10 Reasons to Question the “Putin vs Davos” Narrative

Ryan Matters

The recent Russian invasion of Ukraine has garnered a lot of attention from both the mainstream and alternative media.

There are plenty of theories floating around about what’s really going on, the true reason behind the invasion and the true motives and allegiances of Russian President, Vladimir Putin.

Among this entangled mess of assertions, ill-conceived opinions and downright false assumptions is a certain theory that has gained traction in alt media circles, and that is the idea that Putin is some kind of saviour, and that his moves in Ukraine represent an attack against the Western, globalist elite.

When I first saw this claim circulating on the web, the immediate thought that came to my mind is that this must have originated with the QAnon crowd. You see, in the Q-niverse, Vladimir Putin is one of the good guys and he is given the same messiah status as the God-king himself, Donald Trump.

Many of the QAnon “decoders” are still very active online and they are the driving force behind the Russia-went-into-Ukraine-to-save-us-from-the-biolabs theory, itself a curious idea that seemed to have originated on Twitter, and was ardently censored before circulating widely in the alternative media.

Recently, Victoria Nuland, the US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, admitted that Ukraine houses “biological research facilities” and expressed concern that Russia would commandeer them. Um… Okay. Anyone else think this narrative seems eerily similar to the whole Covid lab-leak hypothesis?

In both cases, the theories have followed a similar life-cycle:

  1. Originated at the beginning of the event but exact origins unclear
  2. Widely promoted in alternative circles
  3. Heavily censored on social media and denounced by fact-checkers
  4. Finally accepted into the mainstream narrative

In my article on the Q phenomenon, I endorsed the idea that Q was actually a military intelligence Psy-op being run from within the Western intelligence establishment. This is an idea I derived from the excellent research of Bernard Grover, Joseph Farrell and Catherine Austin-Fitts.

Although ‘Q’ the entity hasn’t posted anything for over a year, I don’t believe that such a sophisticated operation merely vanished into thin air.

In fact, I have a hunch that the powers behind Q learned everything they needed to learn about how information circulates in alternative circles and are now using that data to “poison the well” as it were by subtly introducing bits and pieces of misinformation into the picture in an effort to infiltrate and discredit alternative media. However, that is a subject for another article altogether.

Suffice it to say that many people are pushing the idea that Putin is trying to fight back against the Western globalist elite, thereby implying he is NOT on board with the overarching WEF technocratic control agenda.

However, the facts seem to indicate otherwise. Here are ten reasons to question the “Putin vs Davos” narrative.


Russia played along with the Covid-19 nonpandemic just like most other countries in the world. They even developed their own vaccine called “Sputnik V”.

The vaccine was created by the Russian Health Ministry’s Gamaleya Center, an institution that describes itself as “the world’s leading research institution”, yet doesn’t even have enough money to install an elevator!

Sputnik V uses an adenovirus vector to transport synthetic genetic material into cells, causing the cell’s machinery to manufacture the viral “spike protein” (so they say). Although different from mRNA technology, vaccines utilizing Adenovirus vectors are arguably still a form of gene therapy (“Ad” vectors have been used as gene delivery vehicles since the introduction of gene therapy).

So yes, Russia’s vaccine is based on the same transhumanist technology that all the other injections use. In fact, according to Gamaleya’s director, Alexander Gintsburg, there are no significant differences between Sputnik V and the adenovirus-based vaccine produced by the Oxford-AstraZeneca bunch.

Furthermore, in December 2020, Russia’s Gamaleya research centre signed a “memorandum of cooperation” with AstraZeneca, in the “fight against COVID-19”. Not only did Putin participate in the signing ceremony, he stated that he was

absolutely convinced that such an attitude towards partnership today can serve as a good, convincing example of combining scientific forces, technologies, investments for a common goal – to protect the life, health and safety of millions of people on the planet as a whole.”

(Let’s not forget the links between the Oxford-AstraZeneca researchers, the Wellcome Trust and the British eugenics society).

Putin himself has openly endorsed both Russia’s vaccine as well as their peculiar “intranasal vaccination” booster.

That brings us to the second point…


The developers of Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine have conducted join trials not only with AstraZeneca but with Pfizer and Moderna as well!

In October 2021 Kirill Dmitriev, head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), said that he thought the Pfizer and Sputnik injections would be “a very successful combination”. One of Sputnik V’s lead developers also voiced his support for the rollout of foreign vaccines in Russia.

Just recently, this March, Russian pharmaceutical company R-Pharm applied for registration of the AstraZeneca Vaccine in Russia. This comes off the back of a new report published by the RDIF claiming amazing benefits from combining “Sputnik Lite” and the UK-Swedish AstraZeneca shot.

For more information on these two points, I highly recommend checking out Edward Slavsquat’s blog.


Russia was an early adopter of vaccination passports. By early 2021, residents were able to receive a Covid passport, proving their vaccination status. The passes contain a QR code that can be scanned at various venues and allow residents to receive discounts and other benefits.

The passports remained voluntary for some time, until, in November 2021, the Moscow Times reported that:

The Russian government said Friday it had submitted to parliament two bills that will introduce mandatory health passes to access restaurants and public transport, amid a new wave of coronavirus cases.”

According to the article, the new legislation was aimed at “boosting Russia’s sluggish immunization rates amid strong anti-vaccination sentiment”. Sounds familiar.

The measure is supposedly in place until June 1, 2022.


This year the Bank of Russia began piloting their “digital ruble”, its version of a central bank digital currency. The central bank also called for a total ban on cryptocurrencies, stating that the digital ruble would become an alternative to decentralized coins.

Three banks in Russia are already supporting pilot transactions using their existing mobile app banking technology with nine more banks expected to join them soon.

If you’re unfamiliar with “central bank digital currencies”, they are a centralized form of digital, programmable money, issued and controlled by the central banks, allowing for complete surveillance across all transactions, giving the banks the ability to control who can spend what and where.

In other words, the introduction of CBDCs is a key part of the technocratic control grid that the WEF globalists seek to construct and Russia is fully on board with the plan.


Like most countries around the world, Russia instituted a draconian lockdown as a measure to “fight” the Covid-19 “pandemic”. The initial lockdown began in April 2020 and lasted approximately six weeks.

Russia’s capital, Moscow instituted another lockdown in October 2021 and also ordered all unvaccinated citizens over 60 to remain home for four months. Four months!

Granted, Russia’s lockdowns haven’t been as long or as many as certain other countries. However, according to the Covid-19 Stringency Index, Russia’s Covid-19 measures were just as strict as their Western counterparts and sometimes more so.

In other words, Russia played along with the phoney pandemic narrative.


Last month, Russia and China issued a joint statement on “international relations entering a new era and the global sustainable development”, in which they expressed support for globalization, Agenda 21, vaccines, pandemic control, financing for climate change, the digital economy and more.

