The WHO is changing their International Health Regulations…& that’s NOT good
Kit Knightly
Audio Version New Feature!
May 22nd is the start of the World Health Organisation’s 75th annual World Health Assembly, in Geneva. Funnily enough, that’s the same day the World Economic Forum’s DAVOS summit begins over on the other side of Switzerland.
A coincidence, to be sure.
In the run-up to these big days on the globalist calendar, there’s been a lot of discussion of the WHO’s proposed “pandemic treaty”. Everyone from Russell Brand to GBNews has been talking about it, and that’s good.
The treaty represents a huge threat to national sovereignty and individual liberty, with proposed clauses including international digital IDs and even incentivizing third-world nations to exaggerate or even create future “health emergencies”.
So, you can’t have too much awareness…but it also shouldn’t be our exclusive focus.
The treaty is only in the very early stages, with even the earliest draft version not expected until August, and likely no vote on it until 2024.
But what’s expected to be voted through next week is the US mission’s proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR).
This is what should currently be our major focus.
What are the IHR?
The IHR are the WHO’s empowering legislation, setting the conditions and limits of its powers. Any amendment of these rules has almost-immediate global impact.
While this may not represent a threat to freedom on the same scale as the “Pandemic Treaty”, it is certainly more pressing. It’s also much easier to put in place.
Where a brand new treaty requires months of drafting and then the signing by each of the 194 WHO member states, an amendment to pre-existing legislation can be passed with simple vote at the Health Assembly.
In this way, they could even use the Treaty as a smokescreen.
You can even argue the prospect of the treaty two years down the road is a distraction from the rules they could pass as soon as this Sunday afternoon. It’s not impossible.
What are the new rules?
The amendments to the IHR were first proposed by the US mission to the WHO back in January, they are long and rambling but if you’re so inclined you can read the entire document here.
We’ll pick out the most concerning changes below.
Speeding up the process
The last regulation amended is the first we’ll look at here. Article 59(1) of the IHR currently states [our emphasis]…
The period provided in execution of Article 22 of the Constitution of WHO for rejection of, or reservation to, these Regulations or an amendment thereto, shall be 18 months from the date of the notification by the Director-General of the adoption of these Regulations or of an amendment to these Regulations by the Health Assembly.
The US proposal would totally remove the bolded mentions of amendments, and add a new sub-clause reducing the execution deadline from eighteen months to just six…
The period provided in execution of Article 22 of the Constitution of WHO for rejection of, or reservation to, an amendment to these Regulations shall be six months from the date of the notification by the Director-General of the adoption of an amendment to these Regulations by the Health Assembly. Any rejection or reservation received by the Director-General after the expiry of that period shall have no effect.
This means any regulations voted on this weekend would be expected to be fully enforced by the end of this year. Much sooner than any treaty could be in place.
The “compliance committee”
The amendments add an entirely new chapter to the regulations – Chapter IV – creating what they call the “compliance committee” (CC). The hypothetical committee would consist of unelected regional “experts” whose job would be to assess how well each member state is enforcing the new rules.
Among the many responsibilities of this panel of technocrats, they would be authorised to [emphasis added]…
Make recommendations to a State Party concerned and/or WHO regarding how the State Party may improve compliance and any recommended technical assistance and financial support.
“Financial support” is just international bribery. Essentially, the CC will be empowered to hand out kickbacks in return for national governments agreeing to play along with a pandemic narrative. We saw this during Covid, where the sudden death of COVID-sceptic Tanzanian President John Magufuli was swiftly followed by a reversal of his Covid policies and a 600 million dollar loan from the IMF.
We discussed this aspect in our last article on the Pandemic Treaty.
Loosening the definition of “pandemic”
The IHR is the legislation which empowers the Director-General of the World Health Organization to declare a disease is a pandemic, or a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” (PHEIC). The amended rules seek to broaden this power considerably in the following ways:
1) by allowing a PHEIC to be declared in the event of a “potential” emergency…
Art 12(2) […]If the Director-General considers, based on an assessment under these Regulations, that a potential or actual public health emergency of international concern is occurring
2) by creating an entirely new class of “public health incident”, the “intermediate public health alert”, a term which is given absolutely zero definition within the document and seems to be entirely at the whim of the WHO’s DG:
Art 12(6) Where an event has not been determined to meet the criteria for a public health emergency of international concern but the Director-General has determined it requires heightened international awareness and a potential international public health response, the Director-General, on the basis of information received, may determine at any time to issue an intermediate public health alert
3) by empowering regional WHO directors to declare the (also brand new) Public Health Emergency of Regional Concern (PHERC):
Art 12(7). A Regional Director may determine that an event constitutes a public health emergency of regional concern and provide related guidance to States Parties in the region either before or after notification of an event that may constitute a public health emergency of international concern is made to the Director-General
Emergency Committee
Unlike the “compliance committee”, the emergency committee (EC) already exists in the old IHR framework and would be formed at the request of the Director-General after declaring a situation a PHEIC. The panel would be composed entirely of hand-picked members of the “IHR Expert Roster”, and would last as long as the DG said it should.
That’s bad enough, but the new rules would drastically change the composition of the committee.
Previously, Article 48(2) on the EC’s composition read…
At least one member of the Emergency Committee should be an expert nominated by the State Party within whose territory the event arises
The amended version reads…
Members of the Emergency Committee should include at least one expert nominated by the State Party within whose territory the event arises, as well as experts nominated by other affected States Parties.
Yes, any “affected states” now get an auto-place on the committee. In case you were wondering an “affected state” is defined in Article 48 as:
[A] State Party either geographically proximate or otherwise impacted by the event in question.”
…an incredibly vague concept which could be applied to virtually any and every country in the world, and on a completely ad-hoc basis to control the narrative.
There’s good news though, at least this unelected group of technocrats to be given emergency powers during a pandemic (or “potential” pandemic), will be nice and diverse…
Art 48(2) […]The Director-General shall select the members of the Emergency Committee on the basis of the expertise and experience required for any particular session and with due regard to the principles of equitable age, gender, and geographical representation
Equitable tyranny is the BEST.
