WATCH: Iran Rolls Out Digital Food Rationing
Iran is set to be the first country to roll out a food rationing scheme based on new biometric IDs.
Where vaccine passports failed, food passports will now be eagerly accepted by hungry people who can’t afford rapidly inflating food prices.
This is the realization of a longstanding agenda by the Rockefeller/UN/WEF crowd to, as Kissinger put it, “control food, and control people.”
Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.
Christian, aka Ice Age Farmer, is the best source for breaking news on the war on food anywhere on the internet, you can watch more of his content through his YouTube or his website.
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This is their next stage of the NWO.
UK food troubles according to the evangelist of “stakeholding”:
The UK has shot itself in the foot…. by Brexit! Not by sanctions which are treated as if they don’t exist. Rejoin the CAP and everything will be hunkydory!
It really is just the formula of lockdown repeated – blame everything except the avoidable government reaction which becomes magically invisible.
Is this really happening? Over the last month I’ve been watching the so called Shanghai lockdown being blown out of all proportion in the NATO media (mainstream and independent) so I have my doubts about whether this is just more of the same.
Not to say there was no lockdown in Shanghai but it was not in the whole city for any extended period of time. It has been WILDLY exaggerated.
Ice Age Farmer isn’t “breaking down” anything. He is essentially reading out some articles…for those who dislike reading????
Found dead on the road to digital food. >
by William Thomas
Published 11/19/2011
Nano Chemtrails by William Thomas (
Let’s ignore it for another decade or so…
Even if one believed all their scare stories, no matter how much humanity fucked up the Earth’s atmosphere it would still be multiple times more hospitable to humanity than Mars:
Still, “science” and good guy billionaires like Musk want to go there….
terraforming Mars always seemed as good as life on a imploding realm, i was up for it, especially in the initial plandemic lockdown..
obviously Mars would demand a large wage.
Then I realised they would just fire us into oblivion, and call it Mars terraforming.
all a load of pish. all.
i’ll terrafrom here, free as i can : )
Yes. Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t that the ethos of capitalism – always new lands to plunder? Like seagulls in Scotland coming further inland – they voraciously take everything (like Everything – sparrows and hedgebirds) then push inland and adapt to new resources and keep expanding. That’s progress perhaps – buy they leave nothing in their wake- nothing. Have we all read “Human Plus”? Can’t do the link but go find it. Think it was Researcher suggested it to me. God Bless. Thing is, They will never stop /can’t have enough helicopters and islands, just keep going and profiting Forever and Ever. They’ve murdered this planet so they have to
Find a way to move on. Like the seagulls
or rats on ships? gulls eat whole rabbits too, small dogs allegedly.
capitalism or just inhumanity? Greed uber alles? the value of Life? they are a death cult.
planting pine on Mars was always a joke of mine for years, meaning “get me out of this madhouse” ; )
Maybe Mars has already been terraformed – along with every other object in the solar system.
Terraformed to make them all inhospitable to humans.
(Now there’s some forward thinking aliens.)
Actually, the aliens call it “terraproofing”.
See Kurt Vonnegut’s excellent “The Big Space Fuck” > “The Big Space Fuck” is a 1972 Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. short story, first published in the science fiction anthology Again, Dangerous Visions (edited by Harlan Ellison)
The story itself is a darkly funny satire, set in a then-future world where in 1977 it became possible in the United States of America for a young person to sue his parents for the way he had been raised, in an effort to discourage reproduction (along with giving women “her choice of a bathroom scale or a table lamp” for having an abortion).
Yet, although on Earth “everything had turned to shit and beer cans and old automobiles and Clorox bottles,” in 1979 the U.S. stages the story’s title event, “a rocket ship with eight hundred pounds of freeze-dried jizzum in its nose. It was going to be fired at the Andromeda Galaxy, two-million light years away.”
Elon Musk must have read the piece as a child… Perhaps last year…
Wow! They let a robot read Science Fiction? No good will come of this.
(Of course, I may be wrong. They say buying Twitter has made a man of him.)
Event 2022:: pg 10-13 note June 5th is Platinum Jubilee day in UK (brinia)
Thank you
Putting people on a digital leash and all the ramifications thereof aside, the truth is that the vast majority of people in the West and beyond overeat.
Now, I guess the term “eat” would have to be qualified.
Is shoveling down your throat the generic shit peddled as food by the conventional outlets eating? The stuff made from whatever’s left after crude oil is refined into gasoline plus copious amounts of salt, sugar, and chemical crap to trick your taste buds into believing that you’re getting something yummy? I wonder!
