Letter to the California Legislature

Vote NO on COVID Tyranny Bills AB2098, SB1390, AB1797, SB1464, SB871, SB866, & SB1479

Margaret Anna Alice

“Never has our future been more unpredictable, never have we depended so much on political forces that cannot be trusted to follow the rules of common sense and self-interest—forces that look like sheer insanity, if judged by the standards of other centuries.”
Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

I am writing to urge No votes on AB2098, SB1390, AB1797SB1464SB871SB866, and SB1479, and part of a decalogue of medical tyranny bills (down to seven now that SB1184 passed on April 5 while AB 1993 and the HIPAA-violating SB 920 were pulled).

AB2098 threatens to strip physicians and surgeons of their licenses for “unprofessional conduct,” which it defines as:

disseminat[ing] or promot[ing] misinformation or disinformation related to COVID-19, including false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety, and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.”

Similarly, SB1390 criminalizes the “amplification of harmful content” on social media platforms.

Who is to decide what is “misinformation,” “disinformation,” “false,” “misleading,” or “harmful”? To claim the State has the right to override medically trained physicians is to subject medical science to political science, consequently putting not only individual patients but all of humanity at grave risk.

You would be fulfilling Carl Sagan’s darkest fears, which have already become manifest over the past two years of politically-formulated COVID absolutism:

We’ve arranged the society based on science and technology in which nobody understands anything about science and technology, and this combustible mixture of ignorance and power sooner or later is gonna blow up in our faces […] Science is more than a body of knowledge. It’s a way of thinking, a way of skeptically interrogating the universe with a fine understanding of human fallibility. If we are not able to ask skeptical questions to interrogate those who tell us that something is true, to be skeptical of those in authority, then we’re up for grabs for the next charlatan—political or religious—who comes ambling along.”

Passing AB2098 and SB1390 would establish a totalitarian Ministry of Truth, and none but the bravest would dare speak against the authoritarian edicts of political forces, themselves lavishly funded by corporations whose bottom line takes precedent over human rights and patients’ health.

Orwell describes this totalistic hubris as follows:

At all times the Party is in possession of absolute truth, and clearly the absolute can never have been different from what it is now.”

Over the past two years, every single COVID policy championed by tyrants, “experts,” colluders, and Covidians yielded grotesque profits for megacorporations; dictatorial powers for governments; and enormous losses of lifehealth, and rights for individuals.

The more research and data that has accumulated, the more evident it has become that the physicians who courageously challenged the propaganda machine were correct, while the policymakers were deadly wrong.

Let’s look at a few examples:

  1. Masks: FAIL
  2. Lockdowns: FAIL
  3. Experimental injectable products (“vaccines”): FAIL
  4. Anti–early treatment protocols: FAIL
  5. Anti–natural immunity: FAIL
  6. Discrimination against the unvaccinated: FAIL
  7. Censoring information that contradicts the narrative: FAIL
  8. Abrogating human rights in the name of the public good: FAIL
  9. Incentivizing lethal CDC hospitalization protocols: FAIL
  10. Turning the world into an open-air prison: FAIL

Indeed, the chiseled commandments issued from on high by the WHONIHCDC, and FDA were so catastrophic, it’s like they were designed to fail.

Even Anthony “The Science” Fauci agreed with the traditional health recommendations these truth-telling doctors advocated before he contorted his decrees to fit political and profiteering aims:

If the doctors you want to strip of their licenses had formulated public health policies, there would have been little to no loss of life due to COVID or any of the additional interventions that have caused what has been described as the “worst-ever excess mortality … in history.”

Life insurance and health insurance companies have seen spiraling fatalities and injuries, including a 40-percent increase in mortality in the 18–64 group—a 12-sigma event—and an 84-percent increase in Millennial deaths (25–44) according to a former Blackrock portfolio manager.

The funeral industry, on the other hand, is booming. Embalmers are also finding never-before-seen “white worm-like elastic clots in cadavers.”

When world-renowned pathologists conducted autopsies on several of the innumerable people who have died suddenly93 percent of those deaths were found to have been caused by the injectable product sold as our salvation.

The CDC’s adverse events reporting system supports this conclusion, having received 1,216,787 reports (including 26,693 deaths and 46,317 reports for kids) associated with these products through April 1, 2022.

The injuries millions of victims are experiencing are excruciatingly real, not rare. Athletes have been hit particularly hard, witnessing record-high numbers of deaths, injuries, and dropouts due to health issues such as myocarditis.

California’s excess mortality is especially shameful at 13.5 percent in 2020 with 38,799 excess deaths. The year the injectable products were introduced, 2021, saw an even greater increase in excess mortality at 18.7 percent or 52,278 deaths beyond the expected number.

Even though we’re only a few months into 2022, California’s excess mortality has already reached 19.9 percent—that’s 12,947 unexpected deaths in the first quarter alone.

Children are especially at risk; British children, for example, were found to be 54 times more likely to die if injected. For these and the reasons outlined in Letter to a Governing Body and Letter to a Tyrant, you must vote No on SB871SB866, and SB1479, all of which put children’s lives and long-term health at risk.

And there are the Pfizer clinical trial documents gradually being released due to an FOIA request by attorney Aaron Siri’s team. Initially, the FDA (which, incidentally, received $2,875,842 from Pfizer for their application) wanted 55 years to release the data, and then they had the gall to ask for 75 years.

