Merry Christmas: Messages of support and solidarity

Last month we published an open letter from musician Alison Blunt to her band leader, concerning the Covid “pandemic”, vaccine mandates and the all-out assault on human rights going on across most of the globe.
The letter was a big hit, and Alison received amazing amounts of positive feedback and messages of solidarity, this Christmas Eve we thought we would share some, to bring some positivity to the season and remind all of us that we’re not in this alone, no matter how much it may feel like it.


From: K, United Kingdom
Hi Alison, my name is ____, and I loved your open letter on Off Guardian. I’m a performer/designer/general creative person and am co-artistic director of an award-winning theatre company that hasn’t performed since February 2020 because of the restrictions and mandates, and our views on them.

Reading your piece reminded me that I am not alone, and I am sure there are many more of us out there.

I am trying to create a community of Awake artists/performers etc. At the moment I have a very small facebook group (not the ideal platform but wasn’t sure where to start!) but I would love to connect creatives all over the world. I thought I’d get in contact with you to see if you’d be interested in helping me get the word out there, maybe suggest a better platform (I would like to start a Telegram channel ideally but am open to other suggestions!) and just to connect with you in general, as another awake performer.

I believe that if all the awake artists in the world have a place to connect, more doors will open where they have been closing so frequently for the last year and a half.

All the best

– K, United Kingdom


From: T, United Kingdom
Hi Alison, I read your letter on Off Guardian today and want to commend you on standing up! Fair play, I look forward to listening to your music.

– T, United Kingdom


From: M, Sweden
These my words are at the same time some indirect reflections on Alison’s very pointed and informed bandleader letter – just had the luck to read as well as a poetic outburst gushing out from my own disgusted depth regarding the tyrannical times we all still are going through – and what was meant to be the liner notes to my forthcoming solo album – but in the end weren’t….

Its a nightmare, clear as day.

”Utopia in Power” finally and eventually. The western equivalent to Homo sovieticus – Homo sovieticus 2.0 – is on a world rise. And why not, the notion was originally thought of as ” a new and higher type of Homo sapiens – a new biological specimen”.

By sheer negligence and by a conditioned unwillingness to acknowledge anything outside our pool of well packaged information we now rule the world.

As a ”Global Democratic Peace”- product, socially fragmented and bearing the AAA – Adjustable, Alienated/Apologetic, Aggressive – hall – and trademark.) This time finally we are also all equal in front of this sweeping coercion procedure putting all our past in a locked deposit.

And is this the fourth industrial revolution the first revolution in world history that suspends and/or postpones its blood letting – or makes it disappear behind the sun?

At last ”a change to believe in”? But at the same time we shall be obliterated, our services being less and less in demand for – Its like all our past life with all its memories finds itself to be locked up in that deposit of an everlasting “temporality” – and for sure a deposit you are not authorised to unlock yourself due to ”temporary restrictions on time travel”.

We are led to believe that both all our previous life but also our future existence is now in a state of limbo, thrown into a deprivation of liberty situation – by letting this still evolving absurd control dogma continue to dictate our life.

But we are this dogma. The dogma is us. And our unborn children? What will they think? Or will the process we are going through right now abort most of their true thinking abilities? Or – will they not loose their ability to reflect and revise completely – and in a not too far future – make all of us complicit in this enhanced crisis being allowed to continue – not being stopped in time?

Are we trapped in the corridors of the Bio-Security complex – ”unable to act or move or even think outside it” – and will we therefore also gradually loose our will to having an unrestrained existence? And will we mercilessly hunt down those who still insist upon it? Our unborn children as hunters? Or prey? Or both?

Or were we just heavily preconditioned not to properly react? Not to withstand the hypnosis created non-stop by the media – were we preconditioned to sink into this fearfulness, to sink into this unreflective coma?

Is it then the sign of the global bio-security party harsh and gently ruling? A metaphysical ruling moulded by a real one? Or vice versa.

Follow the party-line. Don’t deviate. And all will be fine and ruthless. And endless. Verbal voodooism.

– M, Sweden


From: S
I can only thank Alison for her open letter and agree with her on every point. She has shown integrity and courage and an awake mind, and that is exactly what is needed in times like these.

It is very sobering to see how fellow musicians, in anticipatory obedience to the government, introduce so-called 2G rules within their ensembles that require unnecessary and potentially harmful medical treatment in order to be allowed to continue playing.

They invoke “solidarity” and “science”, yet confuse these with the exact opposite – because governments and the media have fed it to them.

There may be many reasons why this is accepted by so many, and some of the fellow musicians are certainly beyond help in their unconditional obedience to the authorities, but to those who recognise this “pandemic” for what it is, namely the smokescreen, which helps the transformation of our global capitalist system to leap and disguises it as a health emergency, a neoliberal restructuring of the economy, politics and society, which is not in the interest of society and the planet, I can only appeal: DO NOT COMPLY!

I consider it one of the highest imperatives for living together in a society that one is aware of one’s boundaries, defines them and protects them, just as one respects the boundaries of others.

In that case, it is urgent to put a stop to the state and its followers when they become encroaching. In the words of a well-known therapist, “Where are your fucking standards?!”

I am sure we have the means to create a better system. However, the actors of our destructive old system are the very last people we should entrust with this task. SDGs and 4IR are not the solution to a better world but apparently the greatest obstacle. But perhaps, through massive – peaceful – civil disobedience, the catastrophe will also become a catalyst for change towards more democracy, which we ourselves will bring about from below.