Here are some key snippets from the report (emphasis added):

The ongoing pandemic of the new coronavirus infection poses a serious challenge to the fulfilment of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It is vital to enhance partnership relations for the sake of global development and make sure that the new stage of global development is defined by balance, harmony and inclusiveness…”

In order to accelerate the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the sides call on the international community to take practical steps in key areas of cooperation such as poverty reduction, food security, vaccines and epidemics control, financing for development, climate change, sustainable development, including green development, industrialization, digital economy, and infrastructure connectivity.”


Russian President, Vladimir Putin has “long-standing, friendly relations” with former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

According to Kremlin Spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, Putin and Kissinger “communicate all the time”, taking the opportunity to  “discuss pressing international issues as well as exchange opinions on global perspectives”.

Apparently, Kissinger has been a frequent guest in Russia since Putin took over in 2000. In 2007, Putin appointed Kissinger to co-chair a bilateral “working group” aimed at improving US-Russia relations.

Kissinger and the team that accompanied him to Moscow were all high-level members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), one of the prominent Western “think tanks” leading the charge for a New World Order. Kissinger is also a member of the Bilderberg Group and the Bohemian Club.


Putin has been attending events organized by the WEF since the early 1990s.

Just last year, WEF head Klaus Schwab invited Putin to give a special address at the WEF annual meeting (held in digital Davos).

During his address, Putin called for more testing and vaccines as measures to combat the coronavirus, stating that

It is essential to join and coordinate the efforts of the world in countering the spread of the virus and making the much needed vaccines more accessible. We need to help the countries that need support, including the African nations. I am referring to expanding the scale of testing and vaccinations.”

He then went on to emphasize the role of central banks in rebuilding global economies “affected by the pandemic”, in what was seemingly an endorsement of Schwab’s Great Reset agenda:

So, the key question today is how to build a programme of actions in order to not only quickly restore the global and national economies affected by the pandemic, but to ensure that this recovery is sustainable in the long run, relies on a high-quality structure and helps overcome the burden of social imbalances. Clearly, with the above restrictions and macroeconomic policy in mind, economic growth will largely rely on fiscal incentives with state budgets and central banks playing the key role.”

Schwab even claimed that Putin was a member of his “Young Global Leaders” program, graduates of which include Justin Trudeau, Angela Merkel, Tony Blair, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Emmanuel Macron.

However, apart from Schwab having said so, there is no other evidence to support this claim, and Putin would have been too old to join when the program was launched anyway.

So, did Schwab just make a mistake? The man is in his 80s so it’s understandable if he did, or was his slip a sign that the two share a rather close relationship? Putin did begin his WEF address with an intimate “Dear Klaus” after all…


Kit Knightly at OffGuardian recently published an article titled “Ukraine crisis accelerating rise of Central Bank Digital Currencies”, highlighting the fact that governments around the world are developing and trialling CBDCs.

As stated earlier, CBDCs would give the state absolute control by allowing them to track individual transactions, restrict people’s spending and ensure people only purchase goods and services that the state deems to be acceptable.

As Knightly rightly points out,

Western governments are currently declaring financial war on dozens of private citizens who have not been charged – let alone convicted – of any crime, just because of their nationality. It’s being done under the guise of “punishing dirty Russians”, but what can be done to an oligarch can be done to anyone.”


Part of the globalist agenda is the destruction of the current economy, allowing for the introduction of a new economic system (the “Great Reset”), one based on CBDCs, surveillance and run by artificial intelligence.

As I said in a previous post,

“The elites dress it up with buzzwords and catch-phrases like “sustainable development” and “inclusivity”, but at the end of the day, the “great reset” is about the creation of a digital surveillance state run on artificial intelligence where we all transact with “central bank digital currencies” (that can be fully tracked and traced).”

Putin’s war in Ukraine is aiding this goal by helping to further destabilize the world economy and destroy the middle class (exactly what COVID was meant to do).

Sky News is reporting that an increase in food prices is “inevitable” due to the rising costs of fertilizer, animal feed and fuel, raising concern for food security in the UK. Likewise, the New York Times reported that “Russia’s war is raising gas prices and roiling financial markets”.

According to the article,

If the effective closing of Russian financial markets and rising commodity prices lead to a steeper stock market decline, or have other, unexpected consequences, the Fed will be in a tough place. It is moving toward tightening monetary conditions but might have to reverse itself and engage in another rescue operation, as it did in March 2020.”

This comes alongside predictions of a recession in Europe. And there are plenty of other reasons why this war favours the Great Reset agenda.


At this stage, the Russia-Ukraine situation is a minefield of conflicting narratives, disinformation and dodgy reporting.

All we can do is look at the facts and try to piece together a picture of what may be happening… and when we do, it’s rather clear that the “Putin vs Davos” narrative fails to hold up.

Ryan Matters is a writer and free thinker from South Africa. After a life-changing period of illness, he began to question mainstream medicine, science and the true meaning of what it is to be alive. Ryan is also the founder of NewBraveWorld.org where he posts a selection of his essays related to topics such as science, philosophy, medicine, spirituality and current events. You can also follow him on Twitter.
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John Taylor
John Taylor
Apr 4, 2022 6:45 PM

A few years ago in Uruguay I met a Russian/American woman with a heavy accent who is what I considered to be the brightest woman I ever met. She was really tuned in to what was going on. I asked her if she believed that Putin was part of the New World Order plans and she looked at me as if she couldn’t believe I was asking such a stupid question. Her answer “of course”.
Most normies don’t get any of it, believing cancel, culture, an education system, that doesn’t teach anything but a degeneration of moral principles and gender fluidity, a governmental system (executive, legislative and judicial all corrupt and a religious institutions that are all captive and corporations like Pfizer and Military Industrial companies that dictate government policies. The same forces preach diversity and in the classrooms of the west they teach critical race theory (hate the white person he is the only racist in society).
We are taught to hate Russia who helps rig elections and interfere in US politics. Does Russia tell Canada, Europe, the US and Australia to open the gates to mass immigration. Does Russia legislate vaccinations that depopulate.
The real enemy of humanity is the KM who controls the central banks and funds the corruption. Wake up people. The only confusing piece in the puzzle was whether Russia was insulated from this.
There are lots of KM (Khazarian Mafia) in Russia and other nations who have the money and power to buy everyone off. Who were the Bolsheviks. Not a trick question. They were the KM in the flesh. Believe they are long gone. Think again.
The Bolsheviks never disappeared, they have just become more stealthy and sophisticated and refined the propaganda. Their goal is to cull the population back to 500 million and they will succeed.

Apr 4, 2022 1:48 PM

This article is “That was Then” but is not really addressing “This is now” Sort of apples and oranges also. It doesn’t really address the DAVOS vs Putin narrative. Talks about things people should already be aware of. Not much use for this, but if your not aware of these things, then you are ignoring the “Trustem as far as you can throw him” thing.

Mar 26, 2022 10:45 AM

Putin doesn’t rule Russia single-handedly. Regional powers passed their own mandates (including the Moscow Mayor). There are definitely a globalist faction in Russia but whether he is one of them, I’m not sure is clear. He has definitely had to work with them. Things will become clearer now that he is cutting ties with the West, thus reducing the influence of those with Western support in Russia.

The vaccine passport legislation was suspended in January 2022. Coincidence?

