UK approves vaccine passes and mandatory jabs for healthcare workers
Vote signals the next step in the UK's march towards a "new normal", and perhaps a change in government

Last night the UK Parliament voted through a bill forcing NHS workers to either get vaccinated or lose their jobs, as well bringing in “vaccine passports” for some events and venues.
Over 70,000 NHS workers are officially counted as “unvaccinated”, if you trust government numbers. Considering the NHS employs well over a million people, I wouldn’t be surprised if that number were actually much higher.
If just half of the unvaccinated workers resign it could put a lot of pressure on the always-over-burdened healthcare system.
The government wouldn’t mind that, of course, because it will make it easier to claim the NHS is being “overwhelmed” with Covid patients, and this will be blamed on the unvaccinated and used to justify further mandates and coercion.
Any deaths resulting from the under-staffed health system can be PCR tested and added to the “died with Covid” tally.
It’s a win-win.
The vaccine passport element of the bill is likewise concerning, even if it currently only applies to nightclubs and venues with a capacity of more than 10,000. That’s the thin edge of a rapidly-expanding wedge.

An interesting aspect of the vote was that it passed entirely thanks to the Labour party. Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer announced on Tuesday, in a bizarre-looking televised speech, that his party would support the government:
"We are a patriotic party and it is our patriotic duty to vote for these measures to ensure that they go through."
Sir Keir Starmer says in a statement that Labour will support the government's Covid Plan B measures in Tuesday's Commons vote.
— Channel 4 News (@Channel4News) December 13, 2021
As a result all but eight “opposition” MPs voted with the government, whilst Tory rebel votes counted an even 100. If Labour had opposed the bill, it would not have passed.
Jeremy Corbyn, now an independent, voted against the government and emerged from his Covid hibernation to (finally) make a statement.
Much too little, and far too late, but it does illustrate why they needed to get rid of him in December 2019, just before the Covid roll-out, and why they so obviously rigged that election.
If he, as leader of the opposition, had been offering even this small amount of resistance from the beginning, the Covid narrative would never have made it this far.
Labour voting with the government, without even asking for concessions on sick pay or pay rises for NHS workers, is a sign that a changing of the guard may be on the horizon, with Keir Starmer being groomed to be the next PM, perhaps in the very near future.
That would explain the sudden emergence of the Christmas party scandal, which had further fuel added to its fire just today by yet another leak.
That, combined with the massive rebellion by his own MPs, is a massive knock on his authority.
Official polls, always a tool for controlling opinion rather than a scale for measuring it, are already putting Starmer 13 points ahead as the nations “most capable Prime Minister”.
Don’t be surprised if there are calls for another election, probably sometime soon. And they won’t be rigging this one for Boris.
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Only in England though. The word OffGuardian is allergic to.
Short rope and a long drop for all politicians, scientists, doctors and media talking heads who support the continued roll out of this bio-weapon gene therapy madness.
The more they double down the more it hastens the day of reckoning.
Save the children.
Good news is The Passport is not fully activated in the United Kingdom yet. Certain European Country’s (mainly the poplulas leader country’s) is the NWO wet dream and the Compliance digital mark of the beast is rolling hard.
A lot of articles scattered around the media today about Sergio Aguero’s retirement from football because of a heart condition. I haven’tt found a single one that mentions the vax..
“You must be logged in to vote”? Why and how?!
keep you safe
The NHS should have spoken out when they had the chance rather than making tiktok videos. This also affects other health care staff, not just NHS, it affects the CQC regulated services. As usual the sacred cow of the NHS gets all the glory.
Fuck the NHS, they should have spoke out when they were fucking us all over.
This also affects health care workers in the CQC. But as usual the sacred cow of the NHS is getting the limelight.
I’ve been in contact with my MP, Dr Liam Fox about this, He says the media have misrepresented it as usual. This vote was only about whether to continue the discussion. There will be further votes on each of the separate issues; mandatory vax, vax passports, mask wearing etc.
I feel much better now ‘jon’…. yes yes much better, knowing that ‘mandatory injection’, freedom pass, and the wearing of dangerous medical paraphernalia… will all be voted on separately…
by the same people of course .. one mustn’t forget that , presumably dr fox will be looking after all of the chickens….
I’m sure he will….
I’ve been in contact with my MP, Dr Liam Fox about this. He says that the media have misrepresented this vote, which was just a vote on whether to continue with the discussion. There will be separate votes on all the issues, so the passports, the mandatory vaccinations, the mask wearing and so on will each be subject to a separate vote.
NHS staff, do NOT resign, wait to be sacked and then open the litigation gates like many states in USA. Then start your own health centres again like they have in USA. I for one would support you for what its worth. Stand proud don’t let these evil bastards grind you down.
Starmer may be patriotic, but he certainly isn’t democratic. Maybe someone should take him aside and explain the concept of “democracy”.
Corrupt as they come just like all the other spineless MPs who are scared of getting pushed of the gravy train by big pharmer, Gates, Soros ad infinitum. This will never stop until they are gone. Labour, Conservative just 2 cheeks on the same arse.
Sorry, meant pharma!
Apologies if I’m wrong but isn’t that the point of being a member of the anti-democratic trilateral commission? Who would vote in a so-called democratic society for someone who is against democracy? Beats me.
Today’s I Newspaper. Formerly The Independent. Headline reads.
”Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty don’t mix with people you don’t have to.” According to the venerable Mr Whitty. ”NHS is now facing ‘significant’ staff shortages due to the variant.”
Total gibberish! The problem is that NHS is on the brink with too few nurses, midwives, GPs, hospital doctors and mental health workers. Staff are leaving the service due to low job satisfaction, poor pay and conditions, with recruitment and retention continues to be a growing problem.
