Truth or Covid? (or, “why we know everything they’re telling us is a lie”)

Michael Lesher

Remember the good old days at the beginning of the COVID coup – before the new dogmas started to tangle themselves into self-contradictory knots?

Back then, if you wanted to know what to think, the Infallible Ones always had simple answers.

What was the enemy? A virus called SARS-CoV-2. Where did it come from? Chinese bats and pangolins. When would it end? After a few weeks of “lockdown” and the introduction of “vaccines.”

How did you protect yourself from it in the meantime?

By isolating yourself at home, wearing a muzzle, obsessively washing your hands, leaving your shoes outside the door, avoiding other human beings, scrubbing the walls and counters – above all, by obeying whatever orders the Infallible Ones gave you.

And if you didn’t obey? You would die.

But “oh, what a tangled web we weave,” as the poet said, “when first we practice to deceive.”

The Infallible Ones’ teachings were soon mired in baffling inconsistencies. A “few weeks” of lockdown gave way to months, which in turn gave way to threats of recurring confinements whenever the authorities deemed it expedient.

Summertime assurances of the “success” of the national incarceration – which had upended the health care system, educationally crippled a generation of children, and tossed away the livelihoods of millions of innocent people, though the Infallible Ones seldom mentioned any of that – were succeeded by “expert” scoldings to the effect that we Americans had been too selfish to be confined at all.

When randomized clinical trials proved that face masks were useless, the Infallible Ones told us to wear two masks instead of one.

When the Infallible Ones abandoned the canard of “asymptomatic transmission” – after it had fulfilled its function of stoking public hysteria – they adopted the equally silly canard that “the unvaccinated” were unique breeding grounds for viral mutations.

Even the virus itself, which the Infallible Ones had originally pronounced so unique, became the very opposite of unique as the Infallible Ones translated it into an ever-enlarging ensemble of similar viral “strains” in which new ones appeared just often enough to offset the gains supposedly made by the “vaccines.”

And meanwhile – most important of all – what was supposed to be a temporary suspension of constitutional government became a “new normal”; the law, or what had always been the law, turned out to be as obsolete as the idea of dealing with an infectious disease by giving medical treatment to the genuinely sick.

In the world of the “new normal,” anyone who mentioned “civil rights” was hustled off social media and into First Amendment limbo. Democracy was mocked as a reactionary’s pipe dream – when it was mentioned at all.

That’s the record, in brief, of the past two years. And if we have learned anything from this cavalcade of deceit, it is, or should be, that the COVID coup is fundamentally not about medicine or science. It is not about inflated “case” rates or jiggered statistics or fake news or the pseudo-studies circulated by propaganda outfits like the World Health Organization or the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Yes, all those things have figured in the derangement of constitutional democracy that has characterized the COVID coup. But at bottom it’s not about any of them.

The real nature of the campaign is at once simpler and far more dangerous. What we’re experiencing is an attack on the very foundation of ordered liberty, an assault that is already in the process of submerging democracies beneath what the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben has called a “permanent ‘state of exception.’”

To put it bluntly: our ruling classes, in one country after another, have effectively switched off their nations’ constitutions and the whole set of civil liberties that are supposed to accompany them – not by formally abolishing them, mind you, but by adopting the extra-legal mechanisms of a “state of emergency” in place of normal constitutional procedures, with the result that the ordinary rules of democracy and the rights of individuals have, for most practical purposes, been indefinitely suspended.

That’s why the COVID coup began, in my own country, with declarations of an “emergency” in four-fifths of the states – and why, with very rare exceptions, those “states of emergency” remain in effect to this day, nearly two years later.

Again, this cannot be explained away as a response to a respiratory virus. When an “emergency” involves suspending constitutional government for two years, it should be obvious that the “emergency” has ceased to be a real emergency (if it ever was one) and has become an extralegal norm – and this is even more emphatically true when virtually no one in the political opposition, the civil rights bar or the mainstream media so much as mentions this fundamental fact.

My point is that those of us who recognize what is happening are going to have to shift our tactics. We can no longer attack COVID19 propaganda in piecemeal fashion, challenging one medical falsehood at a time. That approach, I’m afraid, is likely to be self-defeating.

As long as we focus on disproving each particular COVID “narrative,” the Infallible Ones can continue to manage the debate in mass media as a conflict between the interpretations of “experts” and those of “conspiracy theorists.”

And that allows them to skirt the real issue. COVID fascism is not a comedy of scientific errors. For all intents and purposes, it is a coup d’état. And it must resisted accordingly.

Still, if we aren’t going to debunk every lie swirling through mass media or dished out by the “experts,” how can we be sure that we stand on solid factual ground as we resist the coup unfolding all around us – particularly if, as I’m arguing, we must begin by asserting that our struggle is about regaining our freedoms, not about correcting a medical policy?

Actually, there are many reasons we can be sure. And now, as we approach the third year of the coup, I want to offer a short list of them.

1. The COVID coup has consistently relied on unconstitutional methods.

The first and most unmistakable clue about the real nature of the coup is its aggressive destruction of constitutional government.

Right from the start, it involved suspensions of the legislatures; from there it moved quickly to arbitrary rule by executive fiat (mask “mandates” followed by “vaccine passports”), and then indulged head-on in violations of constitutional rights, as in the imposition of mass “quarantines” without a court order – an illegal act even under “emergency” dispensation.

I have argued this in print for over a year and a half, so I won’t belabor the point now except to stress the complicity of mass media in the unprecedented assault on our basic rights. The most important lie, of course, has been one of omission: the press simply never mentions the absence of any constitutional basis for the repeated attacks on freedom.

But I would like to call attention to a small but very revealing lie that crops up every time the press reports a new COVID19-related “order.”

Last month’s story about sweeping new muzzling requirements in California was a case in point. “California is ordering a statewide mask mandate for indoor public spaces,” blared the Los Angeles Times. But “California” does not and cannot issue a “mandate.”

Promulgations of legal requirements belong to the appropriate organs of government – and that means that an honest report would have necessarily told readers how the mandate in question came to be. What body passed the law? Who signed it? Which agency issued the regulation, if it was a regulation, and what was the statutory authority for it to do so?

In my opinion, it was no accident that the Times never informed its readers that the new California “mandate” was a unilateral edict signed by Tomas Aragon, the head of California’s Department of Public Health – an edict that did not even attempt to identify any authority for such an action in California’s statutes or regulatory code.

I repeat: in a constitutional government, health regulations are always grounded in such authority; “mandates” that ignore this are violations of law at best, dictatorial usurpations at worst. And the propagandists in the media, though they know this, obviously do not want you to know it.

The same story – political crime furthered by media complicity – emerges just as clearly from New York’s latest assault on the Nuremberg Code. The fiat recently issued by the state’s dictator – officially, Governor Kathy Hochul – claims to acquire authority for a statewide “vaccine mandate” from New York’s Public Health Law, section 225.

But that statutory section does not address vaccination policy at all – and since the COVID19 “vaccines” do not even prevent person-to-person transmission, there is no legal way the section’s general language about “the preservation and improvement of public health” can be construed to give the state’s governor the power to force 5-year-old children to be injected with experimental drugs, as Ms. Hochul has ordered.

In short, the “governor” – the word really must be put in quotation marks at this point – is acting outside her legal powers. And if we had a political opposition and a functioning court system worthy of the name, she might be facing impeachment instead of routine accolades from the tame “liberal” press, which calls this democracy-wrecking child poisoner “a moderate Democrat.”

Consider, by contrast, the intense debate over the 1985 decision of New York State’s public health council to rewrite its regulations so as to force the closing of gay bathhouses. That decision – taken at the height of the AIDS outbreak – was denounced by liberals at the time and is sharply criticized by students of political history to this day.

Imagine the reaction if New York’s governor had simply written a unilateral order closing all gay bathhouses in the state, thumbing his nose at New York’s legislature and the whole existing regulatory system on the grounds that, in his view, New York faced an “emergency” that justified the suspension of democracy!

But that is exactly what has happened in states across the country – New York and my own state of New Jersey among them – for nearly two years: state executives have issued fiats suspending legal processes on the grounds of a hazily-defined “emergency,” and have followed them up with a series of unilateral decrees that drastically altered the lives of their citizenry – in direct defiance of their states’ constitutions.

You cannot support that and support constitutional democracy at the same time. The propagandists may not like to admit it, but when they sing the praises of mask “mandates,” they are celebrating dictatorship.

And the democracy-busters are everywhere. In New York City, outgoing Mayor Bill DeBlasio slapped a “vaccine mandate” on all municipal employees, topping off the outrage by extending the same requirement to 184,000 private business and organizations.

The mayor’s constitutional authority to order this assault on bodily integrity was so obviously shaky that a local judge promptly stayed his order. But that didn’t bother DeBlasio, who said, “I hope [this measure] will be emulated all over the country because it’s time to get even tougher to end the COVID era.” Got it? When you’re being “tough,” who cares about the law?

2. The one thing no one in the mainstream wants to mention is the biggest thing of all: that our civil liberties are evaporating.

DeBlasio and Hochul are both Democrats, and it’s tempting to focus on the hypocrisy at the leftward end of the mainstream political spectrum. But it’s not just the “liberals” who have betrayed the Bill of Rights.

We’re constantly told that the U.S. Supreme Court is dominated by “conservatives,” but when New York’s rampaging governor decreed that healthcare workers must submit to COVID19 vaccination – even if they have religious objections to the experimental drugs (she claimed personal knowledge that God doesn’t support exemptions for these particular drugs) – only three justices out of nine were prepared to offer any relief.

I don’t always agree with Neil Gorsuch, but the ominous conclusion of his dissenting opinion in that case (Dr. A. v. Hochul) deserves to be committed to memory:

[I]n America, freedom to differ is not supposed to be “limited to things that do not matter much. That would be a mere shadow of freedom. The test of its substance is the right to differ as to things that touch the heart of the existing order.” [Citation omitted.] The test of this Court’s substance lies in its willingness to defend more than the shadow of freedom in the trying times, not just the easy ones….

Still, it seems the old lessons are hard ones. Six weeks ago, this Court refused relief in a case involving Maine’s healthcare workers. [Citation omitted.]

Today, the Court repeats the mistake by turning away New York’s doctors and nurses. We do all this even though the State’s executive decree clearly interferes with the free exercise of religion – and does so seemingly based on nothing more than fear and anger at those who harbor unpopular religious beliefs.

We allow the State to insist on the dismissal of thousands of medical workers – the very same individuals New York has depended on and praised for their service on the pandemic’s front lines over the last 21 months. To add insult to injury, we allow the State to deny these individuals unemployment benefits too….

[H]ow many more reminders do we need that “the Constitution is not to be obeyed or disobeyed as the circumstances of a particular crisis…may suggest”? [Citation omitted.]

How many, indeed?

Business elites are pursuing the COVID agenda as viciously as the politicians, if not more so. Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, has stated publicly that he will fire every employee in New York who doesn’t submit to the “vaccine” experiment, even those who attempt to work from home.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the erstwhile champions of “free enterprise” actually stood up for freedom when it’s being robbed from the people who work for them? But I don’t see any criticism of Dimon from the business press, which has fallen as silent as the civil-rights crowd.

And please don’t let anyone tell you that these “vaccines” aren’t experimental, or that pressuring people into taking them doesn’t violate the Nuremberg Code’s prohibition against human medical experimentation without informed consent. The case for applying the terms of the Code is simply overwhelming.

As we all know, the drugs in question were rushed through privately-administered trials that did not include the animal testing protocols normally required by the Food and Drug Administration.

The data from those trials – the only ones ever conducted – remain sealed from public view, and we already know from Brook Jackson about serious irregularities in the limited tests performed by the manufacturers while they were conveniently insulated from public view.

That means that these drugs remain untested, and their massive use is the first real experimental trial they have ever had.

In fact, the manufacturers insisted on – and received – blanket legal immunity before they would issue their drugs to the public. This unprecedented action – one that protected the drug makers rather than the public – resulted directly from the manufacturers’ awareness that, given the lack of prior testing, no one could predict the results of the drugs until they had actually been tried out on large numbers of people.

You cannot have it both ways. If you insist that you haven’t safety-tested your products before issuing them – and that’s what Pfizer, Moderna and J&J all did insist when they developed the drugs in 2020 – you can’t deny that the people you inject with them over the following year are participating in an experiment.

Besides, the propagandists themselves are giving away the game: they openly refer to the massive vaccination program now underway as “proof” that the drugs are safe. But this means that they are relying on the results of actual use as a substitute for a clinical trial.

“The vaccine does work,” Dr. Mark Sawyer, who served on the FDA advisory committee that approved the drugs in 2020, told CNBC. “[T]hat’s been clearly shown by both death rates and hospitalization rates when comparing vaccinated people to unvaccinated people.”

Mind you, the propagandists really have no choice about saying this; the United States, like other countries, is actively vaccinating whole groups of people – pregnant women and young children – who were completely excluded from the manufacturers’ trials. But to cite that experience as evidence of the drugs’ safety means – again – that people now getting their jabs are actually being herded into an enormous human medical experiment.

And of course they’re not being told the truth about this.

Human medical experimentation without informed consent is not just another legal lapse. It is a crime against humanity. Think of that when read the next op-ed singing the praises of the “vaccination” campaign.

3. The “facts” fed to the public are manifestly worthless.

Yes, I know: I began this essay with the statement that we can’t fight COVID fascism one lie at a time. But even a quick sampling is enough to confirm – for anyone who still needs proof – that we’re all eye-deep in propaganda so deceitful that none of it can be taken seriously.

