Open Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury
Trevor in Trimley
Dear Bishop Welby,
I recently heard an interview you gave in the run-up to Christmas (2021) in which you said you couldn’t understand people who don’t want the COVID 19 vaccine and that people declining the vaccine are “immoral.”
I couldn’t agree more.
In fact, I would say that “immoral” isn’t strong enough.
So what if they’ve had medications that made them dangerously ill in the past, or they had an aunt who took it and snuffed it, or they’ve looked at the data and are concerned that the COVID vaccines have killed more people than all vaccines combined over the last 30 years?
Boo-hoo, I say. None of their “reasons” are relevant. You’re either moral or immoral. I’m with you completely, there’s no place for nuanced thinking on this one.
As for the Anglicans among those crying off from getting a little needle in their arm, let’s not even bother finding out why they feel that way, let’s just label them conspiracy theorists and kick them out of the church altogether.
I can’t bear to listen to these so-called Christians bleating on about how these vaccines use science derived from the cells of an aborted foetus. Surely it makes sense to kill the odd foetus here and there to save loads of old people? Forgive me for phrasing that as a question when I already know your answer.
Your position is clear. Not having the jab makes a person immoral and having it makes us moral – end of discussion. Let’s not pander to these people any longer with their “constellation of variables,” their “ethical dilemmas” and their “analysis of the data.”
To my mind, one is either trying to be a decent Christian or you’re not, and if not we should call them out, so well done you. You definitely showed them a thing or two about the way a Christian ought to be behave.
I’m not surprised you don’t understand why they don’t take the vaccine, it makes no sense to me either. But just for a laugh, and I think you’ll like this, I asked a couple of these anti-vax types from my neighbourhood over to explain themselves.
I didn’t let them in the house obviously, but spoke to them at a distance over the fence. Neither of them wore a mask, predictably, so to compensate I wore a triple layer. You’ll be pleased to hear that on my outer mask I had printed the words, Jesus Saves, so even from behind my fence and underneath three face coverings I was still able to bring them our Christian message of love over fear.
I’ll bet that gave them something to think about.
I began the conversation by asking them why they were murderers now, when, up until 2021, they had always seemed two of the nicer people in the neighbourhood. They seemed a bit put out by this. One of them even tried to show me scientific studies that unvaccinated people don’t transmit the virus at a higher rate than the vaxxed!
Do they really think I’m so gullible I’d believe mumbo jumbo they obviously got from the internet?
One of the studies they cited was from somewhere called Harvard (wherever that is) and had appeared in some dodgy conspiracy rag called the European Journal of Epidemiology.
The other chap claimed to have read a study by the Oxford Research Group that found the vaccinated were spreading the virus more than the unvaccinated!
Don’t worry, I didn’t fall for any of their so-called “science” from Harvard and Oxford, I just repeated your accusation of immorality at them. They didn’t know what to do with that, believe me.
After a while, the smaller of the two anti-vaxxers (the one I suspect is most likely to cark it if he gets the virus) asked me if I was worried that the introduction of vaccine passports could be a mechanism for controlling the population by a tyrannical government.
Here we go, I thought, just as Archbishop Welby had told me to expect, it was conspiracy theory time!
No, I told them. No, no, no! Vax passports are for your health and the health of everybody and that’s all there is to it. Any potential for misuse that happens to be designed into the mechanics of the system is purely coincidental.
They kept arguing, of course, coming out with rubbish like, “But there is no credible medical logic underpinning such measures!” You’ll be proud of me, I didn’t let that go unchallenged and outlined what seems to be your argument back to them.
I told them in no uncertain terms that they are missing the point. It doesn’t matter that the vaccinated make up two-thirds of those in hospital with the virus.
Nor does it matter that the data now shows that the vaccinated are more likely to catch Omicron and get hospitalised than the unvaccinated.
Nor does it matter that coercing people to have a medical intervention (especially one in an experimental phase) contravenes the Nuremberg Code and Declaration of Human Rights.
These details are peripheral to the point. The unvaccinated are immoral. The church says so, and that’s good enough for me.
What these types don’t seem to grasp is that there will always be a bit of collateral damage with even the best health policies. Like the 200,000 deaths resulting from the economy-crashing lockdown policies, or the catastrophic fall in the IQ of our young children, or the nearly half-million injuries from the 100% safe vaccines.
Overall, the COVID response strategy has worked perfectly. And hats off to the church for lending her support to such policies in this time of crisis. The good old C of E can always be relied upon to run with the prevailing sentiment of the age. It’s this kind of modern approach to the Gospels that has kept our churches packed to the rafters every Sunday morning!
As for the whinging anti-vaxxers on the other side of my fence pleading with me to see that the “current erosion of our liberties is far more dangerous to us all than this virus,” and that “western civilisation is at risk,” I told them what I’m sure you’ll agree with.
Freedom will still exist if we have vaccine passports, you’ll just have to buy your freedom by agreeing to have some unknown materials injected into you every few months.
In a sense, it’s a very similar system to the one outlined in the Gospels where Jesus says, “Follow me for I am gentle and humble of heart – unless you’re immoral, then you can stick it without further consideration or forgiveness.”
I don’t remember the scripture exactly, but judging from the interview you gave this is probably pretty close.
In summary, we must count our blessings. I for one go to bed every night these days thanking the Lord that I am a moral Christian – unlike some.
I always thought that God and the corporate giants of the pharmaceutical industry were obvious bedfellows, but I didn’t have the nerve to speak out until I heard your interview. Thank you so much for helping me find my Christian voice.
