What REALLY Got Gina Carano Cancelled
Don’t believe the lies about “racism”, the actress and former athlete has been found guilty of wrongthink. Nothing more.
Kit Knightly

We don’t comment on pop-culture much, but as the incredibly fine line between politics and entertainment begins to fade totally out of existence the overlap becomes harder and harder to ignore.
Plus, sometimes something is just so unfair you have to take a moment to correct the record.
Actress and former MMA fighter Gina Carano has lost her role in Disney’s hit Star Wars spin-off “The Mandalorian”, lost out on her own spin-off series and been dropped by her agent.
All this is the result of a series of social media posts described as “abhorrent” in a press release from LucasFilm:
Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans for her to be in the future. Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable.”
But what did Carano actually say?
Well, the post is deleted but there are screencaps available. Here’s the “abhorrent” text:
Because history is edited, most people today don’t realise that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbours hate them simply for being Jews.
How is that any different from hating someone for their political views.”
Is this “abhorrent”? Is this “denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities”?
Obviously not. It’s an entirely historically accurate statement, making a broader point about the dangers of dehumanising large groups of people.
It’s not racist. It’s not racist to compare modern society to Nazi Germany. It’s not racist to warn against what you perceive as burgeoning fascism.
It’s. Not. Racist.
More than that, it’s actually anti-racist.
But if “go home in peace and love” can become “inciting violence”, or spending Passover with the “wrong kind of Jews” can be “Antisemitism”, than I guess “hey you shouldn’t hate people for being different” can be racist.
As I wrote yesterday, reality itself is under a prolonged assault, and we have to struggle to stick up for what words mean. For what is real.
But, if Carano didn’t say anything racist, why has she actually been fired?
Well, this is not the first time she has courted controversy on social media. She has made many posts critical of enforced mask-wearing, questioning the Covid vaccine, suggesting the 2020 election may have been rigged, and just generally not buying into pandemic hysteria. (Just yesterday, she was posting that Epstein didn’t kill himself. Which he obviously didn’t).
According to The Hollywood Reporter, LucasFilm have been “looking for a reason to get rid of her for months”. Which is even stronger evidence that this has nothing to do with any supposed “racism”, and everything to do with rigidly enforcing a consensus.
Gina Carano didn’t say anything racist and she was not fired for saying anything racist. She was fired for being just a bit of an outsider. For thinking for herself, a little, and expressing those thoughts.
It’s another example of the real purpose of identity politics, and its weaponisation as “cancel culture”. It’s all about stifling actual honest discussion. Slamming the Overton window shut. Branding everything even passingly controversial “offensive”, no matter how illogical, nonsensical or backwards it may seem. About making people afraid to honestly express themselves, for fear of the mob.
To finish, let’s pay one last visit to Gina Carano’s “abhorrent” social media, and quote something she shared on Instagram several months ago. Another example of the type of thinking that is the true target of “cancellation”:
If you go to the southwest desert and catch 100 red fire ants, as well as 100 large black ants, and put them in a jar, at first, nothing will happen.
However, if you violently shake the jar and dump them back on the ground the ants will fight until they eventually kill each other.
The thing is, the red ants think the black ants are the enemy and vice versa when, in reality, the real enemy is the person who shook the jar.
This is exactly what’s happening in society today:
Liberal vs Conservative
Black vs White
Mask vs Anti Mask
The real question we should be asking ourselves is who is shaking the jar and why?
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Probably a good reason to stay off social media
That post has been shared by lots of people. Its world famous. Its not unique to Gina Carano and it hasn’t got anyone cancelled. And its hardly a new or original thought. Although I agree with the metaphor.
We defeated the wrong enemy.
General S Patton
first they came for the grannies
then the gran dads
then the teachers
innocent doctors and dancing nurses
now they cum
for the lucas
man dorlorians
the big armed chick
with dicklet
the fallen
sympathy empathy
do you feel sad for him sorry her
being sad
how does that make you feel?
She is better off not working for Satan (Disney). Gina Carano is hot and cool, and smart and really kicks ass.
And yes, when you talk about the chosen ones and their death cult, you can become a target, especially if you’re a smart and pretty Latina.
At this point it doesn’t matter what you’re actually saying. If you include J__s and Nazis in the same statement you are automatically cancelled unless you are a real chosen one whose parents died in the gas chambers etc etc.
This is because the lives and assumed lives of chosen ones are worth much more than, say the roughly 10 million Congolese who were actually killed by King Leopold II’s troops, because they were just black natives in the jungle who don’t really count.
The chosen ones are exceptionally persecuted and disadvantaged, vulnerable people and their persecution is so exceptionally evil that it becomes sancrosant, and lesser kinds have no right to speak of it.
smart and pretty Latina you say?
hey digger keep digging
you may get a shock when you go down under
for a
climb on board for the last train to trans central
I’d love to see you saying that to her face.
it would bee my pleasure hissing sid
do you have a number for it?
Gina Carano was snatched up by The Daily Wire to do a movie with them. This will be their second movie. First one was called Run Hide Fight. An average good movie without the far left messaging. I am a subscriber. Twenty bucks a month. A rapidly growing conservative outlet that just moved from LA to Nashville. Founded by Ben Shapiro.
she will be a man
it will b
re enforcing a position
at this stage all rebels all rebellion
all actions in media are psy op
if it was real it would not be working for lucas saturnalia corporation
did it metion operation paper clip
did it mention the book other losses or the book hellstorrm or gruesome harvest
did it mention the transfer agreement between hitler and the zios
balls eye say
Yes indeed there is an annoying amount of that going on on all of these so call “Right of centre” blogs, making one very suspicious of their motives !
we all know cancel culture is cultural Marxism and we know marx himself was a member of the tribe third cousin of Nathan Rothschild in fact ! As were 100 percent of the frankfurt school (aka cultural Marxism) and they own Hollywood and most of the mainstream media pushing this NONsense, either directly or indirectly as they finance the owners, who are used as fronts !
Them not so tactfully shoehorning the Holocaust into the story AGAIN ! as they ALWAYS do ! is just a case of them hedging their bets, and if cultural marxism doesn’t catch on, then they can pretend they were on the rights side (of their left right paradigm) all along !
We’re supposed to blame some 17 year old girl with green hair, “liberal nazi” and sub billionaire George Soros, and our own liberty for the clearly coordinated retardation of our society and national sovereignty !
A classic example of the )ew crying out in pain as it stabs you in the back !
apart from the yahoo word
you sea and you know they are real khazar non semite
they hate and kill semites that be the rub
Lionel not Nathan.
