Covid19 – Cock-Up or Conspiracy?

Understanding the “pandemic” as a “structural deep event”

Dr Piers Robinson

As debate over ‘The Science’ has increased, people are questioning whether there was more to COVID-19 in terms of underlying agendas, in particular with respect to global-level actors. Was it incompetence or coordination?

It’s been two years since COVID-19 became a dominant and all-consuming issue. Now there are signs we are witnessing the unravelling of some of the key policy responses – blanket lockdowns and population-wide injections – that have been so aggressively promoted by many, although not all, governments around the world.

Of course, the unravelling is patchy: many countries are maintaining high levels of restrictions and the infrastructure for reinstating measures persists. There is also reluctance by many to concede there have been problems with the COVID-19 responses to date.

However, doubts about the efficacy of lockdowns are now widely aired whilst there is increasing awareness that the mRNA shot is not safe.

And it is at least clear that very significant numbers of people, including scientists and academics, are expressing views that are at odds with authority or mainstream claims that lockdowns reduce mortality and that mass injections are a rational and efficacious solution.

As debate over ‘The Science’ has increased, more and more people have started to question whether or not there is more to COVID-19 in terms of underlying agendas, in particular with respect to global-level actors such as the World Economic Forum (WEF), the World Health Organisation (WHO) and so-called ‘Big Pharma’.

In the early days of COVID-19 any such talk was immediately dismissed as ‘conspiratorial’ nonsense and, broadly speaking, people raising non-mainstream doubts about any aspect of the COVID-19 issue were subjected to vilification by ‘authoritative’ voices and corporate media.

Such dynamics were very much in evidence with respect to speculation about the origins of COVID-19. And yet, today, the so-called ‘lab leak theory’ has moved from a ‘sphere of deviance’ to a ‘sphere of legitimate controversy’ with many people, from mainstream science and corporate media to popular podcasts, discussing it.

At the same time, public awareness of the WEF and its political agendas, perhaps more accurately described as visions, is growing. Indeed, a constant refrain from some quarters is that what was yesterday’s conspiracy theory is today’s fact.

So, if all this is not about a virus, what might actually be going on?

COVID-19 and the ‘Structural Deep Event’ concept

First and foremost, it is necessary to dispel the idea that any attempt to understand intersections between political-economic agendas and COVID-19 is necessarily absurd or smacks of batshit-crazy conspiracism.

It is a fact that powerful political and economic actors do not blindly and irrationally stumble through history but rather strategise, plan and take actions that are expected to achieve results.

They may make mistakes and plans are not always successful, but that does not mean they do not try and sometimes succeed in their aims and objectives. For example the tobacco industry worked long and hard, and with some success, to shape scientific and political discourse regarding their product and delay public awareness of its dangers.

Second, it is also true that powerful actors can have clear perceptions of their interests and are guided by the desire to realise, protect and further them. Where those interests come from might be reducible to any number of material or ideological influences.

But origins do not matter, powerful actors still have conceptions of their interests and what they want to do.

Third, it is also true that powerful political and economic actors are, well, powerful. They have resources and skills at their disposal that other less powerful actors do not.

One potent  tool available is that of propaganda, which grants significant leverage and influence to those with the skills and resources to disseminate it.

For those liberals who remain at peace with their world – believing that powerful actors simply relay their political, economic and social goals to knowledgeable publics who then consent, or refuse to consent, to those goals – the fact that propaganda is exercised extensively across liberal democratic states comes as a shock.

Indeed, it is the experience of this author that many ‘liberal’ scholars struggle to recognise the role of propaganda even in well documented examples such as that of the tobacco industry shaping the science on the harms of smoking or the bogus claims regarding weapons of mass destruction (WMD) used to justify the invasion of Iraq.

Recognising that propaganda is a major component of exercising power within so-called liberal democratic states logically removes any justification for the assumptions that:

  • a) powerful actors cannot or do not manipulate publics
  • b) citizenry are sufficiently autonomous and knowledgeable to be able to grant or withhold consent.

History is replete with examples of powerful actors successfully pursuing goals and manipulating populations in the process.

In the days after 9/11, we now know that British and American officials were planning a wide-ranging series of actions – so called ‘regime-change’ wars – that went well outside the scope of the official narrative regarding combating alleged ‘Islamic fundamentalist terrorism’.

One British embassy cable stated, four days after 9/11, that ‘[t]he “regime-change hawks” in Washington are arguing that a coalition put together for one purpose [against international terrorism] could be used to clear up other problems in the region’.

Within weeks British Prime Minister Tony Blair communicated with US president George W. Bush saying, amongst many other things, ‘If toppling Saddam is a prime objective, it is far easier to do it with Syria and Iran in favour or acquiescing rather than hitting all three at once’.

As these two western leaders conspired at the geo-strategic level, a low-level ‘spin doctor’, Jo Moore, commented on the utility of 9/11 in terms of day-to-day ‘media management’, noting that it was a good day to bury bad news.

Jo Moore was forced to resign, Bush and Blair laid the tracks for 20-plus years of conflict in the international system, including the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the recently ended 20-year occupation of Afghanistan.

Professor Peter Dale Scott (University of California, Berkley) developed the idea of the  ‘structural deep event’ and this is useful in capturing the idea that powerful actors frequently work to instigate, exploit or exacerbate events in ways that enable substantive and long-lasting societal transformations.

These frequently involve, according to Scott, a combination of legal and illegal activity implicating both legitimate and public-facing political structures as well as covert or hidden parts of government – the so-called deep state which is understood as the interface ‘between the public, the constitutionally established state, and the deep forces behind it of wealth, power, and violence outside the government’.

So, for example, Scott argues that the JFK assassination became an event that enabled the maintenance of the Cold War whilst 9/11 likewise enabled the global ‘war on terror’, and that both involved a variety of actors not usually recognized in mainstream or official accounts of these events.

It is important to note that Scott claims his approach does not necessarily imply a simplistic grand conspiracy, but is rather based on the idea of opaque networks of powerful and influential groups whose interests converge, at points, and who use and exploit events to pursue their objectives.

Applied to COVID-19, a ‘structural deep event’ reading would point toward a constellation of actors, with overlapping interests, working to advance agendas, and being enabled to do so because of COVID-19.

Such a reading does not necessarily include or exclude the possibility of COVID-19 being an instigated event. What are the grounds for seriously considering a ‘structural deep event’ reading?

The failed COVID-19 response, injection inefficacy and propaganda

There is a strong, perhaps overwhelming, case to be made that the key responses to COVID-19 – lockdowns, cloth masking and mass injection – were flawed.

A large swathe of scientists and medical professionals are now clearly and repeatedly warning governments and populations that lockdowns are harmful and ineffective, whilst mass injection of populations may also be doing more harm than good.

Put in lay terms, the idea of quarantining entire (healthy) populations for extended periods of time in response to a respiratory virus, and then attempting to submit entire populations to an experimental mRNA injection on a repeated basis, does not appear to be scientifically robust.

It has also become apparent that a remarkable and wide-ranging propaganda effort was used to mobilize support for lockdowns and, later on, injections. For example, it is understood that many Western governments have behavioural psychology units attached to the highest levels of government, designed to shape thoughts and behaviour.

According to Iain Davis, in February 2020 the WHO had established  the Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural Insights and Sciences for Health (TAG); ‘The group is chaired by Prof. Cass Sunstein and its members include behavioural change experts from the World Bank, the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Prof. Susan Michie, from the UK, is also a TAG participant’.

In the UK, behavioural scientists from SPI-B (Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviour) reconvened on 13 February 2020 and subsequently advised the UK government on how to secure compliance with non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs).

Broadly, these propaganda techniques appear to have involved maximising perceived threat in order to coerce populations to comply with lockdown and, eventually, to accept a series of injections.

We also now know that propaganda activities have included smear campaigns against dissenting scientists and, in at least one major case, were initiated by high-level officials: in Autumn 2020, Anthony Fauci and National Institute of Health director Francis Collins discussed the need to swiftly shut down the Great Barrington Declaration, whose authors were advocating an alternative (and historically orthodox) COVID-19 response focused on protecting high-risk individuals and thus avoiding destructive lockdown measures.

Collins wrote in an email that:

[this] proposal from the three fringe epidemiologists … seems to be getting a lot of attention … There needs to be a quick and devastating published takedown of its premises’.

Rather than a civilised and robust scientific debate, a smear campaign followed.

The legacy corporate media, social media platforms and large swathes of academia appear to have played an important role in disseminating this propaganda and promoting the official narrative on COVID-19. The proximity of legacy corporate media to political and economic power has been well understood for many decades: concentration of ownership, reliance upon advertising revenue, deference to elite sources, vulnerability to smear campaigns and ideological positioning are all understood to sharply limit the autonomy of legacy media (these factors also arguably shape academia).

With COVID-19 these dynamics are exacerbated by, for example, direct regulatory influence, such as Ofcom direction to UK broadcasters, and censorship by ‘Big Tech’ of views deviating from those of the authorities and the WHO.

The Trusted News Initiative (TNI) and Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) have coordinated major legacy media in order to counter what they claim to be ‘misinformation’, and this appears to have played a role in suppressing legitimate scientific criticism whilst elevating ‘official’ narratives.

Currently moves are afoot to further strengthen elite control over media discourse via legislation aimed at preventing so-called ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’.

Extreme and arguably flawed policy responses – societal lockdown and mandated mass injection – combined with widespread propaganda activities aimed at securing the compliance of the population might be explicable in a number of ways. For example:

  1. The cock-up thesis might be invoked to explain all of this as an irrational panic response by well-intentioned or ideologically driven actors who got things badly wrong and imitated each other while doing so;
  2. It might be that these policy responses are the result of narrow vested interests and corruption;
  3. Powerful actors might have sought to take advantage of COVID-19 to advance substantial political and economic agendas and, as part of this, helped to promote key aspects of the COVID-19 event.

Following two years of massive societal disruption aimed at containing a seasonal respiratory virus and the persistence of some aspects of the COVID-19 narrative despite substantive scientific challenges, it is tempting to speculate that there are corruption and concerted political and economic drivers behind policy, rather than blunders and incompetence. Moving beyond speculation, are there well-established grounds to take  explanations 2 and 3 seriously?

Manipulation and exploitation of Health Agencies: Regulatory Capture at the NIH and CDC plus the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Pandemic Preparedness Agenda

Evidence for vested interests and corruption has come, in particular, from analyses of US regulatory bodies and the actions of the WHO. In particular, evidence has emerged showing that key authorities in the US – the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – under the influence of Fauci, the Chief Medical Officer to the US President, have suffered from severe conflicts of interest. The term ‘regulatory capture’ is frequently used to describe this situation.

For example, Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s detailed analysis of the US-led COVID-19 response in The Real Anthony Fauci, documents the corrupt relationship between so-called ‘Big Pharma’ and Anthony Fauci arguing that, to all intents and purposes, there has been ‘regulatory capture’ whereby pharmaceutical companies and public officials enjoy mutually beneficial arrangements.

This mutual infiltration is understood by Kennedy to underpin the COVID-19 response, especially the commitment to a ‘vaccine-only’ solution and suppression of preventative treatments such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).

