The NHS just edited their Monkeypox page…to make it scarier
Kit Knightly

LONDON, UK - MAY 17TH 2017: The homepage of the official website for the National Health Service in England, on 17th May 2017.
A few days ago the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) edited their Monkeypox page to alter the narrative in a few key ways.
Firstly, they removed a paragraph from the “How do you get Monkeypox?” section.
Up until a few days ago, according to archived links, the Monkeypox page said this, regarding person-to-person tranmission [emphasis added]:
It’s very uncommon to get monkeypox from a person with the infection because it does not spread easily between people.
…this has now been totally removed.
Secondly, they’ve removed this paragraph, which was present up until at least November of 2021 (and maybe much more recently, there are no archives between November and May) [emphasis added]:
[Monkeypox] is usually a mild illness that will get better on its own without treatment. Some people can develop more serious symptoms, so patients with monkeypox in the UK are cared for in specialist hospitals.
The new “treatment” paragraph reads [again, emphasis added]…
Treatment for monkeypox aims to relieve symptoms. The illness is usually mild and most people recover in 2 to 4 weeks […] You may need to stay in a specialist hospital, so your symptoms can be treated and to prevent the infection spreading to other people.
So, they remove that it will “get better on its own”, and again reinforce the idea of spreading the disease despite this being described as “very uncommon” as recently as last week.
They even add a line about self-isolating, which was never mentioned before:
as monkeypox can spread if there is close contact, you will need to be isolated if you’re diagnosed with it.
Finally, they now include a warning you can get Monkeypox by eating undercooked meat, which will doubtless feed into the anti-meat narrative too (oh, wait, it already is).
To sum up, history is being re-written a little here.
Before, monkeypox “did not spread easily between people”. Now it does.
Before, monkeypox would “get better on its own without treatment”. Now it won’t.
It’s early days to say that Monkeypox is going to be the “new Covid”, and maybe this rollout will stall and be forgotten in a couple of weeks, but there’s no doubt they are taking some tips from the Covid playbook so far.
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Wow, someone just shared this link, did not realize it is from 2022. This is just like reading today’s news 2024.
Thank you ! But anti meat narrative is always good ! Meat is murder, and as long as there are slaughterhouses wars will follow… Karma.
Anyway here in Polska people were not that much following crazy Covid1984 restrictions, but you westerners surrender almost totally, shame !
And starting to publish sooo many articles about lockdowns drama… in your countries.
We did publish sooo many articles about lockdown drama, and also protested against lockdown in the street, only to be beaten up and teargassed (even when the main reason for gathering was a vigil for a young woman kidnapped, raped and murdered by… wait for it… an active police officer – and also as a sign of defiance). We weren’t alone here in the UK, the Dutch did the same in Amsterdam, the French in Paris, and other Westerners in other places, too.
This may be news to you, but it wasn’t news to the mainstream media, which conveniently didn’t report much on it, or did so with their typical pro-lockdown bias. Maybe the Off-Guardian and other independent media should have written more about it.
I agree with you that red meat is not the best. But I fear you may be misunderstanding the anti-meat narrative. Meat will not disappear, or be replaced with synthetic proteins. It will disappear and be replaced with synthetic proteins for the plebs. For the right people, nothing will change. It is just another form of increasing inequality and promoting social engineering. You might say, “so what! As long as several fewer billion people eat meat, it is still a win for the animals not born, and not murdered” (as you put it). And if that is everything you care about, then good for you. But if you care about the principles of equality, freedom, transparency and democracy), for us humans, then (1) you would be bothered by the double speak/agenda, (2) you would want everyone to make up their own mind about what to eat and what not to eat (as long as they are not trying to eat you! joke), and (3) you would also note that while everyone (even the poorest) can grow their own chicken, nearly nobody can make their own synthetic proteins, and nearly everyone would end up depending on “our masters” and their corporations for it. Vegetable protein? I doubt there is enough land to replace all meat protein with vegetable protein, and even if the land existed, guess who owns it (the masters or the plebs)? And if you think hard working farmers own the land, guess who owns the patented, non-reproducible GM soy and other seeds to give you your vegetable protein? You guessed it, the same masters through other of their subordinated corporations. So, when all is done and sorted, you would depend on your masters for pretty much anything you want to eat.
But this is a lot to read, a lot to think about, and I’ve put it very concisely, with no references or a fuller discussion, so maybe it’s not so easy to follow.
What is easy to read, and easy to follow are catchphrases endlessly repeated by the “right” kind of media/people: Meat is murder. War will follow!
No need to discuss it further. Happy days!
Your use of the word “plebs” is in the wrong context. It does not mean the elite but quite the opposite,. It comes from plebeian and means the common folk. You and me, that is! You may think I’m being pedantic here and yes maybe I am, but what I am saying is that we are happily repeating things, getting all uptight with righteous indignation without first checking the facts.
The word ‘plebs’ was used correctly – the meaning in this response was opposite to elites – you and me, just as you said.
“It will disappear and be replaced with synthetic proteins for the plebs [the common people]. For the right people [elites], nothing will change.“
Kto ci tak powiedział,TVN? Śmieszny jesteś koleś z tą propagandową wiedzą rodem z tv. Właśnie w Pl był zamordyzm,napadanie milicji na obywateli , pałowanie,gazowanie,nigdzie nie wszedłeś bez kagańca. W UK wystarczyło exempt i nikt o kaganiec nie śmiał spytać. Podczas,gdy w Londynie na protestach było prawie 2 mln ludzi,wy siedzieliście pokitrani po chatach,bo baliście się milicji. Dramat blokad? Człowieku,zobaczysz dopiero jaki dramat będziesz miał w Pl jesieni i wtedy pogadamy.
Deepl translated:
Who told you that, TVN? You’re a funny dude with your propaganda knowledge from TV. In Poland, there was a lot of police brutality, attacking citizens, truncheoning, gassing, you couldn’t go anywhere without a muzzle. In the UK it was enough to exempt and no one dared to ask for the muzzle. While in London at the protests were nearly 2 million people, you sat in the shacks, because you were afraid of the police. The drama of the blockades? Man, you’ll see what kind of drama you’ll have in Pl autumn and then we’ll talk.
NOTE FROM ADMIN: Please post in English where possible. Thank you, A2
Before you didn’t need lockdowns and masks and major social distancing, but soon you will. Before you didn’t need a major crackdown on “misinformation” but now we do. Before we were going to vote in November in the usual way but soon it will be vote-by-mule again.
Repent, you filthy germ laden sinners!
With the power of holy science, the P-C-R and it’s tests,
I bind and compel you with quarantine! Confess!! 😇
“To sum up, history is being re-written a little here.”
Because viruses never mutate and their characteristics remain rock-solid forever?
It’s a fact that viruses mutate and that if more cases of a disease appear than usual, chances are, it’s a mutated virus with somewhat different characteristics. The NHS is simply catching up about what is known about this particular strain.
