WATCH: Mass Formation & the Psychology of the “Pandemic”
Mattias Desmet, professor of clinical psychology at the University of Ghent, sits down with Dr Chris Martensen of the Peak Prosperity podcast to talk about the psychological conditions of society which allowed the Covid narrative to take such a hold on people.
They discuss Prof Desmet’s work connecting past historical episodes of what is called “Mass Formation” (aka Mass Psychosis) and current events.
The risks are as grave as they come. Unless a few brave and courageous people are willing to stand up and say “I don’t agree!” history suggests that we will end up with a fully totalitarian outcome.
That is a dark path. It inevitably leads to mass casualties and atrocities. Eventually, all totalitarian systems end in their own destruction. A fascinating discussion.
You can watch/listen to previous episodes of Peak Prosperity on youtube, Odysee or through their website
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Democracy, it isn’t.
Democracy would be Boris Johnson recommending everybody in the country getting jabbed, followed immediately by a thousand doctors publishing an open letter in all the media, stating bluntly that Boris Johnson hasn’t a clue what he is talking about.
Those doctors appear to be Absent Without Leave.
It seems humanity has gone insane.
Everywhere you can see this insanity, and if it were only a few people who were insane, it would be easy to do something for them, but if the whole humanity is functioning in an insane way, then a tremendous effort is needed to stop this idiotic behavior.
We have until March 2022 to halt and reverse our insanity, or the complete death of humanity is not far away, at the most five years.
A painful death is coming for everyone who has had an injectable toxic spike protein, a mass produced bio-weapon that is only designed to kill you, if you are foolish enough to have taken it.
This eugenics program has only one aim and that is to eliminate one hundred percent of all humanity from our planet in the shortest possible time.
All of your Politicians have deceived you, MSM has continuously lied, coerced and tricked you, the police, the justice system, your so-called intelligence agencies have all abandoned you, and big pharma/big tech has condemned you to death.
Yet who is really at the root of it all?
Just follow the money trails to the virus/vaccine patents of the last twenty five years!
In the coming months, millions of people will be collapsing and dying until the eugenics agenda becomes undeniably obvious, to even the most retarded.
Will humanity ever wake up, before it is too late?
Or will it be only after hundreds of millions, and then billions of deaths have occurred?
Seeing such criminal pyschopathic behaviour one loses all hope for the future of humanity.
Today, rather than fighting with each other, we should fight together, against those who have created this eugenics vaccination program.
We have to immediately stop all so-called vaccinations globally today, no more!
We have to find an antidote and fast for the mRNA toxicity that is killing the already jabbed people.
We really have to find out why globalists have triggered this absolute genocide against the whole of humanity?
Everybody in power has to be individually questioned?
The Covid hoax has been an utter calamity, a crime against humanity committed on such a vast scale.
Millions of people have to stand together daily against this fake vaccination program and with one deafening voice shout ‘No More!’ in every major city of the world.
Scream it out to every non-human entity hiding behind this genocide.
Somebody has to point out the alien in the room!
These aliens must have come to this planet from another planet which was dying either because of a natural disaster, or because the beings who lived there destroyed it by creating something like nuclear weapons.
From where have they come to this planet and in what way?
The US and Soviet space programs of the 60’s and early 70’s drew unwanted attention to your green and fertile planet, from a highly advanced yet murderous alien species with only one mission – to seize your planet after first exterminating the whole of humanity.
By the mid 70’s they had come to earth in their millions after first scouting out the planet and then slowly initiating their lethal global genocide program.
Over the next decade their whole species embedded themselves within humanity and took over all key power positions within multinational organizations, governments, corporations, banking systems, MSM, journalists, entertainment, police, judiciary, the intelligence and army of all countries.
Their modus operandi was simple for them – atomic transference across spacetime into selected human targets.
They would then over days slowly suffocate their host from within and swap out the family with their own kind to assume that the murdered lives continued unchanged, unchallenged and more importantly their professional lives appeared as normal.
They took over all the power positions of the globalist players and all their minions.
Upgrading to new hosts when needed.
At present their are just over one hundred and eighty two million Alien counterfeit humans ruining our planet, this is the complete sum of their whole species here-now that controls our lives in every way as they invisibly live amongst us.
The whole mission of this predator species on earth is implementing the complete annihilation of humanity from this planet.
At present humanity does not possess the scientific instruments to identify these alien predators apart from humans.
Yet there are some simple ways to recognize these murdering monsters?
As they each are slavishly committed to the annihilation of humanity and will not betray their mission for anything.
Therefore, we have to plan, come out, call out and confront all these human pretenders daily starting from the 31st Dec 2021 and ask each of them to declare their humanity by stating they are not alien, and only then after identifying themselves human, each one has to step aside from their professional control positions and agree to drop their eugenics agenda against humanity.
If they cannot or will not step aside then they will be treated as aliens with an anti-human agenda.
They and their families will then have to be incarcerated, interrogated and observed.
We will be asking each alien individually at their work office in the UN, WHO, EU, CDC, FDA, NATO, SAGE, GCHQ, IMF, World Bank.
Asking all politicians in all their different parliaments, we will be tracking and seizing all the oligarchs, the bankers, big tech, big pharma CEO’s, the military industrial complex, doctors, scientists, police, judges.
Each and everyone of you will be asked,
And then asked to prove it!
There is also a Kryptonite that creates a major reaction to identify and render these souless aliens fully impotent?
The mRNA spike protein injected into them as a 10x human dose will force them to evacuate the host body in minutes and the shock will permanently eject them off the planet.
So go armed with syringes full of their poison to confront them, and if after the 31st Dec 2021 they refuse to vacate their office, their profession and their host bodies, then load them up with a booster!
Once and for all we have to fight and finish this criminal genocidal conspiracy against humanity.
I have to admit that I never dreamt that driving the whole of humanity insane would be such an easy task…
Any fool could do it – and has done.
Humanity is caught up in such a sorry state of affairs.
There is great power in the hands of the un-elected.
Sovereign governments controlled by oligarchs, enslaving the people, working for big pharma and the banks.
The very people who should not be allowed to possess power.
This combination of power, greed and ignorance is certain to end in disaster.
Powerful people that want the whole world to remain divided into rich and poor.
Their whole effort is to keep you as unintelligent as possible, so those who have power are never questioned, their intentions are never questioned.
Those who have taken away your individuality, your freedom, your intelligence, in its place they have given you bogus beliefs, which mean nothing.
You are talking about every possible impossible thing you know nothing of,
Your systems are purely creations of imagination.
The end result of believing, of having faith in a truth that you have not realized yourself.
It is hearsay.
Our world is fully unconscious and facing a dangerous crisis, which drags us ever closer to the nuclear precipice.
There remains no choice but to address the fundamental problems of our global dystopia.
To discover the very roots of it’s unconscious nature.
Yet until the people begin to realize that the solutions we seek can only be found beyond the intellectual mind.
Global peace and freedom will remain a utopia!
How many so called world leaders, oligarchs, artists, scientists, academics, politicians, clergy, celebrities, know themselves?
Or are even aware that they do not know themselves?
Knowing oneself is intelligence.
Intelligence comes from seeing.
Not from the mind.
Intelligence is consciousness itself.
Thoughts must cease for your intelligence to be.
Consciousness, being free of thought, is the door to knowing the absolute, zero.
It is ever present within us.
Intelligence is always in the present.
Intelligence is a state of no-mind.
Fully unlocking the present will release humanity from its entire past of divisions, violence, hatred and war.
Transcending mind will release humanity from all tyranny!
Set Intelligence as a Universal Existential Constant!
Yet, you are collecting all kinds of retarded information that seems to be important to you.
Why does it seem important?
It seems important because it covers your ignorance.
It helps you to feel as if you know.
Yet you have no criterion to judge the true from the false.
It is mere hearsay, knowledge which is ignorance.
Unfortunately, ninety-nine percent of humanity belongs to that category.
Truth is intrinsic in your consciousness, beyond your mind.
It is not a thought.
It is not a question of philosophy, nor a question of intellectual discussions.
It is a question of deep meditation that leads you beyond thinking, beyond mind.
Modern physics, in the hands of Albert Einstein, has turned almost into mysticism.
Nobody has noted the fact, because mystics don’t understand modern physics and the physicists do not care about the mystics.
The mystics have always experienced that they are one, but nobody has listened to them.
Perhaps man was not mature enough to understand the depth of their declaration.
The mystics have simply expressed the oneness of all.
That existence knows only one moment.
The present moment.
Physicists go into detail.
Physicists say that existence consists of two elements: space and time.
And Einstein turned even these two into one.
Albert Einstein, especially, was the first scientist to come to the conclusion that time is the fourth dimension of matter.
He used to say that “There is not space and time, there is only ‘Spacetime’.”
Einstein had said, “the separation between past, present, and future is only an illusion, although a convincing one.”
We are accustomed to dividing time into past, present, and future.
But in reality these are not the divisions of time, these are divisions of our mind.
Because past does not exist anymore, except in our memories.
And the future exists not yet, except in our imaginations.
Time means mind.
Time is a projection of mind.
It does not exist, it is only an illusion, although a convincing one.
Maya is a faculty of the mind.
The state of unconscious hypnosis that all human beings together create throughout the world.
Mind has the capacity to manifest whatsoever it believes.
Its belief becomes the actuality.