Take the latest fear porn to emerge from New York, always a reliable bellwether for gathering trends in COVID19 propaganda.

The day after Christmas, a deafening chorus of mass media belted out a claim of the New York State Health Department that “the number of children hospitalized with COVID-19 is rising” in New York, adding some gloating if irrelevant details about the police-state measures to be imposed on anyone reckless enough to attempt the traditional New Year’s Eve celebration in Times Square.

(For the record, the official harassment included: mandatory muzzles outside as well as inside; required proof of “vaccination” plus personal ID for everyone over 5 years old; a police blockade around the area which banned people from entering until after 3:00 p.m.; and a sharp limit on total crowd size even afterwards. Must have been a delightful party.)

The ghouls responsible for this “alert” clearly wanted us to believe that New York’s children are keeling over in droves from the “deadly virus,” and that if we don’t immediately get every single kid injected with experimental drugs they’re all going to die.

But what does the evidence actually show? Well – nothing.

First, although the headlines made it sound as though all “children hospitalized with COVID-19” were hospitalized because of COVID19, the fine print in the database linked from the articles told a different tale.

In fact, the figures reflected the “number of patients hospitalized, and number of patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) among patients with lab-confirmed COVID-19 disease”: in other words, they included all hospitalizations, due to any cause, for patients who had merely generated one positive test result for COVID19 during the relevant period.

Since those tests usually consist of a PCR assay at an unspecified amplification cycle threshold, and since such “tests” are notoriously unreliable, the number of “positive” test results in children hospitalized for causes that included, for all we know, broken arms, strep throat, measles, concussions, etc., tells us virtually nothing about how COVID19 has been affecting New York’s children.

Second, there’s the question of absolute as opposed to relative numbers. How many actual pediatric hospitalizations had occurred in New York when the Health Department sounded its alarm? The ghouls never told us that – and once again, the fine print contradicted their arm-waving headlines.

The Health Department’s press release noted parenthetically that a total of 30 children between 12 and 17 had yielded a positive COVID19 test result in New York hospitals during the preceding week, and that “roughly half” of the total number involved children under 5.

True, that left open the question of how many were between 5 and 11, but I think it’s safe to assume that if children between those ages had been admitted to hospitals in larger numbers than their older contemporaries, the Health Department would have said so.

So let’s say, for argument’s sake, that we’re talking about 60 hospital admissions for children over 5, yielding a week-long total of about 120. Given that there are nearly 4.2 million children in the state of New York, 120 positive tests for COVID19 (via dubious methods) in New York hospitals over a seven-day period hardly seems cause for panic.

And this was just one of a whole string of similar fabrications.

The CDC has been claiming for months that “unvaccinated people who had previously recovered from a coronavirus infection” are “five times as likely to get Covid as people who had received both shots of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines.”

Because this result directly contradicted a much-publicized study from Israel, I took the trouble to review the actual data. And it turned out that the numbers not only don’t support the CDC’s claim; they demonstrate the exact opposite of what the “experts” claim they do.

Setting to one side the methods used to determine who had “previously recovered” from a COVID19 infection, and to ensure that “vaccinated” subjects had not also previously recovered from such an infection (both of which are questionable), the paper’s authors recorded 6,328 hospitalizations “among fully vaccinated and previously uninfected patients,” while among unvaccinated patients who had previously recovered, the total number of hospitalizations was only 1,020.

Even the small proportions of those patients who subsequently tested “positive” for COVID19 were heavily weighted in favor of the vaccinated: 324 as opposed to 89. Now, take a moment to consider how devastating those numbers are for the claim made by the CDC: namely, that vaccination alone gives you far more protection from COVID19 than natural immunity.

The study’s own data prove this to be a lie.

In fact, if the numbers are taken seriously, they suggest that you are more than six times as likely to be hospitalized after being “vaccinated” than after recovering from a COVID infection – and that you are more than three times as likely to be hospitalized with COVID19. When was the last time you heard that explained in mainstream media?

So don’t waste your time on the latest COVID19 “study” touted in the New York Times to bludgeon more gullible citizens into compliance. Just assume you’re being lied to, and you’ll be right often enough that the exceptions won’t matter.

4. The “experts” cannot be taken seriously.

And then there are the “experts.” How many times do these mouthpieces of the Infallible Ones have to contradict themselves before we stop listening to them?

At first they told us (correctly) that face masks offer no real obstacle to the spread of a respiratory virus. Then, reversing themselves without explanation, they insisted that wearing a mask – any sort of mask – provided an essential layer of protection. (Right on cue, the media set up a howl about “maskless” people being sighted at Trump rallies – or similarly disreputable places – as if they had been caught cavorting down Main Street without any clothes on.)

Now the “experts” have outdone themselves by telling us that if we want real protection, we’ve got to “upgrade” to N95 or KN95 respirator masks. Doesn’t that mean that they’ve been lying to us for over a year and a half when they assured us that wearing a cloth or paper mask was the submissive citizen’s way of “doing his part”? Of course it does, but don’t expect the mainstream press to raise that uncomfortable question.

And what about the “vaccines”? When those experimental drugs were first released, I was one of many critical writers who observed that the two-shot regime demanded by the authorities was only the beginning: that soon we’d be ordered to have a third shot, then a fourth, and that eventually we’d be told that “real” vaccination was an unending process, like the “new normal” itself. Nonsense, scoffed the Infallible Ones.

But now Anthony Fauci himself is saying that the very definition of “fully vaccinated” is up for grabs, so that “it’s going to be a matter of when, not if,” that definition changes. Take a moment to wrap your mind around the enormity of this idea.

In the future, your medical status won’t be based on objective facts but on the arbitrary pronouncements of the powers that be.

No matter which shots you’ve had, or how many, or how recently, or whether you’re sick, or likely to become sick, or what sort of antibodies you’ve got, or what medical treatments you have or haven’t undergone in the past, if Dr. Fauci and his fellow ghouls decide to rewrite the definition of “vaccinated” you may find yourself suddenly among that demonized underclass that, according to the editorialists of the New York Times, are responsible for all the world’s troubles.

And when that happens, there won’t be anything you can do about it except to obey the latest orders of the Infallible Ones. Not even your “vaccine pass” will help you.

So it’s not even a matter of the experts constantly contradicting themselves, feeding us one false story after another – though of course they’ve done that. Now they’ve taken Newspeak to an altogether different level, arrogating to themselves the power to change the meanings of actual medical terms.

In the future there won’t be any contradictions from the experts because, whenever they find it convenient, the experts will simply redefine a word or two in order to render their past pronouncements consistent with their current ones.

And who are these “experts”? Most media reports about COVID19 statistics cite the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, directly or indirectly, as their key source of information. But they rarely mention that Johns Hopkins’ coronavirus information arm is funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies and the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, both of which have significant ties to the pharmaceuticals industry – a fact that should have disqualified it long ago as a source of “objective” data.

As for the Center for Health Security itself, I have pointed out in a previous article its close links with the American Enterprise Institute, the folks who led the way to the Iraq invasion of 2003.

The lies behind that invasion unraveled pretty quickly. But that was because the propagandists at AEI were careless enough to make claims – mostly about Iraqi “weapons of mass destruction” – that could be publicly verified.

Their partners at Johns Hopkins have been more discreet: when they claimed there would be “no summertime lull” in 2020, insisting that COVID19 deaths were not seasonal and that lockdowns would continue, off and on, for “several years,” those lies could be explained away afterward as over-pessimistic projections – projections that might still come true, for all we know, if everyone doesn’t obey Big Brother.

(By the way, I’m not the only one to notice the disturbing history of the blandly-named Center for Health Security. The German lawyer Paul Schreyer has detailed its long-term involvement in bioterror “simulations” at which subjects like the imposition of martial law and other police-state tactics have often been discussed by the high-level participants.)

So these high-profile “experts” are nothing but the lying professional mouthpieces of a lying political class.

Do you really need to know more about them?

5. The COVID coup involves a radical redefinition of human value.

Finally, we must realize that the perversions of the past two years have not only been political and legal. The Infallible Ones have been tampering with basic terms of humanity and morality – and that should have all of us up in arms.

Let’s start with the obvious. A policy that deliberately discourages doctors from treating sick patients – that, in fact, causes the deaths of countless people who could otherwise have been saved – is not a medical policy at all; it is a crime.

Yet this was exactly the policy pursued by Fauci, the CDC and the National Institutes of Health, which for nearly two years did their level best to prevent the use of empirically-proven therapies for COVID19.

As a result, according to Dr Scott Atlas (whose dissenting voice on Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force was generally buried under noisy media slanders), “urgently needed clinical trials by the NIH and FDA were never performed,” while “[i]n another unprecedented move, doctors were blocked from prescribing [hydroxychloroquine], even though prescribing any other approved drug for an off-label use was routine.”

And anyone who tried to tell the truth on social media about drugs like hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin was likely to run head-on into social media censorship.

But the evil runs even deeper than that. Today we are being sold a premise never before embraced by a civilized society: the notion that every human being is a public menace by definition, that people are sick until proven healthy and dangerous until proven otherwise, that the mere act of breathing – that is, of living – requires some sort of moral and political justification. And the terms of that justification can only be determined by the powers that be; you and I are not given a say in what relieves us of the status of a public danger.

Just consider how radically incompatible such an idea is with any sort of open or democratic society. If people are defined as public menaces, how can they simultaneously constitute the ultimate public authority – a status that is the defining characteristic of a democracy? How can enemies of the people be “the people”?

If a human being’s right to breathe (unless he’s been injected with experimental drugs, wears a muzzle and doesn’t write anything objectionable on social media) may be arbitrarily curtailed, what rights can a human being possibly be said to possess? It hardly needs to be said that the traditional notion of “citizenship” is no longer intelligible in such a context.

Meanwhile, we must be honest with ourselves. No political party is going to save us from the COVID coup. In the U.S., with rare exceptions, Republicans are sniping at their rivals about “cultural” issues and ignoring the most massive attack on freedom in modern American history. And even when the incumbent Democrats do badly at the polls, they stubbornly refuse to get the point.

A “half-dozen Democratic governors” recently told Politico what they thought the trouble was: “The party,” they said, “needs to find a message that acknowledges voters’ exasperation with the virus and its economic and societal impacts.”

Such comments tell us all we need to know about these professional frauds, who still hope we’ll believe that “the virus” closed our businesses, stole our performing arts, wrecked our health care, tortured our kids and turned loose a batch of untested drugs on our immune systems, with more mandatory shots on the way even as the death toll of this ghastly experiment rises and rises.

But of course “the virus” didn’t do any of that. The bosses did. And if we don’t stop them, they’ll go right on doing it.

And if we needed any more evidence of just how much is at stake, we got it this month from a major life insurance company in Indiana, which announced as the new year began that “the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people” between 18 and 64 years old.

This “unheard of” increase cannot be attributed to COVID19; the insurance executives themselves say that death rates have sharply declined for that illness.

What then? Might the soaring death rates have something to do with the “vaccines” that have been foisted on hundreds of millions of Americans? Or the health consequences of police-state tactics that have ravaged our society? It’s high time we demanded answers to those questions.

With what methods? Addressing fellow academics on December 8, Giorgio Agamben questioned whether it made sense any longer “to fight or act in the name of principles and concepts such as democracy, the constitution, law” and so forth; after all –

What sense would it make to invoke rights to Hitler, Stalin or Mussolini?… We are facing a government that has abandoned all legality. If you don’t understand this, you don’t understand the situation we are in…

What we have before us is an adversary, an uncivilization at its end, and this seems to be confirmed by the extreme measures this adversary has chosen. How could a government choose such infamous, extreme, destructive measures as this government has done?… Therefore, I believe, we have to invent new strategies; facing such an adversary we have to invent new strategies.

“New” in this context does not have to mean unprecedented. We are accustomed to limiting ourselves to a secular political vocabulary. But when the essence of humanity is under assault, we need to think of other and more basic sorts of expression.

What we’re engaged in is a spiritual struggle. It’s a battle for the survival of the human soul, and in that battle our main weapons are likely to be spiritual ones: courage, hope, self-sacrifice, faith.

Remember, the enemies of humanity have a weak point: they do not believe in human beings, and consequently they do not understand the power contained in each soul that refuses to be duped.

Listen to any of their recent pronouncements, and you will notice at once that the Infallible Ones think that they are talking to children. “How to Think About Covid Data Right Now,” reads an actual headline in the New York Times for January 7 – as if it were perfectly natural for the Times to teach its readers “how to think.”

But I suspect that far more people are offended by such condescension than the Times and its fellow propagandists have yet realized. And woe to the swindler who underestimates his mark!

The propagandist who believes he is lying to children might do well to recall one famous man’s warning to the effect that “it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

But I will leave my readers to draw their own conclusions about this.

Originally published by Last American Vagabond
Michael Lesher is an author, poet and lawyer whose legal work is mostly dedicated to issues connected with domestic abuse and child sexual abuse. His latest nonfiction book is Sexual Abuse, Shonda and Concealment in Orthodox Jewish Communities (McFarland & Co., 2014); his first collection of poetry, Surfaces, was published by The High Window in 2019. A memoir of his discovery of Orthodox Judaism as an adult – Turning Back: The Personal Journey of a “Born-Again” Jew – was published in September 2020 by Lincoln Square Books.


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Feb 16, 2022 3:53 PM

reply to off guardian article

It is very possible that people hav been getting sick from the toxins in “flu” shots! Something called “prolonged Influenza” was written about in a book by a south american doctor Dr Jorge Derna caused by flu shots  and an English Doctor Vernon Coleman also mentioned “long Flu” in one of his essays on his website.