Undermining Sovereignty
The attack on national sovereignty contained in these amendments isn’t just a single clause or wording change so much as the recurring theme of the document. The very purpose of every change they propose involves weakening the individual nation in favour of the “Emergency Committee”, the “international community” and of course the WHO itself.
There are literally too many instances to count here, but here are the most egregious examples.
Article 11(3) used to read “WHO shall consult with the state party”…
the new text reads “WHO shall inform the State Party”.
Clearly and obviously revamping the language to establish a power dynamic. In these terms the WHO now outranks the nation-state.
Article 12(5) used to begin “If the Director-General, following consultation with the State within whose territory the public health emergency of international concern has occurred”…
the new wording reads “If the Director-General, following consultations with the Emergency Committee and relevant State Parties“
In fact, throughout the entire document, virtually every instance of the phrase “the State within whose territory the emergency has occurred” is replaced with the “the affected state parties”.
As discussed above, the definition of “affected states” is so vague that almost any country on Earth could claim to be one. The practical effect of this will be to dilute the power of an individual state to control its own health policies, whilst simultaneously allowing more powerful countries to barge their way into any “emergency” and control the narrative.
But most troubling of all is article 9(1), which concerns third-party reports of public health emergencies – meaning reports not formally submitted by a government regarding its own public health, but rather by an outside source.
This regulation currently reads [emphasis added]:
WHO may take into account reports from sources other than notifications [from National governments] and shall assess these reports according to established epidemiological principles and then communicate information on the event to the State Party in whose territory the event is allegedly occurring. Before taking any action based on such reports, WHO shall consult with and attempt to obtain verification from the State Party in whose territory the event is allegedly occurring.
The new draft of this clause totally removes the bolded sentence.
Meaning that, under new rules, the WHO could receive third-party data claiming some new disease had killed thousands of people in Country X, and would not have to verify this data with Government X before declaring an international pandemic.
This totally disempowers the nation-state, whilst handing huge powers to these “third parties”, including foreign governments and intelligence agencies, multi-national corporations, NGOs, think tanks and international agencies (including the WHO itself).
Do you see the pattern here? Do you understand the fine interlacing of narrative control these amended rules actually create?
Under these rules, the machinery is put in place that can create a “potential pandemic” out of thin air whenever they want.
- Step 1: Some Big Pharma lab can report exaggerated/doctored/made-up data to the WHO, claiming a health emergency in some Poor African Country.
- Step 2: The WHO, no longer having to verify this data with the named country, immediately declares a “potential emergency”.
- Step 3: Under the “potential emergency” rules, an Emergency Committee is created.
- Step 4: Since any “impacted nation” automatically gets a seat on the committee the US/EU/China will always be able to insert their own “experts” into any “emergency” by claiming they are “impacted” due to trade routes or financial ties or human rights or…whatever.
- Step 5: The “experts” placed on the panel “confirm” Big Pharma’s data (without ever revealing many of them either have worked or still work for Pfizer/Merck/GSK et al.)
- Step 6: If the Poor African Country denies there is any health emergency within their borders, they will be brought before the “compliance committee” which will review their healthcare infrastructure, find it wanting, and offer them “financial support” and “technical assistance” to “better detect possible pandemics in the future”.
- Step 7: If the Poor African Country’s president knows what’s good for him he will immediately realise he does have a pandemic going on after all. If not – his health may take a speedy decline.
Obviously, most third world countries will take that money without hesitation, because they are desperately poor and/or corrupt.
And just like that…you have a pandemic.
The reality is that, as bad as the Covid19 “pandemic” was, it was also only a test drive. From the moment the narrative rolled out, the people running it were taking note of what worked and what didn’t, what they had the power to do, and where they fell short.
Now, while most of the world is distracted by Russia’s “special operation” in Ukraine, they are putting the first legislative steps in place that will make the next “pandemic” a much tighter net.
In case you think this might be a distant prospect please recall that Bill Gates and his ilk are already and repeatedly talking about “the next pandemic” and suggesting it will be “worse than Covid”.
With these new rules in place they’re going to prove themselves right.
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Geneva, May 30: WHO Forced into Humiliating Backdown
The WHO has said that gun violence is a pandemic. This could be a way to at least in part do away with the 2nd amendment.
Tisn’t healthy who said it at the World Health Organisation? I don’t want to see guns in villages Towns Cities do you. Some people are just full blown daft.
Info on Leaving the WHO & watching the WHO meeting:
Medical totalitarianism will be met by the masses looking to wipe out the totalitarians.
It’s called war and people always die in wars…..
“Public Health Emergency of International Concern” (PHEIC) [ FAKE ]
Mystery solved.
I don’t care what they do in the TURD world, I don’t care how much alphabet soup agencies they create, and I could care less if Bull Gates wipes his ass or not after a No. 2.
None of this applies to America. We have a Constitution that is the SUPREME law of the land and we don’t obey anything else.
And anyone that tries to apply it to us should be arrested and hanged for sedition and treason.
Did you all hear what Mama said..It’s under the Big Double YA.
All of this, based on medical ignorance about viruses. Pasteur admitted, at the end of his life, that he was wrong about germ theory and that what truly matters when it comes to infection and disease is the body’s inner TERRAIN. And yet, western medicine bases everything on the germ theory. Think about it. There is far more profit in society being sick and dependent on drugs & vaccines to create a false sense of health. There is no profit in prevention – creating a healthy terrain (immune system). “All “disease” is SYSTEMIC. How do we know this? Because of detoxification. When you clean out your body’s gigantic sewer system, your Lymphatic system, your diseases and conditions cease to exist. It’s hard to imagine in this day and age, but very little is actually known or understood about the body’s Lymphatic system. The Lymphatic system is almost three times larger than the blood. It is the system where 99% of all pain, inflammation, diseases and conditions originate. It is your body’s gigantic sewer system / immune system / lipid carrier system / lubricating system. Lymphatic fluid carries a host of substances that need to be removed from cells, as well as substances that are used to protect the cell. They include (but are not limited to) parasites, yeasts, fungi, warts, viruses, bacteria overloads, worms of all types, flukes, molds, metals, sulfur accumulation, spirochetes, damaged cells, gases and toxic metabolic wastes, ureas, salts and ions, fats, glucose, excessive unused proteins, hormones, steroids, enzymes, chemical toxins, chemical medications, dying body cells, unused nutrients …esp. artificial vitamins, etc. It’s not about the bacteria, the parasites, the virus, or the spirochetes. It never was! Like mosquitoes to a swamp, it’s about what they are attracted to …a backed-up, stagnant, sewer system. It’s about the… Read more »
May I carry on please? When I first realized years ago that the germ theory was false, my biggest issue was to understand that then how ‘infections’ ‘spread’. I also noticed that there were things what spread but no one would have called them infection: laugh – when someone starts to laugh and everyone joins, same with yawning, or the menstrual cycle of women who work together.
