Timeline: The Crimean Referendum
Brutal act of military conquest, or peaceful (and popular) transition of power? Here are the facts to help you decide.
In part one of our recap on the recent history of Ukraine, we looked at the chain of events that lead to the removal of President Viktor Yanukovych from power.
You can read that here.
In this second part, we will be focusing on Crimea, how the peninsula came to be a part of the nation of Ukraine, whether or not this was ever popular with the public, and how the transition back to being a part of Russia was handled.
Soviet leader Nikita Kruschev signs a decree transferring Crimea from the Russian SSR to the Ukrainian SSR. His motivation for doing so is a matter of historical debate, as is the constitutionality of the decision. However, as they were all one nation at that time, the administrative decision is more of a “symbolic gesture” than anything else.
Prior to this, Crimea had been a part of Russia since 1783 when the Russian Empire took control of the Crimean Khanate following the decline in power of the Ottoman Empire.
Sevastopol, Crimea’s major port city, is officially named a “Hero City” of the USSR, an honour given to 12 cities across the country to mark the 20th Victory Day. Sevastopol held against major assaults from the Axis powers in October and December of 1941, before holding out for a six month siege and finally falling to the Nazis in June of 1942.
As the USSR begins to crumble, Ukraine declares itself an independent republic, beginning the process of leaving the union and taking Crimea with it.
January: The Crimean government hold a referendum asking if Crimea should declare its independence from Ukraine, reform itself as the Crimean Soviet Socialist Republic (as it had been prior to 1945), and rejoin the USSR. The vote passes with 94% support, and Crimea declares independence.
February: The Ukrainian parliament recognises this independence, passing the “Law On Restoration of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialistic Republic as part of USSR”.
September: Ukrainian parliament reverses their February decision and declares Crimea a part of Ukraine once again. There is historical debate over the legality of this decision.
Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, and official Ukrainian independence, Crimea is no longer politically unified with Russia for the first time in over 200 years.
Crimean parliament again declares itself independent as “The Republic of Crimea”, they draft their own constitution and plan a referendum on secession from Ukraine. The Ukrainian parliament refuses to acknowledge the declaration and forces the cancellation of the referendum.
As a compromise, Crimea is granted special status as an “Autonomous Republic”, and given control over its own budget and other devolved powers, as long as they add a line to their constitution designating Crimea a part of Ukraine.
Newly-elected President Yuriy Meshkov of Crimea holds a referendum, asking the population of Crimea three questions, most notably:
- Do you support a return to the May 1992 constitution that didn’t guarantee Crimea was part of Ukraine?
- Do you support establishing that all Crimean citizens were entitled to dual citizenship with Russia?
All three parts of the referendum pass with at least 77% of the vote, and President Meshkov restores the old constitution. The Ukrainian government declares the referendum illegal and refuses to recognise either the results or the new constitution.
Ukrainian government abolishes the post of President of Crimea, and cuts the powers of their parliament. For the rest of the year the President of Ukraine governs the peninsula by decree.
The 2001 Ukrainian census records that over 60% of the population of Crimea describe themselves as ethnically Russian. In total 77% of Crimeans, and over 94% of the people of Sevastopol, reported being native Russian speakers.
Following the “Orange Revolution”, and over-turning of Viktor Yanukovych’s victory in the Presidential election, leaders of Eastern Ukrainian oblasts – including Crimea – raise the issue of increased autonomy and even secession from the country. A conference of politicians from the Donbas region call for a referendum on federalization, but are ignored.
A US Navy ship docks at the Crimean port of Feodosiya, leading to mass protests on the peninsula and a peaceful blockade of the port. Then-leader of the opposition Viktor Yanukovych claims that allowing foreign military units onto Crimea’s soil without consulting the regional parliament is a violation of both the Ukrainian and Crimean constitutions. A contemporary Radio Free Europe article notes that 55-60% of all Ukrainians oppose joining NATO.
Following the Russo-Georgian war, and on the back of increased calls for Ukraine to join NATO, the BBC sends a reporter to Crimea. Their article details the strong pro-Russian feeling on the peninsula, the key part Sevastopol has played in Russia’s history, and warnings from Crimeans that “nationalists in Kiev” are trying to “force Russians out”.
A 2008 poll by the Ukrainian Centre for Economic and Political Studies found 64% of Crimeans favored secession from from Ukraine to rejoin Russia, and 55% favored increased autonomy from Kiev.
Between 2009 and 2011 the United Nations Development Program conducts a series of polls in Crimea on the question of Russian reunification. Every single poll returns 65-70% positive response, with another 16-25% undecided and only 9-14% favoring staying with Ukraine.
A poll done by the US-based Gallup agency finds 82% of Crimeans speak only Russsian at home, and further 6% speak Russian and one other language. Only 2% report speaking only Ukrainian.
The pro-EU/pro-NATO Maidan protests begin, violence erupts in Kiev.
27/1 – As protests intensify in Kiev and Ukraine becomes increasingly unstable, local officials in Simferopol and Sevastopol propose Crimea become a federal state, and prepare legal groundwork:
to use its right to self-determination and to exit Ukraine’s legal space in the event of a state coup, or seizure of power by force.”
28/1 – An open letter from the Sevastopol city council calls on President Yanukovych to outlaw the “extremist group” Svoboda, and invites the people of the city to form “People’s Squads” as described under Ukrainian law, and defend the border of Crimea:
It is impossible to allow specially trained and armed militants of the “Right Sector” and other pro-fascist and extremist organizations to penetrate our city and dictate their terms. We will provide reliable defense of Sevastopol. Extremism, lawlessness, banditry will not pass in the hero city.
14/2 – Yahoo News reports “Ukraine’s autonomous Crimea region leans towards Moscow “. The article notes that the Crimean parliament amended the constitution to describe Russia as a “guarantor of Crimea’s safety”, and that elected officials have asked Russia for help if the Maidan protesters should attempt to move into Crimea.
18/2 – Radio Free Europe reports on the “rise of pro-Russian separatism in Crimea”. They interview Crimean MP Sergei Shuvainikov, who claims the Ukrainian nationalists want to ban the Russian language and kill Russian culture in Ukraine.
20/2 – Crimean MP and Speaker of Parliament tells an international meeting in Moscow that Crimea “may secede form Ukraine, if the country splits”.
22/2 – Less than 24 hours after signing a peace deal, Maidan protesters storm government buildings in Kiev and take control of the country. President Yanukovych flees to Kharkiv.
In a vote that violates the consitution of Ukraine, the Rada removes Yanukovych from office for being “unable to carry out his duties”.
The same day, The Washington Post publishes this article:
“The battle for Kiev is over, is the battle for Crimea about to begin?”
23/2 – One of the first bills passed by the new government repeals the law making Russian an official state language. Neo-Naziprit leaders Oleh Tyanobohk and Dimitri Yarosh propose going further and banning both the Party of the Regions and the Ukrainian Communist Party, both traditionally political parties representing Eastern Ukraine, including Crimea.
The same day, thousands of Crimeans attend a protest in Sevastopol, chanting about re-uniting with Russia. The Guardian headlines “Ukraine crisis fuels secession calls in pro-Russian south”, reporting that when the Crimean Prime Minister ruled out secession in his speech he was booed by the crowd.
26/2 – Crimean parliament meets in a special session to discuss the crisis and situation in Kiev. Thousands rally outside the building as the meeting is taking place, chanting “Russia! Russia! Russia!” and “Crimea Rise Up!”
