You will NEVER be “fully vaccinated”
It's time everyone realised they are chasing an intentionally impossible goal that will be pushed back over the horizon, forever.
Kit Knightly

Yesterday, in a statement to Parliament on the UK’s planned “vaccine passport”, Health Secretary Sajid Javid admitted the NHS Pass would require three shots for you to be considered “fully vaccinated”.
“Once all adults have had a reasonable chance to get their booster jab, we intend to change this exemption to require a booster dose,”
While many of us predicted this would be the case, it is the first time any British politician has actually said it out loud, and in front of parliament too.
This incredibly cynical “evolving definition” of “fully vaccinated” is not a new phenomenon, and is not isolated to the UK either.
Israel changed their definition of “fully vaccinated” to include the booster months ago. New Zealand’s ministry of health is “considering” doing the same, as is Australia.
The EU isn’t far behind either, with proposals in place to make travel dependent on having a third dose.
The US hasn’t formally adopted a new definition yet, but you’d have to be blind not to see the signs. Just yesterday the LA Times headlined:
Should the definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ be changed to include a booster shot?
An article on Kaiser Health News asks the same thing.
Tony Fauci is quoted in the Independent as saying it’s only a matter of time before the definition is updated:
“It’s going to be a matter of when, not if” getting a booster shot will be considered being “fully vaccinated,” Dr Fauci said.
Opinion pieces are already appearing asking “is it safe to hangout with the unboosted”?

(This headline was so unpopular, the Atlantic changed it only a couple of hours after it was published, and even the archived version appears to have been scrubbed).
All in all it seems pretty clear that, by the time 2022 rolls around, most of the Western world will require three shots in order to qualify as “fully vaccinated”.
It’s also clear that this won’t stop at three. Already, just last week, Pfizer were claiming they may need to “move up the timeline” for a fourth vaccine dose.
This change is being blamed on Omicron, with articles warning the “new variant” can “hit” the vaccinated. Fortune reports:
Omicron is making scientists redefine what it means to be ‘fully vaccinated’ against COVID
So, the third (and maybe fourth) doses are (allegedly) for Omicron…but that model can extend to perpetuity. In order to go to five, six or seven they’ll only need to “discover” more “new variants”.
It will just keep going and going.
But there is good news in all this, every time the powers-that-shouldn’t-be change the rules in the middle of the game, it’s a chance to knock people out of their media-induced hypnosis.
There are promising signs that millions of already-vaccinated will reject the booster. We can build on that.
So tell your single and double jabbed friends, try to open their eyes to the path they are starting down.
They may consider themselves “fully vaccinated”, but the government doesn’t, and never will.
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Jesus wept! What is wrong with these people! What you get in biblical terms is the three scores three and ten. Be happy with that. Have you ever seen what these people look like when the are visibly decaying – shitting themselves, having to be turned over in their beds, sleeping all day, and not knowing what day it is. You can keep it at bay with Cod Liver Oil, Zinc, Vitamin K2MK-7, but there’s no getting around it – just hope you have a nice funeral. I’m 79 by the way.
resistencia para siempre!
Two jabs do not work so you need a booster to maintain your passport. Question for Javid
” If I do not have the first 2 jabs , which you now say are useless, if I get the booster will I get a passport? By your reasoning I think I should get one”
(NB. I have not got 2 jabs and I do not intend to get any jabs. )
Logic? That bunch? LOL. They can’t even spell it.
COVID is the main act in the global circus. The Greek alphabet guides the script. The cases are the boogey men. The script writers work for the five families. The politicians, medical ‘experts’ and selected idols are the main actors. This international circus has free advertisements called “The News”. The various show segments were; Act 1). Spread fear. 2). Trust the Government for truth. 3). Divide & Conquer. 4). Introduce the magic potion to save lives. 5). Control means Freedom. Now we enter the very gruesome chapters… 6) Lock-out the Dissenters. 7). Fine the Dissenters. 8). Lock-up the Dissenters. Now the happy ending…9) Plan worked… World Population Culled, all filthy fuel plugged, the remaining plebs packed & stacked, and the wide open plains returned to flora & fauna.
Their plans are to gene edit and digitize any flora and fauna, they have not already destroyed, even the birds in your backyard they want to change because their song is alive, not digital, as well the songs of the trees, worms and blades of grass. Their plan will fail because they forgot the story.
The vaccine wasn’t made for Covid,
Covid was made for the vaccine.
The vaccine is the disease…
And “vaccines” were made for the biggest prize of all: the digital pass.
>This incredibly cynical “evolving definition” of “fully vaccinated”
No, it isn’t “incredibly cynical”. It is what any reasonable person would have believed and expected. It was said from the start that covid vaccines, like flu vaccines, were likely to need to be administered regularly. If you weren’t paying attention or were paying attention to some idiot that claimed something else, it’s your problem, not a problem with the authorities, who were clear from the start.
“the authorities were clear from the start”
Lovingly written by your Brigade 77 “chums”
“Chum” as in food for sharks……
You should have worked it out for yourself through your own hard work.
scrubbing the archives..
it’s not “like” Orwell’s 1984’s memoryhole, it’s more thorough than that, already..
Wow! Almost 500 comments! Is that an OG record?
To the same point:
Do people realize that Russia and China are not using the mRNA technology in their vaccines? They aren’t even mandating vax passports. So, I guess Klaus Schwab’s WEF School for Global Dictators couldn’t round up everybody to be in lockstep when the time came.
Or…. they did, and we’re the sole target…
I am quite sure that the elitists weep when every unvaccinated infant dies. They all have hearts of gold.
I copied this excerpt from an interesting article called “Original Antigenic Sin is a Real and Very Serious Reason to Stop Vaccinating Everyone”
“Over 4.2 billion people across the earth have received at least one dose of vaccine against SARS-2. The majority of these vaccines have elicited antibodies only against an early form of the spike protein that is no longer in circulation.
This would seem to be one reason why many western countries with high vaccination rates appear to have locked themselves into an indefinite phase of heightened SARS-2 transmission. In the United Kingdom, 96% of adults have antibodies to the spike protein – most of these first acquired by vaccination. Shortly after they concluded their vaccination campaign, cases skyrocketed, and they have remained high ever since.”
Complete page: Original Antigenic Sin is a Real and Very Serious Reason to Stop Vaccinating Everyone (
Hummm… The original commentary on Original Antigenic Sin is on a previous page. The conclusions are germane. As most readers know, the “vaccines” are completely bogus and ineffective.
I think people are being far too hard on poor old Bojo, you know. He only wants what’s best for us. It’s all for our own good. It’s all for the greater good. We should all just fall into line and queue up for our 53rd booster. After all, Bojo really has no option but to order a new complete lockdown. There is no alternative. Ever since the Moronic Variant was discovered/ marketed, literally thousands of people have been dropping dead in the street every day. We might as well stay at home now until January, watching reruns of Titanic and Morecombe and Wise’s 1973 Xmas Show. The streets are completely blocked with the bodies of new Moronic victims, so there’s no point going out anyway. Just 3 years more to flatten the curve and save the NHS. Sounds reasonable to me.
Here in NZ. Radio news report last Friday.
I kid you not!
