“Operation Thermostat”: Energy rationing & the pivot from Ukraine to climate?
Kit Knightly

Italy is officially becoming the first country to start rationing energy after cutting their supply of Russian gas and oil.
From next month, until at least March 2023, public buildings across the nation will be banned from running air conditioning at lower than 25 degrees, or heating higher than 19 degrees.
The plan, termed “Operation Thermostat” in the press, is being sold as a way for ordinary people to show “solidarity” with the people of Ukraine, with Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi saying:
Do we want to have peace or do we want to have the air conditioning on?”
I’m not exactly sure how adjusting your thermostat is going to achieve ‘peace’, but hey we’re living in the age of sentimental manipulation over reason, so – just believe.
For example, the Guardian is illustrating the story with pro-peace artwork allegedly done by Italian schoolchildren (in English, for some reason).
There’s no talk yet of this kind of energy-rationing rule extending to private businesses or homes, but a marker has been set down. Expect other nations to follow suit.
After that of course will come the opinion pieces asking questions like “we rationed gas to fight Putin, why not climate change?”, and headlines saying that “Europe-wide gas rationing was good for the planet” or something similar.
…Oh wait, it’s already happening.
Honestly, when I originally wrote the above paragraph I had no idea the New Yorker had published this opinion piece for Earth Day, headlined:
This Earth Day, We Could Be Helping the Environment—and Ukraine”
It argues that rationing energy to fight Putin is just like digging for victory to fight Hitler, and – just as I predicted – would also be good for the planet:
During the Second World War, victory demanded more oil […] In the wars dominating the globe today — Putin’s land grab in Ukraine, and the global land grab caused by rising sea levels and spreading deserts — victory demands getting off fossil fuels as fast as we possibly can.
It even hints at a quasi-lockdown – this time for the sake of beating Putin and combating climate change:
Everyone who can work from home could continue to do so, at least on, say, Mondays, knocking a day off the national commute. Carpools could be organized, taking special advantage of the fact that there are now two million electric cars on the road. More bike paths could be made available, and, when air-conditioning season begins, Americans could turn their thermostats up a degree.
Remember lockdowns were marketed as planet-saving almost from the moment they were put in place, despite it making almost zero sense. The agenda was pretty obvious right from the start.
It’s interesting that “operation thermostat” should be announced on April 22nd – Earth Day – despite having zero to do with climate change. It’s also noteworthy that climate protests groups have piggy-backed on the idea to call for an EU-wide boycott of Russia’s fossil fuels.
We already know they planned a “pivot from covid to climate”, and moves like this mean they can easily “pivot from Ukraine to climate” too.
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Once again, Italy is run and led by an ignorant madman. It won’t end well for the Italians.
Yes, and intelligence arose from random collisions within an expanding universe following the big bang. We exist within a magnificent bubble of nonsensical, ever increasing bullshit.
Yet faithfully believe…
Another Italy first…
Italian city introduces social credit style systemA pilot scheme.
“I’m not exactly sure how adjusting your thermostat is going to achieve ‘peace’, but hey we’re living in the age of sentimental manipulation over reason, so – just believe.”
I don’t have the slightest trouble imagining how that might be possible, supposing that we lived in a reasonable world, which I accept we aren’t.
If we lived in a reasonable world, we would realise that oil and gas resources are finite. So we are all having to do with less. We’d adjust our thermostat and take every other energy-saving measure we could. And we wouldn’t get into economic war with Russia, because Russia provides oil and gas to Europe, and we wouldn’t want oil and gas prices rising so sharply that we couldn’t adapt to the change. And if we weren’t sanctioning Russia, we might as well try to broker a peace between Russia and Ukraine. Problem is, all those “we” are different “we” and some of those “we” don’t actually give a damn about the other “we”. Because we don’t live in a reasonable world. So those things aren’t going to happen with the logic I just outlined.
‘If we lived in a reasonable world, we would realise that oil and gas resources are finite.’
I’ve been hearing this form the 70s, ‘peak oil’ was in the mid 70s in fact; however oil and production increased exponentially since and there’s still plenty to go around. So when is it going to end exactly? In a reasonable world we would be starting to think it’s not finite as they tell us, and understand the the scarcity idea is an old business trick to drive prices and control economies.
I played the airconditioner money-saving game when I lived in Texas – I lost.
A great article illustrating the con, in impressively few words. Almost a haiku.
The above is just more spin from the Vatican propaganda tribe and European banking cartels. The planetary thermostat has been manipulated for over 70 years. The plebs still deny that atmosphere heating is the direct result…
Weather and Climate Modification (nsf.gov)
I guess authentic photos of receding glaciers and radar images of melting ice packs in polar regions, are not convincing evidence… Geoengineering contributes to atmospheric heating. But — makes money for investors…
HAARP and the Sky Heaters – FULL DISCLOSURE! · ClimateViewer News
I knew climate would follow covid but I couldn’t work out how they would make the switch.
There are some truly evil people in the world.
Clever, but truly evil.
That first motif sure has come back to bite thoses’s who where indoctrinated enough to chant it.
Funny how that works.
Lockdown China.
European football Covid final.
Gas electric
Italy-Vatican City is officially becoming the first country to start rationing energy..U.K–City of London Gas & Electric price’s increase by 56%.Three Corporations run the world: City of London, Washington DC and Vatican City
I dont buy into the Fabian run’s the world as the above article states but the rest of the intel is massive in understanding why it has been Italy: U.K :USA.
Wait a minute, catholics run the financial system and the big corporations? Don’t tell me they also run hollywood as well.
Practically every law that has been presented to the Italian Parliament since the vampire squid bankster took over has been done so in the form of a confidence vote in the government (Over 40 such votes in a year). If the Parliament survives from 2018 to Sept 2022, they will get their lifetime pensions, a multimillionaire deal essentially, not to mention their hefty salaries, several multiples of the Italian median wage.
Therefore every vote on everything can be reduced to the question: do you want your salaries and lifetime pensions? Obviously, the answer is yes and the banksters have got everything voted through on Brussels and NATO’s orders.
Welcome to democracy in the free world!
How do you explain the passivity of the population (vaxed and non) in front of this daylight robbery?
“It’s Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain.
It’s a good question. Firstly the systems themselves have structural flaws. But the population (or a large enough chunk of it) is manipulated by
a) playing to their fears (fear of terrorism, disease, fear of death)
b) utilizing their prejudices against them (evil Muslims, batsoup eating Chinese, evil Soviet gulag commies etc)
c) providing the solution to keep them “safe” from the “threat”
In the pandemic narrative, it was very important that the virus be blamed on say China and not Monaco or Luxembourg. The war must be blamed on evil, deer antler blood drinking Putin and so on.
The population has been passive for twenty years when the September 11 narrative was spun and “blamed on cave dwelling Jihadists who hate our freedoms”
One’s own prejudice is the easiest tool with which to manipulate a person.
Yes. Also at this point, IMO people know instinctively they are fooled, but “fooled” might not be the right word; “passive accomplices for not knowing better” is more accurate, I think.
Deep down, the average person knows that the system we’re living under is unfair, cruel and can only thrive through crises, and so some people (hopefully not oneself but one can never make sure), groups of people, countries, etc, shall inevitably have to be sacrificed through poverty, wars, etc, so that other people, groups of people, countries could prosper.