– S


From: I
Dear Alison,

Thank you for your excellent letter ‘to the good German inside of you’

My husband ———- and I founded the ensemble ————- and toured the world for 40 years. Our son is a violinist in Vienna, our daughter a singer in Germany, both struggling to fight for their rights for freedom and choice to say NO to this criminal regime.

I just sent an open letter to the Austrian chancellor telling him in no uncertain terms that with his vaccination mandate he has become a criminal, who will face justice at a Nuremberg Trial 2.0.

In case you are interested and want to send it on to anyone who might be interested here it is. I certainly will forward your letter to many people.

Best wishes and keep fighting!

– I


From: E, Italy
valiente Alison por negarte a ser vacunada so pretexto de poder or de gira. sabemos que ya tienen mucho terreno ganado pprque el mundo y los borregos se los han permitido y tratarán de apretar más la situación hasta conseguir más inoculados, pero mientras alla, personas.como tu y como yo, sabidas de la realidad, podremos tener esperanzas de que la mentira caerá. Mi apoyo y un abrazo cariñoso aún sin conocerte, mi admiración por tu coraje y entereza.

– E, Italy


From: D, Germany
I would like to expose some esoteric concepts and providing some gnostic info for comparing in what’s going on nowadays. So here we go.

According to the Hindu mystical tradition and other ancient wisdoms, there’re four eras that cyclically the mankind goes through, these are: Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron.

The latter Iron is the heaviest. Here the density is heavy. The most vulgar materialism domines here and the most dormant consciousness is in. Lies reign. economical disfunctions, selfishness, deception, perversion, etc.

This era is called Kali Yuga or the dark era. The final time. The age when human consciousness or Dharma, means as a collective body, reaches is lowest point, in which the spiritual dimension is very low in the society.

So then, when the bottom has been reached, the entropy due to interaction between the Planet and consciousness generates a sort of revolution, a kind of destruction of the old schemes or more appropriate a reset’ (thats the real meaning of great reset. Not the fake one replaced by the elite) that going completing the cycle and returning to the first age, the Golden age and so on.

From here it turns into new world, within an ethereal and enlightned dimension.

In which the consciousness is right connected to the source. Where the mind is directly links to the creative willing of the heart. The love of wisdom. Peace and abundance. Litterally the heaven on earth. More or less each phase has a duration of about 5,000 years. Although this duration has several interpretations.

Why does this occur? Because the Dharma, the human consciousness, makes a complete lap in which it must across all the experiences.

In the period of Kali Yuga the pressure is heavy. The dense conscience has facing with so many uglyness and distortions due above all to the great forgetfulness, therefore the fear of death is dominant and lack of connection that the souls have in this period.

As you can guess we are in this phase, even at the end of the era (which can take still quite a while) what occuring now is exactly that. The nightmare that’s ongoing is due to the strong friction that the collective consciousness is undergoing.

And here the Archons come in to play. Who are the Archons? In the Pistis Sophia (Coptic Gnostic text) they are described as the controlling demiurges, those that create the veil of illusion and suffering. Whose that create the low-density conditions through the fearness, but in which the consciousness of the human being has to be awaken.

Therefore the Archons, are also considered (from the gnostic and other spiritual disciplines) as divine instrument. Im not saying they’re fine. They’re terribly èvil and wanting to blend and submit the mankind. But at meantime are necessary for pushing the awakening of consciousness to take place, goes beyond the veil of materialism, of illusion, injustice and suffering, and completing the cycle. since all this goes further the concept of good and evil, the destruction of dense matter is the solution for re-established freedom and awareness and this can occur through dramatic and suffering events, (Kali, godness of destruction, rapresented that.

Death and rebirth, radical change) so the consciousness be awaken and return to a new golden age. Therefore whatever we are experiencing especially nowadays even if it seems insane and criminal (that’s actually so but facing the issue on another level as written above goes beyond good and evil) is actually necessary and somehow sacred.

The Archons embodied by the elites who rule the world, must do this, creating a distopic reality. They have to push (unawarenessly) us to the limit of endurance so that the mankind can awaken, dissolve the great density that grips the consciousness and return to the golden age. This mythical time is coveted and wished by every ancient wisdom present on planet earth.

For this reason, in spite of planetary awakening, many, so called in the Buddism, Bodhisattvas, who are, souls of service, are incarnated on Earth for trying to accelerate the process of extinction and dissolution of the very dense matter that the collective consciousness has accumulated over the millennia of the cycle.

The dissidents and the resisters who are standing up against the current insanity (the biggest hoax of mankind’s history) are the Bodhisattvas, who came to earth at this timeline precisely to help this awakening and shifting the Humans (at least whose ready to be awake. The critical mass) to the golden age.

The awakening process is already occuring. But as time is cyclic, there’s no clear perception of this. We are in the middle of the process. The Archons know that and what’s going on in spite of the awakening. That’s why they want doing fast.

But They have no conscience, they have no soul. So they think going to realize their agenda anyway. But the divine plan goes beyond and in any case they won’t succeed. Only we have to get by on our own, since awakening is in the arbitrary field.

That’s why it can take 2 years like 100 and more people awaken, shorter would occur the shifting. We have realize we living in a matrix. The Elite-Archons are going to set the worst nightmare, that It couldn’t ever imagine. Literally the hell on the heart. That’s their goal.

But the powerful of global consciousness and divine light won’t allow that. The end of the Archons-elite is unavoidable, they’ll going to lose. And the world, instead, will become a wonderful place.

