Increased energy prices could “cause heart attacks and strokes”
In the middle of the cost of living crisis, the press has found yet another reason people might keel over...and it's still not the vaccine.
Kit Knightly

Our UK readers will be familiar with the press coverage of the cost of living crisis in this country, as wages continue to fall further and further behind inflation, and the economy reels from the deliberately devastating lockdown, the cost of everything from food to fuel is ever increasing.
People are understandably troubled and anxious, whether or not the energy cost crisis is genuine or manufactured for the sake of profits, the reality is that many people will face the choice of heating their homes or eating enough food over the last two months of winter and into the spring.
This could easily result in people – especially the elderly or disabled – suffering health problems or even death due to the cold or malnutrition. Many of these people will likely become “covid cases” or “covid deaths” once they’re subjected to the totally unreliable tests.
It’s all a perfect little circuit. And it serves the Covid agenda in more ways than one, because it’s just handed the press yet another explanation for heart attacks that haven’t happened yet.
It seems like only a few days ago we ran an article pointing out all the numerous different reasons the press are predicting people will have heart attacks this year…and that’s because it was.
Stress, anxiety, the weather, “long covid” and a plague of undiagnosed aortic stenosis are all predicted to cause thousands upon thousands of heart attacks and strokes in the near future.
And now so is the increased cost of living.
Appearing on Lorraine on ITV yesterday morning, Dr Amir Khan claimed:
…if you can’t afford to heat your home, it actually causes an increased risk of developing heart attacks and strokes because your blood vessels contract to conserve heat, which pushes your blood pressure up, and over time that has an impact on your heart attack risk.”
In future, maybe they should simply run press releases saying “Covid vaccine only thing in world which doesn’t cause a heart attack”
As Neil Oliver pointed out on Twitter…
How about they just give us the presumably very short list of what doesn't cause heart attacks and strokes?
— Neil Oliver (@thecoastguy) February 4, 2022
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Life Insurance Payouts Skyrocket 258% as Post-Vaccine Deaths Rapidly Accelerate mRNA Jab Deaths And Injuries Are Soaring In Europe
Doesn’t do you any credibility plugging GB news and it new hosts of wankers.
we all no they spent 3 million on advertising and they are paying certain factions of alt media to promote certain hosts of GB news.
unless they are paying you or promised you a interview on their shows.?
Agreed, Have watched Oliver and it’s all about emotive language hiding a far right agenda.
Thank heavens for Global Warming, just imagine how many heart attacks it has prevented!
Excellent, I like it.
The reason why energy (natural gas) prices are spiking in the UK (as in Europe) is a combination of factors that boil down to an over reliance on the free market. Its not really a free market, its more a free-for-all where a relatively small number of wholesalers manage the supply channel to ensure maximum profits but as the mechanisms of this market are hidden from the public they are just fed whatever line seems appropriate at a particular moment regardless of whether its true or not.
The important thing for a domestic user is that rates are being kept artificially high because of a failure to secure adequate long term supplies. The line being sold here is that its ‘green’ not to use natural gas but the shortage is really due to a reluctance to secure long term supplies from Russia. Political, in other words. This is apparently designed to punish Russia but since their market probably doesn’t work like ours it’s more like shooting oneself in the foot. (Sacrifices have to be made for the good of the country, “Guns before butter”, that sort of thing. Needless to say, the people telling you this aren’t freezing.)
As for users being cold, this actually was the default state for many people not too long ago. I’ve spent many years living in older British houses which cannot be heated to modern ‘whole house’ standards unless you spend a fortune (which few of us had). You’d typically only heat the room(s) that you were using and wear a lot of extra clothes. Its a nuisance but that’s all part of the nostalgia for the ‘good old days’.
“…it’s more like shooting oneself in the foot”.
To be exact, like the government shooting the citizens in their feet. All of them.
Do you think Boris and Carrie are shivering? Or anyone in the government? Or MPs and Lords? Or civil servants?
You forgot the biggest parasites the royals from that list.
Not that I believe this cover story, but if it really is energy costs etc that cause the deaths, why the fuck do we continue to have an economy that hurts the working class and the poor?
It’s like smallpox, they ignored the sanitation and water issues by making up a bullshit virus etc.
Same with polio etc.
