The case for compulsory vaccinations is dead…Omicron just killed it.
Kit Knightly

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Yesterday, Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, held a press conference where she talked at length about her “concerns” over the EU’s low vaccination rate, and how best to “fix” it.
When asked about making vaccines mandatory, she said:
It is understandable and appropriate to lead this discussion now – how we can encourage and potentially think about mandatory vaccination within the European Union. This needs discussion, this needs a common approach, but I think it’s a discussion that has to be led.”
Two or three years ago, I would have never thought to witness what we see right now, that we have this horrible pandemic, we have the life-saving vaccines but they are not being used adequately everywhere. And thus this is an enormous health cost,”
Of course, the idea that the EU nations are going to “debate” mandatory vaccinations is a joke, they are more likely to enforce them no matter what.
But any real, rational debate was over as soon as the EU and the vaccine manufacturers both admitted that the vaccines do not work.
By any pre-2021 definition, the Covid “vaccines” are not actually vaccines. From the beginning, it has been widely admitted that they don’t stop you getting the disease, and they don’t stop you spreading it.
Every day we hear about some famous person or other testing positive “despite being vaccinated”.
The EU has already hinted that their vaccination passes (which, ironically enough, they appear to have been planning for “two or three years” despite von der Leyen claiming they never saw the pandemic coming), will expire in nine months.
Why will they expire?
Because the “protection” allegedly conferred by the vaccine wears off.
How fast does it wear off?
The alleged emergence of the Omicron variant makes the situation even worse, from the establishment point of view. Indeed, it could be argued the first real casualty of the Omicron outbreak was narrative cohesion.
Experts are already warning that the Omicron variant may be resistant to the vaccines, and the CEO of Moderna added his voice to this chorus yesterday, saying:
I think it’s going to be a material drop [in vaccine effectiveness]. I just don’t know how much because we need to wait for the data. But all the scientists I’ve talked to…are like ‘this is not going to be good’.”
Even if these warnings prove incorrect, and the mainstream suddenly backtracks and starts reporting that the vaccines work “better than expected” to combat Omicron, that’s irrelevant.
They have just admitted that the “vaccines” could stop working the moment there is a new mutation. And viruses mutate a lot.
So, they know the vaccines don’t work very well, they know they will wear off, and they know any new mutations could stop them working completely.
The only thing they don’t know is what the long term side effects of the vaccines are, a fact admitted by Pfizer themselves in their supply contracts:
the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known
Now, here’s the all-purpose disclaimer: This is not admitting that Covid19 is dangerous, the pandemic real or in any other way endorsing the narrative. Rather, and this is important, it’s pointing out that even on their own terms the establishment’s plan for compulsory vaccination does not make any sense at all.
The current narrative is that:
- The vaccines do not confer immunity or prevent transmission.
- What beneficial effect they do have wears off, they don’t know when.
- They probably don’t protect against new variants or mutations.
- The vaccines have unknown longterm side effects.
These are not fringe ideas or baseless theories, they are the self-contradictory supposed “facts” of the schizophrenic covid story.
Going entirely by the mainstream’s own words, and completely on their own terms, any possible case for mandatory vaccinations is dead.
The “Omicron variant” killed it, even if it never killed anything else.
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Nothing is too stupid or absurd for the democratic party to push. Any, I mean ANY, democrat that still thinks this is the party of the great John F. Kennedy is deluded beyond any hope.
A politico is now a scientist?
BitChute Video. Dr; Andrea Noack, Chemist and Doctor, released this video and was MURDERED shortly after. He explains the graphene hydroxide is not biodegradable and will eventually kill all who have taken it, as it acts like a razor blade in the blood.
US lawyer Dr Francis Boyle has evidence that Harvard U Chem. Dept. Dr. Ch. Lieber & Oz. Health Dept aided Wuhan Labs in the project to create the bio-weapon spike protein.
A spike protein cannot be idented as a virus, so 1M US$ reward for its ident is NOT taken up.
Dr. Kary Mullins, inventor of the PCR test stated that his test only idents strands of DNA from Hep. and Flu.
US Dr. Elisabeth Eads studies noted that the PCR test gives 97% false positives.
WHO on Jan. 20, 2021 in their Directive #202005 stated that the PCR test is of NO VALUE.. this superseding their Jan.20.2020 advice to ”””’do PCR tests.
A simple look at the phylogeny of the Omicron variant speaks volumes.
In short, phylogeny is the study of the branching mutations / adaptations in an organism (or in this case, virus) over time.
The Omicron variant has very little in common with the current branching paths of the highly monitored swarm of variants.
Instead, what we see is a mutation whose history appears to have time traveled. Omicron seems to be a direct branch of a variant that was around in Mar – Sept 2020.
Yes you read that correctly; 2020.
What that tells us, is that *somehow* a branching mutation of SARS-CoV-2 has remained in suspended animation since early 2020, only to emerge now in late 2021.
There is only one conceivable way for a highly mutable virus to behave in such a way – and that’s for Omicron to have sat in a freezer since early 2020, right up until it was either accidentally or deliberately leaked in late 2021.
Amazing. Do you have more ?
It’s NOT a virus, dummie.