Yours sincerely,
Triple-vaxxed Trevor from Trimley St Mary
Trevor from Trimley writes open letters to people who should know better. You can read more of his work on his substack.
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We are very lucky to have Right On Justin leading his flock. He gets right to the point and concentrates on what is important. None of this theological or spiritual garbage. He concentrates with laser like focus on what really matters – non stop gay anal sex for everybody, especially kids, Non stop abortions and as many child trannies as possible – and of course non stop jabs for everyone helpfully supplied by his mates in big pharma. Like the Anal Pope, ditching the Bible and replacing it with a special new Rainbow Edition. After all, the Scriptures are so-o-o-o-o-o last year and we must move with the times. If in doubt, he can always ask his best mate Tony Bliar at the Faith Foundation for a spot of advice. Sorry, Sir Tony.
Why MMS still waste time listening to pedo’s evades me!
I take issue with the assumption that any of this covid1984 fraud is based on a virus or a disease. 165 health/science institutions globally all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever, including the CDC. There’s no “virus” so it can’t be spread. And nobody has “covid” since it’s only defined through RT-PCR technique using primers and probes that 100% match sequences in our own genome. That’s scientific fraud. Transmission is physically impossible because we don’t catch germs or infectious diseases. Contagion is scientifically unproven and tantamount to superstition. There’s highly amoral individuals controlling ‘the church’, routinely committing and condoning pedophilia and covering up other crimes. They run profit-making psychological fear programs, using fraudulent, superstitious scams such as retribution, original sin, demonic possession, reincarnation, damnation and hell. That in itself, demonstrates their contempt and scorn towards humanity. Organized religions were the original fear mongers, fomenting hatred and the fear of “others“ specifically directed towards those who won’t partake in their cult. These medieval-theological con men are responsible for mass brainwashing through manmade scriptures, disguising obvious astrological allegories. Organized religions frequently used torture and kill programs such as “the inquisition”, stonings, trials and witch-hunts. They condoned state and monarch execution edicts, supposedly antithetical their so-called commandments and doctrines. They created the concept of heresy, and blasphemy which is censorship. They used ex-communication, shunning and banishment of individuals and groups, which is ostracization. They use order following and hierarchies which are immoral and based on the concept of slavery – one human being subservient to another – which inevitably leads to corruption, exploitation and genocide. They’re hypocrites in word and deed. The calculated manipulation of people’s minds and hearts by imbuing their ‘flock’ with false beliefs the upper-clergy know are scams, is truly immoral. The tax… Read more »
Because the PCR technique uses primers and probes that match 100% sequences in our own genome – we cant fail to ‘test positive’, especially if our health is run down…
And each ‘variant’ is a match for another genomic sequence…
Australia’s winter, not due to officially start ’til June, is months away, yet headlines have begun warning of waves of ‘covid’ come Winter. So the seasonal flu has already been absorbed into the ‘covid’ narrative. And a combined ‘covid’-flu vax is in the pipeline…
Remarkable is that though billions have been spent trying to develop a flu vax over the decades, overnight, and evidently without tests etc.,. a flu vax has been invented…
When there’s fortunes to be made, necessity certainly spurs inventiveness.
What a coincidence. The flu jab which has never worked is now being rolled into a flu-covid shot. Far more money is spent on marketing and advertising by the PhRMA cartel, than is ever spent on research and development. Vaccines have been used as a eugenics poisoning device since the 19thC.
Laughed out loud! Beautiful wit, a great example of the power of humour.
However, it probably won’t affect the archbishop. Why? Because it talks about ‘spreading the virus’ and ‘omicron’ etc. And the archbishop, as a major minion of the Central Planners and the Parasite Class knows that there is no virus.
Arguing using data about variants and infections and so on will just make him laugh. He’s probably thrilled that the mockery and duping of the inferior mass of human cattle is working so well. And the plan to convince people there is a dangerous disease that requires the transformation of human society, natural human interaction, and the global monetary system is going even better than expected!
He’ll get his rewards – obviously not in heaven, but here, on earth – with power, wealth, and best of all a pat on the back for service to his Masters.
The new religion of control is being constructed, and the archbishop (he of the trillion dollar fundraising for the ‘green’ agenda) is ideally placed to oversee the transition from a belief in god to a belief in the great and powerful Germ.
Even those who see the immorality of it all actually believe… what a clever trick! I’m sure the archbishop has a giggle about it when he’s alone.
I forgot to add that the article was perfect irony which torpedos the whole mask/fascist/death shot mentality exercised by the archbishop well below the waterline.
Realistic paraphrasing “I can’t understand why people won’t submit to a toxic shot”. It brings to mind Shakespeare, writing about a more virtuous Archbishop of Canterbury who instead of being a groveling propagandist for an evil, murderous medicofascism system boldly favoured church independence from the royal regime, brings another paraphrase to mind “who will rid us of this troublesome enemy of the people.” This guy has totally lost the plot and gone over into crimes against humanity for his misstatement of fact on the death shots, to be polite. If he wasn’t the archbishop of canterbury I would call him a stinking steaming pile of fascist filth.
Like the Catholic church to the Nazi’s the Archbishop of Canterbury doesn’t bite the hand that feeds him.