By way of  example, Kennedy relays the case of Dr Tess Lawrie and WHO researcher Andrew Hill in which Hill appeared to confirm there was pressure to delay publication of results supporting the efficacy of Ivermectin. Regarding HCQ, Kennedy writes:

By 2020, we shall see, Bill Gates exercised firm control over WHO and deployed the agency in his effort to discredit HCQ’ … On June 17, the WHO – for which Mr. Gates is the largest funder after the US, and over which Mr. Gates and Dr Fauci exercise tight control – called for the halt of HCQ trials in hundreds of hospitals across the world. WHO Chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus ordered nations to stop using HCQ and CQ. Portugal, France, Italy, and Belgium banned HCQ for COVID-19 treatment.

More broadly, the WHO has been important in terms of co-ordinating some COVID-19 policy responses.  Although notionally an independent entity, the WHO has increasingly come under corporate influence via both the growth of corporate-influenced organisations such as Gavi (Global Vaccine Alliance), CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) and private financing via the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The WHO is also currently negotiating a treaty with the governments of member states to provide unprecedented powers to this organization to enable rapid responses, transcending national governments, when the WHO declares pandemics in the future, thus centralizing control and potentially overriding national sovereignty.

This line of analysis might lead to a conclusion that what we have experienced to date – harmful lockdowns and injection strategies underpinned by massive propaganda – is primarily the result of corruption, conflicts of interest and vested interests, rather than what could reasonably be described as good faith errors by politicians and bureaucrats.

The World Economic Forum and the ‘Great Reset’

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has been associated by some analysts with the COVID-19 event and in 2020 Klaus Schwab, its founder, published a co-authored book titled COVID-19: The Great ResetSchwab declared: ‘The Pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world’.

One key component of the political-economic vision promoted by the WEF is ‘stakeholder capitalism’ (Global Public-Private Partnerships, GPPP) involving the integration of government, business and civil society actors with respect to the provision of services.

Another key component involves harnessing ‘the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution’, especially the exploitation of developments in artificial intelligence, computing and robotics, in order to radically transform society toward a digitised model. Slogans now frequently associated with these visions include ‘you will own nothing and be happy’, ‘smart cities’ and ‘build back better’.

It is also apparent that the WEF, as an organising force, has considerable reach. It has been involved with training and educating individuals – through its Young Global Leaders Programme and its predecessor, Global Leaders for Tomorrow – who have subsequently moved into positions of considerable power.

It has also been noted that many national leaders (e.g. Merkel, Macron, Trudeau, Ardern, Putin, and Kurz) are WEF Forum of Young Global Leaders graduates or members and have ‘played prominent roles, typically promoting zero-covid strategies, lockdowns, mask mandates, and ‘vaccine passports’. In 2017 Schwab boasted:

When I mention our names like Mrs Merkel, even Vladimir Putin and so on, they all have been Young Global Leaders of the World Economic forum. But what we are very proud of now is the young generation like prime minister Trudeau, president of Argentina and so on. So we penetrate the cabinets. So yesterday I was at a reception for prime minister Trudeau and I will know that half of this cabinet or even more half of this cabinet are actually young global leaders of the World Economic Forum …. that’s true in Argentina, and it’s true in France now with the president a Young Global Leader.

Corporate members of the WEF’s Forum of Young Global Leaders includes Mark Zuckerberg whilst ‘Global Leaders for Tomorrow’ included Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos.

Financial Crisis, the Central Banks and Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

It is now established that a major crisis in the repo markets during the Autumn of 2019 was followed by high-level planning aimed at resolving an impending financial crisis of greater proportions than the 2008 banking crisis.

According to some analysts, one response appears to have been a strengthened drive to control currencies via the Central Banks: Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). The General Manager of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), Agustin Carstensstated in October 2020 that:

We intend to establish the equivalence with cash and there is a huge difference there. For example, in cash we don’t know who is using a $100 bill today … the key difference with the CBDC is that the central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability and also we will have the technology to enforce that.

A programmable CBDC potentially provides complete control over how and when an individual spends money, in addition to allowing authorities to automatically deduct taxes through a person’s ‘digital wallet’.

According to some analysts, this development would also effectively remove any significant control over financial policy at the national level.

Technologies associated with programmable CBDCs overlap with those associated with 4IR and concepts regarding digitised society. Specifically, digital identity, a potential component of the intended CBDC, provides a basis for the creation of a digital grid upon which information relating to all aspects of an individual’s life will be available to governments, corporations and other powerful entities such as the security services.

Also notable is the relationship between digital ID and the drive to create ‘vaccine passports’ as part of the COVID-19 response: Microsoft and the Rockefeller Foundation are central players in ID2020, alongside Gavi. The objective appears to be a global-level digital ID framework that integrates with health/vaccination status.

Both of these political-economic phenomena point toward a conclusion more closely aligned with the ‘structural deep event’ (Scott) thesis, in that they highlight the possibility that COVID-19 has been an event exploited to advance major political and economic agendas. This hypothesis is at least in part distinct from the idea that corruption and narrow vested interests explain most of what we have seen.

Threats to democracy and understanding what this all means

The political and economic processes identified regarding the WEF, digital ID and the central banks are not speculative or theoretical, they are directly observable and ongoing. It is also worth spelling out the potential interaction between these agendas and threats to democracy.

It is now clear and empirically demonstrable that populations are being subjected to increasingly coercive and aggressive attempts to limit their autonomy, including restrictions on movement, the right to protest, freedom to work and freedom to participate in society.

Most notably, significant numbers of people have been pushed, sometimes required, to take an injection at regular intervals in order to continue their participation in society. These developments have been accompanied by, at times, aggressive and discriminatory statements from major political leaders with respect to people resisting injection.

The threat to civil liberties and ‘democracy as usual’ is, arguably, unprecedented. The economic impact has been dire and COVID-19 has seen a dramatic and continued  transfer of wealth from the poorest to the very richest (e.g. Oxfam, 2021).

Furthermore, the combination of a programmable CBDC, a ‘vaccine passport’ that determines access to services and real-world spaces and the availability of all online behaviours to corporations and governments can enable a system of near total control over an individual’s life, activities and opportunities.

This system of control can be seen in China with the social credit system currently being implemented in certain provinces. Integration of personal data and money though a digital ID would also allow individuals to be readily stripped of their assets.

Of course, it is still possible that the sustained adherence to lockdown and mass injection (in spite of growing evidence against their efficacy) are explicable through reference to government blunders, whilst the parallel political and economic projects and rapid reduction in civil liberties are coincidences.

However, it would be remiss to set aside the fact that organisations such as the WHO and the WEF exist within a wider network, or constellation, of extremely powerful, non-elected political and economic entities made up of major multinational corporations, intergovernmental organisations (IGOs), large private foundations and other non-governmental organisations (NGOs).

These include, in no particular order, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and other central banks; asset managers Blackrock and Vanguard; global-level entities such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Club of Rome, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Kellogg Foundation, Chatham House, the Trilateral Commission, the Atlantic Council, the Open Society Foundations and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; and major corporations including so-called ‘Big Pharma’ and ‘Big Tech’ such as Apple, Google (part of Alphabet Inc), Amazon and Microsoft.

And, of course, governments themselves are part of this constellation, with the most powerful – the US, China and India – having considerable influence. In addition, the European Union (EU) supranational body, via its President Ursula von der Leyen, has promoted the EU Digital COVID Certificate and demanded that all EU citizens be injected.

As such, it is entirely plausible that a convergence of interests, shared by multiple political and economic actors, has occurred, which has enabled the advancement of political and economic agendas. COVID-19, in this scenario, might well have been a mobilizing event instrumentalized by powerful players.

It may also be the case that the current war in the Ukraine is an event that will be propagandized and used in a similar fashion.

Indeed, precisely this broad thesis is advanced in recent publications. In States of Emergency Kees van der Pijl argues there has been a ‘biopolitical seizure of power’ in which an intelligence-IT-media complex has crystallized as a new class block seeking to quell growing unrest and the strengthening of progressive social movements throughout the world.

Under cover of Covid-19, and via ruthless exploitation of people’s fear of a virus, van der Pijl traces how this new class block is attempting to impose control via high-tech, digitised societies necessitating  mandatory injections and digital ID, as well as censorship and manipulation of public spheres.

In short, van der Pijl describes a total surveillance society involving massive concentration of power and the end of democracy. Iain Davis’ Pseudopandemic similarly presents the COVID-19 event as primarily a propagandized phenomena that has functioned to enable the continued emergence of a technocratic order built around the Global Public-Private Partnership (GPPP) and ‘stake-holder capitalism’ that has appeared primarily to serve the interests of what he describes as an elite ‘parasite class’.

Robert F. Kennedy’s The Real Anthony Fauci, although focused on documenting the corruption with respect to public health institutions and ‘Big Pharma’, is clear about its consequences for our democracies.

Early in the book he notes that Fauci ‘has played a central role in undermining public health and subverting democracy and constitutional governance around the globe and in transitioning our civil governance toward medical totalitarianism’. Later in the book, Kennedy discusses the interplay between military, medical and intelligence planners and raises questions about an ‘underlying agenda to coordinate dismantlement of democratic governance’:

After 9/11, the rising biosecurity cartel adopted simulations as signaling mechanisms for choreographing lockstep responses among corporate, political, and military technocrats charged with managing global exigencies. Scenario planning became an indispensable device for multiple power centers to coordinate complex strategies for simultaneously imposing coercive controls upon democratic societies across the globe.

Other important analyses, all of which run along similar lines, have been provided by Cory MorningstarPaul Shreyer and Whitney Webb, amongst others.

And, not to be forgotten, James Corbett was one of the first to warn of the impending dangers of a biosecurity state all the way back in March 2020. Others such as Patrick Wood alerted us to these developments long before the arrival of COVID-19.

Along with all this, transhumanism, life extension or ‘enhancement’ through technology and digitalised society, observable in some of the output from the WEF and public musings of key individuals, appears to reflect a set of beliefs in technology and progress that can be traced back to Enlightenment thinking of the last 300 years.

Philosophical debates over technology and what it means to be human have remained at the heart of the Enlightenment ‘project’, although perhaps deeply buried. Associated with this might be scientism as a religious cult of the West.

Attempts to attach a label to the complex political and economic processes we are witnessing include descriptors such as ‘global fascism,’ ‘global communism,’ ‘neo-feudalism,’ ‘neo-serfdom’, ‘totalitarianism,’ ‘technocracy,’ ‘centralization vs. subsidiarity,’ ‘stakeholder capitalism’, ‘global public-private partnerships,’ ‘corporate authoritarianism’, ‘authoritarianism,’ ‘tyranny’ and ‘global capitalism.’

Dr Robert Malone, inventor of part of the mRNA technology used in the COVID-19 injections, openly refers to the threat of global totalitarianism.

The task confronting humanity

For those occupying corporate or mainstream positions in politics, media or academia, the fear of being tarred with the ‘conspiracy theorist’ label is usually enough to dampen any enthusiasm for serious evaluation of the ways in which powerful and influential political and economic actors might be shaping responses to COVID-19 to further political and economic agendas.

But the stakes are now simply too high for such shyness and, indeed cowardice, to be allowed to persist. There are strong and well-established grounds to take  analyses along the lines of the ‘structural deep event’ thesis seriously, as set out in this article, and there are clear and present dangers to our civil liberties, freedom and democracy.

Building on the work already started, researchers must explore more fully the networks and power structures that have shaped the COVID-19 responses and which have sought to move forward various political and economic agendas.

Analysing more fully the techniques used, including propaganda and exploitation of COVID-19 as an enabling event, is now an essential task for researchers to undertake.

