What’s really going on in Ukraine

Johan Eddebo


Ukraine is historically a part of the Russian heartland. Going all the way back to Russia’s progenitor state of Kievan Rus of the 10th century, founded by the Rurikid dynasty originating among Swedish vikings, Ukraine has been a part of, or closely connected to, the continuous political entity that we now call “Russia”.

Sure, there were periods where statelets on the contemporary Ukrainian territory were independent from formal Russian control, e.g. the Grand Principality of Kiev was under Lithuania for a century, a suzerain of the Golden Horde for a while, and there were various tribes occupying the contemporary territory in what’s a rather complex history.

However, what’s now Ukraine was really never outside of “Russian” hegemony and culture since the 1000s, and was formally a part of the Russian Empire since the 18th century.

This is not to say that Russia prima facie “has a right” to the territory in any legal or moral sense, my point here is just that they in many ways are intimately connected, and until very recently actually were part of the same political entity.

Ukraine’s sigificance to Russian security

Ukraine became formally independent about 30 years ago, in relation to the dissolution of the USSR. Strategically, Ukraine is indispensable for Russian security.

One aspect of this is the Black Sea region and Crimea, the importance of which was the key reason for Florence Nightingale’s Crimean War of the 1800s.

Sevastopol has been Russia’s predominant warm water port since 1783 (meaning it’s viable year-round) and is the only avenue for power projection through the Mediterranean, affording the only really viable access to the Middle East, as well as the South Atlantic and Indian Ocean.

Crimea also provides Russia with operational capacity in its close vicinity, e.g. for regional troop transportation and protection of its key trade routes passing through the Black Sea, and is vital for Russia’s strategic defence capabilities of the entire southern flank.

Read more here.

While not entirely defenceless, Russia would be very vulnerable if it lost just Crimea.

Moreover, Ukraine as such is geostrategically vital for a number of other reasons as well. It was the second-most important Soviet Socialist Republic not only due to its resources, population and productive capacities, but also since it’s basically a stone’s throw from the very heart of Russia. Take and hold Ukraine and you can just march into Moscow. Or starve it.

Look up the French, Swedish and German invasions of Russia for comparison. Sweden was routed at Poltava, Napoleon managed to burn Moscow to the ground but had to retreat. Hitler, however, seized Ukraine at the outset of Operation Barbarossa and did quite a bit of damage. The Ukrainan SSR was that yellow glob on the left:

[click to enlarge]

Today, a key aspect of the situation is the fact that most gas exported by Russia passes through the Ukraine network. This comprises a significant portion of Russia’s trade surplus, and the fact that Europe in turn is arguably dependent upon this resource flow is also an important background factor.

Still, petroleum looms in the background as always.

Russia exports almost as much as Saudi Arabia and is the no. 2 global producer. What’s more, its reserves are unexploited to a greater extent than those of almost any other significant producer, and arguably provides access to petroleum at a higher EROI than anywhere else in the world.

I have written about the resource situation elsewhere, but to summarize, the West needs unimpeded access to this petroleum, at least in the mid-term, or it’s a sitting duck, incapable of staving off immediate decline.

The Present Day

Basically, Ukraine has been targeted by the West for “regime change” since at least the “Orange Revolution” of 2004 which was a creation of the NGO racket and Western intelligence, ousting the pro-Russian Victor Yanukovych.

The succeeding Tymoshenko government privatized state assets and vocally supported NATO membership to “protect Ukraine from Russian aggression”.

Things went back and forth for a while with Yanukovych as opposition leader, after which he was elected to the presidency in 2010 and played a chief role in shaping the succeeding two governments.

Then we of course end up with the US-backed coup in 2014, the “Revolution of Dignity”, according to Wikipedia. The purpose of this coup was to absorb Ukraine into the EU, indirectly rendering it a NATO asset, and of course reducing its utility as a Russian market.

When Yanukovych, in late 2013 or early 2014, appeared to be closing the door to this integration through an agreement with Russia, Ukraine “got couped”, its government overthrown, and an armed insurgency was instigated and supported by the West. [Read our detailed timeline of this here – ed.]

In view of the background factors, the West had few other options, of course. Especially in relation to Russia’s efforts at creating a Eurasian Union of which Ukraine would be fundamental, challenging the hegemony of the West, establishing common energy markets that could easily kill the petrodollar.

In wake of the coup, Russia then responded by securing its assets on Crimea through supporting the secession, as well as to some extent that of Luhansk and Donetsk, yet which were not formally recognized by Russia until just a few days ago. This ushered in the eight-year war in Donbas between the Ukrainian government and the secessionists.

Early on, the Minsk agreements were implemented, with the purpose of establishing a cease-fire and reintegrating Luhansk & Donetsk into Ukraine, while granting them a certain measure of autonomy.

These were signed yet never fully implemented, and according to the Russian administration, increasingly violated by a slowly collapsing Ukrainian state, reduced to a colony with a puppet regime, also citing a ramp-up in attacks on the civilian population of the semi-independent regions.

Here’s the gist of the Kremlin’s perspective on the current situation:

In March 2021, a new Military Strategy was adopted in Ukraine. This document is almost entirely dedicated to confrontation with Russia and sets the goal of involving foreign states in a conflict with our country. The strategy stipulates the organisation of what can be described as a terrorist underground movement in Russia’s Crimea and in Donbass.

It also sets out the contours of a potential war, which should end, according to the Kiev strategists, “with the assistance of the international community on favourable terms for Ukraine,” as well as – listen carefully, please – “with foreign military support in the geopolitical confrontation with the Russian Federation.” In fact, this is nothing other than preparation for hostilities against our country, Russia.

As we know, it has already been stated today that Ukraine intends to create its own nuclear weapons, and this is not just bragging. Ukraine has the nuclear technologies created back in the Soviet times and delivery vehicles for such weapons, including aircraft, as well as the Soviet-designed Tochka-U precision tactical missiles with a range of over 100 kilometres. But they can do more; it is only a matter of time. They have had the groundwork for this since the Soviet era.

In other words, acquiring tactical nuclear weapons will be much easier for Ukraine than for some other states I am not going to mention here, which are conducting such research, especially if Kiev receives foreign technological support. We cannot rule this out either.

If Ukraine acquires weapons of mass destruction, the situation in the world and in Europe will drastically change, especially for us, for Russia. We cannot but react to this real danger, all the more so since, let me repeat, Ukraine’s Western patrons may help it acquire these weapons to create yet another threat to our country. We are seeing how persistently the Kiev regime is being pumped with arms.

Since 2014, the United States alone has spent billions of dollars for this purpose, including supplies of arms and equipment and training of specialists. In the last few months, there has been a constant flow of Western weapons to Ukraine, ostentatiously, with the entire world watching. Foreign advisors supervise the activities of Ukraine’s armed forces and special services and we are well aware of this.

Over the past few years, military contingents of NATO countries have been almost constantly present on Ukrainian territory under the pretext of exercises. The Ukrainian troop control system has already been integrated into NATO. This means that NATO headquarters can issue direct commands to the Ukrainian armed forces, even to their separate units and squads.

The United States and NATO have started an impudent development of Ukrainian territory as a theatre of potential military operations. Their regular joint exercises are obviously anti-Russian. Last year alone, over 23,000 troops and more than a thousand units of hardware were involved.

A law has already been adopted that allows foreign troops to come to Ukraine in 2022 to take part in multinational drills. Understandably, these are primarily NATO troops. This year, at least ten of these joint drills are planned.

Obviously, such undertakings are designed to be a cover-up for a rapid buildup of the NATO military group on Ukrainian territory. This is all the more so since the network of airfields upgraded with US help in Borispol, Ivano-Frankovsk, Chuguyev and Odessa, to name a few, is capable of transferring army units in a very short time. Ukraine’s airspace is open to flights by US strategic and reconnaissance aircraft and drones that conduct surveillance over Russian territory.

All of this eventually led up to a Russian ultimatum, given in December 2021, pertaining to the security issues mentioned in the quotation above, as well as to NATO agreeing to refrain from formal expansion, termed “aggressive proposals” in the linked Guardian article.

On 30 November 2021, President Putin stated that an expansion of NATO’s presence in Ukraine, especially the deployment of any long-range missiles capable of striking Moscow or missile defence systems similar to those in Romania and Poland, would be a “red line” issue for the Kremlin.

He said that these missile-defense systems may be converted into launchers of offensive Tomahawk long-range cruise missiles.

According to Putin, “If some kind of strike systems appear on the territory of Ukraine, the flight time to Moscow will be seven to 10 minutes, and five minutes in the case of a hypersonic weapon being deployed.”

