Open Letter to Justin Trudeau
(Since he claimed the right to freeze everybody’s bank accounts)
Trevor in Trimley
Dear Justin Trudeau,
How do you do it? It’s like you’re a psychic gifted with an intuitive capacity far beyond the range of normal people. I would never have known the truckers were racist just by looking at them, but apparently you can spot it from a mile away!
And how did you know that they have “unacceptable views” without ever talking to them? Genius! Is this the result of special training or were you born this way?
I must confess I’m so old-fashioned I still need racists to actually do or say something racist before I know I’m dealing with one. I was singing your praises to Mrs Trevor in Trimley only this morning and she agreed you have special gifts. (Actually she said you have special needs, she gets mixed up sometimes.)
My Great Aunt Mabel had the gift too, but sadly those were different times and she was institutionalised. Perhaps when you die you should leave your brain to ‘the science?’
But I know you’re a busy man so I shall get to my point. I should tell you that it is Mrs Trevor in Trimley who prompted me to pen you this letter.
She rightly brought to my attention that she has recently sent money (£20 as a birthday gift) to a cousin who emigrated to Canada in 1983, and she is now understandably concerned that Laurence may have gone off the rails since then and joined the ranks of the many hundreds of thousands of Canadians who have become racists, misogynists and terrorists during your premiership.
Between you and me, I always had misgivings about “long haired Larry” and would not be the least bit surprised to see him flying a banner inscribed with provocative white supremacist language on it like, ‘freedom!’ (Yeah, sure Larry, freedom for whites like you but what about freedom for people who like to black up on social occasions?)
Mrs Trevor in Trimley’s concern, of course, is that her largesse may be mistaken for funding terrorism and that her bank account could be frozen, or worse, that she might be kicked out of the Women’s Institute if her name emerges on a list of supporters of working-class struggles against the powerful, and all as a result of her being thoughtlessly generous to a person without first checking the acceptability of his current views.
I offer my sincere apologies for my wife’s generous nature and would like to make a suggestion that I hope makes up for it.
To help us, and other non-Canadians, avoid making similar missteps in future, may I ask that you put in place a clear system that clarifies the views held by Canadian people we may come into contact with.
My suggestion is that you ask Canadians to answer a simple “acceptable views” questionnaire, perhaps on a weekly basis? If their answers are published online we’ll be able to see whether or not we’re funding terrorism when we send them money for charitable causes they support, or money at birthdays and Christmas, etc.
My suggested ten questions are:
- Do you like Justin Trudeau?
- Do you admire Justin Trudeau?
- Are you now or have you ever been a member of a political party that opposes Justin Trudeau?
- Do you want Justin Trudeau to utterly destroy the Canadian economy to prevent you from feeling under the weather for a week or two?
- Do you think Justin Trudeau bears a passing resemblance to any notable Cubans?
- Do you think Justin Trudeau is right (they shouldn’t even need to read the rest of this question) that the truckers’ convoy is just as serious an emergency situation as World Wars 1 and 2?
- Do you think Justin Trudeau should stay in hiding for the rest of his life, yes or no? (This is a trick question Justin to confuse anyone who thinks they can cheat the test!)
- Can you, hand on heart, state that Justin Trudeau is right that there are ZERO treatments that work against COVID except for the glorious vaccines that will save the world?
- Would Canada be better off abandoning democracy entirely and installing Justin Trudeau as Supreme Leader?
- Would you like to see Justin Trudeau as President of a one world government?
My grading system would be:
10 pro-Trudeau answers = Acceptable views.
Anything less = A gulag in Saskatchewan, or just Saskatchewan, whichever is harder to escape from.
Once again, please accept our apologies and know that I am fully in support of your stance AGAINST wanting people to die of COVID, and AGAINST racists, misogynists, transphobics, homophobics, terrorists, and everything else that’s impossible for anyone to publicly support, and that you’ve so cleverly founded your political ideology on.