I supported a Religious Education class yesterday at work (high school Teaching Assistant) The yr7 students we’re learning about Judaism. The teacher used the article how Gina was racist etc etc! As we’ve got to do everything online atm, I was in another classroom, read up on what Gina had said, and previous statements..she is merely AWAKE like the few (growing) of us that are..I just couldn’t believe our students were being shown this in completely wrong context! What chance have they got 😡 In one of her statements she even mentioned something regarding the lies surrounding‘Epstein’. Censorship and media manipulation at its finest…once again
Please correct the ant quote.
Why a correction?
Thanks Kit!
Tom Hanks is an example how Hollyweird reinforces official lies. He played a part in Apollo 13 a movie that reinforced the Apollo lie. Recently he claimed he contracted convid 1984.
A bit of Friday cheer from Ms. Carano herself:
Good article, thanks.
One possible (eventually) positive outcome to this rapid steamrollering of non-alined opinion is that the more irrational these censoring actions become , the more people see it for what it is.
Good ,if unorthodox ,role models like Gina are exactly what we need and the more they are persecuted the stronger people’s contempt for the ruling cabals will become.
Hopefully they are sowing the seeds of they own undoing with these actions.
I’d certainly pay to see a film with Gina kicking some corporate butt at lucas films. May be there’s a market there.
There’s far too much of the “Nazi Germany” trope floating around today and far too little actual understanding of the origins, history and culture of Nazism. Its been reduced to a cartoon and in doing so its become the stand-in for a lot of people of anything that prevents them just doing or saying anything they want. So let’s get a few facts straight. The first, and most important, is that Nazism is a form of fascism which is a form of corporatism, its the logical result of right-wing ideology. That’s right — love it or hate it, DJT and his supporters are the modern equivalent, they qualify as fascists. This doesn’t mean that left wingers can’t be oppressive, unplesant and just plain murdrous — of course they can, and there’s quite a historical record. But the two systems are not equivalent. (If you want to read up on Nazism the best place to start is the works of William Shirer.)
What’s happened here says more about corporate culture than anything else. We’re all aware of the idea of ‘free speech’ but we don’t realize how limited this is in real life. If you buck corporate culture at your employer then you’re likely to find yourself on the street sooner or later, especially if you’re known to the public.An employer doesn’t need a reason to fire you in an ‘at will’ state such as California and your legal options are invariably curtailed by binding arbitration, something you needed to agree to in order to get the job. This is what happens when you hand all power to employers — they’re not the benign, people focused entities that they project themselves as, they’re out for one thing and one thing only.
(Many people are still smarting because the revolution that DJT promised never happened. It wasn’t going to happen anyway — read up about Ernst Rohm’s fate, about what happens when a populist movement has outlived its usefulness and is now in conflict with the oligarchs. Welcome to the Wonderful World of Cannon Fodder.)
Cart before horse. State Corporatism will drape itself in any colours. It is no respecter of the political system. Hitler got elected with the word ‘socialist’ in the party name — at a time when Germany was supposedly fighting for its life against communism and when Roza Luxemburg was more than a little famous.
Clearly, things are more complicated than we’re taught. First of all, Germany and German Switzerland had aided the Bolsheviks, who were dogged for years by the widely-held view that they had been financed by Germany (which they had, and also by Wall Street and London bankers).
Perhaps the German bankers had designs not only against the Tsar but against the Kaiser, too? Is that what happened?
Was the downfall of monarchies as powerful as the Austro-Hungarians, the Tsars and the German Kaiser just that good ole linear progress that we’re taught in school?
Did the British and Dutch royals survive because they’re better looking or less inbred? Or were their monarchies major centers of banking (check) and did those royal familes share huge oil interests with the wealthiest bankers (check). So there was a deal. What was it….
Well, we know one of the central parts of the deal was the creation of the Zionist state of Israel. We know about the Transfer Agreement by which the Nazi state assisted wealthy migrants on their way to the mandate. We know that the poor who could not leave were sacrificed. The banking interests in New York and London did not lift a finger to help them — and perhaps instigated their murder. Rockefeller even merged Standard Oil of New Jersey with IG Farben. IBM sped the trains on their way and created the social credit scoring system that decided whether you jumped aboard.
As always we must follow the money. Right now, the U.S. Democratic party is the chosen vehicle of State Corporatism.
That the Democrats toy with the word “socialism”, just as the Nazis did, is probably not an accident.
Please keep education people about corporatism!
Hitler’s Peace Plans (95 Pages)
by Mark R. Elsis
Holocaust Revisionism (168 Pages)
by Mark R. Elsis
The context and personalities are different, but this brings to mind a similar attempted “cancellation” covered here last week: Piers Corbyn’s arrest in Southwark for allegedly distributing ‘malicious material’ to local residents.
Here’s a link to a comment I posted to “A tale of three old men symptomatic of the world today“; I think it applies here:
It’s so sad that nobody is sticking up for Piers Corbyn. I certainly think he did nothing that could be considered criminal. Isn’t it strange that the Canary has not come to his defence? Didn’t the Canary do almost exactly the same thing ( quoted ” Arbeit macht frei” to criticize a governemnt policy?) I see Jeremy Corbyn has not said a word in his brother’s defence – the only time Jeremy Corbyn spoke the truth about the AS allegations was when he came to defend himself. THEN he said what countless other victims of the witchhunt had said , he finally admitted that allegations of AS had been exaggerated. I’m glad he got booted out for saying it. Shows consistency on the part of Labour ( his party under his leadership had had Jenny Formby expelling loads of people for ” AS ”). I like Kit Knightley’s articles. I’m glad he argued in a previous that you shouldn’t forbid people from denying the holocaust- if they want to allege that, you can counter it with your arguments and your evidence..that’s what free speech is all about…and yet Kit Knightley seems to be the only one in favour of free speech these days!
The plot is a lot different when you go haywire in the real rather than reel world.
Even by MSM standards, this is demented:
As someone who lost family members during the Nazi Holocaust, i’d have to say that what she said is totally true, the roundups could not have happened without the hatred being baked in to begin with.
It is crazy. She has quoted nothing but truth. Unfortunately in this post truth,pro feeling, authoritarian left woke world. This new left is not the left of 30 years ago.
“What REALLY Got Gina Carano Cancelled”
She was right about the nazis in the democrat party.
There’s only one party. Stop kidding yourself.
“Gina Carano compared the ostracisation of right-wing people to the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany, whose slide into genocide started with being dehumanised, castigated in society and refused work. In response she’s been dehumanised, castigated in society and refused work.”
