Hiding the Bodies

Diana West

Thank you, Art Moore of World Net Daily, for reporting on the tag-team treachery of Fauci and Walensky after a US Senator finally, if inadequately, confronted them both with the VAERS covid “vaccine” body count in “Fauci, Walensky dodge when asked about number of vaccine deaths.”

Before I discuss the substance of Moore’s story, I’d like to point out why it is likely to remain a news media exclusive forever: The lethality of the covid “vaccine” is the last thing media and political and money elites want us “useless eaters” to understand.

The mantra they have pressed on us is “safe and effective,” which I think of as the new “Sieg Heil.”

We’re supposed to repeat after them, while sucking on the same old puff-blah, “Fauci, Walensky testify while omicron prompts many possible changes” (Associated Press); or the same old melodrama, “Criticized by Senators, U.S. Health Officials Defend Omicron Response” (NYT); or, worst of all, the “battle” of Fauci vs. Paul, those fake gladiators in the arena fighting over nothing. (I’ll get back to that.)

Among others, CNBC pushed the latter (“Fauci says Sen. Rand Paul’s false accusations ‘kindles the crazies’ and have incited death threats”), as did Fox, only the other way around (“Rand Paul rips Fauci following latest hearing fireworks: He doesn’t want debate because he ‘is science’).

Whatever Fauci and Rand Paul lob at each other in these recurring “showdowns,” their dispute over virus research in Wuhan has nothing, zip, nada, to do with the agony of our nation.

We are not dying over the origins of a virus which may not exist, or even over the virus itself (plus “variants”) with its 99+ percent survival rate, and whose average age of death approximates the average age of death.

We are dying from the tyrannical “cure”: each and every act of oppression imposed on us by our very own governments and institutions, all in the name of a fake plague called “covid.”

From “flattening the curve (15 days), to “lockdowns” forever, to “social distancing” and other totalitarian measures including incessant “testing” (with a fake test), we find ourselves not on the road to something they mockingly call “public health,” but rather to a state of perpetual fear, vaxx apartheid, “green passes,” concentration camps (happening), digital currency (to come), a vaxx-caused die-off and overall sickening of the world’s peoples, and, I am increasingly persuaded, the goal of ending the human species itself in gene-engineered and nano-wired “transhumanism.”

There is a simple switch to shut down the dystopian juggernaut. If we were to stop “testing” healthy people by the million (or if healthy people were to refuse to be tested by the million) the Xi to Gates Foundation to WEF to WHO to CDC to Johns Hopkins “dashboards” would stop generating the false-positive-“cases” that drive the closures, the stoppages, the firings, the breakdowns, the hysteria, rage and more testing. Without the fake statistical drivers that fuel this “pandemic,” this “pandemic” stops.

So, theoretically, does demand for, or submission to the covid shot of Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, Astra Zeneca, Comiraty, all of them. These are the real bioweapons, not a virus, which, by their own terms, poses a negligible threat to most people.

Whatever did or did not come out of Wuhan’s labs is not the key (unless Br. Bugnolo is correct and the killer-“vaccine” was developed there); the key is what came out of Big Pharma’s DARPA-funded labs here in the Western world.

It is this “vaccine” — experimental genetic therapy plus equally horrifying nano-circuitry and more — that poses the public health risk, and, incredibly, it is being forced upon people regardless of the fact that it is “secretly” (read: not reported by news media or acknowledged by officials) killing tens of thousands of people — more likely, due to gross undercounting, hundreds of thousands of people — and grievously injuring hundreds of thousands more.

Forcing men, women and children to risk death and disability (and genetic alteration and micro-wiring for an “internet of people” or some such) is not only a violation of every imaginable right of sovereign beings under eternal law, natural law, the Magna Carta, the Constitution, the Nuremberg Code…you name it.

But the governmental power driving it tells us we have entered a new and terrifying age in which to be a citizen is to be a slave in the eyes of something else that is new, or, at least, newly in the open: superfically separate governments acting in lockstep as one — global government — to radically alter or “reset” every aspect of what it means to be human.

Naturally, then, the body count must mount in silence — or be lost in the static of Fauci v. Paul, or Wuhan, or whatever distraction du jour comes next. Once you learn how to unplug their censorship and hear what is really happening, there isn’t enough noise in the world to drown out the screams.

It’s all there, on the internet, which they still don’t really control, not by a longshot. Even a tiny sample from recent days is enough to collapse their narrative of “safe and effective.”

Watch the video 14 year old Jessica Sara Blattner made five days before she died of the Pfizer shot; the interview Stew Peters did with 47-year-old Jeff Jackson whose own skin became a torture chamber (he can’t stand to wear clothes) after his second Moderna shot; the story of 23-year-old Casey Hodgkinson and how the covid shot led to her neurological incapacitation, her employer’s indifference, and belittlement by hospital staff.

“Why?” Casey asks her demonic prime minister, turning to the camera. “Why?”

There are no answers, not from those in power — or, like Trump & Biden & Ardern & Johnson & Co. there is obfuscation and lies. Maybe worst of all, there are no questions.

With few exceptions, no one in power or with power is pressing these monsters on the toll of the shots, and the silence is, yes, deafening.

Which takes me back to the Fauci-Walensky-Senate circus that Art Moore wrote about.

Shockingly, Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) broke the silence — the globalist omerta — by dragging the suffering carcass of neglected reality into a US Senate hearing room. He actually asked Health Capos Fauci and Walensky whether it was true as VAERS reported that “thousands” of people were dying following injection by the covid vaccines.

His questioning was inadequate, his preparation woeful, his failure to pin down the nonsensical deception he heard in reply was a crushing letdown. But at least he asked.

SEN. TUBERVILLE: The VAERS reported that the number of people dying after or following the covid vaccine is actually in the thousands.

Now this is what I’m hearing. I’ll give you a chance to refute that or confirm it here. You know, is this true? Are we having that many peple die after taking one of these vaccines?

CDC DIRECTOR WALENSKY: Sen Tuberville, thank you for that question. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System is a mandatory system of any adverse event that happens after being vaccinated, so if you get hit by a car, tragically, after getting vaccinated that gets reported in the VAERS system.

So, the vaccines are incredibly safe, they protect us against omicron, they protect us against delta, they protect us against covid. They don’t protect us against every other form of mortality out there.

To call this answer insulting is insulting to insulting. My guess is, Walensky was unprepared for this question and replied with whatever came to mind, ending, of course, with “Sieg: Safe and effective.”

Maybe she recalled the USA Today “fact check” of, as it happens, a previous World Net Daily story reporting that the number of VAERS adverse events for covid shots had broken one million — an absolutely 100 percent true story.

USA Today labeled it false, however, on the say-so of Daniel Salmon, director of the Institute for Vaccine Safety at Johns Hopkins University (JHU was a sponsor of Event 201, the notorious pandemic planning conference in October 2019) who said, quote:

I can get a COVID vaccine and my dog gets hit by a car – I can make that report and it will show up in the [VAERS] database,” Salmon said. “It does not mean that my getting a COVID vaccine caused my dog to get hit by a car.”

What is it with these people and cars?

Anyway, Tuberville, in his way, is undeterred. He’s gonna ask his question.

SEN. TUBERVILLE: Do we keep numbers of people that died following … taking this vaccine? Do we have any idea — I’m just asking. … Is there any number count? Do we keep records on that?

CDC DIRECTOR WALENSKY: Absolutely yes. I couldn’t get you the absolute number off top of my head, but our staff could absolutely get back in touch with you. We collect those data.

Too bad Tuberville didn’t take the moment to hoist last week’s red box summary from Open VAERS:

Anyway, Walensky thinks she’s off the hook. Tuberville just shifts his tusks towards Fauci.

SEN TUBERVILLE: Do you know Dr. Fauci? You have any clue on that?

FAUCI: [unintelligible…] I don’t have a number but I think part of the confusion is that when you do a reporting, if you get vaccinated and you walk out and get hit by a car (chuckles) that is considered a death. That’s the thing that gets confusing, that everything that happens after the vaccination, even if you die of something completely obviously unrelated, it’s considered a death. So if I had metastic cancer, got vaccinated and died two weeks later, that’s a death that gets counted.

Like a good mafioso, Fauci has doubled down on his co-conspirator’s outlandish alibi.

I have read hundreds of VAERS reports and haven’t seen a single one that comes close to these cracked descriptions by the cretins in charge, from NIH to CDC to Johns Hopkins, all of them violating every oath of office and decency, including the right of us all to informed consent, to lie about those who have needlessly lost their lives to, let’s say, a flu shot gone wrong.

Here is a screenshot from a VAERS search I just pulled up of deaths following covid shots among women, 50-59 years of age, with onset of symptoms coming within three days of the shot.

Here is a similar set of results for men, 30-39 years of age:

Not a car in sight.

Shouting about perjury is just so much distraction when what is emerging is evidence of murder.

Diana West is an award-winning journalist, a syndicated columnist for 15 years, and the author of The Red Thread: A Search for Ideological Drivers Inside the Anti-Trump Conspiracy (Center for Security Policy Press, 2019), American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character (St. Martin’s Press 2013) and The Death of the Grown-Up: How America’s Arrested Development Is Bringing Down Western Civilization (St. Martin’s Press 2007). In Fall 2013, West brought out a companion volume to American Betrayal titled The Rebuttal: Defending American Betrayal from the Book-Burners, which includes essays by the late Vladimir Bukovsky and M. Stanton Evans. She blogs at dianawest.net, and makes videos here. Having earned her Twitter suspension, Diana now thinks aloud and uncensored at Gab @realDianaWest.


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Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 3:02 PM

Not to mention, of course, the definition of ‘vaccinated’ vs. ‘unvaccinated’, where you were not classified as ‘vaccinated’ for the first 14 days following the final shot in a two-dose regime. The data show that up around 50% of the, let’s say, more immediate consequences for some occur within that period. So, herein lies not only another fudge in the data (although I understand the medical reasoning), but the goal posts on this definition are also moving constantly – this adds further complexities to the data, and thus confuses the picture further – which, of course, is the point. Same reason they destroyed the control group in the trials, because it is we humans who are their lab rats. Also, the REAL reason those who do not wish to participate are the new “heretics” etc. Same old, same old really – just a shame so many are being harmed. More love and kindness and less judgement and fear, including stopping complying with this charade would be a good start. If nobody turns up for any of it, and especially asymptomatic people who should never have been tested in the first place, it’s over. Clearly these doctors have all forgotten Microbiology 1? And if you have a healthy body, it doesn’t matter, because you likely won’t get it or know you’ve had it anyway. Funny how the far superior innate or natural immunity fell off the radar? Perhaps it went to the same place as all the odd socks and ‘flu’ cases?

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 3:12 PM
Reply to  Phillis Stein

They’d have done a lot more good if they’d have concentrated on getting on top of everyone’s vitamin D levels – it would have been much cheaper and more effective. The groups that largely succumbed to this flu were the classic groups for vitamin D deficiency. Then, of course, there are MANY other factors ignored, such as exposure to 5G, for example. Astounding when I had that thought at the beginning of this when they came up with the covid hotspot map. I found these for 2 countries – US & UK, who also had good 5G roll out maps and honestly, you could have placed one right over the other and you’d have had fun playing spot the difference – a superb match. Coincidence? Perhaps not. Could we be looking at the classic bait and switch? It IS another of their favourite tactics, after all? You get ‘flu’-like symptoms from radiation poisoning also. Just saying…………………………. A virus has been used to cover up for other things in the past, at least 2 or 3 times that I can think of off the top of my head. Let’s face it, an invisible enemy is perfect. Just thinking out loud randomly…..

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jan 28, 2022 4:37 AM
Reply to  Phillis Stein

What about imperfection, who decides..You?
If the vast majority are Healthy, why have they so overburdened the health institutions over the last 40yrs the costs have long since become unsustainable for the average person.
I put it to you, the Only Health System that works is Free Health Care for every Man Woman and Child, in Any Country.

When people dictate to Others, “if you are healthy”…You ARE missing the Point. A person’s Health is none of Your Business PERIOD.

Jan 26, 2022 6:03 PM

Because this is difficult to contemplate due to its horrific nature, here is a pie-chart of a subset of deaths in Elizabethan times for light relief:
comment image

Jan 25, 2022 6:34 PM

Very nicely done and succinct. Let’s get straight to the point, right? The killshotz are in fact ‘effective’ but no where near safe, by this I mean, they are doing exactly what they were designed to do, depopulate the Earth.

The problem with the ‘hiding of the bodies’ is the dirty little secret that, if you take the killshot and don’t report an adverse event after 48hrs, you are not deemed injured from the jab, this is how they are able to deem them ‘safe’ and ‘hide’ the bodies. This horrendously diabolical lie is making every single injury after this fabricated BigPharma imposed timeframe, a moot point.

The whole car thing is a gross misdirection, their logic is infinitely flawed, like back in 2020 when they deemed that gunshot and motorcycle fatalities were being counted as Covid deaths. They think they’re genius’ but in actuality, their inability to tell the Truth, makes their so-called higher-intelligence, defunct.

Even the vaxxed who were lucky enough to get the Saline placebos (which still contain the deadly neurotoxins Aluminum and Squalene) each and every time they played RussianRoulette with the jabz, are starting to see the patterns emerging. I’m seeing much less ‘twitters’ saying, “I got it and I’m fine and EVERYONE I know who got it is fine too.” Lately, I’ve been reading, “I guess I got lucky, everyone around me is sick.” They won’t make the connection but I do, I know they got the placebo, but those batches are all gone now, they were for 2021 only, so the mass-die-off wouldn’t happen before they made their billions. Now, it’s just full-scale depop time, here comes the pain.

I read that VAERS stats are only .1% of the injuries and deaths being reported, I personally believe it’s more like .01%. Every single person in my immediate sphere of influence (family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances) are ALL vaxxed and ALL sick and dying. The Cancer explosion on my mother’s side is literally terrifying and on my father’s side, VAIDS is tearing through them like a wild brush fire. Not to mention the ADE, they are waiting for the 4th shot because they think it will restore their now dead immune systems, they’ve lost not only the battle for their minds but the war for their souls.

