This Week in the New Normal #20
Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. “anti-vaxxers are joining racist militias”
We’ve covered the increasing demonisation of the “anti-vaxxers” regularly for over a year now. Ever since Joe Biden announced his new “domestic terrorism bill”, it was obvious that “Anti-vaxxers” were going to be re-branded as some kind of violent threat to democracy (and they were).
Now it’s happening in the UK too, with a story being published warning that “anti-vaxxers” are becoming more militant and there are fears they will “evolve towards US-style militias”, according to the Guardian.
The article references nameless “counter terrorism” officials and anonymous “Whitehall sources”, who warn that…
Latest intelligence assessments describe the anti-vaxxer movement as ostensibly a conveyor belt, delivering fresh recruits to extremist groups, including racially and ethnically motivated violent extremist organisations.
So there you have it, being anti-Covid “vaccines” is a gateway protest. Before you know it you’ll be shaving your head and sieg heiling all over the place.
Absolutely pathetic propaganda, and hopefully not an early warning sign of legislation to come.
2. “What if Democracy and Climate Mitigation Are Incompatible?”
OK, this is from two weeks ago, but it’s too important to skip. The title says it all, Foreign Policy is genuinely wondering if climate change is too much of a threat to let democracy stand in the way of fighting it.
It’s a long read, soaked to the bone in double-talk and built on some very shaky assumptions, but there’s some good material in there…
Democracy works by compromise, but climate change is precisely the type of problem that seems not to allow for it. As the clock on those climate timelines continues to tick, this structural mismatch is becoming increasingly exposed. And as a result, those concerned by climate change—some already with political power, others grasping for it—are now searching for, and finding, new ways of closing the gap between politics and science, by any means necessary.
It warns in the opening section, before concluding…
…democracy, in its current form, is not necessarily the path to a solution. It might, instead, be part of the problem.
It’s not hard to see where this is going. We warned, several times, that we would be moving on from Covid to climate, and that “climate lockdowns” were a very real possibility. This kind of talk is setting the groundwork for that movement.
3. ‘More people is the last thing this planet needs’
Another from the Guardian, this time interviewing all the hip and happening young men who are “getting vasectomies to save the world”
It’s about the climate. Again.
Apparently, there are already too many people (that’s not true, but whatever), and so young men are getting the snip. Bravely preventing placing the burden of climate catastrophe onto the next generation…by making sure there isn’t one.
One of the (anonymous, and therefore potentially made-up) interviewees went right out and cut his balls off the week Donald Trump was elected. That’ll show ’em.
But wait…It’s not just about climate, it’s also about feminism.
Specifically, it’s about correcting the “gender imbalance” traditionally associated with birth control:
Vasectomies address the gender imbalance that still accompanies the choice and practice of birth control. They come with less risk than more invasive and less reliable methods of female contraception, including sterilisation and the coil.
They are genuinely arguing that making yourself sterile forever is less risky and less invasive than having a completely 100% reversible IUD inserted.
Then they start bemoaning that vasectomies can be “hard to come by, especially for younger, childless men“. NHS GPs are apparently reticent to simply sterilise perfectly healthy young men for no good reason:
While there are no laws on the age at which men in the UK can get a vasectomy, the NHS advises that they may be more likely to be accepted if they are older than 30 and have children. “Your GP can refuse to carry out the procedure … if they don’t believe it’s in your best interests,”
Not only that, but the NHS has cut funding to for vasectomies, and perhaps as a result of this, vasectomy numbers are down nationwide. The Guardian want us to think this is a bad thing, but considering the UK’s birth rate has been falling for decades, it might not be.
Nevertheless, there is hope that “world vasectomy day”, and its links to the fight against climate change, will help “burnish” the vasectomy’s progressive image.
The story ends with inspiring words from one of the voluntarily snipped…
“A lot of people are happy to point and say: ‘That’s wrong,’ or film it on their phone…I look at the world and say: ‘That’s not right; I’m going to try to do something about it.’”
A wonderful attitude. I hope he can pass that wisdom on to his children and his children’s children.
…oh, wait.
BONUS: (new) hellhole of the week
Not Australia this time, well done guys.
This time it’s New Zealand, where Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has just put in place strict new rules to “combat” the spread of Omicron.
Starting today, the whole of the country will move into the red on New Zealand’s “traffic light” system, meaning mandatory masks, lockdowns for the unvaccinated and an increased self-isolation period of 24 days.
How many cases prompted this decision? Nine.
Nine Covid cases in Motueka are confirmed to have the Omicron variant, prompting the decision, Ardern said.
Australia has been pretty aggressive in the game of “anything you can do, I can do worse” they have going with both New Zealand and Canada, so expect a move from them sometime this week.
It’s not all bad…
Yesterday marked 2022’s first “Worldwide Freedom Rally”, with marches taking place all over the world, from London to Bern, to Vancouver to Warsaw to Liverpool to Genoa.
Bilbao, Graz, Brisbane. The list goes on and on and on.
Huge crowds turned out in Toronto:
Massive Protest in #Toronto, Oh #Canada today against Prime Minister Black Face Mask & his Medical Tyranny, Mandatory Vaxxes and Vaxx Passes…#TorontoRising #FreedomRally #WorldwideFreedomRally
— 21st Century Wire (@21stCenturyWire) January 22, 2022
Check out this massive crowd today in #Stockholm, #Sweden, against Medical Tyranny, Mandatory Vaxxes and Vaxx Passes…
Go Swedes!#FreedomRally#WorldwideFreedomRally
— 21st Century Wire (@21stCenturyWire) January 22, 2022
…and Sydney:
Massive Protest to start the weekend of #WorldWideFreedomRally everywhere in #Strathfield #Sydney, #Australia, against Medical Tyranny, Mandatory Vaxxes and Vaxx Passes.
Go Aussies!
— 21st Century Wire (@21stCenturyWire) January 22, 2022
In London NHS staff threw down their uniforms in front of Downing Street.
These are the people who they want to classify as domestic terrorists and militias.
Also, someone sent us this sign, which is our new favourite:
— Northern Lass (@northerness) January 22, 2022
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention that the world’s ten richest men have doubled their fortunes during the pandemic or the Fed’s report on a digital dollar.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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I am now elderly and on my second marriage of 18 years after 25 with my first wife with whom I had 4 children. At the fourth she suggested I get snipped. But I said that it should be her because she has now fulfilled her role in life. But if. God forbid, she were to disappear (which she did in the end) and I found a new, nubile replacement – she would have every right to expect children.
That sealed it.
You’ve said it before offgaurdian this is not about over population it’s about undesirables,It’s ok for the parasites to breed like rabbits but decent normal people curb your breeding???Yea right I don’t know who takes heed to this crap??I don’t understand the people listening to this???Go forth and procreate they are and they are breeding more psychopaths 😬😂👍
I have just listened to Dr. Lee Merrit’s interview with Reiner Füllmich & co. I think she has a lot of very relevant knowledge and very useful insights. In fact, I am now going to listen for a second time to catch every detail.
PS – I have said this before, but I wish Wolfgang Wodarg, who is a wonderful human being, would refrain from intervening in a way that goes off on a tangent and breaks down the flow of an interview.
While I do not condone young men getting vasectomies, just as I would not be keen on childless women getting a tubal, chemical birth control, including IUDs are not a walk in the park for many women. Perhaps better forms for both sexes could be found. Besides, I can’t blame them, I wouldn’t want to bring a child into this shitshow.
Word of The Day: Volksgemeinschaft
Volksgemeinschaft is a German expression meaning “people’s community”, “folk community”, “national community”, or “racial community”, depending on the translation of its component term Volk (cognate with the English word “folk”). This expression originally became popular during World War I as Germans rallied in support of the war, and many experienced “relief that at one fell swoop all social and political divisions could be solved in the great national equation”. The idea of a Volksgemeinschaft was rooted in the notion of uniting people across class divides to achieve a national purpose, and the hope that national unity would “obliterate all conflicts – between employers and employees, town and countryside, producers and consumers, industry and craft”.
After Germany’s defeat in World War I, the concept of Volksgemeinschaft remained popular especially on the right-wing of German politics, in opposition to the class struggle advocated by the left-wing parties. The German Conservative Party became the German National People’s Party and the National Liberal Party reorganized itself into the German People’s Party, with the new names intended partly as references to Volksgemeinschaft.
The concept was also embraced by the newly founded Nazi Party in the 1920s, and eventually became strongly associated with Nazism after Adolf Hitler’s rise to power. . . . Nazi legal theory divided all Germans into two categories, namely the Volksgenossen (“National Comrades”) who belonged to the Volksgemeinschaft and the Gemeinschaftsfremde (“Community Aliens”) who did not. In addition to the duties and responsibilities shared by those in the community, the National Comrades were expected to build and create a “Volksgeist” (“Volk spirit”) that would encompass the best aspects of the German people. As such, community aliens could not belong, since they were deemed an undermining element in the very foundations of the “Volksgemeinschaft”.