Fortunately, the judge rejected this request and ordered the FDA to release the documents at a rate of 55,000 pages per month.

The pages that have been released to date reveal the FDA knew over a year ago that Pfizer/BioNTech’s product was associated with 1,223 deaths in the first 90 days158,000 adverse events, and 1,291 side effects, many of which are not only debilitating but life-threatening. They also show both Pfizer and the FDA were aware their experimental gene therapy product was associated with menstrual cycle disruption and miscarriages.

Here is a three-minute video of a nurse reacting to the nine pages’ worth of side effects released in the data dump. Long-time vaccine proponent and nurse educator Dr. John Campbell was appalled by the Pfizer documents and has subsequently realized he and others have been egregiously deceived. Dr. Chris Martenson also provides an accessible walk-through of the pages that had been released at the time of filming.

This Canadian COVID Care Alliance presentation uses Pfizer’s own data to prove their product is both unsafe and ineffective.

Additionally, life-saving early treatment protocols were libeled because their long-term safety records and demonstrable efficacy threatened pharmaceutical corporations’ ability to secure the emergency use authorizations (EUAs) that guaranteed them immunity from liability for any harm caused by their experimental products. Simultaneously, necrotic medications like remdesivir and noxious protocols like intubation/ventilation were financially incentivized, and deaths “with” (not “from”) COVID were tallied to inflate the COVID death count and buttress the fear-whipping propaganda being used to justify the worldwide push to authoritarianism.

COVID policies such as lockdowns resulted in small businesses being macerated by big-box and online stores. They also caused profound psychological harm and skyrocketing suicidesdeaths of despair, and drug overdoses.

More than 100 million additional people were plunged into famine and poverty—all while billionaires funneled trillions into their bank accounts during “the greatest transfer of wealth from the middle class to the elites in history.”

The average citizen doesn’t hear anything about these pernicious repercussions because the billion-dollar-bribed legacy media, Big Tech, and governments connived with BigPharma to conceal the sky-falling evidence about the lethality and inefficacy of these injections, aided by corrupt regulatory-captured agencies like the FDACDC, and NIH.

History has repeatedly shown that when policy is guided by political science instead of medical science, people die. Lots of people.

As Groucho Marx said:

Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.”

If you care about saving lives and protecting the health of California citizens, you must begin listening to the physicians who have been censored and silenced—not blacklisting them like AB2098 proposes.

AB1797’s proposal to develop an immunization tracking system would grant all government agencies access to citizens’ vaccination records. If you want a glimpse of the dystopian surveillance state this bill would contribute to the creation of, watch this video of a drone telling the Shanghai COVID prisoners:

Residents of Jiuting. During the pandemic, we request that you strictly abide by COVID-19 restrictions and related guidelines. Control your soul’s desire for freedom. Do not open the window or sing. This increases the risk of COVID-19 transmission.”

SB1464 threatens to withhold state funding from law enforcement agencies and reallocate those funds to the county public health department if the agency “publicly announces that they will oppose, or adopts a policy to oppose, a public health order.”

This is the most Gestapo proposal of all these fascistic bills and would coerce sheriffs and law officers to potentially violate their conscience in the name of what have already been demonstrated to be calamitous public health policies.

Martin Luther King Jr. had something to say about such unconscionable behavior:

There are just laws and there are unjust laws. I would be the first to advocate obeying just laws. One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.

So why is it that Assembly Member Evan Low, Senator Richard Pan, Assembly Member Akilah Weber, Senator Scott Wiener, and Senator Dave Cortese have introduced such a treacherous set of bills?

Could it have something to do with being beholden to their pharmaceutical donors and corporate paymasters?

We know, for example, that the pharmaceutical industry has a record of committing fraud, knowingly keeping asbestos in its baby powder for decades, and peddling heart-stopping drugs like Vioxx, whose manufacturer even drew up a hit list for doctors who heroically attempted to expose the carnage wreaked by this drug:

During a class-action case in Australia over Merck’s heart-attack and stroke-inducing drug, Vioxx, it was revealed that a ‘doctor hit list’ circulated within the ranks of the hierarchy. This list contained names the doctors who spoke out against the drug using labels such as ‘neutralize,’ ’neutralized,’ and ‘discredit.’ During the testimony, Julian Burnside, QC, acting for the plaintiff, read one email from a Merck employee that said, ‘We may need to seek them out and destroy them where they live.’

Also reported in the Australian were documents that surfaced in the Federal Court in the Melbourne hearing regarding the criminal intent of Merck staffers who admitted they intended to ‘stop funding to institutions’ and ‘interfere with academic appointments.’”

– Milanda Rout, “Vioxx Maker Merck and Co Drew Up Doctor Hit List,” April 1, 2009, The Australian, cited in Dissolving Illusions

But these pharmaceutical corporations with an uninterrupted history of murderous coverups, fraud, bribery, corruption, extortion, and exploitation are all miraculously on the side of good instead of being profit-drunk psychopaths now, right … right? Yeah, right.

Perusing Open Secrets, we learn Assembly Member Low has garnered funding from pharmaceutical-industry–serving EcoLab, Inc., which has its own WEF page describing it as “a trusted partner at nearly 3 million customer locations,” as well as KPMG LLP, which also has a WEF page and appeared at Davos 2019 and Davos 2020.