Yet mind prevents us from ever knowing the truth.
That only the present exists, and the present is not part of time.
This moment in which we are living is of tremendous importance.
As things are moving today, the logical conclusion is a global suicide.
We are coming closer to a third world war.
Ask sleepy Joe?
A sneaky first strike US nuclear attack on Russia and China?
It is sad to recognize the fact, but it is good to recognize it, because then there is the possibility of taking a different turn.
A single politician, to show their power, can destroy the whole of civilization.
Moscow, New York, London, Beijing, any place can be vaporized within seconds.
The whole point of a war is to win, but in a nuclear war nobody wins.
So war has lost its basic foundation.
If a nuclear war happens it will be the destruction of all.
People are completely asleep!
It is time that politicians should learn to discriminate.
What helps life and what destroys life.
These criminals have to realize their responsibility.
This is the only planet in the whole of existence which is alive 🙂
It’s death would be a great tragedy.
But it can be avoided.
The intelligentsia of the world has to create an atmosphere in the world.
A tremendous struggle for a great revolution in human consciousness is needed, and everybody is called for that revolution.
Contribute all that you can.
Your whole life has to be given to the revolution.
You will not have another chance, another challenge, for your own growth, and for the growth of this whole beautiful planet.
You have to become the soldiers for this revolution to avoid the criminal forces, the evil forces, which are getting ready to destroy us.
The death of this earth is not far away.
A revolution in human consciousness is no more a luxury, it has become an absolute need, as there are only two alternatives, suicide or a quantum leap in consciousness.
It is now or never!
Are you not yourself an alien who presents himself as human?
Is it the Lizard people who will triumph? Put me down for reptilian cultural awareness training.
Whoever controls Mainstream Media controls what people view and read. If you control what people view and read you control what people think and believe. If you control what people think and believe you have absolute control of the people.
This is precisely how the Hitler / German propaganda machine works as U.S. government learned how to use the propaganda machine after WWII and use the propaganda machine during the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, 9/11, and the Apollo Missions (which is exactly why NASA has never returned to the moon since 1972).
Use Covid19 as your new line of attack to promote your agenda for mass population control and you have the entire world under your control.
On the other hand, most of us believe that reading is not quite the same thing as believing…
If we’re 20%, the hypnotised are 30% and the remaining 50% are just going along without being taken in by the narrative, surely we 20% only need to concentrate on winning over the 50% and then we’ll be 70%. If Desmet is right, we should concentrate on these people and forget about trying to wake up the brainwashed.
What do we have to offer the 50% that’s more appealing than being part of the winning team? That is what the 50% is about, you know. Winning is everything – in a consumer culture, “everything” is to be taken literally.
Personally, I see greater hope of waking the brainwashed than in convincing the 50% to come join the (currently) losing team.
Stopping their kids or grandkids being murdered?
Are you talking about abortion? I ask this because the 50% mentioned have largely accepted that abortion (the murder of their children) is justifiable for material persuits. Seeing it this way demonstrated why they will vaccinate their children without any second thought whatsoever.
Crowd formation, not crout formation. Has nothing to do with ww2 and Germans gathering around a hitler poster.
We need a better idea of what Desmet actually meant by that term.
A simple explanation, not a new foreign misinterpretation n of two common English words.
Two years long have passed. The fact is that the late Dr Kary Mullis , the inventor of the PCR technique, before his “just-in-time death”, had spoken out about the fraudulent misuse and abuse of his PCR technique by Government medical agencies especially by Faucci cult, and the original inventor of the very current mRNA gene-editing injection also came forward to warn people around the world about the danger of mRNA mass injection, plus many other prominent medical professors and scientists have also come forward and warned about the same danger to all humanity… but ALL GOVERNMENTS have doubled down on their criminal acts, and the people, the very “victims” just keep obeying Governments and inflicting all the self-harms on themselves, speaks volume about the central role of national governments in this Psychology of the “Pandemic”.
Yet, the whole discussion should urgently focus on WHAT THE SOLUTION MUST BE since people have been murdered by government’s measures and by the “injection”, especially children have been abused and tortured by such nonsensical CRIMINAL harmful measures for two years already! Now children have become their target for the “mandatory killer injection”. I am talking not only about the mass murdering of people and children, but most importantly the termination, or extinction of the very “humanity” by “forced biological conversion” as we are facing now!
What’s more “criminal evidences” we need in order to act decisively to protect our children and for all of us, the human race to remain being human?
Oh, I see, “the ONLY solution is to present humanity, to continue to speak, to be respectful, to be sensible, honest, sincere… as much as possible…” So, just be calm and wait for the “totalitarian systems end in their own destruction” while people, children are being violently abused and murdered slowly by injection as every day goes by!
What a beautiful humane and effective SOLUTION! No wonder even YOUTUBE lets this SOLUTION be known and disseminated freely!
So many years have passed by since the Vietnam War, and this song still rings true about our indifference, our cowardice, our fear… OF WHICH this “successful” CovidCrime is the logical consequence!
“Yes, and how many deaths will it take ’til he knows
That too many people have died?”
Yes, and how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?”
(Blowing in the Wind Bob Dylan)
These last two years have been merely a concentrated example of “business as usual.”
Abuse of children? As in requiring 72 vaccinations (in the US) by the time they’re 18? And why? Because the US National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 grants full immunity to vaccine makers once a vaccine has been mandated as part of the childhood vaccination schedule. Why do you think Big Pharma is chomping at the bit to get children vaccinated for COVID?
We don’t know the survival rate for this vaccine, how many may or mat not die, if many at all. What we DO know is that the survival rate for abortion is ZERO.
So why the outrage now with these vaccines, and not a peep during 5 decades of ongoing and systematic murder of human beings in the womb of their mothers?
Is it because this now affects OUR liberties and concessions in society?
Clearly my comment caused so much distress to the point it needed to be deleted…
keeping within the safe space theme this blog is going.
Probably deleted because it was even more of your bleating about logins.
Because it hurts zombies feelings like you, Now run along and tell admin your feelings got hurt again.
you and Covid marshal Gwilym the forum ass lick’s.
The only one your bleating hurts is your mother when she’s run out of milk.
new name seem fitting.×900
It is in the nature or programming of most mammals to devour their young when times are tough . Humans are no better than lemmings at this point in our short existence as the apex predator in the current planetary hierarchy . As billions follow Xi , Putin , Biden etal over a cliff .
I can safely say that I have never before in my life used so many quotation marks and inverted commas…
Almost nothing means what it used to mean forty years ago…
Its a tough world Wardropper! Apologies for the exclamation mark.
Yep. It is indeed tough.
No apologies necessary, Shin.
Everything is okay by me, except having to use so many quotation marks and inverted commas.
It’s wearing out my keyboard.
I think this was weak. I stayed with the whole thing. Too much off-the-top-of-the-head anecdotal information. I need some links and references for verification. The 80% estimation jumped out. I need that link. If 80% of the population is under Covid hypnosis then everything is lost. They did touch on the basis of pathological lying in order to promote the cause but, again, give me a link.
↓ Links are for sissies who need the approval of some apparently higher authority ?
What a truly idiotic thing to say. ‘Evidence is for sissies, REAL men just believe stuff without knowing why’ 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
Even bigger sissies constantly terminate statements with a question mark?
I thought it was okay to be a cissy these days… 🙂 ?
His estimate was 30% and 40-50% just go along, never against the current.
I think you will find he said 80% of people could be hypnotised per se but when challenged by Chris (re Covid) he claimed that around 30% were hypnotised by the Covid narrative. That stated I too thought the 80% was extremenly high re general hypnosis and would have like to have heard of reference material.
It’s from hypnosis studies on psychology students generally. Look up hypnosis studies on how many people can’t be easily hypnotized and they hover around 20%, i.e.. 1 in 5 seem to be able to sense the manipulation, either consciously or unconsciously, and refuse to go along with the suggestion.
20% are impossible to hypnotize, I am one, the other 80% are possible to hypnotize but with varying amounts of skill / effort.
I find those statistics really horrifying, but they certainly explain a lot of one’s past experiences…
He made a reference to Gustave Le Bon’s Psychology of Crowds, which I suspect is a good starting point. In an oral presentation he can simply convey what he knows. He says his own book is shortly due to appear, and presumably everything will be referenced with footnotes.
By needing evidence for this you imply you need someone else to confirm for you whether what you should be able to see with your own eyes is true or not?
Thanks for publishing this! So opens your eyes
I went to my local food joint today. A grocer i have been going to for near on 25 years. Got refused entry because i didn’t have a vax card. He said come back when it’s quite.
The laughter and mocking i copped from the faceless people in that store is something i will never forget.
That’s Australia for ya.
What? Seriously? That’s outrageous, and also in my opinion most of the vaccinated have not only literally lost their humanity, they’re just prize one arseholes.
I thought all food places were exempt? They’re classed as an essential service. Admittedly I only go to Coles, Aldi or Footscray Market for groceries, tho have been into a couple of kebab shops and several different bakeries and no ones said a word about the vaccine certificate.
So far though, I have been banned from entering Officeworks and also Footscray Library a couple of weeks ago. Sorry you went through that. Take your money elsewhere Shin.
An experience i’ll never forget Gezzah. An old bloke that’s done he’s dues for society and then to be treated like that is shameful.
