Sign the World Freedom Declaration – Oppose IHR amendments

The Health Freedom Defense Fund – a US-based non-profit – has published an open declaration opposing the planned amendments to the International Health Regulations.
Kit broke down the proposed changes in detail in yesterday’s article. Suffice to say, they amount to a massive threat to both individual liberty and national sovereignty.
You can read the full text of the HFDF declaration here, or a (slightly) abridged version below.
The declaration has already been signed by almost 30,000 people, including Robert Kennedy Jr, Dr Sucharit Bhakdi and Naomi Wolf.
To see the full list of signatories, and add your own signature you can click here.
Declaration of Opposition to the Proposed International Health Regulations Amendments
We, the undersigned, oppose the proposed amendments to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) existing 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR) and stand in support of all people’s right to health sovereignty and self-determination.
The United States’ proposed amendments to the IHR are set to be considered at the 75th World Health Assembly, which begins on the 22nd of May, 2022. The proposed amendments, however, create an ambiguity relating to the date they become effective as the proposed amendments expressly state they will become effective six months after the date of notification by the Director-General, whereas the existing IHR provides that amendments become effective 18 months after notification by the Director-General.
If accepted, these legally binding amendments would come into effect for all member states except those that explicitly reject them. Under Article 59 of the IHR, de facto approval is assumed for any member states that fail to reject or take reservation to the amendments.
The existing IHR, adopted in 2005, respect the sovereignty of all member nations. The proposed amendments, however, would expand and codify the WHO’s authority to implement global health mandates in direct violation of national sovereignty and citizens’ rights.
These proposals attempt to eliminate a nation’s autonomy, during times of real, assumed or anticipated public health emergencies, affording the WHO unilateral power in assessing and determining a health emergency and empowering the WHO to dictate policy and response.
All of this comes on the heels of the COVID-19 crisis during which the WHO grossly mismanaged all facets of the global health response by encouraging economy-destroying lockdowns, suppressing early preventive treatments and recommending interventions that have proven to be neither safe nor effective.
Under the guise of health regulations, these amendments would permit the WHO to seize executive governance powers over member states, granting governing powers to unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats.
In sum, the IHR amendments would, among other changes:
- Intensify the surveillance of all countries and their citizens.
- Grant the WHO the authority to tell other member states when one member state isn’t reporting and launch punitive actions.
- Empower the WHO Director-General to declare when and where a pandemic or “alleged” emergency is occurring using undisclosed sources.
- Confer unrestricted powers to the Director-General to define and implement interventions.
- Give the WHO the ability to access and mobilize capital in the event of a pandemic.
- This power grab by the WHO, its donors, and stakeholders represents a direct attack on the political and economic sovereignty of all nations and their citizens.
By repeatedly promoting policies that caused catastrophic economic, social, physical, emotional and mental damage across the globe, the WHO has failed in its mission as global steward of public health and cannot be entrusted with setting policy for all citizens of the world.
Of note, the WHO enjoys immunity from every form of legal action, arrest, and searches of their papers, documents, and facilities.
The WHO should not be allocated more money, power, or authority nor should it be allowed to further control the world’s health agenda or implement biosecurity measures.
Global agreements brokered by unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats must never be permitted to rule any nation.
It is imperative that each nation and territory retain its sovereignty, especially during times of crisis, so that the entire global community can be protected from globally directed policies that primarily benefit powerful financial and ideological stakeholders.
The undersigned respectfully request that all nations and their representatives repudiate such agreements.
We strongly oppose the proposed IHR amendments which would require nations and their citizens to adhere to the dictates of an unaccountable global body.
We oppose any involvement in a treaty, agreement, or other legally binding global document that would hinder any nation’s sovereignty in the area of public health.
We assert that nations and their citizens are best-positioned and -equipped to make health decisions appropriate to their communities.
We demand that the people of each nation be in charge of determining their response to health crises.
As citizens of the world, we defend the rights, freedoms, and privacy of all members of the global community by calling for the rejection of the IHR amendments and the WHO’s attempt to usurp the power and authority of health policy from its rightful place – at home amongst the people.
On May 18, 2022, this declaration was authored and signed by,
Leslie Manookian
Health Freedom Defense Fund
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May 24, 2022: “Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya said at the World Health Assembly in Geneva, at the headquarters of the World Health Organization (WHO), that India was “dismayed and concerned” over the WHO’s recent exercise on all cause excess mortality. India’s main grouse has been that the WHO ignored data that was officially collated by the Centre.”