US lawyer Dr Francis Boyle has evidence that Harvard U Chem. Dept. Dr. Ch. Lieber & Oz. Health Dept aided Wuhan Labs in the project to create the bio-weapon spike protein.
A spike protein cannot be idented as a virus, so 1M US$ reward for its ident is NOT taken up.
Dr. Kary Mullins, inventor of the PCR test stated that his test only idents strands of DNA from Hep. and Flu.
They talk about viruses, mutations, variants, which, depending on the need, sometimes infectious, dangerous and can be fought by their so-called vaccines and sometimes not. Nobody should be fooled by these professional scammers and criminals, because it is an irrefutable fact that there are no disease-causing viruses. The very foundation of the greatest lie of all time is already a gargantuan lie, and this also applies to the alleged anthropogenic global warming. If humanity does not wake up very quickly and defend itself massively, these madmen will kill 90 percent of humanity by real the measures against those two fictious threats! Understand the dimension of the crimes that are happening here and that have been agreed under international law in a number of supranational agreements with NGOs. It is absolutely crazy. And they are planning even an international pandemic law!
All you need to know:
The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) and the Higher Regional Court (OLG) Stuttgart have made world history.
Here you can find the decision of the BGH, AZ.: I ZR 62-16 from 1.12.2016
The BGH and the Higher Regional Court Stuttgart have refuted all allegations about the suspected “measles virus”, the infection of measles and the measles vaccination.
Even more, it is now the case law of the highest court that the entire virology has been refuted.
You can find out why this is so in this text.
Here you can find the important judgment of the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart, AZ.: 12 U 63/15 from 16.02.2016
That is because it is an experiment. You are a test animal.
‘Viruses’ don’t ‘mutate a lot’ – they don’t exist.
Germ theory is the fraud that allows this nonsense to scare people into submission.
There is no such thing as a ‘contagious virus’.
Colds, flus, fevers etc are reactions to disease, not causes.
The body is simply detoxing, dispelling dead material which cannot, by definition, be contagious.
This is why vaccines don’t work. They are based on a false premise.
This is why no ‘virus’ has EVER been isolated.
When the Christian-hating, Bolshevik, demonic, Jewish goblins in pharma, TV and currently operating our government using the demented Biden as goy window dressing attempt to force anything upon us, you can rest assured it’s for our destruction.
NEVER disarm to this tribe because their ultimate goal is death camps, just as they did in Russia 1917.
The term ‘compulsory vaccine’ needs clarity. Unless people are be arrested, imprisoned then held down by force to be injected, and then held for eight weeks, for another dose, then release after fifteen days, a Covid-19 vaccine can’t be compulsory. The UK decided not to make the one dose Janssen vaccine available on the NHS, despite 10 million doses being delivered. It therefore takes eleven weeks to be ‘fully vaccinated’. What Compulsory really means is ‘terms and conditions’. These are on access to facilities, employment, travel etc. It is a bit like saying ‘No entry until your 21, then changing it to 25 once the person reaches 21.’ We can choose not to have injections into our bodies. We can’t choose who allows us access based on the lack of those injections. In some situations that is acceptable. If I wish to enter another Country, I would say it is reasonable for them to have entry requirements, I can choose to go or not. This isn’t ideal, but it is an established fact of life. What is not acceptable, is restricting people within their own Country of citizenship, based on medical status. That is direct discrimination.
What ? Witholding a person from buying essentials and imposing fines and prison terms for nonconpliance doesn’t make it compulsory?
Actually, it is supposed to be compulsory – Austria might fine people more than 3000 Euros every 3 months unless they get vaccinated, according to the outline of the law they are discussing now. They will foce you to pay, and if you simply can’t, you will have to spend some time incarcerated. This is NOT a choice (and at the point we are in other countries, there is no choice either, unless you enjoy having no social life at all, not being allowed to enter any shops except supermarkets and pharmacies,and so on)..
Come on over to Australia or NZ and see how you go mincing words and meanings like the State does. We can’t work, shop, exercise, travel, now even go to the hospital or medical centre. Oh but the Government says its not mandatory…so I guess we have a choice. You should be a lawyer.
My friend in Italy told me they need a ‘green pass’ to enter a coffee shop. He also told me 40 doctors in his home town have refused the vaccine and had to be laid off.
Well … It is compulsory to pay when you shop or travel. No-one nails you down taking money out of your pocket. If if you disobey, you’ll be prosecuted. Same with vaccine mandates. Yes no-one shoots jabs into you, but if you disobey you’ll be prosecuted via loss of income, property, family, and life at the end.
This is false equivalence. Despite the impression you may have gained by the amount of emphasis placed on these experimental therapeutic products, ‘vaccines’ are not currency. A2
Has it not occurred to the author that once deaths start to get “noticeable” as a result of immune system failures, the vaccines will get abandoned, the politicians will get abandoned, and the old economy will get abandoned…Welcome to the reset
Probably correct. I think that’s why there is so much desperation that these vaccines are seen to work but simultaneously why there are already so many holes in the narrative. Whether the rest will go according to plan is another matter, though.
“So, they know the vaccine’s don’t work very well,”
Lose the vaccines apostrophe! 🙂
On 27 January 2021, the Council of Europe, the oldest Europe-wide human rights body, adopted a supportive resolution on COVID-19 vaccines, which states that vaccination is not mandatory and that there must be no discrimination on vaccine-basis.