When Chemtrail
spraying began heavily in the early 2000’s I knew people who would get colds/flus that wouldn’t go away. They would get better then relapse a bunch of times. Eventually they would fully get over whatever it was. this took many months to a year.

Last year and this year here in New York city area the chemtrail spraying was very heavy for weeks during our “surges”. But the lemmings were lined up around whole blocks to get “tested” with the bogus tests due to the Omicron fear campaign.

It has been known for decades that pesticides and other chemicals cause “flu like” symptoms and can permanently damage your health. So the companies and people behind this crime against humanity know how to make you sick short term and permanently!

As for doctors. Nowadays they are mostly drug pushers that only follow protocols given to them by drug manufacturers. No more sleuthing to find out cause of problem. just match symptoms to list so can get paid by insurance co’s.

 In the page  https://northerntracey213875959.wordpress.com/ Something you should know…  this link which states that a vaccine campaign for sars-cov1 was undertaken just before china outbreak can be found amongst other info
at www.investmentwatchblog.com/ chinas-mandatory-vaccination-law-went-into-effect-on-december-1-2019-the-coronavirus-outbreak-is-a-vaccine-experiment-gone-bad/

Also regarding the solari report pdf of

february 10,2021 what is the real cost of vaccines?
Interview Part 1 with professor dolores cahill

it mentions a 2002 harvard business review article predicting a massive die off depopulation event from 2020 to 2025. Personally i hav bot found the articles yet.

Another thing i would like to mention . Almost all the new drugs I see advertised seem to depress the “immune system” and cause infections death liver kidney problems etc. How many people are on these new drugs who get sick and die? And of course attributed to COV19.

As Jon Rappoport (at nomorefakenews.com) wrote about most people are “catching” Psychological Covid. The media’s psyop has people “con”vinced it exists therefore they get “IT” and no matter what the truth is they had “IT”. Even people I know who seemed convinced it was a fraud caught “IT”. “Confirmed ” by bogus “tests” It has been effectively implanted in peoples brains subconsciouly I believe.

And it was proven almost 100 years ago and again and again that your mind (what you believe) can get you sick and kill you!

Jan 30, 2022 8:11 PM

I am so sick of this covid aka great reset nonsense. But I undertake as a duty to inform people about facts about cheaply, effectively and qucikly curing this so called virus symptoms. Search for c19ivermectin on your search engine. On that website you will find as of right now there are 142 studies. 93 of them are peer reviewed about curing covid19 with ivermectin. These are undeniable evidences. Get your ivermectin before it is too late ivmcures.com

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jan 31, 2022 2:00 PM

Ivermectin does not grow in your garden, it’s manufacured. Who manufactures it? Merck, a pharmaceutical giant. Exactly.

Feb 1, 2022 11:39 PM
Reply to  Geo Martin

Mercy gives away huge amounts of ivermectin in africa for the river blindness program. Not for money. There is not much money in ivermectin

Jan 30, 2022 6:45 PM

Long time lurker.

Aside from the few trolls commenting here, and the well meaning folks who got conned (after all even Dr. Malone was tricked into the initial jabs), most of the commentators here had good reason to avoid the death jabs from the outset.

And now the data overwhelmingly confirms we were correct and must continue to avoid the death jab. But we are all increasingly at risk for being held down and force injected or worse. I suspect many are close to the breaking point and we all want this evil lunacy to end.

However, absent tactics most would wish to avoid (myself included), the only path to victory is to persuade those who are persuadable to keep coming to our side.

Most will not be persuaded by complicated analysis of negative efficacy, even though true, performed by lay individuals using government data and then applying reasonable interpolations.

However, were we to lay hands on an official analysis where the actuarial adjustments were already completed by government officials. Well that would be powerful.

We all want data that accounts for the death rates no matter how many doses and without regard to when death occurred beginning with the very first jab.

Here is precisely that data. I stumbled upon the report in one of my Rabbit Hole adventures.

Read the study methodology and check my calculations, if you think I am correct, then freely make use of the information and my calculations (simple math and percentage calculations).

UK Office of National Statistics shows a Thirty-Seven Percent (37%) increase in mortality for the population having received at least one dose of the VX Death Jab  (at any time) compared to those with no jab (at any time).


Yes, I am aware of all the other prior new-site calculations showing negative efficacy, but this is an official actuarial calculation by the UK government taking into account all differing VXD status, from the first jab to second jab, adjusted for age and time in the various VXD status.

Apples to apples and official.

Here, there is no need for the lay commentator to play at being an actuarial and adjust the government data to get at the “real” rates.

The one data set it does not include are triple jabbed, but the data set ends October 31, 2021, and I think it is safe to assume the double jabbed group also includes the triple jabbed in the author’s calculations.

The author stops short of doing the final calculation on total efficacy, but it gives you the data necessary to complete the analysis.

Just add the VXD death rates per 100,000 for all cause mortality on page 3, regardless of when the first dose was administered, and regardless of how long after the first or second dose death occurred. Total of all categories for any VX status is 3348.

Then compare that to the completely unvaccinated mortality rates per 100,000 of 2,440.

Death rate for the completely unvaccinated was 2,440 per 100,000 and the death rate for those vaccinated with one or more doses was 3348 per 100,000 = negative efficacy for mortality outcomes of 37%.

1. And yes, most of us here already knew negative efficacy was true. But this is an official government actuarial calculation. 

2. Apples to Apples. Read note 1 on page 9. The ONS data is statistically adjusted both for age and amount of time each age group spent in the classifications. The resulting numbers are, then, as close to an apples to apples comparison as can be made. 

3. The reliability of this report is supported by the disclosure from the Indiana life insurance company of a large increase in mortality for working age people in the USA; the large increase in mortality shown by the CDC death certificate analysis done for 2021, and also the accidental release of a small data set from Canada giving rates on 1 jabbed, and 2 jabbed. 

My appreciation to everyone covering those issues.

4. Here, the ONS statistician claims the data cannot be used to show efficacy (meaning a negative efficacy) of the Death Jab while at the same time claiming it demonstrates a positive efficacy of 96%. Nice double speak and either intended as a cover for the author or maybe ordered by higher ups.

The 96% efficacy calculation by the ONS is conveniently fudged by counting everyone not double jabbed for at least 21 days as un-VXD to get the positive efficacy (the same hat trick being used by big Pharma and the other major government publications. 

The difference, here, is that the report includes all the data needed to easily expose the Hat Trick.

The actual efficacy is a negative 37% increase in death from the first jab forward. 

5.This is a limited timeframe analysis of the rate for 1/1/21 to 31/10/21. I expect the extended long term negative efficacy for everyone jabbed to be even more horrifying.

6. There is also an effort in the report to show increased COVID death in the non-VXD. 

First, this is also a likely a toss off to cover the authors’s bum. 

Second, it does not matter, if the medicine saves you from the disease, but kills you from other causes; the medicine is not efficacious as to all cause mortality outcomes. 

Jan 30, 2022 6:31 PM

I see that, sadly, Nils Lofgren is the latest to be added to the list of Spotify virtue signallers. As an aside, contrary to all the people on forums saying that his only claim to fame is being second choice guitarist for ‘The Boss’, that is actually unfair. I have several of his solo CDs and have twice seen him in concert in smallish UK venues over the past twenty years. I rate his music very highly, both instrumentally and vocally, and he was extremely modest and personable, happy to meet and chat to fans in the bar after both performances. So his stance has been a great disappointment to me.

He has apparently issued a statement which just goes to prove his ignorance and naivety about what’s going on. The irony of what he says is clearly lost on him:

When these heroic women and men [NB the ‘woke’ word order used], who’ve spent their lives healing and saving ours, cry out for help you don’t turn your back on them for money and power. You listen and stand with them.


The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jan 30, 2022 4:29 PM

Argentina 29/01/22:

Alarm over sudden death of more than ten apparently healthy people. Some of the fatalities occurred in public places (Spanish)

“They appeared to be healthy, but death ‘found’ them as they performed their daily, almost routine activities. They ‘collapsed’ and despite the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) massages, they lost their lives, to the stupor of family, friends or witnesses of the dramatic scene.

“These tragedies were repeated more frequently in the last four weeks and generated shock because they occurred in public places, generating police intervention and the Public Prosecutor’s Office.”

You won’t believe it but:

“They [experts] warn about cardiac sequelae in recovered from coron******. The Hospital de Clínicas of Buenos Aires warned about the possibility of developing heart problems after coron******, and stressed the importance of having check-ups after receiving medical discharge.

“Cases of coron****** myocarditis have been seen in patients who had to be hospitalized for moderate or severe symptoms of the disease,” said Analía Aquieri, a doctor in the Division of Cardiology at the Hospital de Clínicas. ‘It is estimated that about 30% of people in the world have complications once this condition is overcome,’ she said.

“According to the hospital statement, there is similarity between the symptoms given by the coron****** itself and those produced by myocardial compromise by the vir**, among them dyspnea or shortness of breath, chest pain, decay and apathy.

“If the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient should receive closer follow-up that includes cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, a control every three months and it is not recommended to restart physical activity.”

And so on.

Were you expecting to read something about the blasted so called vac*****? About wether the deceased had or not their “treatmemt”? About a shadow of doubt thrown on their efficacy? About whether the “treatment” might have something to do with these sudden deaths? So was I but the word “vacc***” or any equivalent one don’t appear at all in the article, not even once.

Sometimes I despair.

You’re right Mr. Lesher, everything they tell us is a lie.

Jan 30, 2022 7:56 PM

You despair only sometimes? My despair is more fully developed. 🤪

Jan 30, 2022 8:09 PM
The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jan 31, 2022 3:05 PM
Reply to  Smaug

Yes, the media in Brazil use more common sense and are less corrupt than the Argentine. Here there is only one discourse, the official discourse; resistance here comes from private people/small private organisations, media. The big ones are bought and paid for a long time ago.

BTW the president of Argentina is one of Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” together with Trudeau, Macron,…

Jan 30, 2022 2:12 PM

Wow! – this looks to be excellent; critical summary. (I generally cut and paste a print out the important stuff for old-fashioned in the hand reading.)

Thanks for the Amgamben links – I have been able to find nothing since his brief statements back in March 2020; I wondered if he had been “convinced” to be silent in some way.

Jan 30, 2022 12:04 PM

I made my position clear to everyone I know from the start that this whole thing is a load of nonsense and the same parasites that f’d us over in 2008, 9/11 and WMD are at it again and anyone who can’t see it for what it is is an imbecile.

During the “shock and awe” stage of early 2020 when friends/family would cry “200 people died this week” I’d nonchalantly respond “1500 people die everyday in the UK what’s your point?”.

When the parasite class switched to “cases” as a metric of doom and the tools brought it up in conversation I’d be like “well obviously if you search every nook and cranny with a massive magnifying glass you will find bits of what you’re looking for, but I thought you were scared of dying from this? Surely 10 deaths from 100000 cases is a good thing right?”

When asked by a cultist whether I had had the jab it’d be a dismissive “Don’t be stupid!! I’m sure I’ll survive” or “I have no intention of partaking in this game, I am a neutral observer watching the madness unfold from the sides.”

I am polite and nuanced. And like others on here I don’t go into any detail because there’s no point. When sitting in a room full of cultists i let them tie themselves in knots arguing the finer points whilst I mind my own business. They know full well not to bring me into the conversation because I will destroy them as do I.

It’s a pretty satisfying position to be in – I have my principles and I’ve made it clear I’m not giving them up for anyone.

Only with those I truly care about – close family – do I go into a bit more detail about the “Morona Story of the Day” and only to help them.

I don’t allow myself to be goaded and like most of us here I’m not obsessed about proving any kind of point – I only want what’s best for humanity and this crap right now is not it.

Now I am starting to get the “you were right all along man” from some cultists who are trying to escape and I remind them “when have I ever been wrong?”

Feb 1, 2022 8:44 PM
Reply to  Trewpol

Hamlet said” Be true to thyself”. More true than ever. Awesome Trewpol

Feb 18, 2022 1:47 AM
Reply to  Trewpol

“I have no intention of partaking in this game, I am a neutral observer watching the madness unfold from the sides.”

This is excellent.

David gray
David gray
Jan 30, 2022 10:14 AM

When talking about this to anyone I have a rule of three code. Don’t give a shit, don’t talk shit and don’t take any shit. This translates to.
I don’t care/ not interested if you have the vaccine, dont have it, wear a mask or not or anything at all you believe you know about the situation.
I will not talk about any of the finer details, waste of time, covid does not exist full stop, therefore nothing that flows from that exists, end of conversation.
I will call you out if you are being insulting, like when calling me antivax, conspiracy theorist, covid denier etc. I will not say that I am insulted, but that you are insulting me.
By using this approach you are appealing to the base emotions left to us.
In the first instance you give the person back their autonomy and responsibility and make them an adult again at the same time removing the parental approval they seek
in the second part you remove the conflict and the argument and therefor their ability to win. They will be impotent and helpless and feel vulnerable.
In the third part by calling their behaviour insulting, you are not attacking them but they will feel embarrassed and shame and guilty about their bad behaviour.
This approach can make you feel empowered by taking back control and maybe allowing someone to change. So don’t give a shit, don’t talk shit and don’t take any shit.

exiled off mainstreet
exiled off mainstreet
Jan 30, 2022 9:39 AM

This is the last word on the subject. The regimes, national, state or provincial and local are all at war with those they are supposed to serve with all of the implications of these facts. It is like a Vichy regime being imposed without a foreign element officially present, but that element is supplied by Fauci, Gates, and the whole world death shot system.

