‘Pandemic’ narrative over…false flag in Ukraine next?
Gavin O’Reilly

During the past week, the world has looked on as the now two-year long COVID-19 mainstream media narrative collapsed almost instantaneously.
In timing that cannot be described as anything less than suspect, in the same week that the World Economic Forum held its virtual Davos Agenda event, Ireland and Britain announced the sudden and immediate ending of virtually all Covid measures and the World Health Organisation called for the end of Covid-related travel restrictions, with the organisation also stating that the end of the ‘Pandemic’ may be in sight, in stark contrast to a recent announcement that such a prediction was premature.
With the theme of the World Economic Forum’s 2022 annual summit meeting, due to be held in May and the first in-person meeting of the forum since 2019, being ‘Working Together, Restoring Trust’ the optimistic among us may say that there has been an acceptance amongst the global elite that the growing awareness worldwide of the corporate power-grab over public life that the past two years has entailed, as well as the steady march towards a digital ID system as envisaged in Klaus Schwab’s concept of the fourth industrial revolution via the use of vaccine passports, has become so widespread that it is no longer feasible to continue the current COVID-19 media narrative.
However, the sudden dropping of COVID-19 by the corporate media also presents the opportune moment to immediately switch its focus to something else – a possibly imminent false flag attack in Ukraine, used as a pretext for the Western-backed Kiev government to launch an attack on the breakaway pro-Russian republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in the east of the country, thus triggering an armed conflict between Ukraine and Moscow, one that has the strong possibility for worldwide ramifications.
Since the end of November, the Western media, in lockstep, has promoted the narrative that Russia is planning an ‘imminent’ military invasion of its smaller Western neighbour – with Kiev having come under control of the US and EU backed governments of Petro Poroshenko and Volodymyr Zelensky since the 2014 CIA and MI6-orchestrated Euromaidan colour revolution was launched in response to then-President Viktor Yanukovych’s November 2013 to suspend an EU trade deal in favour of pursuing closer ties with Moscow.
Despite the only ‘evidence’ offered so far over the past two months of such an incursion being the legitimate movement of Russian troops within Russia’s own borders, the Neocon-influenced Western media still determinedly vows that a Russian invasion of Ukraine is only a matter of days away from taking place – in a manner not dissimilar to their previous assertions that Saddam Hussein had the capability to launch weapons of mass destruction within 45 minutes in the run-up to the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq.
The claims of a Russian invasion of Ukraine also come at a time of wider tensions in Eastern Europe with Russian President Vladimir Putin, alongside his Belarusian counterpart and sole European ally Alexander Lukashenko, being accused of attempting to destabilise the European Union via a build-up of African and Middle Eastern migrants on the Belarus-Poland border. The fact that many of said migrants are fleeing the wars and colour revolutions imposed on both regions by the US-NATO hegemony being conveniently ignored by the Western media.
Should a false flag attack be launched soon in order to trigger a conflict between Moscow and Kiev however, it would be a tactic with recent previous usage by the regime change lobby which, like a theoretical war between Russia and Ukraine, also almost resulted in a wider armed confrontation between Moscow and NATO.
In 2017 and 2018, two chemical attacks where launched against the Syrian town and Khan Shaykhun and the city of Douma respectively, both attacks being blamed by the West on the Moscow-allied government of Bashar al-Assad and both resulting in the US launching cruise missile and air strikes against Syrian government targets – just stopping short of a full-scale military intervention.
Indeed the use of a chemical weapons provocation was outlined as such by Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu only last month – a false flag attack that the Western mainstream media, with its sudden dropping of the COVID-19 narrative, may soon be focusing its attention on instead.
Gavin O’Reilly is an Irish Republican activist from Dublin, Ireland, with a strong interest in the effects of British and US Imperialism; he was a writer for the American Herald Tribune from January 2018 up until their seizure by the FBI in 2021, with his work also appearing on The Duran, Al-Masdar, MintPress News, Global Research and SouthFront. He can be reached through Twitter and Facebook.
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You are very right IMHO. I could see this false flag coming a mile off – shades of Poland 1939! And worth noting how the Covid narrative is so well cordinated.
I have been looking at the leader’s Bio’s of some errant states like Canada, Australia, NZ, Austria, Germany and Greece among others. Funny how they all have links to WEF:
I will posting more about this when my research is done at:
Some Facts about fabricated Ukraine Russia invasion crisis.
1. Ukrainian government effectively ditched Minsk II agreement, rejected agreed upon Donbas autonomy in a federal state of Ukraine and pathway to gradual integration of DPR/LPR militia into Ukrainian Armed Forces as Donbas political parties and DPR/LPR governments into autonomous government of Donbas (instead Kiev wants them tried imprisoned or executed as terrorists ) while Zelensky publicly vowed in 2021 to take over Donbas and Crimea “one way or another” including by military force. Military build up training and preparation to takeover Donbas is continuing.
2. This plan to take over at least Donbas by force was temporarily obstructed , stifled in last few months by Russian warnings against invasion of Donbas and military moves to strategic positions within RF borders and in contrast to submissive rhetoric of 2014, harsh even threatening language of RF government officials of consequences of Ukrainian attack on Donbas or Crimea echoing such attitudes by government run media in Russia scaring shit out of Kiev regime that right now downplays Russian invasion threat narratives against hysterical western propaganda that fuels it.
3. What was the reason of officially rejecting Minsk II at this time, the agreement that was never accepted or signed by Kiev Nazi backed regime as it was signed by OECD, private citizen, self declared envoy and representative of Ukrainian interests (former president of Ukraine ) and DPR/LPR because Kiev regime refused to directly participate unless they directly negotiate with Russia wrongly accused to already invading Ukraine in 2014 (RF did not sign it either ). First it was a utter failure of illegal total economic embargo of Donbas since 2015 due to RF direct economic help that prevented starvation. They also integrated Donbas primary and secondary schools and colleges in RF framework. Second upon refusal of Ukrainian banks to provide services due to total embargo, integration of Donbas monetary and financially system with RF , introduction of RF Rouble as legal currency, third upon refusal of issuing of passport to residents of free Donbas, Russia granted citizenship to anyone in DPR /LPR who asked. Just in 2021 Russia de facto created created customs free trade with Donbas along lines of Abkhazia and North Ossetia. All those steps taken by Putin government toward integration of free Donbas with Russia angered UkroNazis and their Washington handlers who peddle current hysteria.
4. There will not be a war in Ukraine as it can’t be war between elephant and ant. Ukraine is a hopelessly divided failed state, in permanent economic depression and rampant social de cohesion run by few billionaires and local armed gangs similar to Afghanistan, armed by western fascist regimes like Germany and Canada. The president of Ukraine is noting but a mayor of Kiev. 22 millions of Ukrainian citizen are ethnic Russians suffering daily persecution, ordinary citizens of Ukraine hate more Ukrainian regime, their betrayals and corruption than Putin. Almost half of population of western Ukraine wants to be returned to Poland’s control like it was until 1939, effectively agreeing to partition of Ukraine. Military position of Ukraine, robbed of most of equipment and new technology donated or sold by west (re-exported illegally by Ukrainian oligarchs to third countries ) vs Russia is indefensible in any possible military scenario. No one would want to defend this collapsing pseudo country that never existed before 1993 but small fanatical worshipers of Bandera and Doncow fascists.