The Parliamentary Assembly urges the Member States and the European Union to: ‘ensure that citizens are informed that the vaccination is NOT mandatory and that no one is under political, social or other pressure to be vaccinated if they do not wish to do so’ and ‘to ensure that no one is discriminated against for not having been vaccinated, due to possible health risks or not wanting to be vaccinated’.
They are trying to eliminate the “control group” – who are the unvaccinated, so there can be no objective studies done in the future which would conclusively prove to that world how deadly and detrimental these injections will have proven…and are proving to be…to human health. The whole vaccine empire is a “cash cow” the medical complex cannot allow to be exposed as they are indeed more harmful than beneficial to human beings. That’s why agencies like the CDC in the US have never done (nor will they ever do) a randomized double blind comprehensive study to compare health outcomes of the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated. Why? Congress authorized funding to the CDC to do just that on multiple occasions…but they still have refused! This would be their opportunity to clearly show Americans the health benefits of vaccines? The fact is the CDC KNOWS THAT SUCH A STUDY WOULD PROVE THAT IT IS THE UNVACCINATED CHILDREN WHO ARE FAR HEALTHIER INTO ADULTHOOD THAN THE VACCINATED!!!
And, of course, it’s the jabbed who are spreading Omicron all over the world, because they don’t need to be tested, because the ‘vaccines’ are great.
Absolutely correct!
It is going to be a micro-evolution event of survival of the fittest if someone approach me with an unwanted syringe.
“By any pre-2021 definition, the Covid “vaccines” are not actually vaccines. From the beginning, it has been widely admitted that they don’t stop you getting the disease, and they don’t stop you spreading it.”
The pre-2021 definition of a vaccine did recognise that some vaccines are more effective than others. I suggest going for, hey, a printed version of an encyclopedia. Just so that you are sure that it isn’t Internet censorship getting at you.
My Encyclopedia Britannica has a whole paragraph on the different levels of effectiveness of different vaccines, and yes, it specifies that some vaccines aren’t 100% effective at stopping you from getting or spreading the disease. Known since the early days of vaccination. But you are still better off getting vaccinated.
But you just keep reading stuff from the trashy Internet as opposed to, you know, old-fashioned printed stuff from earlier times when people’s brains hadn’t completely turned to mush and everybody and their dog would have some trouble getting their random rubbish widely read because, you know, printing lots of copies of something cost some money, so you better make sure it was worth printing. You get what you pay for. The Internet is almost free, which means, the quality of the information in the Internet trends to utterly worthless.
The “not a vaccine” concept doesn’t come from their relatively low levels of effectiveness and/or durability. It comes from them not matching other basic aspects of the “printed encyclopedia” definition. They are and always were therapeutics, not vaccines. Idiot.
For the current “vaccines”, in reality, there is nothing therapeutic about them. They are biological agents which likely do much more harm than good in reality.
According to my Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary (New Edition reprinted in 1974):
‘vaccine: any preparation used to confer immunity to a disease by inoculation. – V . to vaccinate , to inoculate with vaccine . – ns . vaccination’
‘immune: exempt : not liable to danger , esp . infection : free from obligation . n . one who is immune 一 n . immunisation , v. to immunise ,- ize , to render immune , esp. to make immune from a disease by injecting disease germs , or their poisons (either active or rendered harmless ). n . immunity.
‘inoculate: to insert as a bud or graft : to graft : to imbue : to introduce ( e.g. bacteria , a virus ). into an organism : to give a mild form of (a disease) in this way : to make an inoculation in , esp . for the purpose of safeguarding against subsequent infection.’
Maybe you need to get yourself a proper dictionary. Or at least get your facts straight.
The writer is essentially correct in saying that the current usage of vaccine has (been) changed (at least twice in the 21st Century by some accounts) so that it no longer reflects the original meaning of the term.
This unfortunately has become increasingly common in the last twenty years or so with increasing amounts of double-speak being used for devicive ends. It is not surprising that the cynical are ever less likely to believe anything from the peddlers of this kind of misrepresentation.
But Doly. You’ve ignored the point and raised an irrelevant point as counter argument.
You held up the fact that the current “vaccines” are admitted not to stop infection or spread…and then rambled about old encyclopaedias that said that traditionally, vaccines don’t always work properly.
Are you saying that old encyclopaedias that say that vaccines don’t always work properly are actually saying that the current vaccines that have been said officially not to prevent injection or stop spread actually do stop infection and stop spread? And that we should get our understanding of the current vaccines from old encyclopaedias and ignore what the official claims are today by the CDC that the vaccine does not stop infection or spread?
I’m struggling to see your logic.
I think trying to mandate a “vaccine” which has now been reported to contain “nano razor blades” by a nano scientist – who wound up dead just a few days after he disclosed his findings – is going to be a tough sell.
Nano Razor Blades?
You don’t think that narrative could be disinfo or a honeytrap? We need to be VERY careful, use a good filter and not just buy any old crap that seems superficially to support our cause.
When a pregnant woman goes online to say the father of the child in her belly has just been murdered – I give that respect. We are in the land of smoke and mirrors, I have limited access to internet so can only do a small amount of research, but on face value, I would treat this with the respect it seems to deserve, while knowing that everything I consume via the media could be bullshit. If this is a lie, it is more evidence that the people doing this are extremely sick, to create such twisted counter narratives.
