WATCH: Eugenics and the Awakening of Sleeping Monsters
In this presentation delivered to the Day 6 proceedings of the Coronavirus Grand Jury hearing organized by Dr. Reiner Fullmich and his team of international lawyers, Canadian Patriot Review Editor-in-Chief Matthew Ehret was asked to deliver remarks elucidating the origins of the quasi-science of eugenics, and its role in mis-shaping the 20th century.
This exercise required a brief overview of 1) how the Malthusian science of population control as it arose in response to the spread of republican concepts of humanity and freedom in the late 18th century, 2) how Charles Darwin himself (under the control of Thomas Huxley) took his ideas directly from Malthus’ Essay on Population, and 3) how this in turn expressed itself in Francis Galton’s “new science” of eugenics.
It may be hard to believe but Galton himself had stated in 1904 that his new science (a repackaged Malthusianism) was always designed to be a new macro religion shaping the worldview of a new post-Christian managerial elite:
“[Eugenics] must be introduced into the national conscience, like a new religion. It has, indeed, strong claims to become an orthodox religious, tenet of the future, for eugenics co-operate with the workings of nature by securing that humanity shall be represented by the fittest races…. I see no impossibility in Eugenics becoming a religious dogma among mankind.”
You can read more of Matt’s introduction here, and watch the full four-hour Day 6 presentation here.
Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation. He can be reached at
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Just a thought. We have just had the plague, we are now having the war, we are now about to have famine, we will soon expect death.
I think it is called the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
The sleeping monsters have been awake for a looooong time. This is a Highly recommended video presentation. >
“Sixty years ago, a panel of some of the time’s most lauded scientists were having a discussion one day… and now a lot of what they talked about is no longer science fiction.”
We Were Warned about Computer Driven Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
Melissa Dykes Feb 09, 2022
The real agenda marches on:
As usual, there’s some sugar of sensible ideas to help the toxic crap (less travel, no meat) go down. As usual, all the focus is on what the plebs should be doing and very little on corporations and none at all on militaries.
Someone ought to tell Sadiq Khan about 19 – he’s currently pushing legislation for extra tax on older cars in London through the GLA.
What a lot of depth in such a short space of time! The knowledge of what is going on is so useful for everyone – shared to people. Thank you. I was once a poor single parent, and a victim of the planned parenthood idea in the 70’s – I also had a run in with mental health services and the awful electric shocks! They even did this to a 90 odd year old in once place I worked! I think the depth of our experiences are vital to our awakening of what is going on – as well as the super job your guys are doing.
Capitalism’s Great Reset:
The Great Reset of Capitalism, or,
The Great Reset of How We Rule you, or,
The Great Reset of How We Fleece you, or,
“To Serve Man”.
This is must-see (an insider exposes Freemasonry=satanism and how it all ties in to the NWO). Nearly all elites in the world belongs to the “club””
5+ hours of a long-haired guy talking is far too much.
There are much shorter exposés which are perfectly convincing.
It’s not as if this is news.
“Must sees” are everywhere today, but life is too short to cover them all.
This is not a ‘must see’.
Common knowledge I would have thought.
😀 Ha ha yes. Now that’s an oxyMORON if ever I saw one.
See, Justin, that’s the problem.
You think of individuals as ‘countries’ that do this or that, but what you really mean is other politicians who do this or that.
In other words, you think the world consists of your narcissistic self, plus a bunch of other narcissistic selves who have sneaked their way into public office, without having the slightest intention of representing the ‘public’ part of that public office.
Fortunately for all of us, Canada is not Justin Trudeau, the UK is not Boris Johnson and the USA is not Joe Biden.
Now please close your mouth. Too many lies are escaping from it.
“Some more Nazi Boy memes.”

Reiner Fuellmich and his colleague Wolfgang Wodarg made it seem as the “choice” is between a natural virus or a lab-made one, so people who put forth the idea that “the virus” has not been definitively proven to exist….. got kicked out of the “fact finding hearings.
Doctors Tom Cowan, Andrew Kaufman and Stefan Lanka discuss the recent mockery of an interview of Kaufman and Lanka by the Corona Investigative Panel.
Freedom Talk 6 / Special – Scientific response to the Corona Committee, 2/9/22, just short of an hour.
Wodarg said he invited Dr Andy Kaufman to the interview to hear of the latter’s theories.
Wodarg keeps interrupting Kaufman, then whenever Kaufman tries to resume, Wodarg cries “interruption”. He is dismissive of any explanation by Kauffman…
Watch Wodarg’s cowered body language that projects “He’s picking on me !” Which the female lawyer responds to by lecturing Kaufman about interrupting. Wodarg refuses to listen to Kaufman…
Reiner then calls the meeting to order, saying it was supposed to be about legal strategies – a cowardly episode… And Of course i’m biased. (although, Lanka couldnt resist the provocations by Wodarg.)
Wodarg demanded that Kaufman and Lanka prove the virus didn’t exist. Like trying to prove that unicorns don’t exist. 😀 The actual scientific method would require that those who claim the virus exists prove so. Wodarg was definitely acting triggered, he could not stand the idea.
Have you a link to a stand-alone video of the “interview”. I Think 21st Century – Henningsen posted it. It appears as part of the very long SCA Meeting 90
but i want to post the stand-alone link to someone ? TIA (> Thanks In Advance).
Odysee !! The one place i didnt think to look !!
Thanks !
Looks like a major distraction has been successfully accomplished here.
Only to be expected, of course.
Fuellmich must know full well being an expert in the law that no one has ever gone to jail after a world deception event, apart from maybe a corporal in the army or some clerk in some govt agency made scapegoats. If he could say that Nuremberg was a parody where no one who committed serious crimes went to jail or was executed, and that judges of the ‘justice’ will never condemn their peers and superiors, he would be more credible and his mock trial would have some anecdotal usefulness. But to imply the perpetrators will be trialed and be put in jail at some point in the future is highly disingenuous.
My thoughts exactly!
FWIW, I had a positive first impression of Fuellmich many months ago. I’m skeptical of “rule of law” devotees who seem to genuinely believe that the judiciary, in general, is the last, best hope to rescue and reform political systems spiraling into authoritarian totalitarianism.
Still, I wished Fuellmich well; I gave him the benefit of the doubt, and checked my cynicism by admonishing myself that an experienced, principled litigator might have skills and insights– or a few tricks up his sleeve– that would indeed allow the scamdemic-related crimes against humanity to be adjudicated.
I didn’t become a fan, or follow him closely. But, as noted, with uncharacteristic mild optimism I hoped that he was that mole in the ground who would root the mountain down, or at least make a significant dent in it.
