Springtime for GloboCap

CJ Hopkins

Warm up the Wagnerian orchestra and call in the goose-stepping chorus girls, because … yes, that’s right, it’s Springtime for GloboCap! “The Winter of Severe Illness and Death” is over! The big Black Sun is shining again! God’s in his heaven, all’s right with the world!

OK, sure, the vast majority of humanity are suffering from post-traumatic stress, having been terrorized, gaslighted, threatened, bullied, and otherwise systematically mindfucked by their governments, the media, and “health authorities” on a daily basis for the past two years, and we’re all exhausted and at each other’s throats, and many of our businesses and incomes have been ruined, and inflation is spiraling out of control, and a lot of us are still being gratuitously demonized, segregated from society, banned from traveling, and forced to submit to invasive procedures and wear medically-pointless symbols of ideological conformity on our faces, so we’re not quite in the spirit of the season … but, for GloboCap, things couldn’t be going any better!

Not only is the final phase of their roll-out of the new pathologized totalitarianism (i.e., the New Normal) going more or less to plan, but those pesky, non-ball-playing Russians have been baited into a military quagmire in the Ukraine that could be dragged out for years! 

Think of all the destabilization, restructuring, and privatization opportunities, and not just in Russia and Eastern Europe, and not just during the next few years, but throughout the world and well into the future! With the majority of the Western masses brain-buggered into a state of almost catatonic credulity and obedience, who’s going to stop them? The sky’s the limit!

We’re talking radical social and economic restructuring, a brave new GloboCap-curated world! A world of constant chaos and crisis, eternally recurring “apocalyptic pandemics,” intramural proxy wars, climate-change lockdowns, “disinformation” attacks, mandatory genetic-therapy, digital currencies … the whole nine yards.

A world not governed as much as “guided” by non-governmental global-governance entities, global corporations, benevolent billionaires, banks, investment management firms, and, of course, the military and Intelligence communities.

But I’m getting a little ahead of myself. It will be a while before GloboCap can blossom into its full expression. In the meantime, the global “Clear-and-Hold” op continues … and appears to have abruptly shifted into an extremely psychotic and fascist phase.

This shift was executed in Orwellian fashion, like that scene in 1984 where the Party switches official enemies right in the middle of a Hate Week speech.

But, in our case, the switch was a little more complicated, because GloboCap didn’t just switch official enemies — like they did in the Summer of 2016 and then again in the Spring of 2020 — they revised the identity of the official enemy, not just its name, but its fundamental character, or, more accurately, and more psychotically, they split the identity of the official enemy, stripping off and embracing its fascism while simultaneously maintaining and magnifying its fascism, simulating a moral spectrum of fascism, and thus subjecting the New Normal masses to a mind-bending level of Orwellian double-think.

In the blink of an eye, without missing a beat, both the white-supremacist Putin-Nazis that plagued Democracy throughout the Trumpian Reich and the Covid-denying Anti-Vax Nazis that plagued the New Normals throughout the Global Pandemic were seamlessly replaced by the GloboCap Nazis

…but, the thing is, the GloboCap Nazis are the good guys, and the Putin-Nazis and Anti-Vax Nazis are … well, I guess they’re still technically Nazis, except for the fact that they aren’t actual Nazis and are mostly just regular working-class people, whereas the GloboCap Nazis are actual Nazis (i.e., Sieg-heiling, Jew-hating, Hitler-worshiping Nazis), who the US military and Intelligence community, NATO, and assorted private “military advisors” have been funding, arming, and otherwise supporting since the 2014 Ukrainian “revolution” (i.e., coup) that they orchestrated to destabilize Russia as part of that global Clear-and-Hold operation (which operation, of course, doesn’t actually exist, and is just another conspiracy theory disseminated by Putin-Nazi traitors like me to erode support for the GloboCap Nazis, who are really just wholesome young Aryan boys who are trying to defend Democracy from Evil, and cleanse their country of the Jews and the Roma, and exterminate the Russian race, starting with the children, apparently).

OK, I know this is getting confusing, what with all the various Nazis, and so on, but that’s only because you’re still trying to make sense of the psychotic official propaganda that GloboCap is relentlessly bombarding us with. For example, this recent BBC segment in which Ros Atkins explains how the neo-Nazi Azov Detachment is actually “mainstream.”

Or this NBC piece by Allan Ripp, explaining how, yes, there is definitely a serious neo-Nazi problem in the Ukraine, but if the Ukrainian Nazis (i.e., the GloboCap Nazis) persecute and murder the Ukrainian Jews, it’s Putin’s fault for invading the country and creating “chaos and insurgency,” or whatever.

Or this Unherd piece by Aris Roussinous, explaining that arming and supporting neo-Nazis “may be one of the hard choices forced by war,” and advising Zelenskyy to disarm them once the war is over and “freedom” is restored … which, obviously, he intends to do.

After all, the man is Jewish! He will probably ban the neo-Nazis outright, like he banned all the non-neo-Nazi parties.

Or, if you prefer your propaganda less nuanced, you can go with CNN and get it straight from the source, for example, from Major Denis Prokopenko of the neo-Nazi Azov Regiment …

Or these Svoboda neo-Nazis that Jeremy Bowen of the BBC was hanging out with…

Apparently, CNN and the BBC were unable to locate any non-neo-Nazis to bring us the “fact-checked Truth” from the battlefield.

Or … wait. Sorry, I got all confused again.

