This Week in the New Normal #32

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. Gun control back in the news
America has been a dangerous place this past month – even more so than usual.
A couple of weeks ago we had the Buffalo shooting, where a young man allegedly stormed into a supermarket and shot several patrons in the name of “protecting the white race”. Apparently, there was a manifesto.
This week, a “loner” teenager stormed an elementary school where he shot 19 pupils and 2 teachers. The story is that police let him run rampant inside the school for almost an hour for fear they might “get shot”.
Just yesterday, a man allegedly opened fire on a high school graduation with an AR15, only to be in-turn shot by a woman with a pistol.
We’re all familiar with the tropes. “Loner” suspects on psychotropic medications who are “known to the FBI”. Violent video games, improbable timelines, constantly shifting, mutually contradictory story points and inexplicable finances.
If history is any guide, we should be assuming any “terrorist” attack – foreign or domestic – is a psyop to some degree or another, until it is proven otherwise.
Past precedent tells us that any alleged “lone looney” was probably not the latter, and almost certainly not the former.
Maybe this case will be the exception to that rule, but as the inevitable “gun control” debate rolls out, scepticism about the “problem” and its “solution” is definitely the order of the day.
It will be very interesting to see how far they take their assault on the 2nd Amendment this time.
2. The Monkeypox of Damocles
Not showing the signs of having learned even a single lesson from Covid, Canada appears to be enthusiastically embracing the next trending disease.
Quebec has announced they are going to start vaccinating people against monkeypox, despite there being only 25 “cases” across the entire province (with another 30 “under investigation”).
Canada gonna Canada I guess.
This comes as the WHO asks countries to “increase surveillance” for the disease. This means increase testing, and since monkeypox is detected using a – you guessed it – PCR, we can expect those “cases” (probably “asymptomatic”) to keep going up.
Don’t worry though, VOX says “experts believe it can be contained”, and only undermines that a tiny bit by mentioning all the things that could go wrong to make it another pandemic:
Containment is possible. But the window could soon start closing…
Windows closing…time running out…will the monkey escape its cage…oooh those shivers of dread.
Pretty clear what’s happening here.
They’re keeping a phony Monkeypox pandemic poised on the starting blocks.
There’s a sword of phony Monkeypox dangling over our heads.
They’ve got a phony Monkeypox bullet in the chamber, and their finger on the trigger.
Whether or not they make this dormant rollout go live depends on how the public reacts to other narratives, how/when Ukraine fatigue kicks in, and whether or not the disastrous state of the economy causes people to protest in the streets.
You can bet the first food riot, wherever and however it happens, will become a monkeypox “super spreader event”.
BONUS: Really bad science of the week
A new study has found that vegan diets are better for dogs than meat-based diets. At least, that’s what you’d think if you read just the headline of this Independent article.
However, if you read the body of the text you’ll find that’s the complete and total reverse of what the study actually finds.
The warning signs are all there in the opening paragraph, emphasis very-much added:
Nutritious vegan diets for dogs MAY BE linked to better health, and COULD BE less hazardous, than traditional meat-based diets, a new study SUGGESTS.
Not exactly hard data we’re dealing with here. It gets better…
Andrew Knight, of the University of Winchester, and colleagues found that while the animals on raw meat diets APPEARED to be healthier than those on vegan diets, several factors prevented them from concluding raw meat diets ARE healthier.
For those of you who need this translated from academia-speak:
The “study” (it’s really just a survey) anticipated the vegan diet would be healthier, which, given that dogs are basically carnivores, says much for the triumph of ideology over common sense. When, to their dismay, the raw meat diet actually proved the healthiest they then boldly weasel-worded their way around the inconvenient fact to fit their foregone (probably “incentivized”) conclusion.
Very poor science, but very typical ScienceTM. The authors will get plenty of funding I’m sure.
It’s not all bad…
In California, despite vowing to pass the “toughest vaccine requirements in the country” back in January, Democratic lawmakers have pulled their vaccine mandate bills before they even faced a vote. A good sign, and one that hopefully will have the knock-on effect of ensuring the “vaccinate 12-year-olds without parental consent” bill doesn’t pass the upper house later this year.
Neil Oliver’s weekly monologue on the Davos Summit and the decaying social contract is well worth a listen…
And Bob Moran at his brilliant best…
— Bob Moran (@bobscartoons) May 27, 2022
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention the brand new chemical they just found in the atmosphere that might be causing heart attacks or plans for an EU-wide “digital wallet”.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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Cut’n’Paste from Batiushka in Saker Vineyard:
“We were promised the future. That of globalism. This was one in which the whole world would become ever more prosperous, though nobody would become as prosperous as the already uber-prosperous [so-called] ‘elite’ [chosen] of the Western world. So those living off a dollar a day would live off two dollars a day and those living off 10,000 dollars a day would live off 20,000 dollars a day. Sounds fair?”
But now we are told, “You will own nothing and be happy.”
Stripped even of the 2 dollars; that’s not fair!
Re: the 2nd shooting, NBC & CNN interviewed a different bereft father, both claiming the same daughter
okay, so I know you can have 2 fathers in the USA, but I don’t think that’s what’s happening here..
More from the New New Normal. Serbia renews longterm contract for reliable Russian gas at below market-price as being “a steady customer and a friendly country”. High placed Brussels nephews and nieces, led by high minded Ursula von Der Leidung, are furious with Serbia for ignoring their EU$A ban.
Perhaps next time the EU$A feels like using its “irresistible armed might” (registered TM) NATzO to “pick up some crappy little country and fling it againts the wall to show who’s boss”, they should remember crappy little Serbia and seek advice.
I recommend, How to Win Friends and Influence People.
Cant wait for This Week in the New Normal #33!
This week in the New New Normal. From Pepe Escobar:
“While China, keen to ward off U$ retaliation as long as possible, is lagging, its partners Iran and Russia are doing the legwork to break the global financial grip [of the Anglo Zionazi Capitalists.”
In the Old Normal when you applied for a job that needed security clearance (say, in nuclear energy) you were interviewed and got accustomed to working in a goldfish bowl where a few people had more on file about you than you did yourself. But you knew it was just a little bowl, the money was good, and you could hop out of it if you wanted to.
In the New Normal you are in a bigger goldfish bowl and the observers don’t even ask you.
Labour inch closer to power… remaining policies that might have anything vaguely to do with socialism are ready to be dumped:
Tame goon at the biggest controlled outlet out there (worse even than the Fraudian or Independent) writes it up as a move of political genius.
The same old playbook.
Predicted here in OffG when JCorbyn disowned some of Labour’s best Socialists in a cowardly attempt to placate the Zionazi wing of BLiar’s New Liebor. I said at the time that appeasement would not save Corbyn; appeasement not only destroyed Corbyn, it destroyed any hope of reviving Socialism in the Labour Party.
Like Communism in the U$A, Socialism has been culturally Genocided (or culturally suicided?) in the British Labour Party.
Sucked up hovered flat, diverted away as a consequence of mass unemployment we had to politically loosen our grip or spend the rest of our lives listening to the suits or the young Corp. Pros ‘stab us in the back’.
Many People, especially sections of American society still believe Socialised Communities are a step away from Communism.
The Word game rocking chair nodding head attitude of the downright moronic, frustrated that they cannot nail down ‘an-other’ multicultural complexity into a language they can understand for self gratification revision.
But it’s far removed from Reality.
These days it’s difficult to know who takes orders from whom. My guess is that the big corporations tell governments what they can and can’t do. I think that it’s beyond doubt now that the corporatocracy are planning to steal your assets, including your cash. This is how we stop them
Right, Google u-tube willing to show how to take down Google, ya great girls blouse.
Btw Popeye, why has the programing gone fem. extremist over the last two years.
I don’t expect American men to answer now they’ve Biden neutered by Harris.
things Twice. Look Away now.“My experience is what I agree to attend to.”
Addicted to distraction.
Yeah, it’s a nice pep talk in the face of the unknown. Sorry to be the pessimist but has anyone considered the fact that the Samson Option is probably still in force and it is said that the elite have technology 50 years or so ahead of today. Meaning that whatever they haven’t shown us thru all the means at their disposal, they plan to unleash upon us when a critical number of “commoners” threaten the status quo. I suspect this how & why ww2 happened. People were starting to ask questions and boom! Off we go! Now, lots of us are waking up to The Agenda & they realize they might be in serious danger….so, given the precarious nature of things what might be a convincing distraction if you were in their position, to cause us to forget all about them & what they’ve done to us? Alien deception? Nuclear war? Both?
