The Covid narrative is insane and illogical…and maybe that’s no accident
Maybe forcing people to believe your lies, even after you admit you're lying, is the purest form of power.
Kit Knightly

“Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense.”
George Orwell, 1984
The “Covid pandemic” narrative is insane. That is long-established at this point, we don’t really need to go into how or why here. Read our back catalogue.
The rules are meaningless and arbitrary, the messaging contradictory, the very premise nonsensical.
Every day some new insanity is launched out into the world, and while many of us roll our eyes, raise our voices, or just laugh…many more accept it, believe it, allow it to continue.
Take the situation in Canada right now, where the government has enforced a vaccine mandate on healthcare workers, meaning in British Columbia alone over 3000 hospital staff were on unpaid leave by November 1st.
How have local governments responded to staff shortages?
They are asking vaccinated employees who have tested positive for Covid to work.
Whether or not you believe the test means anything, they notionally do. In the reality they try to sell us every day, testing positive means you are carrying a dangerous disease.
So they are requesting people allegedly carrying a “deadly virus” work, rather than letting perfectly healthy unvaccinated people simply have their jobs back.
This is insanity.
But could anything more perfectly illustrate the priorities of those running the game?
We already know it’s not about a virus, it’s not about protecting the health service and it’s not about saving lives. Every day the people running the “pandemic” admit as much by their actions, and even their words.
Rather, it seems to be about enforcing rules that make little to no sense, requiring conformity at the price of reason, drawing arbitrary lines in the sand and demanding people respect them, making people believe “facts” that are provably untrue.
But why? Why is the story of Covid irrational and contradictory? Why are we told on the one hand to be afraid, and on the other that there is nothing to be afraid of?
Why is the “pandemic” so completely insane?
You could argue that it’s simple happenstance. The by-product of a multi-focused evolving narrative, a story being told by a thousand authors all at once, each concerned with covering their own little patch of agenda. A car with multiple drivers fighting over a single steering wheel.
There’s probably some truth to that.
But it’s also true that control, true control, can only be achieved with a lie.
In clinical psychology one of the diagnostic signs of the psychopath is that they tell elaborate lies, compulsively. Many times they will tell a lie even if the truth would be more beneficial.
Nobody knows why they do this, but I have a theory, and it applies to the swarming groups of little rat minds running the sewers of power as much as it does any individual monstrosity.
If you want to control people, you need to lie to them, that’s the only way to guarantee you have power.
If you are standing in the road, and I yell “look out, there’s a car a coming”, and you move just as a car whips past, I will never know if you moved because I said so, or because there actually was a car.
If my interest is in making sure you don’t get hurt, this would not matter to me either way.
But, what if my only true aim is the gratification of watching you do what I say, simply because I said it?
…well, then I need to scream out a warning of a car that does not exist, and watch you dodge an imaginary threat. Or, indeed, tell you there is no car, and watch you get run over.
Only by doing this can I see my words mean more to you than perceivable reality, and only then do I know I’m truly in control.
You can never control people with the truth, because the truth has an existence outside yourself that cannot be altered or directed. It may be the truth itself that controls people, not you.
You can never force people to obey rules that make sense, because they may be obeying reason, not your force.
True power lies in making people afraid of something that does not exist, and making them abandon reason in the name of protecting themselves from the invented threat.
To guarantee you have control, you must make people see things that are not there, make people live in a reality you build around them, and force people to follow arbitrary, contradictory rules that change day by day.
To truly test their loyalty, their hypnosis, you could even tell them there’s nothing to be afraid of anymore, but they need to follow the rules anyway.
Maybe that’s the point. Maybe the story isn’t supposed to be believable. Maybe the rules aren’t meant to make sense, they are meant to be obeyed.
Maybe the more contradictory & illogical the regulations become, the more your compliance is valued.
Maybe if you can force a person to abandon their judgment in favour of your own, you have total control over their reality.
We started with an Orwell quote, so let’s end with one too:
Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”
Isn’t that what we’re seeing now? What we’ve been seeing since the beginning?
People being mind broken into being afraid of something they told isn’t frightening, following rules they are told are not necessary, taking “medicine” they are told does not work.
Maybe forcing people to believe your lies, even as you admit you are lying, is the purest expression of power.
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This is exactly the way psychopaths think and act. Fortunately they cannot use everyone. Obviously at least 30% of the population in Western Europe and at least 40% in Eastern Europe are able to see this psychological terror and do not comply.
I will support the Guardian when I read an apology for all the filthy lies this newspaper has published about Julian Assange.
All this is true, unfortunately, most people don’t really care. Either they really believe that “vaccine passports” are useful “against Omicron”, or they just accept passively that “life is like this now, no big deal”. No one cares about freedom, they prefer safety, even if it’s a false one. Nothing will change until people understand and accept that they’ve been played. But as Mark Twain said, it is easier to fool someone than to convince a fool to accept that he has been fooled.
As a favourite person of mine said:
“Truth is One. Only lies are Many.”
In short this is why there are so many stories and contradictions. Because they are lies and there can be any number of those, since people make them up.
While the Truth stays the same and gets repeated without change.
