FULL INTERVIEW: Corbett & Knightly on the WHO’s “Global Pandemic Treaty”

James Corbett is joined by OffGuardian’s Kit Knightly to discuss the WHO’s proposed “Pandemic Treaty”. Its origins, its purpose and its implications moving forward.
An edited version of this conversation was originally featured in episode 417 of The Corbett Report podcast, but appears here in full, with thanks to James, hosted on OffG’s Rokfin channel.
You can watch that episode, “The Global Pandemic Treaty: What You Need to Know”, here, and read Kit’s previous articles on the Pandemic Treaty here, here and here.
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Humble, gentle, simple and kind folk are sensing that once we understand what we must this will end. Shouldn’t we all?
Just an FYI, we were having some difficulties with the audio on this side, though perhaps that’s just our equipment.
Mercury retrograde.
Corbett & Knightly my two favorite journalists!
Blithering idiots brainwashed with clap trap ideological bulldust. The Pope rules.
In the last two years, perhaps millions of articles and videos; maybe hundreds of scientific studies and books written, the world has been shaken upside down inside out, over something that must have been cooked up in an hour or so behind closed doors of a comfortable room, over pink gin and amidst laughs and smiles.😠
We’d better get started and constitute ourselves into a front and conceive our own worldview, our own conception of what it means to live together as a community; make a serious critique of the categories of the current system. At the end of the day, everything that’s happening has ideas as their foundations, and there we must focus.
Sextus: You can break a man’s skull; you can arrest him; you can throw him into a dungeon; but how do you fight an idea?
Messala: You ask how to fight an idea. Well, I’ll tell you how. With another idea. – From the movie Ben Hur (1959)
To begin with, This argument the bastards can never contest: whatever they’ve done has been done without consulting the populations; whatever has been done was done by decree without us, the first concerned, having a say in the matter. We can start by that argument to build up our case.
New Hong Kong Concentration Camp
Hong Kong completes construction of central government-aided emergency hospital
May 8, 2022
An emergency hospital built with aid from the central government in the Lok Ma Chau area of Hong Kong’s New Territories was handed over to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government on Friday, upon completion of the 51-day construction.
As the largest and most complex COVID-19 facility project in the HKSAR, the emergency hospital covers an area of 489,800 square meters and comprises a clinic, isolation wards and supporting facilities for daily life.
A short video which includes an excerpt of James’s work. Enjoy.
No intelligent effort to control/reduce the population would adopt a single method. It all adds up and multiplies. Foucault explained how the population problem – an idea more than a reality – resulted attempts to install control mechanisms in the late 18th century. Elite interests have been shitting and shifting themselves since the Age of Revolutions. This is recent history, a time when money made from the masses was balanced against the potential for revolution. The dangerous masses and useless eaters are one and the same. Active or passive, they/we are a problem.
A pandemic treaty or a recipe for unprecedented pain?:
‘Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg and howlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.Cool it with a baboon’s blood,
Then the charm is firm and good.’
Give me an ‘eye of newt’ any day.
At least it’s organic.
The vaccines do not have an ingredient list and there is no independent verification of vial contents. As such, it cannot be factually said that people are injected with spike proteins.
The only thing that can be stated with any certainty is that people are injected with the patent.
Therefore, any and all side effects from the vaccines should be viewed through the use of the patent, and not with the assumption that spike proteins exist.
People would probably be shocked if they researched the patent. The patent includes technologies for crossing the blood brain barrier and installing carbon nanotubes. These technologies are included in the Moderna patent:
One of the nanotube patents notes that they can lengthen the tube when it gets to its location, so that it can’t get back out.
They even have technologies to suppress the immune system:
Why aren’t celebrity covid influencers talking about this?
I should like to have heard something about those running the show. They are everywhere. And they are the enemy. On the plus side there are still more of us than there are of them – at least till the “vaccines” take their toll.
This is the amazing Amazing Polly.
That’s a very interesting video.What a nest of ambitious little vipers and what do they do? Influence, liase….well..talk and um..be very attractive and have rich parents and…do nothing productive. Oh boy, how to get on in life… it’s all there- a microcosm of well paid nothingness.
Useful list of who’s attending their forthcoming annual shindig mixed with some amusing truthbombs:
“Yeah, but just because they’re attending doesn’t mean they’re controlled… they’re just keeping an eye on things… probably just networking or trying to win some money…. “.
As nobody else seems to want to talk about the alleged capture of Canadian Lieutenant General Trevor Cadieu at Azovstal I thought I woulod write about it since it happened more than a week ago.
Why do you believe any of this unverified nonsense? The Azovstal narrative is absurd. If NATO were selling it you would laugh.
Have you seen any video of the actual Russian army with actual modern state of the art hardware anywhere in Ukraine yet? I haven’t. Lots of middle aged overweight DNR guys with weaponry circa 1940-1980. Zip sightings of the regular Russian military. Don’t you think that’s just a little odd?
You haven’t seen it because you don’t know where to look. You’re obviously not going to find it in our press, not just because it comprises a bunch of bought tossers, but because they are not likely to send them behind “enemy” lines. Yes. I’ve seen loads. But I’m not really into weaponry – I’m more into life – and its preservation.
Where have you seen the professional Russian army represented operationally in Ukraine?
I check the Russian MoD, South Front, Murado, ‘Panic’ Lancaster, Inessa and a dozen other sources and have seen precisely ZIP.
Please link to anything you have seen. Thanks
I’m not going looking for it for you. Check out the article. There are links in there.
That’s not very reasonable is it? He asked you if you had evidence of X. You replied that you did. He asked you to show what you have.
Why not simply do so?
The links are there in the article. I think that’s very reasonable. I have seen some dreadful stuff but it is all over the place. Every day there are links which show the destruction of people’s homes – very distressing. MLS does not believe there is a war going on. S/he does not believe that neo-Nazis, Ukrainian soldiers, wounded, injured brain-damaged together with western mercenaries. This is a link from my blog article showing the mining of entrances to Azovstal during a cessation of shelling.
S/he believes everything is made up, shot on location. That’s OK by me. This is one day of action and the results of that action.
It is not my job to go looking for the firing of horrendous missiles from the banks of the Black Sea but I have seen them. Let MLS do the work.
Ok John please explain to me why you are claiming your article contains images of the professional Russian army on active service in Ukraine when you are well aware it DOES NOT?
I said I have not as yet seen any evidence of the RU army in action in Ukraine. You replied you have seen “loads” of it. I ask you to share it with me, and you refuse and claim there are links to such images in your article – WHEN THERE ARE NOT!
So – what the heck are you doing?
I will believe there is an active war involving the RUSSIAN military when I can find some evidence of it.
So far all I can see is evidence of small scale low grade activity of DNR which may be engagement with unseen Ukie militia or equally may training exercises or enactments for video, together with some obviously fake footage produced by Panic Lancaster.
I go by evidence, not belief. I’m aware of the strange lacuna and wondering what it means. Why aren’t you?
If you look in the second link in the comment to which you are responding it gives the source to the first link – which is what I thought was in the article. Scroll down there you will see lots of bombed buildings in the donbas and if you go through it historically day by day you will find what you are looking for. This will take time. But it is for your satisfaction not mine. I know there is a war going on.
You can’t even tell me which DAY has the footage of a modern well-equipped Russian army functioning in Ukraine?
Ok, I will scan through and if I find it I will screen cap. Pity you can’t find the time to do that and substantiate your own claim.