Who could ever argue successfully with any of that??!!
Please be assured that any unfortunate error made by Mrs Trimley was just carelessness with her innate human desire to give generously to people less well off than herself and should not be interpreted as a hostile act towards you personally or anyone else lacking those instincts.
We’re on your side! To prove it, I have begun a fundraiser with to support your campaign to be Dictator of Canada! This is gonna be huge! I’ve kicked it off with a pound. You’re on your way!
Yours sincerely,
Trevor in Trimley
PS. I’ve just watched a couple of YouTube videos of the truckers and now you’ve pointed it out, it’s so clear they’re racist! The black racist truckers I saw were obviously the worst. Who are they even racist against??? Is it white people or themselves??? Please advise.
Trevor from Trimley writes open letters to people who should know better. You can read more of his work on his substack.
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They don’t care what you write. They just understand one thing. Their public execution.
I had a look at this dragging of the dragging of the feet here:
“Experts warn ‘not to get too cocky’ as US contemplates life after Covid”
And I noted no comment section. Has the Graud ever had a comment section after a covid article?
Hey but why are we wasting time on these fripperies?
“Record number of LGBT characters on US TV, study says”
But even then, we’re not doing enough!
“But the study also found there were shortfalls and missing opportunities to tell a wider range of stories about LGBT characters.”
There follows a statistical breakdown of … oh OK we’ll skip that bit. I’ll just say that I wasn’t even aware that “Killing Eve was given as an example of an LGBT inclusive series with “bisexual significant characters””
No matter! Let’s get to that shameful shortfall thing:
“But it wasn’t all good news, as there were missed opportunities to tell a wider range of stories about LGBT characters. Characters with HIV were found to be rarely represented, with the report saying only two recurring TV characters on any scripted show have HIV, despite more than a million Americans living with the virus. It also noted that many series can often include one LGBT character among several straight characters, and wanted to see shows with a majority LGBT cast.”
We all know those Canadian truckers are evil because they are opposed to these exciting developments. And who cares about mass concerns like … you know … livelihoods and food supplies?
rethinking …
Like Father, Like Son: How the Trudeaus Manufacture Crises to Justify “Emergency Measures” (Matthew Ehret)
Like father, like foster son. The latter literally and figuratively a bastard.
Oh Canada: Trudeau’s Government Condemns Cuba Over Free Speech As Canada Cracks Down on Free Speech
February 19, 2022
The Trudeau government went public this week with a condemnation of Cuba over its lack of free speech protections as the government deployed unprecedented powers to crackdown on Canadian truckers and their supporters. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has invoked the 1988 Emergencies Act for the first time to freeze accounts of truckers and contributions by other Canadian citizens. It was entirely unnecessary and, while the media is largely supportive of Trudeau, the powers have been condemned by civil liberties groups in Canada.
They seem to held the line in Arsedern’s Wellington.
The two things you can get from the internet – information, or confused.
Unvaxxed Blood×720/kLRGkkHg8tdittVo.mp4?tag=12
Double Jabbed Blood×720/GcSsomk932zs7pC1.mp4?tag=12
Double Jabbed Blood (further analysis)×720/_j4B3-ox7M_wlMdD.mp4?tag=12
I feel sick 😞 and scared for my brethren that have allowed this poison to take over their bodies.
My 31 year old neighbour is too young to know they can’t force people to have jabs so she had 2, won’t be having the next one, she’s been having heart palpitations and heart racing for months now. I fear for her young life.
Signs of heart inflammation. Can be detected with ultrasound but not with an ECG.
who is this person presenting this? is there further information? this is very scary if genuine.
People born with a silver spoon in their mouth and absolutely no clue about the real world (the one where 99% of all people exist basically as slaves) should not be in positions of administrative power.
Rees Moog told Parliament U.k has no poverty.