I haven’t seen data on Russian vaccine injuries. Sputnik is still not licensed in a number of countries – is that because it doesn’t do the same job as the West’s vaccines, or is it simply a financial tactic?

Catherine Austin Fitts discussion with Karel van Wolfren is a must-see. He believes that the Ukraine military action & following sanctions is giving Putin the opportunity to do what he has wanted to do for some time, & take on the globalists. (http://lnkiy.in/mM4zN)


Mar 26, 2022 10:39 AM

Putin doesn’t rule Russia single-handedly. Regional powers passed their own mandates (including the Moscow Mayor). There are definitely a globalist faction in Russia but whether he is one of them, I’m not sure is clear. Things will become clearer now that he is cutting ties with the West, thus reducing the influence of those with Western support in Russia.
The vaccine passport legislation was suspended in January 2022. Coincidence?

I haven’t seen data on Russian vaccine injuries. Sputnik is still not licensed in a number of countries – is that because it doesn’t do the same job as the West’s vaccines, or is it simply a financial tactic?

Catherine Austin Fitts discussion with Karel van Wolfren is a must-see. He believes that the Ukraine military action & following sanctions is giving Putin the opportunity to do what he has wanted to do for some time, & take on the globalists. (First link below).




Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Mar 26, 2022 11:48 AM
Reply to  J D

There is no publicly available data on vaxx injuries in Russia. They do not provide any such database. I think at least some of the ‘pandemic’ legislation is still operational, is it not?

Mar 26, 2022 2:34 PM
Reply to  J D

Who knows but… if Putin indeed has decided to pull a Hitler on the banker clans a limited military operation against globalist central in Ukraine could serve to quickly expose globalist agent traitors. Some purging seems to be going on.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Mar 25, 2022 7:42 PM

Naturally the narrative fails to hold up. Its because there is no such direct narrative in the first place.

Trying to use current world events in an attempt to justify a thesis to an argument that does not exist is pure folly. In fact your article backs the absurdity up fairly well.

Square peg in a round hold fits if your like the current group of degenerate politicians that are destroying the West’s economies for the sake of their hatred for Russia over a plot of land that is neither a member of NATO nor a member of the EU.

The simple reality is that Ukraine represents a revolving door for laundering and misappropriating funds for the peasant class of politicians currently running the West.

To further believe that an aging and degenerate like Mr.Schwab could run such an agenda over these corrupt and greedy politicos is another wet dream.

Mr Putin is simply an ideal nationalist and he’s pissed off many in the West starting in 1999 when they tried their get rich schemes and got caught with their hands in the cookie jars and then some.

Ukraine for what ever you think it to be, will be in the end a precursor to the one fact that is real and that is the uncoupling of the US dollar as reserver currency and the emergence of a new financial axis.

Mar 26, 2022 4:12 AM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

Interesting my friend: you spent the majority of your post ridiculing the author only to come to the same conclusion in your final paragraph.j

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Mar 30, 2022 3:20 AM
Reply to  PJ

How so? The article nfers that we are heading towards a global government, but is lacking in mentioning the fiscal unification process at all. WHO will be in control of a central and global currency? This is a contradiction of the article. Yes, the method is starting to become visible (biopolitical security state) but there is no mention of the resolution of global antagonism.

Mar 25, 2022 5:00 PM

It is interesting to see how far various leaders go and in which direction. George “Evil Emperor” Soros has called for both Xi and Putin to be “replaced” but that ain’t likely any time soon. So my enemy’s enemy is my friend (at least for now).

What do the Putin, Xi & Biden regimes have in common? They are ALL pushing the “Digital ID” (formerly known as Vaccine Passport). It is the ultimate control grid and they are all salivating for it. Control freaks gonna control freak.

Trust no authority and keep fighting.

Mar 25, 2022 5:00 PM

What a pointless article (with many factual errors). Putin has never said he is taking on “Davos”. First you erect a straw man and then you tear it down….

There is a whole history in the Donbass and Crimea that has little to do with Davos. It’s tempting to view Davos, MICIMATT, EU and NATO as one big blob and I am sure there are many interconnections but equally there are many powerful interests slugging it out, often at cross-purposes to each other.

Mar 25, 2022 7:09 AM

Some of these points don’t seem valid to me – if read the list sanctions the EU are imposing on Russia it becomes clear that Russia has been excluded from all Western institutions including the world economic forum. In fact the western countries had already kicked Russia out from most of their organizations long before the war and were only imitating cooperations.

Russia was pushed into the the war in Ukraine by the US and Britain- they would have avoided it if they could or they would have waited another few years for Ukraine fall apart from the inside.

I do believe Russia has taken an anti-globalist position a long time ago. They have been preparing for complete western isolation – they are restructuring their economy to be self-sufficient, they will even restart building their own planes.

I don’t doubt the intelligence of the Russian medical brains – they have always done everything without having money for elevators.

To me the Russians are going their own way and they are focusing on their independence based on their own heritage and values. But that doesn’t mean they are not running their own agenda for control over the population, especially now that they teamed up with China.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Mar 25, 2022 7:16 AM
Reply to  Elena

You realize when you say “I do believe Russia has taken an anti-globalist position” you are contradicting their own public statements? They have affirmed their support for globalism just last month.

Mar 31, 2022 12:51 PM

Has Russia magically backed off from building a multipolar world or is globalism different to you from a unipolar world?

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Mar 31, 2022 1:41 PM
Reply to  Robcio

It’s been said on this site and in other places many times that globalism is not another word for empire. Globalism can be multi-focal. Please read the many articles discussing that on here and elsewhere

Mar 31, 2022 3:18 PM

> They have affirmed their support for globalism just last month.

May I ask for a link?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 24, 2022 4:15 PM

A Different Kind of War

Trump: “Wartime president” fighting “invisible enemy”

March 22, 2020: Coronavirus Task Force Briefing
[click any “time” link to go to video]

Donald Trump (03:39) . . . I think it’s going to be a tremendous day when we win this war. And we will win the war.

(04:24) We want to win the war with . . . as few number of deaths as possible. . . .

(20:16) But I want to say that I know that this is a challenging time for all Americans. We’re enduring a great national trial and we will prove that we can meet the moment. I want to assure the American people that we’re doing everything we can each day to confront and ultimately defeat this horrible invisible enemy. We’re at war. In a true sense, we’re at war. And we’re fighting an invisible enemy. Think of that.

(20:47) For those of you who are feeling alone and isolated, I want you to know that we are all joined together as one people eternally linked by our shared national spirit. We love our country, a spirit of courage and love and patriotism. No American is alone as long as we are united. And we are united, we’re very united. . . .

(21:16) No force is equal to the strength of really a unified America, united America, an America like we have it right now. For those worried and afraid, please know as long as I am your president, you can feel confident that you have a leader who will always fight for you. And I will not stop until we win. This will be a great victory. This is going to be a victory. And it’s going to be a victory that in my opinion, will happen much sooner than originally expected.

(21:50) It’s now attacking. The enemy is attacking 144 countries at this moment, 144 that’s unthinkable. There’s never been anything like this. And it’s vicious. It is vicious. . . . but we will be totally victorious . . .