These are the good Nazis … the GloboCap Nazis! The actual Nazis, not the fictional Nazis. Or … wait, no … never mind. I mean, it’s not like it really matters anyway, right?

The point is, it’s Spring, and the goat-footed balloon-Man whistles … no, strike the balloon-Man. This is not the time for balloon-Man references. It’s New Normal Spring! The birds are buzzing! The bees are chirping! The ICBMs are tumescent with rocket fuel and throbbing in their silos!

The New Normal masses are out prancing around with their “vaccination passports” and medical-looking masks, in their official neo-Nazi Azov hoodies, waving their Ukrainian flags, and otherwise desperately trying to pretend that they haven’t just been colossally mindfucked by GloboCap for the last two years!

But there I go, getting negative again. I really need to try to focus on the positive, no matter how psychotic things are in reality.

Here in New Normal Germany, it’s almost “Freedom Day” again! Technically, “Freedom Day” was March 18, but they rewrote the “Infection Protection Act” (again) to postpone “Freedom Day” until April 2, after which “the Unvaccinated” will be allowed back out into society and everyone will only be forced to wear symbols of conformity to official ideology on their faces on public transport, and trains, and planes, and in hospitals, and various other places, unless federal states declare themselves “hotspots” — which several states have already done — in which case “Freedom Day” is postponed indefinitely.

But whatever … it’s Springtime for GloboCap! Freedom is slavery! Ignorance is strength! The GloboCap Nazis are winning the war!

Sure, Pfizer just released nine pages of “adverse events of special interest” connected to their Covid “vaccine,” but they “may not have any causal relationship” to each other! 

And all those videos of the GloboCap Nazis duct-taping men, women, and children to lampposts, painting their faces with chemicals, stripping them half-naked, and whipping and beating them? 

Those people are “saboteurs” or “looters,” or “Putin-Nazi collaborators,” and it’s all just Russian disinformation! 

And whatever. Trust the “Science” … or something!

All right, I think that’s quite enough from me. I’ll sign off and let you get back to the show. Look, here come the triple-vaxxed, double-boosted, goose-stepping GloboCap chorus girls!

CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at cjhopkins.com or consentfactory.org.
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John the First
John the First
Apr 25, 2022 2:11 PM

The obsession of people of all kinds of flavours with Nazism, fascism and communism, the crazy mixing, prophesying, pointing, accusing and projecting is a matter of subconscious collective conscience. After all, it is only mass democracy which produced such brutalisms and totalitarianisms in the past, and there is something essentially realistic to the madness, in the sense that mass democracy will produce new variants of these inevitably in the long run. Meanwhile fanatic believers will keep on claiming that it is because there is no real democracy. Because ‘the system is rigged’, just like fanatic communists keep on claiming that the disasters of communism were caused by the situation that it was not true communism. An so the whole discourse moves in circles of ideological fanaticism. The democratic lady doth protest too much.

Apr 13, 2022 9:59 AM

How did i miss this CJ article.
Very funny. 😀 

richard jones
richard jones
Apr 3, 2022 12:50 PM

the whole ‘nazi’ thing is so hackneyed and ingrained… . i mean, may as well go watch tarantino as read this… all these amazing truth seekers who don’t believe anything in the media today (rightly so) but can’t get their programmed little heads round the idea that the media 100 years ago through to today were also run by the same people and spouted the same lies… when was the date exactly that one is meant to stop believing anything in the media or at school CJH?

Mar 31, 2022 10:48 AM

David icke website posted this.

Mar 30, 2022 11:16 PM

It will never be1995 again. Fuck it ,maybe it will

Mar 30, 2022 8:29 PM

Top hole CJ, although i did get a little confused at times, I was relieved to hear that the neo-nazis will hand back their weapons when the show is over. Will they then become post-nazis,paleo-nazis or heaven forbid, neo-bolsheviks?

Mar 30, 2022 10:29 AM

The Russians are far from non-ball-playing. Little Putin presided over as severe a lockdown as any on Earth and his Sputnik vax was as deadly as any in the West. Not forgetting that his owner Klaus Schwab has already claimed him as a protoge of his young leaders programme. Never equate Putin supporters with anti-vaxxers.

Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
Mar 30, 2022 9:16 AM

“…those pesky, non-ball-playing Russians have been baited into a military quagmire in the Ukraine that could be dragged out for years!

Not so much, actually. Western propaganda has been saying that, but it’s wishful thinking. Although Ukraine’s armed forces were among the strongest in the world, and could probably have severely beaten those of any other country except the USA or Russia, the Russians made mincemeat of them in short order. The “disarming” part of the mission was over in a day or two, by which time most of Ukraine’s really dangerous weapons and defensive systems had been destroyed.

The reason the operation is taking so long is that the Russians are being exceptionally careful to avoid harming civilians (and even honest Ukrainian soldiers). So they have detoured around most towns and cities, while cutting of the Ukrainian lines of communication and supply. The very large force in the Donbas is pretty well surrounded by now, and can be destroyed if they don’t surrender.

The Russians are performing the military equivalent of brain surgery, whereas the American approach is more like using a heavy flamethrower.

Mar 30, 2022 10:37 AM
Reply to  Tom Welsh

No, it’s being dragged out to provide the premise for hyperinflation in Europe and America. Putin and Zelensky are both WEF puppets.

Mar 30, 2022 7:15 AM

Before I went to bed last night I had been informed that the Russian lack of progress or retreat was a cunning Putin plan which I should not trust. This morning I was informed that it was a sure sign that he was heading for defeat. What changed? And does the news change faster than Covid, the Covid news, not the virus?