The US is importing 500,000 barrels of oil a day from the evil Putin Regime. The money goes straight into Vlad’s back pocket, and adds to the $200,000 million he has already stolen, as unimpeachable sources like Bill Browder have already helpfully explained to us.
Biden is clearly a Putin puppet and KGB agent just like Trump, and must be put on trial for treason forthwith. Christopher Steele is probably compiling an authoritative dossier on the subject at this moment.
The obvious answer is to build more and more windmills and hope the wind blows, as Little Greta says. Why do we need planes and cars and trucks anyway? Why can’t we just go back to man’s best friend, the horse and cart, that’s what I want to know. Clip clop, clip clop. Nothing better. And majestic sailing ships like the Cutty Sark. The sooner we go back to these tried and tested methods, the sooner all our problems will simply vanish.
Did energy saver light bulbs save money,>
Smart meters were suppose to.
Dont ya worry poll
counciltax will also go up.So will tax and national insurance.
Bozo anti establishment party is sure acting anti.
following the science they have also brought back sanctions for thoses on welfare,

Business as normal for the Communistatives.
… Hmmm! I would volunteer a few political parasites who should be coerced to cross … there’s a twat named, Scott Morrison, who should be forced to cross.
If one observes the long game the dominant Narrative of the past 30 years is CLimate Change and CO2 emission being the only thing anyone needs to focus upon. The Carbon footprint narrative is by a long chalk well ahead of the curve even with the relatively short but seemingly endless Pandemic and Vaccine Narratives of the Past two years. John here on the slog in his naming name series called out Larry Fink of Blackstone, Blackstones Going Direct is considerably more powerful a control lever on what happens next than the efforts of Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci to enrich Big Pharma and themselves, Gates also has a bigger card in the game and that is Digital ID and its relationship to both Near earth Satellite networks and the 5G networks, which coincidentally really were rolling out at the same time as the Wuhan Event, also in coincidentally Wuhan. The Vaccines and Vaccine Injury is very much closely related to the Adjuvants and not necessarily the Pathogen dose delivered in the solution of the Adjuvant. It is the Adjuvant rather than the disease which is of interest to the 5G / ID aspects of what the past two years have really been all about. The Repo Spike in Newyork on September the 19th was the starting pistol, of course, the dress rehearsal was Event 201, The Objective was almost certainly to gain widespread acceptance of DIgital ID’s on SmartPhone devices and possibly by stealth through Nanotechnology within the Adjuvant solutions in the mRNA vaccines( Experimental Gene Therapies?).
So what about Climate Change, CO2, and all that, no it’s not the Graphine found in some adjuvant samples but the Rationing of Carbon through a Carbon-based currency which is why the CLimate Change Agenda particularly the CO2 control knob is so important. My Blog today shows that the ratio of Good Energy ( renewables) for which Carbon Credits will be created and Bad Energy of “Fossil Fuels is 16:1 there are various combinations which could see the ratio vary but essentially as with The Gold Standard a Carbon Credit Renewables Standard has the same ration as the Historical Bi-Metallic ration known to numasticists the world over. A deflationary centralised banking regime will be able to impose Austerity to an authoritarian extent extending to a population control mechanism, This is a far more likely delivery mechanism for Rapid population reduction policies than any Vaccination regime, Famine equally is a far more effective and efficient means of population reduction than certainly War or any other form of genocide, also for the Authoritarian regime deploying it. Famine is also complete with a shield of plausible deniability. Just my 10 cents per KW/h or my 100 euros/tonne of CO2
Just Saying.
In the U.S., the “higher wages” narrative is much like the “increased employment” narrative.
The country largely keeps going backwards, but is continually being told to cheer that supposed “progress”.
Despite the BLS & it’s corporate press cronies cheerleading of rising wages, those wages are being erased, and even driven downwards, by even greater & continually rising inflation.
Similarly, despite BLS & it’s corporate press cronies cheerleading of rising employment, we’re still short of pre-“pandemic” employment levels, which themselves were still far short of pre-Great Recession levels.
The country keeps descending backwards, but is constantly told to be happy about that regression.
I believe much the same is occurring in much of the U.K. (and elsewhere).