(01:26:31) So it cost me billions of dollars to be President, and I am so happy I did it because who cares? Who cares? I’m really happy with the job we’re doing, and I’m glad that this team and me are here for this horrible thing. I mean, a number of people have said it, and I feel it actually. I’m a wartime President. This is a war. This is a war, different kind of a war that we’ve ever had. . . .

K Riemer
K Riemer
Mar 24, 2022 7:59 AM

Any of the topics are valid.. but it’s indeed incomplete. Klaus Schwab claims Putin a young new leader. But Mr. Putin was already past the maximum age once the YNL programme was created. However. He was attending occasionally the predecessor programme. What would have happened if Russia hadn’t cooperated in the “C19 P(l)andemic” ? Certain gov leaders leaders suddenly passed away, one barely survived barely a murder attempt. As of now, looking at a foreseeable future there is no one new world order. (At least not one with US lead) I see a new alliance raising but in the far east. The other demands like CBDC, Social Credit and other instruments. They re already on the dawn anyway (WEF or not WEF) and China has already imposed hefty control instruments. Western countries like it. So even if WEF not existed this will put in place. Mr. Putin utilizes what is there. There will be some kind of new world order. But perhaps a bit different than the people that are behind the WEF may have planned. For us – the common people – there is no difference. We re f**d anyway. So I do not consider Mr. Putin as a white knight in shining armour. Neither the other state leaders. Given power will most certainly be misused. Still there is no whole picture of what is going on now. In 2020 at the beginning of all this, I was told, 1. Pandemic, 2. War and then 3 at last economic crisis will force the people to bow to a new world order. 1, 2 became true, 3 is on the dawn already. Still I do not believe people will bow that fast. As of now I see 2 blocks cold war style and the western block will go down.. Next empire will be China.. and it will create the New World Order.

K. Cavan
K. Cavan
Mar 24, 2022 3:55 AM

I’ll confess, upfront, that I didn’t get very far in reading this, I’m a bit fed up with people setting Strawmen on fire, at this stage. Russia is fighting the GAE, the USA’s reaction is going to cost them their unipolar world order & Liberal Hegemony will end. Russia’s motivation is its own security but that’s irrelevant, every institution & political body I detest is against them. Their victory & the cataclysm that will ensue from the sanctions is a blow against my enemies. If you’re about to fight someone & a tiger pops up & kills them, you don’t ponder the tiger’s motivation, you just get gone while he chows down on your (former) enemy.

Mar 23, 2022 9:18 PM

Matthew Ehret has written a counter argument on this topic:
Are Russia and China in on the Great Reset? My Response to James Corbett

I respect the work of Corbett and Ehret in equal measures. And the popcorn-eating, geopolitics-as-entertainment-seeking part of me thinks this is an important debate, worth having in the alternative community. Would be nice to have Corbett and Ehret debate each other directly.

But another (more sincere) part of me is thinking: Why am I being nudged like a pawn into having to take an ideological position on an issue in which my position will not have any considerable effect on my life? Not living in Russia or China, the only thing I can think of where this issue would be relevant to my life is whether it would be more or less ethical to have a Chinese brand smart phone instead of a US brand (but equally made in China). And the answer to that is: that is a just an irrelevant distraction. In ethical terms it does not matter from which faction of the (pseudo-)multi-polar world it comes from. The ethical choice is whether or not to use one at all.

For people in the west (like me) this is like debating how many superpowers can dance on the head of a WEF pin.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 24, 2022 4:35 PM
Reply to  0use4msm

Thanks for the link. With regard to the following, I couldn’t be bothered picking through it, but if somebody could clarify, please do so below.

Matthew Ehret:
Corbett’s video advances the thesis that Russia and China are both controlled opposition to the western unipolar Great Reset Agenda and are actually in cahoots as part of a grand game to enslave the world. The principal device used by Corbett in this video are two February 4th Joint Statements (one on US-Canadian Relations and another on Sino-Russian Relations) which use identical language. Although Corbett may have used this device as a piece of sarcasm to push the thesis of Russia-China complicity in the Great Reset, the fact is that based upon countless comments from viewers who have watched his video on many online platforms, including dozens of subscribers who wrote into me after having watched Corbett, these documents were both treated as factual.
Just to be clear with the many people who were confused about this: the Canadian-US Joint Declaration does not exist.

Jeff says:
03/19/2022 at 7:26 am
The link where I expected the Trudeau document you show in the video, “Joint Statement” links to a document from the Russian government, a joint statement with the Chinese. That is, this link.
https: // web.archive.org /web/20220224044605/http://en.kremlin.ru/supplement/5770
I don’t see the Canada/US one.

Mar 23, 2022 9:04 PM

Ryan Matters does a sterling job of lining up the cons against the pros of Putin’s being apart from and against the Davos globalists. I wish he would write another article about whether Putin is/was pro- or con- the Russian ‘oligarchs’. This should be topical now, but no one seems to be addressing it. Is it not intriguing that Putin got rid of these ‘oligarchs’/thieves, but punished only one of them,
Khodorkovsky. The rest were left to leg it, for fear of prosecution by Putin, but the ytook their enormous loot with them. They came mostly to Britain, where they were welcomed, and clearly prospered handsomely, having grown ever more oligarchic. Britain even defeated the Russian attempt to extradite Berezofsky: he was given British nationality. But now, the self-same ‘oligarchs’ are seeing their assets confiscated in Britain … for being Putin’s men! Eh? Was their flight from Russia a hoax, then? Or what?

Mar 24, 2022 12:08 AM
Reply to  Sophie

IIRC, Putin also ultimately turned against Boris Berezovsky, even though they were initially on good terms. Some even say Berezovsky had been instrumental in the rise of Putin.

John the First
John the First
Mar 23, 2022 6:54 PM

“The elites dress it up with buzzwords and catch-phrases like “sustainable development” and “inclusivity””

Well yeah, ‘inclusiveness’ is a fancy nice sounding word, meaning you will be assimilated.
Harmony is a nice word which means uniformity.

Mar 23, 2022 5:51 PM

NADAL…..Another high profile vaccine casualty.

(1) Rafael Nadal Loses Final Due To Chest Pains / Hugo Talks – YouTube

Roger Lewis
Roger Lewis
Mar 23, 2022 5:26 PM
Crush Limbraw
Crush Limbraw
Mar 23, 2022 4:05 PM

Sometimes too many facts, especially from conflicting history, confuse more than inform.
I think Tom Luongo has it from a macro perspective – https://tomluongo.me/2022/03/18/putin-destined-to-hang-or-drown/ – it’s all about regime change, Russian or American.

Mar 23, 2022 2:57 PM

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Mar 23, 2022 6:43 PM
Reply to  ophiaps

Gawd-when will they clue in!