Mar 30, 2022 7:14 AM

It’s been a while coming, but the Fourth Reich is here.
Run by (mainly) men in suits, supported by the self serving parasites and voyeurs of pain in social media and old media, and enforced by trained goons in uniforms.
It might be a long way to Tipperary, but it’s a short trip to Armageddon.

El Zafio
El Zafio
Mar 30, 2022 6:49 AM

Virology, CJ.Tell us you have looked into virology.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Mar 30, 2022 5:59 PM
Reply to  El Zafio


les online
les online
Mar 30, 2022 2:51 AM

“Dumbphone Sales Are Soaring As People Revolt Against “Overwhelming” Smartphones.” Zero hedge..
“It makes sense that some of us are now looking for simpler technologies and think that dumbphones might offer a return to simpler times. It might leave more time to fully concentrate on a simple task and engage with it more purposefully. It might even calm people down. Studies have shown that too much choice can create unhappiness and agitation.” (Prof. Wachter)…

Research was conducted for an ice cream manufacturer on whether to increase the choice of flavours from the standard chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, and Combo of the three. Those tested on 16 various flavours all agreed they liked all and would buy all if made available. But after all were made available the new flavours barely sold, the standard four flavours prevailed… It was believed that when provided with a wide variety of choices – too many choices – people would opt for the tried and true…

It’s believed the reason why most people stick to getting their “news” from the corporate propaganda media is due to the successful smearing of ‘alternative’ online “news” media as purveyors of “disinformation”, “antivax propaganda”, “conspiracy theories”. But it’s just as likely too many “news” source choices create anxiety, agitations, and unhappiness, so people retreat to the familiar > and will get angry with family or friends when they try to get through to them that ‘covid’ etc is a hoax…


Mar 30, 2022 5:28 AM
Reply to  les online

Dumbphone = communication device.
Smartphone = trivia addiction.

Mar 30, 2022 7:08 AM
Reply to  les online

Nothing wrong with smartphones — your choice whether or not to get addicted. The article you link to is, technically speaking, a load of bollox. It’s perfectly feasible to use a feature phone to access the Internet and be tracked. Are you sure that zerohedge is entirely trustworthy?

Mar 31, 2022 6:47 AM
Reply to  Orthus

Smartphones are a key part of the infrastructure for mass surveillance and propaganda, whether you “choose” to be addicted and believe the bullshit or not. No doubt feature phones can serve the same ends to a great degree. I use a 10+ year-old phone. It’s not my ideal (back to monke, or at least back to letter writing). Of course the NSA still has all of my texts and calls. But big tech isn’t getting app data and shit, and I only have to charge it every two weeks.

No news outlet or person is entirely trustworthy. If you’re trusting what you read, you’re doing it wrong.

Mar 30, 2022 7:45 PM
Reply to  les online

I read off-guardian on my smartphone because my computer is at home and when I’m at home I have better things to do, like rollerblade with my kids.

Mar 30, 2022 8:42 PM
Reply to  les online

The science is never settled in the ice cream world, Les. As an independent, very chilled, entrepreneur in the field, I can assure you that my new blue and yellow ice lollies have become a local market leader.

les online
les online
Mar 30, 2022 2:10 AM

We have to stop pathologizing The Elite (aka: GMOs), stop labeling them all psychopaths..
Many of them are married, have families, though they dont have mortgages…
Mostly they think they are doing good; their philanthropic efforts will improve things for us.
And anyway, it doesnt really explain anything, does it.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Mar 30, 2022 6:01 PM
Reply to  les online

They are career parasites.

Mar 30, 2022 1:40 AM

Although the Ukrainian civilians bear the brunt of this conflict, The War is not targeting them, nor the Russian people, nor even the Nazis. I think that the real “targets” are all of us, the ordinary folk, and what binds us. Divide & Conquer. That is, the “collateral damage” has been the real aims, for every major national & global issue, for all this century at least. To the decision-makers, “it is worth it”. The food & energy shortages were a predictable, and it seems desirable outcome. They are as if we, the people, have been sanctioned. It works the same as every other sanction – the poorest & most vulnerable suffer first, and the most. Anyone with connections to the running of the system, and one or two degrees removed from them, are immune. The Covid scam has been similar; ostensibly targeting a disease, but really the target was society itself. Trump vs Biden the same – people were prepared to kill strangers, write off family members – over two ass-clowns who would make little difference which one had a deep state fist embedded far up it. Need I even mention BLM? We have grown into disfunctional societies. We distrust our fellow pleb. I walk down the street – nowadays I am a bit more mindful which neighbourhood – something I am sure that didn’t concern me so much two years ago. It’s hard to remember what life was like back then. I see a masked face, outdoors, and instantly dismiss it as a brainwashed zombie. Some stores and facilities (esp hospitals, doctors) still have mask & code requirements – although not mandatory, each outlet is free to set its own standards. So some things are never going to go away. Reflecting on Zone 23, I suspect that our… Read more »

Mar 30, 2022 9:45 AM
Reply to  antitermite

The distinction needed to demarcate a brand of politics or religion requires hate or fear.