3 reasons for inflation in the UK:
1 – The Covidianity heresy
2 – The Russophobia price hike
and last but not least…
3 – Switching to imperial measures
‘Nother story from this week: Poland’s Morawiecki calls for massacre of Russians as bearers of Russian nationalism.
Pravda”s headline for this story: “Morawiecki Buries Poland.”
‘Pears lots of Russians don’t like the war either. Russia’s lost 700,000 citizens since its beginning– mostly emigrants to Israel where it’s really easy to emigrate– and countries bordering Russia.
I’m not sure I buy the sudden mass emigration to Israel, although the Polish story sounds plausible. No love lost between Poland & Russia currently
Vagabard, I dunno, lots of Westernized Russians., people frightened by the war, anticipating scarcity, etc. By mid-March BBC was claiming 200,000 Russian emigres:
“The exodus does not stop at Georgia. The EU, US, UK and Canada have closed their airspace to Russian flights, so they are heading for countries where flights are still permitted and where visas are not required, such as Turkey, Central Asia and the South Caucasus. Many have fled to Armenia”
Israel sounds like a pretty dismal destination, all right.
Difficult to tell in the current environment. I’ve noticed that alot of Western propaganda is wishful thinking. Some of it is typical travel figures presented as something out-of-the-ordinary for propaganda purposes.
Undoubtedly though, there will be Westernized Russians as there will be Russophiles in the West.
Vagabard, I got interested in the truth or falsehood of the emigration story thx to your comments & look what I found:
Russian president Vladimir Putin has signed a law punishing “fake news” with up to 15 years in prison. The rule will impose fines or jail terms for spreading false information about the military, as well as fines for people who publicly call for sanctions against Russia. Courts would mete out the harshest sentences for fake news that leads to “serious consequences.”
According to earlier coverage from The Moscow Times, the bill is meant to penalize people who knowingly “distort the purpose, role and tasks of the Russian Armed Forces, as well as other units during special military and other operations,” including people who spread unapproved information about Russian war losses.
“Literally by tomorrow, this law will force punishment — and very tough punishment — on those who lied and made statements which discredited our armed forces,” said Vyacheslav Volodin, chairman of Russia’s State Duma legislative body, in a statement quoted by Reuters. Putin signed an earlier “fake news” law in 2019 that includes fines and jail time for disrespecting the Russian government, but the penalty was a far lighter 15 days.
Russia has already cracked down on news outlets and social platforms amid its invasion of Ukraine, disputing external death reports that far exceed its own count and objecting to descriptions of the invasion as a war rather than a “special military operation.”
Censorship as bad as ours + jail.
I spose there might be fear of being drafted into the military too– if you’re stampeded into believing the war will be prolonged
Masking is just ending in one of the provinces & just being imposed or reimposed in St Petersburg.
Scary stuff. I think 15 years is a maximum sentence, nevertheless pretty intimidating if it’s ever fully enforced. May be reason enough for some to emigrate.
Though I’m not sure it’s necessarily better anywhere else. There was a case in the UK last year where a guy was jailed for owning a particular book. Got 2 years but it could easily have been 15. We live in censored times.
A bomb manual! Still, I guess you can’t punish before any crime’s been committed.
Thanks for the chat. Here’s something new on Russia:
The Russian government is starting the process of unilaterally withdrawing from a series of international bodies, including the World Trade Organization and the World Health Organization, the Russian Duma’s Deputy Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy said on Tuesday.
“We have work to revise our international obligations, treaties that today bring no benefit, but instead directly harm our country. The Foreign Ministry sent a list of such agreements to the State Duma,” Tolstoy said. “Together with the Federation Council, we plan to analyze them and to propose to withdraw,” he added.
Tolstoy singled out the international trade and health organizations, saying that “the next step is to withdraw from the WTO and the WHO, which have neglected all obligations towards our country.”
Politico, so don’t know if it’s reliable.
From the state’s perspective ‘fake news’ or ‘disinformation’ means anything not in line with the state’s versions of events and narratives. So one might get punished from simply disagreeing with any of the state’s policies. There is no left and right in totalitarianism, they are the same with a different meaningless rhetoric.
On the other hand around 3 million Ukrainians have relocated to Russia since the Ukrainian regime declared war on ethnic Russian Ukrainians in 2014.
One thing that seems missing from the fall-out of thise latest school shooting are the ritual denunciations of the NRA. Perhaps it’s becoming a bit too obvious to claim that a body that spends 1/25th of what Big Pharma does at elections is somehow buying the electoral process? The figure is even more risible for Big Tech. (TBC I don’t belong to the NRA or support them.)
I would hope not. NRA = 33 (14+18+1) 😉
Re the school shooting; apparently, the father of a child in the school, seeing that the cops weren’t d anything, took a shotgun from someone an went in and shot the guy instead.
That’s exactly what happened. The father was getting a haircut, got a text from his wife that the shooting was happening, grabbed the barber’s shotgun, went to the school, walked past the useless cops, went inside, and killed him. The shooter already owned his guns in violation if existing gun laws, so gun laws didn’t prevent this and the 2nd Ammendment saved the day.
Is the foreign press not reporting this? The US press is, although spottily and reluctantly.
we’re noticing more and more that every psyop tends to have multiple phony narratives attached to it. Probably to help create confusion and pointless debate. This narrative sounds no more plausible than any of the others. I mean – seriously 🤦♀️
Rubbish. This was a psyop.
What about the “It’s not all bad….” section?? Nothing positive to report this week? I think balancing these things with that section helps to give people some hope or light at the end of the tunnel. Instead of only “look at what the elitists are doing”
The “It’s not all bad” section is in the real world. Class Real
“Children are to be given bug and insects as part of a plan to get a new generation to switch from meat to insects and then push parents to do the same.
Pupils at four primary schools in Wales are to be offered insects to eat as part of a project to gauge children’s appetite for “alternative protein” such as crickets, grasshoppers, silkworms, locusts and mealworms.”
Primary school kids are to be “offered” bugs to eat. Now what kid in his right mind would sign up for that? Or have they been so brainwashed by the “green” meme that they would gladly do it? Will their parents be told about it? Have the parents themselves been recast in the “green” mould? Are they all eager to participate in this selfless submission to “save the planet” by essentially volunteering to be the new third world inhabitants?
“We want the children to think about alternative proteins as real things for now, rather than just as foods for the future, so trying some of these foods is central to the research”
“Research” indeed!
“A 2020 study estimated that 9 million European consumers had eaten insects in 2019”
Knowingly? (I know they’ve been sneaking this gruel into food products for a while now.)
“There is an important connection between our local community, food production and wider global issues surrounding sustainable development.”
Ah “sustainable”!
“These issues are important to children, but also difficult to make sense of and can often be confusing for them.”
Oh I don’t think the kids are confused at all by the content of the “offer” – only by the fact that it is being made. They see those shrivelled little bug carcasses, feel like vomiting and then see the kindly eyes of the adults holding this slop out to them and are waiting for the “April Fool!” announcement. But then we have all been waiting for that announcement for two years now!
Kindly refrain from mocking other peoples’ taste in food.
The Frogs eat frogs. The Bantu eat Locusts. Most people eat Crustaceans (“seafood”). And I saw a video of a Canadian Insect Society holding its annual Food Fest where they served the public with crispy crunchy protein rich insect canapes.
Personally I prefer beans; though I am aware that beans (and many other vegetables) can be extremely poisonous as a defense against being eaten. And, if I ever had to bail out over the wild, I would remember this wartime Advice to Airmen:
“If it creeps, walks, runs, hops, flies or swims it is probably safe to eat raw”.
First, they palm off a new food or chemical under some misleading label. If there are a few complaints, the business concerned tries to “manage the issue” with the help of government. After a few years, the new stuff gets certified as Generally Recognised As Safe (GRAS).
*I mapped out a trajectory from one school shooting to the next, (State to State, not specifically pointing at the appropriate County) from January 2022 to present day, and i was surprised at how many triangles and overlaps it created.
I loved how Pennsylvania had the 3rd, and 22nd incident for the year. ⭐
*Kt CleansAlot F2FT
There certainly have been crimes in the past that look as if their locations were planned to create geometrical patterns.
The Zodiac killings in San Francisco are one example.