Shin, you will have the last laugh when they clot and die.
Free curbside service is available. The “shopping girls” do a pretty good job. Many places are now delivering too. Michigan (my state) has lifted all mask mandates regardless of vaccination status . The governor was stripped of her power when the Republican controlled state legislature overturned a 1940 WWII emergency law. That’s the beauty of our Constitution. When Congress goes back to the Republicans in 2022 the same will happen on a national level. Biden’s mandates are slipping and the Democrats are quietly creeping around with their heads down while living within their lies. And we know they are lying. Even Democrats know it.
Even the perpetually spewing radical left Hollywood people like Alyss Milano have figured it out. Everyone is laying low because they don’t want the kids vaccinated. I am sure they are all wondering what the hell they were thinking.
I might vote R for the first time in years. There seems no other way to get rid of some of our legacy politicians who have gotten fat and rich in 25 years in DC. I would take anything over these imperious dems who have taken us for granted way too long.
Are you sure that really happened?
Maybe they just don’t like him.
He who laughs last…
I live in Skippyworld and have no problems buying food. I don’t even check in, just enter, do my business and leave – maskless. Nobody says a thing – same goes for other shops as well except for the big stores like K-mart. They have their gestapo guys checking your papers. I do not comply and no one has ever stopped me, not even the cops who have seen me on the high street many times maskless, they even stop for me at the pedestrian crossing and I wave thanks to them. I must be invisible.
Dr Justin PhuXXXD (the invisible)
Yep, that’s the state of play in Cyprus now, and it’s probably coming your way soon. I think people should seriously consider copying me and get in a good stock of non-perishable food plus regular non-food supplies while you can.
houston I think we’ve got a problem. I more or less agree that a lot of the ‘cultlike’ reaction to the covid scam has been fear-based, that’s not a difficult thing to sort – the question is – in our modern western civilization (I think maybe ‘civilization’) – why are so many people so easily conned into thinking this is some horrible plague like disease we need to be deathly afraid of??? I suspect somewhere around zero percent of the people reading this, or reading OffG in general, have been conned into this kind of fear – so why are so many people – in our supposedly advanced, science-literate society so easily bamboozled and apparently completely sheeplike heeded this great call to BE AFRAID!!!!! (of this little tiny harmless flubug)???? The answer to that also seems pretty clear, I’ll leave it for the pondering – and it might also deserve a bit of thinking as to why this particular ‘thesis’ is making the rounds the last while, which would in some ways seem to be a ‘this far and no farther people!!!!’ bit of smelly red herring stuff from those who seek to lord it over us …
I have a hunch, with perhaps a hint of wishful thinking in it, that a great number of people do know what a scam this is, but they are just so accustomed to the comfort of ‘letting the government see to such matters’ that they just don’t know any way to react – other than to do nothing.
What Nietzsche despised and condemned so strongly in “Also Sprach Zarathustra” (the “wretched comfort” sought by most people), has now led the public to hand over all responsibility for human life to ‘the government’, even though they know damn well they can’t trust any of their ‘representatives’…
It was announced just today in Icelandic state news that the office of ‘Medical Chief of Infectious Diseases’ would henceforth be the province of ‘the government’ – in other words, a political rather than a medical ‘authority’…
I gasped when I heard that, but most people will just yawn and accept it.
The notion of having to fight for freedom is gone – until things get so bad that “Madame Guillotine II” becomes the only solution…
There must be so many of us who just want to get on with important and creative things in our lives, but, bit by bit, these new ‘covid authorities’ are interfering with, sabotaging and eroding everything that makes it possible to do so.
There was, however, some good news after the midday bulletin (when everybody has stopped listening…):
A well-known political commentator pointed out that in most western countries today, government ministers are no longer required to be experts in their field. Merely pushers of an agenda. He regarded that as extremely weird, and, in fact, catastrophic.
The ‘good news’ of which I speak is simply the fact that he was allowed to say it, since all of us here already know how right he is.
You got it all upside down if you believe Nietzsche and the ones manning the gillotines in the French revolution were on the side of the people.
Nietzsche meant well, and was perfectly correct in his view that the pursuit of lifelong ‘comfort’ as a viable view of life was an eviscerating and pernicious delusion.
I presume those manning the guillotines were paid professionals, like today’s controlled opposition, but in any case I’m not recommending a modern equivalent. Just pointing out that our scumdemic spreaders are steadily making such a remedy more and more inevitable.
This is not a science-literate society. It’s just that men in white coats (robes?) are revered as priests (of whatever faith) once were. Science requires the right to dissent from the prevailing view. Nor need science be difficult or exclusive, anyone who can count can see that Covid is not that dangerous.
as I said, I ‘thought’ – obviously incorrectly – been a big and very disappointing eye opener this last couple of years – the ‘science’ is a thin veneer, obviously, and very disappointingly, most people seem to be hardly a step above superstitious barbarism ….. a lot to do with the heavy dumbing down of the last 30-40 years, but still disappointing to realise there was so little resistance to this –
If – and that’s a big IF – the Jungian idea of a Collective Unconscious is correct, that would go a long way toward explaining the irrational, even insane, way people in the “First World” have fallen for the COVID scam.
Those of the “First World” are colonizers, i.e., ravagers of other people resources. And make no mistake: Colonialism did not end when Cecil Rhodes died; it’s every bit as alive and well today as it ever was.
If there is a Collective Unconscious, then there is also a Collective Guilt among First Worlders – how can there not be? And if so, then there must also be a dread of retribution for the things which caused and continue causing this guilt.
I believe we are witnessing the effects of an alternate reality which is presented through corporate media, Internet, etc and is being accepted by the general public as the real truth. The pandemic is one thing, climate change (Net Zero Carbon/Wealth redistribution) is another handled in the same manner (an absence of real Science). At the same time the political system is being bent to accommodate these views. It cannot end well.
+1 totally agree. This is a game for ownership of the world. Climate change is for the ownership of the planet’s real wealth (natural resources) and Covid is the game for ownership of the human resources (you and me). Yep, we will own nothing, have no privacy but life will never be better – which means the usual suspects will own everything, we will be monitored 24/7 and life will never be better for the usual suspects.
Covid is the most audacious Big Lie ever. The psychology of the Big Lie depends on the sheer unthinkability of doubting it because of the implications – the “You Can’t Handle The Truth!” factor. If covid was to be rejected by the masses, here are those implications:
In contrast to the deeply disturbing vista opened up, it’s hardly surprising that most will back away and choose to believe something absurd because it’s absurd!
I don’t know about that. The First World War probably takes the Big Lie accolade – millions volunteering for either death or unimaginable misery in a war against their fellow ordinary people in an unwinnable, pointless war, while their families actually encouraged them to go! Taking the needle and donning masks doesn’t seem that significant in comparison.
Just like covid – only covid has a far wider reach. In this case, the war is happening everywhere and to everyone.
I think all the ‘god’ religions take the prize easily of both biggest lie and most destruction in human history … – and after that the massive brainwashing about ‘capitalism is the greatest economic system ever!!!!’ – a different kind of ‘god’, but has caused at least as much destruction and human misery in the 100-odd years it has been seriously influential –
Remember Little Bush, the village idiot son of the Elder Bush? He actually had a ceremony and remembrance for all of the victims of “Communism” and I recall 100 million was his number.
And of course the brain dead lapped it up because capitalism has given them such a great life; car payments, college loans, unaffordable health care, and astronomical rents and mortgages.
As George Carlin said about the American Dream “You have to be asleep to believe it”.
In your belief there’s no God, so is there absolute truth beyond human’s? No, without God, truth is created by people according to consensus, that’s it; if they say the universe created itself however many billions of years, it must be so.
If man invented language, then there si nothing wrong with the definition of words changed by consensus.
If the consensus of ‘intelligent’ people says there is a deadly pandemic caused by a virus that chooses who, when and how to infect, it must be so.
Latest memes from the media hydra:
We are closer to the start of the pandemic than the end.
Why do people insist on NOT wearing their masks?
Families split apart at Christmas over the vax issue. (This is the main one since the informal goon squads have been recruited amongst family members.)
‘We are closer to the start of the pandemic than the end.’ man, I’m normally a pretty peaceful type person, but somebody saying that to my face might just spark a bit of violence …
Much more interesting that the “mass formation” hypothesis is the allusion that BS-1984, more importantly the pretended effort to fight this alleged danger, has filled a void that had existed on a mass scale.
It does make sense.
Society was atomized to an untold degree, people had no sense of purpose, no raison d’etre other than slave away and live their useless lives according to the consumerist script which does nothing to make anybody happy, a fact I’d wager to say people can subconsciously feel. Then an event comes that gives people a sense of purpose, brings them together, allows putting the essential human qualities into use, no matter how much they had been dulled. There certainly were these sentiments last spring when people left and right were stitching up facemasks and donating them to others. Now, despite the fact that all the various measures to “fight the virus” have proved to be pure bullshit, the sentiments have morphed into “you’re with us or against us”. All of this is, of course, fueled by the horseshit in the media, reinforced by coercion, etc.
They had tried the same thing through ecology and failed. They’ll try again. I wouldn’t be surprised if it worked this time. We’ll see.