One might argue that eating involves devouring only stuff with real nutritious value. Plus, and perhaps more importantly, doing so to nourish yourself as opposed to allowing your fucked up mind to respond to marketing strategies devised by complete fucking assholes to make you do the shoveling of shit into your cakehole as per the above.
So, in essence, it might be that people do not in fact eat too much. What it is is that they’re fucked up in the head too much.
Now, are people or the system at fault? I’m afraid that nobody actually forces anybody to shovel shit down their throat. Sure, people do get caught between rock and hard place and sometimes have no choice, but this is a bad bad world and everybody gotta look after oneself. I’m afraid that whining that it’s somebody else’s fault that people overeat … scratch that … shovel too much disgusting shit down their throat won’t do.
The medics cannot even grasp what the optimal diet is. They have been pushing the same rubbish food pyramid for ~70 yrs with gradual worse tweaks that have made 75% of people fatter.
So much for medical treatment, “health service” and “wellness” being science.
I remember my grandmother (from Croatia) saying that women in her native village liked being fat because it was a sign of affluence.
Only the starving eat to survive.
Ha ha ha ….
My Czech grandmother used to say when I was a kid, a bit on the chubby side at one point, “Look at him, how handsome!” Used to piss me off to no end … 😀 …
Its far worse in piss-poor CAR (or is it Mali): they force-feed young women before marriage, like ducks in France.
IranRolls OutDigitalFood Rationing called FOOD STAMPSSTARTED 1970
EU – U.K followed not long after.
school dinner tickets.
China last week: “Those who hate The Party and the state are not allowed to fly out” They will have their passport destroyed too.
In the West the regimes don’t care about their own citizens leaving; they just replace them with apparently willing immigrants.
Maybe you’ve not been on a flight in 2 years,? it was very difficult to fly out of the West and ridiculously expensive then you had to have up to 2 weeks extra of work if you was lower caste.
At least your the new refugees look like you. Sold as hot – good looking.
Have you offered up one of your rooms for 350£..?
So much for the Leave E.U mega psyop making it harder to come in.
Add that to the the Gas / Electric will go down if Britannia leaves the E.u.
Ok, asylum seekers, job seekers, refugees are better labels than “immigrants”. They don’t fly in although they have to spend much more dollars for their journey to brokers. These (mostly young men) go by land or boat. It is a kind of survival of the fittest for the non-Europeans. Having no papers is a must, as they are not allowed to send you back to ….?
China’s border control is 180 degrees different as being serious about any entry or exit – legal, semi legal or illegal. In the EU border control is more for show thanks to miracles like Merkel.
UK is talking about doing the same — passports and driving licences.
Rationing can be good or bad. Attlee’s wartime food ration books increased the fairness of distribution, and Britain achieved an historic first: the only country ever to increase the health of its population while fighting a major war. Don’t blame the tools, blame the user.
The scientist whose work on nutrition provided the basis for the UK’s wartime rationing system, Jack Drummond, was later murdered in France while on holiday along with his family. A local was railroaded in what was almost certainly a miscarriage of justice. Espionage was probably involved somehow.
Many thanks for telling us about Drummond. From his obituary it appears that he was a good scientist as well as a good man. Like Faraday and Russel, Drummond was a product of that pious and conscientious Non-Conformist upbringing which made England what it used to be:
“after much tedious work Drummond succeeded in isolating about 80 mg of crude iso-amylamine oxalate from 400 litres of urine. The purified substance was identified by melting point and microanalysis, a novelty in those days, since
Pregl’s micro-methods had only just been developed. In the publication Bain acknowledges his indebtedness for chemical assistance to M r J . C. Drummond, B.Sc.”
Digital rationing will be used as a gateway drug for CBDCs, We need to tell people about CBDCs and why they should keep on using physical cash. As a former economics teacher of 35 years, I put together a video on the dangers of CBDCs to help educate ‘normies’ with some simple arguments
Brendon O Connell has for a long time been saying how Iran, which is always paraded as a sworn enemy, is in reality nbed with those that are running the show. He also uncovered how Rouhani did his PHD in Sharia Law in Glasgow in the 90s – nothing to see here of course.
From Glasgow student to president of Iran
“Iranian politician who served as the seventh president of Iran from 3 August 2013 until 3 August 2021.”
Mild mannered Rouhani failed to be re-elected as President of Iran because the only result of his policy of conciliation toward “the West” was to embolden “the West” in its arrogant hostility toward Iran.