But I presume that somebody somewhere reads “monkeypox” and God knows what they think is being talked about. So it’s important to make some sort of big deal about it, because some people have lost the ability of dealing with infectious disease in a reasonable manner. Same as they have lost the ability to think in a reasonable manner about all sorts of issues.
I thought that when people had mental health issues that made them dangerous to others, they got locked up, but I suppose that when the numbers go up too much, it isn’t practical. And I guess that there could be some sort of communicable dangerous memes floating around that, much like biological viruses, may be hard to contain. But on the other hand, given that most of the communication happening at any time these days is top-down (from some kind of site or media to lots of people), I don’t put much stock on the notion of ideas going viral just because somebody got lucky. I think it’s far more likely that the average guy is just collateral damage resulting from battles among the elites, with outbreaks of genuine viral memes being pretty rare.
In short, place the blame firmly where it belongs: with people like the author of this article.
My simple mind thinks DonkeyPox and horse deworming tincture
plus CBD oil. Skip the monkey, go with donkey.
Before or after dream incubation, that is.
It’s a fact that viruses mutate, but is it? Allow me to rephrase that; it’s a fact the the industry tells us that viruses mutate, we do not know that because we have no way to know it, and I suspect neither do the ones in the industry, we’re all just repeating stuff.
Pox viruses like monkeypox and smallpox mutate very little, unless they are deliberately edited in a lab. They use double stranded DNA and have error correcting mechanisms. That’s why smallpox vaccine didn’t need to change each year like the flu vaccine.
Not quite. You would (I hope) expect that the NHS advice is evidence based – and by that I mean scientifically-evidence based, not anecdotally-evidence based. Few people recently returned from Africa tested positive for monkeypox and a few others they came into contact with did too, is an anecdote. It’s not science. Nothing follows from this observation. Nothing of scientific value, that is. It wouldn’t even warrant a mention in a footnote on the NHS website, let alone a drastic change in clinical advice.
This overemphasis on fearmongering is something new for the NHS, since 2020. So is the idea that scientific/clinical advice cannot be questioned, ever, by anybody (even doctors and scientists). Go figure!
They’ve already told us that this monkeypox WILL BE resistant to the “vaccine”.( simulation in 2021). They also tell us that in 2023 there will be a revelation that it was in fact a bioterrorist event and that we now need stricter global measures in place to prevent the next “pandemic”. Watch “Monkey Business” on Man In America on Rumble. ALSO…WATCH CHINA’s FINAL WAR as a clearer picture emerges explaining the last 2 years. All of the present day madness are not isolated events EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED and working in tandem toward a final end. The videos lay out that end.
We never had an infectious disease It was a scam Scam after scam after scam Throughout history Never trust an allopathic doctor again We have ALL been poisoned and lied to Wake Up ! Ontario all of a sudden has new money to build several hospitals Very interesting to have even MORE locations to not be able to offer actual human health care unless its cut radiate and chemotherapy Big pharma wants to experiment on you in exchange for a few freedoms ( which can be taken away with non compliance. This is not an adventure anyone would sign up for
Criminals The Canadian government is corrupted and infiltrated by the WEF
Sorry the link: Very good watch.
Let’s get you updated on why this is happening, they are not ignorant of agendas they are on board with.
And what diagnostic tool are they using to confirm a case of monkeypox?That’s right,the good old PCR test…
I’m guessing this is where the monkeypox story is headed:
A ‘leak’ from a Russian bio-lab. Modified monkey pox. Lots of options. China got the blame last time, so why not Russia for this one. India will have to wait its turn.
No cases in Russia thus far. Just sayin’. Not pointing a finger. Not trying to imply anything by it…
Very good point. I think the US, NATO and their colluding allies are trying everything to justify a direct attack on Russia. If we can believe anything coming out of mainstream news sources they are already in a proxy war with Russia, although I’m surprised that Putin would not immediately stamp out any arms supply routes in to Ukraine.
It’s worth listening to Dr Francis Boyle about Bio Weapons Labs in Ukraine.
Pointing the finger at Putin for monkeypox would act as a good cover for the nefarious activities of those US-funded Ukrainian bio labs.
I would suspect that Putin has already stamped out the supply lines. I don’t believe much new is getting through – certainly not in the way of heavy vehicles/artillery. Maybe a few drones, ‘Javelins’, ‘NLAWs’ which could be more easily disguised, given their relatively small size. Drones are a definite threat, given their precise targeting, but would likely require some level of expertise in recipients.
A direct attack on Russia would mean the obliteration of the whole Northern Hemisphere. The whole of Europe and the US would go down at the same time. I’m not sure that’s in anyone’s interest. Even that of any survivors. Thinking radiation clouds. Even a Southern Hemisphere remote island wouldn’t provide 100% protection.
People never learn. We’ve had this nuclear ‘threat’ in a loop from the 1950s to the 90s, of course it never materialised. We’ve had the threat of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of ‘rogue nations’ and ‘terrorist organisations’ from the 70s till recently, which never happened. We’ve just come out of a threat of a ‘global pandemic’ that never happened. A ‘war’ in Ukraine that’s so bad that the country were just made hosts for the next Eurovision, I guess they will rebuild from the ashes in no time. We have a ‘monkeypox pandemic’ looming that you’ll never see in real life while Elon and friends build a city on mars.
It may all be quite entertaining but it’s not real!
There’s a mental pitfall in regarding everything as fake, simply because some things are:
No, I never said everything is fake, only the narratives that come down to us from ‘above’, in particular history and ‘science’. In ‘history’ books in 100 years the covid scam will be portrayed as the ‘big pandemic of 2020’ when millions died but thanks to science and vaccines humanity was saved, and no one who might dispute or question that will be taken seriously or given any platform.
So if in the era of instant communication something like this can be pulled off, you can only imagine how simple it was in the past.
Then we live in a real world, simulation theory is a moronic cop out for nerds and gamers. All around us is real, truth, logic, the laws of nature, creation, and emotions are real. God is real. So I do not believe nothing is real but the reality presented to us by the system itself, we humans like stories and drama more than we like reality in many instances; revisit Plato’s cave.
Good points.
I tend to take the view that “truth will out” eventually, though it may take some time… even centuries…
So: …state sponsored terrorism has changed to bio warfare.
Sick and twisted bastards. Gladio 3.0 started with Corona,
or rather with Novichok to be precise.
MonkeyPoxx is just the next phase. Frighten, MindFvck, Confuse.
Maim, Debilitate, Kill off with a care pathway.
4IR: make the human body a production factory of diseases
and gen therapies. Bridge the contagion gap by the process
of shedding. Leaky is as leaky does.
Some “monkeypox“ info from a “tabletop exercise” to keep the narrative of the next scamdemic in perspective.
Introductory video for the scenario (runs from ~6.47 to ~08.25)
Like the time they ran that tabletop Coronavirus scenario just prior to the actual *coronavirus pandemic. Or when they were running the live terrorist scenario at the same time as the 7/7 terrorist incident in London. Or when they were running that live terrorist scenario over New York when an actual *terrorist attack took play on 11/9. Is there a pattern?