I must remember to isolate myself from those people (i.e. almost everyone) who might infect me. But I have some goods options open. Errrm how about an igloo in the North Pole, or a treehouse in the Brazilian rainforest. That should keep me out of harms way.
Yes, either our leaders have become stark, raving, mad, or more likely they are under orders from the PTB who lurk in the shadows of multilateral institutions like the WEF, WHO, and political and business venues.
This is war being carried out by those who dwell in the shadows – a tiny group – and the masses of people who stand in their way.
“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
President Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom.
He is of course referring to the Illuminati Freemasons and Zionists.
The mouses are out as instructed by the owners. Such a pity to have those to represent the people.
Divide and rule. Old but always usable till the awaking of the masses.
More here…
Starmer is the onely member of the Trilateral Commission in the UK Parliament. His election as PM seems to me nonetheless very unlikely but it won’t be change for the better to say the least. But I thin Rishi Sunak – ex Goldman Sachs and son in law of the man who funded the Microsoft run digital identity system that now dominates the lives health records bank accounts movements of 1.2 billion Indians – is a more likely candidate for next PM. Both will merely advance the Rothchild bankster coup even faster than the inept BJ.
The name of Rishi Sunak’s Company, which has helped him become a billionaire, is Theleme – a satanic philosophy taken from Alesteir Crowley. Not sure that bodes well.
Robert Peston wearing mask during Bozo press conference. Watch right at start and at end.
6:52 AM · Dec 16, 2021
Robert Peston, who has constantly promoted restrictions throughout the past two years, sits unmasked talking to other unmasked journalists before the official press conference earlier tonight. Of course, as soon as the broadcast began, the masks went on.
[video clip]
Masks on . . .
[30 sec clip]
Oh, what a conveniently timed UK by-election…. almost as if it was engineered that way!
Look out for this bitch: Annalena Baerbock – age 40 – pushy, very pushy. Leading light in the German green party, Member of the Young Leaders ( a front organization for the WEF) Gung-ho for a war against Russia, Anti-nordstream fanatic, Defender of Chechen terrorists, (like the one just bumped off by persons unknown – good riddance), She will have her own heating arrangements and not be cold this winter. Unlike her countrymen/women.
Wasn’t the original name of a prominent bankster dynasty Baer? Interesting to see that bock translates as buck and also devil and scoundrel!
I’m sorry Kit, but this has nothing to do with politics; that is just smoke and mirrors.
They all are spouting what they do, for a chance to feed at the top table when the technocracy comes in. If you want an in-depth expose, then have a look at Craig Murray’s latest post about <a href=””>Numpty Nicola Noodlehead</a>, but it’s there for all to see.
They are all currying favour with the likes of Gates, Schwab, Rockefeller etc, in the hope that they cling on to their little bit of power they currently have.
They have completely “forgotten” their purpose; to represent the people who elected them, and I for one look forward to seeing them all hang while they continue to follow the path of self interest.
Neither politics or democracy is going to sort this; outright non-compliance is the key, and a choice to do something better… and with blockchain available to us these days I suspect it’ll end up being called something like fractocracy
Starmer, the guy who told the Swedes not to get cold feet re Assange!
UK now really is a mirror of the USA. two parties same policies…
Makes Russia look really free!!!
And now the NHS can be gone. Privatisation via the front door tis time!!
Yep, privatisation of the was always the PTBs hidden agenda. And see Starmer and his pathetic band stand to the right of the Conservative Party. The NHS was founded in 1945 but has now come full circle of incipient privatisation.
When it comes to Britain and America I see it as ‘is Britain little America or is America big Britain?‘
Starmer’s stance should surprise nobody. He is, after all, a member of the Trilateral Commission, which happens to be a strategic arm of the corporate/political cabal pushing for a “new normal” based on the WEF/UN/World Bank-backed Great Reset blueprint.
Sooner or later the British public is going to wake up the depressing reality facing all Western sham democracies: that it doesn’t matter which political party they vote for, the eventual outcome will be the same – an end of nation states and a takeover by a technocratic elite overseeing “global governance”.
The antics of Johnson and Starmer during the long-planned and ruthlessly executed shamdemic have given their duplicitous game away. They are inarguably two cheeks of the same malodorous globalist arse.
Right, hardly needs saying. But how come so many missed it. And how many will be forced will regret it as they are forced into the arms of the ruthless private medical apartheid.
Everyone has uploaded their brain to the cloud so they got to do without…
The usual reminder: if you are at all sensitive to colour, click on the image to view the undegraded original.
Looks like the NHS will be up for sale soon.
Never mind, US medical corporations will make a fist of it.
A bloody, clenching, callous fist.
Lets not get too carried away with the 100 tory rebels voting against the government. Only 60 or so voted against mandatory jabs for nhs staff.
So at least 40 of the so called rebels are in fact spineless little hitlers.
“Jeremy Corbyn was adam ant that mandatory vaccines was a completely unjustified intrusion into the right of the individual to decide for themselves what to do with their own body.
“…… he added that other less intrusive measures – such as testing for entrance to nursing homes and other places where “vulnerable populations” were found – was a far more reasonable and balanced approach.” (Glenn Greenwald on Jeremy’s Latest Stand.)..
Jeremy walks into The Trap. Tests, Tests, Tests !!!
Hospitals, supermarkets, pubs – a test is required for entry as inside (especially in pubs) are ‘vulnerable populations”….
The New World Order / The New Normal: You have to take a test to prove you’re healthy, not A Threat. You are sick until a tests indicates you’re not a threat. (And WE decide the testing device.)