Suppose we were to replace the appellation “health” with that of “goodness”. We would have:
– The World Goodness Organisation
– The National Goodness Service
– The Mental Goodness Act
– The Goodness Sector
– A Goodness Worker
“Goodness” is good from a provider perspective. Who could object to “goodness”? And the really good thing about “goodness” is that it can mean anything we want it to mean. Only the pedant would ask for a definition; or try to hold us to some sort of objective standard.
The problem with “goodness” from a provider perspective is that too many people see through the scam. When they see a statement that some product is “packed with goodness” they suspect that the claim is just vacuous marketing hype. If there were something genuinely “good” about the product, surely the producer would be more explicit.
Consequently, we, as providers, prefer “health” as an appellation. After all, Orwell once wrote:
Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.
And we like being respectable.
We had a roommate in Cleveland in ’96. Several researchers who shared the flat with us were distinguishing themselves at Case Western. We shared a kitchen and rooms in the flat. One later became a radio d.j. for economic forecasts on the marvelous classical music station, WCLV. That guy, Chris, would make a nuisance of himself at night when we were snowed in, making pancakes for himself alone and swinging his butter knife at nobody and everybody, advertising his sweet meal imbued with “deep buttery goodness”. I was distracted by studies and he would repeat, “deep buttery goodness” and I finally realized one night, he was actually mocking an ad that played all the time on our tv weather channel, to which we were glued, hoping for some release from the blizzard.
The ad touted “deep buttery goodness” so I finally got it.
It seems that ad culture will not stop in its stooping to any inane depth of mind (and sweet tooth) control. And most of us rely on just that for our next purchases?
I approved this advert for the cause, and also, while I’m at it, in praise of true buttery goodness. Yet, there’s not even a single snowflake.
So having just had breakfast, and after reading your comment, I searched the internet and discovered that I’ve been “doing it all wrong!” Though I’ll probably continue melting the butter, regardless.
Likewise, I never bought into the low cholesterol propaganda and always continued with full-fat everything.
https: //
A long-term Swedish study looked at the effect of dairy fat on heart health. People who eat more dairy fat—plentiful in whole milk, yogurt, and cheese—may be less likely to develop #heart disease than people who eat smaller amounts of dairy:
https: //
As I maintain, I want to make my own decisions with regard to “health”.
Ditto & amen. Healthcare by fiat is a curious concept. Above all, when it plays out. Globally.
Healthcare embedded in our lives ubiquitously, by Big Pharma Phiat reminds me all too much, and oddly, of the lbiting “Ballad of William Worthy” by the sublime Phil Ochs (for me, a preference in protest songs to Dylan, and probably one of the suicided, at 35 I believe, showing how the pen is mightier than the sword, and the pen to guitar? It seems, mightier still).
A ballad sample (1st verse and refrain)~
“Well, it’s of a bold reporter story I will tell
He went down to the Cuban land, the nearest place to hell
He’d been there many times before, but now the law does say
The only way to Cuba is with the CIA
William Worthy isn’t worthy to enter our door
Went down to Cuba, he’s not American anymore
But somehow, it is strange to hear the State Department say
“You are living in the free world, in the free world you must stay”‘
That was early in this game. early ’60s?
Peace Out (&RIP Phil Ochs)
(As Dennis Miller always says, “But that’s just my opinion, I could be wrong!” And that’s just from another humble Conspiracy Realist.)
What is “health”?
Dave Cullen
Overcoming The Conquered Mindset
May 5, 2022
Overcoming The Conquered Mindset
This is the guy who was radicaize via the net found the alt right turned to Jesus then got a PR team to give him a new York time article piece on him
Sounds like a free mindset!!!
I’m not promoting Dave Cullen. Rather, I’m asking the question: What is “health”?
To sign anything now means that in some way one gives consent to be ‘managed” in the way we have been. We have gone beyond that, their systems no longer recognise us. I no longer recognise their systems. Fuck em, all of them.
Yeah, their non-profits can go pound sand.
Bright baby graphics web page and RFK Jr, give us a break.
With fronts of brass, and feet of clay.
