DISCUSS: “Mass Psychosis” Trending on Twitter

The Duckingstool by Charles Stanley Reinhart

The concept of a ‘mass psychosis’, an unrecognised force which is influencing humanity in its darkest hour, has been gaining traction on social media. It might provide a useful mechanism to explain how so many people could be fooled by a fake pandemic, but is it in danger of letting certain narrative kingpins and zealots off the hook?

In The Last American Vagabond’s The Daily Wrap Up, Ryan Cristián covers Mass Formation Psychosis’ recent public exposure. He says that the media’s attempt to recast this issue as ‘far right’ is ‘waking people up to the illusion of the two party paradigm’. He adds that mass formation is a ‘large part’ if not the ‘entirety’ of the covid phenomenon, but adds the caveat that there are ‘a lot of other factors involved’.

Cristián proceeds to underpin and refresh important facts and plot-holes in the fast-decaying Covid narrative – vital information to keep at the forefront of our minds as face-saving, retouching and whitewashing picks up apace.

Please watch his video below:

The term ‘mass formation’ comes from the work of Prof. Mattias Desmet, a psychoanalyst from Ghent University, whose theories on Mass Formation, or Mass Psychosis Formation, were recently expounded by Dr Robert Malone on the Joe Rogan Experience.

The Joe Rogan podcast, which aired on 1 January and has since been scrubbed from Youtube and Twitter, featured Dr Malone talking about his recent Twitter ban due to his stance on covid vaccination. Dr Malone’s endorsement of Prof. Desmet’s ideas received many millions of views before the podcast was taken down, and has caused #MassPychosis to trend on twitter.

You can view the Joe Rogan podcast on Bitchute below:

And here is a very interesting interview from August 2021 between Prof. Mattias Desmet and Dr. Reiner Fuellmich:

At the heart of ‘mass formation’, says Prof. Mattias, are many contributing factors, including a lack of ‘meaning making’ in our lives and excess ‘free-floating anxiety’ within society. This can result in a sort of group hypnosis within social groups, which may be seen in its most extreme form in historical authoritarian regimes.

For those familiar with Jung, this might tie into many of his ideas. For example, his concept of the ‘Shadow’: the Personal Shadow (the hidden dark side of an individual) and the Collective Shadow (the hidden dark side of society) and the necessity to understand both in order to be healthy and balanced people/societies, or risk falling foul of the unacknowledged shadow’s negative influence.

Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. At all counts, it forms an unconscious snag, thwarting our most well-meant intentions.

Could an open discussion of Mass Formation Psychosis pave the way to becoming more aware of our personal and collective ‘shadow’?

Might it provide a graceful climb down for fervent adherents of the cult of covid, and expedite the way out of this mess of untruths founded on untruths founded on myths founded on lies? Will it allow us to place judgement to one side, and forge a new path based on self-knowledge, transparency, devotion to truth, facts and actual science?

Or perhaps, as the covid narrative noticeably struggles, we should be cautious of fast-trending alt. narratives coming to the fore?

While Prof. Desmet’s theories are indeed interesting and provide much potential insight into many aspects of the covid phenomenon (and ourselves), a fast-trending hashtag is a likely target for spin.

What could that spin be?

As the pandemic narrative self destructs, could mass psychosis provide a moral hall of mirrors? Could it let some very culpable and unsavoury characters off the hook with an easy plea of temporary group insanity?

If too much blame is laid at the feet of a sociological phenomenon, might we become drunk on new-found forgiveness and dewey-eyed reconciliation with our fellow man, and lose our vigilance? Might we turn around to discover the history books have been quietly rewritten, that evil truths have been airbrushed away and COVID erected in their place, and that a globalist agenda has been stealthily working behind the scenes?

If we can avoid the traps, there is potentially a lot to be gained by a greater understanding of ‘mass formation’, integrated into a wider pursuit of truth and justice.

Please, discuss your thoughts below.


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Jan 8, 2022 2:29 AM


Jan 7, 2022 5:25 PM

Tweet from Consent Factory: MassFormationPsychosis is a red herring.


Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Jan 8, 2022 4:32 AM
Reply to  rob2

Yes, but is it as much of a red herring as “GloboCap”?

Jan 8, 2022 3:11 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

I’m always annoyed by his “GloboCap” angle but I believe that’s his sincere, personal conviction, not intent to mislead.

Jan 12, 2022 7:48 AM
Reply to  rob2

What name would you give it 👨‍💻 tent than GloboCap? It is globalised capitalism after all. Oh wait it’s probably communism to you people

Jan 12, 2022 3:58 PM
Reply to  Koba

“you people”

Way to hate your neighbor, Neighbor!

Still, you ask a legitimate question: it’s global, authoritarian tyranny enabled by millions and millions of cogs whose lives depend on its success. It’s certainly not the exercise of genuine, free trade. I dunno…AuthGlob?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 7, 2022 5:40 PM
Reply to  truthsayer

Presumably, he received a word from his sponsors.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 7, 2022 9:14 AM

This is getting confusing. Alex Jones attacks Trump because Trump makes a tactical decision to oppose mandates; rather than committing political suicide {1} by being cast as an “anti-vaxxer”. Yet Jones promotes someone who supports (by implication) the mandating of the jab for “unhealthy” children. My guess is that this has nothing whatsoever to do with Jones being sued for millions over Sandy Hoax.

Jan 6, 2022
Dr. Malone is right, they literally brag about bringing forward the Great Reset!
Attached: Clip of Malone being interviewed by Infowars

Working together to STOP COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for Healthy Children K-12
– Dr. Peter McCullough
– Dr. Robert Malone
– Dr. Paul Alexander
– Dr. Aaron Kheriaty

{1} I remember the UK Labour Party committing political suicide in the early 1980s so as to clear the decks for Tony Blair and “New Labour”; so I know what it looks like.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 7, 2022 10:20 AM

I would have thought the Infowars crew would double check the numbers – so as to not send out any inadvertent messages.

The Defenestration of Dr. Robert Malone
by John Mac Ghlionn | BrownStone Institute
January 6th 2022, 1:33 pm
Robert Malone is a wise man, an honest man, and a highly credible man.

This is Infowars shilling for psychiatry. There was once a time when Infowars would have aligned with the libertarian position of Thomas Szasz (see earlier post). This is that psychiatry is a foundational element in the “medical tyranny takeover operation”.

Jan 7, 2022
Must Watch: Covid Mass Formation Psychosis Exposed By Top Psychiatrist
Dr. Mark McDonald of http: // markmcdonaldmd.com joins guest host Owen Shroyer on The Alex Jones Show to expose the mass mental illness infecting the population as they face COVID fear propaganda from a medical tyranny takeover operation.

Jan 7, 2022 5:38 PM

Trump did nothing except waste 4/5 years of people hopes.

AJ needs to be current and at the moment trump is not current. saying you disagree about the mandates but have screamed your anti vaccine since early 2013 then does another one of his famous u turns and tells family’s to jab their children when people are getting injured or dying is worse than asking Christians to become m*slem.

Many people i no who liked trump have totally seen what he is about.now and woken up to the fraud.

At this rate. without the control op alt media support, i doubt he will get in as another shill will be sold to the dummies and the cycle will be repeated.

He served his purpose.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 7, 2022 6:14 PM
Reply to  entitled2

Trump is very much current for several reasons.

a) see my posts on Continuity of Government (a.k.a. “Devolution”) and Trump being a “wartime president” fighting an “existential war” against the “invisible enemy”.

b) the Republican Party is being radically reformed by Trump and MAGA, such that it is now effectively Trump’s party. For instance, Ted Cruz is the latest RINO to get his ass kicked.

Trump is doing all this in order to win the war against the deep state; and in fighting this war, he gets some choice over the battlefield. In this case, he chose mandates because he’s far more certain of winning that battle. It’s pretty straightforward really so tell your Lincoln Project friends to fuck off to where they belong.