The Parliamentary speaker emerges from the session to address the crowd, saying:
I share your alarm and worry over Crimea’s fate…We will fight for our autonomous republic to the end…Today Kiev doesn’t want to solve our problems, therefore we must unite and act decisively. The people of Crimea have enough strength. Neo-Nazism will not work in Crimea. We will not betray Crimea.”
The Irish Times reports “Many Russian-speakers worry that Ukraine’s new government will be pulled to the right by ultra-nationalist groups that played a major role in the protests”.
28/2 – In the early hours of Friday 28th February, men in fatigues bearing no insignia take control of every airport, seaport, train station and border crossing on the Crimean peninsula. They also secure all government buildings in Simferopol. These men are later revealed to be Russian troops from the bases at Sevastopol.
Kiev and their NATO backers call the troops’ presence an invasion, but Russia defends their deployment, claiming the troops are there at the invitation of both the local Crimean authorities and Viktor Yanukovych, whom they still recognise as the legitimate President of Ukraine.
Further, the Russians claim their lease agreement allowed up to 25,000 Russian military personnel to be stationed in Crimea, and they did not exceed that number.
With the peninsula effectively cut off from mainland Ukraine, a second special session of Parliament is held, during which they vote to terminate the current government and choose a new Prime Minister. They also established plans for an independence referendum to be held in May.
11/3 – Crimean parliament, along with the Sevastopol city council, issue a decree declaring Crimea independent.
The new Autonomous Republic of Crimea brings forward the planned referendum from May to March 16th, changing the question from one of independence to a choice between re-joining Russia or re-joining Ukraine.
12/3 – The Crimean government formally invite members from the OSCE to observe the referendum and make sure its fair. The OSCE describes the vote as “illegal”, and refuses to attend.
16/3 – The referendum goes ahead, with the ballot papers asking:
- Do you support the reunification of Crimea with Russia with all the rights of the federal subject of the Russian Federation?
- Do you support the restoration of the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea in 1992 and the status of the Crimea as part of Ukraine?
Though official observers from both the OSCE and UN refused to take part, the Crimean authorities claimed to have invited 190 independent observers from 23 different countries, including the majority of the nations of th EU.
Kiev, along with most western governments, claim the vote is illegitimate because it took place “at the barrel of a gun”.
The reported results are massively in favour of joining Russia, 97% vs 3% against, on an estimated turnout of 83%.
21/3 – President Vladimir Putin of Russia officially signs the law recognising Crimea as part of the Russian Federation. Street parties are held in Sevastopol and Simferopol, and all across Russia.
Claiming they are owed money, the Ukrainian government closes dam on North Crimea Canal, reducing flow of fresh water to the peninsula. Access to water is protected by article 29 of the Geneva convention, and its use to punish a civilian population could be a warcrime.
Forbes publishes this article, headlined “One Year After Russia Annexed Crimea, Locals Prefer Moscow”, it details all the polling done by Western polling agencies since the referendum:
- A Gallup study from June 2014 found 83% Crimeans agreed with the result of the referendum, including 94% of ethnic Russians. 74% said being part of Russia would make life better for them and their families.
- In January 2015, a joint German-Canadian study done by GfK for “Free Crimea”, found 82% of Crimeans fully supported the referendum and thought Crimea had made the right choice, with another 11% partially supporting it and only 4% opposing it.
- A Pew Research study from 2014 found 91% of Crimeans thought the vote was free and fair, and 88% thought Kiev should recognise the results.
- A US government-funded study published on the Soros-backed OpenDemocracy website found 84% of Crimeans “absolutely” supported the Crimean referendum, and 88% thought Crimea was moving in the right direction.
So, there it is, a timeline of the key events leading to Crimea’s separation from, and evenutal reunification with, Russia. Military occupation and annexastion, or a referendum supported by the majority of the population? You decide.
We previously catalogued Ukraine’s Maidan revolution and eventual fall of Viktor Yanukovych in part 1 of this series here. In part three we will be going into Kiev’s “anti-terror” operations in Donetsk and Luhansk and the collapse into chaos and civil war.
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Crimea is the land of the Crimean Tatars – a people who formed on this territory. This is an analogue of the American people with the difference that the Indians survived, and the Taurians, the most ancient people of Crimea, dissolved in this agglomerate. In 1783, Crimea was captured by Russia. In 1944, the entire indigenous people were robbed and taken out of Crimea (genocide). In 1954 transferred to Ukraine. Now the invaders are trying to dispose of what does not belong to them!
Eagerly waiting for Part 3 of this very important series…. So many people like to ignore all of it, especially what happened during and after Maidan.
The way I have read it was slightly different. It was a freighter who arrived in Feodosia. With Sevastopol being an important Russian Navy Port by contract, maybe they did not dare but we don’t really know the reason why it was not a Navy vessel.
The ship brought American military personnel to be included in the military NATO exercises which used to be held at that time of the year and included Ukraine.The locals forced the busses with the Americans to go to a health resort where they were kept, obviously fed and watered. In the town of Feodosia there were a number of protest rallies. I could not understand what the speakers in the video said, but the NATO NYET of the people I could understand.
At some point the Russians there were asked to let the Americans go, they had to go back to their jobs, being reservists and National Guard. They were let out and departed, the military exercises of that year had been cancelled.
Feodosia is at the opposite end of the peninsula from Sevastopol, where the Russian ships are. NATO wanted Sevastopol in the long run because it is so vital to Russia.
Thank you for publishing information and not propaganda. You lot should be in charge of the BBC.
“The only difference between “propaganda” and “education,” really, is in the point of view. The advocacy of what we believe in is education. The advocacy of what we don’t believe in is propaganda.”
-Crystallizing Public Opinion (1923), Edward Bernays-
Confirmation Bias:
Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one’s prior beliefs or values. People display this bias when they select information that supports their views, ignoring contrary information, or when they interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing attitudes. The effect is strongest for desired outcomes, for emotionally charged issues, and for deeply entrenched beliefs. Confirmation bias cannot be eliminated entirely, but it can be managed, for example, by education and training in critical thinking skills.
Whenever I want guidance on moral issues I always look to Bernays.
Would Zelensky get a standing ovation in Parliament for this one?
I wonder if the use of water shortages as punishment of civilians could be a war crime, why isn’t sanctions that can see civilians starve to death by the thousands or millions?
Budapest Memorandum?
“Oopsie” does not explain how we’ve got to the reality of a new European war. Nor does the fatuous parroting by media that Putin, like Hitler, is simply mad. This is narrative. Causality lies elsewhere. Neoconservatives like U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland are principals — especially since they put the current Ukraine regime in power. * The Western press is in a tizzy about the letter ‘Z’ painted on Russian tanks and armoured vehicles, and even the vests of soldiers. Even if we dimly perceived its meaning we would be ignorant of its significance to those who wear it. Is it za pobedy (to victory)? на запад (to the west)? No matter. The meaning is internal. Westerners had better search their own minds for meaning. The letter Z was painted on Greek walls after military intelligence killed the politician Grigoris Lambrakis. It signified, Ζει, or “he lives.” The New York Times mocked the Greek people, in 1975: “Greece sees ‘Z’ and gets excited.” Political murder is no joke. Two thoughts come to mind. The indiscriminate elimination of elements “counter” to order. And our lack of the 1970’s sensitivity to a right-wing, paramilitary apparatus that was “coiled around the heart” of democracy. A guerrilla-style insurgency in Ukraine is increasingly mentioned as “inevitable” by the U.S. intelligence and foreign policy establishment. Just in Dec 2021, WaPo: “Ukrainians are already talking about waging guerrilla warfare if the Russians invade, Gen. Oleksandr Pavlyuk told the New York Times.” Many commentators cite the examples of Afghanistan and Syria. The nearer parallel is NATO’s Operation Gladio, when fascists and military intelligence-linked assets conducted assassinations and bombings across Europe, often timed for elections. There is plenty of precedent for stirring trouble on Russia’s borders: it blames the CIA for inflaming Chechen separatism in the 1990s.… Read more »
There is no question that CIA pipelined Chechens to the Pakistani crazy-schools, just like elkaydahs.
