“Pandemic Treaty” will hand WHO keys to global government
Suggested clauses would incentivize reporting “pandemics”, and see nations punished for “non-compliance”
Kit Knightly

The first public hearings on the proposed “Pandemic Treaty” are closed, with the next round due to start in mid-June.
We’ve been trying to keep this issue on our front page, entirely because the mainstream is so keen to ignore it and keep churning out partisan war porn and propaganda.
When we – and others – linked to the public submissions page, there was such a response that the WHO’s website actually briefly crashed, or they pretended it crashed so people would stop sending them letters.
Either way, it’s a win. Hopefully one we can replicate in the summer.
Until then, the signs are that what scant press coverage there is, mostly across the metaphorical back-pages of the internet, will be focused on making the treaty “strong enough” and ensuring national governments can be “held accountable”.
An article in the UK’s Telegraph from April 12th headlines:
Real risk a pandemic treaty could be ‘too watered down’ to stop new outbreaks
It focuses on a report from the Panel for a Global Public Health Convention (GPHC), and quotes one of the report’s authors Dame Barbara Stocking:
Our biggest fear […] is it’s too easy to think that accountability doesn’t matter. To have a treaty that does not have compliance in it, well frankly then there’s no point in having a treaty,”
The GPHC report goes on to say that the current International Health Regulations are “too weak”, and calls for the creation of a new “independent” international body to “assess government preparedness” and “publicly rebuke or praise countries, depending on their compliance with a set of agreed requirements”.
Another article, published by the London School of Economics and co-written by members of the German Alliance on Climate Change and Health (KLUG), also pushes the idea of “accountability” and “compliance” pretty hard:
For this treaty to have teeth, the organisation that governs it needs to have the power – either political or legal – to enforce compliance.
It also echoes the UN report from May 2021 in calling for more powers for the WHO:
In its current form, the WHO does not possess such powers […]To move on with the treaty, WHO therefore needs to be empowered — financially, and politically.
It recommends the involvement of “non-state actors” such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organisation and International Labour Organisation in the negotiations, and suggests the treaty offer financial incentives for the early reporting of “health emergencies” [emphasis added]:
In case of a declared health emergency, resources need to flow to countries in which the emergency is occurring, triggering response elements such as financing and technical support. These are especially relevant for LMICs, and could be used to encourage and enhance the timely sharing of information by states, reassuring them that they will not be subject to arbitrary trade and travel sanctions for reporting, but instead be provided with the necessary financial and technical resources they require to effectively respond to the outbreak.
It doesn’t stop there, however. They also raise the question of countries being punished for “non-compliance”:
[The treaty should possess] An adaptable incentive regime, [including] sanctions such as public reprimands, economic sanctions, or denial of benefits.
To translate these suggestions from bureaucrat into English:
- If you report “disease outbreaks” in a “timely manner”, you will get “financial resources” to deal with them.
- If you don’t report disease outbreaks, or don’t follow the WHO’s directions, you will lose out on international aid and face trade embargoes and sanctions.
In combination, these proposed rules would literally incentivize reporting possible “disease outbreaks”. Far from preventing “future pandemics”, they would actively encourage them.
National governments who refuse to play ball being punished, and those who play along getting paid off is not new. We have already seen that with Covid.
Two African countries – Burundi and Tanzania – had Presidents who banned the WHO from their borders, and refused to go along with the Pandemic narrative. Both Presidents died unexpectedly within months of that decision, only to be replaced by new Presidents who instantly reversed their predecessor’s covid policies.
Less than a week after the death of President Pierre Nkurunziza, the IMF agreed to forgive almost 25 million dollars of Burundi’s national debt in order to help combat the Covid19 “crisis”.
Just five months after the death of President John Magufuli, the new government of Tanzania received 600 million dollars from the IMF to “address the covid19 pandemic”.
It’s pretty clear what happened here, isn’t it?
Globalists backed coups and rewarded the perpetrators with “international aid”. The proposals for the Pandemic treaty would simply legitimise this process, moving it from covert back channels to overt official ones.
Now, before we discuss the implications of new powers, let’s remind ourselves of the power the WHO already possesses:
- The World Health Organization is the only institution in the world empowered to declare a “pandemic” or Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).
- The Director-General of the WHO – an unelected position – is the only individual who controls that power.
We have already seen the WHO abuse these powers in order to create a fake pandemic out of thin air…and I’m not talking about covid.
Prior to 2008, the WHO could only declare an influenza pandemic if there were “enormous numbers of deaths and illness” AND there was a new and distinct subtype. In 2008 the WHO loosened the definition of “influenza pandemic” to remove these two conditions.
As a 2010 letter to the British Medical Journal pointed out, these changes meant “many seasonal flu viruses could be classified as pandemic influenza.”
If the WHO had not made those changes, the 2009 “Swine flu” outbreak could never have been called a pandemic, and would likely have passed without notice.
Instead, dozens of countries spent millions upon millions of dollars on swine flu vaccines they did not need and did not work, to fight a “pandemic” that resulted in fewer than 20,000 deaths. Many of those responsible for advising the WHO to declare swine flu a public health emergency were later shown to have financial ties to vaccine manufacturers.
Despite this historical example of blatant corruption, one proposed clause of the Pandemic Treaty would make it even easier to declare a PHEIC. According to the May 2021 report “Covid19: Make it the Last Pandemic” [emphasis added]:
Future declarations of a PHEIC by the WHO Director-General should be based on the precautionary principle where warranted
Yes, the proposed treaty could allow the DG of the WHO to declare a state of global emergency to prevent a potential pandemic, not in response to one. A kind of pandemic pre-crime.
If you combine this with the proposed “financial aid” for developing nations reporting “potential health emergencies”, you can see what they’re building – essentially bribing third world governments to give the WHO a pretext for declaring a state of emergency.
We already know the other key points likely to be included in a pandemic treaty. They will almost certainly try to introduce international vaccine passports, and pour funding into big Pharma’s pockets to produce “vaccines” ever faster and with even less safety testing.
But all of that could pale in comparison to the legal powers potentially being handed to the director-general of the WHO (or whatever new “independent” body they may decide to create) to punish, rebuke or reward national governments.
A “Pandemic Treaty” that overrides or overrules national or local governments would hand supranational powers to an unelected bureaucrat or “expert”, who could exercise them entirely at his own discretion and on completely subjective criteria.
This is the very definition of technocratic globalism.
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Time for the people of the world to cleanse themselves of their rogue governments.
Some people say the first “ministry” of the incoming global government will be the “Ministry of Health” (in George Orwell’s “1984” slang), and empowering WHO with this Pandemic Treaty is a sure step in that direction. Funnily, public health officials in several marginal EU countries discussed creating a “rapid reaction force”, which can well be bolted on to the newly enhanced WHO structure to “investigate” and “coordinate” the response to any potential/emerging pandemic.
We could really do with another international rapid reaction force and a militarised WHO, to dictate when a (health, of course) emergency takes place and what happens next. It’s so obvious we need it, and any rational well-intended human being would be calling for it, that it would be embarrassing to put it to a public vote. Let’s just get a few government representatives in a room to agree on the small print and get the blooming thing ratified, in the first half of a new parliamentary term, please!
I couldn’t help noticing, since I live there, but Iceland is conspicuously lacking from that map heading the article…

Was it indeed the fabled ‘Atlantis’, sunk without trace, and my life here is nothing but a sick spiritual delusion…?
It has to be said that covid masks can be seen here as much as anywhere else…
You wouldn’t want a black spot right there in the middle….
Oh dear. May I assure you, we didn’t make this image and no prejudice is indicated by its use! May I officially apologise to all Icelanders. A2
This is the kind of stuff that civilian wars and revolutions are made of.
It will pass. God told us all this thousands of years ago. It will come upon the whole earth – a time of suffering never seen before. Men’s hearts will fail for things that are coming.
so basically you’re saying ‘who cares’.
The people behind the WHO are guilty of massive crimes against humanity and pose an even bigger threat if not taken out. They are ethically legitimate targets for anyone with the means to imprison or terminate them.
They, of course, fart upon ‘ethics’.
As long as it’s strictly-speaking illegal for anybody to ‘take them out’, they will just sit there smiling patronizingly at us.
“Two African countries – Burundi and Tanzania – had Presidents who banned the WHO from their borders, and refused to go along with the Pandemic narrative. Both Presidents died unexpectedly within months of that decision, only to be replaced by new Presidents who instantly reversed their predecessor’s covid policies.”
That’s the sort of thing you’d expect to happen in a real pandemic that actually killed people. The mystery isn’t the death and replacement of presidents, the mystery is why they’d refuse to go along in the first place.