And if you find anywhere that Jones acknowledges the above, please post below.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 7, 2022 6:45 PM

I should have added that another part of the chosen battlefield is therapeutics, such as HCQ. “Give me therapeutics every time” says Trump. That’s the message that got through to MAGA supporters, and it’s why so many of them declined the jab. But the Lincoln Project won’t mention that!

Jan 7, 2022 10:10 PM

You been singing Simon parkes hoaxs nonsense about fed this and fed that and Q this when it was current, it lost it current save the children this lies
only person watching trump now is not well people

Maga is not a Christian party more kabbalah and fake occult.,upset many Christians when they found out what maga really meant!!
even worse he let bannon free when he stole of maga supporters. that is low.

The TDS worn of many people even the old voters had enough of the lies and nothing came to fruition predictions except what the oppsite lot said which helped drive voters away from the system to see that it is all lies.

The voters like lemming follow what is trendy and mr go get the vaccine and adf puppet and deep state fake fight has come to an end like Q.

Your the type who cried when boy zone slit up and was offered counseling.

I suggest you smell the roses you been had. you did disappear after the fake selections where he lost it must of been heartbreaking for you after 4/5 years of lies.

it theatre.

.Your better than this.
comment image

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 8, 2022 3:59 AM
Reply to  entitled2

I said a year ago that Parkes is a fraud; so you’re wrong with your first statement. I didn’t bother reading any of the rest of your crap.

Jan 8, 2022 10:40 AM

you changed your tune when others pointed out Simon was a shill. lets get that correct,.
you never pointed out anything really just followed what is trendy and usually wrong.
later on you act like a expert like now with pied piper corbin when he was called out 2 years ago.

i dont write crap your just hurt and lost and suffering from disillusions.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 8, 2022 11:05 AM
Reply to  entitled2

Re Simon Parkes – Hence, he’s a fraud.

Jan 12, 2021 2:35 AM
I’ve only recently started following Simon Parkes, but in his latest update he claims to have spoken to the real Q. Of course, as anybody who’s been following Q posts would know, this would breach the “no outside comms” principle.

I call out Corbyn NOW because he’s advocating violence and criminality in the same way as the Jan 6 operatives. People not familiar with this sort of stuff can then see the parallels.

Meet Ray Epps, Part 2: Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web Of Unindicted Operators At The Heart Of January 6
Dec 18, 2021

Jan 12, 2022 7:50 AM
Reply to  entitled2

Your use of the asterisk with the word Muslim and your mentions of “people finally woke up to trump” is the all the proof I need that you shouldn’t ever be allowed to vote! EVER!

Jan 12, 2022 7:49 AM

Rrriiiiiiight if you’re watching Alex Jones beyond 2003 you need to seriously wake the fuck up and smell the cocoa!

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 7, 2022 6:48 AM

Rancid Esther pushing the mass psychosis narrative.

Oct 13, 2021
Jimmy Savile scandal: ‘We were all culpable’, says Rantzen
A report in the Sun claims ChildLine founder and former BBC presenter Esther Rantzen had been alerted to Jimmy Savile’s abuse of children.
Ms Rantzen told the BBC she had heard only rumours, and therefore said nothing at the time because “a rumour is not evidence.”
She added: “There has never been a child that has reported abuse to me that I have not taken action to protect.”

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 7, 2022 8:11 AM

^ 13 October 2012

Jan 12, 2022 7:53 AM

Rantzen was in bed the with head of the BBC at the time. She says she couldn’t have said anything to anyone. Bit strange she did not say those words “savile is child rapist” and instead said “harder, faster, deeper”

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 6, 2022 4:28 PM

We can immerse one another in the turgid morbidities of psychoanalysis or observe the environmental consequences of broadcast technology… > “While the attention of a terrified world has been riveted on a virus, and while concern about radiation has been focused on 5G on the ground, the assault on the heavens has reached astronomical proportions. During the past two years, the number of satellites circling the earth has increased from 2,000 to 4,800, and a flood of new projects has brought the number of operating, approved, and proposed satellites to at least 441,449. And that number only includes low-earth-orbit (LEO) satellites that will reside in the ionosphere.” Another excerpt: > ALTERATION OF THE EARTH’S ELECTROMAGNETIC ENVIRONMENT “What everyone is completely blind to is the effect of all the radiation from satellites on the ionosphere, and consequently on the life force of every living thing. The relationship of electricity to qi and prana has escaped the notice of modern humans. Atmospheric physicists and Chinese physicians have yet to share their knowledge with one another. And at this time, such a sharing is crucial to the survival of life on Earth. “The pure Yang forms the heaven, and the turbid Yin forms the earth. The Qi of the earth ascends and turns into clouds, while the Qi of the heaven descends and turns into rain.” So the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine described the global electric circuit 2,400 years ago — the circuit that is generated by the ionosphere and that flows perpetually between the Yang (positive) heaven and the Yin (negative) earth. The circuit that connects us to earth and sky and that flows through our meridians giving us life and health. A circuit that must not be polluted with frequencies emitted by a hundred thousand satellites, some of whose… Read more »

les online
les online
Jan 10, 2022 1:17 AM

+ 100

Jan 6, 2022 2:29 PM

Psychiatrist Mark McDonald observes a concerning rise in sadism emerging from the psychosis of fear. See the interview with Mike Ryan on 24th December 2021 on the devastating effects on the human mind of the pandemic of fear;
Asia Pacific Today, found on Rumble.

Florin Flueras
Florin Flueras
Jan 6, 2022 1:44 PM

I prefer to see all this covidianism as religion, on the lines described by Illich and Agamben. A very old religion that now entered a fundamentalist phase, actualizing the Antichrist:
“According to Illich, God’s Incarnation brought a new possibility of a love based being, outside of norms and identities – “not under the law, but under grace.”(Paul). A new type of freedom was introduced as possibility into the world, and a new type of evil. The church started a process of institutionalisation and perversion of love, the transformation of love into rules. The good, the love, the faith were transformed into norms, services and commodities. This process was continued and amplified by institutions like school and medicine. They dispossess humans of their capacities and practises of learning, healing, creating. The power of love, of the body to affect and to be affected was constantly captured and diminished. Institutionalisation “deaden the heart and shackle the imagination”, it transforms everything into anti-love. Medicine leads this process. it became a totalitarian religion, with its life-god at the core, and it made people acquire medical, machine-like, bodies. People got disembodied, the sense of themselves lost and the connection between people’s feelings and nature dismantled – “the poetic, performative quality of existence was erased and forgotten in field after field.” Our world became the negative actualization of the Christ, the culmination of a new evil that appeared as a corruption of love – the Antichrist. This anti-love, antichrist process will probably quickly eat humanity, the environment and the world, bringing up the Apocalypse.”

les online
les online
Jan 10, 2022 1:19 AM
Reply to  Florin Flueras

+ 100

Jan 6, 2022 1:09 PM

When is some interviewer going to ask Mattias Desmet about the relationship between his “mass formation” (always in quotes!) concept and his previous research on alexithymia (no quotes, but needed)? In particular, his definition of “free-floating.” And where are the citations to his peer-reviewed treatise on “mass formation?” Who gives a shit….It sort of fits the anti-Covid narrative…Whatever..

Jan 6, 2022 10:46 AM

This is a brilliant summary of what is happening in the minds of the Covidian herd. Great to send to people at the moment as it is topical. Its a British presenter Marc Malone (Malones are loving Convid) so is good to send to Brits to wake them up as there are still MANY who are completely under the Convid spell, but there are clear signs that a shift is underway too. Also if they go to Malones other stuff he talks good sense and has done his homework

Cults, Mass Hypnosis + A Way Out

Jan 6, 2022 9:33 AM

I went to Vegas..

Honest brokers everywhere..

I went back home…

Act accordingly!