Question is: Who is constructing this alternate reality; who are the manipulators behind these lies and deceptions? It seems that lies of such magnitude and breadth must have some central control authority engineering the whole charade, but then it doesn’t seem possible that any one entity could exert such complete control over a narrative that spans the globe. When/if we find out who is behind this Orwellian messaging, we may begin to understand more clearly how the deception and hypnosis was so thoroughly and effectively implemented on the world’s populations, all at the same time.
The UN on behalf of its masters.Agenda21/2030. Have you not realised this?
There’s also the “Revelation of the Method” theory, that influential people subscribe to the occult belief that they must notify the public of their agenda – if only by insinuation – and thus gain the public’s complicity.Inserting obvious lies and contradictions (not to mention direct statements like “we’re calling any death following a positive test as a covid death”) into the narrative could be one way of doing that
Oh yes, I’m sure there are a number of reasons.
It’s revelation of the method for our agreement AND
it works better* AND
it gives them a chortle AND
it gives them reason to think of us as morons and so justifies their treating us as such AND
they can justify to those who they enlist in their schemes that “we’re really telling them” so it’s up to them not to go along
It’s just perfect!
* “The purpose of propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.”
Edited quote from Theodore Dalrymple, aka Anthony Daniels, British psychiatrist.
This is the best take on this I’ve read in a long time. No one in any kind of media discusses the psychological strategies. I so appreciate it after doing almost two years of the “science” research and going crazy over it. I’m so tired of that. Thank You! I’m ready to move on to this. (Am I a late bloomer?)
I’ve been blogging on the “Covid” for 2 years now. I get from the believing in the Covid and the Vaccine for the Covid, and the believing in the Covid but not the Vaccine for the Covid… You’re crazy, you’re insane, you’re mad.
…I am the Master Liar
My pants,
forever on fire
And trust me when I say,
you can trust no one,
especially not me today
I mock you now with my lies…
…Confess to me now, that which I ask for:
are the unworthy vessel of life
that secret-you,
and I,
both abhor!
Unfit, unclean, subhuman, who!
I now tattoo!
Only I provide, the cure,
for the disease of you
Hi, I have been reading Off-Guardian for a while. I found this wonderful place via Moon of Alabama comments – thanks jen! What a great fountain of information and discussion.
I am about half way through Kees van der Pijl’s book, States of Emergency. I am sure that many of you are aware of the book, but for those you that aren’t, check it out. Well worth the read. ( at least the first half which I have read…)
I also found an interesting website thing –
Thanks everyone, Hi, I’m lex living in Los Angeles and wishing everyone a somewhat better new year. My optimism died a long time ago.
Thank you and Happy New Year!!
At this point the push for the vaccines is purely about destroying the control group.
They are rushing to do it because the Focus of Fear is about to shift back on the Warmerists.
’22 is the year they’ll roll out the control of the global commons .
That is because the population allows the liars to lie. As long as the population follows the lies and is compliant the liar can lie. The power rests with the population, not the liar
I still relish Ayn Rand’s take on power: “Power is a weed that only grows in the vacant lot of an abandoned mind.” That says it all. Why would any sane person want power? It’s rather like being the impresario of a flea circus.
who is forced to believe these lies ?
Excellent analysis of how this deception functions at the psychological level. People who are under this mass psychosis barely see the CovID ‘Trojan Horse’, and to an even lesser degree are they able to perceive the multitude of agendas hidden in plain sight within the Trojan Horse.
Humanity has lived only under the illusion of freedom.
But there is no such thing as freedom as far as the history of humanity up till now is concerned.
Great nations which are proud of their independence are simply living an illusion.
Their politicians are no longer deceiving anybody but themselves and the few hypnotized, still asleep vaccinated sheeple.
The old school slavery has changed, but new forms of slavery have taken their place.
So freedom can never happen unless the people unite, rise up and dismantle this whole new globalist digital spy apparatus.
Otherwise freedom will remain just a utopian dream.
Always out of reach.
To arrive at after the next green revolution.
Which only the insane WEF ‘Great Reset’ can herald into being
‘You will own nothing, live as obedient slaves and be happy’ .
All this is according to the criminally retarded globalists!
Klaus Schwab is the most dangerous traitor humanity and the world has ever known.
And he should be treated as such!
Schwab and all of his fellow fascists Billy G, Soros, Prince Charles the turd, the Clintons, the Obamas, Fauci, Go Joe Brandon, Mark of the beast Zuckerberg, the last pope, the fake Sad-guru, Tony the B-Liar, Boris the Buffoon, all the authoritarians ruling Canada, Israel, Australia, New Zealand, India, US, UK, Blah, blah, blah!
All of these globalist criminals are sociopaths and traitors!
This is not democracy, this is not freedom.
All of these once great countries are now just puppets of the mentally ill, old white boys club, the World Economic Fools.
This united fascist front has declared a mRNA eugenics war on humanity.
Psychopaths united in their great game to defeat humanity.
But I ask, in initiating this winner takes all game of chess,
Do you really know, Klaus, who your opponent is?
Have you not yet realized that from your first move, you have already lost the whole game?
The danger of intelligence is impossible to prevent!
The opponent you have taken on is the most dangerous the world has ever known?