Who actually cares about the WHO? Just like who ever cared about the UN? May not be a bad idea to oppose this treaty, I’m not saying that, but ultimately it doesn’t matter:
Big Pharma only needs to have the Airlines onboard, and then you have “vaccine” passports. They don’t need governments, not any more. Big companies make their own laws.
Airlines and all other services like energy, internet, and food supplies are not in the hands of independent companies who compete with one another; they are int he hands of corporations that are all tied up at the tops. The infamous ‘corporate takeover’ which went into ‘warp speed’ during the last 2 years, that is what ‘covid’ is ll about: consolidating that takover so it’s irreversible now.
It’s not that the WHO tell govts and corps what to do, it’s all one big conglomerate.
Modern day white collar smooth talking highway robbers, pirates and pillagers that’s what they are.
Amen; very well said.
They still need governments because the governments have the armies and guns . Not for long if this continues.
The entire thing will be a shoo-in and just one cog to implement one world gov speak one finance system.
You might find this interesting
Interesting too that our minister of interior Mr Seehofer (Germany) has publicly stated that parliment has been at the behest of pharma for the past 20 years and more and I didnt hear an outcry to that statement.
More recently, quite under the public radar, all normal/past regulations pertaining to medicine’s have been scrapped ie anything and anyone can now throw anything into the market place. Nice way to get rid of any legal snares.
Hopefully CJ will mention this in his next OFF G write up,.
Global cop is on steroids.
What we can see on the surface (and what we can see just below the surface in the case of Tanzania and Burundi) is bad enough. But if we consider the probable implications of what they actually mean by providing the “necessary financial and technical resources” they require to effectively respond to the outbreak” it gets far uglier.
Where might we look to infer what they have in mind with such ‘technical assistance’? In the US, have a look at the various state and federal statutes which were triggered by Trump’s declarations of a ‘national emergency’ on 1/30/2020 and 3/13/2020, beginning with the provisions of the Stafford Act and the National Emergencies Act.
“Going forward, the military will play an even greater role in the crisis through (1) additional state National Guard assistance; and (2) military support to state and local response efforts — what is known as “Defense Support to Civil Authorities.”
First, governors have the authority to call their state National Guard to a “state active duty status” to assist with the crisis response. Significantly, the Posse Comitatus Act—which prohibit domestic military law enforcement operations — does not apply to state National Guards when they are operating pursuant to state (“Title 32”) authorities. Nor does it apply to the U.S. Coast Guard. So both the National Guard and Coast Guard can and will provide a full menu of services and support in response to the crisis: providing medical aid, enforcing quarantine zones, and supplementing state and local law enforcement as necessary. Only the so-called “Title 10” U.S. military is prohibited from taking an active part in domestic law enforcement. The Posse Comitatus Act does not prevent the Title 10 military from providing humanitarian assistance and medical support.
Second, the United States has military installations with expertise, facilities, and resources that are already close to affected communities. The military may be asked to support the local authorities to respond to the crisis either as part of a Stafford Act major disaster declaration or from “Defense Support to Civil Authorities” (DSCA). Such requests are normally initiated by a request for DoD assistance from state or local civilian authorities. Historically, the military has responded to natural or man-made disasters pursuant to this underlying mission. Thankfully, response to “pandemic influenza and infectious disease response” falls into an already established category of response according to existing guidance and doctrine. Therefore, certain military units should already be trained to meet the coronavirus response, although the precise level and amount of training at specific installations and military hospitals remains unclear.
As noted above, the military (either federal/Title 10 or state/Title 32) can respond to any request for assistance from states and localities responding to the coronavirus. This is known as “immediate response authority.” This is designed for “imminently serious conditions and if time does not permit approval from higher authority.” This authority can include emergency treatment, maintenance or restoration of emergency medical supplies, and the safeguarding of public health. So if a coronavirus outbreak develops in a community near a military installation, the military may be called upon to immediately offer its expertise and resources to assist the civilian population in its coronavirus response without further worrying about red tape and higher-level approvals.
As the coronavirus crisis unfolds, keep an eye on future major disaster declarations, and requests for military support.” https://www.justsecurity.org/69215/the-coronavirus-emergency-powers-and-the-military-what-you-need-to-know/
However, apparently the author above is unaware of the provisions of OTHER statutes that obviate some of his points related to the Posse Comitatus Act. We need to also consider the provisions of the NDAA in this context:
“On December 31, 2011, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), codifying indefinite military detention without charge or trial into law for the first time in American history. .
…there is substantial public debate and uncertainty around whether Sections 1021 and 1022 of the NDAA could be read even to repeal the Posse Comitatus Act and authorize indefinite military detention without charge or trial within the United States.” https://www.aclu.org/other/talking-points-2012-national-defense-authorization-act-ndaa
Of course, their ‘legal authority’ to indefinitely detain citizens without charge can also be dressed up as quarantine:
“Legal Authorities for Isolation and Quarantine…In addition to serving as medical functions, isolation and quarantine also are “police power” functions, derived from the right of the state to take action affecting individuals for the benefit of society.
Federal Law
The federal government derives its authority for isolation and quarantine from the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution.
Under section 361 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S. Code § 264), the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services is authorized to take measures to prevent the entry and spread of communicable diseases from foreign countries into the United States and between states. The authority for carrying out these functions on a daily basis has been delegated to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Who Is in ChargeThe federal government
EnforcementIf a quarantinable disease is suspected or identified, CDC may issue a federal isolation or quarantine order.
Public health authorities at the federal, state, local, and tribal levels may sometimes seek help from police or other law enforcement officers to enforce a public health order.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection and U.S. Coast Guard officers are authorized to help enforce federal quarantine orders.
Breaking a federal quarantine order is punishable by fines and imprisonment.” https://www.cdc.gov/quarantine/aboutlawsregulationsquarantineisolation.html
There was a 2021 attempt to kill the president of Madagascar. He had been vocal about a herbal cure for “covid”.
The same article states that the motherfucker locked them down anyway, and there is famine.
Maybe he learned sth. from the attempt on his life…
Apparently it is not polite to mention the true circumstances concerning the current Leader of the WHO’s election wherein there were objections to his canditature on the grounds of legal issues concerning his actions in his own country. It might also be impolite to be explicit about Bill Gates’ and Big Pharma’s amount of control over the WHO. But please learn about these things and connect them to current issues and the many deaths and terrible incapacities people suffered following the “vaccine”. The following references may help:
Also please to remember that they made being asymptomatic into a ‘catch-all’ symptom of a disease that doesn’t exist.
AKA if you feel well, it’s because you’re SICK.
The duplicity and malevolence of these uhh… ‘people’ is BEYOND STRATOSPHERIC.
At some point soon we are going to have to resist or suffer the consequences.
What we can see on the surface (and what we can see just below the surface in the case of Tanzania and Burundi) is bad enough. But if we consider the probable implications of what they actually mean by providing the “necessary financial and technical resources” they require to effectively respond to the outbreak” it gets far uglier.
Where might we look to infer what they have in mind with such ‘technical assistance’? In the US, have a look at the various state and federal statutes which were triggered by Trump’s declarations of a ‘national emergency’ on 1/30/2020 and 3/13/2020, beginning with the provisions of the Stafford Act and the National Emergencies Act.
“Going forward, the military will play an even greater role in the crisis through (1) additional state National Guard assistance; and (2) military support to state and local response efforts — what is known as “Defense Support to Civil Authorities.”
First, governors have the authority to call their state National Guard to a “state active duty status” to assist with the crisis response. Significantly, the Posse Comitatus Act—which prohibit domestic military law enforcement operations — does not apply to state National Guards when they are operating pursuant to state (“Title 32”) authorities. Nor does it apply to the U.S. Coast Guard. So both the National Guard and Coast Guard can and will provide a full menu of services and support in response to the crisis: providing medical aid, enforcing quarantine zones, and supplementing state and local law enforcement as necessary. Only the so-called “Title 10” U.S. military is prohibited from taking an active part in domestic law enforcement. But as I have argued before, the Posse Comitatus Act does not prevent the Title 10 military from providing humanitarian assistance and medical support.
Second, the United States has military installations with expertise, facilities, and resources that are already close to affected communities. The military may be asked to support the local authorities to respond to the crisis either as part of a Stafford Act major disaster declaration or from “Defense Support to Civil Authorities” (DSCA). Such requests are normally initiated by a request for DoD assistance from state or local civilian authorities. Historically, the military has responded to natural or man-made disasters pursuant to this underlying mission. Thankfully, response to “pandemic influenza and infectious disease response” falls into an already established category of response according to existing guidance and doctrine. Therefore, certain military units should already be trained to meet the coronavirus response, although the precise level and amount of training at specific installations and military hospitals remains unclear.