Will people come out of the covidian trance? A good question. They might eventually, if it’s not the case already, see through the lies about an alleged novel disease and all the crap about variants and the negative efficacy of the gene shit-shots. But will they be willing to give up the reawakened sense of purpose? Good question. Let’s face it, the shit offered by Klaus “Anal” Schwab is alluring, and they might just fall for the notion of “building back better”, not realizing that they’re building their own fucking prison, just like they didn’t realize that they were living the lives of slaves under consumerist capitalism.
Sorry I wanted to give you an up vote, but the crew at OffGuardian have put up a ‘You must login to vote’. I have tried every means to log-in but failed. So I just gave up.
Just follow the steps indicated. Click on ‘login’ and, if you don’t have an existing account, click on ‘register’ and provide an email address for confirmation. Very simple
”Very simple.” Right! I’ll try that again. But I can’t help thinking that the up and down ticks have been virtually eliminated and wondering why that is the case.
Why have i been banned Sophie??
You haven’t. But I note you posted this question three times inside two minutes which will get you flagged as spam.
I also am unable to vote, an am only rplying as I hope that enables a login
You don’t need to be logged in to comment – anyone can roll up and leave their opinions here. But to vote you need to click on ‘log in’ and then either log in if you already have an account, or register by providing an email address
After attempting to log in i received a message that i was banned.
Obviously you’re not banned! You’re posting here. Send me a screen shot of the message to But stop using the comments to deal with this, ok.
A screen shot of what?
The message you claim to have received telling you you were banned
Why on earth would i need to post a screen shot of something you created?
I did not ‘create’ it. I have no idea what message you saw. I need you to send me a screen cap so I can comprehend what the problem is.
Your comments are going to pending because Akismet has flagged you as potential spam – as I warned you might happen if you kept multi posting “why am I banned?”.
You are NOT banned obviously. And if you stop multiposting the SAME comment in rapid succession Akismet will stop flagging you eventually.
Its always someone else fault isn’t it. Then to display my questions to you an hour and a half later makes it all worth the while doesn’t it?
And i’m still pending.
I’ve given you best advice I can. If you want to ignore it – that’s your problem. But I can’t let you take up any more space here with it. Email me at the address provided.
That exchange was very funny indeed.
Can we do it again?
Why am I banned?
Dr Justin PhuXXXD (naughty little boy)
Is it ok yet?
What did i say to be banned?
Why am i banned!!!!!!!
Having, been there, done that, I find this conversation, absolutely hilarious.
After 2 hours, of following the instructions, I actually managed to login, using another email address, which actually still worked.
However, it did not improve my Off-G status in the slightest. I also found it rather annoying, cos after writing my usual load of of old bollock, when I hit the login button,
I get do you want to leave this screen?
“This page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave — information you’ve entered may not be saved.”
If i reply yes, it deletes everything I’ve written.
So, you are writing your comment and then hitting ‘login’ before you post your comment?
Why are you doing that?
You don’t need to log in to post a comment and if you click log in before you post your comment of course your comment will go – because you are leaving the page!
How old are you?
You’re having a lend of us, right?
Just do what I do:
Find an arrow character in your computer, then copy and paste it.
These days my login passwords are so long that I can’t remember them.
Just copy the one above!
For greater effect, I change mine to bold, using the tools available here…
It’s terrible isn’t it? I mean, up and down voting comments is one of the most important things in life …
Well now it’s as easy as it used to be.
Otherwise, I agree with you. Who cares?
Is this world war 3 and the war effort this sense of purpose?
However, this communal pulling together and subsequent building back better is little more than people obeying orders.
People still don’t know why they’re slaving away and until they begin to reject authority and make things for themselves and others their lives will remain achingly devoid of sense.
Desmet’s interview with the German Corona Investigative Committee is also well worth watching.
TVs South Park has an episode on ‘covid’ ? If it’s a spoof, it’ll not be shown on Sydney TV.
EVERYTHING on South Park is a spoof! 😆
Chris Martensen was the biggest covid shill of them all, even surpassing Molyneux. He would specifically go out of his way, sometimes more often than weekly, to try and pick apart any skepticism or hesitancy expressed by others.
Will not watch, ever.
Obviously you haven’t watched him, ever, Zaf. Your description is of two other men entirely, both called Smith. (Probably only existing in your fevered imagination).
You are right El Zafio.
I used to like Chris Martensen pre-covid, but when he bought the narative left, right and center, I decided that if little old me could figure it out and he couldn’t, why would I bother listening to him? I think he’s one of those people who are too educated for their own good.
Industrial Capitalism has its Sacrifice Zones. As “mass formation” also requires Sacrifices i’m all for abandoning the grannies to it. Only problem is “mass formation” will then go after the non-vaxxed Minority, for as it needs sacrifices it will always construct Minorities for that function…
“First They came for the grannies, then hey came for the unvaxxed, then They came for…”
Listening to Matt Desmet brought to mind the Social Amnesia that envelops the past. In the 1960s & 70s his “social disconnect” and pervasive “lack of meaning” were examples of a condition labeled alienation. (a useful analytic concept – until the economic marxists got hold of it – thought only factory workers experienced it)…
Belgium: ‘a country of 11 million goes through 300 million doses of antidepressants a year.’ Now if that isnt an argument for inventing a gene therapy for depression.
A few years ago the Guardian Weekly (Aust) publicised research about the discovery by scientists of the gene that causes Depression. (Prior to that, Scientists had discovered the gay gene, and the gene for intelligence.)..
All too often it’s hard to decide if you’re being informed of actual scientific discoveries or reading promotional material for Big Pharma…
I have to wonder about the Mass Psychosis diagnosis. Can people in the grip of a psychosis, mass or otherwise, go about their lives exactly the same as before? Because I detect no difference in the everyday behavior of even the most fervent COVID believers.
They seem far more brainwashed than psychotic the way they respond to a particular trigger but no other. We already know people are conditioned by TV – and far more so by their smartphones.
Has anyone done a study (since they study every damn thing in the world) linking smartphone usage with COVID acceptance? I would wager that those who use smartphones all the time are far more likely to be COVIDIANS.
What really gets me is they seem… normal. They still laugh and chat and talk about the weather…. while wearing a facemask, rubbing their hands in sanitiser gunk, and then all lining up to scan the QR code. And now, happily showing their vaccine certificates to complete strangers without a thought of the totalitarian system they are helping to give birth to.
That’s the really scary thing Howard. Their outward appearance of normality which at the very same time is juxtaposed with their actual cult like behaviour.
And as I’m sure you’re aware, challenge these people’s beliefs about the so called “pandemic” and their own complicity and compliance, and then watch the feathers fly, and be on the receiving end of angry denial and even abuse.
Society will never give in to logic. More so if the narrative is embedded, which it seems to be. After nearly two years it seems to be more entrenched than ever.
The only saving grace is that simple facts are beyond the average human mind.
Agree with you Shin… After nearly 2 years and yet people here in affluent Australia still believe this absolute absurd crap. I know Facebook is fecked, but its interesting to link up with people from countries like Ukraine, Turkey, Poland, Latvia, etc who are very wide awake to exactly what is going on, and why.
Very true Gezzah, that’s why channels like OffG are so important.
With all due respect I am not sure that is right. My own experience has been a definite cooling of the public support for the covid hoax. People in my neck of the woods in south London are definitely becoming disenchanted with the whole Corona bullshit. Walking around the park as I do every morning, the numbers of people wearing the mask is only a fraction of what it was. Of course there is a hard core of believers but they are an insufficient group who can’t organize any big demos simply because they are insufficient numbers of committed activists.
In essence I believe that this is a counter-revolution from above, instigated by the state, the politicians, the media, and Big money. Oh, and they also see fit to roll out various show-biz whores and occasionally royalty such as Prince Charles, and worst of all the ultra-eugenicist in the shape of Prince Phillip. Unfortunately Cromwell didn’t finishing the job when the New Model Army was stood down.
Counter-revolutions from below, as in Germany and Italy, involved the recruitment of street-fighting militias, the SA (Brownshirts in Germany) and Squadristi (Blackshirts in Italy). Sir Oswald Moseley tried the same tactic in the UK in the 1930s with his British Union of Fascists BUF but was stopped by the Communist Party and their supporters in the famous riot of Cable Street in 1936.
That’s my take anyway.
That’s great, but the realization i witness down under is the complete opposite. The longer this has gone on has simply fueled the fire stronger than when it began in March 2020.
Anybody questioning the official narrative right now is looked on as fucking idiot. Someone to mock and berate regardless of facts and simple logic.
Everything else you stated i agree with.
Australia varies in it’s pockets of belief/disbelief. Melbourne residents and much of Victoria are mostly lost, but the further north one goes the more scepticism and awareness is found.
My family are all in Victoria, most in Melbourne and are living in torment and all report nearly everyone they know is poison stabbed.
It is truly shocking and very scary there. Regional Queensland is a different situation. For example until two days ago I had’nt seen a masked muppet for weeks, and then the Moronic version hit the TVs and I saw three.
Of course they triggered me and of course I gave them a tongue lashing. Fucken clowns.
Weren’t there at least one million in total at the recent demos?
Second that, Donald, The conspirators are losing their propaganda war, and they’re beginning to panic in case too many of us wake up and come looking for them with ropes and pitchforks in hand. Even in gob-smacking Oz, in free-fall towards 1930s Germany, the resistance is much larger than the lie-propaganda tries to pretend.