How did it go now, oh yes,
Orwell had it right. Those precepts were the motto of the party in 1984 novel. Totalitarianism has a long history, beginning some time in the late 19th century. There is an excellent book on the subject, ‘The Destruction of Reason’ by Georgy Lukacs
Whilst in Rome last September, Dr. Robert Malone visited the Pope in the Vatican in an attempt to convince him that he should have a more open approach to people deciding whether or not to have the injections, but it would appear that this globalist pope has not changed his attitude.
I belatedly wonder whether the good Archbishop has ever read “The Grand Inquisitor” interlude in Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov.
Better, Cardinal of Winchester’s hand in the execution of Joan of Arc.
I did make a genuine effort to try and get Justin Welby on the side of righteousness at a time when he appeared to be wavering. And he could see that fear was behind the narrative.
That was above a year ago. Since then I have left the church. He has gone on to recommend vaccination. We have to make our own decisions in life.
The great advantage of the covid-19 experimental gene therapy is the smug, self-righteousness it imparts, and the ability to reject and denigrate anything that resembles logic or common sense. How did we ever live without it?
Hydra headline:
“Award-winning Spotify science podcast drops regular show to focus on countering misinformation spread by Joe Rogan and others on Spotify”
Thus demonstrating that the entire Spotify saga has been a set up to justify endless high profile and celeb fuelled banning of “misinformation”. Naturally Neil Young’s old buddies Crosby, Stills and Nash have joined in the show as Dave McGowan’s notion of a Laurel Canyon Mafia gets a new lease of life.
the question raised of course, is what are the constitutional rights of the non vaxers .
in each of the nations where the issue is prominent?
One is in freedom of speech..
Two personal individual is a right life,
three is right to liberty of person and expression
four is right to pursue happinesses..
next is in equal protection under the law.
And if you’re in the US, add a sixth (uh-oh: the dreaded 6):
Article 1, Section 9 and also Article 1, Section 10 of the US Constitution ban ex post facto laws by the Federal and State Governments, respectively.
Thus, if the US Congress or any State Legislature decides to pass a law restricting freedom specifically because of the scamdemic, they might possibly get tangled up in ex post facto litigation (though that’s doubtful).
Yeah. But governments rule by deception anyway. The laws, by-laws, mandates, statutes and regulations passed by states are all invalid if they contravene the bill of rights or the Constitution.
What you’ll find in nearly all of these “laws“ is reference to “agents“, ie government employees.
They are literally conning the voters into compliance through deceptive wording such as mandates.
Which is why I think the truckers protest might be a psyop. Instead of using the considerable funds available to the unions to fight the application of these invalid measures (a mandate by the federal or provincial govt doesn’t usurp The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms) and the ten million $$ already donated, to go to court to show Canadians that these mandates are legally unenforceable at the border and elsewhere, the truckers are creating a blockade that may be removed by the military.
might think it is a psyop? 99% is
*THE “Moses character” was a JUDGE
WHO came down from the mount and said you’re all stealing each other’s wives and asses, you NEED me to sort this out! Moses!
This message is coded and it is deep from everything I’ve gathered on these NUMBERS.
There is the same old story here with this ATTORNEY from TRUCKERLAWYER.CA = 221 (RO) and 1888 (Jewish). This flashed on the screen as this SNAKE was running his mouth about NEGOTIATING with the Truckers and other behind the “scenes” actions which were being taken that he wasn’t at LIBERTY to discuss at this time?
Following what was found in these numbers PLUS planetary placements by transiting degree is eye opening!
What is CHAOS = 221 (Satanic)
What is BORDER = 221 (Jewish)
WHEN is the USAs PLUTO RETURN by degree? = 2/21/2022, PRESIDENTS DAY!
12/23/2022 = New Moon 1•/33’ Capricorn, 5:17 AM (dc time). 357th day/8 remain HERE.
TEN TWENTY THREE = 1888 (Jewish)
rancid media works for who?
Lol.., If I write “It’s a psyop” the trolls go berserk.
Ok … rebel news. There you go. Thanks for the numbers and the confirmation.
Excellent comment.
Spotify is Swedish establishment owned by two young multi billionaires, Rogan is a fan of Bill Bates. Enough already
ROTHSCHILD ISRaHLE typical response is no different than the Church =State typical response.
(BTW Where was amnesty.during covid ?)
This Bishop Welby follows in the footsteps of another righteous Bishop – Cyril of Alexandria. He didn’t scrimp where morality was concerned either. Just ask Hypatia.
You mean the female pagan teacher that was hacked to pieces by christian/jish mobs who also destroyed the great library of Alexandria as part of their mission of establishing Yahweh’s NWO, that brought us here? The mission that set up the Pharmafia’s domination of humanity by destroying knowledge of natural cures and eliminating the practitioners?
Did that female pagan teacher instruct about pagan human sacrifice to the pagan gods? Did she also teach how to behead, scalp and drink the blood of members of enemy pagan tribes?
Are you enjoying the new paganism we are experiencing right now with its new gods of science, medicine and vaccines? It’s good isn’t it, ‘you can be like gods yourselves if you eat from the tree of knowledge.’ Here we are witnessing the end of times.
Vaccines are pink flying unicorn repellent.
Definately agree with that…well put.
The Graud is now advising how all you funky old folkies can live without Spotify I.e where you can keep groovin’ to Neil and Joni without running the risk of being exposed to Far Right Fascistic White Supremacist Holocaust and Covid Denying Anti-Science Evil. And since Mr Rogan himself has promised to “try harder” after sufficient Hail Maries I think we can safely assume the whole matter was a bit of theatre.
