This YEAR in the New Normal

Our first “This Week” of 2022 doesn’t just look back over our shoulders, but forward too. What were the unfinished plotlines of 2021? What minor stories of last year could be major stories of this year?
This week we review what OffG will be on the lookout for in 2022.
1. Programmable digital currency
For the uninitiated, a programmable digital currency is a form of digital currency which can be programmed…I hope that clears up any confusion.
In all seriousness, central banks are researching the possibility of issuing their own digital currencies. These central-bank digital currencies (CBDCs) would be “programmable”, meaning either the bank issuing the currency, or the company paying it out as wages, have direct control over its use.
Banks (or employers) would have the power to set limits on the usage of the money they issue. They could limit how much of it can be spent, where it can be spent and what it can be spent on etc.
We published a long-form article on the possible abuses of such a controlling system of currency last summer. Since that article came out there have been further calls for its introduction, with Estonia and Ukraine both moving towards trialling the system soon, and Japan researching its feasibility.
Definitely a major concern for human freedom, and a major story to keep an eye on 2022.
2. The pivot from covid to climate
We reported on this a few times over the course of 2021, but we don’t think it’s going anywhere. If anything, expect this campaign to pick up steam.
Today, Yahoo News lays out their big concerns moving into the new year:
In the new year: Fight against COVID and climate change and strengthen our democracy
On Christmas Eve, the Guardian had yet another article equating Covid to Climate Change, on December 17th the New York Times warned climate was an “emerging threat” to financial stability, whilst the New Statesman, on December 16th, warned that Covid was distracting from the climate “red alerts”, and argued climate catastrophe was the bigger threat.
Writing in the Independent yesterday, and rehashing an old, old, old talking point, Caroline Lucas argues that if we can find money to fix the financial crisis of 2008 (we didn’t) and fight a global pandemic (we didn’t do that either), then why can’t we pour money into fighting climate change? (we already are).
Her examples are well-chosen, even if she doesn’t realise why. Both the crash of ’08 and the “pandemic” are deliberately created crises used as a pretext for funnelling huge amounts of taxpayer money into private hands. Which is likely what any “green new deal” would be too.
Look for more of this as the year progresses.
Amusingly, the press seems to know we know, because they’re already trotting out some pre-emptive damage control, the Independent headlining, “Covid conspiracy groups may switch to climate misinformation in 2022, experts warn” just today.
3. Explaining heart attacks that haven’t happened yet
There was a lot of this in 2021, especially through the second half of the year.
And not just heart attacks, articles were popping up all over the media explaining strokes, blood clots and heart disease that hadn’t actually happened yet.
The omicron variant was initially said to have cardiac symptoms that were unheard of in previous variants.
Depression and anxiety were reported to be on the verge of increasing heart disease by 5% nationwide in the UK, they’re calling it “post pandemic stress disorder”.
The cold weather is blamed too. Young people smoking weed is blamed for increasing heart problems, as is bad diet.
A vitamin deficiency is causing a spike in strokes, apparently.
A lot of these people suffering the spike in heart attacks are “seemingly fit”.
Why are the media pumping out explanations for an increased risk of blood clots and associated diseases?
Well, when you factor in that the (untested and unnecessary) “vaccines” all have heart problems and blood clots as “very rare” complications, it doesn’t take a genius to put the pieces together.
This is a story we should all be following heading in to the new year.
BONUS: “Are they serious?” moment of the year
We’re only two days in, but we already have a strong entry for most ridiculous story of the year. In Israel they are reporting the first cases of…wait for it…”flurona”:

Yes. The “pandemic” narrative’s desperate need for ever scarier headlines has resulted in a rushed and barely coherent sequel. A real “Frankenstein vs the Wolfman” moment.
Will they try and sell “flurona” to the people? Part of me really hopes so.
All told, it looks like OffG is in for a busy year, and we didn’t even cover the continuing war on free speech, or what the hell they have planned for Russia.
Good times ahead. Happy New Year everyone.
Our next edition of This Week in the New Normal will be a return to the regular weekly round-up, if you have a headline or story you think should be mentioned, post in the comments below or email it to your submissions under the subject line “this week in the new normal”.
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Macron on the non-vaccinated people: “I really want to piss them off”. Followed by: “An irresponsible person is no longer a citizen.”
The policy of loss of civic rights is therefore now fully accepted at the highest level of the French state. A major turning point.
Always remember that with narcissistic perverts…everything is calculated, tactical, with a will to destroy by all means to win. No matter the consequences and especially the human damages. A enjoyment thanks to the suffering inflicted.
“Manu, we fuck you up too”
Meteorites are a great cover story for thermonuclear detonations. Just in case we need one.
I SHAME for these despicable women who “go with the flow” and care more about their gel nails than the fate of their young.
For feminism supporters: from Pakistan: “Bars threaten blanket boycott if Judicial Commission considers woman judge’s elevation” Those are not liquor bars btw.
These lawyers just don’t want a first-ever woman judge in the country’s Supreme Court judicial history. Is- lam.
You’re upset about this because you’re pro-feminist, right?
Notice the ‘rare’ incidences at football matches of spectators keeling over?
And players with heart problems? Were they vaccinated? they don’t say…
The whole Robert Malone saga seems to be a Bernaysian propaganda operation to push the “mass psychosis” narrative; but I’m struggling to figure out the overall point. Is it merely a damage limitation exercise, or is there something else going on?
Robert Malone on Madness of Mass Formation Psychosis
Bannons War Room
Jan 3, 2022
Malone @2:25: The trending around mass formation psychosis; it just went nuclear, globally.
3:00: You and I and Peter have been talking about this from the get-go. Remember that we, Peter and I, came off of your show and then wrote the Washington Times op-ed piece; in which we basically support the Great Barrington Declaration among other things.
My Comments
a) The “mass psychosis” narrative went “nuclear” because there’s a massive propaganda push behind it.
b) Many of the people pushing the narrative (e.g. Malone) have at some stage believed in the pandemic and the jab. Hence, if there’s a meaningful definition of “psychotic”, it includes Malone.
c) The Koch Declaration is medical fascism writ large. It includes jab mandates, segregation, forced isolation, etc.
See also:
The power of the cult leaders is dependent on the illusions and delusions of the people.
Most people believe the official narrative, but some people only parts of it.
This means that the cult leaders have to give different kinds of illusions to different people.
Only if you have no illusions and delusions, you won’t give your power away to anybody.
Precisely. They don’t control us by simply targeting the believers – God no! They have propaganda for those they know won’t believe them … and loads of it.
Mass Psychosis tries to persuade us that the majority are sick: I don’t believe that, I think the majority are gullible, lazy and quite happy to be looked after by mother government.
I’m pretty lazy myself and I have to admit I’m depending on the government at the moment. I don’t necessarily think it’s that because even people who like to be independent from government in terms of reliance still believe the BS. I think more than anything people hate the idea of their rulers being so evil. I think it’s too discombobulating for them but I don’t know. I only woke up myself at the age of 53 but if someone had sat me down earlier and explained it all I would’ve woken up earlier. What I find is that people don’t want to know. You can be gullible but then you can wilfully resist knowing.
Spot on, people positively cringe at the idea their government could be so evil. I was lucky enough to be woken up at the receiving end of their foreign policy which has always been more overt. Horrible now to watch the innocent get sucker punched as the foreign policy is put to work at home.
People see their governments being evil all the time: wars, empires etc are plenty of evidence, What I think you really mean is that you cannot believe your government would turn against you, but that is because people are not willing to accept the evidence in front of their eyes.
Oh yes, you’re right, good point. It’s interesting how when you look up psychological operations on the internet you get loads of links related to war but, of course, none related to governments against their people except a few on “conspiracy” sites.
I think vlogger, Trillstina, makes this point very well in this video on Santa Claus/Kyle Rittenhouse.
I have a friend who’s left the city to get away from all the nonsense and is living in rural NSW where she’s finding native bush turkeys a problem. There’s a very funny video, Chant of the Scrub Turkey, (unfortunately I can find no link except to the trailer which is still worth watching) –
about a group of Buddhists living in a place called Frog’s Hollow on the Sunshine Coast trying to stop bush turkeys destroying their vegetable gardens without causing them harm. I can’t remember any of the details now but they seemed to try an awful lot of measures with no success.
However, I wonder if they tried psychological measures because it seems there are, at least, two psychological measures which work very effectively – I discovered these only recently when looking on behalf of my friend for suggestions. I find it absolutely hilarious that seemingly psych measures work on these birds better than any physical measures. And for Sun Tzu, 500BC, it was all about psychology.
