The Last Days of the Covidian Cult
CJ Hopkins

This isn’t going to be pretty, folks. The downfall of a death cult rarely is. There is going to be wailing and gnashing of teeth, incoherent fanatical jabbering, mass deleting of embarrassing tweets.
There’s going to be a veritable tsunami of desperate rationalizing, strenuous denying, shameless blame-shifting, and other forms of ass-covering, as suddenly former Covidian Cult members make a last-minute break for the jungle before the fully-vaxxed-and-boosted “Safe and Effective Kool-Aid” servers get to them.
Yes, that’s right, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, the official Covid narrative is finally falling apart, or is being hastily disassembled, or historically revised, right before our eyes.
The “experts” and “authorities” are finally acknowledging that the “Covid deaths” and “hospitalization” statistics are artificially inflated and totally unreliable (which they have been from the very beginning), and they are admitting that their miracle “vaccines” don’t work (unless you change the definition of the word “vaccine”), and that they have killed a few people, or maybe more than a few people, and that lockdowns were probably “a serious mistake.”
I am not going to bother with further citations. You can surf the Internet as well as I can.
The point is, the “Apocalyptic Pandemic” PSYOP has reached its expiration date. After almost two years of mass hysteria over a virus that causes mild-to-moderate common-cold or flu-like symptoms (or absolutely no symptoms whatsoever) in about 95% of the infected and the overall infection fatality rate of which is approximately 0.1% to 0.5%, people’s nerves are shot.
We are all exhausted. Even the Covidian cultists are exhausted. And they are starting to abandon the cult en masse.
It was always mostly just a matter of time. As Klaus Schwab said:
the pandemic represent[ed] a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.”

It isn’t over, but that window is closing, and our world has not been “reimagined” and “reset,” not irrevocably, not just yet. Clearly, GloboCap underestimated the potential resistance to the Great Reset, and the time it would take to crush that resistance.
And now the clock is running down, and the resistance isn’t crushed … on the contrary, it is growing. And there is nothing GloboCap can do to stop it, other than go openly totalitarian, which it can’t, as that would be suicidal. As I noted in a recent column:
New Normal totalitarianism — and any global-capitalist form of totalitarianism — cannot display itself as totalitarianism, or even authoritarianism. It cannot acknowledge its political nature. In order to exist, it must not exist. Above all, it must erase its violence (the violence that all politics ultimately comes down to) and appear to us as an essentially beneficent response to a legitimate ‘global health crisis’ …”
The simulated “global health crisis” is, for all intents and purposes, over. Which means that GloboCap has screwed the pooch.
The thing is, if you intend to keep the masses whipped up into a mindless frenzy of anus-puckering paranoia over an “apocalyptic global pandemic,” at some point, you have to produce an actual apocalyptic global pandemic.
Faked statistics and propaganda will carry you for a while, but eventually people are going to need to experience something at least resembling an actual devastating worldwide plague, in reality, not just on their phones and TVs.
Also, GloboCap seriously overplayed their hand with the miracle “vaccines.” Covidian cultists really believed that the “vaccines” would protect them from infection. Epidemiology experts like Rachel Maddow assured them that they would:
Now we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person,” Maddow said on her show the evening of March 29, 2021. “A vaccinated person gets exposed to the virus, the virus does not infect them, the virus cannot then use that person to go anywhere else,” she added with a shrug. “It cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to go get more people.”
And now they are all sick with…well, a cold, basically, or are “asymptomatically infected,” or whatever. And they are looking at a future in which they will have to submit to “vaccinations” and “boosters” every three or four months to keep their “compliance certificates” current, in order to be allowed to hold a job, attend a school, or eat at a restaurant, which, OK, hardcore cultists are fine with, but there are millions of people who have been complying, not because they are delusional fanatics who would wrap their children’s heads in cellophane if Anthony Fauci ordered them to, but purely out of “solidarity,” or convenience, or herd instinct, or…you know, cowardice.
Many of these people (i.e., the non-fanatics) are starting to suspect that maybe what we “tin-foil-hat-wearing, Covid-denying, anti-vax, conspiracy-theorist extremists” have been telling them for the past 22 months might not be as crazy as they originally thought.
They are back-pedaling, rationalizing, revising history, and just making up all kinds of self-serving bullshit, like how we are now in “a post-vaccine world,” or how “the Science has changed,” or how “Omicron is different,” in order to avoid being forced to admit that they’re the victims of a GloboCap PSYOP and the worldwide mass hysteria it has generated.
Which…fine, let them tell themselves whatever they need to for the sake of their vanity, or their reputations as investigative journalists, celebrity leftists, or Twitter revolutionaries.
If you think these “recovering” Covidian Cult members are ever going to publicly acknowledge all the damage they have done to society, and to people and their families, since March 2020, much less apologize for all the abuse they heaped onto those of us who have been reporting the facts … well, they’re not.
They are going to spin, equivocate, rationalize, and lie through their teeth, whatever it takes to convince themselves and their audience that, when the shit hit the fan, they didn’t click heels and go full “Good German.”
Give these people hell if you need to. I feel just as angry and betrayed as you do. But let’s not lose sight of the ultimate stakes here. Yes, the official narrative is finally crumbling, and the Covidian Cult is starting to implode, but that does not mean that this fight is over.
GloboCap and their puppets in government are not going to cancel the whole “New Normal” program, pretend the last two years never happened, and gracefully retreat to their lavish bunkers in New Zealand and their mega-yachts.
Totalitarian movements and death cults do not typically go down gracefully. They usually go down in a gratuitous orgy of wanton, nihilistic violence as the cult or movement desperately attempts to maintain its hold over its wavering members and defend itself from encroaching reality. And that is where we are at the moment…or where we are going to be very shortly.
Cities, states, and countries around the world are pushing ahead with implementing the New Normal biosecurity society, despite the fact that there is no longer any plausible justification for it. Austria is going ahead with forced “vaccination.” Germany ispreparing to do the same. France is rolling out a national segregation system to punish “the Unvaccinated.” Greece is fining “unvaccinated” pensioners. Australia is operating “quarantine camps.”
Scotland. Italy. Spain. The Netherlands. New York City. San Francisco. Toronto. The list goes on, and on, and on.
I don’t know what is going to happen. I’m not an oracle. I’m just a satirist. But we are getting dangerously close to the point where GloboCap will need to go full-blown fascist if they want to finish what they started.
If that happens, things are going to get very ugly.
I know, things are already ugly, but I’m talking a whole different kind of ugly. Think Jonestown, or Hitler’s final days in the bunker, or the last few months of the Manson Family.