Jan 6, 2022 8:36 AM

I knew it,
comment image

Jan 6, 2022 8:46 AM
Reply to  Hank

Classic Hank.

Jan 6, 2022 8:13 AM

They should replace school desks with restaurant tables. That way, when kids sit down, they can take their masks off

Jan 6, 2022 12:52 AM

I think it has achieved it’s purpose already.
and we are whales caught on the beach with the tide out.

Jan 5, 2022 11:45 PM

Dr. Mark McDonald called this out months and months ago, calling it “mass delusional psychosis”. That’s what it is–believing something that is provably false–and manifesting complete inability to acknowledge the falsehood of your beliefs even when presented with evidence that disproves them.

Jan 6, 2022 3:01 PM
Reply to  KMS

The thing is, because of MSM, most ordinary people aren’t actually aware of the reality of anything that has gone down over the last 2 years (or before). So they are making a judgement based on false premises. Those who have been hypnotised are the experts and those in govt and this is what has fed the media. So I guess you could say mass hypnosis of the masses by default.

Jan 5, 2022 10:42 PM

No More Nuclear Weapons Here is a free book on Nuclear Weapons & why we need to Ban Nuclear Weapons. https://sun.iwu.edu/~rwilson/nuclearwar-book.pdf Only Evil Nations threaten life on Mother Earth with Nuclear Weapons. Nuclear War #1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-FWBZLmlBo Nuclear War is Ultra-Most Evil. No More Nuclear Bombs #2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NS6XJr7qnzA Nuclear War is Ultra-Most Evil. No More Nuclear Bombs Nuclear Weapons are Stupid & Pure Evil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLFmg1DS3Bo All War is Evil. No More War The Ending Nuclear Moment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgrrCy8cnvU All War is Evil. No More War When the nukes start flying, when we see the mushroom cloud growing on the horizon, when reality comes crashing down in the most overt way possible, when the realization slowly dawns that this really is the end, none of our old stuff will matter anymore. It will not matter if you are American, Russian or Chinese. It will not matter if your skin is darker or lighter. It will not matter if you feel like a man or a woman or both or neither. It will not matter if your politics are left, right or center. It will not matter who you voted for. All that will matter, in that final moment, is that it is ending. We will behold that final moment standing alongside progressives and conservatives, racists and radlibs, socialists and soldiers, communists and cops, and all our irreconcilable differences will suddenly dissolve into nothing. Against the suddenly visible backdrop of total annihilation, the existence of any human anywhere is a miracle, and the existence of life on this planet is a priceless gift. We won’t even care whose fault it was, whether it was deliberate or accidental, or whether it was the result of some malfunction, miscommunication, or misunderstanding. All we will care about is that it is ending. And in that final moment… Read more »

Jan 5, 2022 10:41 PM

No More War
Here is a Free Book on “No More War”
All War is Evil. No More War

Disband the American Military!
No More War!
War is Evil.
America is ruled by Pure Evil at the very Top.
Stop paying these monsters Income Taxes.

Jan 6, 2022 10:48 AM

Yes the amount of money they collect and then weaponise against the public needs to form a MASSIVE part of the conversation going forward. Why do we give these wankers all this money, only for them to spend it on arms and weapons and protection for themselves and to serve us shit, shit and more shit. Time for that to change.

Jan 5, 2022 10:38 PM

All War is Evil
No More War 

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Jan 7, 2022 4:04 PM


Jan 5, 2022 10:10 PM

Here in Canada, PM Trudeau is working to keep that mass hysteria going.
As he blames the unvaxxed for the political choice made to shut businesses and close schools yet again.. Since the vaxx/jab/toxic swill can’t stop transmission, shouldn’t he be blaming big pharma?

Trudeau Covers For Jab Failure to Work as Sold, Resorts to Identity Politics

Jan 5, 2022 9:05 PM

Mass psychoses are always trending on Twitter. That’s one of the primary purposes of anti-social media.

Robert Malone is now speaking out against mRNA biotech. Where was he when he was helping to invent this Frankenscience? Does this count as an example?

John the First
John the First
Jan 5, 2022 10:16 PM
Reply to  niko

Mass psychoses are always trending on Twitter. That’s one of the primary purposes of anti-social media.

The word ‘trending’ in a mass-democracy is a euphemism for mass-hysteria and even mass-psychosis. Social media is a euphemism for Mob-media.
These euphemistic words are invented by democratic propagandists.

The reason why the theory of mass-psychosis has been picked up, why it has been lifted out of academic obscurity, after crowd-psychology long ago has been buried by mass-democracy itself, is because a mass democracy for all parties, pro and con, is about the experience of mass-sensations.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Jan 5, 2022 10:18 PM
Reply to  niko

Maybe it just counts as an example of people changing their opinion because they realise that they were wrong? If more people were willing to do that we wouldn’t be in this mess. Better late than never to the truth.

Jan 6, 2022 7:18 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

Yes, let’s all learn and grow, but maybe if more people were willing to make some better choices to begin with we wouldn’t be in such a mess. If people make killing a career and then write their memoirs confessing their ‘mistakes’ I’d say better never than late with that.

sean ryan
sean ryan
Jan 6, 2022 12:34 AM
Reply to  niko

“Where was he when he was helping to invent this Frankenscience?”
The Law of Unintended Consequences.

Plus, most Researchers are allowed to do only the work they are funded for.
And that funding is quite strict & constraining.

The world is currently seeing near-record levels of wealth concentrations.
Meaning the same relatively small groups are controlling most everything.

People are forced to either comply with the systematic, wealth-ordered hierarchies, and remain in gainful employment, or starve.

Jan 6, 2022 7:25 PM
Reply to  sean ryan

I can’t imagine a lot of professional class people like Malone facing starvation, rather than less money, status, etc. And whatever circumstances, it seems hard choices are demanded of us now, perhaps in large part from not having made them before.

Jan 6, 2022 10:54 AM
Reply to  niko

We have to applaud Malone for what he has done. The call came and he stepped up and delivered. Hes getting better and better over time as well, plus he has great character, Contrast this with all the British doctors and scientists. Bunch of spineless useless good for nothing money grabbers with their snouts in the trough and their soul left at their birth beds. This country suffers from SERIOUS issues with the truth. Meet an Englishman and youve met a liar. Its a real problem.

Jan 6, 2022 2:48 PM
Reply to  Mucho

The public school boys are especially worthy of avoiding.

Toy Aussie
Toy Aussie
Jan 6, 2022 8:15 PM
Reply to  niko

Great thread on Robert Malone’s background.


Jan 5, 2022 8:58 PM

Meanwhile, here in Australia, ‘experts’ want us to be even more uncomfortable just as the summer heat increases ….
“Industrial respirator masks should be widely adopted by the public to counter the explosion of Omicron cases in Australia because cloth and surgical masks, while much better than no mask at all, allow particles with COVID-19 to spread.

This is the stance of a number of infection control experts who believe the more tightly fitting P2 or N95 masks, available at hardware stores, supermarkets and chemists, should be subsidised or made free by the government.”

Yet when in a cafe/restaurant, you can take off your mask when seated – must put them on again when standing. So what use is a tight fitting mask?


Jan 6, 2022 7:37 AM
Reply to  Kika

You simply make yourself a medical exemption card and get on with life…

Paul _too
Paul _too
Jan 6, 2022 2:45 PM
Reply to  Edith

Better still just ignore the lies and go about your life without a mask nor an exemption card.

I’m aware it’s been hassle for people in some countries but in the UK there’s no excuse to be openly showing support for easily-provable government lies. In nearly 2 years nobody except supermarket ‘guards’ has said a word to me for doing so. Politely said to the supermarket workers I’m exempt and carried on as usual.

The government’s own guidelines tell you all you have to do is say you’re exempt if for any reason you don’t want to gimp up out in public and yet people are still afraid of (mistakenly) disobeying something they haven’t even taken 2 minutes to read the actual guidelines for.