Mar 23, 2022 2:36 PM

Another way sanctions are clubbing ourselves over the head…


…and another way that just happens to fit in with ‘The Great Reset’ agenda.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Mar 23, 2022 4:36 PM
Reply to  Edwige

In a broad context there’s argument culture consciousness morphed to a reset post dates say fifty years ago.
Both Time and History are instantaneous dictum. They cannot be changed altered reworked by art of infinate word speech.
A broad call for Change is admission of generational Political failure.
So say, the perfect focus as if Man (Male & Female) being, for the sake of argument, 25yr constant, the Year 1969-70 imo, has an important meaning.
Furthermore, the Eternal questionnaire on a Political Leader by the Press in general is utterly meaningless.
So are hundreds if not thousands of words ie: The.. Elite Human ……. The the sticker, the Label the Tag on which is written What, well, Anything.
Anything morphs into Can’t do This That etc.
We Do to ourselves using Self. The dangerous Tool Option is Societies induced utter dependency on Computers.
The Hope being by the World Collective Leaders a restriction on private use.
Humanity has a wonderful Individual Talent, the Art of Adaptability to any and all circumstance.
Personally, I’ve always loved word Speech yet Said little. Somewhat flippantly I believe digital computerisation is The number One Universal “Problem”., at its best being a tool option nothing more. At it’s worst an attack on rational reasoning thought.
Where it’s attacked by the instant adaptability of Man.
A War, wonder who won?

Mar 23, 2022 2:33 PM

In other news: Dollar is cheaper than the toilet paper.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 23, 2022 7:08 PM
Reply to  Gonjasufi

Softer too …

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 23, 2022 2:28 PM

Mmmmm… I know I’m being silly, but how would leaders control the peasants if the only enforceable “laws” were Laws passed via civilian referendum exceeding 75% of the popular vote? Erm…

“Representative” democracy represents???  :wpds_unamused: 

New Name
New Name
Mar 23, 2022 9:57 PM

They would control the peasants by faking the referendum results to their advantage.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 24, 2022 1:47 PM
Reply to  New Name

“They” are us. We are the ones faking the results of representative democracy.
Direct Democracy and elections via Sortition would considerably narrow false results and the miserable dictates of oligarchy.

I have no doubt that things would continue to go wrong 25% of the time, but it would still be better than having things go wrong 99% of the time…

Mar 23, 2022 2:24 PM

Here’s an excellent must-listen discussion on this very topic with Matthew Ehret: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLa7WXIZ_Aw

Mar 23, 2022 1:45 PM

To Matters, check.
Before the Young Global Leader program, Schwab had another one, Leaders of the Future or similarly named, Putin’ age doesn’t matter the older ones could take part.
Oh, the spike protein legend – what’s the explanation that in some the process stops and they recover? On the other hand, if ‘spike protein’ refers to graphene oxide – found in covid ‘vaccines’, it would be understandable as it degrades in a couple of months, that’s why they want countless boosters.

Mar 23, 2022 5:16 PM
Reply to  GP

Weakens the body to eventually look like another illness caused it.
Look at how people normal illness’s got worse after the jab programme.,
I no 3 who died and all of sudden had tumor appear. Wouldn’t put 2 & 2 together.
The older generation died from old age after the jab role out.

Mar 23, 2022 12:11 PM

This is a good analysis of events in the Ukraine by the professor of Russian history at Princeton University – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpASSqz1hGc

Mar 23, 2022 4:53 PM
Reply to  Wildworld

 It is almost a blessing for Professor Cohen that he is not with us. He would be vilified and shunned today – far more than he was during Russiagate.

Mar 23, 2022 12:00 PM
  • I think Vlad always wanted to be part of the system.
  • Evidently, Russophobia mean’t that would never happen.
  • But I think this Ukraine conflict is a serious blow to western hegemony/globalism.
  • These leaders are credited with more intelligence than they deserve.

This world where off-G lives and many of its patrons believe everything is fake & a new world order conspiracy, don’t understand human nature! This movement towards global technocracy isn’t simply an “elite” power grab, the roots of this movement is human evolution.

Change the environment, evolution takes a different direction!

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 23, 2022 2:30 PM
Reply to  winegum

Human and Nature should never be used in the same paragraph…

Mar 23, 2022 11:58 AM

Putin has drifted from the bankster script. Anal sex, for instance. The ruthless world government is quite capable of turning on one of their own. Especially when it also helps divert attention from the monstrous genocidal scamdemic.

Mar 23, 2022 11:51 AM

Guardian admits that Ukrainian border guards are denying refugees the right to leave. Oh my! What could ever have caused them to see the light?

Oh, I see. It is all Putin’s fault.

Trans women are reportedly being denied passage to safer countries, despite their legal status as women and the danger posed by Russia’s transphobic policies


George Mc
George Mc
Mar 23, 2022 12:51 PM
Reply to  Orthus

They’re really having a good laugh. How many new affluent prejudices can they make up in the next hour? How about Eltophobia – hatred of Elton John fans? Tragic tales of Elton followers persecuted through the ages. Going by the easy rewriting of the past, these tales could extend back to the dawn of time.

David Ho
David Ho
Mar 24, 2022 2:08 AM
Reply to  Orthus

Amazing! Like trannies would be rushing to the boarder in minni skirts, fishnets and pink singlets, swirling handbags demanding passageway on the grounds they were somehow special. Who would do that? Surely Ukrainian border guards would be letting everyone out, in fact the whole population needs to be liberated out of Ukraine. Emptying the country out is the only humane thing to do. Aside from sending in 254 million tonnes of advanced weapons and Jihadist rapists.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Mar 23, 2022 11:50 AM

I thought Russia’s military action in the Ukraine was designed to protect Russia’s security and the security of the independent People’s Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 23, 2022 2:01 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Hey Steve 😯  Shuuuush… You’ll upset the bogus dialogue…

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Mar 23, 2022 3:28 PM

Why is discussing the claims that Russia opposes the GR a “bogus” dialogue? Do you think the claims should not be questioned? Why?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 23, 2022 11:17 PM

Hello Sophie – Admin 1: It is my belief that all critiques of “leadership” simply shift public dialogue away from where the public needs to focus effective civil efforts. Political pundits have been dissing and complaining about government misfeasance and malfeasance for over 100 centuries. It is a moot point.

Like all current “leaders” Putin is just another corporate gangster. I believe most readers coming to OffGuardian know this already. (For what it’s worth) I think public dialogue needs to shift dramatically, or the discussion only becomes self-fulfilling prophecy.

It matters not whether the system is corporate/capitalism, corporate/socialist or corporate/communistic. Extortion and control over civil freedoms is the prevailing economic conundrum made possible thru corporate dictate and organized crime syndicates.

Mar 27, 2022 8:00 AM

Even a gangster is not “just” a gangster. It is my understanding that most of them would like to get out of it. Of course they all do one way or another.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Mar 23, 2022 4:33 PM

Right, bogus dialogue, we know that Putin isn’t really pushing the “pandemic” scam, or the mass poisoning of Russians with “gene therapy,” or digital/biometric IDs, or the global implementation of 4IR-based “education.” Or setting up a 4IR “Centre” in Russia.
Russia Joins Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network, 10/13/21. • The Russian Federation and the World Economic Forum announced the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Russia
• The Centre is an autonomous non-for-profit organisation hosted by ANO Digital Economy and will be a platform for public-private cooperation

Mar 23, 2022 2:14 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

You thought right; Ukraine’s NATZO Nazis are just the opening salvo. Next target: all NATZO Nukes East of Berlin. The closer you push toward the bear, the more you risk the hug of the bear.