Increased energy prices could “cause heart attacks and strokes”. The list of things that could give you a heart attack just keep growing. Here’s the latest one I just found, apparently now just shoveling snow can give you a heart attack.
Everyone knows that shoveling snow can be dangerous. Its surprisingly hard work but the cold temperatures inhibit the usual overwork feelings that people get that tell them to slow down.
Go Bolivia!
“Supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation” article ranks the reasons for not getting vaccinated:
1) Religion
2) Live in rural areas
3) Disinformation
4) Lack of trust of authorities
5) Beliefs in alternative medical treatment
6) Convinced anti-vaxxers (and a very distant 6th)
Obviously nobody is convinced by, say, a bad personal experience with a vaccine or the VAERS data. It’s all Bible-thumping and listening to Joe Rogan wot done it!
How astonishing then that ‘The Great Reset’ wants to destroy religion (exceot the global sanctified new religion), move everyone into cities, clampdown on free speech and restore trust (somehow). It all joins together in one blob of malevolence.
For all interested, the International Grand Jury proceeding for Covid crimes against humanity started on 5 February –
The Grand Jury is the final form decided on by German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich and the other lawyers and the judge involved.
The purpose of the proceeding is to present to the world public the evidence about the plandemic and to obtain indictments against the most prominent perpetrators: Drosten, Fauci, Tedros, BGates and Blackrock and Pfizer.
The jury is the global public, so please share the info and the link.
As explained, the grand jury format was chosen as appropriate because the courts of law have been shown to be corrupted by power and are at the, and in the, service of governments, corporations and financial interests instead of the law, truth, justice and human rights. It is a model proceeding that can be used as such in future prosecutions of the members of the criminal conspiracy, sometimes aptly addressed as the criminal syndicate.
Server Error 404: Page Not Found
Try this:
Here’s a link.
Note that this is billed as a “model proceeding”
A representation of what an actual proceeding might be like.
What they’re saying is half true. Half true isn’t true enough, but at least it’s half true. It’s the lockdown, even more than the vaccine, that has killed, and will continue to kill by after affects, for years to come.
Already we’ve seen all the people in care homes who surrendered sooner than they would have out of loneliness and neglect, separated from their children — their greatest love and their life’s work — and losing all connection to the world by family and friends.
We’ve seen so many people killed by medical malpractice; by doctors whose will to adhere to ethical truth truth was overwhelmed by fear of being seen as underreacting. We’ve seen all the people whose lives were shortened by not being able to get their usual medical care. We’ve seen the suicides and overdoses.
The above are those who have already been absorbed into the toll. But there is so much more to come. People with a measure of courage have tried to tally the worldwide total years of life that will be lost by the lockdown, and despite the impossibility due to the innumerable factors and unknowns, it’s worth a try.
This has shattered everyone’s world. But it has hit young people the hardest, because they’re the ones whose mental constitution is most formed by dreams. The world had always seemed solid. Whether or not you climbed the mountain, the mountain was always there. Now we’ve seen that the mountain can be turned into powder at any time, and there is no confidence in its existence anymore.
There will continue to be desperate attempts to cover up and deny the deaths, disabling injuries, and illnesses caused by the vaccines, but the emotional horror of the past two years, the product of a greedy fantasy that essentially took over the world, cannot help but have long term effects, and the powers that be will admit to that because it opens them up to less blame and liabilty than coming clean about the vaccines would.
Apart from medical malpractice and dud approved treatments, governments and legislators have evaded the tough issues doctors face daily, such as (a) the patient being unable to pay (b) when to cease heroic intervention. Unlike the fiction of TV shows, there are no ethics committees to advise them. Instead, there are only hospital administrators, lawyers and accountants and government bureaucrats.
If the VAXX don’t kill ya, the power bill wil.
I didn’t watch the anti-vaxxer QT of course – it was an abvious put-up job from an institution that has shown no concern for a disinterested pursuit of truth.
The rest of the media’s reaction tells the viewer what to think about it:
“Question Time scientist praised for tackling antivaxer with facts” (The Times)
“Awkward moment anti-vaxxer student is torn apart on Question Time” (Daily Mail)
“Question Time: Unvaccinated audience member shut down after lecturing infection expert with ‘nonsense” (Independent)
As usual, the Fraud goes further than anyone – they ignore it as news as if acknowledging that an anti-vax argument was expressed is giving in to an admission that they exist and then publish an opinion piece criticising the whole idea as a ghastly mistake.