There is also no question that there is a new “white supemacist” ISIS being cooked up as part of the Ukrainian project.
The Empire outsourced training the Uighurs and managing them (in Iraq and Syria) to Turkey. The long-term aim is to use them against China.
Today’s news in Iceland: Only a week or so after scrapping ALL regulations and restrictions, the surgeon general said he was considering the need to RE-IMPLEMENT them because over 80 people are in hospital “with covid”, and there have not been that many since “THE FIRST WAVE OF THE PANDEMIC”!!!
(Wasn’t that the one they said would be over in a couple of weeks…?)
And there was me thinking that Ukraine was going to occupy all my thoughts for the next two years…
sorry to hear but not surprising
RE-IMPLEMENT them because ……
will appear more and more
Indeed, Yoss. Not surprising at all.
They think they are so smart, but in fact their goal is just the usual “quick and simple” solution to what is a very complicated, if not unfathomable, problem.
Complex problems require high intelligence and a lot of dedication to solve.
But ‘the authorities’ don’t do the dedication thing.
It’s just a case of, “Here is the solution. Follow the instructions immediately, or you will be replaced by another drone.”
Documents discovered during the ongoing war show that Kiev intended to attack the Donbass regions in March. The are dated 19 and 22 January this year. Clearly Russia pre-empted operations that could have seen the breakaway states back under the Kiev yoke.
Canda sent their special forces to the Ukraine in late January. They didn’t go there to teach dental hygiene.
I think it was Pepe Escobar who reported a couple of weeks ago that Russian intelligence had identified a massive build up of Ukrainian forces encircling the Donbass region (probably the information you refer to, John) and the Russians had reason to believe that this was a build up to, not just what could be called an ‘attack’, but a mass genocide within the whole area.
I’m amused at how so many people are so quick to believe the “news” and “evidence” that supports their beliefs, biases & prejudices.
But so quick to dismiss the “news” and “evidence” of those they oppose.
Propaganda has become a mere cliché.
So few people truly know how to do real research.
And engage in willingness to consider that what they may believe may in fact be false.
The smartest people are those whom know they don’t know for certain.
And continue considering volumes of diverging data & evidence.
Willing to change their Sliding Scale of Beliefs (the ratio of belief & disbelief of most all things, simultaneously) as quality & quantity of evidence directs.
There are forgers out there whom are so good at their craft that even many of the best “Experts” can’t distinguish true from fakes.
From “covid” to the Russia-Ukraine War, recent events are revealing the absolute failure of the human mind & critical thinking skills.
On trying to beat a retreat from the psychopathic Urkaine coverage, I realise that not least amongst the innovations of covid was the introduction of a new mode of news: the autistic repetition of only one matter with no shame over the brutal desperation of it.
+1. Although this morning might have seen a Syrian element brought back. A maternity hospital blown to smithereens — some bloody noses, no deaths, it was a gentle rocket. Get out the White Helmets.
Never mind Ukraine. The Scottish Parliament has more important issues to focus on….
“Nicola Sturgeon has issued a posthumous apology to the thousands of people persecuted as witches in Scotland, underlining that the deep misogyny that motivated this “colossal” injustice is something women today still have to live with.”
These posthumous apologies are so important…
They help to avoid the necessity for apologizing to today’s victims of oppression.
Who was posthumous? Sturgeon or the witches?
Funny cos that bitch is still burning witches.
Or she’s laying down a squiddy cloud of sanctimonious ink to avoid being burned herself.
We are being lied to about Ukraine just like we were lied to about the Gulf of Tonkin, Osama bin-Laden and 9-11, Saddam Hussein’s WMD, Assad gassing his own people, Libya, Yemen, HIV-AIDS, the Swine Flu, Zika, SARS-COV-2 and all the others. “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act”.- George Orwell. We are living in a time of universal deceit and mendacity.
Why is there no mention of Catherine the Great buying Crimea from the Ottoman empire in 1789?
Why, for that matter, is there no mention of the deportation of some 190,000 Crimean Tatars on 18–20 May 1944 mostly to the Uzbek SSR, several thousand kilometres away, thus fundametally changing the ethnic structure of the peninsula?
Have heard this argument many times, both about the Crimea Muslims as well as the Caucasus [ Nazis were there too, in the area Mount Elbrus and Nalchik]. They attacked Russia using the Muslim territories and the Muslim populace, using the vector of their, i.e. Muslim under the Russian knut, anti-Russian anger weaponized for their own Nazi military needs and strategy. Quote: The article examines Germany’s policy towards Islam in the Soviet Union during the Second World War. At the height of the war, when German troops entered Muslim territories in the Crimea and the Caucasus, officials in Berlin began to see Islam as politically and strategically significant. In both areas, Nazi Germany started to promote a military alliance with the Muslim population against the Soviet Union. The article enquires into the ways in which German authorities, most notably in the Wehrmacht and the SS but also in the Ministry of the East and the Foreign Office instrumentalized religious practice, custom and iconography, as well as religious rhetoric and terminology, for political and strategic ends. It adds a crucial dimension not only to the history of the Second World War, but also to the history of the engagement of the great powers with Islam in the modern age. End of quote. You could see how ex-Soviet Muslim republics after 1991 have been instantly approached by NATO and their Muslim population just – ”just” is the key word here – anger against the Russian oppression used/weaponized by NATO in their fight to destroy Russia as the only meaningful anti-NATO force on the planet. A similar process happened to Islam in the Middle East and Afghanistan. Bin Laden quite quickly understood the error in his judgement and turned his anger in the right direction. If you study carefully the history of the… Read more »
And if you hear these days ”Russian” – ”… ” as they obviously reject any allegiance towards Russia and consider it taghoot – Muslim Imams and Shayks presenting their stance on the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine, you will see/hear a repetition of the same anger misappropriation.
She was German, like all Russian tzars in the Romanov dynasty and just like all Windsors in UK have been and are. Pure blue-blood Germans.
Dynasties. Imagine the wealth over hundreds and hundreds of years.
It is dismissed as either of no historical significance or a conspiracy theory, but there was a very deliberate attempt by the US/UK and even China, to use the Islamic people on the borders of the Soviet Union, to destabilize it. Operation Cyclone was cooked up before the Soviet paratroopers entered Kabul. This is how the Uighurs were radicalized and weaponized. But it involved rounding up Moslems from as far away as Mindanao. The SE Asian/Indonesian jihadi links have served the US well for almost sixty years.
The Hohenzollern Empire, while rooted in autocracy, spawned the development of significant progress in public education, the view of public welfare, as well as development of technology and science. In the post-1918 era a brief window existed in which this technologically advanced and socially progressive society could have been melded to the Russian resource and market pool, creating a Eurasian super-economy outside of the Anglo banker’s free-trade exploitation model.
