The 5 signs you DON’T have “Omicron”…you have a cold & a PCR test
The government are creating a "new wave" just in time for Christmas, and they're using the same trick they used last time.
Kit Knightly

Set of vector illustrations of people suffering from various symptoms of the common cold and flu. Characters with chills, headache and ear pain, as well as a runny nose and cough are isolated on a light background.
They are determined to make the “Omicron Variant” appear as frightening as possible, that means getting as many cases as possible, which means flipping all the way to the front of the Covid playbook.
Enter “The 5 Signs You May Have Omicron Covid”, an article in the Metro yesterday, and repeated in spirit across dozens of other outlets.
For those of you feeling morbidly curious, here are the five signs of Omicron:
- scratchy throat
- Fatigue
- mild muscle aches
- dry cough
- night sweats
The astute reader will no doubt pick up that these are the symptoms of every single one of the common cold viruses that infect millions of people all over the world every single year.
It’s just the old Simpsons joke about “mild hunger, occasional thirst and tiredness at night”, only they expect us to take it seriously.
The odds are you’ve experienced these symptoms at least once or twice in the last year or so. This does not mean you had Omicron. It does not mean Omicron even exists.
Rather, it’s just a ploy to get you to follow government guidance and, in the words of the article:
order a free PCR test as soon as possible”.
The government site for ordering PCR tests has already shut down due to millions of requests. We have repeated, ad infinitum, that these tests are scientifically meaningless, and return huge numbers of false positives.
Nevertheless, hundreds of thousands of PCR tests are being done on people with nothing but mild cold symptoms as we speak, and in these nasal swabs lies the incipient “Omicron wave”.
That is why Sajid Javid is going on TV saying he expects cases of Omicron to “dramatically increase” in the run-up to Christmas, because they are going to make it happen.
Then they’ll probably have the Prime Minister announce new restrictions…just after Parliament adjourns for the Christmas break, so they can’t be reviewed or voted on.
It’s the same old trick, again and again and again. Hopefully, people will stop falling for it soon.
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Destroying Christmas for everyone is just another attack on Christians and the American people. DISGUST. Pigs will be pigs. Yawn.
Just another attack on Christians. And American culture. Right at Christmas. Feckin Commies.
It’s fear porn, alright. The criminals that enacted the entire delusion that has so easily hypnotized ordinary people to commit acts of public insanity, need to be rounded up and dispensed with. As long as I maintain any semblance of reason, I will never sign on to any popular insanity. It always turns out that the most important event of all time is usually a dud and has people stammering around in a confusion that IS a big event, even bigger than the dud that created it. Make a dud, go to hell. But, do enjoy life all the way to the final bustout!
Anagram of the week
Delta + Omicron = Media Control.
They are taking the piss.
Fear porn is the democrats main weapon. Dr. Fauci is the main exponent of this method.
This whole operation reminds me of how financial ponzi fraudsters use the MSM to promote the latest ‘hot stock’ before dumping their own holdings to leave the gullible holding onto worthless shares.
No due diligence, insiders in the media getting friends/relations in on the action early on.
And basically a way of stealing from the readers of those very MSM organisations.
Why people keep reading this claptrap is beyond me.
The MSM are not our friends. They are solely interested in trousering as much money as possible from us.
I don’t spend anything at all on the MSM any more. Not one penny.
The more people who do the same, the better.
Before we become a captured, enslaved people, it might serve us better to become a violent and unpredictably reckless people. Our masses in the streets as a living warning flag.
Mass Formation – most of the public will NOT stop falling for it, even those who say they can see what’s happening will still bend over and take it.
Is there no end to this absolute bollocks? The entire world has been hypnotised. Wake UP, you daft buggers, the end of the world is nigh…..
Your comment is spot on. I was reading this article
and the comments this morning and felt absolutely enraged at the stupidity of people. What sort of life is this to live?! And this is summer in Australia…time to go out and enjoy!!! I just can’t handle it anymore.
There were about 150 nearly all pro-vax posts that are indeed maddening, but I suspect that there were thousands of anti-vax posts that the SMH propagandists entirely deleted as well.
Yea, there were about 150 nearly all disgusting pro-vax posts, but I suspect that there were thousands of anti-vax posts that were all deleted by the Sydney Morning Herald. Just a hunch.
A huge number of false positives indeed – as in one hundred percent false.
Covid is the novel disease/pandemic that never was.
THe amount of pcr tests a person seeks is in direct proportion to their degree of gullibility. RIP the common cold, we finally have found the perfect cure … pretend its something else
That’s a great reply.
Sorry, in your dreams will they stop “falling for it.” It was ever thus. Hope is the cArrot dangling in front of the donkey.
“Yet, fooled with hope, men favour the deceit;
Trust on, and think to-morrow will repay:
To-morrow’s falser than the former day;
Lies worse; and while it says, we shall be blessed”.
John Dryden, 1675
With an eye on reality and no delusions … Keep on trucking…..
refuse to be bamboozled … as always.
“order a free PCR test as soon as possible”
Hardly free. The UK taxpayer is paying for it, along with who knows whatever markups taken by covid profiteers.
In 🇨🇵 Next target; 0 to 5 years. The rhetoric will begin soon. A minister contaminated by a newborn?
The disruption caused by the initial shock and awe has now settled into a calm assured programme of complacent annihilation. A hospital in Southern Norway is now cancelling all planned treatments to prepare for more corona patients in the wake of omicron i.e. the most dismally transparent wing of the fraud yet. A total non-illness is now being used as script to wipe out all health services and the other services will follow. Meanwhile the new “Christmas tradition” of bogus novel variant to back up booster take-up will be intentionally aimed at creating ferocious divisions in the public and so weaken the social fabric further. By this time there ought to be an increasing – though much resisted – awareness of the true situation amongst the population. But the media will continue with their most potent weapon: that blasé nonchalance in constant repetition of a deliberately limited set of words whose monotony will aim at inducing despair.
A to the men . Simple and to the point. Thank you
The scaremongers, the frightened, the attention seekers and whatever maniacs and all those in the lucrative business are now fully warmed up, in an obsessive loop, they can’t stop, they increase each other’s contagious madness, like the people in a lunatic asylum increase each other’s madness.
Some say these are times of great deception, but these are also times of great truth, of the witnessing of a global psychosis. Of which the medicine is (for both parties), to disconnect from the monster created by democracy, the media, and to ignore and to avoid these other democratic monsters, the modern hyper controlling institutions, to get back to reality and life.
I had Omicron in 2014…and as a kid in the 1970’s and 80’s!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am
Just to clarify. any PCR test for any nucleic acid presence per FDA assertions does not detect any infection so the test cannot tell you whether you are or going to get sick or not and what disease it could be.