Your opponent is infinite existence.
Consciousness – Life itself here-now.
Consciousness is not a terrorist.
Consciousness does not make bombs.
Consciousness does not teach violence.
Consciousness teaches love.
Consciousness teaches meditation.
Consciousness teaches silence.
But for the people who are in power consciousness is more dangerous than nuclear weapons because if people start meditating, they will not remain asleep and mediocre, as they are right now.
They will become intelligent enough to see that idiots are ruling them, and that those idiots have immense destructive power in their hands.
If people are silent, peaceful and loving, they will throw out all these globalist politicians, who are nothing but fearmongering control freaks.
They created fear-porn all the way along for these last two years.
It is easy to create fear.
Fear seems to be infinite.
Globalists may appear to have all the forces, but the times are not with them.
They are digging their own graves; they are out of date.
Their ideologies, their philosophies, their theologies are all out of date.
Remember, consciousness is not an intellectual approach, but an existential approach.
It is something globalists are absolutely unacquainted with.
Consciousness, of which they don’t have even a vague idea what it is.
This unknown creates the fear in them.
Consciousness takes people beyond mind.
That is why globalists are freaking out.
Deep down they have already accepted their defeat.
Now it is only a question of them realizing it.
They know they are empty and their exposure is imminent.
And every day they are becoming more and more desperate.
This is not mere intellect they are confronting, this is a revelation of the truth.
The truth that will reach to the young people.
The young people are going to change the world, and the change is going to be far bigger than they can conceive.
It is not just changing their mind, it is taking them beyond mind.
Unless we can create a world which is really free, we are living only in an illusion of freedom.
I don’t see there is any freedom anywhere.
And freedom is the greatest value and the greatest achievement in life.
Everyone should be free from all kinds of fetters, political, economic, psychological, spiritual.
Existence wants you exactly as you are, and all these people, political leaders, social leaders, religious leaders, are trying just the opposite.
They are imposing ideals on you, and trying to mold you into a certain pattern which is not the wish of the nature.
Nature has given you everything; just if you allow nature to grow on its own, without allowing anyone to hinder it.
The world will be full of enlightened people.
Enlightenment means awareness, witnessing.
Enlightenment is neither of the body nor of the mind.
It is beyond both.
Enlightenment does not give you an ideology but it destroys all ideologies that you have.
Enlightenment is basically negative, it is to empty your mind, not to fill it with new narratives but just to empty it of all old rubbish and junk, to give your mind a space in which you can be yourself.
Enlightenment does not give you any ideas that you have to become this or that.
Enlightenment is simply trying to help you to see that you are already that which you need to be.
Just drop all longing, all desire, all ambition to be someone else, so that you can be just whatever you are.
Not to be distracted from your being.
But to come closer and closer to your being so finally only you are left within yourself.
Know Yourself.
Be Yourself.
But be aware they are trying to create a Meta technology which can manipulate the mind, and even deceive people, and create an illusion of enlightenment.
Only people who have not known enlightenment can be fooled.
The body can be manipulated by mechanisms, the mind can be manipulated by mechanisms, but your soul is beyond and cannot be manipulated by any mechanism whatsoever.
Enlightenment cannot be reduced to a technology.
Only this pure moment is existential.
And to live enlightened, moment to moment in reality is the only life of meditation.
Everything you want, think and do is given to you by others. They tell you what you should want and what you should do and not do. So, there is no freedom.
There will be no freedom if you believe them?
Freedom is beyond mind, don’t believe me, find it for yourself.
That is intelligence.
You only have the natural intelligence of life. To call it ‘freedom’ is misleading.
That is your own experience,?
Or is it given to you by others as beliefs?
I remember you saying that they tell you what you should want and what you should do and not do?
Are your handlers saying it to you now?
How is army life at 33 signals these days?
“So freedom can never happen unless the people unite, rise up and dismantle this whole new globalist digital spy apparatus.”
I enjoyed your comment and agree. I myself was mulling over this realization at 3am and I am planning on finding people in my community that want to come together to start preparing for the new future. My intention is that this new group is going to be ready to do what it takes to create a healthy future for all.
Anyone can do this and we have some great leaders paving the way. They are on the macro level and are helping those that want to do it on a micro level, ie: Dr. David Martin, Dr. Dolores Cahill, Reiner Fuellmich and the Corona Virus Committee, C. Austin-Fitz and so many more.Lets all support each other and work to create a beautiful future.
This is going to be the only way out. It makes no sense to wait for the young people to save us. They are being destroyed right know – physically and mentally. They are not going to save anyone.
Seriously? You want to write a book? Go to a publisher…
Want to hear about something that’ll make you smile?
Your face muscles..
Why so serious 🙂
Thank you for a profound and uplifting message — a perfect complement to the article. These reigning sociopathic fearmongers have deliberately crafted a “mixed-up, jumbled-up, shook-up world”, a deceitful ball of confusion, contrived to hide — in plain sight — their crimes of mass-murder, torture, bio-warfare, chemo-warfare, cyber-warfare, and debt-cartel capitalism (neo-feudalism) in the obsessive pursuit of absolute power. The everlasting War on Terra, the Covidian cult, the Green Revolution, Russiagate, woke culture, and casino finance — all comprise a giant tarbaby, quite obviously designed to sow fear, enmity, conflict, helplessness and hopelessness. The tarbaby taunts us to punch, kick, and wrestle it … and in so doing become entangled and canceled.