That is what happens to totalitarian movements and death cults once the spell is broken and their official narratives fall apart. When they go down, they try to take the whole world with them.
I don’t know about you, but I’m hoping we can avoid that. From what I have heard and read, it isn’t much fun.
CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or
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OUR world wasn’t reshaped, THEIRS was slightly hit by a BRIC(S)
So at a 0.5% fatality of infection rate – of the 3.000 staff my company employs approximately 150 of my colleagues would die within a year or so – assuming no masks/vaccines andeveryone got it. That seems kinda high compared to the usual zero staff deaths per year. Not to mention the other few hundred who would live would suffer badly with long term health issues from the virus. Am I missing something here?
The IFR posited in the piece was 0.1-0.5%, which I believe was a generous bracket. The average age of ‘Covid’ death was 82.5 in the UK, with multiple underlying serious health complications. Factor in the appalling treatment of the elderly and the curtailing of healthcare during the ‘pandemic’ measures of 2020/21 and you have a rather complicated picture in which elder neglect could figure quite prominently.
When you also factor in that age-adjusted all-cause mortality in the UK was average for 2020, with 2008 and all years preceding being deadlier, and you’re left considering what actually took place in 2020.
A vain effort is attempted by some to perpetuate the original lockdown argument of early 2020 – that championed by the likes of ‘Mad Cow’ Fergusson in his ridiculous computer-modelled, non-peer-reviewed paper – but nowadays, a year after this article was released, you don’t find many doing it.
Regardless, 82.5 y/o (UK, and similar around the world) would not affect working-age people in your company.
A very compelling could be made that ‘Covid’ should be more aptly named ‘elder neglect’, compounded by the fact children were mysteriously immune to ‘Covid’, whereas traditionally both the very old and very young are vulnerable to disease.
Let’s try not too over-simplify things, even if it’s reassuring to do so.
good piece…all true…
They are moving into WAR and global economic collapse
This will be the round they fall
And, there is NO Covid – its ALL fraud
they can fuck off out of new zealand – we don’t want the pricks down here
they could never have got so close to pulling this off if not for the very corrupt
media in this country it is very dangerous and they are not thru.
it’s do-or-die time!
Watching this house of cards collapsing, is clearly an exciting time. But we shouldn’t gloat.
We must ask ourselves, if this was/is an existential challenge to humanity, where is the opportunity?
I see several possibilities: a) the pharmaceutical industry was already in a major popularity decline prior to this man made crisis due to the increased public awareness of how to take best care of oneself plus the exorbitant cost of poly pharmacy to the healthcare budgets b) Covid has exposed aspects of mainstream Medicine as “bankrupt” (it has clearly failed to protect the frail and the elderly “with medical conditions”) c) the intensified politicisation of Medicine has been exposed for its vested interests and corrupt alliance with the pharmas. These are the main tasks if a well coordinated attempt can successfully “reset” old established ethical and moral values in health care systems.
Q: with such a diversity of protagonists this counter-movement has worldwide, ie epidemiologists, free thinking nurses and other health professionals, politicians, lawyers and so on, who and in what way can such movement find its muscle to deliver?
Q: Is this an item for “Off-Guardian” to initiate?
DARPA admits HCQ and Ivermectin are effective treatments aganist Covid. However doctors in US had their medical license revoked for “spreading Covid misinformation” and treating patients with Ivermectin. Doctors who go aganist the narrative are under investigation for daring to speak out against the Biden Regime and for daring to question Big Pharma. They want to block every way possible to reach people for cheap and alternative treatments. You can get your ivm by visiting
Focus on the plutocracy (and whatever trendy name is given to it), and blaming them is typical of democratic people, the latter is born out of envious hostility. It is for those who are ignorant and short of self-reflection (hence some of the drones on this medium).
The truth is that all modern democracies are illiberal democracies already since the beginning of the nineteenth century, when the statists and socialists won over classical liberals. Since the world wars centralized planning has grown ever more. We already lived in a situation of hyper regulation and large government before the Corona situation. The plutocracy could not have pushed the situation if there would have been no hyper-control governments everywhere. Governments which ARE a product of the contemporary democratic people, of which only a small fraction is really liberal.
If health care would not have been made an issue of the state by democratic socialism, there would be diversity of approach instead of monopoly, if there was no education provided by the state, vaccination would not have been so popular, there would be a diversity of views.
In fact, ones owes it the plutocracy that their big push awakens at least a small fragment of the people, while all modern illiberal democracies are slowly working at ever more control, which is far worse as people slowly get used to it, and know nothing else.
The situation is not that simple that ‘Globocap’ is about to become defeated, and they are not going down, to a certain extent the control has intensified structurally, plans are unfolded, investments have been made, contracts are signed, technology has been pushed, some new regulations are there to stay. Society can get back seemingly to the old situation, but not really, it has already moved structurally, and they are going to push further to move illiberal democracy to it’s logical and to it’s justified conclusion in the next decades, towards tyranny.
It is time for off-guardian to step up some level, grow up, to invite some authors who have studied political philosophy. Hostility towards elites sells well, but such authors who focus on the plutocracy are mainly targeting outraged and ignorant mobs.
If you do not know Jesus Christ as Savior, you are not reading this by accident. Please answer the call to salvation, available only through the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary.
From the book of Romans: 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10:10For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 10:11For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
*For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believe; to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
to know more go to: nowtheendbegins (dot) com/eternal-life-through-the-blood-of-jesus-christ-is-a-free-gift/
From the King James Bible; The Gospel according to John:
3:16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 3:17For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
A heretical cult, the “Sabbatean Frankists,” controls organized Jewry, including Zionism and Freemasonry. They began as followers of Sabbatai Zvi (1626-1676) and later Jacob Frank (1726-1791.) They believe Sabbatai was the Messiah (God) and his soul has transmigrated down to the Rothschild dynasty, who are now the “King of the Jews.” According to their messianic system, Redemption requires that the Rothschilds become God, i.e. King of the World. This will see the sacrifice of 2/3 of all Jews and the destruction and enslavement of the rest of mankind. This demented creed actually is the motive force behind history including all wars, and “world government.”
I wish I had your reading list on this subject, Lance Watson! Still, I see that the gist of the matter to hand is taken seriously … and virulently denied: To my mind, this behaviour is always proof of the validity of the proposition.
And China has nothing to do with it (huge sarcasm)!
Having opened Pandora’s Box and perhaps a Gateway of some form or other to nether dimensions… over which, through myopic hubris and endemic and genetically hardwired imbecility they have no control, Babylon (modern civilization) as herd managers understand it, is to be ‘reset’ itself and will have to now contend with a new Evil, they like the peons they have abused so maliciously in service to Ahriman are about to encounter an altogether more ‘pure’ form of Evil…
This will be known universally as ‘The Great Reset’… (just not the one they imagined )..