1. Teddy bears
2. For a male who builds in someone’s garden a “nest” (a massive mound that he ensures keeps the right temperature to incubate the eggs), a mirror to make him think he has a competitor which completely confuses him and sends him packing.
Inflation and interest rises may play an important role too this year. The beginning of a depression.
This may have been mentioned already here or elsewhere at Off-Guardian: the Israeli People’s Committee (IPC), an independent organisation collecting data on adverse reactions and injuries suffered by individuals who received the Pfizer-BioNTech MRNA shots for COVID-19 in Israel, has an ongoing video project “The Testimonies Project” in which people tell of their experiences and health issues after getting the shots. It is harrowing viewing to say the least. Readers can Google the IPC’s name and the video project’s name if they are interested in watching it.
Israel recently began offering the Moderna mRNA shots but for a long time in 2021, the Pfizer shots only were available in Israel. Israel also has some of the highest vaccination rates in the world for COVID-19 (first and second shots) and its govt is now pressuring people to get third and fourth shots.
I watched it, I wept at the horror in reality instead of being hidden
I feel sick.
With ‘Pi’ being the next probable name for a ‘new covid variant’, will we see the lockdown of Greggs & Chippies?
They’re bound to skip pi – far to memeable.
All very negative. Any POSITIVE stuff about 2022?
In some places, the leaders are physically experiencing payback from the people they imposed mandates on:
He deserved a lot worse.
I’m glad and surprised about that headline, for those who don’t know the majority of the brazilian population are mindlessly obeying the authorities and even supporting them.. very few dissidence.
The sun will shine on many days!
Life will continue!
Slap on some good old rock and roll lose yourself in some blues because if you can really try and keep your mind free from the bullshittery surely every piece of your own personal freedom and clarity is worth it.peace stay strong
In regards to chicken pox I have this. Four weeks into the lockdown last April both my two got chicken pox. They hadn’t been with any other children.
They both grew just shy of two inches taller in the week or so they were poxed.
Applying the Ferguson model system, they should be 104 inches taller in a year. Chicken pox is residual in the system forever. Look for a big growth spurt in Spring.
Spring chicken pox?
he is joking..?
No it’s not a joke. There’s an argument that pox is stretching of the skin and not enough collagen in your diet.
I noticed the British Heart Foundations latest ad, showing a young girl collapsing with a heart attack after exercising, they are trying to “normalise” young healthy athletes collapsing all over the world by pretending its a common natural occurrence
Medical people are dangerous: they pretend to care then they strip your wallet and kill grandma. I have a frw doctors in the family, i can tell you that one of their primary motivations is status. They are not wanting to “help” or service the “community”, they want status.
China gives doctors zero status, they are the same as any other labourer, and rightly so.
“In the new year: 1. Fight against COVID and 2. climate change and 3. strengthen our democracy”
Lumping Democracy with the other issues, i guess it is Yahoo News’ attempt at sarcasm..
>>> Read Jon Rappoport’s new blog article:
COVID scam falls apart; it’s over
Could it be that there is hope…?
Red Pill Germany discusses “walking” protests
German State Denies Dissidents The Right Of Peaceful Assembly
Dec 30, 2021
Hey guys, today I want to tell you how the situation regarding protest has changed since last year in Germany.
I’d like to make a couple predictions myself:
From an 1893 debate seeking the abolition of compulsory vaccination against smallpx:
“The claims which were put forward on behalf of vaccination in the time of Dr. Jenner were of the extremes character. It was declared that vaccination was a complete and permanent protection and preventive of small-pox. After a while that position had to be abandoned, until now they found its advocates scarcely venturing to say more than that it was a possible, a temporary, and an occasional mitigant of the evils of small-pox. In view of the fact that even ‘among the advocates of vaccination themselves there was an absence of any fixed or definite view, it was an unreasonable thing to make this medical rite compulsory upon a reluctant population. Some medical men contended that the danger from vaccination was small, others that it was great. One medical authority said that vaccination once was enough; another that the operation of vaccination ought, to be repeated every 10 years; another every seven years, and others stated that to be really secure one ought to get vaccinated every year.”
An over-sold vaccine with uncertain dngers and that didn’t bring immunity combined with an attempt to get boosters as often as they think they can get away with? Sound familiar?
Elsewhere in the debate, it’s clear that many accepted at the time that smallpox and cowpox were so different that vaccination with the latter couldn’t possibly protect against the former and hence Jenner’s whole methodology was wrong. That argument seems to have been filed down the memory hole.
Compulsory vaccination against smallpox was indeed abolished… half a century later.
Logically, the whole idea of mandatory vaccines is just wrong: if they work 100% then the vaccinated are protected and mandates are not needed but if they only work say 70% then they will enable the vaccinated to generate variants that make the whole pandemic worse. The more vaccinated the worse it is. There is no rational logic for mandates.
I do object to the absolutist dogma of terrain theory here that mirrors the absolutist dogma of those who refuse to even countenance the idea or evidence that vaccines can be dangerous, (as can any medical intervention, whether it be drugs or a non pharmaceutical intervention).
To me the reason why these Sars Cov 2 vaccines are dangerous is that they mimic the actions of the virus, producing similar side effects, and provide evidence that these viruses exist. mRNA vaccines work like viruses, as they enter human cells and instruct them to make spike proteins, part of the Sars Cov 2 virus, and indicate that Coronavirus viruses do exist, as these mRNA vaccines could be more accurately described as viruses, as they use viral reproduction to produce Sars Cov 2 type spike proteins, again suggesting viruses do exist. Vaccines often have worse side effects as these pathogens, such as the spike proteins are injected straight into the bloodstream, where they can do the maximum amount of damage, as opposed to natural infection where the immune system in healthy people is usually stopped by mucosal immunity before the spike protein reproduces in the blood stream, where it produces much more damage (such as to the lungs, the brain and the heart). It is irrelevant whether Sars Cov 2 has been isolated, as has it has not been isolated does not provide any proof that viruses do not exist. It not being isolated does however call into question how any test or treatment based on the computer construction of the RNA sequence can be accurate or effective.
Similarly although most (but not all) infections are omnipresent, and only become dangerous when people are unhealthy, this does not mean that infections do not occur. That the terrain is everything does not mean that infections do not occur. If it is all environmental, diseases like smallpox could not be eliminated, because if you recreate the environmental conditions, you recreate the disease. You can reduce, but not eliminate a disease that is entirely caused by environmental factors. The idea that diseases are caused exclusively by environmental pollution when these diseases existed long before these were a major issue is risible. Environmental factors were not uniform across Europe, when the black death spread across Europe in various waves, so cannot be caused exclusively by environmental factors.
Things are caused by many factors at the same time, which is why you use multivariate regression to try to account for all these confounding variables, and try to isolate the significant determinate variables on dependent variable such as infection and death. Anybody pointing to one determinate variable to the exclusion of all others does not understand and is using a very simplistic model of how these things work.
The dogma of Terrain theory also alienates people from examining the absurd official narrative of the supposed Sars Cov 2 pandemic, and plays into official propaganda of stereotypes of people questioning the official narrative.
It’s the absolutism that gets me. It amounts to a faith position, ultimately, and the same people bang the same drum on every single fucking thread.
There seems to be a sensible version of terrain versus germ which posits that we could live with some germs if only our health were better — and that treating health might be more successful than putting it off and treating disease later down the line. Endothelial problems (leading to ARDS etc.) would appear to start earlier than many doctors believe.
I agree, most infectious agents are omnipresent and take advantage of a dysfunctional immune system mainly due to environmental factors such as diet stress pollution health or factors not amenable to intervention such as age. There are a small minority of infectious agents that are so dangerous that it is not possible to safely expose the general population to in building natural immunity (Polio Smallpox MERS). The indication that these deadly and highly infectious epidemics are rare (it is rare to get both at the same time in the same pathogen as the dead do not effectively transmit an infection, so are an evolutionary dead end), is that real pandemics (not Sars cov 2), such as the black death and the 1918 flu are rare. That the 1918 flu is no longer with us is nothing to do with vaccines, but everything to do with developing natural immunity in the population, and the virus evolving into something less deadly.
Are you saying that those pathogens evolved with the sole purpose of causing illness?
If so, how does it make sense that a life form’s sole objective woould be to kill or bring disease to its host as a way of self destruction?