My unvaxxed brethren, however, encourage me immensely, as they too are the only healthy ones in their spheres. So by definition, the hiding of the bodies is no longer going to be as important to the Luciferian overlords, the numbers are actually much higher and they will begin to allow their exposure. Just in my hometown alone, there are 3 times more vaxxed people in hospital tonight and 131 more people died today. Where in the history of the world has over 100 deaths in 1 day been reported so aloofly? It’s a Brave New World, indeed.

The narrative has fallen apart so entirely that now, the mass-die-off can no longer be hidden and the reporting in the local newspapers that hundreds of new deaths since yesterday, is deemed quite normal, like 13yr olds having heart-attacks, it just further proves that we are in fact, in a depopulation program.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 3:21 PM
Reply to  TheEndIsNigh

Agreed, but they really would like some transhumans as well, because that fulfills other agendas for them, I’m sure. At that point you would be owned. THEY could then see themselves as the ‘creators’ that they want to be. Fortunately, they are not going to get that far and, in fact, not that much farther. We should see shifts before the end of March by my estimation, but I hope it is much sooner. The victims CAN be helped, but they have to understand in order to even know they need to start helping themselves, even if they got a ‘placebo.’ I doubt the placebo was completely inert. This is another trick; there are many.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jan 24, 2022 8:39 PM

As far as I can see, the real smoking gun of fraud for profit in all this, globally, is that however they squeeze the stats, there really is no NEED for the “vaccines” or “gene therapy” or whatever they’re shooting into us.

It’s pretty clear that there are so many other and better “therapies” that are much safer and more obviously simple and routine than these new-fangled Pharma concoctions.

Absent the driving profit motive, “they” (governments and Pharma “gangsters”, ahem) have never shown there is much of a pressing need for them, if any, despite endless MSM hype that there is.

To use a shopworn fable, it really is “the emperor’s new clothes” syndrome where we are being misdirected hourly, minutely, from the fact that the age of death for “Covid” “approximates the age of death”.

It’s disgusting that Fauci and Co. are comparing adverse reactions to being “hit by a car” when there have been reports going back to the early months of this fiasco that people who died in vehicle accidents were listed as Covid deaths if only they had been “tested positive” months before. Or at some point.

Well, that’s all old news, but my point here is simply that they can’t demonstrate, historically, two years on-goingly, any necessity at all, for vaccines, only hype them through fear porn.

That should bring down their whole kitsch house of cards in and of itself, all political or global financialization considerations pro or con notwithstanding.

Jan 24, 2022 12:15 PM

“horrifying nano-circuitry”?
How am I supposed to take this seriously? If my bs-o-meter was broken, I’d be reading the Washington Post.
Our gene editing capability is scary AF. Researcher abstracts routinely report editing a virus to infect (so far non-human) test subjects with desired gene insertions. That means Homo GMO is one nut job geneticist away. Until some time last year, CRSPR starter kits were going for under $200 on Amazon.

We are not that far along with nanotech. Nothing remotely like it. No. We are not.
Fine, post the links. First sleaze site I see, Boom, I will spend the four hours necessary to thoroughly destroy these idiotic assertions with factual information, and we’ll see if Off-Guardian cares about publishing the truth or not.

That’s correct. I am calling the author out for either lying or having such disregard for the difference between evidence and hearsay that it amounts to the same thing. And while I’m at it, I dare any twit who thinks there’s “nanotech circuitry” in the vaccine to put up or shut up. Let’s see your “evidence.”  🙄 

Jan 24, 2022 1:54 PM
Reply to  hodgicus

The beauty of secrecy is that it works two ways. The makers of the COVID “vaccine” keep the actual ingredients a secret – “proprietary” being their default “gotcha”; that way they can assure us it’s all sweetness and light they wish to inject into us.

But that very secrecy can serve as a springboard giving us free rein to speculate what’s in there till the cows come home. A little graphene here, a little nano-bot there, a rat’s ass lurking somewhere, a tater tot slithering into your veins – we get to play it deuces wild since it’s all a great big secret anyway.

Who knows? Maybe if we come up with enough sleazy ingredients, the makers might just come clean and tell us what’s actually in there? Wouldn’t that be a hoot!

Jan 24, 2022 5:54 PM
Reply to  Howard

All three US “vaccine” pushers have published full lists of ingredients, compiled here: https://portal.ct.gov/Coronavirus/Covid-19-Knowledge-Base/Vaccine-Ingredients
Doesn’t help if we can’t believe them, I know, but we can be certain the fantasy nanobots we don’t have the tech to build yet are not in there.

Jan 25, 2022 5:58 AM
Reply to  hodgicus

If no one has acknowledged isolating the virus, where did the spike protein come from?

Jan 25, 2022 5:47 AM
Reply to  Howard

Agree. That clip of the jab content under an ordinary microscope, forming bizarre fractal patterns, is enough for me.

Jan 24, 2022 2:50 PM
Reply to  hodgicus

22,193 DEATHS

take that seriously instead

Jan 24, 2022 6:01 PM
Reply to  Stewart

On board. My 26 yo son, a bouncer, a rock climber, and a jui jitsu student, developed a blood clot in his kidney post Pfizer, and is still wearing a cardio monitor because the doctors know very well this stuff is happening all the time.
If Pfizer didn’t dream up the nanobot stupidity just to smear those of us trying to ask serious questions about the vaccines, they’re congratulating Moderna for thinking of it first.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 24, 2022 11:40 PM
Reply to  hodgicus

Were you an expert in vaccine technology before your son got the shot, or did this knowledge come afterwards; maybe as a consequence?

Jan 25, 2022 4:41 PM

I had strongly advised him not to take it, as I would any person under 40 who is not already dying of something else.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 6:33 AM
Reply to  hodgicus

There are at least 2 things in the vaccine that can cause blood clots -one is the injected or programmed spike protein itself, and the other is the graphene for the nanotech, which can also cause this clotting all by itself, medically referred to as ‘rouleaux.’ A D-dimer test between 4 and 7 days post-vax should pick up any new microclots; the larger ones can be found on scans.

Diane Weber
Diane Weber
Jan 24, 2022 3:12 PM
Reply to  hodgicus

Obviously your huffy indignation is greater than your knowledge. Find out more about DARPA before you embarrass yourself again.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 6:35 AM
Reply to  Diane Weber

Yep, same people who REALLY developed Facebook, for example. Those who believed it was actually produced by Zuckerbucks is dreaming – apparently he couldn’t code his way out of a paper bag! Facebook was announced the day after a particular DARPA project ended. Coincidence? There are NO coincidences. I wrote exactly the same as you above – so, good to see you’re on it. God help these poor souls IF they dial up the 5G as planned!

Emmet John Sweeney
Emmet John Sweeney
Jan 24, 2022 4:36 PM
Reply to  hodgicus

Hi Troll, I hope you’re taking your boosters.

Jan 24, 2022 5:32 PM
Reply to  hodgicus

agreed-without any evidence, this talk of “nano circuits” is just making us all look stupid.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 6:37 AM
Reply to  Jas

That is, until it doesn’t. Have a good look into transhumanism and then get back to me.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jan 24, 2022 5:36 PM
Reply to  hodgicus

Hello hodgicus, you may be interested in looking up the investigations done by Dr. Roberto Delgado, biostatistician, and Pr. Pablo Campra, PhD in Chemical Sciences, both from Spain.

Towards the end of last year, Delgado and Campra submitted vials of Pfizer vacc**** to optic microscope analysis, and called the scientific community to replicate their study to validate their results. Although their findings were important – shockingly so – if they turn out to be validated, they are still waiting for the scientific community to wake up.

Nevertheless, from their investigation, it is very likely that the so-called vacc**** indeed contain nano technology.

This is an introductory video to their work (in the Telegram channel that will open, is the detailed information):


More generally, “Transhumanism” is the popular term for what the scientific community very seriously call human augmentation. Dedicated to the prospect and impact of human augmentation, is a book titled Human Augmentation – Dawn of a New Paradigm (dated May 2021)”, published by the Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre (DCDC), a think tank for the UK Ministry of Defence, in cooperation with the Bundeswehr Office for Defence – likely an equivalent German think tank. The following are interesting quotes from the book:

“Recent advances in the life sciences and related technologies have led to the emergence of the interdisciplinary field known as human augmentation which has the potential to disrupt every aspect of our lives. The interdependencies and potential implications of human augmentation are so vast and complex that it is difficult to make sense of what it means for the future of society and Defence. The aim of this strategic implications project is to take the first step in making sense of these potential changes to human capabilities. It offers a conceptual model for thinking about human augmentation, its future direction and identifies key implications for Defence and its stakeholder.”

“Human augmentation will become increasingly relevant, partly because it can directly enhance human capability and behaviour and partly because it is the binding agent between people and machines. Future wars will be won, not by those with the most advanced technology, but by those who can most effectively integrate the unique capabilities of both people and machines. The importance of human-machine teaming is widely acknowledged but it has been viewed from a techno-centric perspective. Human augmentation is the missing part of this puzzle.”

“Human augmentation is not just tomorrow’s business, there are short-term and long-term opportunities that require engagement today. The following matrix illustrates the technical maturity and the magnitude of policy considerations of human augmentation technologies. It shows that there are technologies that could be integrated today with manageable policy considerations. The most transformative technologies (for example, genetics and brain interfaces) currently sit at a low level of technological maturity but we must be prepared for this to change quickly. Bioinformatics and collection and analytics (encompassing sensors, artificial intelligence-enabled processing) are particularly important enablers for other human augmentation technologies and warrant focused research and development attention.”

We cannot wait for the ethics of human augmentation to be decided for us, we must be part of the conversation now. The ethical implications are significant but not insurmountable; early and regular engagement will be essential to remain at the forefront of this field. Ethical perspectives on human augmentation will change and this could happen quickly. There may be a moral obligation to augment people, particularly in cases where it promotes well-being or protects us from novel threats. It could be argued that treatments involving novel vaccination processes and gene and cell therapies are examples of human augmentation already in the pipeline.

“Economic forces will have a strong influence on human augmentation development and they may not be in the best interests of society. The private sector can employ more resources and have greater organisational agility than state institutions, meaning that they will remain at the cutting edge of human augmentation research. Enhancements will be highly profitable, and companies are likely to focus on human augmentation that is lucrative, rather than that which is of most benefit to humanity. The tension between states, societies and market forces is nothing new, but the consequences of mismanagement could be more severe in the case of powerful human augmentation technologies.

Towards the end of the book, in Annex A, there are considerations of what possible scenariosrios could bring about the opportunity for mass human augmentation, and scenario 4 is:

“Scenario – Globalised world, national tensions.

“A global understanding prevails between nations. Nations thrive and prosper, and high-technology human enhancements are shared between nations. Inside different nations, however, things were not as good as they seemed. The gap between normal citizens and the elite grew larger than ever before. Between 2020 and 2030, a genetically modified vir** was released into the world, infecting and killing billions before it could be isolated and controlled. The vir** still exists and still infects people. The only way to survive the infection is through the use of human augmentation technology. Ironically, the vir** that was designed to wipe out humanity led to widespread human enhancement.

“Nevertheless, human augmentation technology is very expensive and it is created and controlled by private organisations beyond the reach and control of the governments. People are still dying from the vir** because they are too poor to afford the cure. There was an insurgency were people tried to topple the existing government in an attempt to prevent further deaths amongst the poor. However, the insurgents were overpowered by an enhanced military, although a resistance endures.”

The difference of this scenario and the real thing is that people are not begging to take an expensive elixir of eternal health they can’t afford; on the contrary, they are more and more waking up to the deception.

Would the above qualify as shocking? Indeed yes.

When Klaus Schwab said in 2020, “Cov**-** is a narrow window of opportunity to rethink, reinvent, reset our world”, what he means is, IMO, that it is an opportunity to perform mass human augmentation, through the so-called vacc****. If that’s the case, then, the brutal, illogical, absurd if not tragic crackdown on entire populations – including children, which admittedly are not affected by the alleged disease – to take the “treatment” that, also admittedly, doesn’t cure the alleged disease, finds a logical and indeed a horrifying explanation.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jan 24, 2022 5:56 PM

In the quotes above, all but the emphasis under the word “today” are added.

Jan 25, 2022 7:49 AM

Thank you for that, its hard to articulate all this,
Once past the threshold of disbelief, the subjects and range of discussion becomes vast.
There is a further threshold of understanding that needs to come for many of us.
That being who or rather what drives this and how it is driven.
For many readers here the subject you provide evidence on above would have been taboo just a year ago.
imho it will be our failure to understand what exactly is at play that would herald our downfall in these dark dark days.
Thankfully many are waking up and joining the conveybelt of knowledge, albeit some have only just hopped on and we must be kind to them

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jan 25, 2022 8:26 PM
Reply to  Duckman

Yes, you’re right; all of this are just symptoms of a drive that is pushing events a certain way, and which uses us humans to that effect. There is this obsession with numbering, quantifying, classifying, knowing if knowable (monitoring, controling, managing), dividing, and so on, which IMO we acquired when we ceased to be hunter-gatherers and settled down and acquired property that is more than what is needed for immediate consumption; that is when we started using Capital. This idea is expressed by Lewis H. Morgan in Ancient Society (1877) thus:

“Since the advent of civilization, the outgrowth of property has been so immense, its forms so diversified, its uses so expanding and its management so intelligent in the interests of its owners, that it has become, on the part of the people, an unmanageable power. The human mind stands bewildered in the presence of its own creation.” [Emphasis in original text]

Before that time we lived in the here and now and so didn’t accumulate; we ate when hungry, drank when thirsty, slept and mated when we needed to; we had no worries for we had no notions of possible future scarcity; we were happy.