As noted above, the military (either federal/Title 10 or state/Title 32) can respond to any request for assistance from states and localities responding to the coronavirus. This is known as “immediate response authority.” This is designed for “imminently serious conditions and if time does not permit approval from higher authority.” This authority can include emergency treatment, maintenance or restoration of emergency medical supplies, and the safeguarding of public health. So if a coronavirus outbreak develops in a community near a military installation, the military may be called upon to immediately offer its expertise and resources to assist the civilian population in its coronavirus response without further worrying about red tape and higher-level approvals.
As the coronavirus crisis unfolds, keep an eye on future major disaster declarations, and requests for military support.” https://www.justsecurity.org/69215/the-coronavirus-emergency-powers-and-the-military-what-you-need-to-know/
This is horrific.
Let this happen and world-wide genocide is unavoidable. About 1 in 10 might survive but probably life won’t be worth living anyway.
Why is the WHO so sinister?
We only have to look at the Director General of the WHO since 2017.
For a quick resumé see https://defyccc.com/the-crimes-of-who-director-tedros-adhanom/
“Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the darling of the MSM and Big Tech, was known as an international criminal even before his appointment to WHO Director General. The following are select quotes from
Opposition to Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Candidacy for WHO
Director General Position, Amhara Professionals Union, 2017, USA
“Irrespective of the final outcome, the fact that an individual accused of systematic genocidal violence and human right violations by his opponents, who could even be subject to criminal investigations in the future at his own country or at International level, became one of the top three contenders for WHO Director General position is by itself an indication that the foundational principles in the recruitment policy for leadership role at International Public Health Organizations are violated. This paper details how the former Ethiopian Minister of Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) and Foreign Affairs, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, is accused by his political opponents for the role he played in systematic genocidal violence and gross human right violations including but not limited to arbitrary detentions and extrajudicial executions…”
(End of quotations)
I am in no doubt that he was elected to serve in this period of world history specifically because he has demonstrated that he has nothing against genocide and is willing to take part in it. So how did he get elected, especially considering “the foundational principles in the (WHO) recruitment policy for leadership role at International Public Health Organizations are violated”? Well, it’s common knowledge who holds the power in the WHO. It’s Bill Gates with his empires and Big Pharma* – in which Bill Gates has a huge interest too. Tedros was put there to conduct the “Covid epidemic” and “Vaccine” extermination plan.
*For a summary see:
That’s probably why they recruited him.
Public hearings are closed? I guess they’re not really public then. Sounds oxymoronic but typical of the way they twist and mangle language.
There is a global collusion of evil psychopaths called the United Nations that has been allowed to exist by another criminal establishment called the International Criminal Court. As corrupt and as illegal.
No one has voted for them except corrupted governments of countries.
Try as we might, we will not succeed in stopping this treaty from passing, and from being adopted by all 190+ countries who locked down during covid. It’s a train wreck, and you all know how hard it is to stop a moving train.
it has been a one world government for a very, very long time. all countries are human farms, the owners of the slaves are human farmers. names of countries are simply the names of different human farms. politics and war are theater, sure, people die, that just makes the show more believable to the ignorant peasant slaves.
Today was the first day in two years that people in Tenerife could take off their masks inside buildings. School kids could throw them away. i went to the supermarket before i started my classes…… every fucker wearing a mask||||||…..My private classes were great… the little kids took them off and jumped around when i said they could. The older ones were more circumspect and waited for others.Here the fear and propoganda is still in their minds. I try my best.
Thank you for sharing what is happening in your part of the world. I get the feeling your students are blessed to have you as a teacher.
What’s funny (if you can call it that) is that most people don’t even know about the work that’s being done here by the WHO and our would be global controllers behind the scenes – or if they know, they actually think it’s a good thing. The real state of the human psyche and intellect is truly so mind-blowingly bad that I’m at a loss for words.
thats the idea – keep the people distracted, dumbed down with trivial entertainment etc….because the last thing the PTB wants – is billions of humans demanding a say in their future.
Without real revolution and guillotines we are fucked!
This is the result of revolutions and guillotines. In fact we are in the middle of a revolution. Regular people don’t plan and organise revolutions, they only have people’s revolts and riots for very specific and basic needs like food or water. The rest is only in the movies.
This may interest.
A very good correlation and, being NZ, they cannot blame Covid.
After much research; I’m resigned in the conclusion this is another Talmudic engineered prophecy to usher in a (false) new Messianic age in 2240, We are witnessing the controlled demolition in preparation, and no one can stop it. Kick-back & beer.
I think it’s a difficult question unfortunately some of the aims to fight disease are entirely honourable and the process of collaboration and central control a good thing as regards preventing spread . However it’s the background profiteers and those who have little faith in humanity in this endeavour that make all this a corruptible proposition
Spread instead of rising numbers., who said that?
Spread pretty much followed a rise in testing adverse reactions with injections.
Oh that was it for me, sorry.
Words can become torture, frankly I’ve no idea how Americans put up with it.
No….its not a good thing. The entire history of so called pandemics is ballony as are most of the claimed vectors for such phony pandemics. You are giving matches to a pyromaniac.
so i we ignore the mandates Boris gets whacked?
Yep. That is what appears to be true – Magufuli is the proof. Normally if a president dies there is at least an effort to exact the cause. JFK created quite the stir. Magulfuli – it might have been this or that. No-one knows or cares. What a circus. And now here I am taking part in the circus.
I followed the Magufuli story very closely – I saw immediately after his ‘illness’ his Wikipedia page changed. There is zero likelihood he died of natural causes.This president was a PhD level graduate in science. Let’s juxtapose that with for example Johnson, Trudeau or Ardern.
Magufuli is a key in this – because that story can bring truth to many people. If you die when you try to leave WHO, then you know WHO should be questioned. It’s simple. MSM are not running this story – 10 years ago they would have loved it.
For me, until the truth about Magufuli comes out, I will not listen to any living journalist. And it is the clearest line of journalistic enquiry that could show the world what is happening.
Thank you Ravensara, my sentiments exactly. Magufuli and his fate is crucially important. And yet, he has been for the most part, ignored. Even amongst those who supposedly are keyed in to the lies and dismissive tactics of the ‘official lines’
Taking a step back to Avian Flu: A very good friend is helping educate the Feds on Avian Flu in the Midwest. A genius level wildlife biologist who was inserted into the Homeland Security committee on zoonotic diseases a few years ago.
According to what I learned from him, our country is trouble.
As of now there is no immediate emergency response team sponsored by the Federal Government. Their turnover time for a response is weeks at best.
Just a bunch of figureheads that don’t know anything about zoonotic disease.
So he, a local county biologist, is advising them on how to improve.
For now he and his system he devised is the only one in the Midwest that has that capability. And so he did it.
There has been a confirmed avian flu die off in a wild population. It’s unofficial.
The potential for a disaster in wild populations is huge because birds are in full migration.
Then we talked a little bit about those “migrants” crossing the southern border of the United States unabated. It takes about 5 years for zoonotic disease to assimilate into wildlife populations before they express themselves in the human populations.
And we are sending them to Washington D.C. in addition to every other metropolitan center in the country.
That does not count the millions that have come in undetected.
Of course this a conspiracy and totally unofficial. Nothing to worry about.
“This looks like a job for the BIRDMAN.”
Help me. What part of what I said is not accurate……………?
Well thank you from me anyway. I appreciate the info. I think the authorities are terrified of bird flu mutation. I wonder if any of those recently have been lab leaks? It’s not as if birds are flying more?
UK: – https://www.nfuonline.com/updates-and-information/avian-influenza-cases-confirmed-latest-news/
To start with you should probably re-read the article above replacing every mention of covid with avian flu. Or re-write what you yourself wrote and replace avian flu with covid.
The point is ignorance and incompetence of those currently in charge. Democrats. They are so blinded by their own radicalism that they can’t listen to or understand reasoning. Plus they just want to piss off Republicans because they can. Their desire to do this is so overwhelming it has blinded them to the reality of the dangers they have imposed on our country. My friend has witnessed this first hand. They have no idea of the potential shit storm they have released. This is not about Covid and Avian flu. This is about every other disease people can carry, intentionally or not, as they cross our borders. It is very easy to introduce deadly zoonotic diseases. It is just a matter of time……..