This contadiction prooves that either the idea that the driver for evolution being survival is flawed, in which case evolution would fall apart. Or the idea of living organisms whose sole purpose is to destroy their life supporting medium is bunk.
Which one is it? I can’t be both logically speaking.
“Are you saying that those pathogens evolved with the sole purpose of causing illness?”
No. Things don’t evolve with a purpose.
You said:
“Environmental factors were not uniform across Europe, when the black death spread across Europe in various waves, so cannot be caused exclusively by environmental factors.”
Some environmental factors were constant across Europe during that time: untreated sewage everywhere, lack of fresh clean water, lack of rodent control etc. Also, although I’m just going from memory of a piece I read, the causes of the Black Death and the various waves may have had different etiologies.
This is nonsense as an argument, of course environmental conditions were not uniform across Europe, some had access to clean water, relatively isolated villages with safe water were also effected. Only large urban settlements had untreated sewage. The rich who had access to clean water were also effected. Rats only have an effect if this was an infection transmitted in part by rats, and untreated sewage only has an effect if transmitting an infection, which in itself disproves terrain theory. If you have ever had amoebic dysentery you could not credibly argue that infections do not occur. It is also irrelevant whether the black death had different etiologies, as this is still an infection, if the cause of infection was different it still makes nonsense of terrain theory, and explains why the black death came in waves. Disease caused exclusively by environmental conditions do not spread in waves across a land mass, and do not die out due to herd immunity.
wikipedia on the causes of the “Black Death”. The main evidence for germ theory here is the presence of a bacterium in the bones of people who died centuries ago…This happened in the Dark Ages, where theocratic terror ruled and people believed in Original Sin, Satan, curses, the evil eye, witches were burned at the stake for making herbal cures etc etc.
1918 was right at the end of WW1. Facts must have been a bit fucked at the time…
Obviously something is there (the scary virus) because they have seen it with electron miscroscopes. Terrain theory I have seen does not say “there are no viruses”.
However, the scam scientists are looking at computer models rather than actual material found in sick people. (even if they were, the presence of the material does not mean it is the cause of the disease)
Where is the proof that the virus is the single cause of the disease? The science papers I looked at via the WHO’s website did not have a reference to back up the claim that “Sars Cov2” causes “Covid-19”. Diagnosis of “covid-19” depends on the PCR test scam.
Where is the science that proves that “asymptomaitc” (their revealing term for healthy people) people “transmit” this disease which then goes on to kill someone else?
The scam goes deeper than you realise.
We are right now living through a pandemic that has not happened, it’s only a narrative, a blatant lie. A small minority recognise it and denounce it to the four winds, however the official narrative persists and the va\st majority accept it.
Even though we are in an era of mass communication when most people can find most information they need very easily and rapidly, the lie stands and in history literature of the future this will be regarded as a ‘global pandemic that killed millions’.
So knowing this now why should be accept so easily that those pandemics of the past were actually true and happened the way we are told they did?
Exactly! Fantastic comment! 👏👏👏
Exactly. The vaccines (falsely-so-called) could not possibly be replicating the actions of viruses, if viruses themselves did not first exist
mRNA vaccines are like cheap fireworks: nobody knows what they will do.
Luckily there are still plenty of the former left
“The right-center-left paradigm (construct) yet another tired cliche used by the war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist oligarch mobster psychopaths to get WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity) at each others throats while the Psycho Nazis continue to commit their CRIMES AGAINST us.”
“We will not be culled, labratted, mutated, Jim Crowed, enslaved or owned. The Nuremberg Code, Human Rights, Civil Liberties shall be respected! My body, my choice.”
I call them decent people or arseholes and somwhere in between
There is no real left-right conflict. At this stage it should be clear that there’s only one paradigm that matters: authoritarianism vs. freedom.
Agreed. Arguably for the last 50 years right/left has been just a means of divide and rule and it has only become more and more obvious over time. The real area of conflict is top vs down, or in previous times know as – class war.
There is still the exploitation vs. no exploitation.
They’re not taking enough drugs now.
Aren’t “vaccines” drugs? The lefties I know are high on them.
It is an addiction, you need boosters every 3-6 months in order to keep the pleasure going.
They have now started mixing different brands of vaccines for the ultimate woke experience.
Actually, the New Left started in the 1960’s. The Old Left (like that of the 1930’s about improving the lives of the working class) was killed by McCarthyism. What your cartoon is calling the “New Left”, I’d call the CIA Left.
Actually, the cartoon refers to the Modern Left not the New Left and it pretty accurately depicts the fans of Dan Andrews that I’m acquainted with.
Thanks, then the cartoon should say Modern Left and New Left – not Old Left. But likely most people wouldn’t get it. It remains an important distinction however, as your “Modern Left” is a direct outgrowth of the New Left. The New Left broke with the class analysis of the Old Left and laid the groundwork for Identity Politics and its latest incarnation of Woke-ism and Trans rights.
Give it a break.
It’s not my Modern Left, and I only posted the cartoon because, as I said, its Modern Left pretty accurately depicts the fans of Dan Andrews that I’m acquainted with.
By the way, I suspect that the title might have been added by someone other than the cartoonist and I wish I’d gotten rid of it now. The artwork speaks for itself.
“Give it a break”? You posted it here, not some site populated by the critically and historically unsophisticated.
I seems to me that the question of how the “left” became the ideological platform for the greatest attack on the working class in history, is a lot more important that the cartoon you appropriated.
Oh dear, naughty me, I “appropriated” a cartoon!
Got any more petty comments?
That’s the pot calling the kettle black.
Oh wow, a cutting cliche! 😂
I seems to me that the question of how the “left” became the ideological platform for the greatest attack on the working class in history, is a lot more important that the cartoon you appropriated.
Talking to yourself now? 😂
“Jane Fonda on the screen today, convinced the liberals it’s okay…”
Good ol’ Sid:
The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people.
Meanwhile life insurance premiums did not rise in 2020, what changed?
Read Steve Kirsch’s newsletter for the implications of that.
Getting more brazen now. From The Times,
“Suffering from a cold after pandemic? Time to isolate, says chief medical officer for Wales”
Hmm…. you don’t suppose it was the cold all along?
Here’s how it works:
Some organisation calling itself The Nature Journal (Wiki: “a British weekly scientific journal founded and based in London” which “features peer-reviewed research from a variety of academic disciplines, mainly in science and technology”) has assembled the “Nature 10 List” – “ten people who helped shape science in 2020”.
One of the listed is Meaghan Kall, currently the lead epidemiologist at the UK Health Security Agency. She apparently “went against norms to tweet explanations of UK coronavirus data”.
So she tweets:
“Good morning!
Don’t worry, Omicron won’t be around for long.
As we speak, an immunosuppressed person with chronic SARS-CoV-2 infection (or perhaps an animal!) is brewing up the next weird and wonderful #COVID19 variant to emerge in the next few months.
Have a great day”
This is appended by an inverted smiley face.
Hey – not only groovy but sassy!
But let’s pause here.
“As we speak …” followed by this assured pronouncement about what is about to happen! Is this “Science”? Or is this astrology?
Whatever it is, it’s good enough for Richard Murphy, The Tax Man, who tweets,
“This is from one of the best epidemiologists working for the government – and she’s right. If you think it’s all over by the end of January – forget it. The next wave will be coming – and still the government is doing nothing to provide long term protection”
Thus the spooks look into their crystal balls (i.e. take instructions from their handlers) and pass them on to the Impressively Awarded Travelling Scientist Troupe who deliver these pronouncements.
And then the little “Leftist” hacks grovel before these “accredited” figures and repeat this new gospel alongside the bellowed academic credential incantations.
And this has been the It’s A Knockout Tournament since spring 2020.
I was curious about this Nature Journal lot and was reading an article from them about covid which said, “scientists have been working at breakneck speed …” and I thought “God No! Brain dead cliché mode?” So later I went back to try and find that article by using “breakneck speed” in a search engine at which point I found they use this zinger all the time!
“How bad is Omicron? What scientists know so far. COVID researchers are working at breakneck speed to learn about the variant’s transmissibility, severity and ability to evade vaccines.”
“… the COVID-19 pandemic has become the worst public-health crisis in a century. … scientists, doctors and other scholars have worked at breakneck speed …”
“How COVID unlocked the power of RNA vaccines …The development happened at a breakneck speed. The Novartis team had achieved in one month what typically took a year or more.”
“The push to make a coronavirus vaccine is moving at breakneck speed.”
When was it that even that hallowed scientific community started to shovel out disaster movie clichés?