Same for Manchester 22/5.
Theses Drills are just a coincidence.
There’s always a dress rehearsal before the show.
Bingo. Definitely a pattern. Waco. Oklahoma. The Cole “bombing”. Boston Bombing. Sandy Hook. Latest psyop (hoax) in Texas.
And once you start decoding the psyops using Gematria, it’s more evidence of planned fraud, scripted drills and hoaxes.
I wondered about the gematria of the globalist BBB slogan,
but it does not seem that remarkable at this point.
Joe Biden’s Build Back Better plan, more Jesuit Order fingerprints – Gematria Effect News
BBB = 2 2 2 = 3 x 2 = 3 3 = Freemasonry. As in 33rd degree.
“A tyrant needs above all a tyrant-state, so he will use a million little civil servant tyrants who each have a trivial task to perform, and each will perform that task competently, and without remorse, and no one will realize that he is the millionth link in the final act.”
From: Henri Verneuil‘s film I Comme Icare
Release date: Dec 19, 1979
This should be front-page news. Thank you, OffG, for doing the work of journalists when salaried hacks can’t or won’t. Nonetheless, I’d suggest mailing it to some of the most prominent careerists at the BBC and the Groaniad, just so they can’t pretend they didn’t know.
Follow TheScience™, eh? I was going to describe this (and the other alterations) as scandalous, but then I realised the word has become laughably archaic. Whoever edited that NHS page so sneakily will no doubt remain safely anonymous and gainfully employed, As if any powerful bureaucrat gives a damn about honesty or integrity in 2022. The very existence of SAGE shows that misleading and terrorising the public is now official government policy.
Not while the wife of the BBC’s Fergus Walsh works for Big Pharma
Ah yes, Fergus Walsh, the BBC’s Medical Editor (sic), with his BA in English from Leeds Uni in 1983.
His very early TV reports from hospital ICUs in March and April 2020 were just breathtakingly dishonest kitchfests, Handheld camera, plangent piano soundtrack, slow motion, the works — and Walsh dressed up, ludicrously, in a HAZMAT suit, pretending to mourn the victims Really nasty, manipulative and sanctimonious, and horribly kitschy — and this was on BBC NEWS. It was hugely effective propaganda, it had an enormously intimidating influence on millions of clueless people .
I have a particular loathing for that little ferret. (Am I guilty of Hate Speech? So sue me.)
‘Millions of clueless people’, as opposed to what, the ‘clued up people’?
I know personally people with PhDs totally into that narrative, in fact a cousin with a PhD in genetics never asked a question about the validity of the whole ‘pandemic’ and injections.
So, it’s not whether they are clueless, stupid, unaware, etc. it’s what they want reality to be. Most people don’t really care why they follow the ‘recommendations’ they just do and don’t have a problem with it, so they may be empty or have something missing in them but are not clueless, they actively don’t want to know the truth.
Yes, the “educated” class are the worst, including and especially the medics. Thoroughly indoctriinated sincce youth, and handsomely rewarded for never venturing an independent thought.
The paradox of modern life. Everything comes ready-made, sanitised, packaged and standardised, including thoughts and ideas.
Very well said, I share your outrage on this. SAGE? should be renamed to CSMC Cabal for Scientific and Medical Corruption.
Herded of a cliff by evil shepherds (inversion).
Steered and guided in harms way to achieve our premature demise.
Cruel and evil dark arts MF-ers the lot of ’em.
Might we please throw a wrench into this pox?
Yes, provided it’s a monkey wrench
I see what you did there! 😄
part 3
But in reality, as soon as any unexpected event scratches this varnish, our underlying beliefs and fears reveal their presence and their indirect influence.
As long as they are not acknowledged, accepted and transformed, these fears will feed on every area of human endeavour. The intellect cannot think freely and the heart may not love fully, as long as both of them are hamstrung by the permanent task of appeasing our deepest anxieties, which keep trying to re-surface in our consciousness. No technological innovation, no scientific discovery, no external knowledge will ever enable us to avoid this confrontation with ourselves, and – more specifically – with our shadow. It is quite instructive to see to what degree the intellectual and technical knowledge of this century – often quite remarkable – remains captive to the fears that haunt society. We only have to look at the poor state of our planet, at the multiplicity of wars and at the emergence of new diseases, to see how this way of using our inner capacities is unproductive.
Finally, through this increasing awareness and consciousness to which I invite my readers, I hope to encourage greater individual responsibility, be it on the medical or on the spiritual level. It seems inexplicable to me that we should give away our power to whatever external authority (priests, physicians, experts) and then blame them for abusing us with it. Very few people are capable of being totally impartial and disinterested, especially when money and power are at stake. And especially when psychological studies show that the noblest motivations often go hand in hand with more dubious unconscious intentions.
Therefore, taking personal responsibility for our own health, our own inner evolution, and our own life at every level, without rejecting any available help or advice, remains the safest and most rewarding attitude. The obscurantism that endures under new forms will not so much be fought by the lights of science than by the sparks of our own self-awareness, that each one may awaken in himself. At least, such is my conviction.
This text first appeared in CONTINUUM Magazine and is the introduction to the book Médecine, Religion et Peur; l’influence cachée des croyances by Olivier Clerc The book has been published with Editions Jouvence, 1999. France. Olivier Clerc has been working for 20 years in the field of alternative medicine, spirituality and personal development, as author, translator, journalist and publisher. Beside his book on medicine and religion, he has written a book on lucid dreaming (Vivre ses rêves, Helios, 1983) and another about isolation tanks (L’océan intérieur, Soleil, 1985), and was chief editor of a French magazine dedicated to health, ecology and social issues. He was editorial director of Editions Jouvence, Switzerland, until February 2001.
It’s not “our” fears. The reason that science (scientism) is connected to the Catholic Church infrastructure (and before that, the Judaic religious structure and before that, the Babylonian, Pagan etc) and methodology is because it’s the same cartel throughout history, using the same control paradigm.
These are purposefully programmed, subliminal messages of repetition (NLP, words, images and phrases aimed at the subconscious) using mass mind control techniques. The same group (cabal, cryptocracy, cartel) have been perpetrating these techniques on the farmed, debt slaves for thousands of years.
The cabal previously used religion, “you’ll be damned to hell unless you …. fill in the blank.” Then they attempted to create fear narratives using neighboring countries or blocs fighting each other, (when all countries and blocs have the same cartel-cabal ownership). Then, the cabal used government funded, fabricated terrorism, Climate crisis scare narratives, mass shooting hoaxes, and now they (Governments in cahoots with NGOs and cartel owned corporations – PPP) are perpetrating more fear narratives and trauma based mind control by fabricating faux pandemics.