Brendon Flynn
Brendon Flynn
Jan 29, 2022 8:59 PM

In Australia, they managed to get vaccine mandates for various workers such as health employees by the fact that the emergency powers give ministers the power to control the movement of people. Using those movement powers they were able to effect a no vaccine no job policy in healthcare by simply mandating that you can’t go into that building unless you are vaccinated, thus preventing hospital employees, GPs and their staff and other health professionals the ability to work unvaccinated, by preventing them from entering the workplace without being fully vaxed. This was of course challenged in the courts, but the minister’s had the power in a state of emergency as the legislation provides. Our coup in Australia happened about 4 or so years ago when amendments to the legislation were passed in various state and federal parliament’s without a mention from the press or any opposition to it. This is how you stage a coup. Put in the emergency powers that the movement of people can be controlled during an emergency.

Jan 30, 2022 1:58 AM
Reply to  Brendon Flynn

What is the position regards refusing entry to a hospital consultant rooms for an outpatient procedure? I’m in WA. The secretary will only say that they abide by goverment rules. The govt webpage says unvaxed Vistors are excluded but no mention of Patients.

The 2016 WA Health Act gives ememgency powers to police to force entry and forcibly inject you and your children. It specifically includes removal of underwear. Can you imagine the meetings they had over that.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jan 31, 2022 2:31 PM
Reply to  martin

It doesn’t matter their policies, hospitals and other medical facilities are no go areas for us now regardless of the reasons. Especially if you’re injections free, they’ll do their best if your condition allows it to only let you out of there in a box.

Jan 29, 2022 8:28 PM


If we don’t want a never ending story – SPARS 2025-2028, Pandemic X are waiting – we have to destroy the foundation of this giant fraud.

The most important thing in my view is that the world understands now that THERE IS NO VIRUS! All what they are doing is based on lies, lies and lies!

All you need to know: THE ENTIRE VIROLOGY HAS BEEN REFUTED! There is no virus, no variant/mutation, and there was never a pandemic! https://www.wissenschafftplus.de

TRUST ULTRA TRUST NAOMI – https://www.bitchute.com/video/05OsGCekumz9/

Virology Debunks Corona – https://www.bitchute.com/video/YKktYdEGBRnP/

Blog: https://coronistan.blogspot.com

Jan 30, 2022 12:27 PM

Yes, Dr Stefan Lanka’s experiments are world-changing – I challenge anyone who defends virus theory to look at these experiments. They must be accounted for by those who want to hold on to the old paradigm.

Also, discussions and books by Dr Tom Cowan, work by Dr Andy Kaufman, the book ‘Virus Mania’, Dr Sam Bailey on odysee.com, and the blog nomorefakenews by Jon Rappaport for starters. Upcoming documentaries are ‘Virus Mania’ and ‘Terrain’.

It’s time for the the whole theory of viruses to end. Its stranglehold has cost so many, many lives and has enabled this global coup to take place (and has also kept its chief pushers and ‘scientists’ in clover for decades).

Jan 30, 2022 3:53 PM

There is an even more gigantic fraud who’s foundation needs to be destroyed: the peculiar notion that some people have a “right” to dictate to other people. No such right exists – period.

Refute authority and who cares if virology is accepted as gospel? Without the impudence of authority, virology becomes just another idea floating around – which people are free to accept or reject.

Jan 29, 2022 7:59 PM

Denmark Removes ‘Last’ Covid-19 Restrictions While Austria Lifts Lockdown for the Unvaccinat ed  😀 

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Jan 29, 2022 4:56 PM

The coup is in full effect. We are experiencing a full scale social-reengineering by the ruling class. Every aspect of this society is facing deliberate imminent collapse. The powers that be have let it be known no dissent or resistance will be tolerated. Social media gleefully deplatform and censor anyone who dares question the COVID propaganda or policies. The corporate media suppresses the growing protests around the world so the masses will never know a global resistance movement is alive and well. Where is the corporate coverage of the Canadian truckers convoy?
TPTB have muzzled organizations like the ACLU, notice how most of the lawsuits challenging the unlawful mandates have been filed by individuals as opposed to class action lawsuits. Even as the truth about the adverse reactions to the injections slowly make their way into the public consciousness, the miscreants are doing their best to deflect and trivialize this knowledge.
A friend of ours’ daughter in New York recently had a still birth. She, her parents and her husband dutifully took the jab but her husband’s sister who is also pregnant didn’t. Her sister in law is still carrying her baby to term! Our friends have not made the connection between the jab and the stillbirth and her brother is a nurse.
The same media currently pushing the vaccines, mandates and lockdowns also pushed the HIV/AIDS, Osama bin-Laden and Saddam Hussein WMD lies! There is an old saying, “Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.”

Jan 29, 2022 4:47 PM

Uhh does anyone knows if Agamben has a blog or something? I can’t find it only some media pieces massacring him.

les online
les online
Jan 30, 2022 8:59 AM
Reply to  plasos

Agamben has a couple of pieces on Quodlibet which appears to be an Italian blog (?).
I typed in “giorgio agamben – quodlibet” – found a couple of pieces by him… One is:
“A Question”.
Not secure: http://www.notbored.org/question.pdf

Jan 30, 2022 12:32 PM
Reply to  plasos

Architects for Social Housing have an excellent piece about him here:


dr death
dr death
Jan 29, 2022 3:39 PM

it’s always good to see the herd catching up….. because it’s always a struggle to balance being clever with being popular… being a wise and helpful ‘educator’ (hehe) over an unpopular ‘know it all’ or ‘anti-vaxer’….

still.. I’ll always remember fondly the guffaws and chuckles I enjoyed watching the fake news bulletins from china, you know, the ones where dustin hoffman in his haz mat suit just keeled over and died along with millions of others… having imbibed too much winged mammal soup.. excitedly narrated by someones stepford wife.. with a penchant for surgery and injectable snake toxin wrinkle filler…


Jan 29, 2022 5:07 PM
Reply to  dr death

i always meant to watch that film.

Jan 29, 2022 3:25 PM

When randomized clinical trials proved that face masks were useless
I doubt there were new studies after 2019. All of them up till then reported the same result, and WHO agreed. Then, a US study produced the opposite result in a convoluted way. Despite the about-turn, it was just what the oligarchs had ordered.

Jan 29, 2022 7:55 PM
Reply to  mgeo

No doubt bought by them…as one does to get the science these days

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jan 31, 2022 3:33 AM
Reply to  mgeo

There was a big Dutch RCT study in the Fall of 2020. It concluded that they don’t work too.

Neo-Feudal Lord
Neo-Feudal Lord
Jan 29, 2022 3:05 PM

“My view always has been and always will be that the second tier – i.e., those who carry out the orders of those “in charge” – are the guiltiest and are the very ones most deserving of retribution.”

The social hierarchy is little different than the corporate hierarchy.
Those most willing to just blindly follow orders from above, are those most likely to be given power over others, themselves.
Most Middle Managers are most completely incompetent.
But they’d be willing to throw their own mothers under the bus to save their own hides.

In the Roman Republic, the Praetorian Guard were those that served as personal bodyguards and intelligence agents for the Roman emperors.
They were given special considerations, stature and rewards for their loyalties in protecting those Masters at the top.

Those Power Mongers at the top would be nothing without their mindless masses of obedient followers.
Weak minds need strong leaders, and sadly the world is increasingly filled with those weak minds.

Authoritarianism begets greater authoritarianism.
The more people allow themselves to be told what to do & how to do it, the less they learn to think for themselves (failing to learn from their own mistakes and learn about consequences).
The less they learn to think for themselves the more authority they constantly need.

There are massive power & profit motives behind systems of growing dependence.

Hannah Arndt, whom closely covered the Nuremberg Trials, wrote of the Nazi Officers:
The sad truth of the matter is that most evil is done by people who never made up their minds to be or do either evil or good.”

“The trouble with Eichmann was precisely that so many were like him, and that the many were neither perverted nor sadistic, that they were, and still are, terribly and terrifyingly normal. From the viewpoint of our legal institutions and of our moral standards of judgment, this normality was much more terrifying than all the atrocities put together.”

“Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of man who can fabricate it.”

“The moment we no longer have a free press, anything can happen. What makes it possible for a totalitarian or any other dictatorship to rule is that people are not informed; how can you have an opinion if you are not informed? If everybody always lies to you, the consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather that nobody believes anything any longer.”
“And a people that no longer can believe anything cannot make up its mind. It is deprived not only of its capacity to act but also of its capacity to think and to judge. And with such a people you can then do what you please.”

Even the Jewish Kapos in Concentration Camps were accepting of special privileges in exchange for supervising prisoner work gang and tattling on fellow prisoners, frequently engaging in brutal actions to their fellow inmates.

Many of those doing the most evil are not necessarily bad or evil themselves, but just simply unremarkable ignorant dullards whom are simply following orders from above.

The less one has going for themselves, the better “leaders” they make for the Elite at the top.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Feb 1, 2022 1:09 PM

The ones who won the war telling us how history is; like Hannah Arendt who belonged to a group which benefitted greatly since WW2, writing history for the masses from Hollywood and academia both fields they run throughout the West and beyond.

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Jan 29, 2022 2:46 PM

You can’t make this stuff up! ONS debunks its own information:


The essence of this is that the ONS responded to an FOI request for the number of ‘covid’ deaths with no co-morbidities. Answer: 17,000.

Compare this with the official death count of 150,000+ people who died within 28 days of a positive test, which is obviously misinformation because it includes people who test positive and then die in a car crash. Which mainstream source has debunked the official death toll? None – except the Graun prefers to use the even higher number of deaths where covid is mentioned on the death certificate.

Now, let’s have another look at the ONS 17,000 number. This number, covering the back end of winter 2019/20 and the whole of winter 2020/21, is not far removed from the expected number of flu deaths – and since flu was reduced to 0 by ‘covid’, I would venture to say that these are in fact flu deaths. Can the ‘tests’ actually tell the difference between cold/flu/’covid’?

In the years before ‘covid’, when someone was dying of cancer and then caught flu which pushed them over the cliff, their death would have been attributed to cancer, not flu. It’s only because the WHO changed the way deaths were attributed that we have an official death toll of 150,000 instead of 17,000.

Conclusion: ‘covid’ is rebranded flu.

dr death
dr death
Jan 29, 2022 4:00 PM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

the test cannot distinguish between flu or covid or a boil on the arse..this is confirmed by the CDC who have withdrawn it…

conclusion….there never was a pandemic, there was however a very large conspiracy run by central banks and the miscreants that sherpa for them.. this was in part due to the expected collapse of the repo market and a scramble to hold onto ‘power’.. (amongst other things).

what we are seeing presently are rats scurrying for the life boats..

to mix my metaphors (which I enjoy immensely)..

Jan 29, 2022 8:00 PM
Reply to  dr death

And as they probably had to stop kicking the can down the road re the 2008 financial crash, no doubt the timing of the repo crash was also planned out and orchestrated…given they met at Jekyll island and gave blackrock the job of going direct before the repo market went down. These guys don’t seem to miss a beat

dr death
dr death
Jan 29, 2022 9:19 PM
Reply to  Edith

indeed ‘edith’.. Jekyll Island again (so aptly named)… this was where the not so reserved or federal ‘Federal Reserve’ was born… they most certainly love to honour themselves these imbeciles…

and cock a wink at previous scams… the little rascals..

here is the story for those who may be interested..

By G.Edward.Griffin..


Jan 30, 2022 3:19 PM
Reply to  dr death

Yes it was always suspicious that the REPO MKT was in trouble in late 2019.
How to disguise another bail out? Use a health crisis to get public funds…

Jan 29, 2022 1:59 PM

One thing we can say with absolute certainty: the better the article (i.e., the most damning of the lies), the less likely it is to enter the mainstream realm. This article will never, ever see the pages of any mainstream journal – even to be denounced. For even to denounce it is to draw attention to it; and the mainstream dare not do that.

My view always has been and always will be that the second tier – i.e., those who carry out the orders of those “in charge” – are the guiltiest and are the very ones most deserving of retribution.

Everyone says “Go after the Central Bankers!” Why? Go after those who make the bankers’ fiendish plans a reality and the problem will be solved.

dr death
dr death
Jan 29, 2022 5:16 PM
Reply to  Howard

didn’t you see the interview with alphabet man bobby zimmerman? when asked why he was embarking on a new tour, he more or less admitted that his handlers (the Devil at the crossroads?) who own him, told him to do so… (a candid and tender moment)..

at that point he was exposed as the charlatan we always knew he was…. all of these boomer ‘rock stars’, millennial tarts and nursery rhyme thugs… and their evil siblings who ‘act’ and ‘present’ are just part of the control plex that defines your reality and keeps you occupied with trivial nonsense..

presumably these useless characters have been ‘whipped’ into action by their establishment owners and benfactors to claw in their ‘fans’ for a bit of nostalgia and CIA brainwashing ..no doubt acutely aware..

that the times they are a changin’ and that ‘rock’ and ‘pop’ is dead RIP and thus by association so are they.. (thankfully)..

NB: I remember another life, some time ago, when I was somebody else, and in that life.. once, when performing, I glanced out across the audience… at all these supposedly unorthodox ‘fans’ clearly observed from my eagles nest view on the stage…. I marveled at this sea of conformity…

it was that spartan and unnerving realization that would decide my future career as a brain surgeon..