Our darling Nicola has announced to the councils a phased return to work BUT she warned a “mass return” to offices could run the risk of driving infection levels back up. Note the quote marks which were in the original. “Mass” is a sinister concept in itself. And no further elaboration is required. We all know what rising infection levels necessitates – whilst, as always, bypassing any enquiry into what these “rising” levels actually mean I.e. the tiresome and obviously irrelevant matter of actual indications of actual illness. That would be irrelevant for we now have a means of controlling the tap on worker movement.
In stark contrast to the Archbishop of Canterbury is a man of humanity & intelligence, Archbishop Carlo Vigano:
““I call upon rulers, political and religious leaders, intellectuals and all people of good will, inviting them to unite in an Alliance that launches an anti-globalist manifesto….”
“…For two years now we have been witnessing a global coup d’état, in which a financial and ideological elite has succeeded in seizing control of part of national governments, public and private institutions, the media, the judiciary, politicians and religious leaders.
All of these, without distinction, have become enslaved to these new masters who ensure power, money and social affirmation to their accomplices.
Fundamental rights, which up until yesterday were presented as inviolable, have been trampled underfoot in the name of an emergency: today a health emergency, tomorrow an ecological emergency, and after that an internet emergency…”
“…The multiple Vatican endorsements of the criminal mass-vaccine campaign confirm the full adherence of the hierarchy to the globalist Vulgate, without taking even the slightest account of the serious critiques of the so-called vaccines…
The Pontifical Academy for Life is no exception. It has become an organ of Neo-Malthusianism, even to the point of declaring that subjecting oneself to inoculation with the experimental drug is an act of love and a moral duty, incontrovertibly denying not only the evidence of the facts but also the existence of a global plan that has deliberately caused this psycho-pandemic in order to bring about a ruthless reduction of the world population (especially the elderly) and impose forms of control and restriction of the natural rights of citizens….”
A masterpiece of a headline, implying that there is a causal connection without actually stating that there is one (which would be an outright lie and they like to avoid those):
Fear levels insufficient so…
One droplet! Cower behind that mask now!
As usual the story is function-stacked so there’s also a “finding” built-in that the tests are fantasically reliable. Don’t worry about the lack of peer review or the small numbers in the trial. Also it seems to be all about “viral load” and not about people being actually ill.
There’s the usual numerology as well – 36 participants is [6 + 6 + 6] + [6 + 6 +6] and wouldn’t you know that the number infected happened to be exactly half that?
Time for another CGI epic like the supermarket purple cloud spreading upwards and outwards. Or the pixilated black “flies” spraying from faces. This time they should invest in a little exploding of heads and collapsing into pools of blood with an actual tsunami with possible Lovecraftian embellishments.
When corporations run the world, even freedom becomes a service. They want to turn owning a product into renting a “refrigerator service”, or a “coffee maker service”, no doubt the only brands available would be the smart products for 24/7 surveillance. When it comes down to renting clothing and toothbrushes, that’s when Technocracy’s wheels completely fall off.
There were many who called out what was behind the whole scamdemic early on. Here’s a great article written in May 2020, Hygienic Fascism: Turning the world into a ‘safe space’ — but at what cost?
“Granting power to the “expert class” and to the technology elite represents a distinct peril for our democracy and constitutional order. Ultimately the issue comes down to human nature and the dangers of assuming that education, or erudition, make for better people, or smarter judgments.
In the end, as Huxley noted, society has to answer the old Latin phrase, quis custodiet custodes — who watches the watchers?”
And Claudia of Cabin Talk, who is very awake, called it before it even got rolling:
“A mandatory adult vaccine is just around the corner. All we need is a little pandemic and there you go, there you have it,” said “Cabin Talk” podcaster and Vermonter Claudia Stauber September 20, 2019.
I understand they were renting your weekly clothes in LA years ago…order your wardrobe for the week…saves washing and storing much…renting appliances has been going on for years as well…if one thinks about it they are only making it more obvious and forcing the majority into it.
The Archbishop wants to talk about immorality? \You archbishop and others like you have portrayed God to be a torturer of his children/creation. For more than a thousand years the clergy have done this and that is immoral. If God is God and can see the future why would he come up with a plan to torture most of his creation? Why wouldn’t he just simply stop and start again so that everyone gets to heaven? If the Devil can put one over God and Adam what makes you so sure he couldn’t do it again? You really think Satan put a spanner in the works and God didn’t see it? God knew man would fall so he didn’t need to come up with a plan B or C every time the devil steps in. God created the earth first then he created man. If man was meant to live on Earth/Eden forever and never die then how could we all fit in the planet and have 10,000 babies each for eternity? Ever ask yourself why Hell or “eternal torture” was not spoken of by God to Adam and Eve, Cain before he killed Abel or Moses with all the 600 or more laws about Judaism? Laws that even go as far as how you treat wild animals and insects but nothing about eternal torture? Try and find eternal torture in the Old Testament? One would think that the best time to warn people about eternal torture would be at the start with Adam and Eve? Or at least Cain and Able or when Moses and God set down the Mosaic Law? Did it slip God’s mind? What happens to these people when you talk about eternal torture? Hell or the Hebrew word Sheol only means the grave. We all… Read more »
It’s all made up nonsense
The God of corporate religion was created by the elite to keep people in line.
The creation of Christianity by Philo of Alexandria and his powerful family is a fascinating if unknown story. Philo had connections with the Herod family of Palestine and to the topmost power brokers in the Roman Empire. He was in Rome when Caligula was assassinated and I suspect he was involved in the plot. He was a Hellenised Jew and wrote extensively in Greek. The New Testament was written in Greek and bears evidence of his influence and philosophy.