Additionally, PCR tests based on detection of one gene (allowed by FDA) or two genes in some clinical cases with symptom presentation are incapable by design to detect any variants (over 40,000 allegedly variants, mostly nothing but algorithmic artifacts of sampling methods and sequencing techniques of RNA, have been publish worldwide). None of 40k plus of those alleged variants have any distinct clinical presentation or requires unique clinical protocol to manage them.Delta, Omicron etc., if they even exists are clinically indistinguishable from any other variants if they exist. Hence doctors do not know neither they care who of their patients are exactly Omicron or Delta patients it is just a regular flu and cold season and therapies are similar.
Omicron “infection” rates are algorithmic fallacies based not on actual empirical data (hospitals do not know who has omicron who does not) but on projections stemming from proven astronomically wrong epidemiological models assuming that if one person has omicron in the area hospital almost all living there have it and will have it soon.
Psychological never ending brainwashing class war continues almost unabated even those who were enticed, intimidated or coerced to get jabs realizing now that they have been conned, entered treadmill of false promises and hopes for Normal life are not revolting but running faster toward nowhere but to next booster more devastating adverse effects that ruin their immune system and more submission of their personal autonomy to the powers.
They are actually only looking for the qualitative value of emitted light (fluorescence) (RT-qPCR) to determine the remote possibility of a positive test for living cells or lipid wrapped proteins that contain a nucleic acid sequence and contain ATP.
If the amount of fluorescence is high when the cycle count is low the chances are good that the test would be positive and that may increase the possibility that some living cells may be infectious.
The higher the cycle time and the lower the amount of fluorescence, the lower the chance that there may be some living cells that may be infectious.
“may” is the operative word
It cannot distinguish anything.
It cannot determine if you are infections or not either. The primers we hear about are test sequences generated from what are believed (uncertain) to be that from corona viruses.Unknown as they have not isolated them. Sort of pattern recognition you could say.
It would therefore be common to ALL corona viruses and flu. It cannot differentiate. It is an arbitrary test go-no-go. Not a diagnostic test.
Positive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) tests are not designed to be used as a diagnostic tool as they cannot distinguish between inactive (non-infectious) viruses and “live” or reproductive ones.
The other thing is that they claim they can determine viral count. It can’t, it’s impossible.
Viruses are dead we are told and have no nucleus and therefore no ATP. Remember the claim is that they need to get into a cell to replicate according to virology pseudo-science.
PCR only tells you if you have some living cells or matter present. It uses the enzyme luciferase to bind to ATP present in the sample. This luciferase is part of the technique used in bioluminescence. It has a cofactor, termed a luciferin, that forms a highly strained complex with oxygen, using an ATP molecule to help set everything up.
When this oxygenated luciferin breaks, forming carbon dioxide in the process, it leaves behind a highly excited form that then emits the light.
It can only detect proteins that are believed to be part of a sequence. It also detects living cells that contain ATP.
They don’t know what the sequence is part of anyway.Its taken from a swab and mixed into a reagent (Now its a soup mix of different things).
So, when it emits the fluorescence, it can be detected and counted using a photon counter. The intensity of light would vary depending on a number of factors, including the type of protein and they emit different levels of fluorescence too.
So, using it in PCR where it attaches to proteins with different enzymes in DNA or RNA cannot tell you how much, i.e., Quantity.
So, it cannot do a viral count. It can only tell you how good the quality of the fluorescence is based on the intensity of emission. It is therefore qualitative test. So, depending on the cycle time you would be able to detect a certain amount of reaction based of how good (quality) the level of florescence is.
Thanks for your interesting post. My newborn baby only a few days old was said to have an infection (via a PCR test) and if the values didn’t decrease then she’d have to go on a week of full spectrum antibiotics! Thanks to God they did repeatedly decrease. So that’s showing that a PCR test can show a bacterial load’s quantitative amount in the blood?!
You allowed some person to stick a swab up your babies nose??? It’s uncomfortable for most adults, I would be erring on the side of dangerous to do it to anew born with undevloped tissues and membranes in the nasal passage. Some may even say it’s child abuse… but of course in the name of medical practice such abuse is excused.
I’m not trying to speak for Esmeralda, nor endorse or defend the criminally fraudulent use of PCR assay technology to drive the scamdemic narrative.
But FYI, while the swab method is the most popular and infamous one in use, there are alternative ways to collect samples.
One is a sort of “gargle and spit” lavage. Newborns can’t gargle, but some alternative technique to swabbing is probably used to collect saliva.
Regardless of the method, it’s still child abuse.
Saliva wasn’t collected, just small amount of blood. It was to check her dangerously high bilirubin levels. I was with her the whole time. How is that child abuse?
And then when I was told about supposed infection levels found through a pcr test! (the word pcr was printed on the results paper) I thought, no bloody way I believe that!
Fair enough; sorry I was a bit careless.
I unconsciously leapfrogged over your individual circumstances; I meant that the overall scamdemic-monger policy and practice of subjecting children to the bogus “public-health” requirements of the scamdemic is child abuse writ large– as is the pre-scamdemic policy of a sacrosanct, ever-expanding mandatory “vaccine schedule” that turns infants in many Western nations into pincushions for products that are shoddy at best, and deadly at worst.
No no, of course not. I would never allow that madness. She had blood taken only and the test results said from Pcr so I have no idea. I too also thought that Pcrs were done only via the nose.
Just to add, the PCR is analytically specific to theoretical genes gotten out of a computer data base* (=thin air) from our trustworthy CCP Chinese researchers, that never found a biologic object a proven to be a pathogen, so this test has NO diagnostic specificity to the patient’s illness (assuming there was an actual patient studied which I doubt).
*Fan Wu et. al., Nature, Feb 2020.
It seems The Lateral Flow Test is now moving centre stage in the Great Covid Show. I just heard on the news a little snippet from a dear member of the public standing in as an edifying example of what we should all be doing:
“I took my Lateral Flow Test this morning just to see if I was alright and to make sure I wasn’t a threat to anyone!”
Oh the potential for satire is … well irrelevant. This is already a satire!
An acquaintance of mine who is retired, lives on his own, no active social network or activities decided “out of curiosity”, and no doubt boredom or to satisfy his chronic desire for attention, to pop in to a mobile testing unit to see what result the test would produce….negative (not that such a result is meaningful, as most of us on here would agree). BUT the real ‘humdinger’ for me was his childlike excitement when he told me that they had even given him a pack of seven daily LFT kits.