There’s an obvious pattern. It’s not our shadow selves. It’s the psychopathic, mental defectives who run and own the cabal, controlling the narrative in the public domain, using the entertainment sector, the government sector, the communications sector (EMF), the corporate sector and the media sector.
does it say it’s connected to the catholic church structure?
the point is that people will project the spiritual/religious impulse onto anything, and use it in similar ways, science/politics ectr.
when it’s unconscious it becomes the shadow. see jung, or shorter liz greene in: The Outer Planets & Their Cycles: The Astrology of the Collective with important analyses of the charts/psychology of impotent ”influencers” like hitler, marx, stalin, freud, jung, and so on .she’s a jungian analyst as well as an astrologer.
this evasion of taking responsibility and blaming others is what has led to this as well as other terrible situations.
bad people brain washed me ectr.
as jung said, if there’s something wrong in society there’s something wrong in me.
Its implied. It’s one cabal creating all religions, and therefore creating all thought paradigms using duality, NLP, vibrational sounds – languages, occult signs and symbols, herd behavior, fear based mass mind control, indoctrination and repetitious messaging that controls subconscious behavior. It’s not natural. It’s an unnatural, planned manipulation of humanity. It’s ongoing for millennia. Jung was just another Freemason shill. They don’t promote anyone but their own spokespeople.
People need to take individual accountability but ONLY IF THEY ARE AWARE of the truth. You certainly aren’t, because none of it’s accidental and it’s not a coincidence. It’s 100% deliberate. Just like the government using EMR-EMF against the population is deliberate. Just like injecting babies with cancer cells in vaccines is deliberate. Just like the lockdowns are deliberate economic and psychological warfare against the populace. And TV and media are military grade weapons altering brainwaves, spreading propaganda and lies to the populace. That’s but a mere fraction of the warfare against the public, but you appear to be denying the truth that there is a cryptocracy or cabal who deliberately, harm, farm and exploit the majority of humanity. They’re growing richer and more powerful, while the masses lose their lives, livelihoods, freedoms and autonomy. That’s not a coincidence.
The church is still in charge, and the majority of money flows to the Vatican, City of London, the other extrajudicial jurisdictions, then into the group of families that have ruled over the farmed debt slaves for thousands of years.
part 2
Just as the magnetic field of a magnet placed under a sheet of paper controls the way iron filings fall on its surface, revealing the invisible lines of force between the two poles of the magnet, a “religious field” likewise imperceptibly structures and organises the development of modern medicine. Invisible, impalpable, this “religious field” is made up of all the beliefs, myths and values of the Christian – and more specifically the Catholic – religion. In other words, the secularisation of society happened only on the surface. We took away the “iron filings”, the specific religious forms, but we did not change the “current of thoughts”, the underlying “religious field”, which continued to exert the same influence, but through medicine. That is the reason why behind the different structures of medicine and the Church of Rome we find the same fundamental concepts, the same relationships, the same characteristics, the same fears, the same hopes and expectations.
This substitution of medicine for religion has had many unfortunate consequences. In medical research, it influences what should be looked for and what can be discovered. Any discovery or theory that is at odds with the over-arching orthodoxy is rejected, and its authors called heretics. Entire areas of research, as well as promising new lines of approach, are thus disqualified.
Furthermore, the unconscious need to bring the medical world into “religious” obedience frequently leads to (involuntary) falsifications of results, as became clear with Pasteur’s discoveries. The medical credo takes precedence over reality, something that scientists refuse to acknowledge when it does not correspond with their preconceived ideas.
And lastly, the hidden religious dimension of modern medicine inhibits the free debating of already fixed beliefs, and preventing them from being properly re-examined and criticised. Indeed, dogmatism, irrationality and passions – all characteristic of the religious experience – take precedence over any calm and carefully thought out argument, even over the most tenuous facts. The same vehemence that led Galileo to be condemned by the Church for his theories, in spite of the scientifically demonstrable facts, is now being used by medicine to reject any thesis that is contrary to its own dogmas. Science has learnt its lessons from the Church.
My aims in writing and lecturing on this topic have therefore been several. Firstly, I wanted to bring to the fore this phenomenon of projection and transfer of religious content, which takes place in the medical field. In recognizing this phenomenon, we should then dissociate from medical practice the spiritual aspirations that quite logically can only be satisfied in the spiritual dimension. It is dangerous to mistake eternal life with physical immortality, or to think we can achieve collective salvation through science and genetic engineering instead of individual salvation through transformation and personal achievements.
I also hope that by bringing to the fore the influence of religious beliefs in medicine, which is but one example of a very widespread phenomenon today, readers will start thinking about how their beliefs filter their perceptions, biasing and distorting them. Every time an object, a person, a social group or an event becomes the target of religious projections, there is danger. Their real characteristics fade in the eyes of those who colour them with their beliefs. These targets then become the objects of religious urges, impervious to any rationalisation, whether they are expressed through fear, hatred, “devilisation” and search for scapegoats, or through deification, idealisation and unconditional devotion. From Princess Diana to Wacco, and from Mother Teresa to Saddam Hussein, there are numerous examples of the kind of consequences brought about by this transfer of religious expression to real persons or situations.
Beyond this dissociation of medicine and religion, I would like to encourage an increased awareness of the fears found in the depths of our consciousness, which remain the hidden determining factors of most of our actions. As shown in my book, these fundamental fears – fear of death, mostly, but also fear of evil, fear of suffering, fear of separation, fear of solitude – have lead humanity, at all times throughout history, to make up all kinds of beliefs, in an effort to exorcise these fears. Then, with the development of science and the rise of intellectualism, mankind has tried to justify rationally these beliefs, hidden under the cloak of medicine and life sciences.
In other words, there are three layers superimposed inside us:
In other words, we used to have the Inquisition; now we have vaccine mandates.
and few things in between.
This brings to mind Philip K. Dick’s novel, or quasi-autobiographical fantasia, Valis. I’ll probably regret attempting a synopsis of the relevant theme, but here goes:
The protagonist, Horselover Fat (a rough translation of the author’s name), experiences a vision or dream in which his present– California, 1974, during the corrupt administration of a fictionalized version of Richard Nixon named Ferris Fremont– becomes superimposed upon ancient Rome.
The common denominator is the “Black Iron Prison”– a metaphor or gestalt for harsh authoritarian rule. Thus, Fat realizes that the present-day Fremont regime is a manifestation of the Roman Empire’s “Black Iron Prison”. In his writings, Fat repeatedly expresses this insight as “The Empire never ended.”
In that spirit: The Inquisition never ended.
weird, i’ve got it but when i click on link it says deleted.
idk, here is thev essay:
Almost imperceptibly, medicine has taken on a saving, or messianic role, the characteristics of which we must examine.
When the Christian missionaries of the last three or four centuries were evangelizing so-called “primitive people”, they believed that they had only to destroy or burn the various cult objects of these people in order to eradicate their religions, superstitions, and customs.
Centuries after the conquistadors tried to stamp out the Inca culture, or the Inquisition tried to stamp out the protestant ‘heresies’, or the similar attempts to annihilate the Voodoo, or the many African and Asian religions, we know that such arrogant high-handedness does not work. These beliefs still continue today, sometimes under different guises, long after the objects of worship associated with them have been destroyed.