You know, can’t-make-omelettes-without-breaking-eggs kind of reasoning.
Since the herds of modern moron slaves are what they are, I can only conclude that this propaganda around uman circus (aka war) and uman made climate change will work just as well as did the OPERATION COVIDIUS PROPAGANDA.
April 22, 1970 = The first “Earth Day” – Initiated on his centenary and celebrated annually on Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov’s aka Lenin’s birthday …
I betcha that crafty commie V Lenin had it all planned out even then!
Well, if the EU says we all have to eat bugs and live in pods and take cold showers and travel everywhere by electric pogo sticks to save the Ukrainian polar bears, then that’s good enough for me.
Electric pogo sticks 😂
With the insect population down 80 to 90%, you just caught the EU in a great big lie when they say we’ll have to eat bugs.
And I guess the electricity is going to be generated by goodwill and chanting. And like oil, gas, water, etc, they will tell us in a few years we are running out of bugs! Oh dear we can’t win.
The world has sleep-walked from the Fog of Covid to the new Fog of War.
Why it is almost as if the ‘cost of living crisis’ and the ‘fuel crisis’ and the ‘food crisis’ and the ‘Ukraine crisis’ happened at the very moment the ‘covid crisis’ fell off the front pages.
But there is no money for fuel or food but billions for arms and refugees and reconstruction.
And it will never be enough. Today The Ukrainian president’s adviser, Oleg Ustenko said ‘‘Germany can survive without Russian oil: I wouldn’t want my country facing the shame’
Well, all countries face shame at some point, don’t they Mr. Ustenko.
A good one to celebrate that…

What amazes me is how Ukraine apparently supplies the world with all types of fuel, all our food and any thing in short supply, who’d have thunk it?? Also blaming “the war” on our 54% rise in energy costs is another lie as this was all planned and warned about in October 21 and we all act surprised! How quickly people forget
Not just Ukrainian oil & gas, Russian oil & gas is being sanctioned.
Keep in mind that the West/NATO did not want Nordstream 2 to go live prior to this latest project for dividing the world. Germany only gave in after the barbaric invasion of peaceful Ukraine.
please exclude the Donbass from your description of a peaceful Ukraine, the people of the Donbass have suffered atleast 14,000 deaths as well as terrible destruction on the part of the Ukraine military for the last 8 years.
Its was the E.U 7 years ago for 4 years solid new media certain parts of the INFILTRATED alt media and MSM all worked together hypnotizing the viewers with E>U Brexit nonsense.
How quickly people forget,
Just 4 businesses control 90% of the global trade in grains. With friends in government circles, they would have made a killing from insider trading, just as in the “Arab Spring”.
Its got a definite chocolate ration (from “1984”) feel to it.
It’s a bad omen when developed nations have to ration.
They don’t have to ration. They are playing a game of pretend
There have been ice storms three years running during a crucial part of the growing cycle in Europe. This may be more than nature simply acting up: it could very well be part of the weather warfare.
In California, America’s fruit and vegetable basket, water shortages and drought are making serious inroads into the Sacramento Valley, the hub of California agriculture. More weather warfare perhaps.
> They don’t have to ration. They are playing a game of pretend
How do you know?
Remember that supplying more and ever more weapons to Ukraine is environmentally friendly. Getting rid of all the old stocks of gear, so they can be replaced by more at inflated prices from Uncle Scam and spooky UK-raine.
Like supporting those friendly Nazis fighting relentlessly to defend democracy in Ukraine for UK-raine and Uncle Scam.
While building lots of new facilities to receive bargain basement priced LNG from Uncle Scam is sooo green! When there is already a pipeline built and ready to go from Russia to Germany for cheap gas.
Remember freezing for your leaders to continue to party is the patriotic thing to do…
Black is the new green.
Although the media appears as monolithic, I reckon there are some outlets closer to the heart of the beast than others. The Atlantic must surely be very near to Satan’s throne. Grinding out fear and misery porn with that giveaway hallmark of bullshit: articles that just go on and on and on as if the sheer mass of crap somehow guarantees an entry into the real world.
The Conversation and the i paper rival The Atlantic as the pits.
That just about add sus up they are totally BBC /SUN/ MIRROR. MAIL brain washed all looking for a days holiday to mark some day of the thing that sits on the throne, the stupid bastards will stand in the pissing down rain waving a silly plastic flag (made in china) to a woman who doesn’t give a shit about them we will never move on whilst those parasites are in place
Oh my it does look pretty
At least in the early days they’d give us bread with the circus.
Here’s the current ‘reality’ of living in indusrial rich Milan, Italia during Aprile 2022… masses queuing for food at the Pane Quotidiano
Starving for the greater good is the new normal
Taking experimental pleb culling injectables for the greater good is the new normal
Lockstep lockdowns and economic destruction for the greater good is the new normal
Obliteration of the 1st worlds useless eaters biological imperative, birth rates and fertility for the greater good is the new normal
You’ll own nothing and be happy for the greater good is the new normal
Can you tell what it is yet?
It would be useful for the world to know that Italia has quietly been transformed into the world’s first iFascist nation led by an unelected ex-Goldman Sachs employee who rules by decree. Knowing that his time is gonna come he is currently maneuvering to be appointed the next Secretary-General of NATO.
Please help Italia!
“Please help Italia!”
This situation didn’t happen overnight,it was visibly coming from long time ago.
They are on their own and they need to wake up.
A few triple espresso or a smack in the face, whatever works faster.
we do need help in Italy, Draghi is a disastrous unelected prime minister, a complete lackey of Washington, I hope he is removed before 2023.
What sort of help are you thinking of?
Military aid?
Food rations?
Medical assistance?
Money? Know-how? Moral support?
You already have all you need in this situation.
Make good use of your creativity and passion, for your own survival.
You like Italia, you likka the food, you likka the vino … but you know nothing about the country.
A simple help would be to let the world know that Fascism has returned to Italia. But since moral support is the last on your list, go home.
One thing we don’t need is ignoramuses.
And yes, Italiani resoundingly defeat Fascism once. It will be done again.
Unless you have more knowledge than me regarding Italian history 1943-45, STFU.
Italy is a bountiful country, get off the big urban hamster wheel.
Hey Bag, I live in the country. The easiest farm landing in the world … no wonder so many farmers refused factory work to live in the bountiful countryside in the 1950s. No wonder so many refused to emigrate …
Have you ever been to Italia. Please don’t come back unless you have rubles with you. Then again, please don’t come back.
The WSWS continue to fan the flames of covid and have now transitioned from “cases” back to “deaths”. But the method seems elusive.
“According to the Office for National Statistics, there were 15,861 deaths in Britain from COVID in the 14 weeks from January 1 to April 8. But the figures in the two weeks since have been even more brutal. In the week to April 14, the UK saw almost 2,000 deaths and well over 1,500 deaths have been recorded in just the last three days (Tuesday, 482; Wednesday, 508; Thursday, 646). It is likely that Friday’s figures will mean another 2,000 dead in a week.
Such figures spread out annually would mean 100,000 plus deaths a year.”
Note how we have gone from (alleged) death statistics to “will mean another” and “such figures spread out annually”. But there’s something fishier going on:
“At least 172,000 people are already dead from COVID in Britain, according to the government’s own manipulated figure tallying those who die within 28 days of a positive test. The real figure is above 192,000, as defined by the Office for National Statistics counting instances of COVID being recorded as a cause on a death certificate, and will shortly hit 200,000.”