You got some evidence that all these claimed contagious diseases do actually exist because so far no government can provide any evidence that they do. The deceptions go far deeper and have been in place far longer than most can conceive. Contagion itself as proposed by your friendly neighbourhood government, doctor, corporate scientist and no doubt wildlife biologist has yet to be proven……scientifically…….rather than as inculcacted politically motivated theory or worse.
Biologists have been chasing their own tails for decades and have descended into a vortex of madness where make belief is fact.
How about backing up what you say. Generalized bullshit opinion. I am giving you inside information. Real information. That’s your response? Only you know. Only your opinion matters? What the fuck. You are a fucking idiot. Think. This is serious shit. Vortex of madness? Fuck.
Calm down darling. You’ve just proved you are descending into a ‘vortex of madness’, look at your reply…Anyway, ‘insider information’ that only you have had access to that now you share with all of us but nobody listens. That’s a pretty hackneyed B movie plot ain’t it?
Do with it what you may. I can see your point. I wish it was made up conspiracy. I thought this group had a better ability to understand the madness being covered up. I do take everything I learn here with a grain of salt. But we all come here for the same reason. Bullshit is constantly being spewed by the MSM. And there are plenty of people who come here to pick up inside information that they can use. Trust but verify. Avian flu is real. It is more of a threat to people in Asia for cultural reasons. Do we need to cull our chickens to protect human populations in the U.S.? Probably not. So, in that sense, I don’t mean to undermine the suggestion that we are unnecessarily culling our food supply in order to promote the Great Reset. Avian flu is real, however. Hundreds of waterfowl (mostly cormorants) have died on a small shallow lake that has large rookery. Seven of those dead birds were tested in a highly reputable university lab in the veterinary school. All seven birds were confirmed to have died from avian flu. I know the site well. I lived across the street from the lake for 20 years. I worked for the organization that owns the lake for 31 years. I know all of the people in the neighborhood surrounding the lake. You can’t get anymore inside than that. Sorry. Trust me. People have been calling me to complain about the dead birds and I have been gone for 10 years.
Fake science bullshit.
Back in the 1950’s and 60’s when prescient individuals tried to warn the world the UN was part of a global snatch and grab power play by the globalists, the media first ignored them but later mocked them. The globalists have used a boiling frog incremental approach to establish their New World Order/Great Reset. But now thanks to ongoing scams like HIV/AIDS, the Swine Flu, Zika, COVID-19 etc. the miscreants have created an extremely successful ploy to achieve their nefarious agenda using public health and the bait and hook. When Donald Trump defunded the WHO the globalists went totally berserk (that action was the final straw Trump had to go) but Bill Gates stepped in to pick up the financial slack and keep the infrastructure in place and the plan moving.
We are at the crossroads, at a critical junction will the globalist finally get their One World Government or will we be able to set them back ( they are relentless they don’t sleep and they are hellbent on creating their NWO) for the time being? This is the real crisis facing the world today.
Let’s never suggest that the WHO should be bombed into dust with all members present. I guess that would be an infringement on their rights to exist…
Convenient deaths seem to miraculously cluster around elite agendas. One can only imagine all the amazing political theatre that would have materialized around the fraudulent use of the mass high cycle PCR testing had it’s outspoken inventor Kary Mullis not conveniently died just prior to the covid operation.
As well as Nobel prize laureate Luc Montagnier died soon after saying the vaccines were dangerous and suggesting the vaxxed would die within a few years. He was elderly but no reports of a lengthy illness or anything. At 89 he was still active.
Unmentioned in his ‘scientist goes off the deep end’ obit is his very controversial and breath taking research into the memory of water. He believed his findings could save people with autism, Alzheimer’s, cancer, etc without Big Pharma. at this point Montagnier became a pariah.
He seemed a good soul.
This documentary about his work and the scientist who first work with water memory is astounding.
“Nazi Boy and the Reich need to Fall, NOW!”
They do say laughter is the best medicine:
(Tweet from one Chebureki Vibes)
anybody know anything about strategic culture being “silenced?”
Because they do russian agitprop?
#TrustTheScienceFraud is gaining momentum as perhaps the biggest crime against humanity. https://rumble.com/v11e365-blackrocks-edward-dowd-reveals-wall-street-now-paying-attention-to-the-trus.html
The Miracle of Ozone Therapy
“Ozone is probably one of the most miraculous healing therapies available on our planet at this time. Through its oxygenating power, it successfully treats and cures a wide range of serious degenerative conditions including cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, liver, and kidney disease.
More Than Hot Air
Ozone is very potent electrified or energized oxygen (O3). Oxygen is more essential to life than food and water. Without it, we would die in minutes but in big cities the levels in the air are decreasing, causing widespread ill health. Oxygen is carried to every part of the body by the red blood cells and is essential for the functioning of every cell in the body, as well as stimulating a healthy immune system.
Ozone also forms a protective layer around the earth; but some scientists point to the danger of high ozone readings as the cause of respiratory problems, so many are prejudiced, dismissive, and simply refuse to look into it.
Yet ozone therapy has been in use since the 1800s; and in 1896 the genius Nikola Tesla patented the first ozone generator in the United States, later forming the Tesla Ozone Company. After that, the Institute for Oxygen Therapy-Healing was formed in Berlin and the man credited with founding naturopathy, Dr. Benedict Lust, began practicing in New York, writing many articles on ozone.”
There was a single report from China on using ozone to treat pneumonia, covid or whatever:
Ground-level ozone is of course harmful. It arises
:- directly from forest and agicultural fires, and internal combustion
:- the interaction of NOx (internal combustion, Industrial Agriculture and Industrial Animal Farming) , CH4 (from Industrial Animal Farming and other sources) and CO (from combustion including internal combustion).
A little unrelated but why does everybody say ‘on the planet’ instead of ‘in the world’ as it used to be until a couple of years ago?
Side Bar: I will check that out and get back to you……….. I will think of Jerry Seinfeld as I do it.
Even more powerful than Fauci himself……..
The death of American Empire.
The madness just keeps coming as the empire sees the edge of the cliff getting closer and closer, the nervousness rises, virus demons are summoned & released and the chanting begins, god is evoked & the devil is evoked, no matter who….. who will save America from her fate….who will save her from her sins?
The communists are to blame!, the devil is to blame! the Chinese are to blame! our allies are to blame!…….they must all pay! ‘we are gods own land, we are good, the true way, the virtuous way’.
Inside the fractured deep-state the fight over the rudder of empire intensifies, the schizophrenic factions of a dead ideology hears two voices, both offering the same end. Solutions come thick and fast, each more failed than the last, a cascade of failure, on a sinking ship, the straight-jacketed combatants wrestle as the seas rise around them.
All can feel the tremors, an omen of what is to come, they panic, the madness takes hold, and the schemes, the plans, the desperately crafted, well executed lunacy is spread around the world, to save the empire: ‘Burn down the world’ Let the murders, the craziness, the insanity begin from the home of the brave.
Wiser onlookers, stand back, see the madness and build their walls higher. The beast is cornered and more dangerous than ever, to friend & foe.
Hear the gods-own Christian White mouthpieces of the deep state, the high priests & soul of Empire, cry out in pain and anguish as they see their beloved illusions dying, and buckle in its final death rattle.
The blood of reserve currency gushing from its veins, forms a turbulent river, drowning all in its path, reckless and careful sailors alike.
If the plebs don’t realize it’s all bullshit by now, there is no hope for them… What ever happens to germ tards will happen…
Is it a coincidence that Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) sounds like FAKE?
Freedom comes to the hyperboreal realm of Covidonia. Our divine Nicola has decreed that we no longer need to wear face nappies. However, on a trip to the supermarket I bumped into an old colleague who says he’ll continue to wear his – or at least that seemed to be what he was mumbling through the fabric. He’s in his 70s now. And you need to “stay safe” etc.
Mission accomplished!
My own sister, who has always been an intelligent woman – now also in her 70s – said a year ago that she had been triple-jabbed and felt “as safe as I can possibly be”…
Honestly, it’s like watching your nearest and dearest suddenly cut off their own arm with a chain saw – for no reason at all.
The only mitigating circumstance in my sister’s case is that she is a very keen traveller, and of course you don’t get to travel freely without the ‘mark of the beast’ on your forehead.
Totally uninformed on the scam; a totally surreal situation; but she is still ‘an intelligent woman’… Seriously.
Or perhaps she just considers the risk to her immune system and general health a price worth paying for the trips to foreign lands…? Needless to say, I can’t really discuss the matter with her.
Anything else, fine.
Just not this.
Indeed, ‘mission accomplished’.
What’s going to happen to today’s youngsters, who have never even glanced at a Bible, or heard of ‘the mark of the beast’?