This lesson from history is not only valid for primitive people and their religions. It can equally be applied – if not more so – to aspects of our own modern society. Indeed, even a superficial study of contemporary culture will reveal that the supposed secularization of present day society is just an illusion. Even though most people do not conform to the outward show of religious custom and practice – mostly Judeo-Christian in western culture – the beliefs and superstitions remain deeply embedded in their subconscious, influencing many aspects of their daily lives without them realizing it.
And as several sociology studies have shown, the superstitious beliefs that used to be attached to the formal religions have in many cases simply been transferred to other objects, persons or events. The daily evening television news bulletins, watched by millions worldwide in their respective countries, the stars of show business and sport, humanitarian associations, cults and all sorts of other things in modern life, these have now become the new gods we venerate or fear, or the shrines at which we worship or curse, and where we still experience those primitive religious urges and feelings, where we can believe without necessarily having to think or rationalize.
However, it is in the field of medicine that this unconscious transposition of the religious experience – and more specifically the Judeo-Christian ideology, myths, beliefs, expectations and hopes – seems to have had the greatest impact. The facts show clearly – for anyone taking the time to study them – that medicine enjoys today an astonishing degree of undeserved credit that is out of all proportion to its actual results or promises. Real health keeps regressing, while the great medical “miracles”, such as vaccines and antibiotics, are now clearly showing their limitations, which some had foreseen and warned of right from the start. This undeserved credit comes mostly from the fact that medicine and science have replaced religion as the only certain belief in an uncertain world. And the doctors and scientists are seen as the priests of the new religion, delivering through the certainties of science what the old discredited gods were not able to deliver. If we can no longer believe in the miracles, the cures, and the curses of the old religions, we can certainly believe in the miracles, the cures and the destructive powers of the new science.
Almost imperceptibly, medicine has taken on a saving, or messianic role, the characteristics of which we must examine. Looking back through history, there is a sense in which medicine can be said to have displayed characteristics that have at various times characterised the Roman Catholic Church: autocracy, centralization, the control and manipulation of people, censorship, propaganda, total obedience, infallibility, the destruction of heretics, the stamping out of individuality. All this, of course, has been done in the name of public health and the general good, just as the church acted for mankind’s salvation.
Let me make my position clear. I am not a conspiracy theorist. I do not believe that doctors, scientists and governments are intentionally and corruptly conspiring together, abusing their powers in pursuit of wealth, “Big Brother” and “Brave New World” just a step away. But rather, I do believe we are faced with a phenomenon that is largely of the unconscious kind.
What I believe is happening is that people, whether within the medico-pharmaceutical industry or outside it, are being subconsciously influenced by their deeply rooted myths, fears and superstitions which are now being projected onto the new screens of science and medicine. This produces an amazing paradox.
Although medicine sees itself as exclusively scientific and rational, with no room for spiritual or human dimensions (such as psychic healers, or shamans, who are dismissed as charlatans), it organizes itself and functions in a way that can be described as intrinsically religious. The paradox is that by rejecting any spiritual dimension medicine in fact becomes the toy of the forces and myths it tries to ignore and cannot control. Mere denial of something’s existence has never made it disappear, except perhaps in our consciousness, but instead, it is banished to our subconscious mind, where, beyond our control, it can roam free, wreak havoc, and wield even greater power.
We can see, then, that even though our society considers itself to be secular, it has remained as Christian as it was a century ago, but with two major differences. Firstly, our society is not aware of it. It believes itself to be rational, scientific, and free of superstition. It fails to recognise that it is still, in effect, observing the old religious rituals, but under a new guise. Secondly, our society now lives its religious experiences through secular forms – medical ones, in particular – and has at the same time transferred its hopes and aspirations from the spiritual world to the material.
Medicine, then, has become the new world religion. The specific myths, beliefs and rites of Christianity have been unconsciously projected over medicine since Pasteur. As I explain in detail in my book, we can establish a very close parallelism between the catholic religion and modern medicine, although, for lack of space, I cannot go into all the details of each comparison in this article. In brief:
People are still being manipulated by their fears and childish hopes. They are still told that the source of their problems is outside them, and that the solution can only come from the outside. They are not allowed to do anything by themselves and they must have the mediation of priest-physicians, the administration of drug-hosts, and the protection of vaccine-absolutions.
+1 is no longer available.
The authors have deleted this site
which is why i posted the whole essay. though it comes up for me. weird from my bookmarks.
a useful explanation of how we got here
Modern Medicine: The Hidden Influence of Beliefs and Fears
Olivier Clerc
in case there’s no link, scottnet
even before 20 this happened online, for instance re the use of peanut oil adjuvant, that caused guess what …. , and the fact that life vaccines shed and the vaccinated should not be near the immune compromised. john hopkins uni had a notice to that effect.
us antis brought these things up in discussions and… gone, luckily some people save such , not me, sadly. also info re spanish flu, polio vaxxine/aids, much harder to find. miraculously the age of autism age of polio series can still be found. ” The Age of Polio: How an Old Virus and New Toxins Triggered a Man-Made Epidemic”
National Hell Service?
A very useful thread analyzing, and raising many questions about, the original monkeypox paper:
‘…some birds are fighting back. In Australia, a population of magpies, tormented by their GP tracking devices figured out how to remove them from one another and have completely rid themselves of these instruments of torture.’
Reminds me of the tale Rupert Sheldrake related about how some birds learned to open bottles of milk and then passed the knowledge on to others
That’s good for those birds but it’s not correct to say they have ‘knowledge’ as animals have no intellect, so it’s an ability, a skill driven by instinct rather than cognition. I’m not being fastidious but it’s all about the anthropomorphism of animals these days and animalisation of humans in turn.
I disagree they do not have intelligence. I take your point about anthropomorphism but some animals do demonstrate intelligence past use of skills.
Dear Geo,
some clever humans decided that as humans had a quality called intelligence, needed was a definition of “intelligence”. They then wondered if other species had any Intelligence. None did. None had human intelligence.
So far humans still talk of “machine intelligence”. When the machines prove to be smarter than humans the interest might be “have humans machine intelligence ?” .As it is, i think humans already exhibit AI, and, i wont quibble about whether using “knowledge” indicates i’m “anthropomorphising”.
(PS: i love being animalised !)
I dind’t mean to offend animal lovers out there. Just pointing up some facts. Animals can be trained via a repetition and reward system via using their instincts for food and shelter. They do have memory which has to do with their survival instincs.
They don’t have discernment, critical thought, can’t understand the laws of logic or project ideas into the future.
The fact that some people choose to forget their divinity and behave ‘animalistically’ does not make them equal to animals. We were created in the image of God and as such it’s our duty to shepherd over his creation, animals and all things in this world. Putting ourselves in the same category as animals (just another species that ‘evolved’ further, as if other animals will keep evolving to one day become humans themselves), we are in fact neglecting our duty as care takers of the world, so we debase it, like the other guy wants us to.