There is a deep flaw in this document. We are required to identify ourselves as 1) concerned citizen; 2) public servant or; 3) organization. We are learning that all three of the above is a representation and not acknowledgement of a an individual homo sapien, a human being. Citizenship is an abstract representation, not a man or woman. “Person” is used by the Bar Guild to designate a corporate identity, a representation. Organization is also an abstraction. We cannot claim our god given, Common Law or Constitutional Rights as long as we operate under there corporate designations of representations of ourselves. One of the first changes we need to make is to identify ourselves as a homo sapien, a man or a woman, with inalienable rights. Being a “citizen” is taken by the SYSTEM to mean the citizen, an abstraction, submits themselves to the authority of the administrative rule making of the abstract authority that in 2022 is a completely rogue police state that does not operate per Constitutional law or rights. We must assert our autonomy, without the rule-making exceptions of any government, business or organization. If we don’t get this clear up front, we’ll get nowhere.
Only one niggle- I’m a man, homo sapien is just a description in a foreign language, it’s dog latin and out of bounds.
Top comment, that.
Should be pinned.
Like your mindset…
Thank you! Very few comprehend this. This is the key weapon in our arsenal and it’s largely being ignored by most.
So… another declaration!
The last one worked like a charm didn’t it?
The great barrington declaration was a huge success. I bet a glass of Obama’s healthy Flint Water that this one will follow the same road of success.
We are just doing the same stuff we did during the still ongoing OPERATION COVIDIUS and expecting a different finale. Good luck with that fellow MMS/3i’s.
Yes, and also, write your congressman! Take to the streets and chant “Freedom” and “Libertad”! Sign a petition! These measures will terrify the satanists and they will have to abandon their plans!
Better yet, CALL your congressman. For that personal touch.
And if you still have symptoms, call your doctor.
In the new age – one orders a testing kit 😀
Every Big Pharma ad I see at “commercial breaks” ends with the plug, “Call your doctor .”
Man, that’s a lotta calls. A reconfiguration of all sunsets and daylight savings time will be required, globally, so that there will be enough hours in the day.
I’ll spare both of us a comprehensive rant, because this is a “Don’t get me started!” topic that makes my blood boil.
But “call your doctor” is the keystone of the Big Pharma Big Lie TV ad edifice. There was a time when marketing pharmaceutical concoctions directly to the public– on the Boob Tube, no less– was considered impermissible. Surely something as ostensibly “serious” as medical controlled substances ought not to be hawked directly to the general public like dishwashing detergent and dog food!
And there was pushback from the medical profession, insofar as promoting restricted pharmaceutical products implicitly “eliminated the middleman”– the doctor. Allowing Big Pharma to sell drugs like automobiles or cat food came dangerously close to “practicing medicine without a license”.
So an acceptable dodge was devised: as you observe, all Big Pharma drug ads are characterized as “educational”. This poison fig leaf allows Big Pharma and Madison Avenue flacks to coyly pretend that their elaborate melodramas are strictly limited to informing the public that useful, effective, beneficial remedies are available to cure their maladies, or preserve their health (aka “wellness”).
The pro forma “talk to your doctor about X” disclaimer became a mantra. Thus, similar to ads for alcoholic beverages with cautionary captions like “drink responsibly”, or casino ads posting similar “socially responsible” messages recommending “help” for gambling addiction, Big Pharma can blithely deny “pushing” their noxious toxins– no, they are merely showcasing their fine products in order to encourage sufferers to seek authoritative and appropriate medical advice from their doctors.
Bah! Humbug! OK, I guess I “got started” after all. Sorry about that! 😡
Get started all you like, it’s a useful message and bears repeating. My late mum in her last years had a fair share of Rx scrips and would nightly listen to the Big Pharma ads during breaks of all 300 “Perry Mason” episodes (uh oh, more Masons!) that I had “taped” for her in the old VCR and that she loved to revisit and would blow up with hysterical laughter every time they got to the disclaimers about possible side effects, dozens: ” may cause vertigo, haut mal epilepsy seizures, projectile vomiting, massive stroke, aortic shears…” etc etc.
As society articulates ever more twists and turns and techno-pratfalls, as modernity ages out, we are being so overloaded with its ample surplus steer manure.
It reminds me of a newsletter that a great, late Dominican preacher sent to literally thousands of his fans. I already knew he had a great sense of humour, sending out cards from the printers for his silver anniversary of ordination, embossed with a lone quote by W. S. Gilbert of “Pinnafore” fame (his priest had been a Shakespearean actor trained at RADA in London, in his childhood, for “Puck” role, though raised prior on a Québecois reservation):
“I am not fond of uttering platitudes
In stained glass attitudes”
Among his last notes was a consolation, in a difficult time, for the sheer quantity of BS in our modern media-driven lives, and all our miseries, a citation from Proverbs 14:4 which I had somehow missed, or an inadequate translation had concealed the “deeper” meanings, ones that kill:
“Where there are no oxen, the stable is clean. But large crops come from the strength of the bull…….”