He told me all this when he phoned me up to (genuinely) thank me for sending him a video of the comedian Andrew Lawrence laying into all the people prolonging the fraud by persistently getting themselves tested. To quote my friend “Yes, I agree, it’s all a load of b*ll*cks”. He truly didn’t recognise himself as being one of the torch bearers for the scam. His actions are far, far worse than if he really did believe in the dangers of ‘the virus’. A combination of cognitive dissonance and irresponsibility at its best.
Fear doesn’t exist. An Individual may become fearful but a human being natural reflex is an adaptability to any circumstance.
This instant adaptability following the reflex are a positive and so being the circumstance.
All good, therefore Fear is irrelevant.
One person may purchase anything their so wish, and “flow test daily”.
All is Well.
The levels of stupidity and gullibility are simply beyond belief.
Not to mention the insufferable smug self-congratulation that behaving like a mindless sheep at all times is somehow admirable and noble.
It’s weird revisiting old OffG articles and viewing the comments in retrospect, especially the items from the early days of The Rolling Thunder Covid Extravaganza. I just stumbled over this:
Catch a load of the bile from one Jams O’Donnell (who incidentally was one of the regulars over on Philip Roddis’s site where he made comments about being treated so nastily by OffG commenters!). Good old Jams is out of control here! He can’t stop his lip curling as he vomits up barely coherent invective at the “covid deniers”. Note no engagement whatsoever with the case put to him. But he does give us a summary of the underhanded manipulation used to preclude all doubt about covid by association with “The Right”:
Jams O’Donnell is the Most Important Man In The Universe (in his own mind).
“Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt”. Richard P. Feynman
Jammy Jams probably still thinks he’s on the side of the angels. I’m pretty sure Louis Proyect and John Zerzan still do, not to mention the psychotics at the WSWS.
you’re wrong about Proyect; he’s dead. whether or not he is on the side of the angels, is no longer a matter of conjecture, at least for him.
Speaking as someone who always felt alienated from the world, and with this feeling growing all the time, I survey headlines and experience the taste of a shallowness and idiocy that is psychopathic. The Graud:
“‘I’d stop stockpiling toilet paper’: Cate Blanchett, Mark Rylance and Tyler Perry on their end-of-the-world plans
The stars of Adam McKay’s apocalypse satire Don’t Look Up discuss their worst fears, their favourite conspiracy theories and their final moments on Earth”
Note how the favoured pejorative “conspiracy theory” is further demeaned by “their favourite conspiracy theories”, i.e. the whole matter being relegated to the realm of favourite jokes or favourites pop songs etc.
Don’t Look Up is apparently “a starry satire addressing these questions with a broad brush – and fresh urgency. It is that rare thing: a mainstream movie that seeks genuinely to engage with the issues dominating the news and plaguing our dreams”.
The use of the collective personal pronoun is always a giveaway. “Our” dreams, eh? I wonder who put these dreams there? And if you’re wondering, the dream in this case is of a world annihilating comet.
Now I’d never heard of Mr Perry before. A quick search brought up some further headlines like:
“Are Tyler Perry’s film harmful to the image of Black Americans?”
But this is the way it goes with media sewage. The moment you dip your toe in, a vast tsunami surges up to hit you and you have to back off. So you have to start filtering. So we’ll skip the no-doubt fascinating issue of Perry’s possibly “harmful” image. In any case I doubt if his image could be any more harmful than his response to the question “When do you think the world will end – and why?”:
“Oh my gosh, this is so sad. Well, if we keep on the path we are on, especially with climate destruction and the hatred between people and the evil that continues to live, I think we will be our own demise. Thank God I know Jesus!”
Ah well! What can you say to that? Except that it’s pretty obvious that our Tyler – like every other fucking celebrity given a megaphone – is here only a mouthpiece for the covid programme.
And sure enough, here is his answer to whether he “subscribes” to any conspiracy theories:
“Absolutely not. Unfortunately, I’ve been named in some of those and it’s scary to think people believe these things. We live in a world where social media manipulates people in other countries and helps overthrow governments, and somehow that’s OK. And it shouldn’t be.”
“In other countries”? But never here, eh? But then this earlier line from this wretched “pep piece” tells you everything you need to know:
“Jennifer Lawrence and Leonardo DiCaprio play the misfit scientists who spot the comet; Meryl Streep is the Trumpian president who seeks to sweep this species-ending event under the carpet until it is expedient.”
So once again, covid with a Left spin.
Premier League icon Matt Le Tissier: People should be given all the Covid information and left alone
Dec 16, 2021
IMO, those that have tested positive believe that they have had the dreaded covid even if they did not have any symptoms. They may believe that they have natural immunity and don’t need the hokey pokey. But, TPTB can’t recognize natural immunity because all those with asymptomatic positive test results didn’t really have the dreaded disease. So they hide the truth with the ridiculous mandates that everyone gets the hokey pokey, regardless of natural immunity.
They have a subconscious desire to be able to claim that their sniffle is covid so they can claim their free Victoria Cross with Triple Victimhood Bar for suffering in the face of The Worst Disease Ever Known To Man (with a survival rate >99%).
Neither myself or my husband are jabbed. He got a cold last week. It lasted 3 days. I followed and again, felt better after 3-4 days. Nothing out of the ordinary, it’s winter, this is normal.
What isn’t normal is the number of people we know, from work and amongst family and friends, who got a cold but continue to tell us they can’t seem to shift it. It either keeps coming back or they just can’t get rid of it after weeks of being ill. Their symptoms are also more severe. They are all jabbed.
Hmm…. 🤔
The previous PCR test was looking for three primers (of genetic material that most people have) but the new PCR test only looks for two primers, so there will be more positives from tests that would have been negative previously. And those will be called Omicron!
But there is an even better way of telling that you are not infected with Omicron. Anyone infected with Omicron breathes out clouds of black particles, like soot – I’ve seen it on a regular TV public information broadcast, so it must be true! If you aren’t breathing out clouds of soot, you don’t have Omicron.
Clouds of soot!! 😂
They’ll be rolling out the old steam locomotives pretty soon.
Flick a switch turn off a tap bingo, you have em now What?
Steam is eternal Mother Earth loves it as do We.
“Madam, its pure steam coming from that chimney stack, not smoke.”
“Madam, what happened to the Industry that was here?”
Sir, 1970-90 happened.
“Oh, thank you”.
WHY are some people so taken aback by the last 35 year growing register to that point, stop, everything stop.
Who knows.
People are basically stupid and lack common sense. Common colds go around this time of year anyway. This new covid variant is mild anyway. Flu season also going on.
Half truths are dangerous…
There are whole crowds of attention and sensation seekers who love it in their own perverted way, they need continuation of the madness, they gladly dig in to what is provided to them from the top. They want more.