British scientists in are predicting between 75,000 to 250,00o deaths in coming months from the OMNICROM varient in the UK as it spreads unchecked
Today in NZ on radio news
WHO warns the OMNOCROM Variant has spread to 75 countries and poses a huge challenge
The fact is in NZ the government & MSM has the place locked down tight in a full metal jacket regards any information relating to covid that might contradict the official narratives regarding the vaccine push and the just imposed
Traffic Light System
: the banning of the unvaxed from various activities and areas.So far the unvaxxed are unable to access hairdressers, pubs, clubs, coffee shops & restaraunts.
Up north they cannot cross
the border
out of Auckland into holiday destinations of like Northland or Bay of Islands.Auckland having been in 100 days of isolation many people up there (especialy the under 30
s) probably see the
two jabs to gopre christmas campaign as a small price to pay to be able to drink all night ,watch the sunrise on a beach, see a band or go to a club or movies.
General news sources that might refer to vaccine deaths or injuries ( here or in Australia) have been buried as discredited misinformation.
The only NZ facebook page that allowed people questioning the governments MSM backed agenda to connect & offer support (private page/ moderated) to well over three thousand members
dissapearedthe night before the
Traffic Light System
came into force.
The MSM radio talk show hosts are pouring out an unrelenting torrent of what I would describe as hate speech against the unvaxxed.
Its quite disgusting .
The purpose certainly cant be to persuade people to get vaccinated so is apparently attempting to stir annimosity among the vaxed against the recalctrant.
The overwelming majority of vaxed people in my experience have no latent fear or hatred towards the unvaxed.
Quite the opposite in fact.
This must be causing concern in some circles perhaps?
The fact is people who may have accepted the
two shots
and may even go along with the booster but eventually the penny will drop (it already has with some) when they realise something crucial.When our smiling assasin NZ PM J Ardern happily predicted
the vaccination program will go on forever
Um….like …er….
So to paraphrase an iconic NZ pop song from the late 70
s (by Blam Blam Blam)
There is NO REPRESSION in New Zealand
`Here in NZ. Radio news report last Friday.Yeah y’all need to get rid of s/he-it, seems toxic….
And do so WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE. Too bad they gave up their firearms like Australia did…
Arden is only displaying what has happened to 99.998 of the political class around the globe, It is abundantly clear that THEY do not think for themselves and are doing exactly what they are told … in LOCK STEP.
It is comparatively simple to understand how the males have been so easily ‘Jeffrey-Epsteined’ with all sorts of compromising material – but it is rather difficult to fathom how the female political leaders have been controlled. Surely it can’t ONLY be $$$$ – it has to be some other means of control … what?
Fear of what happened to JFK and dozens of others.
How about lifelong membership in a cult? The family being members of JW (and her father being something like a police general)
She attended Klaus Schwab’’s school ( for the globalist elites agenda… a dictatorship disguised as one world “0rder That school , set up many yrs ago . This is very calculated and of course $$$$$ buys the puppet. We are “ many” .. they are small percentage but GROWING. They need to be stopped soon. Some other students of that school include Angela Merkel, Tony Blair , Macron , Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos to name a few.
Do you remember the TV series “V” from the 80’s? Brainwashing. It would be simple to compromise anyone with the right tools and time. And women can easily be threatened… especially those who grew up in many of the areas we are discussing.
Funny, because the rest of the world started off (and is still) saying that omicron is very mild and that only the vaccinated are experiencing symptoms from it…
Looks like they got on top of that really quick.
Well, that is easily concluded as they give children some 70 injections before they are adults. What is the true purpose of all those shots? If any of them were really safe and effective, only a few would be needed. The same lunacy is targeted for covid injections.
Then again, believing you can somehow improve you own immune system with big pharma injections or drugs is pure lunacy. No matter how many big pharma drugs, vaccines and injections you submit to, you are still going to die…and likely much quicker than you expected.
It’s a Ponzi scheme run by the medical complex as children don’t need 70 injections to live a healthy life. They don’t need any – but the populace have been brainwashed into scheduled “well” visits to their pediatricians only for their healthy child to receive another planned injection. No one seems to notice pediatricians would have very minuscule business (and income) without the mandated childhood vaccines! Right now this Ponzi scheme is reaping even more billions by expanding new experimental shots (that are garbage) out to the adults and the children. What a devious, diabolical money making plan at the expense of human health.
The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil!!
Mr Knightly’s tendency toward optimism seems to have led him to be surprized that the same business model used on those with AIDS is now being applied to the fake plague . Everyone on Earth , excepting and exempting our rulers , will be required to take the medications wear veils and periodically be locked down , at the price and convenience that big pharma and big government agree is sustainable , forever !
FYI, here is the “vaccine” (read: shit-shot) order placed by the Czech Republic (PDF).
The provisions are cute. The agreement to buy this shit (APA), which is binding on the purchasing Member States, was signed by the fucking EU, headed by one certain von Leyen (BTW, leyen means shit in Czech) whose husband is a former Pfizer man, currently biotech company executive.
3. By signature of this Vaccine Order Form, the undersigned Member State warrants to Contractor that:
a it is irrevocably and unconditionally bound by the terms of the APA (as concluded by the Commission on behalf and in the name of the Participating Member States), including the indemnification obligations and the liability, limitation of liability and exclusions terms set out therein;
b the provisions of the APA are enforceable against it in accordance with its terms; 2
c it shall indemnify the Indemnified Persons in accordance with Article 1.12 (Indemnification) of the APA;
d it has full right, power and authority to enter into this Vaccine Order Form and to perform its respective obligations under it;
e the person executing this Vaccine Order Form is duly authorized to execute and bind the undersigned Participating Member State to the terms set forth herein and incorporated by reference.
Cunts …!
Ya got pitchforks and torches doncha?!
Well alrighty then!!
For me, an important point made by Mike Yeadon in the UK Column symposium was that the notion the vaccine still protects against severe disease and death (even though it’s proven not to protect against getting or transmitting covid) was nonsense. There is nothing in the vaccine that STOPS disease progression once you get it.
Big Media reporting on the vaccines would lead you to believe that a vaccinated 85 year old in a nursing home has better chance of survival than an unvaccinated healthy 65 year old. CDC admits they both have the same “viral load” so what could the vaccine be helping with at that point?
The only virus is the snake oil chimp virus in the fucking jabs, the rest is complete fiction
Several MPs who voted against vaccine passports previously voted for lockdowns. That is to say, they voted for the government to deliberately kill its own people. Children. To kill children. And babies. But now they’re all ‘heroes’ and we’re so grateful. Ok. Bob moran
i would settle for one shot that worked if given the opportunity.
Work against what, though? State propaganda and a mixed chaotic bag of broken statistics generated by non-diagnostic tests and hastily rewritten healthcare and death-registration protocol? A2
There is no virus, there are poisons. The ‘shot’ is a poison.
Do you believe that a poison will protect you from poisons?
‘poison’ is one meaning of φάρμακος, ‘drug’ is another.
“i would settle for one shot”
As in bullet?
Ummm yeah that comes a bit later…
Oh perhaps this has a much darker tone than I first thought!
Ok I’ll bite: Define ‘shot’ then define ‘worked’ and lets get started!
Would you like a target recommendation?
wouldn’t you settle for another brain cell.? less side effects more effective.
Try to settle for the one shot that worked. Just put your head in the oven – that should that should do the trick. But why are you doing it!? Nothing better to do or what!?
I was reminded of Mark Steel’s existence today – has he expressed any scepticism about any part of the Convid narrative?