Mar 30, 2022 1:13 AM

Nailed it but, too bad he got that last link from ‘world socialite website’ Seriously?

les online
les online
Mar 30, 2022 12:57 AM

‘NY Times: “Frustrated” Putin Could Use Nukes in Ukraine.” Mike Whitney…

40 mile long military convoys not moving = the Russian invasion is bogged down.
Russians have yet to take Kiev = Russian military supplies running short…

Everyone knows Russia’s Military plans – except The Russians…

The corporate propaganda media impose ‘How they’d conduct Putin’s War’ as the prism through which we should understand that Putin has failed, is desperate…

And if we accept the Putin’s Invasion Strategy according to the MSM, we’ll find it hard to disbelieve claims that the use of chemical, or nuclear weapons were acts of desperation by Putin aka The Russians…


Mar 30, 2022 10:31 AM
Reply to  les online

It’s not a real war

Mar 29, 2022 11:20 PM
Mar 30, 2022 3:36 AM
Reply to  Edwige

The ADL is a joke

Mar 29, 2022 11:06 PM

Amid western war propaganda declaring imminent Russian defeat many objectives observers but unfamiliar with Russian Byzantine state doctrine and politics are confused as they ask legitimate questions about what is Putin’s end game in Ukraine. What exactly he has in mind to stop NATO Eastern encroachment while assuring pacifist and relatively thriving Ukraine currently poorest country in Europe and it was this unfettered oligarchic exploitation that prepared fertile ground for already entrenched and fueled by the west UkroNazism.. Below there are several selected ideas circulated among Russian and some western independent political and military analysts. Those are reasonable speculations but not necessary positions Russian government may actually take. There is near consensus that Russia won’t stop despite appearing in so called “negotiations” as they are phony. Ukraine is not sitting at the table NATO is, ready to fight to the last Ukrainian Nazi and getting their wish as piles of dead Nazis are growing. Also in situation of de facto undeclared NATO war against Russia one cannot believe Russian public declarations about their intentions in military and political sphere as such would destroy any Russian tactical advantage. We must remember vehement denials of Russian invasion just 48 hours before it actually happened. Most agree that Putin is prepared to stay in Ukraine even for decades as they see this war as last possible existential war against NATO aggression without necessity of nuclear Holocaust.  In Russia dollar value already collapsed nobody wants to hold dollar (they moved to yuan and gold) unless they plan to emigrate as they can buy almost nothing they want with it. Russian demand to be paid in Rubles (according to Sankt Petersburg commodities benchmark) turned the table that rendered anti Russia sanctions self defeating and ineffective as compliance with them equals cutting vital Russian commodity exports to… Read more »

Mar 30, 2022 12:09 AM
Reply to  Kalen

Thanks for a realist summary

Mar 30, 2022 9:53 AM
Reply to  Kalen


Mar 30, 2022 10:35 AM
Reply to  Kalen

Both protagonists are WEF puppets. It’s a fake war with minimal casualties. The goal is runaway inflation in the West and impoverished citizens throwing themselves upon the mercy of the Global elite. As an aside, I think cities like Mariupol, being carefully leveled, will be rebuilt as smart cities.

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 29, 2022 10:56 PM

Thanks CJ. It really is theatre, isn’t it? And very poor quality theatre. Sounding more and more like the old ‘keystone cops’ films, but with a dark underside.

Mar 31, 2022 10:42 AM
Reply to  May Hem

+1 People are getting hurt though!

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Mar 29, 2022 10:30 PM

So lets summarize this shall we. Nazis in Ukraine are basically just racist nationalists that for some reason think Russia is still the Soviet Union full of commies and as such would prefer to join the EU so that they can be …. EU racists? Come on ? Does this make any sense? Maybe to some tool in the UK it does. These degenerates what ever they think they are, are basically just fools that have small foreheads and super orbital crests and their women babes have distinct tats on their legs that read ” white rules” … yup now there’s a nazi for you if I ever saw one. I mean if they were real Nazis don’t you think nazi hunters like Justin Trudeau would have called them out by now? Shit there’s a tool that knows a thing or two when it comes down to dealing with unruly nazis. Instead these fools are led by western educated Ukrainians ( that perhaps just may be the real deal) that have slightly larger foreheads and seem to mostly be balding rather early in life. These well dressed English muttering dupes parade in the UN, and naturally work for Oligarch money, the oligarchs that were kind of pursued by real nazis a while back, you do remember them don’t you? I rather wish Russia did not use this narrative as an excuse to go into Ukraine. De-nazify Ukraine. Okay well if you really think so. How about we just admit Ukrainians asked Russia for help and they basically abided. It would appear the Nazis in Ukraine are serving their purpose for Zel and for his handlers all under the guise of giving it to Russia or should we say Mr. Putin and at the expense of whom? The innocent citizens of… Read more »

Mar 30, 2022 3:09 AM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

Sure. Try this and the next few. Every American should see these, because they come from various countries’ journalists. And who are they gunning for beside Russians? Zelensky and the corrupt oligarchs.

