DISCUSS: UK announces “Plan B” in the shadow of the party that never happened.
Leaked videos and year-old rumours are already undermining the new restrictions. But why?

Less than two hours ago, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that the UK was going into “Plan B”, meaning stricter lockdown measures over the Christmas period, supposedly in order to combat the spread of the terrifying new Omicron variant.
The new public health orders include some of our old favourites like working from home and mask mandates, as well as requirements for venues to use NHS QR codes to check everyone’s vaccination status.
This was inevitable the moment we were told Plan B even existed. As a general rule, when the government tells you there is Plan B, there is no Plan A.
But the announcement of a semi-lockdown this Christmas is already overshadowed by a party that (allegedly) happened last Christmas.
Over the last two days the news has been filled with rumours and leaked videos alleging that, last Christmas, while the country was still in lockdown, Number 10 hosted a Christmas party.
There has been no official admission that the party happened at all, but the Prime Minister’s former Communications Secretary Allegra Stratton has Resigned her post as COP26 spokeswoman following a video leaking that shows her joking about the party.
🚨 BREAKING | Allegra Stratton has given it away that yes, there was a #downingstreetparty while everyone else was under Tier 3 restrictions.
You're finished @BorisJohnson. GAME OVER. pic.twitter.com/6aSUqJi9tM
— STOPCOMMONPASS.ORG ❌ (@org_scp) December 7, 2021
Did the party happen? Who knows at this point.
If it did it’s just another example of the elite showing they don’t really believe their own hype, and the fear they try to spread is fake as all hell. But we’ve been saying that since last spring, it’s not really news.
What’s interesting is the timing.
The press attempts to conjure mystique around “the news”, as if it’s an organic process that no one really understands, but it’s not. It’s just people saying things, or printing things, or uploading things.
If there are rumours about a Christmas party now, you better believe the same rumours existed when it happened. Hell, if there was a party there were probably journalists there. If a video can “appear” now, or suddenly “be released” or get “leaked”, it could have been leaked any time.
To paraphrase a quote, you should always ask “Why this? Why now?”
Myriad potential explanations exist, but the two most interesting that occur to us are:
- There was political resistance to Plan B and the party rumours and leaked video are being used to pressure Boris into following through.
- An anti-lockdown faction close to the government leaked the video. It’s possible that some of the more old fashioned parts of the conservative establishment are not comfortable with the direction of the Covid narrative, and are leaking the party story just before the announcement of Plan B in order to highlight government hypocrisy and undermine Plan B before it even happens.
Either way, there’s very much the feeling that the party scandal is just a ripple on the water, indicating some more frenzied activity well beneath the surface.
It could be that – in the UK at least – the Great Reset agenda is not monolithic, and maybe there is some bureaucratic resistance to the tyrannical laws being put in place.
Of course, you can never completely rule out that things are done simply to sow confusion or chaos, or it could just be an example of the positioning and backstabbing that are endemic to all political elites.
But what do you think?
- Did the Christmas party happen?
- Are the leaks designed to coincide with Plan B, or was it happenstance?
- Will more people resign? Is Boris’ job safe?
- Is Plan B just a “dead cat” to distract from the scandal?”
- Will the hypocrisy and dishonesty wake more people up?
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Part of the psychosis is to make absurd statements knowing that they are so. You must comply particularly when the lie is in your face.
You must know that “they” are above the rules. Above you. That resistance is futile.
Are we gonna take this shit from these sociopathic weasels? Maybe. Maybe not.
As a reductionist I would say that covers it well. From that node it expands like a fractal so it’s best to adopt the skeptical view as a beginning.
Lancashire’s Directors of Public Health have urged the public to take the threat of Omicron seriously, as they welcome the government’s decision to move to Plan B.
Professor Dominic Harrison, Blackburn with Darwen’s Director of Public Health, said the measures in Plan B are “necessary” and will help to prevent further spread of Covid-19.
Dr Sakthi Karunanithi, Director of Public Health for Lancashire County Council, said: “Getting vaccinated is still the best thing people can do to protect themselves. I strongly encourage anyone who is eligible for a first, second or booster vaccination to get it without delay.
“At this moment in time vaccinations alone are sadly not enough, which is why every one of us needs to take personal responsibility by following the national Covid-19 advice.
Blame Boris as much as you want. But it’s clowns like these who are pushing for restrictions, particularly at local level. Why Lancashire needs three public health directors is anyones guess.
Creepy looking Harrison has been employed by the WHO.
Professor pushing for lockdown is funded by guess who.
It comes after Professor Eleanor Riley, a professor of immunology and infectious disease at the University of Edinburgh, said the variant is spreading so quickly in Britain everyone will come into contact with it ‘unless you’re a hermit’.