Equally important is for scholars of democracy and ethics to further unpack the implications of these developments with respect to liberty and civil rights. Such work, ultimately, can not only deepen our understanding of what is going on; it can also provide a guide for those who seek to oppose what is being described by some as ‘global totalitarianism’ or ‘fascism’.

It could of course be the case that such a research agenda ultimately leads to a refutation of the ‘structural deep event’ thesis and confirmation that everything witnessed over the last two years has been one almighty cock-up.

But if that is not the case, and we have all buried our heads in the sand by assuming there is nothing deeper going on, we will have failed ourselves and future generations.

The stakes could not be higher and it has never been more essential to seriously engage with uncomfortable possibilities – even if that means interrogating explanations that move beyond reducing what we are all experiencing to blunder and incompetence.

Originally published by Pandemics, Data & Analysis. Dr Robinson appeared on the Slow News Day podcast to discuss this article, you can watch that here.
Dr Piers Robinson is co-Director of the Organisation for Propaganda Studies, convenor of the Working Group on Syria, Media and Propaganda and associated researcher with the Working Group on Propaganda and the 9/11 ‘Global War on Terror.

[1] Thanks to David Bell, Isa Blumi, Heike Brunner, Jonathan Engler and Nick Hudson for comments and input.

[2] Sheldon Watts offers historic background illustrating how the establishment regularly rewrites the science to serve other purposes. In the case of Cholera, the main editors of The Lancet in the late 19th century actually contradicted their own findings of a previous decade in order to accommodate trade interests concerning the quarantining of British ships from India that would have harmed the British Empire’s economic model. From being a human communicable disease, it transformed into a dark-skinned disease of the orient. Watts, Sheldon. “From rapid change to stasis: Official responses to cholera in British-ruled India and Egypt: 1860 to c. 1921.” Journal of World History (2001): 321-374. Thanks to Isa Blumi for this reference.


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Apr 13, 2022 9:34 PM

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko said anyone that willfully vilified and obstructed access to hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19 is guilty of first degree capital murder, genocide, and crimes against humanity. They are trying to jab as many people as possible so that their great reset aka depopulation plan work. I believe in God & Jesus. If I get sick I will take my Ivermectin that I stashed just in case and leave rest to God. If you want to get Ivermectin you can visit ivmcures.com

Joey Beltram
Joey Beltram
Apr 11, 2022 6:42 PM

This reads like it was meant for the telegraph, in 2026, you know, when everyone knows what’s going on – when it’s way too late. It made me angry reading what they’ve done. It’s got some good bits, but “cock up?” Seriously ????

not a chance, not one.

I will be passing this onto family who still think it’s all gone away.. it’s informative for those not in the know or refuse to wear a nice tinfoil hat like me.

Stop The Prison Mentality
Stop The Prison Mentality
Apr 8, 2022 12:37 AM

To be honest, I just find these types of articles to be all too late, and unhelpful.

For a start the idea of speculating about Cock-Up or Conspiracy?, really? Seriously, we are waaaaaaaaayyyyyyy past that point.

We need to see articles about what is actually happening NOW and a risk assessment thereof to the implications to freedom and democracy, not a historical review and manufacturing a debate about it’s truth.

Take, for example, in Australia there is now a requirement for company directors to apply for a Digital ID and they’ve got until November 30 to get it done. This is a similar tactic to the CCP whos first step on their way to a social credit score was in institute one for the world of business. And also, still in Australia, the actual reality that you can now only get flood relief money from the government if you have a MyGov ID.

I could go on but I’m sure you get the point.

Henry Wilson
Henry Wilson
Apr 7, 2022 9:45 PM

I notice that while this article gives a nod to Whitney Webb and others it doesn’t mention OffG or Kit Knightly, who was, to my recall, one of the first, if not the very first, journalists to call out this covid nonsense. I remember coming here to get a dose of sanity in February 2020 when none of those mentioned above were providing any at all. So, credit where it’s due please Dr Robinson

Apr 7, 2022 1:50 PM

Pseudo Covid Public inquiry is happening soon deadline is today for U.K,
They will eventually make out some mistakes where made blame a fall guy and
‘We will learn by this troupe’ will appear in the headlines etc

Bill Francis
Bill Francis
Apr 6, 2022 3:41 PM

This opinion piece, while putting both sides of the deliberate vs cock-up argument, fails to recognise the spiritual aspect of human nature – that human nature is a mixture of good and evil, and unfortunately evil tends to predominate. There is a saying “actions speak louder than words”, and the actions taken as a consequence of the introduction of the covid-19 pandemic indicate conclusively that it was all deliberate. If it were a cock-up, any half-decent human being would admit it, and apologise. That has never happened. Quite the contrary, all those conspiracy theories have been shown to be true – that there is a real conspiracy against all of mankind, and those that carry it out, do not do so for love of mankind or to create a better world, but do so for power, money and control. The motivation is pure evil and Satanic.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Apr 6, 2022 6:51 PM
Reply to  Bill Francis

Erna Solberg, Norway’s Prime Minister, admitted that she imposed national lockdown measures out of fear and panic and apologised to the people of her country in May of 2020.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Apr 6, 2022 11:54 AM

Matt Hancock, who was the UK Health Secretary at the time admitted that the government’s lockdown measures were introduced without the government having made any attempt to assess how many people would die as a result of those measures. This shows that the government was not acting as a responsible, rational policy maker if its motivation was the claimed concern to save lives. So it was obvious (even at the time) that either the government lockdown measures were irrational or the government was lying at its motivation. This was perfectly clear from the government’s own statements as early as April 2020.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Apr 7, 2022 6:11 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

And the aforementioned Hancock is now shilling for Crypto and Digital currency.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Apr 6, 2022 9:20 AM

The covid narrative is a fraud from start to finish, the start being the alleged suspicion of a novel virus based on a so-called “cluster” of 44 patients with pneumonia of “unknown origin”. Right there the narrative completely falls over before it’s even started.

Pneumonia has many causes and to speak of “unknown origin” makes no sense. 44 patients with pneumonia of whichever origin in a highly-polluted Chinese city does not make a “cluster”.

Their brazenness knows no limits – and still their narrative is defended to whatever degree.

Fraud from whoa to go. Why do so many settle at the second-level of propaganda rather than going to the TRUTH – there is no novel virus and covid is a made-up illness that cannot be distinguished from all the other respiratory illnesses we were aware of pre-covid.

Cannot recommend more highly the video series, The Viral Delusion, by film-makers, Michael Wallach and Diarra Leslie

Interview with film-makers by Dr Sam Bailey

About the video series
The doctors, scientists and journalists featured in THE VIRAL DELUSION examine in detail the scientific papers that were used to justify the pandemic, and what they find is shattering. In this shocking, five-part, seven hour documentary series, they explode every single major claim, from the “isolation” of the virus to its so-called genetic sequencing, from the discovery of how to “test” for SARS-CoV2 to the emergence of “variants” that in reality, they explain, exist only on a computer. Their point: that the so-called SARS-CoV-2 virus exists only as a mental construct whose existence in the real world has been disproven by the science itself.

The Viral Delusion Documentary Series – The Untold Story Behind The Pandemic
They then go back through history to reveal how the birth and growth of virology has led to massive misunderstanding and misdiagnosis of disease: from Smallpox to the Spanish Flu, Polio to AIDS, to COVID itself – putting the pandemic in a whole new context better understood not as settled science, but the tragic culmination of misunderstood biology by the growing cult of virology, built on pseudo-science, to which much of the rest of the medical profession defers without understanding or examination, and the tragic consequences that have been wrought in its name.

In 2019, the virologists took center stage, and for the first time on film, their methods, miscues and tragedy they have wrought are put under the spotlight, revealing the extraordinary leaps of fantasy buried in their methodology, the contradictions quietly acknowledged in their papers, their desperate effort to change language to justify their findings, the obvious incongruence of their conclusions and the extraordinary stakes for our entire society in whether we continue to blindly follow their lead into a full-scale war against nature itself.

Apr 6, 2022 11:25 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Act like you got it! Was one of the adverts.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Apr 6, 2022 1:29 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

The same ‘science’ that polutes our environment and food and water supplies with heavy chemicals, then when our bodies express signs caused by this toxicity that ‘science’ tells us it is nothing to do with that but it is due to a ‘new virus’.
No one can see the ‘virus’ as a whole but some particles at best, then the rest of the virus is put together by computerised projections and CGI. No one can prove that any virus is actually the cause of any disease, it’s done only by weak circumstancial evidence as stupid as to say ‘most people die at night, therefore moonlight causes disease.’
Sadly the majority of rank and file scientists have no clue as they are nothing more than trained glorified lab technicians and teachers who just repeat a curriculum without giving it a second thought.
So this nonsense can be pulled off in a society apathetic, childish and self indulgent that will take any deception including injecting themselves with unknown substances as long they can get to mantain their status quo.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Apr 6, 2022 11:09 PM
Reply to  Geo Martin

Yes, in a nutshell.

Apr 7, 2022 1:51 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Excellent comment.

Hope everyone heeds your advice and watches that film.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Apr 5, 2022 11:31 PM

Still calling this a pandemic… just reflects the power of PROPAGANDA!

As for what these special operations are good for, just enjoy this very tinny piece of information.

comment image

Trillions have been digitally issued (not even actual physical paper-printing-money) and delivered to the usual folks… The Secular Ruling Families & Billionaires.

We, the herds of MMS/3i’s, just keep doing what we do best!

Apr 6, 2022 2:01 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Thanks for that graph Voz.

Do you have the link to where you got that.

Would you also have a similar graph that looks at Repo loans from Sept. 2019 to March 2020?

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Apr 6, 2022 7:37 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Hello Maxwell!

Link for the graph of REPO in 2019-2020

As for the list

Apr 7, 2022 1:52 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Thanks Voz.

Apr 6, 2022 11:20 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db


Joshua Shalet
Joshua Shalet
Apr 5, 2022 10:31 PM

Virology is fraud: If “the science” of “follow the science” had anything to do with ACTUAL SCIENCE then there would be an open public debate about the validity of terrain theory vs virus theory But as it is, 99% of people have never even heard of terrain theory

David Ho
David Ho
Apr 6, 2022 1:48 AM
Reply to  Joshua Shalet

Terrain theory is a complete fraud, promoted by charlatans and believed only by nut jobs that would go out of their way to say that disease is a figment of the imagination. For example, rabies exists in India and not Australia because India has some inhospitable terrain. Jesus, how dumb can they get! A crazy cult of wacko wing nuts!

Mark EL
Mark EL
Apr 6, 2022 7:52 AM
Reply to  David Ho

Ho dear!

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Apr 6, 2022 1:50 PM
Reply to  David Ho

Is environmental polution in India the same as in Australia?
Are sanitation, living standards and infrastructure equivalent in both countries?
Have you seen many children in Australia rummaging through tons of piles of waste of all types in open air landfills like seen in India?

But still you think what they need is more vaccines…Speaking of dumb and wacky cultism.

David Ho
David Ho
Apr 6, 2022 4:44 PM
Reply to  Geo Martin

My friend who died from rabies in India was there for less than a week when he was bitten by a crazy foaming at the mouth dog, the locals all said the dog had rabies.
So what is your point? That there is no such thing as rabies? That filthy India causes something that looks like rabies in dogs which bite people and they die just like they had rabies but really it was something else?
Have you ever seen a dog cat? A cat that looks exactly like a dog?

