Joe Rogan shows us the real purpose of cancel culture
Kit Knightly

Joe Rogan has just been cancelled. Again. It’s not about covid “misinformation” this time.
No, now he’s a racist.
Some enterprising young mind combed through 13 years and hundreds of episodes of The Joe Rogan Experience, and cut together around twenty instances of Rogan using “the n-word”.
This video was shared by award-winning musician India Arie, and used to explain her pulling her music from Spotify’s platform in protest of Rogan’s continued presence there.
Rogan claims that these clips are all taken out of context in his recent apology video, and none were ever intended to be racist. This may well be true…we can’t check for ourselves, because Spotify removed all the episodes.
These important bits of context were, naturally, removed from the viral video. Besides, it has since been said that context doesn’t even matter.
And you know what, they’re right. The context doesn’t matter, perhaps the intention doesn’t even matter, what matters is “Why now?”
Some of these clips are over twelve years old, and yet there have never been any calls to boycott Spotify or cancel his show until just the last couple of days.
Were they not racist before? Or was everyone just OK with the racism? Could there be something else behind this?
…but why bother pausing the hate-fest to ask questions, right?
The only message that matters is – Joe Rogan is a racist now, and streaming giant Spotify have pulled over seventy episodes of his show from their platform as a result.
Of course the cyber-torches and internet-pitchforks coming for Joe Rogan is nothing new. Having preached the tenets of a healthy lifestyle, promoted alternate Covid treatments, and invited dissenting experts onto his show, Rogan has obviously been on the establishment’s hit list for a while.
This reached a peak in January when ageing rock royalty Neil Young gave Spotify an ultimatum: Remove Joe Rogan’s “misinformation”, or take my music down.
Despite adding a weasely disclaimer to the beginning of the podcast’s episodes, Spotify essentially sided with Rogan, probably because they couldn’t be seen to bow to that kind of pressure, and because they figured most people had forgotten Neil Young was still alive.
In short, and despite other musicians like Joni Mitchell adding their voices to Young’s, the gambit failed and Rogan remained on the air.
Then, just last week, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki added fuel to the fire by announcing the President would like to see “more done” by tech companies to “limit the amount of misinformation” on their platforms.
Within days of that press conference, the viral video compilation of racial slurs had appeared, and Rogan is now a racist as well as an “anti-vax covidiot” or whatever they are calling us these days.
He’s also an object lesson in the entire purpose of cancel culture, and extreme identity politics in general.
I don’t know how many of our readers are gamers, or remember Half Life 2, but go with me here…
Around two-thirds of the way through the game you encounter giant insect-like aliens called Ant Lions, and soon afterwards get a special attack: The ability to “paint” enemies with pheromones which cause an unending swarm of Ant Lions to attack them.
Of course, the giant insects don’t know WHY they are attacking your enemies, they don’t sympathise with your aims and are not capable of understanding your plans, all they know is the chemical signals driving them to fits of rage.
You probably don’t need me to explain the metaphor.
This is the purpose of rampant, hysterical identity politics. You can paint your enemies as a target and watch the mindless swarm do its work.
As much as “cancel culture” is portrayed as a totally organic process, without any top-down control, this is simply not the case.
It is almost NEVER organic, and seemingly ALWAYS contrived.
If you need to be persuaded of that, simply look at who is immune to it.
Both Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau have got enough racist (or at least racist-seeming) scandals to get them cancelled if the process really was anything but a covert tool of maintaining the status quo. And yet still they stand.
To show how selective it is, we have examples of the same exact behaviour eliciting complete opposite responses depending on the person involved.
When Gina Carano compared the hatred of the unmasked and unvaccinated to the way Jews were treated in Nazi Germany, she lost her job and her agent.
When Margaret Hodge made similar comments about Corbyn’s Labour party, there was no rebuke at all.
It seems only people outside the establishment, or promoting the ‘wrong’ opinions, are ever in real danger of falling victim to ‘organic’ cancellation.
Indeed, one can be a totally white-bread member of the entertainment industry for years and be safe in the knowledge your racism/homophobia/misogyny etc will never really come to light, but step out of line on the wrong subject at the wrong time, and you will suddenly find yourself facing a tidal wave of past “sins” about to wash over you.
Look at Donald Trump, an insider to the bone when he was just a billionaire reality TV host, but then he ran against Hillary and became “literally Hitler” overnight.
Rogan is a perfect examplar of this phenomenon. Spend ten years going on about legalising weed, taking DMT and talking about martial arts and you can say “the n-word” as much as you want and nobody notices or cares. But the minute you even mildly interrogate an important media narrative, then the mob ‘organically’ remembers you were a racist the whole time.
The evidence of contrivance is obvious. Simply ask yourself: where did this video compilation of racial slurs actually come from? Who made it?
Rogan’s uses of “the n-word” are not new. They are all several years old and from 23 separate episodes, all multiple hours long. And there are almost 1800 episodes of the show to plough through if you decide to go searching. So making this video is at least two days’ work of simply watching the episodes – and that’s assuming you know where to start looking.
And that’s before editing or trying to make it “go viral”.
Was all this done on a whim by some bored pro-vaxxer?
Does that sound likely?
Far more likely is that it was created and deployed to discredit Rogan’s COVID-questioning without having to engage with the Covid sceptic evidence or arguments.
It’s even possible the video may even have already existed before the current controversy. After all, why create this climate of stifling sensitivity if you don’t have the tools to use it?
Perhaps most authors, actors, comedians etc. have a “tape” in the vault somewhere. A database of racism, homophobia or transphobia just waiting to be released when needed. A collection of neo-kompromat that works best as a deterrent, but is always ready to be loosed if needed.
Those people who do step too far out of their box are taken down, and act as an example to others. Ensuring everyone on the public stage is singing from the same hymn sheet.
Because that, it seems, is what cancel culture is for.
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Rogan has always been an idiot with a bullhorn and has now revealed himself to be a coward as well.. All that martial arts training went to waste.
Hadn’t heard about this Rogan guy before, have now but couldn’t care less.