That went into the toilet, along with any chance for a post-Ottoman moslem civilization to be tied into the German-Russian axis.
The CIA and identifiable usual suspects like Richard Perle oversaw the radicalization of Chechens. It was acknowledged in mainstream western media twenty years ago, but is now, like everything else the Empire is caught doing red-handed, consigned to “conspiracy theory”.
The Arc of Crisis strategy to eliminate Russia as a rival to the US is alive and well, and they’re now using OUN-B 2.0 like it’s 1946, as their European ISIS.
” In the post-1918 era a brief window existed in which this technologically advanced and socially progressive society could have been melded to the Russian resource and market pool, creating a Eurasian super-economy outside of the Anglo banker’s free-trade exploitation model.”
Yes, this Hanover/Hohenzollern potential for mutuality and friendship with the Russian ethnos had been seen with clarity in the Generalplan Ost, both the texts of the action-plan as well as the very action itself that ensued upon it, consisting in the atrocities committed by the German citizens against the Russian ethnos when they entered. Thank G-d they had a dark-skinned speaking with rough accent Georgian in charge of their state then.
I person really has to laugh at the “choices” civilian populations are given >
“A 2008 poll by the Ukrainian Centre for Economic and Political Studies found 64% of Crimeans favored secession from Ukraine to rejoin Russia, and 55% favored increased autonomy from Kiev.”
Yada, yada, yada… So, the “choices” are limited to rejoining the Russian Federation or becoming more subservient to the frivolities of the alleged government of the Ukraine.
Wonderful… The third choice would be the Crimean populous would declare the territory a Sovreign Republic with its own Constitutional Laws and civilian agenda.
The third choice is never offered to ANY civilian populace. Gee… I wonder why…
The third choice would have been, “Would you prefer to get murdered in your bed by a Right Wing Militia?”
Perhaps a third choice could have been, “each individual Crimean home is a sovereign Republic”, but it wasn’t, was it? A majority chose secession in your Ukrainian poll, and six years later over 90% who expresssed an opinion by voting chose to join Russia. Gee.
I agree. Every person’s home should be considered a sovereign republic. The “majority” is always wrong, and that’s how democracies are designed to fail.
Zelenskyy seems to be a self-glorifying “Leader” whom is willing to sacrifice the lives of innocent civilians in his own personal ideologies, goals & pursuits.
Similarly, Putin seems to be a self-glorifying “Leader” whom is willing to sacrifice the lives of innocent civilians in his own personal ideologies, goals & pursuits.
Weak minds need strong leaders.
And those strong leaders will often lead those weak minds towards their own destruction.
In a truly just world, those national “Leaders” would engage in personal fighting amongst themselves, suffering the personal consequences of their own selfish pursuits.
Too many people limit themselves to mere Dichotomous, “either/or” patterns of thinking.
The fallacy of “good” vs “bad”.
Rarely, if ever, are people, anyone, either wholly “good” or “bad”.
And even those concepts are completely subjective.
Sadly, the world is increasingly seeing ever-greater failures in the abilities to engage in more thoughtfulness, consideration, cooperation, compromise, etc.
Something I find interesting is the increasing number of Marketing ad campaigns I’m seeing that are playing on the growing divisiveness of humankind.
From Twix (left vs right) to Planters “All or One’” commercial to commercials for Sandpoint, ID, and such.
More people are being led towards ever-greater divisions.
Our local sociological environments, often defined by corporations, are only inhabited by campaigns highlighting the concept of “like-minds with like-concerns”.
We are seemingly losing the ability to engage in greater comprehension of greater consideration.
Often led towards that path via true MENTAL MIDGETS.
Weak minds need better teachers.
“Leaders” are so 1933…
Yep. Everyone exists solely in the form of their “identity”, as an opressed minority or an entitled, privileged majority. Divide and rule.
A lot of sites are now under attack and being blocked to make sure all the sheep receive the required dose of approved safe reliable media like the BBC. They will probably do this with OffG as well.
Economically, is Russia under any serious threat?
Totally reminiscent of the West’s on the ground training of terrorist groups in Syria. I recall it being reported at the time that, among other things, terrorists were being specifically trained on how to target schools and other public buildings in residential areas of Damascus with sophisticated rocket launchers. But it’s all about the children, isn’t it?
The Azov Regiment are left-over neo-nazis.
Good point.
They are actually obsolete, and, in a normal society, they would be unemployed.
Nothing neo about it. Organizations with a straight descent from WW2 and Waffen SS.
MI6 fostered the most crazed group of Ukrainians after The Big One. They were so crazed, and had committed such wonton murder before they fled west to Germany, that even the CIA wouldn’t touch them. But the English were happy to have a merry band of psychotic fascists. They brought the survivors of SS Galicia into Canada, so that people like Freeland’s grandpappy would have friends. They sponsored a terrorist campaign that lasted almost ten years, in which they parachuted their supply BanderISIS into the Ukraine, where they murdered some 35 000 Polish, Ukrainian and Russian officials.
These were the guys who seem to have inspired the Colonel Kurta fable in “Apocalypse Now”. They literally cut the arms off of Ukrainian peasants who agreed to collectivization. The Canadian, British and American intelligence agencies fostered their little hothouse Nazi flower for seven decades.
This group-photo is so ‘sad’ in many respects in so much as you’re witnessing a group of healthy and fit young men believing that they’re so ‘macho’ playing with big-boys-toys. And yet, if you’re prepared to look past the immediate … you can see gullible idiots who will willingly sacrifice themselves and others for issues they really don’t comprehend, i.e. they are killing each other for the benefit of the greedy weapons manufacturers and the Banks who finance them.
Making it clear for the hard-of-thinking that Russia and climate are the same agenda:
Pausing only to affirm how right he was about nuclear power, Monbiot launches into the renewable solution. All it’ll take apparently is the triumph of the will because he doesn’t feel the need to weigh up the practicalities of such a shift. Yet again they refuse to conduct a cost-benefit analysis – because they know the costs will be revealed as absolutely catastrophic as it was for lockdown.
There is a bit of interesting information about Germany having capacity for large gas storage – but that storage being a long way short of full. Whoops, who could possibly have foreseen?…
More climate insanity and more parallels with their other manufactured crises:
CO2 zero = convid zero. Who turns up to advocate this but Adair Turner, former head of the CBI (the UK pressure group for large corporations). Climate is so benign and lovable, and its supporters ex-hippies and Swedish school girls!
This will finish the economy in EU (& especially Germany):
The question an honest judge will ask is this:
‘Was the 1991 referendum carried out in a Crimea loaded up with Soviet troops or was it a genuinely free vote carried out without pressure? How about the 1994 Referendum?’
If the answers to that was Yes, then the only question to then ask is this:
‘Were the presence of Russian troops in Crimea at the time of the 2014 Referendum in any way changing the minds of Crimeans, or had they held the views they expressed in 2014 for a generation or more??’
My reading is that from the time of the Soviet Union collapse, the people of Crime wanted to be part of Russia, not Ukraine.
I am sure that Victoria Nuland will not agree with me, but she has pressures that I do not suffer from, namely that power trumps truth in the world of politics….
Nuland’s husband is of course Robert Kagan – is Kagan a shortening of Kaganovich? Kaganovich happened to be Stalin’s hammer in the Ukrainian famine.