I trawled through his last month on twitter and found nothing except jokes about Johnson, plugs for his MSM output and bits of whimsy about sport.
He has started to become rather prominent in the media over the last few weeks.
I don’t think that can be a coincidence …
I assume Bojo knew the fate of his great-grandfather Ali Kemal:
His head was smashed by cudgels and he was stoned to death, his blood-covered body was subsequently hanged with an epitaph across his chest which read, ‘Artin Kemal’
Imagine JUST how brainwashed they are …..
In 2021 to still be trusting politicians.
THIS is your anti vaccine guru he was anti vaccine 2014/5/6 until he got selected.
Trump signs executive order to improve flu vaccines SEPTEMBER 20TH 2019 Filed Under: Influenza Vaccines; Pandemic Influenza; Business Preparedness
Lisa Schnirring | News Editor | CIDRAP News | Sep 20, 2019
President Donald Trump yesterday issued an executive order directing the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to overhaul seasonal flu vaccine production and urge more Americans to be vaccinated.
The executive order, titled “Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health,” promotes new vaccine manufacturing technologies to support more robust vaccines and advances the development of vaccines that provide longer lasting coverage against a broad range of flu viruses.
Weaknesses in current production methodsIn the executive order, President Trump emphasized that each year, flu vaccines prevent millions of illnesses and thousands of deaths. It also acknowledged that a deadly flu pandemic could inflict trillions of dollars of damage on the economy.
“Unfortunately, many of the vaccines we use today are produced overseas, using time-consuming, egg-based technology, which limits their effectiveness and makes production too slow to effectively combat a potential deadly influenza pandemic,” the White House said in a statement.
In a related fact sheet, Trump said, “We want a safe and healthy future for every American family.”
Improving flu vaccines and developing universal formulations was part of proposed Senate bill last year that would have invested $1 billion in research over the next 5 years.
Speeding up production, advancing better vaccinesThe goals of overhauling flu vaccine production will reduce reliance on time-consuming egg-based vaccine production. Also, the White House said improved production speed could help experts better match vaccines to the most current circulating strains.
For example, earlier this year, World Health Organization (WHO) vaccine advisors delayed their recommendation for the H3N2 vaccine strain by a month, due to rising numbers of genetically and antigenically diverse viruses. In doing so, it warned that the move could delay flu vaccine production by 2 to 4 weeks.
A more closely matched vaccine is an important part of making the vaccines more effective. Flu vaccines are known to provide moderate protection, at about 54%, though effectiveness varies by year, with performance especially uneven against H3N2 viruses.
Also, the Trump Administration said it will advance the development of new more effective vaccines.
In 2012, a group led by the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), which publishes CIDRAP News, led a group that published an in-depth analysis of problems with current flu vaccines and steps needed to develop a game-changing flu vaccine with the potential to blunt the impact of a future pandemic.
The White House said President Trump is establishing a task force to identify priorities and monitor progress.
HHS to take leadIn a separate statement yesterday, HHS Secretary Alex Azar said that under the order, HHS will lead the coordination of efforts to modernize flu vaccine production.
“President Trump’s executive order to modernize influenza vaccine manufacturing reflects his commitment both to America’s national security and to America’s health,” he said.
Tom Inglesby, MD, director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, on Twitter today said the executive order was good and strong, requiring a new plan for faster manufacturing, improving public understanding about flu and promoting better coverage, government study of vaccine effectiveness and costs, and a lot more.
If only people could catch on as quickly as this corgi.
Good one.
Reminds me of the guy in a pub in Ultimo. He was selling tablets that allegedly made one smarter. Anyway, a young uni student tried one and after a few minutes was asked if he felt any smarter. No, he said. So the seller convinced him to try another … same result, a resounding, no. Finally, the seller cajoled him into taking another. After chewing for a few seconds, the uni student grimaced and between spittle-gags, blurted-out, this is sheep-shit. The seller simply said, see, I told you they work, before making a hasty exit.
LMAO. Even a DOG can tell after 2 that they’re being played. What’s with the humans?
that even applies to REAL vaccines. why there can’t be vaccine induced herd immunity with anything.
Thank you for the phrase “powers that shouldn’t be”.
Under the current rules, in France at least, your “pass de la honte” (pass of shame) Is dependent upon a recent PCR test, being “fully vaccinated” or having recovered from “covid”
Does that mean, then, that all of these millions of “cases” literally get a free pass?
Yes, because the goal here is to assign everyone the QR code. As long as you submit to the digital passport doesn’t really matter the reason. Mandatory vaccination will come later anyway.
You’re thinking ahead of me. I can’t believe I missed that.
Everyone with an I.D. That’s always been the main aim. And I suspect there will be no need for any false viruses or other cover stories once we’re locked into the I.D. slavery system. Jabs and tests will be irrelevant.
Try to avoid the I.D. Prepare to live outside the system as much as possible, with like-minded others. Build a ‘parallel society’. This is what I am doing with others in my local community.
We’ll be locked out of the old system anyway. This is an opportunity if you can see it.
I listened to the Right Wing rhetoric.
I listened to the Left Wing diatribe.
It’s weird how neither of them get it.
They’ve both been taken for a ride.
I watched as some protestors got violent.
I watched as some cops paid out in kind.
The corporate media just fell silent.
About justice, freedom and human rights.
Lies, damned lies and statistics.
Where’s Mr Twain when we need him.
Big Pharma’s gone militaristic.
And Truth just lays there bleeding.
This is for those on the fence.
Putting aside the usual bullshit soap opera to give the unsuspecting the comfort of thinking there is any form of government functioning, and no complete consensus in the corridors of power regarding destroying your entire way of life or literally destroying you if you don’t wake up…
The Daily Fail today…
‘Ministers unveil proposals that could raise retirement age to 68, SEVEN YEARS sooner than previously announced – forcing millions born in the 70’s to tear up their plans.
You see there is no money left to pay you the pension you worked so hard for and paid into. It has all been stolen by the Ponzi schemers, the very same ones who want you vaxxed. Also today…
Researchers from Oxford University found that countries with lower vaccine uptake than their peers benefitted from the use of vaccine passports and vaccine mandates, especially for the young.
Well thanks Oxford University. At least we’re in no doubt about what you think of us.
All that matters is that everyone is stuck with a needle and injected with their SGT. That in my opinion can mean only one thing. I’m way past being in doubt about it anymore.
It’s like burning the candle at both ends.
At one end, increase the retirement age to make sure you work and keep paying till you drop, if you don’t drop sooner.
On the other end you force mRNA vaccines into workers to compromise their immune systems and create heart, lung, and brain clots to insure that they drop sooner rather than later,,,,,
yep, sounds like you too are feeling the love big time, it’s because they care
More and more thisis looking like the final smash and grab before the ship begins its final lap around the drain….I mean look: all the criminals in the USA are doing it. Flashmobs, hatchet forces following the wealthy home to their lairs. It’s all spiralling out of control. Thus the mass exodus from the mainstream bullshit culture and into ‘start your own biznuss and try to make it happen’ lane. We all know there will be nothing left in 5 years anyway…
There never was a “pot” of money for pensions. This weeks pension payments used to be paid for from last weeks tax revenues.
Now they are paid for by borrowing.
Pensions are a huge drain so to get re-elected or elected anew it is wise not to be seen not to be borrowing even more than is necessary to prop up the failed economy.