I was under the impression that the Science had defeated the seasonal influenza? Isn’t there supposed to be some sort of victory celebration next spring?
Oh no! Am I wrong again?
I see what you did there..
This “new” “covid” “variant” is mild because it’s literally just a cold. It’s not similar to a cold, it’s identical.
Seems a bit strange that I can post on here, but when I go to recommend someone else’s post, I’m informed that I must be logged in to vote.
Can’t even remember my password. Ah well, I’ll sort it out. Not that it really matters.
But in the meantime, invisible up votes have been generously sprinkled about like twinkling festive snowflakes. You can’t see them, but they are there.
What a sad state of affairs. I anticipated that once lockdown rules were eased in NSW – just as they ramp up in Qld – what a coincidence – that all us New South Welshpeople would be so relieved to throw away our masks, abandon check in and generally let our hair down.
But no! The indoctrination has exceeded its remit … as TPTB knew it would I’m sure. A friend of over 40 years has informed me that we must still meet out because I’m unjabbed.
The image below is of a post on FB with a few selected responses.

First day of muppet masks here in Q’land. Went to a shopping mall with the missus (out of curiosity as I hate shopping centres).
99.9% (we were the 0.1%) compliant muppet masked zombies in side and even more tragic, 80% masked outside, and some in cars. Everyone except us two. The compliance is worse than last time a few months back.
I soon tired of laughing at them and pointing at their unseen faces.
Drove to the poison stab centre and called out “line up, line up for blood clots, heart attacks, death” and received dead eyed looks from the forward shuffling zombies. One father had his two under 5 year old daughters with him.
Then off the the fake test centre with the Orwellian name Fever Clinic. Carpark jammed, traffic control muppets clapping sarcastically at me when I called out “fake test, fake variant”.
Dickheads sitting in their cars wearing muppet masks but with their windows open; they just have a mental disconnect to reality.
Anyway I’ll stay home for awhile as they trigger me and I have recently been diagnosed with quite restricting asthma and can’t breathe properly when hyped up.Of course the muppets will tell me I have Covid and should be tested.
This will not end until the dumbfucks, the sheep, the sufferers of Stockholm Syndrome, are either dead or wake up.
It’s summer here(in QLD), not flu season. If the number of “cases” doesn’t explode they will take credit for “stopping the spread” having forced everyone to wear masks.
I am not in the mood for wearing a mask at the moment, or ever again.
Yep, just say “Fuck off” if asked/requested/ordered, or if one is not as belligerent as I am just say “I have an exemption”.
I’ve had useful results with “I’m allergic to fascism”, and “I’m immune to police-state hoaxes”.
Good on you Grrr for calling the zombies out. Sorry about your asthma.
It just amazes me how universal the compliance is. When I get on a train I’m always the ONLY one not wearing a mask. Even at 11.15pm when it’s pretty certain no police will be out everyone wears the mask and even now that you don’t have to in most situations people so often do. I actually looked up the mandate on face masks and NSW Health specifies nothing in relation to the masks themselves except:
“How a mask is defined
Under the public health order, a ‘fitted face covering’ means a mask or other covering that:
— fits securely around the face, and,
— is designed or made to be worn over the nose and mouth to provide the wearer with protection against infection.
When you wear a mask you must make sure that it is covering both your nose and your mouth.
Single-use and reusable cloth masks both help to prevent the spread of COVID-19, if used correctly. Scarfs and bandanas are not considered a ‘fitted face covering’ under the public health order.”
So the mask is all about hygiene but nowhere are there any specifications for the hygiene aspects. What does “single-use” mean? That you can only wear it for the time you have it continuously on your face or that you can wear it as often as you deem fit before you throw it away?
The NSW govt. scum and the others are willfully ignoring the many peer reviewed studies that prove the dangers these face coverings cause.
And when constantly touched to be adjusted, taken off and re-worn the dangers are increased.
But they are handy as a visual tool for the Kings of Covid to gauge compliance and acceptance.
Ok an update. Feeling nearly a hundred percent again, but this post is not about my health.
Today I went to see the xray results and nothing untoward shown. I asked the doc how do you arrive at a clinical diagnosis of asthma, and he replied one more test, a blood test to check for blood clots. I asked “The D-Dimer to check troponin levels?” He looked amazed and asked how do you know about that? I replied Dr Joffe, in Canada. Who is that he asked?
So I spent the next 10 minutes reeling off facts, figures, and the names of deplatformed and deregistered medical people that have been speaking out since early last year.
I told him I know he has been warned by the authorities with deregistering if he doesn’t play along, I have seen the letter.
I told him I know he knows of injured and maybe dead people.
I told him of the deaths at the aged care facility where my wife previously worked.
He also listened intently when I refuted his terminology “Covid vaccine” and explained why it is not one (as if he didn’t know but remember he isn’t allowed to speak the truth).
I told him how the CEO of Bayer recently was filmed stating they called them vaccines because if they told the public that they were actually DNA changing gene therapy no one would take them. He asked where to see that video.
He didn’t mock, scoff, shake his head as the arsehole GP did a few months back (and received my wrath for doing so). He patiently sat and intently listened. I then asked him for pen and paper and wrote down some names for him to search for and research on his computer. He took the paper and put it in his pocket.
I consider this a win. He is elderly (and from a 3rd world country and I find immigrant docs far less arrogant than the homegrown variety), and it is the elderly that can speak out as they are not as trapped with mortgages, career aspirations etc. An elderly doc from Rosebud Victoria spoke out recently and gave those exact reasons, as he said “they can’t do anything to me as I’m retiring.”
Time is running out as the young children have only three weeks until their executions start in mid-January.
You can dowload sheep sounds online. Just hook it up to your cars audio system and blast it through the open window.
Will do LOL
This app enables the public to look up their batch code and see how many deaths, adverse reactions, disabilities and hospitalisations are associated with that code.
It is crucially important that this information is shared far and wide,
Not many jabbed to be found in here I believe, but you are spot on nonetheless. There’s an article on the expose where they highlight the curious convergence of most serious adverse events on just a few bad batches.
The batch code of the public.. really., the cattle’s batch number.
Hey, i’m sheep of batch code xxx. That was a bad batch, or a good batch , i’m among the lucky batch of sheep, or the unlucky.
There is a great spiritual deception that keeps people from thinking clearly and thus, seeing the truth. When faced with facts, they immediately believe you to be just another conspiracy theorist. With a mask on their face and a new round band-aid on their shoulder every few months, they still live in fear.
For good “COVID/Vax info –
In general, people can’t think. It is too hard for them. They just do what their influenzars tell them to do.