Magpies singing “shove your new world order up your arse.”
Let me ask you “Would you allow close physical contact, or have sex with, any person who had the lesions on their face, hands, and body, like the lesions shown in the few circulating photos many sites are including in their posts ?”
Dr David Heymann of the WHO seems to want people to believe gay males would. Why is that ?
“Monkeypox Outbreak Primarily Spread Via Sexual Contact Among Homosexuals – WHO Official.”
Here we go again-cue Fauci and AZT or Bill..or …
Yes. Exactly. +1
Kind of disagree actually. Although AIDS was initially categorised as a “gay plague” (admittedly mostly by the tabloid press), the real scandal was the prophesy / prediction that AIDS would become a pandemic among the general (i.e. heterosexual) population, which it never did.
It never really became a pandemic among the homosexual population either, of course, because it wasn’t a real disease, but a syndrome, caused essentially by certain lifestyles, which happened to coincide with the lifestyles of certain sections of society who were primarily male homosexuals. In turn though I think this lifestyle arose, partly, or maybe primarily, because of society’s attitudes to homosexual people at that time, and gay peoples’ reaction to it.
I cant figure what your post is about mate. Did you read the article ?
The WHO spokesman has singled out affected gays out of all those affected (NO details supplied about the heteros affected); says it’s “the virus itself is not a sexually transmitted disease” but “it’s primarily spread through sex”.
“The leading theory to explain the spread was sexual transmission” Why ?
Because some of the affected attended gay events ( where, everybody knows, the gays indulge in sexual orgies).
A thing i like about the Offguardian site is it ready motto “Question Everything – especially The Science, and Officialese.”
Scroll upward: there’s posted two photo’s, one is said to be of Monkeypox, the other of Shingles. It’s the SAME HAND in both photos.
It’s known that shingles is being caused by the ‘covid’ jab. So has shingles been rebranded as Monkeypox ?
The WHO spokesman has got everyone focused on the fact that a minority of the affected were gays who’d attended gay events – and on that fact alone The Leading Theory has been constructed…A misdirection in my book
Perhaps the old descriptions were good for the naturally occurring monkeypox (if it ever was), but now they have to update it due to the increased functionality created by the gain-of-function researchers in the lab. Wuhan and Ukraine both appeared to have contracts for this one.
Just like in Planet of the Apes?
Looks like your critical query wasn’t welcome! As soon as anything like this comes up, something I believe intrinsically correct. My reaction is to ask the questions I anticipate being asked that would cause me to come up short, so with this OffG article I’m wondering:
1) When was the last time the NHS description of Monkeypox updated and are the definitions for other viruses/illnesses updated frequently?
2) Has our understanding of MP changed and is the new information actually commensurate?
My position is that I’m wary of the usual players but pretty hopeful and confident that MP will be a nothingburger. 🤞🏻
Whew! That was close. People were just becoming aware how monstrous animal testing is (Fauci’s beagle puppies et al).
So along comes Monkeypox and – Voila! – it’s suddenly not so terrible to experiment on chimps.
What’s next? Babypox?
The big dilemma is what emoji are the virtue signalling morons going to use.
We’ve had the syringe and the Ukronazi flag & other assorted objects.
How about a ‘pus filled pustule’ emoji ?
I just LOVE that word – PUSTULE – it even sounds just like what it is – wonderful. Having said that, I don’t want any pustules.
So good
“Monkeypox” is a medium for the message.
1.. Viral diseases can break-out anytime, anywhere,
2.. They can rapidly spread all over the globe…
The message is a reminder to the science-ignorant masses of The Science.
And it is to scare science-ignorant politicians into signing the WHO’s “Pandemic Threaty.”
“circulating in the community” appears to replace “incubation period”.
Because if it’s circulating “Who can you trust ?”
3.. Viruses are spread by air ie they travel by plane…
Just in time for the pandemic treaty, aka the start of the NWO – these coincidences just keep stacking up don’t they? It’s almost unbelievable………………………. 😉
All of us (humanity) could put a stop to all of their nonsense by uttering just one word: NO. What will they do? Kill us all? Throw all 7 billion of us, or even half a billion, into camps, then kill us? The problem is that 90 to 95% of our fellow proles don’t even see a problem, therefore don’t see any need to do, or even say anything. They just gleefully obey. They are slaves and want to drag the rest of us into total servitude to the tyrants that hate us all with them, because they refuse to see the huge elephant in the room. Oh yes the pathetic soulless enablers feel so ‘powerful’ when they denigrate us as tin foil hatters etc., while they think this proposed WHO / NWO ‘Pandemic Treaty’ is a wonderful and long overdue kind and caring and necessary plan for the future. Believe we’ll all be ‘safe’ from those dreadful mystery diseases that are strangely only fatal (and actually visible) on TV, yet as rare as rocking horse poo in the real world…
I am so fed up with sharing a world with such totally pathetic imbeciles. It’s worse than a bad dream, because it’s real.
They, not Bill Gates, Klaus or the UN / WHO, nor the WEF, are the true enemy we’re actually at war with. And again: many of us awake folk don’t even realize it. Their gleeful, childlike compliance has allowed this wicked agenda to be rolled out with barely any opposition or objection.
The Malthusian Davos gang probably never dreamed their great plan for destroying those ‘worthless humans’ and their wasteful societies could have been ushered in so damned easily.
For us plebes it’s a terminal nightmare, while for the elites that own the world: their dream has come true. Thanks to our cowardly and patently moronic fellow cretins that still wear shame muzzles over their stupid faces and obey every humiliating, dehumanizing mandate the lying, treasonous elites enforce, through the governments they own and control.
WHO/NWO can have all the treaties they want but they can’t enforce anything without national governements they want but they can’t enforce anything without ths complicity of national governments who possess armies and police forces (not that the two are often easily distinguished).
You seem to have forgotten about the mask wearing jobsworth political class in Parliament. These grovelling imbeciles will all bend over to this most recent scam.
Have you forgotten International Sanctions, like those being used against Russia, Cuba, and were used against Iraq with devastating effects ? During the ‘covid pandemic’ the Australian parliament passed a law that allows foreign military forces to be used against Australians should they misbehave beyond what local forces can effectively deal with. The foreign forces were also given legal protections, like those protection given to Big Pharma. No liability for injuries and deaths.
Under the Pandemic Treaty expect “sudden outbreaks” to occur in any country that dares to buck the New World Order…
Never forget the criminal legislators and judges who go along.
It’s criminal.
‘Edited’ ?
That’s a polite way to put it.
Corrupted or fucked with would be more appropriate.
I am enjoying your distinct lack of political correctness – please continue!
Per the pcr test? How does one know?
The covidians are going to love this. Another chance to get out their plastic drag and virtue signal their victimhood. I must look out my gorilla suit, I could cause mass panic pandemic in Tesco’s.
I did wonder that if they tried imposing masks again a Vendetta style one would do.