Khomeini hung around in Paris without anyone getting to him or suffering an unfortunate accident/illness then flew back to Iran on Air France? The “hostage crisis” was forewarned so anyone big got out in time and those left were paraded in blindfolds in what bears an uncanny similarity to a freemasonic ceremony? The crisis just happened to last 444 days?
Then Ahmadinejad appears on Larry King and gives a certain distinctive handshake?…
Name a political organisation/ Gov on the planet that’s not part of the one big criminal operation.
Well, apparently Putin is taking it from where Trump left off to keep draining the swamp and fighting the deep state; until Trump comes back and together they’re gonna save the world at warp speed. All under the watchfull eye of our man of the people Elon, who’s gonna stand up for our freedoms.
Brendon is correct the elite of Iran are in bed with the Israelis.
The killing of Soleimani was most likely ordered by the mullahs to get rid of a potential rival with popular support.
Some interesting theories discussed here:
Jews behind Russia-Ukraine war to form new Jewish state – Islamic scholar
According to MEMRI, Mraweh Nassar said that the West has forsaken the Jews because the Zionist project will fail in two years.
By Aaron Reich
Published: April 3, 2022
133. Ukraine As The Israeli Wolfs Lair – Israel Panics
May 18, 2022 (Recorded Apr 28)
Brendon O’Connell III
Kissinger & Associates Key Role – where is the analysis?
Is Israel making a return play for China – is that why the US jumped into Ukraine to stop the emerging alliance? Especially with news of Israel taking on Chinese currency and dropping a portion of it’s dollar reserves.
Will the US keep bases in Ukraine? It looks more likely every day. This will contain Russia and then make sure it survives to keep Europe in line. Getting rid of Vlad? Hopefully not. If they do and Russia becomes much more friendly to the EU and “liberal” ideas…wer’e all in big trouble as the ultimate rolling over into one giant controlled Pan Eurasian super state would be on the way – lets keep Vlad their and the Berlin, Beijing, Moscow axis on hold.
The tactical and strategic analysis of Ukraine is difficult. But if Eurasia remains under the control of a nationalistic US elite, with US/Ukrainian bases able to project power into The Stan’s and The Belt and Road, then date night is off and Israel and The City of London wont be happy – and neither will Klaus.
“Whatever you do, dont mention the coming war !”
What’s The Deal With Germany ? Mike Whitney.
“It’s no longer the question “Will war break out ?” but “When will it start ?”
And an answer seems to be “Soon !” ??
Suspect it will take until April 2023….there may be small outbreaks before that with jupiter moving into aries now….next April there is an eclipse at the last deg of aries with jupiter holding the hands of sun/moon all in difficult aspect to Pluto who will have just changed signs to aquarius.,,
and mars sulking in cancer..,approx the degree of the US 4 of July chart.,,,and by the looks of my solar map the eclipse will be on the midheaven of shantou China.,,so maybe those folk who are suggesting the pivot is changing away from Russia to China may be right…
Anyway I will be watching the run up to that…and beyond…
US/NATO are conducting a number of Wargames, one about 40 miles from a Russian base. If you recall the US’s War against Iraq you’ll recall there was a lot of build-up activity going on that convinced many the US intended a full-scale land invasion. Many were horrified there would be numerous soldiers killed because the US hadnt learned the lessons from its Vietnam fiasco. But it had.
The build-up was a distraction, a smokescreen. The US plan was to bomb the place to smithereens from the air, and destroy Iraq’s civilian infrastructure. Bring the country to heel. Could be the current Wargames are also distractions and a smokescreen to conceal the US actual attack plans.
Iraq, pop.30M no Allies no WMD vs EU$A Coalition of the Killing pop.700M.
“Mission Accomplished”.
Russia pop.150M Allies China and Iran 2,000M + WMD vs EU$A pop.800M + WMD.
“Mission Halted”.
i for one would welcome a lengthier insight from you, thanks in anticipation
Monkeypox: another reason for lockdown, food rationing, digital whatever?
“Since last May 7 in Europe the presence of monkeypox has been detected. That day the United Kingdom sounded the alarm and warned of the first case on European soil. Over the days the registered cases have risen to nine . Then came the turn of Portugal, which confirmed five cases and is keeping a score under study. While in the middle of this week it was Spain that reported that it was investigating eight suspected cases, which have finally become seven confirmed and 22 pending study.