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg stated: “It’s only Ukraine and 30 NATO allies that decide when Ukraine is ready to join NATO. Russia has no veto, Russia has no say, and Russia has no right to establish a sphere of influence to try to control their neighbors.” (Wikipedia)

The Saker gives another perspective:

Russia politely requested that NATO confine its activities to its location as of 1997, and keep out of the former Warsaw Pact territory. This was to abide by the promises that the United States made to the Soviet Union at the time that the Soviets agreed to disband the Warsaw Pact. Both the United States and NATO responded negatively to the initiative, but agreed to hold negotiations with Russia during the week of January 11-14, 2022
The Saker, The Not Ultimatum 14/1/2022

This ultimatum was finally (predictably) rejected:

Which was followed by an escalation from the Ukrainian/NATO-side in the Donbas War, after which Russia formally recognized the seceding republics and signed treaties for co-operation with both.

After this formal recognition was ratified by the Duma, the Russian administration issued an ultimatum to Kiev to cease aggression against the newly-recognized republics, swear off NATO membership, and demilitarize. DNR and LNR officials likewise demanded the evacuation of Ukranian troops from their respective territories.

When Kiev inevitably refused, Russia embarked on the ongoing military operation against Ukraine.

What’s next?

The Ukranian defence capabilities seem to be more or less neutralized after a day and a half of war. The air force and navy is basically knocked out, as is the air defence, rendering what remains of the ground forces without support, and probably very little cohesion.

Kiev is encircled and about to fall, as are many major cities and population centers. The Ukrainian defence will likely be enveloped in days, hopefully implying some possibility of a short conflict.

But in reality, we’re probably looking at something reminiscent of the aftermath of the Iraq war. Russia will most likely make short work of the regular forces and bring about a regime change, sure, but it seems almost inevitable that whatever then becomes of Ukraine will have to contend with a protracted conflict against a stay-behind insurgency supported by NATO.

Indeed, as Pål Steigan says regarding the overarching conflict, which I must agree to in light of the resource situation and the general state of the global economy:

This war will not stop until Russia is conquered and divided, or has put an end to the US offensive.”

In this first hot conflict of the Great Reset, we see the first open challenge to Western hegemony in generations. But the most important aspect of the conflict will likely take place within the economic realm. How long, for instance, will an energy-starved Europe maintain support for US foreign policy priorities?

Johan Eddebo is a philosopher and researcher, you can read more of his work on his substack Shadowrunners


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Apr 16, 2022 9:00 AM

Born during the American «liberation» of Iraq I know what régime change means.
They created desolation and called it peace.

Mar 10, 2022 6:48 PM

It is naive to think of Russia and the USA as two different nations who are at odds with each other. The entire war on the US side is fabricated by the military industrial complex / deep state in the USA and has nothing to do wit the population – Americans are being brainwashed by their media which belongs to the same entities. Russians likewise, same thing.
The way therefore to avoid the wars is to lock up all these politician puppets, and their hidden controllers, and live as one humanity WITHOUT them

Anyone talking about geostrategic considerations for these nations really has no clue what’s going on. Those are highly intellectualized distractions that mean nothing. The hidden controllers need wars, and they will get them, any means necessary.

Mar 3, 2022 12:46 AM

And it hasn’t occurred to you (and the guys commenting here) that the way you talk about Ukraine and its people as if it were a meaningless figure on the chess board is the VERY NATURE of imperialist sensibility and attitudes. 

It never ceases to amaze me to hear the “but the West is worse” narrative as a response to critique of Putin or Russia (even if “the West” is bad and is ALSO an invader and completely sick). Most often this narrative is showered with the representation of the US as the only protagonist in the world (even if the evil one), the only nation with actual agency, desires and subjectivity. Sometimes this is generously expanded to the “West”. People of Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria or Yemen are imbecyllic, half-wit puppets in the hands of the smart orchestrators “from the West”. They don’t want anything for themselves or don’t know what they actually want, they are lost, passive, ignorant. Human life has no value in your rhetoric — especially lives of those from less privileged nations, countries. They are just necessary losses if your own doctrine were to win. Chilling. 

Please, I beg you to start the questioning from questioning yourselves and your own intentions. Examine yourselves closely. Your self-righteousness burns. I urge you to take 5 minutes only to scrutinise yourself and explore whether the sentences and arguments you have repeated so many times actually still ring true and whether you have not become the very embodiment of the narratives you so passionately criticise. 

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Mar 3, 2022 1:52 AM
Reply to  Guest

Are you implying that Ukrainians want to become a Libya-style failed state? Because whether Ukrainians are for or against a Russian incursion at this point, this is what inevitably awaits them as NATO pumps arms into their country to guarantee protracted conflict. If so, maybe…

you have…become the very embodiment of the narratives you so passionately criticise.

‘Listening’ to Ukrainians is not necessary if they are an autonomous state. Therefore the very concept is a contradiction in terms and implies they are not autonomous at all. Ukraine is actually a pawn in a wider game, unfortunately, ever since the 2014 coup, instigated by the West, installed a puppet government.

Wheels have been set in motion now, to the point where nothing but a swift resolution, one way or another, will benefit Ukrainian people in the slightest. A2

Mar 1, 2022 10:43 PM

The buses carrying evacuations out of Donbass with 666 on the sides. Then BBC news report from Moscow with a man dressed in a white rabbit costume behind the interviews in both the first frame and then his head popping up in the last frame of the news report. Then this, well everyone said there would have to be something big to knock CVD off the MSM top fixation. https://t.me/Not_On_The_Beeb/4541?fbclid=IwAR2s-cA9OyQVpdnGDSo9TNYcvICHv7Y0hSN_1HQgjVSszMWRzGGfma7ES6w

clue positive
clue positive
Mar 1, 2022 3:08 AM

Good discussion but the author doesn’t know how far down the rabbit hole the world is now. Completely ignoring the Covid scam, etc.
The last statements were the most naive.
Depopulation is a huge goal of every gov’t – I could provide you photos of every major “leader” shmoozing with Schwab at WEF.
Do you for a second believe there’s not a racial issue here? And as usual the “tribe” is behind it. They give not a crap if europe freezes to death, especially now at the start of the grand solar minimum. Those who don’t understand the significance of the GSM will in the next few years.

Feb 28, 2022 3:15 PM

The clear Russian strategy and statements:

Feb 28, 2022 2:51 AM

Russia should help the EU meet its net zero carbon targets by cutting off exports of oil and gas. Think how pleased Little Greta would be. Then they could back this up by banning imports of Porsches. Mercedes, BMWs and Volvos. Think how many polar bears that would save. The benefits would be incalculable. I can’t see any downside to this at all. The EU and Russia have made a good start by banning each others aircraft. But really they need to ban ALL aircraft. And ideally all cars as well. The whole of the world’s trade used to be carried on the wind in sailing ships. Why can’t we bring back these beautiful vessels? And why not go back to man’s best friend, the horse? All that roar of traffic replaced by a gentle clip-clop, clip-clop. Where’s the imagination? That’s what I want to know.

Feb 27, 2022 10:45 PM

No, Ukraine is not part of the Russian heartland. It is something different. It belonged to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from medieval times until the dissolution of that country in 1795.

Feb 28, 2022 2:54 AM
Reply to  Observer

Maybe we should just give it back to the Vikings and solve everybody’s problems.

Elena Lavrinenko
Elena Lavrinenko
Feb 28, 2022 5:07 AM
Reply to  Observer

And before that? Do you know it was founded by the Viking Oleg, ruler of Novgorod (Russia) from about 879? In 882 he seized Smolensk and Kyiv, and the latter city, owing to its strategic location on the Dnieper River, became the capital of Kievan Rus. Kyiv territories had been absorbed by Poland and Lithuania only by the 14th century? And returned back in 17th?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Feb 27, 2022 6:44 PM

As this author and others have noted on Off-G this “conflict” goes back to the first Clinton administration. So, one question: Why now?

Alpine Observer
Alpine Observer
Feb 27, 2022 10:28 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Because the western financial system is on the verge of total collapse.

Ultimately, all that fiat money, derivatives, etc, must be underpinned by real world assets. They don’t have enough, and most are massively artificially inflated anyway. But Russia has vast natural resource wealth. Literally hundreds of TRILLIONS if it was fully exploited.

They’re grabbing Russia and its wealth to save themselves from ruin.

Feb 27, 2022 5:26 PM

There’s no challenge to any hegemony, because the hegemony has existed in the form of the left-right con, of the country vs country con or the bloc vs bloc con, for eons. It’s the Hegelian Dialectic.