‘…….In fascism, psychic mass illness was thrust into the open. The opponents of fascism…. sought the solution to the problem in the personality of Hitler or in the formal political errors of the various democratic parties of Germany….In reality, Hitler was merely the expression of the tragic contradiction between the longing for freedom and actual fear of freedom. German fascism made it quite clear that it operated not with people’s thinking and knowledge, but with their childish emotional reactions. Neither its political program nor any one of its many confused economic promises carried fascism to power and secured it in the period that followed. In the main, it was the appeal to a dark, mystical feeling, to a vague, nebulous, but extraordinary powerful longing. Those who did not grasp this did not grasp fascism, which is an international phenomena. The irrationalism in actions of the masses of the German people can be illustrated by the following contradiction: the masses of the German people wanted “freedom.” Hitler promised them authoritarian, strictly dictatorial leadership, with the explicit exclusion of any freedom of speech. Seventeen million out of thirty-one million voters jubilantly carried Hitler to power in March 1933. Those who watched the event with open eyes knew that the masses of people felt helpless and incapable of bearing responsibility for the solution of the chaotic social problems within the old political framework and system of thinking. The Fuhrer should and would do it for them. Hitler promised to eliminate democratic discussion of opinions. Masses of people flocked to him. They were tired of these discussions, because these discussions always bypassed their personal everyday needs, that is, what was subjectively important. They did not want discussions about the “budget” and “high politics.” What they wanted was concrete, true knowledge about life. Not getting… Read more »
Some reports the truckers are pulling out, will regroup. Don’t know if it’s true.
The health of the US military seemed to show a massive decline in 2021 compared to the previous five years – so the previous five years’ figures were “corrected” (i.e. the amounts of illness increased tenfold) so 2021 wouldn’t look so anomalous:
So, the first thing I’d look at would be the stats for the 5 year period before the one in question. But it’s hard to believe that these errors of the past 2016-2020 period would not have been caught or observed long before the current stats became known. ???
Yet, on the other hand, the increases do seem a bit too high. ???
“Nazi Boy does not do questions (especially from those who are not on Nazi Boy’s payroll).”
“Nazi Boy does face painting and face stomping.”
Having to resort to emergency measures is, politically, a sure sign of inadequacy.
And we all know what that means
Leaders in the West are ALL puppets, they have no real power. A hidden Cabal (i.e Private International Finance represented by the likes of Bank of International Settlements “BIS”, WEF, Club of Rome etc…) control your puppets. When are the “sheeple” going to get this? For the sake of humanity, please observe “words” with “actions”. If they don’t match then your so called “Leader” has zero power.
A comment (jump forward to 8:15)
Amusing that people are hot and bothered now. Trudeau is running the exact same playbook that Harper did, but with the opposite identitarian camouflage.
Here’s how the pre-“Naziboi” government in Canada dealt with dissent:
“Toronto G20 protests – You Should Have Stayed At Home – the fifth estate”
“Police State Canada”
The President of the Privy Council and Minister for Emergency Preparedness now is the same guy who was in charge of the fascist response in Toronto 2020.
For the numpos on this site blathering on about how there is no more left and right, this is all right-wing. It is all corporate dominance of the state, or what Klaus Schwab likes to call, “stakeholder capitalism”. It’s the very essence of the Right.
Referring to neoliberal corporate-owned scumbags like British Labour, or the Canadian NDP as “left” is beyond retarded. If you believe that there are mainstream political parties on the left, the Democrats in the US, as an example, you should probably put a plastic bag over your head and eat twenty or thirty percosets and valiums.
You’ve always been the caretaker.
There is no stopping the collapse of the global capitalist regime.
Are you kidding? The speculator elite have more power now than at any time in the last four hundred years. They are just getting started with their new digital surveillance economy.
And I’m working up this appetite you know? Just peaceful ole me, working up an appetite.
But it is good to understand why they now think they can do it. But to manipulate parliaments and governments into their own unraveling is still quite different from the people.