Amazon, FedEx, and Netflix CEO Reed Hastings have all donated to one or more of these politicians (e.g., Hastings to Low, Pan, and Wiener).

What do these multinational corporations have in common? Let’s just say they all profited magnificently from pandemic protocols—Netflix making record profits in 2020, FedEx nearly tripling its income, and Amazon tripling its profits in the first quarter of 2021 alone.

Weber collected nearly a million dollars in donations and PAC money, including:

a $200,000 check from the California Medical Association, $100,000 each from the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America IEC and the California Dental Association Independent Expenditure PAC …”

Those organizations also benefit from continuing and escalating the unsafe and ineffective COVID protocols and despotic measures these proposed bills seek to deliver.

Frédéric Bastiat writes:

When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.”

If you are one of the rare uncorrupted politicians in possession of moral character, independent thought, compassion, wisdom, sanity, reason, respect for science, and a backbone, you will vote No on each of these venal, tyrannical bills.

Otherwise, be prepared to say goodbye to the few remaining Californians—including your most skilled, knowledgeable, and ethical physicians and surgeons—as they hightail it to a free state that respects their rights and protects their health like Florida.


How to Submit Your Comments to the California Legislature

Go to the California Legislature Position Letter portal and create an account. Log into your account and where it says Select a Bill, choose the appropriate dropdown selection (AB or SB) and enter the bill number in the text box beside it.

Click the Search button, and the appropriate bill should come up.

Next—and this is the most important part—click the Oppose radio button. Then, you can either type your message (including a link to this article if desired) in the Enter Your Stance section, or you can check the box to Submit a letter instead and upload a document. Click Submit, and then repeat the process until you work your way through all the bills!

In this comment, Laura was kind enough to provide the hearing dates, explaining that opposition letters are supposed to be submitted seven days prior to the hearing dates. We are a little late for AB2098 and AB1797 (blame the WHO!), but we must bombard them, nevertheless, as AB2098 is arguably the most menacing of all:

If you are a resident of California, please consider taking the additional step of contacting your respective senators and assembly members in addition to filling out the online portal.

See Californians for Medical Freedom for step-by-step instructions on how to contact your local legislators as well as what to say if you decide to call (which is recommended). The PERK website is also a very helpful way to track the hearing dates and status of these bills.

If anyone happens to have a comma-separated email list or wants to put one together for California senators and assembly members that I and others can paste into an email, I would be grateful! Please share that in the comments if so.

Margaret Anna examines propaganda, neuropsychology, culture, linguistic programming, and mass control in her aim to awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs. Visit her blog to read more of her work or buy her a coffee.


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John Ervin
John Ervin
Apr 16, 2022 9:55 PM

You may easily suspect that California politicians have noted at least some of these disparities between propaganda and reality, but that underlying all of this is the well-kept financial secret that the assembled armies of bamksters and pharma gangsters are well on their way to confiscating our governments. “Repo”.

That would be a powerful inducement at the top to play along?

Apr 16, 2022 4:22 PM

My friend Joel is working with a trucker convoy and affiliates. They are arriving in Sacramento California Tuesday 19 April for a mandate protest at 12pm at the capital steps. Reply to me if interested.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 16, 2022 12:05 PM

Lessons in the Bleeding Obvious

This is what I guessed several decades ago and so I continued with full-fat cheese etc!

Everything you need to know about cholesterol
Ageless by Glynis Barber
Apr 16, 2022
Everything you know about cholesterol is probably wrong. In this video, I sit down with cardiologist and health campaigner, Dr Aseem Malhotra, to talk about the importance of cholesterol and why it’s such a vital part of our bodies. He’s been involved with some of the research that has had some very unexpected results that turns traditional thinking on it’s head.

Apr 17, 2022 4:08 AM

I watched what I could of this video until I couldn’t stand this Glynis person constantly interrupting her guest.

I prefer reading what someone has to say. I don’t need the “middle man.”

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 16, 2022 4:20 AM

Any person who acts with regulatory or governmental authority, and who fails to do appropriate due diligence, can be charged with homicide if death results from a negligent act. — https://www.justice.gov/crt/deprivation-rights-under-color-law DEPRIVATION OF RIGHTS UNDER COLOR OF LAW SUMMARY: Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. For the purpose of Section 242, acts under “color of law” include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official’s lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim. The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any. TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242 Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and… Read more »

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 16, 2022 3:29 PM

Hello Lost in a dark wood: Yes. I’ve posted this Statute on OffGuardian before. Civilians have been led to believe that Statute Laws are the same as traffic control laws. They look for the nonexistent police in their rear view mirrors, and hope they can get by with excessive haste…

“Someone should do something!” they shout. Civilians refuse to read Lawful Statute. Refuse to file affidavits of complaint. Refuse to pressure States Attorneys General into Lawful action. And generally refuse any suggestions they are at fault for the conditions they themselves created out of negligence.

They squeal like stuck pigs, and swill at the troughs of their favorite corporate media… End of rant… Thaks for posting.

Apr 16, 2022 4:47 PM

Clif_High in Washington state is informing legislators of their liability in similar fashion.