Probably good to at least verify a guy of that name existed and died. Fake ‘bombshell’ revelations are a favorite way of trying to discredit alt media.
I dont launch a crime scene investigation and vet the history of every Tom Dick and Harry that turns up in Event Covid. You have provided nothing of note to build on what you are saying. I have provided a link to compelling video testimonies which could be fake for sure, but they could be real, so now we need further investigation. Thats how this works. Its acrime scene. The criminals are everywhere and they have great power. But we have to analyse all leads.
Where is the Off Guardian coverage of all the graphene turning up in these vials. Where is the OffG coverage of the analysis by Viviene Fischer from the Corona Committee which showed clear evidence of nanotech in the vials. Why wouldnt you cover that. Coupled with the WEF declaration that they dont care about laws and they want to turn us all into The Terminator, there is real conistency here and every reason to be suspicious.
My gut reaction was – “here we go again”, to be honest.
The Death of Controlled Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko after speaking about 9/11 WTC 7 Building 7
As you say, here we go again: Dr.David Kelly, RIP, WMD expert found dead in the woods after declaring the Westminster regime had “sexed up” B.Liar’s dodgy dossier; coroner’s court cancelled and case closed for 70 years by order of Lord Justice Hutton, with body later dug up and cremated to destroy all possibility of evidence as to cause of death.
Please share what you have about this, or clarify what you do or do not believe about this
Thanks, Mucho … worth knowing about. We’ll all have to see how it plays out …
Original German video: (German)
[Having done some research myself on the effect of fine glass-like fibres on animal cells in culture, I believe a fellow researcher who showed that the sharp end of asbestos fibres can pierce the cell membrane like a spear, and physically tangle up chromosomes causing cell death as well as being a likely cause of cancerous transformation by asbestos and similar ultrafine glass fibres (far thinner than the ordinary glass fibre used for thermal insulation). The “razor slicing” phenomenon by tiny shards of graphene hydroxide, as described by Dr.Noack seems feasible to me; I would like to see his research papers. — NGMaroudas, PhD]
Seems that bitchute link has been taken down.
I was aware of graphene oxide being found in the “vaccines”. Thanks for this additional information.
Also there is this link:
From your Link:
“Graphene oxide, a material formed from graphite, is a known toxic substance. Previous studies have shown that graphene-based materials like graphene oxide can cause dose-dependent toxicity. It can damage the liver and the kidneys, spur on the formation of granulomas in the lungs, decrease cell viability and trigger cell apoptosis or pre-programmed cell death.
Animal studies have found that injection of graphene oxide in the body deposits the toxic substance in the lungs, liver, spleen and kidneys. Researchers have also reported difficulty in cleansing the material out of the body.
Many face masks being peddled by corporations are coated or lined with graphene. (Related: Wearing face masks coated in graphene can cause serious lung problems, warns Health Canada.)”
To be clear, he is saying this is Graphene HYDROXIDE
Nothing is “a tough sell” to the brainwashed.
The case for compulsory vaccines is for the future. Mandatory vaccinations would legalize government enforced drug intake into the future. It is not an issue of “my rights” today as it is for tomorrow when any vaccine can be mandated with punitive action if one refuses. Any experimental drug can be enforced. Resistance could include banning people from any services.
All contrary to Nuremberg Convention and punishable by death.
Good luck finding an entity capable of enforcing this.
We can all smile and look forward to the day when modern science is able to identify certain DNA types as susceptible to virus issues and mandate surgical procedures for all such DNA type people. They will present themselves for removal and correction surgical procedures or face life in prison or the death penalty.
God bless science.
Ask why… Why is there no conventional vaccine type for covid in ANY western country.
#1 vax type for doses given is ‘inactive whole virus vaccine’ – CoronaVac.
Because China is led by a philosophical government which cares for the welfare of its people, and has lifted hundreds of millions out of extreme poverty into a prosperous productive life. Whereas “The Affluent Democratic West” is run by a coldly calculating capitalist mafia who care only for “the bottom line” — for the profits they can fleece from their sheeple.
Your second Link, to Nature science journal, reads: China’s [conventional] COVID vaccines have been crucial … Billions of shots of CoronaVac and Sinopharm vaccines have been given globally…
China is owned by globalists. If they do bad it’s because of globalists. If they lift themselves up by the bootstraps is because of globalists.
I feel very frustrated and anguished… After all these bullshit of this obvious scamdemic, why do INFORMED people keep discussing on whatever horseshit THEY spew out? Of course, everything does not make sense because it does not need to make sense! THEY deliberately make no sense of everything. Do the masking, social distancing make sense? Do the classification of deaths by gun bullet, car accidents etc as deaths by Covid make sense? Do the beating-up old people, young kids by government thugs for not wearing facial diaper make sense?
They have trained people to swallow anything, everything without THINKING, let alone QUESTIONING and CHALLENGING ! Have you, the truly well informed people noticed that THEY deliberately made blatant lies, flip-flopping, changing ALL the definition of every old-normal-word, and producing contradiction, oxymoron of themselves? They did not even pretend to try to hide it!
And THEY HAVE WON BIG! The vast majority of people have just dutifully swallowed and obeyed everything they’ve said.