Jan 5, 2022 4:20 PM

Mass psychosis can be quickly cured with a Exorcism..

Jan 5, 2022 3:52 PM

I would expect large demonstrations from the “Fully Vaxed” against Djokovic at the Australian Open. It would fit the Gov. narrative to make an example out of him as a whistleblower.

Jan 5, 2022 7:47 PM
Reply to  Wil

Well it turned out that PM Scutt Worrison predicted that if Djorko did not have proper exemption he would be on the next plane out. Now the PM would have full details of his visa prior to arrival. Low and behold he is now confined to a room with no phone and his visa is ‘faulty’. You cannot push back at the front line obviously. Examples have to be made. Set Up naah!

Jan 5, 2022 10:12 PM
Reply to  Wil

That’s an odd narrative. I’ve been following it a bit. It’s contrary. All over the place.
Almost as if it’s being pushed to whip up hysteria

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 5, 2022 3:49 PM

I doubt it will come to this, given that the unvaxxed numbers are too great, but the psychiatric concept of “psychosis” is the tool which would be used to incarcerate and “treat” the refuseniks. It would be applied by those people we consider to be the epitome of insanity; namely, the medical doctors who are fully aligned with the “pandemic”.


The 2 main symptoms of psychosis are:
hallucinations – where a person hears, sees and, in some cases, feels, smells or tastes things that do not exist outside their mind but can feel very real to the person affected by them; a common hallucination is hearing voices
delusions – where a person has strong beliefs that are not shared by others; a common delusion is someone believing there’s a conspiracy to harm them

Getting help for others:
If you think the person’s symptoms are severe enough to require urgent treatment and could be placing them at possible risk, you can: . . . call 999 and ask for an ambulance

Note that “delusion” in this context is defined not by reference to objective reality (whatever that might be), but in terms of commonly shared beliefs. Hence, the belief that vaccines (especially mRNA jabs) are often harmful may at some point be classed as a psychotic delusion. Likewise for mistrust of authority.

Furthermore, since it is the divergence from the majority which is considered to be a sign of psychosis, the term “mass psychosis” is an oxymoron if applied to an entire population.

Jan 5, 2022 7:15 PM

Seems like the symptoms you voters suffer from.  😀 

Jan 5, 2022 3:46 PM

The Mass Sheeple are easily led. The danger is that this latest “best” Psy-op Plandemic is working so well that it may be played out up and through the 2024 US elections. The “Forever Wars” $Money stream will continue as always, but this “Money/Power grab ($$Testing/$$Hospital Income/$$Vaccine manufacture/application/$$Testing/$$Testing/$$Variants-test-jab-jab,etc., etc.) can be used indefinitely if the “Sheeple’ REFUSE to admit being played by their Political Tribe… There’s, unfortunately, NO VACCINE for STUPID !!!!!!

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 5, 2022 4:27 PM
Reply to  banana

It’s most likely a psyop to cast anti-vaxxers as psychotic. Same with Piers Corbyn calling for the burning down of MP’s offices; and the clown harassing children while they queue for the panto.

Jan 5, 2022 1:20 PM

‘Mass psychosis’ is a symptom that can be rapidly eradicated with ‘mass non-compliance’. Technical discussion of the symptom has its place but we need direct action to create the world we desire.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jan 5, 2022 2:07 PM
Reply to  Freecus

That strange thing previously known as knowledge would have done wonders …

Jan 5, 2022 1:19 PM

Breeding the next generation of psychosis in the workplace:


Empathy and vulnerability? How about snowflakery and a tendency to scream racism/sexism/whateverism when you don’t get your way?

Does Klaus Schwab seem particularly empathic and vulnerable? Unilever seem especially embedded in the WEF nexus and I hope people will have nothing to do with them. That talk of “unlearning” sounds rather like Ewen Cameron’s experiments in ‘de-patterning’….

Jan 5, 2022 6:29 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Sounds like ‘re-education’ to me.

Jan 5, 2022 1:04 PM

Reimagining HellWhat should be done with our deposed rulers?https://markgresham.substack.com/p/reimagining-hell

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 5, 2022 12:20 PM


“Australian fury over Djokovic vaccine waiver”


But why?

“Australians have reacted angrily to news that tennis player Novak Djokovic will play in the Australian Open, after being exempted from vaccination rules.

All players and staff at the tournament must be vaccinated or have an exemption granted by an expert independent panel.

Djokovic has not spoken about his vaccination status, but last year said he was “opposed to vaccination”.”

How dare he! All his million fellow Australians are laying down their lives for the patriotic cull! Why does Djokovic think he has the right to stay alive?

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 5, 2022 12:31 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s all media driven as usual, they seem to think the unjabbed are diseased and dangerous typhoid Mary’s, it’s just so fucking stupid.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 5, 2022 12:35 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“But why?”

Buyer remorse and jealousy.

Jan 5, 2022 12:47 PM
Reply to  George Mc

He is Serbian not Australian.

BBC fury over Djokovic vaccine waiver.



Jan 5, 2022 9:05 PM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

Sport is Australia’s national religion. Nothing may stand in its way – even a fake pandemic.

Jan 5, 2022 9:18 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“Novak Djokovic is being held in a room with police out front after landing in Melbourne for the Australian Open, his father said Wednesday amid reports that a visa mix-up could jeopardize the top-ranked Serb’s entry into the country.”

Whole sports-mad country waiting to see what happens next. Another distraction – perhaps to deflect the mounting anger of the long queues of sheeple waiting to have a covid ‘test’. Test kit supplies running low. Oh dear!

Jan 5, 2022 9:19 PM
Reply to  Kika

Maybe the name “Australian Open” should be changed to “Australian Closed”.

Janey B
Janey B
Jan 6, 2022 7:21 PM
Reply to  George Mc

We know the media lie about the Covid fraud, so why assume they are telling the truth here? They lie all the time. They lie about polls,and probably about this too. The bigger mystery is why “smart” people even bother with them or ANY of their lies. 🙄

Jan 5, 2022 11:49 AM

Mass formation has been going on in the Occident for quite some time, having rendered people, who once upon a time had the guts and balls to win for themselves somewhat decent living conditions, completely docile, sheep-fucking-like.

Freedom must be fought for in an ongoing manner, or else it will be lost.

The question now is whether peoples elsewhere will allow to be subjugated the same way as the West has been.

Some seem to be determined not to go down without a fight:

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 5, 2022 11:09 AM

Owen Jones frets inthe Graud:

“The UK is in danger of becoming a police state masquerading as a democracy”

Can he be thinking of covid measures being used for such a pretext? Of course not! That would be a “Tory thing” to do:

“Note the Tory MPs who have defined temporary restrictions to prevent the spread of a deadly virus as transforming Britain into a police state.”

No, here’s what bothers Owen:

“Hysteria whipped up against groups like Insulate Britain masks the dark side of the Conservatives’ police and courts bill”

Insulation and climate protest! That’s where it’s at!

Jan 5, 2022 6:35 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Owen Jones has been a tool for a long time but since his targets were on the deplorable side of the culture wars nobody noticed until their own oxen were gored.

Jan 5, 2022 8:28 PM
Reply to  Jacques

OT and random-

Jacques, you’ve not offerred to punch anyones fizzog in, in a long time now… are you the same Jacques? did they set you limits on language?


could OG host a wee gaming platform, like those old PS boxing games, mannequin style.
we could blooter-fest away instead of the + / – trend… get some interplay on the go, just for sheer entertainment if nothing else,

“and Sofey takes down Topmoc with a headburster, as Czaques crumples before Reserchey’s relentless body shots…”

just a daft idea to entertain myself… vis “punch yer face in” jacques of old ; )

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 6, 2022 3:29 AM
Reply to  rubberheid

– Now *This*… I would *LIKE* to see!… – Howaboutit, Sophie and Sam?…

…- Imma bet both moneycircus and wardropper sport a *Wicked* limit-break final combo, ‘heid…


Jan 6, 2022 3:16 PM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball


Jan 6, 2022 2:56 PM
Reply to  Jacques

seems like another lost cause but better than laying down and dying.