Apr 15, 2022 8:15 PM

Why does Commiefornia and New York pushing this the most? Because they are the most financially broke. Dr David Martin said pensions and social security will be broke by 2028 so they need to get rid of a lot of people so they wont be able to collect.Of course many other states countries are pushing it too. You can find his video on bitchute. Also,it is part of their digital “vaccine” cashless system–as these mrna jabs have graphene oxide which is conductive.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Apr 16, 2022 10:19 PM
Reply to  truthseeker

I could swear Schwarchznegger re~branded it “Cauliflowernia”. That’s what I hear from him anyway. Perhaps it’s the accent. Where do you source your etymology?

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Apr 15, 2022 7:11 PM

The very acceptance of “Covid” as a unique novel disease and an alleged virus which has never been physically isolated and purified as its “cause” already places you way behind the proverbial “eight ball.” Saying that certain measures “don’t help with Covid” amounts to such an acceptance.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Apr 17, 2022 12:54 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

It was clear from Day 1, Week 1, Month 1, etc etc etc et al., that there were any number of red flags shooting up, everywhere, and stratospherically, that this was driven by all varieties of deception(s). It’s too wearisome to produce another summary, and they’ve most all been covered here, and at other certain sites. One question is “do the more or less truth-telling sites, sources have one or more vested reasons to tell the truth, other than a pure service of the truth (i. e. ulterior motives)? I think that may be the case, to varying degrees, and it’s a lot of homework to find out why, but invariably very useful to do so? Another question: “Why would the engineers of this “diabolical adventure” (on steroids) as Michel Chossudovsky calls it (among other useful names at his very edifying site, globalresearch.ca) be so meticulously wrought in so many long-planned respects, yet so stupid in many obvious details. I mean, abysmally so. Did they want a clear count of who was alert enough to catch it, and also an equally clear count of the vast throngs of the readily bamboozled? If “their slip was showing” in yet other key details, were they also “under the gun” of getting this farce up and rolling, and rushed for a deadline? After all, coordinating such a vast deception even with an army of your best iPhones/users can oft go awry? Just ask Karl Rove about what happened to all of his, after 5pm Election Day 2012, if you are in the mood for a real tearjerker. Another question: is their tech dominance (viz: brain-reading/feeding technology, REMOTELY) so assured, to them, that they consider any glitches in their rollouts, even such big ones, incidental? But, as they always say, “pride goeth before a… Read more »

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Apr 15, 2022 6:15 PM

Suffocating politically reminding, it could only happen in the USA.
The Rest, which most on-line commentators refer to as ‘Human’ (thanks for that), some say World’ but why quible will wait no doubt with baited breath., and ever disappearing purses and wallets.

Apr 15, 2022 4:29 PM

There should be great caution about ascribing deaths from heart attacks in young athletes to covid or the vaccine.

The Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation kept a registry of young US athletes dying of sudden cardiac arrest. In 1980 it was extremely rare with just 9 cases in the entire USA. Although the numbers were slowly creeping up, there was a dramatic increase… in 1996 (the number doubled from the previous year to 64). The number then continued slowly creeping up until it was 76 when the study concluded in 2006.

My source here is Arthur Firstenberg’s ‘The Invisible Rainbow’. He blames the introduction of cell phones. Firstenberg says something else very interesting in the aftermath of covid – that there is an undiagnosed epidemic of zinc poisoning. Zinc was touted as one of the big alternative cures of covid and increased consumption was pushed by Trump among others. Firstenberg points out the recommended intake of zinc is much higher than the body needs to function healthily. If he’s right then covid propaganda acquires a new sinister dimension.

Although he accepts virus theory generally, Firstenberg also doesn’t believe Influenza is viral in nature… but that’s a post for another day.

Apr 15, 2022 3:11 PM

Were it not for the Demos, Democracy would be a viable – indeed, an ideal –
system of governance. Unfortunately, the people any Democracy must rely on to make the system work are too easily distracted.

Plus, Democracy is incompatible with Capitalism or any other top-down economic system. When people must work for someone else to survive, they can be easily manipulated into abandoning their post.

Specifically regarding the COVID thing, I don’t buy the notion that fear is what drives the public’s reaction. Despite the limitation of anecdotal evidence, it’s worth mentioning that I’ve been a hypochondriac virtually all my life; I would run to the doctor for any little thing. And, having an overactive imagination, I harbor numerous fears, many of them irrational.

Yet not for one second did I buy into the COVID scam. It was just so obvious from Day One that the whole thing was a hoax.

So when I’m told that the psychos running the show played on people’s fears, I don’t buy into that either. I don’t pretend to know what prompted the public’s insane overreaction – but it wasn’t fear.

Far more likely, it was a genetic predisposition to species extinction – and make no mistake, COVID is an extinction event. Just not for any “public health” reason.

Apr 15, 2022 3:31 PM
Reply to  Howard

I wanted to add that I believe nature has a built-in “turn off” switch for every species. And when certain environmental conditions are met, the switch is automatically triggered. And an inevitable extinction dynamic is set in motion. Presumably overpopulation and resource depletion is the trigger.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Apr 15, 2022 7:47 PM
Reply to  Howard

The lifeboat takes on too many resulting in chaos failing to visually notice another lifeboat because they are confused over the word lifeboat.
That type of thing Howard?

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Apr 15, 2022 8:13 PM
Reply to  Howard

A shipwrecked sailor may as well soon get discouraged over land he doesnt perceive as home.
Why? When in fact the sailor, wrecked ship and land are home.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 15, 2022 2:41 PM

It was asked within the article: What do these multinational corporations have in common?”