Being disillusioned is hard, at first, then it becomes second nature to see through the lies. The Truth sets us free but no one ever said it would be easy to accept, only that it would be easy to see all the lies.
Then there’s this…
Kyle Rittenhouse Green Screen malfunction
Haven’t even read the article. Just came here as this article has been re-posted many times, and I just want to let you know it’s in really bad taste to have as a picture exemplifying your point, a photograph of a mass of actual dead people from a previous tragedy. That’s low!! Yes the Jonestown massacre was widely publicized and sure there’s lots of photos out there, but that’s your best example? Showing death photos of people who still have grieving relative who have to deal with this extremely low blow in bad taste? Come on, surely you can come up with a cover photo that would be just as effective without stooping to this kind of sensationalism! and oh by the way, yes I DO agree with the WRITTEN CONTENT of your article (without even having read it!)
Please read articles before you comment about them, it’s the least you can do.
This is the image selected by the author, it has been published all over the web with this image.
Perhaps the author selected it to elicit an emotional reaction. Perhaps the author is making a very meaningful comparison, or a very serious message. You can ask him on his substack.
Soon COVID will be old hat as the rollout of 5G rolls along. I know the issue of 5G is as verboten here on OffG as it is, say, in the New York Times. But here’s a very good run-down from
The 5G Roll Out: EMF Radiation, Devastating Health Impacts, Social and Economic Implications. Crimes Against Humanity? – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Never mind, I got it.
Wow, you were right, I tried to back you up and got immediately “Pending”… dam, and here I foolishly thought I had found a true platform for Truth. Shame on me, for being so optimistic.
Humans only fear the Truth when they have become so comfortable with the lies, that they’re willing to sacrifice themselves to uphold their own enslavement in them.
I find the saddest state of a man, is when he finds himself at home on Earth.
The Covidian killshotted crew are dying en masse now, some slowly and painfully, some within hours of receiving their Luciferian initiation, either way, the Truth is coming out and the conspiracy theorists of yester year are now being lauded as the prophets of old. We warned them and they castigated us, now one of my closest friends has been diagnosed with Prion disease, commonly known as Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD). Another version is Mad Cow disease, which was found in cattle that were eating dead ground up cows in their feed and subsequently, all had to be destroyed.
I told him that cannibals develop prion diseases because in God’s infinite wisdom, He ensured that if you consume human flesh, you shall surely die. I don’t know if it’s due to the aborted fetal cell lines or what but there’s obviously something very nefarious in the killshotz contents, which we’re not allowed to know. Every insert says, “Intentionally Blank” for a reason, if people knew what they were about to inject into their bodies, they might have a change of heart.
I remember seeing a vid of Henry Kissinger in 2012 declaring that there would be no Israel in 10 years, he was forced to retract his statement after uproar but seeing as they’re now talking about a 5th killshot, it kind of makes sense. The uptick in neurodegenerative diseases over there is shocking, but all super vaxxed nations are experiencing the same rise in brain infections.
PROOF: COVID vaccines cause prion diseases
G-quadruplexes within prion mRNA: the missing link in prion disease?
Aside from toxicity of the engineered lipids themselves and the toxic spike protein that forces T cell immune response to destroy healthy cells instructed to produce more lab engineered spoke, other questionable ingredients listed for all three color cap doses are the following:
1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine Which is listed in the Caymen safety data as “not for human or veterinary use” Why is that and what’s it doing in the solution ? And the other, N-Tetradecylacrylamide, which is listed in the Norman Suspect list of chemicals of concern as there is no toxicity data available whatsoever.
Obviously, the people who suffered the severest side-effects were unavailable for comment.
15 Percent of Germans Report Severe Side Effects After mRNA Treatments
Terje Maloy
Jan 20, 2022
German journalist Boris Reitschuster . . . commissioned a representative poll on the subject from a reputable polling institute. INSA asked 1004 adults in Germany if they had been vaccinated and if they had any side effects.
In order to collect the data accurately, INSA first had to ask the following questions: “Have you been vaccinated against the coronavirus?” According to, 57.60 million of the 69.4 million adults in Germany have been vaccinated. This corresponds to a vaccination rate of around 83 percent. This is exactly the result of the INSA survey:
60 percent have booster vaccination, 23 percent have two doses without booster vaccination. Another four percent answered that they have been partially vaccinated. 12 percent state that they have not been vaccinated – extrapolated to the population, that is to say 11.8 million people,
. . . 15 percent of the respondents stated that they suffered from severe/heavy side effects; Extrapolated to the 57.60 million vaccinated, it is 8.64 million victims. Although the “severity” of the side effects is definitely subjective – the official narrative, where there are hardly any serious side effects, has been shattered according to the results of this study.
Good news but it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen anytime soon in Canada, where in French speaking Quebec, a talk show host on mainstream media asked kids if jabs should be mandatory and what to do with unvaccinated.
Who would of thought it?? SHILLB (GB) news sold by the usual Ops has ex London city
wbanker Rothschild gimp who screamed ‘close the borders down’ during Owhell19 and make ‘Tony Blair a vaccine tzar ‘ ‘make sure you get your vaccine’ is now like so many really cares and is saying the opposite.WHERE do they all get the script from..?
Nigel FRAUD reacts to ONS figures on how many people have died purely of Covid
Update from Alexander Tschugguel in Vienna
Jan 20, 2022
Today our parliament will vote on the #Vaccinemandates. The whole city is closed with lots of policemen preventing the people from demonstrating in front of it.
Please #prayforAustria and fight against this #tranny wherever you can!
We will not give up!
Video report:
Eva Vlaardingerbroek discusses the push toward the European Digital Identity etc with Tucker Carlson
Jan 19, 2022
Europe is headed towards a tyrannical regime of mass surveillance and control.
We are turning into China and if we don’t prevent the introduction of compulsory vaccination in Austria, Europe will no longer be part of ‘The Free West’.
Compilation of vaccine passport protests across Europe from Tucker Carlson
[Includes above clip]
Jan 19, 2022
For your review…. the New Order of Barbarians:
“This is a transcript of the first of three tapes on the “New Order of Barbarians”, referred to on the tapes simply as the “new world system.” Tapes one and two, done in 1988, are the reminiscences By Dr. Lawrence Dunegan, of a speech given March 20, 1969 by Dr. Richard Day, an insider of the “Order”, whose credentials are given in an interview with Dr. Dunegan on tape three.”
or listen here:
“That is what happens to totalitarian movements and death cults once the spell is broken and their official narratives fall apart. When they go down, they try to take the whole world with them.”