Dr Tom Cowan was rightly and correctly in declaring that this is the pandemic of NOT THINKING!
THE FACT IS There is NO VIRUS let alone the so-called SARS COV2 or whatever they’ve made up along the way. It’s not only scientific proven that there is NO PANDEMIC AT ALL, but our UNVACINATED-NON-COMPLIANCE daily life since Wuhan has clearly proven so! Our “pure blood brethen”, Do you agree?
The whole thing is to control and enslave the whole human race! It’s their Game of Power in which THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT SYSTEM OF POWER IS THE PRIME MACHINERY, or THE INDISPENSABLE DELIVERY SYSTEM so to speak, without which THEY JUST CANNOT IMPLEMENT ANYTHING AT ALL!
Money is not their concern or seeking! It’s the pleasure to play people’s lives like own objects, their material possession at will! Schadenfreude is not enough to describe their sickening evil psycho!
Since the majority of the people have been trained, brainwashed, and indoctrinated for generations, it’s futile to wake those have been well trained in deep sleep of obedience! Look at the reality around you HOW people have been behaving now! Just only after 20 months with ample evidences of brazen frauds and blatant lies! Not only ordinary people, but even doctors keep dying of “jab”! What does this tell you?
So, I repeat categorically again and again that the ONLY SOLUTION for those who understand this global Plot is to FIGHT BACK, TO REBEL, to REVOLT with whatever we have at hand despite of being the MINORITY! We MUST fight back SPIRITUALLY and PHYSICALLY not because we will win, but because it’s right thing to do as we are still human being! We refuse to either voluntarily or being forced to devolve into their Guinea pigs and live the life of zombies. We must fight back to live free and die on our feet! That’s the whole meaning of HUMAN life… Fight and die for freedom and human dignity is a very human thing after all!
Please STOP running after whatever THEY spew out. Please focus on and discuss WHAT WE MUST DO under this existential danger TO LIVE AS FREE HUMAN BEING !
Absolutely spot on.
We need to start thinking about forged papers, going underground etc. Like the wartime Underground. And samizdat for when sites like this are inevitably shut down. Omicron was just dreamt up to cover up all the youngsters, sportsmen, celebrities, who are keeling over and dropping dead or having heart attacks from the vaccines. There are so many now it cant be hidden any longer. Official government figures for the UK/ EU/ US combined – 50,000 vaccine deaths and 7.5 million adverse reactions – blindness, deafness, organ failure, heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, excruciating pain, paralysis. Some really horrible cases. There was a healthy 49 year old woman who had a large blood clot in her brain. They had to cut away a large part of her skull to treat her and she is now paralysed for life. There are many similar cases and worse. 20 year olds who do recover from heart attacks left with the heart of an 80 year old. And the true figures will be much much higher. Sergio Aguero collapsed on the pitch and has had to retire at 33. But of course all these millions of cases are extremely rare and pure coincidence. Pure Coincidence is becoming a very common cause of death. Sudden Adult death Syndrome. I feel sorry for all the people who have been vaccinated without apparent side effects. They are living in a fools paradise. In a year or two they will start dying in droves from heart attacks and strokes. Its going to be a Gulf War Syndrome Mark 2 on a vastly greater scale. This is beyond horrific. In 3rd Reich Australia they are already rounding up unvaccinated aborigines in concentration camps. First they came for the Abos……… Germany and Austria will shortly be arresting the unvaccinated going back to their 1930s traditions. The stakes could not be higher.
They keep admitting “extremely rare” heart problems, and some governments have banned specific jabs for under-30s, under-18s, etc. – implying that other jabs are safe. But they never quantify this “rarity”. In fact, over 11 months after they imposed the first “miracle” jabs on us, no government has admitted the exact toll for each type of major damage – death, paralysis, blindness, dementia, kidney failure, etc. That tells you what “democracy” and the “free world” are all about.
“Sudden Adult death Syndrome”
SADS-19. A literally blood curdling new disease. Brought to you by the molecular biology mafia (MBM).
Really good, thank you:)
Omicron, if it exists, is mild; but they stopped travel. Let it spread and deliver God’s 290M year old blanket immunity to all.
The narrative isn’t supposed to have any cohesion, this makes formulating cogent counter arguments all the more difficult (and somewhat redundant)… like trying to grasp water… it runs through the fingers… (as the book dictates)..
what is important to them, is to keep dividing and forking the narrative… this way they can fly half a dozen ‘different’ solutions which will eventually coalesce into the desired outcome… (mandated injectable toxins for the herd, ad nauseam)…
unfortunately ‘their’ imbeciles seem slightly more intelligent than the imbeciles we can field… so it could get messy…
The case for the jab was always dead – it never left the gates because the virus is made up.
In meticulous detail COVID-19 atrocity revealed in 4 fraudulent interlocking pillars:
Virus isolation
Genomic sequencing
Outbreak modelling
Dr Mark Bailey MB ChB, PGDipMSM, MHealSc (Otago)
Is a microbiology, medical industry and health researcher who worked in medical practice, including clinical trials, for two decades.
Dr John Bevan-Smith BA (Hons) First Class, PhD (Auckland)
Is a business owner, author and researcher, who has undertaken research for the Waitangi Tribunal Te Rōpū Whakamana i te TiriP o Waitangi/The Ministry of JusPce Te Tāhū o te Ture.