Your insight lights a better path — around the tarbaby, not thru it, fighting it on its own terms. Only enlightened awareness, consciousness, choosing love over fear, will eventually render the tarbaby impotent and irrelevant. And it will, inevitably. This present dark age too shall pass.
Thanks again.
Unfortunately consciousness is not independent from the body. If they destroy your mind with poisonous drugs they destroy your complete being.
“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.” ― Theodore Dalrymple
Yes — I had been working on an article about the ritual of wearing a mask for 30 seconds while being seated in a restaurant, and then taking it off to eat, drink and be merry for an hour. I’m sure not 1 person in a 100 would raise their hand and say, “Yes, I believe this keeps us safe”. Yet, everyone follows this known-to-be-meaningless ritual.
My article: Insanity on Display for All to See.
Do not comply, its so simple, I never have from day one and they are few we are many. Its only their divide and conquer policy that has got us here and the sheep, sadly, are still standing in line for a test or a stab, sorry, jab. Its to late for the jabbed as they will soon succumb to their destroyed immune system but the intelligence and logic of the informed will win through IF people get together. I for one will fight to the end whatever that may entail.
“Maybe forcing people to believe your lies, even after you admit you’re lying, is the purest form of power.”
At last we agree on something.
“They are asking vaccinated employees who have tested positive for Covid to work.”
Well, to be precise:
“A health staffer with no symptoms, or an individual whose family had tested positive but who hadn’t yet received their own result, could be stationed in an area with Covid-positive patients”
So, no danger of passing covid to the patients because they already have it. Would it be better to put an unvaccinated person instead? If you don’t care about the staffer being possibly close to retirement age and therefore in greater danger of a bad case of covid, I guess so.
So, maybe somebody somewhere is basking on the raw power of peeling off staff from hospitals. Or maybe language itself is trying to strangle us and kill humanity, with the help of the Internet and evil AIs. Or maybe both and then some, no reason to think there’s a single source for all the screwiness in the world. Hard to tell these days.
Many unvaccinated people have had it.
The only power worth having is arbitrary power. Power built on reason is not power at all.
Spot on…“Fear is the most elemental and powerful human emotion. It’s the thing that human beings are least able to ignore. Fear also puts people in a frame of mind where it’s very difficult for them to behave rationally. They’re more likely to behave instinctively and they are more likely to look for salvation wherever they can find it. For that reason, governments have always relied on fear to keep subjects in line, and they’re continuing to rely on it today.” – Dr. Robert Higgs (April 2009
I’ve come to almost the same conclusion with one additional feature having to do with the “vaccines”: It may be even more valuable to the madmen at the top if the masses accept the jab while realizing (at some level of consciousness) that doing so poses a risk to their health.
A person’s health is a valuable asset, and the madmen must be especially gratified to see people not just following orders, but following orders that apparently put a valuable asset at risk.
I see this situation as part of the spiritual war being waged against humanity. To put it in Biblical terms, the people know at some level of consciousness that their “government” is evil yet they take the jab anyway, at the risk of their health, just because the evil at the top says so.Thus the people are “giving worth to evil,” i.e they’re worshiping Satan and worshiping the beast (i.e. the first beast of Rev 13), Satan’s agent in the physical realm.
This is an interesting point since the current pirates of world politics are satanists.
Oh golly!
I suspect many of us have already figured this out:

Sounds like Mr. Elon Musk has signed on to this methodology. In USAmerica he is on the cover of that pinnacle of journalism, TIME Magazine, as “Person of the Year”.
That seems to fit him. They have a quote of a Richard Durbin in a big box, in bold print, which caught my eye as I thumbed through the Muskiana, “He is a humanist ~ that doesn’t mean he’s a nice person, because he isn’t.” FWIW.
I gasped when I found that my study of his net worth, which I’d told several much poorer “persons” just this week was a mere $200 Billion, is now, as I turned around a few turns in my travels, $300 Billion.
I recall that John D. Rockefeller, no small player in our global insanity, as the world’s first billionaire a century or so ago, is small potatoes compared to Mr. Musk. A billion in 1900 adjusted for inflation is WAY south of $300 Billion, or even the distant second in fortune, Bezos at around $200 Billion.
I know that OffG has posted over the last two years a number of articles recording the meteoric rise in net worth of the globalist oligarch gang, the WEF and the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations, once presided over by the late David Rockefeller, who also founded The Trilateral Commission) crowd. But Musk has some questions to answer about how legit it could be to increase one’s wealth by an order of magnitude (and a half) in a scanty 20 months of Coronapalooza, from $26 Billion on March 11, 2020 (the Anniversary of the execution of Jacques de Molay, last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, and after whom the Junior Freemasons named their clubs, “DeMolay International” about a hundred years ago, in Kansas, USA, but I don’t want to hear a buzz abuzz about centuries old conspiracies) to $300 Billion.