The Swedish Public Health Agency has also warned of a confirmed case in the Stockholm region. Outside Europe, in recent hours it has emerged that a case has also been detected in the state of Massachusetts in the US. This is a man who had recently traveled to Canada.” [sounds familiar]
Monkeypox is due to land by plane in Australia very soon. That is a dead cert. My bet is it will land once Saturday’s national election is out of the way. I will also be we’ll also be hearing the word “mandate” a lot too; its usage by the winning team is always quite popular after each Australian election, asserting it has a “mandate” to implement ideas etc which it never mentioned during its election campaign
Polypox is the real killer.
Brett Sutton crawled out of his bed in Victoria after announcing his three jabbed ”covid” and said one pom brought in monkey pox. Of course Astra having chimpanzee adenovirus as a vector won’t be mentioned
Thanks, Marilyn. Something similar actually happened w the first polio vaccine. (I was among those who got it.) As detailed by the Atlantic Monthly before they ruined it, those who took it have a higher incidence of certain monkey viruses.
It was a published study & I don’t know how many millions got the shot in many countries around the world. Those countries who didn’t participate have ZERO cases of these monkey viruses.
I think it happened today actually.
An admission, however.
Iran was massively if surreptitiously supported by Israel and the West during the long and bloody war with Iraq. Both countries squandered their oil income on arms, fattening the West (and the East) in the process. The Soviets brought down an aircraft that was supplying Iran with war materiel on it’s return trip when it strayed over Armenia. The USSR kept quiet about the incident. Iran greeted convid with great enthusiasm, reporting huge numbers of cases. Unfortunately it is a world government and ostensibly independent states will turn on their own citizens when ordered to by the banksters. China is apparently self destructing. I am not sure what is happening in Sri Lanka, a country with great wildlife that has suffered greatly in the recent past from external interference.
Caught some TV “news”. A split screen, two faces: one the newsreader in the studio, the other a by-now-familiar blurry face in some dim room.
Newsreader: “And how is the patient doing?”
Blurred face: “As well as can be expected.”
Newsreader: “And do we have any further information on this new pathogen …”
At which point I hastily withdrew.
General neurotic ambience of physiological breakdown, organs crashing, strange sicknesses oozing from all sides as if the Alien xenomorph eggs are hatching everywhere.
A Bug’s Life – ”Then they ALL might stand up to us”
Outstanding discussion on technocracy between Whitney Webb and Patrick Wood:
Insights range from China as the first technate to why the elite are so concerned about biodiversity.
Digital ID for food…. the only answer to that is all out physical war against such a government.
They always require consent. The only way is for people to just say no. But as we all know…MOST people are going to say “well, ok”.
Better to use mental war: preach communism, activate socialist parties, local committees, trade unions, support cooperative mutual banks and similar cooperatives. Clean out Parliament, clean out Local Government, clean out the Judiciary. I’m talking about Jerusalem:
“I shall not cease from mental strife,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England’s green and pleasant Land” — Wm.Blake.
The USA and allies have been starving Iranians for years.
And Iranians have benefited through increased self-reliance.
“Who is my best friend? My dearest enemy, the one that keeps me up to the mark” — Bernard Shaw, Revolutionist’s Handbook.
In case that you’re considering quitting your job, this is the way to do it.
That bucked me up no end.
Deliberate mistakes dont happen three times – Next time Biden does it no its not a glitch.!
Former President George W. Bush: “The decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq. I mean of Ukraine.”
I bet if Bush keeps saying things like this he’s going to get “covid” and conveniently croak
May I sandwich a bit of “good news” – though hardly unexpected – in this thread? It’s logical placement is so many days back that no one will see it.
Anyway, enjoy.
Homeland Security ‘Pauses’ Disinformation Board Three Weeks After Creating It – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
I can’t believe that anyone believes that there hasn’t been a less publicised version of this for decades; in pretty much any country that matters on the great stage. The only thing that stops is the publicising of this latest sham/distraction.
Undoubtedly true. But remember: this is the age of legitimizing things the public would never have accepted before COVID. And though a covert operation is far more nefarious, an overt operation means the public has accepted it.
Not this time though. This disinformation thing was just a bit too heavy-handed.
Maybe it was the demented woman they chose as disinformation czar, and her tiktok video.
They are so drunk on power they will continue exposing themselves.
I’m joining your “off-topic” (Horrors!) observation to pat myself on the back for predicting that this might happen; earlier this week, I wrote:
I realize that, in general, our political, medical, and commercial leaders (the categories obviously overlap) have succumbed to hallucinatory, delusional groupthink.