5. Even provocation in Donbas is dangerous to Kiev regime as, hardened by war DPR/LPR militia alone with assured by Russia air supremacy can go to Kiev and topple the hated by everyone regime while western puppets would scramble to flee the country. That’s why they toned down rhetoric to save their own skin knowing that Russia will not invade Ukraine as long as they quit barking war.
6. Is Russia threatening Ukraine with invasion in any way today? Technically no but politically definitely RF insistence on Ukraine adherence to 1993 Budapest protocol i.e. Ukraine being a friendly, neutral state (no military alliances), nuclear weapons free as well as spelled out in the protocol consequences of violation of the agreement namely withdrawal of recognition of Ukrainian state borders with Russia may be interpreted as such. But that has to do with US NATO push into Ukraine to encircle Russia , a move opposed by many NATO members themselves.
In short Western propaganda aim is to force Russians to make the same mistake they did in April 2014 by returning military to barracks and by that enabled even encouraged war in Donbas that ultimately killed two Russian citizens and wounded several RF border service officers inside Russia proper on the top of 15,000 to 20,000 Ukrainians military and civilians killed in a Donbas.
This time Putin seems to know how to prevent another massacre in Donbas and that is what he is trying to do by ending policy of appeasement that led to many wars in the past.
is there any need for these long, long posts… It just means we have to scroll more.
That post was excellent and well worth reading – thanks Kalen.
Better to scroll than to troll.
Thank you for this critical information…there is absolutely need! Ignore the ‘scroll’ trolls.
So, every move by Kiev as advised by the Empire gets check-mated. All that the “free press” can show are Russian tanks with no context or verifiable location. All that it can state is vague phrases such as “amassing” and “hostility”, while evading the NATO provocations. Perhaps the Empire is still digesting the speed at which these tanks “flew” into Kazskstan.
To Offg:- It looks like search results are being tampered with to partly block access to the site.
Putin wouldnt take Ukraine back even if it came complete with free wine glasses.
Ukraine is a failed state, a basket case, a neo Nazi s***hole with a collapsing currency on the verge of total political/ economic/ financial/ social collapse.
The average income per head in Ukraine is actually lower than Egypt. It is the poorest country in Europe. Everything that wasnt nailed down (and everything that was nailed down) has been stolen by the oligarchs like Kolomoisky over the past 30 years. It competes with Afghanistan as the most corrupt country on earth.
If Putin took Ukraine back, it would be like East Germany on a vastly greater scale, which nearly bankrupted West Germany in the 1990s.Putin wouldnt touch it with a barge pole. You could spend trillions to solve Ukraine’s problems and it would all disappear into a black hole.
Ukraine has lost about a third of its population since independence in 1991, from 52 million then to 30-odd million now. Everybody who can has left. Many are working in Russia. Others are picking cabbages in Poland or working as Natasha prostitutes in the EU – the only thing Ukraine produces the EU actually wants. Thats probably why theyre now conscripting women in the Ukie army – not so much equality, more a shortage of cannon fodder.
The only reason for the current “crisis” is the threat by the Ukie Fascist Regime to invade and ethnically cleanse the Donbas with all the shiny new weapons supplied by the US and UK taxpayer. The Ukies thought they could repeat what Azerbaijan did to Armenia in Nagorno Karabakh. They may have been deterred from this by a troop build up in Russia.
If not, and they tried it on, Putin could not politically allow the ethnic cleansing of the Donbas, with the Ukies putting them in camps as they threatened. Putin has been criticised for not invading Ukraine internally. He could probably stop any Ukie invasion with air strikes, missiles and artillery, with a very limited actual incursion.
But dont worry – with Marshall Bojo at the helm, and Liz Truss and her little tank, what could possibly go wrong?
Time to show Putin and Johnny Russian what’s what.
As many references as there are here to the Ukraine, no one has mentioned Chernobyl. Though in the less volatile northern part, it is still in Ukraine.
I had read articles which state that, far from now “dormant,” Chernobyl is flaring up again. (Sorry I can’t find any links just yet).
The upshoot being that since Russia seems to be fairly rational (unlike the US), it probably wouldn’t touch Ukraine with a ten mile pole. Because if it does, it can look forward to cleaning up Chernobyl all over again.
There are 16 clapped out nuclear power stations in Ukraine which haven’t seen a scrap of maintenance in years, like ticking time bombs about to go up with a bang.
Hi Howard, this might be a bit OT, so apologies for going off track. But, because you mentioned Chernobyl and I was also thinking about Fukushima. I know we all have reservations about whether or not CV is a thing caused by a virus or is it even a real phenomena. I kept looking for info that might point to it being a global event in other ways, which the narrative conveniently hid.
One of those was radiation injury. It made me think of the measures metered out at least by the UK (I can’t speak for others) and especially the don’t go outside and only take 1 state sponsored exercise per Day which stayed in existence for quite some time. I found this paper where the similarities of SARS-Cov-2 and Radiation Injury were compared. I think it was originally written in Feb 2020 and may have a revised edition, but thought I’d share with others, as it makes for interesting reading.
If Chernobyl acts up, what kind of environmental effect will that have on Russia and Belarus?
Luckily for world leaders, environmental impacts are of no consequence to them – what with their special built in blinders.
All that matters is geopolitics. So it wouldn’t be: what’s Chernobyl going to do to us? but only: who gets stuck with the clean-up – and that would be US/NATO.
Western countries all seem serious about wanting a fight with Russia and co.
It may seem like it but that’s where it ends. No one wants a war. There will be sanctions. Cut the pipeline construction and avoid dependence on Russian energy. We have leverage to force his hand and that’s what will happen. Whoever decided to promote that pipeline was an idiot. Or maybe not. Russia needs revenue. We need to exploit that weakness. And we will.
Germany needs that gas.
Energy is a seller’s market. The US and its EU poodles have cut themselves off from the world’s largest producers – Iran, Venezuela, now Russia, through their aggression and economic terrorism. They can freeze their boll***s off for all Putin cares. The US imports 500,000 barrels of oil a day from Russia to replace Venezuelan oil. Nordstream was built at Merkel’s request because the Ukies were refusing to pay for Russian gas and stealing supplies in transit to Europe. That energy will soon be diverted to Asian customers, who are reliable energy partners. This is exactly what happened over South Stream – the Bulgarians cancelled the project under US pressure and Russia built Turk Stream instead. The silly Bulgars lost out on a cheap reliable source of energy and $400 million a year in transit fees. In due course they went crawling back to Russia begging for the project to be resurrected. Putin told them to f*** off. The EU poodles will do the same shortly and get the same reply.