The modern German historian Detlev Peukert wrote the following about the purpose of Nazi social policy:
The goal was an utopian Volksgemeinschaft, totally under police surveillance, in which any attempt at nonconformist behaviour, or even any hint or intention of such behaviour, would be visited with terror.
“[Mandatory vaccination] is about showing those who have been vaccinated and follow all orders that we will no longer allow people to put their individual freedom above the freedom of society,” says @HendrikWuest.
Welcome to fascist New Normal Germany!
When New Normal fascists like @HendrikWuest talk about subordinating individual freedom to the needs of New Normal society, this isn’t a new concept. It’s called “Volksgemeinschaft.” It’s Totalitarianism 101.
When you hear fanatical fascists like @HendrikWuest, Minister-President of North Rhine-Westphalia, talking about “Volksgemeinschaft” in Germany, believe them. The fact that it’s pseudo-medical (i.e., not racial) this time doesn’t make it any less fascist.
Nazism was also pseudomedical.
Nazi Germany inherited a great deal from Prussianism. GK Chesterton wrote about the latter in Eugenics and Other Evils (1922), but he seemed to be a voice crying in the wilderness.
Merely dying isn’t enough, you toxic bastards! Even in death you’ll pollute Mother Gaia:
Frankly, the only solution is never to have existed. And to pay hefty reparations….
There probably is some truth in what they say – but not in the way they say. A lifetime’s acquired toxicity may well be polluting but we can’t draw the plebs’ attention to this toxic soup we’ve got them drowning in.
P.S. I’ve been suspecting for a while there’s some reason why TPTB prefer cremation for the masses. There’s something esoteric going on here but what exactly I’m not quite sure. There was a big C19th psy-op to create a fear of being buried alive both in non-fiction (any story of someone reviving after being diagnosed dead got saturation coverage) and in fiction (most obviously in Poe who the elite seem to love). Prussia built special houses for the dead to lie in to make sure they were really dead… nobody revived.
Then there’s the story (myth?) of why Thomas a’Kempis could not be granted sainthood by the Catholic Church. He was supposedly buried alive. They (whoever “they” were) opened his grave and found his body turned over. The ever pious Catholic Church feared he may have “despaired.”
(I remember hearing that story in Catholic School.)
“…there’s some reason why TPTB prefer cremation for the masses.”
Burnt offerings,
Occam’s Razor – Cremation takes less space.
We need more homes where I live in the SF Bay area of California. Yet we have huge swaths of prime building land reserved for dead bodies with monuments that hardly anyone ever visits.
Actually, a better solution to cremation would be to simply dump dead bodies into the ocean. The fish and scavengers there would make short work of them (as we see with a whale carcass on the Planet Earth series).
No offense, JoJo, I like a lot of what you say but what’s with all Occam’s Razor bull-shit?
Don’t you know Occam’s Razor don’t prove a gosh-darn thing? It’s a Rule for dummies, no different fom keep it simple, as in KISS? Logic can’t compel a decision between two variables. It can’t tell you the best course to follow in the face of a dilemma. Ha-ha, perhaps you think Prisoner’s dilemma accurately describes real Life? At best, logic can be used to establish odds or probability. Statistics is a form of Logic, which everyone knows is a bunch of hooey, so they rebrand as Analytics and Algorithms. Hmmm, the Transhumanist crowd thinks everything should be decided by Maths?
FWIW, not long after I began surfing Internet comments venues at the turn of the century, I observed that many commenters typically invoked “Occam’s Razor” like a 1950s gang member waving a switchblade, aka flick knife, harum-scarum during a rumble.
At the time, it seemed to correlate with the dead serious, i.e. fatuous, invocation of the whimsical and facetious “Godwin’s Law” as an ironclad “gotcha”. 😉
100% agree. Godwin’s Law is another one of those b.s. tropes (for stupid people).
Ockham’s Razor is a useful tool. It’s not old William’s fault that most people invoking it don’t understand what it means.
I agree, and I’m not suggesting otherwise.
My point is that indeed it has been typically abused, at least in Internet discussions. Like “Godwin’s Law”, people with a confused and half-baked understanding seize upon it because they think it’s a “nuclear option” clincher.
In the 19th century US, before there were parks, cemeteries were the parks, where kids went to play, and everyone went to picnic
its a Quick way to get rid of many bodies.
Wonder why…?
Aquamation: water and alkaline based solution is used to dissolve your carcass. A few weeks later they can use the liquid on a rose garden or pour it down the drain. Desmond Tutu recommends it. There’s a place in Queensland, just north of the NSW border offers the treatment. I read that The Full Service costs $AD8000.
My preference is to be put in a steel canister, add sawdust and some herbs, so i can be reduced to ‘soil’ and then spread on gardens. Off hand i cant recall what that process is called. The method hasnt yet been adopted by any body-disposable business in Australia.
No point me worrying about all the chemicals and pesticides in me getting back into the food chain if i’m spread on gardens. An article in The Guardian recently claimed the planet has reached chemical etc saturation point (another ‘tipping point’ ?). I’m surprised Dr billy gates hasnt used the story as one more reason to radically reduce human numbers – so the planet has a chance to recover. (Suspicion: dr billy gates subsidises The Guardian. Did he pay it to run that story ?)
An IUD? Really? The term “safe and effective” comes to mind.
Are you seriously refuting a gender imbalance in birth control???
Did a male write this article?
By the way, vasectomies are reversible in many cases. So it’s not necessarily “forever”.
Heck when I had my tubal (at 30, after 3 kids) they insisted on giving me a reversible one.
A male with a vasectomy.
You want the Truth? You can’t handle to Truth!
How much of that is for laughs? Is that tweet detailing the progress made genuine?
Seems benevolent – and of course eating more fruit ‘n’ veg is a good thing:
The barb is urban green spaces – many of these have other beneficial uses that would be lost (parks?). What exactly is wrong with rural green spaces?
What’s wrong of course is the smart cities and human settlement zones’ agenda. People are going to be penned in cities with minimal travel rights – and with the countryside stuffed full of wolves and bears who’s going to want to go there anyway?
Crawl into your pod, watch VR, live off UBI, eat bugs and die… that agenda is still very much with us.
As long as they have their smart phones, they won’t even notice where they are anyway.
The poster about the BBC dying with or from Covid was brilliant! In a nutshell it highlights exactly how they promulgated this scamdemic.
sadly the birth control bit is utter rubbish. not the environmental argument but the idea that the burden should rest on women, iuds are harmless, or the pill, and a vasectomy is not reversible. + men sow their oats still, as ever.
but associated vasectomies with castration.
as for anti vaxxer vilification: that’s old, most just never noticed/joined in until now.
My solution all school kids should be given copies of the wonderful but no longer in print MAD Magazine. It gave me the education that missing in class , with a different way at looking at what we are told.
Here is there imagined General Cole solution to supposed over population×900
This was irony but then but coming soon , if they can get away with it
Mad Magazine does seem to be sold on global warming . So question everything including mad magazine?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=N-9Exbg-aUQAX98hdNN&_nc_ht=scontent-lhr8-1.xx&oh=00_AT988t_UeYFaKZBpBgArhErQ9LcJoA1cN9eEPDUH8XV0Ug&oe=62157E13
What, me worry?
I remember so well “Mad” magazine, with the one-toothed kid on the front pages. Mutually Assured Destruction, and here we are, and most think its a first, nobody “reads” history, most have “seen” something about 20th century history, tv, Net-fix, screens, emojos, and all the rest of the brain destroying garbage. I’m noticing more and more books, “out of stock”, and Google changing the meanings of words, my advice, buy all the books you should read, all the important books, philosophy, witness statements from the past. I have a book called: “Ordinary Men” by Christopher R Browning, about the ordinary police men in Germany 1933 when the Nazis came to power. I would love to have every policeman, everywhere read this. Witness statements from the archives in Berlin, real people saying what they were told to do, murder, and all atrocities, just imagine, your local bobby, in happier times being ordered to murder every Jew in a small village . . .
One morning, when I was serving as an altar boy at mass, I couldn’t get a Mad magazine story I had read out of my head while the priest was handing out communion, so I couldn’t stop laughing. The priest sent me away in disgrace.
The MSM are always trying to ram anti-natalism down our throats at every single turn…
First it was go be with multiple partners… dont settle down play the field for men.
Then play the field for women…
Then Ashley Madisson websites and cheat on your spouse, its fine!
Then feminism and go be an ‘independent woman’ what do you need a man for
Then Anti-natalism for career driven women because not dying out as a species is just such a drag!
Then its okay to be single, its empowering…
Now cut off your balls! What do you need them for anyway!
The thing is, we have a feminised society that leads to hypergamy which leads to a rapid decline of civilisation.