That the presenter intervened to slap down the audience member and help out the panelist is the guide to what was going on. If you watch the infamous moment Thatcher was confronted with her lies about the sinking of the ‘General Belgrano’, it’s noticeable how the presenter Sue Lawley does not see it as her job to help Thatcher out (Lawley’s career went backwards after this which was probably no coincidence).
If the BBC intended this QT as a revival of their reputation for ‘balance’, it was a miserable failure – so much so that I can’t think that was the motive except at a very superficial level, it was about public humiliation of anti-vaxxers or a kind of electronic putting people in the stocks and pelting them with rotten veg.
You already know in advance that any “anti-vax” sentiment on the media is going to be trashed. In any case the entire anti-vax issue – though important – is actually secondary, the primary issue being that covid is a steaming pile of crap.
In any case, none of these glaringly obvious issues will ever be revealed on the media which is why the most hopeful thing that could happen is that the media continue their shit and no-one watches it!
The BBC is a cancer in our society.
QT draws about 700,000 viewers (if you can even believe that figure), and these are the kind of characters that suffer from extreme confirmation bias…. (the lesser of many mental afflictions under which they labour)..
essentially it is poorly regarded comedy for humorless, self important imbeciles that receive free copies of the guardian and shop at cheap and nasty waitrose..
NB: the BBC buy all circulating copies of the fraudian thus ensuring it can claim to have a circulation… it’s scribblers and pseuds employed on the proceeds of kidnapping and pimping little children to politicians and un-civil servants…
very nasty….
Professor Robin Shattock ?
Professor Shattock oversees a portfolio of research that is supported by 26 members of staff including researchers, PhD students, clinical trial managers and project managers. Professor Shattock has published over 160 peer reviewed articles in this area and secured funding from the European Commission, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, MRC and the NIH.
DNAVAC is funded by the Gates Foundation as part of the Collaboration for AIDS Vaccine Discovery (CAVD). Prof Shattock’s group is responsible for the DNAVAC project ( which aims to apply recent state of the art technological advances in DNA vaccination and immune monitoring, both at the single cell and molecular level, to enable detailed probing of developing vaccine induced antibody responses.
Bad batch info continues to be updated. Possibly more toxic batches sent to different countries. Possibly severe adverse reactions are being hidden by countries.
“The very high results for Belgium and Sweden, amongst others, may result from a more honest classification of disability, since there are a vast host of conditions that render a person disabled which other countries may neglect to classify as disabled – e.g. paralysis, nerve damage, auto-immune disease etc. Of course, we should bear in mind that the high rates may also be due to deployment of adulterated vaccines – resulting in higher toxicity – vaccines not meeting with GMP protocols”
Thanks for posting that, everyone on planet earth needs to know.
Note also the strange anomaly in Austria with an apparent low toxicity, while having the highest number of reported adverse reaction per population.
Is it even an issue? could all this be more smoke and mirrors?…. my view is ALL the vaccines are toxic and that is how one should view them… it is an arbitrary assumption to think some more ‘toxic’, how is that even a consideration when their is virtually no oversight?( bar the breadcrumbs published by shizer et al, all of it faked)…
in fact they are, by their own admission, administering ‘placebos’ (because this is a trial) AND NOT REGISTERING many vaccine related adverse events (the majority).. It is somewhat like PHS basing deaths amongst the vaccinated/non vaccinated on flawed PCR testing irregardless of ‘vaccine status’ as well as gerrymandering definitions of both… meaningless and by design..
most of these imbeciles have been playing with data sets and ‘stats’ for so long they are unable to do anything else.. it’s all they are capable of.. it’s the science..
most of this nonsense can be binned, along with ‘black eyed babies’ and self assembling nano-tek routers etc etc ( this is a good old fashioned poisoning)..