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Feb 1, 2022 1:21 PM
Reply to  dr death

Look at characters like Neil Young and Joni Mitchell how blatant it is how fake those lyrics they allegedly wrote back then were. The establishment made them to be anti establishment, if they had been born 50 years later they would be tiktok sensations by now. No one changes that much as these celebs have done, they just performed a role at some point and nothing else. It must suck to become so irrelevant though.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jan 29, 2022 1:59 PM

Update of of Big Pharma earnings

Market Capitalization as follows:

Pfizer = 2008 $119 billion = 2020 $304 billion

Moderna = 2018 $5.2 billion = 2020 $64.5 billion

Astrazeneca = 2008 $59.4 billion = 2020 $183 billion

Johnson and Johnson = 2010 $165 billion = 2020 $452 billion

Doesn’t really need much comment

Jan 29, 2022 6:47 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

It’s not about money.

Jan 30, 2022 5:31 AM
Reply to  Thinktwice

Not to those who already have it. Power is a headier aphrodisiac.

Jan 30, 2022 10:01 AM
Reply to  Michael

It’s not about power. Not to those who already have it.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jan 30, 2022 5:54 PM
Reply to  Thinktwice

Money and power – who can separate them?

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Feb 1, 2022 1:23 PM
Reply to  Thinktwice

It is about defying God. Fallen men of this world doing the bidding of the fallen angel.

Ray Andrews
Ray Andrews
Jan 29, 2022 1:43 PM

There are no approved vaccines in the USA, although has been hidden in FDA literature. On August 23, 2021 the COVID-19 vaccines were not approved by the FDA for use in the USA, they were reissued an emergency use authorization (EUA). It approved Comirnaty, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine marketed in Europe but not available in the US. “Although Comirnaty…is approved …, there is not sufficient approved vaccine available for distribution to this population in its entirety at the time of the reissuance of this EUA. Additionally there are no Covid-19 vaccines that are approved to provide COVID-19 vaccination in individuals 5 through 15 years of age.…” In addition, the FDA established as a “condition of authorization” that its “Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers” be made available to vaccine recipients. Pfizer’s Fact Sheet states: “It is your choice to receive or not receive the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. Should you decide not to receive it, it will not change your standard medical care.” Coercion to take the vaccine or lose your job is in violation of the 1st Nuremberg Code principle: The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.

My Letter to the Washington State Board of Health, which has not been refuted is here: https://gwtguide.substack.com/

Jan 29, 2022 12:49 PM

Another one of the Laurel Canyon crowd outs herself:


I always thought McGowan’s case against Mitchell was one of his weakest (her father was a military flight instructor) – but here she is. Nice rainbow imagery in the picture, ‘Blue’ happens to be the colour of the higher masonic lodge and her song ‘Both Sides Now’ is a hymn to masonic dualities.

Jan 29, 2022 3:25 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Many years ago – when both Joni Mitchell and Joan Baez were still popular – you may recall Ms Baez came out as gay. When it was reported that the two Joanies were good friends, Ms Mitchell made a point of pointing out that she was NOT gay.

Right then and there Joni was revealed as just another Great Pretender (apologies to the Platters for misusing their great song).

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 29, 2022 8:52 PM
Reply to  Howard

Joan Baez did not come out as openly gay, she had a brief affair with a woman nearly 60 years ago, how dare you come up with such crap. She is an activist of the highest and greatest order, she went to Cambodia when Nixon said they were not bombing and heard weeks of bombs, she marched with MLK for schools equality for black kids, she is a fucking icon.

Jan 29, 2022 10:29 PM

Not everyone considers being gay to be some kind of shame inducing “crap.” But I keep forgetting: this is the Alt Right, where any deviation from the straight and narrow is not tolerated. My apologies.

Jan 29, 2022 10:32 PM

Joan also dabbles in hagiographic portraiture!

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dr death
dr death
Jan 29, 2022 11:00 PM
Reply to  Ort

excellent brush work.. she makes him look so handsome and iconic..

like a cross between paul newman and menachem begin…

Jan 30, 2022 12:43 PM

Huh? I usually look out for your comments… but this one I don’t understand at all. Are you saying that if someone is gay or lesbian they therefore can’t be an activist or stand up for equality or be an icon?


Jan 30, 2022 5:13 PM

stop arguing your opinion MS and denying others theirs, people are allowed to disagree.

fuck neil young, wee gimp. et al.

someone posted earlier “art is greater than the artist” (para).

let’s all gie it a bye and rest on that.

: )

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Feb 1, 2022 1:47 PM

She campaigned against Nixon because it was cool to do so and perfectly safe.
Where is she now, camping at the doors of Pfizer protesting against mandates and medical tyranny? Oh no, she supports the New Earth Institute Pandemic Response Initiative:
And she’s of course taken her jabs:
And don’t forget your mask and vaccine pass if you want to attent her exhibitions at the Kennedy Center.
An icon of what exactly?

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Feb 1, 2022 1:37 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The pseudo rebellious children of the establishment put out there to debase the boomer generation, job done. Now they are irrelevant as all you need is tiktok to keep the young masses drooling; no more ‘change the world’ needed as it has already changed to what the makers of the old hippie guard wanted.

Technocracy Unsustainable
Technocracy Unsustainable
Jan 29, 2022 12:20 PM

It’s unsurprising the way this “forever pandemic” has played out, given that most governmental departments and services have been incrementally handed over to the Pentagon or dismantled altogether, according to Rosa Brooks’ book, How Everything Became War and the Military Became Everything. Since it appears that the US war machine has been petering out over the past decade or so, even with this latest beating of the dead “Russia Bad!” horse, Big Pharma is being propped up as the next cash cow to keep those billions in annual public money coming. Rights may be suspended, but not that heavenly flow of keyboard-created money (it’s NOT taxpayer money at the federal level. Maggie lied.) which has been used for bank bailouts, corporate subsidies and defense for 40 years while forcing the people to rely on high interest credit cards and predatory loans to make ends meet.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 29, 2022 12:13 PM

Way back at the beginning of covid, OffG made the most pertinent statement about the entire operation and its validity has not changed one bit in the Groundhog Day of the last two years: that with the relentless unceasing barrage of fear porn erupting everywhere, it is impossible to achieve any kind of reasonable discourse on the media. If anything, the multitudinous twisting, turnings, additions, convolution etc have rendered the public space even more confusing, inarticulate, hyperventilating etc. The latest groaning of self-important rock star fossils to proudly display their “progressive credentials” and show how eager they are to join in the emotional blackmail is a testament to the ongoing murk.

Jan 29, 2022 5:00 PM
Reply to  George Mc

yo geo, OT –

we had a cracking wee novexmandate march in this west coast shithole today, 300+ folk, came from dumfries, irvine, killie, glesca, fife and beyond.

might sound like a nonsense figure, but in this covidian version of sturgeonland it felt like we were burning down the evil empire!!!

state security operatives were generally fine, until we were dispersing… then their snatch squads claimed two scalps, they need something to blacken the event with in their press release.

otherwise a good day.

Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
Jan 29, 2022 11:10 AM

“Wouldn’t it be nice if the erstwhile champions of “free enterprise” actually stood up for freedom when it’s being robbed from the people who work for them? But I don’t see any criticism of Dimon from the business press, which has fallen as silent as the civil-rights crowd”.

As the author wisely observes later in the fine article, the powers that be have indulged themselves in wholesale redefinition of language. This is a case in point: “free enterprise” actually means the freedom of big business to increase its profits by any and all means. It has nothing whatsoever to do with individual liiberty or rights, to which it is antithetical.

Jan 29, 2022 10:32 AM

This is just nonsense at this point, and the article also disproves itself by (inevitably) going into the details and the specifics of the lies again and again.
There is no “legal” way, and the political and philosophical arguments are secondary and indirect. The only way that has a chance, is to expose the truth. You need to sink the narrative once and for all, and it is not about details, but about huge lies, “scientism” and deception.
There is no “sars-cov-2 virus”, no “test”, no “new” illness, no “pathogenic infectious viruses”, no “covid vaccines”, and no “good” vaccines.
Put in the time and the effort, do your research, question, and look for the truth. It is the only way.


Jan 29, 2022 2:01 PM
Reply to  Dash


Jan 29, 2022 3:30 PM
Reply to  Dash

Sadly, the “Truth” seldom succeeds in vanquishing the Lies. Disprove the “germ theory” and its proponents will simply re-write their narrative to say “We don’t know for sure what has caused this pandemic – but we’re looking into it and we’ll find the culprit.”

And the majority of people will nod in agreement and thank them for their concern.

Jan 29, 2022 10:34 PM
Reply to  Howard

Watch the 1/28 Jerusalem Report on CHD TV. Ilana does a great interview with Ricardo Martin: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/shows/the-jerusalem-report. He talks about how the vaxxes are mostly bits of graphene with almost no RNA or spikes or anything. The way to bring this thing to an end is to show people that they have a bluetooth code in them that can be seen on a Bluetooth scanner cellphone app (27 minutes into the interview). Or the magnetism phenomenon where a knife will stick to their injected arm. It has to be personal and graphic. Or if the person is a scientist with a microscope, have them look at the vial contents for themselves. I’ve spouted facts at people for 2 years and they are unmovable. They have to be creeped out!

Jan 29, 2022 10:21 AM

“our ruling classes, in one country after another, have effectively switched off their nations’ constitutions and the whole set of civil liberties that are supposed to accompany them – not by formally abolishing them, mind you, but by adopting the extra-legal mechanisms of a “state of emergency” in place of normal constitutional procedures,”

This had its roots in continuity of government protocols set up to maintain rule in the event of a nuclear war. There was then the inevitable “mission creep” ignored by the corporate-state media. The initial move was under Reagan and most of the creep occurred under Clinton showing once again the fake two-party system (like Quigley said).

“outgoing Mayor Bill DeBlasio”

From his Wikipedia page:
“Bill de Blasio was born Warren Wilhelm Jr…. His paternal uncle, Donald George Wilhelm Jr., worked for the Central Intelligence Agency in Iran and ghostwrote the memoir of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last shah of Iran.[13]His mother, Maria de Blasio, attended Smith College, served in the Office of War Information during World War II and authored The Other Italy: The Italian Resistance in World War II (1988).[14][15] His father, a Yale University graduate, worked as a contributing editor at Time magazine and also served in World War II. In 1942, he enlisted in the U.S. Army and was sent to the Pacific War. During the 82-day Battle of Okinawa, a grenade detonated below his left foot, and his leg was later amputated below the knee. After receiving a Purple Heart, he married Maria in 1945, and became a budget analyst for the federal government. During the 1950s, at the height of the Red Scare, both Maria and Warren were accused of having a “sympathetic interest in Communism“. Soon afterward, the family moved to Connecticut, where Warren became Texaco’s chief international economist”.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 29, 2022 10:18 AM

Another one bites the dust:


Out they all come. Joni, Neil, Nick, Mick …. all those old rebels and proud individualists signing up for the Good Fight and the latest script. How excruciating for them to be assaulted with the freezing shower that wakes them up to the fact their pampered arses are ensconced in fragile bubbles. And makes clear that anyone who wants their music can access it from innumerable sources anyway. And meanwhile there is something going on that’s actually more important than “Big Yellow Taxi”.

Jan 29, 2022 11:08 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Song amendments 101:
Big Yellow ‘Vaccine’
Keep On’ Vaxxing ‘ In The Free World
I Can’t Get No ‘Safe Vaccine’

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 29, 2022 12:06 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Oh for fuck’s sake give it a rest, they all grew up in the polio era, we were fucking terrified for our whole childhoods over this, there was no way to treat it or any vaccines. Have some frigging thought – Young had polio, all his old friends listed there are well aware of that.

Jesus wept, free speech is for everyone, not just the people you agree with

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 29, 2022 2:08 PM

Tell that to Neil Young.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 29, 2022 2:35 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Well the fucking morons supporting Spotify don’t seem to get that the owners of the platform are two very establishment billionaires making money off other people’s music, and they are Swedish establishment who have helped torture Julian Assange for years. Rogan is a big mouth former comedian who is pretty frigging ignorant MMR loud mouthed, bigoted and racist.

Jan 30, 2022 3:15 PM

compelling argument Marilyn.. absolutely compelling!

wow just wow

Jan 30, 2022 3:17 PM

your insults Marilyn make for a compelling argument

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Feb 1, 2022 1:55 PM

You’ve bought all the establishment lines except for covid, is that a glitch in the software?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 29, 2022 3:54 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I hope he’ll remember, an unvaccinated man don’t need him around, anyhow.

Jan 30, 2022 5:14 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

+1 ; )

dr death
dr death
Jan 29, 2022 3:21 PM

indeed… and all that acid sunshine, quaaludes, flying mandy’s and weed too…. all washed down with miscreant ‘Salk’s’ monkey cancer injection, fourteen lines of coke and a double helping of ‘classic rock’ and not too ‘free love’…

it ruined the minds of a generation…. very sad, very sad indeed… you can see the results running most western demockracy’s and their masked, injected denizens..

Jan 29, 2022 4:23 PM

But it’s not Polio , or anything nearly so serious , is it ? Grown ups , including Neil Young, have known this from day one.
Insulated from the real world Young Mitchell et al couldn’t give two fucks about the ruination of countless millions of working peoples lives or the brutal starvation brought on by collapsing third world economies.

This is a pathetic little tantrum aimed directly at Joe Rogan who they regard as team Trump.

Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
Jan 29, 2022 7:18 PM

Speak for yourself, Marilyn. I grew up in the “polio era” and I never gave it a thought – although my parents once did arrange to remove me from the city and spend a few weeks in the hillls of Northern Argentina.

Approximately 95% of persons infected with polio will have no symptoms. About 4-8% of infected persons have minor symptoms, such as fever, fatigue, nausea, headache, flu-like symptoms, stiffness in the neck and back, and pain in the limbs, which often resolve completely. Fewer than 1% of polio cases result in permanent paralysis of the limbs (usually the legs). Of those paralyzed, 5-10% [of that 1%] die when the paralysis strikes the respiratory muscles”.
– US CDC, 2013

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 29, 2022 8:55 PM
Reply to  Tom Welsh

Then as now the polio thing was the big reds under the beds hysteria in Australia, we were ranted about it constantly. But this ridiculous rewriting of history for some of the best artists and activists on the planet makes me sick.

Jan 30, 2022 3:52 AM

No one gets to the top of the artistic or activist hierarchy unless they are extremely ambitious (the ugliest word in our language), ruthless and vain.
The only humble artist I’ve seen performing (and I’ve seen NY a couple of times) was Leonard Cohen. His humility on stage was palpable.
Young lost touch with reality a long time ago.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Jan 30, 2022 8:22 PM

You…have…looked into the facts of the polio con right Marilyn?

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 29, 2022 11:38 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Naturally the media are giving the Joni story maximum publicity. And it seems James Blunt is the latest to “threaten” Spotify. Note how the names are becoming gradually less impressive.

Jan 29, 2022 2:39 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Thankfully no, in his usual self-deprecating manner, Blunt was threatening to release more music on Spotify unless they remove Rogan.

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So he’s poking fun at himself, but more so at those washed up ‘rebels’. Good on him.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 29, 2022 2:52 PM
Reply to  Grodley

I realised that too late. Very heartening to see someone up there who not only doesn’t join in the Holy Covid Pilgrimage, but who also still has a sense of humour.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 29, 2022 3:00 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Maybe James Blunt illustrates a moral: The bigger you are, the more humourless, the more boring, the more “bought”.

Jan 29, 2022 3:05 PM
Reply to  George Mc


Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 29, 2022 8:55 PM
Reply to  Grodley

So who on earth needs more James Blunt dirges

Jan 30, 2022 1:40 AM

That’s his point. He’s always acknowledged that a lot of people don’t like his music and he’s done it with a bit of humour. He’s suggesting here that he’ll punish people with more of his music unless Spotify agree to his demands (not really his demands, the stupid demands of the washed up old stars). He’s a bit of a wag.

Jan 30, 2022 10:38 PM
Reply to  Grodley

Neil Young on the other hand, he’s just not very nice.
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George Mc
George Mc
Jan 29, 2022 11:56 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Gang of Four man Andy Gill’s widow now ventures into the fray to complain that her husband would still be alive had he access to the vax.

Yes – the entire constellation of groovy Left on-the-edge rad musicians is coming out in favour of The Mighty Progressive Scientific Vax Mandate Sphincter Expansion and against the Trump Loving Far Right Bible Bashing Nazis!

But what these beligerently gullible sanctimonious Rockers are embarked on is the final sad revelation of their absolute irrelevance in the Age of the Covid Con.

Jan 29, 2022 2:06 PM
Reply to  George Mc

typical! i am also disapointed in many writers that i like/who in the past wrote about corruption/dystopian fiction and now seem to believe/push this.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jan 29, 2022 3:57 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“Counter Culture” in the sixties: “Down with the establishment! Fuck the Man!”

“Counter Culture” in the 2020’s: ” Support the establishment,! Suck the Man!”

Satan is calling in his debts.

Jan 30, 2022 7:00 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Neil is living up to his name

Jan 29, 2022 10:07 AM

The covaid$ caper is as amerikan as apple pie (rotten to the core) and the ongoing battle for the soul of humanity will be fought or lost in that evil dystopia. (Eventually it will come down to who has the guns and who is prepared to challenge the monopoly of corrupt state violence as USSA collapses and Slumville tears itself apart). Will Urupp aka Pentacon occupied Germanistan, center of the evil EUSSR and keystone of Natostan, get suckered for a third time into a hot global war with Mr. Bear and his best friend the Dragon to prolong the USSAN nightmare that has preyed on humanity for too long? There are too many irons in the fire and the demented geriatric white man’s club of psychopaths such as Kill Bill gates of hell, Klaws Slob, Gyorgi Soros, Bezos, Rothschild and the gaggle of anglozionazis are on their last legs like the cadaver in chief “leader of the free world”, Creepy Joe Biden, unable to fine tune the nightmare that they have willfully unleashed on humanity. There is no controlled chaos outcome as such, anymore than their ape like smash and grab mRNA tinkering attack on the human genome will produce the ideal meat puppet slaves they dream of with controlled life-span and functions blended in a bottle a la Huxley, all in a world “watched over by machines of love and grace”. This insanity is about to get much worse when the real stench erupts from the pilfered pension and insurance plans, the unemployment, suicide and supply chain destruction that the covaid$ caper was unleashed to smokescreen and the sickening squirted herd begins to thin out as per plan.

The great r€$et my ass. The entire scam is falling apart as quick as you can say Pfizer macht frei and nothing on this Earth is going to save their mountains of fiat filth IOU Saudi Mercan petroscrip toilet paper dollahs and gimp bastard €urodollah, indeed the entire chosenite plantation scrip gimmick that has brought us to this ignominious end. The Wall St shitter is about to blow the Ponzi sewer to hell and all the fake covaids and DARPA mRNA death pricks won’t put Humpty Dumpty together again when the tsunami of toxic derivative crap washes over Slumville and the rest of the anglozionazi empire of shit. How long more will the vertical pigs and uniformed mutts slurping their swill for now at the elitist trough along with rancid politcal swine and craven presstitutes defending the slaughter, before the herd finally freaks and the ensuing stampede of infuriated and betrayed mutton destroys everything and everyone in its path? I think we are about to witness the main act of this horror show in the very near future when a never isolated “virus” will prove to be the least of our worries and the last weapon that the monsters can with impunity use against us. Meanwhile if you haven’t already done so kill your damn Tee Vee and smash that “smart” phone viper nesting in your pocket to bits.

NO “smart” phone, NO tracking device, NO Qr code, NO virus.

Jan 29, 2022 3:44 PM
Reply to  Martillo

A fantastic comment. Just one detail: smashing Tee Vee and “smart” phone won’t help. It’s already too late. The telecoms will soon have their “5G” up and running, with “6G” waiting in the wings. And virtually anything bought within the past couple years already has “smart” (i.e., spying) technology built in.

As former CEO Chairman of the FCC Tom Wheeler so eloquently said a few years back: even the pot you use to water your plants will be “smart.”

Jan 29, 2022 9:58 AM

Qanon Anonymous A support group for conspiracy theorists finds one fictional belief so bonkers even they can’t get behind it


Jan 29, 2022 10:12 AM
Reply to  SO-SO

Feeble “satire” for the woke who think they’re clever to laugh at conspiracy theorists and extra-clever because they can see through neoliberal economics.

The big lie is right at the start – whatever QAnon was, it wasn’t run by some teenager in a basement. QAnon got traction because Trump himself promoted it – could a teenager do that? It gained credibility because rich and powerful people did things that fitted in with it – could a teenager arrange that? It’s the same problem with “the Mafia killed JFK” and “Islamists did 9/11” – they couldn’t arrange the cover-ups and the stand-downs.

The architects of QAnon are much higher up, in some three-letter agency or think-tank.

Jan 29, 2022 3:41 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Your giving very high credibility to Q and literally what i would hear from the Q believers.

Quick history lesson Q was a rework from the white red dragon hood blog from the 2005/8 period of the good Illuminati verses bad Illuminati never ending saga and like Q nothing ever came to fruition.

Jan 29, 2022 4:18 PM
Reply to  Edwige

conspiracy realists!

Jan 29, 2022 9:49 AM

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Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 29, 2022 9:43 AM

Great article. Thanks.

Serious question:

I read many blogs and newspapers with comment sections.

They ALL have a significant number of covidians putting forward their points.

Admittedly, a lot will be shills but there they are.

On here they are as rare as hen’s teeth.

As the mods. are keen to point out, there is no censorship here and I believe them.

Just curious

Jan 29, 2022 3:49 PM

The hardcore COVID cultists, probably even the softcore cultists, wouldn’t be caught dead reading any media site which tears the official narrative apart. So they’re simply not here to comment from their perspective.

Jan 29, 2022 7:47 PM
Reply to  Howard

Yup. Only wingers question the narrative, good liberals NEVER question their masters. That divide was set up a long damned time ago and now it’s coming to fruition. Get the libtards to denounce freedom AND civil rights as dirty right wing words while they demand medical experimentation not only for those dirty wingers, but their own damned kids. Yay, SJWs to the rescue! And when their very own “side” comes out of hiding and stamps on them with the totalitarian boot, that will be the fault of the wingers, doncha know. Never you mind that there’s no logic in that thought, of course, it no longer matters to our privileged liberal friends, IF it ever really did.

Jan 29, 2022 10:43 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Watch who or what you’re slandering Lizzy. I’m what used to be called a progressive liberal Democrat, somewhere to the Left of Bernie Sanders. But my party has left me in the dust. What used to be liberal is anything but. My hope is that the term will mean what I always hoped it would mean sometime in the future, nothing to do with totalitarianism as is now the case.

Jan 30, 2022 3:22 PM
Reply to  Martha

Well put Martha, speaking as one of those marooned Liberals myself.

Jan 29, 2022 9:35 AM

I gave her the benefit of the doubt.
But there’s no doubt now.
Her mind has shut like a vault.
A vault with a glass door is still a fucking vault Caitlin Johnstone.

Jan 29, 2022 9:12 AM

Great article. And totally agree this is a fight for the human soul. New tactics are needed that appeals to and fights for our humanity. Recently in order to save my sanity from the constant doom scrolling I decided to act rather than just constantly read how sh*t everything is and occasionally post stuff. Lots of people have been acting partly that’s why the U.K. has stopped (for now) some of the covid measures. There appears to be a real movement there and developing community, it’s been heartwarming watching it grow from a distance. My little gesture is small in comparison I live in a small place and suggested to a local WhatsApp group opposing covid measures we should meet up face to face and do stuff in the real world, loosely based on stand in the park. Lots of people seem happy to just sit on the sofa doom scrolling all day but this has to stop we need to move beyond our screens.

Anyway we did meet up and it was wonderful 9 of us strangers including a small child and we had a group hug at the end and the child had the biggest smile and it felt wonderful and we agreed to meet each week for an hour and plot activities ideas have ranged from handing out covid vaccine information leaflets to doing workshops on the power of the hug. We are just starting but one thing we more or less agreed was this was as much as anything a support group for us and supporting each other and celebrating our humanity and creativity – things they are trying to take away from us.

May Hem
May Hem
Jan 29, 2022 11:35 AM
Reply to  Sofia

Great Sofia. Am doing the same here in my small town with local people. Its exciting and positive.

Jan 29, 2022 11:40 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Good to hear May Hem it’s the way forward!

Jan 29, 2022 3:45 PM
Reply to  Sofia

I’m trying to set up such a WhatsApp group where I am. Unfortunately people are pretty much zombified here, and I have actually exited several groups because I KNOW Covid to be hoax but I guess it’s too offensive for the sheeple where I am.

Jan 29, 2022 6:24 PM
Reply to  Tom

Keep trying you will find your people more and more people are realising it’s a hoax.

Jan 30, 2022 3:32 PM
Reply to  Tom

While I think Rona to be a hoax to Tom it might be better to start the deprogramming with something a bit moar subtle. The shock and awe approach does not work well for most who have been subsumed by the Branch Covidian Cult.

Better to start with a smile than call them they’re stupid.

Jan 29, 2022 3:56 PM
Reply to  Sofia

It’s nice no doubt to do something physically. But it’s not nice to watch the power of Ideas being denigrated. In that regard, you certainly don’t stand alone. There are many commenting here who rake Ideas over the coal.

“It’s time for Action!” they insist. “Stop talking and start doing!” And so forth.

But here’s an Idea to ponder: talking IS doing.

Jan 29, 2022 6:22 PM
Reply to  Howard

I agree that talking and ideas are important too but action is also crucially important you have to have both! Theory and practice.

Jan 29, 2022 6:25 PM
Reply to  Sofia

Look at the Canadian truckers that will certainly spark more debate and inspire others to stand up against tyranny.

Jan 29, 2022 10:35 PM
Reply to  Sofia

Yes, theory and practice. Bear in mind that this entire pandemic horror show was created with whole cloth from an Idea – the nonsensical idea that a virus escaped from a food market in Wuhan, China. That’s all it took.

Now we have to come up with an Idea capable of dashing the COVID Idea to pieces in one fell swoop. Admittedly no one has yet.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 29, 2022 9:04 AM

In our work a number of people àre self isolating because they tested positive. Some had had boosters, some not. The booster clearly made no difference. And yet the ones un-boostered are still considered “the ones responsible”.

Meanwhile Sky News gives us:

“COVID-19: Which occupations have England’s lowest coronavirus vaccination rates?”

That headline is the closest thing I’ve seen yet to meaninglessness. It may as well be hieroglyphics. Indeed, the covid con has negated language and left us squealing like the apes before the monolith in Kubrick’s 2001.