Interesting. Primarily in States with a national border or coast
It’s becoming embarrassing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
“71 additional monkeypox cases identified in England, UKHSA says”
ENERGY SCARCITY Caused by the War?
Here’s a 2-minute video expose
I didn’t even bother looking at the school shooting in Texas. I’ve followed everything from Ruby Ridge to Sandy Hook– especially Sandy Hook: The number of non sequiturs, contradictions and identified crisis actors in that one was stupendous. We even had the grown up kids who were shown in snapshots as “victims” in dated clothing. One grandmother even came forward and identified her living grand-daughter in her distinctive dress as one of those falsely ID’d as a victim. She had other photos of the same girl in other poses in the same dress, and she WOULD NOT shut up.
Only the Boston Marathon was more thoroughly exposed. Several people even managed to leak the out-takes of that one onto the net.
Unfortunately those who were taking responsibility for keeping those out-takes up were neutralized by the “flat earth” scam. They bought into it as the bigger expose, and quit covering the Marathon and the California wildfires (courtesy of lasers & stand-downs.)
I guess y’all understand that the reason they present hoaxes instead of real shootings is that they can’t take the exposure of a real court-room legal suit against the school or police or whoever. The actual witnesses and crisis actors couldn’t take the light of day. If nobody sues in America you can pretty much conclude it wasn’t real.
The DOJ was sued for the Charleston church shooting and the supposed victims got $88 million… and book deals and public speaking tours for future psyops.
A lot, if not all, of the ‘victims’ have gofundme accounts, which go directly to the crisis actors. It’s an incentive to do a good job on camera, and no taxes!
When we hang the traitors we should also hang the crisis actors who did all the bidding. They no doubt have NWO management jobs waiting for them.
Abortion and guns. These need to replace the donkey and elephant as US political symbols.
This quote brought to mind a term I gleaned from a reader comment last week.
“Containment is possible. But the window could soon start closing…”
The term: Defenestration – Wikipedia
“The term originates from two incidents in history, both occurring in Prague. In 1419, seven town officials were thrown from the Town Hall, precipitating the Hussite War.
In 1618, two Imperial governors and their secretary were tossed from the Prague Castle, sparking the Thirty Years War.
These incidents, particularly that in 1618, were referred to as the Defenestrations of Prague and gave rise to the term and the concept.”
Defenestration – Wikipedia
Excellent remedy for all Davos attendees…
Only one condition: That the remedy is applied on the 23rd floor.
My hunch is that human kind has not always been this sick.
What has happened is that, over many decades, we have gradually created a space in our civilization where the most unspeakably sick manipulators can just move in unhindered.
Whatever you think of Jordan Peterson, his stand – along with anyone else’s stand – on compulsory political correctness is the only thing that’s going to rescue us.
I recently came across some words of Jesus in my researches into what’s going on and how to fix it. I’m paraphrasing from memory:
“Let your ‘yes’ mean ‘yes’, and your ‘no’ mean ‘no’. There is not much else that needs to be said”.
I should say, “his stand against compulsory political correctness”, rather than “on”…
A couple of articles on preplanned agendas that we knew were going to be rolled out concurrently, in connection with Agenda 21 (Great Reset):
“Ottawa set to introduce new firearms legislation that could revive mandatory assault-rifle buyback program“
This is WHY governments stage mass shooting drills/hoaxes.
“The war in Ukraine could mean that millions of Brits see their electricity rationed at the start of next year.“
Rolling Blackouts and energy rationing planned for the UK using the fabricated, coordinated and staged Ukraine-Russia conflict as the pretext.
And further to the coordinated, planned delays on travel, and the recent barrage of “news” articles about the “chaos” at airports, a short video explaining why.
And the Pfizer CEO, comes right out and says at the WEF that one of the goals of the leadership team at Pfizer when they met in January 2019, was to reduce the population by 50% by 2023.
Please download the video and send it to your friends and relatives who took the shots.
No, DON’T download and embarrass yourself in front of friends with that fake-ass video.
Here’s a statement from the same psychopath in the unedited video, people can pass on, regarding microchips in tablets to monitor “compliance”.
BTW, a doctored video is a lot less embarrassing than voluntarily taking poison shots for an invisible molecule that doesn’t exist.
Researcher, probably best not to repeat that one. It’s a gift but untrue; the longer clip shows he said he could reduce the number who can’t afford Pfizer medications by 50%.
Never pays to lie– just blackwashes us..
Where’s the full length clip? Thanks.
“Please download the video and send it to your friends and relatives who took the shots.”
Please don’t. Less than 3 minutes into the actual video that fabrication will gleefully discredit and tarnish absolutely everything you say from here on out.
My mistake on that video for not reading the comments and not realizing it was edited.
But the more Pfizer shots that are made available the more people die. That’s just a statistical fact.
I hear ya.
Question: if you have to apply for licence to have firearms as most do
how is that freedom to bare arms?
WHEN was the last time anyone was ever charged with having a gun without a license?
NAME: The master key to the entire system’s/CROWN CORPORATION’S game. The NAME is the lynch pin to the entire legal/control construct. Without a LEGAL NAME, which is your consent by agreeing to be said NAME, the system vampires cannot literally feed on your life blood/creation source energy that is typically shown in the physical materials we collect. It is only the CONSENT to be/use/have a LEGAL NAME/Mark of the Beast that is required for your absolute spiritual contract/deal with the devil motif to be in FULL FORCE AND EFFECT with you as a SLAVE and them as MASTER. For PROOF of this, look and see how much of your life/existence involves a LEGAL NAME and you will see the measure of control the system has over you.
REGISTER/REGISTRATION etc. : Any/all things registered are FULLY SURRENDERED with consent to the CROWN CORPORATION with NO legal recourse until such things are removed by exposing the INTENT by those who serve the CROWN CORPORATION to commit fraud knowingly/unknowingly.
ex: A child that is REGISTERED is CROWN PROPERTY by ignorant consent where the truth of REGISTERING was not brought forth which is the original INTENT by CROWN CORPORATION SERVANT’S OWNERS to have people offer their children unknowingly into slavery of soul, and thus, body. It’s the soul they’re really after, so keep that in mind.
3. MONEY, GOLD, SILVER, ASSETS, BITCOIN etc. are ALL illusions of value where YOU are the true creator of all physical manifestations. Money, external value, has been the tool as the third party interloper “middle man” that has made draining your power possible. Money or the like only has value if one has been duped into thinking it does. This illusion is the ultimate distraction and destroyer of creator souls, literally. ALL money is based on the soul CONTRACT commonly known as a BIRTH CERTIFICATE.
4. BIRTH CERTIFICATE: The ORIGINAL SIN CONTRACT. The NAME you think/claim as yours is NOT your creation. Your “assumed NAME” was created by your parents/family members/adoptive kin, NOT YOU. This is an ORIGINAL CREATION manifested by another that is, in turn, REGISTERED thus rendering it CROWN CORPORATION PROPERTY as previously stated. It is upon this deception that YOUR literal soul was and is enslaved and upon which ALL MONEY/DEBT is created. A DEBT BOND “value” was placed in the BIRTH CERTIFICATE based on the assumed accruement of TAXES, LOANS, DEBTS a child is expected to pay as long as they are part of this FRAUD upon humanity.
ex: If someone is expected to pay a certain amount of taxes etc. in their lifetime, the BOND is given a DEBT “VALUE”. A child born into a wealthy family will have a higher debt bond value than someone who is of a lesser perceived “income bracket” rating. This is slave trading at its finest which divides and conquers humanity in the SERF/CASTE/HIERARCHY system that encompasses the planet.
5. COMMAND AND CONTROL: The courts and governments are the system slaves within, bought and paid for where the true command and control aspects are the POLICE/MILITARY as the front line dogs and fear contractors for those above the courts and governments such as the BANKS/RELIGIONS and those that control them. The courts and governments are merely the filler for this “sandwich” of deception and illusion. Without the ability to CONTRACT via any/all NAMES at the front line level, the whole system of control is destroyed, most importantly those at the very top of this spiritual slavery pyramid. Without the NAME, all levels above are ultimately annihilated completely.
6. THE TRIPLE CROWN: This consists of ROME, CITY OF LONDON CROWN CORPORATION and WASHINGTON D.C. They are the unholy trinity of the 3 in 1, 1 in 3 as illustrated clearly in the Papal Crown: Religion, to control the beliefs, minds and spirituality of humanity, the Courts and Banks to control the money/bonds and the world Police/ Military to quash rebellion and act as frontline contractors of soul extractions.