National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin – February 07, 2022 | Homeland Security
Maybe it is time to pull any songs or TV programs and movies that use That Word, no matter who utters it. The Wire would probably be down to five episodes.
There’s some very odd things about this entire and clearly contrived affair.
Look at his first apology video for example…firstly, who does that? Apologise to these people? Has it EVER made things better in any way, shape or form?
If so i must have missed it…so why do they keep agreeing to apologise?
Then look at the two stories he told….
Firstly he loves Neil young…
As young “Bouncer”, i mean “security operative”, he worked at a Neil young gig…briefly..very briefly.
But, he recalls, he thought there might be trouble, so he went equipped with a hoodie, and as soon as trouble kicked off, he slipped on the hoodie, covering his security outfit, and ran away…!? He got in his car and went home…
So right when his services were needed he ran away…never even went to collect his pay….so he has some shame then?
Then he went on to say how he loved Joni Mitchell….complimented her on the song “Chuck-E’s in Love”…sweet….
Except that song isn’t by Joni Mitchell…it’s actually by Rickie Lee Jones….so he really doesn’t know anything about Joni then…
So in that one short video all he has done is to show he’s a liar and a coward….& certainly not to be relied upon when the going gets tough.
Maybe the latter is why he keeps on apologising?
He simply doesn’t have the backbone to stand up to these people…?
You’d think he could buy one out of his $100million fee he received from Spotify eh?
I completely understand the Mitchell/Jones mixup. It’s obviously due to the common denominator: beret-wearing female vocalist.
Perhaps the Mitchell/ Lee Jones mix up was intentional? I thought it was funny. It would have been better if he said he was a big Neil Young fan and loved “Sweet Caroline”!
You made me LOL irl!
I’ve been going around lately saying I don’t think much of Kneel Young as an artist, and how the cover versions eg UB40 & Pulp Fiction are way cooler..
It’s funny how every report of the Rogan issue is so eager to push the matter of all those hundreds (or is it thousands or is it millions?) of Really Trustworthy Proper Scientists condemning Rogan and emphasising the Utter Horror of covid and the amazing miraculous properties of the vax.
The best science money can buy!
“I saw the needle take another man”.
Funny how these rock rebels live to a ripe old age while people around them die young. For example, Mr “Hope I die before I get old” lives on while two of his band members are dead – John Entwhistle had a nice masonic funeral and the media act surprised that he was a freemason (like Keith Moon didn’t have an all-seeing eye tattoo).
Young’s lyrics also feed into the lazy assumption that music stars who do die young must have had some sort of overdose and thus there’s a regular explanation. In most cases that’s nowhere near the truth. For example, in the case of Jimi Hendrix neither the immediate eyewitnesses nor the medical report support any idea that “the needle” had taken another man. Hendrix seems to have been drowned in wine. His manager had British intelligence connections and supposedly died in a mid-air collision not too long afterwards. Brian Jones was another whose autopsy showed no drugs in his system and only a little alcohol. He managed to drown in his swimming pool despite being an excellent swimmer. At the other extreme, Kurt Cobain was found with two syringes hanging out of his arms – as if a heroin addict would shoot themselves (with a long rifle he’d have to have fire with his foot and which went through bith cheeks which shouldn’t have been a mortal wound) just after getting the high they crave.
The only question is how many of these deaths are faked – all, or only some? The Morrison and Bowie “deaths” were obvious fakes so clearly some of them are hoaxes.
Joe Rogan? The anti-christian bigot?
The freemason? The satanist linked with church of satan’s Lavey, the grandson of the Anthony Lavey which created the church of satan back in the 1960s???
Really? He’s a bit like Sacha Stone as well…
“Anti-christian bigot”… talk about pots and black kettles! Maybe another reading of the Book of Revelation will fix this!
What I usually say is based on facts and evidence…
Ha Lol Schnap!
Photo is prima facie. The rest…not convinced. Sacred Geometry is hardly Satanic it’s the building blocks of life, like the Platonic solids…. evil snail shells and dark fibonacci spirals…
\||/ (.v.) \||/
I just watched the video, and he never uses the n-word to actually refer to a human by it. Most of the clips are him saying, “…the word, ‘n****r’…” , and then there’s him describing a second person who was calling a third person “n****r.”
This is crazytown.
Gore Vidal demonstrated how the quote game works. You write,
And the media only repeat the first four words there. So you now said what the Nazi said.
Point taken, but there is an even deeper level to the perception wit
‘germany must perish‘ ..theodore kaufman 1941
‘jews must live‘… samuel roth 1934
in this case perfectly acceptable calls to extermination, and bear in mind the dates of these books, both can be obtained from archive dot org… (should you care)..
It depends who is writing the copy and pays the piper the herd pirouettes around… and to what aims these exercises in propaganda are employed…
and of course NO I’m not a nazi before the imbeciles mob me.. I’m just pointing out things haven’t changed much…
ask whoopee and take a look at the ADL’s definition of racism (hurriedly amended I may add).. both starkly hypocritical bendings of the truth..
So the point is.. nazi has been a stale old trope for a long long time, continually trotted out in a specific manner and with specific utility by the ‘regime’ (and why is this you may wonder, but that’s another story)… however at the same time you are forbidden to examine or reevaluate new information (it is more or less the same propaganda methods utililised in the covid con, repetition and association, shaming etc etc)
there are no nazi’s because the last two million or so of the ‘nazi’s’ were exterminated by starvation in the rhineland meadow camps in 1945 by the americans and french under eisenhowers orders…
what the current regime means by ‘nazi’ is quite another thing… so it’s always pointless mouthing ‘state propaganda’..
Joe Rogan said his doctor, Pierre Kory, is part of a group that has used Ivermectin to quietly treat 200 Members of U.S. Congress for COVID19. Dr Simone Gold, from America’s Frontline Doctors, told that she has prescribed treatments for Congress. She still believes in her oath, but she is vocal saying she has been contacted by many in DC. Can you believe these demons? Healing for them are OK but not for us. Get your Ivermectin while you still can!
‘Reputation’ ‘on the line’?