Jan 5, 2022 9:31 AM

If there’s any psychosis, it’s among the self-professed elite. Looks like they might be projecting again…

One belief that would explain a lot is if the elite believe in reincarnation. This would explain:
1) How they can conceive and stick to plans that unfold over centuries (like the overthrow of “throne and altar” – although certain thrones somehow seem always to escape).
2) Why they can inflict such cruelty and not be troubled by it – hey, we;ve killed you but never mind, it’s just flesh and your spirit will be back.
3) Why they keep promoting belief systems like Eastern mysticism that believe in reincarnation.
4) Why they occasionally promote past-life regression and don’t dismiss it as mere crankiness (although there may be an element of cover for mind-control alters here too).

Of course none of this is meant to excuse, only possibly explain.

Jan 5, 2022 11:08 AM
Reply to  Edwige

a better explanation is “Big Pharma and the mainstream media are largely owned by two asset management companies: BlackRock and Vanguard without them there would likely be no Big Pharma? These investment giants are substantial [Time Warner, Comcast, Disney, and News Corp, and NYT] stockholders, so they can influence/control of all media narratives, including elections, politics, bug scares, vaccine prevention, and whatever and can get their message delivered to audiences in nearly every nation state and media outlet in audience accessible language formats. The presidents of these investment giants have more power than all of the legislators and presidents of the nations in the global world.

If you want the scamdemic explained you might ask members of the families that own the stock in companies that own copyright, patent and government contracts (which give monopoly power over in nearly every product produced or service provided world over)? Members of the Rothschild, Orsini, Bush, British Royal, Dupont, Morgan, Vanderbilt, and Rockerfeller families might enlighten you. Since these guys own what we call Big Pharma, they probably know why the companies they invest in are promoting whatever..

Jan 5, 2022 11:14 AM
Reply to  Edwige

The elite doesn’t believe in a soul, so there is nothing to reincarnate.
As there is no soul, the life essence is not lost when it ‘left’ the body.
The body is just an avatar in this reality.
There is no death.

That’s why they try to upload all their memories into a computer and play in the metaverse. That’s how they can live forever and have pleasure all the time (which is not possible in a body).

Jan 6, 2022 2:59 PM
Reply to  Terrestrial

Only they can’t, they just wish they could

Jan 5, 2022 12:49 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Theospophy and Luciferianism all believe / promote reincarnation so maybe one reason.

Of course that doesn’t make it true though…

Jan 6, 2022 2:57 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Please keep your “religion” with your congregation or church or whatever it is.

susan mullen
susan mullen
Jan 5, 2022 8:59 AM

Queen Elizabeth awarded honorary Knighthood in the British Empire to 3 vax executives, one each to Moderna, Pfizer, and BioNTech for their service during Covid 19. Officers of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)“Dr. Melanie Jane Ivarsson. Senior Vice President, Chief Development Officer, Moderna Therapeutics, United States of America. For services to Public Health during COVID-19.“…[“I am passionate about delivering innovative new medicines to patients and am excited by the potential of mRNA as a new class of medicines, said Dr. Ivarsson.”]…The other two, Pfizer and BioNtech got “Companion (CMG)”…“Dr. Alexander Roderick MacKenzie. Chief Development Officer and Executive Vice President, Global Product Development, Pfizer. For services to Public Health during Covid-19.…Sean de Gruchy Marett. Chief Operating Officer, BioNtech. For services to the development of a Covid-19 vaccine.”…[Order of the Companions Honour: This is awarded for service of conspicuous national importance and is limited to 65 people. Recipients are entitled to put the initials CH after their name”]…12/31/21, “New Year Honours list in full as Covid heroes and sports stars recognised,UK Metro, Emma Brazell…

I live in the US but it’s my opinion that Queen Elizabeth is the most powerful person in the world, certainly more powerful than any US president. The entire US political class is fine with this, they love monarchies. Selling out US peasants to “the Crown” is exciting for them, makes them feel important.

Jan 5, 2022 8:50 AM

A fairytale that has nothing to do with money of course:
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
And Bill Gates should get the Nobel Peace prize.

Jan 5, 2022 8:53 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Well, I’ll be cheering him on anyhow

Pro-truther Djokovic gets an exemption for the Australian tennis Open

…some say it’s a ‘return to the land of common sense’

As Queensland senator Matt Canavan puts it:

‘Natural immunity by multiple studies is much, much stronger than the immunity you get from having a vaccination,’

as well as

‘We’ve got to get back to a sensible world here and move on with life and thankfully, with the seemingly less lethal Omicron variant, I think we’re very close to that, and here perhaps is just another small step to ending the pandemic and returning, as I say, to the land of commonsense.’

Hope he wins

Jan 5, 2022 9:25 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

As an avowed Vegan and elite athlete, Djokovic is more aware than 90% of the population what is good or potentially dangerous for his body.
Despite what he said to the officials that will be his thinking.
PS. I don’t give a shit who wins. It’s corporate sport for the profit of a select few.

Jan 5, 2022 9:55 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

some say it’s a ‘return to the land of common sense’”

I live in the ‘land of common sense’ and know there is zero chance of any ordinary Aussie obtaining even a temporary exemption from having the kill shot.

If you also live here, then you also know that.

It’s a bung, pure and simple. Money changes hands; doctors sign forms and the entitled sportsman gains entry. Morrison and all the VIC snouts in the trough wouldn’t have it any other way.

Another day; another distraction; another display of democracy.

All in plain sight. All under the noses of the fools who worship the idiot box; the very fools who brought us to this place of subjugation.

”Mankind is getting dumber by the day”

Jan 5, 2022 10:55 AM
Reply to  JohnEss

Another thread unravels from their blanket of deception John Ess.

Jan 5, 2022 12:00 PM
Reply to  Johnny


Said blanket is sufficiently threadbare as to be see-through to those who see….

It’s been that way for a long time, of course.

Which is why the blanket-holders feel safe.

Jan 5, 2022 4:07 PM
Reply to  JohnEss

Perhaps it’s not quite a settled matter yet, although Djokovic has apparently already arrived. Maybe the ‘bung’ will ultimately outweigh any political posturing. Time will tell

Australia could refuse Novak Djokovic entry over vaccine row – PM

Djokovic has landed in Australia and is awaiting a decision.

Jan 6, 2022 12:45 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

This morning, I see that the great player’s visa has been cancelled, in response to “outrage” at the decision to allow him in by virtue of an exemption from taking the kill shot.

Daily Mail: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10372875/Novak-Djokovics-visa-CANCELLED-held-isolation-Melbourne.html

”He’s not the Messiah; he’s a very naughty billionaire…”

Yet more theatre to enable the voters to feel justified in voting for the same pollies they hated until the grubmint did the right thing by the people; proving beyond all doubt, that “we’re all in this together.”

Did someone say “tennis racket”?

Janey B
Janey B
Jan 6, 2022 7:30 PM
Reply to  JohnEss

Who needs one. Fundamental human rights are our exemption from experimental treatments, but those running the movement in Aus seem to be as dismissive of human rights as the oppressors.

Universal Human Rights: Our Most Sacred Trust

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jan 5, 2022 7:19 AM

Films an documentaries about Nazi Germany mostly focus on the war and especially on the Nazi’s particular barbarity. It’s easy to believe German fascism was an aberration. What happened was not an aberration. Many seem to think German fascism is the only type of fascism, seemingly unaware of the Spanish, Portuguese, Italian Variants, as well as southern American iterations…
It’s perfectly rational behaviour to wear a facemask, if authorities told you it would protect you. It’s quite rational behaviour submit to a series of injection, if authorities said it would protect you…A lot of people’s behaviours these days does seem a bit “psychotic”, but i think it’s probable all quite rational…

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Jan 5, 2022 9:39 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Those behaviours are rational if you have blind faith in the people telling you to do them and that it’s for your own good. Having blind faith in those people, on the other hand, is completely irrational.