Professor Riley warned ‘a lot of people’ could still end up in hospital even if the strain proves to cause milder symptoms than Delta.
Can you guess her famous friend and funder?
So who does Riley work for…. oh yes Gates
‘For Eleanor Riley, an immunologist at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, it must have felt like Christmas in July. The source of her midsummer cheer: $40 million from the Seattle-based Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. “I’m absolutely delighted. This is at least 10 times bigger a grant than I would have expected for my entire career,” says Riley, who last Monday received the funding for a 5-year collaborative project to come up with new ways of fighting malaria.’
Do you suppose that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation would generously fund my proposed collaborative project to come up with new ways of fighting the plague of parasitic Big Health Research apparatchiks like Riley?
Is “zero-tolerance” still a thing?
Perhaps if you call it “The War on Drugs” it could get some traction.
That’s what it is isn’t it?
We need a “Booster Juice” meme. Pitch in everyone. This is off Igor Chudov‘s substack

In 2014 Lancashire County council ran a training exercise with young people and the army about a virus outbreak and with the army rounding people up and vaccinating them. That’s how long they have been planning this scenario.
“People spoke in hushed tones of a virus, or some sort of invasion. Many people became sick, others simply disappeared. The armed forces rounded up the sick, those left behind faced disaster through food and fuel shortages.”
All this plan b/xmas party stuff is part of the act.
It should be totally obvious by now that they are prepping the masses for mandatory vaxx on a global scale.. They have planned this for a long time and not likely to stop unless they get stopped. Plan accordingly.
This is the hill I die on, and am ready to take at least one fucker with me if it gets to that.
We must all prepare to make our declaration of intent to defend ourselves, and be prepared to die on our feet like real human beings and not worms.
Well said! Declaration of intent is the term i was looking for.
I have been saying that for years. The cause may well be lost but some of us will die on our feet.
They can steal your dignity but cannot touch your soul.
He did it again…

They got John Lennon in the end.
I dont hold much hope for Julian.
I bet its done to create confusion and ‘outrage’ or discussion among the public, as well as showing how they can get away with everything, even setting up a false narrative, creating fear, draconian laws, then disobey their own laws, then leak the story, and get away with it.
Next week its christmas and everybody forgot it even happened
Here’s what a funeral director in Milton Keynes, England has to say:
Hello all, stupidity rules in the UK.
Just had a blood test, for obvious reasons will remain unstated where.
The wonderful lady that carried it out stated her joy at the fact that i was a member of the ‘great unvaxxed’
She said that she was also, but had informed the servile cretins above that she had taken both vaccines, also that there were many more like her in the NHS.
They blindly accepted it.
Why does Boris Johnson’s hair always appear like he’s standing in a whirlwind??? Must be all the gaseous fumes blowing in from the exchequer of Downing Street…
That, or his soul trembles on the precipice of Hell, and is feeling the updrafts from that region.
Also, I commented earlier about Johnson’s doughy hand in the photo. Now you bring to mind a more seasonal parallel:
Marley’s face. It was not in impenetrable shadow as the other objects in the yard were, but had a dismal light about it, like a bad lobster in a dark cellar. It was not angry or ferocious, but looked at Scrooge as Marley used to look: with ghostly spectacles turned up on its ghostly forehead. The hair was curiously stirred, as if by breath or hot air; and, though the eyes were wide open, they were perfectly motionless. That, and its livid colour, made it horrible; but its horror seemed to be in spite of the face and beyond its control, rather than a part of its own expression.
— Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol (December, 1843)
The likeable clown. it’s all part of the act that fooled many who bury their heads in the MSM.
A reminder of all the lies the Government fed us…
If they held a party in peak lockdown then that tells us eveything we need to know about the legitimacy of the scamdemic.
sorry, but some swearing… 😎
After wise “journalism” yet again.The corporate media is so boring and gutless.They cover the party a year later-wow.
There’s a further video leak from that same evening. In this one, whilst making a speech, an MP is clearly heard to say ‘a year from now the police will be investigating this party’, to appreciative, tipsy sounding laughter.
My bad. He said ‘police will not be investigating this party in a year’s time.’ See here for two clips.
Hi everyone. I’m new to comments but have stayed close to OG since the start of all this skulduggery. You’ve all kept me sane with your comments, research and humour when it’s been greatly needed.
I’ve often wanted to get involved with discussions but I’m not as articulate as many of you are. You’re a bit intimidating! Lol! Yet today, I’ve just hit an all time low. I’ll bounce back but feeling it right now, as many of you are.