Depends on the type of firearm, the state or the country or whether the firearm was involved in the commission of a crime. There’s different laws for different jurisdictions.
For some reason I didn’t see the second part of your comment.
Yes, the system of ALL CAPS legal fictions, or debt based name slaves is built into all government (incorporated municipalities) management of populations as a disposable, farmed, duped but consenting mass. They (we) unwittingly fund with their (our) own human capital, and that of their (our) children, the currencies which are printed (digitally and physically) and distributed by privately owned corporations – central banks – to their subsidiary corporate retail banks, who then re-hypothecate until the currency becomes almost worthless over time.
All the currencies in all the countries are based on formulas of numbers of human capital (slaves) x lifetime expenditures (taxes + consumption + economic activity generated + living expenses + purchases).
That’s a simplification, but the fact this issue of human capital and the ALL CAPS legal fictions that back the system of global debt slavery is never discussed at all, is just one way to be sure that all governments are criminal cartels deceiving their populations.
So in actual fact, economists all lie when they claim currencies are backed by nothing since Nixon went off the gold standard. The fiat currencies aren’t really fiat. They were always backed by human capital (debt slaves). And when the debt expansion within the pyramid scheme becomes unsustainable, the human slaves backing the capital (public) are exterminated (coordinated wars between nation states) as a way to deflate the debt and shift from one dominant currency base system to the next. This time they’re using vaccines. It’s less messy and more profitable.
Kate of Gaia huh? Sounds legit.
After The Imaginary Invalid, the WHO’s imaginary doctor: Bill Gates.
Wrong area for my comment.
I have not had sex since 2015.
Why should I share that? Because I experienced several events that made me think, the canutes are in control.
Who am I. Who you? Who cares?
We are all outlets – transactions for the state. Especially if we are paid directly or indirectly by the state.
You signed on, and up.
I conclude any site that promotes indirectly the transhumanist agenda is controlled.
You are certainly right with this last sentence.
A while ago I realized there is a Transhumanist Party in the US with a CIA guy as the leading man. They even published a handbook.
And there is a party Die Humanisten in Germany. I just wait for the day when they will rename themselves.
I’m jealous.
maybe you got long covid..?
The new chemical they found in the atmosphere (apart from the heavy metals and polymers they’ve been spraying for 75 plus years) is graphene oxide. – which actually monitors and tests the atmosphere for particles too small to meet EPA criterion – has already detected graphene and reported on its presence.
You know: graphene: the stuff in the COVID “vaccine” that causes blood clots, which causes heart attacks.
The psychos usually manage to cover their asses one way or another.
No, I think they claim the new chemical is O3, 3 molecules of Oxygen hooked together & they say that pretty much all compounds, chemicals, whatever become O3. Probably an “explanation” for the vaxx-caused increase in heart attacks. Probably “caused by growing food or breathing.” (sarcasm)
The wolf cried covid, the wolf cried monkeypox…next time the wolf cries something everyone will roll their eyes and drop dead in the morning probably. Sooner or later they’ll release the real one.
A whole segment on the feeding of dogs. Surely there are more important things to talk about ? People are still dropping dead from the poison pricks. Radiation from mobile phones are doing great harm to humans and other living things.
When the NWO, our own gov’ts, the UN, the WHO, the….ad nauseam, want to fleece you of your hard earned cash, they create a narrative. When this shower of shit want to starve you and yours, they create a narrative. When they want to poison your family because they think they know best, they create a narrative.
Soon, citizens will be in a fight to the death with their own gov’ts, if they are not already. We, the public, can dispense with peaceful protests or destroying random property and instead go for all the traitors. We all know who they are.
See you on the barricades.
It tends to be assumed that school shootings started with Columbine or Dunblane but they go back earlier…
The Boomtown Rats’ song ‘I Don’t Like Mondays’ was about a San Diego school shooting in 1979. Knock me over with a feather if that shooting didn’t have some very strange things about it (ignored by the song). The girl lived alone with her father in some squalor which is unusual. Rumours of abuse have swirled around the case and it looks as if her victims may not have been entirely random. The song starts off with the suggestive line “the silicon chip inside her head is switched to overload” (just a metaphor!) and goes on to put the event down to mindless nihilism on the part of youth which was great for opening up that generational divide. “Daddy doesn’t understand it” – but the state would so hand over your children! It’s been part of the social engineering since at least ‘Rebel without a cause’ where social workers and child psychologists are better for children than their parents. That film’s director Nicholas Ray was having sex with both James Dean and Natalie Wood. Bob Geldof is of course a secular saint despite 1) people around him having a strange tendency to die young 2) the accumulated evidence that Band Aid’s money went mostly to CIA-backed guerillas in Ethiopia 3) his reappearances backing NWO causes like smart meters. Unlike most punk bands, Boomtown Rats were regulars on the BBC’s flagship music programme ‘Top of the Pops’ (has any host on that show from that era not now been exposed as some sort of sexual predator?).
An earlier mass shooting was from the University of Texas tower by Charles Whitman. Gosh, if that wasn’t in 1966, another 666 encode. Whitman was somehow able to get a large case of weapons up into the clocktower without anyone suspecting anything. The incident has been popularised in numerous films including a TV movie ‘The Deadly Tower’ starring Kurt Russell, a former Disney child actor whose name was supposedly the last thing Disney wrote before dying.
If history is any guide, we should be assuming any “terrorist” attack – foreign or domestic – is a psyop to some degree or another, until it is proven otherwise.
This is a change of tune for OFF G as it used to ridicule commentators for stating this obvious fact- less than 1 year back.
Welcome to new media playing catch up and then pretending it was always on board.
Just saying.
You are wrong to blame OffG for its “change of tune”.
Like anybody else, it is becoming ever more informed as to what is going on, and so of course it adjusts accordingly.
OffG never claimed to be clairvoyant or divine in its wisdom. It just gives us a mouthpiece and a way to compare notes with other people who don’t buy b/s so easily.
Lots of things are said here, with varying degrees of credible backup, but I am not aware that OffG was ever significantly out of tune with most of its commentators.
For example, just saying that there is no such thing as a virus – as some people have persistently claimed for a long time – doesn’t make it true, even if it does turn out to be true. Compelling evidence either way is not so easy to find, and OffG isn’t a scientific journal in any case, nor are we professional scientists.
I think of us here as ordinary people with a few more brain cells than most, and perhaps more significant experience witnessing official corruption and exploitation over the decades. That is our strength, but it is not OffG’s responsibility.
“For example, just saying that there is no such thing as a virus – as some people have persistently claimed for a long time.”
First of all nobody ever claimed that and we certainly didn’t SAY it. We had overwhelming evidence of fraud, lies and duplicity in the virology and medical community. Creating false statistics using modelling isn’t science. Neither is manufacturing fictitious genomes, in silico from a template.
If there’s indicators of purposeful fraud like changing the meaning of words (isolation becomes addition only in virology), consistently lying in published research papers, failing to provide evidence for claims made, fake “viral” tests perpetrated by the billions, controls never utilized in virology papers or experiments, and no actual physical molecules ever found, isolated, purified, and chemically characterized, then you’d be a moron to claim that something exists purely on repetition based lies without evidence of any sort whatsoever, especially if the scientist who alleged to have discovered that these imaginary molecules existed, was an outright fraud.
They don’t have even have contagion or a method of transference. All they have is outright lies, which the most rudimentary investigation exposes.
You should be more than aware of all this evidence since myself and others have gone to great lengths to explain and leave innumerable links. Yet you still claim ignorance with that above statement, and imply that those who bothered to look into the actual science were simply making baseless statements. That’s false, and I resent that type of characterization from someone who has made numerous comments here about their belief in “god” which I consider an imaginary false idol perpetrated by Masonic cult members, simply because of your indoctrination into a “belief” system.
Some have claimed it.
The subject is most certainly interesting to me, but it sometimes also has the effect here of distracting from the topic at hand.
I have followed many of the links you, and others, have mentioned, but have not yet followed all of them. It was certainly not my intention to belittle anyone who has anything to say on the matter, and I am keeping that attitude in mind while I do my own digging in future, which I look forward to.
It’s just that there are a few of us here who angrily state things as facts on various issues without providing decent backup and who often go off-topic into the bargain.
In this case, the whole gist of my comment was simply to indicate that there are some people who appear to think that it is enough just to say something is true, and I used the virus thing as an example. Better examples may well exist. Sorry I didn’t comb all possibilities.