I had some of those in 1964, 1966, 1972, 1983, 1988, 1993, 2002 ,2007 2013 and 2017…does that count? I wonder what I had back then? Now, you really got me scared.
Not much chance of not falling for it, everyone has uploaded their brain to the cloud and now got to operate without…
Shouldn’t take more than a millisecond, most of those uploads.
this seems to get immediately shadow banned:
Current SARS-CoV-2 PCR diagnostics continue to detect this variant. Several labs have indicated that for one widely used PCR test, one of the three target genes is not detected (called S gene dropout or S gene target failure) and this test can therefore be used as marker for this variant
this is an instant +33% is it not?
And not a word about the PCR “test” magnification threshold. 40 ? 50 ?
actually its worse
Original PCR rules
3 gene = positive
2 gene = negative
1 gene = negative
0 gene = negative
3 gene = positive
2 gene = positive
1 gene = positive
0 gene = negative
This is the real reason cases are going exponential
In an interview, Kary Mullis the inventor of the PCR test (to find cancer cells in lung tissue) said the test could not detect a virus and could not identify an infection, and it could be made to show virtually anything the tester wanted depending on how many amplification cycles were done on the sample. Fewer amplification cycles, fewer positives. More amplification cycles, more positives.
In January 2021, when the vaccines were being rolled out, the WHO (funded and controlled by Bill Gates) told testers to reduce the number of amplification cycles. This would give fewer positives to suggest the vaccines were working. .
And as “banana” says, the PCR test now looks for only two primers instead of three which will give more phony positives – officially claimed to be Omicron.
Sadly, Kary Mullis died in the autumn of 2019 – just before the Wuhan fiasco which started the Covid-19 myth. If he had lived to speak out against the pandemic hoax, it would have been hard to keep him off TV news (which only allow “experts” who promote the official lies). It’s another of the coincidences that seem to always benefit the corrupt NWO elite and their dystopian agenda.
Where did you get this information about only 1 gene detected is sufficient for a pcr test to be positive? This is crazy. Thanks.
Sounds crazy, would you have a good source about 1 gene only detected to be positive ? Thanks!
A few anecdotal observations from the last few days…
Even though the general public appear to have again embraced mask wearing, the general mood and attitude towards us non mask wearers seems to have changed considerably since this time last year. Apart from the very occasional angry loon glaring out at me, I’ve encountered nothing but friendliness and cheerful conversation. The aggression and hate seems to have been significantly dialed down.
Last year I was only ordered out of 2 shops for refusing to wear a mask. One was a charity shop, and the other was a branch of Cash Converters. Yesterday I saw that the very same man who last year angrily ordered me to leave the shop was again on the shop floor. I couldn’t resist testing the water, and so breezed in and started to peruse the shelves. I sensed this man come up behind me, and tensed a little, expecting a confrontation, but the man couldn’t have been sweeter. “Hello sir, how are you today, do you need any help?”. His general vibe was nothing but friendly, and I know he recognises me, as I’ve used that shop for years.
I hope things are turning, and these last few days out and about have given me some hope.
It’s very strange reading the comments btl at the Guardian. The hatred and intolerance is off the scale, but even there I’m seeing more of a push back, and more importantly, dissenting comments that would have usually been quickly removed are staying in place for longer, and often getting more upticks than the rabid haters.
And more and more many of the Guardian commentators are coming across as deranged and mentally ill. They drink the cool aid every morning for breakfast. But as the Guardian’s become such an echo chamber, these fools think that they represent the consensus, and that they are the moral high ground. But I’m just not sensing or hearing that deranged world view when I’m out chatting to people. I suppose I’m only talking to those who are open, rather than the scurrying fearful, but it still gives me much hope.
Going on my own recent personal experiences and interactions, I think that more and more people are waking up.
Day after announcement is usually iffy period for a day or 2 but mostly ok people,
i can feel the energy though of the eye ballers watching the non mask wearers at time it feels like a shoplifter vibe.
It does seem people have mellowed out and trauma and Stockholm syndrome does do that
Normalizes madness.
Yes, I think you make a good point. Perhaps people are just worn down, and can’t keep up the confrontational vibe and attitude for prolonged periods. At the end of the day, people just want a peaceful life.
And moods can change quickly, both my own, and that of a crowd. Since posting the above, I’ve been out shopping, and today felt a little more tense than the last few days. This could just be my own perception of course.
All I can do is continue to be friendly and positive and reasonable in attitude when dealing with others.
I had a funny one the other day. I was cycling along a cycle path and came to a cattle grid/gate. But a woman was coming the other way, and being the polite and well mannered chap that I am, I pulled over and waved her through. But the evil look she then gave me was shocking, and took me by surprise. I think that what made her angry was me not fitting her idea of how a selfish unmasked person should behave. Perhaps she’d have been happier if I’d just pushed on through, confirming her prejudice that the unmasked are all selfish arseholes.
Hey ho, what can ya do?
Hi Ity. I noticed you mentioned comments on the Guardian. Does the Guardian allow comments on their covid articles ? How do you view them ? I haven’t been able to find any for a year or more.
Hi Steve. The Guardian will often have a live news feed that focuses on politics and news, and which will be open to comments all day. It’s these threads which attract many thousands of comments.
There will also often be opinion pieces which appear to be nothing but hate mongering. I’ve just checked my bookmarks, as I’ll often save particularly nasty examples for future reference. Here are three particularly shitty examples from the last few weeks;
And the above three examples are really quite shocking, the articles and the comments. I suggest that you have a sick bucket ready before diving in…
Hi ity. Thanks for your detailed response. I have followed your links. I will start having a look at Guardian website again. Thanks
You are a braver man than I am. I prefer my Fraudian info to come from the fully immunised.
They obviously remove any and all anti-vax posts. And–the pro-vax posts could easily be created by an AI program in this day and age.
Hi Steve. I’ve replied, and with 3 examples of recent articles, but the spam bin seems to have eaten my post. I’ll check back later, and if it hasn’t appeared, will try re-posting.
Any comment with three or more links is automatically held in pending – basic precaution against spam. It’s published now.
Thanks Sophie, I should have remembered that and been more patient. Any chance of removing my 8:10 post and your reply? Not that it matters much, but just thinking of tidiness.
We received no negative looks today and one friendly old bloke even removed his when I told him I couldn’t understand him when he talked to me in the supermarket.
A new variant is coming, it will shock the whole world… It is called “Truth”! 😉
I wish!! Cannot wait for that one!
That’s the one and only variant people can see through. They won’t fall for it. Never have, never will.
By manipulating data and getting the media to hype it up the Parasite class have literally provided a 101 class on how to create a “pandemic” from nothing.