“The data itself shows no reduction in covid or death”
The last American vagabond video at 27:57 :
28:00 “These spike proteins cross the blood brain barrier. . . . They have prion disease effects. We are going to see this in about a year and a half.”
39:50: the outcomes of these prion diseases. The data shows that it is a problem for both {the virus and particular the vaccine}
42:00: We don’t have any major data that shows Ivermectin or ????????? ‘works’. ?
Excellent analysis!
Of course it’s contrived. It’s always contrived. News isn’t real, it’s manufactured narratives. But Rogan is a Freemason operative, who pushed the existence of a non existent disease and a non existent virus, and he’s being paid huge dollars to be a scapegoat in this censorship psyop. More divide and conquer nonsense.
The entire point of television, media, magazines, marketing, advertising, social media, podcasts, music, culture, film, internet, and entertainment is to program and brainwash people using social engineering to accept artificial norms. To become students, or consumers, or workers, or taxpayers, or citizens, or employees… for the purpose of profit and control by the 0.01%
Once humans accept being molded, shaped, brainwashed, programmed, exploited, used and manipulated, they also come to accept ridiculous laws (like censorship, drug laws, restrictions on movement and taxes) then participate in other absurd practices like participating in medical fraud, by restricting their oxygen intake with masks, or injecting themselves with poisons for imaginary diseases defined by fake tests, or for censoring their thoughts, actions, enterprise, creativity and words by totally illegitimate, unlawful racketeering operations called “governments”.
Don’t forget War.
” But Rogan is a Freemason operative, who pushed the existence of a non existent disease and a non existent virus, and he’s being paid huge dollars to be a scapegoat in this censorship psyop. More divide and conquer nonsense.”
Oh for the love of Athena!
What a crock of nonsense!
Don’t forget your flu shot.
Deranged nonsense like this reflects badly on The Off-Guardian, its readers, and those of us who write comments.
Researcher, we’re on the same side in this war.
If you ever need it, I have a supply of Ivermectin.
Don’t demonize those of us who don’t share your delusions
Yeah I’ve seen that picture of Rogan wearing the 666 T-SHIRT and making the devil sign.
Not convinced, loads of rockers make that sign, when I was into metal I used to make it, I don’t think that means anything on its own.
Politicians making those kind of gestures in incongruous situations, that makes me wonder though.
I agree, everyones a fucking ‘freemason’ or ‘Illuminati’ the term is as loose as ‘conspiracy theorist’ or ‘anti vaxxer’. It’s a week strawman at best, mud slinging just to divide. Let’s face it most people prob have fathers and grandads that were members back in the day when it was all the rage.
“Joe Rogan has been offered a $100 million deal to leave Spotify and take his podcast to Rumble, including all deleted episodes, the platform’s CEO Chris Pavlovski has announced.“
Being a shill for viruses that don’t exist, and toxic treatments for non existent disease, is really, really, profitable.
Joe Rogan, Jimmy Dore, and Robert Kennedy Junior have offered space to those who are resisting the worst features of the COVID narrative: masks, obligatory vaccines, banning from public life.
I live in New Jersey, a northeastern state in the Evil Empire.
I’m 20 minutes by train from NYC but no longer go there.
I’m banned from theaters, cinemas, museums, libraries, and restaurants. I supported many of the theaters and museums with generous donations for many years. But now I’m banned.
Researcher: I’m old but still ride a bike. If I were injured, I don’t know if I’d be treated at a hospital emergency room. There are doctors who no longer want to treat me.
The governor of New York has said the vaccine is a gift from God and she has proposed cutting off the unvaxxed from Social Security and Medicare.
I’m scared. I feel we, the resisters—including you and I— need all the friends we can find. We should not be denouncing people for being masons or agents of the devil.
I’m serious about the Ibermectin.
I read an article nearly two years ago (in regarding both hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. A doctor (I think in France) had cautioned against using either of these for severely ill patients.
You may recall when in the US they wanted to discredit both drugs, they deliberately used them to treat severely ill patients – who then died. This was what led to these drugs being all but outright banned in the US.
At any rate, I’m with you in asking people to please not over-hype the freemason and satanic meme.
The mason stuff has become such a cultural meme. I gotta laugh when someone says, “Oh look, that’s masonic, the person must be a mason” ignoring the fact we’ve been marinating in this conversation for a few decades and I bet there’s more than a few who went out and got ‘edgy’ Tshirts and tattoos, etc because they were, well being edgy and not being masons. Not saying some of it isn’t real, but constantly looking for those signs just to justify a worldview is not good for sanity or perspective.
In fact, it reminds me of the ultimate ends of cermonial magic, when your perspective shifts so that you see the world as a mass of symbols and apply it to oneself at all times…funny thing for people so adamantly against such things to do to themselves.
Researcher is immune to your pleas because he’s a paid government operative whose sole purpose here is to disrupt the discussion and discredit the interlocutors here with obviously made up nonsense.
Ignore him, downvote him, and do not respond to his lunacy. He’s a paid liar working for the government, and you’re playing right into his hands.
He and his ilk are a fake “opposition” which keeps the core of the narrative going.
Hehe @ “his ilk”
Yes. I’m with you on that, 100%.
so that will be 200 million old joe has trousered from spotify then..
you can buy a lot of opinions with that sort of worthless fiat currency.. (and create a lot of drama)..
perhaps he should invest in Meta, I hear zuckerghouls a bit short at the mo..
Rogan is a FREEMASON.
A liar. A shill. And a HUNDRED MILLIONAIRE.
Anton Levay, like Alistair Crowley was also a FREEMASON.
Oh for the love of Athena!
What a crock of nonsense!
Gonna need a citation!
Your talking intergalactic light language to the moronic variant lot
they still believe their vote gets people elected.
They watch rogan and think Gina Carano man looking creature is a women.
Tucker carson is like Nietzsche to these moronic lot.
Read their comments in enjoyment and empathy.
We really hope that they wake up soon.
Lol @ Carlson as Nietzsche.
I left a link to the 666 wearing Rogan with his pal from the Church of Satan, Anton LaVey (born Howard Stanton Levey), yet the newbie-troll defends its idol.