And what we are experiencing now will be just a horrible memory not to be repeated again and in which we all (more likely our descendants) can learn from.

– D, Germany


From: K

I read your open letter. There is much to admire in your stance. I wish more people had such conviction.

– K


From: D
Hi Alison,

I just wanted to drop you a short note to express my gratitude to you for the above-mentioned letter and for your highly principled stance against the covid tyranny.  As another person who saw through this psychological operation from the very beginning,  I  must say your letter was one of the most concise and thorough representations of what humanity is currently facing.  I hope you make progress with the bandleader and thanks again for your courage and your willingness to speak out against these crimes.

Best of luck to you!

– D


From: J
Dear Alison,

I don’t think we’ve ever met but I know [mutual friend] and am a fellow musician and composer.

I just read your brilliant letter via 21st Century Wire and wanted to congratulate and thank you from you bottom of my heart for speaking out in this way.

That’s all really, but it would be nice to have a chat or meet for a coffee one day.

Luckily I have a few friends (and made new ones) who I have connected with over this issue and gravitated towards as we watch in horror at events unfolding, but the majority of my liberal, talented,  educated friends bombard me with mainstream propaganda such as this inflammatory article a few days ago (4 of my friends sent it to me) and I try to get them to see that it this article is not about science but about whipping up mistrust and resentment.

But sometimes it feels like a losing battle!
Anyway, thanks again,
All my best,
– J


From: P
When I open the channel “off guardian” and I read your letter I said WOW! you write exactly what i think, think since long time, and all this plandemic come out  so fast and now are almost 2 years that we have to live like that bad.

Family members, friends, many disappear in the coordinate of my world. It’s so long time now with all those news and everyday changing stories, the world has changed and it was bad even before.

in Italy we are very few musicians, all the community of improvisers, maybe not all but mostly, are lost in the official narrative, it’s impossible to discuss, even to write a letter, it’s sad. it’s incredible.

Incredible period of time but we have a lot of demonstrations, every week end, in my town, every day in the afternoon there is a open talk in a small square, people start to wake up slowly, the narration by the mainstream media ti’s start to have holes, people want the truth.

I wanted to write you and I’m close to you!

– P


From: S
Dear Alison,

I just read your letter published on OffGuardian!

All my solidarity and esteem for the words you wrote, which I share 100%. I made the same choices as you.

A warm greeting,
– S


From: B
Hi Alison

I have worked in the music industry the whole of my adult life, firstly as a drummer and now as a manager and running a record label.

I wanted to thank you or writing the letter that was published in off guardian. It is astoundingly good and it resonated with me wholeheartedly. The last 18 months have been madness. From one week to the next everything cancelled and into lockdown, I started investigating cause I just didn’t believe what we were being told from MSM.

Suffice it to say, I am fooled up with all the facts and figures, but am lonely and frustrated.

Thankfully my business partner in diplomats is on board But my other Job (a label from inside the film business) it can be lonely and weird at times.

I wanted to connect with you and Would love to chat live on a zoom or even meet up depending on where you are.

My Mrs is triple jabbed – she is a psychologist in the NHS but we have managed to be respectful to each other and vowed that this would mever break us up. Though I am stressed about her Health now which I have definitely seen affected since she had her first jab. It’s all terrifying, surreal and yet also intriguing in terms of where and how this is all going to end up!

Sending blessings and massive thanks again for an amazing piece of writing.

Hope to connect on this and music.

– B


From: N
Hi Alison,

I hope you have been keeping well, and also that this email address is the current one.

That is a Mighty letter that you wrote to the “apolitical” bandleader in Off-Guardian, I’ve only just seen it now. I really think that it is very important to make the points that you made, especially since so many people are trying to go along to get along, and taking no responsibility for their compliance in this insane nonsense. And it was very important to get in on Off-G, to plant your flag out in the open. Very few will take a visible stance in times of crisis.

The number of people who are invested in the pandemic narrative is something I find really surprising since it is so blatantly complete nonsense. And as you state so well in the letter, this is a formula they have tried in the past, but this time they covered all the angles by co opting the regulatory bodies, the mainstream press and social media platforms.

I’m actually in Cape Town right now – I was trying work out dates to fly to London when this new variant scam caught me napping, so I probably won’t be there this side of the spring. Have you had any gigs of late? I managed to put together an improv gig in Sept, which was fun, but time to get hustling again. There is every chance that they’ll concoct another lockdown herein South Africa on the basis of this alleged variant, but we’ll see.

Anyway, I had to write after reading your letter.

Take care & hopefully catch up on stage at some point
– N


From: R
dear alison, thank you for your great article. the situation is getting very bad right now for all of us, so we need to stay strong and clear in our minds. thank you and best wishes.
– R


From: S
Well, let me join, we are not alone at least in this. Even though it sometimes feels like we are.

– S


From: A
Dear Alison,
Just read your ‘Open Letter to the Good German Inside of You’ and I agree with you 100%.

I wish you were not impossibly far away in the UK.  I wish we could perform together, your lovely music and my flexible freestyling moves interpreting and enhancing the sounds.

PLEASE feel free to call me to talk with an aware and lonely person who is NOT a brainwashed Cult of Covidiots member.
– A


From: E
Dear Alison,

Before I had even had a chance to check offG, I had your piece forwarded by [mutual friend]. It is beautifully considered and eloquently written.

Its heartfelt sincerity has prompted a very big response.

I will join with the person who said something like, “with your permission I will use this to send to my employer”.

In fact I have already gone ahead and forwarded it to _______ in Istanbul as part of my reply to an invitation to play there next year.