The advent of agriculture and farming and our settling down changed call that and we fell, we might say, under the spell of accumulating, just in case; under the spell of Capital (understood as the owning of that for which no immediate use is necessary). That was the beginning that gave us our civilisation, obsessed with owning more and more. It’s that obsession that is memtioned, I think, in the quote above from the book Human Augmentation…:

Economic forces will have a strong influence on human augmentation development and they may not be in the best interests of society.

“Economic forces” are impersonal; it’s that obsession I mentioned above that doesn’t let us live in peace. Marx expressed the same idea when he said – paraphrasing – that the power of Capital exerts itself upon both the working and capitalist class. But, you might ask, what that’s got to do with our present situation? Well, the only thing Capital do is reproduce itself, and today, it is facing a dead-end; it has a hard time reproducing itself and that’s why it is trying to open brand new markets through emergencies; and related to that, it is stuck on the issue of monetary policy, which was always inflationary; it was always a headache for central bankers to work within the fractional reserve system that is inherently inflationary. The last time (or before last time according to other observers), it was the repo market crash in September 2019, in which the FED had to pump $9 trillion in a period of 6 mobths, printed out of thin air of course. If that money hit the real economy, it would be a world catastrophy because of the inflation that would result. It would the globalization of the Argentine case, where I live. [See F. Vighi, A Self-Fullfiling Prophecy]

Already in August 2019, central bankers noticed that big problems were heading their way, and took decision to consider the possibility of implementing CBDC. Instead of supplying currency to the market through commercial banks or government in the amount these wanted and which may be arbitrary; they’re considering a tune-up of this mechanism: they would supply directly CBDC to the consumer (no other formay possible), that is going direct, i.e. bypassing government and commercial banks, hoping that, by doing so, they would supply the exact amount needed at an individual basis, or quasi individual basis. For that to be a possibility, central banks need to know exactly what our needs are, and hence, need to know everything about our consuming habits; but an inversion, I’m sure, has occurred and instead of supplying us with what we need exactly, they would define that beforehand to us and deem to everyone what he or she should consume or not consume, and how and when, so that no wasteful currency supply occurs.

What is occurring today with the inoculation (of means of monitoring people, while admittedly “only” augmenting, saving them) and the digital ID (Van Der leyen is already talking about it) copied from the same principe as the so-called pass (it’s easy that way; once you accept the pass, what’s a digital ID?) is the framework that will enable the new monetary system and therefore the new economy. These actions are immanent within the capitalist system, and not due to X or Y, consciously wanting to control us.

The ever-increasing digitalisation, the possibly of “augmenting people”, are likewise immanent within the capitalist system (which, in its core means commodity/property fetishization and bewitchment; and it is known that fetishized individuals are never satisfied; like a cocaine addict who always need more to achieve the same level of high) which is never satisfied while a knowable is no yet known.

There is no autonomous, inherent evil in people of flesh and blood; the evil is in capital, whose logic takes hold of us, crashes what is human in us.

From this perspective IMO, the Revolution that will overthrow capital is the one in which almost everyone of us realizes that Capital is synonymous of Thanatos, that is, a complete negation of immanent, spontaneous life, and is ready to let it go.

The argument we can meanwhile brandish against these people-puppets who are doing all this, is that they are doing it without our informed consent. If they answer that their action is “legitimate”, and that legitimacy derives from the majority of people who adhered to their policies, the counter-argument is that, the majority they are talking about has not been granted genuine informed consent either, not if we know that all their mayority know in terms of information is acquired through watching TV, about which the best can say is that it is partial and interested.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jan 25, 2022 10:20 PM

Third paragraph from the bottom up: I meant “crushes”. Sorry, didn’t have enough time to edit the comment.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 6:46 AM

William the Conqueror was a good example of this need to count everything – he did a very thorough “stocktake” of all of England’s wealth when he went there to steal it.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jan 28, 2022 3:28 PM
Reply to  Phillis Stein


Jan 25, 2022 9:27 PM
Reply to  Duckman

Good reply! Apparently Satan’s first trick is to have most people believe he doesn’t exist. In a similar way, what is happening now relies for its success on the fact that most people don’t believe or even want to believe it actually is happening.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 6:49 AM
Reply to  damer65

Adolf Hitler said in Mein Kampf,
“In the size of the lie there is always contained a certain factor of credibility, since the great masses of the people… will more easily fall victim to a great lie than to a small one.”

And then you have Mark Twain who said:

“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

Jan 25, 2022 9:23 PM

Very good comment. I think the idea of human augmentation is presented as something to benefit us all, however it is much more likely to be about a more sinister agenda since in the eyes of the elite, there are far too many people on the planet consuming “their non-renewable resources”.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jan 26, 2022 2:25 AM
Reply to  damer65


Yes, the “too many people”, and “too few resources” perspectives are other manifestations of how alienated, fetishized and out-of-tune states of mind are hard-driven by quantifications. They reason as if planet earth was some sort of a lift only working properly up to a certain fixed number of passengers, not one soul more, and as if the number of human beings on earth, the availability of resources and a myriad of other variables weren’t constantly balancing against each other in perfect homeostasis, the wisdom of which the calculating mind can’t even conceive.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 6:53 AM

AND they are limited by their materialistic science that is STILL yet to consider the magic ingredient: CONSCIOUSNESS. Until they incorporate that aspect, their science is terribly limited.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jan 28, 2022 3:34 PM
Reply to  Phillis Stein

Yes, and I doubt that Science as we know it can ever grasp the essence of consciousness.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 6:51 AM
Reply to  damer65

It is the CONSCIOUSNESS that is important and thus the intent. Anything produced by the consciousness of these current elites is NOT for our benefit – full stop. I am so highly familiar with the consciousness of these people that I can easily predict the future!

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 6:43 AM

Yes, the University of Almeria in Spain has done some excellent work on this, and they’re not the only ones. Then there have been other scientists speaking out about it – the 2 most qualified ones I can think of have both effectively been murdered however, so I can’t refer you to them anymore, much less the 4 or 5 leaders of countries (mostly in Africa, but also Haiti) who were assassinated due to refusing to push the shots on their people – only one of those leaders survived the assassination attempts, and that was the leader of Mozambique.

Jan 24, 2022 5:38 PM
Reply to  hodgicus

Wonderful answers, really, to someone’s questions, surely. But not mine.
I’ll take the vaccine when they hold me down for it. I’m 64, I’ve had two different strains of Covid (One year apart, tested with rapid antigen test), and it isn’t that bad. Nothing like as bad as the flu, despite all the fear porn.
The nonsense about nanobots is stupid and defeats our arguments against the vaccine by giving MSM something ignorant to laugh at, instead of facts to fear and censor.
We do not have a superconductor that is stable at room temperatures and pressures. Until a superconductor can provide its zero-resistance conductivity at normal room temps and pressures, a working nanotechnology is fantasy.
“Believing in” and propagating this patently false fearmongering is at least as ignorant as going along with the whole Covid panic, and much more detrimental to the thousands of thoughtful and informed people who are putting their careers, reputations, and personal lives on the line to argue rationally against the mRNA vaccines and the authoritarian takeover being excused by the nonexistent medical emergency that is Covid.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jan 24, 2022 7:20 PM
Reply to  hodgicus

Argentine government was forced to admit that graphene is a component (yet not listed) of the vacc**** and you are probably aware of the electrical conductivity and other properties of graphene.

And just in case you didn’t read my comment above (too long and written in a repulsive English), just look at this. This is one of the “things” Delgado found in a Pfizer vacc***, and you’ll find in the link I posted, among other findings. What’s this? It doesn’t look biological to me. Whatever it is, I wouldn’t like to have it in my system; not until the scientific community tells me what that and many other similar “things” are.
comment image

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 6:58 AM

Well done 🙂 I’ve got all these pictures too and I’ve seen all the videos showing you how they build the particles and then they show you what happens to all of this in the presence of a Tesla coil. Of course, 5G will serve that particular purpose when they finally dial it up to its full capacity.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jan 28, 2022 3:35 PM
Reply to  Phillis Stein


Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 6:56 AM
Reply to  hodgicus

It has already been done – they are delivering cancer drugs these days using this very technology, but you clearly just haven’t climbed far enough out of the box yet. The graphene circuits respond to external electromagnetic fields, similar to a Tesla coil, which is the same effect you would get with 5G (and definitely 6G). Take a look at ‘supra-magnetic nanoparticles’, for example.

Jan 24, 2022 6:04 PM
Reply to  hodgicus

I hope you’re right, hodgicus. The most obvious sleaze site which comes to my mind has five projects which seeks to re-make human-kind in their own image:

“Wellcome Leap will be led by Regina E. Dugan as CEO, who is a former Director of the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Jay Flatley, the new Chair, is a former CEO of Illumina.’The global pandemic is our generation’s Sputnik. It is calling on us to respond urgently – now – and also to create new capabilities for the future. We need new, risk-tolerant innovation organisations to drive health advances at the pace the world needs them, not only for the current crisis, but for the most pressing global health challenges of our time. I am excited to lead Wellcome Leap.’ Regina E. Dugan, Wellcome Leap CEO

“In the fight against COVID-19, scientific organisations are dispensing with old conventions and assumptions to stretch the limit of what’s possible. The world needs an entity dedicated to operating that way at all times,” said Jay Flatley, Wellcome Leap Board Chair. “Wellcome Leap will pursue the most challenging projects that would not otherwise be attempted or funded. The unique operating model provides the potential to make impactful, rapid advances on the future of health.” [1]

The five projects are:

HOPE (Human Organs, Physiology and Engineering) means “to leverage the power of bioengineering to advance stem cells, organoids, and whole organ systems and connections that recapitulate human physiology in vitro and restore vital functions in vivo.”

“The First 1000 Days: Promoting Healthy Brain Networks,” aka 1KD. It specifically targets human infants through three-years old.

Delta Tissue, aka ΔT: their goal here is to “explain the status of a disease in each person and better predict how that disease would progress.”

“Multi-Channel Psych: Revealing Mechanisms of Anhedonia”: goals blandly described as creating “complex, biological” treatments for depression.

R3: RNA, Readiness & Response.

In-depth interpretations of these programs (sans R3) has been researched and described by investigative journalist Whitney Webb in her article “A ‘Leap’ toward Humanity’s Destruction” replete with links.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jan 24, 2022 8:26 PM
Reply to  rob2

Regina Dugan, former head of DARPA, then lured away by Google, and now with Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook up north of us here in California, in Palo Alto, CA.

Funny that she comes onto the radar here, I first got interested in her background when I began to suspect, through circumstantial if salient evidence coming my way, that there was analysis (et al.) of our brain-waves going on “remotely” (wirelessly).

I had heard murmurs of this for years, really, going all the way back, originally, to an OMNI magazine article in the late 1970s about two scientists who had been given a large budget by the Rand Corporation to develop organic implants –living “microchips”– that would be inserted into a patient brain for development of interfaces between man and AI. Back then, nearly a half century ago, I thought that that was pretty cool, I had not yet followed much of Philip K. Dick and his sci-fi dystopian likes (“Bladerunner”, movie, drawn from his “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” story was still a few years into the disturbing future) although it certainly gave me pause, darkly, as to some of the potential misapplications!

I did a number of searches on Ms. Dugan, since 2017, and found an article that touted Robot Zuck’s (my pet name for “Mark”) funding of her Bldg. 8 department at Facebook HQ near Stanford, when he had lured her from Google with a $200 million budget, and she applied that to her team scientists’ research to find an interface between a phone or PC camera and the changes in the human eye that reflect parallel patterns in human brain waves. She said then, “It really isn’t so far-fetched.”

Jan 25, 2022 6:43 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Very interesting, John!

Re-reading Hodgicus’s comment, I am reminded of the line from The Usual Suspects: “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn’t exist.” Even if it isn’t perfected in our lifetime, I’m convinced that various means of weaponized technology are currently being tested on humanity, including nano-tech via selected batches of the clot-shots.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 7:04 AM
Reply to  rob2

Now, let’s just look at what you have written there, and interesting (and pertinent) that you mention “the devil.” So, people say that Satan wants to take the place of God. Now, we know we are organic, free-willed creations of God. Therefore, what would be the ultimate for Satan? Destroying the free will of God’s creation and then mind-controlling the ‘captured’ to believe that Satan was, in fact, their creator! I’m not a religious person, but this is what occurred to me the other day whilst I was thinking about all of this. I sadly suspect that these cultists want us to be ruled by Satan.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 7:06 AM
Reply to  Phillis Stein

THAT is the end game here. Fortunately, I’m SURE we will defeat this agenda, and expose the truth – so, you’ll never know if I was right or not, but I KNOW I am.

austrian peter
austrian peter
Jan 25, 2022 1:40 AM
Reply to  hodgicus
Jan 25, 2022 7:26 AM
Reply to  austrian peter


Jan 25, 2022 6:59 PM
Reply to  hodgicus

You are a completely mind-controlled slave and are nothing more than prey to the system.

The author is bang-on and you are a deceived liar. Perhaps, you’re thinking of the GrapheneOxide, because the nanotech is lauded by the makers as ‘the success behind’ the killshots. If you need evidence on the GO, however, well, the last scientist who exposed it being in the killshots, is now taking a dirt nap, so you can go find that for yourself as I’m not risking my life for you or your deceived ilk.

The makers of the gene-editing technology themselves say they use nano-tech. Just because your arrested development won’t permit you to absorb the Truth, and because you are much more comfortable in all your cozy hate driven lies, doesn’t mean the rest of us are going to join you He||. No, your ignorance is all on you.

Edify yourself or stay idle, believe the Truth and live or remain a liar shivering in the darkness, I couldn’t care less about your soul, but because I am a witness of God, I refuse to let you ever be able to say you never heard the Truth and didn’t know the consequences. You are officially without excuse now, and this brings me comfort.

Role of nanotechnology behind the success of mRNA vaccines for COVID-19https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7997390/

AbstractThe emergency use authorization (EUA) by the US-FDA for two mRNA-based vaccines BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) and mRNA-1273 (Moderna) has brought hope of addressing the COVID-19 pandemic which has killed more than two million people globally. Nanotechnology has played a significant role in the success of these vaccines. Nanoparticles (NPs) aid in improving stability by protecting the encapsulated mRNA from ribonucleases and facilitate delivery of intact mRNA to the target site.”