I live in the north of England with my husband and this all started the week after we moved into our new dream/forever home. It was like we fell into the twilight zone. Goodbye everything we thought we knew! Peace of mind etc… We feel like we’ve been robbed of our future but what frustrates us the most is how others just can’t, won’t or don’t see it happening right underneath their noses!
I teach exercise classes to the general public and see around 60 -100 people at least a week. The majority of them have been so poorly over the past few months and they’ve all had the ‘pricks’. Without tempting fate, I have not been ill at all! (No jib jab for me or hubby thank you very much!)
I have to walk away and pretend to be doing something on my laptop when they all arrive at the start of class when the conversation inevitably turns to the ‘virus’ or vaccines. It pains me so much to hear them speak such shite! (apologies for expletives but have read much worse on here and I’m at the end of my tether!) I want to shout at them and ask them so many questions as to why they think any of this is in the slightest bit normal or rational. All this from a so called virus that apparently came from China!! And it never ends! They’re so utterly bought in to the ridiculous, nonsensical, ludicrous narrative that it is beyond my comprehension. It makes me feel like I’m the one who’s ‘lost it’ or is missing something but it seems evidently crystal clear to me that this is all made up and there is clearly a very sinister agenda behind it. All one needs to do is bloody look!! But that gut feeling that most of us had at some point over the last 18 months is just not there with them. Why not?!
The thing that will always get me is that people tend not to remember or even realise that the government are not there to tell us what to do!! They’re there to look after the country. Give advice by all means but they’re NOT there to rule us. Yet this notion seems to escape a lot of folk for some reason.
The whole narrative is so transparent! And the stupid bastard rules are ridiculously childish too don’t you think? Staying away from people ‘cos they’ve got the lurgy! Covering your mouth when you speak!!! – how rude!!! Getting fully grown adults to believe in a bogeyman ffs!!! Shouldn’t we know how to spot lies as adults?!
And as for the supposed virus symptoms, don’t even get me started!!! How very convenient that you can have the virus and not know, yet pass it on to others who might die from it!! Ffs!! What also gets me is where do people think they’re getting the virus from?!? And from who?!? Those who believe in it are very careful to follow rules and yet somehow seem to test positive… a lot… And, they tell you they either had it and a) didn’t have any symptoms, b) had mild flu or cold like symptoms and c) no one else in the household got it?!? So even if it was real, (which it is not) it’s clearly not fucking deadly then is it?!? You can kindly point these facts out to them and they just look at you and nod but then continue to play the game! Craziness!
Anyway, sorry for the long comment. I’m just struggling and arsy and this feels like a sensible and intelligent place to be right now. I could have said so much more but it’s already been said elsewhere on here. I just decided I wanted to get involved with the community and want to thank you for keeping me going – and my other half – who, thank Christ, thinks the same as I do about all this!
I’ll finish by saying good luck to each and every one of you on this side. Let’s hope we get to see brighter days soon…
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. Marcus Aurelius
Welcome to the club!
Don’t waste your time trying to reason with fools.
Reserve your energy for the bigger fight ahead.
Thanks Tony. Completely agree with you. Good to know there’s many like us and hopefully more will wake up, as it were.
Let’s hope so. 👍
The fight can only succeed if we win more over to our side.
Hi Tim,
Agree we need more on this ‘side’ but right now it feels like some people just short circuit and/or don’t want to listen. Unfortunately it’s going to take something monumental to break the spell some are under. And it will come.
I do know a lot of people who have been jabbed who know I haven’t but still respect my decision and they don’t follow the rules anymore. So there is hope. Not everyone is a Nazi.
At this point though, I actually feel that if the government were to announce on TV that this has all been a hoax and CV doesn’t actually exist but we still want you to continue with the rules that some people actually would!!! It’s bizarre!!
At the beginning of this year I verbally presented a passing acquaintance with official government statistics to prove my point to her that we were being given figures out of context to ramp up the fear mongering, and her reaction was to emphatically retort at least twice “I don’t believe them [the figures]”in a state of panic that I might somehow be right.
At the beginning of the ‘pandemic’ I used to attempt to reassure acquaintances, duly backed up with reputable scientific references, that there was no evidence of the global threat we were being warned against. I was treated as a lunatic and mocked for wanting to burst their bubble of cognitive dissonance. There was no desire on their part to be proved wrong.
It was, to use your very appropriate word, bizarre that ‘believers’ so wanted the tales of death and destruction to be true and would become aggressive at the merest hint that the mainstream narrative was being exaggerated, making no attempt whatsoever to listen to what I was saying.
Hi Judy
I’ve had the same conversations time and time again. Like you say, you’d think people would be happy to know there was no real emergency and expect them to be outraged by the media propaganda and overbearing government response!