(No need to answer. We all know!)
Perhaps they are semi-consciously worried about their necks being broken…
Full-on psychological warfare against London ethnic communities at the moment:
“Whitey enslaved, raped and killed you…hate whitey… defund the police…. every insitution is horrendously white… you can’t even play cricket…. – but not vaccines, they’re fine and dandy and just for your welfare. Go on shoot up… “.
The unvaccinated among ethnic minorities would be corporate-state media heroes if #blacklivesmatter was remotely genuine. That they aren’t – and instead are compared to mass murderers – is one of the clearest prrofs that BLM is an astro-turfed movement.
P.S. They claim they hate anonymous inflamatory comments but of course that’s not stopped them megaphoning this one.
Your proof is not as clear as you think… or your reasoning. The media fascist borg doesn’t care what colour the non-compliers are, they are now the public enemy #1 for the borg.
So who thinks the BBC aren’t honest?
Covid denial to climate denial: How conspiracists are shifting focus
By Marianna Spring
Specialist disinformation reporter, BBC News —
***breaking news*** Climate change actually caused the virus to become so bad!
“Covid denial to climate denial: How conspiracists are shifting focus”
Covid scam to climate scam: How conspirators are shifting focus.
These psychos project incessantly.
What really winds me up is the crazy deforestation of this planet the real lungs of the earth.i am no climate zealot but let’s stop this madness not another ten years down the line and Attenborough is telling us we are at tipping .time for action is now and these pathetic so called leaders puppets should get their heads out of their arses roll up their bloody sleeves and work.RANT OVER .TIme FOR A CHILL PILL
Do you live near a forest that’s being chopped up, or are you being told this on the telly?
MI7 are pushing a report about the “disinfo dozen”
report here:
Interesting link for an “official” report eh?
one of disonfo dozens crimes seems to be suggesting Bill Gates was involved in creating the “pandemic”
so some nice inversion going on.
speaking of inversions:
“A further 189,846 confirmed cases were announced on Friday.”
which reduces quite simply to 999, or 666 inverted.
Its also a palindrome (18981)
and 18=6+6+6
and 9=3×3
and 81=9×9
but i wouldn’t recommend worrying about it.
Is that the same BBC that supported wars in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and the Falklands?
The same BBC that supports the corporatisation of public assets?
The same BBC that dotes on the Royals?
The same BBC that supports the torture of Julian Assange?
The same _ _ _ _Holy shit, this could go on forever.
They’re as slimy and conniving as their ugly offspring; the ABC and the CBC.
Government PR gofers.
I’ve seen a lot of arbitrary rules when it comes to numerology, but changing 46 to 1 is stretching it a bit!
Hardly arbitrary
0+0 is what you need. Numerology is part of the psy-op created by the entities we’re not supposed to talk about.
“but i wouldn’t recommend worrying about it”
Why the fuck would anybody worry about the results of your silly little games with numbers?
Dave Barry’s 2021 Year in Review
Vaccines, variants and supply chain woes: A look back at the past 12 months
By Dave Barry
December 26, 2021
Just like plastic surgery:

“Get Boosted” is a more elegant form of “Eff off, woke victim”
mRna spike protein is a helluva drug.
Didn’t take a genius to see that Ukraine would line up to bend over for the establishment. But then again they’ve starved their own people twice in the past 100 years so nothing surprises me with Ukraine
Chernobyl is around there as well, it’s a swell place. I wonder what happened to the nationalist militias there.
Below, contributor “Researcher” is having another of her virophobe rants:
“Whatever measles, mumps or rubella are (elevated temperature and various types of skin rashes and other symptoms), they are detox mechanisms, due entirely to exposure to toxins. If multiple children are exposed to the same toxins they would experience the same symptoms, falsely labeled as viral.”
As regards the issue whether viruses exist and cause disease, I do have some serious doubts about the validity of all of the claims made by the virophile establishment. Conversely, some of the things opponents of the viral theory say do make sense.
As much as the scientific methods employed by virology appear flawed, at least from the viewpoint from which they get attacked by virophobes, they do have something. People like Researcher have BIG SHIT. She claims that measles, mumps, rubella are detox mechanisms entirely due to toxins. Really? WHAT FUCKING TOXINS? Where are they? What specific toxin causes fucking chicken pox? I remember that parents used to take kids to visit with other kids that were having chicken pox, to catch it, to get it over with. and to have immunity. How does that alleged “toxin” get there, eh? And how come it doesn’t affect kids who’ve already had the disease?
Researcher is full of putrid shit. She, and others of her ilk, accuses the scientific establishment of fraud – which in itself is OK, let’s get to the bottom of this – but the evidence she supplies for her claims is absolutely ZERO. Fucking NADA. All this gibberish about the flu being detox is 1,000 times less science that the weird shit about culturing viruses on frigging monkey cells.
Well, your rant is about as convincing as hers.
How do you know ‘Researcher’ is female?
She’s said so.
Actually, I do find some of what she says interesting, but a) it pisses me off to see her insult anybody who dares question any of what she says and b) she evidently has no formal education and her “research” consists of consuming any random horseshit from the Internet without having the expertise to discern whether it makes sense. A case in point was her claim that she can hear 5G pulsing in Northern Ontario, where she evidently read that 5G involves pulsation and hallucinated that she could hear it.
Bottom line – If you want to question science, kindly do it using some better science.
Where is your evidence ? Stories of parents and kids ? Calm the f down. Any number of things could be the cause. Find us a study with a proper experiment that proved the transmission of a “viral” disease from person to person. If you pull that off, I will meta-phorically kiss your ass.
I’m not sayng that anyone promoting “terrain theory” is right, just that germ theory is wrong or at least very incomplete on viruses and “infectious” disease.
My fucking evidence of what? Where is YOUR evidence for fucks sakes?
It makes a very good sense that contagious diseases are catching, people have observed that for millennia. You say they’re wrong? Fine. Then YOU present your evidence. Just saying that viruses don’t exist and that it’s all some toxins (which fucking ones?) won’t do.
Oh yeah, science is fucked up, corrupt, no doubt. But that doesn’t mean that I’ll replace with even worse witchcraft.
Kiss somebody else’s ass if you have the need to kiss one. Leave mine alone.
Dial back on the profanity please – it will only increase your plausibility.
We’re only two days in, but we already have a strong entry for most ridiculous story of the year. In Israel they are reporting the first cases of…wait for it…”flurona”
They’re preparing to pivot if necessary to admitting many of the “Covid” cases and deaths actually were from influenza. (While most of the rest were really deaths from cancer, heart disease etc. which were fraudulently labeled “Covid” deaths. But they’ll never admit that.)
So far the evidence is that the cult wingnuts would stand for this and go along even if the entire propaganda switched from “Covid” and “coronavirus” to “the Chinese flu” or something like that. Of course every totalitarian measure could remain the same.
I thought it was already supposed to be “wu-flu”. what’s the difference?
The propaganda machine doesn’t call it that.
By Chinese flu do you/they mean Detrick flu?
Why would they call it the Detrick flu? OTOH they are trying to rile up hatred and soon war fever against China.
Detrick is officially their own lab, whereas even most of the “educated” seem ignorant of the fact that the Wuhan lab has been the site of joint US-Chinese GOF bioweapon research.
They wouldn’t call it Detrick flu, but then they didn’t admit to spreading flu at the end of WWI but blamed the Spanish.
vaccine did the damage not the flu
it was always the needle that spread death
never the nose
as they said
never the ears nose or throat
always the needle that harms hinders kills
proteins in the blood no no
charles richet
We are so constituted that we can never receive other proteins into the blood than those that have been modified by digestive juices. Every time alien protein penetrates by effraction, the organism suffers and becomes resistant. This resistance lies in increased sensitivity, a sort of revolt against the second parenteral injection which would be fatal. At the first injection, the organism was taken by surprise and did not resist. At the second injection, the organism mans its defences and answers by the anaphylactic shock.
seen in these terms, anaphylaxis is an universal defence mechanism against the penetration of heterogenous substances in the blood, whence they can not be eliminated.
Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1913
No vaccines for the “Spanish” flu.
About the current batches. Could it be that they were never meant to be dangerous, just traceable, to see how it could be spread? Test it on US Army athletes (a bit like Porton Down in the UK) — athletes survive, so let it rip amongst the old and the infirm. Again not too deadly but what if it is traced: even one dead granny might be an embarrassment, and then there was the belated realisation that the healthy population weren’t as health as they thought.