“First rule of strategy: Never march on Moscow” — Monty

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 23, 2022 4:52 PM
Reply to  NickM

“La Russia ha 3 grandi generali, il generale neve, il generale fango e il generale distanza….. Nessuno li ha mai sconfitti.”

Lines from “Mussolini ultimo Atto (1974)”

Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 23, 2022 7:12 PM

He died in 1945.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 23, 2022 7:21 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

🙂Yes, that’s the title of a film made in 1974 about his last days.

Mar 27, 2022 8:04 AM

I understood that as much as most of the comments here… It makes me reflect on people’s intentions.

Mar 23, 2022 11:46 AM

Mar 23, 2022 11:47 AM
Reply to  winegum

Watch to the end.

Mar 24, 2022 11:47 AM
Reply to  winegum

Rubbish. Anti nature.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 23, 2022 11:09 AM

One minute silence for covid victims. What a load of desperately contrived crap! Is the whole of history made up of this ludicrous cartoon puppet show?

We now know what it felt like to be back there in e.g. Nazi Germany and see the mind annihilating drivel pounded out over the media and all to DELIBERATELY CREATE the very situation it’s warning against.

Mar 23, 2022 11:28 AM
Reply to  George Mc

yup 🙁

Mar 23, 2022 11:37 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I don’t mind the drivel — it’s the believers who drive me to despair.

Mar 23, 2022 6:46 PM
Reply to  George Mc

its unbearable-it makes me feel ill all the time.

Mar 23, 2022 10:54 AM

An excerpt from Iain Davis’ latest piece:
‘On 16 December 2021, the 53rd meeting of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly adopted the draft resolution on “combating glorification of Nazism.” There were just two nations that voted against: The United States and Ukraine.

The Russian Federation has exploited the same Nazis as a means of justifying, in part, its attack on another sovereign nation. It is thus illegitimate for Russia to castigate Ukraine for being a Nazi regime’

It takes two to tango.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 23, 2022 11:59 AM
Reply to  Johnny

comment image

Mar 24, 2022 9:10 AM
Reply to  Johnny


I can’t understand your reasoning or logic.

If you know anything about recent european history, you might be aware of the systematic destruction and butchery inflicted on eastern europe,
especially the (then) Soviet Union, including the Ukraine by devotees of Nazism.
The whole episode was a nightmare for Russians and others that were considered as sub-human.

The “Great patriotic war” was literally a life or death struggle against evil.
Russians have no desire to see a repeat of those times.

The whole philosophy of Nazism is Evil.

There are still elderly survivors of that era to bear witness.

Mar 24, 2022 11:48 AM
Reply to  Wombat


Michael J Clayton
Michael J Clayton
Apr 5, 2022 3:33 AM
Reply to  Wombat

View the video series ‘Europa The Last Battle”

Mar 23, 2022 10:14 AM

Slightly Embarrassing go back to the festive season and you and your types was doing the exact same type of propaganda.
“Putin vs Davos”
Boris Johnson verse Sage.

Mar 23, 2022 9:50 AM

Just the sort of story you might roll out if it was looking like there was a chance of peace breaking out and it wasn’t what you wanted:


George Mc
George Mc
Mar 23, 2022 9:39 AM

I know that up here in Scotland (Covidonia?) we have been subjected to more draconian shite but I had a few ominous signs of returning fanaticism that may apply generally.

My manager said that we’ve had so much Ukraine coverage that they’re not telling us that the covid cases are getting higher and higher. (“They’re not telling us” but obviously someone is telling us as well as telling us that no-one is telling us!) Management also used the expression “dropping like flies” so the moronic bullshit is still percolating nicely.

Also there will apparently be a period of silence today to pay respect to the uncounted millions who have died from the deadly deadly.

So the Pandy propaganda is on the upswing again.

Mar 27, 2022 8:18 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Something has to be responsible for people’s illnesses and it won’t be the vaccine, no sir. Maybe they are dropping like flies.

Mar 23, 2022 9:19 AM

What also bothers me with Putin are two more things:
1) Why to this day is Putin’s government silent about the Skripals, which were abducted in and by the UK – or have by now even been murdered by the British government or MI5! The Skripals were “disappeared” like people were some decades ago in Pinochet’s Chile and (a bit later) also in Argentine. Because of this there were mighty protests then in Europe and elsewhere against these dictatorships in Chile and Argentine.

Why does Putin mention these crimes never once??
It’s not about whether he likes the Skripals. Sergey Skripal was a traitor and spied against Russia. But this “disappearing” him – it’s an egregious inhuman crime of a western country! And Julia Skripal it still a Russian citizen, she never did something wrong against Russia. She was engaged with a Russian man and wanted to marry. But Putin doesn’t care at all about her.

Even the fact that this propaganda wave of hate against Russia demands an answer and demands that the Russian governments has to point out all these crimes against humanity and freedom that this “Western Block” commits permanently hasn’t led to the singlest reaction by the Russian government. There was never a demand that London sets Julia and Sergey Skripals free – or a demand to explain when and where the British government murdered them.
When in press conferences in Moscow this disgusting western BigMedia put forward provocative questions – why were these western presstitutes never asked, why they don’t report on the Skripals?

2) Assange, too, should have been the big topic of Russian press conferences and presidential speeches long ago! But especially now, as there is no more reason to hold back in order to have ‘good relations’ to the UK .
Even president Lukashenko of Belarus, when he was massively attacked by the propaganda of western media, pointed to this horrendous crime that is committed against Julian Assange.

But although it would be very much in Russia’s interests to point at these crimes committed by the UK – and in the end: by the Western Block – against Julian Assange and Russian citizen Julia Skripal and Sergey Skripal, Putin keeps quiet.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Mar 23, 2022 11:53 AM
Reply to  Joerg

The Russia government has mentioned the Skripals on many, many occasions.

Mar 23, 2022 1:27 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

They mentioned them only, when the Putin government was accused of having them poisoned with “Novichok”.
But since the Skripals were “disappeard” Moskcow kept silent!

Mar 23, 2022 8:09 PM
Reply to  Joerg

How do you know Moscow kept silent? How do you know the Skripals weren’t in on the whole thing and that the next play by Moscow wouldn’t have prompted the perfidious Anglos to go to the next phase of their grubby script?

Mar 23, 2022 5:27 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Maybe retaliation has already been executed? Could it be that the drone “attack” on Gatwick airport in 2018 was the Russian response; rather than going for flesh and blood but the £££ (which is the only consideration British elites continually exhibit)? Has there been British diplomats murdered and we are simply not hearing about, in a N. Korean way; censorship with cast iron gates with a fancy royal crest?