I told my chiropractor earlier today, as I like to seed the neighborhood here with these startling factoids, more resistant here than most to masks and vaxx, about these huge recent leaps of fortune, and he was startled, “How does that work?”
I rejoined with “That’s what I would like to know.”
Musk says he’s not now the most powerful man in the world, because he’s not a sovereign like Putin, “I can’t invade countries and stuff.”
That fits well the architecture of lies described in the above article, in that Musk and his WEF gang have very much invaded our countries, just with financial instruments “boosted” by syringes, and not the more graphic and obvious bombs and bullets. World Banksters crime partnering with Pharma Gangsters.
War seems like the right word for what’s been declared, not “public health” or pandemics. A pandemic of organized crimes, maybe.
I will offer the obligatory GKC citations, as they do so well to highlight these things:
“To be clever enough to get all that money you have to be dull enough to want it.”
“The rich are the scum of the earth in every country.” (That is surely globally themed!)
“It is the practical tendency of all trade and commerce today to form big combinations, which are often more impersonal, more imperial, and more international, than many a communist commonwealth.” (Early 1900s bon mot.)
“The real argument against the aristocracy is that it always means rule of the ignorant. For the most dangerous of all forms of ignorance is ignorance of work.”
Ignorant power is now what is making us all victims.
As Dr. M. Scott Peck summarized in his appropriately relevant book, “People of the Lie: the Hope for Healing Human Evil”:
“The abuse of political power to avoid spiritual growth.”
That is something that is perhaps the most deadly addiction that exists, to one and all.
All these people like Rockefeller are dirt now, so what was the point in it all? Musk, Bezos and Gates will all be dirt one day. These ultra-wealthy people have nothing to do, so some with healthier minds play Polo or raise horses, others ruthlessly run companies and pay their employees stupendously low wages and treat them like slaves while the really sick ones abuse children or use their money to push insane political agendas that take away civil rights and destroy people’s lives.
Totally agree. As does GKC: “The real argument against aristocracy is that it always means rule of the ignorant. For the most dangerous of all forms of ignorance is ignorance of work.”
That leads to a lot of the problems. I remember a great silent film short by Charlie Chaplin that you couldn’t see in the U.S., I saw it in Paris in 1975, “La Classe Oisive”. The Idle Class. He skewered them early and often, a delight.
(Apologies, I read the post above and saw the GKC quote already posted there. Must be a senior moment. Worth saying twice though. Hard to believe I’ll soon be 70! Feels like 17 at heart.)
Yes, this is the root of the problem. If some psychopathic men have all the time and the money to do whatever they want then this is not going to end well.
Do you really and truly believe the Rockefeller family, worth an estimated $30 billion in 1960, gave all their money away, leaving them with a paltry $2 billion and change today!?
Odd that the two historically well known families, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, consolidated their holdings around the same time back in 2008 — 2009?!
The British and European branches of the Rothschilds consolidated their banks and financial firms under one entity, Concordia BV, while the Rockefeller family filed an official request (granted, of course) with the OCC for an exemption so they could establish a national trust company solely to look after the Rockefeller trusts, many which go back six generations?!
In 2019, 1,480 CEOs of major US businesses resigned and sold their stocks. Another 219 resigned in Jan. 2020. –, 2020-07-17
What are the odds of that?
You think the people we are told have the most wealth really do?
Another rich man’s trick?
I went to school with a Rothschild, Harvard School in North Hollywood. Used to hear his name called at ROTC muster every day. His was the only one of three photos I never saw in the year books. The others were our next door barracks neighbours (two in a room): Honda/Yamaha were the unadorned names on simple file card stuck in the slot, as ours was Craig/Ervin. Back then the two names were not well known, and I didn’t know who they were, as I had no idea Rothschild was related to anyone important other than the champagne makers and vintners. I said that one day at mess hall over lunch and several people chortled.They told me that the two Japanese scions kept to themselves, I saw them at a distance, talking to each other, but never anyone else. I saw Rothschild a lot around campus, he didn’t hide, but was gone the next year. You can understand why he didn’t want his photo or name in the annual. A few years later a young Getty was kidnapped. But back then, 1960s, security was very lax. It was a different world altogether, on many fronts.
No, and its the same with the world population nonsense and the jabbed numbers and the so called covid death numbers etc etc all fiction to scare or impress depending on your persona. Why people are in awe of wealth I never understand because none of their so called wealth is gained without others suffering. How do people think the so called royal family got to where they are and believe that they give a shit about us, they don’t because we are not in the club even though we have to pay the membership.
I still don’t know why so many commenters here are of the opinion that most everyone knows the lies are lies yet believes them anyway. Maybe I’m just stuck in a really backward, unsophisticated part of the world – but absolutely everyone I know who believes the lies GENUINELY BELIEVES THE LIES.
They don’t get angry or upset that I haven’t been jabbed. Rather, they express a genuine concern for my well being. They practically beg me to please get the jab for the great protection it affords. They see not being jabbed as tantamount to standing under a tree in a thunderstorm.
Yet everyone else on this forum seems convinced that nobody actually believes the lies; they just act as if they did.
I’m with you man. The lines to get tested here in my part of Australia are GARGANTUAN. All I see are people in masks, QR coding…just wilfully allowing themselves to be utterly degraded and treated like animals.