I cannot decide if it’s cognitive dissonance or wilfull ignorance. Because I truly believe some people do know there’s something more going on and most will have heard about the agenda but have chosen to ignore it because they can’t cope with it. It’s far scarier than any so called virus. Chalking it up to conspiracy theory suits them best then they can bury their heads and hope it goes away. Earlier in the ‘pandemic’ someone actually told me, ‘you’re probably right but my mental health can’t handle it so I’ll just be a good citizen and go along with it’. (Had to control my urge to be rude to her!) It was then I knew we were in trouble. Another quote that pisses me off is, ‘Even if you’re right, what can we do about it?’ I mean… there are no words!!
There are of course those that haven’t a clue what’s happening and have been completely brainwashed so no amount of facts or logic will ever get through to them.
One thing is for sure, they’re all going to wish they had listened when they had the chance. Especially when they realise all they ever had to do was merely stop complying.
When the government offered me a bribe to be silent I knew it then too.
Well I would certainly agree there is a dark nihilism partly driving this. The mob drunk on fear and that inevitable desire to burn it all down.
It will have a terrible beauty to it. Even a sexual element. It’s a bad day when the normies are in search of a scapegoat. They consider themselves the epitome of rationality.
These primates are dangerous. Caution advised.
Nazis? Why that reminds of b’s censorship efforts regarding covid over at MoA.
In my post I was speculating if he might indeed be a Nazi. So I asked. Just to be sure of course.
In my defense I did point out that it was impossible because he doesn’t live anywhere near the Ukraine…
I think he blocked me.
I agree. But the work really is mentally taxing. Many times I walked away with the feeling that I’d just spoken to an adult with the mind of a child.
Still, onwards and upwards.
That won’t happen. You are left with making the cost not worth the effort. Violent resistance, when it occurs, and that becomes ever more likely, will be what stops them.
You can’t reason with fascism, the only thing you can do is crush it.
I heard it called faucism. Chuckle.
Meow to Black Cat. You should fit in quite well with the OG variant of anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists, eccentrics, and garden variety miscreants of all shapes, sizes, colours and creeds – except yours truly of course whose job is to illustrate the dreams, ambitions, benevolence and technological genius of our illustrious, honest and noble leaders – because I represent science.
You see BC, you have to look at it from our point of view by trying to understand what we are really trying to achieve: a New World Order. As we truly love and care for you we chose to selflessly take on the burden of engineering a new universal mental and physical health paradigm by … entertaining you … to death … remember, laughter is the best medicine.
Now, allow me to explain how this new reality actually works in words of one syllable, trust me, it will all make sense. Did you enjoy watching Monty Python? Of course you did, our research informs us just about everybody did, except for Margaret Thatcher and she only disliked it because Denise always shit himself laughing while watching it – literally. Our research also informed us that reality TV shows are very popular now. So think Monty Python meets Big Brother. So what we have done is create a dynamic where real life imitates satire – bingo! it’s really that simple.
You see everybody gets to play a part. They are locked up in their house day and night long. They do silly shit, liked get jabbed for no good reason; make narcissistic videos of themselves; open their doors and clap aimlessly; eat crap all day; get online and make “true” confessions like I just had sex with my washing machine and so on. And then they do it all over again.
Nothing makes sense anymore – it’s a totally ridiculous new reality. Vaccines protect you from the virus … but they don’t. Masks stop the virus … but they don’t. The term “social distancing” is an oxymoron. Have your jab and life will go back to normal – but it never does. It’s a fucking hilarious satirical reality show – and everybody gets to play a part. Remember, all the world’s a stage. So take heart BC – your are now a star!
So look on the bright side and bring out your dead because every vax is sacred, every vax is great, if a vax is wasted, Big Brother gets irate.
Dr Justin PhuXXXD (the black cat is out of the bag)
PS for your own safety don’t visit Dixon Street, Haymarket, New Berlin – the last stray cat I saw alone here in Chinatown was as paranoid as all fuck.
Thanks for your response, Justin.
Yes, just like Monty Python and Big Brother combined! Madness indeed. Have heard someone say ‘observe don’t absorb’… Wise words but very hard to do! And I’m not enjoying the show! It might be hilarious if it weren’t so serious!
Thanks Justin, madness and just like monty python indeed. It’d be funny if it weren’t so dangerous of course.
Heard someone say ‘observe don’t absorb’. Wise words but hard to do. And I’m not enjoying the show, much less enjoying being in it!
Meow BC – it’s very disappointing to hear you declare you are not enjoying being in the show. We have gone to a lot of trouble to get our latest blockbuster on the road. It had been in pre-production for yonks I might add.