Only recently I found the answer. The Montaigner experiment – not only him but it became better known via his name. A little video on YT can explain it better I would be able to. 7 Water & Electromagnetism – well worth to watch it because the Power uses this knowledge – against us.
No, you found out later thanks to the internet whatever it was yourself wanted to find from 1955.
It’s one of the reasons much younger children around the World can excess the Web.
Do you wash your hands when coming in from 123, well?
How about Airports National International travelling. Post 1955?
These are not controversial questions without driving into Science or Medical anything,
How do we know this? Because of detoxification.
Because many experiments to demonstrate infection by pathogen have failed – for centuries.
So what happens to “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do”, when they know precisely what they’re doing?
Just leave me alone in a room with one of these pseudo-scientific, official public-media-representative specimens for 10 minutes. I’m not their father, so I don’t have to forgive them.
Astonishing to think I lived a good few decades of a pretty long life without dreaming that such evil could get away with existing on planet Earth…
Not one of history’s notorious criminals has ever surpassed this atrocity for its scale and its sheer robotic callousness.
Mr Putin, would you be so kind to drop the TSAR on Davos? Thank you! Byyyee!
PS: Name it Z or Q or whatever, just drop it…
I am sorry, but he is one of them.
The Trotters have gone bananas:
“Over 100 monkeypox infections detected in 10 countries as unprecedented outbreak spreads globally”
But our Impeccably Scientific Trots continue to emphasis …. THE FACTS:
“The fact that this monkeypox outbreak takes place amid the deepening COVID-19 pandemic has caused unease among a growing number of people, particularly those who have been alerted to threats to public health by the COVID pandemic.”
Angry time:
“…criminal negligence … deliberate mass infection …have needlessly killed…”
Building up to The Big Explosion:
“If capitalist society has disastrously failed to stop the preventable spread of COVID-19, what will transpire in the coming weeks and months with new or previously rare infections?”
Coming weeks and months? Don’t you mean years and decades? Of course you do!
Also note:
“Asymptomatic transmission is theoretically possible.”
So get ready for the next voodoo virus that you won’t know you have till your tested!
Meanwhile one comment from “John”:
“Can’t catch a break. Two potential pandemics at the same time. One causes causes (sic) brain damage while the other messes up your face.”
Since you are now double typing words, John, I reckon you better check for brain damage yourself.
“At a time when Capitalist governments are getting rid of any measures such as masking, social distancing, and contact tracing.”
Yes indeed John, lets’ prove our ardent Leftist credentials and hasilty re-install these much needed chains!
“Let’s be honest if left up to these psychos, monkeypox will become a pandemic.”
Shhh John! At least give us a “spoiler alert”!
Perhaps Trot Inc. are trying to establish their evolutionary credentials as the new King of the Swingers?
A two year old can pass on chickie pox cheeky monkey.
Saliva into blood leaking past the surface organ skin layer of a living adult onto entreing into the adults blood stream of the same species.
Bamboo Grandad has forgotten since he were a young-un.
It’s not really different from any other ‘monarchy’ or dictatorship – sheer greed setting itself up against the general population.
We really should know how to deal with such specimens after so many centuries of experience…
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-05-18. Pfizer’s huge fraud in its jab research. 70 Secret Royalty Payments @ NIH. Severe pemphigus vulgaris (blog, gab, tweet).
Dear Editors! Dear Mr. Knightly!
On behalf of “VETO on pandemic treaty” Community thank you for the article The WHO is changing their International Health Regulations…& that’s NOT good!
We translated it into Russian, published it on our Telegram-channel and shared it widely.
Best wishes,
Elena Kalle
Community’s Telegram-channel Moderator
Excellent Kit, thank you.
It is interesting that at the end of this essay the term of ” special operation” is used concerning the facts that NATO has expanded breaking the verbal and written treaty with the USSR. That it has installed missile sites and NATO bases in these countries.
Moreover, it has invaded Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan on false claims and has instigated a coup to install a Nazi regime in the Ukrainian which has been attacking the people of the Donbas for 8 years.
At what point will these facts be put into inverted commas?
Treaties are meant to be broken as soon as money changers rearrange themselves on their musical chairs. See historical progressions and declines of the Hapsburg Empire….
That is the point the West cannot be trusted to honour treaties as for example, the Poles discovered and Ivan Maisky, USSR ambassador to the British Empire from about 1931 – 1943, revealed in the duplicitous behaviour of them leading up to WW2 which could have been avoided, just like the Special Military Operation in the Ukraine.
Fertility Rate: 1950–2020
With Perspective from
Source: Our World In Data
# of Children per Woman
Thank God (or some other billionaire) that we have never ending wars that sent an exiled population to a Western country, so that cheap labor will be provided continuously. And let the rest of the world turn back into a giant forest, similar to the world as shown in Zamyatin’s We.
The vaccinations are speeding up this process.
It’s gonna be awesome in 20 years when about 250 million of the original 7 billion of the population remain in some closed panopticons and where a few 1000 insiders really rule the world, forever…
Me thinks it’s not gonna work, but must admit that they are definitely trying.
It’s Election Day here in Australia.
Looks like we may get a ‘new’ government or have a hung parliament.