I don’t know but I get your point about the Skripal affair, particularly in respect to Julia Skripal. Could be argued that she was innocent and the Brit elite with American help committed cold blooded murder on British soil against a foreign tourist, possibly. It’s happened before with a nod to Cressida Dick. Well it happened on the back end of that saga for that unfortunate woman, Dawn Sturgess. Seems the Brit posh boys have been having real fun wearing their ruby slippers, for fear of staining.

I’m still not convinced Putin, Jinping and Jong un to Biden, Macron, de Pfeffel, Schwab… and that energy that stays behind the curtain in Davos, have been in close contact co-ordinating these global events. It’s possibly more about common interests being overlapped, met or manipulated to these people’s advantage and desires. A bit like how the British public school system always appear to meet their needs (public school students/middle to upper class) even in the theatre of life that the school tie may match but opinions and ambitions differ, as if! School tie gang always wins. Psychopaths, megalomaniacs and mirror finished narcissists make for people wanting to rule the world as King, or Queen.

Mar 23, 2022 8:02 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Since when does the west report what Russia says or what evidence Russia presents? Remember MH17? The Russian Defence Ministry presented all evidence of Ukrainian jets shadowing the airline before it crashed. They presented this on live TV at a press confidence.
Meanwhile and for the next 3 days the lying cancerous stooges who somehow pass for politicians in the UK demanded that Russia break its silence over MH17.

Mar 24, 2022 7:30 AM
Reply to  Frank

+1. Censoring or misrepresenting what the enemy says while showing images of him in a bad light is routine in the “free world”. Reminds me of the message Saddam and Gaddhafi were trying get out.

Mar 23, 2022 9:16 AM

Also the timing of Putins attack on Ukraine suited the Globalists perfectly.

Mar 23, 2022 10:19 AM
Reply to  mcc

All of a sudden Ukraine is the biggest exporter of everything,
6 year ago the E.U was. (hence the Brexit psyop)
Middle East previous to that.( war of terror )

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 23, 2022 10:48 AM
Reply to  Phantasm

At the start of Desert Storm the pastor of the church at my corner, then, in E. L. A. told us solemnly that we should all be alerted that Saddam Hussein was leader of the 4th largest military power in the world and had just launched minutes prior a bevy of scuds.

Ergo: The End Times! Biblical

Mar 23, 2022 11:46 AM
Reply to  Phantasm

The EU was a big importer. That’s like exporter but backwards. Now it is harder to export and keep British workers in jobs. No-one ever pretended that the EU was big exporter of grain. The Ukraine was the breadbasket of Europe — now just a basket case.

Mar 23, 2022 2:22 PM
Reply to  Orthus

Pure lies aimed at daily mail readers The Ukraine was the breadbasket of Europe since when..? last month when you heard it said
Clearly your memory is gone.
Never in 30 years of sales have i seen a label saying .made in Ukraine..
But E.u is a massive importer and exporter and the whole concept of the Brexxit was about that.
The famous fishing rights and gas and the production costing less.now proven lies. regarding jobs that is what they always say. repeated it long enough people believe it then say it.

It was a City of London Behavior modification ritual which it was -was aimed at people like yourselves who believe that everything now comes from Ukraine.
Type who believes fosters larger comes from Australia and eats GM canned fish from Lidl.

Mar 23, 2022 8:14 PM
Reply to  mcc

The timing pre-empted an imminent Ukrainian attack by a matter of a few weeks.

Emily Tock
Emily Tock
Mar 23, 2022 9:15 AM

I agree with the overall thesis of the article. However, if Putin’s speech at the WEF was in Russian, accusing him of holding Schwab dearly is not really on. There are certain conventions in Russian, and using the term ‘dear’ (дорогой) in a formal address is actually fairly neutral, imo. Otherwise, great article.

Mar 23, 2022 9:03 AM

The “globalists” or whatever took completely over Russia in 1917 and China in 1949 and they have only adjusted their grip since then. We have had an unofficial world government for a very long time and the Convid-hoax with missleaders from every country on earth reading from the same script proves this point. The few leaders, mostly Africans, who did not play along they died.

But it dosen’t matter which side one choose as long as one believe in their artificial conflicts. War is their social engineering multi tool for changes that would have been impossible without war and it needs believers and deaths on booth sides.

Mar 23, 2022 11:30 AM
Reply to  Benton

Plus 100.

Mar 23, 2022 12:10 PM
Reply to  Benton

Maybe this war is a globalist police action against a small group stupid enough to think Nazidom is acceptable to zionists and Russians. Not very far sighted when you are sandwiched between. A nice opportunity to kill them, and pull Germany into line. Can’t be all agreement in the NWO boardroom though, who builds pipelines as theatre props? But nobody so far seems very keen on all out war. I guess the fault lines may not be between geographical nations but they still exist.

Mar 23, 2022 8:49 AM

A good summary from John Stanton including some UGLY threats from the Empire’s oligarchs:

Mar 23, 2022 8:41 AM

A good piece by Chris Hedges on the Empire of War, Greed and Hypocrisy:

Mar 23, 2022 8:37 AM

Need to distinguish between the long- and short- term.

Putin’s moving into Ukraine doesn’t immediately serve Davos. Which likely explains why the WEF have essentially kicked him out and cut off all ties with him.

We can see this most clearly with the Green agenda (which is pretty much Schwab’s ‘Great Narrative’). The Ukraine situation exposes the West’s current lack of readiness to do without fossil fuels, as they scramble for non-Russian alternatives. Davos would prefer a non-aggressive, ‘non-white male supremacist’ transition to the Brave Green World of CBDCs and paying taxes for breathing.

Long-term, however, it may well accelerate the Green (& hence Davos’) agenda, as nations accelerate their attempts to avoid reliance on other nation’s fossil fuels.

Depending, of course, on how the war pans out. The future isn’t written in stone, nor oil,…

Mr Y
Mr Y
Mar 23, 2022 8:32 AM

> Putin did begin his WEF address with an intimate “Dear Klaus” after all…

If someone says “dear” it’s always from the depth of their heart.

Mar 24, 2022 6:54 AM
Reply to  Mr Y

Wrong… It is a common formal address in most Slavic languages

rik myers
rik myers
Mar 23, 2022 8:17 AM

Putin shut down Rothchild banks and kicked out Monsanto GMO. and fighting the neonazi NWO nato forces is not on Klaus Schwbs agenda. that he knocks out the neonazis, frees Donbass from Ukrainn govt oppression and yes blocks NATO and they did find bioweapons labs and presented the evidence to the UN or did you take that week off from being a responsible journalist

Mar 23, 2022 9:17 AM
Reply to  rik myers

Did you take two years off during convid?

Putin’s opposition to GMOs is a point well made and probably the strongest evidence in his defense.

I would like to know more about Russia’s banks and indebtedness. How much is the national debt and who is it owed to? Shutting down the Rothschilds doesn’t mean much given their talent for creating fronts and covering their tracks.

Nuland’s admission about the biolabs is curious. They want this information out there or it would be denied. To what purpose remains specultaion at the moment.

Claiming this war is against Schwab’s agenda is nonsense, the war is being used to accelerate it.