Mar 30, 2022 3:40 AM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

Yeah I struggle to see how they can denazify anything. Four major powers tried that from 1945 onwards with minimal success so good luck to Russia trying it

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Mar 30, 2022 6:11 PM
Reply to  Koba

Deep down, the “West” has a penchant for fascism.
They had to provoke a causus belli in order to transparently express their true nature.
In Canada, functioning democracy according to its constitution has been destroyed.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Mar 29, 2022 9:57 PM

We need to separate Nazism from street theater. Its true that the NSDAP used a lot of up to the minute techniques to manage popular opinion — their uniforms and imagery were designed by costumiers, the rallies were stage sets and so on — but these techniques were not unique to the ideology or its time. Its much more interesting to look at the NSDAP as a generic political party. Here we’re hampered somewhat because of all the scholarly articles published while they’re in power justifying and expounding on their ideology are (like Mien Kampf itself) held behind a copyright wall. The reason for this is the usual “to prevent people from fetishizing on this” or whatever but I tend to think its because people who do look behind the curtain aren’t going to discover a race of alien monsters but a mirror. Anyway, what does leak out is the idea of “National Socialism” is to take the idea of “Socialism” — the notion that society should serve the people — and turn it on its head by identifying the state as the embodyment of ‘the people’ (or ‘volk’ in this case since we want to be able to exclude ‘non-volk’ groups) and so we get to the time honored idea that the people exist to serve the state. Since ‘the state’ in modern society is embodied by corporate interests we’re at Corporatism which, as I’ve said before, is just “Fascism without the street theater”. In practical terms it matters little, though. Experience has taught us — or at least should have taught us — that what this article refers to as “GloboCap” will espouse any ideology that serves its interests. Which, when you think about it, makes sense. It obviously thinks it is, like the US Navy (in its… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 29, 2022 8:45 PM

Orwell indeed. The BBC piece complains about Russia raking up old war memories? Gosh – we Westerners never do that!

And it’s interesting that a Confederate flag was enough to brand the Canadian convoy as Nazi but actual Nazi symbols galore in Ukraine can be so easily shoved aside.

And “150 historians who study genocide, Nazism and World War 2” decide that what Putin does here is “factually wrong, morally repugnant and deeply offensive to” etc. Well you can’t argue with “150 historians”!

And when the announcer declares that efforts to find Nazis in the Ukrainian armed forces will fail, then he is obviously exercising that peculiar crystal clear prophetic gift that suddenly descended on the media in spring 2020 – perhaps as a new evolutionary leap in human powers? (And one not shared by us lesser mortals!)

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Mar 30, 2022 1:35 AM
Reply to  George Mc

>And when the announcer declares that efforts to find Nazis in the Ukrainian armed forces will fail

Curiously enough I’ve just read an article from CNN on this very subject — that is, the permeation of neo-Nazis into the Ukraine armed forces. Someone needs to get their story straight.

Mar 29, 2022 8:20 PM

Look to Edouard Limonov’s National Bolsheviks to see how this shtick gets played from both ends.

It almost doesn’t matter if they’re reds or they’re blues.. Nat-syi or Bol-shie, if they serve the same interests.

Which they did in 1917-1933. Who’s to say they don’t serve the same interests today?

Crisis Update, Mar 29 – Projecting Covid Onto Ukraine’s Anguish: We are being urged to excuse criminal politicians by blaming Putin

Mar 29, 2022 7:48 PM

Lunatic going-ons in Bolivia:

Don’t recall great numbers of Bolivian flags flying… or #Standing with Bolivia…. or supermarkets asking me if I’d care to donate to Bolivian relief….

The good news is she was overthrown and her trial started today – and she threw an alleged panic attack showing she’d been to the same acting school as Matt Hancock and his tears.

However what the world needs is more women leaders and that will solve the problems. Funny how the WEF seem to like that argument.

Mar 29, 2022 7:21 PM

Sociopaths of every political colour just love those American owned social media platforms.
fascism..a socio-political system that is only recognized when it is too late.

Mar 30, 2022 9:58 AM
Reply to  Ottomanboi

The gang at Langley probably insists that the pet terrorists use one of the platforms.

Mar 29, 2022 6:18 PM

The Nazi theme every where. Arent you suppose to be providing a different view point. ?

Mar 30, 2022 4:30 AM
Reply to  yossam

Plus 100.

Olivia E
Olivia E
Mar 29, 2022 5:48 PM

Some seasoned researchers say we are now living in an era of communitarianism and technocracy. Basically, United Nations’ technocratic-global “Sustainable governance” (Agenda 21 and 2030) implemented locally through councils, NGOs and corporate localised groups (using UN subsidiaries-trained ‘change agents’ posing as normal member of the public); this is the secular version of the Seven Noahide Laws/The Noahide Code. The key phrase to remember is ‘GLOBAL laws underhandedly implemented LOCALLY’.

In a nutshell, the general public everywhere will be imprisoning themselves, mostly unknowingly, (along with the soon-to-be mandated digital IDs/social credit system, CBDC/blockchain and cashless society, if we are not vigilant and enough of us do not comply) in their local communities for an ideology which places the UN-prescribed ‘common good’ above individual people’s/couple’s/family’s needs aka neo-feudalism. One of the first people who tried to warn us of this deceit was/is George Hunt in 1992 during the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. Wish more people had listened to him.

What do people think? Would love to hear people’s thoughts and analysis of this information.