In a feminised society the strongest patriarchial societies will dominate, such as Islam. Which isnt such a bad thing as it is very similar to Orthodox Christianity, which is way better than neo-liberalism.
But as birth rates decline in the west, it does nothing globally as westerners are replaced by easteners.
Birth rates are higher amongst those with lower IQ, not that is bad in itself, but as a result there is decline of intelligence in society. It is important for those professional people also to have children, to push society forward and ensure there are suffient jobs for others. Also traditional values have declined, the emphasis has shifted from society to individual and with the decline of intelligence increases corruption. John Bagot Glubb (The fall of empires) wrote about having more women in traditional male roles futher accelerates the decline, as decisions and policies tend to be more emotive rather than logical. Not bashing women here, our women are our Queens but there are trends that repeat throughout history with the decline of nations and empires.
Slowly heading towards being like Argentina / Venezuela.
funny how white people/westerners are scared. had they not done what they did …..
ditto men, and homophobes.
the trans agenda is different from lgbt.
that all of this is used by this propaganda machine does not make legitimate issued void.
The fall of an empire has nothing to do with race or geographic location. What is it that they ‘did’? As other empires had fallen much in the same way even doing slightly different things.
The trans agenda is just an evolved form of it. Same precipice, normalising through mass marketing campaigns ad infinitum. Iconoclasm if you will, so that the only route to defining oneself is through mass consumption of goods rather than culture, heritage, traditions, religion etc. Capitalism requires constant growth, so new ideas have to be introduced for the masses to buy into and new stocks to be created. The so called ‘Eco stocks and shares’ are on the rise now, plus ‘digital items’.
I agree with your last sentence, there are legitimate issues yes.
trans has nothing to do with gay or women’s rights other than that it seeks to erode both .
nationalism is hardly the answer either.
nor is this thing here real globalism as in taking into account the whole globe. it’s a handful of people taking over the whole globe.
Is it a globe though?
I’d send a few farts in your general direction if my wife didn’t need them to power her vibrator.
I’m glad you liked it. 😁
No surprise that your wife needs a vibrator.
Let’s keep the gloves up, please. XD A2
Why? I seriously doubt its face is worth defending.
Was fully expecting a snipe from you. It’s what you do.
Weren’t capable of making the connection between Robespierre’s misogynistic bullshit and the Fart Energy Pants, huh? Bit of a dumb fuck, aren’t you?
I’m betting you have this on high rotation:
The system that foisted upon society the covid, man made climate change, scarcity and overpopulation narratives; also foisted feminism, LGBT, race theories, gender theory and equality.
You need to look objectively at the whole picture to understand it, if you really would like to undertand it for what it is.
It’s only because of the ‘system’ that some of us see misogyny as, in the words of Fats Waller, slightly less than wonderful? Fuck off.
You got quite angry there because misogyny only exists in that stupid head of yours. Men and women are different with different capabilities, didn’t your parents tell you that, or has your confused sexuality made you forget it?
Weak and emasculated men like you have given us the reality we live in now. Thanks bud
A bit of a mixed up post. I am against the destruction of the miracle of biodiversity in order to pack in more humans. Sao Paulo’s reservoirs went down to 5% of capacity on one occasion. Are you sure we have an unlimited supply of oil ? Are you for glyphosate and 5G ?
Feminism is a bankster imposed program designed to increase the workforce and make society more un natural. The banksters behind convid also drove the trans Atlantic slave trade.
There must be a balance between the masculine and the feminine, that’s why families that achieve this stay strong and together while the others don’t.
I can asure you that most of the men who support feminism and cry ‘misogynist’ at any man who tells it like it is are divorced, separated, or/and have cheated on their partners and ‘defending women’s rights’ is a way to exculpate themselves. So the problem is not feminism but weak men, and the left is full of them.
haha… you have touched the third rail there….particularly delicate for this corner of the internet where many are still in rehabilitation and experiencing PTSD and psychotic feelings of betrayal, most of those caught up with the nonsense you note are merely pieces on a chess board… moved by evil men ..
a product of neo-liberal policy, merely another astro-turfed creation (there are many, all easily observed) of the ‘full’ spectrum ‘soft’ war being waged on certain elements of what passes for a society nowadays… most of its victims have been disenfranchised, hyper-sexualised and ‘reared’ in broken homes, all by design I may add… most seem unable to rationalise that they are products of ‘policy’ but like so many of the newly minted ‘jabbed’ class .. they seem under the impression that they are ‘freedom fighters’.. hehe
none realise they are in an existential war of attrition, and only one side is actually fighting…
many can be seen haunting un-social media worshiping the current psy-op because it gives many of the lonely (of which there are many) a somewhat twisted sense of community and of course from the tran-sexual standpoint it will be only a small step into trans-humanism..(itself a nonsensical fallacy)..
In fact the jab takers are more coherent in their thinking as they accept everything the world has to offer them without any qualms of fake high moral standards. They are doomed, they know it and they are fine with it.
Like Keith Richards said ‘when you’ve made the deal I made you’d want to stay in this life for long as possible.’ (I paraphrase but that’s the idea).
Then there’s the ones who half awaked to the real agenda because of the covid psyop. They are pissed off because now the agenda touches on their personal ‘freedoms’ which they never realised were concessions and priviledges. But will not see the relation between this and the gender equality and homosexuality promotion and celebration as part of the same. They are angry because that same liberal struture is completely behind the jabination and all things covid. They feel betrayed, and it doesn’t make sense to them, but it does.
Just a few words written about 2700 years ago, but which have astonishing relevance for today.
“As for my people, children are their oppressors and women rule over them. O, my people they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths” (Isaiah 3:12, KJV).
Kids with their “pester Power”. A boon to the lolly makers.
Surprised at the downvotes. Everything you said is happening. JD Unwin’s Sex and Culture is worth a look too. Us Western societies have confused freedom with license.James Howard Kunstler puts it this way” “We live in a society where everything goes, and nothing matters” If it feels good, do It!
And Edmund Burke: “What is liberty without virtue? It is the greatest of all possible evils … madness without restraint.
Men are qualified for civil liberty in exact proportion to their disposition to put moral chains upon their own appetites …
Society cannot exist, unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed somewhere; and the less of it there is within, the more there must be without.”
The covid story becoming a reality is because we have become a feminised society. Stay home, stay safe, wear your mask and so on are typical mum’s recommendations to their child on steroids. Natural maternal insticts out of balance and overgrown due to the lack of male counterbalance. It makes sense they would suggest we cut our balls off physically now after having done it mentally and spiritually.
I wouldn’t be so hard on Ardern, the poor dear. She’s also making sacrifices:
Jacinda Ardern cancels wedding amid new Omicron restrictions
Sounds like it wouldn’t have gone so well anyway, given that her fiance hadn’t been informed of the date or location.
I don’t know which is worse – marrying Jacinda or being vaccinated.
When I read it I thought: marrying Jacinda vs cutting your balls off. Probably both quite similar experiences, one a bit more sudden.
“cutting your balls off”?
No. No, you don’t get away that easily, not with Cindy you don’t. You’ll have to saw them off, with a rusty butter knife, or Fauci style, have them devoured slowly by fruit flies.
This brings to mind the old joke* about a man attending an opera who was so awestruck by the soprano’s heavenly voice that he asked a mutual friend to introduce them.
The man was surprised to see that, offstage and without makeup, the soprano was hideously unattractive. Nevertheless, a romance blossomed and the man and the soprano got married.
The morning after their first night together, the groom wakes up and contemplates his bride’s visage, just a few inches away on the pillow. He shakes her awake, pleading frantically, “Sing! Sing! For God’s sake – sing!”
* Yes, this joke violates contemporary identity-politics standards on multiple levels. FWIW, I’ve seen versions where the genders are reversed– and I don’t give a damn about sociopolitical correctness anyway.
The de-populators are out in force on this thread, seemingly determined to provoke a response.
Okay, here’s one:
1) Not practising what they preach – ridiculous. About as noteworthy as the unvaccinated elite saying “just take the damned jab”.
2) Judging others are surplus to requirements but not themselves – ridiculous. This takes an ego as big as Henry Kissinger and one about as full of humanity. It’s where one sees Luciferians playing God with the gloves off. Lockdown’s divison of ‘essential’ and ‘non-essential’ workers came straight out of this mentality and was designed to normalise it.
3) Every other elite agenda is fake except this one – ridiculous. In fact this is the meta-agenda, the one that pulls all the other together. Just a coincidence it’s really kicked in with robot and A.I. labour about to kick in.
4) Justifying it on “great extinction” terms – ridiculous. Firstly, nobody knows if this is even true. The evidence comes from the same science that brought us convid. Secondly, in the Darwinian paradigm it happens all the time and there’s no ground for complaint as its the fundamental law of the universe. Humanity has shown itself the fittest and other species must evolve to adapt or die out. By all means reject the Darwinian paradigm but I haven’t read many posts here doing that.