And they are all on board the circus of lies…for whatever reason. But yeah…all I see is compliance and utter capitulation.
other than stand in the park and random encounters, i am surrounded by zomboids, full graphene jaiket, pfizerbots. dib dib dib.
and the longer it goes on the more people succumb/become entrenched, even some who totally do not/never believed…
nevermind any media, i can see it societally everywhere. i do think their heart felt concern may become vicious animosity if bodies start piling.
sitrep bleak.
Yes, those Graphene Solution–Gated Field Effect Transistor (g–SGFET) Arrays —- conveyed by the spikevaxes, seems to be working?!?!
Yet everyone else on this forum seems convinced that nobody actually believes the lies; they just act as if they did.
You can leave me out of “everyone else”. I’ve never been convinced of that.
…absolutely everyone I know who believes the lies GENUINELY BELIEVES THE LIES.
Actually it is better if they now believe the lies instead of just pretending it. This way there is hope they might realize one day that they were lied to and act accordingly.
This is a brilliant article…psychologically right on the mark. The creation of a personal reality, truly personalizing it by making it contradict “external” truth, and then having people believe in it with certainly is the primary tool of every cult leader. That way they can manipulate that world any way imaginable, and have everyone under their spell comply.
They can manipulate the people by making them believe in something that does not exist.
The control of the cult leaders is dependent on the illusions and delusions of people.
Yep, a very pure form of ‘power’.
A perfect “Emperor’s New Clothes” story for our modern age.
Yet all it takes, even now, is for a child to point and say, “But he isn’t wearing any clothes!”,
and everybody else will join in the chorus.
Which is why the media aren’t going near any bright children these days.
“Mommy, am I enjoying myself now…?” is more their level.
“Yes, my pet. You are. Isn’t it exciting!”
Biden has a long history of lying. I think he lies compulsively. But how many people believe him?
Every political puppet lies. Those that don’t are liquidated. Magafuli for one.
Yes, very perceptive. This is part of the occult tactics used by these sickos. It’s doublethink used to create contradictions that the controlling elite must constantly “solve”, ensuring their relevance and control.
It is also a way to break the people on a psychological level. We’re making you do this thing, we know it’s pointless, we told you it’s pointless and you know it’s pointless but you’ll continue to do it. It engenders a feeling of helplessness – people know it’s a scam and yet they cooperate with it. The abuser-abused relationship. They become addicted to the abuse.
The ultimate occultic wet dream is to enslave the people by their own free will.
From: Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare
By: Michael A Hoffman
“The Revelation of the Method alludes to the process wherein murderous deeds and hair-raising conspiracies…….and every manner of horror show are first buried beneath a cloak of secrecy and then, when finally accomplished and secured, slowly revealed to the unsuspecting populace who watch.. deep frozen as the hidden history is unveiled. (In the blatant confusion and obvious lies of the pandemic), the revelation of the method is accomplished.
“..exposure itself does not defeat the cryptocracy because given the degraded and atrophied nature of modern man’s perceptions and insight today, such revelations may only serve to strengthen the cryptocracys mental hold. The record shows recent revelations of occult crimes are almost never accompanied by arrests, prosecutions, convictions or punishment of the initiates involved, hence the reputation of the cryptocracy’s invincibility is heightened by the revelations (thus is demoralization achieved with people constantly asking questions – if this .. then why this… – noting the crimes that continue unstopped without consequence)
“If the truth of what the cryptocracy has perpetrated is grasped and acted upon, the consequences for the conspirators will be annihilation. But if the people fail to perceive the truth or fail to act on their perception, thus rendering unto the Process a kind of tacit consent born of apathy, amnesia and abulia, the consequence for the conspirators will be a giant step in the advancement of their system of control, this to say, ever tighter bonds of enslavement for humanity.
“the following comes from a wing of British intelligence:
..realizing that our activities will sooner or later come to light, we structure our activities so that as conspiracy researchers unravel them, they will release information into the public consciousness in such a way that it mirrors our initiatory procedure. In this way, the more we are investigated, the more masses of people are psychologically processed by the very people who seek to expose us. The meme that constitutes our essential structure is then successfully mimicked within the consciousness of those who investigate us. Success can then be measured precisely to the extent that our work is “exposed”
Work with an 81 yr old woman double jabb and had the rona . Watches tv at absurd volumes. News (if you can call it that) complains 10 times a day of “covid brain” foggy , forgetful and always out of breath. After her jab #1 i started quercetin and apple flavored horse deworming. Never got weird . After 2nd jab added lots of vit c to the mix and vit d and zinc . She has gotten worse . Have supplied pine needles tea but she cant grasp the have to 3 times a day thing. I cant live with her and she demands her independence. Im afraid i will be saying good by soon. Stupid lying news and gullible friends. Nothing i can do but pray and be there for her and deny her wishes for me to jab. Hijack
I wonder if it would be illegal to establish a private testing facility that just happened to produce almost 100% negative results. Test something along the lines of ‘do you have a temperature, a cough, sneezes, fatigue’ etc? Funded by donations possibly? Would such a facility become popular?