Through Adam we died, through Jesus we live again. Wisdom of man of foolishness to God, so to try to comprehend the mind of God as an equal is foolish and one of the roads to perpetual doubt and resulting madness/confusion.
The representation of hell by the middle agers of fire and brimstone may be a simple allegory to persuade the more simple minded not to live a life of transgression. But it could be worse than that, an eternity in a world of lies, confussion, self hate, self doubt, total uncertainty and fear is what lying ahead of the denier of the redeemer. Again, there’s freewill, so you could consider this made up nonsense.
Pfizer are coming for the babies. The Angel of Death will pass over the houses of the land.
Child vaccination is merely the re-instatement of pagan child sacrifice to appease (and enrich) the gods of medicine and money.
Vaccinating children every few months, beginning from birth, has been the “scientific normal” for a long time. No honest researcher has managed to expose this crime against humanity. No wonder they expect the covid jab too to be business as usual.
That’s true. Where was all the outrage before the imaginary pandemic when it came to denouncing the real pandemic of child intense vaccination programmes with all the health resulting problems, and the millions of lives terminated from abortion?
In fact the vigils and prayer groups by Christians outside abortion clinics were ignored, vilified by the press and even banned in many instances, I don’t remember any of the humanists, post lefties and ‘neo pagans’ standing for the rights of human lives killed in their mother’s womb. They only came out of the woodwork when the beast system touched their freedom to do the things that they enjoy.
The vax is the new cola war:
Or are the vaccine manufacturers working in coordination to find the perfect, incrementally damaging vaccine? After watching this, you might think they are all in cahoots:
It’s our healthy immune system getting in the way of CRISPR working since it attacks synthetic nano-materials, views it as a foreign intruder and destroys it. That’s why they need to keep re-boosting, to weaken and eventually replace our natural immune system. Steal the real and sell us back a fake version for patent profits. They want to do that with everything. CBDCs are stealing the real money and replacing it with their fake programmable money. The central bank’s CBDC card may only work within a 10-mile radius from where you live. Maybe that’s why Pete Buttigieg is pushing for less cars and more bicycles.
Eliminating natural immunity has always been the goal of the vaccination cult.
Heidi Larson (Dec 2019):
(Quote @2:37)
Tweet from the Communist Party of Canada (that very name makes me laugh!)
Let’s look at that rousing list:
1. defeat covid (intentionally impossible since you are attempting to defeat the common cold)
2. raise wages & living standards (The old mantra that no-one pays attention to – least of all the bosses)
3. ban hate & curb corporate power (see 2)
4. stop rising fascism (see 2)
flutruxclan, haha sounds like yet another anti-depressant
Communists being just communists, aka stupid.
Just doing the banksters’ bidding as always.
The late philosophical writer Mary Midgley noted how scientific discourse (and indeed most human discourse) tended to revolve around metaphors. And metaphors, since they are by definition not entirely congruous with what they are describing, are never neutral but always involve interpretation and imputation.
The overriding metaphors of covid have always been tidal – waves, surges and tsunamis. That these tidal metaphors are particularly unsuitable was noted by Michael Yeadon at the start (“Viruses don’t do waves!”) But this was irrelevant since the propagandist effect of such metaphors, deriving from one of the most powerful archetypes in Western consciousness – the Biblical flood, was essential to the covid move. Biblical terror is what the media wanted to implant.
“one of the most powerful archetypes in Western consciousness – the Biblical flood”.
Stories of an ancient flood are common to most cultures, there’s nothing exclusively Western about them. Otherwise, it’s a good point well made.
Because there’s plenty of evidence there was a big flood in the past from the layers of sedimentary rock. Science masters will tell us otherwise, it all happen throughout millions and billions of years to obfuscate truth and dominate the narrative of their made up reality always.
That was funny.
A sad reflection on religion, but funny.
OT but feel obliged to inform Aussie readers that Glencore continue in their efforts to save the planet.
Incidentally, that means making batteries at one end of the country and recycling the scrap at the other end.
That’s why much fewer vehicles can be realistically produced, hence either much fewer people with access to vehicles, or simply much fewer people.
‘Dear Trevor
Thank you for your supportive letter to ARCHbishop Welby, dated February 2022. Mercifully it didn’t arrive on Imbolc, as that would have been VERY embarrassing for a church that has never had time for Pagan rituals. Luckily our forebears in the Holy Catholic Church sorted them out good n proper centuries before Henry VIII made his bid for Brexit from Rome….
The Archbishop would have replied personally, but as his Chef had prepared a special feast for Chinese New Year, he was busy getting his formal togs on before greeting some worthies from the Orient who are resident in our green and pleasant land.