22-5-2022: Taipei’s gamble with people’s health: China Daily editorial
Lucky Taiwanese! Not to be locked up at home indefinitely a la Shanghai or lose sovereignty to those WEF creeps at the WHO.
Thanks Emperor Xi for the size of your Ego which puts your re-election end of this year above the well-being of your subjects.
Brilliant illustration Cooper.
The pen that signs this Declaration really is a double-edged sword. The very signing of it implies that the WHO does have a legitimate role to play in “public health” (whatever that means). THEY DO NOT!
So how can one sign something which will be sent to an entity which should not exist at all? Isn’t that a little like putting a tooth under your pillow for the Tooth Fairy?
Clearly we, the slaves, aren’t still ready to do what really needs to be done!
‘the WHO enjoys immunity from every form of legal action, arrest, and searches of their papers, documents, and facilities.’
‘Global agreements brokered by unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats must never be permitted to rule any nation.’
These points alone should ring alarm bells far and wide.
Our bent politicians are selling out the public for money and positions within the NWO. They intend to be the new rulers in that NWO. This they have planned for, over decades. Every one involved in this deception has been committing open treason on their own people.
What cannot be controlled will be culled. These are your new leaders, if you sit back and allow it.
I will be signing this as we should never risk WHO policy, process or diktat being universally accepted by governments around the world and used to oppress, control, track and medically menace the citizens of those nations… Oh!
The IHR amendment is a corporate inspired plan designed to force governments to buy the poisons pharma industry invents, and to force all governments everywhere to be distributors of pharma poisons, and to force consumers of pharma products to be insured by private insurers – so investors don’t have to pay the costs involved.
Governments will be forced to collect, collate, process and report back the data in good form to investor supported pharmaceutical providers. Data the industry could not before get at any cost (people had rights and could refuse to give data to pharma). Now governments will profile and report the biometric data, at tax payer expense, for each pharma customer.. blood, genetics, sweat, spit, nasal fluid, urine, and feces and victim response to pharma poison. Governments will make 100% of pharma market members pharma consumers (something Pharma could not do without government).
Cost to pharma corporations= negative billions (government buys the pharma products whether or not the products are useful or dangerous). Government pays for Pharma research, Pharma gets a patent and copyright on their inventions.
Pharma has no [very low] cost associated to the development, manufacture, or delivery of its products or for the cost of caring for those who are truly victimized by pharma products. Nor does pharma need to pay for cost of collecting data. Everything the industry does will be paid for by the insured taxpayers, including the revenues the pharma is given, the research the industry does, etc. All benefit will inure to the corporate pharma; all cost will be paid for by the insured taxpayer.
Consumers will be required to pay for medical and drug insurance, hence, insurance companies, will profile the biometrics of its insured; and to then deliver the processed data, in well organized reports, back to pharmaceutical industry; again at no cost to pharma or the insurance company. Worse, because pharma has all of the patents and copyrights it will be impossible for an independent developer to compete with any member of the Pharma-government-insurance cartel.
Once again private non human corporations abuse the monopoly powers the rule of law granted to the corporations. Not land grants, but patent and copyright grants. Patents and copyrights are the prison walls, governments are the jailers, the corporations are the beneficiaries, and humanity is the global victim.
Excellent post. Your last paragraph is the take home point. Support of Patent and Copywrite laws (liberties) have imprisoned private entrepreneurs and provide large corporate sponsors with carte blanche controls over the market. This was the intended design of the Patent industry.
Patent “law” establishes a legally protected class with monopoly over markets, and stifles competition.
A curious fact about patents: Albert Einstein is supposedly this scientific genius but how many patents did he hold? Answer: one (and it was for an item of clothing rather than some advanced piece of technology).
Funny how all Eisnstein’s scientific genius didn’t translate into working technoloy…. one might almost think it was a story!
I believe Einstein was a story. Another Masonic fabricated false icon. The patent office is where all the technology and IP is stolen. Sometimes it’s stolen before it gets submitted, at patent law firms connected to the cartel.