Answer: They are all corporations. The most mercenary and corrupt form of financial method the human species has ever promoted. Get a grip. It’s the embracement of a corrupt financial ethic that feeds your moral system. I guess racketeering and extortion are welcome assets to your imagined “liberties”.

Aside from that: Gavin Newsom is a “strategic partner” employed as part of the WEF team. Here’s their reference to his almighty influence. >

1989, BA in Political Science, Santa Clara University. 1991, Founder, PlumpJack Wine Shop. 1997, elected to serve on San Francisco Board of Supervisors; 2003, elected as Mayor of San Francisco, granted marriage licenses to same-sex couples, initiated a plan to bring universal health care to all of the city’s uninsured residents and pursued local solutions to global climate change; 2007, re-elected to current position.”

Gavin Newsom | World Economic Forum (weforum.org)

His “local solutions to global climate change” are tied to the interests of the Getty oil family Trust, which assisted Mr. Newsom’s political aspirations and career. >

Gavin Newsom Owes His Political Career to Getty Oil, New Website Claims – RedState

California Dreamin’…

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Apr 15, 2022 5:00 PM

The reason why we have Gavin Newsom as governor and a virtual wipeout of Republicans in state offices is because we have had these people running the state before and they were not just incompetent but corrupt. This doesn’t mean that the Democrats are all civic minded angels but they’re definitely the lesser of two evils.

The problem with Republicans at both the state and national level is that their policies are now so extreme that they dare not vocalize them, they just indulge in rabble rousing with dog whistles and bogus issues to win elections and then ride roughshod over any opposition when in power. This just doesn’t work with an educated electorate — we know exactly what they’ll do if they get back into power here (rob the treasury, ramp up deficits, despoil our environment and turn parts of our society into even more of a war zone than they already are).

Apr 15, 2022 6:41 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

But Democrats are better? How exactly? I speak as a used to be Democrat and pretty much a bleeding heart liberal, when that phrase meant something about giving a shit about one’s fellow humans. If you cannot see by now that neither “side” is on our side, then you are part of the willfully under-educated, for lack of a better phrase, that is the problem with democracy. An educated electorate? In California today? Pray tell, what kind of education might that be?

As for Gavin Newsome, I am so damned glad I no longer live in California. My God the audacity of its politicians of both “sides” is truly sickening to behold. I now live in Washington state, which isn’t much better and takes its “inspiration” from California.

But we all know there’s not one damned place to run from this madness. Florida may be a temporary respite, but we’ll see how long that lasts. In the meantime, most Americans will continue to believe that one side or the other will save them, while the world crashes and burns and the parasites of both stripes laugh all the way to the bank. And the lemmings will fight on, arguing over the virtues of their favorite parasites while heading on over the proverbial cliff. But they’re the smart ones, right?

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Apr 15, 2022 11:12 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

The Democrats are not as well organized as Republicans — they’re the archetypal Big Tent with various factions pulling in all directions. This isn’t the best way to get things done but its ‘mostly harmless’. Republicans, OTOH, are single minded in their pursuit of a leader — they desperately need someone to tell them what to do, to validate them. which leaves them prey to charismatic leaders and so paves the way for fascism.

Look how ‘strong, decisive, leadership’ has left states like Texas and Florida. Other chronically Republican states are perennial basket cases, they thrive on cheap labor. It leaves a prosperous crust sitting on a sump of the desperately poor. (A lot of those then end up in California…..nothing like exporting your unemployable to make your figures look rosy.)

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Apr 16, 2022 3:46 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Martin. you make it seem like the Republicans do what the Democrats only dream of what they’d also do – if they had the balls’.
And saying how the Republicans operate doesnt work with an educated electorate suggest The Educated vote Democrat, deplorables vote Republican. Hilary Was Right !

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Apr 15, 2022 8:41 PM

Radical, the only thing that pops for me is Getty. True or not I dispise the word because it copyrights photographic art. In short it steals Historical imagery from the public domain and you talk of petroleum wealth and corporate business.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 15, 2022 12:42 PM



“The coronacircus thesis is ultimately not supposed to be believed by most. In the end, people who still do are a side effect. It is a provocation; it is subversion; it is agitation propaganda; it is ultimately meant to cause outrage, unrest, and revolt. Ordo ab chao, solve et coagula.”

Covid as springboard, the initiating step which, after that step is taken, can be discarded once the initiated sequence is underway. Get the punters so used to the masks, distancing, restrictions etc. that even when the original justification is forgotten, these practices will become an unconsciously mimed tradition.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 15, 2022 12:32 PM

This is curious:


I couldn’t find the ballet picture on the net. So I’m hanging fire on this one. (I’ve asked MCM where he got it.)

But that photo reminds me a bit of this:

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 15, 2022 12:25 PM

Winter Oak tweet:

“You have to wonder where all these Ukrainian flags come from. Had they been stockpiled in advance, in case of such a situation? Or have they all been rapidly manufactured and distributed since the Russian invasion? Something a bit odd here…”

Makes you wonder how much is planned in advance and by what margin.

I wonder how long Operation Covid was nestling on the back burner, along with Operation Ukraine?

How long were the Ukraine flags stock piled in the warehouses?

How long were the covid vaccines similarly placed?

In the latter case, they of course would have to make allowances for a time lag to simulate a vaccine research programme. From what I recall it was nine months – from spring 2020 to the winter of that year. Just like a baby incubating. How sweet!