The hung option sounds good.
12 greens senators will really piss of the majors, ALP 72 and ahead in 8 undecided, liberal vote fucked – Wilson, Falinski, Zimmerman done by great women. Goldstein returned to a major feminist in the image of the Vida, Greens win Ryan, maybe finally get rid of Terri Butler, no one nation, no uap, no liberal democrats. This was a vote against the liberals pure and simple, collapsed in WA, and for independent thinks, Greens and ALP.
Even after all the filthy liberal rubbish Bandt, Wilkie, Sharkie, Steggall all massively increased votes
Is it not true that Russia intends to leave WTO and WHO amid western sanctions that violated WTO rules and stopped WHO funded research involving western Big Pharma in Russia? Ustinov is why who as among all vicious sanctions they did not include ban on export of pharmaceuticals.
Apologies if anyone else has pointed this out but the grand deception here is to trick us into forgetting that our inalienable rights stand firmly in the way of these regulations being implemented in the law. It only takes one case in court with a sovereign man or woman standing their ground holding a judge to their oath as a judge to collapse the whole narrative. This aspect of our freedom is almost without exception forgotten by the resistance.
Hello Zarbi: Shuuuush! You’ll wake the babies…
Hi Paul! They are certainly sound asleep aren’t they.
sorry if this has been posted before – but there was a “tabletop exercise” about weaponised, vaccine evading monkeypox performed at the Munich Security Conference, March 17, 2021:
PDF here:
so this could well be the equivalent of Event 201 but for monkeypox.
There is a timetable in the PDF, lets see if they stick to it………
Just in time for the online harms bill disinformation squad the online created pox.
I think it’s time to take a hard look at the entire matter of “Russian resistance” i.e. the notion that Russia presents some kind of alternative power to the encroaching global dictatorship. And Russia Today presents a good way into this debate. First giveaway: easy availability of the RT channel. My mother doesn’t have satellite TV and yet – up until its high profile banning (more on that later) the channel was accessible to her. Second giveaway: the alleged mass sexual assaults in Cologne at New Year. This was the vastly unlikely tale of Arabic immigrants assaulting our precious white women in Cologne which was accompanied by photos of violated women … taken from innumerable other times and places. It was also “illustrated” by various German publications displaying the kind of incendiary images not seen since Nazi Germany (a naked white woman in a fetal position covered in black hand prints, a black and white diagram with the white area shaped like a naked woman’s legs and the black between them shaped like an arm reaching up, the outsplayed fingers doubling as the woman’s genitals). Every single outlet uncritically recycled this crap including RT. (And it says a lot that the now lethal WSWS was one of the few channels to call it out for the fraud it was. Back then it could still stand as genuine opposition …. but it was waiting for its cue via covid.) So what does this suggest? That we have an extremely sophisticated propaganda system in which there is the superficial story churned out by the most visible of the mainstream but also a secondary layer represented by e.g. RT. And the show they give is really quite brilliant. Hence the aforementioned banning of RT and other channels posing as oppositional, the wall-to-wall seamless vilification of Russia taken… Read more »
Before RT News was banished entirely in the US (apart from Internet access), I watched it regularly– first on a local “public TV” startup that shut down abruptly, then on my computer in streaming mode. When the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic was launched in March, 2020, I was actually shocked that RT immediately became a strident purveyor of official scamdemic-mongering; I was appalled that it led off its hourly newscasts with a rolling Koosh Ball of Death “COVID-19” logo and (bogus) COVID infection/death statistics, presented in a screaming large font. Their pro-scamdemic propaganda was so off-putting that my attempts to pick and choose my viewing gave way to simply abandoning it entirely. I always recognized that it had obvious biases and “hobby horses” it loved to ride; one was a penchant for showcasing cultural contretemps and scandals in the EU, typically arising from non-traditional identity-politics (now “Woke”) conflicts and/or the influx of immigrant untermenschen. RT didn’t call them “untermenschen”, but they eagerly reported stories of “immigrant” violence and mayhem committed by terrorist and/or criminal foreigners. I don’t know if Peter Oliver is still their principal Germany-based correspondent, but although I found him personable enough, he had a gift for presenting these sensational “scandal” stories with palpable schadenfreude and an incipient smirk. I’m not sure if his demeanor arose from his personal feelings, or if he was/is able to assume it at the behest of the RT producers. Anyway, I too immediately saw through the über-xenophobic Cologne “mass sexual assault” story. I’ll refrain from dusting off several long-winded critiques I wrote about this obscene fraud over the years; the critiques were partly occasioned by RT’s tendency to refer to the manufactured “Cologne incident” over the months as if it were an established matter of fact. BTW, I used to visit WSWS daily and… Read more »
Covid IQ test:
:- What science justified the following?
— PCR testing, and change of established certification of cause of death
— Reversal of findings on masks, social distancing and school closures
— Changing definitions of case and pandemic?
— Claim that all severe harm from the time of the 1st. jab to 14 days after the 2nd. is
unrelated to the jab.
:- Are these restrictions not likely to cause flu-like symptoms?
— masking and double-masking
— less sunlight and exercise due to curfew or quarantine
— crowding with the family due to curfew
— destitution and no usual exchange of microbes due to curfew, quarantine or distancing
— withholding usual treatments for flu.
:- How did flu, a supposed major threat, disappear c. 2020-04 and reappear c. 2021-11?
:- Did governments expect deaths to increase or decrease after stopping treatment of all severe illnesses other than “covid”, even in “covid” patients? Why did some governments revise their death statistics downwards?
:- What was the “science” justifying the jab, and related coercion. Why jab the “most vulnerable” first? Why was the jab useless in preventing infection, transmission and hospitalisation?
:- What justifies continued imposition of the “emergency-approved” jab after the approving the proprietary pills as treatment?
:- Why is full approval for the jab still pending? In USA, why is the single approved version unavailable?
+ the all important trigger to the promotion of most of the measures: reversal of findings on asymptomatic transmission
Plus…Why are pharmaceutical companies immune from prosecution ?