They just want the threat of a fight with Russia, not an actual fight with Russian missiles raining down. MIC + muh Russia = $$$$$
serious about selling weapons yes
nigh about the only thing the west produces
peace is an obstacle to stealing from the future tax payers
Wall Street has to keep the military happy with war and dollars even though no realistic possibility of war with Russia exists due to superior Russian technology. While Wall Street PHDs were busy inventing new derivatives, their Russian equivalents were preparing for the war. Russia knew what was coming when they kicked the hedge funds out.
And let us not forget that Jacob Schiff and Rothschild & Co paid for the Russian revolution. And let us not forget the carnage that ensued and has been covered up and hidden while the great Holocaust served its purpose.
Now we are in the Caligula stage of empire but instead of a young idiot we have an old senile one.
The Military Industrial Complex fleeces the public purse with a continuous supply of hobgoblins and pretend foes.
Jeez, more interesting would be Mr. Reilly writing on the ‘FBI seizure of the American Herald Tribune,’ which is mentioned in his bio.
‘Pandemic’ narrative Is Not over…The Lock down is now over for a few months.
So bring in a possible war or terrorism or racism.
Keeps the herd in check.
I think that this artificial “crisis” is meant to distract attention away from the miserable performance of the Biden administration on the domestic front, given that the midterm elections are coming up later this year.
How many people still believe the Russophobic reporting in the Western media?
So all ove the world countries mobilise troops or come in and out of lockdowns only to influece elections in the US, which are for all intents and purposes irrelevant?
The U.S. always uses fear-mongering to advance its interests. What is baffling to me is that this particular Russophobic variant still has any traction in Western Europe. One would think that, after more than 75 years of American occupation troops being stationed in Western Europe, the citizens of those countries would realize that those soldiers have overstayed their visit and need to go home, and also that artificial “crises” might be concocted to extend their stay. It’s really not that hard to figure out!
Most adult Europeans that have cognitive abilities have figured that one out a long time ago…The problem we all have (UK including) is that the globalist cabal have infiltrated and corrupted most media and state institutions. It took them a couple of decades to do that but the latest PSY-op has reveled better than any other false flag operation in the past the extent of that corruption.
This joke best reflects the state of affairs and not just in Europe:
An Israeli doctor says: “In Israel the medicine is so advanced that we cut off man’s testicles, put them in another man, and in 4 weeks he is looking for work.”
The German doctor says: “That’s nothing in Germany we take part of a brain, put it in another man, and in 4 weeks he is looking for work.”
The Russian doctor says: “Gentlemen, we take half a heart from a man, put it in another’s chest , and in 2 weeks he is looking for work.”
The Canadian doctor laughs: “You are all behind us. Almost 4 years ago, we took a man with no brains, no heart, and no balls and made him Prime Minister. Now, the whole country is looking for work.”
The COVID scam is playing out and is no longer a top priority of the oligarchs/miscreants. They have already conditioned the sheep to go for the pandemic and injection okey-doke even though people see it’s totally bogus and a growing danger to the health of people who took the jabs. Biden’s COVID mandate set backs by the US Supreme Court and the push back from nonconformists have forced the ruling class to move on.
The new focus of the Davos crowd will be “Climate Change” which translates into noble sounding social reengineering on a massive scale similar to what we’ve experienced the last two years but not medical based.
The supply chain crisis will continue as will inflation (rise in the US money supply leading to a further devaluation of the currency).The pandemic will be in the background but not a top priority. Meanwhile the elites want to distract us from the pending economic implosion via saber rattling and war hysteria to justify more spending (theft) by the MIC. Worse case scenario there will be a war in Europe. The isolated islands, bunkers and underground cities will not save the elites if the war in Europe goes sideways/nuclear. These psychopaths are just that sick to stumble into a worse case scenario.
Very well put Sir.
“The pandemic will be in the background…” as a disruptive force. The DYI test kits are unreliable, moreso apparently than the PCR tests. Conflicts are assured. Tests used to regulate and control social and economic activities.
Your mentioning tests reminded me that I saw something about personal CO2 monitors recently. Prepare for millions of lateral flow CO2 testers swarming the streets with psychosomatic breathing difficulty predicting climate doom.
The breathing difficulty will be very real though of course have nothing to do with CO2. It will be – already is – because of the constant spraying of aluminum, barium, strontium and polymers into the atmosphere, much of which filters down on everyone.
The CO2, though a problem in its own right, is merely a cover for the climate engineers.
Perhaps Operation Covid was just to soften us up for the next stage of Operation Climate. It’s all for your own good after all!
OSHA has just withdrawn its mandate rule!
Boy those Langley botz boyz is busy busy down stroking the exposition of the PLAN!!
‘And they all lived happily ever after.’
Especially the TURDS at the top.
Since WWII, the means for TPTB to make money has been the weapons manufactured by the MIC, the Military Industrial Complex, that President Eisenhower warned us about in 1961. Nothing has changed; neocons in DC work feverishly on behalf of their MIC patrons to foment war around the world; nothing makes people wealthy like warfare. Why do you think that Yemenis are finding markings on the munitions that Saudi Arabia recently used on innocent civilians with markings indicating that Raytheon was the manufacture? This is what the Empire does; sell weapons of (mass) destruction and foment wars around the globe to further those sales.
Does it matter if they find US markings? Everyone knows that Saudi/UAE do not manufacture these things. Lots of incriminating stuff was found in Iraq and Syria, supplied by no less than 6 countries, with zero results. Everyone knows Yememi, Libyan and other civilians are are being slaughtered without the consideration that the “advanced nations” extend to animals. In the double-think of progress, profit and approved religious beliefs, do their lives matter?
Where’s the proof anyway? Some twitter poster, who could be anyone, posted a picture of a fragment (are we supposed to “believe” this was a bomb fragment or what??) that had numbers printed on it in English then made the claim that it was a CAGE code for Raytheon. It was not a Raytheon CAGE code. In fact it was in the incorrect format to even be a CAGE code. An clearer explanation is welcome.
According to some Experts ‘Omicron’ is waning… But one drug maker will have an ‘Omicron’ vax ready soon. Another drug maker expects to have a vax ready by early next year… WHO and the EU drug regulator claim the profit-boosters dont work as they’re supposed to and want them withdrawn… The drug makers are planning. Investments are being made for the massive expansion of vax making plants.
The ‘covid’ narrative is being given a rest. You can bang on for just so long before the audience turns-off… So how are they going to get the masses to keep rolling up their sleeves ? Fear campaigns, causing panic works. (The local supermarket is out of loo paper again. The 6th time since They started using ‘covid’ to scare the shit out of everyone.) So what are they planning, to get the masses to submit to more and more experimental injections ?.They’re not investing heaps of money unless They know more ‘pandemics’ are waiting in the wings…
Whatever They are planning that involves The Ukraine is anyone’s guess. The corporate propaganda media is waging a campaign to influence domestic audiences… Threats of imminent war are often used as cover for the militarisation of and tightening of the state’s grip on society...