We have also gone to great lengths to make sure everybody gets to play a part. Our internal polling tell us the ratings so far are excellent, around 99.99999999% love it and want more – trust us. It would appear you are one of a very tiny minority that is suffering stage fright.
But take heart BC, you will be pleased to know we are building Global Rest & Recreational Resilient Rationality Reuptake Resorts (GRRRRRRRs) all over the planet as a way to allow those bashful souls, such as yourself good self, to gain more confidence is this amazing production.
PS you must realise that a pandemic, or even a mild outbreak, of stage fright will mean the death of the show – and the end to my free prawn dumplings and sausage rolls.
My thoughts and feelings exactly. We must all keep strong and remain determined to fight this bullshit.
Thanks John.
I am completely determined, scary as it is. But this is literally life or death. Who wants to live in a world like ‘they’ have planned? Might as well be dead. Let’s hope it doesn’t get to that point.
There is something in my gut telling me to hold on. Maybe it’s just blind hope but maybe it’s intuition….
Your internal disposition is spot on! The narrative has had gaping holes from day one. Trust your own intuition. Your first and foremost responsibility is to your own physical and emotional well-being. Don’t let anyone guilt-trip you into believing that you have to comply with the rules set out by this corrupt leadership for the greater good of society while they laugh at us in Downing Street celebrating in peak ‘lockdown’.
It’s simple – if these cowards are not scared of the virus then we, the people have nothing to be scared of either. I’m glad there are more of us who know full well this is an elabourate lie.
I wish you all the best.
Thank you for your reply.
Exactly – in your face, gaping holes all over the place. It’s both a blessing and a curse to be able to see the truth but again, there’s a lot of thinking folk around and hopefully that number will continue to grow.
Take care of yourself.
You are so fortunate that your other half feels the same as you do. My husband and also have our dream retirement home on the shores of a small lake in Canada. However he obediently got his jabs this fall (without even telling me first) and I, horrified and demoralized, fled to Mexico. My whole family has now drunk the koolaid and I am truly alone in my un-jabbed state in a foriegn country. Without this site and its cadre of commenters, I think I would literally go crazy.
I’m so sorry to hear this Lorriam. This really saddens me. This whole despicable affair has destroyed so many bonds.
My husband is my rock and we know how lucky we are to have each other’s support.
Whilst our family is still close with us, they don’t all agree with our stance but haven’t fallen out with us. They just tend to pity us and think we’re being over the top having gone down a rabbit hole too far. We know they love us but it’s infuriating and quite insulting when they just don’t want yo hear any facts. We’re worried for them too as most (apart from my mum – who is one of us) have been jabbed.
Sending you all our love, Lorriam. Take care of yourself. This community is vital for us to feel surrounded by likeminded people who have a realistic view of the situation, despite how frightening it is.
BC x
Well stated, and don’t be a stranger!
Now I’m going to listen to the old song:
♪ You know, I ain’t superstitious
But a black cat crossed my path today… ♪
Thanks Orty! 🐾😁
Yeah I am in Canada but always return here when I need a dose of sanity. These folks are great.
Does a fairly decent job of summing up events for the past 1.83 yrs and a good bedtime story…and then they woke up and the French toast was burning
oh look …. a political ‘party’……..I wonder if the turd was really in the punch bowl?…
or just left it there…
The condition has already acquired a name – VAIDS. Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. And recently trials started for an AIDS Vaccine…
Master OOgway, of Kung Fu Panda, says “Coincidences dont happen by accident.”
Such wise words by a dead turtle…
Would you like to quack about the Downing Street refurbishment while the Fourth Industrial Revolution unfolds without anyone ever having voted for it or even discussed whether they want it?
How things work in a nutshell.
The People dont Normally vote for Revolutions, do they ? If So, i vote “agreed” !
(qualifier: i dont mean i’m voting for Herr Schwab’s revolution. I’m voting for a Revolution to overthrow Herr Schwab’s revolution ! Technically – his is a counter-revolution. So that means i’m supporting a counter counter-revolution…)
That’s just it. Even if this all disappeared tomorrow – everything back to normal – everything back on track – those of us who have woken up cannot just let these snakes slither away to fight another day. They need to be removed permanently. This is why I think they are so brazen this time. They know we know and they have no other choice but to continue and succeed in their aims. Because if they do not succeed we can’t let them escape.
Someone said things will never be the same and I agree. But not because of a plandemic. Because many of us see just what is possible now. We all knew they were bent – but this? We cannot unsee this because they’ll come again.
Forget The PCR Test ~ Here’s The Only Test You Need To Check For C0vid
Boris and his contretemps, he’ll do anything to keep himself in the “News.”