I’m afraid you are going to have to bring them all to justice in the good old fashioned way and start arresting the complicit criminals in the health services… and that includes health care assistant auntie alice..
legal headway is being made with the unlawful nature of this psy-op…
we shall see…
NB: much of this plays into the politcal.. red state, blue state and seems to tie in with the fake yankee election… a method of keeping balls in the air for the orange imbecile and the demented criminal in the shitehouse, both of them globalist stooges… keeping the dopes on familiar pasture , so very important to the farm managers..
one can view the dialectic globally… with the failed drama teacher in hiding piloting the canadian despot… screaming right wing racist homophobe at people gathering to protest tyranny with their children..
at this point one can only chuckle at this ‘social justice’ hypocrisy and it’s rancid advocates..
NB: the answers to all these questions will be answered with all cause mortality figures if one can get hold of the real numbers..
Of course all vaccines are toxic. They want to kill 7billion people by 2030 which at this point means a billion a year. How do they do it? Perhaps everyone vaxxed is dead in 5years. Maybe, maybe not. Then they are off to a good start. And your right it doesn’t really matter in a sense about toxic batches.. But that still leaves more than half the population alive, and aware. I think it is important to look at methods in which they hide the murder. They will need to kill people in other ways. How do they do this without people noticing it is happening?
And, yes, the purposeful distribution of bad batch lots is evidence for the criminality of murder via the death shots. And as you say, justice needs to be served.
Sorry Dr. Death, but I disagree with you when you say “it is an arbitrary assumption to think some more ‘toxic,’ how is that even a consideration when their is virtually no oversight?” Also, when you say, “Is it even an issue?” Of course it is an issue, and it is not arbitrary in any way. I would say the opposite. The fact that they are getting away with it (and I believe they will sail through any future criminal/or other courtroom/trials, etc.), only because they know they have the power to do what they want, including playing this sick game with toxicity levels in the batches, because they know they have the mass psychosis hypnotized, because they have everyone in the media under their spell, and because they are fucking evil!!! Evil is not arbitrary!!! Evil is fucking evil!!! And, if this world doesn’t wake up, it is over! I applaud all of those who are trying to stop this evil, and I only wish there were more of them/us to stop this evil. However, when one looks at today’s sick/sad reality, it is really scary to think that evil is winning. That is not arbitrary to me, but rather reality! But, that is just this old man’s opinion.
Thank you for posting this. I posted my own data analysis in the USA on the Deep Sea Fishing Post last week. Very, very disturbing results.
yeah, great work, I saw that. This bad batch site has similar info to what you found in the individual states but doesn’t go into the red/blue state analysis that you did. We need to end party politics, outlaw political parties, the organizations are nothing but conglomerates for criminals.
“Increased energy prices could ’cause heart attacks and strokes’”
Yes, but you have to be “vaccinated” first.
Energy prices through the roof? Food prices through the roof? Heating and eating throwing billions into debt? The press hyping it all up?
Sounds like the perfect recipe for some saviour to happen along with a shed load of Universal Basic Income to me!
Not only are they nearly tripling the price of Gas and more than doubling the price of Electricity. They are nearly doubling standing charges.
I was paying £128 per month . The quoted renewal price is £328 per month.
Gas was 2.75 pence per Kilowatt hour. New quoted price is 7.849 pence per KWH
Electric was 15.56p pence per Kilowatt hour. New quoted price is 35.485 pence per KWH
Standing charge was 23.32 pence per day. New quote is 42.562 pence per day
The standing charge is charged separately for Electric and Gas.
That is £310.70 pence per year standing charge or £25.91 per month.
In Summer months the standing charge could be more than usage.
But why the hike in standing charge?. What is the standing charge for?.
It used to be to pay for people to read the meters. But with smart meters those people have been sacked. With most people getting there electric and gas from the same supplier , why the separate charge?. Why the nearly doubling of both the electric and gas standing charge?
It is a rip off.
Gov Inslee- ‘lets take out the dams and go all EV! It’s for a ‘sustainable future”
Sustainable Development is a code phrase for agenda 21-2030 … we will be happy and you will be dead or crammed into a megacity while we rewild the world)
Rosa Koire was a champion at exposing the U.N.’s plans – here she is with Goals of UN Agenda 21 in 5 minutes! With Rosa KoireShe left us early last year. so sad.
You answered your own question in two of the biggest little words ever: smart meters. Ever since these monstrosities came out – and wherever they were installed – gas and electric rates went up, in some cases doubling or even tripling.