There’s something suspicious about Ivermectin being awarded the Nobel Prize in 2015… I‘m going to do some research on its mechanism of action.
Researcher, Phantasm, NixonScrapes, et al…
A parade of paid trolls or “the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness…”?
Frightening and depressing either way.
I’m with you there, the whole thing looks dodgy, another false dialectic.
“132:48 next slide please this is
132:52 what source code v2 looks like and if
132:54 and i will i will send you the video so
132:55 you can show it
132:57 of the side on the right shows it goes
132:59 up and down and you can see the actual
133:01 source corona
133:02 cov2 virus uh with its spiked proteins
133:06 in its corona shape i’ll send that to
133:08 you so you can play that
133:10 it’s it’s incredibly important because
133:13 there are people out there that are
133:14 actually of the opinion that
133:16 sars cov2 doesn’t exist and has not been
133:19 isolated
133:20 these individuals not only have
133:22 demonstrated they don’t understand
133:23 viruses
133:24 but they interfere with the with the
133:26 serious discussion going on with this
133:28 virus “
That’s endogenous cellular debris. No virus has ever been isolated and purified ie; FOUND.
Furthermore, the endogenous cellular debris (micro-vesicles or particles) from the cell culture method, have never been shown to cause any illness or disease. They have never passed Koch’s or Rivers’ postulates.
Contagion has never been proven or shown in any experiment or study. Germ theory has been continually debunked.
Claiming endogenous cellular debris or artifacts are viral, without isolating and purifying the alleged viral particles, then chemically characterizing them, is outright fraud. Especially since controls instantly debunk virology.
All the viral “tests“ are 100% fraudulent since the alleged viruses are never isolated and purified, the “tests” never screen for a virus, but non-unique, short genetic sequences that already exist in the human genome and bacteria dozens of times over, such as the RT-PCR method.
When control groups are used containing no patient sample, (ergo, no possible virus) following exactly the same cell culture methods and materials, identical EM images of corona-like particles are obtained, proving they are endogenous artifacts, not viruses.
Lastly, all alleged viral genomes are hypothetical, since they are fabricated using de novo assembly, in silico.
Explain this if you can: my mother was a Capricorn, my father an Aries – yet of three kids, none of us were either Capricorn or Aries! Ha! Gotcha!
In case you’re thinking “How stupid!”: that’s a little bit how the constant refrain of Freemasonry, Satanism, CIAism and so on comes off.
Particularly when it applies to celebrities and rock musicians – both of whom seem to be oblivious to the larger culture around them.
Somebody mentioned Keith Moon had a Freemason tattoo (the one eye). I can almost guarantee you he simply thought it was a cool image and used it – period. Rock stars, even really good ones, are not exactly original. They don’t create from whole cloth but from standard pieces quilted together.
Of course that makes them easy pickings for the Powers That Be and their henchmen in the entertainment industry (the “Suits”). But it hardly makes them card carrying Freemasons or Devil Worshippers or CIA operatives. Give them some slack, they can’t help who they are.
No. They know. Looking cool is not enough. Everyone knows the eye symbol is the all seeing eye. And the Masonic shills that don’t fully understand what the hell they are promoting, are participating in the symbolism and subliminal messaging, wittingly or unwittingly. It really makes no difference which.
Nobody wears a 666 t-shirt, gets Masonic tattoos all over their body, and has their photo taken with a church of Satan founder if they aren’t fully ensconced in the Freemason world of psyops, black magic and mind control. I’m specifically referring to Joe Rogan.
The fact that they end up with a podcast and millions of listeners is not a coincidence. They are promoted and assisted their entire career.
The world, and particularly entertainment and media is populated with Masonic shills, all vying for fame and money. What they personally believe or how much know, or how deeply they are involved in masonry, or the intel community itself is 100% irrelevant.
Their use of the symbolism on their own bodies and record covers, in their lyrics, and their participation in psyops and rituals, drug use and child porn, is enough to elicit a subliminal effect and a detrimental role model for the teens who look up to professional musicians or entertainers. That’s the whole point of controlling culture. Subliminal messaging.
I didn’t know who Keith Moon was before your comment and I really didn’t care. But I do know that garbage crap like the WHO, the World Health Authority and the shitty band of the same name (what a coincidence) you couldn’t PAY ME to listen to that crap.
And any band that uses a flag (Which is a symbol of repression and monarchy colors) is obviously part of promoting the cryptocracy. Patriotism is a psyop.
“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.”
You’re a lot better with the corona research. Seems that the Book of Revelation script got to you from an early age and is firmly lodged in.
Perhaps a crash course in mystical symbolism by non-religious authors will help you with the confusion.
example: Most masonic symbols are not their own. Freemasonry (much like Abrahamic religion) is a forced and distorted mish-mash of various esoteric traditions with the self-conceited aim of recreating the ancient mysteries, which were the light of the “pagan” (pre-christian) world.
Of course they can do nothing of the sort because their aim is to control, divide and rule, and permanently entrench the status quo- they serve what the “gnostics “called the Archons- entities which are functionally identical to Yawveh and his archangels… It is for this statement that the “gnostics” were exterminated by the “people of the book”…
The Bible is the original psy-op.
It’s astrotheology. I don’t read the BUYBULL. That picture and others of Rogan giving the 666 symbol with his hand are 100% Freemasonry, Freemason. All the Masonic sects are linked.
You misinterpreted what I wrote to push your straw man.
And if you think CoS suing another org controlled by the same intel agencies is real, then you probably think mass shootings, terrorism, pandemics, assassinations, financial crises and wars are real too. GMAMB! Three answers to refute nothing.
There are no signs of freemasonry in the image you posted. The satanic imagery in heavy metal culture is a knee jerk reaction to jesuit / catholic puritanism. Abrahamic religion and “Satanism” are two sides of the same coin ( and that’s why they use the same language).
Some freemasons may use Baphomet’s image but they are not metal heads or Church Of Satan members. The latter is a bunch of clowns as fas as actual freemasons (judges, police chiefs, bankers etc) are concerned.
To drive the point home… the Church Of Satan sued Netflix over Netflix using a statue of Baphomet in the series “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina”. The Church claimed the statue was a replica of their own, and claimed intellectual property.