My positive opinion got a significant dent of its own when the committee clotheslined Kaufman and Lanka; that episode palpably reeked of bad faith. At that point, I no longer felt even the tentative hope that the CIC would succeed in litigation.
Finally, when Fuellmich announced that his seemingly exhaustive investigation would conclude with a mock Grand Jury, I saw that my innate cynicism was justified. The claim that the Grand Jury findings will serve as a valuable basis for actual litigation in the fullness– or feullmich– of time is obviously optimistic claptrap.
I don’t have any speculation or theories about Fuellmich’s “true” (i.e. malignant ulterior) agenda. He may have begun in good faith, and honestly believed he could build a strong case that would prevail in a real court. But it doesn’t do him credit to see his “little train that could” veer so abruptly off the tracks.
I’m left with the same question I started with (and I think it’s germane): how come Fuellmich is still alive? Anyone who poses such a “threat” to the perpetrators of international narratives generally falls in the category of “his days are numbered.”
The problem we have I think is that we see our judicial system as ‘corrupt’ when it isn’t, it is the way it was built to be: a network of protection for the haves against the have nots, with the occassional crumb thrown to the dogs.
Regarding Fuellmich, I came across him back in mid 2020 hearing him say that a lawsuit had been filed and had a case number already, and there would be some important developments in October or November that year. OK. Crickets by December. Then I heard him say something about March 2021, and finally by that summer he started going on about this “Grand Jury”.
I’m always skeptical about saviours popping out of the woodwork, it’s always the same, but in 2020 I tepidly gave him the benefit of the doubt; my skeptcism was proven right buy the end of that year, it all became a mockery to me.
My motto is always expect the least and will never be disappointed.
Two of my comments have disappeared this evening.
No “pending” warning either…
One of mine also dissappeared from this thread. A picture of a large free Mason court judge, residing over a court.. Why did it dissappear?
Just tried again.. Forum does not like either the picture or the link?
These guys are going where angels fear to tread.
That comes at a heavy price. I can’t wait to see it.
I am included in the “you” bit at the end. ^^^^^. Unfortunately??
Careful with that vax, Eugenicist!
Did Roger Waters know something all those years ago?
Great! But the music suggests it was really about an axe.
When I first heard of Fullmeich in 2020 I was vaguely intrigued. His claim to fame are the judgements against Deutsche Bank and VW. Highly publicized trials. But were those judgments the price of doing crooked business? Or faux slaps on the wrists? Maybe even psyops?
It’s only when I realized there’s no way for the public to know if any monies have been paid in any of these judgements at all, and if so, where that money goes, did I realize, all is not as it seems.
There’s no proof any monies in these large judgements were paid. Nor if fines levied on banks or cooperations by governments for all their misdeeds, have ever been paid.
We cannot audit governments or their justice departments or examine their internal workings. We can’t examine their corporate bank accounts to see their incoming and outgoing wire transfers and expenditures.
Courtroooms (and governments) all over the world are an extension of the central bank cartel, control system.
The biggest psyop of all is that each country is a separate, sovereign nation. Because war is the controllers last and best scam. It’s the final frontier in mass mind control.
Many people can grasp the concept that money isn’t backed by anything and it’s made out of thin air, yet the privately owned central banks that print the digital and physical currencies charge interest. On what is – in essence – a fictional product. Digital numbers on a screen. This interest and the original debt is charged to “governments”, ie, incorporated legal fictions, masquerading as administrations, essentially bankrupting them on paper. That national debt, plus interest is then claimed to be public debt, even though the public can’t audit these “governments” so have no control of them or access to their procedures, memos, revenue, bank accounts, shareholders and contracts.
And the “governments” and central banks collude to trick humanity into a contractual agreement for national and individual debt using Capitis Diminutio Maxima, which is your ALL CAPS name on bills, tax returns, Govt ID and birth certificates. Defrauding the public, by not providing full disclosure, is how they collude and conspire against the public.
Consequently, there’s a series of lies the governments and courts won’t admit to, which is how you know that courts are also a monumental scam and they weren’t created to provide justice for the public, but in fact, quite the opposite.
If we, the people, were allowed to examine forensically when and how (and if) the money flows in these large court judgments and fines, and within government departments, we’d find that the payments probably aren’t made in many high profile court cases and that the bulk of revenue raised by tax departments, police departments, justice departments, incorporated municipalities and courts is wired to one central cartel: The same cartel that owns everything including, PhRMA who are injecting people with poison and pretending it’s to prevent a non existent molecule that can’t be found.
Courts are an integral part of this fake Masonic world. They are a revenue raising exercise and a con game, keeping people imprisoned within a tyrannical and deceitful system.
There’s no chance of justice being awarded in courts, when the biggest trials of the last century were “made for tv” hoaxes. Fake trials. Fake imprisonments. Fake judgements. Even fake executions and fake acquittals.
When Fullmeich et al, use the words Nuremberg 2.0 they are mocking us because Nuremberg was a global psyop. A scam. A ruse. Nobody went to jail and nobody was hung. It was all Kabuki.
Because WWII was theater too, and orchestrated by all the Masonic leaders of all the countries, in cahoots. A premeditated plan to deflate debt by killing millions. That’s why the Bretton Woods conference was held towards the end of WWII in 1944, with 44 allies participating.
With the new system in place, the US dollar became the world’s reserve currency, supposedly backed by gold. It took about 15 years to fully integrate and operated for about 22 years, then Nixon went off the Gold Standard in 1971. We, the people, don’t know where the gold reserves are, or even if they still exist.
Post WWII, the orchestrated, unnecessary wars didn’t end: Korea. Vietnam. Lebanon. Gulf war. Somalia. Yugoslavia. Afghanistan. Iraq. Etc.
So what is the UN, really? Another scam. Another psyop. The wars rack up more debt, siphoning more dollars and control to the central bank cartel and their minion puppet politicians.
With the faux pandemic, artificial lockdowns, the debt bubble has been blown to the max and must be deflated by crashing the system, murdering millions (possibly billions), and replacing the US dollar and cash with the IMF’s CBDC (central bank digital currency) in the Bretton Woods 2.0, blockchain, global slave system.
This time around, the central bankers have a two pronged approach to deflate the debt accrued in the 20th and 21st century. They can murder millions over the next decade and beyond, with boosters, new vaccines and 5g-6g.
This time around, the fog of a fake war in Ukraine, provides a pretext for the controllers to deflate the largest debt bubble in history, by incinerating the current system using a faux cyber pandemic, a banking freeze and a controlled demolition, global market crash.