They’ll just think everything that happens is pure coincidence, and never take a step back to look at what they’re actually doing with their lives.
Covid is a tribute to the unthinking faith that many place in the media. The depth of this faith would seem to surpass anything in the more obvious religions – which at least emphasise the need for faith. The moment you say “faith” you are admitting there is a tension involved in the claims under consideration. No-one says “faith” in relation to the media because they have no awareness of tension. The media is taken as being simply true.
I think this faith – or, more appropriately, “trust” – has built up over decades and is not a blanket trust. Rather, it is conditional.
The public may not “trust” Mr X (or Dan Rather or Jeraldo Rivera) to give them the truth – but they will “trust” Mr Z (or Walter Cronkite or Howard K Smith) implicitly.
Doubtless this is why the media searches so hard for just the perfect anchor.
Yet, if you ask any of them whether they trust the media, they’ll all say, “No way!” …
Cognitive dissonance, or, in layman’s terms, a broken mind.
Those youth we see that unquestioningly wore a piece of synthetic fabric on their face for 2 years straight for no discenible reason, and will do it again at the blow of the whistle, are the ones who will be managing all businesses and services of society in a couple of decades. Brace yourselves.
-Frank Zappa
There is no such thing as a global pandemic under the standards of hygiene and nutrition that we have today, at least in many parts of the world.. A disease which is too deadly will not spread. People would die out too quickly. Where there are localized epidemics it’s usually a function of malnutrition and / or hygiene. What is needed is making sure people have proper food and sanitary facilities.
Wolfgang Wodarg’s take on Ebola e.g. suggests that it was all made worse by WHO and the usual suspects.
If you look at the actual publications from 1918, flu (viruses had not yet been properly discovered insofar as they exist) was only of many many other diseases. You had a whole lot of young people, many wounded, living in crowded and dirty conditions. Much of the mythology of the 1918 pandemic was reconstructed over the last twenty years precisely to reinforce the totalitarian measures we’re seeing today.
One of the things I’ve come to realize is that Western medicine knows almost nothing about the “why” even for the most common diseases. It’s decent at patching people up after trauma and accidents but other than that relies on toxic drugs and invasive risky surgery.
While it’s good to keep an eye on this technocratic globalism, I do believe their plans will collapse for the simple reason that their eyes are bigger than their stomachs and they’re trying to bite off more than they can chew.
Spot on, personally I no longer accept many of the starting assumptions which used to inform my earlier worldview. I doubt for instance that oil is not a renewable resource It more or less goes without saying that I am at the very least skeptical about even the greatest certitudes of the current age. In many of the matters in which I have a level of expertise and training, I know that the main tropes pedaled to folk outside of my own particular field are nonsense and those who claim expertise and training in those fields believe much of the nonsense they spout quite sincerely.
Snookered, A dead end , Mirror written to Camera Obscura .Which species of Inversion is this.
There’s no such thing as Ebola. The locals in Africa know it’s a complete fabrication. They know that where the “alleged” outbreaks occur, villages are force evacuated, then the foreign development money follows, because the scheme around the “Ebola” scam is to grab their land.
The same kind of land grab scam occurs in all the orchestrated, planned wars. Cities and towns get levelled, the developers and corporations move in, and millions are displaced, jobless, homeless and penniless.
Do you have some further information on the specifics of where that has happened.
There was a case where local doctors murdered the WHO pandemic shill, because they knew when the foreign doctors come in with the hazmat suits and take over the hospitals they murder patients with meds, and call it Ebola.
The exact same MO happened in this covid non-pandemic. Hospitals globally, changed policies and treatments around ARDS and pneumonia and that leads to drugging, vents and death. The iatrogenic deaths get falsely reported as part of the pandemic statistics.
Here’s one article which deals with the probable “cause” of Ebola – though not with the land grab which Researcher mentions.
Ebola: shattering the lies and the fakery « Jon Rappoport’s Blog (nomorefakenews.com)
That could well be. At the start of 2020, I looked into viruses more generally and especially transmission. I started with HIV and was surprised that in the medical literature, even after 40 years, there was nothing more than a whole lot of confusion and speculation on transmission mechanisms. Since then, Kennedy’s book has come out and fills in the blanks. So, I gave up on HIV and looked at plants, since they are immovable I figured they’d have more info. Even there was nothing more than a whole lot of complicated and confusing experiments That’s when I realized virology is a field based on a common set of assumptions and procedures, you can make a career of it but really it’s mostly very expensive speculation like most things in the modern science bureaucracy.
And, in the U.S., planned riots.
I think you may benefit from reading a bit more. > https://www.unz.com/lromanoff/covid-vaccinations-and-oxitecs-flying-syringes/
Romanoff is only interesting when he writes about China. He has no science background and I find a lot of mistakes in his reasoning and knowledge when he goes out of his field. I’m better placed to judge for myself and can learn more from more knowledgeable people than Romanoff.
Knowledge of the why (cause) is a danger to profiteering in the medical industry, or may endanger another industry. That is against capitalism. So, in the few cases where they do know the cause, simple ways to avoid the illness or simple remedies, they strive to conceal or ridicule such knowledge. When was the last time a doctor told you how to avoid an illness or at least a recurrence?
“When was the last time a doctor told you how to avoid an illness or at least a recurrence?”
Never. I fully agree.
It’s beyond capitalism, it’s a system of control that ultimately leads to a ‘soft’ tyranny for the obedient and ostracism and eventual exile for the hesitant/uncompliant.
Re-define diseases as caused by germs and it opens the door to more pandemics, antibiotics and ultimately vaccines…
This has been their direction of travel with cancer for a while, at least since cervical cancer was ‘discovered’ to be caused by a virus. The level of cynicism is quite staggering.
(P.S. It probably doesn’t need saying but the presence of bacteria around a diseased part of the body is entirely explicable as a consequence of the condition, not a cause).
If you read Peter Duesberg’s book “Inventing the AIDS Virus”, or listen to interviews with him (the late David Crowe did a couple with him), he says that the first promoters of the HIV/AIDs theory were people who had tried and failed to prove that cancers could be caused by viruses. When that wasn’t getting anywhere, and when “AIDS” came along, they jumped at the chance to prove it was caused by a virus (and thereby extend their careers), and thus the “HIV/AIDS” “industry” was born.
Obviously people haven’t totally given up with the virus-causing-cancer theories, as the existence of the HPV vaccination demonstrates – yet another excuse to poison our children.
I haven’t read the bacteria-prostate cancer article, but I agree with your last paragraph.
I think Edwige was intimating skepticism at the virus-cancer theory. Unless I interpreted it incorrectly.
Anyway, the Perth group proved there was no isolation for HIV. The alleged HIV molecule was never found. The tests were simply nonsense like the covid tests; diagnosing healthy and sick people alike with a fictitious disease, then killing them with AZT as the treatment. It’s a pattern. They did the same thing with smallpox, polio, syphilis and the flu in 1918. Fictitious diseases, where the treatments result in iatrogenic death.
The tests developed for viruses don’t EVER test for a virus. Meaning all the tests are based on fraud. Most doctors don’t know this because they are not informed enough to understand the real causes of illness and dis-ease.
Quote: “I think Edwige was intimating skepticism at the virus-cancer theory. Unless I interpreted it incorrectly.” Unquote
I agree with your interpretation. I hope my post didn’t suggest otherwise.
I agree with the rest of your post as well.
Forgive me for re-posting this. Well worth it for those who have time, and those who don’t have time should make time. 🙂
Thanks for the link Mike.
So much sense. But there’s so many dupes and shills who won’t mention that contagion has never been proven and viruses have never been found and bacteria at the site of wounds is formed by our own cells in response to the damaged tissue.
If people actually cared to follow the science, the science has shown that germ theory is nonsense. We are covered in germs and bacteria, they are all endogenous and they are integral to the human biome, digestion and the breakdown of toxins and recycling of dead cells and debris.
Yes. We are covered in germs and bacteria, but we have skin to protect us. If the skin’s integrity is compromised, the conditions change, n’est-ce pas. Would you care to explain why infected wounds not only don’t heal, but get worse, and heal when treated with antibiotics, which kill those germs you’re so much in love with?
Why did the fucking streptococcus eat Lucien Bouchard’s leg and nearly ate Lucien himself (I assume that as a Canadian you know who Bouchard is)?
BTW, I’m not necessarily disputing your claim that viruses have never been found. Actually, they have been found – or some particles have been found – but they probably don’t function quite the way virophiles think they do.