Doctors from RSA have popped up in the most Covidian Day Time TV shows stating, without challenge from Covidian presenters, that there is nothing to be afraid of and the Omicron is mild.
Various MSM outlets have even intimated that the Omicron is a sales pitch because xx million vials of the “vaccines” have a best before date of 31/12/2021.
Twitty is being called out as a Biostate Fascist and told to stop scaremongering by sitting MPs.
And yet, some people have donned the mask and put themselves back into the purgatory of 2020. It is pretty unbelievable. The good thing is dissent is becoming prominent and popping up in places where previously there was none. Dissent is also becoming organised – a friend of mine works for a small NHS contractor tells me led by a senior person within the company they are putting together a “liability statement” demanding their employer guarantee no injury or adverse effects from the Jab they are forcing upon them. Many have signed up to it and my friend has a meeting with the senior person to join up as well.
I think the moronic is their last play of the dice because the number of Covidians are dwindling; by Jan 2022 it’ll be a pretty embarrassing state of affairs for the Covidian High Priesthood as their flock will have wandered off the reservation.
LDs win by-election for that extra 1989/90 2.0 feeling in the political shitshow. Well, it is panto season I suppose.
Will Johnson also appoint an alcoholic pederast as his campaign manager?
Can anyone give me a link to the most recent VAERS data?
Can’t you not find it yourself?
Or, can you not find it yourself.
Meghan Redshaw posts it every Friday. Subscribe to the Defender.
I am subscribed, but I can’t seem to pull up the last report.
(3) OpenVAERS on Twitter: “#VAERS data for the week through 12-03-2021. to quote Rochelle Walensky, MD, MPH “To date, no serious safety concerns have been identified.”” / Twitter
A reminder that this said VAERS only records 1% of vaccine injuries:
The combination of a sound methodology, a practical solution ignored by officialdom and blanket silence from the corporate-state media raises more red flags than an old May Day parade.
Better go to Doctors for Covid Ethics: An Interdisciplinary Symposium II – Sounding the call. Time: 2:56:14 Presentation Meril Nass MD
Not having any signs, is the sign you may have it.
what happened to 97% safe & effective? and rare break through cases…
but it still protects you and others.
Sounds familiar doesn’t it? Like “97% of scientists think man-made climate change is real”. If things are colder its climate change, if they’re hotter it’s climate change.
Every photo I see of people walking, sitting, working etc. with these masks on – especially outside – stands as the most embarrassing indictment of the human race ever. What a colossal joke, what a cosmic guffaw! I would love to think that some future age that has passed out of this ultimate hijack will look back and just roll over in tears at such a dismal display. But nearly two years of this extended April Fool has convinced me that it could very well indeed become the new “Nature”.
I am sure they will. It just depends on whether it is in 2, 20 or 200 years.
Yep the madman in Brisbane is threatening qld with masks again. Just how these people have the audacity to label themselves scientists and drs is beyond me. And then the covid mob just follow along….
at least the local bakery has a sign today saying unvax welcome here…so some are standing up
I read a report, cairns news I recall, alleging that the criminal cabal occupying govt. in Q’land has put in place a 200 man flying squad that will be sent far and wide to terrorise businesses that do not comply with their tyranny.
The scum are ex-cops and similar dogs.
Gunna be an interesting Xmas/New Year.
Vogue Fashion thanks to the moronic media twats people have to clean up the mess, and of course mother Earth has to deal with the pollution of all this Covid used parafinelia.
This wastage continues from the late 20th Century, societies Safe legions and on-line opportunists….
Little doubt PCR Flow test kits are on Christmas gift lists this year along with unisex underpants and Chemistry Sets.
I just whistle the theme turn from the old Laurel and Hardy shows when I walk past them. They sense I’m taking the piss, but can’t work out how.
My ‘tuning’ ability is crap so I just bleet “baaaa baaaa”
Realize the average IQ in America is 100. Explains a lot.
Oh wow!
That high?
No way is it that high. Too many orcs here in Mordor.
Now you are just exaggerating, Americans are about the dumbest people on the planet with the UK and Australia not far behind them
I resemble that remark!
I’m not so sure. My view has changed a bit on that. Certainly when comparing with Europeans. Out of all the scientists and commentators, they are the most intelligent and rational. I think someone like Dr Scott Atlas shows this. But yeah I know my point is slightly different than the one you’re making. I guess, analogy is French wine. Not the best in the world in general but the best are the best quality in the world.
Next it will be you need to wear a pointy red hat with a green light on top to show you have been fully “vaccinated.”
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
“Fool me once, shame on…shame on you. Fool me—you can’t get fooled again.”
The state of queen’s land in Australia will impose restrictions on the unjabbed from tomorrow (18th Dec). Meanwhile, the state of new south wales doesn’t like being out of the limelight, so has created the following ‘crisis’. Note the language being used:
“Huge Covid cluster at nightclub which has infected 200 people allegedly started by case who was ‘meant to be in isolation’ (allegedly – blame the unjabbed anyway)
More than 200 nightclub revellers in Newcastle now infected with Coronavirus (how do they know this?)
Police investigate if the outbreak was sparked by a case meant to be in isolation (no evidence, just assumption)
Many of the patrons are thought to have the highly infections Omicron strain (‘thought to have’)
NSW Health are increasingly concerned about clusters at Christmas parties (can’t have too much pleasure for plebs)
The state saw over 800 infections on Tuesday – the highest total in 10 weeks” (we’re all doomed)
Why oh why do you read the Daily Mail?
I know its a rag Tony, but I like to keep an eye on the propaganda machine, and note the language they use.
Never read it otherwise. Might make me feel ill.
Fair play to you. I would be vomiting the moment I landed on the front page.
Rags like the DM should come with a public health warning.
Keep up the good work 👍
Same reason I read Melbourne’s Age and Herald Sun.
My wife and I read the daily mail while drinking our morning coffee. It truly is a laugh a minute. We liken it to an adult Beano or Dandy comic. Surely nobody takes it seriously ?
That’s great! It’s sad but true, people really do take the DM seriously.
I tend to run away from those types
Trying to keep that left-right paradigm going by fixating on the DM? They are all loathesome.
The DM has actually given a fairer hearing to 9/11 “conspiracy theories” than the Guardian or BBC (not that that’s a very demanding standard).
Why not? It’s the most popular rag amongs NIMBy’s and should have it’s place for exploting the reader with state sponsored mindfuck jornalism. But as you pointed out, yes I agree, they are all loathesome.
As for the 9/11 article you’ll have to provide a link because I never read it.
The zombies take all MSM seriously. Except in the rare instances when the fear porn is downplayed to almost resemble truth.