FEAR PORN rules!!!!
shuddup beavis!!!
fu butthead
huh huh huh huh
where’s that Bourla slut
Tel Aviv
Ukraine is of little interest on the Eurasian Chessboard. With Crimea already resting safe on Mother Russia’s bosom, the rest of Russia’s Ukraina (Western Border Lands) are fruit ready to drop on Mother’s side of the Dnieper in the ripeness of time. The last thing Russia wants is to take over a neo-Nazi-infested, blood-drained, rump statelet that is Western Ukraine. Russia, China, Iran and a list of smaller countries from East Asia, Central Asia and West Asia) have more important projects.
China and Russia are promoting inter-currency trade to escape the stranglehold U$ currency. EY (Electronic Yuan) is designed for this purpose; expect its official announcement soon, possibly during Putin’s visit to the Olympics. There’s little doubt that most of East Asia will adopt the new crypto Yuan, followed by Central Asia. With China’s recent 400bn commitment to Iran and China’s ongoing Pakistani projects, one may add these two West Asian countries to the Inter-Currency trade block. Their participation will bring the EY to the Middle East — and to Africa.
The U$ thinks it can block China, Russia and Iran in the Middle East, but to do this the US will need to restore its control of Europe. Until now Washington was essentially calling all the shots in Europe, moving NATZO relentlessly Eastward toward Ukraine. Beefing up the Ukrainian Army was supposed to pressure Russia and stimulate Europe to toe the anti-Russia line. But now Russia has taken the initiative with a demand for legal security guarantees in Eastern Europe plus a speedy build-up of Russian defence forces on the Russian side of the Ukrainian border. This move effectively neutralised the possibility of NATZO moving into Ukraine because the Big Three of Europe (Germany, France and Italy) are having second thoughts. This leaves the Anglo-Americans (U$/UK) to carry the main burden of imposing NATZO not only on Eastern Europe but on Central and West Asia. However, because of the Anglo-American obsession with Ukraine (stemming from Joe and Hunter Biden’s role in the Obomber regime), the bulk of NATZO forces are now bogged down in Eastern Europe, which severely restricts NATO’s ability to exert pressure elsewhere in EurAsia.
USUK is now faced with the unpleasant prospect of finally honouring the Minsk agreement in order to free Europe from its Ukrainian albatross and reinforce NATZO in the Middle East. This has become urgent because not only Pakistan but all the other Stans in Central Asia will soon be copying Iran and joining China’s BRI (Belt and Road Initiative). This will bring Eurasian traders to the Middle East.
From Iran the BRI will move to Iraq to Syria to Lebanon and Israel (which already has Chinese parters in Haifa port). Eurasian traders will then be facing Africa, ready to cut into established US / UK / French / Belgian business interests on that continent.
Restoring the Western Ukraina to Russia (up to Kiev on the Dnieper) is a task for the future. But at present Russia’s has a more urgent role: helping to shape this new EurAsia, in an emerging Multipolar World.
How many deaths were there in Europe this winter due to interference in fuel (gas from Russia) by USA? How many deaths were blamed on covid?
You are right to ask about deaths from hypothermia. The German licensing authority is deliberately holding up certification of NS2 in order to expose the population to cold, and blame Russia.
Take a tip from what a German lady told me after WW2: keep warm by jumping into bed with all your clothes. (I forgot to ask her if that included overcoat).
I didn’t know what he was on about at Breakfast Table today, with his Kids…
He suddenly shouted – It’s alive.
Now who bought them that for Christmas?
It wasn’t me. I had a budgie and a cat.
“Amazing Live Sea-Monkeys”
The group most off the reservation at the moment are US right-wingers. Beating the anti-Russia drum would be an effective way of herding them back to some extent. This is why it’s essential to move out of the right-left paradigm and have a proper understanding of history (since WW2 at very least) with its endless succession of imminent global catastrophes so they can’t press these buttons. It’s no use resisting one psy-op just to fall for the next one.
Russia, China and Iran don’t deserve to be attacked or constantly needled but let’s not have any duping that their rulers are the good guys and not at the highest level part of the globalist cabal. Example:
They play their roles as Eurasia and Eastasia and NATO’s machinations help them control their populations just as Russia’s supposed aggression is used to control Western populations.
In case you don’t know the right-wing in America adore Putin. They’ve put him on a pedestal as the defender of the White Man. I shit you not. That’s why I think you mean China. Boy do people on both sides of the aisle ‘hate’ China in America, some even for good reason.
A not very commonly known version of events in Russia 1917:
February: The Duma (parliament) was in session. Endless, endless, talk, talk, talk. An Anarchist soldier on guard duty, fed up, fired a rifle shot at the ceiling, told the gathered politicians “Fuck off the lot of you ! Get the fuck out of here before i shoot the fucking lot of you.” The safety of their Coward’s Castle breached, the politicians fled…
The anger vented by the soldier was shared by the masses…
The Revolution was underway, a mess no one could rein-in or tame…
Except for a well organised, militarised political party…
The Bolshevik leader in April roused his troops and by November they succeeded imposing considerable order and control over The Revolution. As the winners always write History the Bolsheviks wrote up their achievement of becoming Top Dogs as The November Revolution – while they continued their task of crushing the revolution…
The Arab Spring in Egypt started in the cotton industry. Female workers shamed their male co-workers by their agitations for improved wages… They were the spark that ignited the deep, widespread discontent felt by the lower classes…
Other popular ‘uprisings’ occurred. All were outbursts of popular discontent…
In February 1917 the Anarchist soldier gave expression to widespread discontent. In Egypt and other Arab countries the active masses are viewed as being mindless puppets manipulated by those very clever Western agitators…
Though Western governments and billionaires fund professional agitators to stir up the masses, the latter’s self-activity and grievances are usually ignored or added as mere footnotes to tales of power struggles at the top…
Thank you for a realistic view of history. It’s becoming ever so tedious to read again and again how everything that ever happened since banking began can be laid at the doorstep of the Rothchilds and Rockefellers.
There really, truly, actually is a thing out there on the planet called “The People.” And The People do on occasion get so fed up with their lot that they strike out – whether the Rothchild/Rockefeller psychos instruct them to or not.
Of course the bankers quickly swoop down to ply their vile trade and thereby reap the major rewards; but it’s The People who always get the ball rolling.
When they say “Power to the People” all they’re doing is stating the obvious.
Thanks. My mind was on ‘Idle’, when i heard myself think, “Resistance is legitimate, though sometimes it needs reminding of it’s history to give it courage.”(then an argument broke out. My left brain claimed ‘legitimate’ should be replaced by ‘natural.’ The right brain stood it’s ground.)
So i took a break, revisited the Fifth Estate site i’d recently re-discovered, and found;
Nothing like a bit of people’s history…
an extra ‘e’ in summer sabotaged the link…
People shouldn’t be mislabelling anti-authoritarians as anti-vaxxers.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-01-24. German protests most widespread in country’s history. Rates skewed by deaths from other causes (blog, gab, tweet).
Not sure this is the end of the scamdemic.