Nuremberg 2.0, the psyop and Ukraine-Russia 2.0 the psyop, obfuscates Bretton Woods 2.0. the psyop: Aka Agenda 21, The Great Reset.
All very well, but you aren’t mentioning the destination of all the labour/wealth peculated from the people.
There always seems to be this tacit assumption that it goes on luxuries for the elite. And yet, what’s peculated is orders of magnitude greater than that required for such luxury.
When you start talking in trillions, it not a case of ‘follow the money’, but ‘follow the buildings’.
And the dynasties.
Are you referring to the Vatican’s claim in Unam Sanctam, to all souls and the entire planet?
Or the wealth that’s been generated through the theft of labor over the centuries, which went into forming, creating and maintaining the entire system, in every country from the top down? Because I’m sure I’ve explained that aspect before:
The cartel, through contract law, incorporated legal fictions and tens of thousands (at least), of arms length subsidiaries are the major shareholders of every court, all professional associations, major charities, NGOs, incorporated municipalities (governments), think tanks, education, academia, research journals, publishing, media, churches, every single major corporation on every stock exchange, indices, clearing house, market maker, brokerages, tech, internet, mining, energy, utilities, patent offices, transport, hospitals, police, military, real estate, hedge funds, banks, unions, agribusiness, food, chemicals, space, retail, logistics, shopping malls, PhRMA etc, Every sector you can imagine, they are the majority shareholder.
Ultimately, ownership is irrelevant. So are organisations. What matters is what has been built (physically). If everyone suddenly died, what would be mankind’s legacy? Vastly more labour has been peculated than would be necessary for the world’s cities and palaces.
Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it hasn’t been built.
You mean underground? Or somewhere else. Like Antarctica. Or off the map.
HG Wells gave a clue via Eloi (surface survivors) and Morlocks (technologically advanced troglodytes). There are other hints, e. g. Forbidden Planet, Andromeda Strain, Logan’s Run, A boy and his dog, 12 Monkeys, The Island, and many others. There are no nukes – Continuity of Government shelters are a glimpse of what is intended to withstand far worse. You will own nothing and be happy – eating insect burgers.
Yeah. The many tales of the underground dwellers. Like this Hopi one.
Well this all Definately fits in with the planetary energy of these and next few years…uranus in Taurus seems to bring war and starvation…killing of millions…and very odd weather events to help the humans along with their crazy endeavours….i don’t see any way out of what’s coming at this point….sort of like going down rapids in a leaky canoe..
There might be a cosmic event in the future the controllers plan to utilize to their advantage. They appear to be preparing for one.
Fuellmich does state, however, that “Nuremberg 2” is not what he was aiming at.
It’s certainly true what you say about checking up on fines actually paid, or not paid.
For me, the hope is that covid criminals will be named and publicly shamed, and even nominal sentences handed out.
That their reputations will be wrecked by association with their own actions, in a way similar to the political demise of Sir Oswald Mosley during, and after, WW2.
(For the record, Mosley went fascist after becoming disillusioned by mainstream politics)
Yes. I think others are promoting it as Nuremberg 2.0, because he mentioned that phrase a couple of times, initially.
And it is still too early planetary wise…uranus was in Gemini when Nuremberg happened…we still have much chaos, death by starvation etc to go before we get to those numbers..sadly
At least try to spell Reiner’s surname properly, in your rants. Such gaffes don’t reassure readers of your credibility.
I transposed the e. The reduction still ends up 44.
Try again
That was my point. RF and his interviewees are all Masons.
Yes, I agree. The try again was to get the picture up and for it to stay up. Not directed at you R. 🙂
Cool. 😀 How did you get that pic up? Did you just copy and paste the image link? Or embed the image?
From a chap on the ground in Ukraine
Very interesting
Have ‘our’ leaders had their snouts firmly buried in Ukraine?
What has Bullshit Boris got to hide?
Who else is on the take and why won’t the MSM talk about Igor Kolomoisky?
The true function of the WSWS now stands revealed. As every other head of the hydra now focusses on the evil white nationalist Far Right Fascist Nazi Putin and the tsunami of newly orphaned infants
ripped from incubatorscrawling to get out of Ukraine, our Trotters keep the back burner covid flame alive with“An interview with Yaneer Bar-Yam on Omicron, BA.2 and the ongoing dangers of the coronavirus pandemic: Part 2” (Part 2?!)
“Brazil passes 650,000 COVID-19 deaths as ruling class adopts “endemic” narrative”
“Omicron BA.2 subvariant fuels new global surge of the pandemic”
“Studies warn Omicron BA.2 is the most dangerous COVID variant ever”
So there they are – the virus hysteria maintenance contingent.
Makes sense, George: the scamdemic has become last year’s fad; as marginal now as WSWS itself: “Birds of a feather…”
Whatever tosh the delusional splinterettes on Planet Trot believe, the joke about VVPutin deserving the Nobel for medicine is nearer to reality, because he has indeed cured the scamdemic at one stroke. Good luck to any propaganda cloaca that tries to resurrect it…
I wonder how Putin can be a commie and far right at the same time. A serious case of a split personality. Hilarious.
Reported deaths and injuries from covid19 shots as of February 2022:
Wonder what the Russia numbers are. Oops, nothing like VAERS in Russia, all we get are scattered reports. ALL centralized states lie.They’re all just different factions within the global op. The 99% of each “homeland” are prisoners, even if “allowed” to walk in the streets (when and where permitted).
hears your Ronald Dion DeSantis fighting the deep state 😂 LOL
The US State of Florida has just passed a law which will place limits on the discussion of sexual-orientation and gender in classrooms add that to his anti Semitic bil and driver licence agenda 30 push.
So they are doing the drivers licence SMART card in Florida, same as Queensland. Slip in the V-passport and Biometric ID through the backdoor.
You’re in QLD? QLD is implementing some kind of passport?
i am and from what I understand they are going to digital our drivers licences,..already a card so not sure what the difference will be unless they are going to try putting it on phones only…the thought is they will extend whatever it is they are proposing to include vax state etc…much dragging of feet about dropping the entry restrictions to cafe here….which makes me suspect they are waiting for something…
I’m still banned from working as a teacher. 25 years and bye bye, they say. I might add, the egg’s on my face because I’ve been complacent for 25 years glomming off a State job, happy to take their money while education literally turned communist right in front of our faces.
‘education literally turned communist’
Please explain.
‘I dropped out of teaching after 20 years when ‘education literally turned dumb.’