Search for the Cutter incident.
definition of “affected states” is so vague that almost any country on Earth could claim to be one
Ambitious provinces could also use this angle to gain more independence.
Vive le Quebec libre ..(Tabarnak) …!
Which wouldn’t be against the NWO – they’re attacking nation-states from any angle. Balkanisation didn’t exactly do the Balkans any favours…
It has been a long-standing policy of the Empire to break up every big country. Ironically, it is now under the same threat itself.
We’re witnessing an attempt to replace the now-failed strategy of brainwashing people with bullshit about God getting pissed off at people for not toeing the line and punishing them with having their ass fried in Hell for ever and ever after death (how convenient that nobody can verify this crock of shit, eh?) with bullshit about viruses that will send the unrepentant dissenter to the ICU and choke to death in terrible pains (the going to Hell still applies, of course, for the gullible souls that haven’t seen through this crap even after more than two fucking thousand of years). How convenient that nobody can verify any of this shit, nobody’s ever seen a fucking virus.
Will the fucks succeed in replacing Vatican with wherever the fuck the WHO has its headquarters and the Pope with the shithead Tedros (FFS, why they didn’t pick somebody less disgusting than this clown? It’s adding insult to injury to listen to this repulsive persona)? Good question. As fucked up as the education system is as per Carlin’s “making people smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork”, the world’s population is now better educated than ever. Plus, and more importantly, there is the Internet and other means that allow disseminating information in real time and providing people with facts – some true, some false, but people have to sort that out. So, there is a good chance that enough people won’t let the fucks pull wool over their eyes. They’ll still have to make the next step, which basically consists of one way or another of figuratively or, better still, literally smashing in the face of the nearest covidian motherfucker, and we shall see how many have the balls to do that.
Personally, I’m optimistic.
From Pepe Escobar:
“we can expect full exposure of the Pentagon bioweapons racket. Despite Austin’s hour long telephone call to Shoigu the only plea left to the U$Goverment would be for Uncle $cam to present something *tangible* to the Russians to avoid a full investigation.
Especially when documents seized by the Russians show that Big Pharma – via Pfizer, Moderna, Merck and Gilead – was involved in several inhuman “experiments” on humans. Fully exposing the whole maze, from the start, was one of Putin’s stated objectives.
[Exposing the sinister U$ bio-labs behind Dr.Fauci’s Frankenstein Covid-19 virus $cam was a publicly stated objective for Russia and China, long before Pharma $cam Con-19 morphed into Armaments $cam Con-Azov. — NickM]
A joke from Uncle Bob:
Biden finally lapsed into a coma but was kept on life support. He woke up after twenty years, and went out for a cup of coffee.
He asked the waiter “How did the war in Ukraine end?”.
Waiter: “It ended well.”
Biden: “Glad to hear that. How much is the coffee?”
Waiter: 3 Rubles.
WHO rules ? (?).
Is not a question.
It’s a terrible Truth.
What power does the WHO have? Does it have tanks? No? Then it is merely a front for the USual Suspects.
When needed, the head of whichever criminal family is occupying the White House will issue orders to the puppets nominally in charge of the client states and they will obey, and cite WHO rules as justification. But it is just a front.
why are you trying to reassert the dying order in the face of obvious facts? The US is finished. The new center of economic power will be China/Russia within a globalist model that sees increasing amounts of control ceded to supranational bodies such as the WHO.
That’s one pretty bold assumption! While control by supranational bodies, or an attempt to impose one, is likely; it’s already reality, not sure about China/Russia being the center of economic power. Even though from the viewpoint of resources and energy, they sure are well positioned for that role.
Watch this – if you don’t understand French, you can probably use translated subtitles.
Here is another interesting idea, suggesting that another country with huge potential is notre petit Canada. Especially if there is some truth to the fact that the climate is warming up (not sure if warmer temperatures would get rid of the blackflies a.k.a. mouches noires in the north though … 😀 …!).
The WEF is openly promoting Russia as the new center of global finance
A WEF chart is interesting only in the rapid decline of social economics since 1968 in the British isles.
A question could be to what purpose does it claim to represent “The World…….?
The US as a nation state might be finished Sophie, but the MIC, Big Pharma, the MSM and Social Media won’t just lay down and die.
“Does it have tanks?”
So it’s not been about half a century since Brzezinski wrote it’ll be cheaper to control a million people than to kill them? The main theorist of “soft power” Joseph Nye isn’t on every powerful body one can think of?
The main C20th wars didn’t reduce populations and shatter belief in nation-states as they’d hoped. Populations bounced back (“the baby boom”) and nationalism remained strong. The preference for soft power over hard power isn’t because they are good guys or squeamish about killing large numbers… it’s simply that they’ve realised it’s more effective in the long run.
They can hire tanks easily enough if they need them. That was Smedley Butler’s point in his famous quote.
There’ll be more than enough mercenaries with no allegiance at all to any one nation, especially once the global economy takes the big nose dive. Of course they’ll hire who they need, when they need it. With mass starvation and violence caused by it, they probably will never need actual tanks, a few drones for the pesky die hard dissident elements could be used very cheaply and efficiently. I’m sure there are more than enough “defense contractors” willing and eager to provide them, at a nominal cost of course, to be funded by willing taxpayers who will scream for protection from those damned idiots who refuse to toe the line for the masters. Snitching will be a way to make a living as well.
The USA was dead decades ago, they are just too stupid to have noticed with only a few lap dogs still licking their boots
The globalist cabal hellbent on establishing the world New World Order, Great Reset or whatever name they will use, are using these “treaties” “amendments” and other narratives as covers for the imposition of the infrastructure for the NWO. The World Health Organization is one of the major vehicles the globalists used both to create the panic by declaring a health emergence when only and handful of incidents existed in a world of a little over 7 billion people and as the perpetrator of the COVID narrative.