I agree. Over in the East where I am, the hoax is as powerful as ever. Masked zombies are still going around trying to sanitise the world which has existed for millennia before them, and I just got news China (of course!) is continuing to lock down its population by state because of the non-existent moronic variant. Half of the world continues to sleep with their eyes open.
Hell no. It’s still front and centre in Qld Australia where I’m banned from my job of 25yrs. But whatever.
The drumbeat is very loud at the moment but it may be because its just not getting much traction. The problem may be indicated in a recent report in the English media about the “Russians preparing candidates to take over Ukraine”. This, combined with another recent report in US media (Washington Post, if I recall correctly) that indicates that most people living in the Ukraine are not interested in having a war with Russia, suggests that support for the west in general and NATO’s idea of turning the place into an armed camp may be waning among the population. This makes sense. They’re not interested in a war. We’re not interested in a war. The only people that are interested are the ‘usual suspects’, the yellowcake finders, the arms merchants and all the other opportunists who never let a good crisis go to waste.
Ukraine and Russia may be two separate countries but they’re like the USA and Canada. They share a long land border that isn’t a natural barrier and their peoples share a common history and culture (and there are many family ties between the two states). It makes sense that the two countries should get along because they really don’t have any choice. We hear a lot about the Russian invasion in 2014 but that’s just western media verbiage — the Russians didn’t invade Crimea because they were already there, they’ve been there for hundreds of years and they’re hardly likely to just walk away and hand over major naval facilities to NATO. (Donbass is, well, Donbass — a coal mining region that’s more Russian than Ukraine with strong memories of WW2.)
Given the history and culture of this region you’d expect the west to adopt a hands-off approach. But that’s probably expecting too much. We’ve been periodically going at Russia for hundreds of years — if its not the Crimean War then its the post-WW1 revolution incursions or the 1941 invasion. Over and over. Every time the Russians (and their geography) push us back out. We’d get much more from just learning to cooperate.
I don’t understand why Russia follows the dictates of the false covid?
Same for every country. It boosts the role of the State. The status of Government.
It gives goverment a raison d’être. A reason for its existence, which they desperately seek.
People have been questioning in recent years. Why do we actually need governments at all? Indeed, why do we? Good question
Imposing ridiculous, nonsensical, draconian mandates on citizens arguably won’t have helped that justification much
I’m increasingly of the view elections should be boycotted as they only entrench the status of centralised government, and encourage “ruler” mentalities among the “chosen”.
The party system ensures the elites maintain control regardless. As James Corbett said here, “a lesson in learned helplessness”.
You Can’t Win. Don’t Even Try! – OffGuardian
I’ve thought the same thing. When the Russian media took up the covid narrative it gave me food for thought. I started thinking that the whole Russian/Us/China thing was just a construct. At least partly a fiction designed to create enemies for all sides.
It seems pretty far out there, but the universality of covid got me thinking this.
If it does kick off. I will not be able to join – as am unvaccinated
The Army Navy is quite strict about that. 😀
Yes you must be fit and healthy to be killed, strange world eh? Its like the lunacy of nursing a prisoner back to health so they can be executed in past times. I identify as fully jabbed unless something changes in the narrative when I will then identify as unjabbed, just part of their insane game play!
About voting, don’t, as you are nodding to approve the system and whoever people vote for the government always gets in, its pointless!
the army navy etc are quite strict about something else too – no back talk private, shut the piehole and do as you’re told – sleeve down or we’ll hold you down and do as we please. You’re in the army now, as they say ..
What exactly is the Ukraine? A pseudo-political construction which was put together by Lenin in 1922 in the East of the Dnieper and Stalin in 1945 west of the Dnieper and the Crimea which has changed hands on a number of occasions. But this state was never going to fly given the Russian speaking and religious orthodoxy in the East, and Western Ukrainian speaking and catholic population to the west. Of course the Polish elements which were part of the Austro-Hungarian population have always been bitterly opposed to those countrymen on the other side of the Dnieper, but it looks as though the parting of the ways seems imminent. This will happen even if there is no conflict since the country – the poorest in Europe – as the western oblasts and its neo-nazi past sinks slowly into oblivion, and the East joins its Russian roots around Lugansk, Donetsk, Kharkov, Kherson, Mariupol and Zaporizhia.
most “nationalisms” are fkn constructs – i’ll be the first to fuck off those who would blanket culture us, but any glance at “history” shows so many ethno-national identities were academic reconstructions long after very real economic and military reality changed the face of many a society.
if i were Rus, i wold despise the turn Kiev took.but it is all pantomime, eternally. kiwi-cunts may be a better word for “ukraine”, which has turned from a borderland to a crackpot. compared to who and where? fukt world.
Your characterization of the Ukraine is highly false if you believe the official narrative of neolithic/chalcolithic man inhabiting the Don-Neeper and Volga rivers circa 4,000BC.
Surely all the talk/speculation about the collapse of covid is very premature. It’s a game of pressure on-pressure off.
The distractions about Ukraine or Taiwan are more circus . Putin is out of the same camp as the rest.
Meanwhile Pfizer are expecting to have a combined flu covid vax out for annual use next year. Moderna has a suite of mRna jabs lined up for general use for all manner of ailments, and of course there’s the omicron “specific” vax to be rolled out in a month or so.
The “human augmentation” agenda isn’t going away and there may be an odd war or two or a financial crash but the jabbing will continue until either there’s a rebellion or they get their way.
They have allocated this decade to change the World , lots of time to play games.
It’s a pretty accurate summary you’ve got there. Most people seem to think that immunity comes out of a pharm syringe and forget they actually have something called natural immunity. I do wonder what is going on though with such a sudden dropping of the covid narrative and the ramping up of the Ukraine/Nato thing. Are they keeping us distracted with the prospect of a war while they work on the next big virus or are they now satisfied they have injected enough of the herds with whatever, so that a new war will sufficiently distract the masses from large numbers of “unexplained” deaths.
WHO now agrees with “most people” on natural immunity, at least with ref. to jabs.
I agree.
As I often point out, I realize that my perspective is “biased” by natural deep-seated skepticism and cynicism, exacerbated by living in a tri-blue state area ruled by zealous scamdemic-mongering Democratic Gauleiters.
But locally, although there’s some pull-back and drawdown (mostly “postponements”) of vax mandates, and returns to “in-person” schooling, even this relaxing of New Abnormal scamdemic protocols is fraught with conditions. For example, here’s an excerpt from a story today touting such a return at Temple University:
After virtual learning for a few weeks, students are back in the classroom today at Temple. Because omicron is so much more easily transmissible than other variants of the coronavirus, the university has stricter mask requirements.
At Temple, in any indoor space, the minimum now is a surgical mask. Wearing a cloth mask by itself will not be allowed, but a cloth mask may be paired with a surgical mask. Students living in university housing must provide a negative COVID-19 test result within 24 hours of their return. Appointments are available every five minutes at a couple testing sites on campus. And COVID-19 vaccines and booster shots are highly encouraged but not mandatory. Students with a vaccine exemption must test regularly.