I’m not in Qld. Someone here wrote about it. The new SMART card drivers license. It morphs into a V-passport-social-credit-biometric-globalID-payment-system. In some states and countries it’s a SMART health card. In some states and countries it’s a SMART drivers license.
Drivers licences to be changed into a machine readable version here in Germany soon. I’ll keep my old carton version as long as I ca.
The authorities can’t force everyone into owning a smart phone/device. Or is that where the ‘you’ll own nothing and be happy’ comes in?
Breaking. I knew about these documents 2 days ago but their full significance has only just been made available. Ukraine intended to invade the people’s republics of Lugansk and Donetsk in March according to Kiev documents dated 19 and 22 January this year.
Slippery slope time in my home state of Maryland:
Babies Could be Killed 28 Days After Birth Under Proposed Maryland Law, Attorney Warns – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
It’s doubtful if even in seemingly ultra-blue Maryland such a bill would pass. But I’ll definitely monitor this one.
Eugenics on steroid.
The eugenicists will push as hard as they can to see how much the public will take. If they lose this war they have waged on human beings they know they will be answerable. To them killing children is par for the course.
Watched the video it was ok wasnt nothing have not heard before in a different format.
Grand Jury hearing organized by Dr. Reiner Fullmich and his team of international lawyers, is this what he achieved in 2 years of hopium,.?
well done me on calling absolute bullshit the minute he first appeared.
Sealed indictments. tribunals, Notices served – Mass arrests( which never ever happen) is the silly sausage wing of the Military Intelligence Complex (MIC) alt media department.
Exactly. Delay tactics and false promises while the central banks and governments globally put the global SMART card, VCI and CBDC system into place. Anyone that serves a notice is 100% a shill. They built the infrastructure around us while keeping everyone distracted with the left-right, good cop-bad cop psyop.
Fuellmich is the German Q. Don’t you know? he single handedly will take down the finance/pharma/govt cartel in one fell swoop.
From Biswapriya Purkayastha on March 08, 2022 · at 8:10 pm EST/EDT Re Dr. Fauci’s Frankenstein Virus Labs:
‘Nuland now says America is “working with Ukraine” [destroying evidence] to ensure Russia “does not get its hands on the biological laboratories” which American media had only days ago said didn’t exist.’
The fittest? Survival of the fittest? Why do these inbred, diseased powderpuffs always rush to the rear and take a back seat when they or their offspring are required to win courageous victories on the battlefield?
Eugenics? Survival of the fittest? The whole thing kinda collapses to the floor when you take a cursory glance at the assortments of inbred, diseased, toxic, human whale blubber promoting it.
Off-topic, but not unimportant:
Does anyone else frequently get an “Error establishing database connection” message when trying to post a comment? I’m getting that more frequently now.
So far, if I just keep trying to post the comment, it will eventually work.
I should note that I never used to get such a message until being plagued with the God-awful Windows 10 operating system (which of course works off The Cloud).
Yes. Even refreshing the page I get that message some of the time. But I’m not on Windows. I’m on IOS.
I just got that when refreshing w Safari mac. Accessed w mac Firefox just now. First time this happenned
Yes and also end of last year and this year worse buffing ever on videos people recommends.
major tek issues, comment disappearing.
slow load up changes.
I guess GCHQ is a bit busy nowadays, checking everyone’s papers.
Yes. I’ve got that a couple of times over the last few days.
Mac desktop.
Same here, and it started recently..
Also what started recently. I bookmark an article received by gmail. If tagged with the gmail “M” monika when stored, when later attempt to recall the article am told ‘no loner available’ .or somesuch. Google now goes into my bookmarked material and deletes/censors. This is a recent development…
MS Edge uninstalls Chrome.
To those who believe they are endowed with the divine gifts of population control and population reduction:
“Sometimes I wish natural selection was something you could nominate people for”
– Paul Vonharnish –
Only Mam Gaia, the Great Earth Creature has those divine gifts, Paul. She’s been wielding them for many millions of years, her technique has evolved to the point where it’s subtle and copious, and now she’s already on our case.
Just as well, because we feckless little-farty hom-saps were never going to do anything effective about our current population-overshoot episode. I suspect Mam will have dealt with it pretty effectively by the end of this century, probably even sooner.
Meanwhile, in still-comfortably-insulated middle-class fora like this one, we can continue babbling on about eugenics, and how there’s NO overshoot problem, so there! – as if reality ever takes the least notice of our pet delusions… 😂
+1. Mam Gaia will solve all our problems – including our propensity toward mass delusion…
Many dogmas espouse the right to unlimited progeny – until they decide to show their true intentions.
The thing is watch what they are not telling us about while they are distracting us with convid and war😏
You got covid and war but forgot famine and death, the last two of the four horses of the apocalypse
Eugenics never caught on with the masses, except maybe for genuinely racist types who latch onto anything which confirms their prejudice. So it’s been an extremely uphill battle for the eugenicists – until they brought their act into the 21st Century.
And COVID has helped immensely. No longer need Eugenics be based on inherent biological or genetic characteristics. It can now be based exclusively on social characteristics – such as jabbed=fit to survive, unjabbed=unfit for survival.
Even that’s a hard sell. People who buy into just about every narrative aren’t quite ready to buy into the notion that some elite somebody should decide who’s fit to exist and who’s not.
(Almost makes you think it’s all been tried before, eons ago; and it’s part of the human genome to resist the madness. Hmm, maybe that’s the part of the genome the “spike” protein is meant to target.)
Day 6 of what? What is this nonsense? 2 years of fraud and this passes for something noteworthy in terms of justice and truth?
Oligarchs double and treble their wealth – but hey, it’s rotting food for everyone else!
All that plant-based food they can’t sell has to be virtually given away because nobody’s buying it – and binning it would be a bit embarrassing for the ‘save the planet’ narrative.
I liked the way the journalist admitted the big savings were really only for bulk buys. Of course those who might need such shops are well known for their Nancy Pelosi-style freezers. And perhaps eating the same frozen crap day-in day-out isn’t exactly fantastic for the health…
BTW after two UK food retailers banned Russian vodka and rebranded Chicken Kiev, I went to one that didn’t seem to be doing that sort of nonsense – and found the poor sods on the tills had to ask every customer if they would donate a pound for Ukraine. On the plus side, the number of masks visible is shrinking every day I go out.
I am eagerly awaiting the face masks with “I Support Ukraine” embossed on the front.
I still see people walking along the sidewalk all alone wearing a mask. Not encouraging.
“One Word”

Correction (Oops)
“One Word”

that imbecile should be presenting the weather on third rate cable TV (at best)….
if you needed proof that your organs and institutions are full of actors filling their pockets..well..
there you have it…
have a peek into little sandy’s affiliations ( and now a message from our sponsors!)… but don’t use wackypeedo..