Leo Kearse
It isn’t just right wing people though is it? It’s anybody who doesn’t swallow the official narrative on identity politics, “science”, race and religion, hook line and sinker. It’s anybody who dares to weigh up the evidence, think for themselves and trust their informed intuition. That isn’t the preserve of the right, any more than ignorance, obedience, authoritarianism and genocide are the preserve of the right. Although I know that idea wouldn’t be in tune with the drum that you constantly like to bang.
The right wingers here conveniently ignore the fact that it was the right wing that brought us to the fascist “new normal”, from the monarchies to Kissinger to Reagan to Thatcher to Bush etc. The US has never had a “left wing” in charge, and the European version sold out decades ago.
How refreshing, someone from Hollywood repeatedly making sense!
But it didn’t end up well. Could that be the reason why, each Hollywood actor/actress has no choice but to become a monumental tragedy of plastic surgery, fashion and make-up?
Since the ’90s, American cinema and music have been pure shit.
Maybe further back than that, perhaps since the invention of canned laughter, the “Applause” cue and the “Top 40” countdown; whenever it was they began telling us what to laugh at and what to like.
I don’t think so. I’m not stupid and neither are a lot of people of all ages who agree with me. Americans are now dumbed down, degenerate, crude morons and music and cinema reflect that.
It is an offence to say the persecution suffered by the jews didn’t happen. How can saying the persecution of the jews did happen also be an offence?
Serf, interesting, though, how the “six million” number began to be bandied about at least as early as 1915.
Yup. But they finally hit the jackpot in aftermath ww2.
@Serf. Schrondinger’s Cat is the model for modern public discourse. Both racism.and anti-racism are equally valid/invalid, just so long as the media says so.
See my comment above. If you aren’t a chosen one you cannot talk about “sacred” “history”. Because we’re talking about a debased sacrificial cult here.
I totally agree with everything said here.
I would like to add something which is surprisingly rarely mentioned. The real struggle we should be involved in is class-against-class, the “With/Without; and after all it’s what the fighting’s all about.”
Identity politics, and the promotion of a venomous hatred between the supporters of what essentially is a one-party/two-teams ‘political’ divide, are ways the PTB are keeping us divided and themselves protected.
We must always come back to ‘the global elite,’ or whatever term you prefer, when we talk of all political issues.
Be like the propagandists; repeat, repeat, repeat… global elite, global elite, global elite.
Putting it another way: leftists must realise that Trump and populists are anti-war, anti-big government, pro-democracy and working class, and are fighting the corruption and control of national democracies by the ruling classes, globalist elites, and corporate communists. Trumpers are allies, not enemies of the popular left. But leftists only see and attack white supremacists everywhere, just as their rich handlers intend.
Very well said. Thank you.
Tell me, why do so many people think the pro-corporate, pro-war, pro-surveillance so-called Democratic Party is ‘Left’?
They’re fascists!
However, just to clarify; I am not a Trump fan, but my god! if crooked Hilary had won 2016… jeez!
Trump has created a lot of suffering abroad; in Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Iran and elsewhere and although he did not start any new wars, he was undermined so much by neo-cons around him, that he didn’t stop any either.
Public Relations
If individualisme is “right” then collectivism is “left.” If communism is collectivism through ownership of the production-apparatus, then fascism is collectivism through regulation of the production-apparatus. communism and fascism only differ in the way fascism is still a “for-profit” construct. I.e. the oligarchs take al the profit, and regulate competition into oblivion.
Yeah, go Trump, the man who fast tracked Big Pharma’s vaxes and Remdesivir while blocking HCQ and Ivermectin, and enabled the lockdown with his emergency declaration. Someone who still loves him is highly clueless. But if they are willing to open up, i’ll accept them.
Well-put. Trump’s base has a vastly superior sense of ethics to Trump himself (although that is setting the bar fairly low). It is time for that base to stop hero-worshipping this narcissist and start self-roganising. No politician – and no entitled billionnaire – is going to save us.
They are the same ones who were freaking out about a semi-black presidential muppet and kept demanding to see the birth certificate.
Global ‘parasites’ please. Voracious, distended and driven by greed d d.
Yes nothing racist said in the comments quoted. She’s clearly got a mind of her own and isn’t willing to compromise her integrity and play to the puppet masters narrative.
Coming to our work places, communities, friendship circles and streets very very soon.,,.it’s getting closer by the day.
In the 21st century US, you cannot have an IQ above room temperature and remain popular, happy, or even employed at most jobs for more than a few years. Drugs help but the US is now mostly a low IQ conformist ghetto.
I work for a global and see it daily from the US teams but the UK isn’t far behind.
I know. I was US government for 38 years. It’s hard to name a place I haven’t been to, at some point.
I had never heard of her, but she has a very interesting history. I have never found women who become excessively interested in Martial Arts particularly appealing (though that is exactly what my Niece did, when she moved from England to the USA – she became a Black Belt, and can most certainly look after herself – and her husband and kids)
So I think this actress is very brave, for saying what she thinks, despite the personal consequences.
I like people like that. Many more people in their position should do it. They just haven’t got the courage.
As a result of randomly reading, what I read today in England and my Niece in the USA – just guess what I did….
I phoned her Mum up (My Sister) in England in a Nursing home, and she is as Bright as a Button totally compus mentis…..and wants to get out of the place and wants to go home…
Then I thought well, I haven’t talked to my Niece for a year…and I most certainly did not have her phone number, but I did have the phone number of my Sister’s Nursing Home….and it was so Brilliant talking to her, cos she was just so well…
So I told her daughter in the USA, that your Mum has made miraculous Recovery, and she wants to go home…
Has she got a mobile phone.?????….
In The UK almost all people in Nursing Homes have Mobile Phones and Tablets..and do their zoom calls – videos and stuff..sse and talk to their family and grandkids
Do you guys do that in The USA, or do you just think this is a complete load of bollocks and just go round to hug all your family as normal
I am kind of hoping The USA has not gone as completely mad as most people seem to have done in The UK.
Just take off That Mask and Smile…Fastest way of killing the “virus”
Latest News is That The Human Reproduction Rate in The UK is Below 1.
We need 2.1 just to maintain numbers. Below 1 will result in massive depopulation…which is all in the plan.
These people are literally evil. They want to kill most of us off.
And hardly anyone complains.
Why shouldn’t we live to a good old age?
We get ill, and then we get better.
It’s Normal.
She basically got cancelled for expressing a gnostic revalation.