University officials say a KN95 is the best choice for a mask option. N95 and multi-layer surgical masks are also options. However, some students have said finding those higher-quality surgical masks in stores has been a challenge.
This is typical of the scamdemic “roll-back” in these parts. New Jersey Gauleiter Murphy today issued another perfunctory “good-news/bad-news” statement: the “good news” is that the (fictitious) “Omicron variant” is proving to be less devastating than feared; the “bad news” is that this is no time to become “complacent”.
I don’t see these continuing scamdemic policies and practices as merely the involuntary twitchings of a fresh corpse. It feels very much like the authorities are still keeping their options open.
Those who choose to fatuously and superciliously write off skeptical reports like this as “despair trolling” or “blackpilling” are welcome to do so.
The strategy of tension is a method of social control involving a series of covert attacks upon a population, intended to promote stress and fear amongst them. The purpose is, by inducing a mistrust of one another and of the world at large, to increase child-like dependence upon perceived authority figures (such as national governments). The English phrase originates from the Italian(strategia della tensione), which was first applied to Operation Gladio in Italy during the years of lead.
Exactly. Here in NZ it’s gone the opposite direction with “pressure on” the Covid narrative. Nothing is decided in isolation. 2 sides of the same coin.
A ‘quiet American‘ or two may drum something up to help
sell more weaponsdefend the Ukraine from Russia“Ukraine doesn’t have allies. It has sellers of weapons”
(Nikolai Starikov, ‘A Just Russia — For Truth’ party]
Rasputin – Boney MIn all the years I’ve mainly lurked on OffG I can’t recall ever seeing Boney M linked into a reply. As far as I’m concerned, Vagabard, you win the internet today.
But no, I’m not clicking on that vid because the choon will be in my inner Spotify for months 😂
I was just thinking if I had ever seen that video I would have thought less of the song which I liked at age 20 living in Berlin.
aye. free Donbass!!!
when a people say, “leave us alone” and instead the global governance bombs, straffes and murders them…. well it’s obvious what is going on, as if it wasn’t in the preceeding decades.
i miss motorolla, givi and the troops.
donbass has shown the way for many of us, in the peoples’ fight for life.
“To the war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist mobster psycho Nazis we say,
Heed Smedley. To Hell with War!”
Disagree with premise that the pandemic narrative is over. The tyrants may have pulled away, to varying extents, from their current scamdemic, but they’ve already put into place that other worldwide threats to human health are inevitable and waiting in the wings. Humans will just have to get used to cyclical global measures such as the ones used to prop up the covid scam
Not only that, but many are still convinced because they took the jab and figure everybody should…they unfortunately will soon see how small their numbers are…they want it to be here, even though it never was….
Except everything. Psychos everywhere.
Accept, surely?
Has anybody watched Brendan O’Connell and his take of the World situation. I think his argument is definitely persuasive. Every time I watch him he persuades me he’s correct, which means some of the people posting articles on this forum are wrong. I hope he is not correct. Please I change my mind about Brendon.
I think, after about 1,438 ‘persuasive arguments’, we have enough to go on.
Some of the people posting articles on this forum are neither more correct nor more incorrect than some of the people posting articles anywhere else.
What’s different here is that you get lively, uncensored discussion of the articles.
We have no mandate to change your mind about Brendan O’Connell – or about anybody else.
You’ll just have to make up your own mind like the rest of us.
Brendon is on the money with the big picture , who controls everything , how and where it’s heading. All the corruption and big picture.
If you want the real story on covid and the vax aka dual use tech bio weapons, catch up with with these people, in-depth analysis of the What, How, why . These are real scientists sifting through the evidence not just more paid commentary .
Dr Kevin McCairn , mccairndojo
Gigaohm Biological (Jonathan C. Couey), live stream: the biology
Housatonic Live (Mark Kulacz): the corruption networks`
Prometheus Shrugged (Charles Rixey): the origins of the pandemic
I Pray God, Should A False Flag Be Raised, Russia+China Go FULL-Monty And Lay-Waste That Filthy BRitish Empire& It,s US Lap-Dog
You know there are actual human beings in the US and the British Empire, right? Pray for peace, pray that their weapons & plots don’t work, pray for justice, but please don’t ask your god for a full on war. thanks
Spoken like a compassionate grown-up, Martha. Respect!
if you have a death wish of some kind get a pill and leave the rest of us out of it
“being accused of attempting to destabilise the European Union via a build-up of African and Middle Eastern migrants on the Belarus-Poland border.”
I haven’t noticed such an argument in the msm, but if it indeed has been used it should wake a lot of people in the mainstream left up. To use a neonazi argument as part of official and mainstream international politics interpretation should shake progressives up.
“The more the war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist mobster psychopath Nazis take things down, and try to silence us, the faster we will keep putting them back up.”
“As much they try the psycho Nazis can not keep their crimes against WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity) hidden forever.”
Senator Ron Johnson of WI held a 5 hour hearing today on all things Covid. No, it didn’t challenge the existence of the virus, but it did counter the whole test, treat, no — not those early treatments — only the pricey lethal ones, the shots, victim testimony, lawyer testimony, medical expert testimony. It was moving, heartbreaking, and infuriating. No other elected representatives were present. But I hope it leads to further investigations and ultimately to charges being filed. Replay available at thehighwire.com/watch
I watched this Martha. Thought it was great. Even with all I’ve learned over the past two years. I have no hesitation at all now saying that this thing had nothing to do with public health and is thoroughly corrupt.
That nurse that spoke last. I was transfixed.
lookit, leave the nazis out of it, it’s the fkn capitalists behind all the evil in the modern world
The People set the narrative in actual motion, that which we suffered under for over two years, that which should never have began, and as they themselves didn’t end it, then am sure they’ll be ready to accept and assist the next destructive rendering of reality,
Fuck all the psychopaths conducting this war on humanity and that is what it is. They use hot wars, fake pandemics, fear, child abuse, sex, drugs and money to wage this war against humanity using the dead souls amongst us as tools. Well, they can all going to hell. Fuck every single person playing a part in this whether through ignorance, cowardice or their own malevolence.
Tsk, Tsk. Language Timothy!
I don’t know what Russia is thinking of, don’t they realise invading countries is the sole right of warmongering America , nobody else is allowed to do it.
Either Ukraine, or climate change, is the looming new “pandemic.”
If normal is defined as: ‘everything as it was before 2020’, then I think the problem is, that the genie is out of the bottle for a too large group of the population who know that also also pre-2020 society wasn’t normal. Covid has only catalyzed that feeling of unease.
pre-2020, there was huge mistrust in the government (Trump, Brexit, yellow vests), the media, inequality leading to the opioid epidemic, endless wars that made no sense, debt, and a (IMO) true feeling that life with its bullshit jobs, traffic jams, and blaring celebrities talking about nothing through the channels made no sense. Covid distracted many from all these notions that were already there pre-2020, but now the panic is over, the unease of what is defined by ‘normal’ by the media, academia, government (and WEF) is back on the table.