There are plenty of resources for many more humans, just not enough for oligarchic greed. See the Questions for Corbett where he took apart the ‘Limits of Growth’ mentality for a good primer on the mistaken assumptions behind the whole Club of Rome mentality.
yes, but not surprising.
the common imbecile, particularly the current ‘incarnation’ merely cherry picks the ahem, ‘data’ that suits their particular view or at worst emotional state (and most are in a right one)… I mean, who has actually counted the world population ? would it be the same agencies pushing the latest depopulation agenda….
every failing ‘system’ in the current farce commonly known ‘modern civilization’ is a creation of the same miscreants that offer new solutions to remedy its derelictions….
and that is because it’s a business model… this philosophy is the justification for the havoc they wreak..
NB: even darwin was sceptical of his ‘theories’ but it was eagerly seized upon by the predator class as justification for their parasitical system… nowadays most are ignorant of the application of the noun ‘theory’ …. this is because they have ‘lost’ the ability to critically think..
No one has come forward to show evidence that if the modern Western way of life were allowed to everyone else on the planet there would still be resources aplenty to take care of the billions of new mouths to feed and new McMansions to build.
An what benefit would that provide? If you are going to do something, it should have benefits, yes?
I personally found Mr Corbett’s “Limits of Growth” video his weakest entry. Since I’ve chucked the notes I took, I don’t recall who he quoted when he said “In the economic sense resources are infinite.” Now that’s a statement worthy of Jesus Christ feeding the multitude!
Supply is a function of price, and substitution and replacement progressively alleviate depletion. There was a whale oil shortage crisis in the 1800s. Then petroleum massive discovery and processing happened.
So it’s true if we consider function rather than identity. Engines replacing horses, etc. It’s a process.
Scarcity is an invention of the rich because they are hoarders and as such they are too attached to material gains therefore scared to lose them, it’s an irrational fear based on fear itself.
The truth is never has it happened in history that resources were depleted , we are still here and there’s plenty of stuff. Does the average person know how many people can be fed with 1 single acre of well managed land?
‘Hoarding’ is an invention of Marxists to explain shortages.
Just because we can cram more people in doesn’t mean that we should do so.
Brilliant takedown but this:
“ Judging others are surplus to requirements but not themselves”
Bang. On. Target.
Let me chuck a few fire and bang emojis your way for good measure: 💥💥🔥🔥💥
It is true! The fact that we can cram in more people or feed more people doesn’t mean that we should. Most people are useless, produce nothing much of value and contribute nothing of lasting value. Outside of friends and family, few dead people will be remembered longer than 3 months.
The only rational for more people is that every economic system in existence today depends on ever more people paying ever more taxes to support ever growing government bureaucracies to spend ever more money supporting people that are allowed to live too long.
More people destroy more animal/insect\plant species, destroy more parts of the planet, use more resources and help accelerate global warming.
LESS people is what we need. About 7 billion less.
1. I assume you count yourself among the 7 billion that need disappearing?
2. It’s FEWER people.
that kind never does. superior minion of the rich/parasites.
Actually, I was thinking that YOU should be #1 on the list.
The more people there are, the more Newtons and Miltons.
So hoping for random genius mutation is the plan?
The world is in equilibrium, shift too far one way and it will shift back. This is the laws of nature and noone, no matter how much money they have can change that.
There is a great video by Hans Rosling that states the worlds population will not increase past 11M. Evolving societies have less children and old people sadly die, the notion that it is some weird exponential growth is baffling.
The result of neo-liberalism, fear culture, shame from WWII or whatever has reduced the fertility rate in the west, over time the East will take over.
the whole lot of parasites are useless. but use and waste most.
NOT the poor!
There is a tall building you can throw yourself off. Be my guest!
Will you hold my hand? I hope to use you to cushion my fall.
So where do you stand ? in the 7 billion or with the 1 billion elites ?
There really should be some sort of genetic qualification that allows the smartest people to reproduce and restricts the less intelligent from doing so.
That would prevent, for example, the majority of people being brainwashed into swallowing the official pandemic narrative hook, line and sinker, right?
And you consider yourself one of ‘the smartest people’?
Indeed. With a 130 IQ I am. Unfortunately for the world, I never reproduced. However, there is always the possibility of cloning myself.
Your reply just goes to show that a supposedly high IQ is no guarantee that the supposed possessor of the supposedly high IQ is capable of understanding sarcasm.
Sarcasm is often difficult to recognize in text. That;s why people use a “/s” tag at the end of their posts to assist people. You’re welcome.
😂 Difficult for you. Most of us don’t require spoon feeding.
That’s called eugenics isn’t it? At least that’s part of its premise. Our owners would certainly agree with you on that….
And? Why is selecting the best a problem?
I look forward to a world where human genetics are tweaked such that people can have all the sex they want w/o getting pregnant. If you want to get pregnant, then you have to pass a variety of tests in order to be allowed to obtain the genetic reversal to become pregnant.
Isn’t it time for the human race to give up on unlimited reproduction in the hopes that with enough kids produced, we will get a regular supply of Einsteins, Newton, Hawkings, etc?s
I haven’t seen that intelligence is all that intelligent. Aren’t we supposedly ruled now by the smartest guys in the room? How about if the kindest and most cooperative people reproduce?
And re:vasectomies — we really have no idea the damage we’ve done to ecosystems with women peeing out synthetic hormone birth control pills. I had my tubes tied as soon as I realized that child bearing was not for me and the gamut of birth control options made me sick. Everyone should have a full range of options to reproduce or not and it would be nice if a method was devised that had no adverse environmental impact. And also, the WEF eugenics program is f’ed.
Who said we are ruled by the smartest people? Political leaders tend to be ruthless pragmatists but high IQ isn’t generally one their more common traits.
My tongue was placed firmly in my cheek with the comment on the ‘smartest’.
I was pretty much with you in this thread until this particular entry. Considering how much mischief “the smartest people” have brought to bear upon this planet, I would opt for only letting dumb people reproduce.
(Besides, I think I could fake being dumb easier than I could fake being smart.)
Then you might have a world of Donald J. Trumps and cronies.
Every time anyone talks about population reduction on any forum, a small cadre of people protest vociferously.
WHO are you people? Catholics who believe that because we have 2 legs and 2 arms we can “Go forth and multiply” boundlessly? WHY? To what purpose?
I certainly hope you haven’t gone forth and multiplied or have any hopes to do so as that would be sure to lower the sum total of human intelligence while at the same time increasing the sum total of human narcissism and arrogance.
If you can’t post anything intelligent, why post at all?
I suggest you look inside your benighted self for the answer to that one.
Actually ‘be fruitful and multiply’ is from the book of Genesis, so it’s not a ‘Catholic’ thing but a Jewish thing from the Hebrew bible. So, are you saying the jews are dumb?
“The fact that we can cram in more people or feed more people doesn’t mean that we should.”
Get over yourself! And you are wrong – you’d be forgotten in 3 minutes. Pathetic empty individual.
Global warming? You are joking right? You not willing to share the sun’s green energy with anybody else?
There is no argument for having even one person alive, it doesn’t appear to make any difference to the earth and our presence certainly does not benefit nature.
So why are you still here?
You should be up with Bill promoting mass vaccinations to lower population.
Well, Because I come here often enough…
A few (very) will care. The rest of you won’t. It’s time for me to rest:
Commiserations, Rick. I know that syndrome about thinking rationally on dying voluntarily. Not easy, even when, like me, you’re confident it leads to karma-resolution in the bardo state, and then re-birth, with a whole new life to try to do better next time. And as many more as you need thereafter, until it’s time to accept the buddhist insight, and step off the Wheel of Re-birth.
Even with all that in mind, contemplating the moment of death is always bleak and frightening for our animal selves. I’ve settled for just hanging on where I am (reclusive live-alone hermit, but with good family and friends nearby) and just testing my heart to destruction by carrying on as usual. Hoping for what my doctor says happens to plenty of old men: “Heart stops; out like a light!” I’ll settle for being found dead in the wood where I go every day to collect fire-wood.
There seem to be many NAmericans now in your perilous state, Rick. Here in Britain, the social security help for the old/sick/incomeless is a touch more generous. I’m not struggling with illness, thank the gods, just ancient and infirm. I do OK, but there are plenty who are struggling. My situation is the reverse of yours: I have to help my younger family with money all the time. But since hermit life is proving to be ultra-cheap for me, I can do that, thank heaven.
I hope things pick up a bit for you soon – one way or another. Solidarity, bro!
karma is ver complex and who knows what one is here/in for. i sure never saw myself cut out for a resistance fighter.
If I may say so, you never cease to amaze me. I would never have pegged you for someone who believes in reincarnation. I don’t rule it out; but being essentially a materialist, I think if it happens it will never cease happening. I can’t accept that there would be one final incarnation with which a “soul” fulfills all the requirements and gets to move beyond the cycle.