You don’t ‘know” what the hell is going on out there. Neither do I. Nothing in the footage makes that plain. All we see are small groups of poorly equipped untrained men and aging armor, distant explosions and burning buildings.
You believe this indicates a full scale war involving highly trained soldiers with SotA equipment we just never see.But that’s you taking it on faith.
If the Russian army was conducting a full scale invasion of Ukraine it would be obvious, visible in a thousand different videos. It isn’t.
I think the evidence to date shows the Russian army either did not enter Ukraine or did so in tiny numbers as mere advisors. The ‘soldiers’ we see are the Donbas militia. I think the evidence is more consistent with this than anything else. It explains why the men are so poorly equipped, old, unfit and badly trained.
This means, of course, that the war is partly a lie. It’s not a war between Russia and Ukraine, it’s something else, probably either a continuation of the eight-year Donbas conflict or a staged war game, or both.
But if I find that image of the Russian army in full battle gear that you PROMISE me is there but which you refuse to show us, I will change my mind.
If you have watched all the videos and know which one has the footage of Russian soldiers in modern equipment it only seems fair to tell MLS which one it is rather than leave him to search all of them.
Nobody would have time to watch all the videos. That’s why I know there is a war going on. Eight years it’s been going on.
I saw a picture that showed lovely homes with cars turned over in front a d on a street corner with Ukranian soldiers .What was weird was the article said it was from the blast however not one window broken in any of the two story homes around the overturned vehicles.????Very strange.
There is quite a bit on CGTN. But I’m not into weaponry either, so I can’t speak for “state of the art” or not. But I’ve seen a few impressive missile launches.
Check Maslak’s war diary, for example.
So what are you saying exactly? That nothing has been happening at Azovstal? There’s plenty of footage around to show that something has been happening.
And Mariupol certainly looks to be a mess. Do you think they had an earthquake or something?
Where is Maslak’s war diary?
Again, not “state of the art weaponry”, but anyway, they are described as Russians, not DNR:
And it’s at (around, on the edge of) Azovstal). A bit far away for sniping with those weapons, as a commenter said.
Someone else comments that they have taken over what was a Ukranian position; the helmet lying around is said to be Ukrainian.
They are always described as Russians, but they clearly are not, unless Russia has a professional army of middle aged unfit guys with zero to minimum weapons training, equipped with aging rusted hardware.
When assessing what’s going on out there let’s begin by recalling a low scale intermittent war has been going on since 2014, so there will be plenty of infrastructure destruction already. And indeed some of what we see looks less than fresh.
Secondly the same low scale war might well be continuing or even ramped up a little, but still falling a lot short of the representation by both sides.
Thirdly, you can send in militias and give them carte blanche to wreck everything in locations where civilians have been mostly evacuated and get a lot of broken buildings with minimal casualties (hence the use of at least one fake ‘body’).
I don’t know which of these is going on, maybe a mixture of all, but I do know Lancaster is doing his own faking and the professional Russian army is strangely hard to find anywhere in sight of the action.
Those demos of missiles being fired don’t mean anything. They could be anywhere from any time. Russia does training drills and tests apparatus regularly. What we are lacking is evidence of 100,000 plus top class fighters in state of the art equipment rolling down Ukrainian roads, embedded in battle locations, etc.
We get told about it, but we never see anything more than those handfuls of poorly equipped DNR guys.
Just compare this to Syria. Tell me it isn’t a bit weird.
The cars people drive are also circa 1980. Its like the phony Ukraine narrative only has year old footage to use for propaganda.
20 years old footage, sorry.
Perhaps the people with all the modern cars got the hell out of the country when they could.
Are you another one who is saying there is no war going on?
It’s a large country, and most of the fighting is happening in the south and east, after the initial advance on, and then withdrawal from, Kiev.
Kiev, for the time being anyway, is not in much danger, which is why celebs and goons like Bono and Trudeau think it’s safe to go there. I think they should be given the chance to try their hand at mine-clearing.
Tell Bono the ‘The Name has No Street’.
People want to know why don’t they make friends via the internet with war refugees from towns villages suburbs of Cities for example.
Young middle class, go..to help People for fucks sake.
What’s your position on the fighting at Kharkov?
Battle For Kharkov: Overview Of Street Fighting. Russian Attack Bombers Came To Support (Videos)
I don’t know what to make of it. The footage is very similar to all the other footage coming out of the various alleged battle zones. We see burning buildings, smoke. Hear upset people. No direct footage of battle. Certainly no sign of Russian military.
What do you make of it?
Judging by the conditions (buildings, amount of snow, leafless trees, sun-light, etc), much of the footage appears to have been taken on the same day in the same area.
There is a fixed, security camera showing a date-time stamp of: 2022-02-27 07:17:37 – which runs for 24 secs and shows a number of Russian trucks.
There are number of videos showing the movement of Russian military vehicles.
There are fighter jets flying low over the city.
There are a number of explosions.
There are a number of seriously damaged buildings.
There are Russian soldiers running around, pointing rifles, supported by military vehicles.
There are Ukrainian soldiers inspecting abandoned Russian vehicles.
There are Ukrainian soldiers firing rocket/grenade launchers.
I’d call it a battle!
Firstly, could you familiarize yourself with my earlier posts so you understand the point I am making.
Secondly, none of the men in those videos are professional Russian soldiers. LOOK at them! You don’t need to be a military expert to see many of these guys are too old, most are too unfit, they don’t move with military discipline and their equipment is old, beat up and sometimes rusted. And look how few of them there are.
Check out the V Day parade and compare the hardware on display there to the beat up old wrecks tooling around Ukraine.
If you look at my reply to John you can see how I break down what might be going on – anything from a simple continuation of the eight year war between DNR and Ukie militia on one end of the spectrum to staged war games on the other. But what there is NO evidence for in your videos or anywhere else is the presence of 100,000 well trained, state of the art equipped, disciplined RU soldiers.
I’m specifically discussing the fighting at Kharkov. I’ve never been in that type of situation, but to me, the footage looks genuine.
Ukraine: Missile strikes central Kharkiv as Russian shelling intensifies
Mar 1, 2022
The Telegraph
Ukrainian officials reported a Russian bombardment of Kharkiv, the country’s second largest city, had killed dozens of civilians. It was not possible to independently verify the casualty figures.
Battle For Kharkov: Street Fighting Began (Video)
The South Front videos are often very slow to play. But their summary reports can be viewed at Bitchute.
Push Towards Mariupol And Battle Of Kharkov: Fifth Day Of Operations In Ukraine
First published at 18:02 UTC on February 28th, 2022.
Battleground Realities And Informational Warfare: Sixth Day Of Operations In Ukraine
First published at 18:06 UTC on March 1st, 2022.
What I love about OG is the way they allow folks like MLS to earn their daily bread … I hope he/she make a donation every now and then …
Thanks, John. Very informative summary with some very helpful links.
I heard about it on this YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/AlexChristoforou
Sorry Orthus, and everyone else who puts links in to Youtube. They have been wanting me to subscribe for months but I’m taking a stance. Do a video search for anything and you will see why. I have never seen such a monopoly. I’m fighting against it.
Ways around it. If you embed it in the comment I can watch it – though how long that will last I have no idea.
Alternatively you can find some vids with the same title on Bitchute, Banned, Rumble and a few other places. Otherwise I can live without Googletube.
I don’t think you need to subscribe to YT in order to watch videos
They ask for my details every time. They have even asked for confirmation using my driving licence or passport. LinkedIn has done the same. I suspect they are looking for ways to keep tabs on those of us not taking the jabs, or who they consider a thorn in their side.