Watch the video below. The Ukraine show like all the orchestrated and coordinated wars are a farce. A joke. A scam and a psyop, coordinated and televised for you by the banking-merchant-military cartel that own and control every administration (incorporated municipality posing as a government) on earth:


Feb 28, 2022 2:14 PM
Reply to  Researcher

And the media will have it that anybody who sees through the psyopjoke is a lunatic…

Accountability for the owners of the media is the only solution to the real lunacy that’s going on.

Feb 28, 2022 3:58 PM
Reply to  wardropper

The owners of the media are the banking-merchant-military cartel.

I found the same kind of fakery and collusion in the Syria war. In the Iraq and Afghanistan military endeavours. That’s not to say they weren’t wars per se, but they were always orchestrated by all sides, funded and run by the banking-merchant-military cartel. The same cartel that owns and controls the media. Tax System. Education, Science. Health. Courts. Police. Mining. Energy. Publishing. Communications. Agribusiness. Logistics. Technology. Social Media. Entertainment. NGOs like the UN, WEF, CFR and Trilateral Commission.

It’s all one cartel, under the same umbrella. It’s global and includes the incorporated municipalities people think of as “governments”.

Feb 28, 2022 5:48 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Absolutely ⬆︎
Thanks for the link!

Feb 28, 2022 6:34 PM
Reply to  wardropper

You’re welcome. One more link for readers who may not be aware how all the major corporations, stock exchanges and financial markets are centrally controlled by one cartel.

The Four Companies That Control the 147 Companies That Own Everything

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Feb 27, 2022 5:01 PM

Hi folks. You should all feel bad for me. I am spending the day checking Western sources for their err…… analysis? 🙄 or take on things.

I was thinking of using a Democrat propaganda trick (based on an actual science) where I set up a T-table of lies and truths. So the video link and time markers and T or F.

It’s evaluation of a design. It is also offering a huge amount of material for a comedy show from what I see.
See: Former Nazis arming Nazis.

But I come here on a mission of peace.
PEACE TALKS have been officially announced and the Ukraine is going to send a delegation.

So my source it trash but whatever.
From DW News:

Russia has defined a firm position on this that I support. Disarming Nazis is never a bad idea.

Peace and love. ☮️

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 27, 2022 4:42 PM

What’s going on in the Ukraine? Erm… >
EarthCam – Kyiv Skyline Cam

See any bombs going off???

Feb 27, 2022 4:23 PM

Testing 1, 2, 3… insta-pending makes me think, this place is just controlled opposition (Medusa), I tend to go only for the comments in these information dissemination prisons called ‘news sites’ anyways, that’s where the True Light shines. As one poster commented yesterday, they’re all in on it in some way, shape or form, they know the hand that feeds them is also their master, they understand that the owners atop the pyramid own the system and if you go against it, they just shut you out.

If the Ukraine is being support by the likes of GeorgeSoros and MarinaAbromovic, I strongly believe Russia is portrayed in an unfavorable light for a reason, something really Satanic is going on with the Ukraine. When demons like these and their ilk come out of hiding from the shadows, and dare to enter the public stage (it’s really not like their private spiritcooking humansacrifice mansion parties), and let us see them for what they truly are, it means the heavens are shaking and He|| is shook.

Feb 27, 2022 5:57 PM
Reply to  TheEndIsNigh

They want you to believe it’s Satanic because their power rests in the lies they constantly feed into the public’s mind since birth, such as Satan vs God, which is really Saturn vs the Sun because the Bible is entirely astro-theological allegories. They need to convince the 99% of the most ludicrous beliefs, using propaganda and disinformation. That results in a cult mentality that enables individuals to relinquish their own authority, independence and autonomy to a fake hierarchy, resulting in all the evil, poverty, misery, theft, crises and genocide.

Occult doesn’t mean supernatural. It means hidden. The cryptoctacy hide the structures and levers of power to make people believe in the lie of sovereign nation states and democracy.

The clowns in the upper echelons (not the world leaders who are all actors) of the military-banking-merchant cartel, don’t have any power whatsoever, besides convincing the public that governments are real, and the biggest lie of all – that these legal fictions, have authority or the right to rule over the citizens (slaves). They con the public into believing that people can confer power to a central authority. That’s slavery. One man doesn’t have rights above another. It’s this immoral con, done through mass indoctrination, mass programming, mass delusions and illusions through the fake media, fake academia, fake governments and trauma based mind control, that keeps most people from comprehending the truth about our world.

Mar 4, 2022 4:12 PM
Reply to  Researcher

You’re missing the forest for the trees… Why do you think all this evil is upon us? Do you really believe they would destroy the world just because they could? Nah, they’re being led to this, by an ancient promise that their dead false god Satan gave to them, immortality. Whether you believe that or not, is irrelevant, they do and it’s real to them.

Only the fool hath said in his heart, “There is no God.”, for even the demons know that He is. If you don’t have your ears unstopped, and have the scales removed from your eyes, you cannot understand the spiritual dimension. You can only believe you are the end-all-be-all on this plane if you are utterly deceived and wickedly prideful, for God resists the proud. There are no atheists on a plane that is plunging into the ocean, everybody prays to Him some day.

The crux of it is this, they are what is termed as, ‘Sumerian Bloodlines’, they have tons of different names and fake identities from back in the day, ultimately, they’re Phoenicians, but if you just wanna find out what in the He|| is really going on, research their rituals, at the end of the day it’s all human sacrifice. They really hate children, they’re an apex predator class and they are lethal, because the devil wants everybody dead, especially those who don’t know he exists.

Mar 4, 2022 5:16 PM
Reply to  TheEndIsNigh

I’ve looked into all that and discounted nearly all. Religions, cults and blood sacrifice are fear and control mechanisms.

Satan is Saturn. It’s just astrotheology. The bible is astrological allegory (which THEY wrote).

Their brotherhood and methods are millennia old. Further back than four thousand years. They farm and cull most of humanity in between astrological cycles of destruction, which you will think of as Fire or Floods (Armageddon). Plato’s Kataklysmos. Or “Great Year“ cycles. Study their own texts.

Contemplate who pushes the pedophilia, blood sacrifice and the adenochrome stuff. End Times Prophecies. It’s the government (Intel agencies) and the churches. The churches are all THEIRS. Every church. Every religion.

Their beliefs, their ancient or modern rituals, their multi-generational cults are irrelevant to me.

Feb 27, 2022 6:30 PM
Reply to  TheEndIsNigh

Bloodbags, Biolabs and Busted fake adoption schemes in the Ukraine… AdrenochromeBioweaponsANDChildTrafficking… the internet is not totally crazy.


Feb 28, 2022 5:31 AM
Reply to  TheEndIsNigh

Don’t forget Body parts.

Feb 27, 2022 4:14 PM

I really didn’t want to but now I have no choice… famous last words. What happens when a demonic AdrenachromeHarvester psychopathic cannibal says I should not support Russia? I suddenly, now support Russia. Who knew?

Satanic high priestess Marina Abramovic endorses Ukraine and Russia gains support

Feb 28, 2022 6:30 PM
Reply to  TheEndIsNigh

That reminds me of something Voltaire allegedly said on his death bed. A priest came and called on him to renounce Satan and all his works. Voltaire replied that ‘this is no time to be making enemies.’

Mar 4, 2022 4:18 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

Yes, the Valley of Decision is indeed a terrifying place, especially for those who still believe they are a ‘god’…

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 27, 2022 4:09 PM

“Sometimes I think war is God’s way of teaching us geography.”
– Paul Rodriguez, Sr. –

Feb 28, 2022 5:33 AM

Perhaps, that applies only to USA.

Feb 28, 2022 6:33 PM
Reply to  mgeo

And Britain. Truss apparently did not know Voronezh and Rostov are Russian. I had better geographical knowledge when I was 10…

Alpine Observer
Alpine Observer
Feb 27, 2022 1:19 PM

Whilst Russia takes back its former lands, and Israel does the same, perhaps Britain and France should consider to reclaim the US and Canada ?!

Feb 27, 2022 9:51 AM

Utter insanity from Tisdall:


He approvingly cites Tobias Ellwood’s call for British troops to be sent to Ukraine. Perhaps Tisdall himself could be so deployed if he’s so keen on the idea?

The style and structure are very basic NLP. The repetition… the short sentences… the gratuitous use of “we” (I have nothing in common with you, Mr Tisdall)… the repetition…

BTW what happened to Ellwood’s leadership challenge?