You have provided a template for all of us dissenters

Bravo, bravissimo!

– E


From: D
Personally I have found the whole lockdown thing very difficult…..although i had some success…musically..i was offered some work and accepted with a band i’d left.. they wanted me to have a covid test in case i made them ill by sleeping in the same room… the conversation never got as far as that i might have alternative accommodations of my own… total fear that i would give them covid… now i am working with them again so there has been a shift..i’m not holding any grudges against victims of this spell.. i have worked on my own a lot and smile at all the mask wearing fearful people… please keep it cash everybody whilst we can… i had an episode with the council/police where they tried to stop me… i reckon i could get some compensation from them now.. relating to the february lockdown.. energy is low but that is a possibility.. Alison’s letter spelt it out better than anything i could say but hey.. bravo. X

– D


From: C
Thank you so much for this letter, Alison! As a German me and many others are currently uniting in small groups in our cities and towns. We are a small minority in society, some fear to lose their jobs like I as a nurse do. But we will not comply, we resist and stand up against this corrupt system that is trying to control and suppress us. We are living in turbulent times and nobody knows when this will end. But what is certainly true that LOVE will always win, light is rising and the truth will shine through

– C


From: P
Dear Alison:
I just read your story about vaccination mandates and I’m really impressed.

So much so that I have republished the article on our network.

Here we are in a tremendous minority of people who have chosen to reject the jab. But we were also a minority, even more pronounced, the people who dedicated ourselves to improvising. So listening to your words has been really exciting for me.
A big hug from Spain Alison.

– P


From: P
I have recently read your letter answering an orchestra director (Open letter to the good German in you), and I must say that it is one of the most coherent things I’ve read coming from an artist of late. I totally agree with both the interpretation of the current situation and the importance of maintaining a coherent attitude as an artist.

I am a musician living in Spain, going through all the difficulties that are currently being thrown our way but struggling to continue to live my life coherently, not wearing masks, taking experimental drugs or accepting work that involves harming others (in any way). I work with improvisation and I’m currently involved in music education.

Keep up the energy, and lets hope that we will be able to meet one day under a less threatening ‘umbrella’.

– P


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Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 27, 2021 12:12 PM

So glad Alison is getting a lot of positive endorsement. The letter about us being in the period of darkness, Kali Yuga, is very intriguing and a little reassuring. If the utter madness can be explained simply by the fact we’re in the 5,000 year Dark Era well – so be it – I guess we just have to hunker down.

James R
James R
Dec 26, 2021 7:46 AM

Thank you all for helping me keep balanced and buoyant this year.

Just a little thought I had this morning (apologies if the connection has been made before).

Ivermectin is slandered as a horse de-wormer despite its palpable medicinal benefits.
Ketamine is slandered has a horse anaesthetic despite its increasingly accepted beneficial qualities regarding good mental well being. Some would go even further than that.

There’s some lying well heeled arseholes out there.

Once again; thanks you you all, even the roughish beast turning and turning in the widening gyre of his glider…

Dec 26, 2021 9:02 AM
Reply to  James R

They just don’t like horses?

James R
James R
Dec 26, 2021 9:08 AM
Reply to  Orthus

They shoot them don’t they…?

Dec 26, 2021 7:38 AM

Merry Christmas to all the OffGuardianers who have helped keep me sane during this shit-storm of the last 2 years or so. I think it’s highly likely that I would have gone mad from feeling alone and crazy were it not for the articles and commenters on this site. I discovered at the very beginning of this Corona sojourn, and have not stopped coming back to read it as a daily ritual that helps balance me and fill me with hope. Blessings to all for the New Year and wishes that all of this stuff will become but a distant memory in the not too distant future.

Dec 26, 2021 7:17 AM
dr death
dr death
Dec 25, 2021 8:08 PM

have you had enough yet?…. have these whining discombobulate scribblers….

well…we will soon find out..

Dec 25, 2021 6:48 PM

Let’s Get Happy Together!

Dec 25, 2021 6:36 PM

Dec 25, 2021 11:07 PM
Reply to  Thinktwice

Hi first post here after lurking for years.
Have been a so called conspiracy theorist for nigh on 30 years.
Everything I was predicting is coming to fruition.
Not that I am pleased with myself, it’s sad how predictable it is.
Thanks for your hard work and all the good contributors.
Most are above my pay grade!!
Happy Christmas keep up the good work.

Dec 25, 2021 5:41 PM

Merry Christmas to all you tough and brave guys at OffG!
Here again a nice little speech (video) of Dr. Vernon Coleman, who summarizes the craziness we experienced:

Dec 25, 2021 6:09 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Dr. Coleman’s videos are here:

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Dec 25, 2021 3:41 PM

John Stuart Mill 1806-1873 Excerpts On Liberty – Chapter 1  Introductory. The limitation, therefore, of Government over individuals loses none of its importance when the holders of power are regularly accountable to the community, that is to say, to the strongest party therein. …’the tyranny of the majority is now generally included among the evils against which society requires to be on its guard. ‘’Wherever there is an attendant class, a large portion of the morality of the country emanates from its class interests, and it’s feelings of class superiority. The morality between Spartans and Helots, between planters and negroes, between prince’s and subjects, between nobles and, between men and women, has been for the most part the creation of these class interests and feelings: and the sentiments thus generated react in turn upon the moral feelings of the members of the ascendant class… That principle, is, that the soul end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of anyone all their number, is self-protection… in the part which merely concerns himself his independence is, of right, absolute. Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign.’’ Of Thought and Discussion ‘’ …Every age having held many opinions which subsequent ages have deemed not only false but plainly absurd. And it is that many opinions now general will be rejected but future ages as it is that many, once general, are rejected by the present… But, indeed, the dictum that truth always triumphs over persecutions is one of those pleasant falsehoods which men repeat after one another till they pass into common place, but which all experience refutes. History teems with instances of truth put down by persecution. If not suppressed forever, it may be thrown back for centuries.… Read more »