Morally, spiritually and financially bankrupt USSA being the worst example thereof to ever have surfaced in the entire history of humanity. What about this entire covaid$ democide is not a product of Slumville, USSA and its evil owners? Look at the number of zionists in the drug cartels for example, the Wall St mobsters and the lying media shills and attendant presstitutes. KHAZAR is the stamp thereon, if not to a man certainly to the ruling elite. Be it Kill Bill gates of hell, Jaws Fauci, the Pfizer Wuflu lab and the billions of Pfizer death shots…the list is a who’s who of everything anglozionazi.
This is only the end of the first act. Nothing has ended. We have only just moved past the beginning. God bless you all. Trust in God. Have strength in Christ.
Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me and blessed are that people, Whose God is the LORD. Excellent post brother in Christ, we are indeed living the Book of Revelation today. Be strong and very courageous and fear not, for we have been given a Spirit of love, power and of a sound mind. Praise be to God. All hail King Jesus.
This is all leading to the The Mark of the Beast. This is the beginning of the sorrows.
“In January 2019, the Alliance launched the ID2020 Certification Mark at the World Economic Forum in Davos. ID2020’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), made up of leading experts on digital ID and its underlying technologies, established a set of functional, outcomes-based technical requirements for user-managed, privacy-protecting and portable digital ID.”
Revelation 13:16-18-And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (666).
Not over by a long shot. It’s always ease restrictions to then blame the people once the come up with a more deadly virus. Per Bill Gates! Oh wait, they still need to play the climate change crisis card. Perfect reason to lock us down again.
“I am not going to bother with further citations. You can surf the Internet as well as I can.”
No,no,no! Don’t stop cites. Sure I/we can surf but there is so much to plow through that we all miss a lot.
If the whole shabby trick is fully exposed at some stage, it seems that the Covid Collaborators should be made accountable somehow. I know a lot of us “resisters” have taken a lot of heat over this ~certainly it’s way way more heat, personally, than the quantifiable heat I took when I was making rounds in 2000 and calling out Ken Lay and his corporate energy goons in California for trying, and nearly succeeding, with all their frauds to overturn the California economy and energy realities by totally faking, with malice aforethought, the “California Electricity Crisis” (google that, even Wikipedia tells the truth about it) of 200-2002. That was a trial run for this scam, make no mistake. It worked quite well for about the same time frame, 2 years or so, and made many billions ($40 Billion cost to California taxpayers, never returned) for the perps. Mission Accomplished.
So what, if he was found out, arrested, prosecuted, convicted on all counts 4 years later in Houston, TX. ?
Then died conveniently of a heart attack at 64 some weeks later, and ~surprise!!~ by Texas law sentence could not be imposed in the event of his death, so his “estate” got to keep all his billions that he robbed from us.
I remember at the time telling people, “They’ll be back. Bigger and badder.”
Then in San Diego about 5 years ago they emptied the holy water and cancelled Communion wine in all the Catholic and Orthodox churches throughout the greater region because there was supposedly a deadly Hepatitis-B outbreak. Yet, the cancellation of the wine overlapped with another cancellation, of that and all the rest, when Ol’ King Kovid struck, quite on schedule, March 11, 2020 with the immediate suspension of the NBA season because a French player for the Utah Jazz (basketball team) “tested” “positive”. As some others here have noted here before, we knew within moments that the Great Reset button had just been pushed. And everything that followed played out like clockwork. Knowing that, it gave me the jump in confidence when I stood in front of several Walmarts in late March and shouted, “HOAX! Defend yourselves, sheeple, and people, this is a global HOAX” over and over. Security smiled and ignored me. Mostly. One checker tried to have me arrested. She doesn’t work there now. There were a lot of people quietly on my side, though I don’t know all that followed.
My surmise is we are beginning to see not a beginning of the end, as Churchill put it, “but an end of the beginning” of the Class War assault by (mostly) Western oligarchs on the peoples and societies of the world because…
Time Magazine had Elon Musk on its cover at New Year’s, as “Person of the Year”.
I had been telling people since New Year’s 2021 roughly, a year ago, that Musk had been the big Covid Sweepstakes winner of them all, increasing his net worth from $26 Billion to $210 Billion in just the first 8 months of lockdown. How often have we seen billionaires increase their pile by an order of magnitude in less than a calendar year? Bezos doubled his, from $105 to $200 Billion, give or take a few obscene stashes, in the same time frame.
But last week Time was reporting how Musk is now worth $300 Billion. He’s slowing down.
I have gone around town holding my own informal polls, and one of them has asked some unsuspecting member of our sheepled public, “Do you think such an increase would have been possible in anything but a Covid Economy?” I get a few blinking stares, but many nod and get the point.
Some have suggested (even here) that he got that apocalyptic flow of cash through at least some legit revenue streams, or tsunamis. Someone here said it was stocks skyrocketing. Or any number of other sources, none very credible, and easily forgettable.
I suggested, emphatically, that it came through laundering money from all the millions of small businesses that were crushed by the drought of their cash flow from all the lockdowns. And other upheavals of like cause. The oligarchs send their jackals to drowning small businesses and say, “Yes, your nail salon is totally worth a million dollars, but we’ll give you a hundred thou cash, up front, to salve your more immediate wounds.” Then they take the money to their chain of used car dealerships, cook the books a little or a lot, a ton of dirty money in, clean money out. Etc et al.
Well, this isn’t news to most readers and writers here, it’s pretty clear, but my over-arching point is that they just gave this global scam a two year test run and gauged how well it worked. Pretty great. A big payday for them, transferring a trillion of hard-earned cashed from the pockets of the suddenly bankrupt to these scumbags’ pockets in a matter of months or weeks.
There’s no need for them to press the point really. They have also accomplished and monitored many other transactions and objectives.
We should try as a global public to prepare a little better for the next onslaught. After all, most of the world is a veteran by now. Maybe not battle-hardened, but aware there’s a big problem.
The billionaires of WEF are just catching their breath after this, all the perps who inflicted this.
Seems simple enough to see?
I would rather live in God’s peace than under man’s justice.
There’s just one fly in the ointment. That fly has grown huge while the ointment is down to a single drop.
Namely, that the “money” the billionaires racked up is worthless. They know it – but so far the people don’t know it. And that’s why the scam keeps going.
As long as people keep struggling for their little pittance, the money scam will continue. The central bankers will keep printing money (or digitizing it).
All it would take to bring the entire fetid system of banking to ruin is for 8 billion people to call in sick. That happens…game over.