But the new Ministry of Truth, and especially the “Truth Czar” selected as its figurehead, is so appallingly self-caricaturing and preposterous that I wonder whether even our deranged authorities will consider this project an impulsive mistake. […]
[T]he Truth Czar’s past social-media efforts alone are so cringeworthy that even her tone-deaf masters ought to see that she gives the whole reprehensible enterprise a noxious stink of incredibility.
OTOH, Kamala Harris is still Vice-President. Hey, maybe when The Ghost of Joe Biden (Barely) Present completely dematerializes, they’ll boost Harris onto the Oval Office Throne and the Truth Czar will be kicked upstairs to the Veep footstool!
I left in my bet-hedging closing graf, though. Also, this particular “Ministry of Truth” launch was so absymally clumsy and clownish that I wonder if it wasn’t always a trial balloon or distraction– a feint– intended to fail.
Bingo! +1
Is this not what is already in place in India, based on the notorious Aadhaar system?
private party control over nation state governed populations.. the jailer keeps the prisoners so the private elites can make the money from those governed by the state because the workers contained within the state are forced to produce what the state needs, the production of the workers must be sufficient to provide a market for the private parties, and then yet more, for the workers to live off of the morsels that remain.
I think you hit the nail on its truthful head.. the digital platform is owned by the wealthy few, it runs on top of the nation state tax paid for Internet infra structure, but each device is patented hardware and each device control system is copyrighted software. Both patents and copyrights are inventions of the state; they are not God made. Without the state there can not be a patent or a copyright, without copyright or patents their would be no monopoly powers for private elites or their corporate knee breakers to own. Those who have the bucks, own the digital platforms which we call communications systems. These systems connect the goods and services the workers produce for the elites; because the elites own the monopoly powers the states invented and gave to them. Remember, our maker gave no one monopoly power to anyone. The nation states were created in order to impose rule of law. The elites use the rule of law to make themselves wealthy.
Fascism is obsessed with privatization, social engineering, medical experiments, control of food supply, control of supply chains, ending the nation-state paradigm, economic and military coercion to benefit the financial class. A private banking dictatorship that no longer wants to share currency issuance with nation-states because bank credit can submerge people and entities in private debt, force nations to surrender their public assets and natural resources to them. It has morphed under new labels such as neoliberalism, libertarianism, communitarianism, Technocracy and the Great Reset, but it’s always been the same agenda.
Food “subsidies”… Hmmmm… Sounds like the old bread and circus routine… How far behind is Iran with payments to the International Monetary Fund? How many sanctions are pending through the Bank for International Settlements? I can only imagine how many puts and stops are being placed in the commodities markets…
New internet game: Iranian civilians versus stock “Brokers”.
Say Thank You your reliance on corporate financial structures. It’s all a scam. Invest!!!
Fear of deadly fearsome virus OMG it mutated.
fear of war.
fear of nuclear war even though it is about as real as covid.
fear of starvation with the many obese articles that have appeared.along side them.
cost of living crisis.
fear of cold gas electric
fear of internet black out.
OMG fear crisis threat.
And fear of God? That’s the only one that counts and I think a lot of the luciferian perverts running this scam should take heed of it.
Food supply in crisis – so in piles George:
They think some vague criticisms of the banks will persuade the unwary that he’s a good guy. However it’s the usual heap of toxicity.
“Many people assume that the food crisis was caused by a combination of the pandemic and the invasion of Ukraine. While these are important factors, they aggravate an underlying problem.”
So that’s all there is to be said about convid and sanctions’ role in all this then!
“global food, like global finance, is a complex system, that develops spontaneously from billions of interactions.”
“Spontaneously”!?! It’s when they tell bold, bare-faced lies like that that the malice becomes obvious.
He then launches into a long section about how the food system works. They’re obsessed with modelling complex systems (the better to control them obviously – “order out of chaos”).
As usual, it’s all preparation for the proposed solutions. These are left so vague they don’t really spell out what he wants – and on a surface level sound not too unreasonable. However the blaming of corporations points towards an increase in state power and his emphasis on the poor going hungry in rich countries suggests rationing. His silence on GMO continues to deafen. His mention of India’s ban on wheat exports is a reminder he recently castigated “food nationalism”. He’s also recently shot down another obvious measure – the cultivation of currently uncultivated land.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-05-18. Pfizer’s huge fraud in its jab research. 70 Secret Royalty Payments @ NIH. Severe pemphigus vulgaris (blog, gab, tweet).
Not true. Smoke in the eyes of Putinism’ propaganda. Lavrov has already denied it and committed fully Russia to the WHO order: Russia will follow suit, well-behaved, in the yoke.