Jan 25, 2022 7:24 PM
Reply to  hodgicus

I’ll only say this then ‘hodgicus’, you might be allowed to call the author a liar and the rest of us twits, so my only rebuttal is, if it’s the word ‘circuitry’ which offends you, ever heard of the human brain? It is a massive circuitry of electric impulses and explosions, so that you can read this sentence or lift your hand to your mouth in shame for mocking those who know more than you.

But this knowledge is only useful to you if you already KNOW that human beings are basically just walking talking detailed arrangements of an electric circuit. Nanotech circuitry wouldn’t be as offensive to you if you knew this Truth. Selah.

Captain America
Captain America
Jan 26, 2022 6:59 AM
Reply to  hodgicus

Oh please Hogicus, just look up the patents of Charles Leiber from Harvard and then try to tell us there is no nano-circuitry developed.

Jan 26, 2022 2:39 PM

He can design it and patent the design but he can’t make it work bc the superconductors don’t exist. We’re being led down the crazy hole with this nonsense because focusing on our real danger is too dangerous to our predators. Please get back in the game.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 7:28 AM
Reply to  hodgicus

Superconductors are used in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Just saying……………

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 7:33 AM
Reply to  Phillis Stein

Superconductors also play a role in modern advancements in magnetic levitation trains. You may, or may not, realize that these have been made and have been running – just not anywhere that the general public can see them!

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 6:27 AM
Reply to  hodgicus

Then you need to watch some of the presentations of DARPA Scientists. Do you seriously believe that the general public are permitted to be aware of how far our technologies have been developed? Give me a break. You have NO idea!

Feb 1, 2022 4:43 PM
Reply to  hodgicus

Hello again, Hodgicus. You came to my mind when I read Mark Crispin Miller’s headline “Are they ‘vaccinating’ us with nanoweapons? Someone should ask Dr. James Giordano: Some call him ‘Dr. Evil’ for good reason”.

Indeed, but more like Dr. Evil/Mr. Used-Car-Salesman-of-the-Year with some Bugsy Sieigel mixed in. First impressions aside, his bio is quite impressive (see below). Anyway, the video boasting nueroscience capabilities was recorded in 2017. What’s that they say about technology? Something about how in just a year’s time, your brand-new, out-of-the-box PC will be ancient?

A week has passed since you left your challenge and yet you’ve not debunked a single thing, only mockingly dismissed those of us who pay attention and take these people seriously. Have you ever watched even a single presentation? If not, I’d start with this guy:

“James Giordano is a professor of neurology, chief of the Neuroethics [sic] Studies Program, and co-director of the O’Neill-Pellegrino Program in Brain Science and Global Health Law and Policy at Georgetown University Medical Center. He is a member of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s panel on neuroethics, legal, and social issues, and serves as a senior science advisory fellow to the Joint Staff at the Pentagon. His latest book is Neurotechnology in National Security and Defense: Practical Considerations, Neuroethical Concerns (CRC Press).”


Feb 2, 2022 3:08 AM
Reply to  rob2

Fascinating. Thank you for posting a link worth following. If you have watched it, as I am certain you did not expect me to do, you know that the nanotech he is discussing is biochemical engineering and genetic engineering, not nano-circuitry and not nano-mechanical in nature. The implants he speaks of are micro- (not nano-) chip implants introduced through neurosurgery, not through injection. In fact, he specifically calls out as fantasy the sort of nanotechnology alleged by the rationally challenged to be in use in the covid vaccines… because nano-circuitry and nano-robotics await the discovery of a superconductor capable of bringing those fantasies to life.
No, I have not debunked the livid green monochrome images of vaguely component-looking whatevers pressed into aluminum pie plates and passed off as electron microscopy. I have never operated an electron microscope, but I used images produced by electron microscopes in my daily work for years. “Delgado” and friends are counting on the gullibility and cupidity of their readers because they know that a plurality of skeptics are in fact mere contrarians and will not be bothered to know what they are gabbling about.
I found the rest of the assertions regarding this silliness to be as interesting and as worthy of debate as the theory that the universe is a gas bubble in the intestine of the Cosmic Moose. No, I cannot disprove that.
What I can say, with the confidence of an actual rational skeptic, is that a great many people who could and should allow themselves to know better are being used to discredit and cast ridicule on all criticism of the covid narrative. As you would agree, the mainstream covid narrative is counter factual, counter medical evidence, and counter science. What is needed is not an opposing fear porn narrative that scurries off into nonsensical rumormongering, but a clear statement of the plain truth.
I have had no challenge worthy of response to my assertion that “nanorobots in muh vaccine” is a psy-op designed and executed to make fools of its adherents and smear serious critics of the mainstream covid narrative by association. “Looky here what I seen on thuh innernet” is not what I’m asking for.

Feb 3, 2022 1:52 AM
Reply to  hodgicus

Thank you for clarifying your position. And I really did hope you’d watch the video – you didn’t disappoint!

I’m also suspicious of the sensational stories and the personalities who claim to have seen weird things (which make up pretty much all of what’s out there). In fact, Whitney Webb, whose article I linked to above, was interviewed months ago by Last American Vagabond’s Ryan Cristian on her suspicions of the Delgado report. Only one source which I trust included pathologists Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt and Prof. Dr. Walter Lang, whose group uploaded a translated video last September of a conference during which video and slides were shown of moving objects. They had no idea what they were looking at.

So yes, we agree: the psy-op is a success! But laugh all you want, trans-humanism is still a real agenda. Whether they strive to accomplish it via nanobots or another means doesn’t really matter. They also don’t give a shit about integrity – they have, are and will continue to experiment on the tyrannized populations. And frankly, Dr. Giordano’s slick assurance that there’s no such thing as nanotechnology shares about as much sincerity as George W. Bush’s “nobody in our government, at least, and I don’t think the prior government, could envisage flying airplanes into buildings.”

Mitch H
Mitch H
Jan 24, 2022 3:41 AM

Excellent video on VAERS whistleblower for anyone that missed:

Novus Ordo Seclorum
Novus Ordo Seclorum
Jan 24, 2022 2:51 AM

The plan is been executed flawlessly:


The Plandemic is just starting folks!

At Schizer, we care about your kids:

Dylan Jones
Dylan Jones
Jan 24, 2022 1:42 AM

Tragically, the zombified masses may only fully wake up when the lethal consequences of this program are unleashed upon their children.
And if you go chasing rabbits, and you know you’re going to fall Update – January 24th 2022

Dylan Jones
Dylan Jones
Jan 24, 2022 1:40 AM

Tragically, the zombified masses may only fully wake up when the lethal consequences of this program are unleashed upon their children.
And if you go chasing rabbits, and you know you’re going to fall Update – January 24th 2022

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 23, 2022 10:52 PM

Premeditated Mass Murder?! Dr Michael Yeadon Joins Reiner Fuellmich To Discuss Genocide Clues
Jan 8, 2022
Video Length: 1:52:31

In the above video (@16:50), Mike Yeadon recommends the following presentation by Paul Schreyer.

Paul Schreyer: Pandemic simulation games – Preparation for a new era?
Mar 10, 2021
WIR – Wissen ist relevant
Political decisions during the Corona crisis did not come out of the blue. The “war on viruses” began back in the 1990s as the “war on bioterror.” Research shows: For more than twenty years since then, pandemic scenarios have been repeatedly rehearsed in simulation exercises, first in the U.S., later coordinated internationally. The titles of these exercises are reminiscent of Hollywood productions: “Dark Winter” (2001), “Global Mercury” (2003), “Atlantic Storm” (2005) or “Clade X” (2018). High-ranking government representatives as well as well-known journalists were involved, most recently, at “Event 201” in October 2019, also board members of large global corporations. After the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a coronavirus pandemic in 2020, many of the measures that had been rehearsed and discussed for years were implemented globally.
Passages like the following appeared in scripts as early as 20 years ago: “The sight of an armed military presence in US cities has provoked protests about curtailment of civil liberties (…) The question is, however, how do we enforce it and to what degree? How much force do you use to keep people in their homes?” In the event of a pandemic, “basic civil liberties such as freedom of assembly or travel” could no longer be “taken for granted”. Restrictions on liberty, as well as mass vaccinations, were regular features of the planning games.
This lecture will chronologically trace how these exercises came about, who organized them, and what parallels the scripts have to the current situation. Is the virus just a pretext for a longer-planned global transformation? And was a severe stock market quake in September 2019 perhaps the real trigger for the global lockdown?

Table of contents:
0:00:00 Pandemic exercises – Preparation for a new era?
0:02:23 Era of the Cold War 1945 – 1990
0:05:05 The USA without an enemy
0:17:05 Bioterror exercises 1990 – 2005
0:23:51 The Exercise “Dark Winter”
0:30:44 Emergency plans for bioterror and flu pandemics
0:35:40 Interim conclusion
0:38:40 “Lock Step-Scenario” 2010
0:44:38 “MARS” and the G20 Health Minister meeting in Berlin
0:50:35 Why the Corona Pandemic startet in 2020
0:58:19 “Event 201“ – Training with a Corona pandemic

Jan 24, 2022 6:44 AM

The stock market quakes are an essential part of capitalism, in aid of insider trading. You also see this at the start of (a) an invasion or proxy war (b) the denigration of a national economy as hopeless.

Jan 23, 2022 8:28 PM

As incensed as ever. My kids are worried about me and my health from reading this site. And they are accurate. It has taken a toll.

I found myself crying and praying while watching the videos. It’s not new. I have watched hundreds. Literally, I found myself praying for guidance on what I can do to get to them to stop this madness. To show them. Any of them. All of them.

I want to be part of the reckoning. I want to be the reckoning.

This thought never goes away. I have yet to see others write this: Arrest them. Try them. Sentence them to death. Execute them. All of them.

It’s the only way. We need to get their attention by hitting the mule with a 2X4 on the side of the head.

If we don’t, we will become them.

Jan 23, 2022 9:21 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

We need to get their attention…”

Who is ‘We’?

The 90% or so that have taken the jab? I don ‘t think that my vaxed family & friends are thinking too much about arresting & executing.

I personally think we’re seeing World Karma in action, that’s all; maybe this is perfectly just & appropriate.

If you do believe in the inevitability of effect following cause, then how could it be otherwise?

Jan 24, 2022 6:51 AM
Reply to  Ian

The inevitable result of irresponsibility, evasion, cruelty and hedonism.

Jan 24, 2022 5:43 PM
Reply to  Ian

yes-who is ‘we’?? After 2 years of this there is is still little organised resistance.I’ll put it out there now- is anyone who contributes to this site prepared to form an alliance against tyranny? I can bet no-one will answer my call.

Jan 26, 2022 6:15 PM
Reply to  Jas


Jan 25, 2022 10:34 PM
Reply to  Ian

Exactly. “We” means “I want others to do it”. Unless you’re willing to risk the consequences of murdering someone – which very few people are, there’s little point in saying it.
Plenty of people are resisting this, in every locale across the nation. It’s easy to find them. But still they probably will not stop the train.
I agree this will be simply cause and effect, namely the consequences of stupidity, laziness and gullibility.
I’m not fighting to ‘save our kids’. The kids are the responsibility of their idiot parents. If parents are not willing to stop their kids getting jabbed, take them out of school etc, then again that’s just cause and effect.

Jan 23, 2022 11:40 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

I’m with you, Hemlocken.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Jan 23, 2022 11:46 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

No we won’t. We are no psychopaths. But I fear the ability of the public to just forget. So with that it’s important to keep this in their heads. To remind ppl. For ppl who awaken now to see everything we’ve seen.

What is likely is that they will regroup and attack again as the jig seems to be up this time.

Jan 24, 2022 4:48 PM
Reply to  Blind Gill

Right! They have tried to do this before, after WWI, they failed then, they fail now. But we need to remember and be ready for when the rest wakes up, we need to be there when that happens and we need to be prepared. They are going to be mighty confused and angry then. All that energy needs proper direction if we want to end up in a better world.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 24, 2022 6:53 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Psalm 2
King James Version
2 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,
3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.
6 Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.
7 I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.
8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and
the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.
10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.
11 Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

Jan 23, 2022 7:46 PM

Why have VAERS at all if the very people that set it up say it is so worthless? It is a government agency, that in the past was considered useful in determining vaccine safety…why did they EVER pay attention to it? These people are insane.

Jan 24, 2022 6:54 AM
Reply to  Todd

In resonse to your question, why dogovernments have so many covert anti-democratic departments?

Jan 24, 2022 2:03 PM
Reply to  Todd

I believe VAERS was a necessary congressional compromise as part of H.R. 5546, The National Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. It was a bone thrown to the people in exchange for giving vaccine manufacturers blanket immunity. That way childhood vaccines could be mandated and the inevitable victims would be given their theoretical “day in Court.”

I would argue that the insane ones are the American people who accepted this garbage as legitimate legislation rather than flat out corruption.

Jan 23, 2022 7:17 PM

One of the most incredible things about this whole absurd Corona event is how many people STILL can’t catch on to the game. I mean HOW MUCH MORE OBVIOUS do they have to make it??

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Jan 23, 2022 11:47 PM
Reply to  Brazen-aware

That is one of things that’s annoyed me the most.

Jan 24, 2022 12:11 AM
Reply to  Brazen-aware
Jan 24, 2022 8:47 AM
Reply to  Brazen-aware

It’s incredible isn’t it. I have asked myself this since April 2020, when after a week or two of doubt I saw it for what it was. We have come a long way, I remember speaking and arguing with everyone back then. Now there are a lot more however there are still so many that are clinging on to the illusions they live and will die by.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 24, 2022 6:58 PM
Reply to  Brazen-aware

“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it”

Attributed to Dr. Fauci Josef Mengele.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 24, 2022 7:00 PM
Reply to  Brazen-aware

A wolf in sheeps clothing is dangerous, but even more dangerous is a wolf in shepherd’s clothing, and there are many of these about now,

Lance Watson
Lance Watson
Jan 23, 2022 5:38 PM

Bastille 2022”: Building a Worldwide Movement Against “Corona Tyranny”

The Storming of the Bastille occurred in Paris on the afternoon of July 14, 1789. The Bastille was a medieval armory, fortress, and political prison. It was the symbol of Royal Authority under the reign of King Louis XVI.