We know about the, to say the last, questionable 28 days rule. But how do we arrive at that “real figure”? Yes it relates to “COVID being recorded as a cause on a death certificate”. But by what logic, outside the 28 day rule, is COVID declared a cause?
After which, twitter accounts of alleged covid cases leading to “The fact that over 500 people died from COVID in one day this week …” A “fact” decided by the 28 day rule or that other cryptic method?
But the comments below contain a piece of (intentional?) humour:
“One day last week there were more than 650 covid deaths but only 20k reported. The discrepancy between reported cases and the actual number of deaths is huge and widening…”
Discrepancy indeed! More than 650 deaths but “only” 20k reported?
It’s deeply ironic that the WSWS can still deliver articles like this:
In which they state:
“As we have explained repeatedly, in the upside-down world of #MeToo, allegations of abuse are to be accepted uncritically, regardless of evidence to the contrary or even the reality that the only “facts” provided are from the accuser. In this witch-hunting atmosphere, unsubstantiated and salacious descriptions of sexual abuse or physical battery have been picked up by the celebrity gossip press and hysterical middle-class types and used to throw basic democratic rights, such as those protected by the Fourth and Sixth Amendments, out the window.”
Let’s rephrase that:
“As we have tried to cover up repeatedly, in the upside-down world of COVID, allegations of a deadly virus are to be accepted uncritically, regardless of evidence to the contrary or even the reality that the only “facts” provided are from an unquestioned but deeply questionable crew of paid up pseudo-scientific stooges. In this witch-hunting atmosphere, unsubstantiated and fear-mongering descriptions of “surges” and “tsunamis” of corpses have been picked up by the monolithic media machine and hysterical middle-class types and used to throw basic democratic rights out the window.”
“Ofgem, Britain’s energy sector regulator, said on Thursday that its price cap — under which the average household’s annual energy bill is currently between £1,277 and £1,370 — would be raised by 54%, marking a record-breaking increase.”
“BP has reported profits of almost $13bn in 2021, its highest earnings in eight years, boosted by rising oil and gas prices as energy demand rebounds from the pandemic.”
So what are YOU doing about it? Being a “grafter an all”…
Time for BP to pop another deep-sea well and plead poverty.
In the dogma of capitalism,different rules apply to the capitalist, compared to the employee asking for the bare minimum raise to keep up with inflation. “Democratic” and “free” governments all agree that the capitalist must not suffer any fall in profits.
all those evil cows and sheep will be killed and we WILL be saved!
Northern Ireland may have to lose one million cattle and sheep to meet climate targets
They’ll probably just wander over the border, like in the old days. Perhaps they could claim asylum?
they might do it here too. 🙁
Animals claiming asylum – that’s a good one!
Yes, we’ve degenerated that far as a species that we would actually entertain the silly woke notion that animals are living beings and as such deserve respect.
What’ll we think of next? Keeping kids safe from rich predators? Paaaleeese!
Lots of bleeding hearts, laws and enforcers support animal rights, while selectively overlooking utter injustice and barbarity towards people.
For anyone who’s watched the documentary “Planet of the Humans” it isn’t hard to figure out what will happen to those domestic animals.
They’ll be ground up and used as “fat fuel” for the next generation of generators. The capitalist psychos see only dollar signs when they look at animals – and only today’s dollars.
Animals used for energy for humans are definitely not a “renewable” energy source. Once they’re dead, that’s it.
i have not seen that.
P fertiliser, dem bones
Before petroleum took off, most of the whales (90%) ended up as whale oil.
I’d like to read independent analysis of the subject – but on the face of it, this is another “ban something to save Mother Gaia. whoops, we’ve ‘accidentally’ caused mass economic ruin and potential starvation” story:
There also seems to be something of an emerging geopolitical pattern here with countries around India being destabilised just when India is on the naughty step for trading with Putler.
One for Colin Todhunter?
i don’t know anyone who is talking about Ukraine anymore .
On his Discord thread, Moneycircus mentioned one Barbara Marx Hubbard. I’d never heard of her (The very name seems to be playing tricks. Karl Marx? L Ron Hubbard? She doesn’t appear to be related to either.) In any case, on consulting the mighty Wiki I find this:
Those ever threatening “global crises”. Always there! Always demanding that something be done! Always demanding action! Always demanding … money making scams!
And then it came to me in a revelation. The one big connection: the money spinning scam. Destroy whole communities, destroy cultures, destroy civilisations, destroy the lives of countless young people, destroy sexual identity etc. all for the sake of selling the suckers plastic crap. New genitalia for geriatrics, new “cures” for psychological problems that have just been created, new merchandise for instantly created demographics, new artificial “justifications” for draining yet more resources away from the masses and redirecting same to … yet more money making etc.
And hasn’t America always been the home of the mountebank? The snake oil salesman? The Mickey Mouse course “professor” advising the youngsters on a discipline only invented five minutes before?
Consider covid, the climate “emergency”, the “trans” issue etc. as money spinners, faculty padding, whole new lines of pumped up phony controversy to fuel endless gravy trains heading into the sunset.
For those younger than me, who expect to watch the next twenty or so years unfold during their current incarnations, expect to see groping, half-arsed moves like this thermostat regulation coming ever thicker and faster. “Wear more woollies!” is also getting a tryout amongst Deutscher idiot-politicians just lately too!
LOL! I already do, you mooncalf!
The underlying real reasons for these adjustments to reality – whatever the proximate cause such as the Ukrainian upheaval – are The Limits To Growth, doing their thing right on time, just as the Meadows Team* projected in 1972, and confirmed thirty years later:
We are right now starting to get accustomed – in our usual chaotic and bleating fashion – to forces majeures over which we have, and will have, absolute-zero control: population-overshoot crashing head-first into the brick wall of utterly-vital-commodity depletion; particularly the all-encompassing master-resource of energy to drive everything. All this drama happening whilst the Earth goes on with its natural geophysical cycles, unperturbed by our ineffectual bleating, and our utterly laughable faustian narcissism of techno-mastery of everything.
Such ideas as these sketched above are unwelcome here at Off-G, I know, both btl and amongst the editors. Pity! Catch up as soon as you can, folks. Objective facts don’t care about your emotional preferences! 😀 .
Be assured: techie-techie is absolutely not going to ‘save’ us from the Long Descent. You may as well get that reality on board now as later, with ever greater cognitive discomfort the longer you go on kidding yourselves.
The time to learn how to grow your own supplemental food, for example, is right now, if you’re not already an experienced gardener. It takes about five years for greenhorn brownthumbs to get half-way good enough at it. Shortages of everything, including food, are the near future. Even Russia will get there eventually, though it may be the last place on Earth where hitech industrialist modernity still flickers on for a while. But geophysical realities do not, and will never, take any notice of our cherished delusions. Not even in Siberia.
I’m coming round to the suspicion, too, that climate shift – which has never ceased in the history of life on this planet – will turn out to be more complex than the manipulators have been kidding themselves, and us, in the event:
Our current population-overshoot crisis is scheduled, it seems, to resolve itself spontaneously over the course of this century, and possibly into the next, with fertility already falling below replacement levels in increasing parts of the world.
