (just for old time sake) and then in Wall Street, the City of London and Basel (just to make sure it hits the target).
Dr Justin PhuXXXD (totally)
I’ll take that, and agree about the leaf blowers.
And here I am practicing the Lost Art of Raking…?!
The leaf blowers!! Yes!
They can turn the whole world upside down in a matter of months but they can’t come up with a quiet leaf blower.
I will never believe it.
Right, but where are they blowing the leaves TO?!
Good question. And another thing that deprives kids of so much fun.
Back when we raked leaves into a big pile we jumped in them.
Simple pleasures.
The best!!!! Thank you! Utter joy!