The French monarchy was obliged to accept the authority of the newly proclaimed National Assembly as well endorse the Fundamental Rights contained in the “Declaration des Droits de l’Homme et du Citoyen” (Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen), formulated in early August 1789.

More than 230 years later, these Fundamental Rights (Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité) are now being contravened by corrupt governments around the World on behalf of a totalitarian and illusive financial establishment.

Bastille 2022
Bastille 2022 pertains not only to the restoration of these fundamental rights. It seeks to reverse and disable the criminal COVID-19 agenda which in the course of the last two years has triggered economic, social and political chaos Worldwide in 193 member states of the United Nations, coupled with bankruptcies, unemployment, mass poverty and despair. Famines have been reported in 25 countries.

Starting in November 2020, an experimental mRNA vaccine launched by our governments (allegedly with a view to combating the spread of the virus) has resulted in an ascending Worldwide trend of vaccine related deaths and injuries. It’s a killer vaccine. It’s a crime against humanity.

Bastille 2022 is not a “protest” movement narrowly defined.

We do not seek to negotiate with corrupt government officials. We question their legitimacy. They are liars.

Our intent is to confront the powerful actors behind this criminal endeavor which is literally destroying people’s lives Worldwide, while creating divisions within society. The impacts on mental health on population groups Worldwide are devastating.

The numerous lockdowns (stay at home of the work force), fear campaigns, COVID-19 policy mandates imposed on 193 member states of the United Nations have also contributed to undermining and destabilizing:

The very fabric of civil society and its institutions including education, culture and the arts, social gatherings, sports, entertainment, etc.
All public sector activities including physical and social infrastructure, social services, law enforcement, etc.
All major private sector activities which characterize national, regional and local economies including small, medium and large corporate enterprises, family farms, industry, wholesale and retail trade, the urban services economy, transport companies, airlines, hotel chains, etc.
The structures of the global economy including international commodity trade, investment, import and export relations between countries, etc. The entire landscape of the global economy has been shattered.
In turn, a process of enrichment by the elite billionaires together with widening social inequalities has unfolded. The massive debts incurred by the Nation-State resulting from corruption as well fiscal collapse have skyrocketed. Increasingly national governments are in a straitjacket, under the brunt of powerful creditor institutions. Mounting debts at all levels of society are the driving force.


Jan 24, 2022 7:01 AM
Reply to  Lance Watson

Strange that for legitimacy, the French revolutioaries quoted the acceptance by their erstwhile brutal overlords. Perhaps this was because their forces and other resources were stretched.

Lance Watson
Lance Watson
Jan 23, 2022 5:33 PM

The Storming of the Bastille occurred in Paris on the afternoon of July 14, 1789. The Bastille was a medieval armory, fortress, and political prison. It was the symbol of Royal Authority under the reign of King Louis XVI.

The French monarchy was obliged to accept the authority of the newly proclaimed National Assembly as well endorse the Fundamental Rights contained in the “Declaration des Droits de l’Homme et du Citoyen” (Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen), formulated in early August 1789.

More than 230 years later, these Fundamental Rights (Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité) are now being contravened by corrupt governments around the World on behalf of a totalitarian and illusive financial establishment.

Bastille 2022
Bastille 2022 pertains not only to the restoration of these fundamental rights. It seeks to reverse and disable the criminal COVID-19 agenda which in the course of the last two years has triggered economic, social and political chaos Worldwide in 193 member states of the United Nations, coupled with bankruptcies, unemployment, mass poverty and despair. Famines have been reported in 25 countries.

Starting in November 2020, an experimental mRNA vaccine launched by our governments (allegedly with a view to combating the spread of the virus) has resulted in an ascending Worldwide trend of vaccine related deaths and injuries. It’s a killer vaccine. It’s a crime against humanity.

Bastille 2022 is not a “protest” movement narrowly defined.

We do not seek to negotiate with corrupt government officials. We question their legitimacy. They are liars.

Our intent is to confront the powerful actors behind this criminal endeavor which is literally destroying people’s lives Worldwide, while creating divisions within society. The impacts on mental health on population groups Worldwide are devastating.

The numerous lockdowns (stay at home of the work force), fear campaigns, COVID-19 policy mandates imposed on 193 member states of the United Nations have also contributed to undermining and destabilizing:

The very fabric of civil society and its institutions including education, culture and the arts, social gatherings, sports, entertainment, etc.
All public sector activities including physical and social infrastructure, social services, law enforcement, etc.
All major private sector activities which characterize national, regional and local economies including small, medium and large corporate enterprises, family farms, industry, wholesale and retail trade, the urban services economy, transport companies, airlines, hotel chains, etc.
The structures of the global economy including international commodity trade, investment, import and export relations between countries, etc. The entire landscape of the global economy has been shattered.
In turn, a process of enrichment by the elite billionaires together with widening social inequalities has unfolded. The massive debts incurred by the Nation-State resulting from corruption as well fiscal collapse have skyrocketed. Increasingly national governments are in a straitjacket, under the brunt of powerful creditor institutions. Mounting debts at all levels of society are the driving force. [spoiler title=” “]

Jan 23, 2022 5:00 PM

Yes Diana

: The lethality of the covid “vaccine” is the last thing media and political and money elites want us “useless eaters” to understand.

The mantra they have pressed on us is “safe and effective,” which I think of as the new “Sieg Heil.”


Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 23, 2022 4:53 PM

Another joke of an article. I watched the original video confrontation between Rand Paul and Anthony Fauci. It was plainly theater. A theater of the insane and absurd.

Our hero (Rand Paul) follows up, by turning the “investigation” over to the Department of Justice. The DOJ is clearly one of the most corrupted agencies in history.

Why not resurrect deceased persons from the Joeseph McCarthy era, or perhaps allow survivors from the hilarious Warran Commision to perform another magic act?

Anthony Fauci is a mass murderer, and Rand Paul is a mentally troubled joker…

Jan 23, 2022 7:39 PM

“Another joke of an article…It was plainly theater. A theater of the insane and absurd.”

That’s what she said:

“We’re supposed to repeat after them, while sucking on the same old puff-blah, “Fauci, Walensky testify while omicron prompts many possible changes” (Associated Press); or the same old melodrama, “Criticized by Senators, U.S. Health Officials Defend Omicron Response” (NYT); or, worst of all, the “battle” of Fauci vs. Paul, those fake gladiators in the arena fighting over nothing.”

Jan 23, 2022 9:16 PM

Ditto the reply of Rob2. She even sets it up earlier in the piece:
“Whatever Fauci and Rand Paul lob at each other in these recurring “showdowns,” their dispute over virus research in Wuhan has nothing, zip, nada, to do with the agony of our nation.” She is saying precisely what you accuse her of not saying.

Jan 24, 2022 1:34 PM
Reply to  nondimenticare

Exactly! Didn’t read it carefully enough.

Jan 23, 2022 4:24 PM

What is it with their continued pushing of this chump? Mockery – or are they that detached from reality they still think he has some credibility?


It was worth linking because it does confirm the winding down of the convid narrative that we’re seeing all over. However, like a good lackey, Ferguson leaves all options open so whatever direction this heads in he can say he was right.

The sharpness of this pivot remains somewhat surprising. Is it simply too obvious that the most vaccinated countries have the most cases?

dr death
dr death
Jan 23, 2022 4:22 PM

of course these charlatans have no problem listing a car crash or gunshot wound to the cranium as a microsoft coff ‘victim’……just as long as it falls within 28 days of a fake PCR test…

somebody should raise this point with the Rumpelstiltskin of scientism and his witchy side kick…
but i wouldn’t hold my breath, these sort of star chamber inquiries are merely reflexive (somewhat like inquiries over here in the septic isles, that seek to whitewash government malfeasance or at best kick it down the road) , indeed, the only one furnishing any real data is the scribbler of this article..

Jan 23, 2022 4:20 PM

Päease see also: “Reiner Fuellmich: “New Findings… Enough to Dismantle the Entire (VAX) Industry!” ”

Jan 24, 2022 8:24 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Not surprisingly, when I clicked on your link, then clicked on the Twitter-embedded video, I got a Twitter warning that I was attempting to access an “unsafe site”.

I presume that Bitchute would, or ought to, provide the same warning for persons attempting to access a Twitter page.  😉 

Eric Bliar
Eric Bliar
Jan 23, 2022 4:14 PM

The other crime is that deaths within 14 days of vaxxination are classified as unvaxxinated deaths – in the UK at least.

Jan 24, 2022 2:15 AM
Reply to  Eric Bliar

Is it not 14 days after vax 2? These days may even be 14 after the boosterama shot.

Jan 24, 2022 12:30 PM
Reply to  Watt

And many of the deaths and extreme reactions occur within this 14 day window, after one’s most recent prick!

Leat Moaf
Leat Moaf
Jan 23, 2022 3:39 PM

“Excess Deaths”

From the U.S. Census, October 24, 2017:

As Population Ages, U.S. Nears Historic Increase in Deaths
The aging population of the United States is propelling the nation toward a milestone: A historic increase in the number of deaths every year.
Deaths are projected to reach more than 3.6 million in 2037, 1 million more than in 2015. As the nation’s baby boom cohort ages (the youngest are 53 this year), the number and percentage of people who die will increase dramatically every year, peaking in 2055 before leveling off gradually.

The Baby Boom in the U.S. began in the mid-1940’s.
1946 was the first year with the greatest increase in birth rates, with an increase of about 25 percent.
As per the Social Security Admin., the cohort life expectancy of those born in the mid-1940’s was about 74 yrs.

1946 + 74 = 2020.

We have now begun entering that inevitable Death Boom, a natural consequence of that previous Baby Boom.

Many/most of the European countries that have experienced “excess” deaths in recent years had also seen a post-WWII Baby Boom.

Those numerous other countries around the work that have not experienced “excess” deaths in recent years had not experienced the same post-WWII Baby Boom.

Jan 24, 2022 7:07 AM
Reply to  Leat Moaf

The site ourworldindata.org was good source for excess death stats up to late 2021. Now, it simply shows “no data” for some graphs. I suppose they have their orders.

Mitch H
Mitch H
Jan 23, 2022 3:25 PM

Isn’t it ironic that Fauci uses “killed in an auto crash” as reason to discount VAERS, when we all know deaths from covid were manipulated in this way?

This is the best video I’ve seen on VAERS in showing how doctors DO NOT report injuries and how they discourage reporting:

Jan 23, 2022 2:55 PM

Meat Loaf “died of covid”:


It’s a “bat out of hell” joke of course. The bloke was an obvious freemason (I’ve seen many of his acting roles and his films are full of masonic imagery) and his supposed age 74 is a masonic master number (7+4=11).

Is he really dead? I doubt it. Did he die of covid? No doubts at all – no.

After seeing Bowie on Sky News lamenting his own death (“like part of me died”… smirk smirk aka dupers’ delight) I don’t know why anyone takes supposed celebrity deaths seriously.

Not Immortal
Not Immortal
Jan 23, 2022 3:41 PM
Reply to  Edwige

“Excess Deaths”

From the U.S. Census, October 24, 2017:

As Population Ages, U.S. Nears Historic Increase in Deaths
The aging population of the United States is propelling the nation toward a milestone: A historic increase in the number of deaths every year.

Deaths are projected to reach more than 3.6 million in 2037, 1 million more than in 2015. As the nation’s baby boom cohort ages (the youngest are 53 this year), the number and percentage of people who die will increase dramatically every year, peaking in 2055 before leveling off gradually.

The Baby Boom in the U.S. began in the mid-1940’s.
1946 was the first year with the greatest increase in birth rates, with an increase of about 25 percent.
As per the Social Security Admin., the cohort life expectancy of those born in the mid-1940’s was about 74 yrs.

1946 + 74 = 2020.

We have now begun entering that inevitable Death Boom, a natural consequence of that previous Baby Boom.

Meat Loaf – Born: September 27, 1947

Jan 23, 2022 7:00 PM
Reply to  Edwige

So none of them die, ever? What’s their secret? Where do they go? So many questions.
Meat Loaf – Born: September 27, 1947, ‘1’ we disregard because this is numerology and the ‘1’ just means we start there, ‘9’ would be the nine circles of [bat out of ] HELL in Dante’s Inferno, and of course ‘4+7’ = 11, the magic masonic number. Settled. It can’t be more obvious.
Meat Loaf was also somewhat of a mess in terms of health history, but that’s irrelevant, because celebrities never really die.

Jan 23, 2022 8:37 PM
Reply to  Roberto


How old are you?

Coz I’m ancient.

Ask me some questions…try.

Jan 24, 2022 5:50 PM
Reply to  Edwige

where do they all go?

Jan 23, 2022 1:36 PM


Ex Chair of TSB and current Non Exec Director of Credit Suisse confirmed to oversee the NHS “pandemic recovery” process.

Gut the asset -> sell it for peanuts -> let the bankers gorge

Oi Oi!! nothing to see here; put your mask on take the shot!!

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 7:42 AM
Reply to  Trewpol

NHS also appears to have been heavily infiltrated by the Wellcome Trust – a KNOWN eugenics organisation, but you’re right – nothing to see here.

Jan 23, 2022 1:01 PM

Even if the “killed in car accident” were reported as a vaccine death, they would also be reported in deaths from other vaccines. So comparing deaths from COCID vaccines to deaths from other vaccines is perfectly valid. The COVID vaccines are the most dangerous ever allowed.

Jan 23, 2022 3:59 PM
Reply to  JWK

Quote from Anthony Fauci: “even if you die of something completely obviously unrelated, it’s considered a [reportable] death”

Fauci is lying and he knows it. What he says definitely applied, and still does, to so called covid deaths so he is rubbing it in our faces by saying that the same applies to reported vaccine deaths. It doesn’t.