So if the pandemic is over, they need something more ‘scary’ to keep the population in obedience. A war seems like a logical next step.
But maybe that war was covid, and maybe, now they’re out of options. If so, what next?
You are right. There can be no going back to pre covid days, but it’s not because of traffic jams or crap on telly or meaningless jobs…
People in the know have for years been telling anyone who would listen that our politicians were not representing us but rather, worked for an un-seen bunch of crooks and psychopaths who deemed themselves the elite.
Now however, with the fake pandemic, it has been plain for all to see.
There needs to be a clear out of the Aegean Stables – maybe some Nuremburg style trials.
Beware tho’ the call for “international criminal courts” – or we’re back where we started.
Well, the Corona Investigative Committee are starting their US Grand Jury style “trial” of accused criminals in about a week.
A real judge.
Real attorneys.
All the evidence gathered by the Corona Investigative Commitee presented, as well as legal analysis.
WE the jury, decide whether to indict.
The Trial of the Century | The People’s Court
Support and share. When the evidence is out in the open, it is difficult to deny.
The wall will fall.
+ 1 aye, i do not want to go back to that world, nor will i dwell in this world, any longer than i have to. that may be a few years yet , sigh ; ) only kidding
There has always been two major “pandemic” narratives: Endemic vs Zero covid. In March 2020, after a bit of a struggle, the Zeros won out and they agreed to follow the same Lockstep strategy. Recently, however, the Endemics have concluded that the agreed strategy was no longer sustainable and so the previous unity has fractured. The result is like a massive iceberg cleaving in two with vast areas of the world still under the jackboot of Zero Covid totalitarianism. And rather than the scamdemic being over, Endemic Covid is still just as much a pandemic narrative as Zero, and perhaps more insidious.
Endemic covid means just one more amongst the collection of flu pathogens that kill a small percentage of people every year. We – hom sap – have been living with those and other background ills for multiple generations, acquiring – and maintaining – effective immunity to them all the time. Why would this flu, tampered-with though it may well be, work out any differently?
In the real world behind the covid-scam smoke, most of the people who are going to be killed by the covid-flu have already succumbed. Those of us who’ve survived – and who told ALL the poison-stabbers to piss off – will now be pretty herd immune, I suspect. That’s why the ‘omicron’ attempted fiddle is falling so flat.
Pity about the poor sods who got stampeded into taking the stabs, though. The story about the price they will pay isn’t all in yet. Even the disastrous part of the story that’s flooding out to the public unstanchably, which is collapsing the whole covid scam, isn’t complete yet. Probably there will be more bad news about the longer-term effects of the stabs, before all the picture is clear.
The jab pushers need some variant of this scam to cover (a) major injuries, infections and deaths in healthy people under 50, where their kin pursue the matter (b) the coming wave of infertility.
+ 100 for “Endemic Covid”.
Dropping the Covid narrative is part of a last ditch effort to limit the losses in the midterm elections. They know they are going to lose. It is just a matter of how big. A 2/3rds majority is needed to override a presidential veto and should be the goal of the Republicans. People are pissed off about anything having to do with Covid. The mandates, the masks the censorship etc. Then there is Biden’s weakness in the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Dropping the Covid narratives while showing strength in standing up to Russia and China simultaneously is part of the ploy to minimize the midterm losses. And it is scary. They would rather risk another world war than admit they fucked up on Covid. The early order of evacuations of Americans in Ukraine is exactly what it looks like. Political bullshit to cover up his Afghanistan mess. That bumbling statement he made in his last presser was abominable. Both parties were scratching their heads on that one along with the rest of the world. China’s answer was to threaten our troops in Taiwan. What a bumbling idiot. Nancy too. They are both dangers to themselves and others. I am referring to policy AND the health and safety of them and others around them. Put them in a home. Sedate them. Visit them once a month. Angry old people wielding power is the most dangerous thing there is.
Still seeing this in terms of the two parties charade? Too bad.
“People are pissed off about anything having to do with Covid. The mandates, the masks the censorship etc.”
Being pissed off is better than feeling incapacitated. But people should also realise that the direction of capitalism is surveillance, deepened and holistic, and that backstepping or forestepping, with this government or the other, the coalitions of power will favour and concentrate their efforts in implementing the results of the 4th industrial revolution, mediating commodities between FUNCTIONS OF OUR BODIES,not to mention the already established commodity mediation between human communications (3rd industrial revolution) and humans and their food.
I suspect the Ukraine drama is just that – another drama to distract us. But the scamdemic will continue in various forms.
Corporations have invested much in areas such as data-mining, impact investing, surveillance infrastructure (including 5G) and – especially – the corporate take-over of education. Also, the medical industry has much investment and much more profit to make.
Until more people wake up, this exploitation will continue towards its goal of a social credit system – digitally driven – but remaining as the same old feudal system dressed in new clothes.
The parasite class will use covid/plagues, climate change, and whatever else the publc will swallow. The future looks interesting.
We need to stand up to it. Even harder. Civil disobedience and pursuing convictions of politicians, journalists, scientists and military personell who engaged in this vested interest direction. Not out of vindictiveness, not “hang them by the tree in the central square”, but making sure they get convicted as a reminder to future generations what those in power can do and what the power of the working people can counter.
Well said, I & P.
Covid 19 is a unique event. The propaganda and action of power in this event has only ever been before seen in wartime. There is a real problem between great powers such as America, Russia, and China. Covid 19 began its life in China or as the Chinese say, it was brought in to China. Looking at how the US is surrounding both China and Russia with military bases and weaponry. War is on the cards. Going back to the start of this if you have propaganda that is war like you can reasonably think we are in a place of a coming war.
I very much doubt that the pandemic is done yet..
They’ve invested too much into it (and by “they”, I mean everyone from our glorious leaders to the Karens to the sheeple) and all the marbles are at stake.
WEF / WHO pronouncements are just straws for us to clutch at.
The narrative is slipping and the Ukraine escalation is a diversion.
To paraphrase CJ Hopkins, the notion of GloboCap actually triggering WW3 vs a nuclear opponent is preposterous.
Depending on which way you read the tea leaves, GloboCap includes, or at least makes allowance, for Russia, China, etc.
They are Eurasia & Eastasia and their functions are gas station, manufacturing base, and as very useful bogeymen for the proles back home.
Yes maybe a hot war will develop & the Ukraine will become the next Yugoslavia.
The losers will be the Ukrainians & the winners will be the usual suspects..
And meanwhile while we are all entranced by the doomsday clock ticking down to 10 seconds to midnight, there will be a plenitude of excuses to tighten the screws.
People love fear porn.
Agreed. It won’t end until we actually execute some of those fuckers. Fauci first. CDC executives next. WHO leaders. Big Pharma CEOs. National medical leaders. Move on down the line. Higher Education. Media. No doubt they are starting to cover their tracks by deleting communications. We need to get in there and start seizing the evidence before they destroy it all. No doubt it is happening as I write this. Arrest them. Try them. Sentence them to death. Execute them. All of them.
Best hurry up, then, because the vaxed will be zombified before adequate numbers can be mustered.