Apr 7, 2022 3:24 AM
Reply to  David Ho

I agree we have to have a balance. It is true that virology hasn’t done much of value. The viral isolation techniques are fraudulent. There is no cure for any disease allegedy caused by a virus. However we do need more investigation of diseases like rabies and small pox.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Apr 7, 2022 1:46 PM
Reply to  David Ho

‘The locals all said the dog had rabies.’ That’s it then case closed.
Even if it was actually the dog’s bite that killed him, that does not imply the dog transmitted a specific virus, there are many many other possible toxicity in an animal’s system.
If you think that way you can’t pick and choose, then you must believe the PCR test is truthful, the covid vaccines are safe and effective, and we’ve been in a pandemic from a novel virus for more than 2 years.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Apr 7, 2022 2:07 PM
Reply to  Geo Martin

So you are saying something toxic in the dog that made it sick with specific symptoms, was transferred to the man via a bite, which then made the man sick also with the same specific symptoms. But whatever the something was it wasn’t a virus?

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Apr 8, 2022 12:53 PM

Nobody knows exactly what could have been, but the point is that there is no prove it was a virus.
There has never been any experiment which could demonstrate virus contagion by purifying and isolating it from a ill person’s (or animal) saliva or any other fluid, and then injecting it into another person (or animal) which resulted in the latter becoming ill with the same symptoms of the former.
No only that, but there have been experiments of exchanging fluids between an individual with symptoms of a ‘contagious’ disease and another without them which were unsuccessful as well. So the contagion theory simply cannot be proven.
So, I am not saying that I know it wasn’t a virus, what I am saying is there is no evidence that it was. On the other hand we know for a fact that certain innorganic materials in our bodies are harmful, especially metals, certain radio frequencies and electro magnetic waves. These things are proven.
Moreover, injecting substances into the bloodstream is always problematic and we’ve had (including animals) a lot of that for well over a century now.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Apr 8, 2022 1:23 PM

Back to the dog…isn’t it more plausible that rabid dogs that scavange food from dumps in unsanitary urban areas might injest some toxic material mixed with the rotting food such as cleaning chemicals, pharmaceuticals, plastics, industrial oils, etc? And that caused the illness rather than a virus that came from some bat somewhere no one knows?
Otherwise, why aren’t rabid animals in the woods or jungles, or even in developed countries/cities with better waste dispossal systems?
It’s easy to blame the dog and shoot it than to address the deeper issues no?
It’s incredible how the majorities struggle under the spell of invisible entities in nature that can make us ill and kill us, and totally overlook the heavy chemical load we expose ourselves to.

Bill Francis
Bill Francis
Apr 6, 2022 3:59 PM
Reply to  Joshua Shalet

The problem the true believers of “germ theory” have, is that they do not know what a virus is, or what function it performs. At least Bechamp studied form and function sufficiently to be able to come to logical and sensible conclusions. For those with some religious knowledge, this tends to concur with the Biblical statement in Genesis “and God saw everything He had made, and behold it was very good”.(Gen 1:31). If God was happy with what He had made, why would He make an environment with a pathogenic nasty lurking around every corner, as Pasteur would have us believe? Unfortunately, Pasteur’s germ theory (and it still is a theory), has been a boon to big pharma and the covid conspirators – and, dare I say, to the millions who neither think nor research and accept only what their governments tell them.

David Ho
David Ho
Apr 6, 2022 4:51 PM
Reply to  Bill Francis

Ah, religious nut jobs, such colourful beings. Maybe it is creationist thinking at the heart of terrain theory. God fucking up the canvas, the glorious painting of life and here and there the paint falls off and as a result someone gets ill. Wars are probably explained thus.

Katharine Madden
Katharine Madden
Apr 5, 2022 9:25 PM

There’s something much deeper and more insidious at play here. As with everything that’s taking place in the world today. Everything. The past two years have been a well orchestrated and well executed part of the endgame. “COVID” was the chosen catalyst for intentional collapse.

An article I wrote in October 2020 that puts “COVID” in context: https://onfireforgod.today/covid-1984-conspiracy/

Apr 6, 2022 12:42 AM

Perhaps the past two thousand years. Among the pillars of the great global convid lie are the heads of corporate religion. Bergoglio made it mandatory for Vatican employees to submit to the poison prick. It has been an interesting exercise going back into the first century and examining how powerful banker related individuals created Christianity. Philo of Alexandria was central to the effort. The new testament , wrtten in his language (Koine ?) Greek has his imprint, especially the gospel of St John. Philo had access to the court of the the Roman emperor as well the ruling Herod family in Palestine. I suspect Philo and Agrippa I were in the plot to assassinate Caligula. Both were in Rome in AD 41 when the event occurred. His successor Claudius has been celebrated by Robert Graves and the BBC.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Apr 6, 2022 2:00 PM

Where do you get your facts from, the Royal Society and your local masonic lodge?

Apr 7, 2022 3:29 AM
Reply to  Geo Martin

Where do you get your facts from ? The New Testament ? The BBC ?
What facts do you have about first century Roman empire history ?

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Apr 7, 2022 2:11 PM

Why only the New Testament, what happened to the Old?
The BBC is just a mouthpiece for the Royal Society, I think characters like David Attenborough would be more your cup of tea, so I’ll leave tha one for you.
It’s funny how some people doubt the veracity and accuracy of the Bible, translations problems and so on, when is the book with more sources and records than any othe, however don’t doubt of the veracity and accuracy in texts written by supposedly one individual 2000 years ago with not very strong and traceable records.
History can also be adulterated and used to justify current trends. You better believe than in 100 years, if the world as we know it is still in place, they will be talking of the ‘great pandemic of 2020’ that claimed millions of lives.
We could discuss what democracy is and why the church was the bulwark for civilisation against the evil we see unleashed today, and how has been taken out of the way by infiltration and internal corruption, and why so many today mention ‘evil’ and yet deny the existance of good and evil as a supernatural concept. But what for? it’s easier to think that the jesuits control the banking cartel, the media, hollywood and academia, just like many peddle in the ‘alternative media’: Christianity bad, humanism/neo paganism/scientism/new ageism/anything else good.

Apr 5, 2022 5:34 PM

Nice rehash summary.

Something to note: Meghan Kelly ripped Robert Kennedy Junior apart in her extended two part interview with him regarding his Fauci book. He did a really poor job of defending himself and said nothing when Kelly fully discredited VAERS data as being worthless. I was flabbergasted when Kennedy let it go. Kelly broke the interview up point by point and used a “team of experts” to undermine most of what Kennedy had written and gave Kennedy no chance to respond. Plus, Kennedy made very little effort to defend himself during the live interview. It was very disappointing and then the video posted on YouTube was horrendous. Another arm of the MSM making Kennedy look like a fool. That interview needs to be addressed in some way if people are to continue using Kennedy’s data.

As someone else already wrote, passing on the testing dispute was another mistake in this article. I know. It’s too incredulous to think that this entire debacle was based on a junk test. People cannot handle that truth. They just can’t. It’s too simple. I still occasionally tell that narrative. My kids. While they were still talking to me, would have nothing of it. Absolutely nothing to do with it. The whole concept of raising and lowering the CT values in order to manipulate the results was too impossible to believe. And the idea that running tests at 35 to 45 cycles to guarantee positives was further still from reality. “People would not do that intentionally”, they said. The kicker for me was when Fauci ordered the lowering of the CT value to demonstrate the success of the vaccines. This concept absolutely flipped my kids on their heads. They now think I am a kook. “The medical community would never do that!”, they said. Right.

Still looking for a good house cat colony to leave their inheritance to……………

Hugh O'Neill
Hugh O'Neill
Apr 5, 2022 8:32 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Miaow….I watched Part 2 of the MK interview. When she started asking him questions about Sirhan as being the sole assassin of her father and he patently explained that the real killer was holding him from behind, she acted as if this was complete news to her. Doh! Then she started asking about Marilyn Monroe, without any insight that the CIA continues to assassinate its victims long after they are dead, somewhat suggests that she too is part of the machinery to destroy the truth and discredit the good guys. Perhaps, a counter team of ‘experts’ needs to challenge the previous team. But as we know, lies upon lies proliferate and logic becomes superfluous.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Apr 5, 2022 9:41 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

That’s the key problem with public perception is the old “Denial is more than a river in Egypt” Syndrome, I e. denial of denial.

People who have never been terrorized and gradually healed their PTSD wounds, as combatants have to do or try, have a very hard time admitting such things as that monolithic global deception could really happen, and all supported by MSM incessantly.

A year ago I had gone to a Spanish Mass, at my corner Catholic Church and a Mexican lady there, a head usher, was all over me and in my unmasked face, while she was sporting a triple.

I asked her, “Then why at St. John’s at the other end of town, 3 miles, almost no one wears masks, and it’s not enforced.

She replied with compelling hauteur, “That’s because they are Norbertines, they are a monastic order with their own rules and government.”

Never in many many moons did she stop to question why the authorities, PD and LEO, were not bothering or citing them. Are they above Newsom mandates, nobody else is. He closed down my very hometown beach May 2020 because we were all flouting the masks, or 9 out of ten. His next presser, 500 miles north in Sacramento,two days later,”I’ve seen some disturbing video of Newport Beach” and he closed off all access a week til we stepped to the gestapo beat.

Just absurd, the usher’s thought process, nothing fact-based about it, but for two years I simply avert my eyes and avoid her like, ah, the plague, since her “miasma” (word up, Curtin) of denialism is as thick as it is humany impenetrable, to any reason. She’s locked and loaded for the long haul, still living in “ideological cupcake land” where all the state moves are nice, gentle, and trustworthy.

Even she, though, has a recent aura that is minutely changing, but will it be enough, will the human race catch on convincingly?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Apr 5, 2022 9:55 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

At a certain point many minds, at some point most minds, will seize up, if the implications threaten their self-perceived fragility. Their minds will choose a more “convenient” explanation, even if it’s nonsense. And the mind-conttollers take that to the bank, like they did so many homes during the housing crisis, or small and medium businesses the last two years, when Elon Musk went from 26 billion net worth, to 210 after 8 months of Coronapalooza, to currently 300+ and fattening up. Net worth obesity. Mega.

Can you say “binge money laundering”?

I will. FWIW

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 6, 2022 12:23 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

“Ideologial cupcake land” – a nice descriptor!

Apr 6, 2022 12:46 AM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Who is this bitch Meghan Kelly ? Why assume we all watch the Main Sewer Media and know their corrupt and evil talking heads ?

Apr 6, 2022 11:59 AM

First and only time I have every watched her. Only wanted to hear what Kennedy had to say. I knew nothing about her. I do now. I learned plenty when I Presearched her. As my wife and I liked to say then the kids were small, “a batch of cookies”.

Cynicon Implant
Cynicon Implant
Apr 6, 2022 3:20 AM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

As to the Kelly claim that the VAERS data is worthless, why was it fine prior to this pandemic? And if it’s worthless, why would the CDC create a worthless way to measure adverse effects?

Apr 6, 2022 6:34 AM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

The test is worthless beyond cycles/CT.

WHO considers any 3 matches of target neucleotide sequences for SARS-Cov2 to be a adequate for the PCR test – or even 1 in a crisis. However, the sequences match (a) 86-99 parts of the human genome (b) 92-100 microbe genomes. -Iain Davis, off-guardian.org 2020-11-17

Apr 6, 2022 12:08 PM
Reply to  mgeo

I know. But I like to bait and then provide Kary Mullis video links. Some good quotes, as we all are aware. People who actually follow the links and watch his videos come away perplexed. My favorite is when he ripped on Fauci. Most people won’t watch them. They can’t handle new information that conflicts with their personal narratives. It’s like Geometry proofs. Their thoughts are “solid” and nothing can refute their conclusions.