I just looked up the instructions on how to use the UK’s Yellow Card System and they clearly say ….

“Use the coronavirus Yellow Card reporting site to report suspected side effects to medicines and vaccines or medical device and diagnostic adverse incidents used in coronavirus treatment”

Unlike covid deaths, these instructions do not state that all deaths within 28 days of jabbing should be reported; only those where the jab cannot immediately be ruled out as a cause. I am confident that the VAERS system is probably the same.


As noted above, the instructions also clearly state that deaths and damage caused by ventilators should be reported. I wonder where those statistics are being hidden. I can’t say I know what is meant by the term “diagnostic adverse incidents”, which should also be reported.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 7:44 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

And realistically, which family member of a car accident victim is going to get on VAERS and report this as a vax injury? Really? Duh.

Jan 23, 2022 12:52 PM

Time to assault tech/pharma/mic shit as a reflection.

They’ve tried intentionally malicious shit based on fraud, you have every right to annihilate them.

Jus sayn.

They declared war (on you). So…

I need the (other) wizards and the witches for convocation.

Some Pagan Rodeo…

Jan 23, 2022 12:24 PM

Government: Covid vaccines are safe

Individual: has vaccine then suddenly dies.

Individuals surving partner: Er Houston, we have a problem.

Government: Correlation is NOT causation

Individuals surviving partner: I hear what you’re saying. So you’ll give me a copy of the autopsy report?

Government: ANTI-VAXXER!

Jan 23, 2022 12:13 PM

Off-G’ers: if you have not seen the work of Fabio Vighi, one of the few well known real lefties speaking out consistently vs coronacircus check it out. Commenter Maxewell cited this excellent quote which has become my default starting point in counter propaganda:

COVID-19 is, essentially, a cover-up for systematic debt-leveraged monetary expansion.
The manufactured microbiological threat leading to lockdowns and other restrictions was always a means to expand the Central Banks’ balance sheets, which is the only way for the capitalist system to survive its terminal crisis of value production. Thus, it is the structural downturn of the global economy that produces the health emergency, not vice versa
– Fabio Vighi

More of his work here:

Would be great to see an interview or republishing of some of his work here.

dr death
dr death
Jan 23, 2022 4:39 PM
Reply to  Thiekbalj

correct…. and the draconian police state policies are to manage the collapse of the old system and enable the change over to the new ‘biological’ ‘ecological’ system of technological tyranny.. the google panopticon… thus in their fractured delirium they get to perpetuate their flawed unlimited growth model… all couched in laudable fake moralizing, ‘equity’ and huge scoops of hypocrisy…

‘they’ intend to put all of planet earth on the balance sheets and in so doing winnow away certain parts of the populous… thereby ensuring ‘eternal’ largess and plunder for themselves..

it seems likely that they believe they can turn what remains of the herd (or whom they deem useful) into some kind of binary application…

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 23, 2022 11:46 AM

Every month I bring my disabled son home to spend a night with us. Yesterday, his motability car wouldn’t start due to a dead battery and, since he had no emergency cover (due to third sector cuts), I was forced to spend the night with him in his residential place which caused no end of trouble.

This cutting away at support services has been going on for decades and heating up under neoliberalism. Covid of course has caused a massive acceleration of the assault- something that seems completely beyond the comprehension of the covid mongering triumphalist Left.

Thus all these services are getting hammered through absenteeism caused by the Voodoo virus tests.

And what does the Left do? Campaign for more and more isolations and lock downs!

Jan 23, 2022 11:45 AM

Welcome to the new normal dialectic: or how to split the opposition. Do viruses, oops there’s another, viri, exist; or germs or pathogens or evil spirits or for that matter- tiresome pedants? Ignore the article,the suffering and death,keep calm and carry on.

Janey B
Janey B
Jan 23, 2022 10:48 AM

FYI: Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt:Detection of Vaccine Damage to Organs Now Possible | Corona Investigative Committee (video 01:02:00)

“The pathologists Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt and Prof. Dr. Walter Lang and their team have succeeded in reliably detecting the vaccine spike protein in the vessels of a person who died 4 months after “vaccination” and who had vascular lesions and also vaccine-induced myocarditis. Detection was successful using an antibody specific for the spike protein by conventional immunohistochemistry on the tissue sections.

The described detection method can be applied to all organ and cell damage in which conspicuous pathological findings are found after “vaccination” against Covid-19. From this follows: For ethical, legal and scientific reasons, all histopathological examinations in connection with damage due to “vaccination” against Covid-19 must be accompanied with this method with immediate effect.”

Source: https://pathologie-konferenz.de/en/

Jan 24, 2022 8:05 AM
Reply to  Janey B

This is gilding the lily (needless elaboration). The spikes spread out to every part of the body including the brain, and may damage a site according to its function: muscle, nerve, specific organ, etc.

Arby (Rick Battams)
Arby (Rick Battams)
Jan 23, 2022 10:32 AM

“a virus that may not exist” is where I stopped reading.

El Zafio
El Zafio
Jan 23, 2022 11:14 AM

Check for any paper ever written on contagion.
What you will find are older ones that report failure to prove pathogenic contagion, and newer ones that PCR-test exhalation air and draw conclusions from that and that alone.

Jan 23, 2022 12:37 PM

never been proven. nor is there evidence of any epidemic. no excess deaths until the shot.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 7:54 AM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Which is the precise reason they handily changed the definition of “pandemic” in 2009, by removing the part about excess deaths.

Jan 27, 2022 10:28 AM
Reply to  Phillis Stein

anybody with more than 2 braincells ought to know that outcome is kind of important. then again, there were always people who felt that having a little cold was a huge burden :))))

Arby (Rick Battams)
Arby (Rick Battams)
Jan 23, 2022 12:49 PM

To be clear, “a virus that may not exist” is weak. Caring is knowing is caring. How can smart, caring people, at this point in time, ‘not’ know that there is no Sars CoV 2 virus, period?

Jan 23, 2022 1:45 PM

Even articles in alternative media are written for a general audience, which may include the entire spectrum of individual acceptance/rejection of the virus paradigm.

If viri exist, then there is a 50/50 chance the Sars CoV2 virus exists. And if a particular virus exists, there is a 50/50 chance it causes some sort of reaction in people; and a 50/50 chance that reaction will be negative.

To begin any article with a definitive statement – especially where there is controversy – is to close down all argument.

Plus, one had better be prepared to offer definitive evidence when making a definitive statement.

Jan 24, 2022 12:05 AM
Reply to  Howard

“Having two possible cases/outcomes” does NOT equal/mean/establish “a 50% chance for each one”.
And you are connecting things wrongly/falsely. If “viruses” were to exist, that would have nothing to do with whether “sars-cov-2” exists. The “general”, does not prove, or give any particular “chance”, to the “specific”.
And, “viruses” do not exist, or, if you prefer it put more mildly, they have never been proven. And therefore, even by your “logic”, the existence of “sars-cov-2” can not be considered proven at all, and it doesn’t even get your “50% chance”. Having said these, I don’t think that the article is talking about the “virus” in this case. The article only refers to the “origins” I think, at the particular point, and is accepting the “virus” to be true…
And what you, and so many still don’t see, is that Off-G are still being (in effect) controlled opposition, and that you have to go beyond them if you want to find the truth.

And for your next two points, again, making a statement is NOT “closing down all argument”. You can argue all you want in all cases, and, it also depends on whether the statement is true or not.
And absolutely you must be prepared to offer definitive evidence. So let us see your definitive evidence of your “viruses” (or your “viri”) and of “sars-cov-2”. And let us also see you demand that these article writers and Off-G PROVE there are “viruses”, and “sars-cov-2” and a “new illness”, since they keep writing about them and supporting them.
And don’t say that we have to prove to you that “viruses” don’t exist, as the burden of proof lies with the existence claim, not with the non-existence one.

It is essential that everyone finds out the truth. The “AIDS” scam and the “covid” scam are the exact same method, and all the information is out there. Study and start seeing the truth.


Mark EL
Mark EL
Jan 24, 2022 10:00 AM
Reply to  Dash

Very good refutation. As usual it will be ignored by those who ‘believe’ in virus theory. I’ve been asking for links/refs to any sort of evidence for the last two years. Nothing so far!

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 7:58 AM
Reply to  Mark EL

The pathogen is not important, it is the terrain that is important, but unfortunately conventional medicine is only a good fit for the germ theory of disease, which is EXACTLY why this “theory” prevailed over Antoine Béchamp’s superior theory regarding the “terrain.” Béchamp is right, of course, and Pasteur even admitted this prior to his death. The problem? If we move to the “terrain” theory, then Big Pharma is out of business. Simple.

Jan 27, 2022 10:30 AM
Reply to  Phillis Stein

indeed, war makes money, improving terrain does not, or even costs.

Jan 27, 2022 10:36 AM
Reply to  Howard

i think closing down argument is the point 😉

Jan 27, 2022 10:35 AM

in a nutshell: everything that phillis stein

Jan 23, 2022 6:00 PM

Farewell, good friend.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 7:52 AM

There is a correct scientific process to prove that a virus exists. One of these methods is known as Koch’s postulates. This “virus” has NOT been proven scientifically, as has been proven in court cases. This also therefore would immediately bring suspicion on not only the method to “test” for said virus, but would also raise suspicion upon the “solution” offered. We have had other examples of this occurring previously,. For example, polio was neatly blamed on a virus, which was simply a cover-up from the deleterious effects of the introduction of arsenate pesticides. So, I find it’s always best to read the whole thing and even dig into its parts – you might surprise yourself!

Jan 27, 2022 10:37 AM
Reply to  Phillis Stein

you have probs read the age of polio on the age of autism website.

Jan 23, 2022 10:29 AM

From Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s (German lawyer) current Corona committee session #88 (english version):

Dr Gerd Reuther reports about a colleague who vaccinates passionately and only began to think when he noticed that 7 of the people he had vaccinated during the last week had died!

Watch via https://corona-ausschuss.de

English version: at about 1h 45 mins
German version: at about 2h 05 mins.

Arby (Rick Battams)
Arby (Rick Battams)
Jan 23, 2022 10:33 AM
Reply to  Thinktwice

That’s what I call worrying about the catastrophe ‘after’ it happens, rather than ‘before’.

Mr Perfect
Mr Perfect
Jan 23, 2022 3:59 PM

Arby logic baffles me.
What school of logic does he belong to?

Jan 23, 2022 8:39 PM
Reply to  Mr Perfect

He’s on the sort of undermining side of subjugating “freemason” indoctrination, by using like 90% truth.

You’ve not seen that sort of thing, right?

God speaks with him and he’s like “Uh…but the bible…”


Grab a clue…

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 8:01 AM
Reply to  Alcheminister

Ah, you are talking about that very well-known book that we only have about 8% of the full version, and even that has been changed?

Jan 27, 2022 10:38 AM
Reply to  Mr Perfect

pharm employee

Jan 23, 2022 10:20 AM

With the convid narrative imploding and governments in retreat those that went “full fascist” are looking exposed. The Anglo- elite bail and leave others in the lurch, it’s what they do. Is the Austrian government, for example, starting to suspect they are out of lockstep?

Luckily, their media cronies are there to run cover:

St Jacinda’s postponing her (no doubt oh so genuine) marriage? Is there no limit to this woman’s love for her people!?

As for Fauci, all one needs to know is that stat from RFK – that when he started just over 10% of Americans had a chronic ailment, now it’s over 50%. If Fauci’s job was to make Americans more healthy then he’s been an abysmal failure. However his job was to enrich Big Pharma and prepare for mass depopulation and there he’s a great success – which is why he’s still in the job long after everyone else has retired.

Arby (Rick Battams)
Arby (Rick Battams)
Jan 23, 2022 10:39 AM
Reply to  Edwige


Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 8:02 AM
Reply to  Edwige

She’s a guy, by the way – look up Jacinda Ardern, red dress.

Jan 23, 2022 9:38 AM

Top notch article Diane. Thanks.

Thomas Röper, author of the German book Inside Corona, discusses with Füllmich and Fischer his book detailing the people (some new names) involved in the distribution of money to fund the PPPs/foundations that run the scamdemic. Röper’s book details information he received through the use of software that basically tracks all the data, For example Bill Gates donating to over 30,000 organizations and foundations and the exact dates for these transaction. The book not only collaborates much of the information researched by Webb, Davis, Corbett and others but also provides a broader, more detailed and comprehensive picture to who and how.

There are also three excellent interviews in sitzung 88 before this one, the first with Arne Burkhardt who goes into details in the pathologic causation of death by the injections. Viviane Fischer also has an interesting story about people she has reached out to who have been unable to communicate to others they are injured by the vaccine, much of the difficulty is that doctors, especially, but friends and family too, are basically ridiculing these injured people and telling them they are crazy. Many vaccine injured are thus isolated and have no one to turn too. Perhaps, we can work to get these vaccine informations stories out there and to help establish networks, where by people who have been injured can seek out resources and voices to listen to. For example, is there a covid vaccine injured hotline in your area?

Jan 23, 2022 10:05 AM
Reply to  fame

Typo Sorry Diana, not Diane.

Janey B
Janey B
Jan 23, 2022 10:52 AM
Reply to  fame

Hi, we edited that session, and have a video of Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt’s presentation, if I can post here…must watch. Detailed presentation.

Jan 23, 2022 12:00 PM
Reply to  fame

Vaccine injured can report to VAERS and also contact Children’s Health Defense. They have a tv show devoted to victims stories.

Jan 23, 2022 12:55 PM
Reply to  Judith

Many people are not aware of VAERS or CHD. They are not aware of where to turn. They are told their injury is not real, hence the need for community out reach to disseminate information as where to turn.

Most of all these people are in search for and what they need is: people to understand them, doctors to listen to them, and treatments which may help them. So we need to find people to listen to them (a community to belong to), doctors to listen to them, and a database of treatments which have helped others with similar adverse reactions. Many of the injured have little energy to do much. Often they also suffer from brain fog and confusion.