The competition for the Lord Haw-Haw Award is stiff at the Fraud but Tisdall might very well have won it here.

Feb 27, 2022 2:05 PM
Reply to  Edwige

“Perhaps Tisdall himself could be so deployed if he’s so keen on the idea”?

I’d like to see his facial expression if some one has balls to ask him this question. Ha

Feb 28, 2022 5:36 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Even if he is ineligible, his younger relatives should go. Michael Moore raised this with US legislators after USA invaded Afghanistan.

Feb 27, 2022 9:20 AM

Every blog site needs one lead picture/link in relation to the unfolding Ukraine issue.

Here’s my vote

William Blum

Alpine Observer
Alpine Observer
Feb 27, 2022 1:22 PM
Reply to  TFS

Here’s my former favourite, but it was painted before Russia invaded Ukraine.

My view of the Russian leadership, Putin especially, has changed massively since this painting, after he decided to go beyond the simple scope of assisting the people of Donbas.

Those bodies piling up in the painting below now include Ukrainian civilians protecting their homes, families, cities from a Bear on the rampage. And Putin should be joining Biden, Trudeau and Johnson standing on the bodies.

comment image

Note to moderator: This image is linked to the original irsite and is permissible under the copyright notice:

Artworks can now be downloaded free of charge and featured in publications anywhere in the world (newspapers, magazines, websites, blogs). Copyright is licensed for this purpose only (ie. not for prints, clothing, merchandise). All other copyright is retained by The Democracy Fund.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 27, 2022 9:03 AM

Laugh of the day from the Graud:

Bellingcat founder Elliot Higgins says Russia’s propaganda films have got worse but that Russian viewers, especially the older generation, tend to believe fake TV footage

Feb 26, 2022 11:51 PM

Two bastions of British journalistic integrity excelling once again

comment image

Feb 27, 2022 2:49 AM
Reply to  billwoods

Hey when I try to check that photo out it comes up as January 2019 gas explosion imagery (blast was Dec 31st 2018) and the building is 9 storeys in Magnitogorsk. The one you show above is only 5 storeys high. Got a better link for this claim as I’d love to debunk the Australian media using it if it is true.

Feb 26, 2022 11:34 PM

All links with Russia are being cut – financial, trade, diplomatic, transport, media, sport, culture, everything. Even the Eurovision Song Contest. Over the next few days, the hysteria will be off the charts, with Syrian-style atrocity stories and hoaxes against Russia. SWIFT will follow over the next day or two at most. Germany was resisting the Nordstream closure, but Olaf and his inexperienced ragtag coalition of Russophobes and Greens could not withstand the pressure. He will cave again very shortly to pressure from the UK/ Poland/ Czechoslovakia, and others. This seems to be actually happening now, after only 3 days. Imagine where we are likely to be in a week or a fortnight’s time. Germany will be the big loser. The whole crisis may have been deliberately engineered to destroy the economic relationship between Germany and Russia. This will wreck the German economy. Another country to watch is India. India abstained at the UN with China. It has very strong economic links with Russia and very shortly we are likely to see a Russia/ China/ India alternative payment system and financial architecture, perhaps joined by Iran, Venezuela and others. A huge area of the planet is being ring fenced off from western finance, trade, investment and exploitation. The western world is isolating itself. This could spell the end of Globalism. The final end of the Dollar System. This represents a far more stark and total division of the world than existed during the Cold War and the time of the Warsaw Pact/ Comecon. At that time, even during the worst periods, there were quite extensive diplomatic, sport, and cultural links. That is all a thing of the past. Putin is well aware of this, but felt that there was no alternative when faced with an existential threat to Russia’s security.… Read more »

Feb 26, 2022 11:01 PM

Regarding that last question:
“How long, for instance, will an energy-starved Europe maintain support for US foreign policy priorities?” – it has to be said that starved people of any kind tend to believe and trust anybody who promises them food, whether or not it materializes…

As for “energy-starved”: Exactly which people stand to lose here?
Those who have invested in energy?
Those who consume a lot of energy?
Or simply everybody?

My point is that the brainwashing has already ensured that Putin is to blame for everything for the foreseeable future, and the current political system insists upon us trusting US foreign policy priorities under all circumstances.
If I stood in 10, Downing Street, I would take drastic steps to reverse that idiotic philosophy, but I don’t stand in 10, Downing Street – nor will I ever.

Ally H-G
Ally H-G
Feb 27, 2022 3:46 AM
Reply to  wardropper

‘Energy starved’ has another dimension in the cold, densely populated regions.

No energy = the water in pipes freezes unless the pipes are emptied before frost. Come spring and the water in the pipes thaws, they burst, due to water expanding, and if the water has not been switched off, the house gets drowned. Many people have lost houses by travelling, forgetting to empty the water pipes. Housing stock gets destroyed large scale, hospitals are not immune. In Berlin 1945-48 they gradually took down all trees. Well, the trees have grown again, but it is a very limited solution.

Ukrainian GDP has not made any headway since the privatisations, who’d have thunk!

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
Feb 27, 2022 7:58 AM
Reply to  Ally H-G

Ukrainian population has declined from 51 million in 1990 to 41 million today. That is pretty much at par for the whole of Europe. Western Europe makes up for this with inward migration – but this causes and problems as the masses from the global south are let in to swell the numbers. Of course this leads to ethnic and racial strife, but hey that’s no worry to Klaus Swartz.

Fertility rate among women in Eastern Europe has declined to 1.14 replacement rate should be 2.1. In point of fact this is common in the whole of the northern hemisphere. The human race in the northern hemisphere is in precipitate decline. That should cheer up the eugenicists as we head toward extinction.

I think that it was Queen Elizabeth’s husband, Prince Phillip, who in 1980 said he would like to become a virus after his death so that he could wipe out a significant sector of the British population – this was in 1988.

This is what the world is confronted with – a eugencist agenda to wipe out humanity.

Francis Lee
Francis Lee
Feb 27, 2022 7:59 AM
Reply to  Francis Lee

Sorry that was 1988 not 1980.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Feb 27, 2022 1:31 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Hi Wardropper, it’s interesting because when I was in the staff canteen yesterday they had the tv on (football and sport at the time running). Well, stun me with a missle launcher, the presenter said that Russia was responsible for: Doping in Sport, Invading the Ukraine from 2014 to now, for the current economic crisis in the UK and I missed the rest because I left the canteen!

Feb 26, 2022 10:57 PM

One of the constant and most effective propaganda purposes of ‘the news’ and our controlled perceptions of the world/reality is to direct our focus upon events as isolated and disconnected happenings, apparently without plan or ulterior motive and meaning. And no better means of marshalling and misdirecting people’s attention, and action, can be found than the spectacle and idolatry of war, which besides brokering real estate deals and fortunes for ruling elites, provides patriotic pretext for disciplining subject populations into supporting the troops and the undoubtedly just cause, even while their principal if only interest in this naked exercise of class rule is surviving the destruction designed for the benefits of the few.   Certainly one of those benefits is to obscure and override if not render obsolete any just cause people may have had against their own rulers, or enemies, on the home front. For example, World Wars 1 and 2 very conveniently served to undermine internationally rising resistance of working classes to capital rule, redirecting revolt against the evil empire ‘over there,’ even as to a great extent with war and its end victors picked up where vanguished left off with their own expanded powers over subjects, ever revelaing more of the fascism at capitalism’s core. The present conflict in Ukraine has been posed by propaganda arms of those who own and control the means of mass communication as one which has the potential of developing and erupting into World War 3. As could be said of virtually all modern geopolitical games played by those who use us as cannon fodder one way or another, as economic or military units, just so we learn the lessons of divide-and-rule strategy into ‘us’ and ‘them’ in our blood and bones. There’s all too real possibility of runaway conflagration with the global stakes which in our time… Read more »

Feb 27, 2022 5:44 PM
Reply to  niko

That was a truly succinct and enlightening exposé, you really hit every nail on the head – their coffin is prepared for the Fire. You write like a true scribe, oh how the devil hates the quills, for many a ready writer has exposed his impending destruction. Historically accurate yet deeply human; if the world ended tonight, your text would likely remain in my mind. These creatures who ‘rule the universe’ are now exposed, the Truth of their existence has been revealed, it seems they only operate effectively in darkness, when you shine the Light on them, they shrivel in fear. I believe the time has come for the final move on the Chess Board of life and death, even the devil himself is deceived, therefore Checkmate is finally within our grasp.

As all these things must come to pass, I have a question, what are your thoughts on a Russia loss? What will the Luciferians do? Will they soon force the crash of the old world and bring forth their new openly 666 digitized system?