I opted out – as far as I know one of the only residents in my condo community that did. And in no time my neighbors were complaining of sudden increases in their utility bill. But I noticed no such increase.
Smart meters: dumb like a fox.
Yes I too have refused a so called smart meter many times. Anything with the word smart in it means it is for idiots. Most people do not even know what those 5 letters stand for and a a little research will tell them and if they have just a modicum of any intelligence they would reject them all, including TVs phones Alexa shit and more. Smarties are ok but the chocolate has changed!
Water and sewer exact same price hikes so was broadband.
Food and supplements have gone up 3 times since the brexXit psyop.
going up once is nonsense they gone up at least 3 times.
Only the rich will be able to use electric cars
To push the price of the carbon bonds up is my guess…the charges are your contribution to that farce…
A couple of more points about the Dutch insurance company reporting a 258% increase in life insurance claims among working-age people for the last quarter of 2021 (the second company to do so after One America):
1) The company is called Aegon. That’s “aeon” with a G inserted. In addition to meaning “a very long time” an aeon is a term specific to Gnosticism meaning an emanation from God. The letter G is of course the one letter on the masonic logo
.2) The story seems buried by the Google algorithm.
On the subject of unlikely heart attacks, CIA operative Winston Scott keeled over from one in 1971 aged just 62. Scott was CIA station chief in Mexico at the time of the JFK assassination and had written draft memoirs dismissing the Warren Commission version of Oswald’s visit to Mexico City a few months before the assassination. James Jesus Angleton went to Mexico City after the death and the memoirs promptly vanished. The CIA would show the Church Commission a few years later it had a heart attack gun.
This info comes from an interview with writer Jefferson Morley who’s written biographies of Scott and Angleton and has one coming out soon on Richard Helms, a crucial and rather understudied figure.
I recommend the excellent writing of Guy Hatchard for up to date perspective on the Pfizerstan state of terror imposed on New Zealand
gosh dang kit boy couldn’t ever be those pharma$$$$poison injections could it? U should take a RAT$$$$’TEST’ get in your SUV after that 3rd injection of poison and run down folks who say NO to PHARMACRIM!!!!!!
Humanity has become Risk Averse. (Though i’m basing that assertion on having only the Western / Advanced countries model of humanity in mind.)…
“weighing the risks’, ‘risk trade-offs’, life assurance in a syringe…
And there’s The Risk involved in crossing a heavily trafficked road…
Life’s full of risks, it’s A Risky Business….
To break free from the straitjacket some risk everything bungy jumping. Or jumping from aeroplanes… Taking risks, desperate to bring the feeling of being alive alive in themselves…
Childhood’s Boogieman still haunts The West’s awake time..
Is that why people like scary movies ?
The Risk of kids not getting a Proper Education…
The Risk of Losing One’s Job…
The Risk of Getting In Over One’s Head…
The List Is Endless….
It’s one reason (perhaps the main one) why the elite spread secularism – while not believing in it themselves.
Wow, talk about a winning business strategy! Give people heart attacks; then give them medicines to help them get better.
Instead of “wash, rinse, repeat,” Big Pharma’s new thing is “jab, heal, boost.”
“A cynic might say the Scamdemic ‘Big Lie’ was the cover to give/inject a certain percentage of the population with the disease(s)/poison(s) to make them ill. So those who were not culled outright would be made dependent on one for the rest of their lives. Hook them then soak them. Rather a sick way to create a market or markets would one not say?”
A way to take what’s left of any money or property one has left – create a long term EXPENSIVE to “treat” illness and the profits come rolling in. This can of course be done while the outright culling continues, as that too brings funds to be had. Pension expenses eliminated. “Medical expenses” might go up for a time, but that’s pure profit for private industry while destroying “government” funding mechanisms and creating massive inflation to drain funds from anyone not yet rendered ill. A perfect scam. And of course to point out any of this is merely “right wing lunacy” as “they would NEVER do that!”
The Covidian Cult leaders want to distract the sheeple but lies have short legs as proven by the disaster in the US military after forced transgenic injections.
The US senate shows irrefutable evidence that forced injections are DEADLY!!!
“Racist Vultures of a feather.”

“Nazi Boy and some of his Banderite Svoboda Party peeps in the Ukraine.”
“Why it goes, without saying, just one more reason why Nazi Boy needs to go.”