Three cheers for the Axis of Collaboration! Heroes.
Always a trustworthy source
fear porn farmer the Alex Jones of food!
Grab a article’s half fake video swing to Sensationalism adds some small truths (5%) or what ever political spectrum your shilling manipulated and fear is key and like junkies they will log in tomorrow needing the daily Adrenalin fix.
It is negative generating and ever wonder why 98% of this lot who called them selves aware do this type of MIC spreader of gossip fear doing a much better job than MSM.
It keeps you in low fear energy feeling powerless and being easy to control manipulate and addicted to them. .
You’ll end up manifesting the outcome they want.
Mind war and imagination is key.
Nice one.
I’m sure that people on here know that part of the solution is to buy heritage vegetable seeds which are non-hybridised, so the seed can be saved each year, so as to grow their own food… get together with resonant souls who know the score and have access to a garden/land, and make sure that between you all, a diverse range of crops are grown, especially winter vegetables for when it gets really tight.. LED grow lamps also, to grow food indoors if you’re fortunate enough to have an attic or a space somewhere.. Vertical grow frames don’t necessarily take up too much space.
There was mass starvation among German civilians during the winter of 1917 because the British blockade had left the population dependent on one winter vegetable (hence it’s known as ‘The Turnip Winter’ in Germany). The effectiveness of the German military suffered very little direct impact. It’s one of the crimes of the Empire flushed deep down the memory-hole.
As for Iran, aren’t they on the other side? Or perhaps there aren’t any “sides” at all….
No sides really. Just the central banks.
Yea no blockade let US continue to send shells munitions wartime material to Germany arse hole. What comfortable revisionist rubbish have you been sold.
And maritime domestic supllies shipping was let through more so towards the later part of the War.
There are no sides in the power elites, only make believes and deception. They’re all played by the prince of this world.
What makes harvested seed useless for planting is genetic mutilation, not hybridisation. The crop should also be (a) suited to local conditions and inputs (b) not patented.
growing your own may no longer be allowed in Victoria Australia ?
Impossible to police that Jubal.
Cops in every backyard?
There’s a dearth of info in the “news” item.
You can rely on your neighbours to snitch.
You saw how quickly so many submitted to the jabs.
People seem to think that if it dont look similar to NAZI Germany, then it aint Fascism.
Years ago I read a very dark comedy called “The Decline and Fall of the United States of America,” can’t remember the author’s name. In that story, people who attempted to grow their own food were labeled “economic terrorists” as they weren’t adequately supporting capitalism. Indeed, their neighbors either snitched on them, or destroyed the gardens themselves. At the end, the American people resorted to cannibalism. Very dark book as I could see then its premise was not only possible, but probable. Today it looks more prescient than ever.
Soylent Green is people!
In communist Russia and China people were not allowed to grow their own foods and many removed from their land. Lands that now exploited by corporations.
To grow food for your own and sell the surplus to capitalise and then be able to grow more next season is the principle of capitalism, the enterprise of the individual. State owned farms and factories will always result in an oligarchy ruling the government. It’s proven hundreds of times over however many still believe in this socialist utopia that never materialises.
It was Rockefeller who said that communist China was the ideal model for the world. Of course for his class of people.
Look on the bright side.
It might solve or reduce the real epidemics; obesity and diabetes, especially in the US.
People drowning in electro-magnetic radiation would feel constantly hungry because their body is unable to get oxygen to their cells.
The epidemic of obesity and diabetes looks a bit different seen in this light. Probably just a coincidence that we’ve been positioned to blame this on the victims (those lazy and greedy Yanks…. ).
People were getting porky long before mobile phones, possibly even before electric lighting.
The point is that obesity has been worsening in recent decades.
Give me a break, man!
Do you have any idea how much food these fatso fuckers eat? My girlfriend has this boy, about 20, in her bar to help on busy nights. He’s been packing on the pounds nicely recently – maybe he’s stressed, maybe it’s the lockdowns, the sedentary lifestyle, metabolic disorder ….
Bull-fucking-shit! His mother just bragged that when Taddy eats, he stuffs his cakehole with no less than five fucking eggs at a time. Plus who knows what else. Damn, I have one, sometimes two, in the morning and it takes me through most of the day, which usually includes a 10-km jog.
I suspect it’s the same with all them lardasses. They eat too fucking much!
> They eat too fucking much!
Looking at the size of one American meal, I don’t eat that much in one day.