Jab batches – some to maim, some to kill, some to do nothing. An experiment within an experiment. See link below.
I have suspected throughout that Charles Richet’s work is very relevant to the present debacle.
It was called the Spanish Flu because as Spain was a non-belligerent during WWI; they did not censor (as much) their newspapers. So, the Spanish press reported on it. That’s why it was called the Spanish Flu, they were the first to address the issue. But calling it the flu was also a work of propaganda. Hundreds of autopsies were conducted on those dying of the Spanish Flu – they were not dying of the flu and Spain had nothing to do with it. It came from US army bases injected with Rockefeller’s new vaccine.
The Dean R. Koontz novel ‘Eyes of Darkness predicted a global pandemic starting in Wuhan – and was written in 1981.
Those trusty fact-checkers have fact checked this and say it’s untrue. Well, they actually say that some of the details of Koontz’s pandemic don’t match convid which allows them to put “untrue” in the headline knowing that’s all most people will read. The central point is true.
It’s not the only weird thing about Koontz whose biography is well worth a read. ‘Sole Survivor’ for example features mind-control experiments on children. The author seems somewhat reclusive and his name happens to be an anagram of the Serbo-Crot word for ‘capacitor’ (do you know anyone called “Koontz”?).
They seem to enjoy putting predictive programming in trash culture. .
I haven’t read Koontz, but whenever I hear the term “fact-checker” I know I’m about to hear a lie. That term may have the most perfect Orwellian inverse relation to fact in the history of propaganda.
My favourite fact check.
Q. Was Covid leaked from a lab?
A. There is no evidence that Covid was developed as a bio-weapon.
Who said it was? Wrong answer to the wrong question.
David Martin has shown that the spike protein involved IS a bioweapon.
Don’t know anyone personally; but there was a dairy in the Baltimore, MD area called H. E. Koontz Creamery. Does that count?
I know a bunch of Koontzs and have long before this or even before he was a big name writer..But I live in the US where weird surnames are common. I wouldn’t take too much from it.
The play’s the thing wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the king.
Trump says the insurrection was November 3rd, so it doesn’t quite fit the year-based demarcation, but 2021 was the great play-within-a-play; and 2022 will be the great reveal. Gitmo is being expanded and refitted, DC is reportedly a ghost town, and Biden reads his stage cues out loud before wandering off in random directions. If it all looked somewhat surreal, maybe that’s because it was.
US Military Given “Continuity of Government” Standby Orders for COVID-19 Pandemic
March 18, 2020
For the first time in the modern history of the United States, the Department of Defense has been given standby orders to ensure the “continuity of government”, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These extraordinary measures, which include evacuating White House officials to remote quarantined locations, and devolving the nation’s leadership to “second-tier officials”, were originally meant for the aftermath of a nuclear war.
However, according to Newsweek, “Above-Top Secret” contingency plans are now in place, in case the nation’s Constitutional power successors are incapacitated by the pandemic. Standby orders have been issued for a series of plans under the US Northern Command (NORTHCOM), . . . as a homeland defense military authority.
These operations are codenamed OCTAGON, FREEJACK and ZODIAC, said Newsweek, and include CONPLAN 3400 (homeland defense if the US itself is the battlefield), CONPLAN 3500 (defending civil authorities in an emergency), and CONPLAN 3600 (defending the National Capital Region from an attack). Newsweek added that the Defense Secretary, Mark T. Esper, has authorized NORTHCOM to “prepare to deploy” in support of these “potential extraordinary missions”. These include “the possibility of some form of martial law”, where military commanders would be given executive powers across the US until a new civilian leadership would emerge.
‘The Plan’ is still a thing? We are watching a movie, play out ?–this-is-a-fre/
Guess the kids at ‘Above Top Secret’ still think so..
Huh ? Well, we’ll see, er, again, in a week or two…
I’m not going to make any timeline predictions, other than thinking it has to happen in 2022 and hopefully pdq. With 20k national guard in DC at the end of January 2021 it looked ready to go, so I don’t know why it didn’t happen back then. I presume the NWO had some countermeasures lined up which had to be defused.
The switch of Israel into the Biden camp was one of the biggest shocks (assuming it’s real) and would force Trump into a strategic rethink; so that might be a substantial part of the delay. And I expect the truth behind it will part of the reveal.
Nov 8, 2020
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu congratulates Biden, thanks Trump
Dec 10, 2021
‘F*ck him’: Trump rages at Netanyahu, claims he saved Israel from destruction
In new interview, ex-president complains of former PM’s lack of ‘loyalty’ in congratulating Biden; says had he not quit Iran deal, ‘Israel would have been destroyed maybe by now’
Q-anon is a psyop. doesn’t everybody know that by now???
Yes; psychological operations form a substantial part of The Art of War. And Q is a major part of the psyop campaign.
The Secret War
Today, no war has been declared and however fierce the struggle may be, it may never be declared in the traditional fashion. Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe. The survival of our friends is in danger, and yet no war has been declared, no borders have been crossed by marching troops, no missiles have been fired. If the press is awaiting a declaration of war, before it imposes the self discipline of combat conditions, then I can only say that no war ever posed a greater threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of clear and present danger, then I can only say that the danger has never been more clear, and it’s presence has never been more imminent. . . .
For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding it’s sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. It’s preparations are concealed, not published. It’s mistakes are buried, not headlined. It’s dissenters are silenced, not praised. . . .
Perhaps there is no answer to the dilemma faced by a free and open society in a cold and secret war. In times of peace any discussion of this subject and any action that results are both painful and without precedent, but this is a time of peace and peril which knows no precedent in history.
It is the unprecedented nature of this challenge that also gives rise to your second obligation, an obligation which I share, and that is our obligation to inform and alert the American people. To make certain that they possess all the facts that they need and understand them as well; the perils, the prospects, the purposes of our program, and the choices that we face. . . .
And so it is to the printing press, to the recorder of man’s deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news, that we look for strength and assistance, confident that with your help, man will be what he was born to be, free and independent.
The media is our worst enemy. It is leading us to extinction.
That’s the old media. The new media is “we the people”.
Some background on Continuity of Government (a.k.a. “Devolution”)
Jan 28, 2013
In the 1980s the Republicans came back to power with Ronald Reagan. The new president conjured up the threatening picture of the Soviet Union as an “evil empire” and increased military spending. The Cold War gained new momentum. At this time the White House also developed a secret emergency plan, put in action however only at September 11th, 2001 for the first time. Initially it should guarantee that the government could continue its operations even after a Soviet nuclear strike. The plan was called COG (Continuity of Government) and called for a very special emergency measure: when disaster struck, three teams should be sent to different places in the country, replacing the government. Each team would have an own “president” as well as other people standing in for the different departments and government agencies. If one team would be killed, the next one could be activated. So the planners hoped to keep control over the military and the most important parts of the administration, after an atomic bomb or another disaster had wiped out the government in Washington. . . .
The plan was secret also because it bypassed the constitution. Since the presidential succession was already explicitly fixed by law . . . . However the COG plan simply ignored this well balanced constitutional arrangement. In an emergency it called instead for a president who was not democratically legitimized at all. . . .
Almost nothing is known about the content of the plan and the specific effects of its activation. The secrecy in this respect appears grotesque. Even the simple fact of the plan’s implementation on 9/11 was concealed for months. After sporadic hints in the press the Washington Post finally disclosed some details in March 2002. In an article titled “Shadow government is at work in secret” it reported that about 100 high-ranking officials of different departments were working outside Washington as part of the emergency plan since 9/11.
Deranged lot Trump didn’t lock up anyone. He hired endless deep state rats. He enabled & legitimized this entire Covid Charade w/his unconstitutional Nat’l Dec of Emergency. He was either fantastically incompetent or in on the scam. Either way, he screwed u & cannot be trusted going forward.
The whole Trump presidency is a multitude of plays within plays; and there are many hidden layers and meanings. Trump is certainly an actor performing a role within these plays, but he is also likely to be a significant author. The difficulty for most people is that they tend to see the Trump presidency in terms of politics; whereas it should be seen as the culminating phase of the “secret war” described by JFK. Trump is a “wartime president” fighting an “existential” war against an “invisible enemy”; and it is necessary to look at the totality for it to make sense.
We have done, you clearly haven’t.
Seems you fallen for the trump neocon pro you no who psyop..
That must be the Kindred Spirit Collective! How are you all doing?