New Nane
New Nane
Jan 5, 2022 11:11 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

The lack of films on the horrors of the Soviet gulags is a reflection of Hollyweird’s attitudes and biases. Hollyweird and the media are the primary drivers of the scamdemic.

Jan 5, 2022 12:40 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Rational means using your brain to assess a set of variables. There is nothing rational about doing what you’re told or blindly following orders.

Janey B
Janey B
Jan 6, 2022 7:35 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

All fascism is an aberration for the masses. It is simply another method of control. As Upton Sinclair said “Fascism is capitalism plus murder:.

Jan 5, 2022 6:54 AM

This looks like it could be significant. The beginnings of a pushback by the travel industry against draconian testing measures. Something they should have done from the outset, of course. But better late, than never

Covid: Travel firms call for removal of testing rules

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 5, 2022 5:13 AM

This is how the brainwashing works. Every time you use the term “mass psychosis”, it is YOU who are being programmed into believing that “psychosis” is a meaningful concept; and that the White Coats are the guardians of meaning. It is this deification of White Coats which is at the root of the current mess. We have a psychiatrists (ffs) telling us not to believe in viruses. How about not believing in psychiatry? It could start by not mindlessly repeating psychiatric garbage such as “psychosis” and “mental illness”.

https: // citizenfreepress .com/breaking/mass-formation-psychosis
Via Paul Joseph Watson
Jan 4, 2022

Over the last century, lots of people have written about the likely consequences of this “psychiatric” delusion; for instance, G.K. Chesterton in Eugenics and Other Evils (1922). But probably the clearest statement is by Thomas Szasz.

Thomas Szasz
New Preface to The Myth of Mental Illness (~2010)

Formerly, when Church and State were allied, people accepted theological justifications for state-sanctioned coercion. Today, when Medicine and the State are allied, people accept therapeutic justifications for state-sanctioned coercion. This is how, some two hundred years ago, psychiatry became an arm of the coercive apparatus of the state. And this is why today all of medicine threatens to become transformed from personal therapy into political tyranny.


Jan 5, 2022 11:00 AM

This is how the brainwashing works.

C1A M*SSAD M15 connected.
Fake ex conspiracy theorist who through watching dis infor wars found politics……
Fake Christian Paul- Fake Conservative Paul who Fakes interviews with Fake people and clearly is suffering from Mk ultra herself is now telling her mass psychosis viewers about brainwashing! LOL.

Irony at its best but in reality this is a wonderful sad example of mass psychosis.

Jan 5, 2022 9:25 PM

I once sat next to a young woman from Nigeria who said she was studying psychology at the University. She said “After studying sex perverts for three years I get sent home where they call me a psychologist”.

Great insight.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 6, 2022 7:56 AM
Reply to  Kika

There’s an element of truth in Jung’s views regarding different types of psychology, but I daren’t say what it is. Freud was getting there initially with his 1896 The Aetiology of Hysteria, but it was quickly reversed and covered up. The problem with psychotherapy-derived psychology is that it is typically drawn from the extremes of society, and each culture can produce characteristic extremes. Protestantism, for example, has fire and brimstone, pulpit bashing loonies, and this produces a unique type of neurosis.

Jan 5, 2022 4:39 AM

World’s Largest Big Asset Management firms & Big Banks:
NAME: AUM (assets under management):
BlackRock $9,464B
Vanguard $8,400B
UBS $4,432B
Fidelity $4,230
State Street $3,860
Morgan Stanley $3,274
JP Morgan $2,996
Allianz $2,953
The Capital Group $2,600
Goldman Sachs $2,372
Bank of New York Mellon $2,310
PIMCO $2,200


These Largest Big Asset Management firms & Big Banks operate like a true CARTEL.
Largely existing as the largest shareholders/investors of each other, in a highly-complex & extremely convoluted schema of cross-ownership.

Take Allianz (FWB:alv), for example, which is largely owned by:
Vanguard, BlackRock and Fidelity.

And JP Morgan (NYSE:jpm) which is largely owned by:
Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, the Capital Group, Fidelity, Morgan Stanley, et al.

And Morgan Stanley (NYSE:ms) which is largely owned by:
BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, JP Morgan, Fidelity, et al.


These mega Big Asset Management firms & Big Banks exist as the largest owners of the largest “competing” corporations, in most every single industry.
From Big Oil to Big Chem to Big Pharma to Big Med to Big Insurance to Big Ag to Big Auto to Big Energy (both “green” & “brown”) to Big Food (both “conventional” and “organic”) to Big Tech to Big Media to Big Entertainment to Big News to Big Everything.



Jan 5, 2022 10:36 AM
Reply to  SEAN RYAN

Can you say Capitalism?

Around 1318 trans-national enterprises control 80% of all large-scale industry and trade; within them, a core group of 147 almost independent ones controls nearly 40% through convoluted links. -Zurich U 2014. 

17 investment enterprises control assets worth $41 trillion. -Peter Phillips 2018. That was 4 years ago. So, now it is 12 enterprises owning $49 trillion.

Jan 5, 2022 3:29 PM
Reply to  mgeo

+ 1

sean ryan
sean ryan
Jan 5, 2022 6:22 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Yes. Now consider this. Even many, if not most. “socialist” and “communist” countries have wealth-hoarding billionaire “capitalists”. -ism = a reliance on something a : act : practice : process; focus b : manner of action or behavior characteristic of a (specified) person or thing. Like alcoholism is a reliance on alcohol, capitalism is a reliance on capital. “Communist” China has a billionaire capitalist class. “Socialist” Russia has a billionaire capitalist class. “Socialist” North Korea has a billionaire capitalist class. “Socialist” Vietnam has a billionaire capitalist class. In each of those countries, those wealth-hoarding billionaires use their massive wealth to unduly influence & control politics & governance. To their advantage. Regardless of stated political or economical ideology. Just as is done in the U.S. & much of Europe. China is currently one of the most attractive economies (if not the most attractive) for billionaire investors from Europe & the U.S. Despite common narratives to the contrary, “Socialism” and “capitalism” are not necessarily opposing ideologies, nor opposing forces. Numerous historical figures, from Plutarch to Vilfredo Pareto to Adam Smith to Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Paine to Albert Einstein, and so many more have pointed to the fact that wealth, capital & assets historically tend to concentrate in the hands of a few. ANY system can be corrupted. “Socialists” need to be very careful, because with central planning & control being a primary tenet of most “socialist” models, they can easily be misled into allowing Corporate Lords to instill themselves as that central planning & controlling authority. Keep in mind, the Federal Reserve is the primary central planning authority in the U.S. (creating policy on interest rates, employment rates, money supply, etc), and it is owned by the largest national banks. One can take a look at WTID inequality charts and see… Read more »

Jan 6, 2022 5:32 AM
Reply to  sean ryan

Imperialism is a little different, as the threat is overt. One economist estimated the total wealth England/Britain extracted from India at a 2-digit figure in trillions of dollars.