I also find the thought of someone like Dr Fauci coming back dozens or hundreds more times to inflict his evil upon the world a bit disconcerting.
I still like pop Astrologer Linda Goodman’s observation that those who harm others are the “new kids on the block” (whether they can sing and dance and chew gum or not! – she didn’t say that part though).
“re-birth, with a whole new life to try to do better next time.”
Good gracious, way to kick a guy while he’s down.
The only rational solace available in this world is the promise of sweet oblivion once the sentence is served.
Fortunately, reincarnation is cartoonish superstition.
Arby, good luck, with whatever you choose to do.
If you can’t deal with the world, then you should be allowed to exit.
In a perfect world, you would be allowed to sell your body parts and will the proceeds to your family or some favorite charities or just some random person.
What world is it you exactly talk of? The current one where you are only measured by where you come on the Forbes list? Is that how we attribute human value?
Is someone that makes phone calls and the odd pretty powerpoint more valuable that someone that can build an actual house or install water filtration and agricultural technology?
Or maybe the person that kicks a leather bag of air around a field is more important than a paramedic?
The best example of value is a flower or a sunset, everyone loves them, cherishes them and they are the most valued things in society. Do they have a financial value? No, but without them, what would the world be like?
Pretty damn awful, thats what!
absolutely the essence of meaning is …
I’m certain that you intended to make some sort of comment pertinent to my post but I fail to see what it might be in the morass of your post.
I don’t know if you’re actually joking or if someone could be that nonsensical. I fear is the latter, lots of people have lost their marbles in the last few years and you seem to be one of them.
Thank you for your blog, Rick
Though I only looked at it a couple of times I will go back and look into your trains of thought and research
Bon voyage brother Rick!
Interesting our friend Arby who recently wrote utter shite about RD Laing is now pushing a suicide narrative for the over 65s.
I think you’re correct. Godlessness leads to dispair.
That was heartbreaking to read. I hope you find peace Rick. God bless.
God is with you through the good times and the bad times. God is love. God is truth. God is the beauty of creation.
I hope you find a safe place to be.
And in the long run keep writing,
Much love.
“Like DAH!” Off shore little doubt.”
This one went to my political reps and all of my family. This kind of stuff needs to be posted everywhere and anywhere.
Arrest them. Try them. Sentence them to death. Execute them.
Anyone calling for vaccine mandates is willingly and wantingly killing and maiming innocent healthy people in order to protect themselves and their credibility.
Incredulously heinous crimes against humanity.
We need to hold them accountable.
If we don’t we will become them.
It is our civic duty. Our responsibility. Our obligation.
Arrest them. Try them. Sentence to death. Execute them.
The lies will only continue until we do.
The WHO, CDC, GAVI, CEPI, Big Pharma and the majority of governments of the world and their medical bureaucracies constitute the biggest criminal organisation the world has ever known. The saddest part is that most police forces, which are supposed to arrest the criminals, are part of the gang. So, who do we turn to for justice?
If you want to get encouraged, go to and check out the Covid hearing today, hosted by Senator Ron Johnson. It was amazing, even if it’s using parts of the official narrative to debunk other, more egregious parts of the official narrative.
FYI, I’m seeing:
This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Terms of Service
“The more the war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist mobster psychopath Nazis take things down, and try to silence us, the faster we will keep putting them back up.”
“As much they try the psycho Nazis can not keep their crimes against WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity) hidden forever.”
+10 for the Fauci’s bank account meme
Exactly who or what are they the ‘Guardian’ of ?
• The status quo ?
• The 1% ?
• The MIC ?
• The narrative of fear ?
• Their bottom line ?
• Their selfish little insular fiefdoms ?
• All of the above ?
Demonstrations are great. Look how they stopped the covid regime! Ohh wait!!!
Yes, just wait (if you can’t manage actually be arsed to make any genuinely-useful contribution). This war isn’t over yet; but the tide is definitely on the turn. And all the big worldwide demos are PRECISELY one of the main things that have rattled the scammers and their hangers-on, and which are causing them to start retreating.
Great suggestion!
They have just announced massive U-turns and protests are only getting bigger. Is this our Western Spring? Who knows…
I know the colonies are doubling down, as thats what out of touch dictators / puppets do as they dont know how to rule a country effectively. Too rigid and it all collapses fast like the USSR, the thing that people forget is the one thing that people have consistently put their life on the line for thoughtout history, is freedom.
everyday none compliance is what’s needed.
If you don’t protest, you’re the problem
But there is hope.
The tide does seem to be turning as the Metamorphic Butterfly Effect grows in coherence and power as I predicted it would in April last year:
COVAX through the Looking Glass part 5
In the UK at least, the powers that be appear to be carrying out an organized retreat as their gigantic bluff – mandatory jabs for NHS works implodes before their very eyes as more and more people unite behind the 10% NHS staff from all over the UK, some of whom laid their uniforms on the steps of Trafalgar Square.
While the aust drs and nurses couldn’t wait to comply….good on on the British ones for standing up…our lot lead the charge to have us all under the vax hoax.
Not all of them, many doctors won’t give the jabs here
They are referring to getting, rather than giving, the poison stab.
Unfortunately, most Australian doctors and nurses are just as ignorant about the ‘vaccine’ as the patients they jab, and seem to know only what they get from the nightly dose of propaganda on television. You can never rely on them to give you truthful accurate information about risks and benefits. Their jobs are not worth it. More profitable to maintain the illusion, and believe me, with 90-95% jab rate, the population has well and truly bought into this illusion. The old joke about having half your brain removed when you become an Australian citizen, isn’t so far from the truth.
The Authorities tried a frontal assault. They’re not retreating. They will now employ a diversity of tactics, guerilla warfare. Pick off individuals one by one… The Authorities may appear to be stupid, but look how many persons submitted to being part of a mass medical experiment.
Damn’ right, Dyl! Here in Britain, the scammers and all their arse-kisser pocket-pols, mediawhores, technocrats and tenuredivories are obviously in flight, and queuing up now to deny that they ever supported the scam – especially the crawling mediawhores.
The absolute disaster of the poisons-stabs, failing spectacularly to do anything useful at all, whilst at the same time killing and maiming widely, continues to come clear to too many people to stop the realisation from spreading. Scales are falling from eyes. The manipulators sense it, and are scuttling around trying to save their sorry arses from eventual vengeful public wrath.
retreat and come back …… ?!
I suppose that if everyone gets the snip no one will realise that the so-called vaccine has rendered massive swathes of the population sterile.
Or maybe its marketable; why just be immune and sterile when you can be super immune and super sterile?
…”The Covid19 vaccine does not prevent you either transmitting or being inseminated by sperm. It does however prevent you becoming seriously pregnant or hospitalized by childbirth.”
…- Seedy Sea ‘Guidance’ Update #57,289,321
This is not me, but close. i decided to change my avator. I assume, I am still banned here.
Just testing.
We were at the gig last night.
The place was rammed.
Gathered together in Medical Centres is the standard business model of most Australian medical doctors. This business model allows them to reduce and share costs as well as share profits. Seems they are paid by the national government for every ‘covid’ dose they inject. So the more people they inject the more money they make…
I dont know if a similar medical business model existed in pre-WW2 Germany, most likely most medical doctors worked in hospitals. It’s known that around 50% of Germany’s medical doctors became Nazis. Most Australian MDs appear to be keeping their heads down, getting on with the job of vaxxing the country. It’s hard to consider them Nazis, yet under the Nazi, what led to the concentration camps started off small, abetted by medical doctors…
A reminder of developments in pre-WW2 Germany:
An interesting aside on aust drs….the abuse level aimed at them has been significantly high…my local one gave up doing vax…suspect the thought of being sued by people she had wounded may have dawned…she asked me to come in for a chat about the community abuse and how difficult it was to keep a practice going in the face of it and threat of govt closing her money making adventure if covid came to visit…
I could only see the fear in her eyes over the loss of status and income…while telling me about needing to protect the community and keep going at all costs…silly buggers seem to have completely bought the narrative….guess you do if it looks like a good money making scheme at the start…
I am told the testing stations are also handing a wide range of abuse….well sitting in a car for hours in sun and or rain gets to be a chore…but of course none of them consider that they are the ones making decisions to be tested…somehow the govt is making them apparently…
my guess most of them in this game are now getting pretty tired of it all…and the easy money belongs to the providers of the tests, needles and all the hasmet type shit…which possibly accounts for the abuse level…
I am told it has about 3 weeks to run in qld…suspect much after that and blood may run on the streets…probably at one of the resting stations rather than Gp office.
Doctors are not trained in critical thinking, they believe whatever the big pharma companies tell the, look at the opioid slaughter – that was driven and driven mainly be greedy doctors
Great point
Some pusher doctors get into big trouble, either with the competition or with customers they will not supply.