Video reading of paper with images covering up to (but not including) genomic sequencing
All of this would be laughable but for two important things. First, despite the absurdity of the narrative and the near uselessness of the injections, if we believe what we’re hearing from the media and health officials (a dicey proposition, I know), millions more people are lining up to get jabbed. Which means the fear mongering is working as designed. And, the higher the number of people who get the jab, the smaller are the numbers of holdouts, and the more dismal our lives will become. Second, again in spite of the ridiculous narrative and the worthless shots, governments around the world are using the new variant as justification for even more draconian authoritarian measures that further enslave their populations and increase their power over us. It really doesn’t matter to the ruling class if the moronic variant isn’t what they say it is, they can mandate vaccination any time they want, even without a variant They really don’t need any sufficient pretext to make our lives even worse; why they even bother with an invented variant is beyond me.
The jabs are not just worthless. Compared to the risk of the “disease”, they are extremely dangerous.
But it now appears that you will constantly have to take the injection to retain your injected status, so the jabbed also become potential holdouts when it comes to the next shot, and I know people who have had two saying they refuse to get the third.
Just as another point, whereas ‘us’ thinks the tide is turning one only has to look at the Bexley byelection result to realise that we are lost. 1/3 turnout = 1st Tories + 2nd = red tories.
Do I give up?
I gave up years ago labour in power 10 years didn’t repeal any union laws don’t nothing about social care ,never ever vote again it’s a scam on the same scale as this nonsense
I gave up on UK politics after the black farce of the 2019 election. It’s pretty obvious looking back that they had to get Johnson in with a large majority before the corona scam started.
I doubt I’ll be voting again as ‘democracy’ in the UK is completely fixed with fraudulent postal votes and a bent media.
As usual a great article by Kit. One complaint is the use of the term Vaccine the correct term should be INJECTATE shurley?
My hunch is that the ‘vaccine’ passes will expire in nine months because a Mark II version – ‘even better’ – is already in the works.
Yes, the actual, Biblical “Mark of the Beast” !
Satan never had any shame before, so why expect a change now…?
More like direct from the CDC patents office
Kill Gates the high ranking high priest after discussion with his masters. The fact that it can be scrambled into moronic was the decider. They have contempt for the masses.
If all this had to do with science, medicine, public health and reason, and the law, mandatory vaccination would have never come up. Even if sobriety has set in now, and reason is more frequently applied to conclude, as in this piece, that the case for forced vaccination is dead – it is not dead. Decision makers in the West (and elsewhere) have a clear goal/plan. They are implementing it gradually, step by step, like the Nazis. Every new step is accepted by the majority, even if the opposing minority is growing and demonstrating. It is clear as day that the new phase is – mandatory vaccination. That’s exactly why (the witch) Von der Leyen is calling on the EU states to “start the debate”. That means tha it has been assessed that the time and the circumstances are ripe(ening) for EU wide enforced vaccination. And, yes, in Austria, Greece, to be expected in Germany, probably Netherlands etc. It is also clear that February is the month when this variant of the ongoing crime is to start. Why February, I have no idea.
These are not vaccines, but gene-based products, as stated by the pharma manufacturers themselves. Just based on that, their own submissions to regulators, none of what has been happening could or should have happened. But it did. These products are, according to an impressive French scientist – experimental gene injections (not therapy), which are genetically modifying humans. Consequences are unknown, as is whether the modification will be hereditary. See Reiner Fuellmich interview with Prof Alexandra Henrion-Caude (
These gene injections can not be mandated. That is against the law. But the law has been thrown overboard, never to be seen again. None of what has been happening is lawful, scientifically or medically justified, socially beneficial or moral. It is also, as should be obvious by now, totally contrary to common sense. Yet we have arrived at the point when the head of the EU executive body is telling us that mandatory vaccination is coming.
These people are not going to stop, unless they are stopped once and for all. Nobody has the right to be naive about that any more.
My guess for a February date: 22/2/2022.
But totally correct. Legally enforceable Mandatory “vaccines” are happening, 100%.
Along with Mandatory carrying of health and social status documents, and soon, cashless Central bank digital currency.
Proceed on that basis, don’t be like King Cnut
There is no case for compulsory vaccinations and there never was. But that won’t stop them trying to enforce it.
There’s an old saying in the advertising world: “if it’s free, you’re the product”.
Up until now, I though Google was the ultimate example of this.
But the “vaccines” have definitely surpassed it.
you can add the complete lack of liability/accountability for manufacturers and the ones pushing the mandates.
you can see crystal clear now this has nothing to do with health and everything to do with control via the passports. I hope everyone here saw Sweden shilling for the chip under your skin. it’s all connected folks. they want you tagged like cattle and the ability to de-person you from society for not complying with your overlords.
Perhaps they could just tattoo people. Our German friends have tried this approach in the past. Maybe a free Bratwurst with every tattoo.
life now is like the bananas i bought today. they looked ripe or even over-ripe. but when i peeled the skin and tried to eat, the core was very stiff and tasted like cardboard.
are they selling us fake bananas now?
Maybe Pfizer do bananas do.