I also sense a shift here in Cyprus, and I have always estimated that about a quarter of the population has never been taken in, and I think a main catalyst is that many people (probably those in Desmet’s 50%) thought the deal was they would have to take two injections and in return would get their old lives back. As Reiner Füllmıch has stated in a recent interview, he learnt indirectly that the plan always was to have six-monthly injections and the promise that there would only be two was a subterfuge to get people started. I think many are now seeing they were tricked and are getting angry.
I wonder if anyone has tried taking out a billboard and putting some truth up anyone in the world? There are plenty of wealthy unvaxxed who could do it. Why hasn’t it been done? I can imagine in some countries, it would be considered misinformation and against the state but here in the USA, with our guarantee of free speech, they couldn’t do much about it.
This might be one of the few ways to get the alternative message across to the general public. There has to be other was to spread the alternate message.
Instead of lurking about whining, everyone needs to try and find alternate ways to change the messaging, to tip people over to our side. Preaching to our own echo chamber does no good.
Yes, it has been done Jojo, both here in Victoria numerous times and also in New Zealand, and I think in South Australia as well. Groups of activists have lined fairly busy roads each holding up large signs that all make up one message about the covid hoax. Photos and videos of them have been posted at Offguardian as well, tho not recently.
There’s also the White Rose Resistance that posts stickers everywhere. There’s also the Stand in the Park groups.
And yes, I do agree with you that we are preaching to the converted here.
I don’t know anything about Australia, but what I am thinking of is something grander – large billboards on the side of the road that people can’t get away from.
Maybe artwork on the side of a building? Surely there are both artists and building owners on our side?
How about skywriting or flying a banner?
There are probably a lot more possibilities.
“There are plenty of wealthy unvaxxed who could do it.”
“And now, happily showing their vaccine certificates to complete strangers without a thought of the totalitarian system they are helping to give birth to.”
This is the typical virtue signaling of a “Karen”.
“…challenge these people’s beliefs about the so called “pandemic” and their own complicity and compliance, and then watch the feathers fly, and be on the receiving end of angry denial and even abuse.”
Their response to your reasoned beliefs is not a reasoned argument; It is an emotional attack on your person (an ad hominem attack). They have been classically conditioned – stimulus and response. Yes they have been classically conditioned just like Pavlov’s dogs. These mind control techniques are the reason some people go berserk instead of engaging in a reasonable discussion.
I know, and I agree with you Joe. Especially your last sentence from my own personal experience… As I’m sure others here have been on the receiving end as well.
I am sure many have seen this quote from Hannah Arendt, but just a reminder of the normalization of people to the totalitarian state:
“The trouble with Eichmann was precisely that so many were like him, and that the many were neither perverted nor sadistic, that they were, and still are, terribly and terrifyingly normal. From the viewpoint of our legal institutions and of our moral standards of judgment, this normality was much more terrifying than all the atrocities put together.”
I found very interesting this interview with Meredith Miller and Fuellmich/Fischer and committee. Miller makes a great argument that the population is a victim of government abuse and relates it to the denial of individuals when they are being abuse, the abused blocks any recognition of the abuse happening. The analysis of Miller and Desmet makes sense to me when put together.
I agree with your comment about smart phones. Since the beginning of social media, I have noticed a big difference in the general public in regards to people being fake, living in a fictitious reality sold to them, it just use to be the TV but now its something people bring along with them as if they are clothes. They have been living in an oppressed situation for years, more surveillance, less privacy, more security; more stupid rules to follow like when you want to get on a plane, need to go into a court house, simply need to mail a package, or agree to terms and conditions to go on social media. They have been normalizing the new normal for many years.
That’s what freaks me out Fame… that they Seem so normal. I try and emotionally detach and not take it on board, but some days when I’m out, I just want to stare at the bloody ground.
I actually didn’t see the Meredith Miller interview with Reiner Fuellmich, so appreciate the link. Yes, I fully agree that this has been coming for a long time. Frog put in a pot of cold water and the temperature is slowly turned up. Vast majority of people haven’t even noticed. And once the internet was up and running, the trap was sprung, however, for me, it comes back to an old fashioned word: Balance.
And we also know who was really behind such entities as Facebook and Twitter anyway.
There have been historical cases of mass “psychosis” as seen in convulsions, laughter, and dancing. This may extend to the “brain injuries” that US embassy staff (alone) complain of in a few countries.
I agree that it is brainwashing and group-think (need for acceptance) that explains mass belief with respect to religion, military action, vigilante action and fear of monsters.
I too have struggled with this idea that only in relation to one topic i.e. fake plague, have people lost their critical faculties, but have retained them unimpaired when it comes to everything else.
It helps if I use the analogy of an electrical trip-box, where one switch trips out, cutting off power to the kitchen let’s say, while the rest of the house still has power.
How do we flip that switch back?
As Mattias points out, Howard, the state of psychosis being induced is just about indistinguishable from being in hypnotic trance. As anyone familiar with hypnosis on a practical level knows, being in trance doesn’t mean stumbling about like a zombie with eyes glazed and hands stretched out in front. That’s just Hollyshite cliche.
Entranced people can – if so suggested – act like a perfectly ordinary, fully-awake person. And that suggestion – that the normal people are the ones who obediently take the poison-stabs, wear the masks, and all the rest of the shite – is blasting out from the ‘news’paper/TV/thicko-phone propaganda machine daily. Of course the inductees come on like ‘normal’. It’s the suggestion with which they’re being NLP programmed every day. The suggestion being that we – the refuseniks – are the irresponsible loonies, whereas they’re soberly aware, fully informed (hah!), and behaving with restrained self-discipline! 😂
No, It’s just that we renegades are lucky enough to have native-born low suggestibility. Pure fortunate happenstance.
It’s only when you watch their automatic obedience to certain suggested behaviours – which make zero rational sense at all! – that you realise that the highly-suggestibles are already in trance. They’ve been there since March 2020, when the shock’n’awe terror-porn campaign was launched by the coup d’etat conspirators. Such sudden shocks are also precisely the standard stuff of trance-induction. I remember with utmost vividness the way that that launch induced immediate weird irrational behaviour in some of my neighbours – though by no means all – whilst I, being (quite by lucky chance) of low suggestibility never bought into the panic-tsunami at all, and spent several days being gobsmacked by how my over-suggestible neighbours were behaving. Scalded cats and headless chickens scarcely describes it.
As one who’s had dealings with inducing trance states for medical purposes, I’d say that I witness this current ‘normal’-resembling behaviour all around me, every day, amongst the covid-scam entrancees. Don’t be fooled. The heavily-suggestibles are about 30 percent of any population, as any stage-hypnotist entertainer who depends utterly on that statistic will tell you. And they, poor unlucky souls, are well-entranced right now, and are held there by their constant daily attention to the lamestream ‘news’; that faithful attention being part of their fully-accepted entrancement-suggestions: Listen to ‘the authorities’ to get the truth – ! 😂
Please note too that the entrancees are not to blame, and shouldn’t be slagged as being stupid and irresponsible. They need to be helped and encouraged as they begin to drift back into a properly-awake state; as they will, eventually. As Mattias points out, being heavily suggestible has nothing to do with intelligence, education, moral courage, or a commitment to intellectual honesty. It depends only on the degree of suggestibility which fate happens to have dealt you in the life lottery. The suckers can’t help it. Cut them some slack!
big thumb up
“I would wager that those who use smartphones all the time are far more likely to be COVIDIANS.”
Here in the U.S., I have noticed that those who listen to CNN, NPR, and “hate radio” all day are those most brainwashed. The “news” tells a big lie and repeats it over and over until everyone believes it. Throw in lots of emotional scare tactics and it MUST be true. Emotion trumps reason
The propaganda came from Fox News in 2003 and the emotional state inserted into people’s mind was hate. Today, the emotional lever is fear.
I think you are correct that cell phone addicts are also mostly covid believers because they are connected all day to jewish-government controlled news/propaganda sources.
I am astounded and disappointed when I tell a person something about history or what is going on, and within a few minutes I receive a rebuttal consisting of a wikipedia link, or some other “factoid” floating in the ether disputing what I said. No comprehension of big picture; just a bunch of “factoids” told to them by a radio announcer getting paid to read a script. This is known as “The Science”.
“So am I”
“You want to get a room?”
You, sir, are merely one of satan’s little helpers.
Nothing more.
If you have a human future at all, karma is likely to ensure that it will not even begin until several thousand years from now.
I could guess that we’ll be starting from scratch again here: First, the amoeba… the jellyfish… the frog… the lizard…
Buckle up. This is going to be a long, difficult ride. When and if you eventually reach the humanoid stage again, you are going to have to atone for the millions of lives your actions and statements are currently harming, or prematurely terminating.
But you could always look on the bright side: Perhaps your parents will have to share some of the blame for bringing you up the way you are…?
So smile. We know you can do that.
The above is my ‘open letter’ to a certain Tony Fauci. I can see it might have been misinterpreted as being for one of us here…
A better one would be the Fauci ‘i am science’ with him as the big green scary wizard projection in the Wizard of Oz.
Murdered vaccine victims protest in Italy:

panorama from a video clip, source:
“Murdered” people are protesting? 😂
Great interview and insight from Prof Desmet.
But one does have to filter out some of Martensens nonsense about us “overflowing the petri-dish” by 2050 and how the intent of “fauci and the Davos crowd is to do good” by the people.