Hence, from their point of view, it makes perfect sense to defer pension payments.
The optimum solution is to defer each person’s pension untilthe day they die.
Here’s a predicition for the UK in 2022, from Consciousness of Sheep:
Nevertheless, by the autumn of 2021, European dependence upon a fossil fuel which was depleting, and which is difficult and expensive to import in compressed form from regions that still have a surplus, was enough to drive wholesale prices up by more than 400 percent! As of yesterday – 14 December 2021, the UK wholesale price of gas stood at £3.27 per therm – up from just £0.50 a year ago.
This has already resulted in the collapse of 28 energy supply companies in the UK, although the full impact will only hit UK households from April 2022 when the current price cap is lifted. This is expected to add more than £400 to the average bill next year. Nevertheless, with millions of households already facing a hard choice between food and heat, a massive shift away from discretionary spending is now inevitable, particularly when combined with the rising price of fuel and food.
Expect more serious trouble in the new year, 2022, when we will be hit with a series of tax increases, public spending cuts and possibly interest rate rises on top of the rising cost of essentials that are already beginning to bite. The response to the pandemic has accelerated a raft of negative economic trends which are only now beginning to register in the mainstream.
Covid live: virus moving ‘faster than ever’ in UK, warns adviser; Omicron ‘probably present in most countries’ ( Prof Tim Spector, a professor of genetic epidemiology at King’s College London, who runs the Zoe Covid symptom app, told the BBC’s Today programme:
Yes and it’s 99.97 survivable Professor. This scum are clearly on a bonus scheme. The scarier their pronouncements the more money they make.
The common cold is a thing of the past, like flu. Aaaaatishoooo! Gotta get tested now.
Walking down the hill into the high street last night, this elderly couple, having just parked their car, were rubbing their hand vigorously with that fucking hand sanitiser….but it was the way they did it, so violently and ostentatiously (I am surprised they didn’t pull a muscle) convinced me it has become this manic over gestured signal of being in the cult. I think they were heading for the Chinese restaurant. Anyway, further down the hill, a family of five were heading across the road to the local Pizza Express, I heard the dad say ‘Right, masks on’ and I heard one of the boys, probably about 11 say clearly and correctly ‘Why do I have to wear a mask when I’m going to be sitting down in a minute?’ The voice of sanity when so few of the adults in the population have got the balls to wake up, let alone protect their children from a two year assault on all that is decent and life affirming. As for the politicians ( what does that word even mean any more) and their disgusting sellout last night, there are no words.
Socialization: Nothing new. Welcome to the “new normal” where rationality has become heresy. If you can get kids to believe in Santa and the tooth fairy, why not believe in jabs and masks to protect them against an evil virus that is everywhere (but actually has statistically zero percent chance of hurting them).
If adults were only as rational as kids?
Kids at least always ask the question why!
Sadly they are being deprived of their childhoods, missing soicialization and dropping IQ point for whatever thats worth. Hardly accidental…
Politicians are on a boat they can’t get off. Fat salaries and nice pensions ensure they comply with the rest of the motley crew. The boat of course is radio controlled from afar and steering is conducted by the banking, billionaire corporate scum who are behind this crime. Our job is to sink this boat.
As you say, Politicians are trapped on the well paid treadmill like the rest of us plebs who are not so well paid. But there is a simple answer. limit the max time that a Politician can serve as a Politician can serve. 3 terms maximum, then stand aside and let someone else.
No career politicians, no jobs for life in safe seats. That is why Trump was so vilified, he was not a career politician, had a life outside of Politics. So whilst the Democrats had a legitimate reason [opposition party] both parties [of professional politicians] had to remove him just in case more members of the common people tried to do the same and upset the system.
Agreed. Would also limit their pensions to time served contributions only.
I heard the dad say ‘Right, masks on’ and I heard one of the boys, probably about 11 say clearly and correctly ‘Why do I have to wear a mask when I’m going to be sitting down in a minute?’
Ah, “The Emperor’s New Clothes”, redux!
Klaus Schwab said that about the former Co-Chairman of the WEF, Maurice Strong:
“Maurice was my mentor, a great friend, and an indispensable advisor
teacher, a great friend and irreplaceable advisor“.
And here’s what this Maurice Strong had said:
“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse?
Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”
All the lockdown and other measures are intended to bring about the economic collapse of our nations.
That’s what the word “reset” in “Great Reset” says: If you do a reset with the computer – it first goes all the way down to “off”.
This “Build Back Better” is also only possible after a collapse.
It is therefore that these Covid-measures and future CO2-measures are exclusively aimed at the destruction of our “industrialized societies” .
And this is not a conspiracy theory, but they say it unequivocally themselves!
Where is the state security? MI6, MI5, CIA? The WEF attacks our states and wants their destruction.
From what I ave found I suspect they are in part sponsored by the CiA
Well yeah there is that….
What’s really going on will cause economic collapse as a consequence.
To avoid too many people figuring out what’s really going on, they will pretend that economic collapse is the objective.
A village upstream of a new dam will suffer economic collapse, so the resident parents may tell porkies to their kids (prior to departure) to reassure them that the various shops and businesses closing down is part of a rejuvenation project, etc.
You’ve just got to find out what ‘The Great Reset’ is, and that economic collapse is a consequence of the preparations for it (which include Covid).
No need for the gangsters-in-charge to work to bring about the collapse of the industrial order of society. That’s happening of its own volition anyway. Klaus and the other gic detritus are simply flailing; sliding along on a tide that they don’t command.
That tide is, in stone-cold sober fact, a socio-economo-eco-geophysical process which is inherently beyond human control. Nothing we do or don’t do is going to alter its trajectory noticeably. ‘Man’ is absolutely not ‘the master of all things’, and never will be. Some things – the Long Descent amongst them – just have to be embraced as unalterable fate. Eat your wilfully-blind, damnfool hearts our, techno-narcissists! 😂
Thats some damn fine prose! I may have to quote you on that….
The industrialized nations are not civilized, as Ghandi noted. They have been allowed to exist so that we can see that independence from the Source of life doesn’t work. We now see that. We chose to learn the hard way. By ‘we’, I mean everyone, but as a result of decisions and actions by our first human parents that caused big issues to rise that had to be allowed to be settled. This toilet, poisoned world, must be removed, not so that the same monsters who created the world pre covid can build something even worse, but so that a truly normal, decent world can exist, as was intended.
I don’t miss the pre covid world any more than Lot missed Sodom and Gomorrah (and his wife did and was turned into a pillar of salt for it as a lesson to us). Sure I had relative comfort here in Toronto, even without much money. I had a small scale life, but everything was there for it to be a good one. I had my restos and espresso bars and the friends I made when visiting them. All of that is gone. But I don’t think many much less fortunate people noticed much of a change with covid. Gazans, Syrians and victims like Julian Assange are all still in hell. Do we want that to continue?
What I regret is the way that Klaus et al are collapsing the world. They are not doing it democratically. They are not doing it with a view to protecting us as they do it. We are told that we are all in it – the destruction – together. What they would claim to mean is that they do care about us. What they actually mean is that we are in it together the way a mugger and his mugging victims are in it together. The terrorism, destruction (in a negative sense), the deaths and maimings from the muggers’ assaults are a little more extreme than mere ‘collapsing’ and the attack on the people isn’t even in implied in statements by creeps like Maurice and Klaus. “We are going to demolish your house and build a better one. Oh, by the way, you’ll be in it when we demolish it. If not, your new and improved home will ours when we are done.” (James Corbett has a good video looking at faker Maurice Strong by the way.)