We are living with the neo-fascist legacy of the philosophical character assassination of the concept of relativism. It started in the 1990s with the neo-conservatives and their declaration of supreme moral clarity in an all out critique or moral relativism by which following the fall of communism, western liberalism and neoliberal capitalism was crowned the historical victor in what was presented as the end of political and economic history. This has since spread to cultural relativism, religious relativism, gender relativism, racial relativism, scientific relativism and now political relativism. How does this work? When we cease to think in relative terms we start to think only in extremist terms of absolutes and this always leads to forms of ideological fundamentalism. What was significant about neo-conservative fundamentalist liberal philosophy was that they saw the sanctity of western parliamentary democracy and our debauched neoliberal capitalism in contrast to the socialist leaning ‘regimes’ of the middle east as being a conflict between good and evil. When WMD failed to turn up to justify the invasion of Iraq, the progressive liberal Blairites in writing the Euston Manifesto: seized upon the central neoconservative critique of moral relativism in order to justify the invasion of Iraq and save their Messiah’s [Blair] reputation. In doing so in addition to being neoliberal Blairite converts who had seen that economic light, they had also seen the neo-con geopolitical light and effectively became the neo-neo-conservatives in everything but name. This is why we find the US democrats are even more hawkish and inclined to imperialist wars in the middle east than the republicans.
What is critical here is that they have expanded and built on neoconservative claims of ‘moral clarity’ and their critique of moral relativism and extended it to numerous other relative spheres. Like the neo-cons they also see their black and white absolutes purely in terms of a conflict between good and evil which has always been essential in propaganda to persuade people to hate each other and go to war. This has now developed to a binary opposition between the good progressive ‘left’ and the evil extremist ‘right’ (which is a label they dump on any genuine liberal or libertarian who questions their totalitarian ideas). There is a certain irony here in that in deploying the same arguments as to having a superior ‘moral clarity’ which is at the heart of the progressive arguments, they have effectively outflanked the older traditional liberal neo-cons such as Douglas Murray with their own arguments. Caught up in questions of gender, race, sexuality etc they assert the same supreme moral clarity which has now come to always trump any relativist view point when everything is understood within strict binary frameworks of left and right, resistance and oppression, good and evil.
It turns out that relativism was absolutely central to liberal, pluralist philosophy in the tradition of JS Mill. What traditional liberals need is to appeal to relativism around questions of civil liberties and freedom of speech etc, yet they find that those notions have been entirely discredited by the neo-cons and progressive neo-neocons and that a non-judgmental, liberal, genuinely pluralist defence is no longer theoretically available.
Since the fall of soviet communism, the political binary opposition of left and right has ceased to exist as any kind of coherent or meaningful concept. The current progressives bear no historical relation to the left, they have merely seized upon the brand and the support of those who are loyal to it regardless of what they actually say and think. The progressive ‘left’ are in fact neoliberals who are totally committed to globalism and a transnational, corporate dominated form of capitalism governing in public/private partnership which precisely matches Mussolini’s schema of fascism. We are living in a era of seemingly banal neo-fascism yet no-one realizes or notices because its leaders and politicians do not wear uniforms or insignia. Yet we see all the same techniques at work. Instead of arresting, shooting and disappearing critiques the new neo-fascists simply silences and cancels them or has them sacked from their jobs etc. History is being rewritten, statues removed and books effectively burned. They have the same propensity for violence against all those liberals who dare to oppose them. They only believe in democracy when it credits their ideas and violently oppose it whenever it goes against them and will steal elections as their moral clarity trumps the very principles of democracy itself. They believe in AI, the IoT, the fourth industrial revolution, social credit systems and totalitarian total surveillance societies which would have been political wet dreams for any dedicated fascist and all totalitarian regimes.
The political battle is not between the left and right, it is between totalitarians and those who support relativism, pluralism, civil liberties, autonomy, freedom of speech and personal sovereignty.
I stopped reading when you blamed the right for what the Nazis in the Democrat party are doing.
You clearly have not studied these things. Neo-conservative is an oxymoron. They were actually drawn from the liberal left drawing on the foreign policy of democrat president Woodrow Wilson. They were also heavily influenced by Nietzsche. You need to study Leo Strauss, Irving Kristol and the Neocon movement that grew out of the University of Chicago in the 1960’s. Here’s a starter link. https://press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/993329.html
Neoliberalism (the Chicago boys) and Neo-conservatism all came from the same routes in the UoC.
You miss the point because the Demoncraps and the Repuglicans are two sides of the same coin.
Great post, elucidating my thoughts about it in a way that I probably couldn’t.
The statues removed that you find problematic were glorifying slave drivers, war criminals, colonialist murderers and thieves. They did not constitute history, but a re-affirmation of the status quo.
The “political battle ” is a circle jerk between muppets regurgitating slogans like “freedom of speech” , “values”, “rights”, “morality” etc.
The real battle is a battle for the freedom of the human spirit and soul. The real pandemic is a spiritual disease, which was brought about by “religion” and reignited by corporate “science”.
So the fuck what!
I have advocated for years to change the plaques on statues to modernize and illustrate the what egregious actions the country’s for fathers perpetrated.
Make of history a learning experience, NOT a clarion call to virtue signal.
I agree; political colour and flavour are only as toxic as its zealots.
We are living in a era of seemingly banal neo-fascism yet no-one realizes or notices because its leaders and politicians do not wear uniforms or insignia.
Yes they do.
All the men wear the $1000+ suits and the Windsor “yoke of conformity”.
The women get some variety in clothng.
I have never owned or worn the the Uniform of Conformity.
So she got “cancelled” for having political opinions that were not mainstream, not for racism.
The tweet is not racist nor offensive. In a historical context, it’s true. Antisemitism (and now I am talking real antisemitism, not this weaponized newspeak term), was on the rise in Europe prior to WW2, this is a historical fact. It’s ridiculous to paint a picture where all was fine and dandy until Hitler came to power.
Who do you think handed the local jewish populations over to the occupying nazis? oftentimes, it was the local police. Local “snitches”, and “friendly” neigbours, “good” citizens. This happened in my own country, it is a documented historical FACT.
What she is really making a point about, is of course sub-sections of the populations going around hating each other, divide and rule tactics, which the fire-ant tweet also is alluding to. And this, is VERBOTEN now apparently.
Exercise has been weaponized
Jesus when men cant see that she Gina Carano is a man
then we are in serious fucking trouble
remind me when it was cool to endorse ‘Andric’ ow yer
when did this start happening usually towards the end of civilization.