Netflix removeed the statue from subsequent episodes and replaced it with Hecate (LOL).
If the Church Of Satan were real baby eating demons that want Baphomet to rule the world, do you think they woud have sued? No, they are a bunch of american clowns.
Free speech seems to be in the news. You will have to go a long way to hear a better analysis than this from Pat Condell.
Yeah, that’s excellent!
I left the player running and another of his rants started playing. This one blamed the pandemic on China. He believes that the “pandemic” has been raging in the West killing millions all due to China. He doesn’t seem able to see the role of the WHO, CDC, NIH, NIAID, Fauci, Gates, Big Pharma, Media, etc. at all. He does’t seem to question that the numbers are wildly inflated or that w/o te manipulation of data, redefinition of terms, reclassification of normal flu etc., that there would not be a pandemic at all. It made me reluctant to pass along his very good free speech rant.
Anthony Fauci was the god father of cancel culture, surprise surprise
Things have gone truly beyond the weird,..Neil Young is pro vaxx, the liberal left is dead and Canadian truckers will save us from the gene therapy zombie shot, bloody hell fire!!!!
“Liberals” have never been “Left”–they have existed for hundreds of years, and got their start by instigating the Opium Wars against China so they could export addiction to overseas populations and thereby enrich themselves. Yes, that is actual history.
“Liberals” have been rightists as often as they have been centrists. *LABOUR* and *SOCIALISM* are leftist movements–not Liberals.
That is just as true today as it has ever been.
Who’da thought our heroes would turn out to be Joe Rogan and thousands of Canadian truckers? The world truly is turned upside down.
Another excellent, timely article.
Thank you, Kit.
Yeah, sure.
“Future CCF leader and premier of Saskatchewan Tommy Douglas and long-time federal MP Stanley Knowles were members of the Canadian Palestine Committee, a group of prominent non-Jewish Zionists formed in 1943 (future external minister Paul Martin Sr. and Alberta premier Ernest C. Manning were also members).”
“After a trip to that country, Tommy Douglas said “Israel was like a light set upon a hill — the light of democracy in a night of darkness — and the main criticism of Israel has not been a desire for land. The main enmity against Israel is that she has been an affront to those nations who do not treat their people and their workers as well as Israel has treated hers.’
Despite Ottawa’s strong pro-Israel alignment, NDP leader Tommy Douglas criticized Prime Minister Lester Pearson for not backing Israel more forthrightly in the 1967 war.”
Not Counting Niggers, by George Orwell‘but all phrases like ‘Peace Bloc’, ‘Peace Front’, etc contain some such implication; all imply a tightening-up of the existing structure. The unspoken clause is always ‘not counting niggers’. For how can we make a ‘firm stand’ against Hitler if we are simultaneously weakening ourselves at home? In other words, how can we ‘fight Fascism’ except by bolstering up a far vaster injustice?’
Twist reality to fashion a stick. More commonly they twist reality to fashion what appears to be a carrot: Let’s see, people love the environment and nature — how can we twist reality to use that love to create the dictatorial NWO? Anthropogenic global warming! Agenda 21. Agenda 30.
Here’s my problem with attributing “anthropogenic global warming” to hoaxville: it isn’t working any better now than it ever did. Yes, a few people take it seriously and go through the motions of recycling; but that’s pretty much it.
People by and large ignore the talk of climate change. And the climate engineers go to great lengths to make the weather seem “normal” (as in the US this winter) – why would they do that? Wouldn’t they, instead, use their geoengineering to make the weather seem as “abnormal” as possible so as to bolster the global warming “hoax?”
Or is the power structure so utterly stupid its right hand doesn’t know what its left hand is doing?
Howard, I think there’s just about no possibility that the geoengineering (chemtrailing) is to ensure that the earth will be able to healthfully support the population. There is a considerable body of suppressed info that planetary climate is growing COLDER. Geoengineering to block a portion of sunlight wd therefore be additive to cooling. Plus I assume there are experiments being run depending on the composition of the chemtrails.
You are quite correct that only a small number of activists care about (believe) the anthropogenic global warming hoax. Nevertheless quite a number of steps have been taken to restrict availability or increase cost of “fossil” fuels, using the hoax as a pretext. In some cases the legislation was passed some time ago and will shortly take effect.
Finally, having witnessed the vaccine propaganda I’m sure you’ll agree that ginned-up AGW propaganda is apt to persuade many people not to oppose the horrendous changes planned to our housing and our diets, etc. Just consider all the people who were fooled by the US Dietary Guidelines. Even when people got fat and diabetic they continued the grain & vegetable oil heavy diet. They continued to believe that saturated fat and red meat were bad for them although common sense wd tell you that man was a carnivore for millennia.
Think again. It doesn’t matter what people think. We are already paying carbon taxes for years now, and those taxes are geared up to get higher. If Herr Schwab gets his way we will be rationed our travel miles and everything else. Not the corporations repsonsible for environmental destruction, but us.
Wait a minute. 1800 episodes, each multiple hours long, searching for instances of one word. No way that can be done by a human. Or even a hundred humans.
Remember, all those episodes are digitized. The search was done by computer. By Artificial Intelligence (the latest buzz phrase for advanced programming.)
Who has the capabilities to do that? And how did it fall into the hands of that India Arie?
Speech analysis and voice recognition make speech as useful as text, or even more so. -Ava Kofman 2018
I’m glad we have such admirable and honest ‘academics’ (credentialed mendacious imbeciles) as adam crystalizing events for us… it’s not often we get such unbiased intellectual rigour applied to current events.. I think the last time may have been fiona bruce impersonating a belisha beacon..
He looks like he spends a lot of time with the working class.
I could just picture a large member of the working class giving him an example of what a boot crushing your face to the concrete feels like, for his reasearch.
“Perhaps most authors, actors, comedians etc. have a “tape” in the vault somewhere.” Not perhaps – definitely.
Those massive NSA data server farms were not just for emails & text messages.