Where do the bastards – who really are merely the puppets of Capital – get there “legitimacy” if not from those who are going along with this nightmare? But those who are going along with this hell did not do so after being rationally persuaded in a debate. There has never been a debate about what to do in response to an alleged emergency, and there should have been if the situation is claimed to be unprecedented and if the response to it was going to drastically affect humanity. I mean, the “legitimacy” of the measures taken derive from psychologically influencing the masses and bypassing rational thinking. That cannot properly be called legitimacy.
I don’t know when or how all of this will end. Perhaps, as Rhisiart Gwilym comments above, we are in the process of our own destruction, but I don’t think so because hardly everyone of us is actively participating to one’s extinction all the time. We are misled and blinded. The seeds of destruction (Thanatos) are inherent to Capital but the seeds of generous Life are in every one of us waiting to blossom. Everyone of us expresses Life with his family members or friends or even strangers. We all live in a communistic way within our close social circles, where no money, no petty self interest are envolved, just good will . It is because there are still those moments where we are free from the claws of Thanatos that I don’t lose hope.
There isn’t any democracy formally (except in rhetoric) and there is virtually no democracy among the people because the people are too stupid to know that what they are told is democracy is actually fascism. There’s a lot of effort, I’ve noticed, to distract people from the fact that their democracy is fascism and you see it in the form of (non sensical) anti-communist ranting.
You can tell people that giving up freedom means gaining freedom and they’ll just nod and say “Okay.” We are up against the 1% and the 99% of the 99% that is plugged into the matrix that the predator/parasite class has created. We have to fight smart predators and hopeless plugged-in ones. That’s sort of the theme of a poster I did called Victims Of Victims:

The Great Reset might look good on paper, but they seem to have overlooked one thing – human beings. People are not like computers. A computer resets because it has an operating system which allows it to do so. But when you destroy society to ‘reset’ it, what do you actually have to ‘build back better’? If you have killed off the professionals, the entrepreneurs, the skilled tradespeople, farmers, etc., what do you really have to get started again? Only the greedy globalists, who wouldn’t know one end of a shovel from the other. The result of their plans will be their own extinction. Money is of little use if you can’t feed yourself.
Rather like a virus killing its host then?! They go down with us…
If Cambodia in the 70’s is any indication…..
Sorry to rain on your parade but I’m sure they’ve figured this out already since they have just about everyone’s life history on record from birth.
If stories of kill shots for some and saline for others are true, it would make perfect sense who they want dead and who they see as useful for their new normal fantasy.
The main problem with money is people think that they own it.
Unless ownership itself is questioned only the same kind of system can exist.
The idea that harnessing greed is necessary to create wealth which gradually pulls people out of poverty needs to die. If there is no imperative to share, money will flow from the pockets of the many to the pockets of the few like water from the mountains to the sea.
Thank you, Bill, for probably the only positive comment I’ve ever read on this site. There’s some great material, but boy, is it depressing.
What does ‘the shot’ actually do to a perfectly healthy person with a strong and functioning immune system? Errrmm … I’ll get back to you!
This blog by Jon Rappoport is revelatory:
“Attorney Thomas Renz and CMS [Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services] whistleblowers have calculated a total [federal] payment [to hospitals] of at least $100,000 per [COVID] patient.”
by Jon Rappoport
December 14, 2021
6000 Swedes volunteered for chip implants.I am really losing it these days.Staring at leaves and branches and berries help keep it real.
1) I make that 0.06% of the Swedish population.
2) How does anyone know any of these 6,000 are real people or have a real microchip?
3) There is probably a minority that can be persuaded that being microchipped is a good idea. So? Who didn’t know this was in the pipeline?
I saw a video recently (I believe it was one of James Corbett’s recent presentations) in which people going to work (or something) just put their hands up near some device and the door opened for them. It wasn’t the usual biometric palm reader thing. It was proximity that allowed something implanted the happy drone to activate the door.
And to think one EMP cannon can ruin your whole day….
Or one dot on a QR code.
Oh yeah no, none of that please….
I guess that it depends on the QR code. I think it’s a great idea myself. And it’s easy.
Then there is also what Jordan Peterson described as a terrifying statistic – the percentage of people with an IQ of less than 86 -people who are literally capable of setting new world records in stupidity.
So, indeed, 6,000 is of zero significance.
I have no trust whatever in IQ tests. They are weighted heavily in favor of science and math at the expense of language and art.
As I recall from way way back when I took such a test (and scored poorly, I should add as a disclaimer), every other problem was one of those God-awful boxes stretched out which you had to identify what it looked like when assembled. Not my bag (or box, as it were).
(I did a little better than 86 – but not a whole lot.)
It’s that ‘little bit better’ that makes all the difference, Howard 🙂
I find even the thought of those tests hard work these days, but 86 really is extremely low, if, as I understand it, 100 is supposed to be ‘average’.
In Jordan Peterson’s opinion, lower than that means ‘incapable of carrying out the simplest functions of responsibility in society’, although of course many exceptional artistic talents and gifts defy such ‘tests’.
I once knew a ‘Mensa’ member very well, and it was clear that their high intelligence had a fair number of blind spots…
I would certainly agree that such tests only measure a pre-defined concept of intelligence, but I still think they have their place, if not taken too seriously.
Peterson got jabbed. He’s one of the less than 86.
BFD….This was in the works for years and now is the perfect time. As you mentioned, these reports are often presented as reality when in fact the numbers are made up and likely exhaggerated. Example: in the States the 70% vaxxed is the mantra. Really? I rather doubt that… The meme being promoted is that the remaining 30% are the cause of all the problems, the reason hospitals a full, the reason the Covidians need boosters…and yeah people are buying it.
Those Swedes: they always strike me as being somewhat weird. Freaky or What? They open their country for the scum of the earth and then congratulate themselves for welcoming a sub-human criminal epidemic epidemic. Still its their party
Why not try chip implants on the migrants coming into the west, just to a] track them and b] See how well they assimilate into the host culture. c] If they are not would be Terrorists with aims to subvert the west, then i am certain that they won’t object
Good article on the growing government tyranny enabled by the Covid (and future) scamdemics.
Sick? Semper Tyrannus
Jon Sanders
– December 14, 2021
On Nov. 26, 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced a new “variant of concern” of SARS-CoV-2. The variant, dubbed “Omicron,” is the fifth to get that designation. Still as of this writing, the only thing everybody knows for sure about it is that we know very little about it. Questions about Omicron remain as basic as: Is it more contagious? Are its symptoms milder? Where and when did it originate? How much do present vaccines help against it? Is it deadly or not so much?
Nevertheless, for most of the Western world, the announcement alone was taken as sufficient pretext for restoring tyrannical emergency orders and juicing up for new ones. This overreaction shows an alarming bent toward despotism — in conjunction with a maddening inability to learn from the glaring failures of those same orders as tools for controlling the virus.
Government leaders have tipped their hands. Covid-19 has given them access to powers that they are loath to lose. Alarmingly, people in the world’s freest societies (using the prepandemic 2019 “Freedom in the World” report by Freedom House) — notably in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand — have allowed totalitarian restrictions so long as they were euphemized as safety measures. Without the gloss, they include house arrest, dehumanizing dress codes, movement papers for work, shopping, and travel, and apartheid. The establishment of concentration camps for dissenters in Australia is a grievous late development.