It’s like a new, globalist form of fascist technocracy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKc0xmBNWDo
More sports news.
So why did the death from hypothermia of a French second division player following a drunken stunt make news in the Guardian? Distraction?
Military equipment available to national armies is being used up, destroyed or transferred to Global Corporate Armies. All under the pretext of its being donated to Ukraine.
They’re disposing of our food, fuel, medical sovereignty, and the ability of our national armies to defend us in the coming struggle. And, of course, the last vestiges of a physical currency.
The statements of disgusted mercenaries who’re returning to their home countries disclose that the weapons are not getting through. Hard to believe that Russia is able to blow up even the guns– or that every single bit of gear is being sold on the black market.
I can’t prove it, but I “know” they’re stripping our militaries against the time when they won’t go along w what’s occurring.
Those global corporate armies must have names and leaders. The leaders should simply be murdered. People need to stop giving human rights to unaccountable murdering organisations. They need bumping off without compassion.
Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology, was initially so naive about the vaxx that he took it himself. I have followed with delight his gradual awakening to the realization that the covid op was not a “mistake” but actual evil committed by megalomaniacs.
As a moral man now fully awake, he has written the most thorough article I’ve yet read (it’s available as a podcast, too). It contains several detailed sublinks as well as the most comprehensive list of all the WEF’s disciples.
I predict that Dr. Malone will be of great help in our struggle to save civilization!
“fully awake”. Yeah, nah.
Malone is controlled opposition.
And yet the opposition fear, censor and smear him constantly, probably because of all his brave work exposing them and informing us.
A nobel level scientist that doesn’t look at or explain the patent used in the vaccine?
He won’t tell you the actual capabilities of the patent, but he doesn’t want you to take it?
What he does want you to do is protest, so that you can be targeted. I know of 4 separate instances where he’s called for mass protests. I don’t recall a single one where he’s telling you that the patent includes technologies to cross the blood brain barrier, suppress the immune system and install carbon nanotubes.
Some effing “hero”. More like controlled opposition to lead you into a trap. He has help though; the rest of the celebrity covid doctors are a trap too.
Who aren’t? How do you know the diff?
Either that or a psi-op 😉
On a related front:
Food Supply Shutdown
The Great American Voter Fraud..
.2000 Mules by Dinesh D’Souza (Documentary) (bitchute.com)
“So Little Time, So Many To Cull.”

Love the two of them – memes that is – not the fascist Gates.
One of the most naive discussions Ive seen yet. Having been around longer than these two, I have recall, and experience of plenty of events where public pushback was fierce, where a pullback occurred only to be distracted from with a royal wedding, or a tube bombing, or something even more heinous, and the agenda was slipped through without resistance.
If JC or KK had offered up even a single example of public pushback being a success, I might be less damning on this chat.
They are giving a platform. I completely agree that we need media that talk about successful push backs.
I don’t many of many public discussions as useful as this one. Certainly not in the MSM.
“A junior footballer has died following a ‘medical emergency’ on the pitch. In a statement, the Nottinghamshire FA confirmed that 13-year-old Samuel Akwasi has sadly died.
It’s the second time in less than a year that a young player died following a medical emergency on the pitch. West Bridgford Colts player Dylan Rich died at the age of 17 after an emergency during an FA Youth Game.”
Excellent. Cannot wait for this to come out. At last, a post 90s FIFA game that might give me a chance to defeat my 10 year old neice.
The BAFTA awards are on and their little tribute to those who died this year must surely win an award for the most YOUNG people who passed. How strange.
Large collection of US evidence of increasing mortality from sources such as insurance companies:
What I’m finding in my personal life amongst family and people I know, is there resistance to believe what is happening because it’s so shocking and unbelievable. I however have started having nightmares especially after reading about the new changes in euthenasia laws in Canada as seen on the corbett report.
Why Is Canada Euthanising the Poor?
Ha-ha, here i thought kit knightley was female….ho,ho, these days, you never can tell, maybe ‘he’ is?
Hopefully we will see Catte on The Corbette report soon..?
Corbett’s on to something with his recent argument that transhumanists are trying to destroy any concept of vitalism i.e. that there is something distinct about the energy of living entities that they have never been able to reproduce.
If ‘life’ is just a mass of random atoms zapped with electricity, how come no scientist has been able to recreate it in a lab? I’m sure it’s not for the want of trying. There is some fundamental force (or combination of forces) that remains undiscovered – or possibly undisclosed although I doubt this.
They seem to view nature like a lego set, something that can disassembled and reassembled with no damage nor loss. However all their efforts to manipulate DNA hit a wall of limitation that nobody can explain e.g. nobody can grow a blue rose or breed a dog as big as a horse. There are essential natures that no amount of trans- mania can obliterate and their attempts to do so just produce grotesque mockeries.
I am not sure about the inability of DNA manipulation. Think some of it is possible. Fi, gene therapy for hemophilia A (a genetic disease that leads to bleeding in men as they do not make enough clotting factor VIII) seems to be able to increase factor VIII levels for at least some time, which consequently leads to less bleeding in patients who received the gene altering therapy (but the numbers are small, and it’s a pharma study, so best is to remain sceptical, yet still). See: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa1908490
And then of course we have the ‘vaccines’ that seem to be able to kill and hurt people through the genetically altered spike protein that seems to be present for at least some time.
Still, given that boosters are important (and also the genetic factor VIII therapy in hemophiliac seems to become less successful over time in some patients),I hope that the presence of gene altering therapy (which I believe is possible) is only present for some time, and that the body finds ways of clearing or altering the gene therapy that was given to people.
My hopes for humanity strike down to the root of the problem: I hope that the majority of human beings wake TF up soon.
Plus 100.
Personally, I believe you’re discussing the ‘tree of life,’ the fruit of knowledge/good and evil. They were warned thousands and thousands and thousands of years ago: Don’t eat from it! That’s right, these peepuls were actively engaged in all sorts of breeding experiments and not just with their cattle.
If you read studies of dna manipulation, especially at conception, you’ll find out indeed there is a very mysterious event when the two strands of dna get zapped (excuse the colloquialism) then rearrange themselves. Even Science calls it a barrier they can’t seem to get past–i.e. they wanna tinker with genes but can’t guarantee it’ll work because of this mysterious event when your dna gets set down in stone (at conception).
And to an astrologer the mystery always remains just how that coding is implanted into the birth chart….and then activated by various movements of the planets over a life time…if one is clever enough the story of ancestors are told in there too,,,
no matter how hard gates tries he can never bypass all that is.
because it not a Solar system, it a Cellular System. signals cross a specific membrane at a certain time.
(I hope that you will read all of this lengthy post!)
To respond to your words: the thing called ‘life’ is most definitely NOT ‘just a mass of random atoms zapped with electricity’. In actual fact, the thing that makes us what is termed ‘alive’ is something called ‘spirit’. Ie, energy/consciousness.
(Before I continue, let me please clarify that I’m most definitely NOT [any form of] ‘religious’; ie, I’m not in any way, shape or form any level of ‘christian’; however, I most definitely AM spiritually-enlightened, and have been so since 1994 [I’m 63]).
From the point in 1994 when I first came upon the spirit truths (the basic, fundamental one being that we all SURVIVE (in our eternal, immortal soul/spirit body form…) the hugely-misinterpreted, immensely illusory event that’s wholly incorrectly termed ‘death’), I began a very in-depth, scholarly programme of research into the subject: to see if there truly might exist evidences to support the claim that we do all survive [in spirit form..] the event termed ‘death’. Since that time, I’ve read more than 1500 [fifteen hundred+] high-quality, scholarly books on the subject; books which explain how and why we truly do all survive that immensely illusory event, and which provide many, many evidences to prove that that is so.