Man you sound like those energy drink chugging guys that sit at the back of the bus and say the word ‘fuck’ in every of the 3 word sentences they utter..Hilarious.
Na ppl are just eating more and moving less simple as that. They’ve scientifically figured out the macro and flavor ratios to make it near impossible to stop eating this junk (can’t eat just 1 chip!). Only solution is to not have any of it in your home.
Apart from the flavours, there is the subtle brainwashing that the health authorities have examined these foods – and would have told you if they were unsafe.
Fake foods, plus lots of sugar and fats to boost sales.
If it was oxygen, fainting would come before hunger.
not by eating bread and veg oil, they cause this, and sugar of course.
starving already malnourished people , whatever their weight, imagine supporting that?!
Nothing wrong with bread and oil or sugar for that matter, too much is the fucking keyword!
You are so wrong. Tell us what is so clever about eating a 19th century industrially produced lubricant, you do know that their is no cottage industry producing sunflower oil. And ‘too much’ is the TPTB’s crude attempt to blame the populace for their marketing, often through bought and paid for ‘science’ al la Covid.
> And ‘too much’ is the TPTB’s crude attempt to blame the populace for their marketing, often through bought and paid for ‘science’ al la Covid.
Yeah right! Eating to much and becoming a fat fuck is bad for you, end of bloody story!
leaving out emotional eating and such, fat being the other side of anorexia, aka an eating disorder, many fat people are malnourished. the body crying out for nutrients.
thinner people too but we all react differently.
some are lucky and their ill health is not openly visible.
Too simplistic and if you can’t write a sentence without multiple obsce ities, you can’t have much of an argument.
people cold inform themselves a bit more.
sugar and veg oils, except olive/coco are poison, especially refined. bread depends what it’s mad from, and how.
Sugar is addictive. That is what is wrong with it.
Read Gary Taubes.
The epidemic in obesity and diabetes is caused by the health authorities declaring that fat is bad, years ago, consequently all mass produced food replaced the fat with sugar to retain flavor. Now you will be hard pressed to find any food w/o sugar, and people are getting much more sugar than they used to and obesity has become common whereas before it was a special problem among few people.
Even worse than refined carbs are the vegetable oils. Please see Nina Teicholz:
Another reason for obesity is the antibiotic residue in the meat; it fattens the animals by killing off their good gut bacteria and leaving intact the gut bacteria that optimizes carb absorption. Then their meat does the same thing to us.
Pork and chicken are fattening cuz fed on grain, which converts their fat to predominantly Omega 6 fat, which we then eat– almost as bad as the vegetable oils.
Beef, as a cud-chewing animal, is able to transform even grain back to a better balance of Omega 3 vs Omega 6 (ought to be 1 to 1). It’s even better if the steer is grassfed (and w/o antibiotics).
Prof Tim Noakes destroys the cholesterol hypothesis:
Steph, you sound truly interested in nutrition & the lies they’re feeding us; I think you’ll like the two links.
I think that the article is correct in that it asserts that the vaccine passports was Plan (A). It failed, because a significant minority refused to comply. The good news is that the more they have to push, the more it becomes obvious to see what their objective is, and even more people wake-up.
let’s hope.
how to get compliance:
“starve the people”
easy peasy japaneasy
‘Despite all efforts to achieve climate neutrality in the near future, data centres still consume horrendous amounts of energy, If the internet were as country, it would be second only to the United States and China in terms of electricity consumption and greenhouse gasses….’
Digital World Pollution – Werner Thiede.
The energy demands of the Worldwide Digital Prison (WDP) will be enormous, but our rulers would sooner let the Earth die than give up their control of us
So “alternative” people like us should demand the internet is shut down to save the planet?
Sounds a bit like “solution Z” to a non-existent problem X to me. I’ve noticed you promoting those before
I’m sure jubal’s post was sent by carrier pigeon.
Sophie, don’t worry, help is on the far horizon: an energy-saving microchip, the culmination of one man’s lifelong crusade against Bloat in computer languages, Overpricing by computer companies and Energy consumption by computer chips. Meet Green Arrays, a cpu invented by Charles Moore, which combines multicore performance with low energy consumption:
Right now, Chuck Moore has grown old and is dying (unfortunately, from the head downward). His company is stationary and his ideas are still a generation ahead. But enthusiasts can buy an Evaluation Board ($700) for a 144-core CPU, plug it into a PC and have the same fun as young Steve Jobs and friends used to have in the 1970s. I program for preference in Chuck’s elegant and economical languages, Forth and ColorForth, and shall die a firm believer that his hardware will reduce both the energy consumption and the price of multicore supercomputers. (This is not an advertising plug but a testament of faith. Kindly excuse.).