Some may say what wrong with women to fight be tough ? be well built ?
that clearly shows thoses are infected and not men.
CREATION comes though a women – her already fragile body is already under huge attack
so sick fucks endorsing liking theses type of creatures which are ‘Andric’
we dont have men no more either. we have faggots.
Holly weird films Olympics games and sports which is extension of the medical cartel that men cant see the difference between women a real women who doesnt use devices to stop her cycle and would NEVER go to a gym to tricepts hump pump work it form a sickpack
work it PUMP it (like the army yer ) and ‘Andric’ and the men? you cant call them that who like prefer muscle looking man pretending to be women.
The gym GIN jin was created to TRANS form women and look how many gyms have popped up since the contraceptivePILLsex Revolution from the 60’s the fact NOONE called this is shocking.
Sports means disporter eventually you take the word especially in the older books to
Sport means in Latin lusus naturae FREAK OF NATURE.
Holy moly the women would never get bicept or tricepts or six packs why?? it would effect and already effected body so as the girl and the women is a continuum they would ever effect the women nor the continuum , the womb her body is under huge trauma already, this is one tiny snippet of a long discussion that needs to be discussed,
One must of loss there senses on how delicate HER body is so trissept bio septs and 6 packs (sickpacks) madness means one must be in traumas to be attract to something like that as a form of health.
Just exposing your delicate
body in certain format subtracts energy. your clothing is a extension of your health.
sports industrial complex has normalized Tight-micro latex d knickers and bra sport sickness called a outfit here sexercise uniform of death.
Dont get me started on what a child see feels going to theses sick places as it also aimed at them – girls especially.
JIn Gym Genderfiend Gym exercise has been weaponized
This new exercise nation Which is anti holistic.
Exercise like that is Gendeerize Pump it.!! Work it.! (like the army) hint hint)
this has been a long game slowly planned and played,
even some of there dum dum doctors in health death would not recommend gym or working out if you was thinking of starting a family.
Go ask your oldskool granma if she jogged! or worked out! when you got other avenues for release which wont hurt nor effect the reproductive system, the breasts, legs etc,
there are other releases more effective and less dangerous aggressive to your body than what they will ever ever offer you. covertly repackaged sold as health in the new era.
same horse different jockey still in play. we are at a cross roads.
Men your not men thinking this creature FREAK OF NATURE above is a women .
Notes sources amazing read watches
Professor of Integrative Biology Tyrone B. Hayes explain chems and frogs
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson will explain the effect on nature and animals so much more
stats on genderise Jin/GYM which have opened
Dr Phillip Valentine monumental work called The Wounded Womb, all the above and the real history of women the full attack and solutions
Dr Lana Corrine Cantrell Greatest Story Never Told – a scientific inquiry into the evidence of the fall of man from a higher civilization in antiquity
Monica sjoo, Barabra Mor book called, the great cosmic mother
Valdamar Valerian Matrix series
‘Delineations of the Ox Tribe’ semester 1 innerverity will show you how to basically farmers bred different cow ox’s etc aka was able to change there bodys
Michael Tarsion earlier works on children and adults
early Steiner schools ideas on health, more importantly very oldskool elders in your community with principles should explain why boys need to be boys and girls need to be girls.
Never looked at her that closely TBH, but now you mention it…
Never did think gyms were particularly healthy places for men or women.
That depends what you want out of it. Bodybuilding, for example, is a very unhealthy pursuit, for mind and body. However, getting good at a martial art is excellent for both mind and body, it equips you to deal with both the psychological and physical shit that life inevitably throws at you. I’ve done both. Body building took away from me, physically injured me and made me walk around with a warped perception of myself, resentments of and comparisons to other people, none of which is helpful in the slightest whilst attempting to pusue a lifetime of sobriety and good health, which is what I do. Boxing, on the other hand, has added to my life immeasurably. I’m calmer, more content, confident and much less likely to be fucked with. All of these are good things, particularly when navigating the current societal insanity that we find ourselves in.
Bollocks, Bunkum and Bullshit.
30 zombie
and so off becomes on guard
the only image i have ever seen of it was image above
and i knew it was trans
men lusting after boys with dicklet
Yeah my oldksool grandma didn’t do any exercise which is why she ended up a hunchback. She didn’t seem to enjoy being old very much at all.
Could you be a man that likes women to be frail and weak ? Why would that be?
Or, could you be just a jealous woman?
excommunicated for being too intelligent
excommunicated for using common sense.
“Excommunicated for the first two plus using critical thinking.”

“Even dead George has more brain power than those moving around today mindlessly believing the scamdemic nonsense and wearing face diapers.”
thank you.
If Carlin were a poster at this site, he wouldn’t last more than a week before he was hounded off the site or just banned. He was far too honest and abrasive. I loved the guy, though.
Note the word nevertheless. Why nevertheless? It renders the paragraph nonsensical. When people write nonsense, it reveals something, especially when, as in this case, it is a serious communication. Writing reveals thinking. In this case, the word nevertheless reveals that the author wasn’t thinking, they were emoting. But the word nevertheless reveals something even more significant: they knew what they were writing was wrong. The nevertheless is something a Freudian would recognise: truth escaping without the author’s awareness and contrary to their intentions. Whoever the author was, they felt bad about what they were doing. But they did it anyway. And this is how tyranny succeeds: good people going along with it.
That might be giving them too much (subconscious) moral credit. Here’s an alternative completion of the (I agree) woefully incomplete thought:
“Nevertheless” means “Notwithstanding our lack of affiliation with her, we will hereby offer our two cents on the situation, that we have absolutely nothing to do with whatsoever, but yeah we join the chorus of attackers anyway.”
I agree with you that it is incoherently drafted, and what’s more is that the “nevertheless” is an intellectually dishonest double-dodge of “responsibility,” since my understanding is that they did have a relationship with her at the time the (entirely innocuous) twitters were published.
I find it hilarious (in a tragic way) that the woke-cancel-culturists all rely on their mobile phone whilst raving BLM and racism. There are obviously totally unaware that the whole mobile phone / electric car stuff is based on exploitative extraction of resources in Africa and South America by coloured workforce effectively under slavery terms.
And we aren’t far behind on
Pure theater.
Gina’s illustration, with the ants, is genius. And a keeper.
“She was fired for being just a bit of an outsider.” A bit of an outsider on the inside of the entertainment/military/intelligence-industrial complex. I’m in the same boat. I hate my company. My company, G4S, is evil to the hilt. (There’s rumours it is going to be bought.) We all need a job. (Of course, some of us – Klaus Schwab et al – think that a job should be someone else slaving for us.)