The famine in which the kulaks destroyed agricultural productivity to prevent collectivization in the Ukraine, at the same time as a half dozen other famines occurred in the USSR which nobody tries to pretend were a Stalinist genocide?
Brought down several in Donetsk and Luhansk.
There was also an incident in late February 2014 when several busloads of passengers from Crimea returning to Crimea from Kiev were ambushed near Khorsun by neo-Nazi thugs (who’d been tipped off in advance) and were beaten up and tortured. Several passengers apparently died. The survivors fled back to Crimea and raised the alarm, and this led to the special meeting in the Crimean Parliament which resolved to organise the independence referendum.
Of course, this incident near Khorsun has been whitewashed from most search engines or is referred to as a hoax incident.
Could you help with link?
However, what search engines exist other than Google? As far as I know Startpage and DDG sill use Google. They allegedly offer more privacy but do not claim to get better results.
Try using DuckDuckGo as your search engine, and type in the keywords “Korsun”, “Crimea” and “2014”. You will find a number of sites like this one.
Ta muchly. I was surprised at DDG.
Got this too, but about Kharkiv.
Even more surprising than the publication is the author, one Luke Harding. Something’s changed at Guardian Towers.
No S in annexation Folks.
CRISIS ACTOR FAILS. He can’t even play a dead body.
This made me laugh til I nearly cried:
You’d think wooden acting had been called for.
It’s not even wooden.
It’s demonic, unearthly.
It is certainly not human.
I couldn’t even begin to watch it.
The title is enough.
“The bankers want” seems to be synonymous with “The bankers get”, yet there is no earthly reason why that should be so.
Just show me one of those bankers, and let’s duke it out with baseball bats to the death.
I want names. That’s what I want.
I also want a Supreme Court judge who can stand up to a banker and say, “You know, I don’t give a fuck what you want. Your job is to look after people’s money, and if you fail to do that, you’re in for long-term jail. Now get out of here, before the entire judicial system of western society sentences you to a thousand years in Guantanamo for gross contempt of court.”
If bankers get what they want, then I can get what I want too. After all, it looks as if the mere wanting is all it takes…
Neil Parmenter?
He’s obviously a descendant of Captain Wilton Parmenter of F-Troop fame!
For non-US readers, or younger readers, FYI: https://hero.fandom.com/wiki/Wilton_Parmenter
King Nerd has the last word:
Good one! ⬆︎
(For more: https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/russiasteria-biden-ukraine-invasion-memes-feb-8 )
The West has been involved in most of the mischief in the region for years. Now that Putin has lost patience with the Nazis in Ukraine the West is manipulating Lesensky like they did Mikheil Saakashvilii. Just like Saakashvilii, Lesenskyy will lose and sacrifice his country for nothing. Victoria Nuland is up to her old tricks in the region and nothing good will come of it! The foreign “volunteers” heading to Ukraine and the US mercs already there will exacerbate the situation once they start dying. Any nation that supplies planes and heavy weapons to Lesenskyy will pay dearly. This is not going to turn out well. The Chicken hawk Neocons and the eugenicists here in the US just may get their war and depopulation; worst case scenario it will turn into a global conflagration. Economic sanctions, strangulation of trade and commerce and seizing assets are acts of war! The consequences may unleash hell on this planet.
The Empire down the shit chute?
Here’s hoping:
The empire is bad… the alternative they’re planning is worse.
The Covid Lockdown degraded our health, our rights, and local economies.
The Sanctions Lockdown will degrade the global economy and perhaps crash the dollar to bring on the digital slave-currency.
The effects of both Lockdowns are on-purpose.
As before, the “emergency” supplies the pretext for the damage (the sanctions).
“Take these pills/injections/surgery and I’ll see you in two weeks”
(sotto voce) ‘If you’re still alive’
at 2:40 they show a Ukrainian man jumping on top of an “armored Russian vehicle”. How is this possible. The Russian military is just as lethal as that of the US and China. Can someone else look at this video and tell me what they think? Man jumps on top of moving armored Russian vehicle while waving Ukrainian flag – YouTube
Mary, we don’t know which side the tank belongs to, but even if it’s Russian, a flag is not a weapon, and none of the pedestrians looks frightened of the tanks either. Maybe the guy w the flag is celebrating being liberated by the Russian tanks, if that’s what it is.
…- That’s a BTR-80 series APC… – *Both* Russia and Ukraine have those in one variant or another… – It has a step on both sides, in between the front and rear pairs of wheels (- It’s 8 wheeled) mid-hull, plus grab handles on the sides and upper hull around there, which seems to be how he climbed on, tho’ I certainly *Would Not* like to try that myself whilst it’s rolling… – FWIW, the handwritten sign in blue and yellow on the side says ‘Kherson’ (- Can’t make out the yellow part properly, tho’ the first letter is an upper case ‘y’ – the cyrillic ‘U’, so pro’lly ‘Ukraina’)… …- The aircraft wreckage shown in the segment before that is the starboard tail of a Sukhoi Su-34 fighter-bomber, and *Only* the Russkies have those… – Can’t speak to the provenance of the ‘bomb’ lying in the street, though it struck me as ‘stagey’ – like the undeformed gas canister lying on the bed *Inside* a bedroom in Douma (- After having supposedly plowed right through the roof and ceiling), after the 2018 White Helmet’s false flag ‘chemical attack’ – neatly laid out like… …- Finally, the helicopter engagement at the beginning looks hinky… – The helo *Appears* to be a Mil Mi-24 (- Both parties have ’em…), however the paint job looks wrong (- Flat two-tone: – Dark top and tail; Light bottom and front – apparently *Not* camouflage patterned – *Weird* and *Definitely Not* Russkie operational colour scheme)… – Also the twin cockpit canopies at the front appear obscured, as though they’re painted over (- Drone?)… Further, it doesn’t appear to be carrying any ordnance on it’s wing pylons (- Not entirely clear at the distance filmed, but you should be able to see pylon-slung weaponry protruding below… Read more »
Sgt Oddball, thx for the exhaustive review. I think mostly it’s better not to believe your eyes, no?
Hello Off-Guardian Family
This is Teodrose (Teddy) Fikre, long time journalist who decided to run for Congress, below is the reason why, an excerpt from my campaign, hope to hear from everyone…
The fears of a black child in Chicago who has to sleep at night with gunshots ricocheting in her ears are linked to the tears of a white child in Chattanooga who goes to bed hungry. A Democrat father in a “blue state” who has to work multiple jobs to feed his family is experiencing the same anxieties as a Republican mother in a “red state” who is forced to seek welfare in order to provide for her children. In a country that is blessed with an abundance of resources and human ingenuity, the only reason we have such high rates of poverty and economic uncertainties is because too many have been convinced that others who struggle like them are their foes instead of realizing that we are all in the same leaky boat together.
I did not always realize how dissension among the populous was actually the leading factor that contributes to the “gridlock in DC” which in turn makes social progress all but impossible. There was a time when I was as divisive as they came as I bashed Republican voters and collectively judged all white people for the ills of the world. It wasn’t until I became homeless in 2015 and saw first-hand how inequality and injustice transcend the socio-political divides and come for all irrespective of our differences that I shed my tribal blinders and became determined to stand and speak up for our common humanity….continued…
READ FULL ARTICLE AT: https://fikre4va.com/the-commonality-of-our-pains/
The US and China are behind the events in Ukraine. They want to weaken EU and Russian imperialists before the real battle starts between the former two, US and CHina. Ukrainians are doing the shelling, preventing people from leaving and allowing RAD missiles to be placed in civilian areas, using civilians as shields. If Russia wanted to attack and takeover Kiev it would have been over 2 weeks ago. Russia is a war mongering country just like China and the US so please don’t think I am in any way defending Russian imperialism
“Tamara Lich Released”
I’m glad those damn Russkies have been made to see sense. Probably all thanks to the brave and not-at-all-Nazi people of the Ukraine.