Your post made me think of the following Bible verses:
Ezekiel 29:2 Son of man, set thy face against Pharaoh king of Egypt, and prophesy against him, and against all Egypt


Revelation 19:20-And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Feb 28, 2022 4:14 PM
Reply to  niko

We may trace the beginning of the “current” crisis to the GFC of 2008, but was officially declared on September 17th, 2019, starting date of the FED’s emergency repo market operations:
comment image

“The conventional wisdom is that the Fed’s recent emergency lending facilities to Wall Street were caused by the CO***-19 crisis. The above chart, which uses the New York Fed’s own Excel spreadsheet repo loan data, shows the conventional wisdom is dangerously wrong.

“In the last quarter of 2019 – before there was any news of CO***-19 in the U.S., and months before the World Health Organization declared CO***-19 a pandemic – the Fed pumped $4.5 trillion in cumulative repo loans to unnamed trading houses on Wall Street – its so-called ‘primary dealers.’

“The collateral that the Fed accepted for the cumulative $4.5 trillion in loans consisted of $3.497 trillion in U.S. Treasury securities; $988.3 billion in agency Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS); and $15.839 billion in agency debt.

“The Fed’s emergency repo loan operations began on September 17, 2019. From September 17, 2019 through the last acknowledged operation on July 2, 2020, the Fed’s repo loans cumulatively totaled $11.23 trillion, made up of the following pledged collateral: $7.137 trillion in U.S. Treasury securities; $4 trillion in agency Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) and $91.525 billion in agency debt.”


Starting September 17th 2019, all the contradictions, absurdities, alienations, tragedies, reliance on conflicts, dehumanisations, up till then kept under control whithin the logic of Capital, current basis of human mode of production, and given a human, acceptable appearance, turned loose and started surfacing and exploding in our face.

alex reynolds
alex reynolds
Feb 26, 2022 10:19 PM

Sad to see that OffGuardian, which was one of the very few publications that held the line against the COVID lie, has immediately collapsed on its belly in the dust before this one.
Do I really have to explain this?
There is no war in Ukraine.
In three days there has not been a single visual record of any actual military engagement. Just endlessly repeated reports of “shots heard in Kiev” etc.
So they finally got you, eh, OffGuardian?

Feb 27, 2022 12:02 AM
Reply to  alex reynolds

The problem isn’t necessarily visual but semantic. The term “war” has now become so commonplace as to be a synonym for “skirmish,” where once it was reserved for actual combat which could be quantified and reported on.

After all, how in hell can there be a “War on Drugs” or a “War on a Virus” or, especially, a “War of Words”? You might as well call an argument over the fence with your neighbor a “war.”

Everything has become trivialized – which works out good for the elites. Now their enslavement of humanity can be little more than someone’s car getting stuck in – enslaved by – the infamous neighborhood pothole.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Feb 27, 2022 1:40 PM
Reply to  Howard

Howard in a sense I partially agree that things might have become trivialised. However, I think the opposite is really the case if you look at language. Everything small, stupid or minor is now classified as ‘awesome’ – minor things have become elevated to a much grander level than they merit. So there has been an aggrandisement if you will of minor, petty trivial achievements. So now, a partial military manouevre in the Ukraine where there have been say around 100 casualties and the infrastructure remains intact, it has rendered Putin’s correct and necessary action to be described as a war but that is a war, just like Covid, that is being run by the sheer force of further propaganda. Things on the ground are very different in the Ukraine. Zelensky is completely out of his depth.

Feb 27, 2022 5:29 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Good point about aggrandizing minor things. Add this aggrandizement of the small to the trivialization of the big and you end up with (drum roll): the much loved and touted “Common Denominator.”

(BTW, if you’re British and use the “s” rather than the “z” as in aggrandizement/aggrandisement – do you still get a red underscore until you change the “s” to a “z” like I do here in the US?)

Feb 27, 2022 8:45 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

Pardon a trivial aside: recently a friendly delicatessen clerk, probably in his twenties, sliced some mozzarella cheese for me. When he handed me the package, he asked “What do you use it for?”

I replied that I use it on homemade pizza, and as an all-purpose “melt” to enhance various (store-bought) dishes.

He brightly replied “Awesome! I’ll have to try that!” I enjoyed the convivial exchange, but it wasn’t the first time I encountered Youth applying this superlative to something trivial.

Since you mention language, I once accumulated a list of words whose original rich, vibrant meanings had deteriorated into commonplace, generic, hackneyed expressions of superlativeness. I lost the list when the laptop hard drive on which it was stored self-destructed, and I haven’t gotten around to recreating it.

Just off the top of my head, it included words like “marvelous”, “fantastic”, “wonderful”, “amazing”, “terrific”, “fabulous” and even “incredible”. (E.g., I had an “incredible” lobster bisque the other night.) 

I sometimes wish I’d lived in the good old days, when “words have meaning” was more than a trite, empty maxim honored in the breach. It must have been awesome!  😉 

Feb 27, 2022 12:12 AM
Reply to  alex reynolds

Off-Guardian is a platform.
We all get to say our piece, and OffG gives us the space to do so.
Articles vary in quality, but in that case our issue is with the authors.

Regarding your comment, I actually find it quite conceivable that there is, indeed, no “war” in Ukraine, but it’s just as conceivable that your criticism of OffG is built upon destructive malice and an attempt to deflect readers from the material which stands up to serious scrutiny.

You should just try to concentrate on whatever people have to say here, without trying to make OffG accountable for the variable content and the equally variable criticism.

Again, I acknowledge the possibility that you’re right about Ukraine, but we need to see more credible footage from people who are actually there – and of course preferably from people who have excellent credibility.

Ally H-G
Ally H-G
Feb 27, 2022 3:56 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Who to believe is so difficult when you are far away. We read everywhere that 13 heros on snake island had been shot. On the German language net I read that it was from Zelenskyi that 13 heroes on snake island had been shot. And then they go on to say that Russian sources claim 82 people had been captured. It’s not mutually exclusive.

Afghans did not fight when the Taliban came back – they did not want what we see on our screens now, real or concocted. They were heavily criticized; but it was clearly the better option than this protracted war.

Ukrainians and Russians will never get on, very sad.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 27, 2022 9:02 AM
Reply to  wardropper

No-one has “excellent credibilty”. You have no option but to sift through the claims and weigh them up yourself.

Feb 27, 2022 8:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I quite agree.
But one still looks for those who are more credible than others.
Some are so far beyond the pale that you risk your mental health by even looking at them.

As Ally H-G says, it is so difficult to know from a great distance whom to believe, so one digs and digs, and one ends up knowing more than one did before one bought the shovel.

Feb 27, 2022 4:56 PM
Reply to  wardropper

abundant feed from citizens . it is war.

Feb 27, 2022 8:30 PM
Reply to  steadydirt

I’ve seen what the media are selling us as ‘feed from citizens’, but it all needs impartial verification.
I have no horse in this race, so I’m only interested in what is verifiable from sources which are NOT the mainstream media.
The msm ‘interpretation’ of world events is entirely predictable.

Feb 27, 2022 6:42 PM
Reply to  wardropper

No war in the contemporary sense for sure, SeanTheMoronPenn actually interviewing ZelenskyTheSnake while trying to purport ‘WAR is here!’ is just plain foolish. It’s like claiming there’s a world wide pandemic and still filming ‘Dancing With the Stars’ live, it’s all theater. Evil yes, real no. But, there is definitely a fight going on. There are warring factions atop the pyramid for the endgame of WorldDomination, and at the very least, Putin has now threatened the AdrenochromeFactory in the Ukraine which is why it’s now imperative that the Satanic elite ‘stand with’ this BloodBag nation.

Sex, lies and psychological scars: inside Ukraine’s human trafficking crisis

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Feb 27, 2022 1:34 AM
Reply to  alex reynolds

Well, something is going on. A day or so ago there was a report from a CNN reporter who with others had turned up at an airfield just north of Kiev**. There was some sporadic shooting going on and one or two explosions but as the reporter explained they had turned up at the checkpoint at the base’s entrance and asked an officer (in what he described as his ‘broken Russian’) “Where were the Russians?”. The officer said that he was a Russian. Its apparently one of the signature features of this conflict is that us Westerners can’t tell the two sides apart.