Actually, that would finalize their plans. As long as humans continue to believe the money lie, you’re correct, we’re enslaved, but if we shut it ALL down, we’ve doing their job for them. This is exactly what they want. Then they just crash the money system anyways, implement the digital based economy and QR codes become the new paycheck overnight.
Yes. Social credit will be the new currency.
Truly, I suspect these supervillains, World Banksters, have a lot of Plan Bs. I think they have many a safety valve for failures of various kinds. Though it’s quite possible they may have jumped the gun on their timetables, inasmuch as this seems to play out as a great contest of power between two sides, essentially: the U.S./CIA and allies vs. the Eastern bloc of China, Russia (beyond present politics, India too) and affiliates.
What is driving the Western NATO/U.S. side is essentially bankrupt in ideology. It’s all driven on money-mongering paradigms of “growth” and expansion, i.e. capitalism, and it is simply a balloon getting bigger and bigger. (Think bubble, housing bubble, other past bubbles, and you are led to this globalized bubble, where else?)
A Balloon. Something big, bright and shiny that suddenly, when encountering a sharp object (fill in the non-metaphorical ______) with a “pop”, turns out to be merely a huge flat slimy piece of rubber.
It seems that the motivations, at the macro-economic level at least, of the West have led us to a place where all its members, all of us –whether perps or their hostages– are simply “going through the motions” –and masked, at that.
And the balloon keeps filling. A counterfeit crazy quilt of a balloon of nations, or mobs, and cultures.
But maybe that’s just me!
Your Musk reference reminded me of something I saw a few weeks back but censorship is real… I can no longer find the English link for this story but I had it faved… was wondering if anyone else thinks the top echelons of our society are organic robotoids or is it juz me…
I’ll loosely translate: Germany: The robot health minister of Germany powers down live tv
Could Elon Musk, be an organic robotoid? And does anyone remember Operation JadeHelm?
The very recent Time Magazine cover story of Musk as “Person of the Year” struck me as significant, since it used to be “Man of the Year”. His parents in South Africa called him “our Genius Boy”. It all gives me the creeps. Maybe that’s just a cover, if they have to call him a generic “Person”. Maybe he is powered by AI, an early transhuman. I talk to a lot of people who say that they know, that much of this technology is secret and has been around, well, awhile.
Hey, if corporations are considered “persons” under American law, perhaps that was all just paving the way to transhuman “personhood” as well. Or, as you suggest (and Asimov also, long ago enough) “I, Robot”. The New Age Normal “Person of the Year”.
If the shoe fits, “Elon”.
If the All Lies hadn’t handed a free and alive Germany to kikeistan ZOG terror, you wouldnt be under the thumb of Cohen19 flu commies now.
Don’t let zioshill Hopkins read that comment or else…..
I just read the 16 January update of retired Police Constable Mark Sexton on the active criminal case in the UK, and must say that its significance can not be overstated. Mr Saxton should be applauded for his professional and personal integrity. Let’s hope justice will be done.
Mark Sexton has a problem with jurisdiction. In the US we’re allowed to sue the government if we think they’ve overstepped their authority but the result won’t be a criminal complaint but an injunction that prohibits that action. Sometimes this gets technical to the point of weirdness such as the recent Supreme Court ruling on OHSA requiring employers to implement vaccine mandates. (This was struck down because those ‘health and safety’ rules only apply at work so because you can’t ‘unvaccinate’ a person at the end of the workday the OSHA mandate was overstepping the authority’s mandate and so illegal.)(Got it?)
Anyway, AFAIK there is no parallel capability in the UK. If it does exist its more a ‘we’re playing the game to look good’ rather than something enshrined in a written Constitution. As for requesting the police to investigate the government, that’s technically possible in the US but in reality that’s what the Department of Justice does. The idea of this happening in the UK is laughable, it runs into the “You and who’s army?” problem. The police are the government. The UK government has historically avoided armed confrontation with its population but its never shied away from it if it thought it necessary — from Peterloo through the miners’ strikes in the 1980s to today when there was a conflict that the government couldn’t afford to lose the people got suppressed.
Its worth pondering why there was this tradition of allowing people to (literally) stand on a soap box at Hyde Park Corner in London and speak on anything that interests them. Such tolerance! Very British. Also very ineffective — start a real political movement (or even look like an effective opposition) and see how far that gets you.
Relax american, you and your strong democracy, the crimes of the government against the people in the usa fly under your nose apparently.
The USA is in freefall, in every section of life. And it will NEVER recover. They will crash every economy on Earth, we are almost in a new dark age of illiteracy, obedience and slavery, and tyranny
The spinners of this sick saga cannot allow it to stop, for soon after there will be an accounting, and heads will have to roll.
They will no more admit to any fault, any more than the CIA et al will admit to complicity in 9/11, JFK, etc.
This is what happens to such folk, 5 centuries ago ~
the book is no longer available on amazon.
A quick search, the only copies I can find are in French
Wow,, great historical information.. Thanks
I long to see Fauci and Gates hanging on a yard arm at Nuremberg Court II
We should go after them, bring the fight to their door and drag them out and string them up
Welcome to the dangerous clown show. I am sick of it! Pun intended!
I don’t know why people think this is ending.
It isn’t ending in most countries across the world and as we all know in the UK the government will most likely do the exact opposite of what they said they would do.
A large part of the psychological war they have been waging has involved fucking with our heads by constantly changing the tune, imposing ridiculous policies and doing the opposite of what they just said they would do.
Tomorrow king cunt Boris may well announce the new megatron variant and declare that everyone must wear a cheese cloth tea cosy on their head to keep them safe, followed by 25 boosters.
Indeed. This will not be over until the perpetrators are behind bars. If they get away with it, they will just come back again, having learned their lessons, with more determination and greater force.
They redefine what constitutes a pandemic and a vacine to suit the agenda.
All they need to do now is redefine what death is, what freedom is, what massive adverse events mean, what economic catastrophe is and all will be well.
Other redefinitions include ‘citizen’ (only if they say you are), right wing extreme thingy (now = libertarian), Christian (now = someone who is happy for people to be coerced into medical experimentation & avoid church when gov says so), journalist = propaganda mouthpiece, democracy = doing what NGOs say because they know better, and Gates = a philanthropist.
I was a sociology student in the 80s and I saw such insidious labelling as normalised and accepted.
Things have gone beyond that innocent era. They are literally taking Orwell and running with it. A dark satire which is understood I think by all those implementing policy.
Language is very interesting
That’s the 2 Ronnies Fork Handles sketch.
They did this with milk too. They labelled milk as ‘raw’, and then the pasteurized became ‘milk’… Then in many places, the original raw milk became illegal.
Same with Christians… Heretics and Novus ordo assumed the Christian label, then the original unaltered Christians were designated Catholics..and then made illegal, or at least driven back to catacombs and persecution.