Consequent on this, and on the ever-tightening depletion of actually-getatable fossil hydrocarbons, the human-mediated release of sequestered greenhouse gases – small though it is in its total effect, compared to the hot, deep Earth’s always-churning crustal vulcanism – is also scheduled by The Limits to ease away towards net zero, at the same time that the recurring long-term natural cycles in the planet’s climate oscillations turn towards the next Ice Age over the upcoming few millennia. Global warming looks like turning out to have been yet another of hom-sap’s substanceless self-indulgent Chicken Little panic-frolics…
And those of us who survive the now-begun period of shake-out already baked into the global pie will be leading very different lives in future centuries from the current nightmare domination of the malignant egregore that Dmitry Orlov calls ‘The Technosphere’. (qv!)
We shall be inventing lifestyles which echo the simpler ways of earlier centuries; though rhyming with, rather than exactly repeating, history, as the saying goes.
Sweet dreams! And now: your cue to make with the down-votes: the Off-G equivalent of throwing toys out of the pram! 😂
*Yes, yes: the Club of Rome were POSs, agreed! But by one of those comic accidents of fate the Meadows research team whom they sponsored happened to be uncompromised, honourable scientists, who did an honest – and obviously very durable – job with their projections. Get used to it! Noisy, ‘social’-media-level substance-free slagging won’t make the least difference to their truth. 😂
I guess you’re talking a bit more long term, which is good to note, however I guess one criticism I might make (to indulge your combative tone lol): essentially concluding that ‘we’re all doomed’ is rather an easy conclusion to reach, which undermines some of your obviously accomplished thinking. Maybe we are all sliding inexorably toward neo-feudal oblivion (i mean, humanity simply can’t expand forever), but perhaps “let’s wait and see” is more prudent? Sure, let’s be fully prepared for the worst, but can we be brave enough to hope for the best? Who knows what technological innovations will arrive in 10, 20 years? The show’s not over till the fat lady sings and other such platitudes. Let’s not get trapped in cycles of negative self-reinforcement. Let’s be careful what we manifest here! XD A2
Not ALL doomed, Sam. I expect a substantial number of people to survive the Interesting Times and thus continue hom-sap’s species-trajectory. And – would you believe – I don’t just hope for the best, but actively work for it, still; till death; and thereafter when reincarnating. And – FWIW – I’m entirely optimistic about the main outcomes of it all. I believe, with evidence, that the best outcomes will prevail. But that’s a long-term thing…
I quite agree that nearer-term times are looking distinctly alarming, and are well worth constant sceptical watching and activism, for those with the youthful energy. And I too expect the gics (gangsters-in-charge) to go on with their criminal scams. Adversaries always present, always to be resisted, no question. And sorry about the ‘combativeness’… Cheers! 🙂
Thanks for these posts. I dont feel the need to add much since I fully agree with you, I’m aware that what you say on our limited resources and overpopulation are not welcome on those threads. Unfortunately because it is very sensible indeed. It is not because now and again the ruling managerial class says something that happens to be true that it should be dismissed on principle.
If we make it through the present crisis, will move on to something much better that will incorporate some of the good of past civilizations hopefully, and a new conscience of what needs to be avoided at all cost.
If you are “well aware of our limited resources” then please explain what those limits and limited resources are, and how you get to that conclusion. The facts:
Minerals and Metals Became 2 to 427 Times More Abundant from 1904 to 2015.
You get 22 bicycles today for the time price of one in 1910.https://galepooley.substack.com/p/you-get-22-bicycles-today-for-the?s=r
Drills on Sale: Buy One, Get 17 FreeSince 1946, the time price of a basic drill has fallen 94.6 percent.https://galepooley.substack.com/p/drills-on-sale-buy-one-get-17-free?s=r
The Reason We Are So Rich Is That There Are So Many of UsLarger markets allow fixed costs to approach zero in total cost per unit.https://galepooley.substack.com/p/the-reason-we-are-so-rich-is-that?s=r
Paul Ehrlich ignores abundance again.From 1980 to 2020, global population increased 75.8 percent while global food abundance increased by 665.1 percent.https://galepooley.substack.com/p/paul-ehrlich-ignores-abundance-again?s=r
Famines Vanish as Marxism Declines and Population IncreasesDeath by famine has dropped by 99.6 percent in the last 100 years. This occurred at the same time population increased over 300 percent. The real cause of less starvation is the decline of Marxism.https://galepooley.substack.com/p/famines-vanish-as-marxism-declines?s=r
OMG! Reading you laundry list of wonders is like a kid in a candy store! I have to pace myself so as not to gorge and end up diabetic.
More minerals you say? Don’t you mean the technology to locate and extract minerals has increased exponentially? That doesn’t mean the quantity has increased.
22 bicycles for the price of 1? Wow! Now if only our westernized legs could handle the overload.
Kudos to the busy little hands of busy little Asian kids making drills so we can get 17 for free!
Large markets/zero costs (to the producers). Now if only we could afford to buy these zero cost goodies!
Food production was never the problem: food distribution is what causes hunger in a world swimming in food. If only the ethanol goblins would turn loose of some of that grain (sorry for that imagery, I’ve been watching Harry Potter the last few evenings).
BTW, resources are limited by the size of the planet; by the amount of volcano activity; by the ability to extract them: taking entire mountain tops (as they do now in Appalachia); and by their usage (using ten times more resources will deplete them ten times faster).
Also, when it comes to natural resources: follow the money. The mere fact they’re contemplating mining the ocean floor – given the enormous expense – suggests they’re running out of easily obtainable resources on the surface.
The quantity of minerals is strictly determined by the available tech and the price of said mineral. The rule-of-thumb is double the price of a mineral and reserves of the mineral increase 10X. There are of course absolute limits to each mineral, here on Earth, but those limits are far, far beyond anything we will use for the foreseeable future. And there is no “exponential”. Human population is stabilizing likely to peak at ~10B. At that point mineral consumption will be linear. And when mineral prices increase sufficiently that makes recycling more and more economical. With a good energy supply you can recycle everything, just as Nature does, it is a goal that is achievable, except for the necessary energy source, namely uranium, thorium, deuterium, helium and/or lithium. No conceivable way we will run out of a more than sufficient supply of those. Unless you love fanciful talk about 100Myrs in the future, when the Sun starts the Earth’s runaway greenhouse effect death spiral.
I do love such techno-narcissm babbling as yours, smith! Source of endless laughter amongst we realists. Do babble the cornucopian chop-logic on! Gale will help you! 😂
I love your ecofascist Malthusian archaic babble even more, causes even more hysterical laughter amongst us realists vs you dogmatic Greenie Cultists. But don’t let me stop you, keep trying and someday you might just get one point right. The real amazing thing is the Bankster Psycho Club-of-Rome cretins just really love you guys.
Neat … but unconvincing.
Unconvincing?!? There’s a lot more of similar facts on Gale Pooley’s site if you want more. On the other hand you got zero facts. You got nothing except claims. Where’s some evidence of Limits to Growth happening? You want to create a humanitarian disaster, even genocide just based on your arm-waving wishes & dreams. Or more accurately a dogma touted by the Greenie Religion to be kind, Greenie Cult to be less kind. Sad fact is the Ecofascist, Malthusian, Club of Rome, Bankster Psychopaths have embraced & finance the Greenie Cult.