Apr 15, 2022 1:05 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I still wonder where all those knitted pink pussy hats came from around the time Donald Trump became US president. All of a sudden, hundreds of thousands of women wearing hundreds of thousands of pink pussy hats flooded the streets in rallies around the country. I don’t imagine that legions of dedicated needle-wielding experts sat around their kitchen tables feverishly knitting pink pussy hats by the container-load to wear and share in their neighborhood protest activities. How did they come into being so fast and in such great numbers? China? Amazon.com? George Soros? Outerspace aliens?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 15, 2022 2:46 PM
Reply to  LostMyGlasses


Apr 16, 2022 2:36 AM

ha ha!! (so true)

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 15, 2022 2:55 PM
Reply to  LostMyGlasses

I didn’t know about the pussy hats and on reading up …

… well I am once again on that familiar territory of utter exasperated dumbfoundment. Pink hats designed to protest against Donald Trump’s oafishness where he said he felt free to grab women’s genitals – which in itself sounds like a deliberate provocation.

And surprise surprise, we run into “racism and transphobia charges”, the pink not representing black women’s genitalia. And of course, all this talk of women’s genitalia is deeply offensive in a world where it seems that genitals no longer have any connection with gender!

What a heap of fucking crap! Little bits of pink fabric, pointless delusional fixations, storming confrontations over sweet fuck all!

Apr 15, 2022 9:49 PM
Reply to  George Mc

FWIW, there’s another absurd twist to the “pussy hat” craze:

As you correctly point out, the original significance of the pink hats as a symbol of anti-Trump protest was based on his secretly-recorded coarse comment about female genitalia.

But once a thousand pink hats bloomed, at least some of the wearers and the influencers who promoted the hat-wearing became squeamish about the propriety of boldly and defiantly sporting headgear that represented surrogate genitalia. 

Perhaps there was a belated realization that such symbology was a bit too much like “truck nuts”, also spelled “truck nutz”– oversized and highly visible plastic scrotums dangling from the rear bumper or trailer hitch of vehicles owned and operated by good ol’ boys, aka “rednecks”– denizens of the “basket of deplorables”.

Also, the hats were worn by children of protestors, which also made the original symbology unseemly or indecent. I’m not sure if the little pink ears were part of the original issue, but over time the hats were soft-pedaled as more like “pussycat” hats. It made them more respectable, but utterly superseded and nullified their original raison d’être.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 15, 2022 10:16 PM
Reply to  Ort

It certainly puts the US in perspective. Elsewhere people are getting bombed to bits and meanwhile in America they’re worried about the possible offensiveness of bits of coloured fluff on their heads!

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Apr 15, 2022 9:19 PM
Reply to  LostMyGlasses

Presenting a News Broadcast requiring news readers lost it completely for me with tweeting silliness, more often by female yuppies with “Breaking News” snapped up by working from home Woke drones 2020.
Not so much against it, pre ’20 I rarely had the time.
I enjoy news as long as it’s about a specific event on film.
Studio TV reminds me of Hollywood squares lol!
Good heavens, a tip for amusement only, turn off the sound….

Apr 15, 2022 11:41 AM

Democracy has always been an unattainable ideal. The only thing that may have worked would be mass uprising. Unfortunately this hasn’t happened.

Apr 15, 2022 10:57 AM

Walled street, Washingmachine D.C. and SillyCon valley are green with envy to have what the CCP has: total control.
Power freak clubs forget psychological physics: big central action – – – -> mass reaction. The only question is when and how?

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 15, 2022 10:28 AM

Until quite recently the same Julian Burnside in Australia has been a con job catastrophist pushing jabs and lock downs and abusing everyone who disagreed. Now he is fighting against mandates.

Apr 15, 2022 10:15 AM

Not short or shy with the chem trails ingredients this week. Looking out the window all morning the sky looks savage.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 15, 2022 2:49 PM
Reply to  script

Yup. Geoengineering: The most overlooked event in human history… Let’s all just wave goodby…

Apr 15, 2022 9:25 AM

California politics is a cesspool of corrupt dynasties, most of whom seem to trace back to the Gettys.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Apr 15, 2022 10:05 AM
Reply to  truthseeker

“Commiefornia”…? Really? California? Do you even know what the word ‘communism’ means? Take a look in a standard English dictionary – if you’re still taught how to use them in USAmerica.

Apr 15, 2022 10:28 AM

What is your definition of communism, Tovarish Rhisiart? The textbook description of the communist ideology? Its Second-World incarnation? Its North Korean incarnation? Its Chinese state-capitalism incarnation? The distorted perception of any of the foregoing by the generic Westerner? Something different altogether?

How about all the other fucking -isms? Are we sure we’re all talking about the same thing all the time?

Why anybody would refer to California as communist, me understands not. Maybe Wokeifornia, but I sure see no parallel with communism as per the above. Perhaps apart from the fact that whatever the fuck is happening there has roots in a collectivist ideology.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 15, 2022 12:54 PM

US of As … (A**Holes).

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 15, 2022 5:46 PM

“Scene from the latest San Francisco City Hall meeting”.