Mar 23, 2022 9:18 AM
Reply to  rik myers

That was mostly for show as Putin let most of the power players stay in Russia after a small minority of them had been kicked out or jailed (under false evidence)

So Rik, did you decide to take the time off researching when it was established that Putin is still good friends with one of the most powerful geopolitical handlers in History, Henry Kissinger. And then you’ve got the real red flag, his association with Russia’s Chief Rabbi of Chabad Lubavitch Berel Lazar toast. Do you know, understand who Chabad are rik? So if Putin kicked out all Rothchild controlled business/enitiy’s then please explain to me why are the Chabad still in Russia? Let me give you a little piece of the puzzle, Chabad = Rothchild controled, Rothchild = 13 True Zoroastrianist Family controlled. Why are the Rothchilds known as Gods banker? it’s not the Vatican, its the family’s behind the Vatican.

Lesson of today, keep you’re ego in check!

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 23, 2022 10:58 AM
Reply to  rik myers

Well, the article is pointing out some of the putative holes in Putin’s story, supposedly, but there are plenty of holes in his. This isn’t Chinese Checkers but multi-dimensional chess on a global board. It makes this analysis above come off as tenuous at many edges.

Mar 23, 2022 11:34 AM
Reply to  rik myers

On whose side is de Beer’s Nikki Oppenheimer ? I have seen a photpgraph of Putin listening respectfully as Oppenheimer lectured him. de Beers has dug a lot of holes in Russia.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Mar 23, 2022 4:36 PM
Reply to  rik myers

Bioweapons? You believe the bogus germ/virus theory?

Mar 23, 2022 8:06 AM

I’d agree with the last paragraph. We don’t know shit. And we might never know.

The current situation is akin to the early stages of the plandemic, except that while viruses, masks, statistics, etc. could be examined in a rather empirical fashion, allowing people (non-idiots) to quickly conclude that the alleged pandemic is a crock of shit, what’s going on now is a matter of politics, all sorts of shady dealings behind the scenes or which we’ll never have enough information. Perhaps some facts will emerge in the future or the developments will make it clearer what’s at play.

What’s more important, however, is what lesson people can learn from all this shit. It’s obvious that Putin, Trudo, Zelensky, Bidet, Jabcinda, Macaron, and all of them other motherfuckers are no good motherfuckers who can’t be trusted or expected to do anything good. That’s a given. So, how do we the people assert our rights? What can we do to flush these pieces of shit down the toilet and prevent others of their ilk from hijacking the world, stirring up crap, pitting people against one another? Is that inherently possible or are we inherently fucked up as a species, in which case the sooner we blow our stupid selves off the face of this planet, the better?

How do we jettison the concept of authority, hierarchy – which is basically the root of the problem – and establish genuine equality where no person feels compelled to fuck over anyone else?

Mar 23, 2022 4:07 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Mar 27, 2022 2:26 PM
Reply to  Jacques

It’s systemic critical thinkism motherfuckin

Mar 23, 2022 7:57 AM

The crucial aspect of CBDC is the “programmable” one, the ability to restrict when, where or for what it is used. Surveillance is secondary.

Mar 23, 2022 7:18 AM

Russia’s Covid-19 measures were just as strict as their Western counterparts and sometimes more so.

No , they weren’t, perhaps bar a few places in Central Moscow. Outside of Moscow the majority saw it as the shitshow that it is, impressively quickly compared to their majority western counterparts. I enjoyed maskless visits even to (immigration) police and hospitals during that time.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Mar 23, 2022 7:52 AM
Reply to  tigerfish

The same was true in parts of the West. Flouting the rules does not mean the rules are not there

Mar 23, 2022 8:09 AM

On the other hand, the fact that the rules are there doesn’t mean that whoever is imposing the rules is actively promoting the agenda. It might be that they’re forced – a good example is Belarus. They refused the rules and got themselves a color revolution.

Mar 23, 2022 9:19 AM

Most Russians know the state and the powerful are there to at best rob them and at worst try to kill them.

Westerners are more dangerous because most still believe the propaganda about benevolence.

Mar 23, 2022 12:17 PM

After all I’ve read, I’d never want to make an enemy of you Sophie 🙂 , but Genuinely curious which parts of ‘The West’ you’re referring to that were similar?

Floating the rules was only part of it. Not enforcing (or half heartedly enforcing) the rules was another part.

Mar 23, 2022 7:01 AM

Everything in this piece is supposition and pure speculation.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Mar 23, 2022 7:06 AM
Reply to  Bentley

Which of the 10 stated facts is supposition/speculation?

Mar 23, 2022 8:10 AM

The facts are pretty much correct, but they only imply, not confirm that Putin is in on all the crap.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Mar 23, 2022 4:38 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Right, he’s just the president.  😀 Like he isn’t pushing the jabs! Or the digital IDs….

Mar 23, 2022 8:34 AM

Facts can be manipulated out of context.
Listing some quotes or events, let alone years back without knowing or understanding the background is not going to lead to clear conclusion.
Unfortunately, domestic and international politics is full of secrecies, with no transparency, no honour, with strategies played with many moves ahead, including bluffs, sacrifices.. Using techniques which ordinary people are even not aware of.
Looking for logic and reason in bigger picture or higher vantage point always helps.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Mar 23, 2022 4:39 PM
Reply to  Nastran

Way beyond “quotes or events.” We’re talking about policies and their implementation.

Mar 23, 2022 12:28 PM

The “dear” Klaus Schwab is just pure speculation to imply a close relationship between Schwab and Putin. I am not saying that it’s not true (or could be) but as a fact to prove the former statement it’s just punching the air.
However personal relationship is irrelevant if all the alleged agenda is the objective.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Mar 23, 2022 4:40 PM
Reply to  Robert

Alleged agenda? Like it isn’t actually being implemented?  😀 

Mar 26, 2022 8:34 AM
Reply to  Bentley

I agree that this article is speculation- and some of it sounds like the British propaganda we can watch in TV.

Mar 23, 2022 5:58 AM

To me is seems obvious that all the leaders are actors.
‘Russia/Putin plays the bad guy to the USA’s good guy and they are all comfortable and willing to play along, reciting tired old tropes within the current treachery that result in everyone getting what they want:Power, Control and wealth.

Meanwhile my small businesses and zillions of others are going to tank and i predict passenger planes falling out of the sky so people won’t travel.

And because of the Big Game Changer Reset BullCrap-I have no faith and find it hard to have more than a couple hours of peace in a week.

Mar 26, 2022 8:37 AM
Reply to  Hele

The good and the bad guy are a matter of perspective- I am Slavic so to me Putin is the good guy defending his country and the Americans and the British are the bad guys and aggressors. 🙂

Mar 26, 2022 8:06 PM
Reply to  Elena

For what it’s worth: I’m a 66 year old US citizen; all four grandparents were Italian immigrants, so as far as I know I don’t have a drop of Slavic blood.

But I see things about the same as you do! 😉

Mar 23, 2022 5:48 AM

Reuters, BBC, and Bellingcat participated in covert UK Foreign Office-funded programs to “weaken Russia,” leaked docs reveal