As I said in the first paragraph, above, the thing which makes us what we call ‘alive’ is that the REAL us is not our physical body ‘coat’, but our very real soul/spirit body. That, our spirit body, is what literally animates our physical body ‘coat’ whilst we’re on Earth. And that spirit body (the real us!) literally leaves the physical body at the illusory event, ‘death’. In fact, the many, many people around the world who are lucky enough to possess the very real spiritual gift of what’s termed clairvoyant vision, when they’re in the presence of someone who is about to do what’s very incorrectly termed ‘die’, literally see [with their clairvoyant sight] the spirit body departing from the physical body. They also see what’s termed the ‘Silver Cord’ [a cord made of spiritual energy, that literally joins the spirit body to the physical body, when we’re on Earth] sever, thus enabling the soul/spirit body to literally emerge from the ‘dying’ physical body ‘coat’, and return to the very real Spirit dimension [of this in fact multi-dimensional cosmos]: it being our actual place of origin.
It is a fact (known by some doctors and scientists [the properly-informed, spiritually-enlightened ones], but not known by most of them, unfortunately) that the mind/consciousness is NOT ‘merely a by-product of physical brain activity’. The mind/consciousness is in fact completely separate from the brain. The mind/consciousness operates/manifests through the physical brain, yes, but is not created BY the physical brain.
The fact that the mind/consciousness is separate from the physical brain is why we do all survive [in our spirit body form] the very illusory ‘death’.
And there exist a veritable wealth of multi-faceted evidences which absolutely prove that we do all survive that immensely illusory event. There exist, in fact, more than 20 (twenty+] different categories of those evidences!
There are literally countless millions of properly-informed, spiritually-enlightened people around the world who are fully informed on the fact that the actual nature of ‘death’ is so very, very different from what it merely seems to be, when interpreted on its very illusory face-value mere appearance. And those countless millions of spiritually-enlightened people numerous scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, lawyers, etc etc.
There have been many, many thousands of high-quality, scholarly books written and published on the fact of everyone’s survival of ‘death’, and a large percentage of those books have indeed been written by the many properly-informed, spiritually-enlightened scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, lawyers, etc etc, around the world.
So no, ‘life’ is most definitely NOT ‘merely a mass of random atoms’. (N.B., the things called ‘atoms’, too, are not what uninformed materialistic scientists merely assume them to be… ‘atoms’ are 99% energy, and NOT ‘little spheres of matter’. Literally everything in the multi-dimensional cosmos is comprised of energy which is vibrating at different frequencies; the degree of the frequency of the energy’s vibration is what determines whether something is ‘physical’ or ‘spiritual’).
FWIW, even if Edwige failed to read your post, I did; and consider myself fortunate to have encountered it – though I may not entirely agree with you.
The reason I’m replying is that I get the impression you are short-changing matter as being a lower order of energy. I disagree with this. Matter is energy – the two are inseparable. Matter is, in effect, the higher octave of existence itself – its ultimate expression.
I certainly agree that consciousness is not the product of matter. But that’s because I consider matter and consciousness to be one and the same – rather like a Leibniz monad on steroids.
Not to belabor this, but any time someone posts something that prompts others to think about things beyond the latest news flash, they have done a great service. Thank you.
I appreciate your thanks for my having posted the above!
(In fact, I’ve posted the gist of it a number of times here on Off-G [on rare occasions, in response to someone’s words which caused me to feel a need to reply with a summary of the known spirit truths of existence…! And, for the past 10+ months, I’ve been engaging in a back and forth ‘discussion’, on another forum online [based here in the UK] with a closed-minded sceptic of survival of ‘death’. Explaining to him the content of my post above, and him replying with closed-minded [albeit polite] ridicule)
However, I disagree with your claim that matter is ‘the higher octave of existence… its ultimate expression’. In fact (even though it appears you may not ‘believe’ me now, on that…!) it’s the other way round: the ultimate expression of existence is in truth our immortal spiritual nature. As I mentioned in the post a few hours ago, literally everything in the [multi-dimensional] cosmos consists of energy, vibrating at different frequencies; when that energy [ie, spirit/consciousness, if people did but know it…] vibrates at a ‘slow’ frequency, it creates what we term ‘matter’/’physical stuff’. And when that energy vibrates at an immensely rapid frequency, it creates what is termed ‘spirit’ stuff. Which includes the wholly real Spirit dimension/Spirit world/Spirit realms [as I stated in the post earlier, that is our actual place of origin]. And, when that energy [of which everything is comprised] vibrates at that immensely rapid frequency, it also creates the eternal, immortal soul/spirit body… which is, as I stated earlier, the real us: the thing which literally animates our physical body ‘coat’. And the fact that we each are that immortal soul/spirit body is WHY we do [no matter what you may, right now, ‘think’ to the contrary…!) all survive the immensely illusory event that’s wholly incorrectly termed ‘death’.
I think that you may be American. As I stated in my earlier post, there have been many, many thousands of high-quality, scholarly books published (some of them go back 150+ years, but most of them date to the 20th and 21st centuries) on the very real [and PROVEN…] fact of everyone’s survival [in our immortal spirit body form] of the death of our physical body ‘coat’. Writers from many countries have published high-quality books on this vital subject, including, of course, many properly-informed Americans [including scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, coroners, lawyers, etc].
On both this site and the other one referred to above [but not by name], and another, some years ago, I’ve posted a ‘short’ representative list of high-quality, scholarly books on this oh so vital subject.
Here are just a few of the many that have been written by properly-informed, spiritually-enlightened Americans:
“Your Eternal Self: Science discovers the Afterlife”, by R Craig Hogan [an update from his previous volume, ‘Your eternal self’]. The book relates many of the evidences which demonstrate the incontrovertible truth of Survival [the capital letter ‘S’ is intended; that being the ‘official’ term for the truth of survival of ‘death’], and provides much information re. the many categories of scientists, doctors, etc etc, both past and current ones, who became spiritually-enlightened; ie, they became au fait with the multi-faceted evidences which demonstrate, incontrovertibly, the veracity of survival of ‘death’.
“Glimpses of Eternity”, by Dr Raymond Moody (a well-known American psychiatrist). This book contains many high-quality evidences of the truth of Survival.
“The Afterlife Experiments: breakthrough scientific evidence of life after death”, by Professor Gary Schwartz [Professor of Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychology, and Surgery, @ Univ. of Arizona, USA]
“Irreducible Mind”, co-authored by Dr Bruce Greyson (American psychiatrist).
“Death is of vital importance: on life, death, and the Afterlife”, by Dr Elisabeth Kubler-Ross (Swiss-American psychiatrist).
“Evidence of the Afterlife”, by Dr Jeffrey Long (American oncologist).
“Forever ours: a coroner’s tales of life, death, and immortality”, by Janis Amatuzio MD (American coroner).
“The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences”, by P M H Atwater (an American woman who’s been at the forefront of research into, and the dissemination of information about, the reality of ‘Near-Death Experiences’ [NDEs]; this book contains a plethora of evidences which prove that yes, we truly do all survive [in our immortal spirit body form…] the death of our physical body ‘coat’).
“Memories of Heaven: children’s astounding recollections of the time before they came to Earth”, by Dr Wayne W Dyer & Dee Garnes (a well-known American).
“Closer to the Light”, by Dr Melvin Morse (an American paediatrician).