I think that folks would be amazed by how quickly the overpopulation problem can be resolved by eliminating [sic] roughly 100 specific human individuals whose names and addresses are well-known.
Net Zero applied to the billionaires themselves?
Their combative tone is likely because there are many Trump fans here who would rather see nature obliterated than change any of their habits or pay more for gas.. or do anything different.
Hence all talk about care of “the environment” is to them yet another partisan issue consisting of made-up concerns.
In their small, uneducated minds they believe the planet is some static object that produces infinite amoiunts of everything we need, but the lib-dem Deep State is stealing it all from us. They have the god-given right to eat burgers every day and damn the rainforest!
They do not actually feel any connection with the planet because they are totally programmed by the same forces they think they are opposed to.
It ain’t Trump fans who are obliterating nature. It is the Davos Bankster Psychos and their Greenie Cult surrogates who are devastating large natural areas putting up Industrial Wind & Solar facilities. And Agrofuels. And Biomass burning. All of which is completely ridiculous, achieving nothing except wasting resources stupidly, killing vast numbers of birds & bats, displacing wildlife habitat, while have zero effect on fossil consumption. At the same time they shutdown perfectly good zero emissions Nuclear Power plants, replacing them with Coal, Fracked or Russian Natural Gas. Just brilliant. And they love war. More devastation of both humanity and nature.
The Earth’s resources are limited, but those limits are not a significant issue for a long time to come. The issue is policy driven by dogma, religious edicts & a drive to control and impoverish the 99% while allowing the 0.1% to be obscenely wealthy.
More of the Limits to Growth claptrap. Utter nonsense. We have already reached Peak Kid. There will never be as many children as there were the past decade. Population peak has been adjusted down to ~10B, reached during the last half of this century. We can easily sustain that population at a very high standard of living. The current energy & food crisis has been deliberately and maliciously created by the Psychos who are now running the World, at least the Western World. That’s what we get when we allow our politicians to be bought like hogs put on the auction block.
Energy is the main resource, from plentiful energy you can recycle everything, including water. Just fission energy from uranium & thorium is essentially unlimited, to be accurate so Rhisiart won’t blow a gasket, that supply will easily power 4X the energy the world currently uses for a 100Myrs. I don’t think we need worry beyond 1Myrs. Doubtful humans will still exist by then. And that’s just fission. Helion Energy is close to small scale practical fusion (forget the ITER bait-and-switch scam). With fusion we can run our civilization @ 10X the current energy consumption until the sun boils the Earth’s oceans and turns the Earth into the hottest planet in the solar system.
To see how much the Davos gang of Psychopath Parasites despise plentiful energy, just listen to what their well paid stooges say:
“ Complex technology of any sort is an assault on human dignity. It would be little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of clean, cheap, abundant energy, because of what we might do with it. ”
Amory Lovins, Rocky Mountain Institute
” The prospect of cheap fusion energy is the worst thing that could happen to the planet. ”
Jeremy Rifkin, Greenhouse Crisis Foundation
” Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun. ”
Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University
” A massive campaign must be launched to restore a high-quality environment in North America and to de-develop the United States. De-development means bringing our economic system (especially patterns of consumption) into line with the realities of ecology and the global resource situation ”
John Holdren Obama Science Czar & Rockefeller puppet
“Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable.”
Maurice Strong, Rio Earth Summit
“All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.”
Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution
“The Earth has cancer and the cancer is Man.”
Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point
Ha ha!
The Long Descent is reminescent of Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series of SF novels. He was speculating on how to shorten the Descent.
Russia and Canada may do no better if all that frozen methane starts acting up.
As populations within low-fertility countries crash, there is likely to be more of the informal invasions from high-fertility ones.
On GHG, crustal volcanism, etc.: The flow of heat from Earth’s interior to the surface is only ~47 terawatts (TW). In comparison, solar insolation is 173,000 TW.
Interesting to note was Joseph Geobbels whipping up of the crowd in 1943 asking them if they wanted ‘Total Wars’, Their reaction? They wanted it so bad that they could taste it. The fact that the Wehrmacht were – like Napoleon and the Grand Army – in the long retreat from Russia after catastrophic defeats in Stalingrad and Kursk, and the Americans had joined in the fray, would one would have thought, make the mob think twice about continuing the war; but no, they were so hyped up that their hysteria overcome reason.
We can see the same insane thirst for war now being whipped up by the ever-pliant media. (What would we do without them!). I would assume that they will get want, but unfortunately there wont be anyone around to record it.
Is there a video of this incident ?
Lets not forget Chamberlain was ejected because he wanted peace.
And you know this because… Joseph was a friend? Or you read the news/history? It’s just you say with such conviction, like it’s fact.
Strangely enough there was a huge nazi rally on this occasion, but no I wasn’t around at the time (is that some kind of smart-arse comment?) but nonetheless it took place whether you or I like it or not. it’s on film and I would guess it is easy to obtain. ‘Joseph was a friend’ (sic) – tut tut, you’re just trying to be clever again aren’t you. It was a fact whether you like it or not and I would imagine the evidence is easy enough to be obtain.
I suppose Tower Bridge isn’t a fact either!?
Working class hero?! Yeah right.
WorkingClassZero perhaps?
Even if you gullibly followed all the media bullshit that makes no sense whatsoever. What we are hearing now is a constant stream of non-squiturs.
“We” were once encouraged to laugh at “preppers”. Not any more:
What a list of phony (i.e. establishment created) crises there!
I knew the toilet roll stampede had a huge propagandist role to play. And note the “even before the pandemic”! The pandemic was just a prop for a behaviour already anticipated and clearly desired.
And forget about work:
The message from above: You’re all on your own now!
Who needs toilet roll when there’s always The Guardian?
Toilet roll is a more reliable guide to the news.
Pardon my bluntness, but I’m glad I don’t live in the UK.
I wouldn’t let that filthy rag anywhere near my fundamental orifice!
Personally, I migrated to a sub tropical climate, just as God intended. Not because I knew better, it was an “instinctive” decision. We all have this ability, but it is being deleted as we become more domesticated.
As I age the advice I am passing on to my siblings is, become self reliant. We are all domesticated, but some more than others. Unfortunately I did not get this advice from my peers, so I learnt it late. My grandparents were duped into fake wars with the Germans and did not know any better.
Disconnect as much as you can. Don’t hitch your wagon to others in return for shiny rewards and European vehicles. It all ends in tears and you soon wake up to the fact you too have been done like a kipper.
The Japanese governnent implemented this for itself and promoted it for others (private sector and homes) when it shut down nuke power. Any reduction in the burden (consumption) from parasites is a good thing.
”Putin’s land grab in Ukraine,” (sic) Like Russia is short of land!
That’s me
They can also come in handy to hide a look of utter contempt, LOL. Yes, I have worn one out in public, so I suppose I too deserve that contempt I feel when I look out from behind that damned thing and see so many people who really believe they prevent illness, so there’s some hypocrisy there, obviously. Now that we can all ditch the diaper, when I see a masked up idiot who still believes they work, it’s harder to hide that lip curl, but maybe that’s a good thing, maybe not.
Apparently a new side effect of lockdown, or could it be from “vaccine” shedding? I think 5 year olds are too little to have been vaxxed, no? Or could Big Pharma be putting something in the routine vaccinations that these little girls have been receiving in the past two years?