Jan 29, 2022 7:57 PM
Reply to  George Mc

We recently had “the covid” at work. The vaccinated got it, and this unvaxed unclean conspiracy theorist didn’t get it – I even “tested” negative twice, imagine that. I had one of them tell me I was lucky not to have gotten it, and I quickly replied luck had nothing to do with it. She laughed of course, but she keeps giving me openings to say shit and I do. She told me her friend who “got” covid probably would have died without the shot, and I point blank said you do not know that. She had to agree, but we know that agreement is just to shut down discussion. I no longer care. I simply cannot pretend anymore. But they still can and they do. So many little heartfelt conversations about contagion and death and the dreaded “asymptomatic spread” from the concern trolls, although they don’t directly say much to me anymore as they know I’ll argue right back. Sometimes it really is fun to watch them squirm, but most of the time I’m so angry at their stupidity it isn’t really fun anymore, just frustrating and exhausting.

Jan 30, 2022 5:22 PM
Reply to  George Mc


Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 29, 2022 9:00 AM

Because we could not stop for death | The ShotThis is the deranged crap we have to put up with from the mindless catastrophists in Australia, morons who don’t get that covid is a fake, people are not dying and for god’s sake people close to 90 who break their hips usually drop dead soon after from a shot off blood clot

Ilya G Poimandres
Ilya G Poimandres
Jan 29, 2022 8:49 AM

Nice article, but this process started with the 2016 coup against Trump. Blah-blah on him, but the worldwide cabal understood there and then they could do whatever they wanted to their people, and enough of the population would turn kapo on their neighbour for televised lies.

Jan 29, 2022 8:02 AM

Ordered liberty?! Yawn.
If only the system could work! Double yawn.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Jan 29, 2022 7:58 AM

aangrifan blog has been removed
anyone now new link ?

Mike Oxlong
Mike Oxlong
Jan 29, 2022 9:36 AM
Reply to  Brian Sides

algorablog is also MIA. Anyone?

Jan 29, 2022 10:09 AM
Reply to  Brian Sides

angirfan Removed.
Update January 28th, 2022.
I tried to visit Aangirfan tonight and found that the site has been removed.
Several weeks ago the old site that they were locked out of in 2014 was also removed, thankfully someone retrieved a copy of that site.
I assume that there will be a new Aangirfan site soon or that aanirfan.com will be restored as happened on the previous occasion.
I am not able to find any new site at this time but Aangirfan are on Gab and I assume that the address for the new site and any other information will be posted there.


Jan 29, 2022 7:27 AM

I wonder how experts can live with themselves.

I also wonder what to do with them once this is all over. Best case scenario (for experts) is to call them useless. Worst case scenario (for experts) is to call them criminals.

I really have trouble to explain to myself what medical experts were thinking once this started and when they killed people with flu, pulmonary embolism, COPD on ventilators and forgot everything about medicine that they had learned till Covid started. They probably didn’t think at all.

But after 2 years they should know better. That they apparently don’t, makes them useless and/or criminals

Jan 29, 2022 4:46 PM
Reply to  Willem

I would only be concerned with their mental acuity if doctors forgot to get paid.

Jan 29, 2022 6:08 PM
Reply to  Willem

“Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing.”

  • Voltaire
Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jan 29, 2022 5:26 AM

Article is pretty good, but takes too long to say what it does. And still manages to not address the most important stuff, such as actual proof that “Covid” is a unique disease, with a single cause, an alleged novel coronavirus. How can you deal with “scariants” when you don’t even raise questions about “the original”?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jan 29, 2022 5:37 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

RE: And still manages to not address the most important stuff, such as actual proof that “Covid” is a unique disease, with a single cause…

Because that is not important. It was never about a “disease.”

If you missed it:

“The real nature of the campaign is at once simpler and far more dangerous…

To put it bluntly: our ruling classes, in one country after another, have effectively switched off their nations’ constitutions and the whole set of civil liberties that are supposed to accompany them – not by formally abolishing them, mind you, but by adopting the extra-legal mechanisms of a “state of emergency” in place of normal constitutional procedures, with the result that the ordinary rules of democracy and the rights of individuals have, for most practical purposes, been indefinitely suspended.”

Covid-19 is a cover story.

Jan 29, 2022 7:15 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Yep and anyone who doesn’t get that just goes around and around the mulberry bush trying to make sense of the nonsensical….doesn’t matter how many times one hashing amd rehashes the nonsense it doesn’t solve anything..,but people persist in doing that…

time to get the real fact …understand if there is anything that can be done about the money and power shit and get on with life..,

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jan 29, 2022 7:58 AM
Reply to  Edith

You’re not gonna get the real fact if you persist in furthering the lie.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jan 29, 2022 8:01 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

That’s what people tried to do re 9/11, ignore exposing what really happened and focus on the shredding of civil liberties. Didn’t work too well, did it?!! “The price you have to pay to get out of going through all these things twice”

Jan 29, 2022 9:25 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Well said – once anyone accepted there were mass casualty terrorists out there the argument was lost. Principled libertarians (like Corbett) can argue that there shouldn’t be restrictions anyway but it’s a doomed exercise.

Most people will give up a few liberties to avoid a horrendous death. One can debate if that should be the case – but the fact is that it’s so. “Mass casualty terrorism” was a fake construct and so is the “novel coronavirus” (possibly all viruses).

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Jan 29, 2022 10:36 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Two big questions very few people attempt:
1) Why?
2) Is it possible, that if one knew what TPTB know, that one would understand what they do to be philanthropically necessary?

Bob the bum
Bob the bum
Jan 30, 2022 4:28 AM

Mass euthanasia?

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Jan 30, 2022 8:17 AM
Reply to  Bob the bum

No, not mass euthanasia. Population reduction is not the objective – even if the population reduces due to deliberate geriatric neglect/iatrogenic malpractice, adverse side effects, civil unrest, war, starvation, hypothermia, or ‘kill-switch’ (graphene oxide’s resonant frequency).

Jan 29, 2022 12:00 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl


les online
les online
Jan 29, 2022 5:02 AM

Confusion was being created around ‘covid’ even before the ‘covid’ pandemic was officially declared… Creating confusion is central to dis-information as a tactic. In Australia, however, the confusion was accidental, though it still served a purpose…
During the first few months of 2020 Australia’s PM did much to confuse… He is of the type that wants all the attentions, and feeling of being Important, that is given to high office, but not the responsibility that comes with the job… He was ‘in denial’ refused to accept a Crisis was upon us…
Not long after a ‘pandemic’ was officially declared , in Australia a national paper, a NSW morning paper, and a Saturday paper bemoaned the confusing ‘messages’ being broadcast about ‘covid’ They all pulled their punches, refrained from naming names, stressed the need for ‘leadership’…

The confusion being sown called to mind the Not Bored piece “To Dumbfound”…
And when facts too obviously point toward a few conclusions, to a simple truth, they are processed so well by the … mill of confusion that the least hint of proof is immediately contradicted, watered down, completed and deformed by 10, 100 or 1000 other bits of information – the sum of all these never managing to form something like a coherent explanation, even when one still has the courage to give one, but instead crudely establishing the impossibility of ever reaching the truth when one must rely on facts and deeds whose memory tends to dissolve into the ambient cacophony.”

I think Not Bored had in mind the research mills, research factories which daily churn out scientific papers of every imaginable aspect of ‘covid’, to be fed into the ‘covid’ narrative to keep it bouncing along…

Not secure:

les online
les online
Jan 29, 2022 5:21 AM
Reply to  les online
Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 29, 2022 6:43 AM
Reply to  les online

Actually the NINE papers published the excrement from Neil
Ferguson as if it was fact and are still trying to live up to the up to 15 million affected and 150,000 dead.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jan 29, 2022 3:44 AM

Took me until last year to realize what a ‘strawman’ is, cos I’m not that bright. Know what it is now.

Jan 29, 2022 10:20 AM

Same 😬

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jan 29, 2022 3:18 AM

What people must not let their guards down about is how those imposing this nonsense are now scheming to remain in power.

There can be no negotiations whatsoever about such people ever holding responsibility of any kind, ever again, anywhere on earth.

They must be punished, disenfranchised and have all their money removed. All of it. They must work as slaves in prisons until they drop down dead.

They are not political opponents they are would be supremacists trying to recreate the conditions of slavery for the 99%, irrespective of skin colour, religion, gender or intelligence.

It would of course be much cheaper to simply exterminate them.

All the things they would have imposed upon the majority must be imposed on them, the minority of less than 1%.

All the wastrels who followed them like nazi appeasers must lose status and privilege and can work for the minimum wage for 25 years or until they retire, whichever is the longer.

Forgiveness does not work with criminals like this.

Punishment is the only way….

Jan 29, 2022 9:11 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

I would imagine they are quaking in their boots?

Sadly i feel that many nations will slip into the quiet abyss that now pervades the uk..
Normalising will take on a whole new meaning, we have been witness to a global childrens` party, We the attendees have been whipped into near hysteria, by the clowns, the sweeties, cakes and jellies…
Now Diddums, now its time to be taken home for a long nap..
And Tomorrow, when you wake will be a whole new day and that nightmare you envisaged… the one with the masks and syringes..
It will be true. But worse, no one will ever question it..

A brief stroll around any uk town will show you exactly where it is at:

!4 yr old kids on their BMX bikes, mooching and mithering, cheap chinese medical mask now firmly affixed to muzzle, hoodie up, trakies blazing..

We watched it happen and now have to face to reality of generational succession, how mighty our swords have been? what chisseld whit we did utter?

It does not change the fact that it happened on our watch and we did little if anything, in truth what could we do??

Moving on rapidly from this sombre dirge, our hope lies in the chaos they feel they own, the very foundations of the cess pit they tried to climb out of are crumbling as their hands find no purchase on the rim..
The Shit beckons and the hands grasp, the deep claims what it owns..In that much we really are all as one.

We need to recognise that the very structure we wish to defend is rotten at its core and those who misguidedly tried in such a deeply sympathetic manner to compassionately extinctualise us (is that even a word??) are as niaive as the rest of us.

We all failed because we were incapable of seeing outside the box, our own impermeable constructs proved our own walls beyond which we could not see.

The fun bit awaits, how will you survive the end of all nations?

Jan 29, 2022 10:42 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

There is a lot to be said for a lynching.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jan 29, 2022 3:06 AM

Good article. I agree we need new strategies.

A note to Off-G: After 20 months, this is the first time I can remember an article you published mentioning Giorgio Agamben, who nailed the analysis of the Covid Coup as early as February 2020.

les online
les online
Jan 30, 2022 1:36 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Agamben article “Biosecurity and Politics” can be found (dated 18 May 2020):
Not secure:

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jan 30, 2022 11:48 PM
Reply to  les online

I have read that, it is excellent of course. Not really sure why you’re posting this as it is not from Off-G. If you’re challenging my dates, then there’s this which Agamben published on February 26, 2020:


Jan 29, 2022 2:34 AM

There is no such thing as “Covid 19″- it is all lies- all of it.

It’s imperative that people stop ceding ground to these fascists by reifying the Big Lie that “Sars-Cov-2” even exists, that it causes a disease called “Covid-19”, and that it is responsible for a global pandemic.

If you view this whole ‘pandemic’ situation through the lens of health, safety, science and saving lives, then most of it makes little sense.

If you view it through the lens of money, power, control, and wealth transfer, then all of it makes perfect sense.
Covid is not an epidemiological story. Covid is a crime story.

Covid is the biggest scam of the century. A modern day slavery system through mass deception and via total control over your own money. You will be permitted to exist and participate in the society only if you comply. These lunatics need to be stopped by any means necessary.

Anyone out there who thinks medicine, science, public health, politics, human rights, wealth, power and corporate control over all facets of our lives are NOT now insidiously intertwined, is not seeing reality. At this point not one single thing that governments have been mandating has anything to do with individual or public health – masks, lockdowns, vaccines, isolation, passports etc.- none of it.

Anyone defending COVID-19 “vaccines” has based their entire argument on trusting psychopaths.

Vaccines are the gateway to vaccine passports.

Vaccine Passports are the Trojan horse for SDG Digital Identity. The vaccine passport is the means, the ends are the complete control of your labor and life.

The vaccine passport is the gateway to a social credit system.

They have been thinking for 30 years about how to bypass people’s resistance to their capital being controlled by a government-oligarchy partnership and people are falling straight into the trap.

The “vaccine passport” is the conduit – a vehicle for transforming the monetary system to a digital one and linking that to a “social credit system.”

The “social credit system” is the method with which to control behaviors and manage human capital.

Jan 29, 2022 3:01 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

‘Covid’ isn’t merely the biggest scam ‘of the century’, it’s the biggest scam of all time!!!!!

Jan 29, 2022 3:39 AM
Reply to  ChristineJ58

No, Science is the biggest scam of all time. To utterly defeat “The Science” the psychopaths tout, we must first call out Science itself for the nonsense it always was.

The moment Mathematics – the very foundation of Science – became the basis of existence, it became a case of playing it “deuces wild,” “anything goes,” “free for all.”

To end the madness we must first deny its source.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Jan 29, 2022 7:03 AM
Reply to  Howard

-1 ffs, i give you +10, what happened to being able to see who is voting OG?

Jan 29, 2022 10:51 AM
Reply to  dom irritant


Jan 29, 2022 7:55 PM
Reply to  Howard

Science is maybe two things.
It’s about the attempt to understand nature for it’s own sake and also to try and harness the knowledge gained to benefit mankind.
If science is misused or lies are claimed to be true in the name of science then that is not the fault of “science” per se. N’est pas?