“Faces of the living dead: the amazing psychic art of Frank Leah”, by Paul Miller (an Englishman).
“The Eagle and the Rose”, by Rosemary Altea (an English medium who now lives and works in the States).
“Children’s past lives”, by Carol Bowman (an American, well-known for her research into, and dissemination of the data on, evidence which supports/demonstrates the reality of reincarnation).
“Consciousness beyond life”, by Dr Pim van Lommel (a Dutch cardiologist).
“The secret of the soul”, by William Buhlman (an American who’s written quite a bit on the fact of survival of ‘death’).
And many, many more!!!!!
If you perhaps decided to read some of the above, that action would, in all probability, enable you to acquire knowledge of the ultimate truth of existence: that the actual nature of ‘death’ is so very, very different to what it merely seems to be, when interpreted on its immensely illusory face-value mere appearance.
I’d add to your book list Hands of Light by Barbara Ann Brennan, a primer into seeing the human energy field surrounding all living beings. These beliefs were a great deal more prevalent in the last century, up to the 90s and the rise of the machines. Nowadays I wonder what happened to all those spirit types. They’ve gone silent.
I had an NDE at the age of five, I have malignant hyperthermia which in England was undiscovered at the time, any anesthesia can eliminate me. Anyway, I have been able to see, more like feel, ‘events’ since – I predicted Diana’s death a week before it happened.
I also saw a spirit healer much later in life, when my cult-like attachment to my NPD mother destroyed me. This healer she saw the multiple streamers coming from my stomach, shackling me to mother, which she disconnected. I have greatest faith in this type of healing, there is no discussion so they aren’t blagging, as mediums used to do, picking up clues from words.
This manifestation of matter called life is a passing phase of the spirit. And this seems to me what they are so desperate to capture from humans – hence the data mining, AI creation, blah blah blah, the ridiculous attempt to manufacture the human soul.
Thanks, Grace!
I’m familiar with the title and author of the book you mentioned, though I don’t think I’ve read it, even though have read many other volumes about the human energy field (as I said in my post of earlier today, above, since I first became spiritually enlightened, back in 1994, I’ve read 1500+ [fifteen hundred+] books on this oh so vital subject!).
What a great pity it is that there are still so many people around the world who have no idea of the facts that are known re. the actual natures of ‘life’ and [the hugely misinterpreted] ‘death’. As you say, ‘life’ is a phase of the eternal, immortal spirit beings that we each are.
Death is interesting – but life is here too. Morality, the soul, feelings people endure or enjoy – we are life. We are souls together and apart.
Thank you for the information. I’ll try to check out some of the references you noted.
I can’t help being curious where this idea of fast and slow frequency of energy came from; but it strikes me as expressing one of humanity’s most wrong-headed notions: more is better, bigger is better, faster is better.
Why would the faster vibration necessarily yield the higher plane (i.e., spirit); and the slower vibration the lower plane (i.e., matter)? Why couldn’t it be the other way around?
You question “Where this ‘idea’ of fast and slow frequency came from… why would the faster vibration necessarily yield the higher plane (ie, spirit); and the slower vibration the lower plane (ie, matter)…”.
Well, the answer to your question is simply because it happens to be the factual truth… the way it actually is!
Forgive me if this seems smug because I don’t mean it that way. But it’s a bit of a reach using the term “factual” in the context of something which, despite evidence, still remains speculative.
It may indeed be a fact that a spirit realm exists; but it is pure speculation that faster vibrations circumscribe that realm. (That idea aligns with an old “Star Trek” episode: “Wink of an Eye” from Season 3).
Anyway, here’s another thing I’d like to throw out. It has occurred to me that the Transhumanists have a deep seated dread of the concept of The Last Judgment and their inevitable consignment to Hell. So they wish to mechanize their “soul” in order to stave off that Judgment indefinitely. And to inflict on everyone else the absolute horror of having their souls trapped forever within an Earth bound machine.
(I hope you’ll read all of this post, Howard! Sorry it’s so lengthy. Some actual validated evidence re. the reality of the Spirit dimension later on in the post. One of the many personal examples of proof which I possess)
Well, it is actually factual… that vibrations at high frequencies circumscribe that realm!
‘The Last Judgement’ is part of the false dogma/false doctrine of the ‘christianity’ hoax/cr*p (sorry if those words offend you, but they happen to be the right words to describe ‘christianity’).
‘The Last Judgement’, as you call it, is NOT part of the Afterlife. Ie, we (the eternal souls that we each are) are not ‘judged’ “by a character called ‘god'”…
The actual fact (a veritable wealth of corroborative evidences exist to corroborate this!) is that, after we each return to the very real Spirit dimension (after the transitional event that’s wholly incorrectly termed ‘death’), we each undergo what’s termed a ‘Life Review’; which is precisely what it sounds like: a detailed review of the lifetime/incarnation that we’ve just left. We (not some ‘god’) analyse how we did in that lifetime: we take note as to whether we achieved what we pre-planned, before we went to Earth, that time. to achieve (for yes, we most definitely do all pre-plan, before coming to Earth, all the major [both good and bad…] events in each of our soul’s many, many lifetimes).
During our Life Review we are accompanied by our (one or more) Spirit Guide[s], and, usually, what’s been termed a ‘Council of Elders’. Literally everyone has at least one [sometimes more, depending on what big events we planned to take place in each lifetime] such Spirit Guide/Guardian Angel, who watches over us throughout the entirety of our soul’s lifetimes.
There is NO ‘Final Judgement’. That (as I stated above) is part of the egregious, heinous false doctrine of the hoax of ‘christianity’.
Many, many people who’d been gullible enough when on Earth to have fallen for the hoax of ‘christianity’ have communicated (after returning to the Spirit dimension) with one or more of their loved ones still on Earth, and have told them that on their return to Spirit, they discovered, to their shock, that what ‘christianity’ had ‘told’ them re. the nature of the Afterlife was totally and utterly wrong: that what they’d been told was nothing but a pack of heinous lies. ‘Christianity’ tells such heinous lies in order to control those humans who are gullible enough to fall for the stuff.
Yes, the people talking of ‘transhumanism’ are sick indeed. What they envisage is unconscionable wickedness. I think that many (if not all of them) may well be materialists/’atheists’. I know that, a few years ago, I read something online about one of the very passionate ‘transhumanists’, Ray Kurzweil, and read that he was most definitely a materialist, quite obviously having less than no knowledge of the plentiful spiritual truths of existence.
Many of my wrongly termed ‘dead’/’deceased’ loved ones have communicated with me through PROVEN-genuine mediums [since 2001, when I had my first such reading]. Including my parents, 3 out of 4 grandparents, a number of my gt-grandparents, my longtime partner [he passed back to Spirit in 2019, aged 70], and his parents and brother in Spirit have also communicated with me. In each and every case, they provided the [many different] mediums, in different countries, with very specific details of people and things/events [including events that would take place in what we on Earth term the ‘future’; and they subsequently did take place, exactly as I’d been told, years before, by my relatives in Spirit…], details which proved that they truly were who they said they were: my wrongly-termed ‘deceased’ loved ones, who now reside in the very real Spirit realm.
In a reading in 2004 (please make a mental note of that year…!), my dad in Spirit (he’d returned to Spirit in 1982, aged just 49) told me of his son (ie, my brother)’s then future marriage. He told me that my brother would marry in the Caribbean (my family are English, here in the UK), and also gave me the name of my brother’s then future wife and the name of his then-future step-daughter [his then future wife’s daughter by a previous relationship]. My dad in spirit also told me, in that reading in 2004, that his son’s then future stepdaughter would, at some point in the future, wear her hair in plaits.