Omicron’s arrival didnt provide the Scare expected. Boris provides a distraction – just check the ‘comments’ below – while the MindSpace gang think up something else to Scare the adults into letting The Kids be vaxxed…
The expression QR Code sounds modern and technically sophisticated, and thus obscures its function. I think we should start to refer to it as a “BAR CODE”. Everyone knows what that is. Products are barcoded. We are being BARCODED. WE are being turned into products (or actually vehicles for the compelled products of the pharma-state).
I think people might more readily realize what is being done to them if they make this connection.
Well said my friend. And remember if you happen by one with a Sharpie and are able to- put a few dots on it to disable it. I don’t know where I saw that. I think little squares of sticky white paper disable them too.
Without a bar code you are not allowed to enter a bar, so it is better to call the QR-code a bar code.
Clever clever aren’t you LOL.
I see what you did there!
An amusing riposte, bar none. 😉
IMO, this is a controlled measure designed to discredit the concept of national government (which is surely fair enough given we all now realise our lives prior to March 2020 were utterly subject to mind control – the meaning from Latin of government – and we were never free in any sense) in order to have us clamour for some notion of technocratic slavery (which is not fair enough). This is a controlled measure designed to channel outrage and opposition.
Agreed as they all are. Stop looking over there…what are they doing over here.
All you have to know: NO VIRUS, NO PANDEMIC, ALL FRAUD.
All you need to know:
The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) and the Higher Regional Court (OLG) Stuttgart have made world history.
Here you can find the decision of the BGH, AZ.: I ZR 62-16 from 1.12.2016
The BGH and the Higher Regional Court Stuttgart have refuted all allegations about the suspected “measles virus”, the infection of measles and the measles vaccination.
Even more, it is now the case law of the highest court that the entire virology has been refuted.
You can find out why this is so in this text.
Here you can find the important judgment of the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart, AZ.: 12 U 63/15 from 16.02.2016
– https://wissenschafftplus.de
TRUST ULTRA TRUST NAOMI – https://www.bitchute.com/video/05OsGCekumz9/
Blog: https://coronistan.blogspot.com
A little off topic, but at least amusing.
You’d think that Alec Baldwin would have learned a lesson from Prince Andrew? Alec is an actor and much smarter than Andrew, he thought he could pull it off. Maybe he forgot the paparazzi doesn’t like him? ABC sucked him into a fatal quagmire from which he successfully checkmated himself.
What’s next for Alec, prison?
who;s been smoking the hopium GCHQ crack pipe
secret members of koosha nostra Tories POP club fighting for our freedoms in a secret war.
your starting to sound like fake lefties version of Alex Jonas & Q.
I’ve wrote the following many times since the end of the summer of 2020:
Clearly we, the herds of MMS/3i’s, are still choosing to be culled…
Yes. I was thinking of designing an IED Doorbell for Them but then I thought “Silly boy, They don’t knock… Now, the HALLway…
Here in US, there is an official hearing where other side of story is allowed to be heard and presented. In Louisiana statehouse during House Health and Welfare Committee on subject of proposed COVID vaccine mandates for students 16 and older and could be expand the mandate for children as young as 5. RFK Jr presented Pfizr’s own data along with its interpretation. House Health and Welfare Committee members voted 13 – 2 to reject Gov. John Bel Edwards’ (vaccine mandate) proposal. However, the governor said he will veto the committee’s recommendation.
“Didn’t know that Swinging Lizzie and THE ROYAL MAFIA CRIME FAMILY like to party hearty did you? Well now you know.”
I actually feel a degree of sympathy for Ms Stratton. I am convinced she was visited in the small hours by some very unpleasant men in grey suits and convinced that if she did not resign immediately her life would not be worth living. This is sickening.
Funny how my narrative doesn’t fit with yours in the least, Boris . . .
Can’t be helped, I’m afraid.
My narrative stays, since it has far more years of experience than your infantile version.
Never forget the 2012 opening ceremony, and the Boris effigy.
He’s not a bumbling, happy go lucky, fat cunt.
He’s a dirty, traitorous, sold out, and highly compromised fat cunt. Tony K
These comments have seriously restored my faith in the intelligence and wit of the nation. Thank you!!!
I’ll say. After spending a few hours in my office I want to kill folk. So dense. Still can’t see it.
I hear they even manufactured a child for them to use as a prop to distract the public. I love my British cousins, but your rulers are wild, man.
One of the few sane Americans
I love sane Americans.
They are very precious these days.
wow, this article is quite something 😬
Well good luck to (Mr/Mrs) anonymous ‘Press Association 2021’ in deradicalising 6 million misfits
interesting number, 6 million.