There are reports from several countries of an increase between twice as many cases and seven times as many (India)– and it’s occurring earlier. Other countries noted are the US, Italy and Turkey.
Another possibility is increased EMF experienced by their MOTHERS: In rodent studies
Wi-Fi and cell phone radiation during pregnancy increased the risk of early puberty in the offspring.
Dr. Mercola has a report on it, but it’ll probably be taken down before you see it.
So, here’s one of his 20 or so sources anyway:
Mercola may not be entirely honest in his pursuits. His publication on viruses – narrated by one J. Hammond – is questioned here:
Virus-Isolation Is It Real? Andrew_Kaufman Responds To Jeremy Hammond
There were many reports of menstrual irregularities in jabees and people close to them. So, it is likely the infernal spike – the only tangible thing in this affair, not a mythical virus – also messed up children. Some of them could have been breastfeeding from jabbed mothers a year ago.
Some parents are sick mentally. About a year ago, a homeopath told me he had just attended to a child who looked 2-3 years old to me, given the jab at a time when it was meant for adults. I presume the parents had gotten one on the black market.
Don’t forget that long before the ‘official’ broad roll out of the jab in children, some (probably more than we care to imagine) qualified for the jab many months ago if they were classified as ‘vulnerable’ or if they lived with vulnerable adults. I can’t tell you when that started without looking it up but I know it began quite a while ago. I also suspect that ‘vulnerable’ included children of any compromised physiological or mental status, not just those who might be perceived as especially susceptible to adverse consequences from a circulating infection.
The march to totalitarianism continues unabated.
What the Davos Bankster Psychopaths are pushing is their ESG Net Zero scam, which is just another carbon trading, financialization of carbon scam, used to be called Cap & Trade but that scam was a total failure, so they changed the name to Net Zero so the billionaires can make more easy, government guaranteed profits while doing zip to reduce emissions. A Financialization of Carbon Fraud that only makes the worst emitters, the most guilty = the Rich, even wealthier, while doing nothing to reduce emissions except to promote energy poverty for the 99%, energy gluttony for the 1%. Essentially they are in a roundabout way creating energy rationing but doing it in the exact opposite of how rationing is supposed to be done, that is applied equally to everyone not just to the poor & middle class.
If they really cared about climate change (hint: they don’t), they would throw that net zero scam into the garbage bin where it belongs and institute the CF&D, revenue neutral carbon fee & dividend which penalizes the energy hog rich and rewards the energy frugal middle class & poor while eliminating preferential subsidies, mandates and exemptions given to the political favorites wind & solar. They are favorites because they cost $trillions but do zip to reduce fossil consumption, apart from causing energy poverty –> reduced emissions.
These scam Carbon Credit resellers will be bleeding us dry. They buy up forested land, i.e. in Brazil. They call it a protected carbon storage site, so they get big $$$ for that. Since carbon credits are considered sacred they get to boot natives off of the land. The natives despise these Carbon Credit Scams. And then they claim they’ve saved all of this forest carbon storage from being released by logging, agriculture or ranching. Which is BS to begin with because all that happens is that activity just moves to another location.
But add to that their wonderful forest carbon reservoir accidentally (on purpose) burns down with a forest fire, releasing all that carbon to the atmosphere. But their carbon credit payments they stole off of us aren’t returned. So now they get to take that same piece and call it a Reforestation Carbon Credit site and get paid even more than they got from the first scam. Presumably after they cash in on that the forest will burn down again for another cycle of ” milking the gullible Western consumers “.
Virtually all of the Carbon Credit scams don’t include nuclear energy, most don’t include large hydro either, so they exclude the two energy source that ACTUALLY do reduce emissions. They give 100% credit to wind/solar, pretending that they are a 1:1 replacement for the dirtiest coal @ 1100gms CO2/kwh, that’s nonsense. They ignore all the huge energy inefficiency losses that intermittent wind/solar cause i.e.: Curtailment? No. Overbuild? No. Cycling Inefficiencies? No. Economic forcing of low efficiency diesel & OCGT instead of high efficiency supercritical coal, CCGT & hydro? No. Long distance 3-10X oversized transmission? No. Extremely low EROI. No. High materials inputs, >20X nuclear? No. Huge waste recycling energy cost? No. Creating 2 grids which must run in parallel? No. And yet these same Grifters get paid huge credits for “Energy Efficiency” projects. What a Scam!!!!
Carbon credits in the Amazon are fake. The eastern portion is already a net emitter of carbon. 17% of the Amazon is completely gone.
We should be aiming for Zero Billionaries.
Part of the net-zero scam here:
Less animals = less animal suffering… like no poor people ends the suffering of poverty.
The scam is that you wrote all of that in such a distracted state, that you neglected to mention,
Corporate GEO-ENGINEERING Climate change & CFCs
Corporate Fascist Control of information flows, Tech. n’ Data Wise,
You were suckered, as per design.
HAARP is Operational, soon 50 years !
Think on this. I was paid to monitor comments like yours, by Energy Corporations,
Back in the 80’s, even before the Internet and afterwards, too. Consider.
HAARP commentary was top of the ‘Brief’, back in the 80’s, why?
TPTB did not want public discussion.
Do wise up2 BGGG Operational Designs!
That’s Bill Gates Global Greenhouse Designs !!
Steering Jet Streams (& Dreamliner Flightpaths)
To be fair, He told you and everybody else…
Thinking 🤔 Scottish mist, is everybody
Pissed? Climate change your pampered focus . . .
(Nothing personal smiffy, but, needs be)
Abso’firkin’lutely Obvious now
Geo-engineering is The
Save the
Pay Attention !
AIMs are Operational.
Artificial Ionospheric Mirrors.
Research and discuss,
directly in Davos ?
See their weakspot
In scientific terms,
TPTB Destroyed Ozone.
The self same shameful BildBäckBeta’Berger
Davos Crew still Projecting,
& Gaslighting Guilt 😔
P.s. Fyi: had you written to the Times or F.T. WSJ IHT NYT etc. even the Sun, In the 80’s I would know that you had commented Publicly & Not about HAARP, before midnight on the day BEFORE
your comment hit the Streets, see? Everything was filtered, with cross referencing
And contingency planning. In case any Editor had ‘delusions…’
Over climate science, the Big picture, on whose Canvas ? And the narrative.
E.g. Murdoch’s Media Machinations. Often the last printed edition,
Would be edited from the first copy courier run 🏃♀️ around news Agents,
Of mass hypnosis: and Wire Tapping with corrupted Police.
Remember judge Leveson ?
Guilt by association reigns supreme – always has, always will.
Because the bad guys are using the climate to take advantage of humanity…we blame the climate!
It’s pretending to have gone all haywire from the incessant plundering of earth’s resources (which are finite); the ever increasing spraying of aluminum and other nano-particles into the atmosphere; the accelerating release of methane from permafrost and the ocean floor; not to mention the nuclear fallout from testing bombs for the last 80 years.
Bad climate! Doesn’t it know it’s supposed to take any assault we can give it and act like nothing happened?
Climate Change indeed! Next thing your know, the oligarchs will be telling us Earth is spherical! And we know if they say something’s black, it must be white!
Or they’ll be telling us we need food to survive! Ha! We’ve certainly fallen hook, line and sinker for that one!