Apr 5, 2022 5:26 PM

The primary means the ruling class uses to keep the masses in check is to employ them.
How do they maintain their supremacy in a near future where a majority of the global working age population is unemployed?
Everything that’s happening is that question being answered.
Not just a criminal conspiracy, but a pre-emptive attack.
As far as the RC is concerned it’s us or them.

Jan J
Jan J
Apr 5, 2022 10:40 PM
Reply to  Croach

Agree, this is what’s happening. Vaccine passports, CBDCs etc are the end-game of this “transformation” as a new means of control over the masses. I wouldn’t put it past them to also go for a little side dish of “depopulation” seeing as it makes no sense to feed, entertain and otherwise waste resources on us useless eaters (people who think we will live in a UBI-utopia are naive idiots). However I think the depopulation might be a more “slow burn” thing rather than full-on genocide – might be that fertility rates drastically fall in the next years, or many people getting all kinds of autoimmune and other diseases….

Apr 6, 2022 12:47 AM
Reply to  Jan J

Definitely on the coming diseases, brought to you by mRNA. That’s a revenue stream for Pharma and I for one wouldn’t be surprised at all to learn that was at least part of the intent. Along with experimentation of course. It is a two pronged approach really, kill a few off right away, then wait for the autoimmune diseases, cancers, heart disease, etc all “requiring” expensive and endless “treatments” until the patient is either dead or dead broke. Depopulation and Asset Stripping in one nice easy package.

Apr 5, 2022 4:20 PM

Government wil blame WHO who says it was government local authority blame Government -sage CBC fauchi says it was on a advisory roll The media will get blamed by government. The back bench local congressmen will blame Davos.
WEF bill gates. for the zombies
Now its Russia .Loop da loop.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 5, 2022 4:20 PM
S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 5, 2022 4:26 PM
Reply to  S Cooper
S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 5, 2022 4:34 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

comment image
comment image

Apr 6, 2022 2:01 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Excellent! Despite Trudeau’s efforts, freedom in Canada is not totally destroyed. Hang in there.

Apr 6, 2022 6:58 AM
Reply to  S Cooper


Apr 5, 2022 8:05 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

What kind of spelling is that for the word”social”?

Apr 5, 2022 9:13 PM
Reply to  Chris

I think it’s Brooklynese! 😉

Kk Dinglberry
Kk Dinglberry
Apr 5, 2022 9:37 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

you may want to tell them to spell “social” right if they want to be taken seriously.

Apr 5, 2022 4:15 PM

It was both incompetence and coordination, and the political representatives who started to take drastic measures against covid, even if they realized that they made a mistake, could not recognize this as it will be detrimental for their career. https://mariusmioc.wordpress.com/2021/03/01/discussing-the-wuhan-flu-with-empathy-for-the-chinese-communist-party-video/

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Apr 5, 2022 4:09 PM

I am a eugenicist. If our “global leaders” are that freaking stupid, they should be terminated as Kissinger useless eaters without exception. If they planned and invented this gargantuan hoax, they should be terminated for crimes against humanity. Either way it’s refurbished gallows at Nuremberg.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Apr 5, 2022 3:50 PM

Conspiratorial or accidental view of history?

Both IMO. Planning is just inherent to the system we live under; no business or bureaucracy, small, medium or large can do without planning, and preserving the current system is the business par excellence. Accidental also because the planners don’t get always what they plan for and cause unintended consequences.

“These people” have to plan things ahead of time, then make “corrections” as unintended consequences unfold. One thing is sure, their first priority is to always count on a system of human management because if there is something that keeps them awake at night is uncertainty, unpredictability. Needless to say, they can’t help putting us on the increasingly losing side of the plan and that’s the unintended consequence they can never correct.

dr death
dr death
Apr 5, 2022 3:31 PM

i suppose enough ‘data’ is floating around nowadays which.. when combined with a very real possibility of the discovery of regime directed malfeasance..will begin to draw the credentialed imbecile and the professional malingerers and chatterers into the cross hairs for crimes against imbecile kind…

what was of course blindingly obvious to those with a modicum of intellect and whose morals were still intact… will now be appropriated by the said credentialed imbecile class in the hope that it may act as fig leaf to their guilt and mendacity…

expect much hand wringing and reflection from these miscreants… and then ready the gallows…

Apr 5, 2022 2:55 PM

Way back in about February, March or April 2020 I was the first Off-Guardian commentator to use the word Scamdemic. I had never come across the word before in this or any other website and I’m reasonably confident that I invented the word. It was a quip in reaction to reading a review of Judy Mikovisch’s (sp?) film “Plandemic”. Somehow it took.

And I have no doubt that the whole huge operation that we have witnessed since has been orchestrated by a cabal of highly motivated individuals and organisations.

At that time I was doubtful as to the existence of a covid virus and suggested that the whole thing was a nodemic and that people were falling ill as a result of the nocebo effect. This word didn’t take.

Now I’m not so sure. I have about 95% confidence that there is a virus and that it’s been weaponised and am 99% sure that the vaccinations are not only useless but really dangerous. I have not been vaccinated myself. I have a background in Biochemistry and have followed the whole saga obsessively since the beginning.

A few hours ago I came across these words in a comments thread on the Shanghai lockdowns in Zero Hedge;

“Geert Vander Bossche recently posted a horrific prediction”


Here is the full PDF of his scientific paper;


I’ll leave it to you from this point on. So far Geert has not been far off the mark and has had a definite influence on my perspective on the future.

Good luck readers! We’ll need it if Geert is right.

Apr 6, 2022 9:59 AM
Reply to  toranon

Toranon, thanks for the link to Geert’s paper. If I understand correctly, Geert’s main message, he seems to be that being “vaxxed” with “spiked” RNA makes “vaxxees” MORE susceptible to Covid-19 variants rather than less. On the other hand, natural “herd” immunity makes us LESS susceptible to Covid-19 variants. If so, the most important thing Truthers can do is to fight even harder against destroying people’s natural immunity by the imposition of mass “vaxxing”.

From the Key Message on page 5 of Geerts paper, it seems to me that: there is no way vaccinees can rely [as before] on their innate [natural “herd] immune system to protect against coronaviruses because their innate antibodies are now outcompeted by infection-enhancing vaxx antibodies in the vaxxee’s bloodstream. In contrast, the non-vaxxed would always be able to train their innate immune defense antibodies against any new Covid-19 variants as before.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Apr 7, 2022 2:35 PM
Reply to  toranon

In the natural world how the food chain works is that small creatures’ predators are always bigger, and/or more clever creatures. From this concept humans are a the top of this food chain from being the cleverest, however human’s predators are the smallest and brainless creatures, so small that only a tiny select group of humans are able to ‘see’ them by using very sophisticated technology they only understand. How ironic.

Apr 5, 2022 1:23 PM

… or cocked-up conspiracy?

les online
les online
Apr 5, 2022 12:38 PM

If you mean ‘covid’ as a disease condition caused by a virus (SARS-CoV-2), i agree…
But ‘covid’ as the name of the mass media fear campaign, name of the psyops,
‘covid’ as a blanket term for all the injuries and deaths caused by risky injections,
‘covid’ as the label for pollution caused lung damage, and the ARDS caused by 5g
then ‘covid’ exists…
‘covid’ caused by SARS-Cov-2 is bollocks, as is SARS-CoV-2…But ‘covid’ is used very loosely by the corporate propaganda media, it’s applied to the injection injuries and deaths, etc… A catch-all term…
‘covid’ a term used loosely, applied generally by politicians, experts, the mass media exists…
So does the fear that makes it real…

Apr 5, 2022 12:20 PM

Seems to me that this was always about the jab. For whatever the reason, TPTB decided that the population should get the “safe and effective vaccine” against Covid. From the start this was the golden thread running through the narrative. I’m South African and every time our president came on TV to talk about Covid it was vaxx, vaxx, vaxx. Now, it appears, that the objective has been met, largely. The latest “official” data shows hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions of injuries. Those numbers can be multiplied by a factor of 10 to 100 to get the real numbers and the real wave is yet to break. Is this an “Aw shucks, we really didn’t expect this to happen. We were only trying our best to help out”? Having lived through this and having looked at it closely for over 2 years I cannot believe it is. More likely premeditated murder. Will we call those responsible to account? I’m not holding my breath.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 5, 2022 3:56 PM
Reply to  Ian

Hello Ian: You’re right. The “virus” and jab operations were planned (premeditated) murder. There are dozens of mRNA research studies stating the dangers of mRNA technology. > https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/when-is-mrna-not-really-mrna?s=r

The human species rather enjoys having frantic “leaders” enforce mass-suicide. War appears to be an obsolete method out of the techno-industrial messes we’ve created…

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 5, 2022 11:31 AM

There is no such thing as covid, the millions of words written giving the impression that there is are just as stupid as the governments pretending there is.

les online
les online
Apr 5, 2022 1:10 PM

Marilyn, my ‘reply’ – above – got detached. Could be due to a glitch in my PC, but most likely it was caused by that Gremlin from The Kremlin who is being blamed for everything these days…

Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 5, 2022 4:34 PM

Good on you helping out the US of As … the original good guys. They’ve always been grateful to the little folk. Here’s your biscuit!

Apr 5, 2022 8:03 PM
Reply to  Victor G.


Apr 5, 2022 11:24 AM

Stupidity or villainy? General Cloutier does not seem to be denying that he is dead.

Apr 5, 2022 11:09 AM

I attribute much more to stupidity than to villainy (Hanlon’s razor).
Actually IMO, at the deepest level malice/villainy is just stupidity/ignorance; i.e., “they don’t know what they’re doing”.
Conspiracy (breathing together) is often not consciously coordinated, but is simply knowing which side of one’s bread is buttered on.

Apr 5, 2022 1:03 PM
Reply to  Edim

It would be stupid to think the naive Oligarch does not hire the smart ..
Your attribution does not protect, compensate or empower those harmed by
either stupidity or villainy? The nation state system is a conspiracy against humanity.
It was carefully studied as it evolved, and finally instituted as an improved device
that could be used to divide 8 billion humans into 256 different crucibles.

In each crucible it is possible to separately craft the human contents into groups of cultures; and groups of haters, and so on and to target these groups both internationally and domestically to hate members of one or several of others trapped inside either the domestic or foreign nation state crucibles.

I offer as proof the result of an exchange of human putty <–thought experiment:
A child born to a Jewish family in NYC is swapped at birth for a child born to Muslin family in Iran, In twenty years each will not recognize what they were born to be. because the information environment they were allowed to grow up in controls their view of the world. The crucible (nation state) controls the languages each speak, it controls the religions each endorse, and it controls the political, social, and moral thinking each believes.
In short the Nation state system is a system of crucibles. The nation state system enables the wealthiest monsters imaginable to use corporate proxies and rules of law to craft us all into warriors and to make us each fit to destroy each other for the pleasure of wealth? The greatest problem humanity faces, is how our divided humanity can control those who are in charge of the member nations of the state system..