Dec 26, 2021 3:07 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

” And thus is kept up a state of things very satisfactory to some minds, because, without the unpleasant process of finding or imprisoning anybody, it maintains all prevailing opinions outwardly undisturbed, while it does not absolutely interdict the exercise of reason by dissidents afflicted with the malady of thought. ”

I do wonder if this happy state maintained only while finding and imprisoning dissidents was impracticable and that in the digital age stakes and dungeons will not again assume their rightful preeminence.

Dec 25, 2021 3:33 PM

Merry Christmas to everyone at Off Guardian! When shtf and these cretins are swinging from a rope! You and other true journalists will go down in history as the real heroes who saved humanity! Its happening!!!

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 25, 2021 3:24 PM

Fun with Sky News:

COVID-19: Doubling time of Omicron could make PCR testing ‘meaningless’ – is it time for a rethink?

Remove the scare quotes and put “even more” after the “testing” and you’d have a truthful headline.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Dec 25, 2021 1:59 PM

Xmas night in the torture chamber that is Australia these days I decided to see if Alex Gibney could be given a viewing after his hatchet job on Assange. His new movie The Forever Prisoner is an apt metaphor for now, and it actually managed to shock me.

Dec 25, 2021 1:40 PM

The timing of the James Webb Telescope launch was a nice Christmas mesage from NASA. Worship at the altar of our alternative religion! They’ll probably be happy if nobody much notices the final cost and scheduling of the project compared to what it was initially meant to take.

This one’s about as real as Hubble… 1) Large telescopes on Earth are bolted to massive concrete floors for stability because any slight vibration ruins the image – so how exactly is Hubble kept stable? 2) Why is there no film of Hubble in position? Wouldn’t you want to celebrate one of humanity’s greatest achievements? Ditto the ISS btw.. 3) How exactly do Hubble images differ from those produced by SOFIA with a little additional photoshopping? SOFIA is real – and named after a Gnostic deity (as was the AI bot given human rights by the Saudis but it’s probably just a coincidence).

Dec 25, 2021 3:48 PM
Reply to  Edwige

how exactly is Hubble kept stable?

what exactly would disturb it, in a vacuum, and in orbital freefall?

Dec 25, 2021 9:43 PM
Reply to  covidiot

So your assumption is its in a vacuum and in orbital freefall?
Evidence, please.

Dec 26, 2021 10:12 AM

if it were not in a very near vacuum, then aerodynamic drag would pull it out of orbit fairly rapidly.

the definition of a free-falling object is one that is not supported by any external force. satellites are not held up by cables or towers, and do not have wings (because they’re in a vacuum, obviously). nor are they maintained in orbit by rockets, except for occasional inertial adjustments. they are therefore, by definition, in freefall, and since they neither depart into deep space, nor fall to the earth during their useful life, they are in “orbital freefall”.

get a clue.

Dec 26, 2021 5:19 AM
Reply to  covidiot

Nasa once had some original reports on Explorer up on their website, not sure if you can still dig them out. They found that a free fall object will naturally rotate or tumble around a complex inertial axis. Satellites need Attitude control if they are not to tumble.


Dec 26, 2021 11:52 PM
Reply to  covidiot

Please explain how a vacuum exists next to a non vacuum without a physical barrier to seal the earth’s atmosphere in place? Please explain how these satellites attain and maintain their orbital distance from earth?

Dec 27, 2021 2:51 PM
Reply to  semaj

please explain how water exists next to non-water without a physical barrier to seal the earth’s oceans in place.

please explain how rockets use Newton’s laws of motion to accelerate in one direction, by expelling high-velocity gas in the opposite direction.

please explain how the moon maintains its orbital distance from the earth, or the earth maintains its orbital distance from the sun.

the quality of these disinfo trolls is shockingly poor. does the deep state have no standards at all? how can I maintain my suspension of disbelief in their ridiculous lies, when this inane drivel is all they give me to cover my shame?

Dec 25, 2021 4:19 PM
Reply to  Edwige

One thing covid has done is reveal how compartmentalised and sold out professionals and acedemics are. The people most qualified to call bullshit on the next compartment never do.

My own conclusion is that they are not stupid and of course they know. To them this is the world as it is, they worked hard to get where they are and Science is relativistic.

Doctors know the effect of injections. Physicists know all manned space flight is joke, if you want to come back. They feel superior to the stupid people who can’t work it out. But then that’s stupid people truth.

Dec 25, 2021 9:41 PM
Reply to  martin

It’s a mutual reinforcement of a false belief system.
Self perpetuating.
To infinity. And beyond.

Dec 26, 2021 6:57 AM

Sometimes one’s sympathies go out to Patreon.

Dec 26, 2021 5:40 AM
Reply to  martin

They have mortgages to pay!!

Dec 26, 2021 10:39 AM
Reply to  martin

manned spaceflight is a joke?

William Shatner will be so disappointed.

but everybody knows the “moon landings” were fake, obviously.