MindSpace, Psyops, and Cognitive Warfare
How to De-Program Greta Thunberg
COVID, Learned Helplessness, and Control
Westworld S2 – Elephants
The ropes are a bit long.
Maybe they’re starting with shorter subjects, and will trim the ropes as they go along.
Incidentally, “Doctor Doom” Fauci is 5 ft 7 in (1.70 m) tall. Keep a good thought!
No, there is a trapdoor (drop) on the wooden floor.
I was kicked off Twitter after messaging its honchos with some simple arithmatic: elites + public awareness = guillotine
12/15: Day the Bill of Rights became part of the U.S. Constitution, guaranteeing fundamental rights to all (1791)
From next Wednesday, December 15, the NHS Covid Pass on the NHS App will become mandatory for entry into nightclubs and other venues where large crowds assemble.
That’s what people SHOULD be getting angry about
Seems to penalize the 18-30s more than any other demographic group
That is the targeted group to increase vaccination rates.
There is a lot of kick back happening in the younger end of that group. Many are awake and awakening others. It was fun to watch my own kids figure it out. Many of them know it’s utter bs.
Bill de Blasio’s vaccine mandate 111-weeks after Event 201, on 201st day of Ignatian Year
The Emperor Nero was born 15/12 in AD 37
2021 – 37 = 1984
So a suitably Orwellian date.
And if the vaccine passport subsequently morphs into the ‘mark of the beast’ (Nero?) then doubly suitable
Slightly OT, but more on the story of the German chemist Dr. Andreas Noack, who died mysteriously the same day that he released a video exposing the presence of graphene hydroxide in Covid vaccines (falsely-so-called)
As discussed in some previous threads [1] [2]
Sorry, it wasn’t quite ‘the same day’, although the breathing issues apparently started then
“a great many people know perfectly well they could research the covid chaos”
Probably. But the way things have shaped is that a new societal dichotomy has been formed. Covidian proponent vs. Covidian opponent, y compris all thereto related bullshit. People have picked sides, period. They’ve been conditioned to do that, for decades and decades, perhaps centuries. They (the proponents) will use any argument supporting their position and, more importantly, any shit aimed at emotional stimulation. No matter how absurd it is.
What they will not do is admit that they’ve been wrong. At least most of them and not willingly. Perhaps they will, at a certain point, if or when things start affecting them adversely. Only open-minded people will admit that they’ve been had, and it stands to reason that most open-minded people wouldn’t fall for this BS-1984 crock of shit in the first place.
This is a huge factor and it also means that there won’t be much of the oft-invoked “waking up”.
I’m talking about the people who live two simultateous lives:
1) The life where they ‘fit in’ with society and do what everybody else is doing.
2) The life where they suspect that something is very fishy with this whole thing and so they dig deeply enough to find out that it really does stink to high heaven.
At that point, their brains collapse from exhaustion, since they are so un-used to critical thinking.
In that sense, I think the two simultaneous lives come to an agreement, in order to avoid total mental collapse:
They will admit privately, and only to themselves, that the media have been lying to them.
But they will not, as you rightly state, admit that they’ve been wrong under any non-private circumstances.
From the way they talk, I have the feeling that there are many millions of such people.
The majority do not have a strong moral sense, or the spine needed to stand up athwart the tide. People are weak . They might know what’s right but hope others will save the day if needed.
And most are in the middle class along with the net curtain twitchers of the working class.
The upper class do not need morals. They have money stolen from the other classes.
The oligarchy tries to get most people bogged down in commitments related to family, work, society, dogma, debt, etc. That makes it much easier to get them to comply.
[admins, well restore the easy likeynolikey : ) was a thumb not a comment]
Indeed ….. and that is why the spineless Johnson is delegating to the public the decision about mandatory vaccinations.
The Covidian cohort are gagging for a jab mandate and the behavioural psychologists know that.
I don’t call that ‘delegating to the public’…
It is quite clear that he intends to force the public to do what his owners insist upon, although you are quite right about the useful idiots who are ‘gagging for a jab mandate’…
Plus all the MSM has been bought off by Gates — $250m-$320m.
Damn! I had that much but I invested in bitcoin … fingers crossed!
western consumer cultures are repugnant, as are the vast majority of its (willing) participants: horrible, entitled, fucktards. all dem soap operas and reality shows done thier trick.
These people tend not to say sorry and we are drowning in them for a good decade or two now.
The orchestrated media campaign over Boris’ party is another shot across his bows like his hospital visit last year. He either embraces the fear campaign or they replace him. It’s so easily done now through the controlled media.
They love their PCR tests so much!!
I believe that tweet was deleted?
Of course.
It’s a while since I have bashed the idiocies of the WSW, so here is their latest masterpiece.