sean ryan
sean ryan
Jan 7, 2022 9:32 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Sorry, I’m not sure I understand your stance. Imperialism is a policy or ideology of extending rule over peoples and other countries, for extending political and economic access, power and control, often through employing hard power, especially military force, but also soft power. Soft power can be achieved by corporate influence & control (hence monetary influence & control). These are transnational firms. With even larger transnational footprints & close inter-connected relationships. To be clear, I’m not claiming we experiencing the exact same scenario as 18th century Britain, but there are a good number of disturbing parallels. And people need to be ware of those. The failure to identify similar patterns is dangerous. I.e. those whom fail to learn lessons of the past….. Much of East India Company’s influence over Britain was covert. It used it’s vast wealth to vastly influence public policy, behind the scenes. Often via manipulating systems of public debt. In re: to “Imperialism is a little different, as the threat is overt.” I warn people against rigid, constraining, “either/or” dichotomous thinking habits. I would not agree that Imperialism necessarily be overt. I would claim that Imperialism can be either overt or covert. Or both, at the same time. It’s not necessarily a zero-sum game. The Declaration of Independence was not a declaration merely against the corrupted British government, but similarly against the mega-corporations whom were exercising undue influence & effective control against that British government. The Boston Tea Party was not an act merely against the corrupted British government, but similarly against the mega-corporations whom were exercising undue influence & effective control against that British government. I would argue that Imperialism is in existence today, by these firms. But I also allow others their own opinions. “The one who engages in conversation,” Cicero wrote, “should not debar… Read more »

les online
les online
Jan 13, 2022 11:11 PM
Reply to  sean ryan

A late comment: VI Lenin wrote “Imperialism. The Highest Stage of Capitalism.” I think it was the Situationist International (1960s) who countered “Imperialism. The First Stage of Capitalism.”
They were making the point that you first had to conquer a people / nation before you could exploit it…

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Jan 6, 2022 1:52 AM
Reply to  mgeo

This. Thank you. People seem to forget the fundamental role of land revenue in capitalism.

Jan 5, 2022 3:53 AM

I used to pilot a small plane, have kept up a little: Planes use 4.2 to 4.4 gigahertz to determine altitude. 5G becomes active tomorrow on 3.7 to 3.9 gigaherz. 3.9 may be too close to 4.2; pilots have expressed concern.

Jan 5, 2022 7:24 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Has air pressure gone out of fashion?

Jan 7, 2022 3:28 AM
Reply to  Orthus

Orthus, radio altimeters.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 5, 2022 3:48 AM

…After two years of patient observation I’ve come to the irrevocable conclusion that what we are witnessing is merely a mass outbreak of ‘Chūnibyō’ (or ‘8th-grader syndrome’) amongst the Davostani elites… – Mercifully however it is, thus far, *Exclusively Isolated* to them…



Jan 5, 2022 2:17 AM

I tend to discount all this “mass psychosis” bit cuz I am not seeing it. It doesn’t seem to be present in small town USA or in rural areas. Certainly I’ve come across a FEW people who adhere to the covid line, but I would describe them as PUNITIVE– not fearful.

The attitude of the few coviders I’ve seen is You-can’t-think-differently-than I-do. I-will make-you-conform. i.e, different pathology than mass psychosis.

Question: WHY is it different in bigger cities? Apparently you all are seeing something like mass psychosis in bigger cities. What is it about bigger cities that breeds this?

Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Jan 5, 2022 3:24 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Question: WHY is it different in bigger cities? Apparently you all are seeing something like mass psychosis in bigger cities. What is it about bigger cities that breeds this?

Close proximity and large electronic billboards.
The media is everywhere you look. It leads to groupthink.

Wheat Cracker
Wheat Cracker
Jan 8, 2022 2:37 AM
Reply to  Tony Maroni

You should consider reading the essay “The Authoritarian Personality in the 21st Century“.
Groupthink is everywhere, even in supposed “rogue” and “outlaw” groups.

I have spent decades in “underground” & “outsider” groups and most everyone conforms.

The human species is largely a gregarious one.
The human species has “evolved” to become highly insecure.
Each of which tend to lead to group identity.

But bigger cities mean more traffic, more crowds, less space, more congestion, more competition, more hassles, etc.
Tempers flare when there is less space to move freely.
Plus more people, greater density usually means more diversity.
And whilst I value diversity, truth is people like to identify and congregate in groups, often based on identities.
And more diversity in identities means more conflict (again, often stemming from groupthink).

Bigger cities are more self-destructing.
Due to the density, crowd, space, congestion issues mentioned above.
Plus often increases in crime.
They’re also more often more complex and costlier, which add stress factors.

But try being a true “outsider” in a small town if you want to experience small town mass psychosis.

Big al
Big al
Jan 5, 2022 4:49 AM
Reply to  Penelope


Jan 5, 2022 8:27 AM
Reply to  Penelope

“The attitude of the few coviders I’ve seen is You-can’t-think-differently-than I-do. I-will make-you-conform. i.e, different pathology than mass psychosis.”

You-can’t-think-differently-than I-do. I-will make-you-conform” is similar to the mass psychosis called Nazism, which bodily genocided nonconformists; and McCarthyism, which culturally genocided U$ communists.

New Name
New Name
Jan 6, 2022 10:05 PM
Reply to  NickM

The “communists” committed a lot more genocide than the others mentioned.
And they are right behind the present genocide which threatens to dwarf all it’s predecessors.

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Jan 5, 2022 8:28 AM
Reply to  Penelope

They are the centers of economy. More functions are being carried out in the city, more capital circulation, more workplaces, more police, more company representatives, denser Spectacle.

Jan 5, 2022 6:44 PM
Reply to  Penelope

The city is a constant thought-stopper in the cultic sense. Too many responsibilities, too much sensory input, all the random people one must constantly deal with. People in cities have no time or opportunity to step away, there’s always the next round of ever increasing bills to keep up with.

Jan 5, 2022 2:05 AM

There are numerous reports of magnets sticking to vaxxed arms, but it’s not universal. I think it impresses people and could potentially open a lot of minds if we could figure out under what circumstances this magnetism occurs.

Does the vaxxed person have to be indoors, perhaps close to an outlet or an electronic device? Close to a car w the engine running and the hood up?

In some places the magnetic effect is common, but I don’t know enough vaxxed people where I am to be able to investigate this very thoroughly. Does anyone have any ideas? We don’t want to wait for 5G.

Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Jan 5, 2022 2:26 AM
Reply to  Penelope

5G Dangers. This document alone should set alarm bells ringing.
If you search for the vax + 5G it’s all a conspiracy like 3G and 4G was if you know what I mean.

Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Jan 5, 2022 2:46 AM
Reply to  Tony Maroni

Slow death rays.

Jan 5, 2022 3:04 AM
Reply to  Tony Maroni

And this is an FCC gov. official document, public record. I don’t think we have to look very far… any antennas near you? Some officials at gov. are obviously bought and paid for, but they still have these official studies out…. I wonder how long that is going to last… I also liked the link I got from Google strait to the CIA web site, in winter 2020, when I wanted to know how many people died per year in different countries, just curious… watching the WHO report of Covid deaths with the other eye.

Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Jan 5, 2022 3:17 AM
Reply to  Theobalt

Antennas are everywhere and growing but it seems to have been halted.
I witnessed a frenzy in 2020 alone with engineers rushing to install the new equipment. I have CAT cables attached to the PC and rarely use wireless.
I’m getting the feeling the removal of Chinese equipment was a bluff, when in fact it was already in place and just needed the finishing touches to get it ready for activation.

Jan 5, 2022 5:15 AM
Reply to  Tony Maroni

All the feelings we can get is from the info they have not filtered yet… I’m pretty sure they are keeping buzy… as Musk said, data is the new gold… my ISP premiums are a testimonial to that

Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Jan 5, 2022 2:42 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

Blackmail comes next. Alphabet agencies already have our data stored ready for analysis.

Jan 5, 2022 3:17 AM
Reply to  Theobalt

In the 1940s, the US Navy studied radio frequencies waves and came up with a list of about 10 or 12 potential dangers. Yet the subject remains taboo – as does geoengineering/climate engineering, which also goes back to the 1940s.

Jan 7, 2022 5:15 AM
Reply to  Tony Maroni

Tony yes I’m quite sure that 5G is harmful, and it seems likely that it may interact with magnetic components of the vaxx like graphene oxide/reduced graphene oxide. All meant to facilitate their human/AI connections– or at the least a thorough surveillance/control system.