Trump: “Wartime president” fighting “invisible enemy”
March 22, 2020: Coronavirus Task Force Briefing
[click any “time” link to go to video]
Donald Trump: (03:39)
We’re working urgently with Congress on legislation to support the millions of workers, small businesses and industries who’ve been hit hard by the virus through no fault of their own. . . .
We want to win the war with . . . as few number of deaths as possible. . . .
But I want to say that I know that this is a challenging time for all Americans. We’re enduring a great national trial and we will prove that we can meet the moment. I want to assure the American people that we’re doing everything we can each day to confront and ultimately defeat this horrible invisible enemy. We’re at war. In a true sense, we’re at war. And we’re fighting an invisible enemy. Think of that.
For those of you who are feeling alone and isolated, I want you to know that we are all joined together as one people eternally linked by our shared national spirit. We love our country, a spirit of courage and love and patriotism. No American is alone as long as we are united. And we are united, we’re very united. People are saying things now that three weeks ago they didn’t talk that way. We’re very united.
No force is equal to the strength of really a unified America, united America, an America like we have it right now. For those worried and afraid, please know as long as I am your president, you can feel confident that you have a leader who will always fight for you. And I will not stop until we win. This will be a great victory. This is going to be a victory. And it’s going to be a victory that in my opinion, will happen much sooner than originally expected.
It’s now attacking. The enemy is attacking 144 countries at this moment, 144 that’s unthinkable. There’s never been anything like this. And it’s vicious. It is vicious. Some people recover well. And some people have a hard time. We all know that, but we will be totally victorious. We will then get our economy up to a level that it was and in my opinion beyond, because that will be a pent up demand. There is a pent up demand. And a lot of great things will happen. But I’m very proud of our country. I’m very proud. I’m very proud to be your president. And it’s just something that’s just, you’re very special people. So thank you very much. . . .
So it cost me billions of dollars to be President, and I am so happy I did it because who cares? Who cares? I’m really happy with the job we’re doing, and I’m glad that this team and me are here for this horrible thing. I mean, a number of people have said it, and I feel it actually. I’m a wartime President. This is a war. This is a war, different kind of a war that we’ve ever had. . . .
I’ve seen few media items so weaselly and contorted as this. Not to mention hypocritical and arrogant:
“Understanding, not judgment, should shape our response to those who remain unjabbed
The start of the coming year will be defined by the UK’s vaccination gap, but the issue is more complex than you think”
The issue is not complex at all. You want us to and we won’t and that’s it yet you dare not say it. But you will nervously dance round it:
“The vaccine gap shows us how far we are from being a society that understands itself collectively”
Mornin’ George. Rarely have I seen such a contorted link. Would not
do just as well? Generally everything after “?” is not required and is usually used by trackers.
To me, the article looks rather like another example of them rolling back on their claims. Wasn’t it you who pointed out that the Observer were admitting that lockdown may have been BAD, publishing an article that was supportive of the Great Barrington position.
Aged Father told me the other day that, apparently, death from Covid was much higher in the elderly. Next, I might inform him that it reflects death from non-Covid in the elderly.
I posted that comment at 4 in the morning from my phone feed which supplies extra long links due to some kinda “pocket” facility.
Re. Backtracking, my phone feed today takes me to a Graud article that says this:
“Britain got it wrong on Covid: long lockdown did more harm than good, says scientist”
So they’re going with that at the moment. It’s times like these when you realise they can say anything they want depending on cherry picking. Which is what “The Science” is all about.
Sorry if I seemed a bit rude. See this as well.
Another sacred cow (or meat-like-plant-based-patty) bites the dust.
I skimmed over that yesterday and, apart from the stats not adding up, the general gist seemed to be that a disproportionately large number of unvaxxed are from ethnic minorities, so calling them far right Nazi racist misogynistic trump-supporting climate change denying flat earthers might in itself be racist.
Whereas if the unvaxxed majority were White, this would be perfectly acceptable.
I have a short story to kick off 2022.
I was conducting an experiment in the UniMatrixFancyTechCyberVerse.
I mean Twatter.
I went like three days of hardcore COVID1984 trolling.
And the thing that got me locked out was teasing a guy who makes like $50 million a year and still can’t find anyone to guard his fragile fucking ego.
Tell me, praytell, how this is “hateful” under any of Twatter’s own rules there:

And of coouurse they turn it into slavery with extra steps for good measure. do the tab with the replies and stuff for all of it. Uhh … if it’s still there?
It’s my first time trying to break the Machine like this.
Didn’t take long.
Anarcho capitalism is beyond stupid! Let’s get rid of hierarchy and mix it with some hierarchy. Utopian nonsense
anarcho-capitalism is feudalism. instead of a centralized state, the ruling-class overlords all have their own private armies to keep the peasant scum down, and settle disputes among themselves.
I identify sometimes as an anarcho-royalist: In the absence of an enlightened royalty, anarchy is the next best possible social order, in accordance with natural order ( there are no kings in the jungle), for an ideal humanity that hasn’t shown up in good numbers just yet. 😂
a guy who makes like $50 million a year
maybe it would have been better received if you called him an expensive whore. “cheap whore” might have been deemed to be “fake news”.
URGENT: UK Court Injunction 4 V Injury
Have you or a loved one been injured by a C19 vaccine?
The lawyers Philip Hyland, Lois Bayliss, Dr Samuel White, and ex-policeman Mark Sexton, are establishing a case for an injunction to pause the vaccine roll-out.
Are you a UK citizen and C19 vaccine-injured?
We need witness statements that can be presented to the investigating police by the 4th of January.
The lawyers are especially looking for these cases:
Please pass this link to anyone you know who could make a statement for themselves, or, on behalf of a deceased loved one.
Although the vaccine-injured need to be of UK citizenship, expert witnesses can come from any part of the world.
If you have any particular expertise, especially in the field of graphene oxide, vaccine contaminants, illegal or undisclosed ingredients, then please don’t wait and contact me directly.
[email protected]
On Monday 03/01/2021 there will be a call out for expert witnesses, so please watch out for that email and relevant link too.
Remember the deadline is 4th January
I warned the UK gov when they had some petition about the vaxxine “rollout”. I told them WE WILL COME AFTER YOU. I hope my statement will ring true.
At this point people need to start talking directly to the police and military as I think a (peaceful) counter coup is the only way out. If they lose the support of the military those worms will crawl back under their rocks without a whimper.
it was always thus
that covid and influenza anti semetic septic
these nazi germ theory disease always
hated the only democracy in the middle east it is real
so like hitler and his henchmen in 1930 whatever they got together
it is new and syria serious
dlmona sorry flourona
sorry ma ma ma my sharona
we must protect is reel
Several new islands have appeared in the Earth’s oceans.
They are larger than the recently recorded plastic islands and seem to consist of layered paper, elastic and micro particles.
Some people have suggested that the next WEF, IMF, World Bank and WHO board meetings could be held on these new islands.
Whadda ya reckon?
zoning commission should zone them for subdivision and high rise condo development?
after all waterfront is in high demand.
yah they’re yapping about reducing population too, two birds with one stone, or something
200 pandemic memes, some ive never seen before and a few really funny ones
Not available.
There is a rumble mirror link on the page
Thanks. I have probably seen a majority of them before, or variants.
Pretty good overall. Liked the syringe and sickle.
If you want to strengthen democracy, then you embrace climate change and develop adaptational resilience to all potential threats, be they cold, heat, drought, flood, hurricane, earthquake, volcano, tsunami etc etc.
All this nonsense saying we can ‘control climate’ is about as believable as cold fusion right now. Climate can be manipulated short-term but the long-term impacts can never be calculated accurately. So best to let nature do what Nature does and understand it a whole lot more first.
And absolutely remember that venture capitalist investors do not own climate. If they say that they have permission to alter our atmosphere because they want to make money, you have the right to alter their children in equally fundamental ways. They need to be taught basic lessons of behaviour and communal responsibility that they are simply incapable of learning for themselves……
The simple question here is: why should anyone take any notice whatsoever of Central Bankers?
None of them are elected, none of them are accountable, so who in the hell gives them the right to tell people what they can and cannot do with currency and who gives them the right to replace paper money with programmable digital currency?
The answer to both questions is: NO-ONE but themselves.
They think they are dictators, they need to be disabused of that notion.
About time that some politicians ran on a key plank of abolishing Central Bankers.
About time that some politicians ran on a key plank of abolishing Central Bankers.
John Kennedy tried that. Apparently, it didn’t go well.
Politicians? Why do you believe politicians have any right to tell people anything? You think Parliament (anywhere, in any country) is going to fix anything? They are the direct cause and enablement of all the fraud, all the racketeering, all the corruption and all the abuses of power, the theft and the genocide.