(**I’m using the traditional Western spelling of the city, one that’s been used since Imperial times (e.g. “Pictures at an Exhibition” by Mussorgski composed in 1874). If and when I learn the Cryllic alphabet…)

Ally H-G
Ally H-G
Feb 27, 2022 3:58 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Kiev is the English spelling, Kiew is German and still in use. French is probably Kïev.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Feb 27, 2022 6:54 AM
Reply to  Ally H-G

There’s also “Kyiv” which is closest to the Cyrillic “Ки́їв”

Feb 27, 2022 8:57 PM

I well know that there is no way to universally and uniformly standardize pronunciation and spelling across diverse languages.

But for some inexplicable reason, the local newsradio readers I’m always chuntering on about have begun to monosyllabically pronounce the city’s name as “Keeve” instead of the usual “Key-ev”.

And Zelensky’s surname has just mysteriously acquired a double “y” at the end. I have a polyglot relative who will be happy to explain why this is either an appropriate correction, or a misguided fluke of onomastics.

Feb 27, 2022 4:04 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

It is difficult. Russian vehicles supposedly have a painted white Z (Latin alphabet perhaps as Z in Cyrillic is different) but it is hard to tell them apart and much Ukrainian equipment could be the same as Russian.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Feb 27, 2022 6:33 AM
Reply to  alex reynolds

Alex do you know Captain Slappy?

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Feb 27, 2022 1:35 PM
Reply to  alex reynolds

Don’t agree about your comments about Offguardian but do agree that there is no war in the Ukraine.

Feb 27, 2022 4:58 PM
Reply to  Jo Dominich

guessing this idea soothes western conscience

Feb 28, 2022 6:17 PM
Reply to  steadydirt

I’m guessing it just annoys you.

Not saying this couldn’t end in all-out war, but watching “The Compliant Western State News” certainly gives one the impression that the principle characters in all this are really terrible actors.

Macron, Trudeau, Johnson and Biden are seriously certifiable idiots, and it’s their controllers we need to worry about.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Feb 26, 2022 10:08 PM

On January 17, 1961, just before he was to end his second term in office and leave public life forever, President Dwight D Eisenhower, gave a “farewell address” to the nation warning — out of the blue — of a potential loss of American liberties in part because
“we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United States corporations. This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience… In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”

Feb 27, 2022 8:15 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Eisenhower was a genuine saint. Just ask the Germans what he did to them after their defeat.

Feb 26, 2022 9:08 PM

In 1982, Britain went to war against Argentina, 8,000 miles away, to protect the rights of 2,000 Falkland Islanders. None of them had been murdered or mistreated in any way by the Argies.

In 2022, Putin intervened in Ukraine to protect millions of people of Russian heritage right on his border, Thousands of them had been murdered over an 8 year period by Ukrainian neo Nazi thugs armed and encouraged by the US and UK.

Of course, the first of these was a splendid little war.
The second of these is totally unjustified Russian aggression.

Jeff Engel
Jeff Engel
Feb 26, 2022 8:38 PM

Everything about Putin’s sense that Ukraine is the last straw is correct. Vladimir Pozner has been talking about this for years. That being said, I feel like a lot of people are somehow turning this into a legit excuse for attacking a free nation of innocent people. If we really are to become apologists for this behavior, then we’d have to pretty much say Imperial Germany was right in WWI as well. Every European power did everything it could for 400 years to prevent the nation of Germany from forming… and then when it did start to form, they created secret alliances to create obstacles to centralization, and once formed they still cooperated to force limits on what they were allowed to do. When Germany’s ally Austria had a beef with a Russian-supported nation (Serbia), the paranoia set in as they saw they were completely surrounded with few natural frontiers to defend themselves. The Kaiser felt compelled to do what he had to do to prevent the 53 year old country from being annihilated. Right? Well, that’s the line, anyway, from the Imperial Germany POV… something people acknowledge… but few people accept as an *excuse*. And for this same reason nobody should give Putin one either.

Fugazi Shoe-gazy
Fugazi Shoe-gazy
Feb 26, 2022 10:14 PM
Reply to  Jeff Engel

Good points – I think people are just stressing that the mainstream media framing of it is way off. Putin isn’t Hitler. In your example Germany fucked up by not keeping France and Russia split – US/Nato is fucking up now by not keeping Russia and China split. Assuming of course US/Nato actually want peace – which is a huge assumption. Von Bismark would be ashamed of all of us.

Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Feb 27, 2022 1:47 PM

What is curious here in Suffolk any way, is that nobody, but nobody, is talking about this Ukraine situation. I have been out and about all week and nothing, not a smidgeon of conversation anywhere I have been anyway. I’m not sure whether the British people had enough of all the relentless propaganda about Covid and just want to get their lives back to normal. I don’t think this time the industrial levels of propaganda and censorship are getting through to us, the plebs!

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Feb 27, 2022 1:56 AM
Reply to  Jeff Engel

This has been brewing for some time. All of our media in the US describes Russia and Putin in completely negative terms, its a constant barrage. Combine this with a rising tide of economic warfare and a steady military build up on their southern border and Russia would either have to act decisively or just roll over and become a Yeltsin era basket case once again. Since a similar barrage is being directed at China the obvious conclusion is that the Cold Warriors are driving this. Its warmongering, pure and simple. This is a dangerous game to play — you don’t play “chicken” with large and powerful nation states. You just don’t know what will go down, and in this case I was surprised by the reaction, I thought that all that Russia would do would form a line between Donetsk and Ukraine and ‘encourage’ the two sides to talk rather than lob shells at each other. Obviously the Russians thought that things had gone way too far so they figured they needed to lance this boil before things got even further out of hand. I think the WW1 era comparison has some merit but it doesn’t got far enough. Throughout history there has been an epic battle between three Empires or religions — Christians, represented by Austria-Hungary (and on and off again allied with the North German Protestants), Muslim represented by the Ottoman Empire and Orthodox represented by Russia. There’s been shifting alliances between the three but never more than an uneasy truce and it even broke out into a modern(ish) war in the 1850s, the actual Crimean War. Germany didn’t exist at the time, it had been broken down into a patchwork of statelets by the other powers in Europe to try to keep it from making a… Read more »

Ally H-G
Ally H-G
Feb 27, 2022 4:08 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Putin has not progressed with privatizations, even reversed that of Yukos.

In Western ideology, the corporations must have more power than the politicians who get campaign money to do the corporations’ bidding. A two-party-system ensures that this ‘order’ not be disrupted. The Western media promote Navalny as if there are no other opposition groupings. They secure a two-party-state for Russia, or so they think.

In Eastern ideology the politicians, even if not freely elected in our sense, sit above the corporations.

Russian diaspora in my town is convinced the West has set out to divide Russia into seven small powerless countries.

Feb 27, 2022 5:02 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

donbas had a ‘line’ and 14,000 people have been killed within in the last 8 years. 80% +/- russian speakers
under very heavy bombardment now

Feb 27, 2022 3:17 AM
Reply to  Jeff Engel

An excuse? The Anglo-American monstrosity has been working to keep Russia destabilized since they lost total control of the country in the late nineties. The one parallel you get right with WW1 is that that the Anglo monstrosity had done everything it could to prevent the ascendence of a rival on the Eurasian landmass, in particular any kind of economic block including western Europe and Russia. The notion of the Ukraine as a free nation of innocent people attacked by Russia is painfully absurd. The Ukraine could have been a neutral country and the government could have chosen not to maintain the criminal assault on the free and innocent people in the Donbas, but they didn’t. They chose fealty to NATO and terror in Donbas.

Feb 26, 2022 8:08 PM
S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 26, 2022 7:51 PM



“If this report is accurate, and can be verified, the presence of those labs in such close proximity to Russia (and posing an extreme danger and threat to it) may have been the final straw and explain Russian Federation actions; although the Banderite Nazi thing, the violation/breaching of the Minsk accords and the abnegation of NATO’s pledge not to move eastward were bad enough. Long overdue for NATO to disband.”

John Goss
John Goss
Feb 26, 2022 7:17 PM

In this piece I have taken Putin’s second speech, not the one about why Russia was recognising Donbass republics, but the one westerners can’t find about reasons for military involvement. Full transcript.


Jo Dominich
Jo Dominich
Feb 26, 2022 9:44 PM
Reply to  John Goss

John, once again this is not only truthful but a historic speech delivered by a Statesman.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 26, 2022 6:27 PM

Just had to beat a retreat there. The news is on and the wife and her friends are sitting grumbling over the evil Putin as the ominous intoning of the BBC rolls on and on.

Truly amazing reporting. We see a high rise building with a chunk blasted out of it and the voice proclaims, “We were told a Russian missile did this.” Well that’s good enough for me! 