It’s been pointed out that should “natural immunity” become the subject of a ‘conversation’ in the corporate media, it will be to promote the reasons for tests of anyone claiming to have natural immunity; for them being constantly tested – and by PCR not-fit-for-purpose type tests.
Natural immunity might mean two things: innate immunity, that which we all have and fights any invader, or immunity achieved by exposure to the virus. Either could be anathema to the cult.
“And WE decide the testing device – which isn’t a testing device” . . .
Who would ever have thought that a lunatic asylum could be as big as the whole Earth . . .
Who?….me!…..and probably you and a few others
Well, yes, NOW, but one wasn’t brought up to believe such a thing was possible…
I’m afraid it is now a given that anybody who goes into politics today is not very bright . . .
They’re all emasculated monarch marionettes.
I disagree. Many of them are very bright. It’s just that many of them are playing by different sets of moral and ethical rules than the rest of us are.
Upon further consideration, I think many of them actually are stupid, stupidity and amorality or psychopathy not being mutually exclusive.
Corbyn has to tread carefully- he may get knocked off his bike
Remember Dr. David Kelly…
I always said that if Corbyn had won in 2017, he would have been dead within 6 months.
The thought of Jeremy Corbyn dressed as Adam Ant.

Jeremy Corbyn, Friend or Foe?
A mere ghost from the past.
And there is nothing wrong with pointing out that is protection was the motive they would have mandated tests rather than jabs.
And normal people (the unjabbed) might find a regular testing regime to be of great use. Imagine the same people getting tested regularly, might highlight something about the tests.
I wonder what will happen when a heavily armed Davos sniper is diagnosed with a previously undetected heart condition.
The usual reminder: if you are at all sensitive to colour, click on the image to view the undegraded original.
In George Orwell’s story ‘1984’ Goldstein is the name of Big Brother’s Arch-enemy.
Does Goldstein exist ? If he does then it indicates a massive failure of Big Brother’s vast surveillance system. Like, how could The Most Wanted and his clearly numerous henchmen go about committing all the dastardly deeds blamed on them without being seen ?
Without Goldstein there is no story, just like without The Unvaxxed (A Minority), how can they keep The Pandemic rolling along ?
The astute reader would have cottoned-on that Goldstein is not a person, Goldstein is an idea, a group of ideas (ie ‘freedom’)… Goldstein is the name of thoughts that Big Brother wants to eradicate, make unthinkable..
Central to the process of making such unthinkable thoughts unthinkable are words, and the need to change their meanings, or strip from them their ‘wrong’ meanings…. Words such as pandemic, vaccine, immunity, normal, and so on.
Winston Smith retains vague memories of pre-new normal meanings of some words. Obrian’s task is to root out Goldstein from Winston’s thinking.
Add to the list of re-definitions: Torture – re-education.
Well the fictional figure for Goldstein is Trotsky, the figure on the telescreen the Jewish intellectual, founder of the Red Army, with little goatee beard. Number 1 is Stalin. A man who started his political life in Georgia where he was initially being trained to become a priest. Stalin was no intellectual so his chief adviser was Nikolai Bukharin who was ‘liquidated’ in 1938 (for some obscure reason). It is said that Bukharin wrote most of Stalin’s books, which seems plausible enough.
What you say about the removal of Jeremy Corbyn rings true. In Australia Smug Mug Morrison’s party was returned to office by a “miracle”. Everything pointed to the Labor party opposition winning but it got defeated by “a miracle”. Australia, as appears in the UK, has a 0ne-party government. Those frightened by a Labor victory shouldnt have been, because Labor has proven to be just a bunch of spineless politicians, easily scared into removing civil liberties using the perverted logic that such protects everyone from an imagined danger…
Labor is favourite to win the looming national election. Tweedle Dum / Tweedle Dee – what choice is that ? Should it not follow The Script, it will lose again because of the intervention of another ‘miracle’. If the extremism of the Queensland and Victorian labor governments are anything to go by, Australians my decide for Smug Mug Morrison – a seeming moderate. He wont need another ‘miracle’.
Correction. That should read ”…has morphed into a one party system.”
Cant help wondering why the DM seems to be the only media that occasionally goes against the narrative
Because their readership is older and older people tend to be less gullible.
They must be gullible to read the DM in the first place.
Gripe aside. The media tend to suggest they are on the side of the people when the charade is exposed. Had it not been exposed they’d be calling the unvaxxed c*nts.
Indeed. When the scam completely unravels, they can say they were against it. But that won’t protect the majority of journalists. They can only double down now – they’re in too deep.
The percentage of different age cohorts taking the clot shot tends to suggest otherwise, hence why the latest “measures” are squarely aimed at coercing younger people to get poisoned.
In 2012, The DM was the only paper to speak out against the Liverpool Care Pathway, a form of under-the-counter euthanasia which involved the withdrawal of food and fluids from ‘end-of-life’ usually elderly patients. Having witnessed the cruelty of this, both for the patients and their families, and seeing the same thing all over again with the overuse of midazolam at the beginning of the scamdemic, I wonder why more newspapers didn’t look into this. Their investigation led to it being (temporarily apparently) removed and rebranded. So the DM is good, it seems to me, on a proper investigation of some health issues. I still wouldn’t buy it though (or any paper now quite frankly).
The Telegraph does the odd decent article too, as does the Metro.
Tory press. Explains the 100 votes against. But whether it’s the tail wagging the dog, or the dog who wags the tail, or a bit of both, is another question
Hit Escape as a paywalled Telegraph article loads and you get the whole thing.
No hope for some people this deep in the game.
Io sono un partigiano!!!!
Ola compagneros.