Smart guy, the Harperkons were up to their eyeballs in supporting the Ukrops in 2014-15. The Novorussians captured supplies that came straight from Canadian stocks when they defeated the Ukrops at Debaltsevo. Li’l Magus is just a mouthpiece for his owners. The same owners who will tell his replacement what to do.
At 11:30 in this ideo they show Canadian helmets given to the Ukronazis that were seized in Debaltsevo.
Thanks for the update, Walt Cronkite. I’m well aware of the connections of Freeland’s family to the Ukrainian Nazis. The ultra-nationalist Ukrainian weirdos in Canada supported Harper because he’s an imbecile fundamentalist Christian fascist who endorses their Holodomor fairy tale. British intelligence smuggled the survivors of XIV Waffen SS Division into Canada after the war. That was the Ukrainian SS division. The picture of Azov that you posted was taken when Harpo was Prime Minister. Why do you clowns spell “boy”, “boi”? Is it just a retarded boi thing? Never stop derping.
Here’s some guys who really love the Nazis that the US installed in 2014:
“Stephen Harper awarded one of Ukraine’s top honoursHarper led the charge to have Russia booted out of the G8 following that country’s annexation of Crimea in 2014.
As prime minister, he also pledged millions in military trainers and other forms of aid to Ukraine, which was also one of the last countries he visited before last fall’s election.
Harper was not the only Canadian honoured by the Ukrainian government for their contributions this week — others included his fellow Conservative MP Jason Kenney,…”
Kons in Canada are stalwarts in the movement to equate the unfathomably monstrous conduct of the Nazi German state with the actions of communist states, an absurd construct of western intelligence agencies and their propagandists:
“Harper’s Conservatives have been courting the Ukrainian votes in a number of ways, including the establishment in 2008 of National Holodomor Awareness Week, marking the Stalinist-imposed famine in Ukraine in the 1930s. It is also contributing $3m towards a $5.5m Memorial to the Victims of Communism to be built in Ottawa.”
Trudeau’s going to have to step up his game to match the Kon fascist-love.
“It is like a three ring super deranged Punch and Judy show, owned and managed by psychos, with each sock puppet character trying to go more over the top than the others.”
How does anyone buy this narrative? I am at a loss. I’ll just listen to Chopin and dance something macabre because it is all so clearly a made up show – wow. But people think that there are lots more heart problems because of all the reasons – post pandemic stress disorder or eating wrong or whatever. Good grief – it’s madness.
People are refusing to see 2 + 2 = 4. People don’t even want to see that. I had a better opinion of people before this new thing happening – but they are sucking it up with glee!
That’s the thing that gets me right now. They think they have considered everything and they know the vaccine is the best route out of the problem – i.e. their limitations on travel etc.
Just wow and wtf. How is that mindset even possible? What has happened to all the people I felt aligned with previously? They are sold on this thing hook line and sinker even now!
I do not know what separates the people who see and those that don’t, but there is something.
It is to do with freedom in the soul perhaps – some people are wedded to their life as it was – they will break a deal to get it back no matter the cost. Not realising they won’t.
It’s a bit frustrating.
Understatement of the day XD A2
One thing separating people who see from those who don’t is the head. I don’t mean as a thinking device; I mean simply as a seeing device.
People cannot look up and see what climate engineers are doing to the sky above them. How then can they be expected to “see” what is happening invisibly but profoundly all around them?
For what it’s worth, I don’t share your frustration. I gave up long ago expecting people in general to comprehend anything they didn’t hear on the nightly news. I have yet to “see” anything to convince me I was unfair in my assessment.
And what’s the big new Hollywood movie? Don’t Look Up…
I think this concerns hypnosis. Apparently 80% are vulnerable to it.
Now, when actual demons start hypnotizing people, I could imagine the percentage of vulnerable people might rocket up to about 98…
Don’t be pessimistic, W. Thirty percent is more the fraction of the truly vulnerable. Another forty percent are susceptible, but less deeply drawn in, and able to snap out again pretty easily – with a bit of encouragement. That’s what’s happening now: The catastrophe of the poison-stabs is so unhideable that people are starting to notice, and due to that jolt, they’re starting to wake up from their shallow trances. KEEP JOLTING, FOLKS! Help the poor sods to wake up.