Cats instinctively know that people “in charge” are ALWAYS the enemy!
Sean Stone makes many good points in this deep discussion on how a psycho-spiritual war is taking place today:
The age old question about ‘the fittest’ is ‘the fittest for what’?
It’s well known that the best code writers are pretty often on the autism spectrum, which was far from being the fittest in the days of war and the need to interpret non-verbal cues in an unfriendly world.
Those who are brilliant at reductionist analysis are often NOT the best at holistic synthesis, particularly based on incomplete information.
Those skilled at online trading are often NOT skilled at growing the food that all humans need to survive.
And, from the field of mountaineering, it was often found that the fittest, fastest climbers at below 5000m were often the first to die in a survival situation high up on Everest, whereas the fat, unfit boozers of the mountaineering community often were the only ones to make it down alive. They didn’t lose heat so quickly, their reserves of fat served as water storage areas so they didn’t succumb to either hypothermia or dehydration nearly so fast.
No human can know how the world is going to evolve over millennia and hence no human can effectively select out the gene pool that will survive whatever challenge/insult is imposed upon humanity in millennia to come.
It’s the arrogance of ignorance to equate ‘competitive advantage today’ with ‘competitive advantage in 10,000 years time’.
Humanity needs plenty of redundancy in its gene pool to survive ‘extinction events’ and eliminating that redundancy now is the height of non-elite activity….
It’s all a matter of ‘survival’ ‘rhys’.. it always was… when the elitist imbeciles talk of eugenics they just mean murdering the people they don’t like…
so it all relates to survival of the fittest ‘mind’… (or the richest imbecile with the largest stock of hired goons)….
because it seems to me that a third of the world has just won the ‘Darwin’ award’…. I suppose one could term it…
suicide by ignorance.. which of course is the biggest killer of all time…
I’m the old eugenic parlance – it was an IQ test.
It really is, survival is the goal but living while you’re still alive is the key to remaining in perfect peace in your inner man. Fear is the killer and Faith is the cure. I know people who are triple’d up and wearing 2 masks right now alone in their car and also know, that all hope is lost for them. Loved one or not, I refuse to support a suicidal nature, I still have the ‘preservation of my own life’ gene fully intact and seek only those who have the same.
Finally, the term ‘racist’ actually works here, I’m being racist on a species level, not skin color or social status. That’s all illusory anyways, we’re the human race at the end of the day. I’m now literally avoiding any and all who worship and support this biogenocide, in all its aspects. They aren’t human anymore anyways and no longer have human rights so, if they have a problem with that, they should talk to their new owner – BillGates. I get some people messed up and took it and repent of it now and say how wrong they were, and are suffering immeasurable adverse effects, but they now have this species ending protocol coursing through their veins, so that’s between them and God.
This all reminds me of the predictive programming 80s movie, “The Thing”, pretty soon, we’ll have rebel vaxx-free zones hidden deep in the bush where you have to take a BloodTest to gain entry and prove you’re not the ‘Thing’. That movie also depicted the ‘Thing’ as a ‘Hyrdra’ tentacled organism that devours its host from the inside-out and mimics it to near perfection until of course, it malfunctions and can’t fool the real humans any longer.
The ‘Thing’ was also a hived-mind system as well, not like bees that have intelligent design DNA, more like a computer hooked up to a network – just taking orders. The entire purpose of the ‘Thing’ was total annihilation of its host, the human species being the primary target, but it even body-snatched the dog’s DNA and turned it into the ‘Thing’.
If not for those pesky strange human things we call ’emotions’, we’d never be able to identify these creatures. When you hear them talking about murdering people based on genetic make-up and calling it ‘$cience’, it’s because they’re not human.
” I know people who are triple’d up and wearing 2 masks right now alone in their car and also know, that all hope is lost for them.”
Yes and did you know that they also have their windows up, wear a space suit with helmet and feed artificial food through a tube. My little quip. Just a joke – just!
Looks like our virtue signallers are beginning to experience the law of diminishing returns. No-one, well not many, are into that covid crap any more. Now they are just beginning to look like the idiots they always were.
+ 1
Well said!
Just so, Rhys. ‘Fittest’ only means able by pure genetic happenstance to do well in current conditions, and thus survive longer, to sire more offspring than those less accidentally fitted to thrive. In strict ecological terms, no moral stance is implied; it’s all just random chance.
Fortunately, hom-sap are as crap at doing the eugenics tosh as we are at doing anything effectual about our current population-overshoot. This innate incompetence will see to it that the normal evolutionary processes go on fitting us to our environment, without much in the way of interference from our meddling. This arrangement is scheduled to continue automatically, however planetary conditions may happen to evolve into the future, until – again by pure happenstance – the ambient support for our sort of life-form finally breaks down and disappears; when we shall do likewise – at least in this incarnatory form… 🙂
Please don’t knock Darwin who was originally destined for the priesthood. He was as horrified by Evolution as any other kindly man would be; but as a scientist he had a duty to be true to the facts:
“How blind, blundering, wasteful and unspeakably cruel are the workings of Nature … yet, from this gradual process [of incremental compound interest] while the Earth was spinning around, arose Beings most wonderful” — Charles Darwin, Epilogue to “Origin of the Species”, Harvard Edition.
in any case, eugenics ain’t evolution.
Talking of eugenics how widely is it known that our lovely Duke of Edinburgh was an extreme eugenicist. In 1988 he openly opined that ”“In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.”
Of course it was just a joke – wasn’t it?!
”Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, to Deutsche Presse-Agentur, August 1988
of course 😉
Somebody advocating a scientific theory without having any vaguely convincing idea of how it worked deserves to be knocked. Darwin himself admitted his explanation, what he called pangenesis, was highly unsatisfactory and it was rapidly consigned to the dustbin of history.
Darwinism may explain the survival of the fittest; it doesn’t explain the arival of the fittest. It doesn’t fit the facts of the fossil record as neo-Darwinists have admitted for some time. Species exist for long periods of time with micro-evolutionary adjustments to local conditions but no macro-evolution into different species and then there seem to be mass die-offs and new species emerge seemingly from nowhere.
The idea that dinosaurs evolved into birds is outright mockery. Dr Olson of the Smithsonian called it “hype, wishful thinking, propaganda, nonsense fantasia, and a hoax” and the ornithologist Alan Feduccia wrote “the theropod origin of birds, in my opinion, will be the greatest embarrassment of palaeontology of the C20th”. The dating of rocks is another area where there is a chasm beween the popular image put forward by the media and the reality acknowledged by scientists.