These psychopaths and miscreants have done their best to keep the levels of psychosis at at consistently high levels for over two years! Their last simulation before going live, Event 201 showed how the whole world would be duped, disrupted and locked down with billions of people petrified over a flue like illness. The WHO, Johns Hopkins, the WEF, the Gates and Rockefeller Foundations, the CDC, Fauci et al are the fronts for a world wide crime against humanity and a precursor to a global techno-feudal police state. Look at New Zealand, Australia, Canada to see how this will look if they are able to pass this. Five African leaders who opposed the COVID scam died and their policies immediately overturn by their successors but the “fact checkers” see no connection. “Move along nothing to see here” The globalists are emboldened by what they’ve been able to accomplish via COIVD and they are too invested in the NWO to turn back.
We are in a struggle for the future of humanity, There is no neutrality; you are with natural humanity or you are collateral damage.
You can amend any law or regulation. The idea that one can pass a regulation which binds people in the future, beyond all power of amendment, is just too stupidly arrogant.
Yes, provided you have leaders who will resist the draconian regulations. Currently we don’t. Many are part of the technocratic globalist power grab.
The leaders can go fuck themselves.
It’s the people, the sheer number of them, who will ultimately decide.
Leaders? Governments register as Corporations 2008, 40 years after the City went to Central Bank 1968.
Unfortunately the political class don’t think like that.
Gates, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Richard Branson and other billionaires just so happened to invest in a startup artificial breast milk company that will produce formula from cultured human mammary epithelial. This must be just another lucky coincidence that will benefit the same eugenic depopulation monsters that are involved in every aspect of the ‘covid’ and ‘climate change’ frauds. The new firm called BIOMILQ received millions of dollars from an investment fund co-founded by themselves. AND this fake formula that will be produced due to these globalists, will also ‘save the earth’ by preventing ‘climate change’ due to the supposed gases created in baby formula manufacturing.
Good God– when grown men stoop to harming tiny babies– If this doesn’t send them to jail, then I recant all objections to removing them from the planet.
Do read the article.
Forget the wealthy, there are thick as pig shit.
I’am nothing if not perceptive, the hoarding mother fuckers have slowed down hang on in there.
Your the best.
Except that all the jabs cause this (and other) damage. It just depends on where the infernal “spikes” reach.
Also covered in this week’s #NWNW by Corbett and Pilato.
Edwige, thx; I’l check it out.
Monkeypox is smallpox rebranded. It’s a LIE the smallpox vaccine eradicated smallpox in 1980! The vaccine was a total failure and didn’t help anyone. Infectious diseases declined on their own due to improved sanitation, hygiene, cleaner drinking water and improved nutrition.
I’ve just read a mainstream biography of Edward Jenner by Richard B. Fisher (Yale and Oxford). It confirms that Jenner was a freemason (p.149-151) while finding nothing odd in Jenner’s membership having been obfuscated. It resorts to the usual second line of defence that there’s nothing sinister about freemasonry (“a gentleman’s club enriched by symbols and mystery”!).
WHO says as we all just walk away:
“The World Health Organisation (WHO) has described the monkeypox outbreak as “atypical” but two leading scientists have claimed it is not the next pandemic.”
What a relief that is !!
They’ve suspended their Disinformation Board. Ha Ha Ha. Couldn’t take the heat:
“After a flood of protests likening his plans for a federal “disinformation” governance board to the “Ministry of Truth” and “thought” police of the dystopian novel, “1984,” President Biden and the Department of Homeland Security have put the idea on hold.
“According to reports published Wednesday, May 18, 2022, by The Washington Post, the decision came in the wake of what the administration said were “coordinated online attacks” against the board’s proposed director, Nina Jankowicz.
“While the Biden administration has steadfastly claimed Jankowicz is highly qualified for the position, critics — including state and federal lawmakers — pointed to her dismissal of parents concerns about critical race theory being taught in schools as “disinformation for profit.” They also pointed out that she’d called the now-confirmed as true Hunter Biden laptop stories as a conspiracy theory.”
-WA Post, NYT as quoted by Dr. Mercola.
“They stopped just short of calling her bat-shit crazy, saying they would leave that for others to determine”. Ya, obviously this isn’t dead, they just picked a crazy person and had no choice but to pull the plug.
Just who is the “They”..? it is the corporations who have partnered with the nation states, and who are using the treaty and nation state to manage not the global markets, but corporate access to the humans who make up those markets.
Unless humanity soon expresses more than do nothing, and recognizes that to do nothing, means humanity has lost its war against organized crime for its independent right to pursue happiness, which loss to humanity, includes the loss of political, economic and social democracy, humanity will remain slaves for many centuries to come. Everyone born will be the a captive of the nation state and a slave of the corporate monopoly owners. The problem I have with the article is there is no suggested or recommendation action that humanity can collectively take to undo what the corporations have already put into place, and no preventive measure to block, deny or reverse the continuous encroachments of corporate power into human existence.
eman. I agree in general w your comment, but in this particular case we seem to have won– at least for the moment. People rose up & massively criticized the whole concept as well as the particular director– so it is defeated for now.
Musk’s takeover of twitter also seems stymied and of course the Roe v Wade leak was about something that hadn’t happened.
Looks like a pattern of manufactured talking points on wedge issues that aren’t real to me.
It doesn’t matter what the criminals and their criminal organizations say, declare, propose, vote or make law. It really doesn’t matter what the insane or criminally insane say. There are laws that matter. For example murder is the most serious crime everywhere.
Normally we don’t let criminals make any laws, and if they do so, it really doesn’t matter. Fantasies and hallucinations of insane people are just that. They are not reality.
Truth is already known. Crimes of those psychopaths have been exposed.
Trans-national capital is hardly even slowed down by laws. The laws become exactly what they want. Of the 3 branches of government, the easiest to buy out is the judiciary, followed by the legislature.
What’s the point of being a billionaire if you have to play by the law?
“Uh, Breaker One-Nine, this is Rubber Ducky, mercy sakes alive, it looks like we’re gonna need a bigger convoy. Over”. “Ya, Rubber Ducky, this is Breaker One-Nine, Roger that”.