Hope you’re right, Rhis.
1.Can you dance to the Berceuse in D-flat major?
2.To quote James Thurber,
—You can fool too many of the people too much of the time.
I use the Rump Steak, sold at the local supermarket, as my inflation barometer. It’s the second cheapest cut, favoured by age pensioners. Over the past couple of months its cost has increased by $AU5 – in a country that probably has more cows* than people…
So far inflation hasnt affected the cans of doggie, and kitty foods. I’m giving them some serious thought…
Of course, in a ‘free market’ economy if producers can get a better price shipping their products overseas to countries that have burgeoning middle-classes, stuff the low-waged and pensioners at home…
*and more pigs, and more chooks than people.
Here in the US Mid-Atlantic there is an ongoing shortage of canned cat food because of the shortage of aluminum.
Interesting that aluminum – one of the most abundant elements on the planet – should be unavailable for cat food. Perhaps that’s because millions of tons of aluminum nano-particles are sprayed into the atmosphere every year?
Maybe if I invent something to catch the falling aluminum particles (instead of breathing them in) I can make a fortune selling it to Purina.
Is there any good reason why aluminium-free deodorants cost about 50% as much as the alternative? And why the ethical and ever-loving supermarkets never seem to have offers for them? Ditto fluoride-free toothpaste.
The similarity between aluminium poisoning and dementia symptoms is too stark to ignore.
“Is there any good reason why aluminium-free deodorants cost about 50% as much as the alternative?”
Scarcity. Better still, don’t use deoderants at all and just have a wash in some water.
More ‘sheep’ than sheep.
Here’s an untapped heat source. I may be more old school than ‘gordan’, but I aspire to be just as scathing:
Ere long, their plaintive song…
Pummeling in Johnson’s malodorous girth,
It was grim and greasy (but it was worth it).
With Hancock and Javid, now it is full.
From brazen cull to brazen bull.
Phalaris, we fan these flames for thee.
Very good.
Cheers brother!
Another young woman dies probably from the poison juice!!! So fucking sad, what is happening to the young people!!! A 31-year-old fitness trainer, whose heart stops while napping. That about sounds right. And, of course, the comments just make me so sick. Every time I read or hear about this being “misinformation,” I want to fucking scream!!!! 31 year old women, who are fitness trainers, do not fucking die from their heart stopping while taking a nap!!!!
Maybe we all should start screaming, Pilgrim.
I have been for over two years!!!
Me too. I’m to the point now that it’s very hard NOT to scream. But I scream now to myself, as none of my “friends” are willing to hear that screaming anymore. They want to pretend none of this is happening, or if it really is happening that it will go away as soon as everyone relents to pharma. Oh, they don’t say that of course, but I know damned well they think it. Fuck them too then.
From your Link: “Katie Novak had tested negative and was vaccinated.”
It was 65 years ago but I still remember that medic saying, “Fit, slim women of 30 simply do not die of heart failure”.
For some reason I can’t access the comments.
Curiouser and curiouser. I can access comments from other articles but the only comment I can access from THIS article is:
And I can’t even see the “dangerous” one that was “let through”!
Incidentally, there’s another Star Tribune article on the newly departed which tells us she “died of heart related/Covid causes”.
This is quite heartening really. It is becoming increasingly clear that an invisible mass of REAL PEOPLE are weighing in more and more on this wretched media fairy tale world.
the press swaps one dystopia for another, instead of the press reporting about the jab its that in 2022 people could die because they cannot heat their homes, what a disgraceful state of things.
Reading Kit Knightly’s articles in Off-Guardian raises one’s blood pressure and probably leads to heart attacks.
Kit calms me down. Nonsense and propaganda are proven to be bad for health. Censorship raises likelihood of heart attack by a factor of 2, and propaganda instills a fear to express emotion and opinion, which is explicitly stated in medical literature as being bad for the heart.
Actually, no-one has assessed censorship for risk of heart problems – I lied there. But we can likely factor that in as much as we can nudge unit tactics.
“Actually, no-one has assessed censorship for risk of heart problems – I lied there. But we can likely factor that in as much as we can nudge unit tactics.”
Agree with above.
But while I am grateful for Kit, reading his articles do not calm me.😊