Dec 26, 2021 11:11 AM
Reply to  covidiot

It’s the biggest government fake of them all in many ways. Yet the moon landings scam is the one fake that cannot last indefinitely. They cannot still maintain in 2169 that humanity went to the moon if no one has been ‘back’. What is left of the American state’s credibility at that point?

Dec 26, 2021 10:05 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Sophia was given human rights so AI bots can be integrated into the tax system.

dr death
dr death
Dec 26, 2021 7:30 PM
Reply to  Edwige

medieval animist head-choppers giving AI (actually machine learning) so called ‘human rights’ (more than can be said of their bangla slaves)…. bah humbug… and no doubt they keep their Isreali spy-wear under their thobes next to the royal jewels..

this level of imbecility can only be the work of skilled professionals… cultists/experts of the yankee diplomatic service….

Paul Nicholls
Paul Nicholls
Dec 25, 2021 1:26 PM

Off topic, I know, but two gems stumbled upon. First, entirely prescient, and apparently at least 35 years old, and created by a fringe Christian cult. Second by a person (persons?) unknown, though called `Spacebusters’, about whom I know nothing.
(sorry about the youtube)

kathy dont got to the supermarket today – YouTube

It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Genocide by Spacebusters (bitchute.com)

Regards, and greetings from China (really) (and believe me there are many people here that have copped on to the scam, but it is, and must be, for now, kept quiet for the nonce.)

Dec 25, 2021 11:51 AM

Sadly, as far as I can see the musicians’ community has more than willingly swallowed the covidian narrative hook, line, and sinker. In part due to ideological bias and in part due to being dependent on grants from the establishment. Groupthink and fear of excommunication play a role too.

At best, they stay away from the issue, but most are pretty active little sanitary fascist fucks. They make me wanna puke. And huge kudoz to those who have balls and speak up.

Art per se is many things, such as a supreme command of the craft, exploration of the unknown. An integral part of that is courage, fearless pursuit of roads never before traveled, search for the undiscovered.

A chickenshit cunt performing with a facemask on, splashing fucking sanitized over them after very couple of bars, kissing up to the evil regime is NOT an artist. No matter how efficiently they might be able to put fingers on their instrument. The said gnome has no fucking soul, he/she is a non-person, an empty vessel. Fuck sanitized art, devoid of raw life.

Art has now been stagnating for decades and decades. Savant art has become the property of the academia, rendering itself completely inert and stale. Pop art has been recycled for an umpteenth time in a vain attempt to recapture what it was in its heyday some 50 years ago or so. Fuck all of that. Let it go down the tubes.

Let’s hope that new, vibrant, genuine art will emerge from the events currently transpiring, relegating the pompous shit of yesterday to the function it performs best – inducing vomiting.

Dec 25, 2021 2:17 PM
Reply to  Jacques

I share your gut feeling on that.
All the best, W.

Dec 25, 2021 3:03 PM
Reply to  wardropper

All the best to you too!

Dec 25, 2021 2:46 PM
Reply to  Jacques

One sign of the change will be the return of genuine instrumental music.
Music of quality does not need words.
Words were imposed on music by the industry, with a view to impose those words on our minds.The person singing those words will became “the artist”, regardless of his creativity,based only on looks,gossips and promotion.
Today we can see them in full light, kissing the hand of their owners while farting on their fans.

red lester
red lester
Dec 26, 2021 9:06 AM
Reply to  nylon

You can have both, and have done for 1000s of years. Clever songwriting is the hardest skill. You are thinking of the pop industry ie the stuff forced in your face and ears – very hard to avoid. There is a whole world of astounding new and old music that needs finding. Here is some free noodly ‘modern’ jazz. Not my favourite, but some is fun:


If your Daryl Hall, just get your next door neighbours [the Bacons] around for a noodle:

Dec 26, 2021 9:31 AM
Reply to  red lester

I think the guy was referring to something slightly more sophisticated and adventurous …

Dec 26, 2021 10:57 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Not exactly, I meant somenthing like this:

Willie Lindo – Far and distant

Tommy Guerrero – Road to knowhere

Steve Hunter – Before the lights go out

Toots Thielemans – Live

As you can see, no singing no fame…but their art is real.

red lester
red lester
Dec 26, 2021 12:39 PM
Reply to  nylon

Well I have seen Toots Thieleman and I liked Jaques suggestion – freeform but not unpleasantly atonal. Sort of ‘Delius or Debussy after a heavy session on the absinthe’. Leads into all the mood film music – Bernard Hermann etc..

Dec 26, 2021 2:20 PM
Reply to  red lester

Jose Evangelista, the composer, was my professor at Universite de Montreal. He’s an extremely knowledgeable fella – actually, I didn’t study composition with him, but ethnomusicology.

Jose spent some time in his life working with the gamelan music from the island of Bali. Bali has a unique culture – it hinduist, picturesque, quite different from the somewhat bland gamelan stuff from places like Java, which is because Java has been islamized. Bali wasn’t thanks to the fact that the straight between Bali and Java is full of sharks and the fucking islamists were unable to cross.

Anyway, the piece in question incorporates the structure of Balinese music, but is composed for and played with occidental instruments.

BTW, we had a gamelan in Montreal, Jose was able to weasel it from the Indonesian delegation to Expo 86, which was in Vancouver. We also had instructors directly from Bali. Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33IJnYnSwgw

This is what I call a musical adventure.

red lester
red lester
Dec 26, 2021 9:07 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Musicians cannot win the war. They are reliant on venues, the media, companies run by lawyers etc. Only those retired and rich can bitch about the world. Be grateful that people still make and play music.