Their comment on the Christmas party crisis of course does not ask why high-up Tories never felt they were taking their lives in their hands by breaching Covid restrictions they were foisting on everyone else. Could it be because Covid is not actually all that dangerous? Such a thought cannot be entertained, obvious though it is.
Once again the WSW skate glibly over the media’s little theatre mindlessly embracing it all. This has been their customary mode since the viral doom show began.
Thus their breathless regurgitation of the Trump stormtrooper Capitol coup.
My favourite example of their criminal gullibility is their eager recycling of the Boris cackle over bodies in her streets. But I had no idea they’d actually put that into a title:
“UK Prime Minister Johnson demanded “no more f***ing lockdowns, let the bodies pile high in their thousands!””
“The CIA Party (formerly known as the SEP) is pathetic.”

“David W Green a regular Jim Jones, is he.”

The people seem to think everyone was immortal till covid
I preferred him.
Which is why they are treading water with their comments and evaluation: multiple mutations, may be far more deadly, may spread faster, scientists are studying it, we need more time/data, etc.
Who’s pulling Johnsons, strings?
The illuminati Freemason Zionists. Simples.
An excellent and differing analysis thanks for sharing.
I remember commenting that the media and the various unions – especially the pitiful and nefarious Teaching Unions – were applying the pressure to lock us down and curtail our freedoms.
This chimes with a lot of what’s been said by BTL commenters here on Offg – that leftists are playing a big part driving this Morona Madness.
I actually made a point of watching Boris’ press conferences back in 2020 to compare the media reporting of it – even the 6 o’clock news that immediately followed the conference would twist what Boris announced to such an extent that unless you’d seen the actual presser you’d think he was calling for a mass culling.
I am no Boris fan and don’t think he was some kind of “reluctant fundamentalist” but could see that he wasn’t as enthusiastic about the whole thing as some. Ben is correct that someone like Sir Keir Stormtrooper would have all unjabbed in a Gulag by now but Boris is still a special type of miscreant that is able to lie for 18 months straight as Ben acknowledges.
I did also notice that every time a lifting of restrictions was even mooted Nagpaul or some other union/associations shit head would start parading their paranoia that the Virus would murder us all unless we stayed imprisoned. Then there’d follow the inevitable U Turn.
However I do think Mr Irvine has a massive blind spot and is wrong to dismiss the “Plandemic” theory. The unions have been a wheel in this machine but their funding therefore marching orders probably lead back to the same elites pushing for a global tyranny.
A real ‘plan b’ will presumably be to decouple the universal digital ID from vaccine passports and use the goodwill generated by loosening (or stopping short of harsher) restrictions to introduce the IDs by stealth or in a seemingly less coercive way.
The ruling class want a transhumanist engineered human society but they need a surveillance/digital scrip company town society.
If they achieve the latter there’s no limits to what they can do.
Remain vigilant and adjust your rhetoric ahead of that potential eventuality.
Corbett Report – Your guide to the great convergence – has lots of useful receipts.
This is a nothing burger people. Jeez they are injecting our children with unknown, untested, unnecessary & unsafe gene therapy! The next step is mandatory injections for all of you…..party!?
I love your posts, but regarding the last picture: people are saying all the time that the vaccine does not protect you, so it is useless.
The vaccine (they tell us) does not protect 100 %, it reduces the risk.
So, MY vaccine reduces the risk and when YOU take the vaccine, YOUR vaccine reduces the risk for me more or better. That’s the argument.
Of course, if there was a virus. There isn’t, so that’s the end of all arguments of the vaccine ‘dilemma’.
it reduces the risk.
Then, why are governments and academia so coy about stating the comparative risk (in the jabbed and unjabbed) for (a) each type of severe harm (b) death (c) “long covid”?
Two things occur to me:
1) “It’s possible that some of the more old fashioned parts of the conservative establishment are not comfortable with the direction of the Covid narrative…”
I don’t think so. If any of the conservative establishment people were as old-fashioned as that, they would not have their establishment jobs.
Elements like that have been actively screened out of the system for decades now. Even if a couple of them were to slip through the net, they would be quickly demoted to something like, ‘Minister for the No. 10 Coffee Machine’.
As most of us here know pretty well, ‘the narrative’ controls everything.
2) I have a hunch that a great many people know perfectly well they could research the covid chaos and find out one way or the other what the real science has to say.
They just can’t be bothered. Thinking makes their brains hurt…
Substitute bag of mince for brains.
Demoted or perhaps stabbed to death.
I think they simply don’t or can’t believe that the people who are promoting and pushing the whole Covid hoax are as evil and deranged as they are, and the level of utter contempt and/or indifference these so called leaders have for them and for common people in general.