Well, in 2004, my brother was still in a relationship with the woman he’d been living with since 1992. However, in 2005, they split up…
In 2007, he took himself for a holiday, on his own, to Grenada in the Caribbean. On the last day of that holiday, he met a young woman from Trinidad. She was there with her then 3-year-old daughter by a previous relationship.
My brother and the young lady fell in love. They married on a beach in Grenada in 2008.
They’ve lived here in the UK since their marriage.
The woman’s name was the name which my dad in Spirit had given me, in the reading in 2004… her then young daughter [she’s now 18]’s name was the name which my dad in Spirit had given me in 2004. And let me add that neither name is a common name… are both quite rare names.
And, in about 2012, my brother’s now stepdaughter did indeed start wearing her hair in plaits, in the way in which many Caribbean females do do.
The reason why my dad in Spirit had been able to provide me with all those provably factual details about his son’s then future marriage, wife, and stepdaughter was because people [souls] who reside in the Spirit realms are able (however it works) to see, in advance of Earth-time, ALL events [major and minor, good and bad…] that will take place in the lives of their loved ones on Earth, in what we on Earth term the ‘future’.
The Spirit dimension is ‘located’ outside the physical space-time continuum [a scientific term], hence [however it works] they have the ability to literally see, in advance of Earth-time, what events will take place in our ‘futures’.
P.S., I used to watch Star Trek when I was a kid, in the 1970s, but have not watched it for many decades!
I will read this entire post later on. (I rarely look at OffG or anything else on internet in the evening). I just wanted to acknowledge it.
(BTW, I’ve toyed with the idea that the concept of Past, Present and Future is entirely arbitrary – and necessary for people to arrange events in a chronological sequence in order to deal with them at all. When possibly everything occurs all at once – so that now and 100 years from now are happening simultaneously.)
Yes, you’re absolutely right, with what you said in your 2nd paragraph [in parentheses], above. It’s one of the known spiritual truths that the ‘fabricated’ thing we call ‘time’ does not really exist, and the effect of this is that all ‘times’/eras are indeed happening simultaneously. This fact is known to have relevance with regard to another of the spirit truths, that of reincarnation…!
The use of ‘time’ is for the precise reason that you mentioned: that it’s something which is “necessary, in order for people to arrange events in a chronological sequence in order to deal with them”.
When you eventually read my post of a few hours ago, above, I hope that you may find the personal example of evidence which I related (it being merely one of many which I have!) – which provides a demonstration of the truth of survival of ‘death’ and thus evidence for the very real existence of the Spirit realms – to be intriguing!
(Approx. 45 mins ago, I posted a short reply to your note above. How strange, that it’s not been uploaded! It contained no links or anything, was just a few lines of typing)
In the short note that seems to have disappeared into cyberspace, I said that yes, what you said in your 2nd paragraph (in parentheses) is exactly the way it is: that ‘time’ is in fact a ‘fabricated’ thing, on Earth, due to being, as you so rightly said, “necessary for people to arrange events in a chronological sequence in order to deal with them at all”.
Yes, all ‘times’/eras are indeed happening simultaneously.
When you eventually read my lengthy post above, of a few hours ago, I hope that the personal example of evidence which I cited (it being merely one of many personal proofs which I possess; many millions of equally spiritually-enlightened people around the world possess their own personal proofs, too), which absolutely proves the fact of survival of ‘death’ and of the very real existence of the Spirit dimension, will be intriguing to you.
I have now read your longer comment; and, yes, it is definitely intriguing.
Your experience kind of puts you in the “Old School” – and I mean that as a compliment. My grandmother told of many unusual incidents which could best be explained by contact with a non-corporeal entity – it was commonplace “back then.” Nowadays it’s very rare.
My sister, as a very young child, was kind of watched over by our great-grandfather (he was past 90 at the time). When he “died,” my sister (who would have had no concept of “death”) said that he had come and stood over her crib awhile.
You mentioned in a reply to another comment that animals too had “souls.” This I tend to believe. For a few months in 1999 I watched an acquaintance’s dog (an elderly German Shepherd named Captain). In late November the acquaintance came and got him. We had a special routine when I fed him: he would turn around and look at me; I would say “You better eat something!”; he would smile and turn back to eat. On Christmas Eve my dog (a miniature Schnauzer) turned to look at me; I said “You better eat something!”; my dog turned back to eat. He never did that before or after. I think that was Captain directing my dog.
One last thing though, and it’s fundamental to this entire discussion: why would a spirit choose to move from a higher to a lower plane of existence? It makes no sense
Hi Howard,
I’ve only just come back onto Off-G; have not been on it today, as have been busy with other things.
Have just read your reply. I’ve not got time to reply now, but will definitely do so tomorrow, okay!
A quick word.
About 20 mins ago I posted a very short note to you, saying that I’d only just come onto Off-G today, and had thus seen your reply. I said that I’d reply properly tomorrow, which I will.
I wonder why that short note has not been printed… how peculiar. As with my similar experience on this site a few days ago, it’ll probably turn up, posted, shortly after I click to post this short reply!
Edit: I knew it! That my earlier short note would appear, shortly after I’d done this one! Oh well!
Thanks for your reply.
No, actually it’s not ‘very rare’. Many millions of people around the world are experiencing communication (in a number of different forms) from the Spirit dimension, in modern-day times, every day!! Many millions worldwide have ‘readings’ with mediums; many millions receive direct communication from their [wrongly-termed] ‘dead’/’deceased’ loved ones who now reside in the Spirit realms; and quite a number of other ways of communication between the two realms are experienced, by oh so many people!
Yes, many babies and young children have experienced a ‘deceased’ loved one watch over them in their cot [crib]/bed. There are many examples like the one you mention that your sister experienced.
There are numerous documented accounts, in the many very excellent books on this vital subject.
Yes, animals [and birds, etc] are also spirit beings; ie, they too, have their physical body ‘coat’ literally animated by their spirit body form; and that is why they, too, survive (in that spirit body form) the transitional event that’s wrongly termed ‘death’.
You ask “Why would a spirit choose to move from a higher to a lower plane of existence? It makes no sense”.
Well, yes it does make sense, once one is informed on the fact that the ‘Creator’ of the cosmos and all life makes it be that all souls have to experience literally everything that there is to experience, and to learn all that can be learnt. And in order to do that, souls have to incarnate on Earth (and on other places in the cosmos, where one can experience life on a physical plane) many, many, many times (ie, reincarnation). All souls have to experience all that can be experienced: all the ‘opposites’; for eg, all souls incarnate (in different lifetimes, of course!) as males and females (ie, in some lifetimes, a soul will incarnate as a male, in others, as a female). We also incarnate in order to experience the following ‘opposites’: to be married/not be married; to have children/not have children; to be happy/unhappy; to be a good person/a bad person; to be intelligent/to be ‘not so intelligent…’; and so on & so on…
The other reason why we, the eternal souls that we each are, move from a higher to a lower plane [repeatedly!], is to learn such things as: patience, courage, tenacity, selflessness, etc etc. We all pre-plan (whilst still in the Spirit realm), in discussion/agreement with the other souls with whom we’ll be sharing each upcoming lifetime, all the major aspects/events of each incarnation. Every major event [good & bad events] is pre-planned by us, prior to coming to Earth! Interactions between different souls are all pre-planned, before we come here. In order for the souls we are to experience events that will help us along the way to achieve what’s termed ‘soul growth’, or ‘spiritual evolution’. That can only be achieved by living multiple lives on a physical plane.