“Somebody advocating a scientific theory without having any vaguely convincing idea of how it worked deserves to be knocked.”
On the contrary, science is short of theories. It takes an extraordinary mind to come up with the theory that higher animals evolved from simpler animals which arose in the sea. Or the theory that higher elements arose from the simpler elements in water. Or that “material” elements are basically forms of energy. These three ideas were proposed thousands of years ago by Thales and Heraclitus. Or the theory that “matter” is composed of waves the way music is; this was proposed by a Rameau, a musician who lived hundreds of years ago.
All three theories were knocked — but, being good theories, they survived the knocks. Darwin’s and Wallace’s theory of speciation by incremental adaptation to changing environment, and eventual dominance of favourable strains via the law of compound interest are in that class.
Science itself is an evolutionary process: the propounder of a new idea does not have to know how it works. 200 years ago Faraday propounded his idea of Electro-Magnetic “tubes of force”; Boltzmann used to tear his hair trying to put Faraday’s idea into equations; young Maxwell succeeded partially; Heavyside tidied up Maxwell’s equations considerably; Dirac quantized Maxwell beautifully — “the best theory ever”. Today we use these ideas but still don’t know how “it” works.
“The truth rarely if ever convinces its opponents. It simply outlives them” — Max Planck.
The only fault in Darwin’s outlook that I can see is, that he did not lay sufficient emphasis on the survival advantage of Mutual Cooperation Societies — a deficiency that was soon remedied by the great Russian evolutionist, Prince Kropotkin.
I remember reading somewhere that Darwin proposed that survival went not to the ‘fittest’, but to the most adaptable. I may be wrong, but this makes sense to me, the fittest would have to be the most adaptable to changing circumstances, wouldn’t they?
Also, I loved reading the “Aquatic Ape” by Elaine Morgan who proposed that humans are related to marine mammals and primates. This talk she gave in 2009 is logical and humorous. Of course, she and her theory were ridiculed by the male scientific establishment who just carried on with their old theories of evolution. Her book is no longer in print.
Darwinian evolution is hokus pocus black magic, just like conjuring up numbers such as ‘millions or billions of years’. It’s a spell that put grown intelligent people in a childlike state which compels them to accept ideas that no rational mind could logically agree with.
There is no empirical or scientific way anyone can remotely know what happened millions of year ago or what an object ‘located’ billions of miles away really is. Yet no one in the science world is willing to face this anomaly and is only able to react emotionally and often aggressively against the one pointing it out.
Darwinism is great when the old justifications don’t wash anymore. Strength and power are the only virtues – the PTB are there because they are the fittest! It’s a great “scientific” cover for the haves to justify themselves.
“Eugenics and Other Evils” by GK Chesterton, 1922. Prescient.
Who will guard the Guardians of this New Religion?
We’re entrained to think of Darwinism as a scientific theory but it really never was – it’s an ideology.
The amusing thing about it is that “woke” types who believe they’re all about peace and love are its greatest adherents. Their view of the whole universe is one of dog-eat-dog competition where the weak do and should go to the wall. They have no basis for any restraint on the will to power of the strong.
“What? Are you some sort of Fundamentalist?” That’s how this works…
it’s called shadow. that does not mean that issues, or evolution ain’t real. nor was it suervival of the fittest, but adaptation in sync with environment.
The survival of the fittest means those that adapt in sync with environment survive. (thrive).
Being fit & healthy doesnt mean you can survive in Antarctica
i did not say we can, not overnight anyways. we are seeing the aquarian shadow/the collective subconscious. i recommend jung, and the writings of jessica davidson.
In 1933 The German Psychoanalytic Society began secretly expelling its Jewish members, and by 1936 formally merged with the German Institute for Psychological Research and Psychotherapy, also called the Goring Institute, given that its director. Mathias Heinrich Goring was a cousin of the Nazi Reichsmarshal Herman Goring. M H Goring wrote “the society assumes of all members who are active as writers or speakers that they have worked through in all scientific earnest Adolf Hitler’s fundamental work ‘Mein Kampf’ and that they acknowledge it as the basis of their work.” Carl Jung was the Editor of the Society’s Zentralblatt fur Psychotherapie, in which for the very first issue he wrote ‘That there are actual differences between Germanic and Semitic psychology has long been known to intelligent people. These differences are no longer going to be obliterated..”
Bernd Nitzschke. International Forum of Psychoanalysis 12, 2003., 98-108
(In Defense of Wilhelm Reich. James DeMeo.2013)
Agreed. As Darwin said, the most adaptable are the fittest.
My knowledge of Darwin’s ideas is mostly second hand. But of the second hand stuff most use ‘fit’ as in ‘fit and healthy’ compared to ‘weak’. My assumption is that Darwin most likely meant ‘fit’ as it’s used in ‘a perfect fit’, well fitted to, integrated into an environment / ecological niche’.
The ideas of Malthus, and Darwin come to us mainly through an upper class / elite’s self-justification prism.
When i look at all those with MONEY – the Bill Gates Rich – given a choice of biting down on a cyanide capsule or staying alive in a world full of Bill Gates Rich like people – i’d take the cyanide, for sure (But only if i dont get RICH in the meantime.)
It’s not real. Adaptation is real. Evolution is not. It’s absurd. It’s unproven like germ theory, viruses and the faux climate emergency. Zero scientific evidence. The minute one examines these claims the fraud reveals itself.
Clearly we are not evolving we are devolving. People walking around in masks, injecting themselves with poison to prevent invisible molecules (nobody has ever found) from making them ill, believing anything with images and words blared out from behind a screen, must be truth. Trading worthless paper with each other, backed by their own birth certificates and CUSIP numbers. Debt slaves for life, with no real “understanding” of their legal status.
That’s how dumb and servile humans are. It’s truly sad. People in my own family are so infantile, so brainwashed, so uninformed, yet believe themselves to be highly intelligent, rational, educated and successful.
No matter how many times I try to explain the most basic concepts about how scams and cons work, through consensus and fraud, not facts or science, they can’t grasp that they have so many false beliefs because they want to be where the consensus (herd) is, because that makes them feel safe.
The herd mentality of needing to believe in majority opinions or beliefs keeps people stuck in line to the slaughterhouse. They are in a mind prison. A matrix of illusion. They cannot think laterally or outside the box. They can’t use logic, they don’t know how to reason and they believe anyone that disagrees or questions consensus opinion is irrational. They won’t question authority or consensus.
yes. adaptation, not “evolution” spot on.
so is Edwige.
and we are certanly devolving, totally agree. Regression would be improvement, devolving is decline, so we go.