We can never know how contagious it is. The first action of the authorities was to stop recording infection and causes of death. Everyone who failed a Covid “test” within a month became a covid death, even after being run over by a bus.
Ah but the bus had such a mass of COVID on its tires that death was instantaneous.
“the new planet’s hope for Peace and Freedom”
The new hope for peace and freedom will not be achieved by the installation of some new societal order. First, change will have to take place in how people perceive themselves – they’ll have to start seeing as independent individuals interacting with others in a horizontal fashion rather than being sheeple at the bottom of a hierarchical structure.
Do not comply. Make a stand. Resist.
Only humans could speak of a “new planet.” We will never learn that it’s not our planet – which is why human extinction is inevitable.
Yes Howard, but many people, including myself, and former societies could never comprehend a “new planet”. It is the death culture that for centuries has proclaimed themselves in charge that drives itself toward extinction, the culture is an antithesis to all life and spirit, hence the continued decimation of species and ecosystems. But I think your premise of the mindset of a “new planet” leads to human extinction holds much validity, it is an understanding that escapes almost all environmentalists. The indoctrination, like the darkness, runs deep.
I agree. I started a social enterprise. It was hard to get people to understand the non-hierarchical structure, i.e. to stop seeing me as the boss and to consider themselves equal members instead of customers or employees.
Here in the USA, our MSM are flogging the [supposed] 800k Covid death number. No mention is made that this is an almost 2 year number or that the vast majority who have died were obese and/or aged with multiple comorbidities.
The CDC estimates that 375k died in 2020 of Covid. That means that despite the lockdowns, masks, social separation, vaccine passes and the regular CoVax shots, the 2021 Covid death count WILL EXCEED the 2020 count!
I wonder how many of the dead were unvaxxed and how many were fully vaxxed?
This has to be embarrassing for all public health officials, politicians and the MD TV whores who keep touting more jabs as the solution to Covid..
How many in the USA normally died of flu, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases in the same period? A suspiciously similar number?
Hard to know, they rolled ”covid” flu and pnuemonia into one thing in April last year and decided to list ”deaths” as anyone who died within 60 days of a positive test or people with something similar to covid without a test. In other words utter bullshit.
In other words a criminal fraud.
Mass murder of the old and sick, in Texas they even counted people aged 100-110 with up to 7 pre existing diseases, ie corpses in beds.
Funny you should ask. Those numbers dropped off to near zero when Covid came to town.
“This has to be embarrassing for all public health officials, politicians…”
Tyranny’s little helpers. Publicly funded and and spineless they will do ANYTHING to endorse and promote this criminal fraud.
They won’t be in the least embarrassed. They’ll simply say, “That just goes to prove how deadly the virus has become”. That’s a good enough level of logic to satisfy the ignorant plebs . . .
Despite all of that the rivets on the narrative are starting to pop. Joe Rogan has a metric fuck’ton of subscribers and he just interviewed Dr. McCullough. That is going to make waves. Wallensky of the CDC was grilled by an MP (congress to be fair…) and she did not hold up well….refused to answer direct questions, squirmed like a guilty spy and was looking guilty as hell. For those that dont know, the CDC is private corporation that own medical patents, many of them vaxxes. Alot more USAns are taking note of that. Let’s see if we can make ‘Regulatory Capture’ a household word shall we?
This is worth a read if estimates are anything to go by.
It would appear that the only political group in the House of Commons are those dissident Tory backbenchers. As for the Labour Party (bastards) anyone with any political nous should never, ever, vote for this Quisling/Petainist scum.
Agreed as one who used to align with the left and is left confused at its failure to resist tyranny. However, let’s not forget that 8 Labour MPs, 10 Liberal Democrats, 6 DUP, Green Party MP Caroline Lucas and Independent MPs Jeremy Corbyn and Rob Roberts also opposed this move in the direction of a totalitarian surveillance society. My Labour MP was not one of the 8, though, so she’s lost my support for good.
I doubt the majority of those Tory rebels are genuine.
As usual, they’ve function-stacked the event – in addition to passing the legislation they’re building a “Johnson has lost control of his party and can’t carry on” narrative.
all mp are corporation sol
all moloch pledged
are actor agent
scripted plotted pre programmed
at this stage in the cesti qui vie 1666 criminal act system
they are empty suits on a fat demonic payment system
Labor-&-tory party; no wonder they want to pharm us all
“Laboratory”. What could be more appropriate?
At last, one simple word to describe today’s Westminster . . .
“Did you vote for the Laboratory Party?”
“Yes. Everybody did.” . . .
Career and money are paramount to these spineless jellyfish. Scum of the earth.
secret cabal within TORY party fighting for our freeDUMB
jesus you lot so predictable and gullible.
They been having FAKE backbench revolts for decades yet you lot cant see the psyop.
yes sir even hear the eyes are wide shut
i always wondered why the film maker nicholas roeg
used mirrors so much
its just
bo bo boo bo barrrr
never got to see the unbutchered edit of ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ and never will
We are here precisely because we see it.
Your saying we don’t is of no importance.
The UK ‘Labour Party’ can now be seen as a floating corpse. Ex Labour voters could do worse than to regroup and vote for their own, local independent MP. A known, home grown candidate who will work on behalf of their voters, and further, perhaps have the support in Parliament of fellow travelling independents. Party politics is indeed dead in the water!
A party of labour led by a peer of the realm? They are taking the piss.
Read a story on Google today. They will be enforcing Biden’s vax mandate, even though it has been put on hold by the courts. If you don’t accept the shots by Jan 19th, you’ will be put on unpaid leave for up to 6 months. If you still refuse to comply, you will be terminated.
By then “terminated” will mean “bullet to the back of the head with the bill being sent to the next of kin” … China style!
Gosh! You’re bustling ahead Warp Speed style.
If you comply you may well still be terminated (not fired).
Terminate? Good word – “I’ll be back”.
With extreme prejudice…
Here’s the story:
Google tells employees they’ll lose pay and will eventually be fired if they don’t follow vaccination rules
DEC 14 2021
• In a memo circulated by leadership, Google told employees that they must comply with vaccine policies or they face losing pay and then losing their job.
• The document said most U.S. employees will fall under their vaccine requirements, which stems from President Biden’s executive order.
• While much of the tech industry delays return-to-work plans, Google is gearing up to get back into the office and is showing little patience for the unvaccinated.
Let’s see now: googleplex is universally recognized as the most evil entity on the planet not overseen by Dr Fauci. Perhaps getting fired would be a blessing in disguise for preventing some poor soul from being irredeemably evilized.
Ah well I suppose they dont really need the best and brightest at this stage of the game do they?
This being for federal employees and contractors?
I see that the British Labour Party is fully supportive of Johnson’s covid stance, although BOJO was harassed by significant number of Tories on his back-benches. So Labour party has come full-circle. The National Health Service was founded in 1945 – a brainchild of Anuerin Bevan – and was probably the finest piece of progressive social legislation of any political party in the immediate post-war period. But the present Labour party is an abomination. Pro-Brexit, Pro-Nato, Pro-Covid, Pro-Climate hoax. They are the enemies of the British people.