When we each return to the Spirit dimension, we assess (in the ‘Life Review’ which I mentioned in one of my posts to you a few days ago) how well, or how badly, we fared (in the life we’ve just returned from) in achieving what we pre-planned, in that incarnation, to achieve!
Some Astrologers (Linda Goodman being one) accept the idea of reincarnation; and see the Natal Chart as expressing the level of awareness the soul has attained (particularly the 12th House).
Those with no activity involving the 12th House, Ms Goodman called the “new kids on the block” (not to be confused with the boy band of the same name!).
Anyway, I’m a little surprised the Editors have allowed us this much latitude to pursue this matter; but we’d better not press our luck. So thank you again for a very illuminating conversation.
And perhaps our paths will cross again sometime.
Yes, what you say (via Linda Goodman) re. the Natal Chart, etc, is correct!
Thank you, too.
Some readers might be interested in the Friday Afterlife Report by the Zammits; he a lawyer who published a book on proof, etc.
Yes, you’re very right; Zammit’s ‘Friday Afterlife Report’ is excellent.
I should of course have included their book “A lawyer presents the evidence for the Afterlife” in my short representative list of books which I posted to Howard yesterday, above. I own a copy.
Actually, back in 1999, I wrote to Zammit (by ‘snail mail’!), and a few weeks later, one Saturday afternoon, I received a wonderful surprise, for the postman delivered to me a parcel from Australia; it was from him, Victor Zammit. It enclosed not only a lengthy personal reply to my letter to him, but also a gift of a copy of the then-current edition of his book mentioned above! He’d inscribed it with a personal message to me.
Hi Howard,
I’ve seen and read your reply to me, many thanks.
I just tried to post a response. However, unfortunately it’s been put into ‘pending’… probably because I included some book references. I do hope that it will be printed here online, and very soon. Keep a look-out for it!
Hi Howard,
Thanks for your reply to my earlier post!
Approx. 20 minutes ago, I typed, and attempted to post, a lengthy reply to you. However, it was put into ‘pending’… probably because it included some book references. I sincerely hope that it will be ‘released’ and printed… and sooner, rather than later. Please keep a look-out for it!
(What is a bit concerning is that, when I saw that it had been put into ‘pending’, I typed a short note to you, on the same lines as this one… but it has been taken off… I hope the editors of this site are not censoring… the whole point of these sites is for freedom of speech… or so I thought)
Hello Christine, I wouldn’t worry; it was my experience that whenever I spend a long time writing in the text box above or replying (non-native English speaker here) it invariably goes into pending but equally invariably appears later. Also if I teplied to the same comment right after the one that’s in pending it doesn’t get posted. It’s the program, nothing personal or deliberate.
If your post doesn’t appear soon you can post a comment drawing the attention of the moderators to it because it may get buried among the spam.
What I do now is to write the comment on another program then copy-paste onto the text box. Never failed so far.
Interesting comment about consciousness by the way. Thanks.
Yes, my lengthy reply to Howard has now been posted here. What a relief!
I’m unfortunately not genned-up re. how to ‘cut & paste’ on a desk-top computer such as this [even though, several decades ago, I did know how to do it on my then word-processor!].
Glad to hear that you found the information re. consciousness helpful.
If you look at my reply to Howard that’s now appeared on this forum, you’ll see the short representative list of high-quality books on this oh so vital, ultimate truth of existence.
I’m beginning to think that the Pending file is a kind of self defense whenever anyone posts a comment which may potentially be defamatory and, therefore, result in OffG being sanctioned or even sued for allowing it.
After all, it’s just a matter of time till the censorship effected by social media becomes a legal bludgeon to use against sites like this. The argument might go: “They can censor millions of posts, why can’t you censor a couple hundred?”
Well, if the web of censorship should extend its tentacles over alternative media I’d say so be it. Not for the action per se but for the unintended but unavoidable consequences that shall result: to push us from the comfort and anonymousness of unengaged virtual chatting into real-world engaged discussions.
At a certain point, everything the planners do will have unintended consequences against what they aimed in the first place.
Every single post of mine is always put into ‘pending’ – disconcerting the way they have some of us blacklisted.
If you were ‘blacklisted’ you wouldn’t be allowed to post at all & probably wouldn’t have 400+ comments on here.
I’ve been thinking recently that belief in the immortality of the soul is a key concept.
Christ said not to fear those who kill the body but to fear Him who can destroy both body and soul. The implication of which is that the soul survives physical death.
The idea also applies socially/politically. The Russian Church endured 70 years of (militantly atheistic) Communism. Its outward form was temporarily destroyed (Churches closed etc), but its soul endured and the Orthodox Church lives on today. I think Nicolas Zernov explored the idea in his ‘The Russians and their Church’
The same happened with Covid. Mankind’s outward movements (physical actions + mind) were heavily repressed for 2 years but the human soul endured it and lives on.
There’s a passage in Dostoevsky’s ‘The Brothers Karamazov‘ (about an article written by one of the brothers Ivan) which explores the idea that once belief in the soul’s immortality is undermined everything ultimately becomes lawful – mankind descends into lawlessness. ‘Crime and Punishment‘ had a similar concept, where a successful article writer on law, becomes the one who commits the crime.
This seems to me to describe well the situation in the modern world, where any-lie-you-like can be propagated as truth. Maybe at root it’s caused by a loss of belief in the soul 🤔
Yes, well, it’s of ultimate importance for people en masse to be properly informed on the veritable wealth of multi-faceted evidences which incontrovertibly prove that we all survive (in our eternal, immortal soul/spirit body form: that being the thing which literally animates our physical body ‘coat’) the death of our physical body.
There are, unfortunately, many closed-minded materialists on the planet who simply do not want to know the data which absolutely proves that the actual nature of ‘death’ is so very, very different to what it merely seems to be.
It should, in truth, be something that everyone be informed on. For it is, of course, the biggest, most important truth that one could ever acquire.
Dostoevsky had it backwards. Belief in the soul’s immortality is more likely to sanction lawlessness in that it reduces the value of physical existence. It makes what happens in the here and now less important than what will happen in the afterlife.
Whereas accepting that this immediate existence is all there is necessarily makes it far more important, not less. It prompts a greater concern with lawful behavior toward others.
So long as we exist on this physical plane, we must cherish what we call “life.” What happens afterward, if anything, will take care of itself.
Now why would you do such a thing or believe such a thing were possible? 🙂
All the books in the world cannot do it- it is beyond evidence and proof. Nobody who actually lived and died (not nearly died or appeared in a book) has come back to tell us about it.
In fact, even the teachers who attempt to explain it don’t claim that everyone survives death?! As far as I get the Buddhist messages, almost everyone does not survive- what remains has no memory or conscious connection with the entity that lived.
A line in the Nag Hammadi scrolls goes: “Those that do not receive the resurrection while they live, when they die will receive nothing….”
NO, it’s not ‘beyond evidence and proof’. There in fact exists a veritable wealth of multi-faceted evidences which truly do prove that we all survive (in our eternal, immortal soul/spirit body form) the death of our physical body ‘coat’. As I stated in my post earlier today, there exist 20+ [twenty+] different CATEGORIES of the multi-faceted evidences which absolutely prove Survival [the capital S is deliberate; that word, with a capital S, being the ‘official’ term for the veracity of everyone’s survival of the death of their physical body ‘coat’].