Sorry, no excuses. Resign.
The only way out if this is either a counterrevolution, which can and will only happen when the money has run out via the hyperinflation induced currency collapses and government bankruptcies or when millions have started to die because of the experimental gene therapy cocktails erroneously called vaccines, or building an alternative non-woke tolerant business world by creating such media outlets and supporting them and the it supporting businesses only.
Liberal conservatives and truly tolerant people must build and support only their like-minded when consuming,that’s the key now.
Counterrevolution to their counterrevolution? It’s been accepted by all sides in the war between the people and their ‘benefactors’ in power that the people do revolution and the reactionaries who they are revolting against are doing counterrevolution. But I get your point. The fact of the matter is, All we needed was massive civil disobedience at the start of covid 1984. But we weren’t going to get that for the reason that there is no ‘massive’. 98% of the 99% is bovine.
I think that is gratuitously offensive to cows.
I suppose.
That word, ‘bovine’ reminded me of something I heard long ago from a follower of Rudolf Steiner’s anthroposophy:
I believe Steiner himself pointed out that cow’s milk was obviously intended by Nature to nourish young cows.
Apart from instances where a human mother cannot produce enough milk for her child, might not the fact that baby humans consume such huge quantities of this ‘cow essence’ be reasonably considered as a matter of some concern?
At any rate I don’t find the idea too far-fetched that the ‘bovine’ nature of the bulk of the human race might be attributable in no small measure to this inappropriate nourishment in our earliest years…
What would have happened if we had turned to lion milk instead?
Yes, I’ll accept that lion rearing in Derbyshire might have involved certain risks, 🙂 but being able to think outside the box is still a vital tool in a modern human’s survival kit, is it not?
I think the bad effects of cow’s milk on the very young are more physical than psychological.
Chest is best.
I am not sure about milk. I’m talking about organic milk. I read once that human adults were not meant to drink it. But I don’t know. As for non organic milk, it’s not a terribly pure product. I’ve read a number of books on the food system (2 by Brewster Kneen) and seem to recall that with milk, you have cows hooked up to machines that milk them, forcing the milk out too quickly. When that happens, it breaks down and stinks. That’s not profitable, so they fortify the immature milk with vitamin D or E (forget). Then there’s antibiotic residue and who knows what else.
But I don’t think lion’s milk as opposed to cow’s milk will make a difference to your character.
I don’t drink milk and I drink my coffee black. But I eat a lot of cheese (and butter), which makes me phlegmatic. But I love my cheese. My fave? Swiss Marachal. It’s ridiculously good. So is good Stilton, but it’s hard to get good Stilton. Even when it’s the right brand, it’s just not up to snuff very often, so I don’t waste my money gambling on it. The Swiss Marachal though…. always good.
Mammon’s slaves
You don’t need any animal milk.
This is a revolt or war waged by tiny globalist elites against those remaining democratic nations where leaders are still elected from among real alternatives by the people in legitimate elections, rather than safely selected by ruling class elites, now seemingly all puppets of the Davos gang. The removal of Trump and the capture and corruption of US election and judicial machinery in swing states are their greatest triumphs to date. Sadly, the priority of those Trump-haters who once sang ‘power to the people’ is to support or hide what the Democrats did, not stand with the voters against the coup.
Mega tech corporations, extensions of the military police state, not known for their left-wing politics are banning people’s speech, yet everyone is attacking it as a left-wing agenda? Really. I would love to know what is in any way left-wing about Google or even Biden. They are neoliberal, neocons to the core.
Big tech CEOS and owners, especially Zuck and Dorsey, are famously anti-Trump leftists who praise and fund BLM and numerous other woke causes. They have never deplatformed or censored Biden or his Democrat allies and supporters, only Trump himself, his deplorable voters, or anyone claiming (with evidence) that the election was stolen and that the Capitol Hill violence was staged by Antifa. Many other famous US corporates now also fund the Democrats and preach leftist or woke values and causes. Corporate leftists and allied politicians need to look politically correct so that the massive and highly organised leftist faction will support and defend them against the dumb plebs they exploit. Ordinary leftists now commonly believe that the working classes who created their movement are just dumb white racists and the real cause of social injustice and inequality. But it’s this delusional thinking which the globalists nurture and fund, in order to keep us divided and powerless against them.
Another example of how mere reality ca’t get be allowed to get in the way of a good agenda:
This is the day after the UK recorded its coldest temperature for a quarter of a century.
They stopped calling it Global Warming for that reason. Rebranding.
Like they rebranded seasonal influenza & pneumonia.
The latter is now to be known as NewMoanHere
They stopped calling it Global Warming because persons of a severely limited intellectual capacity claimed it couldn’t be happening because it snowed yesterday.
Didn’t you know, global warming makes it cold cos it moves the air around.
The US establishments strategy will be to ban those on the right to make them ‘heroes’ of freedom, whilst maintain their platform, like Alex Jones, but really ban those on the left to make them vanish. It has worked for 60 years, this is just an acceleration.
So maybe name anyone the US establishment has banned, ‘really’ or otherwise. Do the same for the Trump administration. There are none, despite the unprecedented, constant abuse and hysteria over the last 4 years against Orange Man Bad and his ‘racist’ supporters. Those who do ban, censor and cancel massively are the leftist owners of the MSM and big tech social media. You may recall how they even got ‘right wing’ Parler banned. Jones was banned like this long, long ago, but survived thanks to having own news-site. Ironically, this famous peddler of conspiracy has understood and predicted today’s crisis much more accurately than the media giants. He now predicts that oppression and censorship will soon be much worse, as the US left now controls the entire US establishment.
It is amazing to me that the American people biggest problems are like lack of heath care, lack of affordable University education. Lack of workers rights, lack of pay, lack of representation, yet they have been convince that socialism, which is the political force, that is giving people in other country’s, all of those things, is their biggest enemy.
They hate the only thing that will compensate for their establishments abuse. It is weird and fucked up and they are so wedded to this corrupted idea of freedom that they will never achieve what even the poorest of countries have achieved.
I wouldn’t trust the current gang in power to run socialism, and why should I? Until and unless we take back control of the state (and society), it would just be a more efficient, more frictionless hell. If you want to know what I mean, just look at Australia and New Zealand, where there is almost no push-back against the plague-hoax at all. And why? Too many people are just too comfortable living off their government handouts and healthcare. In America, where you don’t have much of that (it exists, just not as much), people are cracking sooner.