That will show at some point. All the internet is not quite the world.
More like a controlled demolition of the global capitalist system, whereby the oligarchy transfers every last bit of public wealth to themselves and declares government bankruptcy.
“For the numpos on this site blathering on about how there is no more left and right, this is all right-wing.”“Referring to neoliberal corporate-owned scumbags like British Labour, or the Canadian NDP as “left” is beyond retarded. If you believe that there are mainstream political parties on the left, the Democrats in the US, as an example, you should probably put a plastic bag over your head and eat twenty or thirty percosets and valiums.” I think perhaps you may be echoing the same sentiments as many of those “numpos”. But just not realizing it. When many people claim there is no more “left” and “right”, they often mean in practice. I.e. – many claiming to represent the “left” are engaging in many the same policies, tactics & practices as many on the “right”. The political scientist, political philosopher and historian Alexis de Tocqueville had the same sentiments when he stated/wrote: “The last thing abandoned by a party is its phraseology, because among political parties, as elsewhere, the vulgar make the language, and the vulgar abandon more easily the ideas that have been instilled into it than the words that it has learnt.” Meaning that people tend to use spin, rather than true ideology, in regards to their parties & movements. Many Politicians will use catch-phrases like “left-wing” & “socialism” & such just to appeal to certain voters & bases. Have you ever looked at the largest campaign contributors of supposed “Progressive” Politicians like Bernie Sanders? Or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? Or Elizabeth Warren? Each is being heavily-sponsored by many of the largest corporations on the planet. And speaking of “Progressive” Elizabeth Warren, remember TARP? The bailout for many of the largest “capitalist” entities in the U.S.? Many contemporary beliefs & followers of “socialism” are a good example. While no single definition… Read more »
“Thus one main tenet of socialism is centralized control & planning.”
No. The main tenet of socialism is the absence of private property/wage labour and exploitation of man by man.
You can have market planned socialism or centrally planned socialism. Planning is always necessary under any system, the question is how and for what purpose.
You contradicted yourself. You say “no” to the statement “Thus one main tenet of socialism is centralized control & planning.”, But then state “Planning is always necessary under any system” If “Planning is always necessary under any system”, then planning is necessary under “socialism”. You cannot possibly have planning without some structure to that planing. And you cannot account for the needs of all members of a social structure without central planning of that social structure. You can’t it both ways. The concept of the “free market” also includes elements of planning, but one that is not centrally planned/coordinate. Planning is done on individual levels, and is therefore subject to the lack of accounting for the needs of all members of a social structure. It is impossible for a “socialist” system to operate without central planning. Otherwise you have several different problematic scenarios: • More goods/services produced than are necessary for a society. • Too few goods/services produced than are necessary for a society. • Too few goods/services produced to maintain the needs of a society. • Certain segments of a society that receive more than other. • Growth of competition, but in only certain sectors (different industrial & economic sectors will never all be equal with one another, thus there must exist some method to meet the inequitable demand, and provide adequate levels of supply), thus either/or/and more use, more waste, more excess, more scarcity, etc. Plus, the “needs” of one person are not the same as the needs of another. And when you don’t have equality of all facets of different lives, you cannot guarantee equality of resources provided. Thus people will always think others are getting more than they. And therefore disagreements over value of good/services received will always be a divisive issue. A group of people… Read more »
You should not be talking about things you don’t know. Yugoslavia was the best country in the world. I was born there. I have lived half of my life in the self governing socialism, and the other half in the turbo capitalism. To understand how a socialist country works, you need to live and work there for at least a couple of years. Why don’t you give us an analysis of the socio economic system of the country you live in? What is so great about it?