I think the time has come to stock up on Marathon/Snickers/Mars bars.
They last forever, and there are even a couple of basic nutrients in them… Maverick bars…
you could also add there is 0 accountability/liability for the manufacturer as well. pretty great business model.
The new creepiness. Headlines just taken from the news website (December 3):
Central Auckland bars and eateries quick to use vaccine passports
Bars and restaurants in Ponsonby and Viaduct are handling vaccine passports with ease on “Freedom Day” – Auckland’s first under the “red” traffic light.
Vaccine pass no drama for Wellington businesses on first day at orange
Quick, easy and the best for public safety. Capital cafes, retailers and their customers appear happy with the new Covid-19 vaccine pass system.
Covid-19: Hamilton sees the (orange) light
City eateries were kept busy as staff and fully vaccinated patrons got a first taste of life under the new traffic light system.
Canterbury reaches target of getting 90 per cent fully vaccinated
Canterbury has achieved a vaccination milestone, but experts say the region should not become complacent about the risk posed by Covid-19.
Notice the Orwellian language: “Freedom Day” means your papers are checked everywhere you go. Apart from driving licences and (sometimes) proof of your age in places selling alcohol, this is the first time in NZ history where anyone has had to have identity papers just to go about their daily life.
‘Quick, easy and the best for public safety’. Wouldn’t it be quicker and easier to have a drink if your papers/cellphone weren’t checked? As for public safety, could anyone explain what evidence there that is checking your piece of paper or cellphone actually contributes to this?
Note the reassuring buzz words as the sheep show their fully-vaccinated obedience: ‘fully vaccinated patrons’ (wait for the booster mandates, chumps), ‘handling with ease’, ‘no drama’, ‘appear happy’ (like those smiling happy people in North Korea?), ‘first taste of life’ (O thank you, O Single Source of Truth, for my first taste of life), ‘vaccination milestone’.
Well, at least in St-Jacindaland, they’re honest about it: a ‘vaccine’ passport, and no mucking about with natural immunity from recovery or any of that codswallop.
As for ‘the risk posed by Covid-19’: since Covid officially began, 44 New Zealanders have officially died of/from/with it out of an official population of five million. That’s about one death every fortnight. and their average age is around 90. There are officially 79 people in hospital and 92 official new ‘cases’ today (N.B. a ‘case’ is not necessarily ill – it’s just a test result), and the numbers have been going down. So it really is the time to restrict people’s freedoms, just in case they forget who’s in charge.
Aotearoa has lots of sheep and lots of sheeple.
“This is a non discusion, the discussion should be about whether or not the SARS-COV-2 virus exists, and if the scientific evidence proves without a doubt that it exists. And this should not only be done for the SARS-COV-2 virus.”
Totally agree. A platform should be created for a genuine debate among well-meaning people on both sides of the fence, where light could be shed on this issue, and perhaps the two camps could join forces and work together.
As much as I appreciate stuff published by Lanka, Kaufman, Bailey, and others, all their stuff is either a monologue or an interview with a servile interlocutor. I’m not saying that what they claim doesn’t make sense, but I’d like to see them challenged by virophile virologists and vice versa. And I’d venture to say that lots of other people would too. It’s an issue of central importance
A perfect topic for OffG to explore …
“Rather, and this is important, it’s pointing out that even on their own terms the establishment’s plan for compulsory vaccination does not make any sense at all.”
Well of course it makes perfect sense. One simply has to uncover the real motivations of the Cult which has infiltrated every aspect of corporations, governments, medicine, the courts, and the ruling bureaucracy in general with their miscreants. Notice, the plural of “motivations.”
I will list a few of them in rising order of their importance to the Cult.
1) Financial gain for Big Pharma. While gigantic, it is really just chump change compared to the trillions which the world’s central banks are printing out of thin air, based on the scamdemic emergency. This will result in planetary hyperinflation within the new couple of years, with all “money” then being a credit at the central banks’ company store.
2) Control of the population. Obviously this is important to implement their overall agenda.
3) Depopulation. This is a biggie. Eight billion human cockroaches communicating with each other via the internet is a definite threat to the handful of entities who currently control the planet. If you know their names they are not that near to the top of the power pyramid, but rather higher level gofers. A captured zoo of 500 million as propounded by the Georgia Guide Stones is more to their liking.
4) Transhumanism. The construction of the human hive mind via artificial intelligence and the elimination of human ability to reproduce via natural means. The nanochips in the “vaccines” activated by increasing powerful wifi, 5G and beyond, is essential to this agenda.
Interesting. There is a “debate” in Czechia about mandatory vaccination (read: the shitheads are testing the water as to how much opposition there is). The word is that people over 60 and then even over 50 would have to get the jab.
Now, they seem to be backpedaling, saying that only selected professions will have to be injected.
What’s really weird, though, is that the chairman of the Czech Vaccinology Society, is against mandatory vaccination (for people over 60).
The bribe wasn’t big enough or what?
The mandates have nothing to do with a virus or a vaccine. They have to do with submission, and how much of it you will accept, Apparently quite a lot. If you will submit to a mandated vaccine that has ZERO long term testing, the worst adverse event record of any vaccine ever allowed to remain available, that is being proven as we speak to be nearly useless, what will you NOT accept?