For what it’s worth, I am more than happy to entertain the possibility that you are 100% right. Rudolf Steiner, who always had something penetrating to say about practically any topic, said over 100 years ago that viruses (he used that word) were excretions from bacteria, with little more significance than that.
There is no need to regard me as your opponent on this, since I am sure we are both more interested in the truth than in winning arguments.
Be well.
It took me months of reading all the papers and books I could get my hands on to understand not only that the viral molecules had never actually been found, but also to understand that ALL the tests for ALL the viruses were fraudulent. That none of the tests actually test for a virus.
Then it took me months to understand if antibiotics seemingly work (ie lessen acute symptoms some of the time), how can germ theory be incorrect?
I needed to weigh all the evidence for myself, understand the anomalies and then figure out how all the medical fraud was committed over centuries, by looking into all the named “diseases“ before I could definitively say that the entire field is based on fraud.
But I appreciate that not all people are prepared to do that kind of investigation, so to them it may seem like a distraction.
However if the WEF, IMF, PhRMA and globalist cabal are attempting to genocide a large percentage of the populace using vaccines, it would seem to me that whether an alleged contagious molecule exists or not in terms of scientific evidence, it’s of the utmost, most paramount importance to all of us and the future of humanity, whether there are any viral molecules.
Because without the alleged “viruses” scaring the majority into getting poisonous, unnecessary jabs, the entire agenda (lockdowns, global digital ID, forced medical treatment, quarantines, biosecurity state, vaccines, masks, movement restrictions) of the globalist cabal falls apart and they are exposed as criminals and mass murderers.
That all makes perfect sense to me. Thank you.
Last para nails it.
Virus/germ fraud legitimises everything they have done, are doing and will do.
Constantly pointing this out is not a distraction, it’s paramount.
These false flag attacks on innocent people can be divided into three categories.
1) Total media hoax with crisis actors in which no one dies. Ex. Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon, probably the Orlando massacre.
2) Hybrid massacre. Plenty of dead bodies, plenty of shooters, and plenty of crisis actors. Ex. Los Vegas
3) Many dead bodies. Ex. The 9/11 inside job.
The vast majority of these shooter incidents do not pass the smell test. This latest one in Texas is no exception. How did this kid get the money for two very expensive AR-15 weapons, each reported to cost $2000 and his high end body armor? No local arms dealer can “remember” selling them to him. Where are the required federal sales forms? Why did the police refuse to storm the building and actually tackle parents to the ground who tried (on video)? Was it simple cowardice or were they following orders? Why was the entry door unlocked? Why was the purported shooter finally “neutralized” by an off-duty border control agent, who had a teacher wife and child in the school. The wife texted him while he was at a barber shop, and he borrowed the barber’s shotgun. Like the infamous Potemkin village, these false flags cannot survive even the most minimal critical thought and investigation, starting with the mother of them all, the CIA coup d’tat of Nov. 22, 1963.
Don’t know about this Johnny– but everybody learns– and ought to be praised accordingly.
What I don’t get is the mindset; the actual mentality of the The Guardian (or The Age) reading, soy latte sipping, quinoa munching, liberal lefty types who are just gagging for their own enslavement. They are literally on their knees begging for it.
Had several conversations with customers at the weekend who fall into this category. The first couple are very happy to have online digital identities, with all their records linked (including bank accounts) because: “it will make things much easier to deal with”. These same people were fully supportive of vaccine passports last year as well to: “keep people safe and protect the community”.
Another person I spoke to had indeed read about The Great Reset and Agenda 2030 (in The Guardian?) and could see nothing wrong with these plans because “it’s progress, and progress is inevitable and they’re nowhere near as bad as some people are making out (presumably us conspiracy theorists).
Restrictions were eased for some of the unvaccinated here in Melbourne recently and I have been back working for 4 weeks, so I still have a roof over my head.
However, it’s obvious a lot of people here are struggling financially, especially with the cost of living, food prices, etc. But that was all part of the overall plan of the psychopathic elites.
Good to hear (read) from you! Best wishes, Gezzah.
Thanks R. Had intended to take a two week break from here at the start of the year, and it sort of mushroomed into 6 months. Most of that time was banned from working (since November 5th) as some still are in Victoria for not obeying the Government and getting jabbed. I was allowed to return to work 4 weeks ago only because I work outside. Have a good day👍
Glad to know you are ok and back at work. Been wondering how you are. If you ever need anything at all, let me know …. [email protected] … I still have friends and relatives in Melbourne.
Yes, welcome back, Gezzah! 😀👍
Hi, Gezz!
Good ol’ Guardian – because facts are scared…
I think the truth is simply that people are too lazy to do their own thinking, so they look for mob security in large numbers.
They are not willingly begging for enslavement, but they feel safer knowing that they believe what most people believe.
That’s where the media trap them. People believe what they are supposed to believe, even if they don’t actually believe it at all.
If you ask the average person how much trust they put in governmental authorities, banks, huge corporations, etc. today, I think most would say, none at all.
Yet they still do what they are told to by all those organizations.
Okay, I take your points W, and yes, you’re right regards people not trusting Government, banks, etc, and I also agree with you that people are too lazy to do their own thinking (groupthink) and especially their own (independent) research, however from my own observations, they really do seem to want their own enslavement – supporting vaccine passports, online digital identity, Agenda 2030, etc.
You may be right, G, but if you ask those people outright whether they really want their own enslavement, I doubt they’d admit it.
At least I see it as that laziness I mentioned taken to its logical conclusion – sadly…
It’s just so much easier to let somebody else make all the decisions.
Iceland, where I live, even has a motto to sum up that philosophy:
“Það reddast”
(It’ll all work out in the end)…
Yeah, thought they had got you and sent you to Christmas Island. No mandates or restrictions in SA since the new government, place feels so much nicer. Peter is sure as hell no psycho like Dan
Very relieved to hear that improvements are still possible.
We must insist upon more.
No, no island confinement for me, just been keeping my head down Marilyn.
I think there is one glaring difference between Melbourne and Adelaide: Victoria signed up for the Smart Cities Network, South Australia didn’t. They have put in a lot of infrastructure here, especially during the lockdowns in Vic. 5G, facial recognition cameras, LED lighting, etc. That’s why there were so many flights arriving late at night from China during the lockdowns in 2020 and last year. Here’s a really brilliant interview that explains in very understandable language what is going on and what the bastards are building. Have a whisky before you watch it!
I have never been so glad I moved out of Adelaide in 2010 after the worst heat wave on record. The Barossa might be bloody cold but population is sparse. I live in a group of 6 units on 1.5 hectares of land, we all resisted the bullshit – we are right on the edge of the township so we are ignored.
I think another factor is simply that these upscale (or wannabe upscale) types have neither time nor interest in mundane activities. Doubtless they wish they had servants for the tedious “menial” chores like banking, shopping, even traveling.
But since they don’t have servants and must do things (other than networking) themselves, they’d like a computer chip inside them which does most of it for them.
It’s like having their own personal nano-servant. They can feel like they’ve “arrived.”
Hi Gezzah! Was getting worried there about our regular Melbourne stringer. Good you’re back and surviving.
Gosh Gezz, I’ve been thinking about you too and wondering about your possible peril in the land down under. So good to hear from you. I wish you the best and warm regards.
Thank you Ann🙏 I’m surviving quite well in the ‘belly of the beast’ so to speak. Have a good and pleasant week up there…
“Canada gonna Canada I guess.”
I have to confess I did not get it. Can somebody please explain? I know I’ll kick myself. I put most things down to age these days since there are less and less of us who can remember the Coronation street parties some 70 years ago.
Anyway, if you missed it, Igor Kirillov gave another presentation of Friday regarding the US-funded biolabs spattered all over Ukraine and what has been discovered about them. He also talks of the monkeypox-virus as being a possible leak from one of the US biolabs in Nigeria and asks the WHO to investigate. The rift between Putin and Schwab is irreconcilable.
Not so irreconcilable that Russia isn’t implementing Schwab’s Great Reset, even if they call it by another name. Everything from Agenda 2030 to promoting Monkeypox hysteria is being rolled out in Russia just as in the West. Why do you think that is?
I’m not sure you’re right Sophie. You need to give me evidence. I watched some of the Kit Knightly Digital hangout discussion on the topic and there were mixed views. I think I made the case well enough. Did you read it?
Do you not already know the evidence?