Examples of supposed “free market socialism”: Goulash communism in Hungary, led by János Kádár. János Kádár. had to control the state and force the peace. He did this through violence, he had his government imprison or execute protesters. There were even mass shootings of people, in the end he was responsible for hundred of deaths. After having quelled the uprising Kádár and his government realised they had to create a major break from the past regime of Mátyás Rákosi. Their goal was a “soft dictatorship”. The government created the Central Committee, which allowed (i.e. “permitted”) small numbers of “private” businesses. Which is exactly what give rise to cronyism & corporate corruption. Hence hardly free of exploitation. Kádár’s legacy remains disputed in Hungary. Supporters of Kádár argue that the Kádár era was one of peace and stability with widespread job security and robust social protections for average people. Others argue that although Kádár increased the standard of living for Hungarians, and instituted broad liberalization, the country was still fundamentally a dictatorship and a Soviet satellite state. Polls indicate that nostalgia for the Kádár era remains widespread in Hungary. According to a 2020 poll carried out by Policy Solutions in Hungary, 54 percent of Hungarians believe most people had a better life under Kádár, compared to 31 percent who say life for most people was worse under Kádár. And though this poll shows more support for Kádár’s policies & results than not, it demonstrates that a group of people will NEVER agree. Thus trying to account for & maintain for the need of every member of an entire society, without massive central control & planning, is absolutely impossible. Kádár was known for his simple and modest lifestyle and avoided the self-indulgence persona of other Communist leaders. But Kádár was known as an… Read more »
Trudeau is not considered a follower of the “Liberal” party, he is the leader of the Liberal party. You are a windbag.
Trudeau and ” leader” is an oxymoron. Trudeau is nothing more than a frontman for the globalists.
Thus one main tenet of socialism is centralized control & planning.. In the U.S., the Federal Reserve is the largest central planning authority on the planet.
And your point is?
I do not believe that Harper was a globalist puppet. In fact,the globalists wanted to get rid of him, and they succeeded. The G20 was a unique event in Canada. Police were there for security so the event would not be sabotaged. There were protestors, but it was never clear what they were protesting. The tradigtional understanding of left/ right does not apply currently. If anything we are being set up for communist- style totalitarianism, which has traditionally been left. Really, the rich have always run the show.
Absolutely correct, Clyde.
The major problem here is a man who has pluto opposite his mars has been given the position of control of Canada…a short version reads …the attainment of ones own objectives by means of ruthlessness to others, brutality, cruelty,,,a person who wants to use force or compulsion at every occasion…mars is the ruling planet of the chart…this this is a major factor in his life…,
the only joy here is he has interconnected strongly with this ….a hard working person, the ability to work till collapse or complete breakdown. Injury, accident, violent measures, an upset or shock caused through the intervention of Higher Power…
“I am Reichsführer-SS Oinker and I approve of the above message.”
“Nominations for Scamdemic Gestapo Nazi Pig of the Year are still being accepted, equestrian skills a plus.”
People who use horses to do their dirty work are not only the ultimate chicken shits, but quite frankly they are abusive to the animals as well. I would like to say get your ass off the horse and do your own damned dirty work down here on the ground with the rest of us if you’re so proud of what you’re doing. How dare you use an animal to do what you will not do.
yeah waht is it with the pygmy cops, noticed that back in seattle riots blmantiwhateva… small youths dressed as storm troops, or something like that…?
seeing it everywhere – just the local cannon fodder jugend, not the professional mercs???
At least they use their own children and not borrow them from the neighbours.
Imagine the faux outrage then.
At least they teach their own children what democracy in Canada looks like.
And is not our dear leader with his fellow freedom fighters ever consistent?
After all, didn’t they condemn the CIA-sponsored activists in Hongkong, who with bow and arrow threatened folks, injured policemen, broke a lot of glass, and set fire to a few things? Of course all unintentionally and in good humour.
Or didn’t they really harshly condemn those BLM and Antifa peaceful demonstrators who without meaning to set a few businesses and vehicles on fire, hurt a few cops, and threatened, unintentionally, of course, uninvolved citizens?