It seems that the powers at be around the western centric world are doing a bate and switch with the heads of State. Germany .UK, State of Victoria /Australia are all changing their leaders. Two card monty just to soften the blow of there next phase. No one is obliged to be vaccinated. Mandates are all being applied to safegaurd the populations health, and I had dinner with the tooth fairy!!!!.
More and more members of society in the west have ditched there blue pills and are having regular doses of the red pill. Hence the red pill moment is really taking hold.
I wonder if they the NWO people have this all planned in order to increase there marshall law on society due to the inevitable confrontation that is being set up now with booster shots and fourth booster shots.
Resistance is growing simple question is it by design or is it organic???
Latest from Italia and Francia. njoy
DOCIUS IN FONDO; The numbers are growing against the fascist global coup with such momentum this will finish sooner rather than later. Countries like Australia, New Zealand and Canada are well advanced into this new normalisation of post modern fascism but USA and Europe the resistance is growing could be a turning point in the next coming months cing that Nord Stream pipeline has been put on hold in Europe could be another tipping point for the masses with inflation oscillating on 15 to 20 percent in real terms .
They have the exact same headlines it is unbelievable still on a so called half awake forum some of you lot still believe….
Change the name Theresa May for Bojo exact same time period your see ‘Back Bench revolt ‘ horseshit # Swap Theresa May for David Cameroon exact same headlines.
Swap the name Vaccine Passports for Brexit exact same headlines at the exact same time period. REACTION the same.
They even had a selection during this exact same time period. (why is that?) pension age going up again during the exact same time period,.
Change Brexit for Austerity or Welfare Reformed Act which saw Universal credit launched and mixed age couples as a no go and moving to other towns become very problematic for the poor and the 2 Child policy (Agenda 30).
Theresa May and David Cameroon both fake resigned gave up leadership In the Month of June (real awake people no why)
it will continue as you feed it because most of you cant see it.

The usual reminder: if you are at all sensitive to colour, click on the image to view the undegraded original.
At the opening ceremony of the games in London 2012 you may remember the bit about the nhs. It starts at minute 44.00 of the complete video on YT.
It’s about ten minutes,rewatch it today and pay attention to details. There is somenthing that you cannot miss.
I suspect I missed what you referring to, unless it was the dancing nurses, but an enjoyable watch nevertheless. I don’t think I watched it the first time round. Happier times for the NHS.
You may need to put us out of our misery
I base my speculations on the fact that on this kind of show nothing happens by chance, every image that we see is carefully choosen and the camera goes where is planned to go. In short, what we see is what the organizers want us too see.
Back to the video I suggest watching it without sound and occasionaly pause the video to concentrate on the single frame/image.
At the beginning it’s all giggle and dancing but at some point some dark creatures came into the stage crawling.
Enter the virus! Gosh!
Everybody is sleeping and we are told to be silent, please, don’t wake them up.
But someone refuse to obey…
She is discovered and shamed, isolated from the rest.
A huge monster with a syringe in the hand is towering her.
Nobody is helping, the nurses are now like zombies.No hope?
Help arrives from the sky.
The virus is kicked off.
Everybody wake up.
A new creature is born.
Bonus images:
A chinese lady
A cage
Four horses
An adult with a uniform in an hospital bed, looks familiar…wtf?
Yes, I see. There may well be parallels. ‘Gosh’ could also be split into ‘go’ and ‘sh’, reflecting life and ‘sleep’ (/death?), as well as reflecting the story in the routine.
It was certainly very dark. Far darker than the original referenced films, such as Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Mary Poppins etc. Not really family viewing.
What about 49:50?
It’s Boris! 😉
Too many elements, dark ones as you mentioned,that do not belong into a sportive celebration. A lot of money to produce an image that last two seconds just for the sake of it. What is the real storyline?
I recently saw a video of the Barcelona olympics opening ceremony from 1992 which also showed what looked like corona viruses / spike proteins. Are these ceremonies opportunities for cabalistic revelations of what they’re planning for us all?
It’s always possible to find a few elements of a ceremony that remind or look similar to occult symbolism.
A couple of them would not have stimulated my curiosity.
But in this case the number of elements that show a parallel storyline are too many to ignore. Even the order in which they appear on stage. All of them not making any sense at a sportive event but fitting very well with this pandemic story.
Too many to be dismissed as accidental.
I left out of my list any reference to the shape of stadium because any mention of it would instantly backfire.
Same for predictive programming.
But still it does’t make sense to me.
Is there any grounded person with a critical mind that could argue on why so many expensive elements of the show were produced for no reason?
Why the monster with the jab?
Why Boris in an hospital bed?
Why that big new born creature at the end ? Is the new NHS?
I think someone is taking the piss, on our heads it seems..
It’s the evolution of British humour.
Now the audience is crying and the actors are laughing at them.
Is Operation Gladio about to get a revamp?
German police launch raids in Dresden over anti-vax death threats to governor
By Euronews with AP, AFP • Updated: 15/12/2021 – 19:00
Police in eastern Germany are investigating threats to kill a state governor over coronavirus restrictions and vaccinations.
Several properties in Dresden were being raided early on Wednesday in a probe into plans for “serious violent crime”, police said on Twitter.
The investigation was triggered by reports last week that an anti-vaccine group discussed plans to kill Saxony’s CDU state governor, Michael Kretschmer, and other members of the state government on the messenger service Telegram.
Dresden — the capital of Saxony — has seen frequent protests against coronavirus restrictions and has Germany’s lowest vaccination rate.
Kretschmer said that threats against officials, scientists, and journalists “are unacceptable, will not be tolerated, and will be pursued with all our strength.”
According to the ZDF report, the group’s 103 members shared a rejection of vaccinations, the state, and the current coronavirus policy.