BTW Graun are now claiming to have found another lockdown party at No 10. The invites seem to have called it “Time to open the Covid secure bar.” What will the masses think of that?
What we do know is that they WON’T think about it, just react in the way they are told
What worries me most is that, now, it can spread to close contacts and I’ve heard that it is said to incubate within 3 weeks (which will likely mean that close contacts of those tested positive will be locked away for 3 weeks, this time around).
Next up will be something like Marburg disease which will require 4 weeks or longer for you to get locked up (and whisked off to a “quarantine” camp).
They’re not letting up, as so many now believe; they’re doubling down.
I’m surprised anyone thought it was ever going away.
“I am not at all a fan of hope. It is a disgusting metaphor that allows us to defer reality” said by someone important I was told.
Not sure that any of us really thought it was going away for good, but I thought we might get a longer period of respite.
A new Summer of Lurve, perhaps.
But no, Cyborg Gates, Gauleiter Schwab and the rest of the gang of freaks have decided otherwise.
Hopium can be an anasthetic when overdone:
gateway drug to copium (coping strategies).
once you’re in “their pocket”, mate, you aint ever comin out! you be owned.
Not me.
The “Incubation Period” is variable. It depends upon what any Outbreaks are being used for… The advantage The Science has over science is how the facts can be adapted to suit the requirements of what an Outbreak is being used to bring about. They are called flexible facts…
So far every site that’s posted an article on Monkeypox, if they’ve included photos, have all posted the same ones… What’s the point of everyone having smartphones !!
Ignore the rumour that Monkeypox escaped from a lab in that place where the US is waging a poxy war against Russia…
‘Too Much Monkey Business.” by a 1950s Rock’n’Roller (aka Chuck Berry)…
Reputed to be the template for “Subterranean Homesick Blues” by a 1960s folksinger…
That Folksinger Who Shall Not Be Named turned 81 yesterday.
George Michael also had a pop song with in the lyrics something about a monkey on his back, on his Faith album.
Incubation period for the normal monkeypox is between 2 and 21 days, which is why they are setting a 21-day isolation period. This time it should ONLY be for the infected. The main vector for this is body fluids, although you CAN get it from respiratory droplets. However, you would likely need to be in fairly close contact with an infected person for a while for that to happen.
You actually believe this :”nfectious virus” story? 😀
Monkey Business, Mike Stone, 5/24/22.
To avoid challenges like Jeffrey’s it might be an idea when relaying Official explanations of all things viral to start with “The Science says…..”
You sound like a believer in this scam.
I’ve got my money on Marburg and have had for a while. COINCIDENTALLY, Stanley Johnson wrote a novel called The Marburg Virus in 1982. Who is Stanley’s son? None other than UK PM Boris Johnson, who just so happens to be in power in the UK now. Amazing how these “coincidences” just keep on coming………
“What worries me now”….Get a grip, it’s yet another criminal scam.
Monkeypox + Gain Of Function = New Pandemic
New fear pandemic. Monkeypx hoax + gain of function garbage.
Monkey pox my eye, it’s the fucking chimp virus in the jabs
It is possible that pathogens of various descriptions may have been planted in the lipid nanoparticles of the jab. These will respond to 5G pulsing at 18 GHz to cause the lipid nanoparticles to swell and rupture, thereby releasing and activating the virus. I expect that the majority of the cases will be in the jabbed. I know the Astrazeneca jab contained chimp stuff, so I guess we’ll see which jabs had it – likely answer is AZ and Pfizer at least.
Do we know what “chimp stuff” really is ?
I did hear on MSM that an inordinate number of cases have turned up in the UK, home of the monkey snot jab.
If I were a monkey I would find this whole episode very insulting.
They’re also warning that it may be listaken for an STD. Hmm,wonder why they’re so concerned about people assuming that…maybe because it actually *is* teh syph?
no sex in “the great reset”. human shall not reproduce no more.
No reproductive sex,but homo buttsex will be encouraged.
“They” need to be facing long prison sentences.
Interesting that all the pictures they provide on MSM of so-called “monkeypox” actually shows SHINGLES, which is a result of the mRNA injections, so they are piggybacking the new fear porn on the last false narrative of ‘covid’.
What’s really interesting is that it broke out in 10 different locations around the world, almost simultaneously and with no established connections between them.
The only connection is the places that used the AZ chimp virus jabs
Amazing, and I wonder how many of the locations have biolabs there? I do know that an awful lot of viruses seem to appear in Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda. So, I’ll bet there are biolabs there – in fact, I know there are in DRC at least.
Pure coincidence my boy. 😎
Spot on. They have even used the same photo found in some medical dictionary and that showed the skin of someone with shingles – now this very photo was used to show someone with “monkeypox”.
Nothing to see there. Move along now.
They also had a few showing smallpox, not monkeypox – but why let the truth get in the way of a good bit of fear porn?
Careful, you’ll upset the Covidiots.
Aren’t they breaking out the smallpox vaccines, because of its supposed similarity?
Unless it’s engineered to be really nasty, and there are rumors to that effect, this is a nothing burger unless you just returned from a gay rave in the canaries.
Meanwhile, take care of your health and keep up your vitamin D level.
Noticed – there’s no mention of any of the affected being black, female, old or young. rich or poor. A dearth of detail – except that a minority were gay males.
Why do you think they included only that titbit/tidbit ? News reports seem unable to not mention the “gay” detail.
I think I read that in Spain there were 15 cases connected to a gay bath house.
So it’s spread by bathing together ?
Perhaps it will be traced to overuse of bubble bath salts!
There was just a huge Gay Pride Festival in Belgium, which will serve as the equivalent of the Wuhan games.
What on earth is everyone in this little thread talking about?
It’s almost like you’re a small collection of paid agents having a ‘conversation’ that is designed to make this whole ‘monkey see, monkey do’ event seem real… but your questions and statements are too basic and false-naive to actually pass as the data-literate, experienced and sceptical people you find on a site like this one.
Isn’t there anything else you could be doing with your time, or for pay that has more honour and dignity in it?
Dam it ! My cover has been blown again. Must be time to start posting my inane comments on another site. And just when i was starting to feel at home…
I just cant seem to dodge the attentions of literate, super-duper intelligent people.
(And i certainly WONT be inviting you to any of my parties !).
The abortion thing sure fizzled out fast. Dayum. The sheep must be really getting jaded.
Well, there’s another mass shooting today, so the outrage meters are focused on that. For now. Between that and abortion, our owners always find a way to keep the fear porn and division going, and those two subjects are the hot buttons one must never touch. By my even saying this I am of course a callous and uncaring individual whose perhaps a murderer at heart….
The shooter is 17 and born in 2000?
Mass shootings = inconvenient information beginning to be revealed.
US losing a war in Ukraine that it isn’t even officially fighting?
Roe v Wade is soo yesterday. The biotech industry now has mRNA to effect abortions sufficient for their purposes.
No more fetal cells? Not on their watch!