Interestingly, SERCO, one of the most evil and powerful corporations in the world, managing prisons, hospitals, military installations, FEMA camps etc, and at the heart of this worldwide pandemic fraud, also runs the patent office.
PhRMA patents are so broad, they don’t just protect their own drug molecule but the entire patent space around multiple combinations of molecules or formulas. It’s called “poisoning the well”.
SERCO runs the patent office? Fox…henhouse…..? Bloody hell.
Another genius who disdained the very concept of Patents was Isambard Kingdom Brunel. He never sought to profit from his many inventions as he flew that the inspiration was God given (though I will need to check that last point).
:- Governments often transfer research findings to a pharma business before patent.
:- All sorts of tricks apply in extending patents.
:- Condidential contracts are simply criminal.
:- IHR will help governments to justify (fight cases against) indemity for themselves and manufacturers.
:- After patent expiry, a manufacturer of a “generic” medicine faces hurdles such as having to repeat tests on the same scale.
Double edged sword. You don’t sign it, then you don’t have a voice in that domain, the way things are supposedly done. Sign it and it happens regardless, you feel you tried but are powerless.
We have been in similar situations a good few times now.
All part of the process, slowly slowly catch the monkeys.
More on Sri Lanks (and dozens of other countries)
Gravitas Plus: Which countries could go the Sri Lanka way – YouTube
A SELF PITY pandemic has hit the failed Liberal Party in Australia.
After being voted out of office, the ex PM was filmed crying at church the following day. And now another ejected Liberal male MP has shed tears.
Sad that.
I wonder if they shed any tears for the Folks who perished during the recent massive fires and floods in Australia?
Nah, and they don’t care about the refugees they murdered, the Indigenous poverty, the homeless, the poor pensioners or disabled, or flood or fire victims, or the commercial victims of the abuse of our neighbours and trading partners. They are not even human
They are human. That’s the problem.
A Grim Situation
Don’t ignore what’s happening in Sri Lanka, it’s coming for all of us | Redacted with Clayton Morris – YouTube
I doubt very much this will come to the UK. All the Lords, Barons, Dukes, Princes etc etc all live here on this tiny Island. And their heartbeat is the City of London.
Indeed. We have been programmed to not identify with so the called 3rd World. We. Have fund raisers and charity’s to help them.
As Sophie Dupin of “AMARC” has pointed out to us all, the better phrase is “Majority World” rather than the diminishing (returns of) “3rd World”.
Yes, the City of London is Tax Haven Central, with subsidiaries in Jersey, Caymans, etc.
However, it’s always possible that MPs get exemptions and the little people’ get mandatory vaccination.
I am sure this is happening in Sri Lanka and I feel for them. At least they have the balls to smash shit up and make it known.
It feels like Sri Lanka and other countries , that kick off quickly, are being used to scare other countries in to conforming. The presenters of the YT video keep saying, this is what’s coming… Fear, riots, long queues, hunger. Again this tatic has been used and it works. “Do you want this where you live?”
Only when all the people stand up and tell the governments to f#&k off will all this bull s#&t stop.
Unfortunately that’s a tall order.
Yet the majority still want to vote a new government in!!
Though the people of Sri Lanka don’t have even water and electricity, the President dares to hang on. It is not over by a long shot.
Maybe demanding closure of the WHO would be more useful. It certainly doesn’t know anything about health only about using other people’s money for its friends’ benefit.
Hello MattC: I think closure should include a couple thousand-pound bombs during the next full session. Any survivors should be molested by groups of caged apes…
Against whom is this toxic combination of elfin safety law, financial blackmail and forced impoverishment really aimed?
“Belarus 40 dollars/10 000 KWh, Denmark 1420 dollars/10 000 KWh”
How many Germans does it take to open a gas tap? Who is behind all these Bad Laws that are ruining Europe?
I smell the blood of the Freemasons. Frankly. Seriously.
Bush (shrub, really) fucks up.
When I was much younger, I once sent a letter to Joe Clark, a former Canadian politician with absolutely no charisma, minister of some bullshit, who had made an outrageous statement about something, probably inconsequential, but the civically minded me felt that it had to protest. I got a response, a generic letter drafted by some underling, telling me that Joe didn’t mean it that way, that I knew shit about shit, and to shut the fuck up. That learned me and I’ve never made the same mistake again.
Hence, I won’t be signing no freedom declaration, for the WHO don’t give a fuck about my signature, and I’ll continue to live a free life instead.