100% against censorship of any sort, gave this article a 5. But i need to say, Joe Rogan has basically fed the “virus exists” and “pandemic” narrative, questioning only how these are dealt with, has not questioned allopathic medicine at all.
Yeah. He’s a heretic.
Let’s burn him at the stake.
Come on, Jeffery!
WTF? i said i’m against censorship. I guess i mus treat him as being beyond criticism.
I have to admit that I have never heard of Mr Rogan and frankly couldn’t care less about the ensuing furore. I do, however, have some sympathy for anybody who has had to run the gauntlet of the woke-lib, rampaging mob. My God these people are so self-righteous it is quite nauseating!
Joe caught Ovid and used iva special potion to cure it.
Trusty old midget Joe now has free speech rumble network offer him 100mil to move.
LOL @ the Graun
The free-comment editor is working overtime deleting any comments supporting the truckers.
I’ve managed to smuggle in a positive video, disguised as This youtube video clearly shows the protesters for the fascists that they are.
My post is still standing after 29 minutes and counting, with 4 recs. Result.
We’ll see if it lasts…
Upvoted. Nice one!
Article now closed, and my comment still stands, with 7 recs.
But unfortunately, I can’t be sure that all of those 7 actually clicked on the link. In the knee jerk land that is The Guardian, it’s quite possible that some have just imagined a video full of swastikas, and clicked in support of this image in their own heads.
Hey ho, not to worry. The video is still there to be viewed, and that’s the main thing.
Great video. Powerful scenes of the people lining the bridge and roadsides
The comment’s still up, as I post
blast the graun using the report function, but these pharma daze not a single article is open for comment. . . . . Y wood dat bee??
Regarding Joe Rogan using the word nigger compilation taken out of context
I have never watched Joe Rogan but the attack is obviously that he dares interview anyone that does not agree with currently accepted narrative.
Here is a clip of John Lennon defending using the word nigger in his and Yoko Ono song women is the nigger of the world
The N word is not Nigger it is NO
I wonder if the N word has been alone in being characterised by an abusive nickname. For example we have had Frogs (French) Micks (Irish) Germans (Krauts) Italians (Wops-Greasers) Poles (Polaks) Greeks (Bubbles, as in Bubble and Squeek) Africans/Arabs (Wogs) Chinese (Chinks, or as Prince Phillip once designated them ‘slitty eyes’.)
And so the whole imperial Anglo-American litany of racial insults goes on. All a bit of laugh – unless you’re on the receiving end of it of course.
Definitely Yoko Ono idea about women slave like social status stemmed from her own observations of appalling nearly purely patriarchal and feudal Japanese society of 1960s hidden under veneer of phony western liberalism. Now things begin to change in Japan resulting in halving its population by 2050 dropping 90% by 2100 if current trends hold.
While inspired by Japan Yoko observations applied in fact in differing degrees to all world’s societies at that time, however they were hijacked by CIA funded global feminist movements Yoko was often supporting that instead of demanding equality, equity and egalitarianism of man-woman partnership as socialists demanded feminists attacked family itself and its fundamental social function of raising new generation.
“Homosexual Revolution” of that same age opened another front of assaulting ideas of nuclear biological families heavily promoted by liberal ideology of capitalism especially promoted dominance of individual competition over collective cooperation in a form of rampant individualism. Perhaps this communal nature of “new family” supposedly cooperating in raising children was a factor why progressives and leftist liberals embraced feminists and LGBT radical ideologies.
Unfortunately as history proved those government and corporate promoted movements were not after reaching equality, gaining equity in egalitarian society but were interested in dominance of new emerging from those movements elites dictating their radical ideas to population at large while defending appalling capitalist social relations including family bonds based on power and money.
I once read a very interesting article about how things changed in Japan after WW2. Before that, women in rural areas of Japan would sometimes walk around bare-breasted in hot weather. After the disastrous results of the war, the American occupiers demanded that this custom was ended, and it was.
Lots to think about there.
This seems like a continuation of the colonialist Christian missionary mentality– which it is.
The nationalities and uniforms may change, but the Conquistadors remain the same.
I don’t use the phrase ‘n word’ in general conversation. If we are discussing the word ‘nigger’, then I don’t have a problem using the word nigger. Having a discussion about a word while not being able to use that word just seems ridiculous. Having said that, I don’t go around using this word in a derogatory or insulting fashion. I’ve always tried to stand up against racism and bigotry, but don’t feel the need to advertise my anti fascist credentials with the effete and pathetic use of the phrase ‘n word’.
Rogan ought to challenge these cry bully’s to a few rounds MMA… he may be fat and old but I’m sure he could tag a full team of these unhinged wailers..
you see.. that’s the problem.. daddy was never around to draw boundaries for these broken babies.. devoid of stability and forced to watch mummy hopelessly pissed and crying every night watching ‘boxsets’ they were forced into scanning historical social media for wrong think, to give purpose to their meaningless and increasingly digital existence…
for these creatures, projecting their own petty prejudices and hypocrisies onto others is cathartic and very rewarding…(it offers them identity, something they lack)..
warm and content in the bossom of Big Mommy state… the parent they never had..
of course it could all be a contrived piece of theatre..
to keep you on the reservation…(ooh could that get me into trouble?)..
You are already in serious trouble, what with your bizarre projections and all. I don’t think you understand what “tag” means, but still, your revenge fantasy is pretty weird.
Ha.. and I’m sure you are perfectly normal, if a bit stupid..
Are you sure?
the question surely, should be.. are you?… perhaps you should ask ‘mummy’ …
she can explain tag team to you..
This is a targeted hit, probably already compiled just in case. (Think Jeffrey Epstein’s sex tapes of politicians or the D.C. Madame etc.). It’s part of the censorship and suppression of dissent and a not so subtle attack on non-conformists. Joe Rogan will make his millions it’s not like they literally pulled the plug on him or made him persona non grata like they did the Dixie Chicks and Phil Donahue who opposed the Gulf War. They didn’t murder him like they did Medgar Evers, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. This is all for show to teach a lesson to others, don’t go off the Zombie reservation.
The usual issues the overlords use to topple a man are: sexual infidelity impropriety, fraud/corruption or “racism”. In Rogan’s case it’s the issue of racism raised by an African American recording artists who has a reputation for being “conscious”.