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jan 29, 2022 4:07 AM
Reply to  ChristineJ58

Maybe, WW1 + 2, Holo, 911, not forgetting the greatest, fake space, earth as a globe, moon-landings !

Jan 29, 2022 10:50 AM
Reply to  ChristineJ58

So true, it has beaten religion into a cocked hat. What has proved all this is the total silence from any so called religious leader over the past 2 years apart from the morose idiot of Canterbury allowing cathedrals, for gods sake, being opened as death jab centres. WTF?? Must be gods will, thanks mate but I will leave it.

Jan 30, 2022 6:27 AM
Reply to  semaj

Karma (or if you like, ‘God’s Law, our ‘will’)

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jan 29, 2022 4:27 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Denis Rancourt agrees with you. Unlike every other country on the planet, there were no excess death in all-cause mortality (prior to the jabs) except in one country, and in that country only in certain places – the US.* Rancourt says that there was an unacknowledged epidemic of bacterial pneumonia deaths (likely exacerbated by lockdowns and masks). These people were labeled Covid deaths. He also noted that authorities prohibited the use of antibiotics. I wonder if this is where Ivermectin and HCQ come in? He says that health authorities were essentially creating the conditions of the Spanish Flu (which wasn’t the flu either).

*(Besides the outright murders in care homes.)

les online
les online
Jan 29, 2022 5:13 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

+ 100
Though i still think They intend to delete me, a useless eater…

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jan 29, 2022 5:24 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Just like “AIDS” and HIV, 30-40 years ago. What you discuss is left out of the article, which makes it pretty incomplete. Thanks for bringing it up.

Jan 29, 2022 12:40 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

people’s resistance to their capital being controlled
This about far more than your capital. They want total dominance. They have enough capital on their own, and intend to own everything, making capital itself moot.

susan mullen
susan mullen
Jan 29, 2022 1:54 AM

Thank-you so much for this wonderful article which covers every important point. Since we’re about to enter year #3, I can use all the ammunition I can get. I live in NY State with Gov. Hochul. Today she extended for the second time her “temporary” illegal “mandate” for indoor masks to Feb. 10. The fact that anyone knows it’s illegal is thanks only to some NY State parents whose time and effort yielded the court ruling on 1/22/22–which was immediately stayed. The court pointed out that NY legislature ended the governor’s ability to issue such mandates in March 2021. The one person that doesn’t get the credit he deserves for overthrowing the US in March 2020 is Donald Trump.

Jan 29, 2022 1:36 AM

The premeditated scheming in all this gives the impression that we are being manipulated by extremely clever miscreants.
But that is not what is happening.
The devil himself – a very shrewd entity, of course, is using the empty shells of human beings – the most dull-witted of our species, to fulfill a personal agenda.

That agenda has been the same for thousands of years, so nobody can claim ignorance of his intentions by now.
The aim is the enslavement of mankind – and not just enslavement for its own sake, but enslavement exclusively to him and his loveless enablers.

The Scriptures mention it often enough, and it appears in both the Old and the New Testaments.
The Resister is resisting all that is Good, but not because of some hierarchical squabble in the ancient past.
He is resisting the Good because he has no idea what it is.
It’s as if he had a practically superstitious fear of it, because, for him, it is the unknown.

I’ll quote the Bible here, which is something I don’t usually do, but this item seems to hit the nail on the head:

“And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”

Our enemies are not clever people; they are ignorant people.
They resist knowledge, because acquiring it takes work, and the results of that work make them feel uncomfortable.
So they imagine that acquiring wealth and power will fix that little problem.
Just imagine… the most awful thing in the world for our current tormentors is ‘feeling uncomfortable’…
So guess who is going to come along and make their discomfort a thing of the past…
Yep. “You Know Who”…

What we are currently up against is infantilism.

Peter Allen
Peter Allen
Jan 29, 2022 6:13 PM
Reply to  wardropper

This reminds me of an excellent article over on UK Column about literacy. Part one here: https://www.ukcolumn.org/literacy-part-1-why-we-taught-ourselves-to-read

Jan 30, 2022 1:50 AM
Reply to  Peter Allen

Absolutely fascinating. There’s a lot of wisdom in that discussion.
Thank you.

Jan 29, 2022 1:13 AM

‘How to think’
The ‘how’ of thinking requires some erudition, eclecticism, honesty and humility.
The MSM is the antithesis of that because they are driven by profit, corporate and political agendas.
We’re on our own.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jan 29, 2022 1:19 AM
Reply to  Johnny

You think so ?

Jan 29, 2022 1:41 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Thank you for your excellent nutshell version of what I was trying to say.
I didn’t see your comment until I’d finished mine… 🙂

Jan 29, 2022 7:33 AM
Reply to  Johnny

we’re on our own – but the thinkers inevitably come out on top of the witless mouth breathers in the end ..

Jan 29, 2022 4:35 PM
Reply to  siamdave

Are you sure?
It looks to me as if the thinkers are increasingly outnumbered…
Which is what you’d expect, given what the politically-‘correct’ have done to our educational curricula.
We are now actually training our young people not to think.

It was enough of a battle for our teachers in the ‘old days’, to inculcate a feeling for the value of critical thinking, but now many of them have no idea themselves what that is, and so a crucial part of what makes life on earth worthwhile is simply missing in our modern children.

Thank heaven some have parents with a natural instinct for what is safe, good, worthwhile and healthy, but I fear most do not – and it’s getting worse because the worst of trivial endeavour is forced into our minds 24/7 by the demonic media.

Just tell me how thinking in general can survive such an onslaught.
It takes great inner strength, and how many of us have that today…?

We are, indeed, on our own. We are not even a group. We are besieged individuals.

Jan 29, 2022 5:10 PM
Reply to  wardropper

One of the greatest weapons the psychos who dream up these periodic instances of madness now have in their arsenal is the big flat screen TV.

In the old days, it was unthinkable to leave the TV on if no one was watching a particular show. It just wasn’t done. You left the room, mom would come in and turn the TV off.

Then along comes big screen and suddenly most people are leaving their TV on all day and even all night. And, of course, treble that dynamic for the monstrous “smart” phone.

If the psychos have one outstanding quality, it’s their ability to immediately see the propaganda potential of each and every new technological advance. (Almost makes you think that was why these things were invented.)

Jan 29, 2022 10:22 PM
Reply to  Howard

Just to tack on a concurring opinion:

My one and only fellow scamdemic-resisting relative, X., has a lifelong friend who bought into the Big Lies and became a terrorized scamdemic thrall.

X. and I were discussing the sadly-commonplace truism that the would-be intelligentsia have been so susceptible to being bamboozled and captured by the official scamdemic narrative. One common denominator is that these educated thralls read “The New York Times” religiously.

But then X. mentioned something else: whenever he visits his friend’s (and family) apartment, the big-screen TV is always on “in the background”, usually tuned to MSNBC or CNN. The occupants, predictably, don’t notice it– they converse as if the TV isn’t on. 

As far as I know, even though this drives X. crazy he hasn’t complained or confronted them about it; my guess is that they would be more embarrassed than offended if X. expressed concern about this habit.

Since it’s always on, they also explicitly “watch” it a lot, and in any case are always ready to pay attention if some “breaking news” flashes on the big screen. (I like to say that the hackneyed term “breaking news” has a fraternal sibling: breaking wind.) 

It’s obvious that both the direct and subliminal effects of a perpetual big-screen TV presence has a pernicious effect on the residents.

Of course, they have smartphones too.

Jan 30, 2022 1:52 AM
Reply to  Ort

Indeed so.
A very obvious characteristic of most of today’s ‘breaking news’ is its utter banality, delivered with maximum hullabaloo…

Jan 29, 2022 12:57 AM

Covid-19 is a manufactured fraud to commit a crime against humanity. It does not exist except as a genomic sequences modeled on a computer. It hasn’t killed anyone

This is a crime against humanity and a genocide and the Off Guardian, if it is to retain any long term credibility must start addressing the foundational premise of the lie and stop offering up articles perpetuating the myth

This is a war against the People

A crime against humanity

And, a genocide

Let’s SAY it out loud and stop pretending the lies are truth

Its exhausting:


Jan 29, 2022 2:17 AM
Reply to  Rose

I’ll repeat it for you:

Covid-19 is a manufactured fraud to commit a crime against humanity. It does not exist except as a genomic sequences modeled on a computer. It hasn’t killed anyone.

Jan 29, 2022 3:51 AM
Reply to  Rose

Covid-19 is not a genomic sequence modeled on a computer.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Jan 29, 2022 7:16 AM
Reply to  fame

What is it then?

Jan 29, 2022 9:47 AM
Reply to  dom irritant

Covid is a fraud to commit crimes against humanity. I’ll go for that.

Sarscov-2 is the genome modeled on the computer, not covid-19. It is equated by msm with the disease covid-19. If you believe the made up sars was cause of covid19 as instructed by the msm then your only conclusion can be that covid-19 is made up, does not exist. So covid-19 is nothing, fake. This is a theme that is repeated ad nauseum on these threads here. It is a valid opinion. And I won’t object to people’s opinion,  as such, though it is not my perspective.

I think that covid-19 is a clinically diagnosed disease that was purposefully blamed on a virus. Initially in the first wave people were dying of symptoms akin to hypoxia  or hypersensitivity pneumonitis both of which causes  are unrelated to viral respiratory disease. These symptoms result from allergens or toxins in the lungs. I think there may have been more than one type of toxin or allergen introduced to create confusion. These toxins were introduced via flu vaccines,  through PM2.5, and possibly attached to microorganisms dispersed through the population.  Like the covid death shots, the level of toxin introduced varied among the population not causing an immediate overall increase in deaths, except in localized areas. Spike protein was one of the toxins, quite possibly nanoparticles were attached to the spike. Nano Graphene particles were introduced into the environment as well, at the very least, through the use of masks and PCR tests. Electromagnetic radiation may also play a roll in the development of the disease. 

Jan 29, 2022 12:54 PM
Reply to  fame


Are you forgetting the asymptomatic convid19 lie?


PCR creates noise. There is no “test”. There is no disease. There are no excess deaths outside of iatrogenic murder.

There are no unique identifiers if they are using fragments of our own genome to “test” people positive or negative. It’s all meaningless. It’s used to generate confusing stats.

Therefore it’s FRAUD. Pre-meditated fraud. Why is nobody talking about how the underlying fraud, the fictional case and death numbers are generated? That’s the key to the deceptions within allopathy: Fraudulent tests.

If you don’t understand yet that white coat wearers are duped con men, brainwashed in medical school, who prescribe drugs to kill people legally, then you can’t understand that healthcare isn’t a system to save lives or provide health.

It’s a system to poison people over time, with pathogenic injectables, biologics and drugs that shorten the life of a person at an average of 20 years for the controllers, while racketeering and making obscene profits.

They make money through the government run and managed healthcare systems using socialized medicine, and they make money in the private, for-profit systems. It’s a scam. To racketeer.

Jan 29, 2022 2:30 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I think you are misunderstanding what I am talking about. I am not talking about sarscov2 or the PCR test. As I said it has nothing to due with any viral respiratory disease and cannot be detected as such. It is only a clinical analysis that I am talking about. nothing to do with a test. What, clinical analysis are not possible?

The symptoms are produced by toxins.

Jan 29, 2022 2:42 PM
Reply to  fame

Take for example the common cold. Can the symptoms be diagnosed clinically? I think they can. I think most would agree. I think we both could agree that it is not caused by a virus, and is misdiagnosed as such. I am saying the same about covid.

Jan 29, 2022 3:57 PM
Reply to  fame

No. Because the entirety of the covid1984 narrative is created through the fake “tests”. That’s how they got their case numbers and death stats: False, meaningless RT-PCR results. Fake Lateral Flow “Tests”. Fake Antibody “Tests“.

And this is why doctors claiming they are treating covid1984 are committing fraud, wittingly or unwittingly.

They aren’t using clinical or differential diagnosis. They are treating multiple illnesses or symptoms that have been collated together under the umbrella term of Covid19, through the fake “tests”.

It’s the same scam they ran with AIDS and the non existent HIV.

Jan 29, 2022 4:15 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I agree with everything you say here and maybe the term “clinical diagnosis” means too much. I am just talking about the clinical symptoms and I am saying symptoms occurred in a very small part of the population that are similar to hypoxia or hypersensitivity pneumonitis and are caused by introduced toxins. For example, in nearly a hundred percent of the early deaths in certain hospitals in Italy and Spain, the people died had taken the previous years flu vaccine, the vector for the toxin.

Jan 29, 2022 7:17 PM
Reply to  fame

I was only disputing that one phrase. Nothing else. Because doctors are now telling people they are asymptotic carriers! It’s unconscionable and it’s fraudulent.

Jan 29, 2022 8:20 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Yes and if you are diagnosed without symptoms by a doctor, you obviously have no apparent disease.

Jan 30, 2022 2:54 PM
Reply to  fame

Read this. It will change the way you think about disease.

Jan 31, 2022 9:22 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I doubt it. I am familiar with the work I already think very similar to this. You still don’t understand my post apparently. I’ve never been to a doctor since I can remember. I certainly don’t trust the mainstream medical establishment. It murdered both of my parents.

Bob the bum
Bob the bum
Jan 30, 2022 5:16 AM
Reply to  fame

I was wondering early on whether the flu vaccine could be the cause of symptoms and whether the idea of a novel virus was needed to protect the reputation of vaccine makers.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 29, 2022 8:40 AM
Reply to  Rose

And Drosten and the CDC both said precisely that as they allowed the use of the PCR, the media and governments know, they just ignore the facts