Macdonalds, Starbucks, Burger King and Coca Cola are pulling out of Russia. All other things being equal, Russians should soon be the healthiest people on earth.
Transcript of Putin’s press conference yesterday.
Well, maybe not exactly hostages, but they’ve been held for 3 days & certainly this is dangerous– especially w the hysterical desire to cast blame on the Russian military.
“especially w the hysterical desire to cast blame on the Russian military.”
Led by the Archangel Michael, who reigns as the leader of all God’s angels, fighting evil with the power of good.
If Russia went gung-ho ala American/British style the war wouldn’t have lasted an entire week
Not to forget the newly-evaporated covidium…
I’ve been reading up on the 1649 trial of King Charles I …
After unbelievable bungling of their case for the first few days of the trial, the ‘authorities’ eventually got him for technical contempt of court, which meant his presence at his own trial was not required…
Trying a King at all was not a universally popular undertaking, but once they got down to the nitty-gritty of causing a civil war, murdering his own citizens and other treasonous acts (or attitudes), the population discovered that they could definitely handle it.
Isn’t it high time for history to repeat itself…?
After all, even the unbelievably old have forgotten 1649.
The key to success in that particular case seems to have been the notion of starting at the top.
An unfamiliar concept these days, but a sensible one.
Rounding up the rabble afterwards is bound to be an easier course of action than going for them while they can still claim to have their leader’s protection.
Of course we now have hundreds of would-be kings all over the place, so we will have to be very energetic.
I do hope Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is paying attention.
Is it just me?
Just been talking to son about the world affairs.
He is a card bearing covidian and doesn’t believe anything that doesn’t come from the BBC.
I asked if had read Uncle Klaus’s book and he said I should get out more.
The thing is this:
The things I believe are happening are so batshit crazy that I have to check myself to make sure what I just thought was a rational thing to think.
I believe that we are in the biggest delusion EVER enacted on the world.
I believe that there is a cabal devoted to my subjugation (Along with the rest of the plebs)
and that they want nothing less than the enslavement of us all with all of our property owned by ‘The stakeholders’
I believe that the covid incident was manufactured.
I believe that the “vaccines” will be proved to be the modern equivalent of the thalidomide tragedy or worse
Every day I ask myself if my thoughts are rational.
I have an IQ of 140. I don’t consider myself as a stupid person yet every time I try to square my thoughts with what the “average” person is thinking I have doubts about my sanity.
FWIW, I’ve also become morbidly sensitive to the magnitude of the irreconcilable world-view disconnect between us (if I may presume to say so) and Normals who submissively accept Establishment-generated views of reality.
It’s not you, it’s them– if an observation from a stranger on the Internet helps at all.
Thanks Ort. It does.
Couldn’t agree more ort. Sad thing is that on YouTube they have these posts that are just pictures and a bit of text coming from MSM like the guardian. Every time they had Syria in a post and COVID in a post the comments were wall to wall derision, mocking or just simply stating plain old facts. And the editors at the guardian must be scratching there heads saying “wait a fcking minute they never believed us on those three but they now believe is on Ukraine?! Whaaaaat”
No wonder they like myself look forward to the cull of the vaxxed. Also have a pronouned cousin who wants nato to implement a no fly zone. When asked about that leading to ww3 he never replied. People who make there genitals the most important thing about them are hopeless
Cluthing at straws, My neighborhood is working class mostly Spanish-speaking as their first or only language. None are well-educated. Yet you wd be hard-pressed to find more than a few who believe covid restrictions are a good idea. I’ve not found anyone who believes in US wars “to make democracy reign.” It’s a matter of context; once you’ve seen thru just one of the lies your learned skepticism lets you see thru the next ones. My Mexican neighbors have seen govt corruption in Mexico, won’t be fooled by it again. Your son’s education has been propaganda, now continued by the media. If you can get him to read a book or see a video about a more distant conspiracy it will open his mind, perhaps. 9/11 wd be a good one. There’re still good videos of Building 7 (not hit by a plane) falling down. In fact I think there was an article about it on this site on the anniversary, so there’ll be lots of comments w video links. A good book about it that he cd read in a couple hours: “The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7” by David Ray Griffin. If a person believes himself to be part of a community of other well-meaning people like himself– and these imagined others are in govt, media, and others– the delusion must be punctured before the real world can get into his worldview. With some people it is merely that they haven’t yet encountered the nail. I often simply ask if the other person believes that all the wars are fought to bring democracy and it’s just coincidence that the natural resources of those lands end by being owned by our “elites.” If someone once expresses doubts about ANYTHING that govt has told him & you can… Read more »
A very well expressed piece of advice. I hope many will read it and take it to heart.
Is Mexica any more or less corrupt than the US?
Thanks Penelope.
It is unbelievable how closed minded most youngish people are.
You are certainly correct about the education system.
I was lucky enough to attend a UK grammar school in the early seventies, just before they decided to abolish critical thinking.
We were actively encouraged to challenge every concept that was taught.
The masters wore black capes and mortar boards.
1984 was on the curriculum!
Then, I think in 1973/74, it went comprehensive.
The change was dramatic.
Many of the staff left to be replaced by college leavers with, in hindsight, woke mindsets.
And so it has continued.
If you get the chance, compare an “O” level exam paper with the equivalent today.
All you need to know now is how to conform.
I have now given up starting conversations about this stuff but will answer truthfully if asked.
The conversation started yesterday because he is concerned about his gas prices potentially tripling so I told him why.
Even faced with an explanation of how he is being manipulated he still refuses to look outside the narrative.
It’s very sad.
Interesting to hear that your neighbours, not subjected to protracted “education” propaganda, can see through it all!
“every time I try to square my thoughts with what the “average” person is thinking ” …..
That’s the problem …. the average person is not thinking… and doesn’t want to think.
Forming an original opinion is near impossible for most people nowadays ….. far easier to just use the one everyone else is using .. … you can’t go wrong if you choose the market leader … Gotta be in with the in crowd .
Feeling isolated ? …. there’s a million or two of us in the UK frustrated to the point of bursting.
We do need some summer events where heretics can rub shoulders …… that’s certainly needed.
Thanks Zig.
I don’t think it’s because they don’t want to think.
I think it is that they don’t know HOW to think.
The object of the last couple of years has been to isolate “us” and make us feel like we do.
One of my fears is the “online harm” bill.
If sites like this are affected, We have a problem.
I’m with you 100% in that perception.
I just keep in mind that what we are experiencing is the devil’s standard operating procedure.
The Bible may not be popular today, but the wisdom in it certainly touches upon people being possessed by evil spirits and seduced by satan to follow iniquitous ways.
Today, concepts like ‘hypnosis’, ‘propaganda’ and ‘political manipulation’ are more to people’s taste, but it’s essentially the same thing, only updated.
Surely that is exactly why we are sane: We can relate ancient wisdom to what is happening today – even if we don’t like it.
There’s a thread running through it – a pattern – which we can recognize, although not everybody can.
That’s one of the very definitions of intelligence, although it’s quite a burden to carry at times – especially when you’re in a clear minority.