Now we we same with pureblood humans…and the illegalities surrounding them, when they a simply the unadulterated people.
Bye, you’re souled out whores.
Are you playing with needle craft without a second thought about what is going inside your body and directly into your blood stream? YOU “souled” out.
Uh I’m completely anti-vax, but I GUESS YOU’RE A RETARDED WHORE.
This is absolutely going to happen. The child trafficking, child abusing, satanic globalists will stop at nothing – they went all in and they will blow up the table on their way out. They only know death and destruction. J think they are angling for a hot war, countries are setting up the narrative already. A fake alien invasion is another possibility and God knows what else.. direct energy weapons to wipe us out. They will pull one of these, they ain’t going quietly into the night.
I think that at the very least they’ve got what they mostly wanted, shots in peoples arms with whatever is in them.
Thus the timely EM shit…if I had to guess.
I think the plan was for 6monthly shots for a long time. I believe they were trialling different levels of toxicity of maybe graphene technologies since some lots had high injury stats and many more lots had very few or no injuries. I doubt very much they got what they mostly wanted which was to have 70% of the human population on a constant rolling program of shots. That way they would have achieved full bodily injection access for herd control and culling should the “necessity” arise.
They just want to bring in the alternative team for a short while.
The main players are tired, and of course we have to give the next generation of holy shits a chance to get some experience…
An important man who had dedicated his whole life to freedom and a just, democratic socio-economic system once said to me :”I don’t have the right to be naive any more”.
Regardless of my wishes, small individual efforts and the great collective protest that is growing, I do not see that this criminal, sadistic experiment with manifold goals is at its end.Things are very complex, the goals and the strategy have not been abandoned, only the tactics change, adapt to the results of every tactical move by those who hold the strings.Too much is at stake and they are close to achieving their aims.
Most importantly, the majority of the people all over are complying. “It is what it is”, is a widespread attitude; the understanding of freedom has been equated with the difference between the fundamental freedoms removed and the bits that are “given back” in the tactical battle. The understanding, the experience and the need for freedom has been squeezed very, very thin and narrow. The pattern of conditioning remains the same, because it is successful.
I would caution against falling for any change in the public rhetoric, it’s actions that count, remember.
If you haven’t, please watch Reiner Fuellmich interview with Robin Monotti
The cult moves on now with Russia/Ukraine. The West’s forlorn hope is that Russia will invade Ukraine and then a long war like in Afghanistan will bring the Russian economy to its knees. Then they can move in, grab Russia’s resources and have China surrounded. Game over.
But that ain’t gonna happen so maybe cyber “terrorism” and food/money/utilities shortages, then maybe pandemic 2, which may be different to 1. Instead of losing sense of smell and taste this time they will be enhanced to such a degree that, like a dog, Starmer will be sniffing Boris’ arse – while the real government in the City of London laughs its head off.
Let’s not forget here was the birthplace of freemasonry and neoliberalism (after it had been trialled in Chile) and hell knows what else. The Rothschilds never needed to move to the US as their agents over there – most secretly J.P. Morgan – did a fine job for them.
So much good could be achieved if our politicians just knew what it was to experience going out alone for a walk in the countryside, and letting Nature get inside their souls –
– i.e. not with their dogs and their partners and their children and their cars and their iPhones, but just with their own faculties of critical appreciation, contemplation and thinking – along with enough time to let it all sink in.
Those guys never go anywhere alone, so, understandably, they don’t know anything.
Their only intellectual possession is GroupThink.
Excellent article….but I’m not so sure this is a real “turn around” and defeat of the cult or an intentional tactic. Please comment on my comment because I am not convinced…let me know if I am missing something crucial here. This is what I think.
I think they will lift physical restrictions…lockdowns, capacity restrictions, etc. but only for the vaccinated…they may even lift the mask mandates and social distancing, to make it look like the pandemic is over. But only for the vaccinated…I think everything will stay in place for the unvaccinated…and all “passport” requirements will stay in place. Not sure about pushing the boosters…but they probably will or else the passports are sort of pointless. They my be trying to see if they can return things to normal for the vaccinated. They, in my opinion, will not give up all they have gained…and…I think they will pick up again with either a new variant, or a new virus, within a year.
They want everyone to think that they did a good job by complying and will be rewarded…but only for those that played along. There will be no “I told you so”s we so desperately and excitedly want to hand out. In fact, if there are any, it will be from the sheep believing that their compliance is what ended the pandemic. The designation “enemy” now will completely transfer to the unvaccinated…the “unclean” minority, who will always be the threat that things will go bad again…we will probably still be required to wear masks, and will thus be marked…police being able to check unmasked people’s passports randomly and ticket or arrest the unvaccinated without a mask.
Or maybe not
Well, Hitler, Mussolini and the rest lived to regret what they had spent their lives trying to accomplish: Their own narcissistic satisfaction.
Our current batch of lunatic politicians will live to regret it too.
But somebody really needs to get at the stinking manipulators in the shadows and stop them.
Nothing will ever be normal until that happens.
They know that the figureheads we see in the daily news are perfectly dispensable tools, so we should dig deep enough to find out what those manipulators actually want.
If it turns out that what they actually want is to serve satan (not by any means as far-fetched a notion as I would have thought ten years ago), then prayer alone will deliver the world from their clutches.
Once we start on that path of contemplation, we need to realize that there is not a single person in today’s politics who is ‘good’ enough to resist organized evil.
satan actually has the rank of arch-angel (retired), so there is no limit to the horror and misery to which he is capable of subjecting us, as many countries around the world have experienced for a long time.
From what I see, they are in those institutions, after having souled out, FUNDAMENTALLY anti-life, qlippothic industrial deathcultists as they get sort of spiritually possessed.
EVERYTHING they do is based on destroying the Earth, life, with industrial shit.
I don’t consider them as human, I really fucking don’t.
As that qlippothic egregore, they are invariably, puppets. I kinda think they serve “Lilith”, “mammon worship”, rather than what is deemed “Satan”, btw. And the “manly” (faggots) “freemason” institutional shit is a veil for that, a misdirection.
“Lilith” being supremely insecure, and associated with, for instance degenerating women and children. Not like you see any of that in “freemason” society, is it?
I’m kinda supporting the ‘V’ PCW (power, control, will) triangle, will being the “Nadir” of that.
And it’s the opposite of those constantly projecting ‘A’ dividing line shit trying to trample and carrying no weight.
That all makes sense to me.
I’m just using ‘satan’ as a generic term for all the other bad stuff you mention, since he seems to be the ring-leader here… 👿
Ring-leader indeed!