China/Russia joint statement at Beijing Olympics affirming support for Agenda 2030, climate change legislation, digital currency, and “pandemic prevention”?
Russia’s continued promotion of COVID hoax?
Russia’s current promotion of globalist Monkeypox narrative complete with “new vaccine”?
Russia’s fast-tracking of digital ruble?
All this is in public domain
Give me links Sophie-Admin1. It is what you asked for regarding the nonsense argument that there was no war going on in Ukraine. So I did my best to provide them. It’s only fair you do the same.
Uptick for Relevance. Re Monkeypox, see my Cut’n’Paste from Russian Defense Authorities: they note that U$ Frankenstein Virus Labs exist in other countries besides Ukraine. The U$ Frankenstein Lab in Nigeria works on “a new strain of Monkeypox virus”. The main mode of transmission of this virus (up till now) has been via male homosexuals (like the beginnings of HI Virus, which started among homosexuals in California, spread from there and now infects 20 Million heterosexuals worldwide).
Covid-19 escaped from a U$ Frankenstein Lab in Fort Detrick, Maryland U$A. It was a failed bioweapon — no more dangerous than common Corona flu — nevertheless it unleashed the Con-19 Plandemic for total Biomedical Dictatorship. But Monkeypox is 20 times more deadly than Covid-19; Mpox is as dangerous as Smallpox.
Russian MOD warns World: UN must stop U$A monkeying with smallpox in Nigeria.
To me (a non-Canadian) the Canada allusion plays on that nation (along with Australia and New Zealand) having become tediously predictable in how it will react to every new feature the globalists put before the public.
It’s like saying of some other nation “Oh, they’ve gone full Canada!”
That is clearly the intent, but it makes no sense, didn’t Canada produce a totally world inspiring resistance? The sight of it spreading to Australia and elsewhere may have brought an end to covid restrictions.
It did. Was that ever a heartwarming experience. It made me forget quite a bit of how disgusted I had been with my fellow countrymen for being such fucking sheeple.
From what I could see and what I heard from my buddies, the Freedom Convoy and the response to it seemed genuine. Still, I have to wonder whether it might have been orchestrated. Some of the organizers appeared quite suspicious.
Anyway, most Canadians are tragic sheeple, which is quite bewildering since so many people come from totalitarian shitholes, including yours truly, and you’d expect that they’d stand for their rights. Maybe they can’t or don’t want to fathom the sad reality that the tables have turned.
“Gone full Canada” sounds just about right …
Thanks for the explanation Howard. So “Canada’s gonna [full] Canada”!
I’m not quite as bewildered. For some reason, probably “gonna”, it put me in mind of an epitaph I wrote some while back (2006).
I was dying to live a bit longer,
And would if I’d been a bit stronger,
But now I’m a goner
I don’t have the honour
To live any longer among you.
My understanding of “gonna” is parity with “going to” as in the musical song “I’m gonna wash that man right out of my hair”.
Australia should be regarded as a neo-colony. Or as an American Protectorate.
Some consider it America’s 51st State ( or is in the running for it against Canada, UK, NZ.). Australia has a quarry economy. Economically it depends on China. It’s defence policy is decided by Washington, as is most of it’s foreign policy…
Russian propaganda about biolabs in Ukraine or Nigeria has zero credibility.
The impression engendered by all media is that Mr Putin is in TOTAL control of all developments in Russia. That is ,if Russia does not challenge the WHO on anything, goes along with the ‘covid’ scam and mass injections, it must be because of Mr Putin. And if the head of Russia’s federal reserve bank decides on actions that might harm the Russian people somehow that too reflects on Mr Putin – because he is ALL POWERFUL… He’s not.
There’s one thing the media all admit and that Mr Putin faces an inglorious future if His military adventure fails… The point i’m trying to get at is that there ARE forces in Russia, political and economic, who want to see Mr Putin and his ideas defeated; who want to make deals with global corporations to give the latter access to all the mineral etc wealth
in the hinterlands.. While these forces appear to not yet be organised they are the enemy’s 5th column Mr Putin has to combat / compromise with daily while trying to put a spanner in US/NATO plans… And i would like for the Russian watcher-reporters to provide coverage of such forces. It would make it harder for the West’s politicians and media to paint Mr Putin as a dictator, to demonise him…
I dont accept the ‘Nigeria bio lab leak’ bullshit…But it is telling that Nigeria is said to be one of the few countries “pushing back against the WHO pandemic treaty” powergrab, and that ‘Nigeria’ has a lead role in the m-pox propaganda….. .A coincidence to many, no doubt…
Putin Lectures EU$A Leaders on their Folly. Are they taking good notes? Will they pass in Ukraina Studies? Alexander Mercouris (Lecture on Food Studies starts at 9 minutes):
Needless to say, they won’t attend the lecture.
Putin entirely outclasses them.
Nobody is saying Putin doesn’t have his own propaganda too, but the difference is that his makes sense.
Admit lockdowns were a disaster? Scrap sanctions?
No, more government support – and blame the lack if it on heartless Tories.
UK Partygate: UK ‘elite’ does opposite of what it forced the rest of the population to do during lock-down. Best part: not all the parties where investigated in the official report: classic Whitehall MO. We. lie, steal and cheat, the CIA cousins copied that motto.
“If history is any guide, we should be assuming any “terrorist” attack – foreign or domestic – is a psyop to some degree or another, until it is proven otherwise”
Are you suggesting that so many school shootings in the US are psyops? Where’s the evidence? If common sense is any guide I would assume that allowing everyone to own killing machines would naturally result in a small percentage using them to kill people. I’m British and got bullied to hell in school. I used
my hands to fight back against the many – and lost – and got kicked out of school for it – If I’d had access to an Ak47 hmmmmm who knows what I’d have done.
That said, Ironically, the latest developments have made me almost understand the second amendment – and religion – two things I previously despised
Go away, read The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism(review at then come back with a better informed view of what has been going on in your country over the past 20 years.
More like 70 years…
Ouch. Did your woman just leave you Paul? I will have a look. I’m quite aware of some of the horrors that ‘my’ govt have been up to. It made me question EVERYTHING, including Offguardian. Is this site now only for regular drinkers that know the barman? Seems so recently…
Too many of these “lone gunmen” end up killing themselves for the incidents not to be psyops of some sort.
Only truly dedicated jihadists – who are anything but “lone gunmen” – kill themselves as part of their killing spree.
This is especially true of Americans, so many of whom long for their “15 minutes of fame.” So they’re going to kill themselves and miss their little moment of glory?
Isn’t it more likely they were hypnotized or brainwashed or something to commit the crime then dispose of the evidence?
No I don’t think it’s more likely. I agree it’s highly possible though.
“Are you suggesting that so many school shootings in the US are psyops? Where’s the evidence?”
Isn’t that reversal of the burden of proof?
“If common sense is any guide I would assume that allowing everyone to own killing machines would naturally result in a small percentage using them to kill people.”
There’s a lot of weight on that “If” and “common sense” and “I would assume” and “would naturally result in”.
There’s just as much weight in saying everything is the boy who called fucking wolf. I’m only questioning which is kinda what this site is about. I’m tired of all the paranoid idiots bringing this side down because when a fly goes by you think there’s a camera on it, until proven otherwise.
If i claimed a fly had a camera them I’d be making the initial claim so the burden of proof would be with me. The school shootings along with 9/11 and covid etc all amount to initial claims so the burden of proof lies with those who make these claims.
You talk in riddles. Perhaps some are ops – I dunno. But hand enough weapons out and It stands to reason someone will get shot – about the only missed point I was trying to make.
“Are you suggesting that so many school shootings in the US are psyops?”
No. In the Land of the free and the Home of the Brave, school shootings are National Service.
The monkeypox vaccine # is 7335364. It codes for the Marburg virus and the HIV nef protein.
HIV nef is the part of HIV that crushes your immune system, and Marburg has been mentioned numerous times as a future ‘pandemic’.
The patent also explains that the monkeypox virus is a vehicle to produce other proteins, which could be anything.
It should be obvious to everyone that these recombinant vaccines are a lie. They are doing much more that they claim. No one is telling the public that the covid vaccine patents can cross the blood brain barrier and install carbon nanotubes.
The openly stated agenda is depopulation and the Internet of Bodies. The recombinant vaccines are how they are accomplishing it. They know you won’t agree to have nanotubes put in your brain. So, they’re lying about pandemics and using, or going to use, recombinant vaccines to install them without your knowledge or permission.