Then we see a woman out walking her dog. (Not a scene you would expect in a war zone but never mind. Nobody watching this – and certainly not my wife and her pals – will be asking questions.) The woman explodes with “I hate those Russians!” or words to that effect. Well – that’s what the translator said!

Then mercifully there seems to be a moment of transition. But I already know how this works. You think that’s all … but no! There’s more. More “analysis” etc. Sombre BBC announcer introduces footage of a pack of …. ooh somebody or other … and tells us that “These are normal citizens who are joining the resistance despite overwhelming …” At which point I made an excuse and left.

Feb 26, 2022 7:18 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Join the club. I wish it were not so, but the battle between Good and Evil has that effect.

“I come to divide families.” — New Testament.

“For we wrestle not [only] against flesh and blood but against [abstract] Principles and Powers in the Heavens” — with apologies to St.Paul.

Feb 26, 2022 8:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

just covidiocy all over again.. same moronic shite, back to that missing McCann in another twist soon…. etc etc

i always knew this existed, just not the sheer scale of it. covey expose once and for all. : (

but heehaw changes really for the citizen, next, next, next. . . .. . slurp, refill…

Feb 26, 2022 6:13 PM

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Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Feb 27, 2022 11:51 PM
Reply to  kropotkin

I am thinking that Vanessa is right. It is worth remembering that the growing anti-globalization protests which reached their high point in Seattle on November 30th, 1999 were killed off by 9-11. And how many remember the “year of protest” in 2019 killed off by the Pseudo-pandemic? We have maybe 20% of the Canadian population waking up to the fact that they live in a totalitarian state. These people are not going to forget that they have a corrupt cabal running their country. We now have a US convoy in progress. How much of the Ukraine “crisis” is wag-the-dog?

Feb 26, 2022 5:56 PM

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Feb 26, 2022 5:54 PM

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Carl Lindstrom
Carl Lindstrom
Feb 26, 2022 5:10 PM

Do you think that Sweden needs to occupy Norway, Denmark, Finland, Germany and the Baltic states to keep them from being launching pads for Nuclear missiles aimed at Stockholm and Linköping ?

Feb 27, 2022 3:20 AM
Reply to  Carl Lindstrom

Do you think that Sweden has been under a relentless assault for the last thirty years, including, but not limited to, something like the radicalization of moslems in Chechnya, the firesale of state assets as part of the loans for shares scheme, etc. Your post is infantile.

Mar 1, 2022 3:29 AM
Reply to  Carl Lindstrom

Carl – is Sweden the worlds second largest exporter of oil, who largley doesn’t trade oil in US dollars (in common with Iraq, Libya, Iran, Syria – all past targets of US regime change). Does Sweden control much of the Eu gas market? Is Sweden independent of, and stand up to, the Anglo/American hegemony? Does Sweden have the worlds largest landmass, full of minerals, rare earths and the worlds largest supply of readily accessible oil reserves? Does Sweden have an independent reserve banking system? Does growing economic ties between Sweden and Germany threaten Anglo/American hegemony over the Eu, and threaten to further make NATO an irrelevant anachronism that is just a tool of US control over the Eu? Hmmmmm….???? No regime change operation planned for Sweden then!

Feb 26, 2022 5:04 PM

See if this works… Is anyone else curious as to why ‘The’ Ukraine is such a high priority target of the Satanic WEF cabalists? They’re all slapping sanctions on Russia but they don’t know she’s got China, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Turkey and possibly Germany for the West on the down low. The Satanic cabal is indeed in a fight for its Rising4thReich’s life, and the NWO is playing the ‘Upheavel/Zelensky’ cards so, it appears that this region is a major stronghold in their agenda for World Domination. Lies are Truth, evil is good, war is peace and slavery is freedom, remember? If you’ve never read 1984, it’s pretty much what’s happening right now in the world. But I wonder if this has anything to do with the below? Implantable RFID VaxxPass, SocialCreditSystem microchips do require metal components; to chip the whole world without ‘the’ Ukraine, might be impossible. There’s more going on here than meets the eye, for sure. Ukraine’s Unique Metallic Minerals – The territory of Ukraine by the metallogenic zoning is divided into the following metallogenic provinces: Ukrainian Shield, Dniprovsko-Donetska metallogenic province, Dnister – Fore Black Sea metallogenic province, Carpathian-Crimean metallogenic province. https://eng.minerals-ua.info/golovna/metalichni-korisni-kopalini/ I also read that Chrystia Freeland’s (a psychotic WEF puppet up in Canada) entire family are related to some dead sociopathic N@zi from that region. Not only that, Russia has banned her from entering the country, she’s deemed an enemy of the Motherland and is not permitted to enter her borders. A strong case for national sovereignty and borders if I’ve ever seen one. I don’t know what you have to do to be hated by an entire country so much, that your feet will never be allowed to touch their soil, but my guess is, her family has caused much much harm to the… Read more »

Feb 26, 2022 4:54 PM

It seems like an attempt to trap Russia, as in Afghanistan. Ukraine is an economic mess, especially without the industrial break-away states: a gas station in the words of one US leader. Now, there will bbe a chorus claiming that everything wrong there is due to the invasion. Russia should have stayed within the break-away republics, and dealt with Ukranian agression using missiles.

Feb 26, 2022 4:32 PM


Feb 26, 2022 3:58 PM

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Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Feb 26, 2022 3:43 PM

The US and its puppet NATO allies have been expanding their influence and reach encroaching closer and closer to Russia. The US has demonized Putin (think Hillary Clinton and US Deep State’s Russiagate lies) and have been extremely dismissive of Russia as a nation. The writer details the recent history of US mischief in Ukraine. Putin did what he had to do to protect Russia’s sovereignty and security from hostile US/NATO encroachment in light of their failure to heed his concerns/warnings.
I didn’t think it would come to this, Putin has crossed the proverbial Rubicon. With the Neo-Nazis in Ukraine, Dementia Joe and the Neo-Cons in Washington prospects for peace do not look good. Putin is not a punk or a weakling, it would be a grave error for the US to think they can destabilize Russia with demonstrations and a Color Revolution at this time!
Western Europe is dependent upon Russia natural gas and oil so cooler heads may yet prevail. On the other hand Western sanctions against Russia are in effect acts or war! There are elements within the ruling class/overlords who want a war. Let’s hope sanity prevails and the psychopaths don’t get their way.
“A house divided against itself cannot stand”. The US is so fractured and polarized on so many levels if the overlords think going to war with a nuclear power or alliance will work they are truly delusional.

Mar 1, 2022 3:38 AM

Sadly, if the nukes are confined to eastern europe/russia, that might be “a price we are willing to pay” – think Madeleine Albright’s comments on the death of half a million Iraqi children. Do you really think ethical considerations factor highly in our overlords thinking?

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 26, 2022 2:53 PM

If you wanted a crash course in Western style propaganda, this would be hard to beat: https://time.com/6151572/russian-media-ukraine-coverage/  “The World Is Watching Russia Invade Ukraine. But Russian Media Is Telling a Different Story” “The World” = this very Western media creature, a peculiar beast who is everywhere and nowhere. The product, so the story goes, of innumerable separate totally free and independent outlets – which are curiously uniform in every major detail and most of the minor ones as well. “Russian Media” is of course a formation from an evil totalitarian state.   But the true essence of the situation is given away in the very first sentence:   “The Russian government doesn’t create much of an illusion of press freedom.” Implication: The West does create quite an illusion of press freedom! Are they actually teasing us with the truth here? “Many of the most prominent media organizations, from television channels to the Russian news agency TASS, are owned by the federal government,…” Not like us free Westerners who are subject to a much more subtle system! “….and journalists critical of the political establishment face not only censorship, but also risk to their lives and livelihoods.” Ditto. Then comes the stroke of genius: “That reality has become only more obvious since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. A survey of headlines in Russian news outlets this week reveals not so much what is happening inside the attacking nation, but rather what President Vladimir Putin’s government would like its citizens to believe.” See what they did there? This “truth”, i.e. their truth, is automatically presupposed. It’s in the very air around you! Can’t you see it? Then you must be brainwashed! After which, predictable stuff about monolithic Russia and a few brave dissenters etc.  “….mainstream Russian news outlets have largely fallen into line—even… Read more »

Feb 26, 2022 2:49 PM

I’ve seen this war before…


What next? Plucky Ukrainian nurse callously shot at dawn by cruel Russians… Ukrainian leader dies struck in eye by projectile… 300 Ukrainians gallantly defend bridge against overwhelmingly superior forces…

Feb 26, 2022 8:28 PM
Reply to  Edwige


Mar 1, 2022 3:42 AM
Reply to  rubberheid

I think they threw some babies out of humidicribs too! Onto the cold concrete floor, they did! Pure evil!