Dec 26, 2021 9:28 AM
Reply to  red lester

Did I say that musicians can and should be winning the war? No.

In a nutshell, I said that a would-be artist who doesn’t have the balls to stand up for what’s right is not an artist.

Fuck venues, fuck the media, fuck companies, fuck lawyers. Fuck all that shit. How does any of that crap enter into art per se? How does rich enter into any of it?

Art is about creation, truth, exploration, unbridled passion.

An artist who worries about money is an entertainer at best and producer of horseshit at worst.

Kindly leave it up to me what I should be grateful about.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Dec 26, 2021 10:22 AM
Reply to  Jacques

I am pleased to report that I have seen some bands recently who have spoken out about the bullshit from the stage in the venue where I do the sound, and others who have not said anything from the stage but who have been totally frank with me about their opinions. I am totally frank with everyone about what I think. When I play live next I will certainly be voicing my opinions. I’ll certainly upset a few people but fuck them, they are lost already. When I saw the singer of a band recently question the jabs and openly state that TPTB could shove them up their arses, it went down quite well, on the whole.

So, all is not lost. One of the things I enjoy most about working at the place where I work on the weekends is that nobody wears a mask, everybody, young and old, just gets on with it and has a good time as if none of the covid nonsense ever happened. Do not give up hope in power of art and of music to affect positive change.

Dec 26, 2021 2:25 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

Good to hear, man.

I don’t get to play a lot these days. It’s actually prohibited for non-injectees to enter restaurants, bars, and clubs. Musicians are exempt because you are staff, but somehow I couldn’t be bothered going out and seeing all them dimwits keenly showing their vaccine passes.

I did play a gig on the other day, and one of the spectators demanded that her ID be checked because the QR code in her phone could belong to somebody else … Go figure …

Anyway, all the best to you and to everyone else!

On the French front
On the French front
Dec 25, 2021 11:46 AM

France: A homeless man found dead in Bordeaux on Friday. On Tuesday, another homeless man had already died in the street. Another broken promise from Emmanuel Macron towards the homeless. Merry Christmas to all those people who are “nothing” for Macron! Via: @Fils2Psycomment image

Dec 25, 2021 11:34 AM
On the French front
On the French front
Dec 25, 2021 11:31 AM

Indeed, her letter had moved me
Since then, I have been following her on Twitter.

Dec 25, 2021 11:05 AM

MSM scum continue with the bullshit. First item on Classic FM Christmas Day news is “NHS staff continue to administer vaccines” etc. Hell mend them.

Dec 25, 2021 10:20 AM

Why are only the “vaccinated” scared of the “virus”?

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Dec 25, 2021 11:02 AM
Reply to  Hank

Because they got conned and won’t admit it

Dec 25, 2021 11:56 AM


Buyer remorse is a bitch.

Dec 25, 2021 11:52 AM
Reply to  Hank

They’ve picked a side and won’t budge. They won’t listen to no argument, nothing. It’s a matter of faith. Plus, they won’t admit that they’re wrong and that they’ve been had.

Dec 25, 2021 2:19 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Roll on the day when they are forced to admit it by the evidence of their own eyes…
But then there’s always that “those who have eyes to see” thing…

Dec 25, 2021 8:17 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Sadly it seems to have implanted something in their brains that makes them resistant to seeing they are in a scam….and yes only they seem terrified of the “virus”. Perhaps the injection also does that…wasn’t to make them immune but to keep them living in fear of the dreaded “spike”

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 25, 2021 9:07 AM

A bit naff but anyway:


“Merry Christmas, Happy New Year
To those of you who live in fear”

Dec 25, 2021 8:14 AM

Thanks for the positive boost! I wish you all the best.

I thought I should share this article here:


The article is 5 years old, but as the author said, “this story needs to be retold over and over again.”

Merry Christmas!

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Dec 25, 2021 1:13 AM

Thanks for sharing these, Off-Guardian.

Dec 25, 2021 12:18 AM

Merry Christmas to all you lovely OffG’ers 😀 ! Thank you for the ongoing doses and constant booster shots of sanity, satire & H O P E. I am in a particularly small island of the sane within the larger dominant culture of the covidians in Thailand – 99.9999% compliance. I’ve had a stab at making some music, my first amateurish recording is here, if you’d like a gander at what Chatchuchak market looks like in Bangkok in December 2021 with mostly non-player-characters strolling about double masked – I took a video of this phenomenon whilst I sat in the bar viva8 having a beer – great people watching. My song is called “Regime In You”. Any views/listens/feedback/shares would be most welcome!…


Dec 25, 2021 1:42 AM
Reply to  Shelby
Dec 25, 2021 2:28 AM
Reply to  Shelby

Looks like elephant (and child) abuse.

Dec 25, 2021 2:26 AM
Reply to  Shelby

Love it! Thanks for posting Shelby and Happy New Non-Normal Year to you.

Dec 25, 2021 4:42 AM
Reply to  Kika

Cheers Kika, have a good one for you and yours  🙏 

Dec 26, 2021 2:08 AM
Reply to  Shelby

Nice song mate.
I’m gutted by the Thais’ compliance. However they have always been susceptible to propaganda (both commercial and political) due to the programming they endure since KG at age 3.

I have in-laws there and they are all being poison stabbed (Sinovax mostly).
I lived there for eight years (2 on KPN in the Samui archipelago, and 6 in Krungthep in Din Daeng) and left in 2009 as the people had already started losing what made them great.
It became more and more difficult and dismal to stay.