Also, most of them do not have or cannot afford a child minder, day care or whatever. Governments have alienated them from their former communities. They have little left to lose. To be out there in the cold, they are obviously deperate.
Is the “people using their children” a legit “they took the babies out of the incubators!”, or is this a strategic move to poison search results for people starting to wonder injecting kids to protect the elderly may not have been a too good of a move?
Demand a recall. Put the money where the mouth is and see who shows up, i.e., do the majority really support this sucker, or not?
You have convinced me – and JT has put the fear of – well, something into me. I have managed to withdraw my ill-conceived donation to the evil truckers. What was I thinking.
Apparently there are “exemptions” to the Emergencies Act which could protect me from the bank-freezing, rights-zapping drubbing I so dearly deserve.
One exemption is being “an Indian under the Indian Act” – actual wording of the law (seems ‘unwoke’). Or a “refugee”. But sadly I am still not fully ‘woke’ and cannot express these intersections using IM (Intersectional Meditation).
But I still may be OK. If I can convince JT that I am “a person [acting] in the national interest” I get an out. So I applied to become an anti-/trucker/vaxxer operative for CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) to act in the “national interest”. They say I will receive my instruction manuals in a few days. Life just got very interesting for me.
Thank you, Justin !
The Emergencies Act debate has been delayed until tomorrow “due to safety concerns”. One of the bouncy castles had sprung a leak.
” Some of the demonstrators in the so-called ‘Freedom Convoy’ blockade in downtown Ottawa…” They like the phrase “so-called”, always thrown in. Sort of a bitchy-flavour propaganda. They could have just said “the blockade”. I think we would have gotten the point.
“…have been arrested with body armour and smoke grenades as a police push to end the convoy encounters what officials describe as ‘assaultive’ and ‘aggressive’ behaviour by the crowds.” Well, yeah, just looking at my CSIS manual in the ‘A$!ho!∃ Provocateur’ section, that’s SOP.
“One dog was abandoned in a vehicle on Wellington Street, according to police. The dog was brought to a warm place.” And other of the so-called freedom demonstrators were seen kicking dogs ! And stealing candy from kids the bouncy castle !
“Children remain among those in the crowd, despite repeated warnings from both police and the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa to take them out of the area.”
Stupid so-called kiddie freedom protesters ! Freeze their accounts !
” In two additional tweets, police said that a detonation of some kind of smoke device that was visible to crews on the ground was caused by demonstrators, not officers.“ 😇 😗
Thanks, Global so-called News for my laugh of the day. So aptly named as your material comes from right between the globes of your puppet masters.
“Nazi Boy and the Reich need to Fall, NOW!”
Alexandra Lavioe, a reporter for rebel news, was the recipient of the gas canister. It was purposely shot directly at her legs. The goons also bludgeoned her multiple times with batons.
Here is her live feed from yesterday. Forward to 1:03:25. More extended coverage than the shorter video above. What kind of gas was it?
The Psychology of Scapegoating
The ego defense of displacement plays an important role in scapegoating, in which uncomfortable feelings such as anger, frustration, envy, guilt, shame, and insecurity are displaced or redirected onto another, often more vulnerable, person or group. The scapegoats—outsiders, immigrants, minorities, ‘deviants’—are then persecuted, enabling the scapegoaters to discharge and distract from their negative feelings, which are replaced or overtaken by a crude but consoling sense of affirmation and self-righteous indignation.
The creation of a villain necessarily implies that of a hero, even if both are purely fictional.
Sometimes it is the villain, or villains, who are in need of an even greater villain (Trudeau for example).
Especially in a time of crisis, unscrupulous leaders and politicians can cynically exploit the ancient and deep-rooted impulse to scapegoat to deflect and distract from their own inadequacies and evade, or seek to evade, their legitimate burden of blame and responsibility.
(Since he claimed the right to freeze everybody’s bank accounts)
any proof of this happening ???
Why not make a donation and find out for yourself, eh?