I appreciate Off Guardian for the information you provide and good links or quotes so that I can go to the primary source. No matter how corrupt the UN and its agencies – and yes they are run by humans and we are corruptible and biased in some way or another – it is the best hope we have for the world as the global village that it now is. And it seems that increasing controls are being enforced on nations as individuals in a family of nations, just as they are and will be increasingly on individuals in a human family. So our question to ourselves is, what as individuals do we choose to do about these controls, because our decisions will affect our nation and so the world.
I take strong, nearly offensive, exception to your statement that suggest humanity should submit to corporate power “it[UN and its agencies] is the best hope we have for the world as the global village..”
the UN will never serve the interest of humanity. never ever.. The UN was created by corporate power; the UN will continue to serve the corporations; the nation states will continue to serve the corporate interest and together these mafias will dominate our globe. As for example instead of negotiating with Russia of Ukaine, NATO a purely corporate controlled organization, decided to fight Russia to the Last Ukrainian. Over a million people will likely die as a result of that single failure of NATO and maybe if it escalates into a world war it might actually exterminate our humanity.
What is needed is for the humanity trapped inside of the 256 different nations states to act transparent to the nation state prison boundaries and to organize itself , as the biology given by our maker [humanity seeking human control over our destinies] to manage the earth, and to make something of the gift our maker gave to us. Learning to kill each other is not in the interest of our biology. Making us, prisoners of the nation states, and victims of the UN is not in the interest of our biology; not now, not tomorrow, not ever.
As of 2016, 70% of the W.H.O’s funding was from private donors who, in return get to directly influence the direction of the organisation.
Interviewed as part of the documentary ‘Trust W.H.O?’, Margaret Chan, the previous W.H.O. head, stated that in her opinion that was the biggest threat to the future and direction of the W.H.O., essentially stating that the supposed leaders of the W.H.O. were increasingly unable to control its direction with control of only a minority of budget.
I’m not quite sure how any organisation that can be bought and paid for by private individuals can represent the ‘best’ hope for anything out there in the universe, except further bullying and persecution for the majority of life on earth at the direction of a handful of psychopaths. Funnily enough a few of the same psychopaths who donate to the W.H.O….
Or am I missing something?
“Look, Dr.WHO just saved us from the worst health crisis since the Spanish Flu of 1918. Without lockdowns and vaccinations there would have been tens of millions more deaths. Covid is so dangerous that I caught it even after being jabbed three times but at least the vaccination lessened the symptoms as proved by my being alive to tell the tale.” I only know one person who hasn’t come out with this sort of rubbish, so from my personal experience I guess almost everyone believes it. They will be so scared that they will want even stricter pandemic regulations. Propaganda is all, the truth doesn’t even appear in the equation. I’m counting on the Daleks saving us.
Have you, like everyone else, given up on Chomsky to save us ? Have you, like everyone else, given up on the ‘left’ to save us ? What failed Saviours the ‘left’ and Chomsky turned out to be. As for the Daleks, have you gone off Dr WHO, too ?
Never believed in any of them
Rodney Atkinson on current leaders of “Western democracies”:
President JOE BIDEN, “was named “Mr 1%” because that was the vote he got from Democratic members…..”
KAMALA HARRIS, “is one of the most embarrassingly ignorant Vice Presidents ever.
German Chancellor OLAF SCHOLZ, “a weak leader, taking stands against arming Ukraine and resisting sanctions and then caving in” His grandfather was SS Standartenfuehrer Fritz von Scholz…… [Family motto: ‘I was only obeying orders’]
KLAUS SCHWAB, “dresses in quasi masonic regalia………”
VOLODYMIR ZELENSKY “drug addict and professional comedian known for playing the piano in public with his penis….”
URSULA VON DER LEYEN, President of the European Commission “the second most unpopular German politician in a Der Spiegel poll………”
BORIS JOHNSON “the 3 times married serial adulterer, forced to resign as Vice[?!] chairman for lying…..”
LIZ TRUSS “cringeworthy British Foreign Secretary, who confuses the Baltic with thi Black Sea and Donbass with Russia, an embarrassing display of aggression driven by ignorance …..”
JUSTIN TRUDEAU “first Canadian PM to invoke emergency powers Act, confiscating bank accounts of his opponents.”
Rotten to the core. Pdf showing UK politicians linked to the World Exploitation Fanatics:
Did You Know That The UK Has At Least 21 Politicians Who Are Members Of The World Economic Forum ?
100% are puppets of the central banking cartel.
Canada too. Our Sikh left liberal leader -Jagmeet Singh says “most Canadians was mandatory vaccination.” And there should be “consequences”for those who don’t comply. He ,Trudeau, Horgan,Freelander all WEF.
They are not leaders. They are followers. Followers of the banksters.
FILM made in 2005…
“The film opens on establishing a foundation for the plausibility of a major incident, first in citing historical precedent with the Spanish Flu pandemic that occurred at the tail end of World War I, when soldiers brought home the virus when returning from their service, and then in following a hypothetical trip a young backpacker takes through Asia – he sits on a bus next to a woman infected with bird flu, ingests the airborne virus, and then carries it home with him.
A real-world incident is then examined by the filmmakers, the first recorded cases of the H1N1 virus, which first passed to humans after infected ducks (water born fowl are the most high-risk animals for these kinds of bird flu) were introduced to a chicken population in a small Asian village. When the chickens became ill and died, the farmers didn’t think anything of it and decided to distribute the chickens for free anyhow – which of course resulted in the people that ate them contracting the virus.
As alarming as this was and is, scientists have yet to see this virus be passed from human to human, which puts them at ease about the risk we are actually at when it comes to an outbreak. This carries the film to the topic of what actually causes a widespread pandemic, a virus that humans have no immunity to whatsoever, and that occurs when a major mutation is developed in a viral strain. From there, a number of hypothetical scenarios are discussed by various scientists and medical industry professionals, including some of the political ramifications of these types of incidents.”
Back to pretending The Who calls the shots!
+1 Exactly.
What drives OffG and other Truther sites:
‘‘The people have a right to the truth as they have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.’’ Epictetus (55 – 135)
Which is why deplorably common people (not select Elites) say “Godstrewth”.