Politicians are the servants of the central banks and governments are the incorporated, structural, organizational tool that keeps the entire corrupt system in place.
The fact that people still believe anyone needs politicians or should take orders from these psychopathic liars and frauds is the crux of what’s wrong with most people’s basic belief system and comprehension.
Voting for different puppets on your tv, isn’t going to change anything. In fact, continuing to vote and participate in any way, is the lynchpin of the scam. If people stopped voting, the government couldn’t continue to falsely claim it has any authority or “social contract“.
People should disobey every edict, every law, mandate, regulation and every instruction. That’s the only way to enact change.
Stop using digital and/or credit cards and only use cash. Take your money out of banks and put it in a credit union. Cash out of stocks and bonds. They’ll be worthless anyway if they decide to crash the markets to ensure the CBDC. Don’t buy from large corporations and chain stores, but from locally owned businesses who encourage cash sales and discounts for cash.
Professor Antony C Sutton and others stated this long ago “ there is no left or right, there is only us against them. “
‘ there is no left or right, there is only us against them. “
UK Politicians are Central Banking have been for 50yrs. The current batch are all foreigners.
The “programmable currency” already exists. Benefits such as AFDC (“food stamps”) in the US are paid as preloaded debit cards. These cards can only be used to buy a limited range of foodstuffs.
In practice its easy enough to trade this credit for a more usable credit (at a discount), it just leaves everyone except the middleman impoverished.
Climate problems have been around for a long time but until recently only the US;s Department of Defense seems to have taken them seriously. (The navy’s planning for higher mean sea levels, for example). Politicians and pundit may posture and bloviate to satisfy their sponsors but change is inexorable, it doesn’t give a damn what side you are in the debate.
As for Covid-trauma caused by being locked in (sort of) just remember that even though its a nuisance you’re not being bombed or shelled into the bargain. Wars ebb and flow around the globe and while I’ve been lucky to miss out on them my parents were not. (….and if you think that mandatory vaccines are an imposition, wait till you try conscription…). You’ve just got to roll with it, don’t let it define you and remember that no matter how bad it might seem some other bugger’s got it a lot worse.
Finally, flu and Covid combinations have been around since Covid, they’re not novel but they can be deadly. All this anti-Covid precautions made last year’s flu season a bit of a bust. Let’s see what this season brings.
You have a good chance of surviving conscription. You have a much worse chance with an endless series of clot shots.
We need some clever nerd to design a Covid repetition app.
A CR-App
Hang on_ _ _”Doh!”
Happy New Year from the Province of Québec, Canada, where they snapped on us a new lockdown + a 10pm curfew on New Year Eve.
We’re not allowed to received anyone not living in our household, but we can stand outside for hours by -15 to get a test and medical staff has to go to work even if they’re positive.
At least they backpedaled about walking the dog after 10PM.
We had similar in europe TPOB is failing NYE was epic. Many people seem to be waking up especially the double jabbed.
Check out videos on “Capodanno Napoli 2022”. All fireworks were prohibited by the authorities. The citizens said, “We don’t think so”.
PS Napoli was the first major European city to be liberated from the NaziFascists, late September 1943. They did this on their own without help from the Allies.
And if 100,000 people disobey the edict in one town?
Can the police arrest you all??
Obtain the free tests.
And “use” them. 😉
No, obtain pitchforks.
So why are you agreeing to it? Takes two to dance the totalitarian tango.
The dog is the new God.
that aliceroberts horror appeared in some RSS feed there argh, look at that evil face!
fukn time team and coast, eh?
oh ther’s oor wee Neil talking sense, …
She did not like me on twatter. Seems she is much less of a humanist than she thinks. 😆
Our last place of privacy to be violated – in addition to all the other covid violations. Is nothing sacred?
“A disease-detecting “precision health” toilet can sense multiple signs of illness through automated urine and stool analysis, a new Stanford study reports.”
The trend to a tech-enabled ‘early diagnosis’ adds to the profits of pharma companies, scares the victim, and keeps the $ flowing to you-know-who. Also, so-called “chronic” illnesses keep the $ flooding in for long periods. Just keep the victim sick until they run out of money. Perhaps covid will be even more profitable than cancer.
Pre-diagnosed illnesses also encourage the victim to not reproduce, (in case off-spring inherit the illness) helping the eugenics program as well as the balance sheet. Its a win-win for the ‘health’ industry.
a throne of learning violated : )
I’m not much for scatological humor, but here it has been thrust upon me:
I used to work with a big guy who, er, regularly tucked his copy of the “Daily News” under his arm and headed to the lavatory for a leisurely morning sit-down.
The rest of us males tried to schedule our visits around his.
Now I wish I’d kept in touch with him. If he’s still alive, I guarantee that he would reduce the sensors and the rest of the detection equipment to a pool of molten, smoking plastic and metal.
You could of course install a ‘chemical toilet’ in your back garden. Low tech, no sensors and the produce eventually fertilises your garden soil.
Such technology can only be applied to those who use it.
If you decide to emulate the bears and ‘crap in the woods’, they won’t know anything about you.
Nothing too wrong with having a cheap annual MOT to ensure that you remain in good health though…..
You don’t even need chemicals if you can get lots of sawdust (ideally pine).
Regards the climate scam and finansing, i’m not sure if you covered it, But James Corbett and WHitny Webb did a briliant piece on “How Green finance is monopolising the planet”.
OffTopic but,
Why when I type “OffGuardian” on DuckDuckGo what appears first is mediabiasfactchek then healthfeedback denouncing OffGuardian? I’m in Canada
I type- offg and the title appears below, I click that and hey presto I’m here, it’s absolutely duckie!
Don’t happen to me jean.I got duck duck go too in uk?Maybe American search engine??
It happened some time last year.
“Mediabiasfactcheck” is always the top result for me too. The only thing duck duck go claims is that they don’t keep or sell your info. They don’t claim that their search results are unbiased. It could be that duck duck go are now using the google (NSA) algorithms or that CSIS is censoring and ranking search results through ISPs.
I can’t find a single search engine that enables simple web crawling without NSA (google) interference and without severe censorship of information that contradicts or questions government-msm propaganda.
We’ve already switched over to the Chinese model of internet censorship, with the boiling frog analogy, over the last 20 years. I’ve noticed the internet censorship becoming progressively worse, monthly.
Expect the highly censored internet to end up being only accessible and usable by the vaccine passport-digital ID-currency program, sometime in the near future. This is how they’ll switch the West over to the social credit system that China currently employs.
I can’t find a single search engine that enables simple web crawling without NSA (google) interference and without severe censorship of information that contradicts or questions government-msm propaganda”
Try It’s Russian. I am amazed at how easily I am able to find things being hidden by Google.
Yandex is better than DDG and google. However, it’s still censored and they display Wikipedia (CIA, FBI) entries at or near the top of their search results.
DDG and the rest just use Google.
Wasn’t there some kind of anti-trust action supposed to happen against google? They have basically captured the entire part of the internet that most people use.
What is CSIS?
Maybe being forced to go offline will be our salvation.
CSIS is the Canadian Security Intelligence Service.
These anti-trust lawsuits are for show only. They give the appearance that there is legitimacy to the legal system and governments. Corporations supposedly pay a fine (but we have no way of verifying if any of the fines are ever paid because incorporated courts are owned by the same cartel that own and control all the major corporations on earth) and that’s all that happens. The behavior isn’t modified. They just find another way to abuse the law or the laws are loopholed to enable the continued criminality.
As for going offline, I don’t think that’s the answer. Isolation, impoverishment and ostracization is their (the cartel) goal for us.
Use Mojeek, DDG is Bing, not Google.
Be sure to include the suffix (.org or whatever it is). The same thing happens if, e.g., someone wishes to go to the website and they only type in “geoengineering”: the actual website cannot be found no matter what.
Interesting, I just tried it and got the same as you (never noticed before, since this site is bookmarked).
Use mojeek
(I just tested it now, and got this site as top billing)
I don’t think duckduckgo is 100% freedom.
Spotlight: a brilliant beam of light that focusses on the leading characters and follows their movements in the performance.
Fluora was called coinfection as early as January 2020. Nothing new.
One of many scientifically unexplained misteries is sudden disappearing of flu once COVID showed up.