Using words like ‘handouts’ is why you will never get universal health care in the USA. & cheap universal education, or get the establishment off your backs. But you know that, that is why you use the term.
Covid is being rolled out by the most far right governments we have ever seen in the US and UK.
In the United States, education is free — through high school. Since people with advanced education will make more money, it seems reasonable for them to pay for part of their education. Student loans, grants and scholarships can help. The main issue at the moment is a lack of jobs. Biden is making things worse in that regard.
Do you endorse freedom of speech for all, or just for socialists?
Goebbels said ““If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”
The lie is that anti-Zion equals anti-semitism. The malignant oligarchs and their minions will keep repeating this until it becomes believed by the vast majority of the people.
Agreed. It would appear that any criticism of Israel or Israeli treatment of resident Palestinians, is ipso facto anti-semitic. So the relentless bombing of Gaza, killing Palestinian kids with high-velocity snipersrifles and white phosphorus is okay, and any criticism is ‘anti-semitic’ Let me see now. but of course!
”Some 1400 Palestinians ere killed in ‘Operation Cast Lead’ of which up to four fifths were civilians and 350 children. On the other side total Israeli casualties amounted to 10 combatants (four killed by friendly fire) and three civilians. The ratio of total Palestinians to Isrealis killed was more than 100:1, and of Palestinians to Israelis killed was 400:1”
”Gaza” by Norman Finkelstein
Just another routine day in Gaza for the IDF.
CORRECTION: That last bit should read: Palestinian civilians to Israeli civilians was 400:1
Clearly you missed the memo: Genocide has a right to exist
Now, roll up that sleeve..
“Agreed. It would appear that any criticism of Israel or Israeli treatment of resident Palestinians, is ipso facto anti-semitic. “
Typically because the criticisms are a bald faced lie.
“The ratio of total Palestinians to Isrealis killed was more than 100:1, and of Palestinians to Israelis killed was 400:1””
Then the terrorists should sit down and stfu, and stop attacking israelis.
You should stfu and go to the Guardian.
Well, in several EU countries, that’s now the law: anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism.
I am sure that attributing those words to Goebbels is a lie, but people keep repeating it.
The US establishments has been fighting a war against the left for 60 years, internationally and domestically.
The war is against the provision of Universal healthcare, university education, workers rights, and social welfare. So anything that diverts money away form the richest corporations and the military machine. So obviously the war on speech will be targeted against the left and their ‘dangerous’ ideas. I don’t see a belief in god, guns, small government, free market, and American nationalism as a threat to the establishments neoliberal & neocon agenda.
These on the right of the political spectrum are in step with many of the establishment’s ideas. Their newly discovered love of freedom of speech is somewhat disingenuous.
At least those definitions of Left and Right are in step with the recognizable reality of the last hundred years.
Otherwise, I consider the terms utterly obsolete in today’s world.
Just because the left is no longer represented in your democracy, it does not mean the movement is less valid. The injustice that it fights is still there, even if you pretend socialism isn’t needed.
Socialism is only needed by those who wish to have power and control over others. Socialists don’t exist to make wealth, but to control those who do. Socialism is a political system which coerces people by using the state. Capitalism is an economic system which coerces no-one; it is the freely agreed trade of goods and services to mutual advantage. Socialism can only exist after capitalists have built the economy, and only exists to limit capitalism. The reverse is impossible. But I’m in no way defending corporate capitalism, which is very different.
Socialism taught you to read and the far-right have taught you to write crap.
“The US establishments has been fighting a war against the left for 60 years, internationally and domestically.”
LMFAO!!! At least you have fan fiction
CIA much?
I think you don’t have to work for the agency to post such drivel. Many older USans were raised with the spectre of the Red Terror- the brainwashing runs deep.
‘USan’ eh? Haven’t seen that since Iraqwar.ru!
Our war is against those who wish to control every aspect of our lives, livelihoods, rights and speech. That’s what socialists and communists exist to do, what they have historically always done once in power, and is why they are indeed the enemies of freedom. Ask a North Korean or a Venezuelan. Those of us who work or run our own businesses make the wealth and economy which socialists must always seize and control as they see fit. Self-righteous leftists always know what’s best for the dumb plebs they rule over. We ordinary people are the means of production, the evil, greedy capitalists which leftists hate and dream of controlling.
I hope you are just a bad troll, because if you believe that junk it is very sad.
I don’t like chicks brandishing rifles. Hollyweird on behalf of the banksters endlessly promotes gender role reversal. I visited Uganda in 2019. The people there lack the basics and newborns die in maternity hospitals because of the lack of rudimentary equipment. But I saw at least a dozen women carrying rifles. Bank guards, policewomen and most degrading of all a female guard in a men’s prison.
“Chicks”? She looks like a young woman to me. Chickens have chicks.
I hope you never refer to children as ‘kids’!
‘chicks’, though, is somewhat pejorative and so last century!
The world, this world, is ruined.
As a dual US/UK citizen, I don’t have a dog in the following Very Important fight. But seeing as Americans invented cancel culture (correct me if I’m wrong), shouldn’t we give credit where due and call it “cancelation”?
Sanjoy, hate to tell you mate but there is no such thing as a dual US/UK citizen. Try coming into the US and show your UK passport with your US one as you come through customs. My mate made the mistake of doing that, four hours of interrogation and stress later, he was made to cut up his UK passport. He too, was under the illusion of dual citizenship.
When did your mate have that happen? When I naturalized as a US citizen in 1984 (as a minor), I had to forswear foreign allegiances. But the UK doesn’t recognize such declarations as giving up UK citizenship (it has to be done before a UK consular officer to have effect), so I retained my UK citizenship according to the UK.
I kept it under the radar until I returned to the UK in 1990 and found myself automatically on the voting rolls (in the United States, registering to vote, like voting itself, is much more difficult, perhaps indicating that it is more of a failed state). Eager to vote against the Tories in 1992, I called the US State Department to check whether voting in the UK would jeopardize my US citizenship. They said it would be fine; I just cannot hold a government office in the UK, of which there was and is little chance.
In the meantime, the US State Department published official guidance on dual citizenship, saying that it’s fine as long as you enter and leave the United States on your US passport. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/legal/travel-legal-considerations/Advice-about-Possible-Loss-of-US-Nationality-Dual-Nationality/Dual-Nationality.html
I’m fairly sure that I have shown the US border people both passports at times — I think when they’ve asked me why, if I am resident in the UK, I don’t have a visa in my US passport (to which the answer is a UK passport).