They’re only doing good by themselves and the “need for 3 planets resources” to sustain humanity by 2050 is part of the same ideological fiction and mass formation.
Chris is in that company of solid, sober, common-sensical people such as Reiner Fuellmich and Mike Yeadon, who are both on record as saying: “If you’d said any of this far-out conspiracy stuff to me before March 2020, I’d have told you to take a tranquilliser and see a psychiatrist. But now, I realise: “My god! It’s true!”
It’s just that Chris is still a little further behind on the learning curve. He’s getting there, though. See his most recent output.
Some claim they can see Dr Sigmund Freud’s fingerprints all over the Covid psyops campaign. Remember him ? He was the scientist who discovered The Unconscious. Oh, what a slap in the face that was to humanity. There we were lording over All God’s Creature, and The Earth – then Dr Freud reveals humans arent as clever as we think we are; we’re at the mercy of infant traumas, and all manner of deformed emotional responses – due to free-floating anxiety…
That Freud ‘had something to do with it’ was apparently evident by his nephew using the findings of Freud’s depth psychology as propaganda tools… (How to influence women to take up the disgusting habit of cigarette smoking)…
By the end of WW2 the techniques of mass persuasion had been vastly improved. It had taken the US president a lot of persuasion and promises to convince the conservative Captains of US Industry to massively expand the infrastructure for war production. Their concern ? What to do with all the excess production capacity after America wins the war ?
The solution was to retool it to mass produce consumer durables (white goods): washing machine, ‘fridges, etc. and television sets…
The latter were vitally important. Every home would be expected to own one for through them every housewife could be targeted throughout the day by the admen of Maddison Avenue to want all the things American factories were churning out*…
Dr Freud could not have known that what he learned about our psyche would be weaponised for use to manipulate and control us. The mind-manipulation sciences has developed since WW2. (In fact the consumer economy might grind to a halt were we not incessantly bombarded by the message “Buy ! Buy ! Buy !”)…
Unless we learn the techniques and subtle ways being used in the psyops war against us we face defeat.( little billy gates has poured over $300 million into the mass media – he knows who the influencers are.)
*(An unintended consequence of stirring up the dis-satisfactions of American housewives,
(Which Vance Packard wrote about in ‘The Hidden Persuaders’),, was the Woman’s Liberation Movement that arose soon after Betty Friedan recorded the dissatisfaction of female consumers in ‘The Feminine Mystique’… The stirred-up dissatisfactions were also being expressed by American youth, especially university students.)…
Some additional comments, now that i’ve thought more about the interview.
I think Desmet misses an important point. The system will self-destruct in time, but by that time the ability of society to survive may well be compromised beyond the point of no return. The powers that be are very intentional about this initiative, and see this Operation Great Reset as the only way to save their global capitalist system which will otherwise succumb to its own contradictions in the near future. There is no going back to that same old used to be. The powers that be will pursue this to the death. Maybe they’ll relax on the shots or masks …., i.e. the medical, but will then press it in other ways, e.g. e-government, drivers’ licenses, education, .. like in Florida and Texas. Stopping the entire thing is not an option for them.
Desmet also inaccurately makes all individual reactions to be about psychology, as if that’s the only factor operating. He seems to think that everyone has access to the same information he does, and hence knows all the rationalizations of the lockdown, masks, shots,…. have been disproven. This is not at all the case. Most people get all their “information” from mass media outlets and social media, where their friends are far more likely to simply reinforce all the misinformation they have accumulated and agreed upon previously, or from “liberal”/“progressive” sources which are if anything spread even more hard core disinformation than typical mass media. Thus, many are genuinely scared, particularly if they deem themselves or loved ones vulnerable, and believe any alternative accounts are automatically false. And others, particularly immigrants and minorities, fear being marginalized if they don’t go along, and also believe they are more vulnerable to “the virus” than others.
John Michael Greer’s description of how the Long Descent goes is useful here, Jeff. As John describes it, we should expect an era of shrinkage which proceeds by a long, slow, steady reduction of the hitech industrial economic model, but punctuated by occasional sudden downward lurches: a stair-steps-with-interludes model, rather than a smoothly-unbroken downward curve.
Think of the covid-scamdemic conspiracy as one of those down-lurches, deliberately induced: The gics – the gangsters-in-charge – trying to front-run the Long Descent by creating a global panic that allows them to crash economic activity and begin the process of population-reduction, and at the same time to grab yet more WealthPowerStatus, and more, enhanced authoritarian control.
But remember a basic fact about the Long Descent: despite the ego-delusions of the gics and – especially – of their strangelove-oid technocrat creatures, no humans, anywhere, are in control of the Descent. It’s happening to us, and will continue to happen, as fate, entirely beyond our control. The best that any awake person can do is to try to prepare self and family to survive through the Descent, and to do that where possible within a mutual-support community with comparable survivability.
Does it occur to you your internalized idea of inevitability might be a product of a longterm propaganda push too subtle for you to discern?
It certainly jives nicely to create learned helplessness and mitigate opposition to the Great Reset, no?
A lot of politicians end their careers much wealthier than when they started it. Lobby groups often have a lot of money to throw around…
Overtime and bonus for sterling work done to save the entire population of NZ?
Including the sheep?
This is Brilliant. Its an education, and I thought I understood a bit about psychology. I have for many years been aware of Dr Chris Martensen, and his views about exponential growth, which from a mathematical point of view, I don’t dispute. The only thing I dispute, is that in the real world, exponential growth doesn’t happen. Something always interrupts it.
I have only recently become aware of Professor Mattias Desmet. I have learnt more about psychology in the first 20 mins of this interview, particularly in respect of what is happening now, than in a lifetime.
Whilst I agree with every word so far, its like I have turned up in a Post Grad Psychology Class on my first day. It’s very intense. I will watch the rest of it tomorrow, if Youtube don’t delete it. They probably won’t because they are too thick to understand it.
Thanks Off-G for posting it.
Like a shot that’s being sold as a vaccine?
People shouldn’t be mislabelling anti-authoritarians as anti-vaxxers.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-12-03. Segregation = solidarity. GHO razors. 1st batch Pfizer 42k+ ARRs, 1 dead in 17. Obedience training (link).
Australia’s TGA has a ‘cosy’ relationship with the world’s biggest drug dealers.
From their website:
TGA’s activities are fully cost recovered from fees and charges imposed on industry, with the exception of Government funding provided for the alignment of Australia and New Zealand therapeutic arrangements, and departmental funding for the operation of the Drug Control Section and Medicines Scheduling Secretariat.
Funny how that works.
The ‘Godfather’ of vaccines experimented on children:
And these vicious PRICKS are the heroes of the MSM and Jackbooted governments.
The following is an interview with the attorney who grilled Plotkin for nine hours.
Meet ICAN Attorney Aaron Siri
The Highwire with Del Bigtree
Nov 1, 2021
Meet the brilliant mind behind one of the most successful and active Legal Teams in the world of Vaccine and Civil Rights. Aaron provides legal insight on Covid vaccine mandates, shocking childhood vaccines, the Plotkin Deposition, and more.
[Stanley Plotkin deposition starts at 51:30]
Stanley Plotkin, Vaccines Deposition, Under Oath, 9 Hour Full Video
Aborted fetal tissues are used in vaccines. Vaccines have been experimentally tested on orphans and on mental handicapped children. Experimental tests on babies from mothers in prisons. Experimental tests on 1 million people in then colonial Belgian Congo. There is so much information in this shocking video. A must watch.
The success of the “Save Granny” campaign should chill to the bone every surviving Granny. The government doesnt like Grannies; thinks they’re Useless Eaters; and thinks they’re definitely a drain on the National Budget…
With the Save Granny campaign the manipulators showed how easily they could exploit people’s guilt to achieve their aims. So expect that as soon as everyone is locked into a ‘vax passport’ system – the cull will begin in earnest and any grannies still alive after the
third, maybe fourth booster will be targeted by a “Think of the kids” campaign.
Grannies will be made to feel guilty: they’ve had their innings, shove off, give the kids a chance. With so many (invented) looming crises the kids dont need an old albatross around their necks…
Of course, They may not wait ’til everyone has been brought to heel and got their vax passport. Currently the campaigners are going after the non-vaxxed Minority. The same exclusionary campaign can easily be used for a Fuck-off Granny campaign…
New South Wales is close to passing “medically assisted euthanasia” law. (ie. Only a medical doctor is allowed to smother Gran with a pillow). This will bring it up to date with the other euthanasia-is-ok states… So the infrastructure is being put in place for when any lingering grannies will be told “Do it for the kids, Gran.”
The aged, immigrants, etc. pose a threat to neo-liberalism ane totalitarianism. Besides reluctance to consume “enough”, they have knowledge or experience of alternatives unsuited to the manipulators
Quite a hopeful message really. That totalitarianism ultimately destroys itself (although it may take some time and involve a few martyrs).
Would agree that the ‘Covid saga’ could not have happened without preexisting social conditions being met.
And that it’s essentially an ideological issue. Ideologies being usually what drive people, whether they are flawed or not.
But I’m not so sure about the architects being driven by a mechanistic view of the universe. I’d identify their thinking as more of a probabilistic, quantum mechanical, systems theory, postmodernist view of the world (for want of a more succinct expression), if Klaus Schwab’s ‘Great Reset’ is anything to go by.