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 5, 2022 4:00 PM
Reply to  eman

Right on! +1

Apr 5, 2022 8:38 PM
Reply to  eman

Eman, what is your opinion of Dietrich Bonhoeffer view on stupidity?

les online
les online
Apr 5, 2022 11:03 AM

Fuck Up ! What Fuck Up ?
Another Fuckin’ Distraction !!!
‘Covid-19’. It was rolled out like a well organised TV Soap Opera – Mishaps, Tragedies, and fuck ups included to keep your interest glued to it…
And now another episode…
Global Recession 2020 was expected, and it happened
while government policy destroyed jobs and businesses
and heads were clobbered when lockdowns were protested…
> Without the PCR ‘positive tests’ and ‘asymptomatics’ what have you got ?
> The Great Economic & Political Reset > By Any Means Necessary…
And it wont be the last Reset ’cause capitalism aint natural…

We have to adjust to the needs of The Economy, adjust to the Controlling Technology…
For the malcontents and maladjusted there’s diagnoses, drugs, treatments – and The Camps… Remember “It’s The Economy, Stupid !”

“Around, and around, and around we go…”

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 5, 2022 4:04 PM
Reply to  les online

It has always been the “economy”. Humans have been stealing apples from one another’s trees for thousands of years, and there’s still not enough food to go around…

les online
les online
Apr 6, 2022 12:07 AM

I’m no Karl Marx but the way you put it stealing results from private ownership.
The reality is, of course, exclusive ownership is theft from the community… (A riff on Proudhon’s “Property is theft”)…

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 6, 2022 5:51 PM
Reply to  les online

No. Not into Marx or Proudhon. I don’t “get” human habits of avidity and theft. If someone steals something from my property, they’ll quickly end up dead ..

Bob the bum
Bob the bum
Apr 7, 2022 12:13 AM

Your belief that you have the right to deprive others of what you claim to own is an irrational ideology. Your presumption of the right to kill anyone who tries to take it makes you the villain, not the thief.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Apr 7, 2022 2:43 PM
Reply to  les online

The problem is who runs that community and under whose rules. That concept might be viable in a homogeneous small tribe of people, however there can’t be a community of millions who believe and think different things ruled by a central goverment totally detatched from that ‘community of millions.’

Apr 5, 2022 10:56 AM

Germany: new prices for sandwiches

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Apr 5, 2022 4:13 PM
Reply to  Thinktwice

how much is a sandwich now over their ??

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Apr 5, 2022 5:55 PM
Reply to  Thinktwice

The figures above by the way are annual figures, but that’s nothing compared to Argentina’s official price index (%) for the same inter-annual period, Feb 21 – Feb 22 (first column of figures is total country; items: food, alcohol/tobacco, clothing, housing and bills, housekeeping, health, transportation, communications, entertainment, education, restaurants/hotels, other services). How we’re still alive is a miracle.
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Apr 5, 2022 10:53 AM

Putin caused inflation… now “staff shortages” and not lockdowns cause cancer backlog:

They sure have a talent for constructing alibis.

Whether being denied diagnosis is a bad thing when the treatment regime consists of cut, burn or poison is another matter. Offering a toxic solution and manipulating us into begging for it seems their standard operating procedure.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Apr 5, 2022 9:58 AM

Excellent cool-headed balance in this analysis, Piers. Thanks for that, amidst the welter of over-excited airy assertions about the whole pseudopandemic; assertions whose possible truth or falsehood we just can’t decide yet with any justifiable certainty.

It would be well, though, to take into account the matter pointed up by El Zafio, just below in these comments: The scamdemic episode has slammed back into the limelight a smouldering controversy that has been going on for – well – for over a century, all things considered: Do ‘viruses’ even exist at all, as we conceive them currently? Bacteria seem to be real; but ‘viruses’? Or how about basically-benign and useful ‘exosomes’ as a better conception: Entities of which we need have no fear, but rather welcome them as useful, and in fact essential evolutionary messengers between the different parts of a whole-ecosystem life-web; this being a credible way of dealing with – alleged – ‘viral illnesses’, so long as the high general health level of the population is taken care of by sound, strictly non-commercial public policy. Big if, especially in these times of wanton criminal destruction towards re-commercialisation of social-medicine systems, such as is being perpetrated right now on the NHS. (The gangster-capitalists have always hated it, and have been gunning for it ever since 1948.)

So, what is the right balance between ‘terrain’ and ‘germs’ in understanding pathologies? Are micro-organisms dangerous ‘germs’ at all? Clearly our permanently-on-board micro-org. populations, far from being dangerous, are essential to our thriving. That much has already become clear lately.

These are crucial, paradigm-shifting questions, still lamentably unaddressed. Current scientific orthodoxy about dangerous enemy ‘viruses’, to be fought permanently with all-out, global drug-everyone-to-the-eyeballs war, has proven gigantically profitable to the medical racketeering of the Big Pharma gangster-capitalist criminals, and they’re heavily invested in maintaining the doctrine. Such a conception also favours vast centralisation of autocratic power, too. And it helps to dodge the crying need everywhere for socialistic public-service government, of genuinely democratic character: Desperate pandemic emergencies, you see! Personal freedom and strict democracy must give way to them! Emergency! Emergency…!

If the covid scam has done nothing else, it’s re-ignited this discussion handsomely. Needs to be thought about in depth, seriously.

Apr 5, 2022 10:32 AM

Tovarish Rhisiart, just for the record, I’d like to say that I don’t give a flying fuck whether viruses exist or not. It makes no difference in my life and, whether you know it or not, neither does it in yours.

If you get sick, you’ll still have to stay in bed, drink hot tea, sleep a lot, possibly take aspirin. Whether your sickness was caused by a virus or not only matters insofar as this useless piece of information can be used by some unscrupulous prick to take advantage of you, like to persuade you to have some wild concoction injected into your ass or deltoid or wherever they inject the shit and get you addicted to it, screwed up, dependent.

Fuck the debate about viruses already! Why not focus on a debate about health instead? I mean natural health, a life devoid of chemical shit peddled by snake oil salesmen as the elixir of life?

If this COVID phantasmagoria has taught me anything, it’s to stay away from doctors, pills, and all that crap. They’re probably useful if you break your leg, but that’s about it.

People lived for millennia without motherfuckers in white coats behind their ass; it would behoove them to reestablish that practice.

Apr 5, 2022 7:12 PM
Reply to  Jacques

If you investigate German new medicine, it matters quite a lot what caused the conflict and how it gets resolved. Most often symptoms are actually the stage of healing, so instead of fighting and thinking of that as the illness, we can see it as the healing stage that we can support. Understanding biological conflicts (eg the real source of dis-ease) is immensely beneficial and empowering.

Apr 5, 2022 7:21 PM
Reply to  Guenonsbitch

I met Stefan Lanka recently – a charismatic chap, real fun to be around and have a few beers together. During his lecture, he mentioned that German new medicine is delusion.

What the fuck do I know?

I was sick at the beginning of the year, very fucking sick actually, after maybe five years of not coming down with anything. I did the usual – stayed in bed, slept, and took a pill here and there. I survived to tell the tale.

I don’t think that my illness was a healing stage – it was my body’s reaction for me not treating it properly. I know what I did wrong (poor nutrition, lack of regular exercise).

It would have made no difference to me whether some alleged pesky virus was involved.

That being said, if anybody wants to spend their life yapping about viruses, exosomes, and all that shit, be my guest man. Just leave me out of it. Merci d’avance.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Apr 5, 2022 10:48 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Lanka: Maybe he’s changed his view on GNM.

I heard a podcasted interview with him with the late David Crowe. This was pre-covid, and may be as much as 5 years ago or so.

He seemed interested in Dr Hamer’s work at that time, although he was worried about his right-wing / and I think anti-semitic views.

GNM does seem a bit far fetched. Which does not mean that the standard teaching on viruses is correct.

Apr 6, 2022 6:42 AM

Man, I’ve spent the last two years or so studying viruses, disease, this medicine, that medicine, the whole shebang. I’ve concluded that none of what the proponents of whichever of the theories says is conclusive, and that’s about it for me. I’m not interested in this crap anymore. They can kiss my ass.

The main conclusion I’ve drawn is that overall, a person is better off staying away from allopathic medicine than being part of it.

German New Medicine actually makes very good sense to me, the fact that ailments have psychosomatic origin, but I don’t need German medicine to know that. It’s plainly obvious. All you have to do is examine the meaning of commonplace expressions, it breaks my heart comes to mind, and you’ll see that our ancestors were well aware of all this.

So, if I get sick, I’m sticking with “I have a cold”.

Apr 5, 2022 9:21 AM

The only meaningful purpose of examining to what extent COVID has been a fuckup, and a fuckup it has been (in the sense that people have genuinely fell for it) the fact that it has been driven by various nefarious forces notwithstanding, is determining why people are fucked up to fall for and promote such bullshit as a deadly pandemic of an asymptomatic disease, to what extent, and whether there is a chance to unfuck them up.

If the idiots who have for various reasons, which can for all intents and purposes be summarized by saying that they’re fucked up, cannot be unfucked up, an opinion I happen to harbor, then the conclusion is to look for ways how to survive the present shitstorm.

Dissecting COVID yet another time is useless. It’s obvious that it’s a crock of shit.

Apr 5, 2022 9:08 AM

Reawakening of Consciences: “The Threat of a Third World War is Weighing on All of Us”. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Salem, Oregon, April 2nd, 2022

Apr 5, 2022 11:07 AM
Reply to  Brianborou
Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Apr 5, 2022 8:35 AM

It was, of course a global conspiracy to commit a global medical cock up with millions of avoidable deaths.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Apr 5, 2022 2:46 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

In other words, conspiracies and cock-ups are not mutually exclusive.

Apr 5, 2022 10:40 PM

Aha, indeed. Nature or nurture? both obviously. Same old game- divide and conquer.

Apr 5, 2022 8:05 AM

What has happened is not original. From what I’ve read, even in their own fudged literature, has been going on forever.

Its always about the few controlling the many. (The Wizard Of Oz) They are not geniuses, they just have an inherited system that is proven. It’s been a little more difficult this time due to devices and sharing, however they have quickly shut that avenue of freedom off pretty quick.

The problem lies with the tech. The new breed who can’t be without a device for a moment are doomed. Or are they?

I like to think we instinctively know we are being fucked and will resist.

In the beginging I hated the “you will own nothing and be happy” statement. However, thinking about it I’ve had a change of mind. When we own nothing we will have nothing to loose. If one has no children you have nothing to support.

Guess what, look out anyone who stands in your way. They only control us by the stuff we have. Your shitty corporate job, the property the bank owns, that you think you do (mortgage), and all the other shit they shackle to your ankle.

Hugh ONeill
Hugh ONeill
Apr 5, 2022 9:58 AM

You echo Ecclesiastes: “What happens, has happened before. There is nothing new under the sun.”

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Apr 5, 2022 11:13 AM
Reply to  Hugh ONeill

Is that the same Eccles from The Goon Show ?

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Apr 5, 2022 2:29 PM

Or are they?”

Agreed. There is not reason indefinite progress should be inevitable; when the likes of Schwab, who is nothing more than a technician, an empiricist appointed to salvage a system of human management, describes the currents state of the world as highly digitalised – which it is, – he describes a state of affairs that has gotten to in an impersonal way with no one in particular wanting it to happen, just the inertia of a system expanding. But that expansion, like everything happening in nature, can’t help but slowly creating the means of its own future contraction.