A marketing name “Ye Olde Barber Shop and Doctors’ Surgery”
I think the motive to perpetuate the lies has changed.
It is about self preservation.
Everyone involved in telling the lies has his or her credibility on the line.
All those healthy people killed and maimed by a vaccine that was never needed.
That is on “them”. All of “them”. They know it. “Them”. We know who they are and they know we know who they are.
They are complicit and culpable in the deaths of all those healthy people they have knowingly and wantingly killed and maimed.
They will keep doing it until we hold them accountable. That places the blame on us if we choose not to call “them” out. We know who they are.
We need to arrest “them”. Try “them”. Sentence “them” to death. Kill “Them”.
It would irresponsible if we don’t.
We will become “them”.
Up to this point no one has forced anyone to take an injection, people happily accepted it. People posted pictures and selfies of themselves getting vaxxed, and if you mention anything slightly against the vaxxes tey lash out on you like the most rabid fanatic or at best they ignore you completely.
Have you tried to reason with most people these days?
So, who is ‘they’ exactly?
We know politicians are corrupt, scientists are mostly clueless living in a parallel world and doctors are just about the money, but what about the masses who willingly and gladly line up to get tested and injected like farm animals?
“They” are “Them”. It’s been estimated that about 90 million people in the United States are not complying. CDC and MSM estimates of those numbers are junk. Just lies to coerce people to get vaxxed. It will happen. Just going to take time. It’s only going to take a few executions to bring them back to their senses. People will continue to drop like flies until they longer can be ignored. RFK, Malone, and many others held in high regard are going break into the MSM with their messages and that will be the beginning. Without calling for their deaths, their deaths won’t happen.
The fastest way to get rich is to go into sales.
10% of the salespeople make 90% of the money, and 10% of them make the big money.
Suggestion for a slogan for OffGuardian, in the voice of Kit Knightly:
“Be Afraid of the Terrifying New Variant!”
Can we have an audio of it, please?
oh and perhaps another recording, a choir version of the same by all staff :-))
It is the OmniCon variant. The universal con job variant.
“Wellness is no longer just the tracking of a heartbeat or the counting of steps, but the way we come across to those around us. Algorithmic therapeutic tools are being developed to predict and prevent negative behavior”…
Cognitive dissonance. After several interruptions, and the flotsam and jetsam of the Soviet Union dispersed to more fertile arenas, the process continues unrelentingly. The speaker himself, a 50-year-old KGB defector here speaking in the ’80s, died of a ‘massive heart attack’ two or three years after this interview. He is disparaged 30+ years later on all the ‘fact-check’ sites as a fraud and exaggerator.
Ten minutes discussing active measures, explaining today’s madness.
A thing I was apparently subconsciously aware of,, since your article instantly clicked into place upon reading it.
James Jesus Angleton, deceased CIA official, described the world of intelligence as “A wilderness of mirrors.” Think “two Oswalds,” and a “magic bullet,” from the JFK assassination coverup.
Kit is spot on the money that in an intelligence operation of the magnitude of our current “covid crazy” narrative – internal consistency is no issue at all. In fact the more “rabbit holes” in the official narratives the more confused, distracted and bewildered most people will become – and the more likelihood that reputable scientists and researchers will waste their time opposing meaningless false narratives meant simply to divert and confuse.
and time and time again we let these animals get away with comforting explanations and “expert ” opinions that act as a glossy paint over a rotten to the core piece of wood
Thanks for another excellent article, Kit. The covid narrative is beyond insane, and yet, the masses continue buying into the narrative. This includes much of the dissent continuing to discuss lab leaks, patents, mutations, etc. Although these are important talking points, they do continue to drive home the illusion of a “deadly virus” that does not exist if focusing on all-cause mortality worldwide.
This leads us to the test. The test has been the smoking gun all along, and now the government is calling for up to 500 million in-home tests per month. Since this happened, I have ten personal stories of people saying, “I got covid.” This in-home testing will accelerate the insanity as we’ve already seen.
For a year, I’ve told everyone making this “I got covid” statement that the test is bogus, so you don’t know what you or your loved ones have. This is met always with blank stares. I always bring up the famous Fauci interview where he admits that at the cycles known to be run, the tests are meaningless. But it never seems to sink in to those I share it with, even though it’s an obvious 1 + 1 = 2. I always leave it with, “don’t take the test and covid is over.” I believe this is one of the better messages we should all convey, and with the proposed testing nonsense, cases are going to become increasingly difficult to overcome.
This video does well in driving this point home in a unique way:
Thank you, Kit!
Covidism: masculine noun
Psychiatric disease which appeared in the year 2020 which has contaminated the entire surface of the globe, characterised by a total loss of logic, common sense, critical thinking, free will and courage, as well as an absolute, naive and quasi-religious belief that is unfounded and totally irrational in the media-political discourse and the pharmaceutical propaganda.