The Telegram channel featured audio messages in which people called for measures to be opposed “with armed force if necessary,” directed against Kretschmer and others.
“The statements of some members of the group suggested that they might be in possession of real weapons and crossbows,” the police said in a statement, without indicating whether any arrests had been made.
Tom Bernhardt, a spokesman for Saxony’s state criminal police office, said that six members of the Telegram group are under investigation.
The police investigation — assisted by special intervention forces — began one day after the ZDF report was published.
Faced with a violent fourth wave of the pandemic, the German government has decided to tighten restrictions on unvaccinated people, who are now unable to access most public places, restaurants, and non-essential shops.
Kretschmer was one of the first state leaders to cancel events like Christmas markets and restrict access for the unvaccinated to some public places.
Social Democratic Party (SPD) politician Sebastian Fiedler, an expert on security issues, told the Bild newspaper in an interview published on Tuesday that an estimated 15,000-20,000 opponents of the health measures are ready to use violence.
Meanwhile, Chancellor Olaf Scholz told parliament on Wednesday that Germany will not tolerate “a tiny minority of uninhibited extremists trying to impose its will on the whole of our society.”
See also:
On November 22, 1990, the European Parliament passed a resolution on Operation Gladio
“Germany will not tolerate “a tiny minority of uninhibited extremists trying to impose its will on the whole of our society.””
Funny how they are always blaming the unvaxxed for what they are doing themselves, the projection is a very consistent propaganda method throughout the pandemic.
The problem from their perspective is that the unvaxxed now includes the unboosted; and according to the new definition, “antivaxxer” includes those who are opposed to mandatory jabbing.
“A tiny minority” sure comes in handy, and we know it’s not the .01%, or a group of politicians They’re on about.
As for “Death Threats” being made by the unwashed unvaxxed, that claim by the ‘covid’ psyops campaign has been long expected…
I’d have thought the white beard would have been sufficient
They seem to be targeting Telegram. I’m not a user of Telegram, so I didn’t know much about it.
December 15, 2021
Governments Want Crackdown on Telegram App Used to Organize Anti-COVID Lockdown Protests
In the past few days, German politicians have declared messaging app Telegram a threat to democracy and a hotbed of radicalization. The latest round of attacks on free communication comes after weeks of protests in Germany against the COVID-19 measures. Protests have been mobilized via Telegram and other online community platforms.
Since the beginning of December, the debate about the Telegram app has raged across the German media. . . .
Currently, the App is excluded from the German “Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz” law, which requires from social media platforms to delete “criminal” content and report to the Federal Criminal Police Agency.
The latest moves follow previous rounds of German media campaigns against Telegram. In September 2021, The National Pulse reported on another large scale backlash involving the platform.
Telegram has played a massive role in organizing anti-COVID protests across Europe and has been used as a crowd-sourcing platform for challenging the establishment narrative during the pandemic. Over the past few years, the app has gained massive traction in Germany and across Europe. A coordinated effort from European governments to crackdown on the platform would cause to devastating damage to the freedom of speech and the right to assemble.
Telegram provides end-to-end encrypted voice and video calls[25] and optional end-to-end encrypted “secret” chats. Cloud chats and groups are encrypted between the app and the server, so that ISPs and other third-parties on the network can’t access data, but the Telegram server can. Users can send text and voice messages, make voice and video calls, and share an unlimited number of images, documents (2 GB per file), user locations, animated stickers, contacts, and audio files. In January 2021, Telegram surpassed 500 million monthly active users.[26] It was the most downloaded app worldwide in January 2021[27] with 1 billion downloads globally as of late August 2021.
The reality is that the politics is long since irrelevant, there should have been wholesale MP resignations over this , but nothing . When the likes of Ellwood vote against you know the “rebellion” is officially sanctioned.
If there’s mass departures from the NHS they won’t care, the intention is to build back better so any mayhem is fuel to the fire.
The politicians/judges/legal/law enforcement/military and the entire civil service structures are totally corrupted and determined to force through to the technocratic dictatorship NWO. For those who haven’t, a look into starmer’s background is enough to show the depths of the problem.
All individuals have at this stage is not to comply. Easier said than done but if enough people are able to just sit it out long enough the momentum will begin to shift. Next 3 to 4 months will be critical.
Sergio Aguero may accelerate that shift.
Gregory Hood, when speaking at the American Renaissance conference of 2021, had emphasized that the racial politics of western countries were not done out of pure malice or hatred for certain peoples, but they were justifications of power for the ruling class. And the only way to break the power of the ruling class, was to break the justification for their power, because then no one feels complied to enforce their decrees.
Same with Covid. You can rag on and on about the Great Reset, authoritarianism, and Nazi speak. You will never get through with that avenue. I saw a comment on Youtube that perfectly summarizes these peoples’ thoughts of us,
“I’ve lost faith in humanity when the act of simply putting on a mask was compared to Nazis (not exact, but a fair summary I believe)”
Render the mask useless, and suddenly, these mandates don’t particularly make sense (maybe not Nazis to them, but it’s a start). Reveal the vaccine as dangerous and ineffective, and passports appear as lunacy. Downgrade, or even disprove Sars-Cov2, and everything becomes moot (you’ll need more than ‘muh Koch’s postulates’ and ‘no isolation sheeple’, explain the mechanics and significance of these arguments). Break the Covid justification, and opposing the medical tyranny becomes a piece of cake.
Of course the masks do not confer safety on those who wear them, this much has been easily established. What the do confer, however, is a quasi-religious symbolism. ‘Look how holy and clean I am.” I am one of the chosen, one of the elect, unlike those unclean bare-faced barbarians.
This is virtue signalling taken to the enth degree. Wear you mask with pride for you are the blessed. And holy face-mask will keep away evil spirits.