“Adaption” ? Is that adaption to planet Earth, ie, were we grown in test-tubes somewhere else and transplanted to this planet ? Humans, being so adaptable, will they readily adapt to the New World Order ? If they are devolving doesnt that suggest they’ll easily adapt to NWO. If so, let’s give up, as resistance is futile !
Good point!
Also IMO, it’s a mistake leaving out the social context in which eugenicist ideas flourished in modern times; it was in the XIXth century, at a time the Industrial Revolution was booming, with scientific breakthroughs and technical innovations. There are always social and economic considerations and prejudices lurking behind what the believers in eugenics claim to be concerned about, and being fit would mean being up to date with “Progress” in every aspect, the aesthetic and the genetic considerations being secondary; it doesn’t really matter in practice if one’s aesthetic look or genetic stock don’t correspond to what the Western ideas consider desirable, as long as you are willing to integrate the big crazy machine of Capital that materializes “Progress”.
“Progress” is the standard against which the social, the economic, and the political are measured; and if one fails to adapt to the ever-increasing speed with which “Progress” is changing the world, then one is considered not fit to live in the world.
But “Progress” is an ambiguous word, meaning only a “step ahead” that might be toward the edge of a cliff or toward human emancipation; the problem is twofold: first, those in position of bringing changes to the world, only concerned by maintaining an economic system alive, can’t care about the long-term implications of these changes; and second, “Progress” is an amnesiac creature, always looking ahead, and blind to all the previous steps, so that if you can’t keep up with its advance, good luck to you.
And “Progress” being connected with power, that decides what kind of changes are allowed and what not, so “being fit” in general is a subjective idea. In this context, all those who are wearing masks and abiding to the “authorities” would be considered from the “authorities'” point of view as fit to participate in social life because they adapted to the “new world”, whereas us, “stuck” in the past are the troglodytes.
The lady that personifies “Progress” in John Gast’s 1872 painting “American Progress”, looks decidedly ahead in her hurried march, followed by everyone, the fit. “Follow me or perish”, she seems to think.
i know 🙁 i’ve barely anyone irl and might just have lost the man i love over this ”war” thing, what the fauxdemic did not achieve. he was just sort of getting it a bit.
and all his friends believe the same and persuaded him to take the shot, which made him sick, but still.
how i wish i were like them though instead of abandoned and alone.
I know it’s hard. It’s difficult to bear. But you can’t sacrifice yourself, your integrity, your courage, your honor, or the truth in order to avoid being alone. How are you going to take care of someone if you are ill too? If you take the shots and wear a mask? It’s not going to end. The concessions and loss of rights will escalate, year after year.
You can’t stay silent while they wash their hands, social distance, buy a Ukrainian mini flag or a bumper sticker, and watch CNN with bated breath, making scornful comments about vax protestors.
And do you really want to live with someone who just can’t see through the scams, cons and encroaching tyranny? Who may have poisoned themselves? Irreparably? You don’t want to watch him physically deteriorate, while he is still stuck in his cognitive dissonance and denial. That’s no life for you or anyone.
Sometimes we have to let people go, so we can live. So we can thrive. We have to form new communities with likeminded individuals. The more we wallow in negativity (which is really what the controllers want) the more anxiety we create, and the more susceptible we become to illness, depression, suicide or submission. Find something positive to do everyday. A gratitude journal. A walk in the park. Paint, listen to music. Take up a hobby. Learn a language or a new skill. Think of this as a turning point, and an opportunity. To be more independent and self actualizing.
I second what Researcher says about it being hard, and difficult to bear.
What makes the current situation different from other political disputes is the fact that the worst people in the world are basically advertizing their intentions quite openly now.
This isn’t a battle of opinions.
It’s a struggle against a great evil which wishes to enslave mankind.
I reckon we are therefore all faced with having to look at what really exists around us now.
I hope you won’t think me unfeeling, but it can happen that the man, or woman, we love today can turn out to be not at all the partner who is ideal for us. In other words, not a good soul-mate.
I’m 75 and it took me 57 of those years, including a divorce at 49 and a silly infatuation at 53, to find my soul-mate.
I don’t feel I particularly deserved it, but I was lucky.
My wife is not on the same wavelength as me in politics, and I sometimes have to bite my tongue, but I think the reason we survive is that we don’t insist that everything has to be connected to politics.
For me, the current world situation is an appalling catastrophe, but my private life, including my work – which is also a passionate hobby – is not a catastrophe at all.
Again, for that, I feel lucky, but I also recommend that everyone find something to be passionately creative with.
Our innate human creativity is stronger than any Schwabian “New Freakish Abnormal”… and we just happen to be living at a time when all our genuine human resources are being put to the test.
My parents’ generation had other problems to endure, but their lives were much simpler. For us, this is tough, and complex.
As Jordan Peterson put it, “It’s a slaughterhouse.”
I think all our perceptive commenters here must be experiencing many moments when they feel very alone, but there is frankly something rather wonderful about the thought that thousands of people can feel very alone – yet they obviously feel it together.
There’s a spiritual dimension to that, which is of course more real than covid, or ‘Putin under the bed’, ever was.
Be well, sabelmouse.
Something within our experience knows what it is doing far better than we do, and learning to trust it seems to be one of the trials of our lives.
You are definitely not alone.
I’m going to say something unpopular these days and unfortunately I get flak most times I say it, but here goes. Put your trust in the Lord our God and through the intercession of his son Jesus.
Man cannot save man, we’ve been struggling with this since the Fall and still not realise it, there is no saving the world, there will always be death and decay. So many intelligent people cannot grasp this concept that for thousands of years it’s been the exact same as it is today and it will continue to be. So there is no reason to feel overwhelmed for the failings of this world.
The battle starts within not without, fighting our own weaknesses and demons. It is not our job to ‘awaken’ anyone, we can only point out the truth and admonish bad behaviour, if someone chooses to cover their faces in a mask or inject themselves don’t hate them but see in them a hurting soul. Don’t forget the powerful will also die, just like everyone else, and that’s when the real story begins.
Nicely done. Exactly. Slaves who love their servitude are destined for the dustbin of history, but free men will always overcome. The battle for the soul is fought in the mind. We do not follow the cattle into the slaughterhouse or bow before the hunter, we have been set at liberty and that makes us infamous.
This is why Eugenics (the worship of death), is doomed to failure. These inbred demon possessed wastes of skin who call themselves the ‘chosen’, sacrifice their own souls, anything they say should be treated as the hotgarbage it is, and those who follow them are just prey.