Mar 1, 2022 4:20 AM
Reply to  5D

Oh dear, I had to laugh, straight after writing the above I went to an article titled “The Fight to Save Lives in Ukraine’s Largest Children’s Hospital” on the TIME web site, and low and behold, the children are suffering. However, in complete contrast to the horror story in the text, the accompanying video shows nothing but happy smiling children, parents laughing and socialising, lots of toys, nothing that looks like a war injury (in fact very few injuries at all – mostly just normal sick children you would see in any hospital. Some example text: They state “Ukraine’s largest pediatric facility has already evacuated patients with non-life-threatening conditions, but there are several children who cannot be removed from life support.” yet clearly none of the patients in the video are on life support and none have life threatening injuries. Further, they state “The saddest thing is that when the siren sounds, we have to go down with the children and parents to the basement,” Demidov tells TIME. “We run five or six times a day in the basement and back.” – miraculous effort, given they cannot be removed from life support. They even show a photo of the basement, which happens to be full of non-hospital typical furniture, has almost nothing in the way of facilities or equipment to look after seriously inured patients, and is possibly just a film set! They state “Corpses and abandoned cars surround the hospital buildings.” -Amazing how resilient the Ukranians are, smiling and happy, socialising and laughing, after stepping over all the corpses to get in! This claim also doesn’t square with all the footage available on southfront.org! They link to an image of ‘Demidov’, presumably medical staff, holding a new born babe with a rifle slung over his shoulder – which anyone… Read more »

Feb 26, 2022 2:47 PM

Independent video documentation of the past 8 years in the DNR


Feb 26, 2022 2:09 PM
Magi Tator
Magi Tator
Feb 26, 2022 12:29 PM

There has recently been much made in the Corporate Media of the arrests of Anti-War Protesters in Russia, with headlines like:
Russia cracks down on anti-war protests, demonstrators arrested.Hundreds More Arrested Across Russia on Day 2 of Anti-War Protests.

Stupid anti-democratic Russian leaders.
Thank god that kind of nonsense would never happen in a “free” Western “democracy”!

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And for those Readers that like to engage in mindless & baseless attacks on comments – this is NOT a show of support for Russian troops/police, but a highlighting of the MASSIVE HYPOCRISY of those mostly Western leaders whom also engage in MASSIVE HYPOCRISY by criticizing others for actions they similarly promote.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation:
Chapter 2. Rights and Freedoms of Man and CitizenArticle 17
2. Fundamental human rights and freedoms are inalienable and shall be enjoyed by everyone since the day of birth.
3. The exercise of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen shall not violate the rights and freedoms of other people.

Article 21
2. No one shall be subject to torture, violence or other severe or humiliating treatment or punishment. No one may be subject to medical, scientific and other experiments without voluntary consent.

Article 29
1. Everyone shall be guaranteed the freedom of ideas and speech.

Article 31
Citizens of the Russian Federation shall have the right to assemble peacefully, without weapons, hold rallies, meetings and demonstrations, marches and pickets.

Feb 26, 2022 3:51 PM
Reply to  Magi Tator

That would all be great except, Russia has mandatory Cerveza vaxx… so all your “freedom” talk above is moot.
Mandatory Vaccination in Russia https://www.novinite.com/articles/212844/Mandatory+Vaccination+in+Russia

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Magi Tator
Magi Tator
Feb 27, 2022 12:22 PM
Reply to  TheEndIsNigh

so all your “freedom” talk above is moot.

Uh, yeah, that was my exact point.
I’m not supporting either side.

Each talk of “human rights” & “freedom” but work to suppress both.

Please take particular note of the line where I wrote:
this is NOT a show of support for Russian troops/police, but a highlighting of the MASSIVE HYPOCRISY of those mostly Western leaders whom also engage in MASSIVE HYPOCRISY by criticizing others for actions they similarly promote.

I’m laying blame at both for hypocritically laying blame at each other.

Beware of assuming you understand what others mean, and immediately criticizing/attacking them, without first clarifying their position/words.
Civil, reasonable, intelligent conversation should always precede baseless attacks.

Too many people have lost the ability to engage in meaningful conversation.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 26, 2022 4:16 PM
Reply to  Magi Tator

Yup… Gotta have those “police” brigades to keep mommy and daddy in line. Jeeze… Where do those “police” come from???

Feb 26, 2022 11:14 PM

Test-tube spawning grounds under the Pentagon…?
I wouldn’t be surprised… Seriously. I wouldn’t.

Feb 26, 2022 12:19 PM

More controlled bs from OffG, keeping their readers sleeping and thinking the “analyis” is “excellent”…
Wake up clueless readers. There is ONE agenda and ONE global group controlling everything you see happening. And they are playing all the sides. Stop looking at all the distractions and the peripheral points, and get down to the heart of things, seeing where everything converges.
Look for the truth and question everything, starting from the beginning (= the basic/core/starting part of each matter). Learn to discern what is real and what is a show. Stop being manipulated into thinking that you know. Do your own research and see things for yourselves.
And don’t take the “official “history”” for granted. Look into everything, look into WWII, and what happened in Russia, where the term “nazi” came from, what the hidden sides of things have been. Go beyond OffG and stop being clueless.

Dom Niscient
Dom Niscient
Feb 26, 2022 12:43 PM
Reply to  Dash

So you’re good at lodging criticism at others…..
Where’s your in-depth “correct” & “true” “analysis”?
You provide no sources, no references, nor evidence, nor any intelligent info of any kind in your rant.

I don’t mind calls for questioning everything, but understand that applies to your thoughts, beliefs, biases, etc. as well.
Just because you think you know everything, and seemingly believe you possess all-encompassing knowledge, doesn’t make those beliefs the innate truths.

The Dunning Kruger effect – The ignorant are too ignorant to recognize & understand their own ignorance.
Thus they tend to think they know more than they know, and tend to place more confidence in what they think they know.

I find much humor in your particular statement:
Do your own research and see things for yourselves.
Whilst you bash others for seeing things for themselves.

You would likely make a great Dictator.
“Think for yourself, as long as you completely agree with me”.

Feb 26, 2022 3:38 PM
Reply to  Dom Niscient

yes, i too am in line for interesting links…

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Feb 26, 2022 3:31 PM
Reply to  Dash

I think you should see it from a different angle and that is the media gives the people what they want. Only your own bias and frustration make you think that the majorities are ‘too stupid to see for themselves’, or ‘too lazy to do their research. Doesn’t it occur to you that this is what they want, this world presented to us to be true? For as long as human beings hope the solutions to all our problems, doubts and questions will be given to us by other human beings, this manipulated version of reality will continue.
You say ‘do your own research, think for yourselves’, and then what?

Feb 26, 2022 5:11 PM
Reply to  Dash

If you weren’t so condescending, your message would likely be more well received but your point is taken – there is only one enemy of humanity and like you said, they play all sides. Nothing is as it seems, indeed, however, our human nature is curious by design, we are inclined to map out the dots rather than connecting them, but we’re still seeking the Truth.

I believe you are correct, all media is controlled opposition, the owners of the system believe they can control every facet of human existence with impunity, the joke’s on them though, some of us break through the lies and see beyond the veil, then all their fakery is clearly exposed to the Light of Day and we live in liberty.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Feb 27, 2022 2:21 PM
Reply to  Dash

Rock on, Dood! Do you life coach?

Feb 26, 2022 11:28 AM

I’m Putin you in charge of Kiev and will Xi you in Taiwan to then play the Trump card in the USA.

Feb 26, 2022 11:45 AM
Reply to  Hank

Zelensky could play the Joker

Feb 26, 2022 2:42 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Or the Comedian.

Feb 26, 2022 11:04 AM

great explainer, very helpful, thank you very much!

australia has just promised Cyber assistance to Ukraine.

right now, from australia:

This site can’t be reached

any IP, or mirror website?

Feb 26, 2022 11:46 AM
Reply to  GR-Watch

It’s protected by ddos guard, with a browser check

You could try another browser

Feb 26, 2022 1:09 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

“try another browser”

no luck

Feb 26, 2022 1:44 PM
Reply to  GR-Watch

Advice from a previous post:

I typed this IP number into my search bar

and it brought up RT’s usual web page


Mr Y
Mr Y
Feb 26, 2022 1:58 PM
Reply to  GR-Watch

Unreachable for a several hours from Norway, ok now.

Feb 26, 2022 10:01 AM

A Russian joke yesterday:

“Glory to Ukraine… within the Russian State”