“Jim Stone on the Texas School Shooting” –
stone/stein every time
The Czech version of the book Virus Mania was launched yesterday, with the attendance of the authors, Torsten Engelbrecht, Dr. Claus Koehnlein, and Stefano Scoglio. Each of them had a thing or two to say.
Not that anything they said hasn’t been heard before, but let me reiterate a few of the points that were made.
Dr. Koehnlein, who has been involved with HIV/AIDS for decades, drew a parallel with that scam. With AIDS, people suffering from, say, cancers were overnight rediagnosed as AIDS patients based on the unproven claim that HIV causes AIDS. That’s complete bullshit because a) these people were suffering from already known diseases, there was nothing novel, and b) the PCR detection test is bullshit. The same applies to COVID. COVID is the flu. Period. Indistinguishable. The only difference is that they say it’s fucking COVID because of the meaningless test. But there is no new disease. COVID is the flue plus fear. So, that’s that for the benefit of some idiot who might still think that there is a novel disease running around that will make you turn red, green, black, and then croak. If that happens, it’s because of something else, most likely poor living habits, poisoning, and being completely fucked up in the head.
According to Dr. Scoglio, disease is to a huge extent caused by medical practice. One would say malpractice, but not. It’s the established protocols that kill people. In other words, medicine is hugely fucked up, treatments – including fuckccination – are killing people, do more harm than good. A study in the US has apparently concluded that the correct use of medicines is the third leading cause of death, meaning that treatment is administered as prescribed. Fuck! The leading cause of death is cardiovascular failure, which means that a good chunk of that may be caused by (mal)practice to since every fucking death involves cardiovascular failure, i.e. the heart stops beating – you’re dead. Scoglio said that when Dutch doctors went on a protracted strike some years ago, mortality went down something like 60%. In fact, there was a similar drop in kids’ excess death during COVID. Something to think about before your next visit to some white-coated motherfucker.
The virus = disease theory is pure bullshit. There is no proof that viruses in the sense of pathogenic particles exist. Latest research suggests that they’re exosomes, debris from decaying cells. Be it as it may, these two are indistinguishable from one another.
Why nobody from the medical profession protests covidianism, PCRism, the viral theory, the whole shebang? Because it essentially suits everybody. Everybody profits. Pharma makes shit that allegedly cures disease, doctors have something to give to the whining fucks who abuse themselves their entire lives and then they scamper to the doc’s office when stuff like overeating shit at McDonald’s finally catches up with them, and the fucks themselves are happy that they can blame their sickness on a virus instead of themselves and prefer the illusion that they can be cured by a pill, rather than changing their disgusting lifestyle. Clearly, dissenters face an uphill battle. For nobody wants to hear that to be healthy, people should eat well, cultivate their body, maintain a healthy state of mind. All that requires major effort, and who wants to do that if provided with the option of taking a pill or having some shit injected into them?
The positive thing is that the decadently putrefied nature of our civilization is coming to the surface. The events of the past few years and stuff that keep unfolding before our eyes puts it clearly on display how fucked up our existence is. People are waking up, jettisoning their old ways, parting with former fake friends and forging new, real friendships, seeing through the cobwebs of utter bullshit weaved over decades and centuries around them. It will take a long time to steer civilization into a sensible direction, but hopefully we’re at the early stages of a new renaissance that will see all the covidian shitheads blown off the face of the Earth and some sensible form of existence established. Or not … ha ha … 😀 …
“medicine is hugely fucked up, treatments – including fuckccination – are killing people,”
Nothing new about this – the treatment for smallpox before vaccination was variolation which killed a lot of people. Simply stopping variolation made it look as if there was less smallpox and vaccination was working.
Jenner was backed up the Prince Regent (the future George IV) and his wife. One look at Brighton Pavilion shows what he was (as was Jenner himself). Jenner was also backed by PM Henry Addington and I read somewhere that Addington was the head of British intelligence at the time although I can’t find the reference. Vaccination spread very quickly to other countries through royal patronage despite there being a war on and some of these countries being no allied of Britain.
Jenner never defended his claims through public speaking or the presentation of papers. Others did this for him – which is a curious parallel with Darwin, almost like a playbook was being repeated. The virtue of this model is it allows the scientist to appear pure and modest while others do the dirty work.
In 2019, WHO admitted that medical blunders cause around 3.3 million deaths/year “in deleoping countries”, meaning WHO feared exposing the industry in developed countries. This is apart from (a) unjustified (fraudulent) treatment and (b) the delusional protocols you mentioned.
Thank you Frere Jacques, good medicine and cheered me up no end! I just got thru watching The Viral Illusion 5 episodes (soldering up valve amps while its on breathing lead fumes) just in time to catch flu off my wife who I’ve been avoiding all week except to take her food and Vit C. I fully expect with my healthy regime and spiritual excersie to be over it tomorrow, and don’t care if it is my time, because I will not be seeking a Covid test or Quack doctor and will show up at the Pearly Gates in my own good time.
Perhaps Peter will explain how I got it given what I learnt from Tom Cowan et al. Lead fumes? But it’s not the same. I think part of the problem is once they cement in false premises it stymies any further research or progress. A bit like with space. But they don’t care because it’s just a Foundation Myth, with little bearing on the job at hand, which is to do gene modification with injectables. I must be getting better already, on 5th mug of Sideritis Greek Mountain Tea. Pulsatilla, Rescue Remedy D, C and Zinc.
Back to Werkmeister Harmonies, I love the drone of accordian Bela Tarr has in his black and white wrist slitters. It was the accordion that ruined the multi tone harmonics of the Balkans my accordionist friend told me. He has a piano tuned in Just Intonation, you need a piano for each key…for you jacques
“Why nobody from the medical profession protests covidianism, PCRism, the viral theory, the whole shebang? Because it essentially suits everybody. Everybody profits. Pharma makes shit that allegedly cures disease, doctors have something to give to the whining fucks who abuse themselves their entire lives and then they scamper to the doc’s office when stuff like overeating shit at McDonald’s finally catches up with them, and the fucks themselves are happy that they can blame their sickness on a virus instead of themselves and prefer the illusion that they can be cured by a pill, rather than changing their disgusting lifestyle. Clearly, dissenters face an uphill battle. For nobody wants to hear that to be healthy, people should eat well, cultivate their body, maintain a healthy state of mind. All that requires major effort, and who wants to do that if provided with the option of taking a pill or having some shit injected into them?”
I have to compliment you on that paragraph. It is simply superb, and definitely reflects the evidence of my own eyes.
“Why nobody from the medical profession protests covidianism, PCRism, the viral theory, the whole shebang? “
“Nobody” is pretty inclusive. There are quite a few MD’s who dispute it and support terrain theory. Admittedly those “quite a few” form a tiny minority. The Cult, since the rise of Rockefeller medicine, was quite clever in raising the MD into the upper middle class, essentially turning them into fake science whores and forming a priestly class which wears white instead of black and a stethoscope in place of a turned around collar. But to name three of these notable MD exceptions whom I subscribe to, we have Andy Kaufman and Tom Cowan from the USA and Sam Bailey from New Zealand (if you can understand New Zealandish 🙂
You could, however, argue that these people are not ‘members of the medical profession’ in the sense of being part of the sickcare establishment. They’ve been mostly excommunicated, have left on their own, so on.
The medical profession as a whole has been hijacked by, as you say, the Cult. Do quite a large number of doctors act in good faith and do they often save lives and do wonders? Certainly. But is there widespread dissent growing within the profession? I don’t think so. Hopefully, it will happen.
But that’s not really the point. The point is to show that there is little incentive for anybody involved to question the official narrative.
Every good psyop needs a “hero”!
Sep 19, 2021
The “gun control” agenda worked in Australia etc, but they know that in the US people buy more guns after each “shooting”. My guess is that they’re trying to build the conditions for a race-based civil war; and they do this by creating division and emotional commitment to identity-based narratives.
The contradictions between all the garbage narratives are part of the agenda. People get emotionally attached to the particular narrative which fits their prejudices; and they never bother looking at the factual reality. It’s like professional wrestling and it doesn’t matter that it’s all fake. One of the main emotional narratives pushed by the supposedly “alt right” is that of “Whataboutism”; with the Buffalo hoax referencing the Waukesha attack.
My assumption is that the Waukesha attack was real (i.e. people died), but that the driver was special ops. The Buffalo “shooting” was self-evident garbage; and Uvalde is just another Sandy Hoax where nobody was shot.