But at the mo I was hoping to find a set of circumstances under which we could show magnetic effects of the vaxx right now– before 5G– cuz I think it wd be a cautionary tale to those who are considering the vaxx.

Jan 5, 2022 3:16 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Well I will certainly run around the office asap with a low mass magnet, see if I can interest some of my colleagues into a little novelty game… will take notes… vaxxed: magnet held between 5-10 seconds on average, d-vaxxed: 30-60 seconds, t-vaxxed: had to pull really hard on the magnet to retrieve it and hurt the subject a little

Jan 5, 2022 11:34 AM
Reply to  Penelope

It was a big thing, but seems to have died down. Perhaps, they modified the jab.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Jan 5, 2022 12:34 PM
Reply to  Penelope

It seems from various reports by independent researchers who have looked into their contents that the injections do not all contain the same things, so magnets may only stick to the arms of those who have received an injection with a certain ingredient. It could also depend on whether the injection was made into muscle or a blood vessel.

Jan 5, 2022 3:35 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

and, why are (so many?) unvexed magnetic too?

one of my pals got a horrendous fright, he could stick a corona of those wee magnets to his head and move it about..

hard core anti-plandemic free person he is.


Jan 6, 2022 11:10 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Extensive list of published research showing the dangers of the electromagnetic waves – microwaves and millimeter waves as used by all wireless tech – on the human body.

Published Scientific Research on 5G, Small Cells Wireless and Health



A Russian Review on Millimeter Waves declassified by the CIA in 2015 “Biological Effect of Millimeter Waves” reported multiple research findings and concluded that:

“Morphological, functional and biochemical studies conducted in humans and animals revealed that millimeter wave caused changes in the body manifested in structural alterations in the skin and internal organs, qualitative and quantitative changes of the blood and bone marrow composition and changes of the conditioned reflex activity, tissue respiration, activity of enzymes participating in the process of tissue respiration and nucleic metabolism. The degree of unfavorable effect of millimeter waves depended on the duration of the radiation and individual characteristics of the organism.”

They want to pound you with millimeter waves 247 and have your house fully wired up with millimeter wave devices, on top of all the microwaves they already pump out selecting the most nefarious frequencies to broadcast on.

Further important info:

First 10 mins of this clip essential, explains how regulatory capture facilitates these crimes against humanity – the rollout of these silent weapons in broad daylight with no oversight – they make it up as they go along and deny the existence of sub thermal radiation – science that proves the harm.

5G – Kevin Mottus

The industry admits formally it spends ZERO dollars on safety testing its products:

US Senator Blumenthal Raises Concerns on 5G Wireless Technology Health Risks at Senate Hearing

Jan 7, 2022 4:59 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Mucho, Thank you for the three links. I especially liked Kevin Mottus’ presentation. I’ve added all three links to my file.

We are under so many attacks that I think we must remove the stolen wealth from the control of the billionaire/trillionaire class. It is that concentration of wealth and ownership in so few hands that gives them power over us.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 5, 2022 1:55 AM

Be Afraid! Be Very Afraid!

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 5, 2022 2:29 AM

Oops! I posted the wrong link. THIS is what you should be afraid of:

Jan 5, 2022 3:38 AM

That is scary shit, isn’t it!

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 5, 2022 6:52 AM
Reply to  DM:

Don’t worry. Most of them are now double-jabbed and fully boosted. If you encounter one, just make a dash for a flight of stairs.

Jan 5, 2022 9:10 AM

a couple of days ago I was walking in a pool between 2 senior doctors who were so very distressed about Qld health reemploying unvax worker….the world is going to end apparently as they spread covid far and wide,,,,funny they didn’t for the last 18 months…

If I had any respect left for the profession….and believe me I have very little…what was left disappeared in that moment…..obviously the vax has obliterated any ethics they previously had, if they had any, and one of them knew I am unvax and will remain that way…their arrogance is unlimited but their own health isn’t…I shall be interested to see how long they last.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 5, 2022 9:48 AM
Reply to  Edith

I assume English doctors are just as brainwashed as the Aussies, and it seems that about 50% of them might be waking up.

Nov 26, 2021
Just 40% of frontline NHS staff in England had a booster Covid vaccine at start of November and fewer than three in 10 care home staff are triple-jabbed now — despite being first in queue for third doses

Caption: All staff groups involved in direct patient care reported a Covid booster uptake below 50 per cent. Doctors were the ones most likely to get a third vaccine dose, followed by qualified clinical staff, a group that includes midwives and paramedics, nurses, and finally support staff such as healthcare assistants coming in last.
comment image

Jan 5, 2022 11:19 AM

Seems the more well paid here will conform.

Jan 5, 2022 2:14 PM

the miller school zombie town

thank you that was soooooo emotional
all white coats should know satan has your back
go forth and capture souls for the beast system

Jan 5, 2022 3:39 PM
Reply to  gordan


Jan 5, 2022 3:38 PM

utter boak.

Jan 5, 2022 9:44 PM

Voodoo and ritual – now, with your white coat – you are a Figure of Authority.

Ha ha.

Jan 5, 2022 1:49 AM

Jeeez. I think we are in a situation of survival and self preservation don’t you?… moral debates?… who ever offered one to me always had a material agenda…. Pfff come on… what are we trying to achieve here

Big al
Big al
Jan 5, 2022 4:50 AM
Reply to  Theobalt


Jan 5, 2022 1:31 AM

Here is a link to a youtube by After Skool and Academy of ideas on mass psychosis : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09maaUaRT4M

Jan 5, 2022 1:14 AM

It’s bs.
Most people are simply ignorant of reality.
They’re buried under a shitonne of disinformation and have been conditioned for generations not to engage their brains when it comes to big complex issues that they feel they can have no influence on.
Exiting learned helplessness can be utterly terrifying for most people.
Has stunk like a divide and rule psyop from the start.
Remember – punch up or shut up.

Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Jan 5, 2022 2:02 AM
Reply to  Croach


Jan 7, 2022 5:27 AM
Reply to  Croach

Croach, yes you’re right; there’s such a lot of passivity– such an attitude that judging important topics is simply outside of their competence. Sometimes if you dig a little you find that they DO have an opinion and that it’s fairly rational, but there’s a reluctance to assert an opinion: “Who am I to know?” attitude.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 5, 2022 12:54 AM

In case people missed it, I’ll repost this request.

The Definition and Determination of “Psychosis”

I’ve so far had only a superficial skim of a fraction of the material. With regard to the concept of “psychosis”, if there is anywhere provided an objective definition and means of determination, please post a summary and link below.

Thank you

Jan 4, 2022 11:59 PM

I saw the original YouTube video, which remarkably is still out there. Desmet goes to great lengths to describe the phenomenon of Mass Formation. He describes this as a type of mass hypnosis and relates how quite sober, rational people can be made to behave out of character by hypnosis and that surgical procedures, some very major, can also be carried out under hypnosis without the subject being aware of any sensation. In answer to a question he also confirms that to his knowledge there appears to be a limit to what hypnosis can achieve. There appears to be an inner moral consciousness which prevents or blocks subjects from carrying out acts of extreme harm to others. This is a crucial point. When questioned about the degree of culpability a person under hypnosis might have towards acts they have committed he suggested that it is very likely that they can understand right from wrong. If this is the case, the pretext that a participant in Mass Formation might use to abdicate themselves from crimes because they were not “conscious” would fail. This would also apply if the claim was made that they were in some way the unwitting “victim” of mass hypnosis when the acts were committed. In short, there should be no defence against acts of atrocity committed by participants, influencers and leaders. In the trial of Eichmann the “I was only obeying orders” defence was deemed to have no merit.

Jan 5, 2022 11:40 AM
Reply to  Rogerthecat

He could have called it mass hypnosis/delusion. Scholars want to be remembered for the new terms they concoct.