You are right except for the eight Labour MPs that voted against:
Diane Abbott, Apsana Begum, Dawn Butler, Emma Lewell-Buck, Clive Lewis, Rebecca Long-Bailey, Bell Ribeiro-Addy and Graham Stringer
The NHS is the literal instrument of this and still people are praising it? It’s incomprehensible. That lifetime of programming is very difficult to throw off it seems.
The NHS was always an instrument of central control. This model of “health” delivery allows central diktat of policy and forces everyone to pay for allopathic medicine whether you want it or not. Why do you think the Conservatives ran it for all these years and never quite got around to privatising it despite their supposed ideology? Why has the corporate-state media constantly ran cover for it despite repeated horror stories about NHS disasters?
If they offer something (apparently) for free, you are the product.
The tories loathed the NHS idea from the outset. I remember it well! They’ve been gunning for it – quite visibly – since then: breaking off anything that they could get away with stealing and privatising, and destroying anything they could, piecemeal, if it showed no promise for commercial profit-making.
That’s been a consistent pattern with the NHS’s tory enemies from the first. The only reason it’s taken them so long to bring the NHS to it’s current sorry state is because there was always, and still remains, an entirely justified, common-sense commitment amongst a majority of the British peoples to a non-commercial, state-provided, tax-funded (not ‘free’ obviously, but paid for by all tax-payers, proportionately – more or less!) social-medicine system.
Despite all the abstruse political-theorising such as Ed’s above, that’s always been the – entirely realistic, reality-inhabiting – attitude of the bulk of we Brit plebs. And it remains so. We WANT our socialised medical system! And we quite like the much lower costs-bill which it has always offered, compared to the gouging commercialised rentier-rackets – US-style, and mostly US one-percenter-profitting – now being foisted onto us. Against the settled popular will…
I don’t think the public are against changing the details, if they are not fed a hysterical psychop, and can see the benefit.
I have aways thought the French[?] system of paying to see a doc [or refunded whatever], then free treatment, is a lot fairer than gouging £10 for 28 tabs costing £2 from groups of the public.
I’m one of those Brit plebs. Never thought for one moment thought that I’d outlive the NHS. Now it’s looking like a close race.
We have turned into a little America. Left or Right, Republican or Democrat makes not the slightest difference. Those with the money are their paymasters and the illusion of democracy is all that’s required.
Aaaah the RedBLue UniParty, home at last.
The Labour Party are not pro-Brexit. If they were they may have stood a chance of Corbyn getting elected but they betrayed their real supporters for identitarian politics and got shafted as a result.
Socialised care has now started to eat itself so what ever the original intentions this behemoth is now starting to destroy us all. It was always designed as a tool to do just that.
The Labour party has nothing to offer the electorate. And moreover the same is true for the rest of the political riff-raff that calls itself a government-in-waiting. There is no programme no vision, no awareness of a country which is locked into an unstoppable decline.
There will soon need to be a definition of ‘fully off with the fairies’, as a requirement to be allowed to stand for Parliament and to work in a Conservative Government.
It requires you to have experienced 3 Damascene conversions:
Heard Patrick Henningsen praise this to the high heavens on Sunday Wire LIVE Episode #399, but I don’t know, I find it sort of cringe-worthy. Oh well, different strokes for different folks.
I am far from convinced that chem trails are a regular, systemized thing, done according to a program. You can thank the well reasoned explanations of the anonymous author of VaccinePapers for that. (They won’t reveal their names, which I find suspicious. If you think you’re protecting yourself when you don’t tell anyone who you are…) And that’s all I have to say on the subject. Note: Not being convinced of a systemized, regular program is not at all the same as not accepting that the police State government (of the US for example) hasn’t done crap like that. It has. There’s operation Sea-Spray for example.
I wouldn’t say that 21st Century Wire is solid. But I do like some of the stuff they’ve done. I like Patrick on UK Column, but otherwise have my doubts about the guy. I found it interesting that I contacted UKC to inform them about their Tor browser, “Brave.” Whoever I communicated with there agreed with me. But Patrick still pushes the browser. The person who I communicated with thinks that the Tor component is deactivated by default and must be activated. Tor’s a selling point for Brave. Draw your own conclusion. All I can say is that I’m not going anywhere near Brave.
From your article link,
“Chemtrail activists generally agree that airplanes release condensation trails (contrails) created by jet engine exhaust.”
This is a fraudulent lie. Most people working on exposing the SRM geoengineering say todays jet engines don’t produce any trail at all. I stopped reading there. Debunkers are bunk, just like fact checkers.
I have lived in rural areas most of my adult life, and areas not along any flight routes of normal passenger planes. One only has to go to these areas and watch, sometimes hundreds of planes in the sky per day, often circling and returning to where they came from, making very discernible and repeating patterns overtime, its very easy to notice that the spraying is regular and consistent. You can watch for yourself, with your own eyes, no reason to look at the computer telling lies. 2+2=4, not 5.
The spray planes are military. The operation a military operation.
As you wish. I’m no expert. I’m still not convinced. Wouldn’t hot exhaust into cold air produce a visible condensation? I’m not telling you that you have to believe this or that. I only stated that I found the VaccinePaper’s author’s presentation to be level-headed.
okay a level-headed liar, ha, as I noted. My point is you can watch the spraying with your own eyes. If you don’t live by an ocean, ridge tops are a good place to watch. From high places above large cities you can see the grid patterns laid out and watch the incoming flights at elevation with no trails left behind. Earlier in the day is better than later as the clouds formed become so thick the planes and trails are no longer visible. The planes follow the routes of the earlier ones, many times you can see two planes at once simultaneously in the sky, one following the others path exactly.
exactly, it’s plain to see in the morning usually, helps if you’re outdoors a lot as you really see it happening… and yet people try and deny it . . .
Not trying to weigh in on the debate, but I have definitely seen the expanding contrails at work on more than one occassion. Not merely a contrail, but a series of them expanding into an overcast sky…I though it was odd at the time.
I watched “vapour trails” turn into miles-wide cloud about 2017, since then I’ve kept watching. They are spraying vast quantities of shit into our skies – plain for all to see if you spend a few hours sky-gazing.
Stop this fucking moronic world, I want to get off.
Most don’t look up at all, so it’s really easy for them to deny to themselves it is happening. Some days here in Eastern WA it is very blatant – criss-cross patterns in the sky, multiple planes, etc. If this was merely water vapor it would not hang around and form “clouds” that grow wider and denser over time.
I started noticing the planes about 8 years ago, and once I found the geo-engineering website and saw the many pictures I knew what those trails were. Once you know what they are it is not hard at all to notice them. Even today, cloudy and cold but there was a nice distinct trail visible in the spaces between clouds.
I suppose the reluctance to see this or admit it’s happening has something to do with how it’s been associated with “chemtrail loony talk” which is funny to see on a site like this where most of us are indeed considered loons for questioning the covidiot narrative. But perhaps the idea that our owners could spray us with any damned thing they choose is a bridge too far for some to believe.
We are not even 10 – 20% and new world same as the old world order.
Funny, I used this exact term to my brother in law the other day who has taken two injections.
I said, “we do have something in common, in that we both will never be fully vaccinated”. Me, because i’m not going to submit to experiments. And him, because he will always be required to get just one more for his little passport.
He refused to believe me of course and still thinks his double dose is all that is required and I’m a conspiracy buff who spends all day reading facebook memes. He is a lost cause.