This is comparable with the cargo cult in the pacific islands which had been fought over by the American and Japanese at the end of WW2.
In the years following the war, the Oceanian islanders, through an amalgamation of traditional and innovative religious practices, sought to develop new religio-cultural systems that would account for the realities of their post-contact lives. As the arrival (and subsequent disappearance) of Western commodities was one of these formative events, many cultic beliefs arose to explore the significance of “cargo.” Thus, in an attempt to encourage the delivery of cargo, many groups of islanders ritualistically imitated the practices of foreign soldiers, sailors and airmen. For instance, some islanders cleared valuable arable land in order to construct makeshift airstrips, built elaborate wooden control towers, and carved wooden headphones from wood. These religious structures were then manned by devotees, while others directed the (non-existent) traffic with signal fires.
So today we have the masking cult. People putting cloth on their faces to ward of the anti-vax demons.
It is that f******* stupid! But that is the level the jabbed have descended.
Truly amazes me how when it comes to fucking over the people these parties show great unity!!
Anyways… news just in (By the time I’m released from pending it might not be as breaking):
“Professor” Christina Pagel of SAGE tweeted a recommendation for England to go into a 10 day “Circuit breaker” lockdown to “save Christmas”!
Whitty has just confirmed that the Omicron wave is as serious as he thought, quelle surprise? And this is the key – “Whitty would not be drawn on whether he believed further lockdown measures were necessary, saying only that ministers were having to choose between “some really unpalatable options”.”
Cue Boris’ reneging on his “No more lockdowns” pledge.
I’ll get the PPE to shield from the self imploding covidians.
I don’t know about you but I know it’s going to get worse.We all said this but I didn’t think it would be this quick?!!!
In Germany it not better:
German Police (“we just follow orders” – is Satan behind it this time?) arrests Santa Claus – for not wearing a Mask in public:
Hopefully Baby Jesus ist more carefull. I’d hate to hear “Damn – the cops!” from Baby Jesus mouth!
Boris got hair like rag doll other one got plasticine hair how predictable.
We all knew it was coming.Next will be in concentration camps.
Is it not odd that a “Labour” leader is call “Sir”?
Led by Jeremy Corbyn, the British Left Opposes Vaccine Mandates as Anti-Worker and Repressive by Glenn Greenwald
Everything about Kier Starmer is odd on steroids.
Never was there a more establishment-oriented individual in British politics, let alone leading the ‘opposition’! They are rubbing our noses in it.
The nickname Queer Kier is not a dig at his sexuality, it’s a play on the original meaning of the word, in his case meaning there’s something extremely fishy about him being where he is. A true quisling.
Do you really think any of them are where they are by accident? Obviously nicely planned.
what if nelson mandela was a knight of malta
and never spent any time on an island prison
what if queer starmmer was an actor
who played a taxi driver called john warbuoys
and also played the head of the crown prosecution service
the crown corporation private for profit and foreign
weird world that would be
You mean like if former President Barack Obama’s parents were both CIA assets?
With two heads on one snake, it would be Knight to Scarecrow on Rook.
There is no choice unless we get rid of the two party system that has plagued politics for so long. Shamocracy rules.
Only the right sort can get past the party selection process, the ones that will take the whip. It stinks worse than Buck House. All the senior posts in Government are taken by the likes of Blair, Brown, May, Cameron, Osbourne and Maggie who spent many New Years Eve with Britain’s most prolific serial paedophile and Prince Charles favourite, Saville
Now we have another to add to the list, Epstein who is obviously not dead and his madam, Maxwell, Prince Andrews favourite paedophile and chum.
Is everyone brain dead or so consumed with the bread and circuses propaganda to be blinded to the scum who have lorded it over us for so long?
The idiots in charge will kill us all on the Klaus Swab alter of the “great reset”. With the help of Killer Gates, a fake Frankenstein lab created bio-weapon put into play to frighten those who cannot think for themselves and take the gene therapy jabs to make us all ill or dead.
The CDC in the States has released figures that confirm more than 800,000 dead and millions injured.
In Europe over 30,000 dead and millions injured, in the UK 2000 dead and over a million injured. This is the reality we face, it can only get worse if we let it.
Like the Brexit Party we need a third rail, step forward Nigel Farage and the Reclaim Party and put a stop to the farce that passes for government in this country.
Save the children from the jabs.
Gordon Duff (veteranstoday,com) has written that many leaders and even billionares are cut-outs, i.e., groomed from untraceable backgrounds for their roles.
eddie mayer x bbc khazar
his show on glr london global radio is a hoot
hysterical the bubonic plague is here
but uou can help yourselves
get ye to the vaxine temple
moloch is hungry
i want to call the shoah and say to unkle ask a nazi
global radio dj
hey eddie baby take a chill pill bro
germ theory is old news daddio
the terrain the terrain is all
Ken Livingstone says lock down forever.
The ‘government’ can pick up the tab, he says, with a straight face, and not apparently drunk, and not seemingly in the pay of big pharma.
Ken Deadstone.
The Leftwing megadeath is coming, again, and all those types can feel good about it as they did a century ago out East.
I wonder why they say “Fear is the mind killer.”.
Simply ignore whatever traitors in gov’t say but mark their card ready for charges. Millions of people do not believe in the gov’t lies and misinformation. Soon they will make their voices heard.
If you value the future of your children, and their children, then get busy. Ignore, disobey, disrupt, as soon as the opportunity arises. Don’t leave it for a later time, as there probably won’t be one.
See you all on the barricade.
Sack all the unclotshotted NHS staff, who have been working with covid patients for the last two years with few incidents. Indeed, these staff probably have robust natural immunity by now.