Just came across this “blurb” from Dr. Malone. A very long blurb but well stated.
Monkeypox is a relatively mild disease that’s not that easy to transmit so we shouldn’t be worrying about it, especially if don’t live in the tropics. If it did become established it would say more about our public health shortcomings, how we as a society have been taking being relatively disease free for granted.
There are lots of nasty diseases out there that are just bubbling below the surface. Three common in the US are bubonic plague, rabies and hanta virus. All potentially fatal for anyone contracting them but actually very rare because of the way we live, our public health and our ability to successfully treat potential victims. This requires a functioning society, though — the moment we drop our guard (or think that we just don’t need the expense and bother of public health precautions) they will spring back at us.
The nasty diseases are not “out there” – that’s the greatest fallacy of mainstream medicine. There are no flying viruses that attack people.
That’s a vote for the WHO pandemic treaty, yes ?
You may have noticed that initially ‘self-isolation’ was for two weeks. But subsequently
was adjusted, usually donwards, to fit The Science. Lockdowns were lengthy to “stop the spread”. But that didnt suit businesses. You mayrecall one “outbreak”, i think it was in Brisbane Australia, was for only three days “to stop the Spread”. The Science can be flexible when needs be… Then there’s the wide variability of the “incubation period”. Some people, who tested “positive” to HIV years ago still havent developed any symptoms. How to explain ?
The Science provides the idea of “dormancy” – which might explain why diseases can “spring out” at anytime.
The Science can be exact, or not very exact. The Authorities find that OK.
They soon found out that the PCR test kept producing positives for many people with no symptoms, long after 2 weeks of isolation. So, what did WHO (The Science) do? It said they could be released for ‘home quarantine”.
Global Government crowned, WEF & WHO meetings in Switzerland to enslave humanity!
Love it! thanks.
Or how you get to notice the substance is doing the thing,
you know, the madRNA analogue to health they say we need,
need more than live itself according to the VAERS death toll.
Lies and deceit layered on lies and deceit.
An inverted world at war spiritually for the soul of mankind.
Well put.
Very good article to remind us of the massive scale fraudulent corruption in health services that are paid for handsomely by those they are supposed to be serving.
They can shove their monkey pox where it belongs (up the dark passages belonging to those running the scams) along with any toxic concoctions they expect us to have injected into us. Hopefully the normally docile masses will start to open their eyes and see that all we need to do is practice normal hygiene, be sensible about life choices, take a level of responsibility for our own health and eat, sleep and drink sensibly.
Slightly OT:
Donbass <–> Dubno. Not that dissimilar phonetically
Dubno features in Gogol’s “Taras Bulba” as the place where the Cossacks fight off the Poles to reclaim Ukraine.
A besieged Polish castle (think Mariupol?) by Cossacks, and a subsequent kettling of Polish forces (think northwest Donetsk, where 8000 – 16000 Ukrainian troops are ready to be caught in a similar cauldron).
History repeating itself, or maybe just rhyming 🙄
It actually involved the chosen lot. History does repeats itself.
They appear in the truer-to-the-original 2009 Russian film adaptation of the novel (in the form of a crooked moneylender ‘Yankel’), but were absent from the 1962 Yul Brynner version (as far as I recall).
Each version (of the novels, films) reflecting the attitudes of their times
Link (Russian wiki, translated)
I would like to see honest epidemiological data from WHO or NHS regarding monkeypox (realizing that this is essentially a contradiction in terms):
1) How many “confirmed cases” based on lesions and expert clinical diagnosis and not a fake PCR test.
2) What is the percentage of confirmed cases of homosexual males of the total.
3) Detailed covid-1984 “vaccination” status of each confirmed case.
4) What percentages of these males had anal sex in the last 3 months.
5) What percentage had heavy uses of antibiotics and/or stimulant drugs such as “poppers” (amyl nitrite) in last 3 months.
No. 3 is the only thing that would interest me. And as for No. 4, see your own No. 5.
If you learn all these males had anal sex in the past 3 months the conclusion must be that everyone infected must have indulged in anal sex ?
Great catch!
Say anything, just keep making sure that people are scared. Fear and submission are the goals. Thanks, Off-G, sharing this piece.
Dr Sam and Dr Mark Bailey have a new piece on on “Monkeypox Mythology.” Totally shreds the official narrative.
Monkeypox Mythology, Dr Sam and Dr Mark Bailey, 5/23/22.
‘Mainstream’ outlet RT also seem to have picked up on the 2021 NTI simulation:
It’s behind a paywall…
Type in the URL – minus the
Did the trick for me
Strange, i’m not even a subscriber. Will have to remember next time.
I learned the trick trying to access a couple of URLs you posted
I now test any URL before posting, just in case…
FWIW, i typed in the URL in another response without the last segment, and this time i did get a “no access” message. 😀 I had another article so i used it instead, from Viroliegy.
shocked. just shocked.
If you’re still getting shocked you may want to meditate.
Methinks that was sarcasm.
Surely you mean medicate.
It’s going to be a fun winter, with monkeypox and hyperinflation to keep everyone company (those enjoying cheap fuel in China, Russia, India excepted)
You tell ’em Pete!
But who are you really working for? Or to rephrase: But you are really working for WHO:
He bears an uncanny resemblance to Matt Hancock in the early stages of the video.
Rat, [f]ox, ape [monkey]… probably working for the Chinese 😎
It’s enough to drive you Bananas Lol
Amnesty international’s very own boy Peter Gabriel. I’m afraid many of these ppl are v useful idiots.
Dunno. I tend to judge art forms on their own merits, rather than worrying too much about the philosophical outlooks of their proponents.
This new ‘health scare’ is yet another test of how much the brainwashed will swallow. Another big disappointment coming up?
yea, I’m figuring pretty much along the same lines, those of us who sussed the covid scam from the first are still here, those who joined the covid cult will happily leap over to the monkeyscam cult. And the Masters will be happy. And the rest of us one giant leap closer to the cliff.
So in other words, the NHS has become a professional liar about a specific medical matter.
I always thought that that was incompatible with practicing medicine, but if they are in cahoots with the CIA/MI6/Mossad axis of professional liars, I guess they have changed their principles??
There going through the whole Chinese’s Zodiac in real ritual time.
Swine flu.
Rabies – Year of the Dog.
Bird flu/ Avian – Year of Rooster.
Year of the Horse.The 2013/14 Horse Meat Scandal.
Rat – Bat 2020.
2022 – Monkey happens to be the opposite sign off the OX which this year is in.
It looks to me like Goat is the opposite of Ox.
2022 is the year of the tiger
They probably figured tigerpox would be a hard sell. Though as gullible as many have proved themselves,it may have worked.
2022 is the Chinese Year of the Tiger opposite Monkey in its detriment.
2021 was the year of the OX.
my bag.
I really think you’ve hit on something there. Apparently covid has more to do with snake venom than bat corona virus. So maybe they are moving diametrically opposite from pig to snake, then from monkey to tiger.