Trudeau, has it occurred to you that you’re dispensible in the eyes of the people whose interests you so faithfully serve.
He knows, he has been told so at Davos. He is playing his part and paving the way for Global Government.
Thank you Canada. You are making history. The rest of the world must follow.
Anyone who listened to Matthew Ehret on ‘Our Interesting Times’…
The son of F.R. Scott who Ehret couldn’t think of is Peter Dale Scott, he of “deep state” fame.
Chrystia Freeland and fellow Canadian Mark Carney are high-ranking members of the executive committee of The World Economic Forum. They are right at the top of the food chain of this supranational cartel.
Canada is a test case to see how far they can go in their push for unalloyed fascism. A brutal experiment with militarized violence. If they can get away with it in Canada, they’ll try it elsewhere.
Death of the reserve fiat currency in September 2019 prompted the globalists to roll out their digital ID and virtual money plans. There is no virus and never was.
They are blowing up the world with a sovereign debt problem that they created.
The “war against a virus” is and always was a “war against citizens”. Same as the “war on drugs” and the “war on terror”.
The pandemic hoax is and always was a pretext to wage a domestic war against The People.
Live feed 2/19: The police are attacking and arresting protesters at the moment.
In 2019 more than 1,000 leaders in their field from 100 countries attended the WEF.From “capitalists” to “communists” (China) to “socialists” (Russia, Vietnam), it is a global CARTEL of Tyranny.
And goes way beyond the WEF.Each of these Globalist entities & organizations often share Very close ties & intimate, closely-connected relationships.Klaus Schwab is a former member of the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group, for example. Many of the WEF corporate partners are members of numerous other Globalist entities & organizations.
The World Bank maintains close ties to the WEF.
As does the IMF.
Many of the member-countries of the WEF are witnessing a vast rise of wealth & income inequality.
With most of those countries experiencing similar Tyranny, via their respective groups of neo-feudal Lords.
The global CARTEL of neo-feudal Lords have this whole thing all mapped & planned.
They now possess multiple fronts, from most every single direction.
They control the largest Big Asset Management firms & Big Banks that control the largest “competing” corporations, in most every single industry, in most every continent.
The TOP 60 of these holding combined assets in excess of OVER $100 TRILLION.
And as such maintain massive & effective control over entire economies.
And as such maintain massive influence & control over politics & governance, of “partisan” parties of both the “left” and “right”.
Whilst many of the “common” citizens across much of the world are increasingly being led towards greater divisions amongst themselves, this CARTEL of neo-feudal Lords are strengthening their own unity, and power.
L’Italia is another test case …
A succesfull one so far.
Convid is still on the front pages, the country has bowed and very few protest ( mainly in the north) inspite of hard restrictions. The need to protect the Vatican state and the US nukes may have something to do with it.
They declared emergency state in January 2020 and it’s still going on.
It seems to me that Italy has been assigned a specific role in what is coming to Europe,a dark plan that will become visible very soon.
I hope these police officers realize that they’re aiding a genocide and when the truth and justice will eventually prevail, they will not be able to defend themselves with “I was doing my job”. I know the easiest thing is to just do as you’re told but there comes a point in everyone’s lives when they gotta say “that’s enough”.
Canada’s Tiannenmen square. Has it ended ?
Castreau is an evil coward, as is his ugly second in command.
The pigs are sickening evil monsters.
Just want to say here that Trevor in Trimley is a fuckin’ genius. God bless him.
February rain and wind warnings for the atlantic coasts, outrageous weather, gasp… safety hide fleeee
aye well maybe, i’ve experienced a lot worse.
what was odd was the comely south-east getting a dose of weather.
What are you, a weather denier? I saw two empty wheelie bins blown over in my street and I felt like my life was in danger you right wing, racist, transphobic nazi.