“We are taking your 14 year old daughter into custody so the COVID “officials” and “experts” can examine her. We will bring her back in a couple of weeks.” One week later, “We regret to inform you that your daughter died from COVID during the examination.”
not so much a matter of ‘accepting’, more a matter of simple ignorance – sheeps will sheep, to borrow from a current language thing ..
When will people awaken and stop this madness??????????????
my guess would be never – those of us who know, know, those who have refused to engage their brains aren’t going to admit they’ve been idiots for the last 18 months
When they die of the jab.
Too many of them ARE awake, but they haven’t a clue how to stop this madness…
Actually, protection, such as it is, has diminished almost completely within 6 months at the outset. And for evidence just how fucking disastrous the lockdowns, the school closures etc, have been, read this:
lovely video
Biochemistry Debunks Corona
Were gonna need this in the Revolution
I fvcking love this guy. I want to have a drink with this guy and find out the technology he’s sporting. I love the narration too even though I don’t understand what he’s saying.
For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.
vit c
vit d
zodiac and the salts of salvation
free on
let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food
when one can try to heal thyself
embrace flu
love common colds
get high on fever
let the body heal itself
drink pure water
stay away from large amounts of sugar
avoid corp food companies
stay away from doctor and hospitals
they work for the oil chemi cull industry and insurance cull factors
stay away from mcmillan nurse unless you want to snuff it
Agree with all that, but just one small point. Based on experience of when my dad and my wife were in their final few months, people only get to see the McMillan nurse because they are going to snuff it. And if people follow the earlier advice they will reduce their chances of needing visits from the McMillan nurses.
“The journal Circulation is a well-respected publication. It’s 71-years-old, its articles are peer reviewed and in one survey it was rated the world’s no 1 journal in the cardiac and cardiovascular system category.
I’m going to quote the final sentence of the abstract which appears at the beginning of the article. This is all I, you – or anyone else – needs to know.
“We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy and other vascular events following vaccination.”
That’s it. That’s the death bell for the covid-19 mRNA jabs.”
Vaccine research for SARS 1 was halted when it was deemed that the costs (in human life) outweighed the benefits. It turned out the vaccine was dangerous and SARS was not so dangerous in a healthy population (that part of the world that had plundered the part of the world where people were dying).
Coronavirus affected cats. It made them sneeze. A vaccine was created which stopped them sneezing — and everything else.
There are a number of other serious problems (think variants) but it didn’t stop them pushing out the vaccines in the first. Just exaggerate any risk and scare the simple minded.
I don’t think they will be stopped so easily.
The patenting of genes, DNA, etc. grants a company exclusive rights to it for 17-20 years. No one else can then use “their property” to do further research. These mRNA injectables are anti-science, because it’s a field that requires collaboration, not competition. The entire patent industry needs an overhaul, especially when it comes to “owning” the natural world, including humans.
The difference between chess and poker according to S-RB on December 03, 2021 · at 8:53 am EST/EDT BTL Saker Vineyard:
“When you play chess there is nothing to hide, to lie, to pretend, to bluff. Everything is on the board, and only next and future moves are hidden.
When you play poker, everything is hidden, and hence so much bluffing.”
Respectable scientific journals such as Circulation play chess, but financial Con-spirators play poker. Hence so much bluffing with “the science” in Con-19..
Have a look at the video in the link below. Someone has examined blood from mrna-vaccinated and unvaccinated people under a microscope. The difference is scary!
Schock: Mikroskop-Analyse zeigt völlig verklumptes Blut bei Geimpften (
von der Leyen on 10 Nov 2021, giving a ‘Distinguished Leadership Award’ at the globalist Atlantic Council, to her friend Albert Bourla the Pfizer CEO
not sure why image hyperlink is working, trying again…
<a rel=”noreferrer ugc nofollow” href=”” target=’_blank’><img src=”” alt=”AlbertBourla-vonDerLeyen-AtlanticCouncil”></a>
the guts of your link works from https to jpg though i don’t know if it will display

MPs in Poland will hold an investigation to examine the truth of the pandemic. Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer have met with Polish Mps. Short press statement here – go to 18 mins.–Nuremberg-trials-2-0-has-begun—FTC-NL:6
Here is a link to the initial investigative hearing.
thanks for link
Court Orders FDA To Comply With FOIA and Release Information On Pfizer Vaccine – First Batch of Documents Shows Over 1,200 Vaccine Deaths WITHIN FIRST 90 DAYS (
And that was only the first 500 documents of 390k docs. This is mass murder.
The World Health Organization was angry when countries started introducing restrictions due to Omicron , before the WHO had told them to. WHO started telling countries how mild Omicron is and they had over reacted.
What do countries think they are doing acting before the WHO has told them how to act.
Don’t they know WHO is boss.
Southpark seem more on the ball that most alt media regurgitate journalist’s why is that?
southpark and the simpsons, were ahead of the game, and funny, regardless of your political views, 20 years before this woke shit, which i thought was pretty good for americans. my homemade chilli con carne is really nice. thats why its all in lower case.
IT’s just a vaccine just like it is just a phone….
so fucking warped it boggles the mind – like disappearing up Arnie’s balloon knot in The Terminator nude scene and expecting it to be some kind of digital apotheosis…when it fact it stinks of well packed sh*t and there is no escape