If they are working with the majority clotshotted patients, where’s the problem? Assuming the clotshots work of course. But even if they don’t, the staff are likely immune anyway so represent no threat to anyone.
And if they’re immune they won’t be taking covid out hospitals into the general public.
Indeed, is there a case for a massive unfair dismissal suit if staff aren’t tested for natural immunity prior to them being sacked?
Am I missing something here, or is the government and it’s medical advisers simply, utterly incompetent?
No they need more mayhem…doing same in aust…picking off areas to create chaos by making mandatory vax…they know exactly what they are doing while we run around like chooks with heads cut off.
According to Mike Yeadon, we’re now in Phase 5 of their grand plan:
Phase 5: Establish chaos and Martial law. (November 2021-March 2022)
> – Exploit the shortage of goods and food.
> – Cause the paralysis of the real economy and the closure of factories and shops.
> – Let unemployment explode.
> – Apply a third dose to the vaxx (boosters).
> – Take up the murder of the living old men.
> – Impose compulsory vaccination for all.
> – Amplify the myth of variants, the efficacy of the vaccine and the immunity of the herd.
> – Demonize the anti-vaxx and hold them responsible for the dead.
> – Arrest opposition leaders.
> – Impose digital identity on everyone (QR code): Birth certificate, identity document, passport, driving license, health insurance card …
> – Establish martial law to defeat the opposition.
> Result, Second stage of digital control. Imprisonment or removal of opponents.
and we can look forward to Phase 6:
Phase 6: Cancel the debts and dematerialize the money. (March 2022-September 2022)
> – Trigger the economic, financial and stock market collapse, the bankruptcy of the banks.
> – To rescue the losses of the banks in the accounts of their clients.
> – Activate the «Great Reset».
> – De-materialize money.
> – Cancel debts and loans.
> – Impose the digital portfolio. (Digital Wallet)
> – Seize properties and land.
> – Ban all global medicines.
> – Confirm the obligation to vaccinate semi-annually or annually.
> – Impose food rationing and a diet based on the Codex Alimentarius.
> – Extend the measures to emerging countries.
> Result, Third stage of digital control. Extension of the N.O.M. to the whole planet.
(Novus Ordo Mass, translated it means New Order.)—-timetable-to-tyranny.html
The problem with that is, the origins of the WuFlu are now revealing itself.
Conventional influenza, we are led to believe, mutates once a year. WuFlu has now mutated five times in 20 months meaning it’s an immature virus which keeps meeting unexpected challenges it must adapt to.
Had this virus come from the wild via Bats, Chickens, Pigs, or Pangolins it would have faced innumerable challenges on its journey to infecting humans. It would have been robust and not had to mutate to adapt.
A release from a Gain of Function laboratory, deliberate or otherwise, would see an immature virus as it’s simply not possible to develop thousands of virus, to meet innumerable challenges and have the dominant and robust one infect humans.
After five iterations humanity is now faced with Omicron, a virus that follows the natural progression of a virus in the wild. It adapts to spread more easily but it’s consequently less deadly. One study has found it met up with the common cold virus, a much more robust and dominant pathogen and, basically it gave Delta a kicking and took it over.
Omicron has gone from zero in South Africa during October when Delta was the dominant variant of the infected (around 80%) to Omicron having almost 100% dominance last week.
However, in SA, a country of some 60M people there are only ~5,500 hospitalisations with Omicron and 75% of those presented with conditions unrelated to covid. The patients didn’t know they were infected until tested in hospital. ~ 4,700 are in general wards and roughly 400 each are on oxygen or ventilators. Almost all patients are vaccinated in a country with a low take up rate.
Not many considering the population.
The R value of Omicron in the UK is around 4 at the moment. At that rate anyone whose going to be infected will be, by around the end of January, beginning of February.
Judging by SA hospitalisations will be fewer, less serious, and shorter than for earlier strains. There is likely to be many fewer as well, although Africa has a younger population so perhaps not as few, but almost certainly many fewer than we have seen.
By March/April the whole thing will be fizzling out like a damp squib as those that can get it will have had it and recovered, then immune to covid in general.
Our government will limp along with scare tactics for a while until it’s no longer possible to keep up the charade at which point Boris will announce, to much fan fare, that he and the Conservative government, with their brilliant tactics have defeated coronavirus. Assuming he can hang on that long.
Nevertheless, the whole thing will be finally over by the beginning of summer with the US following a few weeks after.
Imagine that. The great reset confounded by the common cold.
I hope you’re right. But they can always conjure up a new scariant, even more deadly, blah blah.
Or switch to a ‘climate change emergency’.
But how many will now fall for yet another fairy story?
That might be what would happen if they weren’t just making up numbers and statistics to fuel the narrative that they hare making up as they go along, but seeing as they’ve been doing that for the entire time, to now expect honesty from them is more than a little naive. This isn’t, and never has been, about a “virus”.
Fort Detrick and Porton Down via the Military Games held in the same time frame as event 201 in China.
Coincidence? Porton Down Biological Research Establishment, just outside Salisbury, UK.
The Skripal Affair, and other fairy stories. Novichock to kill Navalny in flight by everyone’s favourite bogey man Putin, the only world statesman on the world stage.
The British have been the true adepts at holding the balance of power via the Banking system, funding their exploits via the playing fields of Eton and the Great Game before Brzezinski and Kissinger were even born.
Those that fail to learn from history are fated to make the same mistakes.
Just like war of the worlds.
But you have to factor in the manipulation and lies and the fact that 80% of the population are too scared or stupid to realize its over
Likely goals:
– Shutting down productive economy to evade conundrum of production without demand and shortage of materials, avoid hyperinflation, perhaps destroy unpayable debts selectively.