Howard, you forgot to mention the wind turbine and solar panel killings of birds. Of California’s 23 vulnerable bird species studied (barn owls, golden eagles, road runners, yellow-billed cuckoos…), scientists have found 11 are now experiencing at least a 20% decline in their population growth rates because wind turbines and solar panels are killing them and/or destroying their limited-range habitat.
The U.S. government regularly prosecutes oil and electric companies if they kill a bird in a protected species – but they’ve never prosecuted a wind farm and wanted to give them a thirty-year indemnity against any such prosecutions (we had to kill the birds in order to save them… ).
Every single renewable source of energy is a sick joke foisted on humanity to make a buck – nothing more. The documentary “Planet of the Humans” makes it very clear how useless these renewable projects are.
But it isn’t just these renewable projects that are killing the birds and insects. It’s also the electromagnetic smog now covering the planet so that people can play with their smart phones and militaries can monitor every man, woman and child on the planet.
Plus the filth being sprayed into the atmosphere to make life easier for the thousands of satellites circling the globe.
Ever since “God” gave man dominion over every other creature, animals have been nothing more than collateral damage to man’s insatiable hubris.
Routine is as much part of a prison as are the bars to a cell…anon…
Austerity is the connecting thread between Covid and the forthcoming rationing of power, food, water, etc.
Financial austerity unites the libertarian corporate powers-that-be with their more liberal colleagues. They’re certain it’s the solution to every problem.
The Compatible Left were furious about austerity – so they’ll be against rationing as well, right? Find me some examples….
This has nothing to do with libertarianism or left vs. right.
Living in Hong Kong, with no plans to ever return to the west, I find this all very bizarre. The west cannot survive on such low energy inputs. Productivity depends on energy, so low energy inputs means low GDP. Everybody knows this, so why are the western leaders deliberately destroying their GDP?
No thinking human really believes the climate change nonsense, like all other oligarch scams this is part of a plan for them to gain more power and money. Unfortunately, the vast majority cannot think, so they believe these fantasies pumped out by the oligarch bullshit machine, some I know even feel sort-of-heroic for having the opportunity to save the planet for their children … like talking to cows, there is no way to make them realise that the farmer is just using them.
A similar attitude was taken by those who were stupid enough to get vaccinated then insisted on messaging everybody to let them know, for some they did it after each jab. People really are dumb, they are so full of themselves that they cannot even see when their actions reduce their credibility, with some of their friends considering them to be an idiot.
Watching from a distance, in a land where I know I will not need to cut back on my energy consumption – where I live I get free electricty, subsidized by the government – and where all our energy is from burning coal (sorry, I think there is one token windmill on Lamma island, maybe), I wonder how long it will take western people to fix this problem and whether it will be fixed within my lifetime. Does the current older generation need to die off to allow better, younger brains to prevail? Do all the current generations need to die off before better brains emerge? When will the western countries see sense?
It is like a huge science experiment, watching the westerners allow their governments to completely destroy their way of life without lifting a finger in their own defense. Amazing.
I shall sit here keeping warm on Russian coal while you save the planet: all I can say is thanks, I would never have bothered myself, and certainly would not have done the same for you, but as virtue signalling westerners you are obviously more caring than I am.
aspnaz, you ask “why are the western leaders deliberately destroying their GDP?”
Surely you know as a regular on this site that it is because WEF and other gangster organizations like the CFR have put into political power those who have agreed to implement the NWO/Great Reset of population reduction. Less energy will sink many into poverty and will kill many who are already poor.
They are deliberately destroying GDP to kill people and to make others less able to mount an opposition. I think you know this, no? You just can’t believe it. And in the long run it will not exclude Hong Kong.
They want to shift production (what’s left of it) to Asia where populations are more pliable and closer to a hive-mind mentaility, not having been told for centuries that they are individuals and that liberty is what makes their culture great.
Once that’s achieved, Asia will be on the chopping block like everyone else so don’t get too cosy.
Many have yet to notice that the consumer economy is dead dead dead. No longer do the psychos who fancy themselves Masters of the Universe need to make things for people to buy so they can get richer.
Make believe is now the New Economy. They endlessly print money; they trade derivatives (I saw something a few days back that estimated derivatives are into the hundreds of trillions); they buy up houses by the score (there are few new houses being built) – in short, they are like children playing with toys and pretending the toys are real.
And they are so afraid the masses might take some of their newfound wealth that they invent ways to kill people – nothing personal: they’re just protecting their toys.
If one did not want to freeze one’s butt to save planet may be freezing for Ukraine would catch up.
One old, real environmentalist told me that not big oil but Global Warming crowd are environmentalists worse enemies.
For example so called offsets are complete fraud and serves financial speculation only. In theory it is all about replacing carbon sequestrating capabilities of one peace of land by enabling increase of carbon sequestration on other piece of land or create new green carbon sequestration capabilities.
in reality it means destruction of good piece of land and sowing grass on worthless barren, destroyed land claiming net zero emissions. Most commonly it is financial institutions buying worthless land and then selling carbon offsets arbitrarily calculated to these who want to destroy good habitat or emit carbon. In that way Wall Street sells offsets (financial instruments) from the same land or operation again and again (rehypothecation). Another favorite of big oil and IPCC is turning nat gas into carbon dioxide and then use it to pump oil out of old low pressure wells and then store pumped in CO2 there and got paid for storage indefinitely. Note that in the process no CO2 is actually being sequestered from atmosphere but offset still applies and can be sold on market. The best solution that is promoted is not to pump at all from discovered reservoirs but be paid not to drill at all by issuing offsets of what could have been pumped out. But only until they can make more money by drilling and selling gas or oil. They want to get paid for drilling and not drilling.
I wish those genuine anti global warming people who even sincerely believe in so far unproven danger of high levels of CO2 do their math and see what actually is proposed and what’s going on so they could by themselves discover complete fabrication, blatant fraud and corruption of net zero policies and UN IPCC process which in fact is set to destroy environment and make hundreds of new billionaires.
The real threat to arable land does not come from global warming-ists but from above. What’s being sprayed incessantly under the pretext of solar radiation management is slowly filtering its way down to the ground and up to the ozone layer – killing soil microbes and disrupting the planet’s natural hydrological cycle.
Arable land is deliberately being targeted by weather manipulation technologies. Plus, forests everywhere are being decimated, morphing trees from carbon sinks into carbon emitters.
The IPCC is the last bastion – of the oligarchs to make it appear they care about the climate. They care only about money and power. The IPCC has never and will never address climate engineering. Their masters have forbidden it.
Wall St Journal, pro fossil fuels to the hilt, suddenly does a 180? Which part of this sound like an utter Orwellian move? “We were always against fossil fuels.” Those fuels are harmful, by the way, very much. But the notion that you can power the global industrial capitalist system on “alternatives” is plain BS. Those “alternatives” will in fact require fossil fuels for extraction of the rare materials needed to make them, for the production of these technologies, and for backing them up, and there is not remotely enough such materials to make it possible to generate all the required energy using “alternatives.” Wrong Kind of Green has repeatedly done the calculations to show that, as have others, see for example Between the Devil and the Green New Deal, Jasper Bernes, in Issue 2 of Commune Magazine, Spring 2019.