As you said, if we have nothing, we have nothing to lose, a necessary condition for radical action; if they put us in concentration camps to separate us from the compliants and from one another, they’re really uniting non-compliants; if they implement CBDC they can’t avoid the surge of clandestine trading, black markets and people grabbing land, unless they put a policeman over and control every arable land, which is impossible, technology or no technology. At a certain point, everything they implement will have unintended consequences opposite to what they meant to achieve. I mean, infinite expansion is just impossible in nature; at a certain point it HAS to contract.

But this phenomenon has nothing to do with our subjective will, can’t be invoked, dismissed, slowed or hastened, has its own timetable which doesn’t necessarily coincide with that of our impatient egos, nor does it care about individual lives and deaths.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Apr 5, 2022 2:56 PM

Every expansion creates the seed of its own contraction and the expansion of its opposite:
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El Zafio
El Zafio
Apr 5, 2022 7:36 AM

Dear Dr. Robinson,
There is now a significant body of work – building on analyses done by HIV skeptics throughout the decades, and going all the way back to Bechamp and beyond – involving medical professionals, scientists and other prominent figures, that say that there simply are no viruses in the sense they have been portrayed for the last century.

An article of this kind should reference it, or risk appearing incomplete.

Most of it is here, including a list of professionals arguing for this viewpoint.

Mark EL
Mark EL
Apr 5, 2022 9:40 AM
Reply to  El Zafio

I agree E.

David Ho
David Ho
Apr 5, 2022 7:18 AM

Getting to the heart of the matter. Outright corruption, conspiratorial collusion to seize power and steal public wealth. Engaging in secrecy to hide direct connections between Vaccine manufacturers and government officials.
Public inquiries investigating these criminal activities in France reveal similar operations in Australia and other countries and goes a long way to explain the similarities in the methodologies of the Covid Lockstep around the world and the absolute refusal by governments allow any transparency and debate into the merits of policy or the Safety and effectiveness of so called vaccines. The sole reason being the need to hide criminal behaviour and collusion that involve the theft of huge sums of money, the cover-up of deaths and injuries, and also the destruction of the sovereign democracy by a 5th column, a consortium of US government intelligence agencies, pharmaceutical companies and entities posing as consultancy agencies. That such people, who operate this machinery, are now orchestrating the west’s machinations in Ukraine should be of concern.
“A Senior executive of McKinsey at Pfizer should trigger a lot of alarm bells, especially knowing McKinsey was appointed by Macron’s government and the French Ministry of Health to plan and implement the national vaccination strategy.

Who would be naive enough to believe there isn’t any conflict of interest here?

Was the COVID-19 pandemic the most lucrative Public Private Partnership ever conceived?

And why are we left with the feeling this was all orchestrated to help us swallow another blue pill; ask yourself, how is it that McKinsey, Macron, and Zelensky are all active members of the World Economic Forum?

In the modern era, transparency and accountability in government have long been regarded as the very pillars of our democracy, and today I can say with confidence that France, my beautiful country, has been the victim of a coup d’état beginning in 2017, when a group of conspirators helped Macron ascend to the throne, and with the help of very unscrupulous individuals, consultancy companies, banks and government representatives, they promoted and implemented a pernicious agenda spearheaded by the World Economic Forum in Davos and a powerful transnational pharmaceutical lobby, and drafted by the McKinsey-Accenture corporate bloc.

McKinseyGate has only just begun.”

Apr 5, 2022 4:08 PM
Reply to  David Ho

McKinsey: The modern concept of the management consultant – a superman to guide any profession, trade, industry, governance, etc. without having worked in it – is a big joke. These types just pick the brains of the employees and rehash the result in fancy form. Just the thing for the most corrupt and incompetent managements.

COVIDsteria eBook
COVIDsteria eBook
Apr 5, 2022 7:14 AM

Its all about having a great reset 😉

COVIDsteria: An Oral History of America’s Great Reset https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/covidsteria-table-of-contents

Apr 5, 2022 6:50 AM

‘ Was it incompetence or coordination?’

Either way, it was perfect timing. Yes, there was some coordination, no question about it, with the staged events of people dropping dead in the streets in Wuhan and coffins in Bergamo (that were photo’s from drowned people of Lampedusa). They practiced a lot with the staged terror events in Europe and Dallas, Orlando, etc (which were taken for real by the far majority of the population), and knew how to create gung-ho (Je suis Charlie, remember). From there on, the only thing that was needed was some nudging or guidance. People with bullshit jobs aka scientists or experts people ‘loved’ covid19, as it finally gave their lives meaning. So these people were aired through the screens and we’re projected as Demi-Gods, and the stupid population just took their words as if they were true. Experts and scientists showed us the way to destruction, but acted as if they showed us the way to saving us from destruction.

At the time I thought that many were hypocritical in their believes of covid19, but by now I think they really believed all that shit. Just like they now believe ‘the Ukraine’, climate change, and that inflation is necessary and so on and so forth.

Western civilization is a dream that has turned into a nightmare, and people feel it. But given that the dreaming has been going on for such a long time, it seems to me that most are too afraid to wake up, and prefer the nightmare over reality. Not only do they kill themselves by vaccine, they also kill their children by vaccine, and make sure that the future looks more and black each passing day.

The way I defend myself against this madness is to not participate in it. That is a defense mechanism that is still possible since the good thing about nightmares is: they aren’t true.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Apr 9, 2022 3:17 PM
Reply to  Willem

People have a hollywoodesque idea of what scientists actually do for a living. In fact scientists spend their time going to meetings (now mostly on zoom), working on and giving sleek presentations, reading each other’s publications, enterinng and analysing data to and from computers, applying for funds, and mostly drinking coffee and shooting the breeze with each other. They spend ZERO time on the field or looking through elecronic microscopes, there’s no need as all their data, graphics and images come from software.
The very few that still work on the field take samples of say some lichen they think never been seen before and act as if it holds the secrets of the origin of life, so they get a grant, pretent to study it for a couple of years and after that move on to the next.
I know this for a fact as a couple of my cousins are exactly that kind of ‘respected’ scientist, both took their jabs and mask up without a second thought. Couldn’t find their way out of a paper bag, the scientists.

Apr 9, 2022 7:57 PM
Reply to  Geo Martin

People have a hollywoodesque idea of what scientists actually do for a living.

In the US, for decades so-called “public television” has been instrumental in promoting this “hollywoodesque” marketing.

The sham or fraud of the so-called “Public Broadcasting Service” (PBS) is a fraught topic in its own right; for now, suffice to say that it is a wholly corporatized overclass operation like a vast toxic beanstalk, hiding behind a cover story of humble “magic bean” beginnings as a grassroots-oriented, people-friendly “educational TV” alternative to corporate broadcast networks.

Its so-called “flagship” science program, NOVA, showcases apparent actual career scientists doing everything but the activities (or lack thereof) you describe. In general, the scientists featured on NOVA and various lesser PBS-sponsored or promoted clones are heroic: diligent, dedicated, hard-working, and intensely focused on doing “real” science.

They also all come across as independent intellectuals or “thinkers” in the course of their ostensible single-minded pursuit of scientific truth.

It took me years to realize that such “educational” fare represented an insidious kind of marketing, and that its corporate sponsors had an agenda beyond the professed altruistic mission of bringing “science” and the work of practicing scientists to the general public. 

I was fooled because of their pseudo-“documentary approach”; it’s relatively easy to see through, and scoff at, the heroic scientists portrayed in film and television entertainment programming, from movie blockbusters to popular TV series, e.g. the law-enforcement scientists in TV crime dramas. But the PBS “NOVA” genre purports to be the real deal.

It’s most likely generally the case that the real working scientific and academic professionals showcased in PBS programming are nominally legitimate Actual Scientists– but the mundane, less than glamorous aspects of present-day professional scientists are carefully omitted in the presentations.

Apr 5, 2022 6:06 AM

and other powerful entities such as the security services.

‘security services’

we thinks you might be talking the blue gang . . . steroid violent POLICE goon murderers

you is too POLITE

Apr 6, 2022 12:53 AM
Reply to  jimbo

You are tool polite too. Why not call the thugs pigs ?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 5, 2022 5:55 AM

Originally published by Pandemics, Data & Analysis.

A group of multi-disciplinary professionals, who perceived the global reaction to Covid, and lockdown in particular, as overwrought and damaging to the point of causing a great tear in the fabric of society, established PANDA (Pandemics Data & Analytics) in April 2020. As a politically and economically independent organisation, PANDA seeks to develop science-based explanations and test them against international data. Policy recommendations for governments and other institutions can be developed from these. PANDA stands for open science and rational debate, for replacing flawed science with good science and for retrieving liberty and prosperity from the clutches of a dystopian “new normal”.

Re: Pandemics Data & Analytics

There is no pandemic. Hence, there is no pandemic data. And there is therefore no pandemic data to analyse !

Re: PANDA seeks to develop science-based explanations

Explanations to what? To why people chase phantom rainbows?

Re: Policy recommendations for governments and other institutions

Suggest they make peace with their maker, because the people are about to get very, very angry !

El Zafio
El Zafio
Apr 5, 2022 7:43 AM

Yes this author is among the Lokes of this world.

Apr 5, 2022 5:52 AM

The current Ukraine war terrible as it is has one additional dimension relevant to the above: at minimum two parallel “words” exist post February 21 2022: the Anglo + some European parts & Japan and the Russian & China + Iran club. India and many others might form the third way again.

The result of the USK’s full spectrum response – the cock-up – to Putin’s Special operation to save Russian culture next door wrecks the WEF’s favorite easy to run planned mono world.

Apr 5, 2022 6:53 AM
Reply to  Antonym

No, Antonym– the Russia/Ukraine hostilities are PART of advancing towards the NWO. Sowing global economic chaos and poverty requires a pretext. Russia/Ukraine war is that pretext, and will hasten the advent of digital currency.

Apr 5, 2022 7:28 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Even IF digital currencies are accepted in a NWO scenario, there will be a minimum two, probably three or more of these under leaders from different cultures. The competition between these will halt a single NWO power grab. Nationalism for once will come to the rescue. National cultures were severely wiped out only in the EU and the USK, not elsewhere.

Apr 5, 2022 8:11 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Oh, the fantasy good CBDC… like the fantasy good vaccine… which turns out to be made by the same manufacturer as the Astrazeneca vaccine in the West i.e. the infamour ‘clot shot’ and whose damaging effects can’t even begin to be tallied because Russia loves its population so much it doesn’t have any sort of VAERS or green card system (flawed as they are)…

Nationalism will ride to the rescue – you are aware of Russia’s record of respecting nationalism in its empire?

Apr 6, 2022 12:59 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Not true. All “leaders” everywhere accepted the evil convid story and poisoned their subjects. Proof if it were needed that the heads of states across the globe are puppets of the central banking cartel.

Apr 6, 2022 1:50 PM

Kicking out Russia from the BIS? Doesn’t help the banksters.

Apr 5, 2022 7:55 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Which one: the digital Renminbi, Euro, Dollar, Rupee, Yen, Ruble etc?
The WEF “demi Gods” can’t control all cultural nationalism, they wished!

Apr 6, 2022 1:00 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Convid shows without a shadow of a doubt that the central bankers have ruled for a long time.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Apr 9, 2022 3:25 PM
Reply to  Antonym

No? Go have a look at images from all across the world of people wearing masks at the proper time. Exactly the same whether you look at an island in the Pacific, any country in Central America, Central Asia, Eastern Europe or Southern Africa. Every where you’ll see testing and vax tents/centres, in a dirt road or a jungle clearance, the ‘good humanitarian doctors’ made sure no one was left behind.
There is no nation out there resisting the medical tyranny or the digitalisation of everything.