Yours Sincerely
Personal Assisant to the Archbishop of Canterbury’
All of this covid nonsense reminds of the cargo cult to which it bears great similarities The cargo cult wen something like this. During the American/Japanese war in the Pacific 1941-45 many of the islands were fought over and occupied, particularly by the American forces. At the termination of the war the native inhabitants were deprived of the American cargo brought in by what the Islanders perceived to be ‘big silver birds’. A cult emerged around the concept of cargo which the islanders perceived as the source of the wealth and power of the Europeans and Americans. This religion, known as the Cargo Cult, held that if the proper ceremonies were performed shipments of riches would be sent from some heavenly place. It was all very logical to the islanders. The islanders saw that they worked hard but were poor whereas the Europeans and Americans did not work but instead wrote things down on paper and in due time a shipment of wonderful things would arrive. The Cargo Cult members built replicas of airports and airplanes out of twigs and branches and made the sounds associated with airplanes to try to activate the shipment of cargo. Alas the cargo never arrived. Maybe the naïve islanders thought that they had sinned against the cargo Gods – who knows? Is this so very far removed from the Covid cult nonsense of our own time? People walking around with permeable pieces of cloth on their faces to ward off the evil spirits. Covid god also kept at bay with something called ‘social distancing’ – we must not offend Covid god and make him angry. But many people do offend Covid God, they should be silenced otherwise there will be a terrible retribution from Covid God. During the 20th century the totalitarian movements were political cults.… Read more »
At the immiseration, plunder and collapse progresses, the desperate beliefs are going to get a lot more bizarre – and dangerous for others.
What, if not payment from Big Pharma, would possess an archbishop to weigh in on the decision to take an experimental gene therapy injection? Don’t these clergy have parishioners to fret over; don’t they have day jobs?
I’m not rejecting your rhetorical question, but “authoritarian-submissive ignorance” might also be involved.
Despite his credentials and prestigious position, His Excellency may well be complacent and ill-informed enough to sincerely “trust The Science”– as his Vatican colleagues preach.
At least the psychopathic delusion is ecumenical.
Joe, Pope is the boss, controls preferment w/in church hierarchy, I suppose. I don’t know the means by which they got this particular pope into his office. He’s obviously an evil person. There are more than a few in the lower rungs of church who have defied him and been thrown out of their institutions and their physical shelters.
The Archbishop of Rome is profoundly moral and is enormously well-educated about all the ins & outs of what is happening.
Sorry, I know Church of England doesn’t have a Pope, but I’m sure there’s something equivalent.
There is no such thing as “mild myocarditis”.
Viva Frei Interviews Dr. Francis Christian in Ottawa, Canada @ Trucker’s Convoy
-Denis Diderot-
“Les Éleuthéromanes”
According to this blokes logic we’re all mad Right Wingers here:
Anyone care to piss on his parade?
Didn’t do anyone any favors having exra lavant and his rancid media freaks take center stage and talk about freedumb.
The Convoy looked more like a decoy mass ritual and smoky and the bandit films sure helped sell it to the easily hypnotized.
This is for you: elite multi-millionaire Joni. Jimi ain’t here to have his say though. Just made a few changes . . . .
I came upon a child of Pharma
He was walking along the road
And I asked him, where are you going
And this he told me…
I’m going on down to Wall Streets farm
I’m gonna join in a Pharma ‘n’ roll gang
I’m gonna camp out on the land
I’m gonna try and needle my soul free
We are PharmaDust
We are beholden
And we’ve got to get ourselves
Back to the graveyard
Then can I walk beside you
I have come here to feel the Pfizer Needle
And I feel to be a cog in something turning
Well maybe it is just the time of year
Or maybe it’s the time of Pharma
I don’t know who I am
But you know life is for learning
We are PharmaDust
We are beholden
And we’ve got to get ourselves
Back to the graveyard
By the time we got to PharmaStock
We were half a million strong
And everywhere there was song and celebration
And I dreamed I saw the Pfizzers
Riding shotgun in the sky
And they were turning into syringes
Above our nation
We are PharmaDust
Billion year old carbon
We are beholden
Caught in the Pharma devil’s bargain
And we’ve got to get ourselves
Out of the Pharma death garden
Well done!
One of the saddest comments I ever heard was from Eric Idle of Monty Python, who said later in life, “When you’re young, it’s pretty black and white but as you get older, it becomes more gray” and I thought, Oh no! Eric siding with the dark side! Mingle with the parasitic class long enough… you catch the disease.
An observation when looking at videos and articles about the Canadien Trucker protest. A bunch of others starting all over the world and support from basically everywhere. What else is there that has brought together global citizens from every nation like this? And what does that mean? I think it’s bigger than just no mandates. That’s not why people are tearing up and raising their fists.
Big al, yes, we are so hungry to see assertion of humanity against the nearly faceless bureaucracy. All of those people are singing a paean to the free will of humanity.
They now have a “universal flu” vaccine. Even if I “believed in” flu vaccines I would buy the Brooklyn Bridge before I would entertain the possibility that ANY “vaccine” doesn’t contain the you-know-what vaxx.
Today I unwisely turned on the radio of my new-to-me car for the very first time. Filthy lying witch was saying that the unvaxxed were 97 times more likely to get covid than the vaxxed. I hope she goes and stands in front of one of those Toronto trucks and gets the flat look.
BREAKING: Embalmer is finding white fibrous growths attached to unusual type of blood clots not seen before. The long white stretchy things are unprecedented in his 20 years’ experience and that of colleagues.
Video w photos
Mercola is a joke, he knows the report from Dr Martin about the virus being nothing but a chimeric on a CDC computer, whinged that he was censored but has now banned me from his site because I said so.
Marilyn, everyone who disagrees w you about the existence of the virus is not a joke. Your dogmatic position on this is considerably lacking.
Mercola is a hero of incredible standing.
Morgellans disease linked to chemtrails which only us conspiracy nut jobs take any notice of! 25 years plus of chemtrails and peeps still deny it, we are fucked!
semaj, Dr. Mercola is one of the few who addresses Morgellans disease. I don’t know whether it’s linked to chemtrails or not. Obviously chemtrails are a real attack on us and on the climate.