A paradoxical pattern has been suggested in the literature on doctors’ strikes: when health workers go on strike, mortality stays level or decreases…
Well American doctors killed about 300,000 people last year
As people begin to stop wearing masks, stories about the efficacies of masks return. N95s have been getting passing mention in articles lately that it made me wonder if, as the Guardian story indicates, masks are about to be moved to center stage again… The Mask aspect of the ‘covid’ narrative is used to reinforce the belief that the ‘covid’ pandemic is real. Same as the ‘lab origins of the bug’ story, which is trotted out whenever the narrative seems to be waning in impact… My understanding: those cheap blue mass produced masks are not a medical product. The Guardian is being deliberately deceiving in calling them ‘disposable medical masks.’… And, as i dont read “news” papers, watch TV “news” i wonder, how long have the rags people wear over their nose/mouths been called “respirators” ? or have i misunderstood the article ?
I wonder if our illustrious governments, especially State governments, have thought this mask wearing business through. Police forces and security agencies have spent so much money on facial recognition technology, yet all of this has been totally wasted if you cannot see a person’s face. All these CCTV cameras, and you don’t know who is committing the crime. Perfect!
FWIW, I vaguely remember seeing articles months ago– during the first year of the scamdemic– touting New! Improved! facial recognition software effective on masked faces. I’m not saying I believe this is true, because it might easily be industry/law enforcement hype to reassure facial-recognition software fans that Big Tech is on the job as always, solving problems.
I’m skeptical, just as a lifetime ago I was (and remain) skeptical of the effectiveness of highly-touted “drug-sniffing dogs”. 😉
Wait until there are many angry parents of dead and injured children. They will be baying for blood.
I expect it will be proven beyond establishment doubt that they caught Covid from the unvaxxed terrorists.
The establishment will say Putin did it – in Ukraine – using Sputnik technology – and Russian bats.
I hope so. But we’ve all seen the cognitive-dissonance mediated response in which survivors simply refuse to countenance the prospect that lethally toxic “vaccines” and/or professional healthcare workers (doctors) are responsible for post-jab injury and death.
Sadly, “I simply cannot believe that the medical profession and/or government would administer a dangerous medication” is an all-too-common opinion.
There are also, er, “variants”, although I realize that they are either heavily promoted or fabricated by the mass-media scamdemic propaganda machine: “deathbed” last words absolving the vaccines, and encouraging the public to get them despite the endorser’s tragic outcome, or similar statements from surviving relatives.
Big rally in DC today.
I learned in this piece that there is actually a “world vasectomy day”, which I suppose in hindsight shouldn’t have come as a surprise.
…Coming up: – ‘International Top-Yourself-For-The-Greater-Good – Go On *Do It*!, Vermin Scum, *RIGHT FUCKING NOW*!! Day’:… 🙂
Next up, World Castration Day… 🙂
I hadn’t heard the term “Romeos” before; and it seems a bit mild compared to what we’d probably call them! . Same video below on both twitter and yt.
Romeo’s (Dutch undercover cops) exposed causing violence at Museumplein anti lockdown protest Jan 17
Upload: Jan 26, 2021
…- Bill Shakespeare, *Sarcastically*…
Excellent vid
Re: It’s Not All Bad
There was also this..
Ahmad Malik on GBNews
This brave man would be banned from the BBC, ITV and Channel 4 news for merely having a different opinion to the government. Yet nasty, bigoted GBNews invites him on to air his concerns.
Thank goodness the attempts to shame advertisers into pulling support from GBNews didn’t succeed in taking it off the air.
Very good.
By remaining calm (at heaven knows what personal cost), he got to say his entire piece without being interrupted by meaningless twaddle from the interviewers.
We got some basic statistics and he made good points, gradually warming up as he went on.
The interviewers even gave him a couple of helpful openings (perhaps accidentally), and when they hopped onto a non-sequitur or two, he still remained focused on what he had to say.
This clip is a little gem.
“considering the UK’s birth rate has been falling for decades, it might not be.”
The falling birth rate then becomes the justification for immigration. This is engineered and quite deliberate. The Fraud has been running story after story about immigration (like beastly right-wingers hating on the RNLI for rescuing people in the English Channel). The only reason I thought the pandemic might be real initially was that I thought it would make maintaining high immigration levels impossible – the fact that it hasn’t is one of the biggest proofs the pandemic is fake.
Those who came into this from the Left are still very nervous about discussing immigration. However immigration has clearly been weaponised for at least half a century. This isn’t to blame immigrants who are as much victims of this as anyone else. Working class people have been on the economic sharp end and when they protest so-called socialists hate them for being supposedly racist and have left them disenfranchised. There are probably other elite motivations in play as well. Ultimately the elite want racial mixing to destroy racial distinctions so those who preach “diversity” will in reality end up destroying the real diversity which is that different races exist. It leads to an attempted re-building of the Tower of Babel (the real significance of 9/11 which is the reference in Genesis).
barbera lerner spector cull
During the immediate WW2 decades Australia had a rapidly expanding industrial sector. The weapons and armament producing factories were re-tooled to produce whitegoods – fridges, washing machines, etc. The demand for labour was easily met:
Australia accepted refugees from the war-devastated European economies, refugees looking for security and a future. (Who can forget giggling at the stories on the evening TV “news” about those Ten-Pound Poms. For ten pounds the Poms could board a ship, sail to the Good Life in Australia. They soon complained loudly about how hot the bloody place was, something governments inducements forgot to mention. (Aussies called them “whinging Poms” – good-naturedly, of course.)…
Early 1970s the politicians decided to open the economy to foreign competition. Products made by dirt cheap labour flooded in putting tens of thousands out of work. (prior to 1972 unemployment levels remained below 2%). As jobs were being shipped overseas consumption was replacing production as The Economy’s main driver…
As the economy’s productive base shrank it provided less taxes, taxes used to provide social security payments and age pensions. So the politicians decided on a consumption tax. While the rest of the world was going through economic crisis after crisis (remember the 2008 crisis ?), Australian politicians boasted loudly of “23 years of uninterrupted economic growth”. The growth was migrant driven. A consumer based economy requires an endless and high input of consumers. (The politicians in charge tried money inducements to get young women to produce more babies – for The Economy’s sake)…
Late 1970s: the country’s White Australia Policy was abandoned. and the country pivoted to Asia as it’s source of economy-driving migrants…
A claim for Australia’s high migrant intake made by politician who favour A Big Australia (ie, doubling the population within a few decades) – which they all favour – has been the need to increase the number of tax-paying young people so government has the money to pay pensions to the ever growing number of pension-age Australians.
The politicians response to ‘covid’ was to pull up the drawbridge which stopped the inflow of the many migrants-as-consumers The Economy requires. Elderly pensioners face a dire future, cuts to their pensions (state concessions to unvaxxed aged pensioners are being axed) if ‘covid’ doesnt reduce their numbers enough to take pressure off government budgets.
That’s interesting and vague, do tell the details and name the state?
Not true.
Perhaps it would be more accurate to say:
Although I’d say it’s a certainty.
Our PM tried a more hands on approach.
There was an Australian TV comedian called Norman Gunston. He was nicknamed ‘the little Aussie bleeder’ as he always had bits of tissue paper stuck to his face where he’d nicked himself whilst shaving…
Australian government immigration policy was heavily slanted towards encouraging young couples, especially young fertile females to migrate to Australia…Press promotions for the governments bribes to have more babies showcased a young Asian woman, with child on lap (Madonna and child, though the female had just a slight, non-Mona Lisa, smile of satisfaction.)….
One person said, though not loudly for fear of being called a racist, that the government thinks of these young immigrants as “little Aussie breeders”
As nearly all national politicians embrace the notion of A Big Australia, that is of doubling Australia’s population within decades, “little Aussie breeders” really did encapsulate the politicians of the young immigrants… .
the last line should read ‘politicians view of…”
True story.
There is also a cultural aspect. Large inflows of people from very different cultural backgrounds can help to break down a country’s traditions and sense of indentity. All very useful if the ultimate goal is to destroy nation states. I used to think talk of there being some sort of master plan behind the unprecedented levels of migration we are seeing was mad. I am not so sure now. Even a country like Turkey, which has never had much immigration, is now swamped with Syrians and many Turks complain of their country being arabified.
Although covid might have temporarily raised the drawbridge, I have always had the opinion that the Australian government is using immigration to destroy the nation. After the Second World War, Australia allowed non-Anglo Europeans to settle. Many found that it wasn’t easy, due to inborn prejudice. But eventually, because of many common features, e.g. religion, they became accepted.
Then there was the Vietnam war, and although the refugees were accepted, they started a major change in the Australian demographic. This continued with refugees from all the illegal wars that Australia got itself involved in, contributing to even greater diversification of colour and culture.