But the whole question is less of a problem now as international commercial air travel is being decimated for the Greater Good.
There’s nothing new about ‘cancel culture’ but the name. It existed in the Soviet Union and in Maoist China, too. Indeed, in most societies historically, freedom of speech was rarer than its opposite. Even many Western countries had heresy laws right into the 20th century.
Point taken. But one difference between heresy or sedition laws and today’s cancel culture is who’s doing the enforcement. With heresy or sedition laws, it’s the state (e.g., the state trials of Scott Nearing or Eugene Debs for speaking against WW1). With today’s cancel culture, because no laws (even unjust ones) are being broken, the state isn’t directly involved. Rather, it’s the population or other private entities (Disney) applying social sanctions (harassment) or economic sanctions (firing).
That said, I can well imagine that, in the Soviet Union or Maoist China, the mob also played a big part. I’ve never lived in either country, but I was once cancelled by a mob of SWP and related Marxist–Leninist (ML) types. They had taken over a Cambridge (UK) antiwar group that I was active in and that opposed the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.
My crime was a co-written sarcastic maybe ironic leaflet against the US bombing of Afghanistan. We deviants were instructed that “humour is a politically incorrect form of action that the masses don’t understand,” I was accused of being an MI5 agent for “knowing too many facts,” etc. At the end of the public harassment session (ML “political theory”), the leadership then called for a vote of confidence in itself, which it of course got. Animal Farm would have been an understatement.
It was invented by the authors of the Old Testament, sorry.
Considering the ubiquity of this asinine catch phrase, “You can’t live with COVID. You can only die from it” (which the media itself constantly refutes), I wonder who grinds these propagandist soundbites out. It will be a team or several teams who are part of that “executive class” I.e. the buffer zone between the overlords and the despised masses. The unenviable role of this class is to bend the masses to support the genocidal policies of the overlords I.e. to get the masses to participate in their own destruction.
And in our decades long softened affluent culture the propaganda centres on the “snowflake” and “woke” ideas of boosting trivial irrelevances to the stature of life-or-death issues. And so “lifestyles” are raised above actual lives.
The celebs are the ideal spreaders of this fastidious flatulence for, not only are they, by definition, well known but they are both pampered and insecure, the media having the power to destroy them overnight as in the case of Carano.
The US leads the world in celebrity endorsements.
COVID Vaccine Rollout: ‘Lots of Celebrity Endorsements, But No Science’ – 21st Century Wire
I would have used that vid in my next blog post, but the fact (reportedly) that Tucker is going to get the vaccine has me passing on the video. He undermines his rant with that decision.
When Tuck gets stuck, let us know.
Well, As Randolph Bourne pointed out, in war-time, the State – a bully – is in everyone’s face and everyone has to decide whether to cross the bully or do whatever it takes to avoid being a target of the bully. There are, in society, appointed and self-appointed gatekeepers. The appointed gatekeepers are paid to work for the bully State and members of that group are mostly aware of their role as gatekeepers. As well, Their gatekeeping is prescribed (their actual paid jobs) for the most part. Self-appointed gatekeepers, Bourne’s “amateur government agents,” are regular people who simply decide to side with the bully. That decision is made out of the calculation that it’s the best way for them to survive and, possibly, thrive. The idea is: Protect the bully and attack the bully’s enemies and the bully will leave you alone and maybe even prosper you. Obviously, making that calculation and choosing to be a gatekeeper requires the self-appointed gatekeeper to be unprincipled. Most people are unprincipled. The world is ruined (and ripe for Armageddon).
Those targetted by appointed and self-appointed gatekeepers during war-time can be anyone. Bourne mentions celebrities, family members and priests. You name it. Families are right now being torn apart by covid 1984.
Old people are dying, in care homes, in their own homes, alone, often soon after “the jab”. Euthanised.
Youngsters, the future, are scared, demoralised, alone. Hanging. Killed.
“They” don’t care. Dead people are good. It keeps the charts looking healthy – “next slide please”.
It’s not a “disease”. It never was.
It’s “the Science”. Let’s go modelling.
It’s the Lockdowns. A killing spree.
It’s inhuman, disgusting, depraved.
It needs to stop.
There is also the distinct possibility of sterilisation and a whole array of autoimmune diseases from the poison jab. As many as 100.000 people have already died. the VAERS system in the US says 500. Apparently only 1% of adverse events are actually reported to the VAERS system. Thus 50,000 in the US and a like number in Europe.
The only power able to reign in these oligarchs and their dictatorial power is the democratically elected government, but I see very little demand from anyone for regulations to protect freedom of speech in the ‘private’ realm.
Democratically elected government? That hasn’t been possible for a long time. And how would that work when 98% of the 99% is bovine?
Nothing Gina Carano said was even remotely offensive. And a quick search revealed she is now being smeared by the usual suspects. She is being made into an unperson.
Let’s not beat about the bush here… Identity Politics is fascism, as is its spinoff cancel culture. Both are about blatant censorship and silencing those that the neoliberalised snowflake brigade find offensive. Many recent examples.
Latest example of this lunacy: apparently the term breastmilk is now offensive to certain people, and it is to be replaced with the term chest milk. Seriously?
Perhaps someone more academically gifted than me, could explain this, but why is it that the ‘woke’ virtue signalling ‘progressives’ (?) are the ones most in favour of the new normal fascism and generalised authoritarianism?
It’s a public private partnership as Tony Blair put it i.e. fascism. The progressives are in that partnership and thus nothing more than Pharmaceutical company sales reps. The NHS staff are the workers making up the labour party and the pharmaceutical companies are the employers making up the tory party. They both sell vaccines and drive the vaxdemic. Inorder to provoke the left to push the vaxdemic further the right will thus bate them by saying things like “there is no excess mortality”, “the economy is more important than old people” etc.
Reports of a demo in Melbourne?
Yes, there was one tonight in the city. Apparently called at short notice. I only realised when I saw it on my newsfeed. A big turnout by the looks of it.
There’s a protest here against mandatory (co-erced) vaccinations on the 20th as well.
Did they turn up in masks?
Tits, lots of men like them and horny men are scary. Best not to remind them of tits.
In other words: Thanks for the mammaries!
The manufacturing of consent is in over drive since the covid fiasco. Getting all the outraged people to make you feel bad. Doesn’t work on me, never will. I know I am not correct, and I know and I am not incorrect. An old farmer once told me, “There are two sides to every story, and often a third.” People lost in duality of right and wrong, who then enforce it by forcing the narrative.