But better philosophers than me would likely have a greatly different analysis of their dominant thinking.
“They’re trying to kill me,” Yossarian told him calmly.
“No one’s trying to kill you,” Clevinger cried.
“Then why are they shooting at me?” Yossarian asked.
“They’re shooting at everyone,” Clevinger answered. “They’re trying to kill everyone.”
“And what difference does that make?”
― Catch-22
If you were to believe that Gates & Co are intent on killing you, then you meet the official definition of “psychotic”. Actually, you’re officially psychotic if a person in a white coat says you’re psychotic, but notions about a depopulation agenda and such like are going to tilt the assessment in that direction.
The 2 main symptoms of psychosis are:
hallucinations – where a person hears, sees and, in some cases, feels, smells or tastes things that do not exist outside their mind but can feel very real to the person affected by them; a common hallucination is hearing voices
delusions – where a person has strong beliefs that are not shared by others; a common delusion is someone believing there’s a conspiracy to harm them
Note that “delusion” in this context is defined not by reference to objective reality (whatever that might be), but in terms of commonly shared beliefs. Hence, the belief that vaccines (especially mRNA jabs) are often harmful may at some point be classed as a psychotic delusion. Furthermore, since it is the divergence from the majority which is considered to be a sign of psychosis, the term “mass psychosis” is an oxymoron if applied to an entire population.
If I smell bullshit, but there is actually bullshit going on outside my mind, is it still psychosis… and does it matter.
Just stay away from anybody wearing a white coat.
it’s like we have an understanding. I don’t bother them they don’t bother me.
Excellent discussion. Interesting that he sees the problem as the 30% who are particularly susceptible to the mass psychosis. Some shortcomings, i think he way understates the level of intentional planning here, about which we know plenty, and overstates the ability of those who refuse to go along to get together and form alternatives, particularly given modern surveillance techniques and extreme social atomizing. Still a worthwhile interview to share.
So, 30% are fucked beyond repair, 20% are with it, and 50% are going along with the fanatical 30%. Mathematically speaking, we need to get over 10% from the 50% on our side and mass-reform them to bring them back to reality.
I absolutely agree that people who have retained rationality must keep talking, supplying the facts, pointing out the contradictions.
It would be a great idea to organize platforms for well-meaning experts from both sides of the fence on issues like virology, energy, resources, financial system, etc. Fuck the official fora, fuck the establishment. Creating a parallel world must include not only localism, individual networking outside the establishment, but also parallel international institutions and platforms. Like the Real World Health Organization, the Real World Economic Forum, and so on.
I, too, am optimistic. Yes, the enemy is formidable and many people have allowed themselves to be fucked up. But courageous, intelligent people are coming out and speaking up. More importantly, the sense of belonging, purpose referred to in the video is fake, based on a lie. The sense of purpose we can offer if real, based in the truth.
Vive le monde libre … 😀 …!
which brings the question: Where are those counternarative experts and whistle blowers? Don’t they know about this site? Why expose themselves out there and hide in here?Aren’t we good enough for them…? I’m a bit depressed by this.
Just for you. See “Gold Standard Covid Science in Practice” Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium. It was live but is now available on the website
Good article, it seems to be the double think is full swing at least, witness it every day.
I have plugged this channel before, he covers the PCR test in the most detail I have seen thus far. He is currently digging through all the major connections between the parent companies of the news agencies and how and they interconnect with big banking and big pharma. Holding out that someone sees this and makes a less dry more concise and entertaining version but for now, if you just play it in the background, this link works:
I am surprised anyone awake doesn’t already know via dr David Martin’s recent videos …they lay it out and name the names. All pretty simple
He believes in the virus. The one that hasn’t been isolated or purified. IE; Found.
Apparently, a well-connected globalist.
His company logo ( much resembles the symbol of the Freemasons.
Someone wrote this lengthy piece on him, which I found informative:.
Who is David E. Martin?
Believe me, I studied his bio at length after he and his bow tie suddenly appeared in the Willits produced Slick Psy-Op, Plandemic.
What’s the odds of a 9-11 witness being the producer and actor in the covid1984 “documentary”, that promotes Fauci as the villain, claiming there’s deadly viruses on the loose and in vaccines? A billion to one?
Mikovits, Willis and Martin, (like the two Masons in the video above) conveniently fail to mention there isn’t any evidence that there’s ever been a single virus isolated in the history of science and medicine. They also forget that germ theory is unproven and Koch’s Postulates has never been fulfilled.
Martin already knows the “vaccines“ are just CRISPR Cas9 technology plus some other contaminants like bio-nano-metal aggregates and carcinogenic nanolipids. I’ve yet to see him mention that, or that the spike protein must be hypothetical since no Coronavirus has been isolated (found) and therefore never sequenced, so how can they know there’s a spike protein or surface proteins on these hypothetical constructs called viruses?
All the controlled opposition support the virus scam. That’s why they are in our face 24-7, promoted here, there and everywhere, and why they never even question the underlying fraud of the test that replicates partial sequences already present in the human genome. Instead they misdirect by pretending it’s the CT number that gives false positives.
I guess not a single PhD knows how to use BLAST in the entire controlled opposition, scientific community.
Because viruses aren’t germs?
You say there is no virus because you are a Fauci fanboy refusing to admit he paid the Chines to develop it.
No. Viruses are considered germs. Along with bacteria. Germ theory was initially developed by Koch for bacteria but spread to the fictional constructs of viruses after Pasteur (a proven fraud) claimed that viruses were killing the animals he tortured and experimented on.
Fauci is a liar and a disinformation agent like yourself. He of course, gets paid a lot more than you.
The Chinese can’t develop any virus because they don’t exist. They haven’t been found or isolated in the history of science so they can’t be created, attenuated, killed, weakened, mutated, spliced or strengthened. They are in your imagination. People get sick from toxaemia not imaginary microbes.
You believe Fauci and his lies, because you think he’s telling the truth about there being a virus, which makes YOU his fanboy and beeyatch.
If there really were mass psychosis, the propaganda about all this wouldn’t need to be so ferocious nearly two years on. But today I flicked through a family member’s newspapers and was astonished at how brazen it all was – about masks, jabs, and smearing dissenters as ‘conspiracy theorists’.. I concluded that either the media have surrendered to their sponsors or they’re getting very desperate. Plus, the repeated narrative of the unvaxxed being the ones sick in hospital is clearly out of joint with the alleged data on the percentage of people jabbed in the UK and those allegedly dying from covid. Part of the propaganda is that there actually is mass psychosis.
It reeks of desperation.
RT have made a full U turn in the past couple of months and their new writers are claiming every anti vaxxer is right wing and needs to be treated like an outcast. Any coming lifted sanctions will give a clue as to why this is now the case. Shit, the lot of them.
Take note of the Young Global Leader at top right. Now that the September election is over, they are free to more obviously conform to the WEF script.
The whole Putin versus the West is a scam, a psy-op. Just like the Cold War was. And the Communism versus Capitalism scam.
It’s a “work” between the incorporated municipal governments which are really all owned by the bankers as are all the major global corporations — also owned by the same banking cartel. A global, organized crime syndicate. Very cleverly pretending to be oppositional (or convivial) with their faux two party systems, arguing about nonsense in televized theater, for the benefit of the duped public. Even going so far as to orchestrate world wars as culling mechanisms and massive profiteering scams.
The world is centrally controlled through the monetary system and always has been.
Never forget the bankers.
I was on RT some weeks ago, first time. Reading the comments, none were virus narrative skeptical. Maybe they were pruned for virus questioning comments, like on ZeroHedge, or it’s the state of the world at present.
The media is owned by the perpetrators. They have not sold out at this point. That happened a couple of decades ago
The message needs to be continually reinforced to keep people from raising questions.
Working from home threatened the newspaper industry. The government rescued them by paying for advertising — and editorials and news.
Up to the point that Dr Martensen and Professor Desmet stated their was no conspiracy but an ideological movement I had agreed with most of the points they made . However, Professors Antony C Sutton, Carol Quigley, Guido Preparata and writers such as Edward G Griffin, Eustace Mullin, Gary Allen and many many more would beg to differ. The Rats Pack of Satanists have been conspiring a very very very long time to achieve their final goals. They no ideology but control not to make it a better world but in the words of the narrator of the 1960s US Sci Fi series the Invaders to make it their world!
There’s a conspiracy. There’s proof.
The vaccines all stem from patent technology that was licensed through the NIH on the Federal Register. Even China and Russia have licensed the NIH owned vaccine technology.
Moreover, when any dissent within the medical or scientific community is not allowed and basic facts are ignored, such as no virus or Coronavirus has ever been isolated or found, contagion and germ theory have never been scientifically proven, and the test is provably fraudulent, with the sequences that supposedly test for the UN-isolated novel virus, matching dozens of human genomic sequences and bacteria, that’s more than proof of conspiracy.
Add those facts in with the goals of Agenda 21 that push vaccine uptake as a method of population control, and Agenda 2030, Agenda 2050, and the WHO contracts with all the so-called nations on earth to implement vaccine and health policies that allow for no opt out or deviation from pandemic and vaccine policies, the conspiracy is obvious to all but the deluded.