Mar 29, 2022 9:19 PM
Reply to  Olivia E

Sadly the majority appear helpless to do anything other than trot along to the imprisonment of the digital world for now…compelled by the media and the hounds of hell.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 29, 2022 5:03 PM

Repetition of programming that has not varied one iota since the dawn of covid: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/elaminabdelmahmoud/vibe-shift-war-in-ukraine “What You’re Feeling Isn’t A Vibe Shift. It’s Permanent Change. I was born during the longest period of global stability. Now, it appears all of that is fleeting.” And there it is in its most candid form: the post WW2 nest has finally exploded! We start with waffle about millennials facing up to The Changing Times – this is not generation specific though. The media always have their catechism about “What is really going on” i.e. their blueprint for psychological moulding.  This particular psy-op revolves around that “end of history” and postmodernist stuff. None of which really matters since we soon get to the meat: “We have arrived at the mouth of the volcano. Two years after the start of a global pandemic that has killed millions around the world and nearly a million in the US and upended the lives of everyone on the planet, we find ourselves at a crossroads at every level of our lives.” Ah the covid gospel voiced without the slightest shred of doubt. And now the psychic restructuring starts! “On a personal level, our friendships have been reordered. On a national level, technology has accelerated a complete breakdown in ….” etc. etc. “…. Meanwhile, the collective reluctant action to fight the climate crisis has deepened instability…” Ah the global warming gospel voiced without the slightest shred of doubt. (Photo of clappers clapping for frontline workers – yep we’re getting the full Monty here – apt expression too!) Then the old war spirit “We all pulled together” rap.   Psychobabble with outing for Trump as “the nut” who said “Drain the swamp” and nearly overthrew the entire USA! Ah the Capitol riot gospel voiced without the slightest shred of doubt. Then… Read more »

Mar 29, 2022 5:45 PM
Reply to  George Mc


George Mc
George Mc
Mar 29, 2022 7:56 PM
Reply to  George Mc

On a second look, the condescension of this article can be breath-taking: there is an observation about memes which concludes with this:

“… memes are an unserious response to a major event from a generation that does not know how to regard it with the appropriate weight.”

Indeed, this generation is behaving like naughty little schoolchildren who are not being respectful enough in church. This leads, appropriately enough into a lecture about how the kids are no longer taking covid so seriously. And we even get that “normalisation of death”. (Meaning a dreaded “normalisation” of the normal death tolls!)

Then a “normalisation of defeat” re: climate change. (Meaning no longer enough gullibility respect for climate change!)

Then a closer on how folk really started to grasp the “valid” sense of “collective grief”. However,

“…that feeling was localized, limited to a now-surreal stretch of time when some thought we’d only have to know terms like “social distancing” and “lockdown” for a brief stint. Two years later, grief has become the air itself. We are simultaneously grieving the former sturdiness of friendships, old relationships to government, and the familiar rules that governed the world. As one investment research firm put it in a recent paper, “The risk of Armageddon has risen dramatically. Stay bullish on stocks over a 12-month horizon.” There it is again. That funny feeling.”

That funny feeling indeed – but you can’t admit what it really is, can you? It is that all too familiar feeling that we are being told to stay afraid forever and ever!

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 29, 2022 8:04 PM
Reply to  George Mc

And isn’t it interesting how this little diamond of sadistic psy-oppery slyly drops echoes of the truth: “grief has become the air itself”. Yes indeed – the air itself is poison, The air itself is full of the media!

And what is this media telling us? That the former sturdiness of friendships, old relationships to government, and the familiar rules that governed the world are all dead now!

James A Kovalsky
James A Kovalsky
Mar 30, 2022 6:28 AM
Reply to  George Mc

For once I wish I could understand what your point is.. is your point to confuse us with your supposed superior intellect? Because I get nothing from this gobbly goock.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 30, 2022 7:55 AM

The point is pretty simple. Politics is theatre, there is one ruling group and they tell us what they will do (and what they require from us) through the media – though it’s coded to appear as “what will happen anyway”.

And what they are now telling us is that the little post WW2 consumer culture is over. And it’s revealing that they reverse their list of now extinct matters:

  • the former sturdiness of friendships
  • old relationships to government
  • the familiar rules that governed the world

The top one (personal friendships) is the one they have least control over and so the one they are most afraid of.

Mar 30, 2022 9:52 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I never appreciate being lied to.
But I do appreciate that people in authority feel it necessary.

Mar 30, 2022 9:08 PM
Reply to  George Mc

+1 excellent play-by-play!

Mar 29, 2022 4:54 PM

When people start talking about government’s and affiliates and who’s doing what are disguising the true underbelly of what’s been going on?!Governments TV are a distraction to the true nefarious reasons smoke and mirrors.They are attacking us our churches our schools our morality male female who’s who who can say what.Censorship of our dissident speakers.This is us against them we are under attack not Ukraine we are humanity are under attack for our very souls we are losing because they are distracting us through viruses and a threat of war it’s all a game and they are playing us.There there’s my rant for today.God help us.

Mar 29, 2022 4:44 PM

… the GloboCap Nazis are actual Nazis (i.e., Sieg-heiling, Jew-hating, Hitler-worshiping Nazis), who the US military and Intelligence community, NATO, and assorted private “military advisors” have been funding, arming, and otherwise supporting since the 2014 Ukrainian “revolution” (i.e., coup) …

Gotta love those Zio-Nazis! The Führer would be proud: https://electronicintifada.net/content/israel-arming-neo-nazis-ukraine/24876

Fugazi Shoe-gazy
Fugazi Shoe-gazy
Mar 29, 2022 4:29 PM

It’s wild that this needs to be brought up but in general people REALLY don’t like war and equally don’t want to fight in them. The people that do want to fight are either Ideologically driven (Nazis!) or mercenaries. If Russia stays in Ukraine for the long run and brutalizes the population like has been done in all of the US’ illegal wars then certainly people will be radicalized understandably, but otherwise you need hardliners. People in the US are incredibly naive about war. No one in 4 lifetimes knows what its like to have war destroy your city.

Mar 29, 2022 4:49 PM

I agree with much of that, but I don’t see any reason why Russia should want to ‘brutalize the population’, in the sense that the Neo-Nazis do not exclusively constitute that population.