Apr 5, 2022 5:23 AM

It is far too late to go on analyzing if it might be incompetence rather than totalitarian-purposed conspiracy. While we stay our actions awaiting perfect omniscience we will be murdered or enslaved.

The article is a competent wrap-up of much evidence of wrong-doing. I would add to it the extraordinarily large body of evidence documenting clandestine sterilization in at least 50 separate programs across decades. And how many wars were entered into through entirely false pretexts?

Apr 5, 2022 8:15 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Agreed – it feels like an article at least a year out of date.

The big question now is what is happening to all-cause mortality? There have been three strong pieces of evidence it is increasing – two from insurance companies and the dmed data. Off-G has not addressed this ATL which I find peculiar.

Apr 5, 2022 8:40 PM
Reply to  Penelope

I think of this article as one for the covid believers. It just might get through since he is very polite about what most of us see through. I haven’t sent it, yet, to my believing friends but I have it ready to send to them. Will they bother to read it? Doubtful. But maybe I’m wrong and they just might.

James Robertson
James Robertson
Apr 5, 2022 3:52 AM

Just ridiculous. Perhaps somewhere else this would achieve something although I doubt that.
Published here this is a complete waste of time, boring, timid and feeble.

El Zafio
El Zafio
Apr 5, 2022 7:46 AM


Big al
Big al
Apr 5, 2022 3:44 AM

The author seems to hit on a bunch of key points, i.e., what’s happening, by who, etc., but it’s like he’s talking to those people who are just now coming to the realization that something sinister and coordinated may be afoot, whoever they are. Like hey, “let’s have some rational debate so we can discover whether this is a “conspiracy”, i.e., a bunch of rich fuckers trying to rule the world and kill us all (don’t say that though – just call it a conspiracy), or just a little mix-up based on some “flawed” science that we can fix if we can just have some rational debate about the science, like “hey man, the lockdown didn’t quite work out, that was a flawed scientific approach to this dangerous virus, maybe we should try something else next time”. “All we are asking is, give rational debate a chance”. Rest in Peace John wish you were here.

Evidently, they need more evidence and analysis to reach their conclusions as to whether the SCAMDEMIC, i.e., SCAMDEMIC, was actually a SCAMDEMIC and not just typical government and political incompetence, all at the same fucking time, across the entire fucking planet. How long have we been screaming SCAMDEMIC? Like, from the very beginning? There was nothing “flawed” about what this was/IS all about, these assholes knew exactly what they were/ARE doing.

Ok, go for it, research away, whoever those researchers are. Maybe the same ones still trying to nail down the JFK murder or 9/11, stuff I would label, “somebody’s got to do it”. But the author should realize there are a lot more people out “here” that know the deal than he might think. And that we don’t need any more stinking research about who is doing what, we already know, we need to figure out how to stop this train. The $64,000 dollar question most don’t want to address.

Mark EL
Mark EL
Apr 5, 2022 9:50 AM
Reply to  Big al

Aye. Wonder if it was aimed at an ‘academic’ audience, thus the tone and timidity?

David Ho
David Ho
Apr 5, 2022 3:10 AM

The type of thinking, that it has been all a big cockup being exploited by a few opportunists is a typical expression of extreme short sightedness and a cognitive inability to grasp the enormous scale of the crime that has most definitely been foisted upon the world. Event 201 being the morning meeting to get all the ducks lined up, and the assassination of various leaders of some countries the clear message for all to get on board.
Cognitive Dissonance afflicting the many really is the biggest hurdle for clear thinking people to advance towards holding the collective of colluding conspiratorial criminals to account and legally executed in the public square.
As to those opportunistic hyenas and jackels gorging themselves on the rotting corps of society, those swooping in on the wiff of tragedy, making profits from DNR orders, employment as child vaccinators and celebrity vaccine promotors, like Campbell on YouTube, mask and test sellers, also those PR operative cheerleaders who spruik the Nazi of Ukraine movement shooting off the legs of soldiers as a Stand For Ukraine moment, their time under the spotlight can’t be avoided.

Apr 5, 2022 8:14 AM
Reply to  David Ho

From a scouser, I would expect a different point of view. People from the north east have been put down for many a year. Mainly because of their rejection of authority. I don’t read this in the post.

Apr 5, 2022 3:09 AM

comment image

Apr 5, 2022 2:24 AM

propaganda is exercised extensively across liberal democratic states comes as a shock.
<===great article, but all authors to date have failed to offer solutions?

There are just three things, that have enabled never elected, not even appointed corporate control to overpower the elected political systems that manage the 256 different nation states that imprison between them 100% of the world's population.

Ignore the MSM they are part of the corporate problem, but they are not content providers. Make all content providers personally liable to all members of the audience for any mis-statement, omission or fabrication discovered in content by any member of any audience that engages the content..

Why not work to deny all governments everywhere any power to create or enforce any monopoly power? Copyrights and patents have made developed corporations into global size beasts and the beasts are using their advertising dollars, extracted from the victimized governed, to support the circulation of these contents that contain mis-statement, omission or fabrication, which are directed to be consumed by human audiences.

So why should not humanity lobby for laws that severely punish providers of mis-statement, omission, or fabrication containing content, when such content is exposed to an audience. IMO, humanity should lobby to make content providers subject to the full disclosure requirements as strong as those investors demand the SEC impose on promoters of investments. Imposing mis-statement, omission, or fabrication into content should be exempt from content provider liability until the content is presented to any audience , Once the audience engages the content, tort liability should attach to the creator for any mis-statement, omission, or fabrication audience discovers in the content.

Lastly I cannot understand why every member of humanity should not be lobbying their governments to end state secrecy.. How can anyone self determine a proper candidate to vote for, or whether or not to support sending siblings off to foreign wars, without knowing the functions and problems governments encounter and without having accurate information, from a trusted source, sufficient to evaluate the possibility that a particular narrative or a particular candidate,is what it seems to be.

IMO, alternative journalism should become cause and effect oriented so it can lead the way to finding ways to remedy those causes and effects that constrain quality of life.

Apr 5, 2022 4:20 PM
Reply to  eman

Copyrights and patents are just a small part. The general strategy is subversion of government including secrecy. This leads to free reign for anti-people laws, usury, cheating, exploitation, poisoning, brutality, genocide, and selective enforcement and prosecution.

les online
les online
Apr 5, 2022 2:04 AM

I’m not jaded, and i’m not easily startled, either…
Last evening, while reading Wilhelm Reich’s “Children Of The Future” i was startled by his observation, “…health consists not in the total absence of sickness but in the ability of the organism to overcome sickness and emerge basically unhurt.”
The jolt was from realizing i’d slipped back into an easy way of thinking…again…
Of course ‘health’ is not a fixed state, or a product that can be bought (It’s hard to resist the colonisation of one’s thinking by the language of Advertising)…
We are process. We consume the world through one end, excrete a mangled mess from the other. Everything else is “Culture”… (Though all official depictions of Multi-culture are
simply the food dishes brought by immigrants to Australia: Italian, Chinese, French, Vietnamese, and so on..It’s pretty basic when your main food = culture. But that’s government thinking for you)….

Last time i was startled was by the comments by an Offguardian poster: that the body’s detox process works non-stop 24/7 x 365 (x 366 if a Leap Year)…Of course it does !!!
I was jolted then by realizing how readily i’d fallen into that easy way of thinking….again…

The detox process is the gathering up of, to expel, fragments of dead cells, and etc…
Some scientists mistake the fragments for pathogenic organisms that cause dis-ease.
It’s not easy to know when your intelligence is deceiving you…Take Ryan Matters post about 5g & covid… I’m sure he’s onto something, if only to remind me that 5g is far from innocent…


Apr 5, 2022 8:24 AM
Reply to  les online

“Wilhelm Reich’s “Children Of The Future””

In ‘Liquid Conspiracy’ (an otherwise pretty rubbish book), George Piccard produces a document from Dorothy Kilgallen that states ‘cloudbusting’ was about mind control at a higher level. Given that Reich brought his son up as a girl and thus lived transgenderism, I don’t know why anyone would think he’s a good guy.

I agree the body doesn’t have an immune system: it has a maintenance system of staggering complexity that science doesn’t begin to grasp (and scientists admit this when talking to themselves – unlike “the science” deemed suitable for public consumption).

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Apr 5, 2022 10:51 AM
Reply to  Edwige

“Given that Reich brought his son up as a girl…”

Of course he didn’t. Where on earth do you find this junk? Or do you just invent it yourself?

Apr 5, 2022 4:21 PM
Reply to  les online


Apr 5, 2022 1:57 AM

A comprehensive analysis. Thanks Piers.

The first commandment of politicians and their ilk is EXPEDIENCE. They will do or say whatever it takes to secure their ill gotten positions, unless of course it conflicts with corporate interests.

They all ran around like headless hens at the beginning. Now they skulk like cats with canaries in their claws.

Apr 5, 2022 1:15 AM

Covid™ is not an epidemiological event it is a business model, a manufactured event meant to increase the portfolio’s of the super wealthy.

Manufactured pandemics create new investment products that increase the holdings of billionaires and further concentrate their wealth.

Covid-19 is the smokescreen used to cover up this planned total economic collapse and disguise the greatest of transfer of wealth in history. The lockdowns were timed to cover up the first $4 Trillion bailout mid-March 2020 which not a single “news” announcer noticed.  

This economic collapse was inevitable and governments are putting the security infrastructure into place, trying to proactively control the collapse and the massive social disorder.

This collapse started in 2008 and attempts to salvage this Leviathan have been failures only delaying the inevitable. In 2019 the crisis began to unravel again.

There was a dramatic decrease in industrial production and then showed up in the banking crisis of August of 2019- the so-called Repo crisis when suddenly banks started to refuse US sovereign debt instruments as collateral of overnight loans forcing the Federal Reserve to step in and basically print money to cover this massive shortage.

So by the time the “Corona virus” conveniently appeared, the economy of the United States and many other Western countries were in full blown collapse.

The “Corona virus” has proven to be very useful by political leaders to mask what was going on. The economic destruction that it is being blamed for is absolutely extraordinary.

The ruling psychopaths know that they have run up massive un-payable debts and deficits. They know the promises of pensions and benefits cannot be paid. They know the system will collapse and the people will revolt. What we are seeing is their attempt to subvert the inevitable to protect their wealth and maintain control.

We are living through the biggest worldwide organised crime scheme since WW2, and most are still asleep. The scale of the deception is too large for even those who consider themselves “in the know” to accept or comprehend.

There is no “Covid-19” disease- it is lies- all of it.

El Zafio
El Zafio
Apr 5, 2022 7:48 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Brilliantly executed, you have to give them that.

Apr 5, 2022 8:28 AM
Reply to  El Zafio

They’ve destroyed a lot of belief in the medical-industrial complex in a significant section of the population – and that had been just about the only part of their system still showing high levels of trust.

It wasn’t brilliantly executed but extremely clumsy and has planted a time bomb under themselves.

Apr 6, 2022 11:43 PM
Reply to  El Zafio

On the contrary. I give them nothing.
I just prefer to think of us normal people as much less brilliant than I had thought.
Exploiters of human naivete and slowness of intellect are not brilliant people.