I found out today at work that “Partygate” has been amazingly successful. Here comes the wrath of the proletariat geared around the concept that these Tory bastards got away with bending the rules while so many of us down here had to say goodbye to loved ones that we weren’t allowed to even meet. See what they did there? The justified wrath against this utterly bogus ban on meeting the dying (assuming that there were such) is redirected against politicians who were actually doing what we all should have been doing.
Virtually guaranteed device: as long as you give the punters something to feel wrathful about then they’ll be happy to be molded with whatever bullshit you want to sell.
You can take it they are scared, its all getting a bit desperate innit?
When taken in the context of wanting to go see amazing other places on this earth, im resigned that it will unlikely happen.
As regards this shyte coming through my gate? fkn blaze of glory, if thats what it comes to.
Whilst such abstract advice is i admit “limited”, just keep denying them in every and any way you can, its clear we have them a bit “rattled”.
Revolution, like charity, starts at home
Duckman, sometimes there is an issue which mobilizes a nation. I sure hope “fake baby formulas” us it– although I doubt the “real” stuff was exemplary.
And on it goes……
“UK’s COVID alert level reduced – as two rare Omicron types reclassified as variants of concern”
Birthing pains of the NWO.
Remarkable that so few can see it..
“The reality is that, as bad as the Covid19 “pandemic” was, it was also only a test drive. From the moment the narrative rolled out, the people running it were taking note of what worked and what didn’t, what they had the power to do, and where they fell short.”
yup, a drill, said it Feb 2020, and how far did that drill showcase them what they had to tweak?!!
next is worse.
hold yer bootstraps tight!
Proposed amendment to the OG editorial guidelines:
For every article mentioning the WHO, at least one article must be published discussing
/A subscriber
Not just Corbett, but like 90% of the “resistance” commentators and “experts.”
The above isn’t enough! THE WORLD isn’t ENOUGH!!
FUCK ME, ok go call Corbett I’ll call somebody else..
Even ‘truthers’ may be blind on one eye or another. That doesn’t make them a shill.
After which lots of hand wringing and soul searching re: the “bad boy” who has waged this unforgivable attack and much debate over how such a despicable tyrant of a nation can be permitted to “gatecrash” this urgent health discussion. But I have a feeling that all in attendance will somehow manage to resolve their “differences” for the “greater good”.
And so it turns out that the Ukraine issue has been the world’s biggest side show …. well at least for a while.
I suspect because the special operations are linked to forcing price of petrol out of reach so if one want to move it is an electric car….EU devising all sorts of plans for future green energy….they seem to be more dangerous than WHO right now but no one notices this….one needs to remember that some other woman from world bank was babbling about trillions being spent near future for green energy…..this is part of build back better and save us all from poverty etc…that was a year or so ago at some conference….
there are so many distractions being planted it is hard to see the forest for the trees….the organisers of the world as we know it have far bigger plans for lining their pockets than we can imagine most days.
The proxy war between the US and Russia in the Ukraine is not a “distraction”. It may appear that way, due to the way corporate propaganda media presents it. It may appear that way because we live in Guy Debord’s “Society of the Spectacle”. But the US hasnt invested BILLIONS in its proxy war just to provide a “distraction”… The US intends Russia submit…Remember:
War is a fight over who’s gonna be The Boss.
War is a fight over who’s gonna be Your Boss.
(and: The WHO also wants to be your boss)…
Their pockets were ever so full, they got a full new wardrobe of multi pockets coats every year. This time is about something else.
The WHO’s Regional Director for Europe Hans Kluge told POLITICO in an interview on Wednesday May 18 that he had asked the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs about their potential withdrawal and was told “the Russian position is the opposite one.” The ministry told Kluge that Russia intends to continue cooperation with the WHO and has “not sent any proposal to the parliament to withdraw from the WHO.”
The Russian government is starting the process of unilaterally withdrawing from a series of international bodies, including the World Trade Organization and the World Health Organization, the Russian Duma’s Deputy Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy said on Tuesday.
“We have work to revise our international obligations, treaties that today bring no benefit, but instead directly harm our country. The Foreign Ministry sent a list of such agreements to the State Duma,” Tolstoy said. “Together with the Federation Council, we plan to analyze them and to propose to withdraw,” he added.
Tolstoy singled out the international trade and health organizations, saying that “the next step is to withdraw from the WTO and the WHO, which have neglected all obligations towards our country.
So, under existing WHO guidance, Act I of the new drama was played out, and every country that mattered played its part in draconian fashion. Amazing how every country did pretty much the same thing, based on a non-existent unproven virus and a PCR test that tests for no disease at all. Then, after our tolerance limits were noted (very poor, indeed) , we got a “rollback,” soon to be rescinded with Act II ushered in by the likes of the described regulatory changes. Act II will be part of the intended decisive end game.
True enough, except that the authorities aren’t waiting for Act II.
Earlier this year, many pundits and commenters confidently asserted that the Famous Original Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic was finally and definitely winding down. There were various theories and explanations, mostly to the effect that at long last, the Big Lies (a mosaic of Little Big Lies) had finally reached a point of diminishing returns.
Indeed, some of the draconian restrictions were lessened or suspended entirely. Those of us who reported that locally, the essential scamdemic mindset and attitude persisted for both the scamdemic-mongering officials and the public were rebuffed as “defeatists”, succumbing to “learned helplessness”, wrongly assuming that local New Abnormal persistence was the rule instead of the exception, etc.
This morning the local newsradio “top of the hour” headlines informed listeners that a suburban Philadelphia county had re-instituted their school mask mandate effective next Monday. By the afternoon, the Philadelphia school system revived the mask mandate effective immediately; the story described the heroic efforts by the school bureaucracy to notify parents to mask up the kids before sending them to school.
This is because of a “worrisome rise of ‘cases'” in the area. This is the standard fraudulent “casedemic” scam– they’re still using the bogus PCR tests as far as I know.
And it’s still “COVID”– probably an “Omicron ‘variant'”; they haven’t even played the new “monkeypox” card yet.
It reminds me of the old apocryphal country-western song: “How Can I Miss You When You Won’t Go Away?”