“Nothing crept into History so quietly as science, nor brought so much improvement; except, perhaps, when a babe was cradled in a manger in Bethlehem”.
> … his ideas are still a generation ahead …
Just like fusion reactors?
The internet being a huge energy sink isn’t a problem?
No – unless you think we are all going to die from ‘global warming’.
reducing pop to few makes it all work out. paradise on earth for the very rich, and minions, and slaves will enjoy it to if they’re chipped well enough.
It will be a utopia just like the ones the people of the Marshall Islands enjoy serving the US vips that live there. (on a different island of course for the peasants)
bit more than an island too.
maybe chipped slaves won’t be able to realise.
> The energy demands of the Worldwide Digital Prison (WDP) will be enormous …
Luckily we won’t have the energy needed, problem solved.
Hello Jubal Hershaw: As you can observe from comments, no one wishes to face the realities of digital communications and escalating electronic usage. The energy problem will not resolve until the populace understands the limitations of energy production – including the first and second laws of thermodynamics… They won’t even look up the definitions…
The alleged CO2 dilemma is their only grasp of planetary heating realities… The laws of thermodynamics simply don’t apply to “smart” people, “smart” meters, “smart” phones, and “smart” grids”…
You may be right. The comments indicate no one read the article referred to. Maybe it was off-topic.
Which is why sustainable energy including fusion won’t solve anything. The elephants in the room are greed, insecurity, capitalism, usury, “unlimited” growth and the right to reproduce.
Smart ?
The smart arses that come up with this trash are ignoramuses that are unaware that they are making society even more dependent on the grids that can be brought down by a major Carrington level solar flare.
“Humans are now hackable animals.”
Sounds more like food stamps, only digitally, which is undoubtedly coming to a country near you. Same thing, you can buy a limited amount subsidized by the state, but after that you’re on your own. How about your pensions? How about your very paychecks, you’ve already been well trained in that. So ya, that’s how it starts, although the slippery slope started long ago, and what would you expect, for them to start with rich people? I don’t think so. “Bring us your desperate, your downtrodden, your scared shitless”. Besides, I thought they were going to get rid of the rest of us? What’s up with that? Why waste time with digital IDs when we’re going to be digitally dead? Or at least those foolish enough to think there is something called Covid-19 that is making people sick so they took a death jab. Btw, it’s 2022, they have to change that pretty soon, 2019 is getting farther away, stay tuned. I guess that’s why they don’t even really refer to it as Covid 19 anymore, they haven’t quite figured out how to make the turn. Waiting for Bill Gates to decide I guess. Besides, now we’ve got WWIII. People are numb.
Ya, a big part of this is because of capitalism, and of course the accompanying traits of human greed and lust for power. It’s like the military industrial complex (MIC) Eisenhower warned history about in 1961 (like Kennedy warned about secret societies in 1962). It’s a ball that can’t stop rolling, a self perpetuating entity that must keep developing and producing more and better (sic). That’s how capitalism works, and the MIC, which is really the military/security/intelligence/law enforcement/fascism industrial complex at this point, is the most deadly and dangerous to human liberty and freedom. This Pharma/Medical industrial complex is one on it’s own but again connected, as they all are, into one giant recipe for human control. We’re fucking ants. And unless we refuse to be ants, we deserve to be ants.
You’ve got it all pretty well wrapped up there, nice one. PS i’d rather be a country ant than a town ant.
Absolutely, me too.
Yeah, a digital ID for food rationing is going to be the next ploy. In many US States & in UK it’s newly illegal to have backyard chickens. I spose they’ll declare the newest swine flu epidemic so they can massacre pigs too.
Good News: AZ Senate & House have passed a bill that would ban any state or local government agency from requiring facemasks to be worn in their buildings. It got no support in either chamber from minority Democrats.
Two more bills restricting responses to the coronavirus pandemic are heading to Republican Gov. Doug Ducey’s desk, including one that would impact the ability of future state leaders to respond to another airborne-spreading disease and a second blocking the state from ever requiring schoolchildren to get a COVID-19 vaccine
“Did not know that Allah Almighty worked for Billy Eugenics, Pappy Rockefeller and the rest of the Eugenics Gang did one? Well now you know.”
i hope not. i want a seriously better future.
Well for sure God doesn’t look like that…
Get out of here, you ridiculous, arrogant prat.
And take the moron who installed you in your current position with you.