“They are just following orders. So move along now. Nothing to see here. Just the Scamdemic Gestapo enforcing the ‘Big Lie’, the Big Cull, the Great Ripoff and the Grand Enslavement.”
“Nazi Boy and the Reich Need to Fall, Now.”
How many posts have you made on OffGuardian with your “Nazi Boy” tag? And again, who are you citing with your quotes? Funny, funny.
Woke totalitarianism is a toxic combination of totalitarianism, mass formation psychosis and pseudo-religion that echos Nazi supremacist ideology.
It has its unique set of orthodoxies, incontrovertible dogmas which may some day go into the Holy Woke Bible. The Book of Diversity, the Book of Intersections, the Book of Micro-Aggressions, the Book of Covidian,
Mattias Desmet has identified the atomized, meaningless, fearful and invidious conditions of current society laying the groundwork for a hypnosis-like mass formation. Add abject naivety, the general belief that this has not been planned.
It has its unique “woke” incantations, litanies, rituals, penances, heresies and “spiritual” leaders to extract total obeisance from the flock. Cancel culture is a key penance inflicted on problematic high profile heretics guilty of “micro-aggression”.
It is as CJ Hopkins has elaborated, a full blown totalitarian system in which human life is expendable. It now issues its unyielding encyclical regarding heretics and infidels: Don’t let them speak (censorship, cancel culture). Don’t let them protest (truckers protest
denied funding and ground level support). Don’t let them work (no jab no work). Don’t even let them live (denial of medical treatment). And if some are lost the price will be worth a devout hive society.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Reiner Fuellmich have said this is a final battle for the soul of humanity that cannot be lost.
That is not an overstatement.
Basically a fork in the road has been reached and everyone must decide which fork they are going to take.
I decided long ago that I wasn’t taking the road of Blair, Schwab, Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, the CIA, the Pentagon, the US Deep State and all their transhumanist claptrap.
I’m right behind you, Rhys.
Many many many times i no people who have thought of something and then it appears on the net via a advertisement.
It does read the mind.
Now they have normalized it as something fun and good.
Amazon’s Big Game Commercial: Mind Reader
Or, the NSA’s searchable data base of all things internet, made it quite easy to catalog every time Rogan used the N word. Which once upon a time was actually a real word. One that people used, and which people argued about. How dare Rogan argue against it by using it.
It’s a good thing Joe Rogan isn’t a librarian… >
The Obsolete Man
The Obsolete Man (BEST) – YouTube
I’ll say. He’s an abusive imbecile, and those are not traits we need in a librarian.
Since March 2020, I’ve encountered more than one “abusive imbecile” librarian…
Last summer I had a couple of Hungarian guys doing some specialty metal roofing on my house. Great guys – we spent a lot of time chatting about the state of things and I said to one of them ” You know you’re a white supremacist, right? ” based on his whiteness alone. He then said: ” I have chickens, three different colors, white, brown and red. They sleep with their own color. ”
Let’s all admit we feel most comfortable among those who we resemble. This is the inescapable fact which the malefactors have exploited to label anyone, literally anyone racist – because even chickens are by that measure. It is enough to note any difference between people to get that label.
Racism is founded upon a legitimate fear of “not like us”. As in the Mongol horde coming over the hill. Or, the NAZI extermination campaigns against Jews, Russians, and Gypsies. The definition of civilization can be summed up in overcoming our instincts.
“Let’s all admit we feel most comfortable among those who we resemble”
Speak for yourself, certainly not my own experience.
My bad – I hadn’t accounted for the Self Loathing ones in this group.
These and the atheists here are are beyond pathetic.
I’ll get my coat, as you say in the UK 🙄
Nothing self loathing about discovering and adopting better ways, you should try it before making such ignorant statements. Way too many closed minded fools where I’m from. Even worse on the US east coast where lived and worked for many years.
It’s very revealing that you detect self loathing in the above exchange. Can you not see that self love and the love of others are not mutually exclusive? That they are completely compatible? Or can you only see self love existing within the narrow confine of a racially segregated community? And a religious community to boot by the sound of it.
So, your idea of a healthy community is a religious community consisting of one ethnic group? I really pity you, you poor, poor man.
Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, as they say in Canada.
Nor mine.
Right on, fame.
mine neither.
In group preference is natural. To deny this is insane. To admit it is not to consider oneself superior to others.
Well, if you really want to talk chickens, chickens flock with the others that were in their ‘peer’ group, ie, if you bought a bunch of one breed at one point and another breed at another, each of those chicken breeds are going to hang in separate groups. If you buy a whole bunch of odd lot chickens at the same time, they hang together regardless of breed. So your Hungarian guy IS racist AND full of shit about chickens.
And don’t get me started about roosters, they’ll bang anything.
Haha Roosters! indeed they will…
Yes. There is never any rationale behind racialism or racism. It is always a tribal thing. The real issue is class (created by imperial-capitalist exploitation of people) and freedom from oppression and slavery. Gender and race are for idiots to fight over and waste their time and energy
Seems like the beginning scene from a 70’s porno. Tomusa is one of them types.
Yup the pathetic straw man show continues with the “Independant”:
“Joe Rogan impersonates child with disability in resurfaced 2006 clip”
Oh what an EVIL man! And of course the truckers must all be the same!
Anyone with a brain cell would presume CIA connected Joke gan and his elk have been placed in that position to do exactly this.
but this is far to complication for average joe
organic’ cancellation .about as organic as a monsanto burgers at maccy d’s
BTW your Gina Carano is a man = tran’s.
CIA connected rogan -Gina Carano is really low IQ trans fake cancellation gets him a job at Oligarchy funded ben slerpio H.Q.
That’s some cancellation! it seems more a transmigrate to a newer position.
what would one expect from people who cant see 2 years in to covid.
Next up: A Christian preacher/s not allowed to preach now this psyop happens every March / April / May lets see if alt media can actually identity Basic Pattern Recognition before USA mid terms or U.k EU local selections which happens in or around or after Easter.