The military junta has totally ruined what was once a great fun filled place to live.

I hope that before I die the Thais can rediscover themselves, getb their country back from the grubs in charge and I may spend my least years there.

Dec 27, 2021 5:25 AM
Reply to  grr

Aye, the so called “middle class” who are supposed to be educated are the most indoctrinated. The market vendors and taxi drivers I talk to know the score and are much more sceptical. Lately I’ve been unable to enter kao san road for not having the covid pass. I got one of those laminated cards from here (legit study worth signing up) https://vaxcontrolgroup.com/
I used the card to get into a new bar that had that the nazi pass requirement – card says my name and “must not be vaccinated” but I guess the bouncers just saw the word vaccine and a qr code and let me in haha!

I’m not sure how intense things will get here in terms of persecution & ostracism but I’m mentally preparing for it along with other ‘prepper’ measures. Here the Thais are still protesting with mock up corpses on the street in body bags and demanding more vaccines!!! If only the penny (satang) could drop and they’d channel the same energy into the anti-Govt protests to anti-lockdown / tyranny / vaccine stuff. They’re coming for 5-11 year olds in Jan so I’m doing as much as I can to spread the truth 1:1 but I’m probably soon bound for the gulag.

All the best grr

Dec 25, 2021 12:15 AM

Merry crisis and a happy new fear!

There you go: FIFY.

Dec 24, 2021 11:29 PM

Merry Christmas to you all.
Peace be with you.

Dec 24, 2021 11:17 PM

vaccines the blood and brain


Dec 25, 2021 2:44 AM
Reply to  gordan

Wow – now we know. I have sent this to a knowledgeable person experienced in vac -sin- ology to ask for her opinion. Very interesting

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 25, 2021 9:37 AM
Reply to  gordan

It’s an extract from here:

Dr Larry Palevsky: The Damaging Effects of Aluminum Nanoparticles in Vaccines
Hearing: Feb 19, 2020

Dec 24, 2021 10:22 PM

Truly inspiring, hearing musicians from all over the planet thanking Alison, and ….for me, the kicker…. a lot of them hoping to one day meet her in person, and maybe jam together.
Oh, perchance to dream I will take a chance on a Christmas miracle. Would love to meet up with some like minded musicians in the Baltimore– Washington DC area.

I am off until Jan 3rd . Play harmonica and sing, classic rock, blues mostly. Would also like to do some Public Actions to get the word out locally about the Protest March on Jan 23 in DC, with RFK Jr.’s group. Maybe combine activism and jammage ?? Not sure the policy here on sharing email ads….. but I have one I rarely use, made without any real personal info on Proton mail.

If any OG’s are game I am at johnburkeo at protonmail dot com

Dec 24, 2021 10:10 PM

Merry Christmas everybody. Thanks to all the contributors. Let’s keep at it.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Dec 24, 2021 9:54 PM

Some years ago, in the early 1980s to be exact, I was a graduate student at the London School of Economics. After I finished my post-graduate studies I used to contribute every year for the student fund. Recently, however, I was barred from the LSE library because I refused to enter the library masked and un-jabbed. So now they can f****** whistle for their money.

Dec 25, 2021 11:58 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

But we are only following orders they will say….it is a narrative being repeated in all directions…people being alienate from clubs and bars and associations they have maintained for years and in many cases kept alive for years….pathetic and really showing the ethics and calibre of the groups and foot soldiers in this game..


Dec 24, 2021 9:27 PM

I would like to add my best wishes to all at Off-Guardian and its regular contributors. You keep us sane.

Dec 24, 2021 9:20 PM

A lovely and most encouraging idea, Off-G.

Many thanks to all of you here who have turned around my sneaking suspicion that the one going round the bend was me, and that all the jabbers were basically okay…

What I have learned here helps to remind me that Nature herself is on our side (lies don’t work on her), and she is perhaps the key to us all finding ourselves, even if so many scientists can’t appreciate what an unsurpassable teacher she is.

Dec 25, 2021 11:59 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Oh she will…of that I have no doubt…

Daniel Rehahn
Daniel Rehahn
Dec 24, 2021 9:17 PM

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to one and all!

Dec 24, 2021 9:08 PM

Merry Christmas to all at Off-Guardian, staff, commenters and readers all!

Australian readers of Off-Guardian may like to know that Reignite Democracy Australia has set up a Business Directory of businesses and suppliers who do not discriminate among the Jabbed and the Unjabbed. There are community initiatives as well, some still being set up, for people resisting mandatory injections. I forget RDA’s website address but you can try Googling their name.

May Hem
May Hem
Dec 24, 2021 9:47 PM
Reply to  Jen
May Hem
May Hem
Dec 24, 2021 9:48 PM
Reply to  May Hem

Thanks to OffGuardian and all who have shared wonderful images and information. Let’s ensure we have a much better new normal next year.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Dec 25, 2021 7:58 AM
Reply to  May Hem

If anyone thinks I need this poison jab they will be murdering me

Dec 25, 2021 1:51 PM

As someone here mentioned, Jesus had something to say about that:
(I’m paraphrasing from memory)

“Let your yes mean yes, and your no mean no. Anything else gives the devil space to move in”

All the best, W.

Dec 24, 2021 10:45 PM
Reply to  May Hem

Thanks for the link and Merry Christmas!

Dec 24, 2021 8:14 PM

Merry Christmas to planet Earth and all who inhabit her.

Dec 26, 2021 2:28 AM
Reply to  Justin

Correction: not all…