.. and this place is is lot less fun without the upvote/downvotes. You respectfully listened to all our complains and said give it a while .. a while .. until we all gave up complaining. Sort of the way politicians work.
A very funny & pertinent comment on a related article:
~ by disqus-user NobodysaysBOO
(have to scroll down to the bottom & load comments)
We have a new government in Australia.
More Greens, more Independents (mainly women) and a Labor party that may have to negotiate with them.
I know it’s not real change, but at least it’s a step forward and a kick in the arse for Tweedledee and Tweedledum.
Terrible news. The “elections” were obviously rigged. The “greens” were all for tyranny. The “independents” are hardly that. I see a return to the bad times.
In Berlin that combination is following the US like a German Shepard dog minus the intelligence. You shouldn’t put your hopes low enough…
Anyone who calls electing Greens “a step forward” needs a clue because they’re seriously lacking one.
Fake “independents” is likely to become a growing thing as well.
The Greens are the lesser of three evils.
The Independents create chaos.
Works for me.
Five “Independents” who won seats in Australia’s national election on Saturday 21 May 2022 received funds from an Australian Millionaire for their election campaigns.
So what? The major parties collect millions from corporations. Jesus you lot are sure suffering some sour grapes tonight.
Oh grow up
I had two family members who started out late teens as Republicans, later became Democrats, when their particular turf and associates made it cooler, and wound up as “ardent” Greens. If you tracked their reasonings, over 30 years, they couldn’t get much more frivolous or sinister. Or devious.
The New Hypocrisy makes old school vampires seem quaint.
I have nothing but immense admiration for the time/effort/commitment put into the expose of the nefarious shenanigans of WHO and the defacto Sheriff[s] of NOTHINGham, Schwab/Gates, et al.
However, suffice it to say that – we must have reached a critical juncture in our desperation when – WE – the majority need to revert to … a Declaration of Opposition to the Proposed International Health Regulations Amendments, created by a PRIVATE consortium of uber-rich tyrants. I need to question my two brain cells still functioning as to whether there is any point in having a government who feel legally obliged to steal the money of the majority (taxes) … to keep themselves living in the lifestyle they’ve become accustomed to?
Neither Democracy nor Communism exist other than in Utopia …
I oppose the notion of “public health”. However, for those who support the notion of “public health”, please define “health”.
Clean drinking water, nutritious food and hip replacements.
Clean drinking water = Environmental Standards
Nutritious food = Food Standards
Hip replacements = Medical Standards
There is no need to invoke some all-embracing nebulous concept called “health”.
Define “health”? First try defining “public”. Everything “public” has been privatised.
Bechtel Inc went to Bolivia about 20 years ago and bought out the country’s water. When it got too pricey, the indianos, the poor indigenous, began collecting rain water. Bechtel sued them for infringement, or applicable.
When the natives grew restless and rioted in a very organized manner, they drove Bechtel out of the country.
So Bechtel went to Holland and sued them some more, breach of contract etc
That was the last word I heard, some 15 years ago. Most of us have heard some of that poor country’s more recent cries.
Now it’s Master Musk’s lithium and “we’ll coup who we want,” at least as notorious as Marie Antoinette’s “let ’em eat cake!”
I get the idea that we’re living in a post-public world, they are just too busy to change the shingle.
I support the idea that there should be democratically controlled, public agencies – such as the various standards bodies noted above. And in some instances, such as water utilities, I think the services should be delivered via public-owned corporations.
My argument about the notion of “health” as a regulatory remit is that it is indefinable; and that it could potentially cover virtually anything related to life and well-being. Also, it euphemistically disguises the reality of what is actually being delivered; being mostly medical products in the case of the WHO. This implants the erroneous idea that “health” and “medicine” are synonymous.
Perhaps I was misunderstood. I am all for public agency, if manned by non-Naztis that is.
I got the rest, de-regulation (as it plays out is what I have always opposed, that ALWAYS means suspension 9f law, restraints. and so on, and an open backdoor to thieves and buccanneers).
I’m in.
Thanks Maxwell.
Tell em what you think by signing a form!
Not even Jesus Christ can save us.. but i suppose if signing a form makes them feel better then fine?
Christianity was forced on the world by the banksters. It has served them well. Bergoglio flogged the scamdemic with religious fervour.
“The Christian is worse because it is his business to be better. ” ~ GKC