– Deflecting blame for neo-liberal disaster and financial ponzi scheme, especially by biggest speculators, central banks: dysfunction, destitution, incompetence, other disasters.
– Governments again rescuing biggest speculators and enriching cronies by incurring more debt.
– Again plundering private wealth: rescuing banks by “bail-in”, foreclosing on bankrupts’ property or buying it cheap, confiscating unclaimed wealth of the dying, short-selling shares, destroying competition selectively.
– Global oligarchy seizing all public wealth, commons, planetary resources.
– Attempting to counter foreign measures against imperialism.
– Ending all pretence of civilised government:
— end to pensions, compensation for harm
— end to rights: socialising, travel, assembly, privacy, parenthood, dissent, courts, legislature
— overt pervasive surveillance including biometrics, digital currency
— slavery: no job (due to jabs/restrictions/automation), UBI, digital currency, Social Credit, personal orders/permits
— brutality including personal curfew, isolation, detention, disappearance
— global genocide to reduce population by (a) jabs and its contagion (gene drive) causing death (even in breast-feeding infants), sterility, miscarriage (b) major injury (c) withheld/unaffordable/ harmful medical treatment (d) euthanasia, abortions (e) more poisoning of food, environment (f) more destitution (in food, shelter, heating/cooling, hygiene, safety).
Going by conversations at work – and official conversations at that! – the switch from the death figures to the case figures has been the most successful part of the con. Everyone is panicking over the positive tests. Nobody but nobody is thinking, “Well what do these tests mean? What the fuck is asymptomatic? How many of these positive cases are actually ill? Does illness itself even count for anything anymore? Does our actual direct real life experience matter anymore? Are we all now waiting for “Computer says …”?”
Speaking to covidians and asking them simple and pertinent questions such as the ones you’ve mentioned above is an almost identical experience to the ones I have when I ask simple and pertinent questions of religious fanatics who stop me in the street: You see the glazed look come over them as the circular reasoning circuits in their brains loop back around to the beginning and they say “but The Bible/Science says”.
You cannot reason with faith.
it also provides a wonderful opportunity for fast tracking the destruction of the remaining NHS infrastructure. A project various English governments have been beavering away at since the 1950s. These draconian laws approved by all parties will allow Boris to reward his gang with what remains of England’s publicly held assets.
What publicly held assets? How many hospitals were built under PFI?
They are heading towards a vaccination mandate in January-February-March.
In the UK as well as the EU.
The number of cases will increase enormously in January as more people will be positive because of the ‘omikron’ variant. Two primers are enough now instead of three primers.
PS there is no virus, only poisons.
The cases will increase, the R value is already at 4 apparently, but hospitalisations and deaths will fall off a cliff.
Of 60M people in South Africa there are currently 5,500 in hospital with Omicron. 4,700 are in general wards and 75% of those presented with conditions other than covid, they only found out they had it when they were tested on admission.
425 patients are on oxygen and 400 on ventilators.
Almost all in hospital with Omicron are vaccinated.
Omicron was unknown in early October with Delta ~80% dominant. By last week Omicron was almost 100% dominant.
By late January/early February Omicron will be the dominant variant and by March/April it will be undeniable that this entire shit show is over, bar the shouting.
‘Omicron’ does not exist, only in a computer and in the mind as a delusion.
Remember those ferrets…faucci brought them up again yesterday…while wringing his hands and blathering about how they really couldn’t do the test on the volunteers as they were not exposed to risk…so we are about to see how well we measure up to the ferret response.
True, the original “virus” was developed by taking samples of lung fluid from sick patients in Wuhan China and apparently extracting part of a genetic sequence of some biological material. The identified partial sequence was then completed by filling in the missing parts using a special computer program. So the actual “virus” and “variants” exist purely in silico.
Assuming that they are carrying out expensive genetic assays for variants, in addition to PCR.
Agreed, and by the way the word virus is Latin for poison.
No virus = no variants = no vaccines = no cases = no pandemic = bio-weapon =gene therapy by Ursula von de Leyen and her husband
The 1917-18 so called Spanish Flu was so named because the press in Spain was the only media reporting on the outbreak.
This coincided with America entering the Great War of 1914-18 and jabbing the troops in overcrowded training camps, shipping them over to Europe on over-crowded troop transports and infecting more troops in the trenches leading to the death spiral.
We have been had by Anthony Mengele Fauchi who was responsible for the aids epidemic and now the fake virus and jab epidemic. He withheld drugs that could have relieved the AIDS, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and now withholds Ivermectin and other prophylactics for the Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (VAIDS).
Hanging is too good for this cretin.
Covid vaccine. Heiko, the husband of Ursula von Der Leyen, director of the gene therapy company for vaccines
Heiko von Der Leyen it turns out to be, as medical director, in the management team of Orgenesis, American biotechnology company specializing in cell and gene therapies, the very same technologies involved in mRna vaccines used by the most famous pharmaceutical companies against Covid. It may be a coincidence but they are the same ones on which his wife Ursula quickly closed the emergency contracts with Pfizer, at the center of numerous doubts and diatribe.
There is no conflict of interest between politics, doctors and pharmaceutical industries: it cannot exist. There is only the vaccine or death dichotomy, when too the ISS claims that those affected by Sars-Cov-2 face a very low possible mortality of 2%. That of MERS-CoV was 34%, that of SARS-CoV-1 was 9.6%, Ebola of 50% and smallpox of 30%.
Vaccine, an obligation in the EU? And Ursula’s husband engaged in gene therapy
They act like the Stasi and will suffer a similar fate.
Compared to jabs – active components and known poisons going directly into blood – other capitalist poisons are insignificant.