Come on OFF G ass licking Joke gan. HE aint your friend many normal bloggers have had their videos / podcast podbeam spottfy accounts cut , part loaded, edited , then deleted long before Bs19 appeared.
This rogan distraction conveniently plays into the hands of the On line Harms bill and ID internet verification which they want.
Now that’s quite the turd in the punchbowl!!
Ever watched Ginas MMA stuff?
SHe looks like a East Germany Shot putters on riods.. They proved to be men.
is Fatima Whitbread a women.?
See images of Gina from the film Haywire, and then tell me she’s a man.
body builder man looking types your type.
Women are supposed to be weak and take a beating- it’s the natural order according to Yahveh, the god of the Js also worshipped by the Christians who seem to have a problem with the Js… definitely not mass formation psychosis!
I don’t think anyone here gives a shit about Gina Carano’s actual sex or your feelings about your manhood.
Wild deer test positive for Omicron:§ion=Health
OMG! Panic now!
‘I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It’
Sorry, slight amendment:
‘We disapprove of what you say, but, but, Shut the fuck up or we’ll shut you down and stomp on your fucking head !!’
‘Now, where’s my cognac?’
More Rogan trivia. Listen up. Here in Scotland we are in SERIOUS trouble. We have a rabid Covid endorsing maniac leader (Sturgeon) who has just sanctioned a £300,000 scheme to cut the bottoms off school doors to enable improved air circulation within classrooms all to combat the deadly Covid disease. S.O.S.
You are kidding about the doors right?
apparently not, wtf?
Saw the doors to get more air in to breathe….but the kids are forced to wear masks! Unbelievable.
Didn’t you know Covid is like the malignant spirits of the Dark Ages- it breeds in stagnant air!
They call it The Age of Reason for a reason!
She really is some demented lunatic isn’t she!
What a world it is now. Well the Western part of it. They’ve made racism the biggest crime out there then used it as a weapon to further their own stinking agenda. Why have people gone along with it? And the ridiculous language control that’s got super-serious now. We should all say these banned words as often as possible.
If you think the West is bad, the East is worse. Much worse.
People don’t even question.
Liberals in action. Always trying to pretty idiots from the truth. A truth that would make them beyond invalid.
Looking forward to a similar reel being produced for Quentin Tarantino….
Why is Tarantino exempt? Well, could the car with a 33 number that Bruce Willis picks up in ‘Pulp Fiction’ offer a clue? Or the one-eye imagery in ‘Kill Bill’?
Look at the causes later Tarantino films have served:
Kill Bill – #metoo
Inglorious Basterds – Nazism is ultimate evil.
Django Unchained – BLM.
The Hateful Eight – Confederates are ultimate evil.
Once upon a time in Hollywood – official Manson narrative was true.
Who appears in his films? Everyone from Scientologist John Travolta to Timothy Leary’s goddaughter Uma Thurman to former WEF Young Leader Leonardo DiCaprio.
Which side to take in this latest distraction? Neither, as usual.
How soon before the first takedown of someone for using “he” and “she”?
Plus 100.
What is your obsession with number 33? I was watching Russel Brand yesterday and I bet you steer clear off his youtibe channel!
Lol that’s like saying “whats your obsession with the swastika” to someone who notices the nazi usage of such.
Really? Russel Brand is talking about all that has been going on and poses behind a number 33 in a cinema poster-like design as the centerpiece of his youtube channel. He also has it tattooed. So what does it mean? I would like to know your opinion. And please clarify how the swastika is the same as the number 33.
It’s his lucky number 33, he explained it in his show.
At some point you have to step back and take some people at face value. Russell as some secret mole is just ridiculous and contrived – in a world that is uber ridiculous and contrived.
Of course, I should take a step back, I mean seeing the number 33 in everything makes sense.
I am not implying Russel is a secret mole, I am pointing out the absurdity in seeing the number 33 everywjere and assigning a special connection to it. Also, I didn’t know 33 was connected to West Ham.
Well it’s pretty obvious ”Really? Russel Brand is talking about all that has been going on and poses behind a number 33 in a cinema poster-like design as the centerpiece of his youtube channel. He also has it tattooed. So what does it mean? ”
It means he’s a raving West Ham supporter of course!
But of course I’m one too. Come On You Irons!
The swastika symbol was not designed by the nazis.
Careful you are walking on to Dave McGowan territory!
How about this-
The Rogan “shame video” had already been compiled and the entire punch up was a stunt acting as a honeypot to rope in antivax covid rejecters just to smear them as racists?
Pretty much this…You did however leave out climate denier.
Probably so.
J Edgar Hoover, the notorious FBI chief for decades, kept files with scandalous “dirt” on prominent people he hated (the Kennedys, MLK, various Hollywood liberals, anybody he hated and could smear as a “commie” or “sex pervert”) to be selectively deployed to attempt to bring them down when he wished. It served to keep his enemies in check. Most of these files were destroyed upon his death.
Nowadays AI and digital tech makes the job quite a bit easier to compile and deploy.
Can someone make a “cancel the elite” compilation showing all the nasty racist, sexist and xenophobic shit they say?
And dont exclude trump either, he is a nasty elitist too, for those who forgot that.
Everyone has ‘a “tape” in the vault somewhere’.
As Snowden has shown us about 10 years ago: “I helped make it technologically feasible for a single government to collect all the world’s digital communications, store them for ages, and search through them at will. … In sum, a job managing and connecting the flow of intelligence gave way to a job figuring out how to store it forever, which in turn gave way to a job making sure it was universally available and searchable.”
I think they have figured out how to search in all audio/video recording in these 10 years, not just in the written text.
And all this involves some three-letter “agencies”.
None of this would matter if the people would just drop their silly infernal “prude” affectation which prompts them to turn en masse on anyone who isn’t squeaky clean.
Yes some things – like pedophilia, murder and rape – are beyond the pale and rightly entitle the participant to public censure or worse. But just about anything else should garner a shrug and a swift “Let’s move on” from the general public.
I suspect it was less of people going through the videos and more of people searching through ‘speech to text’ output of his videos on mass, say by someone like Google, to find those words of interest.