Of course it’s nothing to get big-headed about, any more than not being colour-blind is a cause for gloating and hubris. It’s just the way things are.
And it also poses as many questions as answers…
Thanks Wardropper.
The biggest problem in “the West” today is democracy.
It has a fundamental flaw in that, if the majority of people are idiots, you end up with a government that can do literally anything they are told to do.
Indeed it suddenly looks as if the majority of people are, in fact, idiots.
I didn’t think so even five years ago, so I’m wondering what got to them…
Something in the water? Something in the vaxxes? Something in the salt and pepper?
Probably all three…
Even Plato noticed – 2,000 years ago – that democracy inherently tended towards some kind of anarchy, and they weren’t even poisoning the general populace in those days…
But perhaps it’s simple human laziness.
People who read a lot naturally learn a lot, but reading decent literature seems to be in precipitous decline these days.
If you never read – or at least listen to knowledgeable speakers – then you know nothing – not even yourself.
One thing that surprised me recently was discovering how much I detest smug ignorance. I find it hard to shrug it off as something that doesn’t matter. It’s more of a feeling that something has gone very wrong with our species. Something that was never intended.
Everything is now controlled by people who think they “know enough”, and whose self-confidence leads to their obtaining prominent positions of responsibility… as if stuffing 40 grams of a given substance into one of your cerebral receptors was going to give you enough mental sustenance for a lifetime…
Then they mandate the global consumption of their ignorance – simply because they can, and because they like the power trip…
Make no mistake: THEY are the lunatics. But they are so many, how are we supposed to live with them?
***** 5 out of 5
Bread and circuses. That’s all.
Work .From Home……Have some free time!. We’ll print you some money.
Furlough….Have some free time!. We’ll print you some money…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
That “money” we printed is not valid anymore.
FREE income and health care FOR EVER!!
Sign over your house and bodily autonomy
And you will be FREE!!!
This is the result of spike proteins and prions crossing the blood/brain barrier(s) of those who were injected with the Covid-19 bio-weapon (untested).
Those ‘World Leaders’ who were given a saline placebo injection are open-conscience in their modus operandi. Those who took the actual ‘vaccine’ (bio-weapon) are now seeing the end results of cognitive decline, lower IQ’s and a shrinkage of brain tissue verified by MRI’s.
IF Putin took the active Sputnik Covid-19 vax, this could be effecting his critical thinking due to the toxic vaccine regimen crossing his blood/brain barrier. In addition, his Statesman Presentation’ seems to be dwindling (see his change of speech patterns and his body language and how he composes himself in meetings-perhaps a reflection of the Sputnik ‘therapy’ or just being pissed-off with the obstinate stubbornness of the West not showing policies for Russia’s concerns on it’s security and autonomy of the Donbass and Crimea.
An RT media reporter stated that ‘these people kill’ when it comes to war, giving no leeway or ground as is the Slavic mindset. They do not conduct war like an American football game, or any other game. Russians don’t have the time, space or motivations to dick around when it comes to war.
See the movie ‘5 Days in Georgia’, and also ‘Chekist’.
Everyone knows now at this stage the West (especially the US under Biden & his communist supporters) is now damaged, perhaps beyond repair, and the Ukraine is scheduled to be fully devastated as retaliation for the Ukrainian nationalists AZOV attacking the Donbass Region for 8 years, killing innocent ethnic Russians. It is important to remember that Putin, (before being injected with Covid-19 vax Sputnik) tried to stop the Donbass slaughter via negotiations, but was ignored
“ Everyone knows now at this stage the West (especially the US under Biden & his communist supporters)”
Yep you’re an idiot
Also what’s communism? Trust me I’ll be able to tell if you google it
Just one clarification. Military port of Sevastopol was never part of Ukrainian socialist republic during Soviet era , so was submarine base, air base in Simferopol and long range over horizon Radar installation in Evpatoria, all located on territory of Crimean peninsula but not a part of Ukraine before and after 1954. They as well as all border zones were controlled directly by MOD in Moscow.
McDonald’s is temporarily closing all of its 847 stores in Russia in response to its attack on Ukraine. good news
“Such a loss.”
“Now if only they would globally with that. The world will be a better and healthier place.”
And that would be the first company to go in a long list – domino effect.
Yes, as they don’t sell food, just food-like substances.
Food-like health-destroying substances. 🤑 😝
Apart from aduleration, fake food comes with these undeclared and untested extras:
:- colouring, dye, bleach or glaze
:- flavour, or an agent to remove one
:- odour or deodoriser
:- extraction or carrier solvent
:- emulsifier, stabiliser, gelling agent, anti-caking agent or binder
:- pH adjusting agent
:- foaming or anti-foaming agent
:- preservative
:- processing aid, e.g. to speed up manufacture or resist heat.
…- ‘MuckDonald’s’…
Food, folks and fascism.
One thing I haven’t seen touched on much, at least not in more depth analysis, is the massive number of “Western” corporations that have a presence in Russia. A lot of people in the “West” are quick to talk about how Big Corporate is massively influencing politics in those Western” countries. One can fairly quickly & easily see the massive spending in Lobbying activities in places like the U.S., which are designed for the sole purpose of affecting public policy to their favor. What is less or not known is the amount spent on Lobbying in Russia. Russia: “Definition of lobbying: There is no formal definition of lobbying in the federal laws of Russia. However, a definition is enshrined in the Law on Lawmaking and Statutory Legal Acts of Krasnodar Krai. Legislators of the region define lobbying as ‘activities of designated persons on information interaction with the lawmaking body of the region for the purpose of expressing the interests of the relevant organisations in the regional lawmaking’. Consolidation of this concept in regional legislation is unusual and is an exception for Russia. In general, the topic of developing the law on lobbying and regulation of lobbying activities does not attract the attention of the relevant stakeholders (government agencies, large businesses, etc) and consequently has not led to the introduction of regulation in this sphere. Registration and other disclosure: There is no registration of lobbyists in the absence of regulation of lobbying activities. Nevertheless, voluntary registration of public organisations with the Ministry of Justice is possible. Registration is required for an organisation to obtain legal capacity (ie, to receive all rights and benefits provided for by the Federal Law on Public Associations).” But just because something isn’t acknowledged or tracked doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Because Russia has no laws on… Read more »
Rather astonishing some of the mutually-beneficial commerce that was allowed to flourish before the Ukraine thing happened.
Not sure it should have been allowed in the first place, so some of our western entrepreneurs may well be covering their asses by pulling out “temporarily”…
At the very least, they can claim not to have had constant commerce with Russia over many years…
But that’s just me using Cold War terminology so as to play devil’s advocate for the benefit of the western entrepreneurs…
Very shrewd move by the Western overclass!
They know that if anything will cause the Russian people to rise up en masse, severely hobble or even overthrow the Russian government, and bring Putin’s Ukraine incursion to a screeching halt, it will be the sudden unavailability of Shamrock Shakes!
Not good news for the young employees of those 847 stores… In effect a Lockout by Management. To call the use of Lockouts by a foreign controlled company good news because it’s a ‘protest’ against Putin’s War is to take sides with Poor Little Ukraine. Yes ?
While I agree it’s bad news for the employees you’re very very women to think that Jim was siding with Ukraine. You must be a yank or Avery dim Brit
Are you jiin’s mouthpiece. If he’s paying you to defend him why not defend him ? If you think slapping labels to another’s comments is explaining jiin, then he should demand his money back, or publicly disown your labeling tactic.