Even if ‘they’ were all executed, others would simply pop up in their place. Our minds, attitudes and beliefs need to be changed or we simply recreate over and over the same thing.
Where to start – for each person, with ourselves, our attitudes and beliefs. Nothing will changes unless we choose to change ourselves from within.
i think ye’ll find ukropia is a worser kosovo, yugoslavia is a redundant example!!!
I think you might be onto something here. I just commented in the graun that it seemed covid was being swept quietly under the carpet in preparation for the next big thing (Ukraine), and it was deleted within minutes!
Sign of the times.
Over on ZH you can question anything, but mention there may not be a virus in this mix and poof, your comment is gone.
That’s because ZH is MI5 psyop allowing fake news on the conspiracy side. There is a virus mild as is it.
Not quite the same.
Jesus, someone didn’t get the memo.
Christian Perronne’s Statement To European Parliament – ‘Vaccines’ Not Vaccines, Killing Children
Sent this to everyone I could think of…………
I would so love to see this video played live on TV to the likes of Jeremy Vine, Dr Hillary Jones and Jon Gaunt (to name but three of an endless list) to see their pathetic attempts to refute what he says. No doubt they would try desperately …and they should be given every opportunity.
Anyways, here’s someone else who didnt get the memo.
Professor Ehud Qimron
And then there are the 60,000 professional signatories of the Great Barrington Declaration, who also didn’t get the memo.
I’ve almost finished my full-size guillotine, by the way.
Now, where to put it…
It’s a great statement.
It does strike me as somewhat odd that many of us here were already aware of everything he said in those ten minutes a year ago, but I suppose that’s because many of us have made the time to research the subject more thoroughly than most doctors have had the time to do.
Perronne’s statement is nevertheless a fine nutshell version of the whats and whys of the main charges which need to be levelled against our political, medical and media enemies.
And he was speaking at a respectable formal hearing at the European Parliament.
Better late than never.
I think the issues breaks down to the fact that many people are unaware of the other side of the argument because they don’t know how to use the internet or can’t be bothered. If all you do is get ur info from MSM you wont know about the other side of the argument.
Similarly, when 9/11 crops up in any conversation, those that blindly follow the official conspiracy have nearly zero knowledge of the conspiracy they are following and think the ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ are all pig ignorant nutjobs. Point them in the direction of groups of engineers, professors, pilots, who challenge their ignorance and they just sit there with blank face, unable to rationalise the info.
Its like taking someone off drugs. Many have the chance of a recovery but most just get on with spouting what they are told to believe. For some, not knowing is a comfort blanket, for others they can’t deal with being wrong and for otherw still being wrong means owning up to admitting not only to being wrong but having to apologise for the offensive tone whilst being in the wrong.
I think you’re absolutely right on every point you make there.
I have spent a long time despairing of my fellow man’s ability to think, but in this case I only meant that I would have expected such a high profile statement in such a formal setting to have had at least a couple of pieces of information which a layman – even a layman who pays attention – might not have had at his fingertips.
So perhaps my last two years of digging into this mess have educated me more than I thought they had.
In some respects I certainly think I know more than enough about covid… 🙂
I don’t have the innate urge to engage, proselytize, argue and debate Normals over controversial issues, although I cheer on those who do.
But I have occasionally expressed contrarian “truther” information during discussions with such Normals, who huddle like a flock of sheep in the Sphere of Acceptable Discourse.
I notice that when complacent, conventional-minded interlocutors are presented with unconventional information, they invariably respond by asking in a skeptical, mocking, or aghast way “Where did you get that from?” (or variations) rather than respond directly to the controversial information itself.
Asking about sources is a fair question, all things being equal, but in this context it’s instinctive deflection; it shifts the point and topic from the information itself to a criticism (and invariably, rejection and dismissal) of one’s Sphere of Deviance “methods and sources”.
Someone needs to tell the fuck nuts in Australia and New Zealand
I find it worth keeping in mind that these miserable specimens didn’t get their jobs because somebody actually thought they were in some way competent.
The global lockstep on this whole mess shows that individual thinking is an automatic disqualification. “The ideal candidate will have an IQ no higher than 86”, sort of thing . . .
Who are you talking about? Government employees? Or something else? The bar you need to jump to get a federal job is high. Really high. The cream of the crop high. However, those leading those offices easily fit your description. It’s not what you know. It’s who you know. And there is a written distinction between those that are “protected” from politics and those that are not “protected”. The higher you go the higher the risk and the more likely you are to fall in line with the politics of the moment. It’s not low IQ. It is fear. There comes a time when you need to take a stand. Now is that time. But everyone needs to do it at once.
If the second phase of the great reset agenda is the cyber attack on financial systems then what a better opportunity than having a military crisis and blaming it on Russia.
They’re not even trying to look as if they are trying to look as if they are trying to make sense any more…
Iceland has a calm, self-composed chief of infectious diseases – a man whose manner has appeared to evoke trust and confidence for two years – yet his statements this week have led even the most sheepish of our society to furrow their brows and wonder what’s going on.
In the interview he gave today, he indicated that “there are over a thousand diagnosed cases every day at the moment, but we think the time has come when we can relax the rules a bit.”
My Icelandic wife used a nice little phrase about that: “Hann er að tala á kross”. (Literally, “He’s talking crossed”…) In other words, he’s not making sense.
I suppose those of us who would like retribution for this appalling global treason to be dramatic enough to act as a real deterrent to future traitors will have to wait a while yet.
There are so many of the damned buggers that it’s going to be hard to root them out while they hide behind WW3 in Ukraine, “global frying” and the latest sexual harrassment scandal…
We will have to wait far longer than just “awhile.” The real criminals remain hidden from public view; only their puppets in government are in the public eye (not to say that they, too, are not criminally responsible for this debacle). The real culprits will never face retribution, no matter how long we try to make that happen.
HiddenTrillionaireDynasty FTW!!
The fact that the “COVID” lockdowns failed to achieve a complete collapse of the world economy – which they were intended to do, as cover for the elites’ theft of trillions over the past twenty years – it now seems that they are indeed intent on starting a major war with a nuclear-armed Russia. The resulting economic chaos and collapse will then be blamed on the war; thus achieving their goal of hiding their theft. Oh, and during the war “crisis” they can further shrink the few freedoms left to the peoples of the West.
Needless to say, a major war with a nuclear-armed Russia would be unthinkable if Ukraine was, say, where Canada is today.
Much too close for comfort as far as the warmongers in Washington are concerned…
On the other hand, who cares if Russia flattens Europe? We Americans will still be okay – Won’t we…?
Yes, because, for instance, there are no such things as nuclear-armed ICBMs. If you don’t believe me just ask ‘Researcher’ and ‘Fact Checker’.
Oh, well that’s all right then.
😂 Now I’m wondering if it’s me or you who should have included a /s tag!
Or better yet, read the book Death Object, or watch one of the many excellent YouTube documentaries showcasing the utter ridiculous nonsense that is the story of “nuclear weapons”.