Had a giggle this morning when I read a bunch of nitwits boarded a flight in Newcastle NSW, Australia – Brisbane QLD. They all had their double dose, lined up for the fudged PCR test, wore their stoopid mask, stood two meters apart, showed their injection submission passport and boarded the flight with the covid filters installed.
Seems someone on board had been to a “super spreader event”, so the whole flight is to be imprisoned into a quarantine cell over Christmas. Nobody is sick of course, but since when has this ever mattered.
All the usual buzz words and sound bytes are used in the news feed which makes me suspicious if the story is true. But if it is I can’t say I’m sympathetic.
More likely the story is to prevent travel between States since this story does not help the narrative in anyway. Further, is does not assist at all in their third injection program.
Imagine trying to sell a third injection to a bunch of mugs, because the first two were not effective, whilst at the same time trying to sell the first injection to critical thinkers as effective. Mental gymnastics require here.
I feel storm clouds gathering…
Mental gymnastics: the other day I asked a friend who was vaccinated over 6 mths ago what he thought of having to take the booster, his reply “it was always going to be three shots, we knew that from the start”.
I wonder whether he will be using the same excuse at booster #10.
How did he know that? LOL, it was never mentioned by the criminals until recently.
You need to ask him what the Lotto numbers will be next month.
I do hear willing recipients of the first two complaining about number 3, though. A lot will depend on how well they can instil fear over so-called Omicron.
And 58% of the morons having number 3 are getting sick
Yes I have met that reply too…tetanus has boosters etc…well not every 3 months…it is like they were programmed to know they had to line up for more…
I had a tetanus booster when I cut my finger open with a dirty glass, that is the only one ever after the initial child hood, but I had whooping cough vax and still got whooping cough
Please keep us informed on that, Asp. We can use him as the “control group” . . .
Oh the flips they will do in order not to feel duped. it is truly a wonder of Nature!
When I read the wind so to speak, I sense quite a bit of ‘booster hesitancy’….
Happy Christmas to one and all. Does Santa have to use the QT code before entering the chimney? Will his mask fit over his beard? Has he been fully vaccinated? What about hand sanitizer?
So many questions.
Dr. Anthony Fauci sat down with “Meta” CEO Mark Zuckerberg and finally said out loud what many people have been warning for over a year about the rushed mRNA vaccines: They may actually make the Covid pandemic worse.
Dr. Fauci was commenting on a recent study that showed that the Covid vaccines may actually make a recipient more likely to be reinfected than someone with natural immunity from a prior infection.
“This would not be the first time, if it happened, that a vaccine that looked good in initial safety actually made people worse,” Fauci said. “There was the history of the Respiratory Syncitial Virus vaccine in children, which paradoxically made the children worse.”
Pause and read that again. Now consider all of the announcements made by “public health experts” that promised the “vaccines” were “100% safe and effective,” even for children who are at nearly zero risk.
Oh and yes Pandemrix good stuff great narcolepsy ‘high’ $$$$$$$$$$$$$
yes and did you hear it had to be tested on gen public to see what happened as the volunteers were in a non risk situation…so how the hell could they say it was in any way effective…wonder why they are wanting to own up now? Are the deaths about to arrive…is this why o had 2 drs tell me in the last few days that the health system in qld is about to collapse?
Contrary to what you may be implying, practically every jab, other medicine and other treatment is partly harmful or useless. Many are largely harmful. To limit liability, they state this in small print. They also admit the harm when withdrawing one treatment to replace it with a newly patented one. So much for “evidence-based” Science.
Good to see Fauci over 18 months behind the curve. I discussed RSV on Craig Murray’s blog in 2020 as the basis for expressing caution about willy nilly rushing into Coronavirus vaccine mantras.
Isn’t it about time Fauci was sacked and I was hired in his place?
Err….probably not. I might tell Joe Biden to stay the f**k out of Ukraine, stop warmongering all over the world and stop printing money like the Weimar Republic.
Do you have a link for those of us who missed the interview or are not on FB?
Last American vagabond covers it very well…
All part of the plan: Zuck the Fuck is no friend of anyone poor.
Is the shameless Fauci actually getting scared enough to want to cover his arse?
That video is gold. How’s it possible NOT to have a few doubts after seeing it….even if you ARE a Covidian?!
The effect is known as ADE. The first gene therapy vaccine for malaria was released in the late 1980’s. It was hailed as the greatest thing ever. It was soon withdrawn once it became clear that the disease was worse in the jabbed compared to the unjabbed. It was withdrawn as the manufacturer didn’t want to be sued into oblivion. Malaira is Whitty’s specialist field. He knows about ADE. He is still taking money to try to find a cure for malaria.
I know jabbed people who subsequently, and relatively recently, caught covid, suffering far worse than I did when I caught back in Jan 2020 when the disease was at its worst. Me? A few sniffles and nothing.
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”
Honestly can’t tell if that’s fake anymore.
You’re joking, right?
That’s for real. She’s a real monster.
In possession of a MooseKnuckle apparently….
Well once the Shark has been Jumped there really is no turning back…..
That looks like a real sign posted in someone’s yard in I assume, NZ. If so, are there many other similar signs? Do the authorities there allow this form of expression?
I think you get a choice: sent to the Covid gulag for a month or a 25 person orgy with horse-face itself.
Imagine those teeth scraping along….nah, don’t wanna go there!
only if you like your frank being blown by frank ‘n’ beans
see also comments…
the free world
remember alquada saddam hussein gadaffi hated us for are free dumbs.
the curtain is ajar the veil blown open slowly shirley surely
the mask is slipping the beast system reveals it.s ugly demonic face
with media and news as distraction agents polluting the well the biggest bambuzzle in history
mandates passports papers please are not needed as the vaxed are already bluetooth enabled already part of the 5g integrated grid of everything soul less
boosted into satan oblivion
for the unvaxed remember mandate is a contract requiring consent
you can always conditionally accept and add any conditions you want and remain within the fraud that is the colour of the law called the legal system
you can also demand full disclosure as agents in contract cannot conspire or do non disclosure.
if enough folks do not consent or yield then all that will be left will be the big bolshevik reveal
the boot
psy operations nudge units ex army trolls tavistock twats can only do so much lifting
the foreign owners of this plantation need you for stock check
For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.
Carrie at Number 10, answers the phone whilst breast feeding her new born,
we/thee are the the ze/CIA, and we want to talk to Boris.
“Boris has been changing nappies all night, and has fallen asleep, and I am not going to disturb him. It’s 2:00am here. What do you want?”
I acually quite like the girl. I disagree with almost all of her Green Stuff, and I don’t know if the kids are real (never seen Wilfrids face – has anyone?)
But assuming at least some of this shitshow is real, Carrie can stand up for herself, and hopefully loves her husband, and protects him from crazed Americans on the phone.
They at least give the impression of having a young family, and if you have a young family, your best protection is your wife – now Mummy.
It’s probably a lot worse than that, but wtf
The Americans should sort themselves out first, and stop giving the rest of the world such a hard time, with their bribery, corruption, blackmail lies, and death and torture squads.
It doesn’t escape notice that you are quietly reinforcing a lot of cozy establishment ideas in your weird ramblings. The queen is a ‘nice lady’, the Americans (not the global fascist rollout) are the problem, 10 Downing Street is like any old London row house where mrs Johnson picks up the phone.
Well spotted. Please save our sanity and ban the weasel infiltrator. 🕵