Oh yes, very many people who’ve done what’s wrongly termed ‘die’ have done just that: they’ve communicated (in many different ways… do the research and you’ll find out…) with their loved ones on Earth and thus PROVED that they’ve survived [in their immortal spirit body form] the wholly illusory event that’s so very incorrectly termed ‘death’.
And of course everyone survives ‘death’! It’s not just some people who do so… it’s also a proven fact (plenty of incontrovertible evidences demonstrate this to be true) that animals, birds, etc, also survive (in their spirit body form) the death of their physical body ‘coat’.
You quoted something from the Nag Hammadi scrolls. Well, that quote is merely the ‘christian’ cr*p. It’s a fact that 99.99999% of all ‘christians’ are totally and utterly unaware of the veritable wealth (20+ different categories…) of the multi-faceted evidences which together PROVE that we do all survive the ‘death’ of our physical body ‘coat’.
The ‘quote’ from the Nag Hammadi scroll which you ‘cited’ is merely false dogma, from the hoax of ‘christianity’!!!
A book that might interest you is a Seth book The Nature of Personal Reality. Not a scholarly book. Your local public library could probably through inter-library loan provide Hands of Light if you were interested.
The deeper one looks it would seem that ChristineJ58 is likely to be correct.The standard atheist argument that such and such cannot be repeated in a lab just tends to emphasise that Atheists actually don’t want to find out what all the strange phenomena that does not fit into their ‘science’ is. An acceptance of the concept of a ‘spiritual system’ that comprises various levels, and different modes of consciousness and states of matter, answers many of the conundrums regarding these phenomena
Yes, what I stated in my lengthy posts yesterday (above) most definitely is all correct!!! 100% so, in fact.
There are literally countless millions of equally properly-informed, spiritually-enlightened people around the world who are fully aware of the factual nature of all that I included in those posts. As I mentioned yesterday, there happen to be 20+ [twenty+] different categories of the multi-faceted evidences which provide absolute proof of the fact that we do all survive [in our immortal spirit body form] the death of our physical body ‘coat’.
The very real Spirit dimension (aka Spirit world, Spirit realms) – our actual place of origin, and the ‘place’ to which we (the eternal soul/spirit being that we each are) return, after each of our soul’s many, many different lifetimes/incarnations – interpenetrates the physical ‘space’ that we are all in, now; ie, the fact that the energy [consciousness, in fact], of which literally everything in the multi-dimensional cosmos is comprised, when vibrating at a immensely rapid frequency, creates spiritual ‘stuff’, makes it be that that Spirit dimension does exist in exactly the same ‘space’ as we’re all in right now – that it literally interpenetrates the same ‘space’ – but that, due to the fact that that energy is vibrating at a very, very high frequency, it cannot be seen with ordinary physical sight, by us on Earth.
However, as I mentioned in my posts yesterday, people around the world who are lucky enough to possess the spiritual gift of clairvoyant vision ARE able to see people (now in their immortal spirit body form) who now live in that Spirit dimension. Ie, people who, by spiritually-unenlightened people, are said to be ‘dead’/’deceased’.
When such clairvoyantly-sighted people also possess the spiritual gift of clairaudient hearing, they are able to hear what those oh so wrongly termed ‘dead’/’deceased’ people say to them.
It’s such a pity that people around the world who are closed-mindedly materialistic simply refuse to engage with the veritable wealth of multi-faceted evidences; for those evidences absolutely prove the veracity of the statement that we do all survive the immensely illusory event that’s wholly incorrectly termed ‘death’.
You sound a little like Alex Tsakiris – Skeptico. This is a complement.
Thank you! Yes, I’m familiar with Alex Tsakiris and his Skeptico!
At the moment, I’m having an ongoing (for the last 10+ months…) online exchange of posts with a closed-minded materialist [on another site]. I’ve provided him with more than enough high-quality evidences that would make anyone with even a modicum of intelligence realise that yes, the actual nature of ‘death’ is so very, very different to what it merely seems to be, when interpreted on its immensely illusory, face-value mere appearance. But the bloke is so closed-minded that he refuses to accept it.
Some months ago, I provided him with a link to Alex Tsakiris and his book ‘Why science has almost everything wrong…’. [can’t recall the correct title without looking it up, but you’ll know the one I’m referring to!]. The closed-minded materialist responded with the most ridiculous retort, saying “Why would you believe what this Tsakiris bloke says, when [mentioned one of the many rabid online materialist ‘scientists’, can’t recall his name] is a scientist, and he says that death is the end of existence?”.
I made the point to him that it wasn’t a case of me ‘believing Tsakiris’, but that he, I, and all the other millions of spiritually-enlightened people around the world have all carried out the extensive, in-depth research into this vital subject, and have thus all acquired the same spiritual knowledge!
People who are closed-minded, who refuse to open their minds, are not going to learn that they were the ones who were wrong until the eventual day on which they do what is so very incorrectly termed ‘die’…! Then they’ll discover, in the most undeniable way possible, that it was they, the materialists, who were wrong, and not we spiritually-enlightened people.
If I may play a “Devil’s Advocate” here, I would question your casual dismissal of “a mass of random atoms zapped with electricity.” This dynamic is no small feat, nor are the great forces of “nature” merely trifles.
It may have taken billions of years and trillions of tries before a workable arrangement of matter produced what we call “life.” The fact that it seems impossible for scientists to satisfactorily reproduce that arrangement merely confirms the absurdity of human hubris.
Humans cannot do within an infinitely tiny time frame what the universe, with light years of matter to work with, could barely accomplish since the very beginning of existence.
It is only this human sense of self-importance which denigrates matter so as to raise consciousness to the level of divinity.
i did not understand edwedges “casual dismissal” that way, i read their mockery of that concept??
Seems to me that “science” denigrates spirit, and elevates matter!
That’s because humanity has unwisely consigned matter to the realm of science – which has no greater claim on matter than any other discipline.
As a professional in holistic medicine, I agree with you. I would add that maybe all life is at the level of divinity, or miraculous, at all times. Nature is infinite, and that would suggest that all Life is also infinite. With Christine’s perspective, I would question the theory that matter is somehow inferior to the spiritual. However this is a common belief in this domain. We could say that life should be the ultimate collaberation, harmony, (paradise, heaven :)), between all planes of being. It is a whole new and/or ancient world and I believe that it is time that we evolve to open up to this and to move forwards into a new era.
excellent comment. the mockery of Life, that lego set is brill. . . we are so smart we can take everything apart but then cannot make it work again… oooo look at this new tech!
what a time amigo
they hate Life, rather than “they live” ; )
There is no limit to the hubris of western and westernised technocrats. Especially scientists. If covid is not a vile scam, then it is the inevitable catastrophic failure of the scientific, materialist worldview. Mass hypochondria and paranoia, and biophobia/ anti-life thought and behaviour.
This has been my theory for a while, it is the only logical explanation that I have found. They want Life, all Life, and not just by killing, else they would have already destroyed us. The soul, and not just humanity, but all living beings, Nature, Earth.
Way to shut down Revelation of the method !
Painful watch. Global, glo-balls ! Confirmed controlled opp. leaders here. Comments here are useful, though. (for who ?).
Don’t post drunk, Cap. Or alternatively get better at hiding your agenda
My agenda ? Huh. You accused me of being in the 77th on the last thread. So, whoever you are and your agenda, nice job !
fwiw WRONG btw.
How does it shut it down?
They don’t need to shut it down. Once you start thinking like that you will soon be seeing Revelation Of The Method everywhere. Try to avoid medication- the game is over only when you decide it’s over.