It makes sense to me that Putin would want Washington-inspired trouble-makers well away from his doorstep. They have been building up their presence there for decades.
Most of us would want them away from our doorsteps too.
For example, if I were the leader of Britain’s so-called “Labour” Party, I wouldn’t want Washington-inspired trouble-makers infiltrating my party.
Unfortunately, Keir Starmer is one of the trouble-makers himself…

It really isn’t difficult to see this from Putin’s point of view. All that is necessary is to switch the sides and to substitute Cuba or Mexico for Ukraine.

American exceptionalism is a terminal cancer:
“Everything is okay when we do it, but not when other countries do it”…
How come we’re even discussing the immorality and hypocrisy behind that attitude…?

Mar 29, 2022 5:50 PM
Reply to  wardropper


Fugazi Shoe-gazy
Fugazi Shoe-gazy
Mar 29, 2022 8:37 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Agree 100% – I guess I was just making a more general point about the gullibility of the American public and its consequences – that’s largely how American exceptionalism works IMO. But yea Russia/Putin have a far stronger case for this “intervention” than any of the US’ recent military adventures no question.

Mar 29, 2022 3:50 PM

Well-reasoned, but Russia and China and India do not subscribe…some 80% of Die Welt does not kowtow to AZE, and AZE is in social-economic collapse under condition of War with the rest. The 80% is accelerating collapse by destroying fiat fake dollar – replacing it with gold and commodity based currency, an honest system. Since AZE is lost in vice and greed and incompetence, this is easy.

inter alia, see> https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2022/03/28/679314/Russia-gas-currency-switch

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Mar 29, 2022 6:42 PM
Reply to  Walter

Guterres Lays Out a Roadmap of “Transformations” to Come. Down on your knees, sustainable peasant! Tessa Lena, 3/2/22.

For some more context, here is a presentation from 2021 about the digital ruble. The presentation is from the Cyber Polygon simulation exercise. Cyber Polygon is usually talked about as a World Economic Forum event but actually, it was organized by the central bank of Russia and supported by the WEF

The presentation from the Cyber Polygon talks about the “programmable” feature of the digital ruble, meaning that the use of the digital currency can be arbitrarily limited based on what is being purchased, for example—which is exactly what “crazy conspiracy theorists” have been saying for months going on years.

les online
les online
Mar 30, 2022 12:19 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

A government imposed Income Management Scheme already exist in Australia. Imposed on anyone dependent on government payments it restricts the person receiving the handout from spending it on booze, drugs, gambling, purchasing porn – at least that is the reason the governments gives for wanting to control people’s spending…
A couple of years back the government hoovered up everyone’s medical records. Using computer profiling of people’s health the Scheme can be used to restrict what foods a person can purchase; track that they are purchasing prescribed medications; and so on – claiming it’s being done out of concern for the person’s health. The scheme may not be hi-tech like China’s Social Credit, but it provides the preliminary groundwork…
I rely on a debit card (income deposited direct), a credit card (for all purchases), a Medicare card, a public transport card. These can all be ‘stopped’, as can be the use of my PC, and my ‘phone – if i give the government reasons to distrust me. Even my government issued !D card can be canceled…

Mar 29, 2022 3:32 PM

Never let it be said that the £6-billion-a-year BBC lost an opportunity to whitewash Nazis and cannibal throat-slitting jihadis.

Just so long as they are Good Nazis and Moderate Cannibal Throat-Slitting Jihadis.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Mar 29, 2022 3:00 PM

Most people don’t appear to sense that anything is out of the ordinary. At all. Masks are normal. Kids have always died with heart issues. People who didn’t inject trial medications are weirdo, evil, selfish scum. It’s ok to block people from income. Russians are psychopaths. And a million other things. Go out in your community and take a look at the first person you see. Take a look at any of them. 100 to 1 on, they’re totally, hopelessly gone.

Mar 29, 2022 4:53 PM
Reply to  Pig Swill

Well, maybe 10 to 1 on…
But you’re quite right.

In two short years, most of the people we knew and accepted as pretty normal have reached the state of being “gone”.
Is “Brainwashing – 101” really that easy a course…?

Mar 29, 2022 11:58 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I am not sure it is brainwashing…I have noted significant changes in behaviour post being injected,,,

Mar 30, 2022 4:20 PM
Reply to  Edith

Common anecdotes abound. My post-jab friends and relatives have been getting sick. One by one, they’re coming down with respiratory illnesses–nothing too serious, thankfully, because I still care about them, even if they are gullible idiots. One friend in particular gets on the phone every week or so to inquire about me and my well-being: “So, how ARE you?” expressing a passive incredulity that, as an unvaxed member of society, somehow I remain standing. He and his wife have been sick post-covid and flu shots; I haven’t had so much as a sniffle in 5 years. (He’s the fellow who visited me at my house a few months ago and politely asked if I wouldn’t mind that he wore a mask while we talked because I was “unvaccinated.” I put forward a yeoman’s effort to explain things to him, but I might has well have been talking to my kitchen sink.) Last weekend I visited my lovely 86-year-old aunt (truly one of the nicest people I’ve ever known, bless her) as she lay recovering in a rehab facility bed from a lung disease (“covid” negative, “influenza” positive). “I’ve had my covid shots AND a flu shot! How did this happen?” My multi-jabbed guitarist band mate is down for the count just two weeks before a long-scheduled gig; not much time left for rehearsals. My darling daughter and son-in-law, both tried-and-true mask-wearing order-followers, have gotten sick a few times post-poke, yet both continue to express concern about my unjabbed status. Very sadly, at 40 years of age, she is still trying to get pregnant for the first time. I just don’t have the heart to tell her about the female infertility issues surrounding this mess, issues she as a consumer of MSM propaganda of course knows nothing about. I sincerely hope… Read more »