Satan is Lord of the Rings, the lord of the dance, and the ‘Lord’ as in ‘The Lord’s prayer’ – hallowed be thy name (hallowed, because few could stomach knowing that ‘our father which art in heaven’ is Satan).
Eh, I elaborated a bit.
nicely put in your blog
indeed… the most interesting revealing in the so called ‘torah’… is when ‘the Lord’ supposedly recedes from his ‘creation’.. no longer involving ‘Him-self’ in the world of men…going ‘under cover’ perhaps?.. sound at all familiar?.. (you are dealing with occultism for dummies after all… and most of it ahem, ‘borrowed’ should we say)..
this receding is a common theme throughout much so called pagan mythology (Zeus, Chronos etc all creator gods, not nomad desert demons, implying once again that most of the torah is a patchwork assembled on the road so to speak)… and of course this was why the ‘Christ’ consciousness incarnated (once again)….
the aim?… head off the Goblins… the ones we are still saddled with unfortunately..
Most of the current global crime cartel are most likely descended from the bastard offspring of Babylonian temple prostitutes, their fathers ‘unknown’.. their ancestors probably counted the gold and silver..
which they probably carted off in the bronze age collapse, setting themselves up as merchant royalty..
you can view their swarthy visages and black eyes staring back at you in any museum..
usually with a crown on their head…. of course you never get to see the real evil behind the throne..
he receded long ago…
Very good points you make. Apparently there is a council of 7 men at the top who control most of the worlds larger scale socio-economic direction of travel. We don’t know who they are yet, but apparently some global scandal will reveal them at some point or at least the one at the top.
Unfortunately, I think you are right.
Schwab needs a big,BIG dose of Jim Jones Koolaide!!! imo
I agree. I don’t think this is their end, yet, it’s merely the end of this phase of their 666 assault on humanity. I do believe the ‘spell’ (the devil Klaus even called this operation a spell) has been broken, however, this only means that they will summon their dead false-god Lucifer all the more, thus requiring more blood sacrifice and abominable acts against children. I believe they’re losing this war not only in the spirit but also in the carnal realm. It appears that even the deceivers are themselves deceived, some of the not ‘in the know’ but ‘in the club’ Luciferians are actually taking the kill shotz and perishing, which is pure unadulterated justice in my opinion.
When I read that the tripplejabbed ped0phile BobFagget, and BettyWhite the adrenochromed whore of satan (also trippled-up) and then the dragon HarryGetYourBoosterReid perished, it felt like justice. I rejoice not in their destruction but rather in God’s Justice being exacted upon them.
I’ve had killshotted family members and friends tell me I am the most selfish person they know and they just can’t have me around, and I’ve always said the same thing to them, “I’m not suicidal, but I respect your choice to be so.” They know the truth, their own bodies are telling them the truth yet they continue to deny they have been harmed, so now they can live it and learn it for themselves by experience.
They’re also ALL sick. I’m the only 1 with a functioning immune system so, I got a couple sniffles last week and jammed myself with Vit D, C & Zinc and it was over in a day. Several fam members had to visit the hospital (I’m convinced they are the true #’s in those places), and a buddy of mine has had a debilitating skull crushing headache since the boozter 2 weeks ago and told me, “It’s probably stress,” so, I asked if he heard that it was an adverse event and he actually had the gall to say, ‘Yes, it was on tv that it was normal.” Sick. They would rather be compliant and maimed or dead than non-compliant and alive but no longer participating in ‘polite’ society.
I don’t hate cowards, I hate their cowardice. It’s sad but it’s True, those who hate the Truth don’t deserve a second thought, let them die as they lived, because everybody pays eventually, and everybody reaps what they sow. Let him who is filthy remain filthy and let him who is holy, remain holy. Selah.
2 Thessalonians-Chapter 2:11-13
11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth.
You know that those who refused to charge the Hun’s machine guns with their bayonetted rifles were castigated as cowards?
Similarly, are cowards, those who refuse to take the Russian-roulette jab.
What the morons call cowardice, the sapient call perspicacity.
The latter are greatly outnumbered by the former.
But, of course, one must not lose sight of the shepherds.
We’re literally watching our friends and family die before our very eyes because of their choice to bow to Mammon, they’re also sacrificing their children to Moloch by forcing the killshotz in them. A multitude in the valley of decision, indeed. At first, they wanted to continue going to games, bars and restaurants, I never mourned losing these things, but when the killshotz were required to work, many fell away from the Truth and succumbed.
I chose to lose everything I worked my entire life for and never looked back. I researched Crispr and synthetic mRNA payloads, editing genes and the 060606 crypto bio-metric Gates’ patent from the very start. The Luciferin (Enter Lucifer) and Luciferase (Lucifer Race) really sealed it for me, as that is as in your face as it gets, but the information was all there for anyone who would seek it out. Sure, it’s been difficult but I’ve met some of the most brave souls I would have never encountered, if not for our joining faith in resisting the devil.
The same goes for all the cowards who took it and didn’t even bother researching, they simply refused to be edified. Probably worse though, are those who KNOW it is the destruction of their humanity and take it with pride while proclaiming, “My body can handle it.”
A great falling away is in motion and whether we like it or not, those of us who would prefer a dirt nap to having our genetic code altered, are in fact very strong and very courageous. The Holy Spirit only inhabitants humans, these people have taken their Luciferian initiation and are changing into something that is no longer human, and just like Esau, have forfeited their inheritance for a morsel of meat. It always startled me when I read how Esau sought repentance with great rivers of tears after that, but that he never found it.
Everyone has to lose everything – Everyone Loses Everything – ELE.
Thus, those who know not to wear the mark of the beast (behave like a sheep), who would preserve their lives, are the elect.
TPTB will therefore remove everything from them: cultural, social, fiscal, etc.
Thus denuded, their trial by fire complete, they are ready for the underworld.
Very well written. You are mostly echoing my experiences of others who would rather be compliant and maimed or dead than non-compliant and alive. Fortunately like you, I’m non-compliant and alive and hope to stay that way for a while longer. Might have to tough it out for a while or maybe the narrative is finally going to crumble sooner than expected due to the high level of push back. I had been aware of the Bible text also and wished that a God of truth wouldn’t send a delusion.
Thoughtful response, thank you. The problem is, that people who believe God is Love like to forget that He is is also Holy. God will not be mocked. Sending His angels to destroy His enemies and sending strong delusion to the souls who refuse His mercy in Christ Jesus, is in fact His Justice in action. God is patient to a point, there will come a day where He will require your soul of you and if you have denied Him, He will righteously deny you. The devil himself fears the Ever-Living God and bows before Him with dread and trembling, so, if even the demons know He is Vengeful and Wrathful, how much more so should His people made in His image?