Reporting to VAERS does nothing for these people. More websites like this can be eye openers for people, but they need more. https://www.realnotrare.com/

If you read the stories there and listen to Viviane Fischer’s testimony you will understand the social, physical and psychological predicament in which many injured people find themselves.

Jan 23, 2022 2:59 PM
Reply to  fame

Yes, I know people may not be aware. That’s why I replied that people can at least report their injury to VAERS.

People can email Children’s Health Defense. CHD had daily reports and television shows devoted to “vaccine injury”. I don’t know of any other network that is devoting so much time, energy and research and reporting about what’s going on.

People can also make a video and tell their stories. There are now several tv shows daily on Children’s Health TV all about this nightmare. From various walks of life. It’s a cornucopia of information, whether one agrees with certain views or not.

VP of CHD, Polly Tommy makes it a point to urge people to contact CHD if they have been injured. There is a specific tv show called Peoples Testimonies.

I have been watching Reiner and Viviane from the very beginning of this nightmare. I am very very aware of the gaslighting that his happening to the “vaccine” injured. I don’t know what I may have construed in my comment that would lead you to believe I am not aware of the social, physical and psychological predicaments people find themselves in.

I am very well aware. Agonizingly so.

Jan 23, 2022 3:21 PM
Reply to  Judith

Sorry. My point is the injured are in need of local help, not something far away. They need a doctor to listen to and believe them as well as friends and community. These two things are best organized at the local level.

Jan 23, 2022 3:46 PM
Reply to  fame

Right. I agree. I have often wondered what I will do if I need medical assistance locally. But I have found an office not too far away that practices the Frontline Doctors protocol.

I have a neighbor in her 70’s who has been bleeding (clots) from her nose since her shots. Really bad. They told her at the major hospital that she’s anemic and so that ‘s what they are treating. She has no clue,nor would she believe, that it has anything to do with the shot. She just got her booster. She’s very puzzled that I have not been shot and don’t wear a mask.

I don’t have the heart to tell her that what she is going through is very common with the “vaccine” because I don’t want to scare her more than she is. Of course if she asks I’ll be happy to explain and point her to resources.

In fact I know a few people who are experiencing “covid” or other issues that I truly believe are vaccine related but they would never believe it.

Not to make too fine a point but CHD will point people to local assistance when they can.

Jan 24, 2022 7:13 AM
Reply to  Judith

Your testimony is what I am talking about. People do not have a community that will listen to them. On the contrary, most injured people are only exposed to the vax is safe and effective and are called nut jobs if they say anything else.. A harsh environment shouting out “you are not injured, its anxiety, the vax is safe and effective.

Similar here, though I am not around that many people who have had the shot. One friend is experiencing cognitive function problems, unable to think clearly and remember things. She goes from thinking it was the shot to telling herself she was always this way. But no doctors to turn to. She doesn’t want to talk about it much but hides it, hoping it just goes away. Viviane was talking in the video about people hiding their injuries which connects with the article here about the msm hiding the bodies, and the hiding energetically has become pervasive through the society. For so long people pretend, oh, its not happening.

The internet isolates a lot of people, they are afraid to say things about being injured because everyone around them tells them they are crazy or attacks them if they say anything. They have no idea that there are other people around them experiencing the exact same things, they need the truth. We can create local places that help people to share, learn and treat their injuries, thereby giving some energy to help the injured understand what is happening to them is real and they are not the only ones.

Jan 24, 2022 3:39 PM
Reply to  fame

Well, if people went on internet and looked for vaccine injury groups they would find them.

I watched the Defeat the Mandates March in Washington DC yesterday. A wondeful group of vaccine injured people spoke.

There are several groups that have developed but this group is called ReACT19.org. There are about 12,000 members now. They are a very active group.

Like anything else, if people search, they will find.

The challenge is for the injured to believe their issues could be caused by the shot.

But in any case, there is support out there.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 8:16 AM
Reply to  Judith

And right there you have landed on the big problem with this – the type of people who have lined up for this experimental jab are also the least likely to connect the jab to their woes. As Mark Twain said: It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.” In other words, there is no helping some people.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 8:12 AM
Reply to  Judith

I understand that close relatives are also able to make reports to VAERS on the behalf of the person (which has happened quite a bit, especially in the event the patient is already dead).

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 8:11 AM
Reply to  fame

The doctors who were willingly suggesting people have jabs are sadly NOT the ones to fix these folk. They really need to get onto either a GOOD doctor who studies outside of his box, or integrative or naturopathic, or homeopathic folk. They are likely to have more answers. Some great work already being done by a group of doctors in South African who have joined together. Dr Zandre Botha is one of these doctors. Every cancer patient of hers were in remission, and she reports that every single one that took the jab now have their cancers not only back, but worse, and they have metastasized. She’s working on antidotes and she does MANY types of microscopy, and so she can quickly evaluate the treatments. There are MANY others who are coming out with protocols. Just be very careful with the pine needle tea treatment – ensure you don’t just pick any pine tree and think you can use the needles – if you pick a yew pine, for example, you WILL poison yourself. Best to work with a practitioner or at least someone fairly knowledgeable about natural medicine. The devil is always in the details.

Ryan Matters
Ryan Matters
Jan 23, 2022 9:14 AM

My research indicates that VAERS is NOT a mandatory reporting system, it is entirely voluntary and research indicates that most medical professionals DO NOT report to VAERS and many are not even educated on HOW to report to VAERS. So, Fauci and Walensky are lying through their teeth (though who should be surprised?).

Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
Jan 23, 2022 9:51 AM
Reply to  Ryan Matters

Well, they were in Congress at the time so maybe lying seemed the right thing to do.

“When in Rome…”

Arby (Rick Battams)
Arby (Rick Battams)
Jan 23, 2022 11:00 AM
Reply to  Ryan Matters

And… some doctors don’t know it exists. There’s also the discouraging of doctors from using the passive, difficult to use, system.

Jan 23, 2022 12:40 PM
Reply to  Ryan Matters

it is and some usa org, can’t remember name ] has found that only 1-10 % of vaccine reactions are ever reported. this is pre this ”vaccine”.
hence the rarity of vaccine injuries 😉

Arby (Rick Battams)
Arby (Rick Battams)
Jan 23, 2022 12:52 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse
Jan 25, 2022 11:02 AM

thank you

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 8:28 AM
Reply to  sabelmouse

I believe it was a Harvard study conducted in around 2009, from memory., Hope that helps?

Jan 27, 2022 10:27 AM
Reply to  Phillis Stein

something like that. i will come across it again i hope. we anti vaxxers talked about it a lot before everything was rona 🙂

Jan 23, 2022 8:51 PM
Reply to  Ryan Matters

Like the abominable “Doctor Doom” Fauci, the odious Walensky didn’t get to the position she’s in today due to demonstrable honesty. But, as the late, great Hunter S. Thompson used to write, “Even a blind hog roots up an acorn now and then.”

When Walensky blithely asserts that “the vaccines are incredibly safe” [emphasis added], she is being quite truthful– albeit not in the way she means it.  😉 

Jan 25, 2022 11:07 AM
Reply to  Ort

pretty sure hogs go by smell 😉

Jan 24, 2022 8:07 AM
Reply to  Ryan Matters

If you overload doctors with an insane amount of adnin. work in addition to their routine practice, they certainly will avoid any optional task.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 8:26 AM
Reply to  Ryan Matters

It is also time-consuming to use (probably on purpose) – it takes about half an hour to make a report, and how many busy doctors (who are not paid to do so) are likely to actually make a report? I would suggest very few. Most doctors have been indoctrinated to believe that vaccines are great and are ‘safe and effective’ – so, you come up against massive cognitive dissonance there. This reminds me of the time my mum had a stroke and the hospital simply could NOT believe that she hadn’t fallen and hit her head (which she didn’t). They are not able to hear anything that goes beyond the bounds of their “medical education.” I KNOW for a fact what triggered my mum’s stroke, but they literally could not hear me. She also had NONE of the symptoms that I knew to look for in a stroke. I’ve never intended to step foot in a hospital, but after the experience I had with my mum (which forced me to step into one), I NEVER want to step foot inside one ever again. I really did wonder just how many people these places kill after my personal experience. I won’t go into it, but I know quite a bit about medical stuff and I was completely HORRIFIED by what occurred in that hospital. They even gave us the wrong diagnosis, until I quizzed them and they didn’t understand what I was saying, so they offered to show me the scans! They showed me, and let’s just say someone got their anatomy mixed up! I won’t even go into the rest. Very sobering experience.

Jan 23, 2022 9:10 AM

“as did Fox, only the other way around”.

A reminder that Fox are just the other side of the fake dialectic:

Left-wing and right-wing attach to the same bird.

BTW there are a mass of impending court cases building up in the US against employers that required employees get vaccinated now that the Supreme Court has ruled mandatory vaccination by the state illegal. Corporations are seeing which way the wind’s blowing and dropping mandatory vaccination – even a corporation as NWO as Starbucks.

Arby (Rick Battams)
Arby (Rick Battams)
Jan 23, 2022 11:01 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Good catch with that linked-to video about FOX.

New Nane
New Nane
Jan 23, 2022 8:00 AM

This article should have appeared months ago.

Jan 23, 2022 9:04 AM
Reply to  New Nane

Strange the article doesn’t mention the strongest piece of evidence supporting its case – the statement by the One America executive that all-cause mortality among working age people rose 40% in a single quarter. Unlike VAERS this can’t be accused of self-selection because insurance actuaries are going to be very precise about death rates. This is a 1 in 300,000 year event and can’t be caused by covid istself in their own narrative and it beggars credulity that lockdown could cause so many deaths (although it’s undoubtedly caused a considerable number).

When Fauci and his ilk lament the flaws of VAERS they need to be pressed on why they showed no interest in creating a better system. The Lazarus Report said that they recommended an improved system that would be very easy to construct and the CDC literally stopped answering their calls at this point.

Arby (Rick Battams)
Arby (Rick Battams)
Jan 23, 2022 11:06 AM
Reply to  Edwige

All cause mortality before 2021 helps our anti-covid 1984 argument. I don’t know what the stats are for 2021 (and that’s due to laziness because I know that anyone can look at them), but if the jabs are killing lots of people, as they are, then Wouldn’t we see a spike for 2021? Or are the deaths still too low (in 2021) for there to be a significant spike? Also, We know what the fascist medical and political authorities are going to say about any such spike: “Covid 19 and the variants are decimating the human population!”

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 8:32 AM
Reply to  Edwige

The CDC has already been caught removing 6,000 death reports from VAERS. So, independent data is what is required, given the 3 letter agencies are all corrupt – they should have NO access to the system, except read-only access.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Jan 23, 2022 7:22 AM

Test the Test

Test the test
And it all falls apart
The blind leading the blind
Leading the shortsighted
Thinking outside the box to triangular infinity
There will never be an Hampstead fox virus
A Beverly Hills Raccoon fever
These perception deceptions
Only appear in far away places
The further the more exotic
The better the distraction
Minds moulded from birth
Tastes formed
Ideas suggested
Governed by hidden entities
Different shit same flies
Bigger the lie
Bigger the profit
Pig pharma
You cannot see it on faces mostly
Clutching at straws
Takers and fakers
There is no virus
Only parasites

Copy Free May 2020

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 23, 2022 6:59 AM

In Australia in spite of many more people dying from the jabs than from the fake virus no one is asking but one lone government senator and he is being branded a lying lunatic but the records show he is correct. But the weasel words the government and big pharma funded authorities use are repulsive. I will put this last weeks report up. https://www.tga.gov.au/periodic/covid-19-vaccine-weekly-safety-report-20-01-2022

They have admitted they do not do any work on their own, they just blindly follow the CDC or the UK version whichever suits them best.

Already some kids have died from the jabs.

https://covidlive.com.au/nsw This is NSW where the majority of sickness is among the jabs as is the majority of deaths, ICU and hospital patients, this is how they report the ‘deaths” Sadly, NSW Health is reporting the deaths of 34 people with COVID-19; 26 men and eight women.
Of the 34 people who died; one person was aged in their 40s, five people were aged in their 50s, five people were aged in their 60s, nine people were aged in their 70s, 10 people were aged in their 80s and four people were aged in their 90s. Older age is a significant risk factor for serious illness and death for COVID-19, particularly when combined with significant underlying health conditions.
Two people had received three doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, 23 people had received two doses, three people had received one dose and six people were not vaccinated.
Of the eight people who died aged under 65, six were men and two were women. Four of these people had received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, one person had received one dose and three people were not vaccinated. Seven of these people had serious underlying health conditions. – Before the jabs people in their hundreds were all called covid deaths and no underlying health conditions ever mentioned.

Now look at Victoria, the most abused state in the country – https://covidlive.com.au/vic Again most sick people are double jabbed but look at the contempt for the deaths, Sadly, the Department was notified yesterday of 14 deaths of people aged in their 30s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. This brings the total number of deaths in Victoria since the pandemic began to 1,805.

That is it, one sentence is all they deserve but the unjabbed in 2020 were the greatest tragic deaths ever reported, even for the over 100;s who actually died of end stage alzheimers, starvation and abandonment in old folks homes.

Jan 23, 2022 9:19 AM

Here’s an article of possible interest for you:

How Politicians Deal with Rebellion: Lessons from Australia
By Gigi Foster, Paul Frijters, Michael Baker  
January 21, 2022

Jan 24, 2022 8:10 AM

They have admitted they do not do any work on their own, they just blindly follow the CDC or the UK version
Don’t you know: all science that matters comes from the Empire. Science from unapproved countries is suspect.

Any pretence of a local trial is for indemnity in case of prosecution.