A law enforcement source told The Daily Beast he had also written on his rifle names of one or more victims of the Waukesha Christmas parade attack.[53]
On November 21, 2021, the driver of a sport utility vehicle (SUV) killed six people and injured sixty-two others by hitting participants and observers at the annual Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, United States. The alleged driver of the vehicle, thirty-nine-year-old Darrell E. Brooks, was arrested and charged with six counts of first-degree intentional homicide as well as 77 additional charges.
This is how the contradictory narratives work. By calling out some of the garbage of the legacy media, fake-alt media like Conservative Treehouse can create the impression that they’re pushing honest journalism; and they can paint themselves as being different. What they won’t do, however, is examine the baseline realities.
May 29, 2022 – Sundance
The Uvalde school shooting is the lead on every Sunday news talk show. We know the corporate media apparatus is filled with “journalists” who narrate events from a false premise, but still, they need to be called out when the baseline for conversation is important.
Ten People Killed, 3 Wounded, After 18-year-old Gunman Opens Fire in Buffalo Supermarket
May 14, 2022 – Sundance
What appears to be a horrific racially motivated attack has left 10 people dead, including a store security guard at a Buffalo grocery store earlier today.
Police arrested 18-year-old Peyton Gendron at the scene after Buffalo police charged into the store and confronted the gunman in the vestibule
Even Vox Day is pushing narrative control!
Now, keep in mind that the only thing of which we can be certain is this: the event did not happen as the official story is reported. Everything asserted by the government-news complex, from the heroes to the villains, from the motivations to the methods, is fake and gay in at least some way.
But that doesn’t mean that no one was shot and killed. In fact, on the basis of historical observation, it is logical to conclude that the federal agencies responsible for producing these “school shootings” have, over time, gone from initially a) permitting genuine school shootings to take place by refusing to intervene to b) staging false ones using crisis actors to c) staging real ones using wind-up toys and/or patsies to cover for professional shooters. The truth may be considerably darker than most conspiracy theorists wish to imagine.
Precisely which school shooting happens to fall into which category is irrelevant . . .
Vox Day references the following – which opens with overt narrative control
May 28
Before I begin, if you believe Uvalde, Parkland, or any of the other school shootings didn’t happen, stop readin
Re Vox Day:
No, it is not “irrelevant”. There is a huge difference between a teacher propping open a security door as part of a drill or a hoax; and doing so knowing that dozens of children are going to get shot.
And what is perhaps even more relevant is: why the relentless narrative control from seemingly alternative media?
There is a story from the USA about a pistol-packing woman stopping a possible mass shooting. If true it will undermine attempts by Biden et all to get support for more gun controls.
I haven’t looked into it, but my guess is that this is a “hero” story (see above). They know they can’t overturn the 2nd amendment, so I think the “gun control” narrative is a fake issue and there’s something else which they’re aiming at.
“That’s our hero shot” – The Truman Show
Biden doesn’t want gun controls. Like every other Democrat he wants to suggest that if peole vote Democrat they will get gun controls. They would prefer this to continue.
Look for 14 and the Fish, you’ll see it in suspicious places.
Podesta took a picture with 14/Fish drawn on his palms. He was in New Zealand just before their Christchurch false flag, in which the gun used also had the # 14 on it.
The Buffalo hoax also had the # 14 on the rifle.
The UN sustainable goals has 14 and the Fish, and phony Uvalde began with the report of “14 students and a teacher”. The teacher is the fish.
14 is a reference to the 14th piece of Osiris, which is Enki (Aquarius), and the Fish is the constellation of the Southern Fish (sits just below Aquarius). The star Fomahault in the Fish means the fishes mouth. A mouth, by definition, is a person who conveys a message or instruction, i.e a ‘teacher’.
14 and a Fish at Christchurch, Podesta, the UN sustainable goals, and Uvalde.
Enki is the god you’re supposed to worship under Noahide Laws, which politicians sign in office (Chabad). One of the laws calls for decapitation of those who don’t worship Enki.
I was aware of the references to fish and 14, but I hadn’t looked into them. There’s some strange shit going on here:
The sea goat is a legendary aquatic animal described as a creature that is half goat and half fish.[2] The constellation Capricornus was commonly imagined as a type of sea goat. This has been done since the Bronze Age within Mesopotamia. Then the Babylonians used MUL SUḪUR.MAŠ, ‘the goat fish’, to symbolize the god Enki.[3][4]
“The “gun control” agenda worked in Australia etc”
A reference to the Port Arthur shooting I assume. The event has some of the usual numerology – it happened in 1996 (a disguised 666), the casualities were 58 (which adds up to 13, the Tarot Death card) and the wounded were 23 (two threes disguises 33).
“Etc” includes the UK. The UK had Dunblane and Hungerford. The shooter in the first instance was a freemason, had accusations against him of child abuse and obtained his gun licence with the assistance of George Robertson, New Labour cabinet minister who went on to head NATO. It also happened in 1996. In the second case, the police took a suspiciously long time to turn up
the US is perhaps the most violent country in the history of the world. children tend to follow the example of their elders.
One shoildn’t equate the violence perpetrated by the Yanks on Tokyo, Dresden, Vietnam, Belgrade , Iraq, Afghanistan and so on with false flag/fake shootings in America.
Re; the ‘shootings’ … one has to scratch their head in wonder at the perceived ethics of a Federal government which engages in – simultaneously condemning domestic violence, while having no qualms about finding 40* BILLION dollars to finance and supply weapons (of mass-distraction) to ‘donate’ to a foreign country. Why do people even bother giving the time-of-day to these manufactured psy-ops? WTF is really occurring … rhetorical.
The drover’s one-eyed dog can spot that the ‘shootings’ are deliberately engineered distractions for what is really going on …
Cui bono?
As world’s #1 exporter of lethal weapons, US diplomats are expected to make selling weapons part of their job. Trump bragged that exporting weapons was a great US “jobs program,” held a map of US showing where all the jobs would be. Planning ahead, weapons makers opened shop in towns all across the country. It becomes the job of each location’s congressperson to make sure the plant stays open.
A logical perspective would be; “As world’s #1 exporter of lethal weapons, US diplomats are expected to make WARS to create markets for their weapons – in short – weapons to kill more people. Therefore, it should be concomitant on the media to expose this hypocrisy, on a regular basis to de-fang the obnoxiously powerful ‘Defence-Contractors’ and associated profiteers. The US and its victims around the globe just can’t continue to turn-a-blind-eye to the bleeding obvious. 201+ wars started by the US Money-men for profit should be enough. They have been given enough rope … Time to ‘hang them’.
“To Hell with War! To Hell with Corporate Fascism!”
POTUS is salesman-in-chief.
The way to keep your dog healthy is not to let the vets vaccinate them and not to feed your dogs the “science diet” crap that comes in pellets out of plastic bags and the gunk contained in dog food tins.
The rest is academic. Proteins are proteins, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids are just that, whether they’re obtained from dead animals or from plants.
Dogs / wolves in the wild go for the prey animals’ gut content first because it contains greens!
NEXUS magazine had a good article about the toxic pet food industry some years ago.
My dad always talks about that. Says he watches some guy on youtube or whatever that ACTUALLY rates dog food for healthiness. Hills is the worst stuff you can buy.
My mum always gave the dog first go – before the chooks – at the dinner food scraps. He was no vegetarian. Ingesting the peas etc smothered in meat gravy gave him severe piles.
As the example of the woman with a pistol in #1 demonstrates, the US needs teachers to be armed with a simple pistol, so any “lone shooters with a manifesto” can be dealt with directly before kids get murdered.
a lot of teachers are pretty fruitcakey – remember that fat broad beating up on a kid for not wearing a mask?? Give teachers guns and they’ll be the ones doing the shooting …
“That would seem to go along with the rest of the Groper Joe educational regime of genital mutilation etc.”

“Shooting any unruly miscreant that is out of line.”

“Sniff,Sniff… Feel, Feel… Groom, Groom.”
No worries, Scoop.
The latest fashion is to educate our kids not to know whether they’re sick – not even to know whether they’re male or female – unless some politically correct fool in authority tells them.
They’re doomed unless something very dramatic happens on the world stage pretty soon.
My suggestion would be to stop allowing cretins into the Oval Office, but what do I know…?
Lets not assume that the crap the main sewer media publishes is true.