Apr 15, 2022 6:52 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

I shouldn’t have watched this.
I happen to be a musician and ethnomusicologist, among other things. I’m disgusted enough seeing the shitheads prohibiting performances of Russian composers, renaming paintings, and so on. What a bunch of utter morons!
I have friends originally from Russia and Belarus who call me, scared of the wrath of the fanatical imbeciles – yesterday’s covidist, today’s rusophobes/ukrophiles. To prevent excommunication, they pledge allegiance to Ukraine in a phantasmagorical Catch XXII fashion.
This shit that’s going down right now is sick.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 16, 2022 3:45 PM
Reply to  Jacques

The ending of the video is somewhat wrenching, but essentially no different than the “cancel culture ongoing around us, itself part of an ongoing war against truth, beauty, and goodness. It’s unutterably depressing, but what can be done about it?

Not simply renamed paintings, and cancelled performances, but things like the burning of Notre Dame and other churches around Europe,, lead me to believe this culture, the best of it, is doomed, at least to certain degree. About all we can do is to continue to support these things in our own immediate lives.

Apr 17, 2022 6:49 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Coincidentally, I played a bunch of concert in Paris in the days immediately preceding the Notre Dame fire. They might have been the best musical experiences in my life.

The atheist me, or I should say the non-religious-in-the-conventional-sense me, sees no connection in the burning of churches and the present-day developments, but the fires do punctuate nicely the descent of this decadent civilization.

Just in case that the tsunami of putrefaction that’s inundating the world can’t be stopped, people of good will have to hide and safeguard the treasures the more enlightened members of the human race (the exact opposite of such m-effers as Fidel Trudeau) have managed to create from the barbarians.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Apr 16, 2022 4:27 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Maybe you;ll like this video better?

Apr 15, 2022 6:50 PM

When churches were closed down, forced closing of small biz, yet allowing Target, Walmart, and Costco were allowed to stay open, forced injections, pushing UBI, etc is communism.

Apr 15, 2022 7:25 AM

Thinking that a vote in some legislature will have any effect on what is happening is as naive as the trust Canadians are placing in Pierre Poilievre that he will change things around and set Canada, and perhaps the rest of the world, on the right course.

What we’re seeing is the result of developments that go back a long time, perhaps as far back as the advent of Christianity. Sure, there are droves of unscrupulous pricks around who malevolently exploit whatever they can put their hands on, but the current state of affairs is due to inherent paradoxes in our view of the world.

Encouraged by some moderate technological advancements (like cars don’t rust as much as they used to, and we have wireless phones – wow, what a fucking achievement!), we have divorced ourselves from Nature. We have abandoned just about all spiritual aspects of life. We have succumbed to fully materialistic way of thinking and convinced ourselves that everything can be solved by technologies we invent. The more it doesn’t work, the harder we try.

Our hubris is destroying us before our very eyes. A vote in the California legislature won’t stop that. The only thing that would stop it is a new ideology, a new world not based in technology that aims to reshape the world but rather a harmonious existence with Nature. So, does humankind need to destroy itself to understand that?

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Apr 15, 2022 10:40 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Be of good cheer Jacques. The dysfunctional world which you sketch is a one-off, never to be repeated in the history of this planet. It’s already on the upper reaches of the off-ramp, and picking up speed nicely on its way to oblivion. Hitech industrial ‘civilisation’, that is: Entirely dependent for its basic feasibility on non-substitutable, non-self-renewing natural resources, minerals in particular, that are now well-depleted and getting scarcer steadily. We’re already up against The Limits To Growth (still widely derided as illusory, even in such patchily-insightful places as here at Off-G – 🙂 ) which now have us in their grip, and are hustling the whole planet into their big showdown. There’ll be less of us – hom-saps – about by the time it’s all over. Also – perforce, no other option being practicably available – we shall be running lower-tech lifestyles, which probably won’t exactly repeat the exact historical patterns of earlier centuries, but will rhyme with them, as history, in its cyclical rather than linear nature, does. Maybe it’s a bonus to point out that none of this will need our active cooperation or consent; nor have we the least chance of preventing it; it’s quite beyond our control; it’s just happening to us as fate. And there’s literally no practicable way to dodge it, despite all the star-trekky delusion-myths that we still cherish. As happens when hom-sap isn’t on his Faustian high-horse of “Look at me, the techie-techie GOD! Look at my magical POWER!!” we shall be obliged to pull our horns in, and live more in properly-reverent harmony with the natural world that’s our one and only – actually real and long-term sustainable – life-support system. We can hope that the time after The Limits have slapped us down decisively will be better, and we… Read more »

Apr 15, 2022 11:21 AM

I cannot but pretty much agree with that. I’d argue that there is a slight chance that technological advancement might have the potential to avert, at least to some extent the predicament of depleted resources, but for that, man would have to be less of a fucking idiot given to gluttony.

Since you’re right about the cyclic nature of history as well, I assume that those who will make it to the other end of the shitstorm the initial stages of which we’re witnessing will hardly learn their lesson and will probably sooner or later fuck things up again, probably sooner than later. Then again, maybe they’ll be too busy worrying about basic survival, which might mitigate somewhat their ability to wreak major damage.

Apr 15, 2022 3:16 PM

What I appreciate about you is that you consider the underlying issues at the lowest level, the stuff that is the true root cause of the stuff that floats or is superimposed on top of it. Unlike most people, who yap – to more or less informed a degree – about constructs that only exist because them pesky humans have found access to sources of energy accumulated over millennia. Well, maybe not all of them, because similar constructs existed before the said sources of energy allowed people to plunder resources in an unprecedented fashion.