And I haven’t even mentioned NASA’s future warfare presentation that predicts way back in 2001, that in twenty years we would move to an online world where everyone will have to telecommute, teletravel, tele-shop, tele-educate, tele-work, tele-socialize etc.
Yes, I agree. However, I was illustrating that the Rats Pack of Satanists have been orchestrating events for a very very very long time and what is happening now is one more piece in the jigsaw to achieve their goal both on a spiritual and physical plain !
Right. Agreed. I wasn’t disputing you, just adding to your comment.
A really excellent, excellent interview with Prof. Desmet!
It makes me understand what is happening now. but it also makes me very pessimistic:
We’ll be in a totalitarian state for a lot(!) of years. And society, economy, politics and science will go down to hell.
Looking on the past two years as an example of mass psychosis seems to closer to the truth than looking at it as a conspiracy.
That psychosis seems to have been deliberately encouraged because it proved to be beneficial for certain groups–the media, in particular, as a sector, and institutions like the WEF.
And I wouldn’t underestimate the importance of this narrative formation and continual reinforcement being related to age, specifically the Baby Boomers and their relative susceptibility to dangerous effects of Covid. Worldwide, they are running things but in a precarious position as they avoid retirement for as long as possible; they unconsciously posit themselves as the prototypical person, expecting younger people to behave as if they were Baby Boomers and at risk. I think that explains a bit of the resilience of this narrative in the face of stats that have shown, since very early on, that Covid just was not much of a pandemic– for them it still was because Covid was a stand-in for death and they, frankly speaking, are nearing the end of their lives. It also explains the transnational aspect of the Covid narrative that transcends national politics; all countries have a Baby Boomer age cohort, and in nearly all countries they have maintained an iron grip on power past the usual age of retirement.
What I’m saying is, the psychological aspects of this Covid narrative are complex and should be interrogated more– there’s a hell of a lot going on there. And none of it has to do with virology.
Agree, it is above all a panicdemic – it wouldn’t have worked without the overwhelming public support. Of course, it’s also a scamdemic, a plandemic, a condemic, conflict-of-interest-demic…
i’m up to 25 mins and getting bored. it makes little sense so far…many of the most ardent covidistas are the educated woke with good ‘meaningful’ jobs, whilst the shat-upon working classes are not buying it
FWIW, he says specifically that intelligence, education level,… have zero to do with susceptibility to mass psychosis/hypnosis.
DoublePlus Good, bro
or: 100% right-on bro.
Everyone can be hypnotised. It’s mythinformation to claim otherwise.
Well, it’s about 30% who are particularly susceptible, les. Across the board; nothing to do with intelligence or class. Just an accident of birth.
That’s because the Cops don’t ride around middle class or rich area’s wanting to kick the shit out of it’s inhabitance.
The workers have a healthy mistrust in anything Government and rightly so.
That’s exactly what happened in Sydney during lockdown.
All planned. And with nothing but BBQ skewers as weapons it was bound to happen.
then you have alleged soveriegn nation states with 50 % total employment in the public sector (not even mentioned ngo etc)…
total civil war scenario as things are shaping.
Are there any Sovereign nations or nation states left?. I though they’d all been dismantled by the banking cartels since they are deemed a threat.
All this reliance on the public sector was well planned. Employ shit heads. Smash anything that was once good, steal the money, then uleash utter chaos. It’s happening everywhere. All I see now are little people in the public sector with their heads down nodding in agreement as their new Reich masters tell them how the new order is going to unfold. Very sad times indeed.
Chris Martensen was a big pusher of the Covid narrative at a time when it highly mattered to be sceptical about the Covid narrative. Seeing him here now is like seeing b from moa here talking to us about whatever.
What was the Texas expression? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice..
“…Don’t get fooled again.” – G. W. Bush
High five!
I had quite a few hours of his podcasts under my belt at that time. Made me feel dirty and in need of a shower.
So, according to both of them, we’re going to have a Great Reset or a New World Order one way or another – their way or our way. Ya, that sounds kind of like a war all righty. We ARE in a way, a world war. Right now. Like that song, “battle lines are being drawn”.
I’d also prefer that we didn’t have an obviously non-native speaker inventing new English for us, like, “Mass Formation” (which isn’t English at all), to describe something which we might recognize, if we only knew what the hell it was supposed to be…
Desmet is using flawed English to express something in his own native tongue.
With all due respect, I think we can all see where encouraging that sort of thing might end…
As if we didn’t already have enough chaos on our plate to begin with…
Perhaps he means ‘mass homogenization’…?
I don’t care. We need a good interpreter.
I assume it’s very similar to this:
It’s likely a translation from German Massenbildung (used by Freud).
He says that mass formation is the collective manifestation of hypnosis, which is an individual phenomenon. I guess you could call it mass hypnosis.
People like me who like to keep things at a colloquial level would just say that people are totally fucked up in the head on a mass scale.
+ 1
“People like me who like to keep things at a colloquial level would just say that people are totally fucked in the head on a mass scale”.
I shy right away from the more academic mumbo jumbo which just gives me a fecken headache. You have a real down to earth way of putting things Jacques, and appreciate it.
“Formation of masses” is a better way to phrase it.
My objection is basically that the phrase, “Mass Formation” is so un-English that it needs a much better translation, but I’m afraid your suggestion doesn’t really help.
If you say ‘Formation of masses’ to the general public, they won’t really have the faintest idea what you are talking about. You’ll be lucky if they even ask you to explain further.
The brighter ones will want to know whether you are talking about physical ‘mass’, or gatherings of many people, or perhaps even a religious ceremony…
Then there is the question of whether the ‘formation’ is due to manipulation, innate tendencies, or deliberate participation.
“Mass Formation” is an obviously foreign and vague term, although I’m sure an intelligible English equivalent could be found.
As things stand, however,., it is really not clear enough what he is talking about.
I like practically everything else he has to say, but his frequent repetition of this one bewildering term makes him seem too proud of it by half…
If his translating from the French then formation could be take to mean training/learning/education.
Mass indoctrination would do …
There’s also the verb formater which would imply formatting, configuring, conforming.
This is my whole point.
There are too many possibilities for a clear translation into normal English.
I could even think up some of my own…
If we could just forget Desmet’s label and concentrate on what he is actually trying to describe…
Perhaps mass delusional psychosis is clearer English. Mark McDonald, an awake psychiatrist in LA, has given several excellent interviews on that theme.
Yes, that is clear English, but is it what Desmet actually meant...?
read crowds and power by Elias Canetti, he describes the process of mass formation from cultural and histiorical perspectives. The formation has to be fed, when feeding it stops the card house falls
9:15: Desmet is refers to the spring of 2020. “If an entire society . . .” etc
But it wasn’t an “entire society”. There were lots of contrary opinions. Did Desmet ever consult these other opinions? He needs to put away his statistics and textbooks on psychology; and instead research the opinions of other people. Other people were describing what was going on and they were doing so BEFORE it happened.
I got bored after about 10:00. If he was unable to spot what was going on as it was happening, I’m not interested in his textbook, retrospective theories.
”It is to be believed BECAUSE it is absurd.”
“I Believe Because it is Absurd”: The Enlightenment Invention of Tertullian’s Credo
Here’s some food for thought. The official narrative gets determined by money.
The vaccine industry has now more money than any other industry. What do you think will be “the truth” as long as they exist?
In August 2019, just four months before Covid hysteria began, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation agreed to invest $55 million in the shares of BioNTech – a company which had never released any products.
A little over two years later, these shares are now worth $990 million.
In 2019 Bill Gates said “NEXT YEAR” vaccines would be “one of the best buys.”
How did he know 2020 would be one of the best years to buy into vaccines?
On April 2nd 2020 he said, “Normalcy would only return when the entire global population is vaccinated.”
“COVID-19” is allegedly a strain of the flu. One cannot spread the flu virus if you have no symptoms. This is common sense that all doctors are taught in introductory classes in medical school.
And yet “COVID-19” breaks all the rules of virology and causes every illness known to man, is spread asymptomatically, and is constantly changing and can never be stopped.
Because a hand-picked “expert” on my Pharma funded television station told me so.
Succinctly put, my Big Thumb up.
Yes well described. Manipulated game planned for years. Could be implemented 2020 as we entered an eclipse series that encouraged manipulation of a delusion….I.e. that flu was suddenly to be feared and only a vax could make one safe. The same arrangements enabled the AIDS game
we just had the last one….it is a wide connection and contains a heap of push back potential…the corrupt power brokers will get more light shown on their activities and the deluded will start functioning again unless the vax contained shit to destroy their cognitive processes….which given the behaviour of some I witness I could believe…
now the concerns alter to the economic impact of the bad decisions taken by the elite to enrich themselves….this has not been about anything more as you rightly point out
“my Pharma funded television station”
Brought to you by Pfizer!
While not disagreeing with your point no industry has more money than the banking industry.
Don’t you have to work in order to designate yourself an ‘industry’…?
I’d forgotten about his investment in BioNTech, read about that ages ago. All the evidence of this massive scam and fake pandemic is right there, right out in the open, yet people still cannot see it.
Refer also to Dr David Martin and his revelations about the patents. Excellent comment M👍
“all the rules of virology”
Whatever that may be, it seems the entire field is one big misconception. It seems pathogenic contagion itself can’t be proven or replicated.
Before covid, no one claimed that “asymptomatic” disease existed.