COUPVID, the whole scam, is so sly. so sneaky, so sanctimonious, so shamelessly dishonest. The globalised ruling class is armed with a century of “psychology”, which now has nothing to do with soul-knowledge, but just means effective techniques of manipulation. It’s not only fear that these technocats exploit, but love. They have homed in on humankind’s most generous impulses — to protect others from harm, to resist warmongering, to respect knowledge and learning, to preserve a livable world — and identified them as pressure-points.
The a-souls who rule this planet are confident they can starve at least half of us this way and enslave the rest.
The PCR and lateral flow tests showed the ultimate reduction of human beings to automatons that could be serviced like cars. Through these tests, the subjective experience of being ill or healthy no longer mattered. The test had final – and indeed the only – jurisdiction.
“armed with a century of “psychology””.
This is where people usually start citing Pavlov not realising that that in itself is part of the psyop. Russians are at the root of everything evil – the trail never leads back to anything Anglo-Saxon.
Behaviorist psychology was in fact founded by Wilhelm Wundt. Wundt was voted first for “all-time eminence” in a 1991 American Psychologist poll – but who outisde of the field has heard of him? Behaviorism was merely an attempt to put what certain institutions – like militaries or religions – had intuited for centuries. There’s nothing new about, for example, mind-controlled assassins – heck, the word “assassin” comes from hash, the drug they were fed to get them to kill. This worldwide Skinner box is just its latest manifestation.
Anthony Sutton found that Wundt’s paternal grandfather was Illuminati operative codename “Raphael”. He was a professor at the University of Heidelberg when “Raphael” was mentioned in an Illuminati Provincial Report in 1782. The initials WW also happen to be 33 turned sideways.
As the “Energy Crisis” affects European’s businesses and livelihoods, and Russia blamed for it, it should not be too hard to whip up war fever against Russia (in The Borderlands). The German Greens supporters are in favour according to polls…
And it looks as if the occasion is being used to sneak in the 4-day work week (but only for those who dont work from home)…
“war fever against Russia (in The Borderlands)”.
Confirmation that Finland has joined NATO is expected shortly….
Additionally – so far 16 massive food processing plants have burnt down (all accidentally of course) in the States (https://www.sott.net/article/467020-Multiple-large-food-processing-distribution-plants-in-US-have-recently-exploded-or-burned-down) whilst Pot Belly Gates buys up all the farmland.
so their pivot to causing massive human misery is well on track.
“Pot belly Gates”-so funny.
Trewpol, thanks for that info. Central Valley in CA grows 1/3 of US veggies, plus some nuts & citrus. Political machinations have deprived them of some of their irrigation quota, and when the drought ended w record rains that filled the aquifers and reservoirs, most of it was let out to sea. The pretext was to save some tiny fish that is not even native to our region.
The lying media now says that farmers can’t plant “because of the drought.”
Weird that italy was also the first onboard the covid bandwagon.
If there’s one thing that could make me consider that behind everything really is a bunch of aristocratic British Nazis it’s the way the Scando countries have got the soft soap, whilst the southern European countries like Greece and Italy have had the most brutal implementation.
But then those were the EU countries with the potential for the most resistance.
Yes. While Brits are partying, Greece is still under covid-pass apartheid. No vax= no gym, no cinema.
While you can now enter Greece without any covid pass ( they are desperate for tourism), a rapid test is required to enter banks and utility company offices to pay bills, as well as dentists, hairdressers and large chain stores AND EVEN OUTDOOR CAFES.
Masks on children at school still going, masks mandatory in all public transport and indoor spaces..Most Greeks do not even know if masks are mandatory in the streets because of how the rules are communicated, and changed.
Resistance is nearly zero with at least half of the “revolutionaries” swallowing the pandemic lie hook line and sinker. A handful of demonstrations didn’t get more than 1000 people and it was mostly people protesting the layoffs of unvaxxed medical staff. There is near zero consciousness of the Great Reset agenda and the rest.
The PM is like a smaller, shittier version of Macron.
Greece is totally corrupt and owned by global capital and will likely cease to exist as a nation in the not too distant future. The corporate owners are already using English as the primary language .
Do not go to Greece for your holiday!
Doesn’t surprise me at all. Years ago I was working with some Italians and I was complaining about the security measures at airports since 9-11 and how they made me not want to fly. I was shocked when this person replied that he was for any measures that improved safety.
It’s important to remember that most people are cowards and will do anything for some perceived gain in safety. Even in Shanghai today many if not most support the lockdown measures and are angry at any protesters. Gone are the days of Benjamin Franklin who said those who would trade freedom for security will get neither.
Extremely sorry that you met this type of Italiano.
Perhaps he/she was part of the majority, like everywhere else. (Il Conformists by Alberto Moravia)
But … millions of Italiani have been resisting for at least 70 years against an onslaught you cannot even imagine, lately including obligatory vaccination for over 50s.
Would it surprise that the first city to free itself from Nazi-fascism was Napoli? Would it surprise you that the curse of the Anglo-Americans entered a city with a fully functioning free government?
In the part Italia that continues to function we think of you all as “La Perfida Albione” and we have never been wrong.
Heavily in debt, like others around the Mediterranean.
Who’d have guessed that putting a banker in charge like Draghi would put you in the vanguard of the New World Order?
BTW Draghi comes from ‘dragon’ and dragons were as much serpents as snakes i.e. it’s another reference to Luciferianism.
Who put him in charge, E.?
It was also the originator of fascism.
what’s funny is that the existing pipelines of gas are still running… They were excluded from the sanctions. The big story they pushed was that nord stream 2 is shut down. But it was never put into service. So, in effect, nothing changed supply wise.
So is this just to build fear? 25C is 77F, which is not anything extreme at all. Heck, I run my ac only on super hot days at around 80f and it’s fine.
And if you have been to Europe before the 90s, air conditioning was very rare, even in hot Spain! I asked why. The biggest reason: energy cost. After the 2000s, ac was more widespread
They have started talking of cutting that supply…Ukraine is apparently wanting more of the slice of royalties for transportation as well….
all of this is what has made me smell a rat from get go….more an excuse to crash economies….
It’s the precedent that’s important – that the state controls thermostats, not individuals. Even Hitler and Stalin didn’t seek to regulate the temperature in every building.I’d find 25 degrees too warm but wouldn’t tell others what’s right for them.
BTW 77 just happens to be another masonic master number – and of course Flight 77 was the one that hit the Pentagon.
With Hani Hanjour at the controls ?
Better design of buildings implemented at municipal level would save a lot of electrcity. E.g., double roofs, raised floor, paint for albedo, insulation (including double or triple paned windows). But that would displease some billionares.
The author of that article, Bill McKibbon, is a longtime democratic activist. Between their wokeness, support for Covid mandates, and support for U.S. imperialism, the democratic party has become a complete barrel of laughs. Not to mention a danger to humanity, freedom, and liberty. I guess that’s not really anything new. But it’s more important than ever to see thru the fog, man, because it’s getting thick.
“The End of Nature?” How would he know?”
“In its existence, long before there were humans, the Planet experienced conditions (and periods) far more extreme than any that it has experienced in recent times. Yet it has managed to survive and continue.”
“Want to do something to help humanity? End the WAR RACKET and CORPORATE FASCISM.”
Wonder how many liberals in the audience were squirming at that one.