+ 100
I saw a squirrel rolling down the street like a tumbleweed! 🐿
In restricting a bank accound which belongs to a family unit, surely the Treadeau government runs fowl of:
“Collective punishment has been clearly forbidden under international humanitarian law through Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. No exceptions are permitted.”
Question: which brand of toilet paper did you find the Fourth Geneva Convention on?
Plus 100.
We in Canada now cannot contribute to your campaign as we’d be labeled “terrorists” and our accounts seized. However, good luck with that.
“Nazi Boy and the Reich need to Fall, NOW!”
“I like the smell and sound of old women in walkers being trampled to death by Scamdemic Gestapo Nazi Equines. It smells and sounds of Invincibility and Victory!”
“Bad Horsie”
“Good Horsie. There is nothing more racist, misogynistic,violent and KKK than an old woman in a walker.”
“Look Reichling Mistress Chrystia is trying out Grandpa Mykhailo’s service hat. It fits her well.”
I mean look at him. It REALLY suits him.
“The war racketeer corporate fascist mobster psycho Nazis never fail to make use of an opportunity of their own doing to continue with their grand theft robbery and exploitation of WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity).”
This latest phase started with the “‘Repo Crisis‘ (starting September 2019) that came to a head on March 12 2020. The disease is of a political economic nature not an epidemiological one. The Mobster Psycho Nazis are the carriers. They are sick and getting sicker.”
Oh, that is very fitting on Merkel and Schwab. The horse-tooth jackass’s chompers on Arden are taking away from the ‘stache.
That is scary. Merkel and Schwab were my first choices as it suiting the most…and old hard on is way too horsey not be be British.
Really suits Boris, adds a jot of much needed gravitas.
justinian who was he what was and his his code or policy
civil society club rules membership
your owners are commie bolshevik nazi and capitalist social ists
all sides covered
this queer thing called justin is a dough boy
most probably the daughter yes daughter of zio owned viva revolution fidel castro
kiwi ahern fishy sturgeon scotch are men dough boy a girl
satan is all about inversion is it not
U Just Urinated 😳
Plus 100.
Sorry, but wishful thinking doesn’t cut it.
Entertaining the idea that Trudeau will ever see a letter from the general public is a ridiculous waste of time.
He has squads of people who are paid for the specific task of protecting him from anything to do with us hordes of the unwashed, and if Trudeau will never read this letter, neither will I.
The truckers have the right idea. They did something which got Trudeau’s attention.
Nothing is more important than making him run away again.
After all, most of us learnt in primary school that arrogant twerps can be made to run away.
“Trudeau will never read this letter, neither will I.”
I also don’t have any faith in open letters but this is no Margaret-Anna-Alice variety. It’s just a wry, cathartic exercise merely to give us the rare opportunity to laugh at tyrants while the world burns all around us.
I get that, but after so many months and years of this mess, I find it hard to laugh while the world burns.
I just can’t shake the feeling that the world isn’t supposed to burn all around us…
Only when it seems as if your world is coming to an end, can you even begin to entertain the possibility that the world is about to end. Thus the former is being engineered…
I agree. The “squads” of people protecting this little prick, need to push him out in front of the general public and walk away.
As long as pathetic twerps like Trudeau have paid military goons (mercenaries) protecting their interests, freedom will be just another empty word signifying nothing.
Your assets have been disappeared.. thanks for the opportunity to serve you.
It’s okay, I don’t take it personally.
I’ve had a good run.
Now it’s time for your assets to disappear, Mr. Turdo.
Mr Trudeau is not running away this time. He is taking action. But whatever he does, just as whatever the truckers do, takes a back seat to what the general public does.
Trudeau must believe when push comes to shove the public will support him and not the truckers – especially when the grocery shelves really start to empty and the truckers are scapegoated by the media as the sole cause.
The old saw – Every society is just three meals away from a revolution – says it all.
It’s not an open letter – it’s satirical.
As usual, wise and accurate, wardropper! Thanks also for all your valuable reflections in OffG, how they coincide with my own!