Now of itself, diversity is not a bad thing if everyone is working towards the same goal, but by secretive favourable treatment of more recent arrivals and discouragement of Europeans and family members of Australians of European origin, the government has shown it is more interested in a ‘divide and conquer’ strategy, so that no one group has enough political clout to change the existing political system. It is also easier to stir up strife between groups in order to distract from what the government is really doing. Even though the drawbridge is raised, this strategy continues to be used in the vaxxed versus unvaxxed narrative, setting citizens against each other, while the government destroys lives and livelihoods in order to implement the Great Reset and the totalitarian state..
It’s not about ‘race mixing’ it’s the assimilation of cultures that don’t play well with the natives (or western thought for that matter).
I have delayed reporting this cuz I am not sure that I can make it grammatically clear. Here goes:
The US DOJ (Dept of Justice) interprets the requirement for “informed consent” regarding vaccines as being “purely informational.”
What this means is that the “informed” part is legally required, but not the “consent” part.
In other words your involuntary (compelled) “consent” must be “informed” to comply with the law, as understood by the DOJ.
This would be the same DOJ which assured President Bush that “enhanced interrogation” was not torture.
This would also be the DOJ that represents Pharma companies in Vaccine Court.
If you have the money and the heart to endure Vaccine Court, established in late ’80s after Pharma became liability free here in the USA, you must pay your court costs, have no access to depositions or interrogatories, nothing – and the Pharma company get’s represented (I would imagine for free) by the Department of (what we call) Justice.
If after 7 or 8 years of being dragged through the mud you should “win” your case, you will be paid from the Vaccine Court slush fund supplied by taxpayer contributions.
That DOJ.
Surprisingly, this comports with my snarky observation, made months ago, that the concept of “informed consent” has been transmogrified into Orwellian Newspeak.
As practiced in the Megadeath Virus(es) of Doom New Abnormal, it amounts to the jabber telling the hapless jab recipient, “I’m informing you that you consent to this injection.”
Decades ago I predicted that the metropolitan liberal political movement would chase wealthy whites out the United States to Australia. I was wrong.
The Guardian continues it’s obsession with marketing masks to the masses in this piece:
Pivoting away from pushing the useless cloth pieces (who knew!) and instead choosing to espouse the wonders of N95.
I won’t bore you with the hand-wringing, screech of the content, but I have to share with you the wise conclusion as spoken by Science-Man John Lynch, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Washington in Seattle.
”If you want to wear your own respirator, go for it. But we ask you just to make sure that you’re covering it up with another surgical mask so that we have a baseline covered,” he said. “There are ways to standardize things while also allowing people a degree of flexibility.”
Don’t forget to put your mask on your mask folks!
Surely they are just trolling us now?
It isn’t just The Grauniad. There is a fairly broad Anglospheric push to get N-95’s adopted as the standard, from screechy newspaper articles like this one to the hipper “Dude, Seriously; You Need to Upgrade Your Mask” from magazines like The Atlantic.
Early on in this public-health coup, it was pointed out that N-95 masks did a better job at filtration – however, public-health guidance was against public use of them because they didn’t want a run on them which left health-care workers without a supply. So they said you didn’t need them, and social media pointed out that when you could get them, they cost more than $3.00 each while the blown-cloth el cheapo Chinese bluejobs were about 60 cents each. And public health said the ‘non-medical cloth masks’ were perfectly adequate, while hospital workers who wore the N-95’s sometimes complained of headaches if they had to wear one all day or even for a few hours.
So is this just a media-coordinated attempt to spread the lolly around and make sure the N-95 manufacturers get to cash in on the COVID gravy train? It sure looks like it, because the entire premise is stupid. (1) Both types are useless at controlling an airborne virus that spreads through the inhalation of tiny particles. The non-medical type is a little more useless, true, because it doesn’t even fit right, but still. Neither is designed to protect you against viral particles; they are designed to prevent medical workers from coughing or sneezing over an open wound and contaminating it with spray. (2) The virus is supposedly mutating fast, as viruses do, but it would have to be one hell of a smart virus that knew to make its particles smaller. And they’re not. It’s still the same virus, it has just evolved to become more infectious, but less deadly. The particles are still the same size, and if non-medical masks will not stop it now, then they never could. Two years of masking have obviously not slowed the pace of ‘infections’, because ‘new cases’ are higher than ever.
Trying to steer your masking habits is also putting out feelers to see if people will accept long-term mask-wearing, perhaps for years. There’s no reason for it; it’s just that the people who make disposable masks think it would be awfully nice to have a captive market the way the vaccine-makers have. Eventually an angry public will lobby the government, which is just waiting to be persuaded that it should reassign millions in tax dollars directly to mask-manufacturers the way it appropriates your tax dollars to funnel them to Pfizer or Moderna, whether you are pro-vaxx or not. It just goes ahead and buys millions and millions of doses, and then orders you to take them. And now it hopes to ‘reluctantly’ give in to public demand and supply masks the same way. The newspaper push is just to poke the angry taxpayers who will then demand ‘free’ masks be supplied by the government.
Do airborne viruses even exist? I do not think so unless they are man-made, even then it will be something entirely different pretending to be a so-called ‘virus’. The word virus seems to scare the jollies out of most it seems.
I have to admit I am amazed at how many people claim to know how viruses work and act, how they are spread, and how infectious they are, yet nobody has even isolated or analysed the so-called covid-19 virus. Everything we have been told to date is based on Pasteur’s ‘Germ Theory’ – which is still a theory. Unfortunately, this is what is taught in medical schools, and is parroted by the ‘experts’ (without proof). It would be useful if the ‘virus’ experts read Antoine Bechamp’s notes. They might get a better understanding of what a virus is, and what it does.
On a religious note, the function of a virus is not necessarily malign, as Bechamp discovered. It was created as part of the human body, and serves a purpose which does not seem to be widely understood. This is what the maker of viruses said:
“And God saw every thing that he had made, and behold, it was very good”.(Genesis 1:31).
So, if God said it was good, why does everybody else think it is bad? If there is no apparent motive, then it’s all about money.
If an N 95 won’t keep out drywall dust, it will do fuck all for a virus.
And who the fuck is going to pick them all off the parking lots? Just asking.
I believe there’s far too many humans on this planet. I dont usually say such openly as the horrified and morally outraged immediately go into shaming mode because i dared to be so overt. Around lefties i hold my tongue. They’re the ones who are morally outraged the most. They Know where any discussion of the topic can lead. So they hold their tongue, leave it for the fascists and racists and dr billy gates to hold sway…
People feel uncomfortable with a claim that The World is Over-Populated but you’ll always hear agreement if you claim The World is Over-Crowded…
Re: “I believe there’s far too many humans on this planet”, it would be nice if you would back that up with something besides mere assertion. If we look at population trends by country, those that have a higher standard of living have lower population growth, or even population decline. Think Italy, Japan, etc. The idea that the population will just keep growing no matter what is not supported by the actual facts. If anything, we may be due for a decline in overall population over the next hundred years. Add in the obvious depopulation agenda of our current overlords, with “vaccines” that sterilize young people, and we could be facing a serious crisis of sustaining…us.
‘Assertion’ or merely a statement ? There is indisputable evidence that as standards of living improve population levels decline. Italy and Japan are examples but as for the country called “Etc”, i couldnt find it on my map or reference to it anywhere. And trends are not predictions. Do you have one of those Fortune Teller’s balls, for i’m wondering how you know there’ll be an overall population decline over the next 100 years. If your name was Dr billy gates, i’d believe you without question. …
I had initially intended my post to be a vehicle for introducing mention of Woman’s Freedom :Key to the Population Question a review by George Bradford – that appeared in the Spring 1988 #328 edition of Fifth Estate magazine (Detroit) – of Betsy Hartman’s Reproduction Rights and Wrongs…
I recently discovered that the review can be found in the Archives of the Fifth Estate site. The Review does not feel dated, and is very much relevant to any discussion of Overpopulation.
Me too, les. It’s self-evident to me that hom sap – despite all his techie-techie delusions – is no more immune to population-overshoot episodes than any other species in our planetary ecology. And we’re heading into the back end of one such episode right now. It’s because we’re getting near to the peak of the overshoot that some places in the world are experiencing slow-down in growth rates, or – in some cases – have actually slipped over the peak into shrinkage.
According to ‘The Limits To Growth’ – which has been strikingly accurate in its projections up to now – the overall global peak in human over-population is due in a decade or so, after which the shrinkage that’s already appeared here and there becomes pretty nearly general.
Even if a few areas avoid the general shrinkage – Russia could be one such – the net aggregate death rate for the planet will creep a percentage point or two ahead of the net aggregate birth rate, and the ebb-tide will be general. Nothing too dramatic, probably, though with the chance of local tragic famines and killer-plagues here and there. Mostly, I suspect, it will be barely noticeable. And of course none of this will come about through human agency. Mam Gaia has it in hand, regardless of what idiot delusions we believe, regardless of whether we try to ‘manage’ the process, or do eff-all about it – as is more likely.