Anyway, let me ask you a leading question. Somewhat heretical in the context of the stuff that appears on these pages.

If you had the power (and wanted to attempt) to do something about the predicament humankind is facing in view of the aforestated, what would it be? Would you try to educate people to pursue more realistic a way of life vis-a-vis available resources within the existing ideologies, worldviews? Would you formulate a new ideology, view of life and try to brainwash people wherewith … err … persuade people to embrace it? Would you concoct something, like some utter bullshit, to force people to abandon the course of self-destruction?

Apr 15, 2022 5:13 PM
Reply to  Jacques

We’re right down to basic existentialism here, aren’t we, Jacques…?

The tables are turned, and the sheep must now look for their Good Shepherd!
After all, He said Himself, “My Kingdom is not of this world”

Religion is staring us in the face, and of course committed atheists are going to have a hard time confronting it.
The brick wall I keep hitting myself is the thought that we’re supposed to be doing something here on Earth which could frustrate the devil and his works, but perhaps we are limited in our capacity to make that a global moral principle.

So does that mean we’ll just have to address our own souls and consciences, warts and all, and forget trying to make the blind see, or the deaf hear…?

The Fauci is with us, and the Fauci is strong.
The “Good Germans” far outnumber the badass ones…
I’m stumped, except that I know we need real guidance.

Apr 15, 2022 3:38 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Your example of cars not rusting as much is the quintessential example of everything that’s wrong with technology. They don’t rust as much because the makers use plastics rather than metals for the body. Which is perhaps why there are so many more traffic deaths nowadays.

Apr 15, 2022 4:57 PM
Reply to  Howard

If I remember correctly, cars made up to circa 1985 were rusted through after about 10 years. At least in Canada, what’s with all the white shit (that would be snow), salt to make it melt, slush, sludge, and so on. My first car, a little Honda Civic had huge holes all over it. My VW Rabbit had the fender rusted through around the antenna, thanks to which water was running along the cable to this little electrical box under the dashboard where all electrical connection were routed. The water wreaked havoc in there and shorted everything, courtesy of which the wipers would go off when I turned on the lights and stuff like that. Damn, it was fun to drive back then! You never knew what there was in store for ya on a given day. I think that everybody started tin-plating body parts in 1985 or so, which has greatly prolonged the life of the body. But you’re probably right about plastic as well. I wouldn’t know. I drive old cars. Wouldn’t touch the new shit with a 10-foot pole.

Anyways, what I wanted to say is that people’s excitement about technological advancement doesn’t correspond to the actual degree thereof. Plus, the more we technologically advance, the stupider and duller we get.

Apr 15, 2022 5:19 AM

Fauci has always reminded me of Howdy Doody: although he’s a different puppet.

Quite a few doctors doubt the value of vaccines generally:
“Among 625 physicians, 10.1% did not agree that vaccines were safe; 9.3% did not agree that vaccines were effective; and 8.3% did not agree that they were important, Timothy Callaghan, PhD, of Texas A&M School of Public Health in College Station, and colleagues reported online in Vaccine.”

Apr 15, 2022 3:45 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Good analogy on Fauci. He’s a top tier puppet: he has puppets beneath him (scientific researchers awaiting their sawdust fix so they can conduct some “much needed” research – like sand flies depositing their larva in beagle puppies’ heads so as to “help” those in tropical environments plagued with sand fly larva).

You gotta love Science. Everything has its place in the great scheme of Research.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 15, 2022 5:02 AM

If the doctors you want to strip of their licenses had formulated public health policies, there would have been little to no loss of life due to COVID or any of the additional interventions that have caused what has been described as the “worst-ever excess mortality … in history.”

Nothing new happened in 2020. There was no aberration. Instead, it was just a continuation and culmination of a medical totalitarianism which had been building for at least two centuries; and a central pillar of that totalitarianism is the equating of medicine with “public health”.

There have been numerous warnings and many of them prior to that of Carl Sagan. R.D. Laing used the analogy of an off-course formation of planes. That formation is in the process of flying into the side of a mountain and it’s going to be Biblical!

With fronts of brass, and feet of clay.
(They made the Miller School video private for some reason!]

Apr 15, 2022 5:42 PM

If only it were just the pilots of those planes who are flying into the side of the mountain…
Or the medical ‘authorities’…

But it’s primarily the plane passengers and the doctors’ patients who are going to make the suffering Biblical.

Starr Stoddard
Starr Stoddard
Apr 15, 2022 4:19 AM

I fled CA in July 2020 to a “freer” state—- I knew in Feb 2020 that my life was about to change due to the PYRAMID SCHEME cloaked as a “medical emergency.”

Apr 15, 2022 3:55 AM

They don’t care. This is laughable. The only injunction is in hell.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 15, 2022 3:47 AM

comment image

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 15, 2022 3:52 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

comment image

“Not only get rid of the Cocaine Importers of America (CIA)

… but all the War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Agencies/Outfits/Operations of exploitation, terror and oppression.

In the words of Smedley Darlington Butler, To Hell with War!”

Apr 15, 2022 3:48 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

You make it near impossible to either like or dislike your posts. You always link up a fantastic meme – like the Kennedy limousine – with a silly meme – like the Smedley Butler thing.