The whole family/friend thing lost to this grand delusion is probably the most shocking aspect for me, I always thought I was surrounded by truly enlightened men and women, and have come to find, I was the only one among them who cherishes my own soul. Shame really. Witnessing their self-sacrifice has put a whole new light on evolution for me, we are in a devolution period for sure, but it’s unsustainable, the bottom will fall out, soon.
They won’t question authority because they now serve the, “I’ll take as many shotz I’m supposed to,” death cult. They hate the Truth and hate those who love it, sharing your wisdom with them now is like expecting mercy from a fiend. They are dangerous now, they will turn on you if needs be. We need to unlearn more things than accepting new ones, letting go of the things that don’t benefit us, because a time is coming, where being a Pure will be illegal.
As the old adage goes, “A man shall not be known by his words alone, but also by his deeds.” If they don’t match-up, you are standing in front of your enemy, who likely wants you to perish the same way he did – with your consent. Act accordingly.
“We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”~ James Paul Warburg
Indeed. The irony in that last quote is they’ve had world conquest from time immemorial.
“And once you are awake, you shall remain awake eternally.” Friedrich Nietzsche
If evolution is not real does that mean that the Adam & Eve story (c) – that two naked adult humans suddenly appeared on the planet by Gods wave of a wand, and :poof !”- is real ? Is evolution just a story about a lot of old bones ? If not a “poof !” by God, if not a story based on a lot of old bones, did Aliens seed this planet with humans ? A little bit of help would help !
Great and helpful comments above.
I don’t have any answers to the ‘it’s all fake’. Just opinion and stubborn hope.
This forum might provide a little bit of help, some good researchers on there.
That’s all astrotheology. The Bible and Old Testament are astrological allegories, retold that existed in multiple civilizations, predating Judeo-Christian writings, based on sun worship and the zodiac.
Do I know who or what is our creator, or how we all came to be? No. I really don’t. There’s no scientific evidence our ancestors crawled out of the mud, or that we are related to monkeys. There’s no science or fossil that shows any real evolutionary step. Epigenetic, or adaptive changes are made at the cellular level, changing our phenotype, rather than our genotype.
Blurb from the back cover of ‘The Age of Myth’ by Tom Chetwynd. (1991):
The Bronze Age as Cradle of the Unconscious.
The oldest literature – the first words of civilized man to reach us – reveal a symbolic world view, a mythological perspective. From them we get a glimpse of a time when the human psyche was still largely governed by dreams and visions. They provide valuable insights into the long formative period of the Unconscious. The Ancient Near East was the cradle of the unconscious mind, where humanity’s creative imagination found full expression for the first time. It was also where the modern conscious ego, with its intellectual bias, showed the first signs of mature development. In between these two psychological events lies the Age of Myth.
Egyptian, Greek and other Semite myths throw new light on a cycle of Hebrew myth underlying a tradition that is at the root of the major living religions of the West. This cycle of myth appears to have been based firmly on the zodiac – a universal ancient cult in which the Hebrews shared, with their twelve tribes corresponding to the twelve celecstial signs.
This period of history is the lost childhood of mankind, partly forgotten, partly repressed and derided by the intellect, but still surviving in the depths of the Unconscious, waiting to be retrieved like the Golden Fleece or the Grail.
These things move in cycles. What was held to be immutable set of ‘facts’ is held to be mumbo-jumbo in another age. It takes a massive shock to jolt the population out of its torpor. The First World for example. How many royal families disappeared or were violently disposed of as a result of the carnage. As I remember they were the Habsburgs, the Hohenzollerns the Romanovs the Ottomans (unfortunately we got stuck with the Windsors). Revolutions were in the air all over Europe, but things stabilized until the next Big Bang came along – World War Two. Now in 2022 things might be headed for another transcontinental collision. Tranquility and Peace are routinely and rudely interrupted by war and chaos, and this is where we are about now. Enjoy the goods bits 1950-2000 when it was possible, its all downhill from now on.
I see those as orchestrated, coordinated, planned hoaxes. Not revolutions. So we have a different perspective on history. I don’t think they ever, assassinate or murder their own. Ever. They are all related. Look at pictures of the last Czar (Romanov) and pictures of the Queen’s father and uncle. It’s all one family. They just move them somewhere else in Europe, stage a fake revolution, and hey presto… governments instead of monarchies with far more power over the people than previously. It’s not believable. I see a pattern of hoaxing. And once you really see it, you can’t unsee it.
Covid is eugenics in action: Only the sufficiently sapient will recognise it as such, and thus evade its deselection.
Someone wanted the following ‘bulletproof’ idea disseminated, attributing it to Jacques Attali (1981).
I looked on Edgar they are simply de-listing some bonds:
0.250% Notes due 2022
Attali eh? Ok I get where your come from now.
Thanks for the hint.
Sad part is we here don’t know if we are on the list of the culled. Maybe Rona shots was for the sheep they need to keep them afloat and we the free thinkers who didn’t get the jab will somehow fall to the wayside as it were. Anyways we’re all kind of fucked in the end
i recommend the writing of jessica davidson.
Assume you are if you don’t know………..
Not to worry – everyone who is not one of the “to be culled” list makers is on the list. They alone are “safe”; this is one of the perks of being batshit crazy.
The killshotz were always designed for Agenda21DepopulationProgram, always. As many dead as possible, upto 6.5 billion is optimal to these psychos atop the pyramid. Those who survive the Luciferian initiation, will be maimed and thus easily controllable via the socialcreditscore apparatus. BigPharma is not in existence for human health, hospitals require the sick to remain operational. Supply and demand. It’s counter productive to make medicines which cure people, they would be out of business with a model like that – they made billions off this biogenocide.
Those of us who didn’t succumb to the devil’s juice, are now deemed enemies and will be treated as such when they flip the switch. All these things must be, but the end is not yet. Be of good cheer, better to save your soul and lose the world than lose your soul and gain this whole rotting dying world. There is no choice for those of us who know the Truth – never take the devil’s juice.
As far as they’re concerned, we’re just putty in their greedy, grasping, bloody hands.
This has been allowed to happen by the hard of thinking complying with government edicts. I have now given up arguing with idiots about the covid bollocks as they are still wondering why, with their heads buried in the sand, they get repeatedly fucked up the arse. I have come to the conclusion that these people deserve what’s coming.
There’s still something really sad about watching the stupid suffering.
It’s not so very different from watching children make mistakes and get badly hurt.
I suppose my venom is mainly reserved for those who are proud of their stupidity – and of course there are plenty of those to go round…