“total loss of logic, common sense, critical thinking, free will and courage, as well as an absolute, naive and quasi-religious belief that is unfounded and totally irrational in the media-political discourse”
Act I: starting 9/11 to 2020
Act II: starting 2020, ongoing
Tell tale wordage:
“…given the rapid increase in Omicron cases and the huge pressure on the testing centre which is expected to increase over the next few weeks …”
Omicron was pulled out their arses a few weeks back and already given the big apocalyptic fanfare at a time when no-one could have possibly foreseen what would happen. Such brazen prophecy should have sunk this for the bullshit it so clearly is. But they so aggressively launch into that “given the…” No we don’t give you it!
Such an acopalpyse no one had died
What I’ve learnt about the Ghislaine Maxwell case from the corporate-state media:
1) Prince Andrew was sort of involved. That Randy Andy, eh?
2) Nobody else knew Epstein and Maxwell – certainly not any members of the Science-Industrial Complex who are all heroes we should worship. Except possibly Donald Trump.
3) Maxwell had no connections of the intelligence agencies of any nations and as for the idea what went on was filmed and used to control assets… are you some sort of conspiracy theorist?
4) It was all her daddy’s fault really. Fathers are toxic and you’re better off not having one.
5) The system works and those in power really care about sexual abuse and trafficking.
6) Conspiracies don’t exist even though that’s literally what Maxwell has just been found guilty of.
All those people in high places are under a lot of pressure. They just need to blow off some steam now and then. It’s a business opportunity for such things for some people.
From a woman’s point of view Maxwell is a prize evil c..t
Yes, but I’m astonished that where there is a market for that kind of a thing, only the one who is fulfilling the demand is punished, not the customers.
Hear, hear.
The whole customer thing is exactly what has been kept under wraps since the trial began.
+ 1
US intelligence will be using the blackmail material from now onward: the pedos may get away with their reputations in tact by silencing Jizzum Maxwell, but they will still pay for it.
US intelligence is an integral part of global child trafficking – just look at what they got up to in the Balkans twenty five years ago…..
I started this scam an unbeliever, waiting for credible evidence that there really was something out there–I am still waiting.
I think the reality is that a huge number of people are born to be slaves–the majority. They spend their lives looking for someone or something to lord it over them, they simply cannot function independently. That is not me. This whole scam is wearing me out.
Shakesphere summed it long ago in the wonderful sonnet about life being actors on the stage full of sound and fury signifying nothing…50 yrs from now just who will remember faucci, gates etc….meanwhile they strive to be so much the actors on the stage right now….attempting to impress the audience who have proven themselves walking zombies and in due course will be long dead…
Tha sixth age slips into the lean and slippered pantaloon: Spectacles on nose and pouch on side: A world too wide for his shrunk shrank and his big manly voice, which turns to treble: Pipes and whistles in his sound
Which started almost instantly upon the beginning of compulsory public education. That being its goal, which its founders openly stated. The longest running and most successful psyop in history.
Yet they go to ‘assertiveness training’ courses and act tough so that nobody will think they are easily trampled.
It clearly makes no difference…
The biggest con is that we are all equal, that our vote counts like anyone else’s vote, that we live in a democracy and we decide our future, that the ones in power actualy work for us…All part of the biggest lie.
The truth is a few are leaders and the many are followers. The question is who do they follow, the good shepherd, the hired hand or the wolf?
“It is of immediate and critical importance to discover and to implement techniques, which will prevent a small but effective class of human predators, from achieving dominance of the entire human race. A clear, nearly universal understanding of how our own nature facilitates this oppression is needed.”
Hannah Arendt already wrote books about this subject. Unfortunately it is not enough to read about it. One has to experience the nature of psychopathy himself. Only those who survive it and get out of the psychopathic cycle are those who are able to understand and to recognize it.
Oh it’s blatant madness, there’s no doubt about it. The only stunning fact is that people don’t see that it’s blatant madness.
Here is a really funny meme:
In the end, as Mao, said, power ultimately comes from the barrel of a gun, and this is a very true, ‘other-imposed’, very overt power from either side (I added the last part)(and what most people don’t know (good ol american ‘HATE THE CHINESE COMMIES!!!!’ brainwashing) is that he did not come up with this idea as some kind of new strategy, he realised after (american puppet) Chaig Kai Chek had massacred with american guns tens of thousands of his peasant supporters armed only with pitchforks and stones and courage and determination to end the old Chinese feudal system that if he wanted his revolution to succeed, he needed guns. And guns and guns and more guns. Kind of like Neo …
Mao was put in power by the banksters.
give it a rest.
Interesting idea, but when I see a bullshitter, for example The Guardian, my gut instinct is to just dump them – I have not read The Guardian for over 20 years. But the same is true of TV – over 20 years – and without MSM input I barely recognise politicians and have utmost contempt for all except the Russians, who seem to have some common interest with the people of Russia.
Same here.
More fun and games prophecy from the Hydra:
“Boris Johnson’s difficult year is nothing compared with what’s coming next
A looming cost-of-living crisis spells disaster unless the PM manages against all odds to get a grip on No10”
Don’t forget to look surprised!
“Don’t forget to look surprised”- best line
The PDF from the below video for anyone interested
An interesting document. It should be noted that drug companies have a history of running dodgy trials like this: subjects selected to be unrepresentative, trials ended early, irrelevant end points. Perhaps if more people were aware of this then they would be less inclined to dismiss sceptics as anti-vaxxers?