You’re lucky i’m only 5 foot 2 inches.
Well that will certainly give Russian health quite a boost.
You sure you really want to do that, McDoo?
To think that the political views of such trivial organizations even register on human consciousness…
Great news.
The war is anything but organic. Instead, it’s the crescendo of the NWO dialectic as it will manifest gargantuan systemic problems demanding systemic foundational solutions. The war will destroy supply chains even further than they already are, wreaking absolute havoc. Currencies – already on their last legs – will be deliberately hyper-inflated away all over the globe in order to pay for it. Etc. Everyone will be demanding something be done and the pre-planned solutions will be one-world-government and CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies). These CBDCs will link with your social credit score and carbon output in order to determine your eligibility – in real time – to participate or not participate in the economy. Red vs blue, east vs west, these dichotomies exploit people’s innate tribal nature – dividing and conquering them – making them easy to control with simple thoughts about “the enemy” who isn’t really their enemy – while blinding them to the actual enemy behind the curtain pulling the puppet strings. If we could collectively recognize this for what it is the NWO wouldn’t stand a chance. The globalists now have the technology to do away with the left versus right control system, and so they’re angling in for full control at an individual level – from the inside out. We have to be aware of this in order to prevent it from happening. Here is how far they’ve brought us, and where they want to take us: https://tritorch.com/shakedown As a solution we need to get working on a parallel economy and means of exchange yesterday. But since yesterday is behind us—let’s get to work on it today instead. Right now, actually. It is time we stopped using our enemy’s control system and built our own version instead – free from anyone’s control. Put your ideas… Read more »
I’ve posted this comment elsewhere and one of the responses I received I thought would be worth sharing here for your consideration:
By Dutchman:
LOCAL, both for governance and commerce.
And Ammunition as currency; it has intrinsic value, is available in many denominations, is easily divisible, and can’t counterfeit.
Look at the Amish.
As small communities, we may not be able to provide all our WANTS, but we can provide all our NEEDS.
And, the hard times WILL develop the hard men and women, to replace the soyboys and schrews we have far too many of, now.
Controlled demolition.
“You’ll own nothing and be happy.”
You will own nothing and you will be happy about it…or else
You won’t even own your own body or your ability to make free choices.
That’s actually biblical, and what the adversary wanted for humans: no agency, he said he would force everyone to be good.
These people are beyond sick.
You watch Musk’s eyes when he talks.
Their activity is not recognizably human.
You see signs of that with many of these folk. I’m not sure if they’re simply gone, or if something else is there in their place.
Hardly a military annexation, the Russian military was already there in force. The Crimea has been a host to Russian naval facilities for literally hundreds of years, its probably as old as their navy (and I think older than the UK’s base at Gibraltar). It is a de-facto part of Russia without even recognizing that the military areas aren’t part of Ukraine, they’re federal districts. We in the west are generally ignorant of this so I presume we thought that post-Maidan the Russians would just up and leave and hand over the bases to NATO.
I’ve mentioned the Crimean War to many people. Of the relative minority that have heard of it relatively few seem to know where it was fought, when it was fought, who was doing the fighting and why despite most of us have heard of “The Charge of the Light Brigade” (or at least seen the movie).
You missed the bit about Crimea being Russian, of Crimea always being Russian? Don’t you chaps get a proper briefing before posting?
He has got his quota of posts to complete.
After the Crimea War — the later bit where France and England defeated the Russian army (despite Balaclava) these countries went home and Russia quietly returned to the area. (“Quietly” because in the west if it doesn’t affect us then it didn’t happen.) The main consequence of this from the Russian perspective is that they learned that serfs don’t make good soldiers — the war brought about reforms that eliminated serfdom.
More recently the penninsula was the subject of serious fighting in WW2, including a siege of Sevastapol by the Germans. The Russians, as we all know, eventually kicked the Germans (and their European allies) out.
BTW — You missed the bit about Kiev being the original capital of the Russians before it got moved to Moscow. It then got moved to Petersburg after that city was built but then moved back to Moscow. Et cetera. I’m an American so my primary interest and knowledge is more to do with their pianistic tradition and practice than their history proper.
Which chaps, given that you brought it up. But what’s important is that the majority of the population in 2014 did not like that US coup that installed the ultra-nationalists and turned loose the latent Banderite Nazism. I mean, who would?
They’ve probably heard of Florence Nightingale; they’ve almost certainly haven’t heard that she didn’t believe in diseases.
+ 100
Nevertheless she was able to use statistics to show more soldiers died of disease that died in battle. I presume she worked for WEF?
More facts
“1991January: The Crimean government hold a referendum asking if Crimea should declare its independence from Ukraine, reform itself as the Crimean Soviet Socialist Republic (as it had been prior to 1945), and rejoin the USSR. The vote passes with 94% support, and Crimea declares independence.
February: The Ukrainian parliament recognises this independence, passing the “Law On Restoration of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialistic Republic as part of USSR”.”
Hmm, did no one catch the error here? Crimea was never a “Soviet Socialist Republic,” there was a big difference between a Republic and an “autonomous republic,” of which there were a bunch within the RSFSR, The Russian Federated Soviet Socialist Republic, the by-far dominant of all 15 of the republics. And the year of change was 1954, not 1945, as noted in the Chronology right above.
The UKraine parliament called the law “Law On Restoration of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialistic Republic as part of USSR”. If you have a problem with what the Ukraine parliament names its laws you need to take it up with them. We are just reporting the facts.
There is a difference between an “autonomous soviet socialist republic.” which were units within a soviet socialist republic and a full-fledged “soviet socialist republic.” The Crimea was the former, not the latter, the latter would be like Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakh SSR, Tajik SSR,….They are not the same, you didn’t seem to catch that.
It doesn’t matter what differences there are or you think there are. The Ukraine parliament named the law. It’s their name for their law.
Do you suggest we should have altered the name of their law?
1945 explained.
There’s an unverifiable rumour that Winston Smith works for Wikipedia. True ?
Does he call himself Philip Cross?
Crimea was never an SSR, like Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakh SSR,…..ASSR and SSR are two different things.
…but it did have “Federal areas” which were the military reservations around the bases. The implications of this detail seem to escape our attention.
Ultimately it comes down to power. There is — and has been for many hundreds of years — Russian naval facilities there. With extensive military facilities comes a population to service those facilities, not just the actual military personnel. These aren’t going to be Ukrainian nationalists. Be realistic.
i dont doubt you. my remark about Winston working for Wiki was aimed at anyone who regards Wiki information is 100% accurate/reliable.
Wiki is part of the Information War that’s going on. And it isnt a friend of Russia.
The Lies of Pfizer: The Billion Dollar Cash Payment from Biden to Media
By Alexandra Bruce – Forbidden Knowledge TV – March 8, 2022 – VIDEO
A Freedom of Information Act request filed by TheBlaze has revealed that Biden’s Health and Human Services Department paid $1 billion of your tax dollars to bribe all the major news outlets to tell you to get vaccinated.
The UK did the same.
and Europe.
They always work in lockstep.
The UK stopped having its own mind some time during the Reagan era.
Which probably coincided with the actor’s marbles also departing this earth…
Enter BeelzebubBozoBorisBiden, or whatever he calls himself these days…
I’m sure we all know it’s true, but that it should be provable– Mmmm.
I’m sure we all know it’s true, but that it should be provable– Mmmm.