I still want to know when Australia started its first local trial.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 8:48 AM
Reply to  mgeo

You’ll be waiting a long time for that, I would suggest.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 8:47 AM

You have correctly determined that the 2 states of Australia that are suffereing the most are NSW and Victoria. Some states did far worse than others, and there were a number of factors involved. The first factor I picked up was the fact that the states of Australia who had the worst of the initial infections also happened to be the states where 5G roll-outs were most advanced. Then, the other difference was the leader concerned (stuff if you had Despot Dan, who is OWNED), the degree of “containment strategies”, and other factors such as chem-trailing would also come into it. The ONLY measure approved that was actually useful was advising symptomatic people to self-isolate. Every other measure not only didn’t work, but was damaging to the immune system. Many parts of Australia have been SO heavily chemtrailed that vitamin D levels would have been way down for the majority. This could be why Canberra (Oz equivalent of Washington) took longer to have a problem – they don’t chemtrail in Canberra, So, there are many factors involved here, but of course the jabs are going to be the deciding factor in whether many survive or not. Sadly, most of their immune systems will be stuffed, especially if they got either of the 2 non-placebo formulas. – one formula will finish you off a lot quicker than the other one overall. Most of the quicker deaths will be from the spikes in the organs, and most of the later ones will be autoimmune and cancer. I truly hope many of these people will detox and get treatment, but I’m not that hopeful. If you were ignorant enough to take the jab, you are likely ignorant of how to help yourself also.

Jan 23, 2022 6:49 AM

It should be clear to us that the people running the scam feel that they are above any law … Getting away with 9-11 has emboldened them to the point where they feel that are untouchable. EVERY legal mind should now have their hands to the pumps, for the protection of their own families, as well as others. So, what’s it to be protection of your lifestyles, or your futures?

Jan 23, 2022 7:09 AM
Reply to  hotrod31

Well, my heart is actually failing. So I don’t much care about the supposed future pushed by this world’s “freemason” whores’ shit and institutions.

Idgaf, the road to the grave is straight as an arrow.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 8:49 AM
Reply to  Alcheminister

You will most likely be coming back, however, so it’s a good idea to still care and do what you can.

Jan 23, 2022 6:04 AM

There is supposed to be a large march in Washington DC on Sunday to stop the mandates. Here’s details if anyone is in the local area:

Defeat The Mandates DC

January 23, 2022 | Washington, DC



Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 8:50 AM
Reply to  Jojo

Sadly, it’s doubtful that all that wish to would attend this – people are paranoid that another January 6th set-up is in the offing.

Jan 23, 2022 6:02 AM

His questioning was inadequate, his preparation woeful, his failure to pin down the nonsensical deception he heard in reply was a crushing letdown. But at least he asked.

It’s the same whenever Rand Paul has taken on Fauci. It’s as if these important people don’t have any highly paid staff that can research issues for them and provide a set of questions to ask. That’s what Congress staff are ‘supposed’ to be doing!

Jan 23, 2022 5:51 AM

We need to find someone with media power to do a VAERS story. How about Pro Publica? Does anyone have contacts there?

How about the right-leaning press? There must be some that do investigative reporting and don’t have a reputation for pushing “conspiracies”?

Unless and until we can get some mainstream media investigating VAERS and the stories of people who died from taking the CoVax shots, we aren’t going to effect any change..

Jan 23, 2022 8:35 AM
Reply to  Jojo

What’s the retreat from Convid measures in the last couple of weeks in the UK, Eire, the Czech Republic and Israel but “change”? This hasn’t been brought on by MSM pressure, that’s for sure.

The longer they keep lying the better, the more widely they discredit themselves. This is the big opportunity to break the grip of the corporate-state media and it won’t do much good if we get out of this with them intact because the next “imminent global catastrophe” will just be rolled out a little further down the road with the same “solutions” leading to the same ultimate goals.

Jan 23, 2022 9:05 AM
Reply to  Edwige

The change is occurring primarily due to economic forces. They can’t keep shutting down their economies for every new Covid variant. And of course the natives are growing restless, protesting, refusing to mask up, refusing to take booster shots. I expect many politicians who championed Covid fearmongering to be voted out of office.

Jan 23, 2022 11:14 AM
Reply to  Jojo

Now they know that the public will obey when required they can give it a rest for a bit.

Arby (Rick Battams)
Arby (Rick Battams)
Jan 23, 2022 11:15 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Actually, the entire present perverted and cruel system of things needs to go. It’s irreformable. Tweaking it here and there doesn’t alter it’s evil, destructive character. The good news, for those who believe it, is that this toilet world is due for destruction and that’s about to happen. “while still alive,” the human political system presided over by Satan/Gog is caught and destroyed. It isn’t destroyed by caring humans who managed to do something about pharma-funded, corporate media or caring humans who get reforms or because a number of evildoers have a change of heart. The hoasters and their servants will be doing bloody business as usual until their last breaths. As the angel told John (in the Bible book of Revelation): “Let those who are doing unrighteousness, continue to do unrighteousness.” And let God take care of them as he has proposed. Absolutely, Care. God helps those who help themselves. But those who care ‘and’ ignore God and his plan of salvation for mankind are missing the point.

Phillis Stein
Phillis Stein
Jan 27, 2022 8:55 AM
Reply to  Edwige

There has been a guilty verdict re genocide from the International Common Law courts. Many are backing away from the narrative. This won’t happen to the same degree in the US, because those particular practitioners of evil are in the category of “might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb”, which means their crimes pre-covid are SO bad that they are going for a French haircut or similar anyway, so they have NOTHING to lose by going all the way with this. This was always going to be the way.

Jan 23, 2022 5:24 AM

Take a look at this:

Argentine government agency admits COVID vaccines contain graphene oxide

From the .pdf:
El lote citado en el oficio judicial, CTMAV534 corresponde efectivamente a la Vacuna COVID 19

Vaccine AstraZeeca, el cual habría ingresado al Ministerio de Salud de la Nación a través del Sistema
Covax (EX-2021-33243244- -APN-SAS#MS) en abril de 2021

Esta Dirección no recibió solicitud de análisis de muestras de ese lote para realizar ensayos analíticos.

Respecto a la existencia de residuos en la vacuna, esto fue respondido en junio de 2021 según: “Respecto del supuesto hallazgo de “residuos” en las dosis, dicha situación resulta inexacta”
En cuanto a la composición de la vacuna en cuestión, conforme a lo declarado, el Grafeno se encuentra dentro de los componentes de la misma.Se sugiere acompañar rótulos o prospectos autorizados en los cuales se pueda advertir los componentes de la vacuna.
En relación a si existen denuncias administrativas ante ese Ministerio o el ANMAT sobre posibles efectos adversos de las vacunas y en caso afirmativo cual es el daño colateral denunciado, y asimismo si han tomado conocimiento de fenómenos de magnetismo corporal en los inoculados post vacuna; dichainformación debiera ser recabada en el área competente dependiente del INAME

Jan 23, 2022 5:30 AM
Reply to  Alcheminister

So you might wanna consider what I said about graphene and iron oxide hijacking…

Coz, if the graphene is in contact with red blood cells, collapsing those blood cells, clotting issues, oxygenation issues, localized anemia sort of issues, aggregating especially the iron (and oxygen), forming magnetite (magnetite is an iron oxide compound) sort of structures (EM amps, or storage, as per IBM).

With magnetite being particularly ideal for EM absorption in around the 100mhz – 10ghz range (which is basically all the wireless EM currently).

And that’s only one of the implications…

And I knew (well, guessed) this shit from January 2021 (after my brother asked me what could cause magnetic effects, as well as clotting in the body, in the context of vaccines, so immediately I thought iron), noone fucking mentions it.

Jan 23, 2022 5:57 AM
Reply to  Alcheminister

Why aren’t autopsies being done?

Jan 23, 2022 6:03 AM
Reply to  Jojo


Why aren’t ingredients disclosed? Why so many “anomalies”, variances in vaccines? Why aren’t physicists and toxicologists, engineers looking at the implications of the vaccine contents?

I mean, they’re technocrats, right. Tech companies, shit like IBM hugely invested in a “vaxxed world”.

If you can understand the contents, functions you can prevent that shit. If you wait and rely on (mostly bullshit interpreted, or outright fraudulent) results from usage, you’re too late and you still don’t understand motivation, intent or functionality of the vaccines.

Jan 23, 2022 9:10 AM
Reply to  Alcheminister

Ingredients aren’t being revealed because the companies want to keep the list secret and make it more difficult for other countries to copy. And there is likely some concern that the public might get upset over certain ingredients such as graphene.

Here in the USA, our FDA is brought and paid for by the drug companies, so they are assisting in keeping the secret.

I’m surprised that the EU hasn’t demanded that the ingredients be revealed.

Jan 23, 2022 11:21 AM
Reply to  Jojo

The EU is a lot less powerful than some of the weirdos in the UK would have us all believe. About the only time it will interfere in what a members state is doing is if it appears to be discriminating against another.

The two most powerful states, Germany and France, are American lapdogs.

Jan 25, 2022 12:37 AM
Reply to  Orthus

The Anglo-Zio movers & shakers, sometimes
the name tag reads iFUKUS when these specific
members commit to crimes of war.

Jan 24, 2022 8:27 AM
Reply to  Jojo

EU and its constituents have undertaken stupendous but secret contracts for the jab, at public cost. They have shown determination in ignoring or censoring evidence, complaints and protests against the jab. So, this is nothing new. In any case, the typical ingredients of a “vaccine” are truly bizzarre:

Out of the 44 vaccines tested, inorganic contaminants found but not listed as ingredients included Lead, Aluminum, Tungsten, Calcium chloride, Silicon, Gold, Silver, Zirconium, Nickel, Copper, Magnesium, Titanium, Iron, Chromium, Stainless Steel, Hafnium, Cerium, Antimony, Bismuth, Strontium and Platinum. The quantity of foreign bodies detected and, in some cases, their unusual chemical compositions baffled us. The inorganic particles identified are neither biocompatible nor biodegradable. The only vaccine free from inorganic contamination was the only veterinary one. They may induce chronic inflammatory reaction. Particles of the size often observed in vaccines can enter cell nuclei and interact with DNA. -Dr Antoinett Gatt et al., Medcrave (Int. Jour. of Vaccines & Vaccination 2017-01-23

Jan 23, 2022 7:26 AM
Reply to  Jojo

Some have. Sucharit Bhakdi and some others performed autopsies on 15 cadavers. The results were as expected – scary.

Jan 23, 2022 9:14 AM
Reply to  grr

But the question is WHY haven’t there been many more?

There was some psotings that said the CDC had specifically banned autopsies for Covid deaths but I have never found an actual CDC statement to that effect.

One would expect scientists and researchers to be calling for more autopsies but they don’t seem to be. Again, WHY not?

Jan 23, 2022 6:38 PM
Reply to  Jojo

Why not? I think you know the answer to that question without even having to ask it. There is too much money and POWER at stake for anyone to really ask the right questions. Sure, a few will dissent and ask a few uncomfortable questions, as the author of this article points out, but they will NOT touch the big lie. That is too far for them to go if they want to keep their positions and perhaps even their lives. There is no public savior that is going to ask those questions, period. As you’ve stated, all the agencies supposed to protect laws and people are completely compromised, as we all know good and well if we are honest with ourselves.

Jan 23, 2022 8:19 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

UH, you see, power and control are derivatives of will, and shit is upside down. Will is the “anchor”, the “nadir” that kinda enables either control or power (passively).

The more you worship mammon, try to control, reach for power, the less will you have (and as a result, the more possessed you are)…meaning the less power and control you have. It’s fucking funny.

It’s actually really simple.

Don’t try to do stupid malicious shit.

Jan 24, 2022 8:31 AM
Reply to  Jojo

It was the same in Germany. In 2021-08, the association of pathologists supported the work of one member, showing the importance of autopsies, but that was the last we heard of it.

Jan 24, 2022 8:04 AM
Reply to  Jojo

Why is (almost) the entire medical bureaucracy colluding in evading these issues?
(a) major injury and death from the jab
(b) autopsies

Jan 23, 2022 5:49 AM
Reply to  Alcheminister

So, keep an eye on highly vaxxed, high EM areas/populations…coz they can amp up the EM outputs and target people, as those who are vaxxed are tracked and more susceptible to EM inputs, aside from simply being less healthy due to the vaccine toxicity/damage.

Also, that likely relates to people trying to talk shit about “spike protein shedding” (which is absolutely irrelevant)…as in fact, it’s almost infinitely more likely that experiencing effects near the vaxxed would be due to EM, targeting.

Jan 23, 2022 6:27 AM
Reply to  Alcheminister
Jan 23, 2022 4:08 AM

This piece should be screamed from rooftops around the world.
(Just watch out for their drones, special operations squads and snipers).

Jan 23, 2022 3:57 AM

Do not be afraid, when even you (I never get depressed), are feeling like complete and utter shite as a result of this covid alien(not human) mindwarp, to text a friend.

She is feeling like shit too, but replies,

Ask me again.

A text message can save a life.

Sometimes we all get at least a little bit depressed, when everything goes wrong.

“Be my Friend”. Come on…

Ask me again.

“Status Quo – 4500x”


Jan 23, 2022 8:08 AM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

A little depressed? I have no desire to exist.

Jan 23, 2022 3:01 PM
Reply to  Alcheminister

Listen to more Quo, it’ll cheer you up.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jan 23, 2022 3:33 AM

So, I’m going mad, as required. Mention, even think, of the F word, (it’s not fuck), and you are under the spell.

Jan 23, 2022 6:17 AM


The 2022 highest Civilisational Reward goes to you (Captain Birdhear) for your service as a Role Model to Humanity!!

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jan 26, 2022 12:08 AM
Reply to  GR-Watch

Hey GR,

Thanks for the laugh !

Like everybody, the world would not exist if I didn’t !

les online
les online
Jan 23, 2022 3:29 AM

It is not gene ‘therapy’. It is not a therapy. It is not a treatment. It is a mass (medical) experiment, or even mass trial of a laboratory concocted, industrially manufactured
If it’s a therapy then the word therapy has had it’s meaning changed, like ‘pandemic’, ‘vaccine’, etc had their meanings changed, for use in the ‘covid’ narrative…