This a story from January and February of 2020 (link to the paper is below in appendix) of how Chinese medical covidians eventually found what they were told to look for and made routine severe flu/pneumonia patient into COVID patient. Apparently they quickly stop such practice searching for non existing needles in a haystack and so it resulted in China being one of few countries in the world where flu did not disappear and in fact killed nearly ten times more people than COVID in mild 2019-2020 epidemiological season.
On January 23, 2020 a patient was admitted (who happen to had visited Wuhan in December 2019 and January 2020) with clear pneumonia diagnosed by CT scan but that was not enough for goal seeking and subjectively reasoning doctors frantically fixated on COVID as their authorities told them to do by declaring epidemic just few days before. Ruling elite wanted COVID so they got COVID.(exactly like in the west)
So as ordered doctors obtained several nasopharyngeal swab specimen samples and repeatedly tested them with SC2 PCR (CT number was not disclosed but WHO recommended 45 as WHO adopted PCR as diagnostic test on January 24) with negative results as they kept pushing COVID infection hypothesis as ordered.
After that failed as test results turned out to be negative they seemingly came to senses and acknowledged that there is viral world beyond SC2 virus and tested patient for flu (influenza A) who turned out to be Influenza A positive in nasopharyngeal swab specimen. They also tested sputum for SC2 virus with negative results.
And that should have been the end of the story of just another peak flu season elderly patient with flu complications of pneumonia.
But they did not give up on COVID despite initial and correct, severe Influenza pneumonia diagnosis and instead of immediately admitting patient to hospital as for 69 y.o. pneumonia is very dangerous and deadly they sent him home with one oral antiviral drug (that failed to stop disease), for .. guess what; COVID isolation.
Seven days later patient status severely deteriorated as he again arrived to hospital and this time was finally admitted with very high fever and aggravated dyspnea likely augmented by watching on TV “dead bodies”, killed by COVID he was suspected of, lying on Chinese streets. After his condition further deteriorated he was moved to negative pressure ICU ward treated effectively still as potential or suspected COVID patient even when he was officially and clearly diagnosed with Influenza Pneumonia and eventually incubated and ventilated as COVID protocol required.
After his conditions somewhat improved in continuing search for evidences of COVID despite confirmed Influenza clinical diagnosis they obtained bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) frantically looking for SC2 virus in lungs using “full” sequencing technology called mNGS and .. they finally found it, changing diagnosis to COVID.
Here is a problem with their “findings”, mNGS (metagenomic Next Generation Sequencing) technology is based on full genomic sequencing method (used in this case for sequencing of SC2 viral strains) at the time not even EUA approved to diagnose SC2 by FDA that warned about inability of any nucleotide based tests to diagnose any live infection.
Unfortunately, mNGS shares in fact similar flaws with rRT-qPCR technology namely extreme sensitivity (propensity to generate false positives) using computer run “fishing expedition” for bits and pieces of genetic material and stitching them together according to quite arbitrary rules, filing genomic gaps (nuclides not detected in the sample) with reference genomes already submitted to GenBank).
But most of all mNGS technologies are highly nonspecific meaning cannot guarantee that puzzle pieces it puts together represent true picture of full genomic sequence as it is prone to interference from homologous viral genomic fragments of different species as often they are present in the clinical sample with no isolation performed. The mNGS like PCR test cannot determine infection status of a patient and it cannot determine that even if infection due to identified pathogen is present, it is this very specific infection that actually caused underlying clinical disease doctors ordered diagnosis for (meaning “full” sequencing with mNGS is not substitute for Koch postulates to prove causal relation between specific isolated pathogen infection and disease).
As mNGS reportedly “found “ SC2 viral sequence in the patient’s bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) it was in apparently so minute amounts that unlikely SC2 virus constructed genome, if what it really was, was representing active virus and was in any ways responsible for observed massive pneumonia, especially in the presence of Influenza A infection.
PCR test confirmed that suspicion as it was positive at CT= 30 for BALF and CT = 34 for sputum, much above level for active growing viral pathogens loads capable of effective growth in vitro lab cultures estimated at CT 20-25 and in vivo, in actual samples from clinical patients, CT less than 20 because of various immune mechanisms impacting culture ability to grow. So in other words SC2 infection, in contrast to Influenza A was not unequivocally confirmed.
This is a story how a flu-viral pneumonia cases were suppressed not only via purposeful administrative misclassification of flu cases as COVID but at clinical level under guise of .. supposed co-infection label (a thesis that patient was infected with flu but suffered or died from COVID) under intrusive government guidances suppressing doctors diagnostic autonomy and pushing corrupting incentives enabled by public health authorities. Doctors narrow vision and near blind compliance with imposed rules made them ignorant to artificially and general failure of nuclides based testing technologies in detection of infections in clinical settings.
Here are link and quotes from original Chinese report, my above comment is based on, published by CDC.
I have heard that there was an unreported pneumonia epidemic in 2020. Is this what you are referring to? If yes, do you know of any more documentation on that?
i’d understood the exhaustion/sore torso/ribs “cold” of the last month or two was actually a bronchial pneumonia issue?.. but seldom claimed as such….?
Flu didnt disappear in the UK in 2020, flu and pneumonia appeared on more death certs than covid but were all classed as covid as it was deemed the “underlying cause” by the one doctor who never saw the patient probably
The Chinese were at that workshop in Oct 2019 and it would seem were charged with getting the whole charade under way…it was always going to be far more fun starting it in China….bats and wet markets etc…rather than anywhere else and, or admitting whatever the cold version part of it was had been circulating throughout the world from at least Aug 2019…people here in nth qld aust had been Ill with it….but that wouldn’t have been exotic enough, even though we do have bats living in close proximity to humans…smile
OMG there’s no “viral world”. Flu is just seasonal detox.
When a virologist or biologist anywhere, isolate and purify a single virion, instead of claiming poisoned cell cultures hold fictitious, pathogenic viruses, let me know. Until then, it’s not science, or scientific. It’s unproven nonsense.
Your screeds about viruses serve only to prop up the contagion myth. Another absurd theory (like germ theory) that has never been proven or shown in any experiment or study. It’s based on superstition and the repetition of lies.
What does the CT count even matter if ALL the genetic sequences used in ALL the fraudulent PCR tests for any alleged virus, including the non-existent Coronaviruses are already in our own genome, dozens of times over? Antibody tests are also scams. They never test for viruses, but immunoglobulins, which are non specific. There are no viral tests in existence that test for actual viruses because the alleged molecules have never even been found. How can you develop a test for something that hasn’t been isolated and purified?
All viral tests are fraudulent… RIDTs. LFT. Antibody. PCR.
The scam of viruses uses fraudulent tests to convince people (and the clueless medical community) that toxaemia and various Detox symptoms are viral, instead of the body’s natural elimination of dead cellular matter and toxic molecules, triggered by exposure to multiple and variable environmental toxins including RX drugs, vaccines, GMOs, pesticides, heavy metals, petrochemicals, synthetic chemicals, pollution, increased radiation and electromagnetic activity.
+ 100
“increased radiation and electromagnetic activity.”
Such as might be caused by increased disturbance and disruption of Earth’s magnetosphere…
As well as the increase of military radio activity, dirty electricity, SMART meters, Telecom Masts, 1G-5G, HAARP etc.
Interesting the way any mention of electromagnetic sources of “disease” always garners at least one downvote.
It’s precisely because tens of thousands of references in pubmed prove that EMF-EMR cause cell damage, DNA damage and mitochondrial damage in humans. Radiation is a severe threat to human human health and all life on earth.
The way the military and government currently functions globally is to claim that the things that are either harmless (CO2), non existent (viruses) or military hoaxes (pandemics, vaccines, terrorism, wars) are the cause of crises, so the military and government in partnership with incorporated entities as fronts can profiteer from the scams while avoiding litigation, exposure and reform from all the known harmful threats that induce illness and genocide.
It’s like living in opposite land.
The magnitude of the fraud and lies to create the illusion of authority and legitimacy extends far beyond virology and germ theory to the media, (military psyops and trauma based mass mind control) history, politics, science, geopolitics, civics, economics, NGOs, courts, police, governments, benefits, taxes, education, energy, healthcare, trade, logistics, stock markets, manufacturing, banking, mining, chemicals, agriculture, illegal organized crime and beyond. The fraud and racketeering is endemic and affects every aspect of our lives.
The bulk of the birds in my local reserve disappeared since the “upgrade” on the cell phone tower in it’s midst. I once encountered a spotted pardalote which dropped out of a tree onto the ground and trembled uncontrollably until it died. Undoubtedly the insects that sustained most of the bird population have been decimated.