Mar 29, 2022 5:52 PM
Reply to  Pig Swill


Mar 30, 2022 7:50 PM
Reply to  Pig Swill

The past was alterable;the past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia.Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.

dr death
dr death
Mar 29, 2022 2:35 PM

if there is any imbecile out there still ranting about ‘nazis’ when patently obvious it’s just the recourse of the hard of thinking… whether red team or blue team or left or right or upside down… kindly retire you imbecile… you are the victim of mind control…

EG… jewish oligarch funded black water mercenaries are nazi atrocity committers in the urkraine but they are just dandy for greensplatt at the ADL… and turgid atlanticist folk heroes…But are these the nazis of hopkins et al?…. or are these the atrocious germans of the 1930’s (where this hack chooses to live)..

Putin’s a nazi.. Biden’s a nazi grandma’s a nazi my solicitor is a nazi and my weekend lover… they are all fucking nazis…

you are a nazi….kill yourself…

most of them have seem to have run out of ideas..

have you noticed?

Mar 29, 2022 5:54 PM
Reply to  dr death


Mar 30, 2022 4:28 AM
Reply to  dr death

The N word is heavily overused.

Mar 30, 2022 8:38 AM
Reply to  dr death

Sure. It is a label you can stick on just anybody for almost any reason. Or for no reason at all, just like that. However, it is a very good label if you need plausible deniability. The fact that apparently the ADL had to be called in to make a statement looks like deniability is crumbling.

Mar 30, 2022 7:57 PM
Reply to  dr death

GloboCap would be more aptly called GloboZio.

Mar 29, 2022 2:33 PM

If people can’t see that this is all a set up for rounding up the herd,Culling the herd then you have been asleep.It’s not and never been about a virus or a war it’s to cull destroy us it’s as simple as that.Everyone is trying to make sense of who’s done this who’s said that where it started?!?It started a hundred odd years ago to control and to murder millions of innocent souls Eugenics that’s all we need to know and now they are full throttle of the cull.

Mar 29, 2022 2:12 PM

Was it appropriate to laugh out loud while reading this article?

Can the initiation of WW3 be, in any sense, fun?

O.K. Hopkins, you win.

And you’re right.

We’re all guilty.

John Goss
John Goss
Mar 29, 2022 2:10 PM

The real Nazis in Ukraine, and the place is swarming with them, have no conscience, except when they are forced to apologise for getting the Nazis a bad name through saying what so many of them believe. But they are evil.

I posted this yesterday about Russian soldiers being shot in the legs by their captors, who courageously phone-videod the event, and shared it.


I understand Strelkov has since been suppressed from speaking because they don’t want him to encourage reprisals. The Sun though has put the story to bed by informing its erudite readers that the Russians shot themselves in the legs to avoid having to fight.


We really must get rid of shits like Rupert Murdoch.

Mar 29, 2022 3:40 PM
Reply to  John Goss

Nice people those Ukies. Good to see them honouring their Nazi heroes’ memory by castrating and murdering prisoners. Really glad to see taxpayers’ money being given to them instead of being squandered on things like the NHS. Must remember to pin on my little blue and yellow ribbon.

Mar 29, 2022 4:57 PM
Reply to  John Goss

Murdoch is already almost gone, but nothing will change.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 29, 2022 8:49 PM
Reply to  John Goss

I reckon the actual thugs for all their psychotic butchery are not the real evil at all. It’s the “nice” people on the media who enable these thugs who are the real evil. It’s those who turn reality completely upside down and then have the nerve to get on their moral high horse over the lie!

Mar 29, 2022 2:08 PM

“they split the identity of the official enemy, stripping off and embracing its fascism while simultaneously maintaining and magnifying its fascism”.

Like the Canadian government labelling the truckers nazis while joining Britain and Australia in abstaining on a UN vote to condemn Nazism (they left the dirty work of actually voting against it to the US).

This doesn’t mean these regimes are “really” nazi or really anything else – it’s just a reveal of their utter cynicism about ideologies and how they’ll use any cause if it advances the agenda of the day. They probably just don’t care about the contradictions although the possibility they do it deliberately to maximise the gas-lighting can’t be completely discounted.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 29, 2022 1:42 PM
Reply to  S Cooper
S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 29, 2022 3:23 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

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Mar 29, 2022 8:46 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Being originally from California but having not lived there for 35 years or so, I have to say California really is a nazi state, isn’t it? My God.

Mar 29, 2022 1:39 PM

I’ll be damned if I see much difference between the hyper-psychotic world Mr Hopkins presents and the normal world I’ve seen for the past 78 years.

Oh wait: there is a big difference. Now everyone can see this world in all its glory instead of the few who managed to clear their eyes of the little veils attached at birth.

Oh wait: there’s still only a few who can see anything clearly. So there’s not “not much” difference: there’s no difference.

As you were everybody.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 29, 2022 1:33 PM

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S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 29, 2022 1:36 PM
Reply to  S Cooper
John Crowther Lol
John Crowther Lol
Mar 29, 2022 6:04 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

I sick of these two evil cretins popping up balls to them