Excellent book: Chemtrails Exposed by Peter A Kirby
David Icke has been on the money for years re chemtrails etc. They are probably the reason for the mass dementia etc that we are now suffering but peeps are still in denial that they even exist whereas unlike ‘god’ you can actually see them!
The Ultimate Sacrifice
Italian Teacher Who Set Himself on Fire In Protest Of The Country’s Vaccine Mandate Has Passed Away : The COVID World
Increasing cases of “suicide while of unsound mind” arising from this cynically stimulated wave of global health mania.
Imagine the headline when the mainstream gets hold of this:
“Italian anti-vaxxer who set himself on fire in protest against lockdowns dies of Covid”
That, and the international public-health authorities will solemnly add “spontaneous combustion” to the ever-lengthening, protean Offical List of COVID symptoms.
He will never read it.
One of his lackeys will say he could tell from the first sentence that it undermined His Grace’s holy authority, and it would be best to use it as toilet paper.
In any case this arch-specimen is not particularly bright, so he wouldn’t even see the sarcasm.
One has known better archbishops. This one is of no importance.
“One has known better archbishops”.
The most recent was called “beardy weirdy” by the MSM because, instead of “following a multitude to do wrong” he denounced an unjust war.
Wretched are the peacemakers…
BTW, people should read Welby’s Wiki entry, count the number of times ‘Conservative candidate’ crops up, note that both his mother and his mother’s husband were alcoholics and that he claims to speak in tongues. Still didn’t harm his career as an oil industry executive (Archbishopping is just something he took to in retirement).
David Wolfe posted the following on his Telegram channel:
Unfortunately, I’m unable to get a Telegram account without a mobile device. There is a link to the BC govt website, but I don’t see anything on his Telegram preview channel page that shows a link to the actual FOI request. Is it visible to anyone with a Telegram account here(?):
AFAIK you can get a Telegram account without a mobile device! There are a lot of “mobile phone simulators” on the internet. You can specify one of their free numbers during the Telegram setup and receive the required confirmation code via their website.
Thanks for the reply!
Yes, after some hunting around a few days ago, I came across the following app which I hoped would resolve matters for me:
But I wasn’t able to DL it from the MS app store (which seems to be the only DL source for it) for some reason. I also tried signing up to T with my landline number, expecting a callback after text confirmation failed, but that never came. 🙁
If you happen to have a T account, can you see a link to a specific page at the site here ?
Try e.g.
or search “receive sms” for other online services.
They don’t accept landline numbers anymore.
I don’t use Telegram (yet) but am still investigating…
Thanks for that! I will check it out!!
Well, I tried out a number of such sites, and most of the numbers
resulted in a “Too many tries. Please try again.” message in the Telegram desktop app. One number did result in a code being sent, but the code never appeared at the website (I suspect a coinmining operation designed to keep you on the page).
Why would websites offer these throwaway numbers for free? Obviously in order for them to benefit in some way: either by selling you “premium” numbers when the free numbers don’t work, coinmining using your system’s resources, or something else.
> Why would websites offer these throwaway numbers for free?
Of course. Mostly you just have to ignore lots of flashing ads.
Most free numbers are VOIP based which are easily identified and are blocked by platforms like Telegram, Twitter etc. As mentioned some websites (e.g. offer non-voip based numbers. These will work on any platform but the trade off is that you have to pay for them.
Reset, I don’t think the chart showing similar hospitalizations pre-vaxx & post-vaxx can be correct. Reasons:
— No source
— I’m hearing from people I know in medical community that MANY are being admitted to hospital post-vaxx
— 3 insurance sources indicate greater mortality & this wd usually mean more use of hospitals. The insurance sources are below:
[edited from Reuters]:
Dutch insurer Aegon: US 3d qtr 2021 claims $111 million up from $31 million a year earlier
(“Covid-19-related mortality claims”) A 359% increase in mortality!!
Swiss Re said its life and health division incurred “significantly higher COVID-19 related claims of $1.2 billion” in the first nine months of 2021 “primarily originating in the U.S.”. CEO John Dacey cited U.S. spikes in February and August.
U.S. MetLife 3d qtr 2021, 40% of U.S. COVID-19 deaths were of people under 65 years old, “the highest percentage in any quarter since the pandemic began”
[Under 65s scarcely die of covid, so this must be reassigning the vaxx deaths to covid, no?
Thank you for the reply. Be aware that the chart is showing fiscal years, so 2020-2021 is only showing hospitalizations between April 1st, 2020 and March 31st, 2021, the latter date still very early in the toxic injection program.
Reset, Thanx for the clarification.
I don’t understand this. Can anyone explain? Did they actually infect people with the Covid virus? It’s not clear what they actually did or what they are going to do in this study.
February 1, 2022
Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals
World’s 1st trial deliberating infecting young adults with COVID found to be safe
LONDON, Feb 2 (Reuters) – The world’s first human challenge trial in which volunteers were deliberately exposed to COVID-19 to advance research into the disease was found to be safe in healthy young adults, one of the companies running the study said on Wednesday.
The data supports the safety of this model which could theoretically provide a “plug and play” platform for testing therapies and vaccines using the original COVID-19 strain as well as variants of the virus, Open Orphan (ORPH.L), which carried out the study, said in a statement.
Open Orphan is running the project, launched a year ago, with Imperial College London, the UK government’s vaccines task force and the clinical company hVIVO. read more
The trial infected 36 healthy male and female volunteers aged 18-29 years with the original SARS-CoV-2 strain of the virus and closely monitored them in a controlled quarantined setting. They will be followed up for 12 months after discharge from the quarantine facility.