Since you mention science, the standard scientific approach is to propose hypotheses and then empirically prove them. Then accept them if they can be proven or reject them if they can’t. I hear people like you who attack the methodology of these or those -ists, such as virologists, you do have a point. You’re not doing science, though. You’re just being a pain the ass, killjoy looking over their shoulder mocking scientists that they’ve fucked up again. You’d sound much more credible if you proposed a viable theory yourself and then proceeded to prove it correct. For that you’d need brains and balls though.
Quote (Jacques): “Since you mention science, the standard scientific approach is to propose hypotheses and then empirically prove them. Then accept them if they can be proven or reject them if they can’t.” Unquote.
Not quite, I think. The standard approach is to propose a hypothesis, and then attempt to disprove it. And if it can’t be disproved then it is accepted as correct until a better hypothesis comes along.
You make a good point about the skin, but it’s worth pointing out that we have millions of microbes inside us as well, in our microbiome. Orthodox science seems to regard them as a mixture of beneficial microbes together with some potentially harmful ones, and presumably they regard any that are found at the scene of injury or illness as harmful ones.
I’m not a biologist, but common sense makes me wonder why nature would endow us with a complex system of microbes (which are admitted to be an important part of our “immune system”, better regarded as a “repair system”), part of which is trying to kill us.
I’d never heard of Lucien Bouchard, but obviously there are extreme cases from time to time. I’m sure we still have a lot to learn about our immune/repair system, and I can accept that it might run out of control under some conditions, and that in extremis, antibiotics have their place (though iodine & vitamin C might have done the job as well).
I find the model of a compost heap helpful. Dead or dying plant material is gathered. Microbes appear from somewhere, are fed by the carbon and nitrogen in the plant material, and gradually break it down into the soil-like material we call compost. The microbes in the compost heap definitely played a part in breaking down the material, but were not responsible for the death of the plants in the first place. It’s not a perfect model, but I find it helpful.
We’re basically not in disagreement. I might point out that we don’t have microbes “inside”, the digestive system being a tube passing through the body, with mechanisms to process and select what gets in the bloodstream and inside the body.
Anyway, obviously when the normal conditions, whether the integrity of skin or the optimal balance in the digestive tract and the respiratory tract gets compromised, bacteria is liable to be detrimental, which it normally isn’t.
Frankly, I’m open to any explanation – insofar as I give a shit, which I mostly don’t now, after two years of viruses this, viruses that – but I’m a bit sick of simplistic categorical pronouncements of the kind this paranoiac entity researcher keeps making.
He doesn’t have to provide any explanation or theory for what people want to describe as illnesses or disease. Pointing out the glaring nonsense of virus claims and virology and its voodoo methods does not depend on proving any alternative reason for illnesses that he is not even agreeing exist.
Weasel words:
“Masks and flying: Everything you need to know about new US rules”
The title is a tease since “everything you need to know” turns out to be not much. US airlines – or some of them anyway – have removed the mask mandate.
“Airlines have already begun relaxing mask requirements but not without some initial confusion. Questions are swirling.”
They sure like their watery metaphors! And it’s all just so vague and changeable and “not without some initial confusion” which I’m sure will turn into ongoing confusion.
And the question “Is the judge’s ruling a done deal?” (Clearly the concerned reader is being led to hope that it is not!) – only results in
“The short answer: Uncertain.”
We are all concerned with the “medically vulnerable” for whom “a “high-quality mask” such as a N95, KN95 or KF94 remains a hugely important tool when it comes to reducing the risk of infection, particularly while in indoor, public spaces.”
And “immunocompromised people should mask when indoors around those of unknown vaccination status”. Unknown vaccination status! The enemy amongst us who we can’t even identify!
“Others should decide based on how much they want to avoid contracting Covid-19 and the importance of being unmasked.”
The very mention of the possibility of contracting the big C is guaranteed to generate a thrill of horror amongst the critically compromised.
But then we are told
“Public health experts recommend that people wear masks that offer the most effective level of protection, especially N95s.”
“People”? So we are no longer referring to any particularly vulnerable group.
After which, some explanatory mask specifics for the covid consumer. And then a masterpiece of “low level” hysteria mongering:
“…the risk of contracting Covid-19 on board a flight is very low, even when factoring in the Omicron variant, which “appears to be more transmissible than other variants in all environments.” However, it’s worth noting that enforced mask-wearing was considered to be one of the contributing factors to this,…”
The risk is low however that may have been due to the enforced mask wearing! Now that all these reckless libertarians are ripping off their masks … well who knows?
And so …
Yes! Masks no longer mandatory however … watch out for anyone who has the gall to remove their mask!
Majority on public transport here still wearing them. Brain buggered and candidates for ‘stay safe’ slavery.
I’d confidently predicted that the public transit authority in SE Pennsylvania (USA), SEPTA, would announce that the mask mandate extension set to expire on April 18th would be renewed. This so-called “extension” had been previously “renewed” when it was set to expire in March.
But the other day a federal judge in Florida ruled that the mandate was invalid because the CDC failed to justify the extension or follow established (i.e. mandatory, how’s that for irony?) procedures before further extending the extension.
Apparently the judicial ruling trumps even the Transportation Security Agency’s (TSA) authoritarian inertia, because the TSA and CDC immediately revoked (or suspended) the mandates in accordance with the ruling.
I don’t feel too bad about my prediction going awry; after all, just last week, the CDC extended the transportation mask mandate through May 3 — ostensibly to allow “officials” to take more time to study the “BA.2 subvariant of COVID-19”, aka the Phantom Subvariant. So it was a foregone conclusion that SEPTA would comply.
Even though I received a vaunted Senior Citizen Pass permitting free rides on the system when I turned 65– a month after the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic was launched in March, 2020– I’m still not inclined to jump up and ride SEPTA somewhere just to bask in the glory of maskless riding. And while this “reprieve” is welcome, of course it’s not the end of the story– various scamdemic-invested powers and principalities are “studying” the judge’s ruling and weighing appeals and workarounds.
I normally avoid visiting Twitter, but I accessed the Twitter page– linked on the local newsradio website– to scrutinize the SEPTA announcement:
Notice that even SEPTA’s good news contains the “recommendation” that everyone still ought to mask up. So it’s not as if, say, the US Supreme Court ruled that mask mandates are hereby abolished for all time.
I also peeked at some of the comments. It was appalling, but not surprising, that amid the “Thank God, it’s about time!” responses were a fair number of scamdemic-thrall scolds protesting SEPTA’s prompt suspension of the mandate. They mostly expressed rote or dogmatic “better safe than sorry” complaints, plus some bitter promises that the perturbed tweeter would never ride SEPTA again since this action proved that SEPTA management has No Regard for Human Life.
Today, probably in part because of the scamdemic-thralls’ wailing and gnashing of teeth (while suitably masked), the Department of Justice (DOJ) cautiously and equivocally announced that it would appeal the judge’s ruling only if the CDC officially declared that it still recommended mask-wearing on public transit.
I hope this is a public-relations bluff to appease hysterical scamdemic thralls, but the CDC might well persist in its “in for a penny, in for a pound” powermongering and declare that masking on public transit is indeed “necessary” because of the “variants”, “rising case numbers”, and the usual bogus rationale that’s held sway for two years.
All in all, it’s a positive sign but there are still far too many strings attached to, er, breathe easy.
It’s not going away until we end it. These people are criminals. Recommend..
STATES OF EMERGENCY by Kees Van der Pijl.
British Airways made a big thing about removing their mask mandates some weeks ago, then almost immediately did a 180 on it, at least for most destinations. I flew to Italy from LHR recently, then back to LHR from France, and masks were enforced both times. The crew blamed the laws of France and Italy, though I fail to see how that could apply to a journey to LHR, since neither LHR nor the UK now enforce mask mandates.
(And masks didn’t seem to be being enforced at the Italian airport we passed through).
Pure psy-op “dignified” as “incompetence” by our ever helpful Left.
During the main peak of Ovid global government was in full view.Anyone who couldn’t see it had their blinkers on.I find a lot of this treaty or WHO – CDC – Sage stuff deliberate confusion for the people overloaded with
disinformation.On the build up to locals midterms this helps install the illusion of separation which in fact it all one centralized system. Covid showed this.
Covid should of reinforced it.
Maybe the disinformation propaganda program since then is working.
Dr Kaufman has obtained the paper referenced by Dr Ardis who had claimed that Remdesivir and/or the Covid vaxxes, as well as peptides obtained from so-called Covid patients had yielded snake venom peptides, and after a thorough assessment of the paper concluded that this is false. Any peptides discussed were venom-like but not identical with any actual snake venom.
I guess this alt media piece by the Stew Peters Show & Dr Ardis also served to advance an agenda. We must be vigilant.