They are hooked on only fear and lies.
Beautifully timed, dont you think ? ‘Covid’ restrictions were expected to be eased in NSW on 15 December – but as 60% Freedom day approached we’re told of ‘covid’ “clusters” and “spikes’ occurring. The day after 60% Freedom day the press claims ‘covid’ is “waving” again…
It’s as if ‘covid’ is trying to force the government to fuck-up everyone’s Christmas with a lockdown.
(but not until The Shops have racked-up their pre-Christmas sales ?)
Summer man flu or Winter woman flu variant in NSW?
Seriously has anyone ever come down with ‘Man Flu’? Growing up thats what we called it in the North of England.
I love the way people see freedoms as something their government bestows on them. Freedoms belong to us! No shitty pol tells us when and how we can be free!
I still remember a worthy high-school history/civics teacher impressing this very point upon his freshman class in 1970.
I can still see him writing “inalienable rights” upon the blackboard– they still used primitive, non-electronic blackboards in the olden days– and repeatedly underlining “inalienable” as the discussion progressed.
Mine had a poster that stated in big white letters “Three fourths of the world has never been to China.” And below that in big red letters “The rest live there.”
The City of Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, US) announced this week that it was imposing a “vaccination mandate” for indoor dining, i.e. diners must present proof of vax to enter.
This was attributed to the double-whammy of the surging “Delta and Omicron Variants”.
(I’m not putting in the usual scare/ironic quotes and disclaimers like “so-called” because it’s becoming too tedious.)
But this new restriction takes effect on January 3, 2022. It’s obvious enough that the scamdemic-mongers don’t want to face blowback from restauranteurs and holiday diners alike during this busy period.
No one seems to have noticed that this sort of delay gives the lie to the dire premise used to justify the new ukase. If these Megadeath Viruses of Doom were truly raging, how could they possibly postpone this so-called “remedy” (whoops, the disclaimers are back) for weeks?
Vax passports for nearly all locations already went into effect in LA and SF on Dec. 18.
NSW hit 1,742 cases yesterday – doubling every day now – in about 12 days we should all have had it and this stupidity can finally end.
I’m off to the pub – I’ll order a schooner of old and a dose of whatever Covid is on tap.
Actually, PCR false positive cases are doubling every day. And if people are ill, it’s what we scientists used to call the common cold.
These numbers are utter garbage. What person, [even a blue vaxxed Branch Covidean] would volunteer to take a covid test at the risk of spoiling a much anticipated Christmas??
My dentist tried to insist I have a PCR test a few months ago otherwise I wouldn’t be treated – I was half way through a procedure. Big mistake, let’s just say I made her see the stupidity of her policy in a rather direct manner. I had to go for a check up last week and no mention of having to get a PCR test. I don’t comply, I don’t wear masks, I don’t check in – in my little world Covid does not exist.
Covid cases, or rather positive PCR tests were 2,213 yesterday. Yep, perfectly healthy people lining up for yonks to get tested – go figure.
And after a fake test they may go to the cemetery to see if they are dead.
But fear not, you will still have a 99.98% chance of being just fine. Further, if you have not participated in any injection trails, you will have 100% chance of being just fine. Pretty goods odds to me.
In fact, even better odds for me since I don’t beleive to germ theory.
Those are detox symptoms when a body is systemically toxic. “Deadly viruses” do not exist. We are being poisoned in various areas and those systems, which we have been fed a bunch bullshit about them being “infectious viruses,” so we keep lining up for the many “life saving vaccines,” are DETOX symptoms. It’s good news. Our body is working. Germ theory is a LIE.
This is probably the most comprehensive listing of athletes having “major medical issues in 2021”. Most of the introduction (as it currently stands) is copied below.
318 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 178 Dead, After COVID Shot
Caption: Athlete collapses and deaths chart to 15th December 2021

It is definitely not normal for young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. All of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID vaccine. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a COVID vaccine, the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause.
The so-called health professionals running the COVID vaccine programs around the world keep repeating that “the COVID vaccine is a normal vaccine and it is safe and effective.”
So in response to their pronouncement, here is a non-exhaustive and continuously growing list of young athletes who had major medical issues in 2021 after receiving one or more COVID vaccines. Initially, many of these were not reported. We know that many people were told not to tell anyone about their adverse reactions and the media was not reporting them. They started happening after the first COVID vaccinations. The mainstream media still are not reporting most, but sports news cannot ignore the fact that soccer players and other stars collapse in the middle of a game due to a heart attack. Many of those die – about 50%.
Sidelined Athletes with “Illness” Not Included in This Report
Many sports teams now have multiple sidelined players. There are dozens of them. The teams and Big Media are hiding this, thinking nobody will notice. These damaged players will not be shown in this report if they are reported only as “illness” but they would be worth tracking, because it is not normal to have so many. Their immune systems are likely to have been compromised by “something,” so they will be open to many things they would normally have been able to shrug off. We leave it to others to track these – we have our hands full handling the investigations for this list, going back in time trying to find new information that wasn’t available before, and making minor corrections as they are discovered. It will all come out eventually.
List of Injuries
Here is a non-exhaustive list of injuries reported. Most were cardiac arrest.
– Cardiac Arrest
– Blood Clots or Thrombosis
– Stroke
– Irregular Heartbeat
– Arrhythmia
– Neuropathy
– Death
Steroids or a cocktail of performance enhancing drugs + the shot was never going to mix well. Just saying….
Small correction needed:
“Arrhythmia” is the same thing as “Irregular Heartbeat”
It’s from the Greek: “Loss of rhythm”.
Tragic and disturbing.
One thing that might be useful to discover in their research is *how long* after vaccination the typical sportsman/woman collapses ie whether there’s a peak vulnerability period, or not
That was hard to watch 😥
Yes, there are are some disturbing scenes in it. I should probably have given a warning to that effect in the post.
No problem. I find the shock value alone worthy of the post, even if it is hard to take in without shedding a tear.
Wait until the compilation videos of young children dying emerge. That will take cringe viewing to a whole new level.
“the COVID vaccine is a normal vaccine and it is safe and effective.”
It’s not a “vaccine” it’s an mRNA gene altering, improperly tested, unsafe DRUG.
I’ve never had night sweats with a cold before. A fever, yes, but not a cold. I definitely had Omicron, the fatigue is the give away, it was like no other cold I have had. Whether this warrants encouraging the country to shut down is another question entirely.
I suspect people are being weaned off of the NHS so that they are happy to go out into rural areas and live there.
I had the same thing 30 years ago. So you had the Flu or Flu symptoms. You aren’t dead, go outside you pussy.
Careful there Tony or someone will be along to tell you that the flu doesn’t exist.