No serious adverse events occurred, and the human challenge study model was shown to be safe and well tolerated in healthy young adults, the company said.
With the model established, it said it should be able to contract or conduct COVID-19 human challenge studies in 2022, subject to individual ethics and regulatory approvals.
As there is no such thing as a sars2 strain what the fuck did they actually inject these fools with, a cold.
“The scientists will now study other elements from the trial, including investigating why the 16 of the 34 participants in the final analysis did not get infected despite exposure. Some had detectable virus in their nose but did not go on to test positive twice on PCR tests, the threshold the team used for confirmed infection.”
Here’s the article/paper:
You can’t infect people with something that doesn’t exist. They are either injecting people with toxins, or exposing them to toxins, intranasally.
What those toxins are, is anyone’s guess because clinical trials and human studies around viruses, poison injectables and patentable toxic RX drugs aren’t transparent.
These studies are not valid, they exist to promote vaccines or treatments. Certainly anything out of Imperial College is bound to be fraud.
Remember that the PCR test isn’t a test and it doesn’t detect anything let alone a fictional particle called a virus.
Some people here truly are “thick as a brick”.
Yeah. The people who believe in imaginary particles, infecting people with fictional illnesses, defined through fake “tests” are dumber than dirt. And far less useful.
Did this letter actually reach his holiness?
temple bar pirates
not new world order
run the shoah
you own nothing slaves of rome
as for not wellby he ex banker
you can trust him take that to the imf b i s bank
Religion sucks but is a perfect business modle. It can’t be proven right or wrong but generally requires regular contributions just to remain-in the good graces of the business management and the deity said to be watching from somewhere above.
I like to see myself as a model citizen and do whatever the government tells me to do. I have been trained, like a performing seal, to respond in the appropriate ways to certain stimuli such denouncing critics of Bill Gates. I don’t know why I scoff and become angry when told vaccines are unsafe or there could be sinister efforts to depopulate the planet. When I drive in my car I like to let everyone know I am on board, that I submit, that I conform, that I am obedient: the windows are wound up tight, my mask is doubled up and my face shield correctly positioned and through practicing WHO directed breathing techniques I ensure I don’t re-breath any of my exhaled air that could infect me with Covid-19. I actually believe facemasks work! After a year of being hungry, having run out of money exercising my more than ample freedoms buying what ever I like from Amazon and watching anything on Netflix and giving the big thumbs up to the warnings issued to the world that anyone consuming, spreading and generating miss-information and wrong-think, lies and domestic extremist white supremacy hate speach will have their freedoms curtailed, bank accounts frozen, Internet access denied and be labelled on a public register as Trump loving wacko nutjob conspiracy theorists as well. These criminals, once detained, are slated to be first in line for the extra special vaccine, which doesn’t seem very fair, we should all get this one. I know how important it is to present to the world as a card carrying conformist beyond driving around correctly adorned and filtered. My programming includes a collection of corporate provided, government approved positions on all things Covid and simply watching the news on TV every night keeps me updated and… Read more »
Presumably Provax has made sure he will get saline.
I heard on the telescreens that Novax is now provax and will get the clot shot.
You can’t trust anyone who is involved in Big Sport.
He is singly focused on obtaining enough Grand Slam wins to be named the most successful in tennis history. It’s a form of all consuming power or greed that has him in its throes. Nadal is one ahead of him so he has to win at least two now and hope Nadal falls short. Federer no longer has the ability to keep up.
This is similar to the argument against steroids in sports. If one takes it, then everyone is forced to take it, regardless of the health consequences if they want to stay competitive.
In terms of the CoVax shots, if getitng a shot is a requirement to play and your closest competitor has accepted the shot, then you are SOL if you want to remain in the game.
What Novak should have done was to take a saline shot and claim he got the shot. Unless someone demanded an antibody test (and I’m not even sure how accurate that may be), no one would know the difference.
I am so sick of this covid aka great reset nonsense. But I undertake as a duty to inform people about facts about cheaply, effectively and qucikly curing this so called virus symptoms. Search for c19ivermectin on your search engine. On that website you will find as of right now there are 142 studies. 93 of them are peer reviewed about curing covid19 with ivermectin. These are undeniable evidences. Get your ivermectin before it is too late
Have faith in the miracle of your own body my friend. Eat well, get outside in the sun and take some exercise.
COVID is a crock.
You are replying to a regular spammer.
They are not working to cure covid, covid does not exist outside the CDC lab computers
Covid-19 is the excuse for covid experimental gene therapy, and covid experimental gene therapy is the excuse for vaccine/health passports, which will be the universal digital ID for everybody. It won’t be only for health, but for every other possible activity, so that the government can know everything about you, what you do, what you have, and track every movement. It will be the digital equivalent of physical chains.
Great scripture quote…..I have to brush up on my scripture reading since I missed that one…of course since I am unvaccinated and immoral what should anyone expect from me???? Besides, we all know that Jesus really didn’t mean anything he said like compassion, helping the poor, standing with the Lepers(2022 unvaccinated). I am so glad that we have leaders like the good bishop instead of Jesus…besides., I doubt if the good bishop even owns a pair of sandles. Peace.
did jesus even exist? a bit like this imaginary virus
Corporate Religion
The scamdemic has shown without a shadow of doubt that corporate religion is a control mechanism devised by the banksters for that very purpose.