Yes apparently there was some fuss about snake venom being used in meds the year before in US media….and some have felt this snake venom story was to start people thinking that it happened with medicines…thus an agenda…..I believe some form of snake venom may be used in heart meds….it isn’t unusual it seems to use various toxic substances in meds…and it seems the real stuff in the covid vax is dangerous enough without it being from snakes..
There’s the usual esoteric dimension to it as well – the serpent is the embodiment of Lucifer. Of all the poisons they could have chosen, it happens to be this one?
There is some evidence of micro-capsules in the vaccine that could contain something to be released at a later date. This part of the narrative may have something to it.
Pure theatre.
The Stew Peters show is Freemason controlled opposition. Did you miss the cartel hand signalling? The raptor logo?
snake venom peptides are legit- whatever shit is in vaccines is not.
The big question is how the public will respond. Sure, many people fell for the COVID crap during the first and second years of the hoax pandemic, many specialists were initially made shut up, statistics were doctored, so on, so forth, but that’s changed. The info is out there that COVID is a crock of shit, including the fuckcines and all the rest. The more they try to push the virus narrative, the more people will come back to their senses and realize how they’ve been had. They won’t necessarily rebel, but they won’t comply either. In other words, I don’t think that two years of propaganda, however massive and however well prepared beforehand, can fuck people up beyond repair.
Governments will therefore have to resort to more and more totalitarian force to keep people on a short leash, which will in turn create more dissent and backlash. Provided that they don’t cancel democracy, political figures taking advantage of this will emerge – opportunists, genuine freedom fighters, would-be warlords. Eventually, the globalist project will fail. What will come afterward is anybody’s guess.
Or not. The globalists might just succeed in brainwashing people to a point where their so oblivious to what the fuck is going on that they’ll allow themselves to be imprisoned in the mental cage rammed into their heads.
Fake pandemics will be combined with fake climate change and the propaganda and pressure will be relentless.
I wonder if the brainwashed will one day become an endangered species?
Why do they need laws to punish nations for not complying if nations already comply, always complied and always will comply to the world government?
Nothing’s changed, except for the fact that we are living in a time where things are become clearer and clearer. It’s sad, but it’s good. Western values and all that came with it is, paraphrasing Gandhi, a good idea.
What they show us now is that brick wall that Frank Zappa talked about. Here is the quote:
‘ The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.’
There were the African countries cited in the article – plus Belarus.
I wonder if the main target here isn’t federalism? The contrasting lockdowns of states like North and South Dakota has given some of the strongest evidence against what they did. Move pandemic response to central control and all that’s done away with.
I was looking at that quote a few weeks ago. They removed the curtain in 2020 completely but only a small percentage of the population has figured it out. We’ve always had one world government and “countries” were no more than centrally controlled administrations managing farmed populations.
The expense isn’t what concerns the controllers. They want to eliminate a majority of people and there’s no way to do it efficiently over a number of years except using mandated injections.
Going door to door, using bullets in isn’t going to work. So they need people to self euthanize. Those who won’t now, won’t have much of a choice when the global ID and Vaccine Credential gets tied to your digital money and ability to purchase food. It’s death by injection or death by starvation. That’s the choice they are offering and nobody in the alt media is actually confronting where this agenda is headed.
The controllers don’t need more money. They print it. The injections are to eliminate the population using a range of diseases including blood disorders, organ damage, sterilization and cancer that won’t be directly associated with the shots because of the delayed effects.
Let’s give your paranoiac ramblings clearer contours.
Who exactly are the controllers? What sort of life do they envisage after they eliminate the population and there will be nobody to slave for them? Do they intend to go back to caves and into treetops, since the absence of a large enough population will inevitably collapse the industrial society, stop technological progress, make their own lives and the lives of their offspring much less pleasurable?
Sure, you can say that they psychopaths or …. paths (enter your favorite ….pathy), nuts, whatever, which they probably are, but they appear to be very systematic in what they’re doing.
Care to elaborate on that?
I frequently see this argument that the elite need the entire population of modern slaves to run the plantation, and I don’t buy it. You could easily halve the population and still run the exact system we have today, as a lot of people are in fact already “useless eaters” to use that charming vocabulary, and most jobs in a modern economy are in fact “bullshit jobs” with an excruciatingly large element of redundant bullshittery! In addition to this, I think they intend to restructure the economy to such a large extent that old “truths” may become radically challenged.
The old adage of “MOAR SLAVES = better!” is no longer going to be true. In fact, less might be more… It’s about cutting away the fat and the redundancy that clearly exists in the system. There’s already plenty of hosts for the parasites, the rest of the sheep are just grazing uselessly….
Remember what Billy Boy said in his infamous TED talk “innovating to zero”: CO2 = P x S x E x C
P = people
S = services per person
E = energy per service
C = CO2 per unit of energy
One of these variables will have to go pretty close to zero….(yeah, he actually said that). I guess it doesn’t take a rocket scientist, former producer of crappy operating systems or eugenicist to see which variable you should optimize for here.
Just because something is possible doesn’t mean we should do it; so what’s your counter-argument to that, or do you believe that world population should be cut down?
Well, the Earth is not inflatable and the resources and energy at humankind’s disposal are limited. What the threshold is for a sustainable existence I have no fucking idea, but there probably is a certain optimal size of the human population.
Should the population be cut down by such sick means as injections of genetic shit or war? Absolutely not. Can we rationally discuss this issue without knee-jerk reactions? I’d think so.
This I agree with. While I am no Malthusian, probably there should be a much more open debate about how many people the planet can actually support “sustainably” given the current technology level. I don’t think people actually realize how dependent we are on mineral fertilizers for example, but I guess the coming famine (yes folks, it’s coming quite soon for the poor countries) will show this quite clearly.
This does not mean anyone should die by “sick” (as you put it) or clandestine means like instigating wars, famine and death by injection. And I don’t trust the current “elite” to make these kinds of assessment, as they have proven themselves incompetent, deranged and extremely dangerous to the health of “normal” people.
If you think about it: today we are what, 8 billion souls here? what is the net benefit to humanity of becoming let’s say 12 billions? I personally fail to see the benefit for humanity in that. I don’t think humanity collectively is better off the more people are born, it rather reduces quality of life for everyone, because while resources are not strictly finite as Malthusians would probably claim, they are at least limited by current technology and availability (technology being the wild card here, we are probably nowhere close to utilizing the full potential of this earth with our primitive technologies).
Having said all this, I don’t think at all that the population needs reducing. But if it should increase, there should probably be a debate about why that would be a good thing for humanity as a whole as opposed to keeping it “flattish”.
I probably wouldn’t be thinking along the lines of whether smaller or large size is more or less beneficial to society, but I’m more or less on the same page.
There is no reason not to rationally discuss these issues. We’re probably in a better position now to see things from a global viewpoint thanks to communication technologies, global statistics, etc.
How this can be done is a big question because humankind are obviously incapable of agreeing on anything collectively, and it’s highly likely or certain that a solution to any of the aforementioned problems would require people to make compromises or impose restrictions as far as the use of resources.
It is true that the ressources are finite at any point in time but since the industrial Revolution, there has always been enough food produced worldwide to decently sustain every human life on earth at any time since; that doesn’t mean of course that everyone is benefitting from the high food production capacity, not possible under the current system. According to The World Counts:
“The world loses an astounding quantity of food every year. It blows your mind but a third of all food for human consumption in the world is lost or wasted. 1.3 billion tons of food suitable for human consumption and 1.6 billion tons of so-called ‘primary product equivalents’ are lost or wasted.”
From the same site:
“Food waste is a problem in itself in a world where over 800 million people suffer from hunger and undernourishment. All these people could be fed by less than a quarter of the food lost or wasted in the US and Europe.
“Over 2 billion people will join our planet between 2020 and 2050. All these people need to eat! We can feed them by increasing food production by 60% – or we could just stop throwing away our food.”
I mean, it is hardly a problem of production capability, even factoring in the increase in the population as stated above; rather it is a problem of economic considerations.
On the other hand, it is undeniable that human civilisation has had an evolution that disrupted the previous equilibrium: we have domesticated our natural predators and our number is increasing faster than other mammals. But how are human populations distributed? In the big cities, industrial zones and so on. Over the years, millions of Chinese deserted the countryside to concentrate in the cities to escape poverty, same as elsewhere; and according to Alan Watt, Malthus based his theory by just observing one Indian city (Bombay, I think) which was always swarming with people, while vast regions of the globe are literally empty that could be populated.