I wept for many moons for my family and friends who refused the Truth, and even heard preachers saying that they just need to repent for having taken the killshot and they would be forgiven, however, if this were true, why am losing my life for not taking it? There is 1 sin that has no forgiveness, blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, calling that which is evil holy and that which is Holy evil. For this reason, those who love not the Truth shall perish.
Luke 9:24-For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for My sake, the same shall save it.
I know this doesn’t apply to lawless countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Great Britian, but hey. >
Excerpted from: 18 U.S. Code § 1040 – Fraud in connection with major disaster or emergency benefits
“(a) Whoever, in a circumstance described in subsection (b) of this section, knowingly—
(1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device any material fact; or
(2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation, or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation, in any matter involving any benefit authorized, transported, transmitted, transferred, disbursed, or paid in connection with a major disaster declaration under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170) or an emergency declaration under section 501 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5191), or in connection with any procurement of property or services related to any emergency or major disaster declaration as a prime contractor with the United States or as a subcontractor or supplier on a contract in which there is a prime contract with the United States, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.
(b) A circumstance described in this subsection is any instance where—
(1) the authorization, transportation, transmission, transfer, disbursement, or payment of the benefit is in or affects interstate or foreign commerce;
(2) the benefit is transported in the mail at any point in the authorization, transportation, transmission, transfer, disbursement, or payment of that benefit; or
(3) the benefit is a record, voucher, payment, money, or thing of value of the United States, or of any department or agency thereof.
(c) In this section, the term “benefit” means any record, voucher, payment, money or thing of value, good, service, right, or privilege provided by the United States, a State or local government, or other entity.” [End quote]
Complete text: 18 U.S. Code § 1040 – Fraud in connection with major disaster or emergency benefits | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (
Maybe someone should alert Moderna, Phizer, and J&J. We sure wouldn’t want them to be arrested for fraud…
“It’s not a vaccine
It’s an IQ test”
– Paul Vonharnish –
(January 18, 2022)
Well it certainly fits its purpose better than the standard ones I saw at school.
It is also vastly different from them.
Hardly anybody passes this one, whereas a reasonable percentage did well enough in the school version.
Let’s call it an ‘Advanced IQ Test’, to be used only in emergencies…
After all, it requires quite a lot of homework and research before one has a chance of passing it.
99.8% survival rate, according to the Official Story.
but they’re absolutely determined to vaxx everybody, anyway.
one begins to smell a rat. or at least, one should.
what’s so hard to understand about that???
Pfizer – ‘Here , I have a warp speed vaccine that has had a whole 2 months worth of testing.
We didn’t check whether it causes cancer at all and we only tested it on healthy people that aren’t using any medication, do you want an endless series of these shots?
Sane human – Get fucked.
They failed miserably Paul ; 😀
If you take on the idea that the Earth is overpopulated by humans and there needs to be a cull, how do you decide who should survive? Those who can sense wrong and withstand hypnosis and stand their ground against the majority would have some commendable qualities…..
Spot on!
All set out by Prof. Mattias Desmet of Ghent.
How to spot and prevent such political developments in future is set out in detail by Andrew Lobaczewski, a psychologist who survived both Hitler’s and Stalin’s terror, in his “Political Ponerology” (Red Pill Press, 2009).
Having spent the last nearly 2 years ignoring/denting that lockdown or carbon-zero measures are or would have any inflationary consequences, what does the Fraud suddenly find with Johnson on the ropes:
Decimal points don’t count in gematria. 54 happens to be [6+6+6] + [6+6+6] + [6+6+6].
Optimisms from CJ well I’ll never thought I see that ;:))
United Kingdom ppl have it easy.
Boris Johnson announced this lunchtime, that the law requiring people to wear face-coverings in shops will be removed next week and that mandatory covid certification will end. He also said that children will no longer be required to wear masks in school.
The Prime Minister told the House of Commons that so-called Plan B restrictions will end on January 26th. Plan B was triggered to deal with the omicron variant. Johnson said that it was now up to individuals to decide whether or not to wear a face covering.
However, he did say that if venues preferred to retain covid certification or vaccine passports, then the government would support that.
Responding to the PM’s statement, Labour Party leader Keir Starmer asked Johnson to provide the scientific evidence for removing the Plan B measures.
The Prime Minister said he “would be happy” to provide Starmer with the scientific advise on which he based his decision, but that it was already in the public domain.
so good
You’ve got to be kidding, right?
I remember the woman in the second meme, one of those supposed actresses?
I cannot remember if it was Talk radio or the know all bigots at LBC but a caller mentioned crisis actors and the presenter went off on one and cut the call. Not forgetting that gross moron Nick Ferrari who delighted in telling us about the first death from Omicron in a Northampton hospital via the victims stepson which turned out to be a total fabrication and Ferrari has never apologised and did not get sacked because he just follows the narrative.
Its all out there to research but the reality deniers just don’t know how to deal with the so called conspiracy theorists being proved right at every turn over the past 2 years yet alone the past 50 years.
Majid Nawaz got sacked from LBC a couple of weeks ago for telling a caller exactly what’s going on, we need people like him in broadcasting. Hope someone signs him up soon.
Thanks I’ll look those up.
Boston was so personal with all the close photo & vids, of which I stored 100s.
Half the best info I found has re appeared on bitshoot:
What’s happened to Chris Spivey, he was very hot on outing the crisis actors at all the false flag events and even revealed the recruiting agency? Does anyone know if Northern Truthseeker in Canada is safe and well? Boy did he know his stuff.
I think he used a “little friend” as well but perhaps the rocket launcher was named Covid.
If you want some Covid scepticism watch GB News
As always they rely on every one’s gold fish memory.
As they say the opposite of what they said earlier.
The new logic is just as good as the old logic but the reverse.
How many old and sick people that were in hospital or care homes did they kill.
How many died as they withdrew GP and Hospital care.
But they can always claim they they save thousands of lives.
Maybe they will sacrifice Boris and hope all will be forgiven or forgotten.
As people worry about the price of food and energy.
Boris will have lots of well paid rewards for his services to the mega rich.
They can distract with new things to worry about. Be it Ukraine or immigration or Russia (again) .
“They can distract with new things to worry about. Be it Ukraine or immigration or Russia (again) .”
Yes, there’s a lot of that recently, even from fairly respectable sites like Global Research…
How can it be “fairly respectable”, when it peddles bullshit?
I’ve seen some pretty good articles there…but some of that stuff pushed is like “Wtf, why are you undermining something actually true, that you posted yesterday?”
I have trouble reconciling that notion.