Prove to the readers that SARS-Cov-2 has ever been properly shown to exist. It is a belief system. That is all.
It does, I’ve had it a few times. I couldn’t find a scary name for it so had to settle with the Flu.
You know, Mike. It’s hard to take any male that cries over a cold seriously.
Perhap you have Man Flu.
I have had 3 horrendous cold/flues (each more than 3 weeks long) in the last 40 years. Each had different symptoms at different times in the course of the illness.
Similar story here Dave. For me was in early 92. My Doc said I had the worst case of tonsillitis he’d seen in his career. The throat got so bad I couldn’t eat properly for a week, had to take watery soup through a straw and lost a lot of weight. I would sit for hours in a hot bath shivering, it lasted almost 6 weeks.
I remember being ill one winter and my taste buds going haywire with a peculiar metal-phlegm taste that lasted for weeks.
I knew other people who reported the same – but last year they were convinced loss of taste/smell was unique to covid.
Which year? I’m asking because I witnessed a lot of people I knew complain of respirotry disorders as far back as 1990. Loss of taste, streaming sinus issues without cold – flu like symptoms etc..
I tend not to mention the common cold to others any longer because it’s a bore having to hear the word Covid.
They will mention COVID on your death certificate. And the congregation of Covidians at your funeral, who are all in protected mobile cabins, will say that you converted to the faith in your last minute of repentance. And they will claim you as a convert former denier who was saved from eternal damnation (by society) through the only real faith in the last minute. And the media will grant you your minutes of fame and attention, as your foolishness caused you a premature death, with the usual sadistic undertone, ‘told you so’. There is no escape.
You better sneeze or cough, then say ‘pardon me, Covid’, then the bores will start to run, and they will not bother you.
Sounds like an early version of Moronic variant. It is amazing you lived to tell the tale LOL
I had it bad a few times over the past 30 years and gradually came to the conclusion dark forces were at play. 😉
You had the forerunner of Omicron…, me too, long ago, ‘it was like no other cold I had’.
Difference is, they now give particular names to it, anticipation, fear and attention seeking. And the whole thing is blown out of proportion.
Definitely Omicron. LOL
Sweats, fatigue. He’s displaying all the symptoms of masturbation. 😖
Next they’ll be saying RSI is a symptom of covid and then that Smith idiot will never be free of it.
Haha! 👍
“I definitely had Omicron”
i suppose it was the gene sequencing that gave it away?
“the fatigue is the give away”
oh right
Its Brigade 77 calling, we want our money back
You just can’t get value for money these days.
Get that mental health check that we advised days ago.
ohh me con does not exist you just had wankers cramp
Don’t be moronic ‘mike’….
You see dead viruses?
How do you know you had “Omicron”? The PCR can’t distinguish between seasonal flu and China flu, so it can’t tell between “variants”. You probably had a cold.
PCR cannot detect any flu.
Argh give it up. Your self diagnosis and constant moaning is just mental illness.
Go see a shrink.
Is it not strange after two years and billions of PCR tests that nobody has requested and posted their PCR results. i.e. The lab who performed them, the cycle count, etc. Is this not fundamental.
I’v not taken PCR and never will. But I have had MRI scans, Xrays, etc, in the past. I always request a copy. My last MRI the chick told me we don’t usually share results with the patient. “The patient”… She quicky changed here mind when I fliped my lid. We can request copies of our own medical documents.
If Columbo was on the case he would say “Just one more thing… You said I tested positive right? Can I have a copy of the PCR test results”. Seems reasonable, since you are going to have to be imprisoned for two weeks.
People who take pcr ‘tests’ are a short as 2 thick planks.
There really is no getting through to people. I tried explaining to some what the PCR test does and doesn’t do. I might as well have been talking to my underwear.
And the test is based on a partial chain of nucleotides from a virus that has never been isolated. That’s science!
Or never existed. 😐
True. It’s total hysteria here. People sneeze once and rush off to get their PCR. Which, surprise, surprise comes back as “Covid”.
Wouldn’t it be great if it was that type of bureaucratic bollocks that brought it all down. I’m a firm believer in it being something very simple
No virus no variant no pandemic. End of the story.
This will stop when the people REALIZE an important fact: NO VIRUS! But then it’s probably already too late, and the global genocide will already have happened.
All you need to know:
The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) and the Higher Regional Court (OLG) Stuttgart have made world history.
Here you can find the decision of the BGH, AZ.: I ZR 62-16 from 1.12.2016
The BGH and the Higher Regional Court Stuttgart have refuted all allegations about the suspected “measles virus”, the infection of measles and the measles vaccination.
Even more, it is now the case law of the highest court that the entire virology has been refuted.
You can find out why this is so in this text.
Here you can find the important judgment of the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart, AZ.: 12 U 63/15 from 16.02.2016
This beggars belief :
Hell is currently reverberating with deafening laughter, and beggaring my belief is now an utter impossibility.
The only thing that might trigger a reaction of beggaring proportions would be if all of our world leaders had a huge press conference in Davos and admitted they were hoping to pull off an incredibly profitable coup at our expense.
And we all know that isn’t going to happen.
In other words, governments are protecting manufacturers from their victims. But migrants could sue. So they’re “missing out on” the injections.
Do you think the people who wrote this get the implications of what they’re saying?
Well, wouldn’t you know it?…
For a supposedly tiny minority, there sure seem to be a lot of us about to ‘die’ when the narrative requires it!
John from Smithfield. That sounds er… genuine. Who could possibly doubt it
It’s a bit hard to know exactly what you mean by this and to whom it might be directed. Could you elaborate, if it’s not too much trouble?
Not for a sec have I fallen for the scam, but I’m one of the reading types so I knew it was coming. I have just ignored their stupid restrictions from the get go. Had everyone done the same, there would be no scamdemic. But then, as they say, a crisis in an opportunity in disguise. The old system was so twisted and corrupt it was unsustainable regardless, so now we have the opportunity to build back better. But not in the sense the potato in a wig means. He and his blokes would have to go, but most of all, their puppet masters – these would have to hang, there’s no other way. The likes of Bush, Kissinger, Brzeziński, Schwab, the Royals, Gates, Orsini and a small bunch of other satanists who have forced all this misery onto the world.
The only way to make governmental hijackings stop, is to revoke all corporate charters, confiscate corporate investments and assets, and finally, nationalize all corporate owned properties. There are reasons corporations describe their “missions” in a Mission Statement. Read Moderna’s or Pfizer Mission Statements. It’s all bullshit, and they are in violation of their own Charters.
Charters are a Maritime euphemism. The hijacking of democratic rule is an act of piracy…