Yes, but how about fifty, hundred years from now? Well I say, let tomorrow take care of itself and let’s worry when there is reason to. At present, as per the above, our major problem is this system that always claimed to serve us, and has always proceeded by anticipating imagined catastrophes, trying to prevent imagined diseases and fear mongering when there is no ground to. Let’s try for once to live in the moment, after getting rid of this system.
Definitely as you say, a rational debate on the topic is in order.
I’m not an eugenicist and I don’t really believe in Malthusian models, but I am pretty sure the elite do think exactly like I laid it out in my post.
The elite would also like no doubt like to cut down on their own useless eaters, the vast network of apparatchiks needed to control the plantation. The Mamluks are already out of hand I would guess.
OK, that premise is probably correct. The path of technological development could be sustained with a reduced population, perhaps provided that the fucking robots were factored in and the process was carried out in some controlled fashion.
If I was Klaus “Anal” Schwab, however, I’d certainly want the people who would make up the population of the future world to be the opposite of the useless eaters. I’d want them to be intelligent, creative, industrious, etc. At the same time, they would have to be either dedicated to the cause or highly malleable. Already there you have a problem because a creative, enterprising individual will hardly be malleable or easy to control. Worse still, how are the anal schwabs gonna pick the right people and get rid of the rest? More importantly, how are they gonna ensure that they’ll remain loyal and so will the next generation? Things get fucked up along the way. These schemers are not stupid and I doubt that they wouldn’t think of this stuff.
Right now, they’re injecting the shit indiscriminately into everybody. It doesn’t look like a plan to cull the population.
Anyway, I’m not saying that these fucks don’t have some sick eugenic plans, just playing the devil’s advocate.
Also, is the notion that humankind should regulate the size of the human population wrong? Should people consciously do something about making the size of the population correspond to available resources or should they let Nature run its course?
You bring up some good points. While I agree you can’t conclusively prove that an elite-driven “great cull” is underway, at some point we just gotta ask why it’s so darned important to get this stuff into every single vein on the planet. Even if you believe that the COVID psyop is somehow actually a real virus, the survival rate is still conclusively proven to be 99.9%. It simply does not compute, as the elite don’t give a flying shit about normal people and are not doing this global vaccination program out of the kindness of their hearts.
When it comes to selecting their favorite pets and slaves to survive a hypothetical cull, again I think you fail to realize how little our lives are worth to the elite. The answer is that we are cattle to them, and they just don’t give a shit of they happen to kill an Einstein or two. Look at how they have always treated Africa – imagine the human potential that is squandered there decade after decade! Think of how many potential geniuses have died of cholera or malnutritition in Africa with flies eating at their eyes, it’s fucking tragic.
Purely hypothetical again, but let’s say maybe 30% of injected survive. They will be left with a liberal sprinkling of individuals, a representative “pool” of people maybe, which is totally fine (caveat: everyone has to be injected otherwise you would get an unusually large population of detractors and heretics and difficult freedom-loving people like us, which I guess you don’t want – even for all our brilliance 😉 )
Also, look at the technologies they are rolling out – Neuralink, basically hardwired brain-control. CBDCs, vaccine passports, etc – all that infrastructure is coming up for a reason, and that reason is obviously control. They don’t give a shit what you think or how creative or brilliant you are, you will fall in line or you will go hungry and have no job, no prospects, no nothing under their new world order.
To answer your last question I believe humanity has crossed beyond the point where “nature can take it’s course” we basically master nature now and in a few decades or centuries we’ll have allmost godlike powers with the fusion of mind and machine and cracking the genetic codes for increased intelligence, expanded lifespan etc. Humanity will probably have to self regulate, but I prefer that self regulation to come from an enlightened and benevolent elite rather than the psycopaths running the show these days.
“why it’s so darned important to get this stuff into every single vein on the planet.”
Yes, that still puzzles me. One explanation I found is that there is something in the injections (perhaps nanotechnology) that would be used to try and take away the individual will somehow. A less far-fetched explanation someone suggested on here a long time ago is that the State always does more lest of doing less. Let us not forget that the current system (Capital + State) thrives only in a problem solving mode, and so crises are vital to the good health of the system; what happened in Australia for instance is worth of a Hollywood movie for the violence unleashed by the State; violence thought as needed to justify the existence of armed forces (perhaps after too much idleness) and of the bureaucracy. But considering everything, the “health issue” was just an excuse to “legitimise” emergency measures in vue of making radical changes in the system.
The bastards don’t care about the Jills and Joes, true, provided they secured the loyalty of part, however small, of the population. The question is: could the deception go on indefinitely without them waking up? When you take analogical examples, eg. elephants, tigers, lions,… tied with a tiny chain but not wanting to escape, we would answer yes: we could be brought to play the role of real pets, but then, this is a thing among sentient humans, not between humans and non-human pets. Animal pets are reduced to their basic instincts and when they find a provider for their satisfaction, they act as obedient pets. But a human being, even if brainwashed still keeps the capacity to grow beyond their brainwashing, given the right circumstances and a lot of people are obeying just by peer pressure, not convinced at all. We have at least one precedent of true slaves rebelling against and overthrowing their “masters” in the Haitian Revolution. This is why I believe things got to get worse to point where we either fight or die.
Good points. And regarding the last paragraph, I think we only need to worry about human population number when the problem actually arises; for now, what I see is mis-allocation of sufficient resources and uneven concentration of populations; both problems calling for the overthrow of the current mode of production.
I had a Seniors Moment yesterday, it lasted all day,
so i didnt remember to post this short video.
but it should be OK, it’s only a day late…
COVID Satire/Memes/Jokes: Best World Health Organization (WHO)’s Tedros is a China Lapdog Puppet Memes
– Best Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of the China Health Organization, I mean Wuhan Health Organization, I mean World Health Organization (WHO) is a China lapdog puppet memes!
The WHO has quickly become the primary organ for global extortion and racketeering.
It’s a simple scam run by psychotic billionaires.
1) Take control of governments via international edicts concocted by said billionaires using supranational organizations;
2) Steal public wealth like there’s no tomorrow under guise of defending public interest;
3) Funnel that wealth into ventures that benefit said billionaires;
4) Stick said public with insurmountable debt;
5) Take money and run.
Of note: The pharmaceutical industry was in the tank in late 2019. I mean completely falling apart and desperate.
To survive financially Big Pharma is reliant on blockbuster drugs and emerging markets. Both of these necessities had been tapped out with no promising drugs in the pipeline and no new markets to be explored.
Pharma has been the darling of large investment firms for the last few decades due to generous ROI’s.
The invention of SARS-CoV2 “novel disease” and the “novel” mRNA delivery system came to the rescue. A market was created and a “cure” was invented- in short a bonanza for investors, but only short term. They will need to do this ad infinitum to keep the toxic Pharma money machine rolling.
How best to do that? I’d say this article gives a pretty good clue on that answer.
“When a donor gives money, for example, the pharmaceutical industry, these representatives request to be present on the expert committees of the different [WHO] programs. There is a serious conflict of interest. It happened with the H1N1 epidemic, potential vaccine and drug manufacturers, like Tamiflú, were sitting on the committee that was deciding whether to launch an epidemic or not, obviously [the pharmaceutical companies] pushed for the epidemic to start and give a global alarm because they were going to have an impressive market.”
– German Velásquez, the creator of the Health Economics and Drug Financing Unit of the World Health Organization and former Director of its Secretariat for Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property
It’s all in here…………….STATES OF EMERGENCY by Kees Van der Pijl.
Essential reading.
Well, if we don’t get control of our own governments, then these assholes are going to be it. They can’t do this without acquiescence from the governments of the countries of the world. In fact, it’s as clear a sign as ever, along with the scamdemic, that the globalists are truly in charge. This sounds kind of like the PNAC report back in 2000, “Project for a New American Century, Rebuilding America’s Defenses”, where they called for a “New Pearl Harbor”, and miraculously got it with the false flag on 9/11, then proceeded to wage war on the Middle east and skyrocket the DOD budget to what is now over 800 billion, not counting dark money, Blackwater, you name it. This is what they are going to do, and they cannot be stopped unless we stop our own governments, i.e., take over our own governments. I believe that’s what is called a Revolution. It’s truly time to start talking revolution, get it out, say it loud, say it strong. Revolution. “Hey, pass the word. We’re going to have a revolution. Get ready. You’re either for or against.”
How easy totalitarianism rolls out now…
Georgia Declares a State of Emergency Over Supply Chain Shortageshttps://www.activistpost.com/2022/04/georgia-declares-a-state-of-emergency-over-supply-chain-shortages.html
Global stupidity and global tyranny go hand in hand. Screw them, they will have no authority of me and mine.