And by the end of this century, all the proponents of the “Overpopulation? What overpopulation” canard may perhaps have wised up. But I guess it’s just as likely that they’ll be saying: “See! Told ya so!” – having sailed through the entire three-hundred-year episode without ever noticing what was right under their noses. Which is: “Yes, humans damn-well can have overshoot episodes too, and we’re in one right now!”
Do we dare to raise the topic of the (unrestricted) right to reproduce?
I agree with R.A.’s response; the distribution of fertility across the planet is a mess.
See my belated reply to R.A., the part about the book review…
Another positive: Fox news carried some these freedom day videos on the front page of their internet addition.
Regarding the militias: I am in. It would nice if someone could compile a list of the local chapters state by state with contact information…….maybe I should just check with the FBI.
Hell, most of them are probably run by the FBI.
Every good website that I know always seems, amongst all their excellences, to have at least one incorrigible blind spot. To pick out just two from the crowd of examples, Saker and MoA, good though they are on lots of matters, are both completely up the creek with their heads up their recta on the subject of the scamdemic: Swallowed the psyop completely! Victims of their own suggestibility-quotient, presumably; and of the terror-porn. Andrei and Bernhard have both taken their Russian-roulette poison-stabs – poor suckers!
Here at – mainly-excellent – Off-G, the incorrigible group blind spot is the refusal to see the plain-as-day fact that this planet is currently in the midst of a (human) population-overshoot episode. What do you imagine is one of the main drivers of the current Sixth Extinction event happening right now on this planet? Clearly not the slow and piddlingly-small shift in global mean temperature. Could it be something to do with our swarming overshoot forcing habitat-destruction/denial on multiple species…? Exacerbated, of course, by our current delusional commitment to hi-techie-techie in everything we do, in pursuit of our ‘man, the master of all things’ master-delusion, just to make our impact that much worse.
Ah well! All one can do is shrug tolerantly, and think: “Wake up ASAP, folks! 😄 ” Shouldn’t be long. Mam Gaia is already in the process of starting a thorough slapping-down for us. If you don’t feel it yet, just stay alive. You will feel it soon.
I still rate very highly the properly reality-connected majority of Off-G’s output, though. 😉
yes, consumer wanton glut refuses to see the mirror, unfortunately.
that digital implulse consuming real life. aye,
deny gertafunkbergism indeed,
but deny life(style), resource extraction, pollution, ignore ecological tipping point, . . .
as they all look a the dairy fields and neat hedges and their asparagus tips and bless lord attenborough and gardeners world, ha
If the population overshoot is so obvious why do you never post any actual data about it? Or is it one of those things so true it doesn’t need evidence?
I think you need to consider the possibility you have been hoodwinked just as badly as the covidiots and climate change devotees.
The globalist eugenicists have spent sixty years training several generations to believe humanity is a disease that needs curing. Maybe it’s time to question what you think you know rather than pouring scorn on those who don’t share your total conviction
Thank you Sophie
It beggars belief that whilst bleating about the Covidian Cult being a war on humanity by the parasite class those same people are actually calling for the annihilation of humanity!!!
Doublethink, much?
Where did he call for the annihilation of humanity? There’s always someone who jumps to hyperbole instead of reading comments in full. That wasn’t what was said at all. Whether it be over population or pollution, humans ARE causing changes in a FINITE planet. By simply acknowledging that fact, that does in no way mean Rhisiart was calling for the “annihilation of humanity” or even that he or she agrees AT ALL with the psychopaths looking to cull humanity. Jump to conclusions much when you perhaps skim that comment a bit too fast?
If you paid attention I was replying to Sophie and was commenting on the overall theme of the “too many people on this planet” brigade.
And I stand by it “too many people on the planet, finite resources” blah blah is the thin edge of the wedge pushed by the same people that want to see the annihilation of humanity.
And I see those who repeat this in the same way I see the mask wearing jabbed covidians – enablers.
When it becomes apparent (and it will) that those who pushed the “too many people finite resources” crap were lying and hoarding hence manufacturing a crisis (what, again!?!!) for their own ends, no doubt some on here will be the first to bleat “Oh why do we keep falling for this crap” “Why do the elites keep thinking they can do this and get away with it!!” “Why do they hate us so” even (whisper it) “Why do they wish to annihilate humanity”.
I’m sure most people are aware the around 50% of the UK population would be no great loss.
The good thing about today’s eugenicists as opposed to those in the early 20th century is that today’s ‘victims’ are self selecting. In fact, when I see their homicidal attitude to those who don’t bow down before the ‘elites’ I can’t say that their threatened demise troubles me a great deal.
I don’t share the sick idea that humans are a planetary disease. Just an interesting species with characteristics which pretty well guarantee some Interesting Times for this planet – which Mam Gaia will sort out, as usual. And we’ll be a fascinating interlude in the lifeweb of the Earth, whether we get our act together to live in harmony with it or not.
I don’t bother to present reams of over-population evidence mainly because I’m an idle git and can’t be arsed – especially over issues where people will continue to hold their emotionally-preferred positions, evidence be damned.
But, yes: having watched the population ramp up under my direct observation in Britain this past eighty years, and having seen what that’s done, and having observed remotely the same thing happening elsewhere, I do think it’s self-evident that the rules of ecology apply to us too, despite all our superficial techie-prowess and limitless powers of self-delusion, and obviously we’re in an overshoot. The odd bit of evidence that I usually cite is ‘The Limits To Growth’, and ‘TLTG: The Thirty-Year Update’. Between them, they seem to offer all you need in the way of a general map, demonstrated already to be pretty accurate, of what to expect this century.
And yes, dear Admin1: I embrace the basic scientific-method principle, and maintain open-minded scepticism about absolutely everything, always. And I often have this chilling thought: ‘Remember that you’re just as prone to preferred illusions as anyone else, and just as prone to being scammed. So just watch yer gob!’
I’m open minded about the global warming thing. It seems obvious to me that physics won’t be gainsaid: release lots of sequestered GHGs, expect the climate to respond, as it always does; but don’t imagine for a moment that you have any chance of predicting in exact detail what this hyper-complex global system will do in response; that is permanently beyond us. Just hold the teenage Chicken Littlery, and wait and see…
Similar attitude to covid: yes, there’s a nasty-ish flu about, doing what flus do: killing a few, making a minority really ill, leaving a few with drawn-out sequelae, and leaving most of us with little nasty experience – if we notice it at all – and long-term natural immunity acquired.
And yes, the flu is probably bio-weapon-lab tampered, though I don’t know that for sure.
And yes, plain as the fact that humankind are going through a classic species population-overshoot episode, it’s obvious that there’s some sort of unadmitted hyper-criminal agenda riding on the back of this deliberately shrieked-up ‘pandemic’ scare.
But with all of this, as ever with ALL of us, a good deal of how I arrive at these – always-tentative, subject-to-revision – conclusions is by intuition and guesstimates. The technocrat illusion of the possibility of absolute rational proof of any proposition by facts and logic alone is just that: an illusion. Good idea to strive for, in principle; but one which absolutely must allow equal standing to the – equally, if not greater – potency of intuitive insight.
I observe that you excellent warrior-journalists at Off-G lean romantically towards that ideal of fact-and-logic proven truth. Well good for you, that’s great, and to be continued. But leave some room for the other equally crucial modes of getting understanding.
Sorry about the scorn: an all-too-tempting indulgence, I’m afraid. But I have to admit that it feels to me that anyone who can’t – or won’t – see the obviousness of the overshoot is asking for a good scoffing. 😛
Note to self: Must try to be more Lavrovian… 😉
Rather than human overpopulation per se, the real culprit is resource depletion – though of course the two go hand in hand. When our machines can take the tops off of mountains (in Appalachia, for example) to extract the coal, it’s a pretty safe bet that Earth’s resources – which are finite – are being depleted at a staggering rate.
Add to that the well documented pollution. Plus the never ending climate engineering operations which serve the military obsession with “Full Spectrum Dominance” and ostensibly mitigate the (not at all piddlingly small) temperature increase, which continues to increase because the geoengineering operations actually trap more heat than they block.
And if we add the electromagnetic radiation the good folks at the telecoms cherish, we do indeed come up with a witches’ brew guaranteed to wipe all life from the planet.
(Not to mention the 400+ potential Fukushima’s.)
You’re closer to the truth here Howard. Our entire (western) civilisation is making it look like there is an overpopulation problem, when the real problem is the system itself (artificial scarcity, resource depletion etcetera – paradoxical? Not at all).
I agree. As I often say “it’s not how I’d run a planet but no one asked me”.
Bad timing by the BBC. They’ve just invited ‘anti-vaxxers’ onto one of their sunken flagship programmes: